HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1901-01-18, Page 3iSt 1901 1111111=111111 iateiritt is }PK LLt'a4flt. )hiliois of -s Foy. o Cast or la ipalion ain't # regulates kireit, ttv 'RE OF seengessogl. PPER. ,nympassimmisT, 7 (a- to i if y, ait from e; u=senteansseameasterst '1 • all NN eigLts Fla., the cpper,- t, the tsc Oen the to. t • it a:: a a ad tb t BER GO, witit$,P€G. hrit-ttl:lits ft -a- " are 111aLt1 1,dy itflt a anel tIND 1, 3-, Greater Ain., or} and , aat ton cloth hat coraziyre •h3,V1, US a to the en r.: ita'atiCIC r ; eaforth ,s,"17 62 JANUARY 18, 1901 IMPORTANT NOTICES. 1)01LER AND ENGINE FOR SALE,—For sale 1) a six horse power boiler and four horse power engine. Boiler has only been in use about three months. Apply to P. bleOttKOOR, Brueefield. 17264 tX/OOD WANTED.—Wanted at the EgmondAlle VY pottery, between fifty and sixty cords of black ash, half dry and trilf green, 4 feet long. Ap• p4 to F. RI:HOARD & SON, Egmondville, 17264f 'TWIN BEATTIE, Clerk af the Second Division J Court, County Commicationer, of Huron, Con- veyancer, Land, Loan and Insurance Amt. Funds oo idol and to Loan. Office—Over Sharp tk lAveni. store, Main street, Soeforth, 1289 riEDAR POSTS WANTED.-. Wanted, 400 c.clar ttoste, 8 feet ler,g and 6 inches at top end ; also it 0 posts) ft et io g and 8 inchee at top end. The hiabeet cash priee atll t e paid. To be delivered at Watihrop •heirra March 1st. Apply to or addreee THOMAS BROOM, Winthrop P. O. 1724x4 11011 SA,LF IX Et rMONDVILLE. - For sale In Eg. two acres of good land with comfort- abat frame dwelling and outbuildings. •The land i3. alea.n, a cal drained and fenced. There tire a few gocd apple trees and some small fruits on the place, It alit be sold cheap. Pcesession at any. time. R. HICKS, Egmondville. 1726x8 ABARGAIN.- 8300 will buy a nice comfortelOe frame house and a quarter of an acre of good land, pleaeantly situated in the vil age of Harpur. hey, and 1 mile t of the thriving town of Sea - forth, has a gr od cellar aid is well fenced. There are a taunter cf good atilt trees and hard and eoft water closeto the home. Apply to the undersigned. JAMF.S MoNAMARA, Bea 14, Sca'Orth P. 0. 1724.tt OUSE' AND RIGS FOR SALE.—For tale one good, gentle ladiee' driver; alto one good top bogy), Deveteaux'a make, run lees than a year, a good cut er, a stet of good light harnese and a --goOd buffalo retie. (loin:: at a bargain. Apply to JAMES PURC;ELL","Egmotatialle. 1726 4 TXTOOD WANTED.—Wanted for school section V No. 3, Tuckersonith, 10 cords good green limit and maple a nod, 22 inches long. Tenders for atoke %ill be received up ti March let. EDWARD PAPPLE, Brueefleld P. 0., Secrete -3a 1728x3 OR SALE —Fin: class' house and four acres of land in Seafcrth. The house contains five roome and cellar, korai foundation under the whole haute, hard and te ft wster In the kitchen. There is 3,130 a good bean on the premises. This is a very de- eirable property for a retired farmer. For terms of eale Apply at THE EXPOSITOR OFFICE, Seaforth. 1720-4 C1010E FARM FOR. SALE.—For sale Lots 1(1,17 and 18, Conceseicn 10, Morris, containing 102 act( 3, 150 acne eloar and free ham stumps and all in grass exceptiog 2 ecru. Being }matured for a number of 3 ear e it is in excellent condition for crop- ping. There ie a good concrete house and two barns one a bank barn alai other • ecetaary outbuildings, a geed o:chard, two wells and a spring creek, and is nalee from B13 th. If not sold by March lot will be- rerta.d for a 3 ear for grazing purposee. For pal tic- ulare apply on the premiecs cr box 04, Blyth P. 0. NEIL McDONALD. Meal° FOR SALE.. BULLS FOR SALE.—Two thoronglabred Durham bulls for sale 9 and 20 months old, one rd and one roan, good size and quality with good pedigret and pricea right. Mao a few welt b ed young cows with calve, Toed milkers, an Lot 10aConceesion 16, - Orey. 0. TURNBULL, Walton. 1726x4 TOCK FOR SALE.—For sale, 10 mileh cows and tj heifers, all of which are suppoaed to be in calf to a registered Durham bull and IR veral of them will calf in a taloa time. Also a heavy draught gelding risiva four years cad. Apply on Lot 14, Concession L. S., Tuckersmith, one utile and aqua'ter east of Kipper] and half a mile south. W. M. D010. 172841 91IIORO BRFD STOCK. FOR SALE --The under - ata signea hac for eale on his stock farm, lot 3). Conceseion 6, Usborrie, five thoro bred registered bulls from the beet strains and ranging from ten menthe old, up, one being 4 years old and a very superior anitnal. Four are red in color and one roan. Aleo 3 number of cowe and heifers, either in calf or hai a recentla calved. These aro all pure bred and are recounne-nded. If deeirable an exchange will be made for stook tteers THOMAS CUDMORE, Huron. dale P. 0. 1720-tf AUCTIONEERS. ruinmiAs BROWN, Licenstd Auctioneer for the • Ccuaties of Huron and Perth. Orders left at A. M. Cat-1)1)1)0Pa implement warerooms, Seaforth, or Lir Exeosnon. (Aim will receive proropt attention. Satisfaction gnarantecd or no_charge. 170841 AUCTIONEERING.-B. 8. P.hillips, Licensed Auctioneer for thecounties of Huron and Perth. Being a practictil firmer and thoroughly underetanding the value of farm stock and 'triple. omits, r 13CCES me in a beter position to ntalize good yicee. Charges ntodt rate. Satisfaction guaranteed or no pay. All ordere left at licusall post office or at Lot i'3„ Concession 2, Hay, will be promptly ttended to. 1709.tt STOCK FOR, SERVICE. 1. Tto PIG BREEDERS.—The undersigned will keep • on Lot 26, Cora:31386ton 6, L. R. S., Tuckersnith, a thoroughbred T NA! woit ill Pro, also a thorough- bred YotteantRI: Pio. A limited number of sows will be admitted to each. Terms, $1, payable at the time of service, or 81.60 it charged. JAMES GEMMILL. 1608-62 rpo STOCK BREFDEHS.—The well known E.211ort- .1. horn bull, "New Ya aria Gift," 22087 has been natioved from the premises of Mr. William Chap- man to the premieee o the undersigned, where he will be kept for the improvement of stock until further notice in these columne. I aleo keep for seri a first class in provA Yorkshire boar. A. G. SM I LLIE, " Good Cheer Farm,' Tuckereznith. - 172141 . --------, HORSE BLANKETS. Keep your horse 9mfortable with one of Broderick's -Horse Blankets. We traveathe largest and best stock of horse blankets, Goat, Galloway and Bear robes in town and Ithe quality of our hs.raess is also unsurpassed. • Kfalaftill BELLS are cheaper than ever --before. NVe also have a nice stock of trunks and valices. —Prices the Lotvest— BRODERICK'S umiESS - CADY'S BLOCK, SEAFORTH. 17194113 STEPHEN LAMB, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Cedar Posts and Timber. • Our 1aud-H.1r consists of the beet qualit3 of Hemlock and Pine, being wall manufactured. Any amount of Red Cedar Shingles alwaye on hand. Bring along cur bills, you will be sure to got them filled satis- factorily. raTOoderich strtat East 1711-tf Merton Stock Farm, LOT '27, CONCESSION 3, HOBERT Thoroughbred Durham Cows, Heifers and Bulls of the most fashionable strains for sale at reasonable prices. Post office address, DAVID HILL, Staffa, 1661-0 j • f00 5 1 (.5---;(/1" IT WILL PAY You to attend the Forest City Business and Shorthand College, Londoa, Ont. Practical instruction in practical sub- jects. For over fifteen years we have been in touch with young people and their needs, and the business world and its reouirements. Every facility at command for aiding young people both before and after graduation. We are doing superior work, results prove it. Send for our catalogue and Cerliege Journal. 0, W. WESTERV.ELT, Principal. 1703-26 7 Tailors' Bad Backs. The cramped up posi- tion in which a tailor works games hard on his kidneys and hard on his back. Very few oecape backachoi pain in the side and urinary - troubles of one kind and another. Oftentimes the first swarnings of kidney /disease are neglected— think it will be all right - 1 in a day or two—bat sick kidneys -won't get well without help. DOAN'S KIDNEY PILLS Are tho best friend of kidneys needing assistance. Read the proof from's tailor who has tried them. 1 Mr. John Roberton, merchant tailor, Durham, Oat., giv -his experience as follows: "I had been ailin with my kidney. f r more than a year wli .n I commencedtaki g Doari's Sidney Pi11i, which I gob at c- Farlane's drug store), and ana sinoerely glt d that I did so. Th wrong action Of y. kidneys made me si k eAl over and cans d me math inconvenience and pain. Thoi,t is now a thing of the past, because boa s Kidney Pills cured me. I have had trouble or inconvenience with my kidne s or back since I took these remarkable pil a, and you may bo suro that I 'gladly race mend them to other sufferers. LAXA-LIVER PILLS aro Maladies' fattoflto medicine. They do not ptirlse, gripe, weaken or sicken. Th act naturally on the stomach, liver a -d bowels, curlag constipatiou, dyspepsia, si k headache and biliouaness. I'rice 25c. 11 4 '14 Z.141444$1400491147414,74141.14M414421141414111A fern:rot.Z.nagertit g -ss 411112. KENDALL'S. SPAVIN GURE,r The old relable remedy for Sparine, IlIngbones, Splints, Curbs and all forms of Lameness. it MIMS without a blemish becaupo it does not blister. North Piantagenet, Ont., Feb; 10, '98. Dr. B. J. Kendall Co. Dear Sirs you plesse give mo a remedy for heaves. I have a mare that 11 afflicted. I take illenoure In stating that 1 hare cured n Curb of four yearai standing with your Kendall's 'Water. by using It only once and then apialyIng your SpavIn Cure. As long as I have homes, I will not be without Kendall'a Spavin Cure and Kendall's Blister in my !stable. Very truly yours, ADOLPHUS GAUTHIER. Prise $1, Six for $6. As n. liniment for family use it has no equal. Ask your druggist for Kendall's Sparta Cure, also "A Treatise on the Heroic," the book free, er address DR. B. J. KENDALL CO., ENOSBURO FALLS, VT. •19 FIT a.) - Any Spectacle is no more adaOted to yoUr face than any .coat to your body. . The fit of the frtame is as important as the fit of the lenses. We make a specialty of' both. .J. S ROBERTS, DRUG( 6T AND OFT-ICIA SEAFORTH. CENTRAL Hardware Stor Wehave a complete line of wood coo a, ranges, coal and wood heaters, Fvais. or a six hole rang,e see our Imperial x• ford and Colonial, the best value- a the market. In wood cooks Moffat's Crown and at h less and Gurney-Tilden's Family Banner re first claim stoves fitted with steel ovelle warranted perfect bakers. It will pay you to get our prices bef purchasing. Sills & Murdi HARDWARE, Counter's Old Stand. Seafor h DOES IT PAY _co Read the followiog lett er received by thel pri oi- pal of the THE CANADA BI SINESS COLLE E, t,,I CHATH M, ONT., and teem how highly the graduates of this of his school are thought of by he business publio.i "Ootober 18, 19O3. Geutlemen :—Wo have •penings now for 2 or good male etenographers bo have had expbrie and it oeoured to us t at large number of s graphers and other of1ce en, who have grad from your school froii t me to time and are holding pasitions , mi ht °sire to better themsel If you can put us in com ounication with eom your old graduates, wh have had two or years' experience, we sho Id be undet obligatio you." We might mention tha theconcern represe led in the above letter has a apital Stock of five m ion dollars. When you read ueh evidence as the a ve, need 3 ou be surprieed hat during the perio of thirteen and a half moot te • ending in October, /142 positions were filled by o e .pupile. psys te at. tornd Canada'e Greatest ehool Of Businees Or Sh rt; hand, if you wish to tho ughly qualify yourself Lir Mee work and be aseis d to a position when gr du. ated. For Handsomest Catalogue issued by ey business school in Caned , write, D. Me ACHLAN kW; 184 Olathe= a see oe, eat red ONV es. of ree 10 A PRI ONER RELEASED. Movinsa Scene in 31 ny nimble -11°1(1— \1,-h( re Dent h's 8i.1•nee 134 Mwal. lot% ed 1st Viet Ory. "Please 11111 , handkerchiefs ritwn,‘ : t here ot hing to cry uti1:11 11)11(:(1 C( ) t0 i.))( at,i.)it,. lavotdi.t.si. kerehiars away,- tJitre is nothing to cry about.," -Now read lun te ce mon? that verse from ittevel0 io the 21st chap- ter. What, rairt. read, for tears? Here, let nip r e 'ead And a. thin, weak voice was It rd , "A nd od slml I wipe LiWil t! PR FS from their eyes; and the r shall be no more den h, nett her sorrow n or crY- ing, neither shalLthere be any pain: for f-ormer thing's are passed Ova y f, • YOU NY Hi St op .your cry- ing, therhe is notint,' to cry aboul. sing instead of cry. Try a verse of that song -I used to know 3130 IS ago. There wasn't nine] harmony as we sang: 11 ('1101401)1.111(1- And when on Joyful wing, Cleaving Ow Son,- moon, and stars forget, Upward ive ay, stet all my sole; slittl 1 bey Nonror iny God ii) Theo, Nearer, to T1100, -Now, Mary, good -W 0. and take 1,1 ta, .1. Mir Arit Children." " Fr;1.111( and Liz/Au come here," chiltiron, fourteen and sixteen years of age, sI epped forward, and we,e embreced for a moment. -- I t \\ ill he all ox-er in less than n. leinet,, -My pain has loft me." '::\lary, 1 ake my right hand; - no \Nit, t, children take my left [fold on -1 ight paid report t 1 h ' Yea , though N.v,ilk through hi, volley of the. sitar (low- of death 1 will fear nti l'in going. no Nv, he goo( 0 1 he—," The man sa 1 no in bed, hing fell back. 11 \vas old!, a thin, \\:orn out hods' ready for shroud. . But t rea lion!t hy soll ha( gone, ready, to Chu]. in Toronto Star. • END OF THE WANDERING MINSTRELS Aii ..ancient 3tIte1eta1 Soeiaty Ceases t - !The musical societ,\- Avhich Ton ,Tos lor christened 1 he AVanderin - ":1 ns trel .4 11,1.:-; 1 a 1(1'' (i•• i-ied 10 exist • s he London Uhronicio. In mans sva; s1 ilia body had 0 unique record - 1 s go e 1113' first concert in the Roya. 1;ert Hall, and it \vas the first so (let y to orgatti izo smoking concerts These w ere originally lielcl in a hal tin i 1 t liy t he la le Lord - f:eraltf."' Fitz beltine his lions,. on i Sloan street , rind 1 hey became, so Impala Ila 1 t 111\‘' were tho talk of J,oridon This \vas partly duo lo 1.11-11.0VO11.) of, perrai ing :amid:haat ttt high-clas ilitpsicul en( t•I'l 0111'110111s, and partis ttci tlicS (1)141 1)1(14)11 of the illS 31111100 he hand 111301113' C011SiSt 111 0:1 11( 1(1 amateurs. 1.'rom 1 88 I 1 h !I(011114 \V('013 taivon itt t:rosyeno 11 1.01(1 t he itielliherS 115ed , tiltilf1011 the 12,11e:7:t S. fOr (110 \Vail Clt ring 311nst rels -were very hospi ahilo; and not infrotowntly the Ins intositiont, alIonry de ;Bathe, cold( bii seent preparing- colTee and open inr. soda ; \\l'a ter bottles for the visit or•:;; • vigormisly , as he beat the bits. ,Thiring Ilti forty ours of it nedtrly LI 7.000 \Vast obtained !is thie society for deserving institutions THE CZAR'S DREAM.OF PEACE- Getneral at'beeler - on International. 1>isf ttem amen t. , , bel eve theft 1he Czar of ' Russia . is sincere in. liis \\ ish ' .for disarina- men t t nd peace, writ os :General .104! W leple • in; SD CCeSS. 'Ho sees that it. is . by dead() and not. 1)3' \V311 that hi:;;!,' ' ell pire • will progress. But the dream came to naught , of course. ' • 1Yliy? Because i1 ss ould Ise in. the nature of things impossible for nten and Di (ADDS to it 1 )1:i I p1 ty cast • asirh; a 11ttlii - that was accplit'ed before -.11 i -1 or- began, and 114, after all, an in d.inc . All animals tight, and -will contint 0 to; 1 think.. Thebetter • tim art Inaba the, fiercer and more fa- tal Lb( contliet . • 113 the -Nupoleonic wsrs, Ind in ow' ri t il war, the -high- es tyi os of nwn were -.engaged-. 'This is svliy 11 istors- has no record of a rata - tor . rich Ira 1 i lonelds as - Waterloo, a, claysburg and Shiloh. We fought the' Me xicans and Spaniards and drove hem before us With compara- tively little erfola . Hu 1 when 1)100 • of Nort heria blood meet in battle it is. 31 0(. 311 )351 (13 I 1,,I,' deo 111. This is tespec 11.1 ly true: ,AVItoll 1 Ite in(1emitable A tglo-, axon .4,-; 13)11'i5 on each . side., 1:1(11 "Roman: in ittinie's quarrels" fO eatht less fiarata a , Quant 43, and Quality. lfund .1'ds of ov. nors of cows judge of altio norils of 1 lio animals by t he .(0 ntil of milk gi \ on, While (plan- t i ty is 101 to be obfected to, yet the value of Li, 17 cow depends upon Oa] ity as N1 id! tiS The lo kg cent , of solids and butter fat should condemn milk that, al- though pure, doas not cones up to the ; standard required. There are, howeve a 001.314 that give large ([11011- titie of rich milk, but begin to fall off in a few months after coming in. The co \s tha L have long periods of milking, and which prover themselves Inert tor dace 111 ing use 'otts shottal [la l«Tt to pro- mill:ea-4. the heat sires be - 1 for im oro vomen T rootlet!' it'en 5 u ry Warfare. All1 'seflt methials of \varfare AV ill be char ged. Air ships -will conceal themselves in great clouds of - their own in alsings -and w ill destroy - wi t daadiy lexplosi VI'S he groat moving steel forts of the enotny- LW1ONV forts \\ ill dash overland at 111)' rat n of aixtY Inilestain aottr. (inns will 1nc1•etts6.- in size and fo----------1 NVIll be built, to hurl projl "1 Hes tIventy miles. Ethel my ]lea Charl Ethel - wear st A Coot In Reproof. You don't 1.1.33)1) to destroy ring, do .\ Jai? e—Nay, —Then \\ »h, why, do you Ich loud neck i iea? MAROIAGE LICENSES ISSUED AT THE •HURON EXPOSITOR OFFICE, BRAFOtITH, ON1TARIO. NO WITNESSES REQUIRED, THE HURON EXPOSITOR. liite aiery le Five year ago m out in Whi e wat whi h grew so bad feri g was lmost I ook d ctors' vari us 're edies f but they w re of 1 whe Over I got w swe t the imples out gain. A neighb • r adv! Bios d Bitte s, and toll wed hi advice ties comae (sly cur T at was three y the e hits ever be pim le On e since Jame Lasho Brec body 'broke rir pimples, hat the suf- nbearable. edieine and r two years ttle benefit, rmed up or would come ed Burdock am glad I , or four bot - d me. ars ago and n a spot or u e, h n P.O., Ont. saft pliable ushion of la b's ool felt, i to which th foOt 5 nks, making a mould fo [itself. ; ASIEST 'Sit10E ON EARTI-I. An ab-olute non-ti:onductor. T1- e war est shoe for winter— tht cool st shoe for summer, anti a p sitive cure for corns, bunions, callouses tender, burning nd perspir'ng feet. Dr. Re d Cushi n Shoe F9R EN AND OMEN. old't one dealer in a town. M nnfac ured in Ca iada for D MIRO CUSHION SHOE CO. The J. EXPRESSLY B King Co. Toronto. Limited, Tho.e p1llz cure -all di order arisin r from weak nerve or wa, ery blood, s tion, kip B as, Throbbii Dizzii ess, W ,ak or Faint S Nervoisness, Sleeplessne Generil Debility and Laeli The are a; true heart t .and bloodinricher, bu renew rig all he worn o tissue, of th ody and r health. Price 50c. a box at all ruggist . 3e as and dis- eart, worn out ch as Palpita- g, Smothering, ells, Anaemia, s, Brain Fag, of Vitality. nie, nerve food lding up And t and wasted toying perfect or a for $1,25, r i 4i Hone) o Iwo t per cent land se u ity. At ply to It S. Bank u Wink, Scatorth. ON Y TO LOAN. on firet-olase farm HAYS, Dominion 1607 INO DE t e chI1dr4n may not ome fr m schoo 4teavy-eyed, uid, and IN cRDER t they may be cheerful, PPY, and contented, growing onger and etud1er day by y. RD o ha fter th ccomp IN e strengtl4 for pleasure duties o 'the day are ished. 01 R ot to Ihave the ody so tired at the mind ca not be culti- ated, IN RDER • o have the sen ibilities keen, wits sharp perceptlons r, and the al ility to make ffairs run srnootj ly, take Dr. Ward's •;‘, 131. .dta id Nerve Pills yStern tically, arcl you IN:11 tbe elight d with -the result. \Thy? Because they Will en- ble .you to sleeiji soundly, cat eartily, and dig st what you o eat t1iere1.7 keecing mind nd bo y in proper re boxes for e2.o0. or S:riai , II THE DR ESS MODEL. The ten ency to still adhere le sun, clinging 1, brics is still Very neti est •;1' arliong t1ic models for the newest NV LI - d i II g'gbwns. Pipiog, r dinners' folds, tucks lee 11 wide And narroilv and •ows of soutaehe er vel- V,tet ribbon trim rany of the lightwool gowns for gene1i I wear. -i Asideonprevnils in re generally that ONCl' The ver lates French gowns f ole - 11000, wh '11 of expensive cloth, zi cline, r heavy- i epped 'ostume silk, ha vi little r no trin) ring o 1 the skirt. The fas lion of _elaborating lace with . ur meda lions, embroidery and jewel k simgcostly Fr ,u'eli ball and eve(LIt0i- lutosi f rpm t he coats, jac[ets an pear to hive all place of apes and mantles, exce elderly w men. ' Some nt't the newest jackets for ade in etageres cloth lapping eac effect of three b the other. elegant evening s1iaps, full length wra s ap- ost eutirely takeat the t for ful wearet's are stitched blinds df er, and giving th put on on4l above outh- 1. e., oth- leros Shouldel! length ermine pelerines nish- ed with a narrow roll of otter or se lskin fur on Ith 0 edges of the stole front and directolre collar ill be worn with peva and theater toilet eon] day receptio s. 'The silky, roug surfaced zibeline and. elegant French Ci mel's hair fabrics share boors with von ,tian cloth, satin cloth and covert suitin iu the making ofand- i some tail r costa s for demidress see. Fur tri mings '0001 one to three I ches -is ide are more ti en ever .in use for tile VI inter, and bes des bordering el r elingotes, wrap. , skirts, etc., the 11 ed in emnbinat on with lace, net d . chine and bro ades. ,Craped satin emains in great a iong dressmal en's, both here r. road. It is on of the most bea rubrics tliat ever aitne frOmt Lyons 1 1 is u. ed for en ire evening toilet. d 11 an( bridesm ids' gowns and fir va- rious elegant dre s occasions.—New York I ost. Taut 7 are crepe arOr and tiful ems. bri- PEN CHIS Antinny Hope t met and failur ns thesecond a id laltyer. Ile Daniti.li C. Frer h s model for th ad ;I aanes Ander n aje i.s !to give t( Frederic Mac. s '1111)10 who ha ion of becoming ork qeently an tlie scene of his n Robert Barrett the poet, who is n 0: rely oceupies ti a si in Venice, w N'S bleb is full o 11 ni rercs.' His h has built Pipp• e a school of 1 is 'revive that in 11 0 stodio for odeling. POWDE L AND BRU H, Hawkins' recen at - to get into parli, trent made by i that no 'elist is now 37,years ol 1 ch has nearly finishPd heroic, 14116.10 of Gen - son which, Andre Car - the city ,of Allcg may. fannies, tthe Chicago announced his •nten- a palette) Ns -as in New selected .11 studi for w labors.' Browning, the s n of ow visiting in England. e great Rezzonie pal - ere his father die and Broweing men ories ome is in A.solo, where 's tower, has estaalish- cemaking for 20 -girls Ustry mad has m4de a is own , painting and , AND BALL. Paris lits an in 11 arine hoats tha snierest and Ivra The regular ar .Tan. 1, 1804, Jan. 1, 1844, o 1 1861, of 10;422 !Russia puss.- a)thing and the ers. Were it no SIN'e. Y aerxptw expenses o )v Every French sian born or prov book cuntaining of his serVice au lila !tacit] to whic tir calling of the LE THE isible defense—the sub - patrol the Seine from • y of the -United States teinsisted of 3,287 men, 8,573 Men and on Jan. men. er soldiers pract cally are worked as I. bor- for this fact her mili- ild be twice what they eservist, whether ari- ncial immigrant, 1 as a is number, particlulars a memorandum 0 the he must repair upott reserves. NOVELTIES, Smart jbgskin ombination purse and cardeases bear 1 monogram in eo ored euamels o the co 'Der. Elands° De car iage pocketbooks, com- prising ni ny con -oniences, come in dark green aud other fIshiouable leather-. e Ifornbact.k alli ator leather furn shes very swell large raveling bags for men. '111118 is the exqe tingly rough back skin and expensive en iugh to make it or e of the exclusive ses. The 1 1g and arrow Vienna bag are not onijv attractive, but serve a useful and practical pu Tose. They are sup- plied 'With a hor , stout thank.] chai and appear a all the usual leathors au 1 COI - GCS. POLITI 1 What could wo she cotilda't hit egg out of' 500 ?- In view of the it might be advi day to a leost el phia Ledger. It is en y who for office that he about the welfa troit Free Press. ' It Is stated tha women as a nil.p take very little interes1 in elections ete:. they are accorded Use privilege of v Ling. This result was !suspected by most stu- dents of human nature. 1 -1--- way IleI Yee PRe Put to d. invented in AL QUIPS. an do in politics the speaker with Olen one arge crap of treae bets, able to shift All ools' ction period.—Philadel- . a man is a cand clate becomes really ala med e of the country. De- Totntny—Pa, was time Ireland'? Ills Fat her—i-No, my son. why? Touuni--Th et why I it. 0 'elk? B u I did they runt. !The Swinge Bachelor. "Women," sad the Sweet 14etIng Thing, "Ido quarrel a little a,7 than men, but; then they makeit ske u qui'ek07:$' 'Ssaid tly,r• Savage Bact "they carn have' the pleasure of an- other que.rr el . Knocked put in One Round. Jack—You never told me Miss Fairgirl was el athlete. Nelly—Well, 115 she? Jacks ---Yes, she has thrown over. rile -would trd Off Water. The Physiciail —You have a coat on your tonguei The Colotie1--FI sincerely hope it is s mackintosh. • CSTOR 1 Fo Infants and Children.i The fie - simile tipsters of Isom FANCY OODS 01-1.E.IL19) 1 Bplance of Fancf Calendars at half price while they last wrefrItt saran :Wen na-117-tn ritMlaalrff 1.Watt Also great reduction in Pancy Goods and Holiday Sundries ALEX. WI! J SON'S NEXT DOOR NORTH (/' PICKARD'S. SEAFORTH. The Great Secret OF How to Save Money tAANNW4A0101A0 IX THIS„IN YOUR MIND. 4felset*-414-Istr.-tststsfetst.f.*****-ftstit Your dollar does double duty when it buys Boots and Shoes at the Clearing Sale rir V going on at Smith's old stand. As we are bou 1 to make it the sale of sales for the next two eeks, we shall give finer qualities and greater values for every dollar that passes over our counters than ever before. We have an immense stock oi seasonable goods to clear out at money saving prices. Pros- perity collies to all Who trade with us. Inspeet the goods, compare the prices, and you must admit that we are offering _the opportunity of the. Season, which you should consider a blessing to be within reach of. Richardson & McInnis' Two Stores Whitney Corner Store and Smith's olii stand, under the clock, Annual Stock -taking s I PROSPEROUS 1901 TO AIL AAAAAAAAAAMAAAAANWV~A • During my 30 years experiende in hul3ines4 I have always 'made it a point not to let my stock accumulate, an4 keep goods Iin the shelves and packed away in boxes from one season to another, hut dispos of them, even if it be at a sacrifice, rather than carry them over and allow the interest on money invested to eat up the profits. This week v,•e have commenced our stock -taking sale, wh4i our stock of $110,000 must be rOduced to $6,000 within Thirty Days. Nowywovv:AAAAAA. 12 per cent. Discount Alldwed dining this time on all cas1isales, so ta chase good goods at a low rate. A1 the goods up-to-date. These include Dress Goods, Aland° -Underwear, Corsets, Hosiery, Oloveis, Mitts, Ya froni the Christmas trade. Come and exami trouble to show them. e advantage of this and put - re stylish, excellent quality and loths, Coats, Flannels, Woollen n, etc. A few bargains left e the goods represented.—no Grocery Department. Our stock in this department i6 fresh and up to -date in all lines, and it is becoming a well-known fact that Seaforth's Great Cash Store is the best place to purchase groceries. Good goods cheap and no humbug, is our motto here. Produce, such as dried apples, butter, eggs and feathers, for which I will pay the highest market price, will be taken same as cash. Cash or Produce and One Price Remember the place— Only. J. W. 0 RTW E N I Seaforth's Only Cash_Dry Goods Store, under the Town Clock, Li To the public of Seaforth and surrounding country 'HAVING PURCHARED The Meat Business Formerly conducted by T. R. F. CASE & CO. I trust, by strict attention to business and supplying a first class article at a reasonable price, to merit the patronage bestowed on the late firm. FY. Will pay the highest market price for dressed poultry, good hides, skins and tal- oa,. 'RED GALES, Seaforth. I ,LoGS WANTED. The very highest price -ch wifl be paid for any quantity of first class Soft -Elm, Rock Elm, Basswood Arld an other kinds of Saw Logs delivered at the 8e0forth Sav Mi/is All Legs will be purchased and paid for accord* to quality. Length of Logi must be 12, 14, 16 and 10 teet 2 iioheL Cash Wi11bC paid as th logs are delivered, if desir d. Apply to JOS Ali WAT8ON, Seaforth.