HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1901-01-11, Page 511, i9j
;tore .
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izeanI Beaver.
for.4,1t ••ek)
ts:ie 'Ina 1c.well
• goods only.
r. No, 3, Gro -
>utter and teas,
ib hae moved into
he next 20 days is goinz
lief 8 b coet. lernia
vete eheee Pneumatic
work safely, so bring -
:ed horsed ar.'d vet them
1%6 4
LA the municipal eke -
:•4y there was a hot
the reeveahip. The
• Arnold, the retiring
Petty. Mr, Arnold
' Mr. Petty 103, thus
by a majority of 11...
vote cast for the
e!nalleombe, 157 ; W.
:Imes Hudson, r31;
1.R. Hodgins, J:;
The cuuncil for the
eomposed of G, Jr.
lesers. Smaliaeombe,a
!er_t, councillors.
lar meeting
F. • and A.
[ohm's night, the fol:
'stalled for the ensuing
ce, W. M. ; Byrne/
ied Scruton, J. W„ ;
. chaplain Charles
James Boathron,
nanan, tyler ; Mat-
' Franc/el A. Sellere,
; John IA illiams
ewarj ; t ;eorge
of MO.
1: Mih Mery GiI
tre bron,eht here on
erd, fer int ermene
wtery, A /sere iee waa
• wilier/ W4'1 largely
; was borne hrmerc-
r,: ludgf: of t:ne vil-
ihn is a member, Mre.
'declining health for
although all that
waa done, her erririt
The di- e.tee 1 Wats a
nnite in ,• vmpaihy
eend and . eTowing
%Ieere wee at Clinton
rive.- - Mr. W. C-
( his new brick
hey° one Gf the
be found in any
r teler, of De-
e several days last
Mre. J. Sutherland.
• 8,"vompaniedby
r.‘Iptn, of Watford,
rt ides. lee!: renewing
)• B. 'eleLean and
tly :a Wingharn
Mrc. 1Leu'
unghl,,et and hie
g blat, met with a
tee. on Friday after.
M tee Roee had
aer to see Man
gee generator*
' (,tf some of
old a meth to
eeeeped from the
ht:r5t into a flame
'Llrlf*•;( thin.4nd
t=,t l Her
the flrn. which.
• ,t nut before her
ad Jul his
herael. 'Phe
• \Ir. :In 1 NIrg,
ill.tge this
h rtmyl, Mr.
‘Veleh will
'1.1 J. fer his
?=n. r. 11.
i5 -here
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in this
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rf Mr,,
• Pit -f ed fori
NI eN,hily, IV. IL!
erel 1)r. Nliine.1
JANDARY 1). 1901
'NOTES —Another of the early settlers has
'oat n rtmoved by the hand of death, in the
person ef Mrs. Peter Weil, at this good age
of over 84 years. For a number of years
plat she has been living with her son-in-law,
Mr. II. Well, where •she received every at.
tention. The funeral on Wednesday fore-
noon, to the Lutheran cemetery,, was large-
ly attended. --Two sans of Mr. John Pfaff,
who lived at Wagner's Corners 29 years ago,
have been her from Michigan, on a visit to
Oleic many relatives.—Mr. and Mrs. True-
mau are hcre yisifing Mrs. Trueman's par-
ente, Mr. and Mrs. J. learoher,--Quarterly
meeting will be hell in the llth Concession
church next Sunday.—Miss Lizzie Mannd-
crs, of near 13ruseele, was here this week,
maknig up a lob of millinery or Mr. D.
Faust.—The annual meeting pf the Hay
Mutual Fire It/surer/co CompanY was held
her on Tueeday, and was largqy attended.
All tht uhl threcters mere re-elleeted.—The
ennuel meeting of the Hay Branch Agricul-
tural Society was held in the toWn hall here
on Wedneeday, when the following offieera
were dented : President, W. E. Caldwell ;
first, vice president, H. Lippert; 2nd vies,
J. II. Se.hneIl ; secretary-treaserer, D. S.
Faust :• directors, J. Decker, F. Willert,
W. B. Battler, C. Oewold, W. Blackwell, E.
Troyer, W. Roeder, R. R. ;Johnston, J.
Hebrer ; auditors, J. A, Willisms and S.
Hardy. The treasurer's reportshowed tho
handsome balance of $199 on hapd.—Mr. C.
Greb has weld his hotel to Mr. C. L. Shoe-
maker, of Blyth, for a good Agure.—Mies
Nettie Well was called home toattend her
grandmother's funeral,—Mr, J. Oesh, of
Sebringville, was also here, attending the
funeral of Mrs. Weil.—Mr. P. Kibler, of
Bremptoraspent Sunday last with his friends
here—The special services in the Evangeli-
cal church were most auceesSful, and much
good was done. The pastor, Rev. C. S.
Finkbeiner, was assisted by Revs. Messrs.
Wing, of Berlin ; Clemens, of Colborne ;
Litt, of Crediton ; Morlock, of Dashwood ;
Kaatz, of New Hemburg, and Holtzman, of
. _
—Rev. Dr.Flannery, of Windsor,has been
transferred to Irish town, to suceeed the late
Dean Murphy. Rev. Father Downie, of St.
Brigid's, Logan, goee to Windsor. These
changes go into effect about the middle of
—A quiet wedding took place at the resi-
dence of the bride'e parents, Mr. and Mrs.
And. thquhart, juet south-west of Mitchell,
on New YeaCe day, when his eldeet daugh-
ter, Miss Anile, was united'in marriage, by
Rev. Mr. McAuley, to Mr. Wm. Her ben, a
young man of fine eharaeter, of the town-
ship of Logan.
—Mrs. Thomas Moore, of Sehringville,
met with an aceideet ow fternoou recently,
which might essay have ben serious in its
effeete. Mr. Mom e had lately buil& a w
house two and a, half etoriee high, whieh
was not qaito completed, eo that. to go to
the upper story it was neceeeary to ire a,
ladder. Mre. Moore was comiug down +. is
ledder when she rnb-eed itcr tot ting si.d fell
to the floor, a dietance of about nine feet.
She was rendered unconscious by tiae
and for a time it was thought that the re
sults might be of a E.etious nature. Her
spine Wan found to be slightly injured,
which will confine her to bed for a couple of
—Gilbert Robertson, aged 80 years, pass-
ed quietly away at his home in Stratford,
en Saturday evening, December 28th. The
deceased had been sick for six weeks. -He
Was born in Perthehire, Scotland? irr 1820,
and came to Canada with his parents in
1832, settling in Shakespeare and after-
wards on lot '20, concession 5, 'North East -
hope, where he resided for a number of
years. From there he removed to Hibbert,'
and afterwards to lot 44, concession 2,North
Easthope, on the farm now occupied by Mr.
A. Waldie, just east of the Stratford water-
works, where he lived for over twenty years.
•Abottt six years ago deceased tetired from
farming -and removed tp Sbratford, and re-
sided there until his death.
SAAFoRTFI. January 10, 1001
Fall Wheat (new), Standard $0 62 to $0
Spring Wheat per busnel,_ .....
osts per bushel_
Pettis per Moho__ _
Barley per
Butter, No. 1, looee— _ _
Butter, tub
Eggs per doz.._
Flour,- per 100 lbo...,
flay per ton now— — —..--.— .•
Hideo per 100 _ .....
Sheep Skine•••• • •• . • •
Wool . 0 16 SO
P01100811 per bub (new),—. 0 26 to
Belt (retaij) per barrel— 1 00 to
Wood per cord (long).— 4 00 to
Wood per cord (zhort).. _ ,... 2 00 to
fappies per bag— 0 40 to
°lover Seed 6 60 to
Tinicithy Seed.. .... . . 1 26 to
Pork, per 100 6 60 to
T How, per lb
O 62 to 0
0 26 tO 0
O 68 to 0
0 37 to 0
e 17 to 0
0 17 to 0
0 16 to 0
2 00 to 2
7 00 to 7
6 00 to 6
0 60 to 0
04 to 0
Dairy Markets.
MoNTILlim., January 8.—Cheese—The
market is unchanged at 101 to Ile. But-
ter—The market is firm at 221 to 23c for
choice creamery, and 20 to 201c for rolls.
Eggs— We quote : Fall laid fresh stock,
25 to 26e : choice cold storage, 18 to 20e ;
Montreal limed, 15/ to 161c, and culls 14e
per dozen.
TORONTO, January 8.—Butter—Plices are
unchanged at 17 to 19c for pound rolls, 17
to I810 for large rolls, 15 to 17c for low
grade rolls, and 13 to 15c for tubs. Cream,
ery is steady and fairly active. Prints are
worth 22 to 23e and sellers 20 to 22e. Eggs
—New laid are steady at 28 to 30c for case
lots. The offerings are very small. Other
kind are plentiful enough. Selects -are
quoted at 20 to 21c, ordinary held at 16 to
18c, picked 15 to 1Ge, smalls at 12 to 14e,
end aplite at 9c.
TortosTo, January 9—Offerings are very
small and market is quiet, wieh pewee
eteady. Turkeye are quoted at to .10o.
Chickens are in good demand at 35 to 60e.
Geese aro scarce and are worth 7 to 9c.
Grain, etc. ,
TormeTo, Jaunary 8—Wheat,white, 701e;
ret, 701e , goose, 66c ; peas, 59:1,- to 6210 ;
oats, 3ne ; barley, 43/ to 44/0; dressed
bogie 87,75 to $8 per ceat, offerings light ;
baled hay, 80.50 to 810.50 per ton ; baled
etraw, 85 to 80 per ton ; potatoes, from 33
',O 340 per bag ; millfeed is /steady at 814,50
to eI5 for cars of shorts, and $12.50 to 813
for bran in car Iota.
1,Tveiceoele January 8—Spot wheat firm ;
No. 1 standard California, Gs 5d to Gs 5.1a1 ;
Walla, no stock ; No. 2 red winter:6a 2a. to
?le 2.!,a ; No. 1 northern spring, es 41d to Gs
5.1 ; futures ERey ; March, Gs 3d ; May, 65
e' 1.
Live Stock Markets.
lea.oee, England, January 8-1.Jnited
ates eattle, (rycl ; aheep,-61-d.
1.1 v El.1 le i., J anti ary 8 --Canadian cat ele,
sheep, f1-;1. Trade firm, 0
Brie- ele),January 8—Good to bcst smooth
it export cattle, of desirable quality, $5.50
- to $5.15 ; good to best, $.1 75 to $5.10 ;
'hipping eteers,'85 to 85.35 ; export bulls,
ehoice to extra,_84 to 8.4.40 ; good_ to, choice
et.teher-' steers, $4.25 to 81.60 ; good to
f butcher eteere, 84.10 to 84,35 ; good to
efett fat bulls, 8'3 25 to 83.65 ; feeder bulls,
eeeeeaeo s3.15 ; canner, good to beet, 81,75
,f) 82.15 ; yearliag stecra, good to choice,
82.75 to 83 ; fat heifers, choice to extra,
'el. to 84.50 ; good to choice, T.lo., S3 85 to
; ecnimon and stock heifere, 82,75 to 83 ;
/seek steers, good to best, 3 o 83.6-0 ; feed.
.ug eteele, choice to extra, 83,75 to 84 ;
eeeel to choice, 83 53 ; Canada feeders, good
to choice, 83,40 to 83.85 ; Canada seekers,
eeninon to good, 82 to 83.25 gM:ehiga,n
stockers, common t
.Michigan feeders,
and Lamb —Opened
sheep an(
xtra lamb
as fairl
grades of
$6.25 for e
the basis
$6.30, otos ng firm ;
to $6.30; good to
fair to goo1, $5.50 t
$4.75 to ; shoe
t�$4.75 ; good to o
fair to goo 1, $4 to $4
best prices of the
was $5.40`313 Yorker
as the day advanced
er, the bass being $,
for Yorkeris ; rough
to $5 ; sbags, $3.75
present in considera
was a goot demand
anything good, bit t
not in gocell demand,
large supptps of thi
when the rices we
best cattle sold at
pretty g�o1 beasts a
the comm n stock
pound. 'S all bull
canners at, about 213
no good calves on t
prices ranged from
sold at from 3 to 3,'t
41ic per pound. Fa
cars, sold at from $
'good, $2 to $3 50 ;
.25 to ,$3.75.Sheep
fairly active , ail' top
lambs on the lbahis of
and $4.50 for 'sheep ;
ctintained and rose to
hoice to extra, 46,25
!ohm, $0.10 -to $6 25,'
$6; common to fair,
, choice to extl'a, $4.50
ice, $4 25 to $4 50 ;
5 ; close firm at the
ay. Hogs—The *basis
and $5,45 on pigs;
the market went high.
50 for pigs and $5.45
were quotable, at $4.75
$4.25. ,
3 8—The butehers ideal
e numbers, 13.nd there
d firm prices paid tor
e common stock were
s the butchers 1 id' in
rind Of beef last wesk,
unusually low.I The
about 4c per ouncl,
from to 41.,, and
t from 24 to 3 c. per
were bought 1ythe
r pound. Ther ' were
e market to -day and
to $8 each. 'beep
, and lambs at fron 4 to
ogs, weighed ofr the
0 to $6,40 per 100
Ban of
Eight illion
liars $8 000,000.
A genehl Ban
"meted.- Farmers'
End speeial att
collectiOn Of Sal
ed on de osits of
Specie Ffaciliti
businessl in the
Money r
foll ,wing ra
. $10
• ,Solioit
ero, payabl
es :—
g business tran-
N otos discounted,
flora given to the
1 and upwards.
far transaction of
ondike DistrIcit.
t any bank, issued at the
1 820 to 880 .12
$30 to $60 At
• E'r hs.
DEEVES—I Qoderleh township, on DeocinbCr 28th,
the wife of M. Joh • F eeveo, of 0 eo -,. 1
ROSS --In '.r ickersmitb, 0 i Chriatmas Day, the wife
, .
of Mr. D niel Ross, 1 a son.
PICKETT— n Tiniceren ith. on December 2701, the
wife of 1 r. Fred Pie ( t, r 1 a Fon.
WINER—In OredVon, c 1 ecereher 26th, the wife of
. Mr We ay Winer, 1 a Fon, ...
FASSOLD— t Zurich, c-, Dec( miter ceth, the wife
q of Mr. P iiip loass,Ac , f a son. ,
CAL:1401:N' in Lower vi gham; on December 81st,
the wife of Mr. T. 0 11 oun, of a daughter. '
LIVINGSTO, E—In Hu lc tt, on January 4th, the
wife Of- r. Thornas Avingetone, of a daughter.
Ma iages. .
FULLER—FORD—At h residence of the bride's
parents, 'Wooeham, n January 2nd, by Rev.
Mr. Wart, Mr. Abne r Fuller, to Biles Hannah J.
HODGENS—CLEMENT— At the residence of the
bride's father, King8v Ile, on January 2nd, by
Rev. 13. Clement, Mr. II. E. Hodgens, of the firm
of Hodgens Broth r , Clinton'to Miss C. E.
Clement, only date, it r of Rev. II. °lenient.
ANDERSQN—RICHAR ON—At the re idenee of
the brideee father, t nley, on December 27th,
by Rev. W. G. Rich r son, brether of the bride,
Mr, George W. Anil tr on, of Wyoming to Miss
Michael C., daught r of Mr. James Richardson,
of Stenley.
ANNERSON—RICHAR ON—At the re idence c,f
the bride'e father, t nley, on Decen ber 27th,
by Rev. W. Q. Rich tr. eon, Mr, Arch. . Ander-
eon, of Wyoming, t Jios Mary C., d ughter of
Mr. James Richard or, of Stanley.
LA1DLAW—CODE—At t e residence of t e bricle'o
parent., on Januar 2 cl, by -Rev. M MeQuil.
lan, of Illyth, Mr. N, C Laidlaw, to iss Sidle,
eldest dough' er of Th mas Code, Esq , both of
LOVETTE—COUTTS-1 t the family reside co, Gode-
rich, New Year's m r ing,1901, by Rev James -A.
Anderson, B. A , M. lentre II. Love te, orDe-
troit, Michigan, to it s Jessie Coate, daughter
of Mr. Gordon Conti e.
McLEAN—McDONALD— t the residence of the
bride's father, Briton la road, Goderieh,on Janu-
ary 2nd, by Rey. J m a A. Anderson, B. A., Mr.
Norman McLean,- of Marquette, Michigan, to
Mies Annie, eldest d ughter of Mr. John Mc-
RINGLER—WALLAC — t the.•reeidenee of the
bridele brother, Elul Wawanosh, be Rey. R.
Mendereon, on Dee4rr her 26th, Mr, 'Wm. :Ring-
- ler, of Wroxeter, to A ies May Wallace, second
daughter of the Is. e homes Warlacte, of West
0 RAVES--13ALLANT1 N 3—At the manse, Auburn,
by Rev. Robert He d remi, on December 201h,
Mr. Gerald Graves, of Sectforth, to Miss Rebeeca
, lireilantyne, of Blyt .
SNELL—BELL,At th rc sidence of the bride'par-
entr, Mullett, on On ary 1st, by Rev. G. W.
Andrews, Mr. Edgi , Bell, to Mies E J. Snell,
eldeFt daughter of 1r James Snell, all of Mullett,
KING—JAMIE8ON-0 , anuary lot, Mr. Peter D.
King, of Turnberry, t Mies Jamieson, of Ford-
wich. 11
NORRIS—AlcPBERSO At tho residence of the
bride's parr nts,ro enemy 2nd,. by Rev. P.
Scott, Mr. John No , of Ilibbert, to Alias Celia
IL, eldeet dauglite uf Mr, and Mrs. John Mc•
Pherson, of Fuller
—.... ----
CIOLLIN'S—In Toronto; or December 2801,. Edward
.11.,:second son Of. Wa h. G. Collins, in his 23rd
year.— -
1-1ECKMANe—At the Brionson line, Hay, on Demo-
. ber!LiOth, Margaret!
Frederick Heckman,
SCHADE—On January 8
Alfred Scheele, young
the age of .24 years,
MeCLYAIONT--In Sterile.
Clymont, aged 86 yea 8.
YOUNG—fo .West Wawanosh, on December 28th,
, Margaret. wife of Matthew Young, aged 58 years
and 6 menthe..
GOFTON—In Wroxetek, an :December 19th, Jane
Storey, wife of Mr. Jc hit Gotten, aged 74 years, 6
months and 1 day. '
JOHNSTON—In Morris, on December 20th, :Etta,
tided daughter of. •f . John Johnston, aged 16
years and 9 menthe,
STOKES—At "Jamestown, on Deegmber 31st, Eliza
both McQueen, wifelo Mr. Thomas Stokes, aged
• 69 year&
HOLA1ES—In Brussele, o December 30th, Elizabeth
Rolliton, relict Of the late Robert Helmets, aged,
83 years and 6 month .
00SENS—In Wingham, on January 3rd, Latin. Jean-
ette, infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs: A, Cosens,
aged 4 moaths and 4 eye.
lizateth Becker, wife Of Mr.
ged 84 years.
d, at the Bauble lino, flay,
et son of Mr. Schad°, at,
, on January let, Wm. Mc.
On Tuesday, Janu
p. m., on Lot 3, C
farm Stock. la L.
S. Scott, auctioneer,
Auction sale of f
ments in Heneall, on
an church she, 011 S
1901, at 1 o'clock p,
Lamie, proprietor ;
ry 22nd at 1 o'clock
incession 13 Hitilett,
esker, proprietor; F.
rrn stock and imple-
lot east of Preshyteri-
turday, January 19th,
m. sharp. William
. S. Phillips, auction -
Meeting of th
. —
The Council of the C
Huron, will meet in
Town of Goderich, on T
pre ent month, at 3 o'cl
LANE, _Cleric. Dated a
January, 1901, • .
Huron County
potation of the County of
Council Chamber, in the
sclay, the 22nd day of the
k in the afternoon. WM.
Gcclerieh, thie 803 day of
The undersigne
$9 per- thousan
For an unlimited (
Elm Logs, delivered
prucefielci Sa
Loge to be cut 11, 1
Will also ,buy tim
-by bulk, in bush.
is prepared to pay
, board measure,
entity of • No. I Soft,
t the
and Stave Mill,
and 16 feet in length.
r by measurement, or
M ENT, Seaforth P. 0.
gled, gentle ladies' driver
buggy, Devereaux's make, run I
good out'or, a sob of good light h
btiffalo oho, Going at a bargain
PURCE LL, Egmondvillo,
LE.—For fa
; MO one go
es than a y
roses and •
Apply to J
d t.p
ar, A
I -UGC D WANTLD,Wanted for *tabool se dint]
VV No. 8, Tuckersmith, 10 cords good ri:en
beech mid maple wood, 22 inohes long. Tondo 8or
above w 11 he reeeived up t3 March 1s, ED A 8.D
PAPPLK, Brits:m(10d P. 0., Scare ary. , 17 6x3
Durz-9 FOR SALE.—Two thoroughbred D rhni
1.,) bulls for sale 9 and 20 monihs old, ono re 1 and
one roar d size and quality with good ped •ree's
arid prices right. Also a few Well b ed young claims
- with calve, ',rood milkers, en Lot 10, Oonceseto. 15,
Grey. 0. TURNBULL, Walton. "' 17 txf
volt SALE—First class hemp and four ac es of
_ land in Seaforth. The house contain live
rooms a id cellar, stone foundation under the vhplo
house, tard and erAt wlter in the kitchen. Th re is
also a gc od barn on tho promisee This is a ve y (fe.
sitable ropefty for a retired farmer. For ter s'of
sale epp y itt THE EXPOSITOR OFFICE, Sea or h.
QTOCE FOR SALE.—For fiA10, 10 milch co a a d
10 het or, all of v;h1oh are supposed to be in o 11
to a regeeteree Durhani bull and Several of thou will
calf in a short time. Also a heavy draught g kli g
rising f.) ir years old. Apply on Jot 14, Cone sal n
2, L..11. S., Tuckersnalth, one mile and a quarte e et
of Kipper' and half a mile South. W M, DOIG
CllOICE FARM FOR LE — -3,3r sale Lots 6, 7
and 18, Concessirn 10, Morris, oontainin 12
aore3, 160 acres clear and free from stumps a d all
in grass exoopttng 2 -aero. Being pastured orl
nnmbor of years It is in ex3el1ent condition tor rop-
ping. There is a kood con rote h.3use and two tarps
ono a bank barn a so other necessary outbuildi gs a
good orchard, tw wells and a spring oreek, a d is
111 miles 'rom Bly h..If not sold by March 18t 111 be
rented fcr a year, for graz ng p irposes. For p ttic-
Wars apply on the( promiscs or box 64, Blyth '. 0.
NEIL It °DONALD. 1720 10
Notic of &ss
Notice is herSb given tbat pa nership here ofore
subslitin,r batwcoi us, tho unde signed, as 1 n3ber
dealers, in the tovvn Seafotth, ha this day bee die-
eolved by mutual tonna, All d hts owing t the
said partooribip a e to be paid to Stephen Lam,, the
undersigled, at Seaforth afores id, and all claims
against the said partnership are be sent ti the
said Stephen Lamb. Datee at Seaforth thie s end
day of January 1001.
Witness 3 P. KEATING
• 176-8'
Artesia() Well-Drille s
AlR NHii
, GOAtrt
Corresponde oe solicited. 17210
Seafor h Horse and
ttle Fairs,
Fairs for the Fal and exchange
tie, will be held ini the
of horses and 0511.
During the coming season on the following dates :
WEDNESDAY, ,TAN. 23rd, 190
WEDN1SDAY, M. R. 20th
These aire will be held finder
Board of Trade. Artangemente
have a large representation of
that thet e:fairs will afford an ex
to, farme rt to dispoee of their
Ample stabling accommodation
- 1 A. YOUNG, President.
0, D. A cLEAN, ISecretaret. 1726
the auspices 31 the
re being made to
uyers prose at, Ito
°Pent opporunity
erohantable stook.
ill be provided for
Seaforth's Leading
Shoe Store.
Our Annual
Stock -akin
Commencing Friday, Jan
gin our Annual Stock-
ob,ect in this instance
large and extensive
and Shoes, Rubbers
Socks and Rubb rs, a
gins as much as possi
• ing stock on the ltth
make this sale e'en a
than forme yeails ou
mi.ch ,mo4 interestin
down to rock-botfoin.
801 1:
omens' Rub?ors wo
Woene' Felt Foxe
for $1 a pair.
Men's 7'lain Rubbers
Men's Knitted Socks
pa r.
Men's Heavy Rubber
a pair.
Men's Leather Leggin
1 a pair.
Men's Oil Tanned M
fo $1.25 a pair.
Boys' and Girls' Sch
off regular prices.
Women's and Childre
1- off regular prices.
Prices quoted are for
ary llth, we he-
aling Sale. Ouir
is to reduce our
stock of j3ootis
and Overshoe
d Leather Le
le prior to ta
Fdbruary. TO
greater snccetis
prices will be
, and will be cut
For example we
th 4( a, for 25e a pair.
Sh es worth $1.35,
worth 60c, for 40,3 a
wo th 85o, for 65o a
, wcirth $L35, for $1
, wprth $1.25, for $1
iccas ns, worth $1.50,
ol Sloes, 10 per sent,
's 4ioes, 10 per cent,
e Se if0 rth
a Stor
Is now at the ront,
w'th all kinds of holid
y goods i
Best g
e of holiday
ge stock of fr
ions, china, er
fairly equ
resents, also t
sh glee eries and
ckeryl and glass
ich will be aol4I cheap. Now
e to get great barga no ia all
goods. 1 wil
ny bargains th
anulated sugar
. coffee sugar
eine 100 alb.;
; new figs 4c
els 20c a lb.;
a few o
quot the
%b are now to belhac1;
, 18 lbs. for $1,; 20
for 81; new selected
oleme currants,10o a
lb.; ssorted candied
ew se ded raisies 1
ackage ; new dates, best quality,
a b.; sardines 5c a tin ; ealmcn 10c
can ; best brand of cor , peas and t
m toes Sc a can ; minqle meat, 10e a
pi ckage ; S. Allen's, Norwich, refilled
ci er ; 6 lbs. rice for 25 • 5 lbs. tapio a
25c; 5 lbs, boneless od fish for 25c;
et syrup and baking -molasses, beet
ericran coal oil 22c gallon, or fide
llons for $1 ; first-ola s spy and green -
apples ; a fine lot of first-class pota-
s 10 etock ; good b tter and fresh
gs in stook; half ba rels of salmon
ut and herrings; 1Q bars soap 25e,
lbs. eulphur for 25c, ten lbs. salts
250-; all kind!' of teas from 100
ur to -50c: 3 lbs. lemon,biscuits for 25c;
5 be. broken sodas for 25c.
Want d—freeh butter and eggs and all kinds
of poultry, for which the highest price
w 11 be paid. A cordial invitation ex-
te ded to all to come and get some of
the many bargains. No further dis-
count on the above prices.
aft e•
•131_17Z-MPL _
Winiter Goods Must Go.
There a e three months of the coldest weather in the year yet before you.
Get in your upplies at the low prices we ase offering. We have co menced
stocl t king nd find ia some lines we have more goods than we shoul have at
this time of ,the year, but they must all go if good quality and low p4ees will
sell them. Profit is out of the question. All we look for now is to get first
cost, eir in sons cases less, for the goods. Look at the prices.
Heavy all wool Kitchener Tweed, regular price 75c, for 50c. Men's heavy home-made
Doub i3 mitts, egular price 315e, for 25c. Men's heavy wool socks, regular 183, 2 prir for
25c. en's w ol•liaeci kid gloves, worth 75c, for 50c. Men's heavy Frieze Ulsters, lined
with sweed, hi_h collar, regular price $5.50, for$3 95. Men's rubber lined frieze Ulsters,
high etorm col ar, back strap and tab, regular price $9 50, for $7 q5. Boy's Frieze Ulaters,
regular $4, for $2.95. Ladies' Beaver Jackets in fawn and black; lined with satin, pearl
buttons perfe t fitting, worth $8, for $5,75. Ladies' Beaver Jatkets, in brown and black
lined w th mer erized satana, regular $5.50, for $3.75. A special line of Ladies' Jackets
in odd sizes, ined and unlined, worth from $4 to $5.50, your choice for 1-2-. Heavy
Fancy ress Goods, regular price 40c, for 250.
r spa e will not allow us to quote prices in every department, but we
wouli ay if you want anything in Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Mil-
linery ,nd F rs, you can SAVO from 15 to 30 per cent .by buying now.
0.A.S1:1 awm
not to et in)
in box s fro
saerthcle, rat
to eat ip th
when lur st
up -t
ual Stock-takin
my 30 years experience in business, 1 have always made it a point
• stock accumulate, and keep goods in the shelves and packed away
1 one season to another, btit dispose of them, even if it be at a
er than carry them over and allow the interest on money invested
profits. This week we have commenced our stock -taking Eale,
0 must be reduced to $6,000 within
Thirty Days.
ywyykAAAAAA.v% -4%•~A,ANNA".
2 per cent. Discount
vc4d dui ng this time on all cash sales, so take advantage of this and pur-
ood gods at a low rate. All the goods are stylish, excellent quality and
•ate. hese incluge Dress Goods, Mantle Cloths, Coats, Flannels, Woollen
rWear, orsets, Hosiery, Gloves, Mitts', Yarn, etc. A few bargains left
tbe 01 ristma.s trade. Come and examine' the goods represented—no
le to show them.
rocery Department.
Ow stock in this department is fresh and up to -date in all lines, and it is
beco ilng a well-known fact that Seaforth's Great Cash Store is the best place
to p rahase roceries, Good goods' cheap and no humbug, is our motto here.
Poduce, such as dried apples, butter, eggs and feathers, for which I will
pay the highest market price, will be taken same as caeh.
Cash or Produce and One Price Only.
mber the place—
orth's Only Cash Dry Goods Store, under the Town Clock.
04 CO
olsons Bank.D
eore Using.
ID UP . . . $2,500,000
UND . . . $2,050,000
LIOTT, General Manager.
Mozy adv
notes, with o
Co leetions
and returns
rates' of exeh
in 0 nada, th
Steri ng and
pi no tic 1. riIinp,ogt er Berns:
depo its of $1
Spcal att
of fa miers' sal
Teri baannkkii
gene a
need to farmers on their own
e or more.endorsers.
made in all parts of the world,
romptly remitted, at loweat
n es. Drafts sold on all points
United States and Europe.
merican exehange bought and
allowed on deposits remain -
nth or more at current rates.
artment—Interest allowed on
and upwards.
ntion given to the collection
daily for transacting a
g business.
ICAR Agent, Henson Branch.
So Hu on Farmers' Institute
Th rejgular m
Inetit te„ will be
After bon meetin
Dr. J. 1.ugo Re d, Profeseor of Veterinary Science,
0. A. O.,J of 0:1 lph, subjects, Breeding bonnie for
profit ' and Th ordinary diseases of the eternal:di
of the Me, which farmer should understand." Mrs.
J. L. mith, Whi by, "Farmers' wives and daugh-
ters. heir dutie , delights and dieeoure,gernents."
W. N. Hutt', Sout end, subject, "Crop failures and
how t avoid the I," and others.
Ad roses by D . J. Hugo Riled, b A talk on Veter-
inary Science." • ro. J. L. 8 alitha'" A common seine
telk t young far ere and their wives," W. N. Hutt,
" Bfr O in relatfo to Agriculture and Horticulture."
SAtrURDA , JANUARY 12th, 1900.
Afton con meetin at 1 o'clock when addresses will
be • elivered as follows:
Dr. . Hugo Be d, subject, " &earth% horses for
profit and the p eventlon of parturient epoplexy,
comm nly called nilk fever, in cows." Mrs, J. L.
Smith " Womeas Institutes, their object and aim."
W. N, Hutt, " Cr p failures and how to avoid them,"
and o hers.
°tinge of the South Ifuron Farmers'
held as folio :
JANUARY 11th, 1901
at 1 o'clock when addresses will
delivered as follows:
Addresses by D
erinarly Science,"
Ines le Eannonty,'
At (hall of the c
be interspersed a
timer hy local tale
A special invite
tend 11 sessions.
he interest
kened In t
irectoro' Me
ortant busi
be aw
of ini
. J. Hugc Reed, " A talk on Vet*
re. J. L. Smith, " A talk on Do'
W. N. Lutb, " Baautif3ing the
-ening 8e831000 the addreeses will
ith vocal and instrumental selec-
ion ie exteaded to the ladies to At -
It is the wish of the Directors
f the ladies as well as gentlemen
e matter 01 farm life and work.
ting will be held at Brucefield on
1th, at 10 a. in., for the transaction
S. A. MOFFATT, President.
Secretary 1725-2
The popularity of
Is growing with the farmers,
because of the satisfaction it
gives. . The sales of it this year
are away ahead of any before.
Its the cheapest and best horse
medicine made—three pounds
for 50c, and the dose a tea-
spoonful. To be had at
Drug Store, Seaforth.
After Using.
Annual Meeting ot the McKillop
Mutual Fire Insurance
The annual meeting of the MeKillop Mutual Fire
MAWS= Company will be held in the Town Hall,
Seaforth, on Friday, the 18th of January, 1901, at 1
o'clock p. m. Business of the meeting to receive the
annual statement and auditors report, also the elec.
tion of two directors for the township of McKillop
and ono for the township of Logan and any ether
business. J. B. MeLEAN, President; T. E. HAYS,
Seoretary. 1725-2
COrner Main
Market Sreets
kard s
The Largest
Dry Goods and
Concern in
Four Counties.
OF ALL--4--
Winter Ory Goods,
Our Annual Stock Clearing ale will begin on Friday, January 4th. A.
monster stock reducing sale of eea onable goods. We have pr pared a feast of
bargainr in every department of otr store.
ress Goods
jXsve ty pieces of Silk, regular price
from 5 c to 80c per yard, all shjads,
sale pri e 25c a yard.
8pecia1 line of 75c Tweed Suitings,
six sha es, sale -price 500 a yard.
Special line of Ladies' Cloth 41
inches 'vide, special at 25c, sale rice
'Dire ends of all -wool- check ress
Goods, pecial at 50e, sale price 3 c,
Five skirt lengths, special wool
homesp n, regular pito $3.45, sale
price $ .50.
Lad es' Furs s
All adies' Ruffs, one quarte o
regular price.
Spec al $3,50 ruff for $2.62.
One special coon ruff $4.79, for
Spec al Sable Ruff at $10 50, for
$7` 88.
Spec als in Ladies' Collars,
One pe.cial Coney Collar, sa!e price
$pec al Bear Collar, sale price .1.10.
Spec al Astrachan Collar, eale price
Spec al Astrachan and Electric Col-
lar, sal price $9.
• 4ee, al Astraehan and Thibet Oar,
sale pri e $11.65.
One- uarter off all Ladies' Muffs in
Thibet, Sable, Bear, Opposurn, Electric
Seal an German Otter.
Twe ty per bent. off all Lad e ' Fur
Two pecial lines of Mountain Bear
Capes, ale price $5,50 and $7.
Spec Ed line Astrachan Cape.; 30
inChes long, extra sweep, sale !price
Lad es' Fur Coats.
ty per cent. off all Ladies' Fur
al $25 coat, sale price $20
Spec al $27 coat, sale price $21.60.
Spec al $40.50 coat, sale price
Twe ty per cent. off all wool shawls.
Lad es' Department.
Spec al clearing eale of ladies'
nelette wrappers, gowns and
black a
lar $1,
blue a
yoke b
3s' Wrappers in red and 1
d pink, black and blue,
0, now for 98c.
s' Wrappers in black and
d white, waist and sleeve 1
ck and front, regular
no* $1.17..
Ladies' Wrappers, black and white,
cashmere finished wrapperette, regular
price $0.50, now for $1.88.
and fa
around yoke and sleevee, regulat $1,
now 80c.
s made of fine English flan -
in plain pink, blue and cream,
with cream torehon lace
yoke and sleeves and down
gular $1.20, to clear for 9160.
s made from heavy English
flan -
)5, to
ns made of fine English
in plain white, blue and
cy stripes, trimmed with
- frill
flannelette in plain white and
trinimel with pretty designs of
nelette embroidery, regular $1,
clear f r $1.23.
xtra special skirt, made from
En1is1j flannelette, in plain pin
blue, tc clear at 50c.
Spec al reduced pricea on all shirt
waists -4--$l flannelette waists fo
$2.90 cried velvet waist for $2, 3,50
pol a dot French flannel waist for
Staple Department.
Among other bargain a we will men-
tion these : 25 per cent. off all bed
comf.4ters ; 15 per cent. off all flan-
nelettes, special 33 ineh, English flan-
nelette, fast colors, choice patterns, at
Me,'Sale price 812:c heavy 123e Eng-
lish flannelette, in b()Toy, fawn, blue and
pink, regular 15c, for
Special. clearing prices
on an MOH'S
fur coats.
Two special Canadian coon coats,
sale price $28.
Four special eoon coat, sale price
Eight epecial coon coats, sale price
Also a number of better Canadiaa
coon coats at speeial prices.
Special prices on calf toats, wallaby
coats, wombat coats, and Australian
Speeial prices on all men's fur caps.
Speeial priees on all men's under-
Men's lined kid gIoves dt special
Men's, youths' and boys' Overcoats
to be cleared at special prices.
Thirty Sleigh Robes, consisting of
goat, eub bear, grizzly bear, Northwest
gallowa,y and Saskatchewan buffalo, to
be cleared at special prices.
Our Annual
Whitewear Sale.
tucks and embroillery, at 84c.
eight inch flounce, edged with cluster
if you do not need them now.
long elotla with deep Pmbroidery frill,
will pay you to study their real worth.
We think you will buy a supply, even
OUT new whitewear to hand. It
A Skirt made of fine white cotton,
Ladies' Skirt, made of fine English.
made of fine English long
d with 12 inch embroid-
ery flounce and duster of tucks, $1.25:
Skirt made of fine English long cloth,
trimmed with deep cambric embroid-
ery, frill and cluster of tucks, at $1,65,
Skirt 'made of fine English long
cloth, trimmed with beautiful designs
of cambric and Swiss embroidery, at
$1 75, $2, $2,75, $3.10. and $4,15.
Gowns, empire style, trimmed with
tucks and embroidery, special at $1.
Gowns made of -line English long
cloth, trimmed with newest designs of
cambric and Swiss embroidery and in-
sation, at $1.25, $1.50, $1.75, 82.45,
Cwo special lines, trimmed
with cambric frills and insertions and
tucks, at 506 and 75c.
Bridal sets, newest styles, trimmed
with embroidery and insertion
$3,25,$4 and $4.50.
'CorSet covers, very speelal line, full
front, embroidery trimmed, at 50e.
Corset e,overs, made from fine Eng-
lish long cloth, prettily trimmed with
Swiss embroidery, Valenciencies lace
and baby ribbon, at 711e, 75e, 90e- and
Infsints' and childrerfs short dres,cp,
made 9if fine English Ion-, cloth, trinr-
med with fine Swiss emilidery, inser-
tion aid Valeneiencies lace and in -,,Pr -
tion, at 80c, 85c, $1,25 and $1,40,
Children'S eream ea.sbmere loaks,
and I with Sailor collar, trimr....:,1 with frill
........ .... ..
pposite Town Building,
of cream ribbon and two rows of eream
silk eerd, at $2.50, end Other Ppf.eial
lines at "7%3.50 and $4,-25.
, .......... y . • - _
oriaer Main and Market Sts., Seafortha