HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1901-01-04, Page 5re r. Irian tieats ; „see fur them- to thiefs, ( at :s;$ Beaver sse k well's ; Only. 3, Gro a teas, rehire L. Liam May, Mean IL tobertson, Seaforth. ;71ingforcl ; ! Violet eandette ; Agnes lge, Min - Grainger, .kvonton ; . Marys ; Wilfrid Henfrya ; Andrew ien, Mill- e McCaf- tn, John :-elebrated Christ m as conduct- partiea Mitchell, the late . Duncan ith an 1172- . afternoon m to the orking at shing and and fell . John Mitchell away at br eakf est eomplain- lint. No - • a ehair ✓ survives E the home '19th uIt.,, Mary J. sge to Mr. Mille. ,e Rev. the prea- of those dding was and Mre, (;clock on heir third united in of the F. The cere- .4. M. L. eunber of licrUsehatid. artcrit, on daughter, rest just - Ming the 1iunie had ron-i that era io the ' the same the past t the real - 11 Malcolm, ery happy rating the Ung day. Ai guests, tis repast - L -1(1 things, kinds of -epeeches, le of Mr. , was the jednesday teem being -3=ter, Miss E,roeperouN \bout 50 e interest- . G. W. ▪ re. Dow GU Mr. - J. the St -rat - 'i returned 4,1 at the 1Vednesday .; alpeny a of their eeeme a ' . i* I., ' His . the ehair. 14-1 soldiers -1 handeome .il the eity. lel! f.he en- iiiiane -- took I , - 'lea. Bal- ; , ._ sug ey taa 1 vegiments JANUARY 4,1901 ; News Notes. To Trooper Mulloy, whose eight was de- stroyed by a bullet from a Boer rifle, the Patriotic Fund committee has made a grant of $4000. The home 'Government and the Canadian Government will likely supple- ment this amount by an annual pension. —For two or three months yet the books of the Methodist Twentieth Century Fund w ill be kept open to allow of the giving of a Ern II balance that will swell the fund to its an icipated proportions, $1,000,000. At pr eent the books show that $940,000 has been_ collected. —A woman no.med Mrs. Savage, wife of W. R. Savage, Mayor of Wellington, Kan - sae, who eloped with her husband's coach- man, Frank Oyler by neane,has been located in the city of Winnii)eg, where she has been living with Oyler for the past nine moaths. Mrs. Savage's sister arrived there last week, and with the aid of detectives bloated the erring woman and finally in- duced her to return home. A little daugh- ter was brought from Kansas City by Mrs. Salvage. 1—The fire which destroyed the Matthews piture-frame factory, on Bay street, To- ronto, last week, was not far from touching a ivery old historic building. That is the Del house, a rather dilapidated frame structure, at the corner of Bay and Adel- ai4e streets. The Doel himse. was once a hetet, and it was there that William Lyon Mackenzie, William Lount and other.sons of victory foregathered and conspired. —On Christmas day a very pleasing event took place at the residence of Mrs. W. Carry, of the Par line, Stanley, we refer to the marriage of her daughter, Mary Ann, to Mr. Alexander Forrest, of Hills Green. The bride was charmingly attired in cream silk and carried a beautiful bouquet of roses and carnations, the maid of honor carried a beautiful basket of roses and the wedding march was played by Miss McAllister. After congratulations were extended to the happy couple, about 75 invited guests at down to a sumptuous repast,after whieh the evening was spent in games and musio. —Mr. tiohn Taylor, of Clinton, has had rather a hard time for over two months past. He was first kicked on the forehead by a broncho, so severely that it was for a time thought, it would prove his undoing. However, he recovered, and shortly after- wards was stricken with typhoid fever. He was staying at the Central hotel, in Blyth, and while that building was burning recently, he was moved across to the Queen's and then to his home in Clinton. —On the evening of December 25th, the • home af Alexander Glatk, af Goderich,, was the scene of a very happy event, his daugh- ter, Miss Annie, being united in marriage to Henry Watson. The thick Was becoming, ly attired in fawn and W38 aesiated by her sister, Miss Eva, who wore - browc. Tne groom was supported hy J. Mallough, ( f Coderieh. After the ceremony, which wes performed by Riv. J. W. Robitmen, U e company partook nf a dainty supper. —" Riverside Fartn," the re4idence ef Mr. Thomas Tanner, of Mornington'was the scene of a very pleasing event on Wed- nesday evening, December 19th, the occa- sion being the marriage of his youngest daughter, Miss Addle E., to Mr. John Weir, a proaperous young farmer of Morn- ington. About 100 gueets from Morning - ton, Elute, Wellesley, Dumfriee and`Milver- - ton, assembled to witness the interesting ceremony, at which the Rev. T. G. A. Wright, of the Episcopal church, officiated. —Wm. Hyde, aged 85 years, died very suddenly on Monday afternoon of last week, at his home on the Mornington road, Stratford_ The cause of death was heart - failure. Deceased was born at Tyrone, Ireland, in Ian, and came to this country about 20 years ago, eettling in Stratford, He was unmarried, and lived with his, sister, who is blind. About 4 o'clock on' Monday afternoon he was apparently in his usual health, and as was his custom,, went mit to attend to the cow. As he did not return for some time his sister alarmed the neighbors, who at once instituted a search. He was found lying in the barn, life being extinct. Births. . mowAT—Ie settfotth, on December 27th, the %NAM, of Mr. A Mowat, head master ,ot Doliegiate — institute of a daughter. RYAN -In igtoonnville, on January let, the wife of Dr. Thomas Ryan, of Saginaw, Michigan, of a daughter. COOK -In Goderieh township, on December uth, the wife of Mr. George Cook, of a daughter. KAAKE-In Wroxeter on!Decereber 16th, th wife of Mr. Wm. J. Kaake, of a son. JERRY -In Blyth, on December 21st, the a ife of Mr. N, 13. Gerry, of a daughter. SANDERS -In Elora, on December 24th, thejitfo of Mr. Eduard Sanders, formerly of Exete , of a eon. MarnageB• CURRIE-CASH-At the Manse, &Worth, 0 comber 19th. by Rev. •Mr. Larkin, Mr. A T.Currie, te Miss Mary Elizabeth, third din of the late Edward Cash. NAIRN-FINLeYSON-In Detroit, Miehiea January ard, by Rev. Marcus_ Scott, of th tral Presbyterian church, Mr. George H. of Windeor, (foemerly of Goderioh) to Mar Finlaysoh, bf Detroit. MENARY-LAMONT-At the residence of the parents. on December 27th, -by Rev, D. Rae, Via John Monary, to Miss Kate A., tor of air. and 11:e. John Lamont. all of MOTAGG ART-MIT0HELL-4n McKillop, reeldence of the bede's ;parents, on De 26 h, by Rev. D. II McRae, Mr. Neil N. gait, of Grey, t Miss Ellie, daughter of Mrs. Wm Mitchell, of MeKillop. DEVER-BLAIR-At Bethel Methodiet ohuro River, Bru-o county, on December 19th, h C. 0. Kaire, assisted by Rev. F. Swann, o ley, and Rev. Mr. McFarlane, ot Amberle A. W. Dever, of Walton, to Miss M. _Blair, River. KRUPP-WURTZ-At the residence of the parents, on December 19th, by Rev. J. Crediton, Mr. Jo-eph Krupp, of Baden, • Elizabeth, daughter of Mr. Tobial W Stephen. WILLIAM3-MADGE-O0 December 26th, residence of the bride's father, by Rev. 0. W. De - drew ghter on Oen- Belle ride's . W- augh- rey. ti the ember °Tag - r. and , Pine Rev. f Rip- , Rev. Pine • ride's" itt, of •Mise. rtz, of ti the 11 Brown, B. A., waisted by Rev 8. Andrews, Mr George N. Willisms, to Mis Maud second daughter of Philip Madge both of the township of Ilsborne. ROSS -MAXWELL -At the home of the bride's par- r and Lanni E, re a ents, Bluevale Road, on December 24th, D. Perrie, Mr. T. H. Ross, of -Winghana. Isabella, daughter of Mr. Robert Max Turnberry. ROBISON-DAVIS-At the residence of Mr. Easson, Winch, lsea, on Derember 24th, W. Stout. Mr Harvey Robinson, to Min Davis, of Kirkton. WILDFONG -At-At the residence bride's parents. Clinton, on Deoember Rev. J. F. Parke, Mr. E. Wildfong, of 13 Mies Ida daughter of Mr. Everett, of Cli BELL-DENNIS-At the home of the bri ente, in Howbeit, on December 26th, shal Bell 91 Winghaan to Miss Catheri ole, ef II iwiek. - GIIIIRCHI1 L -PERSON --On December the Manse, Goierich, by Rev. Jemea A • • on, B. A , Mr Edmund Churchill, of fo Miss Minnie A. Pearson, of the toe Hull( tt. AS-APPLETON-At Luean, on Decemb by Rev. J. C. Smith; B. A-, Mr. John Miss Lizzie Applrt both of Stephen t IfORN-WHITEFORD-On December 26th W. J. Waddell, at the rfsidenee; of t Faxents, Mr. Weiley Horn, of Z on-, to neeca A. Whiteford. HOGGA RTH-DAVIS- et the residence of t parents, on Dem mber 26th, by 11.... P. S Willuun Efoggarth. of Tuckeramith to 1 daughter of William Davis, E ca, of Hie HOGG-STORY-On December 26th, at the _ of the bride, by Rev. P Blusgreve, M - Hogg, to Mise Fr inces Metilde! etory, a Killoo township. DRYSDALE-JOI1NSTOP- it the rosi1e. bride's parents, Drysdale, on January Rev. S. Acheson, Mr. -Robert Drysdale, Michigan, to Miss Sarah, third daughte Wm. Johnston, of Drysdale. M ARK. B `..17 SIIAFORTEI, January 3, 1901 F 11 Whea.t (new), Standard 60 61 to $0 63 O 63 0 26 O 68 0 40 0 18 0 18 O 17 200 7 50 6 50 0 70 o 17 O 30 O 00 4 75 2 66 0 60 6 (10 200 6 70 0 05 Spring Wheat per bushel,- —. 0 61 to Oats per bueher o 26 tO Peas per bushel .. 0 68 tea Barley per bushel-- 0 86 to Butter, No. 1, - 0 17 10 Better, 0 17 to Eggs per _ _ 0 16 ItO flour, per 100 The_ — as_ _ _ 2 00 to • Hay pee ton new _ _ _... OD to Hides per 100 Zs- 6 00 to Shoop . ...... 0 60 to Wool- e„ 0 16 to Pokatoee per-tie—eh- (now),.... 0 26 to Bale (retail) per barrel-, - .... 1 00 to Wood per-. cord (long).. — _ 4 00 to Wood por cord -(short-)„ _ 200 to Apples per bag_ _ _ 0 40 to clover Seed _ ..... 5 60 to Tiniothy Seed — —............. 1 26 to Pork, per TOO the—. e.... - 6 60 to T How, per lb..— - 04 to • IMPORTANT NOTICES. TOILER AND ENGINE FOR. SALE. _HD a six horse power boiler and four ho engine. Boiler has only been in uee ab months. Apply to P. MoGREGOR, Bru y Rev. o Miss ell, of George y Rev. Annie of the E,th, by to ton. e's par- r. tilar-• Den- Ith, at Ander- oronto, nship of ✓ 26th, int s, to Wllship. by F ev. e bride's 'se Ro- e bride'e tett, ?,Ir. !Fie J ane, ert. eeid ence ' Jo Isph • Me- ce of Vet) 2nd, by ffLaurel, of Mr. a a e Molsons Bank. INCORPORATED, 1865. PITAL PAID UP . . $2,5 ,000 SERVE .FUND . . . $2,0 0,000 JAMES ELLIOTT, genera/ Manag r. HENSALL BRANCH. Money advanced to farmers on thei tee with one or more endorsers. Collections made in al parts �f the d returns promptly emitted, at 1 tea of exchanges. Dra ts sold on all Canada, the United States and E rope. erling and American exchange bought and Id. Interest allowed on deposits remain- ing for one month or m re at current rates. f Savings Department Interest all wad oi deposits of $1 and upwa de. Special attention giv n to the e lection of farmers' sale notes. The Bank is open d general banking busines own weat oints ily for transacting a F. E. KARN, Agent Elensall Branch. 1€89-tf Seafortles Leadi g Shoe Store. SURE C FOR CO FEET. ge3-essae, 11jA*2410 As the winter has appa ently set in nest the great tro ble with ma he cold, feet and how to mak warm. We have in stock a grea cures for cold feet ny of which w antee to fill the bil and our ori ing January will b very, special - instance we can s11 you woma ear for 350, ops, for 950 gaiters or lace n's leather $1.25 a pair ershoes for okle, heavy en's four hues 7 for $1.50 ubbers combi d want the t us. Cons" slippers for house • felt slippers, fur women's felt foxe for $1,25 a pair, spring sides, for red wool lined o pair, men's two b for $1,50 a pair, boots, sizes 6 and men's socks and r $1.75 pair. If you ha e cold feet drop 'n and email always free. THE ear. will any uar. dur- For felt en's oaoi tr gins, b en'ser , 40 a felt pair, • for c red, ltation es 1. le For sale e power nt three efield. 1725-4 WOOD WANTED. -Wanted at the Egmondville pcthery, between fifty and sixtyi cords of black ash, half dry and half green, 4 feet ling. Ap- ply to F. BIIRGARD & SQN, Egmondville. 1725 -ti - 'MR SALE IN EGMONDVILLE.-For le in Eg- mondville, two acres of good land wi h comfort- able frame dwelling and outbuildings. he land is clean well drained and fenced. There are a few good apple trees and some small fruits on the place. It will be sold oheap. Possession at any time. R. HICKS, Egrnondville. 1726x8 With one accord throughout the length and breadth of the Dominion readers of all °lanes of newspapers unite in saying that if there is one paper thet should be in every 1 household, it is the 1T'amily Herald and Weekly Star of Montreal. Subscriptions are pouring into their office in Montreal at a tremendous rate. Canadians without the Family Herald and this season's pictures, do not know the treat they are missing. THE CANADIAN Bank of Commerce - CAPITAL (PAID UP) Eight Million Dollars $8 000,000. Rest, - - - $2,000,000 Annual Meeting. The annual ineeting of the Sbareholde and pate reins of the Londesborough Bntter & Ch ese Manu- facturing Co. will be bald in Londee °rough on Monday, the 17th day of January, 1901. Sharehold- ers meeting at 1 o'clock, general meeting at 2 o'clock p. m All persons interested in dalryin are invited to be present. JOHN WATT, Preside t ; W. L. Ouimette, Secretary. 1726x2 To The Electors of Division No. 2 o the County of Huron SEAFORTH BRANCH. A general Banking busineis tran- Eacted. Farmers' Notes discounted, and special attention given to the collection of Sale Notes. SAV I NGS BAN K.—Interest al low -0 ed on deposits of $1 and upwards. Special facilities for transaction of business in the Klondike District. Money Ordeal, payable at any bank, issued at_the olloa ing rates :- - Under 810 .08 810 to 520 .10 F. ITOLMESTED F. C. G. MINTY, - Solicitor. Manager. 1624 820 to 630 .12 830 to 860 • .14 -- LADIES AND GENTLEMEN,-Havin been nom- inated as a candidate r commissioner t -the-County Council for Division o. 2, I beg respeetfully to inti- mate that I am now seeking your sera es- and influ- ence. "I may not, in the limited time betwe n now and January 7th, 1901, have thetaleasure of seeing eyery elector perecnally but I hope on pollin day When markt- g your bal'ots you will remembe me. If elected I will exert my beet efforts or the inter- eets of my const.tuents and thecounty senerally. Wishing You a happy and prosperon. New Year. Yours Fa thfullv, D. NTELON. De ore Usi t2B &44 Ge” t. 4ses.1`. Pa; ;;..eamam•e•eae••••e To'The Electors of .Division No. 5 the County of Huro LADIES AND GENTLEMEN-Haidn been 4om inatcd for the ofil e of County Coun illor for th years 1901 and 1902, I humbly solicit y • ur votes an influence in this election. Having ha six years ex patience as a muninipal Officer, four of hide I serve as reeve and deputy reeire of Tuckers ith, the ex perience thus gained in municipal wor well (pantie me for the office to which I am aspirin If L hay the honor of being elected, I shall° en eavor to dig charge the duties at that oflloe honestl and sconom featly and the interests of Seaforth an MoKillop wit receive the same careful attention ae those of m own township and every measure tha comes hetet the council for our approvall that haat r Re th Oven -cement of your best interests a d the mora welfare of the people of this ountry, AM receive m hearty support. When in the County Council before I took a dee interest in securing to this county a ouse of refug where our poor would be properly ca ed for. Th wiedom of that course Is apparent to very one wh has paid any attentien to he mane ment of th house ot refuge. I also fay red the re tuition in th number of cmnty council] re andth doing awa with the December session vhich I thi k is an unn ceseary expense to our Goan y. In the short time between now and •oiling day I will not be able to eee you 11 but mos of you kno we and I trust you will loo with favo on my ea didature. I rernair, 3 our h mble eery nt, PETE MoK AY, ckeremith. Deaths.. .soweea.---ae maleness, Ole December 29th, Mar- earet Fowler, aged 66 years and 10 months. TOBIN-In Colborne, on Deeeniber 201he News Tobin, daughter of the lide alames Tobin, aged 16 years and 10 months. GALT-- In Ocderich, on Deeenebor 26th, Ndrit Me - Lan Galt, !Want daughter of John anti Lena Gait, aged two menthe. SANDERS -In Exeter, on Decianbor 24th, George Senders, aged 19 years and 10 months. - aitleirecteMBE---In Exeter, on Detchiber 21st, Thos. itrimaeorobe, aged 073 cars. 11.3~aINGS • In Winghean, on Deeetieser 2let, Gladys Alf ne, danehter of Mr. and- Mrs. Win. Hastings, aged 7 remelts and, 14 days. N1ONK Winghern, on December 26th; Verna lidareu.erite infant daughter of John and Lillie Moak, aged 5 months and 3 daye. I fEE--At the family residence, Goehen line, Hay, on December 24th, Elizabeth Fee, aged 47 years.- I Meg- FATT- fo Turriberry, December 26tli, Agnea n, daughter of Mr. David 11. flea, ageci 17 el ere, h TAM! and 17 dee& Wit I At Janietitown, en Deecinber c.fith, Thos. Wretch father Of Mr. John Wright, et Brunets, - aged 79 years. , IlioMPSON- In Howiek, on Dees mbar 21, Alex - wider repson, aged c:Q yt ars. 11:Ai/CAM-At Welwyn, NOrthwrst Territory, on Dectutbtr 22nd, Roaert (lob.), aged 44 years, . cane:tat eon et Mr. Robert Traquair, of Wel- wyn, tete et 'furor!. Outario, fora.. rly of Fernier re h, Scotland. 31, 'LEM ENT -In flowiek, op December 304h, Fergia ecu Mt:Clement, aged 72 'cars. South Huron Farmers Meethigs. Institut The regular meetings of he South II ron Fame a' f.. Institute, will he held as fo lo vs : B RUCEFI ELD, I IXON!S -HALL, Afternoon meeting at 1 o' .lock when ddresses w 11 FRIDAY, . J AN IJA.RY 11 t , 1901 be detivered ae follows: Dr. J. Ilugo Reed, Professor of Vete Warr Soigne, O. A 0,, of Guelph. subjecte, '' Bree Ing horses 1 r profit," and " The ordinary diseases•of the stow h of the.ox, wtioh a termer should unde tend." M s. J. L. Finith, Whitby, "Farmers' wiv: s and' dau h - tem their duties, delights_ and disc tri °gement . W. N. Hutt, Southend, eubject, "Gro' failures ad how to avoid thew," and otiaere. EVENING MEETIN . Addresses by Dr. J. Hugo Reed, "A talk on.Vet r- inary Solenee." Me. J. L. Smith, "A common se se talk to young ferniere and their wires. ' W. N. Hu 1, " Bird e iff relation to Agriculture and Hortioultur ." EXETER, -TOWN H LL, - SATURDAY, JANUARY 1 th, 1900. Afterncon meeting at -I. o'clOck when addressee e ill _ FE 11 be delivered as -follows: Or. J. Hugo Reed, subject, " Bree ing- horses or profit and the prevention of partu lent apople y, cammonly called milk fever, in cows. Mrs. J. L. Smith, " Won vas' Inetitutes, their ob et and o.i ." I W. N. "Crop failures and hdw t avoid them,"_ 11,11d others. vlarity of NDIT '0 POWDE 2 HUR?N iEXPOSITOR. ON & CO, 5 J31_1-Y-EllEE GR OUR SALE. . 1 vy e have done a lar e trade in Furs this season, especially in ladies' Astrachan jackets and nen's fur coats. Our mammoth cash etOre is now looked On as healquarters in this 'minty for fine furs. Last week we were offered a great bargain in furs -by' a anufacturer who, on account of the mild season, was overloaded, And manufactuiers know we are always open for snaps for spot cash. They made us the offer, and we accepted it, and now have the goods in stock, and will sell them less than wholesale prices. • [ Ladies' Astrachan j. c 4ets, 36 inches long, well furred, lined with quilted farmer's satin, high storm io11r, regular price $25, for $16.95, ' "ss Ladies' Astrachan j ckets, close glossy curl, lined with mercerized sa- hi oa ell ad $ ea n AT tana, 30 to 32 inches long, Men's wallaby fur Men'S coon coats, for $32.50. Men'S coon coat style, regular price $ 0 fo Ladies' black oney Sable and As rads. $12.50. If you are int rest 0.A_S h collar, good value at $30, for $ea. s from $10 to $18. furred, lined with farmers' satin, regular $37.50, from the best Selected skins, got up in first-class 2.50. erines, worth $3.25, for $2.50. ombination caperines, satin lined, regular $15, for d is furs, it will pay you to see what we are offering. WE) C:) N & CO., BLYTH. iYIcKI1iN RS Isrowing with the far e s bee use of the satisifacti n it gjyi s. The sales of it thi y ar -are way ahead of any befo e. Its he cheapest and best ho se me icine made—three p u ds for 50e, and the dose t a - spoonful. To be had at FE R'S Drug Sto e, Seafo th. EVENING MEbTING, AT 7:30 P. 1. A talk on Vet" Addresses by Dr.- J. Hugo Reed, " I emery Science, Mre. J. L. Srnith, " lees ic Eannomy," W. N. Hutt, " B farnits.e" A'eh ot the evening sessions the ! be interspersed with vocal and instr 1 tione hi local talent. 1 i A special invitation is mitenti?d to I tend all sessions. It ie the wish of 1 t)hohatwthic: interest of the ladies ae well 1 1 A DairiTteodn:'n:hetr t Mooting will be held at ate of farm lif , Friday, January elalth, at 10 a. m fOr 1 of important husineee. -- • " 1 . S. A. MOYF A R. GARDINER, Secretary. I talk on I (a 4t tifying he addresses iIl mental eel 0. he ladies to at - .The- S Tea S FA Y GOODS mowywoolosAAAAAAAAAANAAANA I alanc of Fancy Calendars at hal price while they last. 'A Also gre plJ5trteabeeEtWriegt—esillAteleteefeeleegrearg t reduction in Fancy Goods and Holiday Sundries NTT WILSON'S DOOR NORTH OF PICK ARD'S. EAFORTH. Corner Main and Market Sreeta Seaforth, Ontario. The Largest • Clothing Dry Goods and Pickard Concern In Four-, Counties. ATIONAL SALE —OF ALL r DryG�ods, SEN , vPis Erliq 3 i -g - Our Annual Stock Clearing Sale will begin- on Friday, ,iannary 4th. A f monster stock redueing sale of seasonable goods. i We have prepared a feast of 1 bargains in every department of our store. i ., , Is now at th front, fairy equipped with all kinds of holiday god in the ' line of holiday "presents, leo a very large stock of fresh groceri s nd pro. visions, china, crockery and I Beware, which will be old cheap. is the time to get gr at bargains i II kinds of goods. I ill quote a es of the many bargain that are no to be had : Best granulated noir, 18 lbs. or $1 ; 20 lbs. coffee Bug; r for $1 ; n w selected raisins 10c al..; clea,ned cu ra to 1Qc a Ib.; new figs ca lb.; asso te candied peels 20e a lb. new seede r Wm; 10e a package ; ew dates, bee q alit, 8o alb.; sardine 5c a tin ; al cn 10c a can; best bra d.of corn, p as and, to- matoei 80.a an; ; mince t ea , 10c a package; S. Ilen'e, Nor ich refined cider ; 6 lbs. ice for 25c; Ib:. tapioca for 25c; 5 lbs boneless cod fis for 25c; beat syrup a d baking m las es, best American coa oil 22c a g llo , or five gallons for $J; first-class s y a d green- ing apples; a fine lot of fir t -c ass pota- toes in stock good butt r nd fresh eggs in stock half barrelo salmon trout and he rings; best flo r, $1.90 per 100 lbs.; en bars of sitp for 25c, . ten lbs. sulp ur for 25c, t n bo. ealts for 25c; all kinds of teas f o 10c a lb. up to 50c; 3 be. lemon his ut e for 25e; 5 lbs. broken sodas for 25c Wanted—fresh h tter and eggs nd all kinds of poultry, fo which the l4ig est price will be paid. A cordial i vit tion ex- tended, to auto come and , ge some of the many b rgains. No fu ther ds count on the bove prices. Fl Ho reat OF— Dress Goods De partment. Secret to Save Money! VVAAAAAMAAAAAWAAIWWII Tw from sale Sp six s Sp inche l*c. Th Good Fi hom price nty pieces of Si k, regular price Oc to 80c per yard, all shades, rice 25c a yard, cial line of 75c ftweed Suiting% ades, sale price 50o a yard. cial line of Ladies' Cloth, 41 wide, special at 25c, rale price ee ends of all -w , special at 60c, e skirt length spun, regular p $2.50. La ies, Fur ol check Dress ale price 35c. , special wool ice $3.45, sale A 1 Ladies' Riff% one quarter off regu ar price. S ecial $3.60 ruff f r $2,.62. One special coon " ruff $1.75, for $3.56. Special Sable Ru at $10 50, for $7.83; S ecials in Ladies' Collars. 0 e special _Coney Collar, sale price $3. Special Bear Colla sale price $4.10, Special Astrachan Collar, sale price $4.j5. S ecial Astrachan nd Electric Col- lar, sale Fie° $9. S ecial Astrachan nd Thibet Collar, sale price $11.65. c De -quarter off all Ladies' Muffs in Thi et, Sable, Bear, II pposuin, Electric Sea and German Ott:r. wentg per cent. •ff all Ladies' Fur Ca es. Two special lines f Mountain Bear Capes, sale price $5, 0 and $7. Special line Ast achan Cape, 30 inches long, extra sweep, sale price $11. X THIS IN YOUR MIND. Yoar dollar does double duty when it buys Boots anc. Shoes at the Clearing Sale now going on at Smith's old stand. As we are bound to make it the sale of sales for the next two weeks, -we ehall give finer 4ualities and greater values for every dollar that passes over our counters than ever before. We have an immense stock of seasonable god e to clear out at money saving prices. Pros- perity eomes to all who trade with us. Inspect the gnosis, compare the prices, and you must admit that we are offering the opportunity of the season, which you should consider a blessing to be within reach of. •Richardson & McInnis' Two Stores, the Direct re as gentler' en and work. I, • Bruoefield 1 on he tranmet on ' • - • i , President. 1725-2 . SE FORT • Whitney orner Store and Smith's old. stand, under the clock, SMA_FORTII_ JOHNS(' Staple Department. Amoug other bargains we will men- tion thee: 26 per centoff all bed comforters ; 15 per cent. off all flan- nelettes; special 33 inch, English flan- nelette,lfast colors, choice patterns, at 10e, sale price 8c; heavy. 12ic Eng- lish flannelette, in grey, fawn, blue an d pink, regular 15c, for 12=10. BROS. HARDWARE Will continue sale . .• One Week Longer On , -'-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-141-1-1-144-1-1-14 y. • After vIv ich store will be closed. Tho 6 Wishing to secure our goods att1E holesale rates, must make pur has s this week. Estat boon Bros., Artesian TO SU We S D LI 4S Ladies' Fu Twenty per cent. Coats. Special $25 coat,. Special $27 coat, Coats. Clothing Department. if all Ladies' Fur ale price $20. ale price $21.60. • Special $40.50 coate sale price $32.40. Twenty per cent. off all wool ebawlfh Spec al clearing pricees on all men's fur, coa s. Two special Canadian coon coat, sale price $28. Four special coon coats, sale price $31,50 Eight special coon coats, sale price $34. Also a‘ number of better Canadian coon coats at special prices. Spatial prices on calf coats, wallaby coats, wombat coats, and Australian coon. Speeial prices on all men's fur caps. Speeial prices on. all men's under- wear, Mert's lined kid gloves at spe.cial prices. Me 's, youths' and boys' Overcoats to be leared at special prices. Thi ty Sleigh Robes, consisting of goat, ub bear, grizzly bear, Northwest gallow y and Saskatchewan buffalo, to be cle red at special prices. Ladies' Department. Seaforth Our Annum. Whitewear Sale. Special clearing sale of ladies' flan- nelette wrappers, gowns and shirt waists. Ladies' Wrapper S in red and black, back and pink, black and blue, regu- 1 $1:30, now for 98e. Ladies' Wrapper in black and blue, blue and white, wast and sleeve lined, yoke back and fr nt, regular $1,55, nOw $1.17. , Ladies' Wrappe s black and white, cashmere finiehed rapperette, regular price $2,50, now f r $1.88. Gowns' made of fine English flan- nelette in plain white, blue and pink and fancy stripes, trimmed with frill around yoke and sleeves, regular $1, now 80c. Gowns made of fine English flan- nelette in plain pink, blue and cream, trimmed with cream torchon lace around yoke and sleeves and down front, regular 81.20, to clear for 96e. Gowns made from heavy English flannelette in, plain white and pink, trimmed with pretty designs of flan- nelette embroidery, regular $1.55, to clear for $1.23. tion, at Mc, 85c Extra special skirt, made frora heavy Children's er English flannelette, in plain. pink and. with sailor coli blue, to clear at 50c.of cream ribbon Special reduced prices on all shirt Our new whitewear to hand. It will pay you to study their real worth, We think you will buy a supply, even if yeti do ilot need them now. A Skirt made of fine white cOtton, eight inch flounce edged with cluster tucks and embroidery, at 84e. Ladies' Skirt, made of fine English long elioth, with deep embroidery_ frill, for $1. Skirt made of fine English long cloth, trimmed with 12 inch embroid- ery flounce and cluster of tuck% $1.25. Skirt made of fine English long cloth,- trimined with deep cambric embroid- ery, 'frill and cluster of tucks, at Skirt made of fine English long cloth, trimmed with beautiful -designs of cambric and Swiss embroidery, at $1 75, $2, $2.75/ $3,10 and $1.15. Gowns, empire style, trimmed with tucks and embroidery, special at $L Gowns made of fine English long cloth, trimmed with newest designs of cambric and Swiss embroidery and in- sertion, at $1,25, $1,50, $1.75, $2.45, $3Cahileam6isle2, 5. two special lines, trimmed with cambric frills and insertions and tucks, at 50c and 75c. Bridal sets, newest styles, trimmed with embroidery and insertion tucks $3.25, $4 and $1.50.. Corset covers, very special line, full front, embroidery trimmed, at 50c. Corset c,overs, made from fine Eng- lish long cloth, prettily trimmed with Swiss embroidery, Valencienthes lace and baby ribbon, at 70e, 75e1 90e and $1. Infants' and children's short dresses, made of fine English long cloth, trim- med' with fine S iss embroidery, inser- tion. and 'Velem encies lace and inser- $1.25 and $1.40. I Annual McKillop waists—$1 flannelette waists for 75c, 1 -Drillers ,,GORMAN Drrespondence solic 11 ite ox 382 ETAOLIA. 1721s8 Meeting the 1 Mutual Fire Insurance $2,90 corded velvet waist for $2, $3,50 polka dot French flannel waist for Company. ---- The annual meeting of the MeKillop Mutual Fire Insurance Company will be held in the Town Hall, ;Seeforth on Friday, the 18th of 1January, 1901, at 1 ; o'clock p. 111. Business of the meeting to receive the e annual statement and auditors report, also the elec- tion of two directors for the toWnehip of MeKillop and one for the township of Logan arid any ether businent. J. B. licLTAN, President T. E. HAYS, Secretary. 1725-2 _ $2.60. silk cord, at $9 lines at $3.50 a -- AIDIRECT PICKARD CO • IMPORTERS Grits Tuwn Building, Omer Main and Market Sts,, &dotal, am cashmere cloaks, r, trimmed with frill and two rows of cream .50, and other special d $4.25.