HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1901-01-18, Page 7'''`Tit • .181 1901 AMPA* R SETAFORTI e - nd well cleaned before t is a elow starter. ;#10, by the way, ;ere ing their silon. They material into the silo 'hisiige keeps better, fuee as there is when ' Children. JA UARY 18, 1901. TR H EXPOSITOR. - Sea orth The and reigned having purehased from tile Ogilvie Milling Company, of Montreal, the well k own - _ Seaforth: Flour Mills, Are nor prepared to do all kinds of : si Cu tom Work, , . TO WIIJCH IIEAD Pain back Of your eyes? Heavy pressure in your head And are you soinetime faint and dizzy? , Is y ur tongue ,c coated? Bad taste in your mouth? And does your food distress you? Are you nervousand ir- ritable? IDo 'you .Often have the blues? And are you troubled about sleeping,? • Theo yourIllvor la op wrOng. * But there Is a cure. 'Tis the old relliable. Sp.cial Attention will be Given. - The veryi beat quality 'Of Flour given in exehange fr wheat. Chopping of all kinds done on the abort ebt, tit/title. Price, five cents per bag. The beat brands of Flour always on hand, ' nd i1l b delivered in anypart of the town -free di eharge._ The highest price in cash paid for all _tends of gr Feed of I1J kinds constantly on hand. The eaforth Milling Co. 1680 d the man) exhauatinn itiv !ewe tha little eue dc'aiittaied condition of neult to sane them ex, Chaee's Nerve Food. suited ti the require- , r such an it igorating aasti in as to make weal,„ ERI aer.e. . .1c.r Century. , Eguweaville, in the ent tho' bring. rty belle ring ; a-oa uprai ,e, riptiona t pral e. mu treat th ith eel the thorn r eir hatrid iliatsad, tee: low with the dead h pronne •s fair, ,t meek their despair : netel Wi hc,tt dear, rind goad cheer wilt thou see secrete of thee ; tell but there Hee '-anderi tar ey ea Oat Affright, those ot night, 2laek, fien tieh deede, lraeve tor the crud e ; idtIic t tarth, apee o' thy birth. miaehine or blaet, .ft.ti la the pass; „ e This Test. 1,7.1c:int-yet are (gorged, de -e y u Gat Llano or a IA eak, ave pain or ditii:ulty in deuire t3 Urinate 't Are ira the urine after it - you have any of these ahauld be lost in obtain- er Pills, Cho world's great- dne. 25 coats a box. 10131. ting down on our Ad.dte with the Scotoh- t to come ?" Jehony ea he te the house, laid hie d dropped dovvn qn was depoaited upors 11 built &theme came ring abeam hie earn.' pudding WO.S Wily: a• id skating laeted all .ny'e, resolution almoet #f the spicy ernell Of It he conjured up 'a fun on the ice and ugh it ia a chance - ,e woald have won the Iirt, bad a cold in the rped, the pudding. ruler !" k." And Johnny stter take a dose Of re from ushool." lehany. ren 't leoking Johnny al and Intik into the the time his father in looking for h's out of the cell4r „ &ler disappear drsn later he WESEi epee ith hie ukatee dan ?romised By !,Y 0OIVIPOUN1$ a Night Follows W83. et Good Effect Kedicine are and Complete use Paine's CelerY entertain a doubt re - ng of mate° The health prom =Compound., comes. k news. 105 goo ,for by Canatia'a-bes r friends and neighP Celery Compound v ea, corn pie ter r neuter bodily fano* arer complexion ancl Ptine Ceiery Come fly of tens of therm,- ! wonderful medicine- .?,thetat the kidneys, este ad poisonows were, calm of head- r-'5anes, melancholia! that develops or -I n whose nervous maid try the invig- wts of Paine'e Cels the firat bottlei ryl encouraging re- • ese eaati thet everere upon the point of dames Eads Hew*, dent of the Wabash, at inheritance of, earn his own bread, - ,e a printer. Some from St, Leuis to e&Iurr nd later tr, Copville, North a54el maw', because y to pay hie railroad reuld be bits on de - his life, and t. the course I have ke what I inherited al that aa unearned .eseated what my I what his laborer heal(' have it." in children or adtilit ie natal. 5c. AI good animals and the foundation of a mar- ket for horses from the Albeeta ranches. ' This' firm are .on the lookout for several goonot,d,heavy stallione to take west with th • Thousands Sent Iiito Exile. Every year alarge nemb4 of poor suffer - era, whose lunge are sore an racked with coughs are urged to go to istiether climate. But this le costly and not always rime. Don't be an exile when Dr. King's New 'Dis- covery for Consumetion will care you at hoMe. It's the most infallible Medicine for Coughs, Colds, and all Threat and Lung diseasea on earth. The first done brings re- lief. Aatounding cures result from persist- ent use. Trial bottles free at Feoeti drug store, Seaforth. ice 50o and $1,00, Every _bottle guaranteed. PI FEA ‘he poplarity of CONDITION w POWDERS is gr(wing with the farmers, beeaus3 of the atit faction it gives. The sales of it this year are aw y ah, ad of any before. Its tit cheapest anti beet hor.-e medicine made three pounds, for 5 e, and tip4 dose a tea- Fpoonf IL To be ha,1 at EAR'S Drug Store, Seaforth. They act directly on the liver. They cure constipation,biyousness, sick headache,' nausea, and dyspepsia. Take a laxative dose e eh night. For 60 years y ars they have been the tandard FarAily Pills. price 25 cents. All Druggists. III have taken Ayer' Pills rogue larly for six months. They have cured me of a severe h hdache, and 1 can now walk from wo to four miles without getting ired or out of breath,. something I have not been able to do for ma y years." 8 E WALsvonx,_ July 18, 1899. lam, 2fass. Write th. Do If you have any compl and desire the best mod' can possibly receive, wri freely.. You will receive ply without cost. Addre Da. J. 0..LYzR, Le (OP, Int whatever ladvloe you the doctor * prompt 16. 1, ifielh"; Sales of Puri Bred Stock in the United Stales. At a sale of Herefords, lat Kansas City, 69 females averaged $337.97, and 37 hulls, $302.43. The highest prie in this sale - $1,125 -was paid fora thr e-year.old cow. At a sale elf Shorthor s, at the same place, 78 females averaged 5 21, and 18 bulls, $231. ngus cattle, at °raged $300, and at Dodgeville, ged $179,55, and at Chicago, 31 thirteen bulls, a in Kentucky, 300. f Shorthorn's, at aged $96,65, and teSouth Omaha, 6, and 24 'bulls, - At a sale of Aberdeen - South Omaha, 30 females a bulls, $210.55. At a sale of Shorthorn Wisconsin, 60 females aver 19 bulls, $175. At a sale of Herefords females avenged $209, an $299 60, At a sale of Shorthor prices ranged from $100 to At a combination sale Newark, Ohio, 18 head ave 30 head, $121. At a sale of Shorthorns, 45 females averaged $181. 5204. At a sale of Indiana females averaged $122 40 $117.50. At a sale of Berkshire 1 prices ranged from $35 t price being for a boar f last. After Using. Meeting of th,e Huron County The Connell of the Corporation of the County of Huron, will meet in the Council Chamber, in the Town of GodtrIch, on Tuesday, the 22nd day of the pre•ent month, at 8 o'clock in the afternoon. WM. LANE, Clerk. Dated at Goderieh, this 8th day of January, 1901.1 1726-2 SOF, ELM LOGS V1/ANTED. The un ersigned is prepared to pay $9 per tiliousand, board measure, For an unlimited quantity of No, 1 Soft Elm Logs, delivered at the Brucefild Saw and Stave Mill. Logs to be cut 11, 13 and 16 feet in length. Will also luy timber by measurement, or by bulk, in bush. WI ,LIAM AM ENT, Seaforth P.O. 1.7•2tetf TH SEAFORTH MUSIC 1 - Instrument 1MPORIUM. ESTABLISHED, 1873. ()wing tb hard times, we have con- cluded to Sell Pianos and Organs at Greatt Reduced Prices, Organs t $25 and upwards, and 72ianos at orresponding prices. See us b fore purchasing. SCOTT R P S. The M Killop Mutual Fire Ins ranee Company. ARM ND ISOLATED TOWN PROPERTY ONLY INSURED Ovsions.S. J B. McLean, Preeident, Kippen P. 0. •, Thomas 'raser, adee-preeideut, Brneatiold P. 0. • Thomas E. Have, Secy-Treas. Beeforth P. 0. ; W. 0. Broad• Inspector of Lesues, Seaforth P. 0. manaroa.s. W. G. Broadfoot, Seaforth; John' 0. Grieve, Wi throp ; George Dale, Seated/1 ; John Bennoweis, Dublin; Jame's* Evans, Beachwood John Watt, IIariock; Thomas Fraser, Brucieflold ; John B. Mo. Dean, Kippen ; Janne Connally, Clinton. Mama. Robt, Smith, Barba •lRob). ficatorth. I •,latnee Oureming Egreondv e; J. W. Yeo, Hoimee- tile P. O.; George Murtha and John C. Morrison, auditor(' Parties deairons to effect Insnrancee o, truing t.:4 other busineee will be promptly attended to or • rpiteation to any of the above effieere, aeitlit-aaed holy reapeetive poet ofeees. McLEOD'S System • ,Renovator -AND OTHER - TESTED REMEDW-S. J. iffe and antidote Ir Impure, Weak eed Im -a ;Wad Blood, Dysipepela, Sleepleaanesa. Palpate. n a the Ifeart, Liver Complaint, Neural...tie, Losa Memory, Bronehltiti, Coneumption, Gall 9tones, Jaandiee, HI ney and Urinary Diaeauee, St- Vilely ;ranee, Female Irreg-ularielee and ueneral-Dt bility., LABORATORY- Galeria, Ontario. _ J. M. MCLEOD, Proprietor alei Manu facturer. - sod by J.' S. RO IS ERTSI Seaforth. Shorthorns, 23 and 14 bulls, ogsa in Chicago, $125, the top rrovifed in May PERMANENTLY DISABLEY. Three Doctors' Verd'ct on Robert Bond Five Years go, Yet Fie Lives T -Day. Wit an Wisdon,h.. -The lack of ino ey is the root of a great many evile. -One of the heal bleat oocupatione in the world ie that of si ning wills. Expectant heirs will readily an firm this statement. -Put two men in the same bed, one with the toothache and t e other in love, and the man with the toot ache will go to eleep first, -Jones-" Browil is very careful about his children' ' len't he ?" Jenkins -L" Yes, be is trying to bring them up in the way he should have gone." • -Some men are elwuys wanting people to tell them how geed looking they are, but a woman will atand up in front of a mirror and see for herself. -"-Oh, would I were a bird," she sang. And the young man leaned his head wearily upon his hand, and I murmured : "Would you were, and the window open." Father (severely)--" Inotieed that Tom Black kiseed you on leaving to -night. Now, I don't like -it." iDaughter (sweetly)- " Well, perhaps not '',pa, hut Tom doea.' -Husband arrives from lodge at 2 a. m, -second meeting in one -week. Wife - "I'm jist past speakin' tae ye I".-, Husband -Oh ;Jean, I'm g -g -glad tae- hear thp,t. I'll ken,whan tae come hame afterithis." Maud -"Mabel is trying to catch the new minister, isn't she?" Irene-" Desper- ately. She thinks he would have proposed the other evening if he had come prepared, -but that he was afraid to undertake it ex- temporeneouely." -"1 think, Charlie," said Mrs. Smallface to her hopeful, " that'd shall put ryeir into long troueers very soon." " But not till after Christmas, ma." " Why not ?" " Oh, because, you know ma, I shall have to go into 'short stockings, and they; don't hold muoh." • , -Mrs. Maxwell-" They tell me that Catherine is engaged to the nesiv preacher." Mrs. Gamewell:-." She isn't certain. She don't know whether or not he was propoeing last night when he tal ed for two ;hours on the text-' Where t ou lodgest J will lodge.' "` -A half-witted fart worker Jeanie& Jock was one day busy in t e harvest field bind. ing sheaves. The da beirne very hot he crossed over to the f rm house o get a drink. The milk dis es were sta ding on the dairy floor ready f r skimming, and the temptation proving t o strong foriJock he up with the basin an began drinking the cream from the top o the milk. hile so engaged the farmer's «ite came 1 and an- grily cried : "Now, ock, ye ken I dinna like that ava." "F ith; mistres , then ye dinna ken what's goo for you;" newered Jock. A po: and Lio trtel r, rhes: teed le:e neueeed IU ire I did eo, Was on: Ter ke ing. 'T‘ out a gri eon sti pat 'sill, and Morning, MOUNT BRIDGES, Ont., Jati, 14. -Five years ago ;the Provincial P ovi ent Institu-1 tion of St.. Thomas paid a total dieabilityi claim to Mr. Robert Bond of this place. Mr. Bond had Bright's Di ease. The doc- tors had given him up, and thteo physicians examined him for the Institution and pro- nounced him " totally and permanently dis- abled and incurable.' Ile commenced to use Dodd's Kidney ' Pills and -soon regain.d his health and strengt. He is quite well to -day, and the old gentleman enjoy nothing better than telling„about it. He says : • "1 owe, my life to Doidd's Kidne Pills. I never would have had the pleo, ure of seeing the old century out and the ne one in but for this wonderful remedy. I '6 five years -ago ago now since they ail said I eouldn't live a month. Yet here I am." • Caste Among Tur. ish Women. It is not generally kno n that there oxi jets among Turkish ladie of high 'class a kind of caste feeling simila to that prevail. among Hindoos. It takes the fdrrn of a fear of contamination.from the miter w-erld, and is only observed by those •ho canhot afford to keep servants in su ficient, numbera. Before meals ladies always wash their hands at a tapir:ern which the ater runs into a marble basin. They will turn on .the tap when they are juat going t wash, but when they have finished they 1 t the water run till somebody else shuts t off, as to do it themselves would make th m unclean. Tney cannot open or shut a ds r, as the handle would be unclean, so a lave is generally kept handrfor the purpos • A Deep My tory. it is a mystery why wo en endure Back- ache, Headache, Nervouan ss, Sleeplessness, Melancholy, Fainting and pizy Spelhewhen thousands have proved th t Electric Bitters wilt quickly cure such troubles. "1 suffered for -years with kidney tro ble," writes Mrs. Phebe Morley,. of Pete son, • Ia.', "and a lame back pained me eo could not dress myself, but Electric Bitt ra wholly cured mo; and, although 73 ye rs old, I now am able to do all my housewo k." It overcomes (Jonatipation, improves A petite, gives per- fect health. Only 50e at ear's drug store, -Messrs. Stewart, & B rton, of Fort, Mc- Leod, offered for sale at, uelph, laat week, in the vinter fair buildin , 42 head of heavy draught colts, from Shirej, Clyde and Perch- eron shoe Argi eat aumbekof the darns were shipped from Ontario ti the west, The shipment was siirply an e -periment. There were Over 1,500 people at the sale, farmers being .present from all the surrounding townships. Prices ranger from ii:40 to 5120, Several good, strong oltai IA int cheap, Nevertheless, Stewart & Burton look_ for ward to the developnlent11f these horses into It Girdles The fame of Buckl the best in the worl earth. It's the one p Corns, Burns, Bruises Ulcers, Felons, Aches Eruptions. Only inf a box at Fear's drug a he Globe n's Arnica Salve, as , extends r und the rivet healer of Outs, Sores, Scalps, Boils, Pains and all Skin llible Pile o re. 25e ore. Not a Cordia Con6titu nt. A young Radical ca didate for one of the country constituencie in England had an embarrassing experie ce while caiivassing. He found a farmer digging in his g rden,and leaning over the r 'Mug, said Good morain'." " Mornin ," gruffly r1e8ponded the farmer. "Garde looks well,' jventured the would-be N. P. "Might b wuse," said the farmer, who was in no ood for gossip, "I am the progressive 4andidate for this coiastituency,' cent nue& tlhe candi- date, "and I am just Akin a loolaaround." " that's all right "ins13ed the farmer, "so long as you don't take .anythieg else." Blown t At ms. . The old idea that the jbody semetimes needs a powerful dra tic, purgativo pill has been exploded ; for Dr. ing's ew Life Pills, which areperfeetly armies , gently stimulate liver and bowels ti expe poison- ous matter, cleanse the system ad abso- lutely cure Constipation an Sick ea,dache. Only 25c at I. V. Fear's dp g store; he 'century now es made by me look for in the • Wora.en in the Ne One of the marvels of paased is the upward etri men. What may we not new century? The Chicago Times -Hera interesting matter dealing Mrs. 3-, Ellen Foster, writi century woman in polities, the position of women in th sidered in comparison with in the year 1900, it requi prophecy to forge° th t if t change is maintained in th tury there will be pe feet c and opportunitiefs between another hundred ye re ha The prejudice which is corn have been swept awa befor testimony of the a tual women in every walk of lif then be eligible to &vory State, and patriotic olitica regarded as one of th moat the true woman. 0 ualifi will be the guide to c oice that day a woman sh 11 app for the position seems gre any man. the public s ill In in placing her in th Pres cause she pied thro eeived th reverence enough to INE YRUP. tiVo cure :eh al di.. J. and SC? at o tak U; esul t Johni '1 wee tr runt, Ironehiti . Vood'i and afte elf cured Laxa-L ell !work o en pat Ion sick In Nee yo Pelee 2 for all Ttiroat,. Lung eases. pthing in its action. e, promp and effec- on, Bear iver, N.S.; ubled witi hoareenese ehieh the. ldoctor pro - and reocnnmendadlne Norway :line Syrup. using three bottles I is wom es of gre homage hem ro overcome Ivor P111 efore retir- while you sleep with - curing bIliouspese, eadaohe find dyspep. a feel better In th• 0. n. Quee s have occu- t nations and have re - of their people, since al powee was great ex prejudice." • d in One Day. To (Jure !a Co Take L xative B All drugg'sts refund euro. 25 1l. W. each box. , - The t rtallgold pr last year amounted pared wi h $313,64 crease bei «g owing tc pro4uotioi in the T The large prdduction put Cana a in third put of $2 ,onono. th city churcl recent Su dayi, the m to the ret rn )f the South Af icisland pp( being ser red at the Some eon regations their opin'on by a star strongly it fa+or of th The city o unbil com cordingly. FOR into nal Or extern LOW OIL c nnot be excel eoothing ren edylfor all pa omo Qu he mono 'rove's sr nine Tablets if it fails to nature is on duotion of the world to $256 462,438, corn - 534 in 1899, the de. the stoi page of gold anevaal by the war. of the Uondike has lace, wit a total out - es in 1 iegston, on a nieters ade reference anadian soldiers from tested gainst liquor banquet in Kir6gaton. ere ask d to express ding vo e, which was prohibition of liquor. ittee was notified ac- ed as a pan relieving. and I use ILIGYARD'S YEL n. -4-Some tirrie ago rthur Pelton, a well kn wn In erkip man, was takiria down with ty hold fever. He as very near death's do r, but ecevered. Then hie father, Gib- son Pelto , °entracte the disease and died. Mies Bert la nd Mrs Pelton $•vere later re- moved - t oodstonk hospital, and Mrs, Anderson, a eiater, has now fiteen taken to Stratford hoepital, 1 suffer ng from the same real dy. I , -Ontar'o is to b invaded by a large number o Western° a looking for highly bred (tett e fer bree mg pulposea. Some time ago a aerangem nt was made between represent tives of the Cattle Breed- ing Ass ciatiions and t e Govern- ments nd the railwa e, whereby men comi g from the eat to 1uy cattle for stock raising 4houldseeive fr e transporta- tion.1 As reeult of this, tw or three men have eyrie d at Toron o to purchase a large nuenber of oat le and ake bher west. a WEB. T OU LES, bi touenees, 9,1low complex• ion, yi31,10w yes iaundic , etc., 3.gel to the cura- tive powers f L'OCA•LIV 'R PLLL.S.1 They are sure to cure. \ . -Deat ea e with terrible suddenness, on Wednesd y o last w ek, to Darius Bailey, one of the best known and mo t substantial farrners of Yarjniithbwnship, Elgin county. M Baile who reaid d ainili southeast of Sp rta, w s irlarried n New ear's day to Mi:s Eth 1 M. 001, daughter of Ferando Oi 1, of 8 arta. Mr, Bailey wias around as us al on t e previous Tuesday Besideshis wi ow de eased leave: two gr wri up elan - H was 51 years of a e. Death was due to he rt fail re. The i fent child f Mr. m. Holmes, f 11 out of b d, one &y recently, broke its collar bane. Mem ere of the royal fa ily continue hin i s competiti us conne ted wthUve ok. T e chatnpio at the Birmingham Stook Show was he Queen a roan Short-, n heife Cicelte And the Prince of Wales ds the list of w nning o nere on the Usti t rf this sea on, his orses having n nine aces, wort! $150,0 . This is the t time he Prince has attained this pre - ✓ posi ion, and h's succees this year is ributa le of coma to the herse Diamond Jubilee, w ich got al lost all of the $150,000 In the five raoes he on. of an to st Fa ho he Br fir mi at d has la page of with the topic. g the tweutieth says ; When year 1 00 is con - hat th yeeelipy OS 13M II gift, of e same, degree of tsven ieth sen- ivalit of rights the'se es when ro11e1 around. mon t day will e the csnvincing achiev ments of e. W men will positioi in the I serveae will be acred lduties of ation, not sex, officers. If in ar whose fitness ter than that of VO no hesitancy dent's chair be- ar an ILBUR easy to headac S KERLIN ako, harmless e in from 5 t HEADA in action ' 20 minute HE POWDERS nd eure to cure- . The aria, Ont rio, Revi w tells efias pe uliar case of relation hip. ms " Chubb ' Finlays n left laet week foe the coast, w ere she is to be married to Gilbert Pick ring, form- erly of Pa ie. As h r sieter i the wife of Hiigh Pio ering, Gil ert's fath r, the family reletionsh p natured looks so ewhat eom- plicated, or one giri becomes other -in law to her ow sister, an will be grandmother to her Hist es ehildre ; father and on be- come brot erein-law, and the ssn's children's grandfath r will be their un le, while the geandfeth r's childr.n .will le combined uncles or unts and b usins qf he others. -Chick ne are no , plucke• in a whole - Pale mann r by the u e of pneu atiemachin- ery. The e is a re opts. le n which the fowl is pl oed after being killed, and into this are t rued sever I cross c rreets of air from elect ical fans, evolving t the rate of 5,000 tur s per min te. In t e twinkling of an eye he bird is tripped o its feathers, even to t e tiniest particles if down, and the machi e is ready for anoth r. • To cure cold In a night -us Vapo-creso- lene. It h been use extensive] during more than twent -four years All Dru gists. • CIS are simply kidney isorder3. The kidneys filter the blood of all the: shouldn't be :there. The blood r sses ti - rough the kid- neys every three mi lutes. If the kidneys do their 'work no mpurity, or cause of disorder can remain in the circulation longer than that tit e. Therefore if your blood is but of ord r you kidneys have i failed in their work The are in need of • 1 stimulation, stretighcning or 7doctoring. One medicine will do all t reeneehe finest and most imitated blood metaine there is This. signature is on everbox of the genuine unrie Tablets cold In • one day Laxative Bromo= the remedy that cures Dodd' Kidne Pills • Some hings orth 4 nowing. -Gatti d in Lo bard 'etre t, London, is worth so ething like £60 a fo t. -In 24 hours ne rly 700 t sins pass in and ont of New treet stet' ra Birming- ham. -A L tnion bu lding sy dicate have bought H.aton Par , near M nchester, for £240,000. -The ol en rule in cold wether ie, un- doubtedly t keep the extremi ies warm. -It is g eat imirovement t mix a little ground rice with 'our for s.ons or pan- cakes. - In pr p rtion fel numbers Denmark has more cycl ate than a #y country in the world. England ornes sew td and BelGiurn third. -It is eparted t at there are being fed hy the British wit n the Br tish lines in 18outh Af ica betw en 8,,000 and 9,000 Boer women and childre -In Germany, w en the vote of the jury Stands si) against ix a prisoner is acquit- ted. A Tote of s ven against five leaves the decrial n to the out,' and , on a vote of eight against four t e prisoner is convicted, -Ace° ding to Blanco's wor* on the flora •of the P ilippines, there are Itwenty-eighb 1 ors genera of pa ms, with eighteaseven se4cies on those Wan s. -A Swedish turnip, weighing 26 pounds, and a yellosei weighing 23 pounds, 1oth grown by a Fofrfarshire farmer, have bee on exhibition at Dundee. -In moist ceses the beat thing you ea, do with a very fielt chicken is to kill and 1ura it. While it May be cured, there is al aye the risk thatiiiock.it my give the disease to others of the Frehch naturalist has declared th t if the world :shoeld become birdleee WIRD loci could not live in it, after nine years. he bugs and slugs woeld drive him out, Be kind to birds. -In Britain the farmer's own daughtOr is being compelled to buckle on the armor aud arho not the supply the place of servant maide, cannot be got. Work in the kitchen is incompatible with piano -playing in parlor.. ! -There are thirty flag factories in United States. They have an invested ap- ital of $12,000,000, and pay in wages ne rly $400,C00 aenthelly. The majority are situ- ated in New York State. The others are in Massachusetts, Pennsylvania, Louisiana r,nd South Carolina,. -A majority of persons take years off their lives through eating too much, wile all the time they are under the impres ion that they are indeed being strictly nlod. era.te. -Never scold or make fun of nervous children. They suffer enough without your threats or eareasm. Don't lot them know you see their awkwardness when in com- pany, nor their grimaces Alen alone. -Powdered alum possesaes very otrong purifying qualitiee. Four gallons of water may be purified hy himply throwing in a teaspoonful of , powdered alum. In a, few hours time the impurities will be precip'ita. ted to the bottom of the vessel; leaving ithe bulk of the water fresh and clear. -One great cause of the bad and pasty compl,.exions ameng girls of the present day is then: habit of livingand sleeping in ill -ven- tilated rooms, A room kept too hot or too cold is very bad for the health. A r om should be juat Warm enough to be oomf rt - able, and no warmer, and it is better fo it to be a little tool cold than too hot. • THE JOY: OF COMING HOME. i There's JO in sailing outward, Though ne leave upon the pier, With fecal grin -cal and wistful, Our very dearest dear, And the se,a shall roll between us For perhaps a whole round year. • There's joy in climbing mountains, In fording rushing brooks, In poking into places We've read sbout in books, In meeting stranger people With unfamiliar looks. But the joY of joys is ours, Untairebed by any pain, When we take the home bound steamer To !ling half so pleasant And call the home bound train; here's n As comieg home again. -Margaret 3}:. Sangster in Harpers Bazar. - the DID AS HE WAS BID. . l'' now Horace A reeler Once Had it tie Fix i With His Wife. _One of the Overlie resorts of Horace Gireeley in the lays when he was a power in New. York jOurnalism was Iona island, a picturesque and pleasant rural para. dise surroundel by the placid waters of the Hudson in the vicinity of Peekskill, N.Y. Iona island at that time was owned' by Messrs. Grant and Hasbrouck, bothof whom were p rsonal friends of Greeley. They carried' o a large vineyard, besides other agricult ral operations, on the: is- land, and it vas here, doubtless, that Greeley during his frequent visits picked up many of th ideas which be afterwerd used in his • ook, "What I Know' of Farming." Mr Hasbrouckovho survived Greeley for a number of years, was an enthusinstic admirer of the famous pd- itor and was never tired of telling stories illustrative of his elirewdness and vit. He claimed that Greeley WItS one of he wittiest, wisest, oddest and most origiaal of characters, !Ind at the same time erre et the MUSA, en npanionable to those m ho had !the privily e of being within the in -- nor circle of hi. aconnintanceshilL The -farther be got away frotn Printing House square the higher his spirits rose, and a drive alling the winding banks of the Hudson oda trip across the water to Iona island he always. enjoyed with the ' enthusiasm of 1 0. boy. Nothing miOrr ed him when he Was in the country. All his cares and troubles were left behind him, locked up in his desk in The Tribtne office. a Mrts. Gree14 was different from tier noted husband in this respect. She brought her c res along with her, and she used to si end considerable time re- proving Horace for his thoughtleesn .ss and in trying to keep him within boun Is. One day she kept at him until he sa d: "All right, mether. Whatever you 1elI roe to do the rtist of the day I'll do." A couple of hours later Mr. and Mrs. Greeley and Mr. Hasbrouck were get- ting into the rowboat for their usual daily trip to Iona Wand. Mrs. G'reeley . ped in in first; Sat down and placed her parasol with the handle resting on the I seat avd the other end 0.1 the bottom of the boat. Tien, glancing up at 1[r. Ti ten, who was waiting, to get into the boat, she ailed out: "Now, Horace, be sure to step on my parasol and break it getting into t e boat!" "All right; J.ist as you say," respond el Horace cheerthlly, and down came Itis foot on the parasol, completely wrecki tg it. Mrs. Greeley looked daggers at It ni all the way to the ieland, but a happ er man than Greeley was during the rest of the, trip would be hard to find, find ever and anon he could he heard: chuckling softly to himself as if he bad just thorn, rt of a good joke Mr. Gteeleyl made.niatters right whin they got hacIt to /the Peekskill side ..iy buying 'Airs. ( •celey a new parasol ll 1(1 ),i• ' handing it to • with the bantering e - mark: "There, mother, is a brand new sun- shade for 'you, much liner than the r Id - one, andnow don't you ever tell 'me to step on it unb ss you expect me to do it. 1 always ()bay Oa orders of my superior officer." Ve4 Considerate. ?Mr. Suburh trying to do, 1 Mr. Nextdo little of the 1 -What on earth are y:ar cighhor? -w-INIerely taking down a sling, so that 1 can mnvo my chicken col) over into your yard. "Eh! My yard?" "Yee; 1 lik to be neighborly and ecn- bidorate of 0 her people's feelings, y know." "Pput--er"- 'YP,:, you e lan't have any more oar to complain a rout my chickens scrae 11 Up your yard. ' "But yoir am moving your whole ovor on to 11)3 property." the idea. Quick as the ( Oa 1 • coop in your yard the_ fane'y Coat yt u own them vaal a*. -; it-t,ir11 4..ir natural : Pft., ii i:iy yard, y iU know."-ThelIite. 1 . False Front, "Fa, ou new dog Is awful d'eeitfull I "flow, ommyr l "Why, when be barks at people be KM his. tlill "-lkettanso, Your Throat. Gargles can't go back far enough; sprays don't reach deep enough; but the air you breathe touches every part. Then why not put some healing medicine in the air and let them go along together? That is what Vapo-Creso- lene is for. It puts the healing medi- cine right on the places that most need it. You now see why it so quickly cures sore throat, bron- chitis, hoarseness, whooping -cough and asthma.. 20 Vapo-Crepolene is sold by drugghts everywhere. The Vaperizer and Lamp, which should 'eat a life- time, and a bottle of Cresolcne complete, 8t.5o; extra supplies of Cretelene 25 cents and 50 CeItt;i. Illustrated booklet containing physicians' testi- monials free upon reqnest. VAPO-CRESOLENE CO, reo Fulton St., New York, U.S.A. Recommended and sold by I. V. Fear, Druggist, Seaforth. ••••••••••••,•• Perth Notes. -Mr. G. D. Lando has been elected as mayor of St. Marys, for a second term, by acclamation. -Master Norman Holmstein, of Milver- ton fell off a band -sleigh one night recently, and broke his arm at the elbow, -Mr. W. Ryan, of Mitchell, has been ap- pointed :census enumerator for the riding of South Porth. -The last shipmeet of cheese from the Wallace iCheetre and Butter Company's fee - tory war) made on Monday of last week. The price paid was -The , Methodist congregation of Mit- chell entered upon the new year without a copper debt upon their fine property. The liability of $3,500 wee completely wiped out by subscriptions. 1 -A large party asSembled at the residence of Rev. Mr. Gunzebach, at Milverton, to watch the old year out, and then presented the reverend gentleman with a purse of $15, on behalf Of the congregation. -We regret to announce the death,on De- cember 27th. of Mrs. Nicolas Lyneh, of Kin - kora, aged 77 yeare, Deceased had been sick for some time previous to her death. In life Mr. Lynch was a devoted Catholic), ever willieg and ready to mist the needy. -The Atwood Preabeterian church is in a prosperous condition, the membership at present being 386. The total amount collret- ed during the year was $1,573.15, and the expenditure was $1,499.39, which leaves $73.76 on band. The total liabilities on the church and manse are $360. -The other afternoon, while cutting wood at Mr. John Melville 8, in Elma, with the steam circular saw, Mr. James Henry, in going behind one of the men, who was splitting, teeeived.a light blow from the axe as it was earning up. It caught him just above the right eye, the result being a bad eub. -The following have been appointed -License Commissioners for South Perth: Joseph McIntyre, James Nagle, Benjamin F. Kastner. -The following gentlemen compose the council of the town of Mitchell for the cur- rent year : Mayor,Frederick Davis ; coun- cillors, George Larkworthy, Wm. Martin, G. E. Sawyer, James Brooks, Fred C. Hord, Adam Koenig. • pps's Cocoa GRATEFUL COMFORTING Distinguished everywhere for De- licacy of Flavour, Superior Quality, and Highly Nutritive Properties. Specially gratefnl and comforting to the nervoui and dyspeptic. Sold only in quarter -pound this, labelled JAME8 EPPS & CO., Limited Homeeopathic Chemists, London, England. BREAKFAST SUPPER EpOs's Cocoa 1713 26 • All kinds of Coughs and Colds, Bronchitis, Whoop ing Cough, Pains in the Chest, Wheezing, Hoarse' nese, Sore Throat and Asthma., yield to the Lung - healing properties of Dr, Wood's Norway Pine Syrup- __-_,................._ Sick Wiih Worms. MTS. J. D. Mayo, Soutli Stukely, P. Q,, wrote the fallowing: ," One of m children took sick with wo# ins, and, after trying ererythieg without getting relief, we procured Dr. w'e Pleasant Worm Syrup, which a .tcd,promptly and effectually." 1 , -is-aorei--- After a night with " the boys" there is no better remedy to clear the head and settle the stomach than Milburn s Sterling Headache Po .yders., Price 10e. and 26e. at all dealere. •.-----4.4#4*. Doctor tie Horses Mrd. Thrums Thompson, Roland, Manitoba, writes; "My husbaed would not be without Hagyard's Yel- low 011 ih the home as be use it a good deal for doctoring up the hJises, and coneidere. it eplendid." Price 2b.r. Laxa Liver Pills Aro waive / a cure for sick Head. I**. ashe, Billeueness, Constipation, Dyspepsia, and all stomach and liver complaints. Tiaey neither gripe, wt aken nor sicken. Priee 25c. at all ,dealers. Neuralgia. " 1 h.d been sulfating about six months with New ralgia when I stinted taking Milburn's Rheumatic Pills. They did me more good than any medicine I ever used. ?dm Annie Ryan, Sand Point, N. S. ON1E CURE Constttnptives 14Teed not Leave Their OwtA nottes • to be Cured. e Slociun System. Of Troll:neat Is Offered you Ab- solutely Free. A consideration not to be overlooked ka the treatment of consumptives is the expense in quest of health. Some of OW alec.lical Men are now advising their patients to go long distances in the hope hat change of air will do them good. A lot of solemn nonsense is being said, and 'mitten, about change of climate, and its nfittence on the patient. "Stick to lov. Lltitudes0„ says one. "Go themountains", lays another. How is a poor perplexed aifferer with sore lungs, to decide among hese different authorities? The fact is, seople die of consumption in all climates. ['hey recover from it too, in all climates, 1 they are treated properly. The only Positive cure for the disease is to kill the rerms that produce it. This is accom- olished under the Slocum system ci reatrnent The disease must have roth ftg to feed on. That is the print mderlying the Slocum system. Yoe ear try it at your home, POSITIVELY FREE Tnn or your sick Mende can have a. FR FE Treatment. Simply write l(, '1)11 T. • fuzatteax Co., Ltratteo, 179 ging at West, 0, giving post °Moo and caper ss °Mc° addre.P.It: t. be tree Inedione (lite Slocum Cure) n),I I t rrorastly pent - When. wnting for tiem always mention ti.:1 *Pm Persons In Canada, 6,0fi1ng filocuries free offer la American paper" will please send for sampler, to Ins Toronto laboratories. GWESPIE'S HARNESS. Iirmessor.morma I have romoved my harness shop to my own store, ONF, DOOR NORTH OF THE l'OST OFFICE where I will be pleased to 'meet all me old customerAni many 12eW Ones. Gillespite's Harness is the best Harness. A fun sto'ck of Horse Blankets, Robes, Sleigh Bells, Trunks, Stc, Prices right and satisfaction guaranice.l. . Cie° us a call and we will pleaee you, delight, youir horse, satisfy your purse. te'RepaiIing a Specialty. JAMES GILLESPIE, Seaforth One Doer NORTH of the iota Office. 171811 3 SEAFORTH DYE WORKS Ladies and gentlemen, thanking- ou all for past patronage and now that a new season is at hand wish to let yon know that I am Still in the business, •ready to do my hest to giro you m ery Batisfactien in doing your work in the line of cleaning and dyeing gentlemen's and ladies' clothing, done without hein ripped as well as to have thcm ri ped. All woo goods fruarant ed to give gocd Sat faction on Ebert - esti notice. howls, curtains, etc., at moderate prices. Pietas do not fail to lilt e me a call. Butter ind eggs tak n in exchange for work. HENRY NICHOL, opp siae the Laundry, north Main street. 1691 -if c Our direo connections will save you time a d money for all points, Canad an North West Via Toronto or Chicago, British °tumble and California points. • Our rates a e the lowest. We have them to suit everyb dy and PULLMAN TOUR. ST OARS fo your acoommodation. Call for further i rmatien. Gran Trunk tailway. Trains leave 13osforth and Clinton stations as JIOING WIEST- Passengcr- .. . Passenger..., Mixed Train.. faxed Train GOING EAST-. Passenger_ Passenger.. Mixed Train.... Wain • • • • II • • • • • SISAPORTIL CrwroL 12.40 1'. at. 12,65 re M. 10.1-2 P. M. 10.27 P. M. 9.20 A. M. 10.15 1. M. 6.16 P. M. 7.05 P. Id 7.55 A. M. 7.58 A.M. 8.11 P. M. 2.65 P. M. 4 40 2, M. 1.25 P.M. on, Grey and Bruce. Passenger. Mixed. 8.07P. It 1.40 P. M. 8.17 2.10 827 2.25 838 5.25 • Parraeuger. Mixed. 6,58 A. M. 8.55 A.m. . 7.02 9.17 . 7.1b 9.46 7.26 10.02 GOING NORTH - Ethel Brussels.. . Wingham..... GOING SOUTH - Win ghatm Bluovale Brussels.... Ethel - London, B.uron GOING NORTH - London, depart Clefntralla Exeter... Hansen- Kippen••••••-• • • Brumfield_ ....... • Clinton- - .• •••• -• • it . Londe/bore Belgrave- - • ... Wingham arrive.-- , Some Bourn- Wingham, depart.-- .., Belgrave- • . • ••• Iry •••• • Londesboro .• . Clinton__ .. BrUeefield• • • • • W. Kippen_ • • • Exeter . . .. ........ Ckuitralia., • • • • • • .0 • --4. ••• London, Wert:O..-- - and Bruce. Paresenger, 8,15 A.M. 4.40 P.m 9.18 6.55 930 6.0 1).44 9.50 9,58 10,15 10.53 1 6.26 6.28 6.55 7.14 10.41 7.23 10 56 7.87 11.10 8,00 Passenger, 6.58 A.M. 5.16 P. te., 7.01 5.10 7,14 5,66 7.22 1.05 7,47 4.25 8.06 4.49 8.15 4.67 8.22 5.02 8.25 5.14 8.46 648 937 A. 11. 6.19 SIGN OF THE OIRCULAT4 SAW et) flar-.?- i) WI - rg N si ca - la iii C) ali ii Pped,.. -a• i rDp INV D; " tki . 1:7,. . . ,::..., . . _.,, ,...:gc.):„ : . ,i,..,,, , , ,...,,,, ‘,, , ,... :le +-ai i.,,,,)„,.. .,1 z i.:;:___ ,,,,_,,,, , , ,, :2:°„"zu : .. , . . . :,,,, 0, _51 : r 'It f)j .. tocDc; ,.,4; : I ..ip. . .0:1. 4 so.m 1:1:1 171 el- 'tP4•1 al gLi ° 1:1 let- C11;61.61 1.p.i 0 ,.... T c•+- 4.--- ix..1 ..01., I.C5 or* • 1:7d , el- digt, Ct. SA • ,...kfil eee g4 0 4 a a,Gte set re, cis g co ,...1 P''••.,T3 j" ' ° ? tr ).." • r:Spli IX Cfl rf• 03 -I'' 4 ).••.' 1•4 •4...• et. pa• ,,,,, • Ca -0•1 ,SIDI I.( " n , c.,- _go •••••• Go 0.2 02 I -g Cgl - '.1 worn ...- --! lz e<1651(44r-11;4 194,a)Plip i7-#4:-' P•4° 0 fa) 0 4-c5 ,..,, ,.. ,..., a, t-0 ,..1 0.-, '-d.J/5 I- --1 : -1:7, .,-,3 o z....,-_, ,- 5" 2 pa p..0 iz a) o o o ,...c rn -.....3.. it3.,-- a ?2,-, f2,)- vx 1 ''''' pin ra ?.?t., - i.r.... 1 g ,441.40 e' eNC5 Pc )......., 1_, 7-- 1 rn 5A g- CD lig ''' PT' PD ‘g- -t- ° ;lead en el et- c°,-, cpaa 1:4ea : ts: : r:' eetTia ° r/3 et- ...... --.1 (7) .. e_, rn ad, en 1-4. et- w Sn- I-1 t -.D t.,,,„ - 7 P Niffi 5, ,,,Irilcp el° g 11.14Vt- 1-9 aaer:.1%-t''' Ct:"--' .0,../ i•ri 4. c)s-' 51." lit . ' i,_ p.,, ,....., gib (-4 11) „-, a tows 0 r q ,_,,. . c,...... 4 tpi 0 0 Artesian Weli-Drihers TOOLS AND SUPPLIES MORN 1M ,GMAin A Correspondence ealielted, 1721x