HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1901-01-04, Page 66 ABSOLUTE SECURITY. Cenuine ,Qarter's Little Liver Pills. Must Bear Signature of ! See Pao -Simile Wrapper Below. small and as easy *Ake RS sugar. FOR HEADACHE" FOR DIZZINESi FOR SIUOUSIltit, FOR TORPID LIVER: FOR.CONSTIPATIOli.„ FOR SALLOWmKIN. rsa THE CO 1.1.11011 gs C KIER ITTLE I VER P I LL$. I . ,,,, es eggersesseogese -1 Aretymirregg:taine..eaG ' CURE SICK HEADACHE. VETERINARY TO -1W GRIEVE, V. S., honor graduate of Ontario yeterinary College. ,`-:A 'diseases of Domestl animate treated. Calls promptly attended to an chargee moderato. Veterinary Dentetry a specialty. Office and residence on Goderieh street, one door Este of Dr. Scott's °lice, Seaforth. 111241 LEGAL JAMES L. KILLORAN Barrieter, Solicitor, Conveyancer and -Notary Public. Money to loan. Office over Plekard's Store Main Streets, Seaforth. 1628 R. S. HAYS, Barriet4r, Solicitor, Conveyancer and Notary Public. Soliostot for the Dominion Bank. Otilee—in rear of. Dereinibn Bank, Seaforth. Money to loan. 12.35 1 T 111,1!! BEST, Barrister, Solicitor, Conveyancer, e)• Notary Public. Wilma up stairs; over C. W. Papet'erbookstore, Main Street, Seaforth, Ontario. 1827 EN,EtY BEATTIE, Barrister, Solicitor, &o. .1.1. Money to loam Mee—CAVE; Block, Sea. fort. 167941 Gt ()ARROW, Barristers, Solicitors, &o. (,Or Piami3on St. and Square, Goderich, Ont. J. T. Gaiteow, Q. C. 1070 CHARLE8 (JARROW, L. L. B. SCOT+ & McKE.N'ZIE, Barristers Solicitors, ate., Clinton and Bayfield. Clinton Office, Elliott bleak, peso street. Bayfleld ()Sloe, open every Thursday, Main street. !Ina door west of poet office. Malley to loe.n, James Scott & E. H. McKenzie. 1698 F ESTED srucoeseor to the late firm of Oaughey & Holmeeted, Barrister, Benoit°, Conveyancer, and Notaty .Solicitor for the Can AdtoB4nk! of Commerce. Money to lend. Farm for Pale, Office In kloott's Block, Main Street &eafortb. DENTISTRY. G, F. BELDEN, D. D. S. 1 DENTIST. Re re6 over the Desnirtion Bank, Main Street, Saar° rtitil, L't EDDLE, Brussels, Denilet, (foraierly of deaforth,) Graduate of R. C. D. 8., Toronto. Poet 4radusate couree in crown 'laud bridge work at flask We Sehool, Chicago. Office over A. R. Smith's;store, Brum:fele. 1669-tf Reyal College of Dental Surgeons, Toronto, aleo F„ A. SELLERY, Ditist, graduate of the honoi graduate of Department of Dentistry, Toronto University. Office in the Petty block, Heneall. Will Vieit Zurich every Monday, commencing Mon - dray, iue 1st. 1687 169141 DR, R. R. ROSS, Dentist (successor to F. W. TWeddle), graduate of Royal College of Dental Surgeonif of Ontario ; dret class honor graduate of Toront-olUniverssty ; crown and bridge work, also gold work in all its forme. All the most modem vmethode for painless filling and painless extraction of teeth. All operatiorre carefully performed. D Rice Tweddle,'s old stand, over Dill's grocery, Seaforth. 1040 MEDICAL. Dr. John McGinnis, Hon. Graduate London Western University, member of Ontario College of Physicians and Surgeon& Office aud Residenee--Formerly ocoupied by Mr. Wm. Pickard, Victoria Street, next to the Catholic Church 41rNight cells attended promptly. 1468112 A W. HOTHAM, M, D., O. M., Honor Graduate „LA,. and Fellow of Trinity hledieal College, Gra- duate ot Trinity Univereity, Member of College of Phleleiens and Surgeoue of Ontario, Constance), On- tario. -Office fornkny °coupled by Dr.Cooper. -1050 X. BETHUNE, M. D., Feliow of the Royal College 'of Physicians and Surgeons, Kingston. IUGGentielr to Dr. Maokid. 0111cc lately occupied IMackld, Ma", Street Seaforth. Residence —Dottier) of Vi0t011.11 Square in- hone Is t'3151 "(31111P271ed L. a. panney. - DR. F. J. BURROWS, „fate tinident Physician and Surgeon, Toronto Gen- eral Hoepital. Honor graduate Trinity Univenity, member -of the College of Physicians and Surgeons st Ontario. Coroner for the County of Huron. Oftloe and Reeidence—Goderioh Street, East of the stethodist Church. Telephone 40. 1886 ,! DRS. SCOTT & MacKAY, ! PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS, Goderieli street, opposite Methodistehuroh,Seaforth I G. SCIOTT, gradwate Viotoria and Ann Arbor, and =ember Ontario College of Physicians snd Surgoone. Coroner for County of Huron. G. MAGRAY, honor graduate Trinity University, gold medalist Trinity Medioal College. Member College of Phytilelane and Surgeons, Ontario. 1488 Piletillop Directory for 1900. JAMES LOCKHART, Reeve, Seaforth P. 0, ALEX. GARDINER, Councillor, Loadbury P. 0. . JOHN. d GRIEVE, Councillor, Winthrop P. 0 JAMES O'LAUGHLIN, Counoiller. Beeehwood P. 0 ARCHIBALD MeGREGOR, Councillor, Seaforth P.0 JOHN 0, MORRISON, Clerk, Winthrop P. 0 DAVID M. ROSS, Treasurer, Winthrop P. 0. WILLIAM EVENS, Afif 6111101*, Beechwood P. 0. CHARLES DODDS, ()once:tor, Seaforth P. 0. RICHARD POLLARD, Sadtary Inepecter, Lead. bury P. 0. CAUSTIC BALSAM. A Reliable and Speedy Remedy for Curbs, Splints, Spavins, Sweeny, Etc. It can be used in every eaee of Veterinary Practice where Stimulating Lints:Bente or Blisters are pre- ecribed. See pamphlet which accompanies every bottle. It has no superior. Every bottle sold is guaranteed to give eatlitaotion. Price 76e a bottle. Sold Ly all druggists. Invaluable in the treatment of Lump JIM in eatttle. Hee Pamphlet. Prepared by— THE EVRE.KA VETERINARY MEDECINE CO. London Ont. 1091.62 . BY WOMAN'S WIT. Br MRS. ALEXANDER. . . • CHAPTER VI. R.EAOTION. The sudden buret of life and gayety 1 the long -deserted manor house, made i s quickly succeeding silence and gloom mor marked and depreasing. Lady Dorringto tried to persuade Nora to aocOmpany h r to Scotia id, where Lord Dorrington ha shootings, but the. young lady said s could not think of leaving Mrs. L'Estrang and Mrs. L'Estrange would not leave h little girl ; eo everything returned to t same condition of stillness and tranquilit which Marsden's unexpected appearance and outburst of hospitality had broken u . Bat this stillnese was no longer restful. The curious circumetanoes of the robber had left behind an impression of insecurity, and Mrs. L'Estrange, whose natural tirni - ity had been confirmed by long attendin e upon an invalid and irritable husband, i mediately made arrangements with t e gerdener to sleep in the house instead of n the lodge, and Waldman, the pet Daoh shund, was allowed to lie at the foot of t e stairs, while Nora herself inspected t e belting and barring of doors and windo s every night, "1 assure you, you are alarming you solves unnecessarily," said Winton, w o bed ridden over, as he often did, to sha a ties evening meal at I3rookdale, and w • now leaning against the ohimney-pie e while Nora was playing some of •Be 's favorite air % before the little one went off bed with her German " Kindergartnerba " who was patiently waiting for her. ' It w s a chill, wild night, the wind sighing n sudden gusts through the trees aurroundii g the cottage, the occasional dash of the rs a a ainst the windows making the bright 6 e o wood and coal peouliarly acoeptabI . Winton looked round him with a delightf I . nee of comfort— of being at home. The refined simplicity of the pretty dra ing room, the soft light of well-trimm d lamps—Mrs. L'Estraoge in her demi-toil t of black silk , and lace, her work -bask t filled with bright -colored Wools beside he , h r small fingers deftly oovering a square f th11 green cloth with flowers and foliage N ra at the piano, her graceful should. to r 11 a • draped in dainty muslin gathered to h pliant waist by a band of black velvet— hid grown familiar to him. He had had hard life all through his boyhood ; an o phan, with barely enough means to supp y him an education, brought up by an unc e who was cold, though just, and bitterly di. liked by his uncle's wife, because his stro will and steady application always ke o him ahead of her own handsome, dove, agreeable" ne'er-do-weel "hf a son, with whom he waa educated and who bore t e same name, of home life he knew nothing; and when his resolute efforts to rise we e crowned with success, success banished hi to comparative solitude, while the fe opportunities afforded him of social experi- enee only showed him how infinitely he acoomplished cousin was preferred befo e him, especially by women, of whom, indee he had not the highest opinion. He h found them insincere, shallow, selfish, a d though of late rather flatteringly attenti e to himself, his grim appreciation of his u attractiveness led him to place it to t e credit of his position rather than of hi self. Nevertheless, the familiarity to whi h by -gone comradeship with Mrs. L'Estrange entitled him was very delicious. He had never been on such terms of intimacy with women,before, and he was quick 0 perch) e that they were perfectly natural and u • affectedly cordial, that his comings an goings caused no disturbance, that he bad. fallen into the march of their quiet live and elt that to part with them wofild e the eenest grief be had ever known. The —or one ? For awhile he scarcely knew. "You are alarming yourselves unneee eerily," he had been saying, when th a digression began. " There is small chap e of any professional thief visiting thin pa t of the world for eome time to come, but I suppose it is not easy to throw off the i pression such a scene as you witnessed mu t have created." • "Good night," cried Bea, holding up a rosymouth to be kissed. " Will .y re brio me a new spa,de to -morrow . " ot to-morrow—the day after. Goe d nigh, Miss Beatrix—sleep well., Go d night, fraulien." Nora rose from the piano, and drew a chair by the fire. "here is no use in arguing the matter she Hair]. " Helen cannot resist her ne vousness. I myself, though I feel qui e brave in the daylight, begin to be a litt e eaut The most beautiful thing in the world is the baby, a 1 dimples and joy. The rqo pitiful thing is that same bab thin and in pain. And t e mother does not know that a little fat makes all the diffe enee. pimples and joy haye go e, andleft hollows and fear; te fat, that was comfort mid color and curve—all but pi and love --is gone. The little onc ge from her food. There ty s no f is som thing wrong; it is either her fo or food -mill. She has had fat for weeks; is living on wh she had stored in that plum little body of hers; and that i gone. She is starving for fa it is death, be quick! Scott's Emulsion of Co4 Liver Oil is the fat she can take; it will save her. 0 The genuine has this picture ow it, take no other. If you have not tried it, send! for free sample, its agreeable taste will surprise you. SCOTT & BOWNE. Chemists, Toronto. 50c. and SiI.00 all druaill ate* Of li and She this She 11dra pleas Man have afoffer The Summer E FLU MEI e a woman may find herself fading ailing. She doesn't understand it. oes to doctors, who treat her for ✓