HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1901-01-04, Page 7JANUARY 4,1901.
out help, a
bald spot
It keeps
Sp/Wirt spread-
at last your friends
say, " How bald he is
Not easy to cure
an old baldness, but
easy to stop the first
thinning, easy to
check the first falling
out. Used in - time,
ness is
sr -
It was six miles to the nearest house' over a
rough and unfrequented road, andif he
waited for voluntary assistttnee it might be
days before he was found.. There was
nothing for it but to attempt to make the
trip unaided, so, as he was unable to walk,
he crawled on his hands the entire distance
over a fearful path, dragging his wounded
leg.- The pain was intenee, arid was only
surpassed by his pluck and determination.
He eventually reached his destination after
nightfall and is being nursed back to
It stops falling,
promotes growth, and
takes out all dandruff.
It always restores
color to faded or gray
hair, all the dark, rich
color of early life. You
may depend upon it
every time. It brings
health to the hair.
$1.00 *bottle. Ali Druggists.
"1 have used your Bair Vigorand
am greatly pleased with it. X have
only used erne bottle of it, and yet
my hair has stopped falling-out and
has started to grow again nicely."
Jueetts Wrrr,
Mara 28, 1$99. Canova, 18. Dak.
Writs Oise Dealer,
If you do net obtain all the bandits
you expected, from the nu of the
Vgor, write the Duke, about tt.
Address, Dn. J. G. AMER,
teseen, Mule
Hats That are Historic.
A volume might be written of the famous
bets of history. It would seem, indeed,
that famous men and events have had
tendeney to associate themselves with pe-
culiar hats says the New York World.
We remert:ber the Quaker, the cavalier, the
round -bead, the Scottieh covenanter and the
American continential all by their hats.
In the popular mind George Washing-
ton's three -cornered hat is a vital feature of
his personality. The same hat associates
itself as firmly with Benjamin Franklin and
John Adams likewise. Andrew Jackson's
hat, in popular memory, is, of course, the
one he wore at the fight of New Orleans, a
cocked hat with a streaming feather, and,
according to the picture, he wore it in bin
hand, using it to cheer on his men while he
cried : "Don't waste your ammunition I
See that every shot tells. William Henry
Harrison, old "Tippecanoe," bad another
famous hat, a tall white rink beaver, which
re appeared in the Harrison -Cleveland
carapaing of 1888, as "grandfather's hat."
Daniel Webeter wore another famous hat,
remarkable for its size, its height, and the
narrowness of its rim. He wore it well
back on hie head, and it bas been poticed
that scholarly and studious men are gener-
ally disposed to wear their hate in that
In Boston and other parts of New Eng-
land a few old men till affect the Webster
hat, as they do also the Webster coat, a
ewallow.tailed coat of blue cloth, with gold
buttons. Horace Greely's large, soft white
felt hat wae almost a part of his person-
A Deep Mystery.
It is a mystery why women endure Back-
ache, Head aohe, Nervousness, Sleepleesness,
Melancholy, Fainting and Dizzy Spellemben
thousands have proved that Eleotric Bitters
wilt quiokly cure such troubles. I suffered
for years with kidney trouble" writes Mrs.
Phebe Cherley, of Peterson, Ia., "and a
lame back pained me BO I could not dress
myself, but Electric Bitten( wholly cured
me ; and, although 73 years old, I now am
able to do all my housework." It overcomes
Constipation, improves Appetite, gives per-
fect health. Only 50e at Fear's drug store.
Wife's Power Over Husband.
The vexed question of conjugal obedience'
was settled by Spurgeon in a characteristic
way. In an address at the marriage of the
daughter of a friend, he spoke thus to the
bride about her future lord t4 Let him be
the head, and do you be the neck, and turn
him which way you please."
Young Men and Drinking.
Says the London Advertiser : Mr. D. A.
Campbell, of Wingham is an old and ex-
perienced traveller, and for the past 15
years has represented a city publishing
house. Besides being a successful traveller,
Mr. Campbell is a keen observer �f men
arid event% and has his own opinion re-
garditig-most matters, religious or secular.
He knows who are "the beet preachers " in
most of the towns of Western Ontario, and
is equally familiar with the style and merits
of political apeakers.
Asked as to the social customs of the day,
compared with 40 years ago, -Mr. Campbell
said there was a decided change. "The
drinking then was almort entirely done by
the old men. Now, I am sorry to say, the
young men are the heavy drinkers, and
while I rarely see an old man intoxicated
now, I very frequently see young .men in
that condition,"
How do you account for .the change,
Mr. Campbell ?"
".Well, I think it is due to the change of
methods adopted by the tempeance people.
Thirty or forty years ago there was a con-
stant education going on. Temperance.
lecturers were numerous, and every lec-
turer dosed with an appeal to the audience
to sign the pledge. I have seem hundreds
sign the p'edge at a single meeting. Min-
isters preached total abstinence, and ()ar-
isl temperance pledgee in their pockets for
signaturee. Bands of Hope and temperance
s'.. ieties were numerous. But. I _nee very
ladle of that kind of work now. Every-
thing now is for legislation.- I have heard
many temperance addresses of late years,
but it is always pitching into the govern-
ment for not grueling prohibition, and
nothing about total abstinence for the in-
dividual. I think this is a peat mistake."
Chinaman's Idea of Life
There is a Pittsburgh life insurance agents
of whom it is said that he can talk la stone
etatitte into buying a policy in his eompany,
"the most liberal on earth." He wrote a
policy for a Chinaman a few weeks ago, the
&stover written for a man of the race in
Pittsburgh. How he did it he alone knows.
The Chinaman has no Clear idea of it. He
uuderstood that by paying the premiums
promptly he would be entitled to $5,000
some time. He began bothering the agent
tor the money after a couple of weeks had
passed, and the agent tried to explain to him
that he would have to die before he could
get it. The Chinaman fell down a cellar -
way on Grant street, and was badly hurt.
His friends tried to attend to him without
calling in a doctor. When they did call
(ale in, two daye later, the doctor was
Why didn't. you call me sooner ?" he
eked. "This man is half dead now."
Next day the injured man's brother was
at the insurance office with a claim for
You're not entitled to anything on
this," said the insurance man, " until the
man is dead."
Doctol, say him half dead," answered
he brother. 'Why he no glob lat half ?"
A Chatham Mother Toll how Her
Da4ghter, Who was T oubled
With Weak .Heart A tion
Viand run Down Sys em
was Restored t
Every mothewho his dau hter-drnop-
eg and fuding!-pale, w ak a d Hatless-
vhose 'health is. not whet it ught to be,
hould read the tollowin stat:rnent made
by Thee J : S. Heath, 39 ich is ond Street,
Chethinn, Ont:
" 14(ene time ago I. got box .f Milburn's
31 ea ie told Nerve Pills at the entral Drug
to for my deughter wh is now 13
ye:u'4 (1 lige, and had b en filleted with
Evene action of the heart or a onsiderable
letteth or time.
" T1 eFe pills have do e her a world of
good, ecJoring strong ealt y action of
her heart, itupr ying hr go oral health
and gising her hysical etre gth beyond
our expeetatiteu
"They aro a sjjlendid r med and to any
one su Tering froM weakeas, r heart and
nerve trouble I cordially recommend
t Milburn's Heart and Nerve ills are 500.
ii:box or 3 for $1.25. st 111 d ggiatc
The Boundary Line
Between comfort and discomfort is often
very slight. Have you rheumatism or
neuralgia? or are you a sufferer-- from ob-
scure nervous pains ? Why suffer longer?
You Ottli purchase for 10o a bottle of that
king of pain--Polmon's Nerviline-er you can
get a large bottle for 25 cents.. It cures
promptly. It is sure, pleasant to take, and
nearer fails to cure all kinds of pain. Don't
wait an hour, but send to any drug store
and get a trial bottle. Nerviline, the sure
pain cure.
-The dairy business seems to be gaining
a foothold in 'British Columbia, Lss
week Secretary Westervelt, of the Cattle
Breeders' Association,
Toronto, received a
order for two carloads of dairy tattle, to b
selected and sent to the Pacific Province fo
the improvement of the herds out there.
--From the Saturday before Christma
until Christmas night, the Grand Trun
tioket office at Toronto sold $15000' wort
of tickets to passengers, and the Canadia
Pacific Railway office in the ,same city itoo
in $10,000 in the same time. That rkbpre
sents a lot of money for Christmas txreere
just at one station.
Thousands Sept Into 11xilt3.
Every year a large number of poor suffer.
(r, whose lunge are sore and racked with
oughs are urged to go to another climate.
But this is costly and not always Imre.
Da't be anexile when Dr. King's New Die -
every for Consumption will cure you at
home. It's the most infallible medicine for
-ughs, Colds, and all Throat and Lung
diveaeee on earth. The first dose brings re-
lief. Astounding cures result from persist-
ent use. Trial bottles free at Fear's drug
[(tore, Seafor 1,11. Price 500 and $1.00. Every
bottle guaranteed,
• -What Man Can Do.
•k remarkable feat in physical endurance
ws performel by a former Torontonian,
who accidentally shot himself while out
hunting alone at Nanuese, British Columbia.
Barker is a barrister, and played in the
forward line of the Origoode team of '90, has
always been an athelete, and is a devoted
dint* of Nimrod. While pureeing a deer
down the mountain at Nanaose he tripped
and fell, aecidentally discharging hie rifle,
,he ball of which entered beside his knee,
To euro a cold in a niett-
lene. It has been used extensi
than twenty-four years. All D
se VapoOres
ely during Mor
-England has had one
Christmases on record, says
Tribune's London oorreepo
weather has been so mild
and oornflovrers are abloo
Liverpool and Yorkshire, w
revels in a subtropical clime
of Wight is a garden of ros
The London sky has been
and the air filled with
weather has been unseasona
Robert Young,
avenue, Toronto, fell down
of her residence one day la
badly injured. Her wrists
and two of her ribs broke
sustained severe bruises.
are eaeyto take, harmless in &olio
any headache in from 6 to 20 min
-There have been wars
death rate of men has bee
than in South Africa, but
which in one year there
tremendous slaughter of
succumb on the voyage, wh
more die from fatigue and d
the bullets of the enemy.
50,000 mules and hones is
Kansas city. With tran
cost P60 a head, and it is
will last only six weeks.
week is pretty expensive ho
WORMS cannot exist either in
dealer. .
f the greene
the New Yor
dent,° for t
that primros
as far north
ile Deeonehi
and the Is
In mid-winte
heavily cloud
ist; While t
ly warm.
of 22 Grojre
the cellar stetiPs
t week and as
were fractured
,and she else
end sure to c re
in •which
much glee
robably few
am been ono
horses. M
le on the v
ease than fr
A purchase
'being made
portation t
said that t
Sixty della
se hire.
children or a
is used. 25c
-John Agerr, of the to
burg, near Kingeton, wa
felling s tree on his farm o
The wind veered the tree,
struck the young man on
ing his back and two arms.
-Mr. Robert Rogers, M
given a portfolio in the M
making five members in th
erninent with portfolios.
Fadden has given place to
nship of P
e day last w
and on falli
he neck, br
P. P., has
nitoba Cab
Mr. D. H.
r.- Rogers,
g it
as beien sworn in as minis r of public
orks. Mr. McFadden 1:1800 es Provincial
ecretary aigl mii icipel oommi sioner.
-Robbers ent red the stor of Clarke &
yen, at Dawson City; on De ember 14th,
del up Wallatee Clarke and ook $10,000
rom the till. r 0 stomers were also held up,
ut not robbed. r The robbers soaped.
LIVER TROUBLE , biliousness a llow a oroplex.
on, yelloyi eyes, ia odice etc ;lel to the curs-
ive powers oteLA. uvia ILIA. They are sure
o cue.1
A. Abbey, lioensb ins
icense diatriot f South.' Wa
esigned on (taco nt of advanot
Richard' H. Kno les, of lIIcsp
appoinited in his stead.
FOR Internal or xteraal
LOW OIL cannot be excelled
soothing remedy for all pain.
Both Pro .apt a
ootor for the
erloo, having
• g years, Mr.
ler, has been
Of much nee.
will not feed -on t
starves instead, u
him. The Briti
ust picket his
ounts 1 the Bo r turns hi horse
he former ride a atarveli te be
atter a sleek, well condition° anim
Mr. Williams t
ethuen came to
e got so near
seeded. Mr. Rh
o his lordship t
9f getting to
etraight aver th
Signalled beck to
berley forbiddiu
eaters with Mr.
" The British s
war; he would
war proved anyt
force, intrenehed
The Boerkno
attempted to oar
"Io London y
ffieer in uniform
hey are never
on offioer ; does
pickle, as he ea
lothee or evening clothes
usinees of his lif
hat the British
the world ; he ha
The officers are
brver, cleaner men you nev
asides, the imPorted b
grass of the veldt.
less foddexf i carried
h mounted tnfantry
horse wh rever he
st ;
lls a, story tut wh n L
the relief of Ki berl
e could ei nail hi all
des venturedi to sug
at there w wet o,h r w
imberley hat mareh
kopies. oed IIeth on
he comma dant ib K m
the latte t h ve ny
whatever on linilit ry
ldier never felled in he
barge anything. If he
ing, it pro ed that a s all
a practically irnnrgUa31e.
this, and never hayo t ey
u seldom or neve se an
on the etre tee In Bo lin
ut of uniform, e p-
his military duties as
and then gets into et eet
or the i seri us
. You oaii put jb d wn
soldier ha no su erio in
not degenerated �no ot.
the weak spot, and yet
✓ saw."
is -
e ;
a pa n relieving and
net, net,
M C -
is Rheumati six' of the face. -
UricAeicileft in the blood -
by -.disordered kidneys
lodges along the -nerve
which- branches from the
eye over thc forehead, and
across the cheek to the
side of the nose. The
cause is the same as in al
Rhetnatism- disordertrd
Kidneys; The cure
wise the same-
Part of the Or + miss of
a Canedian gent eman)
the tirnber dow the ri
This la called "stream
dangerous pure it, for f
wilt get " jamm d" and
them ree and et rting t
again s one oeca ionally
aooide ts.
Wh n the log
or fallj the task,
especi Ily hazer
On certain o
of lu barmen, I
iest rliscues it
forme1 by a boy
Th lumberm
loge own a tu
some forty mil
speak of, ae the
rapid , a few lo
the stream in au
ed th passage
deve," as it
Th bead lu
name George, ere th
at lis d at the •oment,
ing tall, po erful m
woul be necees ry for
of th obstructi g logs,
the e ge of the apide.
So, stepping • ut on to
of ti ber with his axe
work • but, ala ! befo
way hrongh th log the
of th timber b oke it,
shot nto the re ids. Th
Vo eaye himself y sprin
another toward the eh
footieg, he slip • ed thro
The boy in' the an ident
stopping to call assistnne, le
to the drive, which was now
through the waer, and
log till he had reached
men had disappeared.
He Wu only just in time,- f
limb on one of the logs he
lumberinan'e cost in su h a
poor fellow wa being arrie
the water with ut being abl
Luckily the lloy kneW bo
floating piece o timbere and
of the log, he y skiff 1 mo
feet disengage • the cot of
man and raised his hea4 abo
• But the dan er was n t ov
were gradually approaching
meant certsin • estructian to
boy wrought li e a Troan t
out of the curr nt.
Holdingthe umberman b
paddled with •is feet and
the other logs until at last
shallow part •f the ever
touch the bot m.
Then the da • ger was past,
cheers of the o her lum erme
this time arri ed on he a
hero dragged he half uncle
the bank.
lum (Erin " (says
s in floating
sr t• the mills.
rivi g," and is a
eque tly the logs
he task of getting
em oi their course
t,tendled with fatal
get je med 1 near a r pid
lways a Halt one, bee men
cession, vhileIsitb a arty
witness d on tot the- p tick-
s p(nsib e to imagine, per.
of only 4.
n were enga ed in dr ving
bulent iver to the mills
. 'belowl. 0 the d y I
were ieari g a seriies of
s became tur ed abor b
h a way that hey obs ruot
f the iet, a d the hol
s called, hem e jam ed.
berman and boy f 14
only person nes,
ndt e form r, be
n, d cided that i
im t out away on
hie was jest o
the fleeting mas
he c mmenced hie
e he had out hart
press re of the rest
d the whole drive
lum erman sougbjt
mg f om oncelog tb
re, b t, missing h
gb tbC logs into the
and withont
ped nimbly en
fairly rush*
oun ed from log to
pont wh re the
✓ a proecting
eaug t tbe
way tIiat the
alongI under
to e)trice e
to in nage
itting seri
ements of h
the d owni
e the ater.
r. yet Th
he fall , whi
both, nd t
work the 1
the collar
ushed again
he r atoned
here he con
and 3-emid t
• who had
ene, the' lit
scions man
The Boer an Hi Pony.
Qardner T. illiara , the United Stet
Consul at Kim erly, Sonth trice, and t
manager of D Beers diem nd mines, h
been in Chic go for three or four da•
With his frie d and etief, 0 oil Rhodes,
went through the sieg, and he it was w
found the inee. s to shelter nd f ed 3,0
citizens in the great tennels of th mines.
He ascribes the Beer m bilit to t
endurance of their horses and belie
Dewet's lame s in etuding the pnrsui
columns is d e almest e tirely to t is
superior adap ability of t e B er pon es
over those us d by t eBri ish. "One of
the !nest pitie le sigh s 1 ver glom," e id
he, " was the British caval y horses Mier
Genteral Fre ch's relief. f Kimberley.
Lit rally, the r belli a me • their backs.
Fin English and I ish fjorses, which in
their own eou try could die ance any horse
that ever rate were uised up and ade good
for nothing by French' forced mrobes.
"Tho Boer pony 3 trai:ned to stand
wherever his rider d cmou ts and throws
thebridle ove his he d. Sind at once the
pony begins ating the grass of the veldt.
Nothing distu ba him; he rill raze right
on in the mi at of t e but eta, nd to stop
him he must b keeledl over, In feet, upon
their horses quite as uch s th ir marks-
inansitip, the Boers ent to ar. They
timed their ltimatu jut as the veldt
became cove ed - wi h n triti us grass.
Their parties ad to arry no fodder for
th'er horses ad very ittle rovi ion for the
men, since hey op rate in a country
_friendly to t em, T is is the eaeon now
for grass on the vel t an th t explains
their revived sower.
"The Briti la of c uese, aye the Ameri-
can army mul for In uling, and now they
are getting merican must ngnfor cevalry
hoses. The ustatig soongets acclimated
and is almost a mntcI for he Boer pony.
But it must be bor e in nind that every
horse importe into 8 uth frica must not
only become celimat d, bu immune to the
animal dieeas of the coun ry, before he is
An Interentin Expert
fikaptic on Hypnotic
A New Orleans physic' n who, enj
as ian mat
object les
ether ni
✓ tb one Of
nfine ce„
something of a
hypnotist gave
to a [skeptical
They were wal
theaters, and t
can conceive th
or suggestion o
call it acting la
tive subject at
as I Might lin
sured me seri
symptoms, hilt
Is how such a
possibly produc
Do you believe
notist can proe:
pieceof paper
telling him it is
• "Ceetainly,"
seen it douct
"But a burn
tion," persisted
fl 'tined tissue,
Do you mean t
ter on my finge
"Yon might,"
tic shrugged h
the subject. L
orchestra had: ust ended ts; selectio
fore the last act, when the doctor h
slight fit of cot g ing. As !usual it pr
contagious, and o her cuh3 began
beard throughout the auditodum.- A
the skeptic bega to weig le in his
and finally gave a few h ,erical b
Outside !the doe or took ii. inning
think I heard ee coughii frt little
neat littl
friend th
fug togeth
e skeptic s id: "Doeto , I
possibilit of hypnotism
• whatever you choose to
on the brain of a set see
as -
a creating
gine mysel
usly that
what 1 ea
illusions, j
• ill if you
I had all
intangible influence
actual- physlcal chan
for instanCeS that a
uce a burl
on a subj
a fly blisto
eplied the
a flat
hy puttin
ct!s hand
otor. ."I.
Ur a pos
olOgical co
e other. "It mean iu-
purattion end all hat.
ay 1 emldraise a lis'.
)3? mere iellj power'"
Id the (lctor. The s eps_
shoulders and cha gedi
on, In t1ei theater the-
be -
d a
o be
Oliver H. P. Belmont is said to have
sunk $30,000 in his weekly paper, The
Verdict, which has just suspended publi-
• Adjutant General Corbin has abaudcat
ed his proposed trip to -Europe- because of
increased work and the near approach on
a session of congress.
"Shake, old limpy," was the congratu-
• latory telegram sent by Senator Scott tt
Mark Hanna on election night. The Ohio
• senator bus been known. as "old Hwy"
by his intimates since rheumatism took
hold of him.
Lieutenant Colonel William Henry
Boyle, inspector general of the depart-
ment of Colorado, who has just been re.
tired through the operation of the ago
limit, fought in three wars and in many
Indian campaigns.
Governor Roosevelt was thought as a
boy to be of a weak constitution. Ho
early devoted much attention to exorcist)
and spent all the time that he could in
the open air. To this he attributes his
present health and endurance.
Congressman Allen of Alissiesippi is an
expert in the matter of cotton, to which
he has given much study in leisure mo-
ments and to the cultivation of which he
Intends to devote himself upon his retire-
ment from politics next March.
The Duke of Sutherland has been ask-
ed to accept the office of first vice presi-
dent of the "Sober Scot society," which
Is to be known in the future as the "Scot-
tish Self Control society." The object of
the organization is to oppose treating
with liquors and "nipping."
Frederick Layton, the Milwaukee mil-
lionare and pioneer who recently retired
from active business, came nom Eng-
land to Wisconsin In 1845. The Lay-
ton Art gallery, which he gave Milwau-
kee, cost $275,000 and contains one of
the best collections of pictures in the
• middle west.
Mr. Arthur Russell, eldest son of the
late lord chief justice, has been appoint-
ed county court judge at Bath. He is 39
years of age and one of the youngest men
ever raised to the bench. If his father
had not Insisted that his peerage should
be only for life the Hon. Arthur Russell
would now be a peer.
George Francis Train lives In a small
room In one of the Mins hotels in Neve
York and has not left the building for
months. He rises between 4 and 5 o'clock
in the morning and spends nearly- all day
reading the newspapers. He says he
means to live to circle the globe in 33
days over the Transsiberian railway.
Frederick D. Tappen, presidentof the
Gallatin National bank of New York,
has been In Wall street for 50 years and
feels as young as be did in the days -
when be was a specie clerk. The °thee
day when Mr Tappen was celebrating
the rounding out of .his half century "on
the street" Russell Sage, who is In the
same class as to age and speed, sent
around his condolences to Mr. Tappen,
sympathizing with the latter on his age
and the growing Infirmities incident
- age," he renin d deiuurl1. His f lend
looked at him 'e roachful y.1
"Yes, confound yon," h4i replied. You
started it, and I had to join in w1ti the
This signature is on every box of the gentling
Laxative BromoFQuinine Tablets
the remedy that care a Cold In, oneidar
"But what made you de iti?"
"Why, I -I -well, my 1 tbroat g
tick! ng, and I coldn't help at," ad
the Skeptic.
"Hum -m -m!" said the idector.
throet got to tickling.Tat iother
there was a temporary irritation
"I suppose, E10. But wilt are you
Ing at?" .
"Oh, nothing!" replied ter. "I
was just thinking that all he ome-
na seem to be a mere zni ter o degree.
You admit that a slight' s ggestio can
produce a slight .rritatioi (4 your hroat,
which results in a coub.1 Why, then,
cant a strong suggestion prod ice a
. strong irritation, which symild resv tin a
blister? Both a:e on elfacitly the same
The skeptic
ate reply, and
with one ta
t to
t the
the do
could think df no medi-
the doctor erdited 1imse1f
Things Wht II Make the Aninelal. Vi.
clouts a d Shorten Hie Lif
orses boa di g In wellorder., city
st bles are su Ily we4 Oared f sr, but
m ny who ca e or their' oWn hotees, es -
pe ially the ar mg porion, neg set the
da ly equine oil t. Men Who wo Id not
think on goin ut without havi g their
ha r combed an • their clathes srushed
ne er think o c mbing the horse s mane
and tail or bt usi ing his /coat.
Jo the th ug itful owner of a good
h rse to offe ti ese suggettions is y pe
br!inging coal to Newcastl , but t • ere are
thlousands of e ple who dr ve a. orse ev
ery day and hr ugh thoog tlesss s neg-
le t simple t in s which iot on y make
tit horse un o fortablei but reader hien
le s docile an .t actable, lessen is work -
1 g value an horten hie life. I have
s n manytst h rse in the- coun ry that
h d not bee c 'Tied -Or is. year vainly
t ying to get sose of the4lusto t' of his
c at by rolli g hen he g t. a c anee. 1
h ve seen horse with thehair vorn off
b stiff, flat, harp edged reins which had
b en put un er the baek istrap because
t e loops were broken or inevei existed.
I have seen ho ses with tale withers
here the sa dl had beieni 1110V d a little
f rther forw rd or backward ts bear on
fresh spot nt I the baekiwas mass of
raw flesh. I at e seen a Mare hich was
so fidgety i harness and out that she
Was alniost t nn anagenblei and vas driv-
en with her h ad pulled back with an
overhead ch cic and held do la by a
tightly drawl atingale, While her heels
were kept f *oils flying tp by i kicking
strap. The eciet of it all wa that the
girths were ra .n as tight l as 1 the own-
er had been cin diing a pa'ek o a mule's
back. The e jibed and k cked and
fought again t taking the four singed bits
which were ho ght nedeseary to control
her and the ler ess, whlichwa a cruelly
devised best u ent of tbrture, but when
she was dr ve with 1ose Jrths and
kindly treat all these i"vic s" disap-
peared ad. he mare waa ne kind as a
A nelution of fate
The' most po ular man in
town once g t i to a difficulty
reputable t ugl who WAS th
the place an d d him up lat a
tirely satisf ct ry to the ;mit'
nity. It wa.: n cessary, biowe
dicate the is aj sty of Oa la
offender wa bought Op, for
charge of as au t with Want
jury took t e ase and were
two minute, when they' retur
"Well," s id the judge
offhand wa ta 'what bee° t
"May it leese the *owls"
the fore= e, the jury, fi
prisoner is notl guilty °UMW
tent to kill, but simply to pa
he done It."
The verdict was receiyed wit
• end the uiisoier givn, an - ovation.
ith a dis-
terror of
anner en -
e eommu-
er, to vin-
, and the
trial on a
kill. The
out about
e jury to
d that the
• with in-
alyze, and
Stewed figs on rice witb cream make
an appetizing change for the breakfast
Whiteof eggs in pumpkin pies make
It watery. Use only the yolks of eggs
and cream, uot milk.
Crab apples make excellent timber for
winter shortcakes. Pare, core and cook
with as little water as will prevent burn-
ing. Swneten as for table use and cam
To use place between thin shortcake,
cover with frosting and serve. You will
call it delicious.
Biscuit and rolls should be allowed to
rise one-half longer than bread because
the loaves of the former, being (Entailer,
are more easily penetrated by the heat
and the fermentation is more speedily ar-
rested; therefore they do not rise so
much In the oven.
Green bananas sliced very thin and
fried like Saratoga chips are a favorite
Cuban dish and might be adopted with
advantage in American households. The
Cubans slice ripe bananas in slanting
crosswise slices about a half inch thick
and fry them in deep fat or olive oil.
. A scientist says that a sigh is due to
worry, but that a deeper cause is a lack
of oxygen.
Careful experiments by ?et Brunhes, in
France, indicate that the X rays have a
definite velocity which is of the same or-
der as the velocity of light.
A French Inventor has combined a pho-
nograph with a telephone in such a man-
ner that a message spoken into the tele-
phone is impressed upon a wax register
at the receiving end, In case the person to
• whom It is addressed happens to be ab-
sent. The registered message can at any
time be turned Into speech by setting the
phonograph in operation.
The Integrity of China and the etab-
Ilshment of a stable government is more
Important than the decapitation of the
a ti foreign princes and viceroys. -Chi -
ea go Tribune.
It Li Hung Chang's suggestion to pro-
vide the Chinese indemnity by doubling
customs Writs should be adopted, It is
(0 be feared that the "open door" would
receive a slam.-Washingtott Times.
An Invalid Car.
The Saxon Stateiiailwas box e or-
dered the construction of nn • invtdld
ear for the transportation of pill lents
ho can afford the eNpensv of such a,
.uury• it is designed so nt; pass
over all standard gauge roads . front
the 'Russian border and constunti-
nople to the CAlrottie4 of 11 ittyd
rranCe, nrid" Whorl not r.quired
hollle may he hired for i -e on nny
You've tried almost evry-
thing for it, hay n't you?
And we presurn you are
about discourage'. Now
hat do you thi k of our
ea of brea.thin -in the
iedicine, bringi g it right
p to the disea ed part?
It looks re sonable, doesn' it ? And
it's succes ful, too.
When y u inhale Vapo- resolene
your bre thing becomes asy, the
wheezing ceases, and yos drop to
sleep. or croup and hooping-
cough it's a quick cure.
Vapo•Cresol ne is sold by druggis s everywhere,
The Vaporize and Lamp, which silo Id last a life.
time, and a ottle of Cresolene co plete, e5o;
extra supplies of Cresoiene 25 cent and 5o cents.
Illustrated b oklet containing ph sicians', testi-
monials free pon request. Vsee-C esoetrin Co.,
ifio Fulton St, New York, U.S.A.
Recommended and sold by . V. Fear,
Druggist, sieaforth.
He Settled It.
It was in the 'bus. "Let e pay your
fare," the first girl said. "No ; let me pay
yours," said the second, "No ; I ineist on
paying yours." "No you don' ; I will pay
your.." "o ; I will." " I will 1" " 1
" There is no telling wha might have
happened b d not an old medd er, who was
seated opp site, leaned over and said
"Listen, y ung ladies ; do n t lose your
heads. I hink I ean settle this matter
without blo d being shed, Eanh of you pay,
for the othe , neither for herself ; that will
make it rig t- neither of you ire out. Do
you .es?" I" Oh, how nips 1" t ey both ex-
claimed; and when the con uotor came
round theydid what the old meddler sug-
gesed. Both then at pleased. and mag-
nanimous looking until the end of the
It Girdles the Globe.
The fame' of Buoklen's Arnica Salve, as
the best it the world, extends round the
earth. It's the one perfect healer of Cuts,
Corns, Burns, Bruises, Sores, Scalps, Boils,
Ulcers Felns, Aches, Pains and all Skin
Erupdons. j Only infallible Pie cure. 25e
a box at Fear's drug store. •
-The eMployees of J. Y. rinfin's pork
packing establiehment, in Winnipeg, on
Monday of last week broke all previous
records for Western Canada in pig -killing.
They slaughtered 750 animals in eight hours
and fifteen 'minutes.
-The fleet prize, offered b the Winni-
peg Industrial Exhibition AS °elation for a
design of hanger for next yea s exhibition,
has been Captured by S. E. 'Greenway, of
Crystal City. The exhibition dates are
fixed for July 29 to August 2n, inclusive.
Epps's Cocoa,
Distinguished everywheris for De-
licacy of Flavour, Superior Quality,
and Highly Nutritive Properties.
Specially grateful and comforting
to the nervous and dyapeptio.
Sold only in quartenpound tis,
labelled JAMES EPPS & CO.,
Limited Homceopathic Chemists,
• London, England.
Whistles Play Popular Tunes.
At Pending. a musical fent, is
formed every day at 7 o'clock a,.
and at 6 o'clock p, tn. that is a de•
eided novelty, sios 'I he Detroit Free
Press. It consists of fq) mitnipult-
Ing the big whistles oh the orbe fac-
t ory • and the. -waterworhs as 1(1 pro-
d tice the popular melodies of the day.
in a quiet, hifirhing the well-loiown
rag -time ean 1 e heard dis-
111 tly at Camden. six miles tIii-d ant.
Ile 14 Interested Now.
nt 1';011 finds peri
in 1 1.• f,.toillar it -1(1111%N', Sity5
Helmuth, svhat ex -
Nursing Been.
In each beehive are a number of nurs-
ing bees, who do not go out to gather
honey, but look -after the eggs and
young, and a certain number are always
told off to ventilate a hive. These stand
close to the entrance and faa strongly
with their wings.
Epps's Cocoa
1713 26
Ilelen Decker, Jordan Ferry, N, S, writes :-" A
few months ago 1 had a severe cold in my throat
and obeli, and became quite hoarse. A bottle of Dr.
Wood's Norway Pine Syrup soon relieved the House-
men and cured the cold."
Cestor Oil or other Cathartic is not needed after
giving Dr. Low's Pleasant Worin Syrup. .This rem-
edy eoutains its own purgative, and not only de-
stroys but curieu off the worme. Price 25o.
Grippe Headache.
Mrs, 0. Appleton, Whitewood, N. W. T., writes :-
" Milburns Sterling Headache Po Nders have given
me great relief Iran the terrible pains of I• Grippe
in my head and through my beck." Price 10o. and
250. all dealers.
At this time of the year, when sore throat, pain in
the chest, Th0=111010 pains and aches ars so preval-
ent, it would be wise to keep on band a bottle of
Hagyard's Yellow Oil. It is a perfect medicine chest.
Price 25e.
Sick Headache.
Mrs. Joseph Wordworth, Ohio, U. S., says :-" I
have been troubled with stele headache for over a
year. Lately I started taking Lax % Liver Pills, and
they did me a world of good, acting without pale or
wei • 0, -
Rheumatism, Sciatica Lumbago, Neuralgia, and
Gout are all compl_tely Lured by Milburn's Rheuma-
tic Pills, the great specific rheuma'ic remedy. Price
50e. a box at all dealers.
I have removed my harness shop to my
POST OFFICE, where I will be pleased to
otneeest. all my old customers and many new
Gillespies Harness is the
best Harness.
A full stock of Horse Blankets, Robes,
Sleigh pens, Trunks, &c.
Prices right andsatisfaetion guaranteed.
Give us a call and we willlease you,,
delight your horse, satisfy your urse.
egieRepairing a Specialty.
One Door NORTH of the Post Oft;711,tf
Read the following lettter received by the princi-
pal of the
and learn how highly the graduates of this ot this
wheel are thought of by the business public'.
"October 18, 1900.
Gentlemen :-We have openings now for 2 or three
good male stenographers who have had experience,
and it ocoured to us that a large- number of steno
graphers and other office men, who have graduated
• from your school from lime to time and are now
holding positions'might desire to better thems, hies.
If you out put us In communication with some of
your old graduates, who have had two or three
years' experience, we should be under obligation to
We might mention that the concern represented
in the above letter has a Capital Stook of five million
dollars. When you read sueh evidence se the above,
need you be surprieed the% during the period of
thirteen and a half months ending in October, 342
positions were tilled by our pupils. It pays to at.
tend Canada's Greateet School Of Businese Or Short-
hand, if you wish to thoroughly qualify yourself for
office work and be assisted to a position when gradu-
ated. For Handsomest Catalogue issued by any
business school in Canada, write,
13. McLACHLAN & Ca,
Chatham Ont.
The annual meeting of the members of the Tuck-.
eremith Branch Arnicultural Society w 11 be held in
the Council Chamb r ot the Town Hall, Seaforth, on
Wednesday, January flth, 1901 at 1 o'clock p. m., to
hear the financial s atement and auditofe report and
eleot directors and ifUcera for the year1901. W. G.
Ladies and gentlemen, thanking you all for past
patronage and now that a new season is at hand
wish to let you kn w that I am still in he businese,
ready la do my beat to give you every satisfaction
in doing your workin the line of oleanibg and dyeing
gentlemen's and Indies' clothing, done ithout bein
ripped as well u to have them rip . All woo
goods guaranteedo give gocd B0.4 ution on short -
prices. Plesse do Pot fail to give me tall. Butter
est notice. Shawl., curtains, etcat moderate
and egge taken In exehange for work. HENRY
NICHOL, opposite! the Laundry, north Main street.
Our direct oennectiowi will 7ve you
time andi money for adl pontoe
Canadian North West
Via Toronto or Chicago,
British Columbia and Cal' ornia
• Our rates are the lowest. We have them
ets suit everybo
1ST OARS for;
for further info
Trains leave Siaforth end Clintdo stetioni as
Aoree Wier-
Mixed Train..1.i
Mixed Train
gorse East -
Passenger.. .4
Mixed Train...,
Musical - Instrument
Owing to ha7d times, we have con-
cluded to sell Pianos and Organs at
Greatly Reduced Prices,
your a000111131049sti012. CalJ
Trunk Railway.
Gouta NOIrru- Passenger,
GOnta Boum-
• 12.40 r. M.
10,121'. Mill,
... 7,53 A.. M4
... 8.11 P. M
. 4.60 P.
n, Grey an4I
13.67P.. M.
6.3 A. M.
Organs at $25 and upwards, and
Pianos at corresponding prices.
See us before purchasing.
Wingham. • .. . .
12.56 P. M.
10.27 P. M.
10.16 A. M.
7.06 P. if
7.38 A.M.
2.561'. M.
4.25 P.M.
1.40 r. M.
8.55 a. M.
n and Bruce.
8.15 A.M. 4.40 r.le
9418 5.55
9.30 6,0
1)44 6,1
9,160 6.26
9.158 0.83
1015 6.56
1033 7.14
10 41 7.28
10,56 7,87
11.10 8.00
6.58 A.11.
7.01 11.40
71.14 8.55
7.22 4.06
7,47 4.25
.05 4.49
$.15 4.57
*22 5.02
.115 5.14
8.46 523
.87 A. W. 6.12
London Huro
40010 NORTH -
London drip rt.... .. .
. •
• •
Muter .... ...1. • i. • ... • . • ....
Sensall.., .f...• •..... -
Sipwa.: ••1•1,•••1• . 4-.6* • •
Bntoefieni.....-.. ......• .-.• •
...-. .. -
Londesboro -, ... • .,....... • .
• •
Blyth..- Ina SO .9 • 0 • • eh • • • • I •
Belgrave.. - , , • . - ....
Winston ari:ve...
Gents Sovre-
Wingham, d art.• .. ..
• •
• •
0lintron-:•.1•...•••. •.•.
Brwaellela,••••• • .. . .. ... 4
Kippen... ••• .
Bengali.," ,,,. • . • . 4009*, •41.41.0
raidera 0 • • • 0 • • • • 411•11, • • •,*
Otsatralia.•..i • . • •il, • • • IMO
London, (arr••
vei. • • IP • • • • _to0
Se4orth lililis.
The undereifned having unhand from
the Ogilvie' ba Iling Company, of Montreal,
the well-known
Seaforth Flows Mills,
Are now prepared to do all kinds of
Custom Work,
. . TO WHICH . .
Special Attention will be
The very bet quality of; Flour given in
exchange for heat.
Chopping o all kinds done on the short-
est notice Ifrice, five cent* per bag.
The beat bilande of Flour always on hand,
and will delivered in 4ny part of the
town free of zlharge.
The hi hest price in cash paid for all
kinds of rain.
Feed o all kinds conatailitly on hand,
The Seaforth Milling Co.
The 1110il1op Mutual_ Fire
Insurance Company.
J. B.
MeLea , President, Hippen P. 0.; Thomas
Fraser, vice -pr dent, Brucefleld P. 0.: Thoma. E.
Hays, Seey-Tre . Beeforth P. 0. 1 W. 0, Bread -
tad, Inspeotor of Lossee, fleifoeth I'. 0.
W. G. Broadtail, Seaton& ; John G. Grieve, WI
throp ; Georg Dale, Seat° h ; John Bennewele,
Dublin; Ism EV11011, II hwood ; John Watt,
Rarlook ; Tho Trotter B *afield ; John B. hie.
Lean, Hippen ; James Connolly, Clinton.
Rob*. Smith, airlock; Ito I. McMillan, deaf oath ;
James 0amm . , Egmondv '+; J. W. Yeo'Hohnere
villa P. O.; , • go Murdle a d John 0. Monitor',
Parties d roue to effect Insurances or iflatio
'et other b ess will be promptly attended to 011
pplination to y of the above officers, sddreesed te
heir respectiv post afros*
System Renovator
A trade m
d antidote for pure, Weak I anna
d I
peva shed BI d, Dyspepsia Sleeplesneet, Palpate -
Won of the lleart, Liver Co, plaint, Neuralgia, Loss
of Memory, J3ror.cbltuS, Co ption, Gaff Stones,
Iftundice, Hi nay and thin ry Diseases, iSt. Vitus'
Dance, Pemale Inegularieles and General Debility,
LABORATORY-Godericii, Ontario.
J. M. lercT, E0D, Pro rietur and Manu
Sold by J. S. ROBE TS, • SeafOrtho