HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1901-01-11, Page 3JANUARY 11. 1901 LIRE. sommeweit 444 IMPORTANT NOTICES. osrroR. PEOPLE RECUVERING 1)0-11.,ER AND ENGINE FOR SALE.—For sale ) sia horse power bolter and four hotel power engine. Boiler has only been in use about three menthe. Apply to P. MeOttEGOR, Brucefield. 172154 WOOD WANTED.—Wanted at the Egtoondville YV pottery, between fifty and sixty cords of black ash, half drv and half green, 4 feet long. Apt- . ply to F. BURGARD ea SON, Egmondville. 1726 -ti Team BEATTIE, Clark •vf the Second Division tal Court, County Commissioner, of Huron, Con- arayancer, Land, Loan and Insurance Agent. Funds Itayeaaaa turd to -Loan. Office—Ovor Sharp & ;Liven store, Mato street. Seafdath. 1289 iNEDAR POSTS WANTED.- -Wanted, 400 ctilar ! 1„. poste, 8 feet long ant 0 inches at top end; oleo Iva poets 9 feet lorg and 8 Inches at top clod. The highest cash price will be paid. To be delivered at W•nthrop littera Mareh lat. Apply ta or address TLflIAS DROOM, Winthrop P:� 1714x1 _ • latOR SALE IN EGMONDVILLE. For sale in Eg• ondvillc, two 11,Brefl of Rood land with comfort - /111k frame dwelling and outbuilding. The land is clean, v &1 drained and fenced. There aro a few .goad apple trees and some small fruits on the place, It alit be sold oheap. Pes3ession at any time. R. [HICKS, Egrnonelville. 175xb A BARGAIN.— ow will buy a nice comfortatae • frame houee and a quarter of an sere of good land, pleasantly eituated in the vil age of liarpur- , hey. and 1 nate et of the thriving town of tlea. forth, has a gro3 cellar and le well fenced. There a.re a Lumber of good fiuit trees and hard and soft • water close to the houee. Apply to the undersigned. JAMES Me.NAMARA, BCN 14, deraoith 1', 0. 1724-tt From Pneumonia, Typhoid -Pr, Scarlet Fever, Diphtheria, La Grippe or any Serious Sickness MY MOTHER-IN-LAW. When I courted wi' Nlisgie, her mither did cry Xhat nano co`uld s•lit .11 like Maggie and I; ilut slim; we' re gt.t la irrel a ella,e N 0451112 a' ; Noo canna get on her. Mther • When slit, talc'su rin hy the e she sits An gvi.s o'n to Maggiv 1,1' el !lining, In:. . !She says, "Dtmla learq him ale ((ista( n She's a meddlesome lady, rry minter- n -law. She picks Pants wi' this; and she pi ks fauts wi' '• that; She even picks (guts vi' ool Innocent cat. She scolds at oor Wean w g 'eets on hil MOW; She's a lseidstrong at ld ladj, my mither-in-law. ' Require the Nerve Toning, aloe En. rIching, Heart SustalnIngActio of Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pill When she speaks of a' doon, An she thinksthere oor ndebours, al e ring them no mony her In the • toon;.. •lf8ho does ony gold turn, loudly She'll Wow; She's real fond of he self, my auld m ther-in-law. Some nicht.t Will op n my mind on her yet An tell her .of Hornet ling she winna fcrget. 111 tell her she win a come here an 9nisca' FoIka wha niver ha herin'el her, my minter -in. law. Pro ssi FOR SALE. It nn to e. se that it esery per - Cc every wane?. 7 :tore -Drees FOR SALF.—The undereigncd has for sale ,laa 7 tholoughbred bulls, 0 grey in color and I red, ranging in age frcrn 7 to 2?, months. These animals are all eligible for registration and are excellent stock. Also two cows in oalf. Apply to ALEX. CAMPBELL, Lot 2E, Concession 10, Hibbert, Croni- arta 1'. 0. 1723x4 r11110R0 BRED STOOK FOR SALE —The under- ." signed bas for sale on his stook farm, lot 31. Concession 5, L'aborne, five thoro bred registered bulls from the best strains and ranging born ten months old, up, one being 1 years cld and a very superior animal. Four are red in color and one roan. Also a number of cows and heifers, either in calf or hex e recentla calved_ These are all pure bred and are recommended.. If desirable an exchange will be made for stock steere. THOMAS CUDMORE, Huron - dale P. 0. 1720-11 AUCTIONEERS. It is well known that after any s rious illness the heart and nerves are extr mely weak and the blood greatly impove shed. For these conditions there is no r rnedy equals Milburn's Heart. and Nerve Pills. It estores all the vital forces of the body w ich disease has impaired and wea ened. ]vIr. T. Barnicott, Aylmer, Ontees ys "About a year ago I had a severe ttack of La Grippe winch left .my system in an ex tausted conditibn. I could not egain. steength and was very nervous and sleep. - IeSs at night, and got up in the m rning as tired as when I went to bed. "1 had no energy and was in a iser- • able state of health. Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills, which I got at Richard's Drug Store here, changed me from a condition of misery- good health: They built up my system, strength- ened my nerves, restored brisk circ lation of my blood, and made a new man f me. "1 heartily recommend them to any one seffering from the after effects of rrippe, or any other severe illness." rpuomAs BROWN, Licensed Auctioneer for the Coucties of Huron and Perth. Orders left at A. M. Campbell's implement warerooms, Seeaorth, or Tu ExPOSLTOR C dice, will receive prompt attention. Satisfaction guarantetd or no charge. 17C8 tf A laCTIONEERING.—B. S. Phillips, Licensed 1-1 Auctioneer for the counties of Huron and Perth. Being a practiell banker and thoroughly underetanding the value of farm etock and imple- ments, atom me in a be.ter position to realize good prices. Charges mod- rate. Satisfaction guaranteed or no pay. All ordere left at Heneall post office or at Lot 58, Concetsiou 2, Hay, will be promptly ttended to. 17094t STOOK FOR SERVICE, '2.20241.02**11.14112.101414#2+11i OteereareaVez 6 eZ '71 6 g-4 6 0; 12 KENDALL'S SPAVIN 110 PIO BREEDERS.—The undersigned will keep e_ on Lot 26, Concession 6, L. R. S., Tuokersm3h, thoroughbred Taawortatt Pro, also a thorough- lortd Yoaffannto Pio. A limited number of sows will be admitted to each. Terms, al, payable at the Woe • of eervice, or $1.60 if charged. JAMES GEMMILL. 1608-52 fri0 STOCK BRESDERS.—The well known Short- " horn bull, "New 'tar's 0.fa" 2208T has been removed from the premises of htr, William Chap- man to the prereises oo the undersigned, where he will be kept for the improvement of stock until further rio'lee in these columne. I also keep for servi,e a arat class improved Yorkshire boar. A. G. SMILL1E, "Good Cheer Farm," Tuckersmith. 1721t1 KEATING & LAMB, Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Cedar Posts and Timber. Our Rant:Kr consists of the Lest quality of Hemlock. and Pine, being well manufactured. Any 'impala of Red Cedar Shingles ala aye on hand. Bring along your bilis, you will be sure to get them filled satis- factorily. tar Goderich street East 171141 H. R. Jackson • & SON. ,tinas fur- _ ve, are itt • Litt k :nes r.4 ziwziwzonvAtustlivaimomersloaNi4.4...w.,A • • a Tho old veleta° remedy for Searing, Rieralenes, Splints, Curbs and all forms of Lameness. It tiros Ster.- without a blemish because it doeS not bl •- North Plantagenet, Ont., Fab, 10, Dr. B. J. Kendall Co. Per Sirs you please give me 5 remedy for I havo a snare Ora is afflicted. I tako palmier° In stall 1 have eured n Curb of four years', standing wisil Kendall's Blister. by using it only ones and then np your SpavIn Cure. As long as I haVe horses, I will without Kendall's Spavin Cure and Kendall', Blister Very trul y yours, • A13OLP1IL'S GA.UTHI eves. g that your lying ot be n rny R. Pelee $1, Six for 1118. As a liniment for farnfly4se it has -no equal. Ask your druggist for Ken at1Ps Situate Ouse, also "A. Treatiee on the 11. se," the book free, or address DR. B. J. KENDALL CO., ENOSBUROALLS VT. IRE= IMPORTERS OP Jules Robin & Co's Brandy, Cognac, France; Jno. de Kuyper & Son, Hol- land Gin, Rotterdam, Holland; • Booth's Tom Gin, London, England ; Bulloch &Co.'s Scotch Whisky, Glas- gow, Scotland; Jamieson's • Irish, • Whisky, Dublin, Ireland; also Port and Sherry Wine from France and Spain, Agents for Walker's Whisky Ontario; Royal Distillery and Davie Ale and Porter, Toronto. To THE PUBLIC; We have opened a retail store In connection with our wholesale buai- businese in the rear of the new Do. minion Bank, in Good's old stand, where we will sell the best goods in the market at bottom prices. Goode delivered to any part of the town free. ELEPHONE U. 151.6-tf Merton Stock Farm, LOT 27, CONCESSION 8, HIBBERT Eye Rest For Tired Eyes Thoroughbred Durham Cows, Heifers and Bulls of the moat feshionable strains for sale at reasonable prices. Post office address, DAVID HILL, Staffa. 1selett MONEY TO - LOAN Money to loan at 4i per eent on good farm BOCUT • ity. Apply to JAS. L. KILLORAN, Barrister, Sea- forta. 1712.11 To the public of Seaforth and surrounding_ country II A VING PURCHA RED Ilhe Meat' Business Formerly conducted by T. R. F. CASE & (20. 1 trust, by strict attention to business and aupplying a first class article at a reasonable price, to merit the patronage beetowed on the late firm. Will pay the highest market price for dressed poultry, good hides, skins and tal. OW. rfiED GALES, Seaforth, • 171941 J. D0 McNAB C E , C. .9 ONTARIO LAN O SURVEYOR, SEAFORTH - - - 0.;) 1 Engineer for Wingham, Seaforth, Howick, Blyth,i Culross, Cement Sidewalks, Sewers and Township )rains will be given special attention. At Queen' a Hotel, 1693-1 Is obtained our scientifically fitted glass They enable the eyes to much work and possibly without tiring than the ever did. Satisfaction anteed. Eyes tested fr J. S ROBERT es. do as ore uar— e. DRUG( 51* AND OPTI IAN* SWORTH. CENTRAL Hardware 8 ore. A PSYCHI PHENOMENON. In This; Case "o Heed Wasf Paid to - the Warnings. "Speaking of ,uperstitions and strange warnings that Come to peop e;" said a veteran Washington corresp ndent, "I had an experie ice once tha I hardly know how to ae ount for. I ay say in advance that I- don't believe in any of the business tha cnnuot be demonstrated Beientificolly. 0 e day not a reat while after the prese t elevator to the house press gallery, hat been put in my mother sent for me to , top at her huse on my way down town, as she, had something particular to see me about..• went, and she asked mo if there Wasn't a new ele- vator to the press 'gallery. I told her one had beeu put in three or four months '(fore that. SIM said that ,was -it and that I must not ride in it,. for she had dreamed the night before that I ha been .crushed to death in I laughed •t her, of course, and wont on my way. "Down oa F treet 1' met tin out t who told Inc she had sothething odd to t 11 me. She seid she hod been the day before with a niece of ber husband to see a for- tune teller, as the niece had taken a fancy .to see one. of those fakirs The fortune teller, however, nsteed et telling the niece anything lied directed er re- marks -to her (my aunt) and had told her that she had a relative, a youna man, whom she should warn, as 1 e w•uld be crushed to death in an elev tor. That WaS rather a jar to me, as I as er on- ly young nian (relative .and s, I had so shortly before been warned .b het moth- er. However, I laughed at her also and went on my way to the apit I. , "I went about the count ttee rooms awhile and at last, quite forg tful of my late warnings, went to the elOvato • to go up to the gallerY. The elevator rt an, an old fellow -whom I had. known for some go there, ked to me It's the constant_ st and vrorsy under ,w the profeesienal labors ti e irregularit habits anctless of reet makee hitt eculiarly ceptib:e okic1n y trou First it's,h4sistehe, urinary diffibult1ie�, th unless it 9 attended Brigh 's Jiseso an death. N' KID EY PI L Strength° and inviter t t kid eys —never fa 1 to give q ic r he and 4urc the most o • senate cases. Rev. M P. Campbell, as or of the Baptist C urch, Esse*, 0 t. e s: "F om my pen° • al use of Dote 1s Ki s ney P'lls, whittle I g t at Sharoe's r g tore, I can say they re a most sae 11e t emedyf for kidney tro b es, ancl I rec d th to .uffererf o» such coMp ts. ae, ain ich an of hat us - les. en n- 0 --- HORI BL Keep Mir horse comLr of Br darick's Bore have t e largest and es blan ts, Goat, a1lo • robe e town and ti1e • harne s ts also unser as SLEIGH BELLS are elhe before - We also h ye 4 nice stobk yahoo . • time, was in th and before ope through the bar den't Its) cage when ling it he. to . _ said he, 'wh ther I ought to let you come in here n u t.' • "'Why not?' I inquired, lau hin " 'Because,' saidhe as serious s could ,be, 'I dreamed last eight that,1 lad run the elevator upjtoo high and that as you • started to get In you slipped so .e way under it, and w ten I got down t. you .at the bottem of t e shaft you were smash- ed to death.' I 1- • 'This looked ike the 'fate' thr e warn- ings,' and I co fess I had a re% doubts myself, but I h d sorne nerve lef , and I jollied him on is notion and ot in. On my way up I old him what my mother and any .ftuut ad Old me, nd the old fellow' was so scared that he hardly knew what to o, but. I got thr ugh all right; and up o date I -ha e •ot beeu. crushed in that elevator or an other, but of course hat's no sign on't be, and if I ever a the cranks ill be st re to hold me up ts A frightful xa ple. I suppose there 'are some eo le who -Woulidn't ride in that elevtttor for all kinds:, of mone ,,aud still they nay fall down., stairs at env meuieut 0 d break their necks." BRO CAD ab la a ed sa e with one kets. We ock of 1-orse and Bear lity of our per than ever of 1 trunks and roes the T_iow '$ BLOCK S A st — ARN ESS HOP, ORTH. 1710x.13 We have a complete.line of wo d cooks, ranges, coal and wood heaters, For a six hole range see our Im erial Ox. ford and Colonial, the best val e in the market. In wood cooks Moffat' a Crown a cl Matoh- lesrand G urney-Tilden's Family anner are first class stoves fitted with steel ovens and warranted perfect bakers. - It will pay you to get our pri ei before purchasing. Sills & Mu HAFIDWARE Counter's Old Stand. die eaforth 'DOES IT PAY 0 Road the following lettter received by the' prim!. pal of the THE CANADA BUSINESS 0 LLEGE, CHATH1, ONT., • Ile They tell a g engineer who as guide when be -sent out to I way* as cool as excited. On o ing a' new Ma bey d Orders. od story abont as always aseign a gieen enginee arn he road a cueumber a e occasion the nd t . w line and si hind liim in the cab. They Were a sherp- ;cure' vviviel they per flagmen corniut towird them, w ,red flag franti ally. "Shut her for,brakee, rev use anti drop seta" cant the orders .fro.s the guide. I. The new Man obeyed prom' tly, an I then turned to ask what te do iext an] 1, heard. the guide say, say, "Jump, as f tr as yo i can and run," and he set, the exemple himself, for when 1he new eng neer get up out of a bltekbtrry patch it the bot- tom of.a 30 foot embankment, le looked over the fence.and saw the gui e seated on a ,stump wt tchit g the engin plowinse • into tt cabin apt' aed two box ars. veteran d to yet was t was al ever go s show ting be eundin eived tving his •off; call and learn how highly the zraduat3s of ti is of this school are thought of by the bueiness pubi. "October 18, 1900. Gentlemen :—We have openings now fo 2 or throe good male stenographers who have had xporienoe, and it occurs(' to us that a large numbe of steno- graphers and other office men, who have graduated frotn your Reboot from time to time an aro now holding positions , might desire to better theme,' Ives. If you can put us in esinumnicstion wie some of your old graduates, who have had tw or three years' experience, we should be under o ligation to you." We might mention that the concern preeented in the above letter h.s a Capital -Stook of vo million dollar!. When you read sueh evidenee the above, noed 3ou be surprised that during th period of thirteen and a tali months ending in 0 tober, 842 positions were filled by our pupils. It aye to at. tend Canada's Greatest School Of Busine Or Short- hand, if you what to thoroughly qualify ,y ureelf far office work and be assisted to a position a hen gradu- ated. For nandsomest Catalogue issu d by any businese school in Canada, write, D. McLACALAN & o., Cha ham Ont., 1684 Father's Essay Writin Teacher—I- 'In sorry to say I but, your coin osition is not yea. , The rh .toric is faulty, week, the etattesepts Arc based inforinntion a d the style is la cru II6ry—My! Won't my dad Here's people free frpm pai and ache Dyspeps a's direful il s. It is b cause they Iviaye tale Lax -Li pr • These ittle pills work While you sleep, without gripe or pain, curing biliousness, constipa on, dyspep4ia and sick head che, and mak ng you feel better in the mor ing. DR 00D'S NOR AY PINE $RUP. He oothe •nd c orst ough MA i 1 e.. • MAID. • Police Judge Neiswanger of . Airnetit. Kan, is a womals Miss Kathleen Ilaydn Green, danghter of the new =e'er or London, has beetene celebrated as a writer of verse. Mrs. Elizabeth E. Allbarn of Chicago Es the supetior recorder of the degree of honor of the Ancient Order of United Workmen. She has under her super- • vision 21 grand lodges and 35 subnrdi- nate lodges. Agents of Mrs. Leland Stanford are • negotiating to secure certain exposition building's at Paris which .eould be taken apart and erected upon ground already purchased in a pleasant suburb of Paris to servo as an American hospital. A license was issued the other day for the marriage of Mrs. Anna Dunmire and Enoch Allen. Mrs. Dunmire was , the widow of Charles J. Guiteau, who was hanged for the assassination of Pres- ident Garfield in 1882. Allen is to be • her third husband. Lady de Gray, who, with her husband, Is said to have furnished the inspiration for the clever comedy, "Lord and Lady Algy," is about to open an afternoon teas room in Grafton place, London. Lady de Gray is a member of the Prince of Wales' set and has fmind it necessary to go into business from a financial standpoint. Mrs. Victoria -Jackson., wko owns a fashionable dwelling in New York, saw that a strip of land adjpining might prove troublesome if the owner chose to build on it. Her apartment house has many little windows overlooking this lot. So she bought 19 feet of the vacant lot for $40,000, which will prevent the erection of other buildings. Miss Nevada Stout of Dyersville, 0., bas receiVed an engineer's license to op- erate a stationary engine l having answer- ed 24 questions out of the 25 propounded. The examiner found her in full charge of a tnill and running a 50 horsepower en- gine, and he speaks of her ability as leav- ing nothing to be desired. Miss Stout is 18 years of age and is considered a very handsome young woman. Mrs. Nellie Grant Sartoris is the sub- ject of an anecdote now going the_rounds of the London press. When a schoolgirl on a visit to London, she was entertained at luncheon by Queen Victoria. After she had left the Marchioness of Ely, the etteen's secretary, ex pressed her surprise at the self possession of the young Amer- ican girl. "Yes," said the queen, smiling, "indeed, it was I who was embarrassed." Is nd thel ngs res Ithe kind of' and c • Ids. , Henry, orthy of the logic non sits- mentably be angry when I tell hikn that? • Ttlicher—But you -can tell bim you did ng. Ded yeti!' very best. • , my best- noth wrob e the whole ofit himself. Married MenMarked. ifirried me1 in Sweden nm Norway are 4s much labeleC, as their wh es. They weft ' wedding rings, thereby proclaiming thenselves to all and sundry as aprnsn printed blessings. And not only do they go Shackled after metritisony directly they become engaged .tlig prcclaim the fact' to the outside public:by sporting la. ring; just as LIO ti vie fair fiancees; :In; deed, the happy pill. exchange gold ck- cletg then and at the altar. Ho!vv Titles Come. "Why do the boys in the offi booliceeper Banjo Smith?" "temme see. 1: is either' plays the banje all the time or hates it. I can't- remember Exchange. nether Eve may have ince esitf, but shel, is the only won) •ordi'n-ho never turned around t the Other woman bad on,. • There is always hope hi n actUally and earnestly works. Demi alone is there pernetnet d e call the ecause le ecause he which."— South Huron Agri ulturall Society. ANNUAL MEET1 G. -— of the rcembera OfHthe outh Huron Agricultural Soeiety wi I be h ld In Dixon's Hall, Brut: ihad, on Wedne day, Ja uary 16, la02, ..at 1 o'clock p. m, for the p rpotie of receiving and Passing the annual reports, tIoetng offi3ere and di. rectors and the transaction 01 Other businesta H. SMITH, President; M. Y. MoLEAN, Secretary. be held on the same day a the same place at 11 N. B.—A meeting of the filtreas and directors will o'clock a, pa., to %Ind up to business of tho past year. • _17244 ted cur in on re S10 w t man that In idle- snair. MARRIAdE • Lip: NSE MAD THE HURON EXPOSIT OFFIC ISEAPCiRTH,, ON A IO. -Nci WITNESSES RQ IRED. - Re ha ale d* Re embe t you catinot possibly be py or successful unless you p soundly,: eat heartily, and est what rou eat ember th t if yob 11 nervous system ne ds toning you will. be miser- able yourself and make those y u come in conte.ct with, mis- er be. Re irietaTjt-o th t in Dr,_ \Alrard' N rve Pills- you h. thrt has never yet any cl:s.eastl , est-. p verishcd ible)-.1, . .- -G eenesh. or Siallow . 14tvOus -Pr stratie,_ L4 ss of .1ppeta an. Stornae:n. Us° ac e, Depf.3si01 lc. of Ecgy, D rk Circles end P in in the .11;ac.1:, Liver Disoit,le-,:s,' a • Blood and ve a remedy ailed to cur:: eci by , es 1..-..e- creele.-,::ce, , , Dysrei: s:a •ders, 1.ec of S. r th ryes, Kidney :i.e. 11 d Cater:1.1. 50 eta, pe box. Ilvo ir a 1 or THE DOM NIE. The Rev. and Mrs. Eliha Grant of Revere, Mass., are preparins to start for Syria, where they will uudertake the education of a class of n Wye boys. The expenses of the work are to be borne by a -1.n11nch of the Christian Endeavor so- ciety. Mr. and Mrs. Grant are gradu- ates of Boston, universit Dr. Temple, at'chbishoi of Canterbury, is an upwearied worker lin the cause of somperance and is muCh disatpointed 'that, in epite of his efforts, parliament refuses to do anything toward restricting the drink traffic. The archbishop has prepured three bills on the subject, and they will be ,presented at the coming ses- sion. The Rev. Reginald Heber Weller, Jr., was recently .consecrated bishop coadju- tor of the PrOtestant Episcopal diocese of Fond du Lee, Wis., in St. Paul's ca- thedral of that city., The ceremonial was elaborate. The procession consisted of an incense bearer, choir, seminariens, acolytes, candle bearers and bishops, and pontifical high mass' was celebrated. Father John of Cronstadt is a Rus- sian priest to whom his countrymen have attributed miraculous powers. He has impressed himself so deeply upon the belief of the Russian people that he is not only sought by the lowest of the pop- ulation, but was summoned to the death- bed of the late czar and is constantly consulted by the highest personages, (11 WILI 11 111 J Go., 1.0,41. 1/1,.. You to an Pr jeo bee the its Every f k7t; pr • Co • J. ILL attend th Shorthan etieal inst s. For ov in touch r needs, a equireme cility at ple both b are doin ive It. Se lege Journ W. WES. OAY Forest ollege, u tion in r fifteen with you di the bus otinmand f fore and a superio d for _ our RVEL City Business London, Ont. practical sub. ears we have g people and ness world and JEWELRY JOTTINGS. A ,WONDERFUL ANTISEPTIO COMPOUND 1\1-07770 .d Toilet Soap of the Purest. • Awarded Silver Medal Greatet 'Britain Exhibitiee. 1897. EASONS WHY YOU SHOULD USE Nqvo. WHAT IT WILL DO .14t• - A Medicat A F Reg. No, 3007, 1—Prevents all cootagio approaching u here it is 2—It will clean and Ipolis not kill the gloss of the 3—It will clean carpetc them up. 4—It-will clean linoleums 5—I1 will clean bicycle ch Queen Anne silver is again much in vogue, and satin finish also appears. One of the most striking of new pat- terns in spoons and forks is the marquise, so called from the graceful and peculiar shaping of the tip of the handle. Quaint little sets of teapot, creamer and sugar basin show a rather dull silver finish on which in raised work and col- ored enamels are the long, pendulous pur- ple blossoms and green leaves of the Chi- nese wistaria. There appears quite a feeling for white enamel as well as for a very soft olive green. A fascinating hatpin is rendered ID the two colors, and a chrysautheinum brooch with diamond center heantifully exemplifies the fancy for pure white. 'There are gun metal novelties galore. Especially pretty are the new hatpins. One simulates a "lucky" bean set with a rhinestone, a second is oval and bisect- ed by a line of small stones in coral, while a third is a sphere studded with tiny turquoises. — Jewelers' Circular - Weekly. LAW POINTS. us diseases •from ueed. h paint work and paint. without Novo is claimed to be the oneap cleaner on market. Try it on it taking like new. ain and rims. eat and best paint ager marks on doors. 6—I1 will clean and retrieve paint, oil and aims from woo en and cotton eloth. so cleans coat eollars and hats. ins no alkali nd is strongly re ed for wasbling the bead as it a silky and natural gloss t the is especially useful for ehildren. grease 51 ing. A 7—It cant commen imparts hair, an 11161110E 10c and 20e a 13L0CK .1. FuJi direotions on bloake. Estate JOHNSON BROS. Hardware, Seaforth 1087-62 FAN apoDS IIJPI Balance of Fancy Calendars at hallf price whil they last. mangit Assessment.tor grading an alley based solely on the cost of the work in front of the abutting lots, without regard to bene- fits .and apportioned by the front foot, is held In Kersten versus Milwaukee, 48 1.2, R. A. 851, to be arbitrary and void.' • Allowing attorney's fees in addition to costs to successful lien claimants is beid, in Davidson versus Jennings (Colorado), .48 L. It. A. 340, to be in violation of the provision of the bill of rights that courts Jetta!' be open to every person and that !I right and justice shall be administered without sale, denial or delay. An owner of a city lot is held, in Car - land versus Aurin (Tennessee), 48 L. It, A. 802, to be subject to the same rule which governsrural property, by which he Is denied the right to fill in or raise the surface so as to prevent the natural flow of surface water upon it from the higher ground of an adjoining owner. r aiding young ter graduation. work, results catalogue and • Principal. • 1703-26 POLITICAL QUIPS. ;111411. it it it Also great reduction in Fancy Goods and Holiday iSundries AL 1 NEXT —AT WILSON'S DOOR NORTH OF PICKARD'S. SEAFORTH. The How Great Secret to Save Money! VVVVVVYVVVVVVVVVVVVVVYVVV FIX TAIS'IN YOUR • Too many men in this country vote as_ they pray—and they never pray unless it is to ask a, personal favor.—Chicago News. • There may be any number of people running for office, but the only way most of them will ever get out of breath is when they die.—Philadelphia Times. The numerohs Smith family will hove six members in the next federal house of representatives, Three of them come from Michigan and one each rron) Ki.n- tack78 Iowa and Illitiois.—ilaitruid Pozt.- • • CASTOR IA For Wants and Children. MIND. Your d llar does double duty when it buys Bbots and Sh es at the Clearing Sale now going on at Smith' old stand. As we are bound to make it the sal of sales for the next two weeks, we hall give fi er qualities and greater values for every dollar that passes over our counters than 'ever • before. We have an immense stock of seasonable goods 0 clear out at money saving prices. Pros- perity oines to all who trade with us. Inspect the go ds, compare the prices, and you must admit that w are offering the opportunity of the season, which you should consider a blessing to be within reach f reitrii--ards n & McInnis' Two Stores, Whitney Cbrner Store and Smith's old stand, under the clock, iiAORTiI -ran 11111111 SIGN OF THE 'Making Flit Time - We are making a great limit. No other fetes can compete sue.cestrfully /Ith the "Pais" We now make our own w r• and So get just the peculiar quality we need. Ilene*, we now furnish it still better fence titan weir. Prices ittWor this year. Better look into 4. Not room here for prices. we also manufacture Lista fences sad gates. High in quality and low ta pidcs. The PAGE WIRE FENCE CO. (Ltd.) WALKE RVI LUC. 0#T. LOGS W NTED. , 1 The very highest price in ; earth will be paid for any quantity Of first °lass Soft Elm, Rock Elm, !Basswood And all other ki da of fiaw Logs • delivere at the Seaforth (, aw Mills, .. , All Logs will be purchasedland paid for according to quality. i Length of Logo mus be 12, 14, 16 and 10 feet 2 inches. l Cash willZbe paid as the logs are delivered, if desired. Apply to} ' JOSIAH WATSON, $'ectforth. • 17224 FERO You ow what you'l plan tin whun ou pl Ferry's Seeds. If you buy. cheap seeds fou can't be sure. Take no eh ces — get Ferry's. 'Dealers eyery- where sell them, Wrlte for 194 Seed Annus mailed free O. M. FiERR • CO., Windsor, Ont. fS MONEY Money to loan at land security, Apply Bank BuiltUng, thafort AN. ID firat-claas farm HAYS, Dominion 11307 so; -CIRCULAR $AW Pi 2 4: 0,60,st 7 :,....: 1.--, )=1•4 1.6. * =CP4 cr, en ••1 se.:, CD co at1 P. 4 I i A 4 P 1 .I 1:78 IN-- 4 1-3 g x c4: g. 4op, gmspeD goo cDp;,,,i. 2, r6° .r § .i.so ter i• trio ria t41 COQ P.' eel e • re c13 t:5•3 (1) 1;k? sTet-ag Fel E cr) w 0,-d ," . .,,..,- et. 2 0'2,, ..t ,.. .... , ii -; E•;. o p..... cf) IX* rr- Et2 elnd al /mite. 0. kea lala a--1 CD on) Cal CD tai c -la 1.1 .17:1 iat et- Ws R.+ SI)'araFi- 'i.) al 0 or en g ro ' ' ' 4 a -4 5 (7,- cz g tti"" ms.. 0.4 ..• cp. GO SA 03 ti In' VI al atl 5. 44 0 el- a* g 9i gld CD tal 02 13) CD 1 -..el I <) 2":r4 °'42 ril CO .leoi el- i''' r; I 144 on 0 0 11. 71 CA, f.2: c%) I:7' 0 co I it g P" gr CD CD 0 Vi -t lo•ww Cr 0 1 P715. tjl S CD -4 77 1PD1 t --i E. cp En 1 n . 4 ;P. Cfct dno 44.• '–'CD - i 0 0 CD ; Fl• 3 54 •4-i- $1 . .. Y ..F Pt P ii7,. rs te re A