HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1901-01-04, Page 3i ANUARY 4, (1901 IMPORTANT NOT1019 - 0 . $IGWTIN'd B14 GUNS. Te :_ Busines's A Landlubber Mpa> tflet ar to Fioe� ORN B"TTIz, 01*rk 4t the >isopnd Diyltllon AnythInff Is laver Hit. tlOnaty 000E lsslnn•r, of Huron Con- - "flow in the world the runners on our an°e'r• Land. Loan asci $ �p a vfCU Sh � � big battleshil)s ever liinls tl;e to land a lav sled s - Bac r . th', thin the are ds Ment ell w•itilln it mile f g y Lysol stere, main sheet.. llletitorih< shell +— Toa mach rus:1 a d spooling at (las been a nl. teiy to me ev- i D&R POST'S wAYTED..- Whnte , 40D cedes bustle, workand worry # 11• er since I saw a piece of cavy ordnance Cjpos�,a, 8 fart brig end 6 inches at end; also , said a man 100 f3 teat longg end $inches at Pend. The to 11ea lot - of the ai ln© A California.. "I was on'the Oregon d� g lelg, heed primo will be paid. Tis h delivered at busine.s Iran. K Winthro before gar, let, Apply o or address can't stand it; they fail some range testa off Mnl Island sh2rtly TIIOAB BROOM, Winthrop B. tl. , 1724x4 Sitar the poisons from t it atter the ship was placed in commission," v BARGAIN.-f3o3 will buy a nice! comfortable blood properly. Urine y he continued, "and the ecutive officer, n a quarter of an! acre of good trouble,geuerallangnor s d who was an old schoolmate of mine, took frame hOn@3 and I land, plow -1110y situated io the vil cgof Harpur- gain in the back are 9 e me Into the atter turret show me how bey, and 1 Irene uc t of the thriving town of Hea- natural results. A m n the big guns were sighted, . forth, Inas a good cellar and is mall fenced. There % can't -attend to basin as "The man who doe» tl4 aiming stands a are a number of good f, tilt trees and Bard and soft If water close to the house. A,pplytotbtundonigned: properly if his back ac as on a little platform at t e sear of the e501ds i�np J�:~<ll i bio lAMARA, It.% 14, 13ea'orthf P. O. —no use trying.: breech and looks through a telescope fas- 1.721`tf Only one sure remedy that never fail toned abgne the. barrel. `' he wires cross pine Syr ---_.- FOR SALE. I each other 'at right angl in the far end desolate. Sof the glass, and the 11 .ee Where they The sev TDOANmeet must be brought i o line with he and cionp L i. h FOR bred bulls, undersigned bas, formal �� � * i * s f lance shaped sight at tit muzzle of he tion yiel i thoroughbred bulls, b gray .color and i red, KIDNEY � 1 Lj,r IV ,snafu{� In ag{e 1rs to 7 to ll months,. Those animals 1 3J gun and also with the o ject aimed t, healin are all cIigTiste for registration and are excellent ch I stock. Also two cows in calf. Apply to AUX Take a hint from basinesi men wh®h ®e e�nfvas 1 seen 1t3 feet h uare and 1.,400 Onto., say CAMPBELL, Let 21, Concession 14, boort, Crom• �d them- settled O art* r. 0. 1723x4 =1I have taken Doan's Kidney P111fl, wh 8h yardo distant: - I procured at the Medical Hall have, or "Now,. that would be hard enough to do could sea• lit CI BRED STOCK FOR BALE —The under. P ss,;nod ba4 !vr sale on his stook farm, lot 81, rheumatism and pains in the•llrsiall of y on dry land, because every slight shift us also tsluccaason 5, Usborne, five there bred registered back, with which 1 have been afflicted or the telescope .meant a simultane�lusthoughtd ffe bulis from the best strains, and ranging from refs the�pest sic pears. They did ane se m eh shifting of several tons f cold steel j by . me an mentbs old, up, one being 4 years old and a v ry odd that I heartily recommend them as means of a complicated system of wheels Y g ettperior animal. Flour are red in color and one roan, R way Pine Also a number of cows and bolters, either in calf or an excellent levy and levers, but on boa a moving ship y have recaDbl+ raised. These gra all pure bred and E1end baokaohe." CaAItL$a C. PiJ.itzit, de ler rocking up and down the wA es the bptitle Co aro rtconscnended. If desirable art o,obaDgge will lis in agricultural implements, Orillia Ontdifficulties are something appplll ng.! I made for stork steers. T11011As CUDUORE, Tu ofn- Doan's Kidney Pills Cure baciiZile,1 ms 'squinted through the in rument, end all. date P. O. or weak back, Bright's disease, diabetes, 1 could see was a circul patch of ocean ij O D ESTRAY $TdC L dropsy, gravel, sediment in the urine,. goof` whirling crisscross overthe field of ♦i- H R _ frequent risings at night, rheumatism, nd Sion litre a magic lante picture With a E STRAY IYARE.-Strayed frcnl Lot 1s, Concea weaknosss of the kidneys in children nd bad case of St. Vitus' dance. Onc 1 Bion 13, lldcKilop on8th of December,& ba marcs nld people, Remember the name, DOA 's, caught a glimpse of so thing white that - 'with whits faoa; and blind and pretty well np in ' 71d rAuse all others. The Doan Si ey shot. across: the circle s swiftly a a Keep sera, aDy, tniormation leading to h€}r rcoovery will of B '4y y g :?ill Co., Toronto, Ont. swallow and was gone fore I could ay e sultably rewarded. WM. DAVIDSON, Lead- - have burr, P O 1724x2 I .1—. boo. That was the tar ton Which the gunner was-euppoSed t raw a bead. blank AUCTIONEERS. w work while y oft sleep without "1 • stepped back in awe, while a' good robes LAXA- a gripe or paiay, curing bilious. looking young sailorma took my phire, barn 1�110MAS BROWN, Licensed Auctioneer for the LI��.� Less, constipation, sick had- gave a couple of hand eels a few harp SLEIGH Counties of Huron and Perth. .Orders left at sclhe and dyspepsia `and m ke _. A. U. Campbell's implement wareroome, seoforth, or turns right and lett, d then all ext a befor Tris: EtroetTOR,cfRee, will receive prompt attention. you feel better in the morn g. sudden pressed sometbi like a telegraph satisfaction guaranteed or no charge.!, 1768•tt PILLS .Price 9.60. M all druggists. Ivey. I thought thew le universe 'had We also 11 broken loose at the t ndations, lau;t it valfo ALCTI014EERIRG —B. S. Ph llipsi, Licenced Auctioneer for the countloeIot Huron and was only the gun goin ff, and the shell Perth. Being a psaetloal f.rmer nd thoroughly sZQN carr ed away one entireend of the vvhlte understanding the value of farm stock and imple- canvas target, How t e good loo' ingmenta, places me in a better osition to r, aline good I I I �R O pricee. Charges mod. rate. Satisfaction guaranteedK-ENDALL'S young sailorman .got lei aim I don't pre- 1, or no pay. All order@ lett at Elensall post office or tend to say. It seem like a piece of at Lot 41i, Concession 2, Hay, will be promptly ��AYIN pure necromancy. Th men behind the CA ttended to. 1709•tt guns are, without a d bt, the' greatest —. �VRE-�'�nfr sleight of hand nerfo,-r t rs in the wotld." STOCK. FOR SERVICE. I O PIG BREEDERS.—The undersigned will keep OBEYED O �DERS. l on. Lot 28, Cr'neeseion 6, L. R. s., Tnekerens'.th, � �l a horou hbred TAXWORTH Pie also a thorough br d YostROWss PIs. A Iimited number of Bows will t Th Bootblack W {� Aceiden lllr ` be admitted to each. Torms, $1, payable at the time ,/ ,W- OflLended a Ceno , Customer. of servioe., or $1,50 If charged. JAMES GENIIILL. IW8.52 .J;rM'rs"1, A Hyde Park ma Is saying can _ ' things about the little bootblacks o the STOOK BREaDERS.—Tbe well known. Short- j r >rl'1 ,� , - � suburban trains. Its ms Smythe—that 1. horn bull, "New Year's Gift, 22087 has been �� removed from the premises of sir. willfam Cbap- is a good a name as any—bought a ' aft - ma to the premises o the undersigned, where he crii on paper and Be t ed down I the wit be kair'stelasis for the isnprovement of stook until smoking coach for a few min tes with you to fur her Doee in these columns. I also keep forse Lae a Improved Yorkshire boar. A. the news. When the train ge t i mo- and r� ti.tSlLLIE,"(}CodCheer Farm,"Tuekenmith. tion,1,the,.uniformed. d remover ams pre 1721-tt The old reliable remedy for 6pidas, Alat e+, around With his new x. jest splints, Curb* and an foruts of Lataquess. Lt o res di. olish air?- Fix them up fi e.'' been without a blemish because it does not bills er, r North Plantagenet, Out., Feb. 10,' H. "Guess you can Ula en the Up �'� re- the, Dr. B. J. Kendall Co. s nded, Smythe, his eye sti 1 0 the its ZATIN Bear sire: will you pplease ggive me a remedy forbe .ea pL�A'MB t 1, afflicted. l talo leaaure In statin that lumns. Diver f ' I bas a mare tl>+ B sporting sting CO y I bays eared a Curb of four yeah standing with our ,a ► Blacken them, sir? eo Wholesale and Retail Dealers in ItendaU4 Blister, by uxlnq it only anew sed then appl isg. p _ your -6 ata Cure. Ae (long u II have lyorea I pl l t M t`(�'gL'taiIIly I Cant OU blacken my we Ls mber,; Lath, Shingles, Cedar Posts it sta�9traltandall'espFai CumandKendall's1111sur mr ah ea before w® reach yds Park?' pro Our and Timber. ADOr:PHUB.GAUTH '' If you want me to.' Coll Our lumber consists of the beet quality of H-emlook Mee pt, six for db. As a liniment for family n it � GgrtfllIIl I want yOn t� bl cken an fine, befog well manufactured Any amount of has no aqual. Ask ,your dru� st for Sea U's y , J. It�d Cedar Shin¢lse alp aye OD hand, Bring along stfa'►in pure, also "A Tres lee on tl,e lies ," th m. Come, Come I et t0 w" rk. cuvrilTbesure to et them filled satin• the book gree, or address 'be little fellow spread out is assort- yy c ter bills, y rlNOSSURO FALLS, VT. fa torily_ jWG.odericb street East 1711-tf DQ S. J, 1GBNDAI.L CO.,POmeat of boxes and b rhes an proceed- ed without: further delay.. . S yth con- tinued to read. ` All right, sir," said the boot lack, The an to ing his box from der Sm the' foot. 8acie+y•R.'Jackson' ist T he day, Jan, . I. . t'� D positing the coin t his r g BALLAN yt', off ' or another Bine: Wh the 1-3 w g ,�n (�. W ON * � _; train in slo ed up at de Pa k, s ythe folded his paper and i cried h me. ti;z�aT I�IPoz;Trxs or R u Is`��r "GraciousI" caapi d Mrs. Sm he as I Jules Robin & Cole Brandy, Cognac, ji Notice ` France; Jnc. de Kuyper E€. bon, HoI she caught a :glimpse of he hue and's Ing of th l brilliant footwear. "'Why did you ange Muturi E land Gin, Itottc►rdam, Holland ; Your shoes at the ofli ?" Town Hat t R I Booth's Tom tl€n, London, England ;SOT-vs** `change them?" ec ed Sm the. solving tBulloch & Coss Scotch Whisky, Glasi 'Certainly) You have on a blas ' pair.. election o i Bow,. Scotland ; Jamieson's Irish Mc. Ste hen Wescott, Fceport, When you lett this ornin yo wore suestedt ihisky, Dublin, Ireland ;also Port p th se new russets." HENRY and Sherry Wine from. France and N. gives the following expe` ,encs myths set his tee 1 firml . to event t I Spst;in, Agent's for Walker's Whiakv with Burdock Blood_ Bitters. a y sulphurous! re arks it m t Aping - South i Ontario •, Royal Distillery and Davie si I was very much run do n in o't. 1 Ale and. Porter Toronto. e ; } health and employed our local hysi- `Ella," he finally urted, 'the 'oght !'o THE PUBLIC: cian who attended me three m nths; to be discharged." j I We have opened. a retail store i:n finally my leg broke out`in running 'Who?" I of th connect, pn with our wholesale bus,- sores with fearful burning.. `Thio bootblacks the rain ' Tho Agrlonit I had Heli, sr Idea of that, boy daubing lac ing on , business in the rear of the new Do* thirteen running- sorest at On Zime t ase brown shoes!" p Being minion Bank, in 10 Goods old stand, from m knee to the to Of m foot. "Henry, I bet'you old hi to, blacken restore vi i whore we will sell the best goods in Y P ►, SMITH, 1�5__ the market at battsnf prices. Goods All the medicine I took did me no your shoes. N. B. delivered to any part a£ the town gtaod, f!O I threw it aside an tried «Wolf, er"-- s beheld free. $.B,E. Then one-half the bottle Certainly you did!! You 1r�- blamA y $i�ek 1 ELEPHOI�IE ll. 1516-bi year own absent mind. was gone I noticed ��. a char. a for the ., ! The Number o. Voter a ot. _4 i // better knd by the A local candidal who as efeated e'iBI% Yr �i /f�-�!'ll l�I'S time 1 had finished for a high office die not have tie sym- tvvo bottles my legS. p thy of lila wife, S have shared the honors of office twould fth hi g acefully TOOLS AND ' vava9 perfectly heal- a ougb; but she was of ani ling o share I ad sand m health SUPPLIES T� y) pT I�j t y . I- his defeat. A iris of t e . c a, with l� tJ _l. 1 11 _ _ �reatl Improved. ® was in to talk over the c mpg gn with �q,/ /� BOXY y p him- one evening aft er the elect on, and #yt � Il'/ A N PE`I'ROLIA the wife sat z�ar darcii g s ockings� EXAM i N A • 10N n;pparently uniptere ed in he onversa- Correspondence solicited. 1721x8 FRE tion. 1. "How many vot did on say YOU Stocklow Farm, got in Alleghany Canty?" asked thio Merton V caller. r_ HIBBEIIThood"- "Why, T think It as in the eighbo- LOT `37, CONCESSIONS, Hood - - "Well, you nee l 1't think 'anythin'g �� - • about it," interrupt his Rife. "I kno� Thoroughbred Durham Gown, Y, how many you got. You g t ju t encu h Heifers and Bulls Notes to make a fool o yourself.": of the most fashionable strains for sale at reasonable. prices. Post office address, Hews Use or st a�rrr DAVID HILL, Staffs. Defects scarcely noti eable 18t33•If After taking his last min jai p for the In children assume - evening Mr. Jagwa abse tmll dedly put MONEY TO LOAN - ' i the straw in his poetet. 5loner to load at 4p� per cent on stood tam scour. dangerous proportions `with. It was this fits -thi iss,t straw— Bloc ity. Apply to JAB. L. KILLORAN, Barrister, Sea- I which Mrs. Jagwa foun wh n looking forth. 1712 -it advancing years. through his pocket ext orni g for the act MONEY TO LOAN. - t me ding the holes purpose. no doubt, caul A .proper correction n. w will in them. ele Money to loan at 41 per Cont on Sret-class farm "H'm!" she excf i ed a all noted the laud security. Apply to R S. HAYS, Dominion ,o 13an4c Building, Seaforth. I= prevent serious comp ice faint stroma ft exhaled. "this shows the hu . !way In which `he logs hia invneyl" lies tions later. to t "o the public of Seaforth and surrounding country is S ROBE TS, I - ' The are tett Tsls . i5 a a g Seeker--Tbat was a great tr al you bad _` per DRUG( $T AUD OPTICIANS last week. " it&�'INt.*• PUP.C1IARED „�wwww1N. ,. . I Bageman--Whir one'd yo refer to? SE/1FORTH. , Seeker—Why, . e on y u had in 7I'i 1►Ui Business - court, of course. r .t_ S,ageman—I had a gr ater trial than NTIA that today when TI se+t ed up with my Formerly conducted by CE - lawyer. i0 T. R. F. CASE 4- CO. Wh Har4ware tore# The depopulation of P xu € illustrates I trust, by gtriet attention to business and by the fact that he laile of Santa, An aupplying a first class article at a reasonable _ - w ich in the da of the f leas had a price, to merit the patronage bestowed on o ulatiou of 7C(,000,1 no has only 61 rt the late firm. We have a complete line''of t►ood Coops, 6, c ranges, coal and wood heaters. Will pay the highest market price for For a -six hole ,cage pee our mperisl Clx- hen- a noted n Is ver ill, n great j dressed poultry, good hides, skins and tale ford and Colonial, the beet alae .in the m ny persons call at lis re side ll(T unit s ow. market. le ve their ualuc+ nnt� ns evialence of p GALES, CQ (� In Wood cooks Moffat's Crow and Match- r ,faith. but fo • nubl'icati ' n. �i i E� (y jl l L Cl V ea Qrth lees e►nd Gurney-fi ted. w Famil Banner .are ss („ , first rices stoves Steed with • 1 ovens and ENSE8 1719•tf warranted perfect bakers. M RRIAGI ' ___�. _ It will pay you to get --our rices before : ___, purchasing. _ , , .. ' ISO <D AT AN ITEM OF INTEREST. ' • e �UAUW POSIT R 0MCEv . m•nt to 8 I I I S& M rdIIN BRIO. Farm loads taken at lowest rates; pay • B�AFOR @ Q •ulb borrower; satisfaction guaranteed; all oorre• Dr spondonce cheerfully answered. ABNRR C09EN8, HARDWARE , �Yinghaw.., Ont. Office—At corner of Ulonle and Patrillk streets; -every Saturday ail day. - IN7 Oounter's Old Stand, Seaforth. NC WITNESSES R QUIRED, - .. I . I . !_ . , `\ _ i . - . — - _. -- _ ' --- _. - - _-._ ...__ - . -- _ �. __ _ _ -- «. F . i . �_: NOT , � . . I ;.. .. _ _ _ z - _ - � - - � - { - best -coffee fol 30c per -_ i I . . - . e 1* THE VERDICT. A WOH I RFUL ANTISEPTIQ 00,KPOOD r l� Oilho, `£, i Vermont's pure air has been (still ful•- f,�iI�_O0 ther purified by the banishment of the' A Ivledca d Toilet Soap of the Purest, Awarded Silver illfexial Greater . it cigarette. ---Flew York World. .. � Britain Exhibition, 1897. The phrase "the wild and woolly west" A' FEW ��F,ASONS WILY YOU SBOULD USE NOVO .( ith the nineteenth cen- WHAT IT `'4ILL DO.must pans away w Reg, No. 3?��7. ' I tury. In Ban Francisco Wagner's operas ' _ are actually popular. --Boston Journal. 1—Prevents all contagi cis diseases from 6—It will clean and :remove] gains, oil .d ,.t . V.j� t a proaohing w 11r re it 10, used, grosso stains from woolen 'nd cotton sloth •4 Steam pumps on the Jordan constithte ��t will Clean and poi �h paint work and in�gg- Also cleans coca csoil�tts end hats. I I form i which American up to h slut. 7—It csontains no alkali and'rs strongly re Elle latest n not kill the gloss of t e,p / date enterprise is familiarly elbowing the 3—It will Clean carpet's without taking commended for washing �he head, as It stateliness of ancient tradition,—Balti- them u imparts a silky and naturpl gloss to the Inure American. 4—It wfl oloan linoleumo like new. hair, and is especially useful err Cbitdren, , i , An even 100 divorce suits were heard 5—It will clean bicycle chain and rime. I in a court at St. Louis on Monday, and Novo is olsimed to be the Dees st and best paint RICK Id, and 4elo a BLACK In over 60 of the cases decrees were cleaner on market, Try It on ger marks on doors. P Frail directions on blocks. . a 1 t granted. It is too easy to Marry nowa- jj Is wf.iid only seat con hs and days and too easy to get a d€voreerlowa CROS. ijCySeafortb timie (with lllr. Cod's arvvay State Register.►�te JOHNSON ap, hfere wou14 be fewe homes If -Japan did an express and freight - t •�s business through the mails as we do in epee paughtl an colds, br nehitis this country, it could not afford to carry . A d the first tabes eEi o nsamp• a letter anywhere In the empire for a . dnrr ar il, t® $h ;pow®rf ► ltmg- postage stamp wrtf•tb oup seventeenth of hat rs. Thos. Cater N rthpport, a cent.; Ch e: ' Caught a'sev, ere col , wllioh Arbitration by the United States has n y throat ar;d dun a, s that I made friends of Brazil and Argentina, roe y ®oak ab ve is h'sper. I If arbitration can soothe the fiery South a,te r ib�e Cough wjrich m friends American republics, it ought to accom- 700 send m to rave. I plish a great deal in other directions. P . rerb igmedies lint, all failed to do St. Louis Post -Dispatch, Cod until I took Dr. oo 's Nor. The syndicate of defenders who will l e S� ltlp, and the zonten s of one strain every nerve to balk, by all honor- oa f ve � Con telly cared ," able means, Sir Thomas IJipton's gallant ambition to carry the America's cup kindsand all across the Atlantic €s worth€]y conatitat- I T j�j %j� ed. The distinction and glory of Amari- , S i . BL 1, K 1►55 can yachting are aafh in its hands.—New ' ! i 'York Tribune. Ihe famous stallion Axtell, which has food Witl'i Sargentar ; ens s now been sold for $14,700, brought the yo', r orae oo fortab a with one record price of $100,000 11 years ago, i rod rlic 's home, Bla k te, We when he was a 3 -yens -old, However; th lar eat and boot stool:of horse he has earned $240,000 for his owners Gi0 et oat, Gilleyway and Bear meanwhile, not to mention the' price I . in e n and he qualityof our which he now brings as a 14 -year-old. Bas s so unsu possed, 011, yes, t'ler9's bier.money in good horse - 13 1.1 S are ,Cheaper than ever flesh. "hazing" ! C h . P I � The difficulty of preventing hazing e' I j in scholastic institutions will not be dis. - hav a nice a cit of tr nks and puted, but It does seem that more civi- . � P . e r ea. -i lazed conceptions of academic lila might { � be impressed upon young men before ' -P ftods the Lowes - they are sent away from home. To `REID �� j�T jL,,�'ON {i d the savage ' i D , I��1$�i RONPESS argue otherwise is to plea b instinct In innn that €s never overcome, E Sea�erth. but only veneered over by the processes of education and training.—Pittsburg i ! DY LOCK' �EA�O TH. I 1 1719xis Dispatch. ' is ConOng s . ` . I POULTRY POINTERS. New jYear 1! � E5T TY When eggs are w anted for hatching €n 1 the incubator, be sure they are not chill- ' sed. So you must Ma preparations, and it is just Bight here at eaforth's Crest a resents of Ha:.' lkerchtefs TieB, moms, Furs, ��' Have the henhouses so constructed that Cash Store that you can get Xmas p • , I i i the fowls may have all the sunlight pus- Shawls, Silks, Hater ostutl.es, etc., at the .closest 1 rices. 4nr values are ex - L : - 00 `� sible. best way of disposing of fowls that ceptiona'ly good -a comparison of prices will convi ce you af.; that feet and I i have The id of contagio s disease is to burn the quality is worthy in every respect. We__will a pressed t have you etc• ,L PAY them. alpine the goods represented. i . good plan to wash the eggs with ; , , , alt r3 the Ft}reit it Busineae It is a go plan hem in A few of our specials are : Ladles ITarldkere ids, lace trimmed and em- Sh lhand College, O dol,, O lukewarm water before putting t cti 13 instruotian' In ra tidal cab- the incubator. broidered, ranging gt 15c� 8c, 10c and 300 each (1 ntlemen s Thea, new designsI e. prover fif On y ar we have The three breeds that are best for lay- 25c to 50c ; Gentle 'en s Neck Scarfs from 25C to 1.25;. Silka�be, suitable for •i duoh wit oup ople and sofa pillows, a niee mas gift, for 121c to 2fic per arid; �Remijianta of Velvet, Ing are the ltiinorcas, Leghorns and P r e ds# and thus, es world and Black Spanish. re Temente. ; time an of the fowls- all colors, useful for ancy work, at quarter regular : rice; Reminanta of Ribbvu tl "hen at feeding Y aril Y at com a4d for iii ding young o for a son Corsets, osier Mittens Gloves Belt Combs Pompadour Combs y, , i , r , pie both before 1ld after graduation. refuse to eat, ft is a good sign that you g _ bays a sick chicken, and many other art;ic es too numerous to mention, s t the closest' prices. a in su rior Iwork, results re Send f0 : Par aat logue and If the fowls get too fat, give them Men's Furnishil ge--A full line of Gentleme� s Winter Vnderwear, `latest some grain not too rich in carbohydrates. eg Journal, gats are a good grain• style, best quality, a d lowest possible price.esivy a*ool fleece lined suits for N. 'V1tSTEIIVLT, r ncipal. Fowls that are espceted to lay must o 1708.28 I w X1...0 each. Extra eavy fleece lined at 900 per st#t. . hnve plenty of opportunity for exercise —p -�-� i ar they' will soon get too fat, RO � j .. lt_=j _ i IVOtI� Tbe refuse of cabbage --soft heads and ; - outside leaves—maketl a good green winter Our Grocery :D partment is complete and fresh is all'; lines—apricots, nuc neeting`of the �seato tis Horticultural food for the fowls and will be relished by prunes, figs, oandil s, peels, nuts, etc. Secure your Kmaa tree¢ One pound will . h I in the Council m on woane.• P y vase or patented trffy, for 1a t1i1901 at Trio o'clo k m. will. thein. Store up a good supply, _to be used Nest Queen's $ttkmg Powder, together, with a ret TY d , resident i 1724 2 as needed. Properly to vary the food, the hens only 25e ; 18� lbs. st granulated sugar for $1 ; b st selected kaisins at 10c per S, {d t only have different kinds of ib.; two lbs. choice leaned currants for 25c_; six l s, gilt edge ! fiats for 255 ; the Fire NOT E, s Liu no grain, but also some kind of bulky food. best -coffee fol 30c per lb. We grind It for yo when thee_ order is given, is __ reb ven t the t, annual meet, F tatoes, chnpoed PinvAr. milk, are all Grand Mogul Tea a .30e, 40c and 50c per Ib.—gr en, black alid mixed, 11 e t bens of the nrurance CoinDeny, ay T w chip Farmers t be held at the title, A. D., CoJ,d. i Wantied--tine - ton quarter cut dried apples 4fore 3anuary tat, for which I T li, he rich, on Tue ur of 1 o'clock sly, Ja a ry p . m Business—Re BEE E BUZZES. a 5C er Ib, will p y P ' . 4 he t rectors' and i rectors and o c Jretary.'s nnual report, h bus no a for the good J I .. i , are f the 90 pan All m tubers are re- he secret of securing wax of a bright to tend. JUSTW NEL I t{R Preddent ; Cash or Produce and Un-�'�`�� ul_ o i BEA. secret• y i 1724x2 yet color is to let it cool slowly- , ees want their houses airtight at the 1 ; uron AR i�cult r 1 Society top to prevent cold drafts In winter. 1. Thick, well ripened honey will not Remember the place-- , ANNUAL 'EET G. granulate so readily as that which is thin. 1 . i Dry and warm is the rule for honey It e embers— o . '-'the j ouch Huron you want it to retain Its flavor and rich - u Society will be E h id in Dixon @ y . (� ORTW I N uoc old, on Wedne4 day, P uaq 18, 19o2d ness. oakE I - .'m , for the purpose o reOe€vine anDo not let dirt and filth accumulate i th nnu.l reports, leenr,� ffle. nand H. on, the bottom boards. It may propagate ° ' t he ualtransactionreits of ottie boat Seaforth $ my Clash Dry Goodie Store, 11�nder the Town Clock. Pr !dent ; ia. Y. VoLl N 8earetary. nlloths. seting of the officer a d directors will In cold weather when bees are quiet _ - on ei seine day at the a e place at it 7 � ,. ; E I ; k A. , to windup tLe but}, ese of the past t ey are doing best and should not be Re T 1 C+ULARl 1724.8 d sturbed. `L, , :- Inrendering beeswax a tin, brass or#'�r��' I f An ironSS1 T" AW cyppper vessel should be used. *''�� , ;a n . 1,,, o e will darken It.ISUCC� s k1aTo keep the moth worm out of comb ,_,..I00 go �- .1 . Money, fumigate octihsfonaliy by burning_ sulphur In the room. e ic m � ;® ■ ' l I Snow is a good protection: for bees as Numbers O People it+� � �� . i`�-� long as the weather Is cold. When it is Canada W O are Beltrg � 0 Pq � I thawing, they need attention. = LS P � A weak solution of carbolic acid to Gored Oi 1lStttilptUtl p, W� to t_U CD which a little common salt Is added Is a 0� m ( -4 ,IT _moi I, `'4 p s®t g' ■ specific for bee stings. , u 6a `, P�! , t rsenleh� i W n Is Positiv Evidence�' �' ofnmm "cD AiIOW i0nt eXldn� QOId I y... r" m n, �° 11 i e fM1d its ; it Ill's- THE PEDAGOGUE. t-'° m �- W CD culture has fit t e miaCD rve s s tit the G ft CIO m Pi � m � ffl Dy peps 1, LaOk Of In Philadelphia physics! $Wm .Sys ayes�fr di L� i� t�`. 0 Or atpim 'h Trouble% been added to the regular course of study ,� G ors .illi P. in the public schools. ° Washington, the first i i Z. � p � ' Trinity college, i ® 0 t Catholic tnat[tution Lor the Higher eau - p cation of women, was dedicated with im :� !}it%RES B14 iD CT0R3 FlEt 81 m W m �. Cim D MA e onies on Nov. 22. 190it ft SUFFEWNO , C w CD m 0 r, (D i posing cerem I rr° tD m 4 ■ I. � William Waldorf Astor -has given £10; D. a>fn's sue•ets oaring ail diseases of the � [� ►� Mme- p 0:1000 to the Cambridge university bene tax's era t>trensaiai stet >• b•T•ona elpset on Ir: 8ti 104 i -r 0 Ij ` faction fund, bringing the amount con /coat ease s� �° br•stored hbelleTed e ltl htl h o `� C I I %W tI - i R' tributed up to ` £07,000, in addition to h els• SWOON sy" of tr atm•ot. seen of O ' e- m0 is Y, Wh ni you d� lot u e D . Ward's (15,000 assigned under Miss Squire's file p.ewsueat; Oo pri�ag tit. sloenn) 0 �,...� CO a H 0 est toseibes eotll lterT•ct tnesith =•salla, 0 I . i:Q - e � ;rF� j will for a law library.or d d IJerve ;Pill to counter_ Lt'ou ep>sq Lases any KvsmL long tee°hie wort. Dr. D. H. Pearson of Chicago, who r�,r, eu sboam Cot 1 a Inmate is apip"a cot I m 0 a+ a) CD. th as conditi ins. 1 wl ! ? Be- os�• bas already given much money to col s►irw ASO& b" 7 4" ` AU 700 "se m p; e t try Cont in �1 t e natural leges, will give $50,0(;0 to Colorado col- feu t4 Write ;T,1 &W"U e,UMMAr. CO, Piz ki W �• F; I Lege on Jan. 1. Some time ago the money Lute: , 179 [Ing ft beet. areata, 6tT%6 .ads m.e peroses to y build up t pas promised on condition that a science u►tch pati at8 and Fr Omc' adQrse`' � ; W 0 O, I to a C ird completed. The s 0 19 . ma y5tem, t•aY ; hall. coating i1G0,000. be co p� TM�NT I alel! the Toa fro, the stoirnach doctor, who has been In Colorado Springs ` IE " , - M 0 pr " ll food for his health for same time, was so wast ion qtly ,receipt of 7eosxa � i he ib Cod and nervi >vs. ' n, e..n, This U Clio m am rent offer ever made o 4' I , pleased with the college's outlook that be et on by the . std ac: -t and Gre- removed all conditions to the gift. b .n >owleat ° i colt onus' l dot at he:0 0 as Im 1 am h et Whwa b tmemt will d• that he m . et- W �8'= pare r absorpt on it to ripe system. chis girls uo er. fully oleo 141 a141 'IP POLITICAL HITS. mW he ,...its will to U tho.•wn•wantae 8' p, m D ard's ?'i'ls i7' '.F,- tie ._fpr;• �* was metnuon tole � 9 whiting lice t ova 1 0 jeer % �• 0 + p,; h.:p to t r ! k�e ^ € �' It is better to be born In old Ohio than ep m oQ (D £u a fl'.:ry rt ; ,,2)1.,b throi:yh the � ,' >tsce°s's free after In tXs W. 1 humid. trlfiii�. to bred in old Kentucky.—Memphis r paper. WIU ecus Loc wmpsset v lye .V �. -11 ICom ercisl Appeal. C" ,� 9 L l �rO�,Ir if �o Vr,C' �Zisi Bo a politicians work so hard to se � m co ® i1U t^i0' ©1', y�13t3� erre . their offices that they don't feel ON NTED. �' m ' Wai7d'G called upon to do nrytbing .,star they �, c'!'•. (l Serve �'I1I .0 In. r � G o tltution itself comes! to 'n cash wilt be m pa a. 0 to 8; (,% A;l drag, when the a ns The very highest pri 1 I 0 q t,,x iZvA b .- o. f"'r be amended so as to provide for the ecce 13at r s un Witti.t n ;,?z 11a.,'i'�S-onto. Untr tion of re•ide!flt and ♦ice president by Paidforany quaa ty of Pint Class 1,0p k tm Bass�+raod `4 �'` 0 (r'1 direct vote of the people, it should alae ;Sp Elm, Rock , 0, ! m � �, � -01 MeA i Ce Esq be amended go as to sive the vice proal ,And all oth• kin of see Logs i M AO, e duties to rform -Philo deli Bred t the v ,,,E Q ,- dent eaecuttr Pe � ID � an � °�. ,� O ARIO D URVEYOR, tielphla Ledger. . . ef� forth S IWf gills. m A 8TS - � - � - P. 0' — et- p' 2 1 hogs will par ihased and paid for %• I j �, ti a - Lo, i' ' Pl T se rdiog to opal, y. ® ' m En i eer for ing am, 15eaforth, CAS ■ O th of Lo wt 12, 14, 16 and 10 wick BI h, ulrotis, &c, tee 2 Mae. .Bs 4 p m a, 4 ! For hlliant� and Children► h will be pa d as he logs are delliv.red, '°4 p• if d sired. .Ap fly to O O = 5 oe ant Sidewalks, se ors lead Township ho- Y • J �'/AH W� T3 N, Seaforthe m m M W V r ala 'll be giveia spe sl attention. "te �Pa 1z2`L ti • r PIes At n eon's Hotelt ws I I I I I � i =91M