HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1901-01-18, Page 20
ly sitiutted in Sealoreh, elnatese new,
_ Will buy good 7.rooneed houseiTk); Moue ot-
Good hard and soli water. Apply to SCOU
BROS,- &earth. 1721.0
FOR SALR.—Nine ;wee nf land for sele, bong
Lob 12, Oonoeadore 8, Hey. There Is a frame
home and barn also smell orchard. Putative
npon applicatien. MRS. ROBERT KYOD,
Zurich, 160041
eL-Ultel FOR. SA.L.E.—Let 11, L. R. W., Saueile Line:
• Staaley, eenseling- of 12) acres, 110 intros undoP
good state of miltivation, 10 (corgi fall wheat, Good
atone Muse, kitchen and wood ehed, cellar full gee
of house and kitehee with (acme eistern, go id hard
water well. Bern end (Amble oonvenient well
and creek, poi orohard and 10 aores good ash aad
maple grove. F. r oterticulare apply on promisee,
HERBERT fe, JOEIN3 ION, hayfield. 1723-0
U and Settle hell of Let 12, Concession 4. Stanley.
_ conteining-160 acres, 00 acres °leered and hive faie
gate of eultivatien. There is &frame dwelling house
with cellar, bank barn with stone stabling, stone piee
pen, stave silo, two good wells also a riser runs at
the briek of thalferin. It to convenient to church:or,
schools and markets, belng 3 miles fame Brneefleld
and 9 miles from Seaforth. Apply on the premises
or adclrees THOMAS GEMMELL, Brucelleld.
9, IN 1, London Road, near the village.
ofBrueetieldl containing about 100 acree, 90 acres
cleared and in a pod state of cultivation, the ro.
toainder is hardwood bush, There are good build-
ings, 12 acres at wheet, 30 seeded to grass, a. good
°milord and plenty of water. Will be sold cheap
lead on easy terms. Apply to A, 3. ROSS, Brim-
field la 0. 167041
Al undersigned offers for sale his cottage in Hale
purhey with 3 scree of land in good state of cultivre-
tioreplanted with fruit and ornamentel tress. There
is * good steble on the place, with plenty of hard and
soft water. Fencer( are in geed ardor. There aro
seven rooms in the /vein whioh is good repatr. The
promisee my be viewed at any time. .10.11EPII P.
BRINE 169541
11 SALM—Beautifully eituated on Centre Street
:Mottling Boattigs Give°. There are two lots plented
with the choicest of fruit trees of all kinds and
&rube. A frame holm, stone cellar underneath the
whole house, a sitting room, dining room, summer
and winter kitchens and four bedroom, hard and
soft water. It is one of the most pleasantly loeatei,
-eomfortable and convenient residences in Seahrth
and will be Hold °heap. Apply to JOStAH WAT-
SON, Segorth. 170041
'Eskitst IN HULLETT Fort SALE.—For sale, Lot
U 4, Coneeseion 13, Huliett, oonteining 76 acres,
all cleared, underdrained, well fenced, and abut 40
.ores seeded to grime There are fair building's.
There is &good orchard, and a never -failing spring
°reek runs through the farm and a good well at the
house. It le near school and pose office, and eon.
venient to the beet markets. It le a splendid farm,
not a foot of waste land on it, and le well adapted for
stock raising. It will be sold cheap and on easy
terms. Apply to the undereigned, Seaforth P. 0.
SALE.—For sale the comfortable frame cot,
tage in Harpurhey belonging- to the undersigned.
It contains three bed rooms, sitting' room, dining
room, kitehon and pantry. His on a alone founds.
Eon with a geed oollar; also hard and soli water.
Thi) lot contains of an acre of land, has on it a good
stable and is well platted with varlet* kinds of large
and small fruite 11 1. pleasantly situeted and will
be sold cheep. Apply to the owner, MM. GEORGE
faleLLERY, Beaforth, or to JAMES W sTEION, Sea.
MIAMI FOR SLE.—oz gala reit to, 001101149t01 7
Stanley, containing 100 acres more or lose, 93
acrea cleared and 7 acres of bulb, Kt acres under o
tivation, 8 MOW in fall wheat and the balling) see
to gran. The farm is well fenced and undordrained
with plenty of good water convenient to buildings of
which there are &good frame home with kitchen and
wood shed attached, two large hank bung with done
walla underneath, largo drive shed and pig house
with eemont floor, a large orchard of choice fruit.
It is convenient to ehurah, post gibe and schools.
It is 6 miles from Brueefield station with good gravel
road* leadingen all dire:Alone. This is a first class
farm and in good °audition and will be sold cheap.
For :full particulars apply to WM. lideALLISTER,
Varna. P. 0. 171141
J Lot 11, Concession 8, Tuokersmith, ooniaining
100 auras, all cleared but about 8 cores of good bush.
11 1* uederdrained, well fenced, and in a high state
of oultiestion. There is a good gone nom ; good
barns, stables and out -houses. le adjoins a good
echool ; is within Ave milee of Seater* end three
miles from Kippen. There le plenty of rod water,
Will be told with or without the crop. It is ono of
the beet farms in the township, and will be sold on
easy terms, as the proprietor wants to retire, Also
fie acres within a mile and a quarter & good grasing
lot, well fenced, but no buildings. Will be sold to•
gether or separately. Apply on the premises, or ad•
dress Eginondville P. 0. JAMES MeTAVISEL
JU 9 and the west half of Lot 8, on tho 12th comms.
gen, or Browneon Line, of Stanley. This farm con-
tains 150 acres, all of which is geared, except four
bores. It la in a state of (trete:ilexes cultivation, well
fenced and all underdrained, mostly with tile. There
is a large frame dwelling house se good as now,
good stone foundation and cellar, large beakbarn
efth atone stabling underneath, and numerous other
beitclings, including a large pig house Two good
orchards of choice fruit, also nice shade and area -
mental trees. There are two spring creeks running
hrough the farm, and plenty of good water ail the
year rooted without pumping._ It Is well situated for
markets, churches, schools, post offie,e, aro., and good
gravel roads loading from it in all directions. It ts
within view of Lake Huron, and the bogs oan be
Been passing up and down from kh house. This is
one of the beat equipped farm= al the county, and
will be sold on easy term, as the proprietor wants to
retire on account of 111 health. Apply on the prom-
isee, or address Blake P. O. JOHN DUNN, _ 1619-tf
r sale, -Lot 22, on she North Boundary of Hay
Township. This farm contains 100 scree, 86 acmes
cleared, the rest good hardwood bush. It la well un-
derdrained and fancied. There is a good stone house
with a No. 1 cellar; large bank baro; implement
abed; sheep house 70x76, with &steels,u stabling
and root cellar underneath; aood orohard ; 2 good
wells and cistern. There is 12 acres- of fall wheat
• sowed nn Jr, rich fallow, we manured ; 40 acres
sceded clown reeently, the rest in good 'thane for
crop. This Is a No. 1 farm, well situated for
markets,. ehurehes, schools, post office; eta., and
will be eold reasonably. Apply on the premises, or
address ROBERT N. DOUGLA.S,Blake,Ont,1608x8tf
Special Attention
to Horseshoeing and
General Jobbing.
Ceoderiah street, -
- • - Seaforth.
•. AND . .
Chopping Mills
Wants any gna4ity of 'good logs
and heading bolts, 40
inches long,
For whish the highest price will be paid.
Custoble sawing done on short notice and
at reasouable prices.Satisfaction guaran-
R. L. CLNRK, C4th.
Store And Grocery Business•
For, Sale.
For sale in the thrlvide town of Seaeorth ; good
brick store, with dwelling above, ani goed Wick
etable at the hack, aItio'e. fireacaties stoek of gra:mete)
all fresh, best pert of t nen and (bine buitrielg,
good reams- for sellinpe Apply iuikty to box 372,
Seeferth, Ontario.
p Atria
F21,111 !Mali taken at lo eestr rates; payments te
get borrower ; satlefaction guaranteed; all corre.
epondenee cheerfully anewered. ABNER. C33ENS.
Wingham, Ont. .Office—At corner of Minnie and
Patriee Weds ery Saturday all day. 1067
hat 'MaY Be Eitlected lythe
Tru.e Disci le Of.Chfiet,
•Rev.Dr. 'Paining(' Tolle Ills efearere of
Different ('lams*,
, .
'telt() Vs ill Get
Os Christians, Taos°
into lienven With a
*Petal " Push and .1 ',wee Velio W111 Bound
en Amid Salutations 1 efinlre. •
WaShington, ..11 it, , 3, ---In a vvy
novel way Ina Ti linage in ins alisa
cot) rse describes Vhat may • 1-. e ex -
peel ed in the n ..xt 8 -orld lay these
wiks here bend . al ti4ir energies 1 in
the right, , direetio is to ts II Peter i,
11,, "For KO an entrtnce Shall be
mietstered unto y u a; undiently,"
. Different styles Of welcome at he
gate! of Heaven ". re here Sugsseet d.
It ce all hope to enter- that, super 141
caili tal through the grace that i
•ready tosave care the chief of sin-
ner* But ,not n w. NO man, h al -
thy of body and 'rind wants to go
no*. 'Phe man svhca hurls him elf
out, Of this life is either non agnostic
., .
or es- demented +5 finds We ineuff r -
able • and . does ot eare where , he
hinds. . This is ha best - world e
ever got . into, 11.1t1 '-c,ve- want to
stay here as long as God w 11- et
us'• stay. - But wh n -i• the last p go
Of the volume of stir earthly life is
ended-. we want enrollment 1 tit a-
senlY citizenship. Ye want to get in
easily., We do lib t want, to be eh 1-
lenged . at tlict rate and asked to
showour posso or t a We do i ot
Want the gatekeeper in dotibt la.s to
whether We ()Ugh.. 1. o go in i.t nal,
We do . not Want co be Scot ii the
portico of the ten'Ple until em sulta-
on is , made as- thaeliere NV( 41111e
from and who w• are and whether
it is safe. to adet t, tis, lest w , 'be a
cliscord . in the et .:rnal harmon [es or
caste. the spirit of heavenly -Wor-
ship. When t he postle Peter in the
text addresses, 1 e people, "I, or so
nn- entrance sh di- be administered
u.ot ers Will ha e to
unto yda
ou ' abunntly," he i nplies
t hat some ' will tad- a'dmissio i in to
Heaven easy, ,rap urous and ,aaclana
entry, while
squeeze 'through he gate Of • Ilea,
von,. If they get 1 at all. Thely will .
arrive anxious ar d excited, and ap-
prehensivt and ses uderlag whether it.
1%111 be "come!" ora"Go!" The
Bible -speaks . ot such persons as
. scarcely saved, ' and in another
pl es, as; "saved::: s ,by fire," end in.
'a. ,i her place aS atscaPed ''by the
skirt of the teeth."
• Carrying out,: th suggestion of my
text, I propose t a show you' what
elasees - of, Christ'ans will "gets into
Heaven with a hi: rd push and those
who will bound i amid salute lions
infinite; In the fit st class. I pet that
inan vaho getsinto the kingslcmi :of
God atathe dose f a life all .given
to worldliness an l sin.. \'-cors ago
he made the resol- tion that he wotild
serve himself at d serve -_ the world
mail body, mind and out -were ex-
latuated and' then, :just Mere going
out of thig. life, e ould seek God and
prepare:to enter Ileaven. He pirates
out his resolution. Ile genuinely re-
pentS the- last day or the last hour
or the last minutia of his life, Ile
takes t e last -sett . in the last car
Of the 1
'Ilis tele sed and hinniortal spirit as-
st train heavenward.
Not one wing bears down to-
ward him with a "Welcome. No sign
of gladness it Ills arrival, Neste
1 here obligated , to •i him for kindness
done or alms; distributed or Apielt-
nal help administered. He will find
-some place, to stay, but I do not
envy that Masa-his 'Heaven. Ile got
in, but it was riot anabundant en-
_Somotirnes in our pulpits we give
a wrong tura tee the story of the
eying thief to Whom Christ said,
"This' day ,shalt thou be with , me in
paradise." We ought to admire the
mercy of the Chriet that pardoned
Jilin in the last hour, but do not let
us admire the dying thief; When he
was ' arreSted, I think hisA)oekets.
were fullof stolen coin, and the
coat ho had on his back was not his
own. He stole right an until he was
arrested- for ,his crimes; He repent.
ed, and through great mercy_ arose
to paradise, but he. was no feminine
10 follow. . s
Again, the . bigot- will not have
what my- text calls an abundant en-
trance, He .has his bedwarfed opin-
ion as to what all twist, believe and
do in 'order to gain celestial resia
dence. He has his creed in ono pock-
et end IIIH catechism in another pock.;
et, and it may be a good creed and
a good cateehiem, , but. he AlSeS them.
as sharp swords against those who
will not accepthis theories-. You
MUM: be baptized in his way or come
to him -through apostolic shccession
or be foreordained of eternity, ' or
you are in an awful way. He shriv-
:Is up and Shrivels up and becorhes.
more' splenetic until the time Of his
ieparture is at hand. He has' en -
)lush 'of tho. salt of grace to Save
iiin, buthisentre-ince into Heaven
ivill be something worth watching. +
Vhat do ' they wiint with him in
1 ies,Vall, where they have all gona in -
o eternal - Satholicity, one. grand
'ommingling of :Methodists and flap-
tist q allCi EpiSCOP01i1t118 and Tat tiller -
ins and Congregationalists and Pres-
.\ t (TIMIS and IL SCOW 'of other ilenOmie
net ions jtist ak- good as any 1 litive
u en t i onedi They all join in 1 he
ialleluliah eh orns, _ accompanied : by
nerpers on their harps .and trunikte
Ws on their triunpets, "Worthy: is
he Lamb -that was slain to ree eye
ding end riches, and honor ind
lin•y and power!"- :
The bigot Leer:elide . With Just ' en -
ugh grace to , StiNT him.: As lie
()Ines up to the' shining gate' he s )es
landing inside of it sothe whom he
ts3s4(1to .ineet every Sunday morning
)11 the streel going to some other
!line% of Sonic' Ot her denomination,
int he cries. out: "Are Y011 here? I
ever expected (e see you in SurTl a
aa/Seets place. You WVI*0 1111 wrong
our religious theoeies on . ea *Or
,;,,c1 in your form of church govern -
11 !nit. Ifoev did you get in?"
ea, ay grace," is the heavenly reply.
"Saved by grace!" The bigot is
emharrassed and teels for his creed
Out his catechisia, and, 10, they yore
left.' ()it the banks of • the river _ or -
dun as .he missed through, and he
cries out: think I will have • to .
enter on the same. terms. Saved
grave!. Saved by grace!"
Benominations - bf Christians on
earth. : were nkessary in order to
better work and to suit preferences
• t 11 11.1'ho ,, , liti liV)0(!(1 MIA)
0,01.31011.8; QII 4.-W tunas. ns a [nigh-
' horhn
ood 'est: lie diVided into ftnulit-
t„ 'lough *one neighbOrhood. n
there s no nittl ft).. such die -114101 8 In
heaven, stmh
l therefore stil belong to
one denomination or 8ainth nal,
("hrist "odd 111 011t• 01 his sem one
that, there would bc laughter .in h:•av-
en, "Blessed are se that- weep row,
SOr ye all laugh," , An 1 whatsc )uld
cause mere - - inert mien • among the
glorified than u, rekearsal of the
0 1 r tidy ' differences . between Ch ist-
inns, c ifferences once seeinitig of ueh
vest ftnportance, Ind, clifferenees un--
1010WS1 amid the heavenly worship-
ers? 'What- will be the bigot's amize-
n eat ',viten se
he es .seated side by
de on the banks of the river of life
(` ilvin and A rin I I We, Arehbis top
C '111)11101' and eons, lissenting pre Leh -
e of the gospel wl o never gradnat-
e , One- who On earth was a robed.
and surpliced ecchesiastic, and . a
beckWoods minister who, in the log
c&tbin meetinss house preached in a
1inn duster? A111011g the great. ur-
prises of heaven -for the bigot ivill be
:the •celestial friengliness of, ' II ose
Who On ea.-rth opposed each othei in
wrathiest polemics, He will get
tbrough. the gate,. for he has a spark
.of divine grace in • his heart, but,
there will not be aa inch of room to
m .
sPare ( either side of 11(111.,ni, rL w
4t take -long for a heaven tocdiul-1 '
eate him into a; glorious big hearted-
. P.or :30 years this man has been
Practicing an economy Which prided
itself on never pail:ill* a, pin without
picking it, up, and if he responded at
all in churcht.11-011 1 d put, on the al:01-
leetion plate so insignikant a :. coin
that -lic held Ns handover it so't-tat
na one could_ discover the smallress
of -the denomination. Somewhere in
tre lift -es -or sixties of his life, dur-
ing, a, sevival of religion, he beeame
a Christian. e is very much chang-
ed in Most respects, but his all ab-
sorbing acqu is i tiveness still in 1,31-
.1.1s ten ees him. To extract from I-. 1111
a gift or an orphanage or a ehusch
or it floor moinan who lute just bsen
bioned out 'is an achievement. , N ou
and I know very good rnen, t1eis-
1:Is/es1i:3.1) character beyond dispute,
and yet they 'are prononnced by all
-1351.s. penurious-, -and they know it them-
selves and pray against it. We , all
have ot r had habits, and yet, (ixpsct
to got to:heaves, and this skinflint
has his tnighty temptation,- The pas-
sion et •axeriee well illustrated,- its
-st re ngt li when in one of • the houses
of ' exhumed Pompeii was found the
sk Oct on of a man who was tryng
to. ('SCO 1113 with (30 coins and a silver
seemliet sFor those valuables he
dared the ashes and seoria, of Vesuv-
ius - 'wh ,ch overwhelnied him, and
11101V a:good man has been held
mikhtil by aVt1r1CC, But the day is
coining for that penurious Christian's
&Tartu e from the world, He has an
awful sruggle in giving up' his gov-
ernment securities,- The , attorney
-who drew his last will and testa -
Ment saw how hard it waa foem
to leave his farrn or his storehouse
or ,investments, . especially thoeethat
in the markets aro called gilt edged,
• Bsilstered up iii bed, knowing'. he
has got to sign il, he Neale the dOeu-
Aleut over and over again,andthen,.
with a manner that seems to ssay,
"Well, if I must, 1 must," he Signs
his name- to tat surrender of -' • his
1st' farthing of arthly posseseiOns.
)le eenters heaven; but he has pot an
aundant .entrance. The 'fortune -
that Won !Or h (111 in this world much
atteation makes no idapressioa in
that country,where the. gold is SO
common that they make. streets . out
of it arid precious stones are -so usual
-that they build them into walls,- jas-
per at the 'bottom, amethyst at the
top. emerald and rubies between.. He
• will gel in, for he has enough grace
to Strtre him-, but his place in hea:Ven
will not be so high up or so brilliant
as that of the WOMatl whose goner -
°s(3,1' apd self sacrificc. have been eele-
twitted for thoeaands of years -- the
widow of the two Mites. No room
for his severe economies up there,
Where everything is so lavish and so
eial and ' so- infinite that the
-humblest man is a king and the poor-
est woman a queen, and the stars of
heaven • which bespangle our mid-
nights are only the dewdrops on, the
lawn of our Father's house. - I am_
glad that the old man got in, but 1
ish - that en his heart was con-
verted his pocketbook hid been con-
verted, se that a thousand souls who
might have preceded him into heav-
en 1 hrOugh his Christian charities
-.might have kept a speeial holiday on-
the Occasion of his arrival.
'Liiei'e is another kind of spirit who.
will have radiant admission• to the
upper dominion. .There is a fact
which oughtto have most emphatic
pronouncement. Al] over the wOrld-
ta-day there are men and women of
consecrated wealth. They are mul-
tiplying by the day and hour—peo-
'Pie who feel themselves the Lord's
stewards,i and from their opulence
they are making a. distribution which
pleasres the heavens. The checkbook
in the office drawer of that man has
on it, stubs a story of beneficience
clear • up into the sublime. In all
the -mend .of the. world'a suffering
and ignorance and -woe yOu cannot
mention one Worthy objectito which
that prosperous and good 141 -Ian has
hot made contribution, lle is not
irritated, as many are, by Solitations
for alms. .In some poor Woman in .
thin shawl,holding in heis f1rIng a
child with rheum in its eyes, this
good man sees the Christ who said,
"Inasmuch as ye have done it unto
one of the least, of theses ye have
done it unto me."
- Well, this man of af-
ilueiice is about. to go out of this
world. He feels in brain and nerve
the 'Strain of. the early struggles by
Which he won his fortune, and at 60
or 70 years collapses .undei the ex-
banstions of the twenties and thirties
of his lifetime! When the mortal.= --
papers announce that he is gone,
there is eicitement not 'only, on the
•avennes where -the nansions stand,
hut all through the IhospiUtls and
asylums and [the horn of those .who
will henceforth have to helper. But
the excitement of sa bless :on earth
15,a very tame affair compered with
the ,excitement of gladness in Hea-
ven.' The. guardian 'angel of -that
good , man's life swept by his dying
Pillew the night -before, and on see ift,
wing upwardannounced that In a
.few ,hours he would arrive, and there
. a mighty stir in Heaven. "Ile
.comest" cae.es seraphto seraph. The-
Hing's heralds are at, the' gate to
say, "Come, .ye hiessed," ax!cl 501118
, whoi were saved threugh the churches
that good_nian supported and- .hun-
dredia who went up after being by
him helped- in their earthly struggle
will come own off their thrones and
'oue of tiner palaces and through tn
streets ,to hail him into the Ian
-Which, they- cached some Uwe before
: through hi Christ Ian philanthropy
"Why, t tat is the man who, when 1
was a - tun 'erect, gave me bread!"
1 "Why, Oat is the man," says an -
I other, " ho encournged me when 1
was in the Jay]. striggle of bunines
that., IA 1:110 IM.111," 8114'
another, "w to paid my rent when
had not ling with which to payl'
• i'WhY!, tha , • is the Man througl
Wit Ofee. el 181ii Mary feilri t; -I heard th
goepel, call in Bombay!" ''Why, the,
is the n an," says another, "wh
helped s nd the gospel of Christ t
the abor gin is of America and cause
• me to e el tge the ' .war whoop o
the fflaVa TO f r the song of Christie,
del iverance 1 ' ''Htand back," ' com
- monde the gatekeeper of I Te awn
"all ye t rongs 1a:deemed throng
this man's inetrume ttalitiest Ma,ke
way: for him to the feet' of the King,
where hc, will east his crown, and
then in lie way for him, to the
thro le, bele he shall reign. forever
and eve'!" Now, that is what I
call an a nind ant entrance. You
see, it is no necessary to be a fail-
ure n! earth in order to be a suc-
cess in- Hen, en. .
. 131.1 1 Pro iise thee; all those who
have lived 1 • r others and been truly
Old" tian w tether on a large suale
or a stnall cale, Will have illustri-
ous Int:1'011e ion int ) the . impended
gate vity.1 I- ere and ' there in some
larg ,family you bite an attraztive
demi; tier wh declines marriage that
she ma Y t ke care of father and
mat er 1 01 days. This ienot an
abst acid x . 1 have known such.
'You have probably known s-uch.
Thar tt.e in this WOrid womanly
as that . They cheerful -
he whirisfettlities and
which 9ometimes char-
ged, and watch nights
)/1111, IS I) reatened, and
le blind, and sit in close
the sep uagenarlan , be
mint out the right num-
at the right time. The
o - -My a tentlon was first attraetedl,to the
d subject in 1898, through the peculiar 01-
d 18 I bvan to receive from an old eus-
er bad been !taking an occasional
flie • in Cotton ever since I had been in
Inkiness He knew nothing obout the
int Icael s of the market himself ami gen-
era ly a ked my tulvice before investing.
of a uddein however, he °hanged hie
les ompletely, and would omit! in
1 Dr:chic, and definite instritetions,
eh h insisted on having caviled oat to
lette At the eame time he switehed
i the bull to the liver 141(10 Of the 111111`"
I inferred, of course, that he hail
) Inv :sting in some of the reedy made
' th 1 are hawked about the country,
bei g curious to knew the source of
infor nation, I subjected him to a lit•
mum ng. He filially admitted in rail -
she e faced fashion that he bed be-
e a 0 lent of a. Boston astrologer who
d hi iself Zobariri and sent him a
cly 1 tter of advice supposa(1 to be
compiled from observations .of the plan-
ets. I I oked over the fellow's,eireulnes
and othe literature, and a mord amazing
lot 1 ba derdash I never laid eyes on. It
svas a eird jumble of astronomical
tern s, ' ccult' gibberish and modern
Ste lc E -change slang, and I defy any
hut an b +big to tell what he was_ driving
at— The was -probably the thing that
made it nipressive.
"1 trio to point out the gross absurd-
ity of th whole proposition," continued
the brok a "'This fakir,' said I, 'is
talk ng a out planets that are thousands
of (Ines larger than this little earth of
out T1 ey are billions upon billions of
miles away and rush `through space in
orbits of immeasurable vastness. , The
human mind can never begin to conceive
the! gra ideur and their immensity, and
all ye k ow is that they have been fol-
lowing 0 t some great universal law since
the lasgin ing- of time; yet here is a little
tinatens- ha'penny confidence man in
Boston who asks you to believe that this
sI upend() is procession orworlds is set in
inetion 1 _govern the manipulations of a
ham ful 1 paltry etoelijobbers in Liver-
pool and New Orleans! It's the craziest
and -itost comical idea ever 'broached out -
Fide of asylum.' The old gentleman
ehrtigged - his shoulders. 'IIe's hit it
right a p werful lot of times,' he replied.
"I 'gay . him up as a hopeless case, but
the ueident caused me to look into the
malt r, nd upon a little. inquiry I found
18 0 20 speculators here in the city who
.were i11V isting their money regularly on
the dvi •e of Zobaria and other profes-
sion' 1 a trologers of the same stamp.
Of e nirs they represented a mere frac-
tion if tie total number 01' local clients.
The aki 'F3 sent out tips on cotton, sugar,
Tice, wheat and industriall stocks', all the
Jetteis beginning in about the sante way.
For xample, 'I find Mare in the ascend-
ant, indileating impending change; Ura-
nus utl Jupiter in the third plane, indi-
catin .,' riging market; Sirius conjoSins left
wingLof last horoscope,' and so on and so
on. It is hard to believe that sol.ne peo-
ple cim possibly swallow such a palpable
fraud, but I found to my surprise that a:
good flinty of the dupes were Men and
women or superior education and, ap-
parently, more than average intelligence.
"L ter on I had a clerk in my office
who ad formerly worked for an astrolo-
ger o so e note in New York city, and
lie to)d e many amusing things about
the busi ss behind the scenes'. His
'hose w e an ex -medicine man Who for
years ha managed a big tent show, in
the %est for a liver regulator company.
He h d picked up a smattering-of-seien-
tific t rmsein the role of long haired doc-
tor, a d, being naturally a smart, bright
fella , hit on the 'astrology graft,' ea he
called it, and launched out for himself.
He g31 the forms for horoscopee from
an' ol English almanac or 'ephemera,'
and s business increased he had four
or fiv girls grinding them out 11 the
time. My young man told me at his
mail a's enormous and that mos of his
dupes were residents of small towns in
the e uth and west. The ex -medicine
man as ehrewd enough never tolaccept
any money for investment himself, but
confined his operations strictly to, giving
advice for which he charged $2 a letter.
The market tips were prepared for the
concern by a picturesque dipsomaniac
who used to be a prominent figure on
change, bUt had gone to the dogs and
was glad tie pick up an odd dollar wher-
ever he could. Being an expert, hie opin-
ions had some real value, and he fre-
quently hit It right. That was the gang
who 'read it in the stars.' This is a
queer •age we are living in."
s All
a tac
1 wit
s -wit
.), the
O froi
t lief.
6 'tip
d ;II', `4
souls as big
ly (imbue
ellen lotteries
actor tze the
when pncurn
are 0 'es 10 t
room Lest
_Chilled, a d i
ber f dr ps
inoth.o. o a. Min chil has her hands
full, but IA e clang rter who stays
home to „ilk care of an aged father
01' 1-11 Abel!' h s her laa 14 .111141. as full,
Aft r year of filial fidelity on the
part of this self, saver tieing (laughter
the o11 folks go h me. Now the,
(taught r free fro marital alli-
ance, but the dam sic rose in her
cheek I .1ad id, and the crow's feet
have eft their ma k on' the fore-
head, alri4.1; e gracei ilness is gone
out o thdfiure, and the world calls
her by u, !me n and -ungallant name,
But, in, 1 T.e rd and 1 y God, surely
thou w Iti make it 0) for that girl
in -Ilea enly reward! On all the
banks o !the rivets of life there is no
caetle .of 6111 raid and carbuncle rich-
er th tilltliat which a aits her. Its
windcw llo li right sut upon the
King' 'let!. , and. the white
horse Ofj t e chanio are being liar -
nesse 10Int et her at the gate, and
if the •e aire o others eo meet her, fa-
ther And im • titer will be there to
thankher! for all she did for them
when their trength . 1 tiled and -- the,
grassl oPp r became 0 burden, andl
they vill ay: "My 'laughter, how,
kind on Wei e _to • u$ e en- until the;
last! Holes god it is to be together;
in hes .vea ll T tat is th King's chari-
ot co ife for you. 111 unt and ridei
to yo ir everlasting ome!" Now, 1
that s .vbat I call a, abundant en-
-franc:C. i 1,
But iinakins one of these "smile-
ly saved" Ci ristians entering the
shining realm' He •asses in a
stranger! Sant says o saint, "Who
comes there?' And a gel to angel,
,"Who is !that " He moves up and
down the str et and •leets no one
WI10111 he hel eel to g q there. :He
goes into the great Le nple and flnds
among the th ongs of he white rob-
ed not one soia whom ha tielped to
join the doxo ogles. le goes into
the "house of many mtnsions" and
finds not One spirit voiom he helped
to start for that higl resid.ence. ' I
am glad that he got n, but I am
amazed that in the 3 or 40 or 70
years of his lite he di nothing for
God and 't)ac bet termen of 1 he world
which wihke tho heaven y echoes Oh,
child • of ! Goc, if y u had never
thought -kif it before, I resent the
startling' fact :hat yot are now de -
ciding n t: only the 511. le cf your
heavenly reception, but the grade of
I your ass diation and e joyment of
1 the - World wit tout en , Are you
satisfi .ci -With yourself fbat you can .
afford to throW away- aptures and
ignore 'heaven...y pos ibilities and
eleCt -3 ou Self to lowe . status end
cla.ssif ourself anildi the less effi-
cient viten you may m
heave ?
But I an to -lay -chic y addressing
those Who ar start d for heaven
and , (mid ha e then -know that
while ve are apt to sp,ttk of a Lan-
phier, the foun ler of 1 ulton etreet
prayer meeting:, as ha big an abun-
dant ntrance; and Alf •ecl Cookman,
the fl ming eve gelist, ts ,having an
a,humilii nt entr nee; 'a d Thomas
Welch, and Fletcherhe glorious
preachers Of the gospe , as having
an abundant lntrancc, and John
Rogers and La liner a,1 d Ridley as-
cending, like El jail, in chariot of
fire, a, having n abundant entrance,
you al p, if you love a d serve the
Lord ! nd , fill fill your mission, wheth-
er it e applanc ed or utknoWn, will
have, , viten your work on earth is
ended 1 andyou are called to come
up big er, an el sy'. a blissful, an en-
raptur ng, an al diulant en t ranee.
tint a higher
Readers of the
Con; cation 11
and the Stoe
:La.:. No Trou
"Ast ology as a
ly mor flonrishin
it was in the mit
well k •wli cotto
city. o, I'm n
earnestly. "It's i
the six eenth cent
erally Ian his tele
riekety old tower,
Bide pa ener, and
succeeded in clod
wind 00. At • ,
rooms in a metro).
1 ales his eerresp
1 yne wri ter ho n ri s
busines in market
postage prepaid:
know, but million
doubtei ily invested
immedi ass directio
,„tend to 'read the fi
Stars Who Pind a
tweeu the Planets
Market and Who
Ile In Hooking Vie -
professicn is in avast -
condition today than
dle ages," declared a
futnre broker of this
t joking," he went on
cold fact. , Back in
ry an Lstrologer gen-
Tope folindry in some
with a black cat as a
as migl-ty lucky if he
ring th( stake as a
Tut he has a suit of
st yecraper, die-
nidence to beautiful
Ind doer a land ()Ike
foreeasts at $2 a head,
1 seems inertelible, 1
of dollars 00, un -
every y.eu. under the
1 of fakirs who pre -
litre thestarkl.'
StOteh All Thraingh.
A privet in a Scottish regiment was
shot inthe thigh, the bullet carrying with
it into ibis body a sixpence from MS pock-
et, in Which at the time he had lp ehile
Hugs. In due course he was atten ed to
by dgptors of the royal army nedica1
corpsnwho fished out the sixpen and
presented it to him.
"Come on now," said the private indig-
nantly, "wi h the other 9s. 6d. I kei your
ways."—Lo don Chronicle.
the wardro
"This door
theless, it is
open sci tha
To He Seen.
otice that on the Ins de of
e door you have the sign,
ust be kept shut." NeVer-
always open.
at's all right. We keep it
people cap read the notice.
If_you hate built castles in the al your
work need not be lost. That is here
they should be. Now put foundatio s 1111,
der them.
—A ;11,1iet marriage took place t the
manse, in Mo 'kton on Thursday nig 1, De.
camber 270, when Mr. George Tho peon
and MisS Ma gie Hicks, of Logan, were
united in the ,bondiof matrimony by Rev.
James Abbey.1 Th happy young ouple
left shortly after Io their home on c news-
sion 7, Logan.,
To knoll' the s
snntment arst hr
eel -110.h et can be p
ieeze it as 3.fri
For baby, t qui
itehieg Ivhie
hi....ats and an per-
- •••‘!.• ir
m laerns, sratC
1 113 1 every itim
11-1 F
tl'Q ben tee- i
: Int anel l•
eon' C. hirit 1
•eri s eeetenia
1 'n
irtues et' De.- :Mine( 's
innumerable 0 • • te
lee in the family )
•)eiel of liteeteteeeee
reelet .relleves tele re eh
11 torture him 1+1,11.)
a et diet he 1+1, t,
e ulcers and che fane.
aee 111!
tes, cuts arid woi ns.s,
irrastien and
sea aa seNeska'. sa- \vas. -eases ass, N.N ‘$1/4 Notk,VM.
Castorta is for Infants and hildren. Castoria is a
harmless SUbStltUtC1 for Casto • Oil, Paregoric, Drops
and Soothing Syr' ps. It e mtains neither Opium,
Morphine nor other 'Narcotic tit tbstance. It is Pleasant.
Its guarantee is Ithirty years' use by Millions of
Mothers. Castoria destroys Worms and. allays Feverish-
ness. Castoria cures Diarrhoea and Wind Cone. 6storia
relieves Teething 'Troubles, ures Constipation and
Flatulency. Castor, assimilates the Food, regulates
the Stomach and Boiwels of Infants and Children, giving
healthy and natural sleep. Castoria is the Children's
Panacea—The Mother's Friend.,
CaStoriae Castpria.
caooria, is an excellent etedicine for astoria Is so well adapted to childre*
Children. Mothers have repeatedly told nee that jI recoinenend it as superior to any pre.
of its good effect upon their childi•eu." scrieltion known to Inc."
D. G. C, OSGOOD, L4o.ell, Mass. I ; II. A. ARCEMR, N. D. ifrocklyn, iv; y
silflogr, NSW yonNziTy„
C4th's teadi ig Clothing & Furnishing Store
A ood warm winter caj is positiir' ely necessary at this season and if you
are looking for style, quality and cheapness combined, we can ac-
commodate you..
W have a dozen patterns in tbe Fwo leading shapes to choose from at
500, The and $L
A onsignment of the latest colored winter shirts just to hand, short
front, stiff bosom at $1.
Also the latest novelties in neckwear. Call and see US.
.1.RelelsCwener— .
OAttl" et,
CA Rea of.
men's ion boots, made in all iweights
and lengths for difterent kinds' of wear.
Strong, dur ble—pure gum.
Soles that wear as long as the uppers—
thickto keep the footawayfrom-theground.
Three thic nesses of rubber, two of can-
vas and a le tther insole between the foot
and the grou d
Thick rub er reinforcement all It end
where the w .ar comes.
See that he heel is branded with the
makers' nam
An Ideal
well designed and well made piece of fu
prese t. There is always room for it, no matter
nisheI, and it is a constant reminder of the goo
amazing variety of just such adornments
here tio choose from, and at pikes you will admit
buying Broadfoot, Box and Co.'s own furniture
one smaIl profit on cost of making.
iture is an ideal Christmas
how weTha house may be fur.
will and taste of the giver.
as you would like to give, are
are eminently reasonable. In
ou get the best, and pay but
This department is complete with a la.rga se ection of the beat goods, and
obligi g attention given to this branch of the bus ness.
ight calls promptly attended to by our
ndertaker, Mr. 8THolmes
Godexich street, Seaforth, opposite the Methodist . .
S HiGIV1111.
1\1-0 04
A Medicated Toilet Soap of the Purest, ,Awarded Silver Medal Great
Britain Exhibition, 1897.
Re. No. 3007. WHAT IT..W.ILL DO.
1—Prevents all contagious diseases from 6—It will /lean and remove paint, oil an
approaching where it is used,
2—It will Olean and polish paint work!and
not kill the gloss of the paint.
3—It will clean carpets without taking
them iup.
4—It will dean linoleums like new.
5—It will clean bicycle chain and rime.
Novo is cleemed to be the cheapest and best paint
cleaner on market. Try it on finer markt on doer?.
ca ee-
e'er" i
5ri1 en
grease stuns from woolen and cotton cloth
mg. Also cleans coat collars and hate.
7—it cent ins no alkali and is 'strongly re
common ed for washing the bead, as it -
imparts silky and natural gloss to thehair, and is especially useful for ehiidrefl-
salami 20e a BLOCK
Full directions OD blockP,
Estate JOHNS01 BROS. Hadware Seaforth
in gi
Si ere
Also I
are re
* thc
be ad
of set
4 0
of tilt