HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1900-12-21, Page 6FP ; 1*1 � - I .1 A mw� -- - — ­­----- ­ ­ --­ -I= . � [ =��� - - 211113911ft.rulirm - �.. - � . - I ­ � I . �� i. i ! �; I . ; � 13-i 1 ! - ­I BY WOMAN'S WIT. � -1 W I - � - .1 �r .. , � �, . ! �- I � �i ­ � " I R . i I 0"W"ft-1 - . - ! . I - � . 1­�,---'­---,­1" . �; � � � I - �r i .1 ,- - � i � I -A ,� � � , � �. ". so A�USOLnUOTE 1. 13Y .N - ALEXAND.ER. � IRS, - I . --- I .1 . I * I 1. 1. � , , � � � .1 -- - . 11 10 I I . I f. �', I 1. - -, 11 1 11- - t f . �:,-U 1. " ­.. . I � �'..tt ­ -1 . 4.#t ; . . . Aft am M Inma % OR � CHAPTER III. . ; I I 1, � ­ � - ,� . ly IN - f � - - -� ­ -, - t1i " � I 11 I I THE BALL, . . � fl- -- .� : ­ . � :� I 1", --L �, � ��-­ , Es vF4 b ITY - . 11-1) 1. . I � �. 1, i , I " This is a terrible one. -I would rather . "t. I V4?, � - . . I � - - �!­ � ­ . � .. UU . I . I see your fair neck without its overpowering . I ­ � -�. I - - . . I �, 1Z �1. �� � _J, I : - . I Zil . J ­­ . - load of gems' -you may trust to its own * shawl or pometh ; 11111 �. � I - I - �� U . - � 1�,�, i � I � - - beauty.- These ornaments are too -heavy, . I ,� !k -.0 oi , �. I . � , ��, A I � , . i -. -! �. I 'F ,I � � �. .. !i I Z� u I n Cenulne too mundane for you. I feel as if I must I I Clifford," paid his I ickly to the �­ Ci -L��-, " . . - � . . � ­ - -, ) . a �Joot -prints, there -was no ign that the ro , � , had lain'in wait there. bold you up all the closer, lest the,weight I - �, i . .. 1! "- � , , �, * ' I ­ 4, Z, 1. -, " � , - �­ �i I t. Z � I ii, . Z � - I -1 I - . I I I - of your jewels prove too much for your . strength." He put hie-arni round her, and ' � clo . ith a wrap. 'Mrs. t 17. �i4 �, � � , , ,- - 1-1 - � Z � C a Plot VEAt-ft-i"r s they whirled away into the crush of - SHOE i . ­ ­ I -.1 ­ � � �F;� t f i I 1. I dancers. look of te i 3r recognition .]L� ---- � ­-1. -, 4 , :;­ 4, �­-t. � . � J1 I - 11 How pretty your young cousin, Miss A slate framem, I 1. �­: , , - � L` �A,P. t � 11 - ­�`­ . " I . ` , ji � �- � Little Liver PHIs. 4 - pa, Ming her Vh's�range, looks toanight," said Mrs. Ruthven, as soon as she took breath, when : pleasurp-ground beneath, which here =-- T *�.:I . price In It Is bran oll 11 ed on every sole -:::::!:::: . first three tor to i ;� 4 , ended in a thick grdwth of evergreens 0 . -through whi�oh a walk led to a gate they paused after the two or . =� ­­ I , �. I . 'Ap - L ­ 4 :_ , I � I . - rounds. 11 Why -has she such a fancy for "I 0 t� I -1 .Z � , . - , M ust Bear Signature of . that cold, hard, gigantic Mr. Winton?" 3k on the sole for the slat ,'as without it's � .. E i ­ -R I . ­4� � - j� f. 1 - � fT � ,� Ail L .. IVI I :, , �� . I . - � is -for Winton I" said Marsden, A fancy was usually4ocke was ofegreas to �"ejdejtriane going to and fro M � n - � . i� I I . I M ­ 4 I 9 , -- , , $::2r .......... " \ - .. turning sharply to look at Nora, who was . - . - � fashlo J � - I : it, �11 : !� �- !11 .7 � � I �"4�- otandingmearly opposite, her arm rough , E- S! 4� I - - ` . ; I- I - i, t Vi.,- . I 7- � ,I/ loeee__- , her partrier* but her head half turn d and . t A) I . ­ f.� ; li ;. � i� izi t; . T. . raised -in' a pretty attitude -to up ak to � # �� : , - 4 i I I �3 .-- � P � �; i � %� �, I see Fac-slintle wrapper Below. Winton, who stood behind. There as an - . I 01 -1 �� 1, -T� n "t I ; � �, � - %. , 'I't I , ,- Winton. - Hold the lantern lower." . . in -describable expression of plesou a - and Itathers most reliable and - -- - Daring this &wart, I , 01 J..­�1 - Z g 4- - �w . 1, : T 131r, 1 - I i" . very simau 412id as 01hor - � . sultable. liking in her pose, which somewhat justified �- t I., U., � - - - " 1, 'i Z Z. I , -- I -1 4- F, �' 4 71 " - 64 4i .Captain . I � or the re reprimen Ito take as Guira-C. . I of the path, and had proceeded about a hun. Mrs. Ruthvein'o remark. " Oh, no," con- . - Is L � . ��, � If - -'Af-, 1� -. � ." FOR NEAGACHlo soon -afteri tinned Marsden, she has better taste than f F � ;�4: �' 1 , : : � r - ,., -, .1 I , A A . .1 D 0 * encounters, to care for such a piece of petrification I i t n- �Z 1- -�r . , I :: it I � . . � I 1 - - ,�� .r- I '. , umffEna rrVVVVUb-0V=;Ur1t1r177UtTUU -FOR DIZZINEW it. 66 Well," � Besides, he is an . old flame of the at' ep- ' lk � tiv.+ -� � : I I i;� 1 t. . ; i W F-, A I . . I*T E r TOR 31LIOUSNES .,� � i I i . : � mother's, and isi I fancy, paying his court. f- I �, , J-- t - , -� P" I � I . -f. - . I � .1 11 What's this ?" he cried, rtooping to drag a dark bundle from under the low- I - � I fOR TORKO, LIVER* ­ . & SON, -SOLE LOCAL, in thiLt quarter. No matter, these retriger. ' il -, ­� I i - I . � I 1� ,rl� ! - I . z 1z - --!, i : I i � --p ;-,�­ ­ ad iirley , w of her indi up it �on,: I .. - - ... . I � I FOR CONSTIFATIOIL , _;_ ---r ated machines are not in'our line, you and . I are children of the sun,J:thoukh chance It�� 2f - i:. il . T � �, i: j�4, 1 ', � i -- --- - -- -, - - - - ­­ - -.:-= --- -- - - ­ 1 - - ­ -- I . � fOR 11-AUOW SKIN. anything has made us English.' Are you rested ?- . : I � -­*!-��%!, ; I . �� ,:tl-17� , I - i from her throat to the was I 1 seen approebing, and he said : ,, We I [FOR THE COMPLEXION due to . Let us have another turn. 3) - I ' I .1 � . . ��,:J*,�i, 11 � . . r. `�V� I i�� � i �� I -� � - ; i", J,�, i - - , , ,� ,; � I I I tered on her brow. She must I l� I dj�xawoinawm MUST"Va WATUR . 'POW Jrmwywgietable ''I beat and, I I Whennext they stopped Marsden bent over her and said - with an air of tender. .. t - � Z':.)-! , I - � �- I 1, , i�-�, , �, ; 1 U, 4-,! --�� , - i : tqrni . . � is com . - - wl�--­ - his glance, and affect- which I I . interest : . . ' - f - 1� L , 9 � I— �:- � I ; . Vl,li r 1 ; i - - I , . - - CURE SICK HEADACHE. - I "I a afraid yo are fatigued, you m U . tremble I Come, there is a charming re. e4 tc jg,­ , - I 14 i I It i I - ' F I , ., . � , j�� ­` � . r - wl - ­ ­ ­­- ­ --- — treat atthe end of the conaervatory, where A I I I -- , ,,�, Lie -, i , - I - ��,�­ : I - . I VETERINARY . . you. can rest and be quiet ; you look pale. r � I ti I 1, -i�,�-�-.' I . J -&�: , 4 ­ . - ..!�-- �� T, � � The waltz will not be over just yet, and If. I J. . - ` " J.. . t , - ;�J t , I 6j,;l j.�'. ;, I I I t i�, -1 i I -- OHN GRIEVE, V. S.,.honor graduatia of Ontario A Idisc of Domestl . . h can bring you an ice there." Drawint. er , hand through his arm,. Marsden lei her 4 ­ 1� ­ ; �.. , ­, ­ :0 � Veterinary College. sees 4i , � � � i.z U. I ­ I � � 'k� ­ ; il W I �: !�� !-�,-Iit,,,�, � t i 4 i , i Call )tiy attended to an I animals treated. a ' Te'kerTn:,',n3,'Dent#try a specialty. out into -the cool conservatory. - I 4- - I , - j ,� -I Z.-!� � , 1 ! ­ li, - f . - f : I � cha ken moderate. Oill(e and residence on Go'derich street, one door Mrs. Ruthven was unusually disturbed. 4A �ivl , �� f,�:'11L� I -d 'r; . I ! I go@ of Dr. Scott's office, Seaf orth. 1112-tt - Her prominent thought was :,i He bag - �.. 0 r leavingi, a , I I y . I - -- - — . I -Tivu-Wway ; lientlyp 11 r . brother-in-law's bidding. � -1 W I - . I " , I U1UVUUU V Q �() D'O'U � I 0"W"ft-1 - . - ! . I - � . I . , � n dr I I --- I � .1 � � --- I .1 . I * I 1. 1. 4 . i %1 . - t.. T H E -' 11 - I . I I I . 11 10 I I . F . . I � , it; ; I I 1, -' - . 14, 1�1 , 41 � I � I . f 11 � - - -� ­ -, - t1i " � I 11 I I I I woul Ruttiven, . � ., I I- , "i �1105 I I I 11 - , ­ - . 11-1) 1. . I � �. 1, i , . . . "t. I trembling, , . , - . ��� - .1 . , f : . I � i .. I— -­ - - 1 for , a � me "7--- 0 r leavingi, a , I I y is a 1" arsden -Tivu-Wway ; lientlyp 11 r . brother-in-law's bidding. �� I . I " , I U1UVUUU V Q �() D'O'U � I witTvis emoti( I . , � n I I Winton's cool head and practiced intelli- ' � 4 . i %1 . - t.. T H E -' - I . I I I I 11 can yo , I upstairs V li 11 walk, or $hall eked the �dotor _ a carry you - � , Mrs. j guide in such ' � , geace made him the naitural I an investigation, . ' � -' - . 14, 1�1 , 41 � I � I . f . A SLATE I A "SLATER - - -� ­ -, - t1i " � I 11 I I I I woul Ruttiven, ,'rather walk,' I : a ho was' Atill eplied ivering and ! � The gravel on the terrace withoutp was ,P 4 I . . J . S�.tA I. ... . I , _: �� . . I I trembling, . � . . hard and dry, ond, save two faint, scarcely : , . - - - I -A�., , . g I' �1, � i � 11 Get a * shawl or pometh ; 11111 ng to wrap ,perceptible improassioni which might be ' b- . i I . I ,� !k -.0 oi , �. I . � , ��, A I "Slater Shoes " have their -means of identi- - i I round ho�ir, , Clifford," paid his I ickly to the ister. M ars. - .- k and "ber a �Joot -prints, there -was no ign that the ro , � , had lain'in wait there. ; � � 'I ' ' '� �, i . .. 1! "- � , , �, * ' � fication, distinguishing them from the,hordes of I I den went q 1 returned ,i � clo . ith a wrap. 'Mrs. room Ruthven - Near the 6 hos - Ot where Winton and his t � . : SHOE i . ­ ­ I -.1 nameless shoes. I 1. I . I ga I Ve birn a : look of te i 3r recognition and "round stood was alshort flight of steps leading to [the I ' ­ .� ", W - - A slate framem, I I ith the name and . I I I . Lady Dorri - gtop, 4 - pa, Ming her arm pleasurp-ground beneath, which here � - --- -- . " price In It Is bran oll 11 ed on every sole -:::::!:::: . . her, the doe she managi tor to i I . tug at'�Ih3 ass s ` each h o' vy � other oide,�- room, mur- ended in a thick grdwth of evergreens 0 . -through whi�oh a walk led to a gate I 1 . by the makers. ,- ,- �- � F --- ­ . � - I -T+i I I muring edt.eati . . a th t the ! should a i`3 ' 1 not, be on the high"go_gA-1to -.Oldbridge. This gate , a us R,but favorite mea � I � I - I Lo 3k on the sole for the slat ,'as without it's � .. E i ­ -R I . left alone at she: went. � I i I I 7 was usually4ocke was ofegreas to �"ejdejtriane going to and fro M , : no " Slater." - . - � fashlo J � i ! ; CffAPT�R IV. - � the town. ' . \ j- � Sh 3.pes that fit the foot andl . I meet ri's , I . ; � ig Let us have a look around here," said . . requirements. . . i - I . r -� PRRPtV-*ITV. I Winton. - Hold the lantern lower." . only Itathers most reliable and . colors most I -531- . .. I Daring this &wart, disturbabeis, n1irley f which few as neither in Seeking carefully an they went, they ex- amined every inch of ground at either side ! � sultable. Every pair GQodyear w .1ted. - . — I I � J OE � SH, were the danci DI .Captain . I � or the re reprimen rooms ; but of the path, and had proceeded about a hun. I , � I . . � i � soon -afteri strolli t rotig the hall, he dred yards when Winton uttered an ex- I , . 11 . . ; . ; encounters, I Lord I)o ringt6n-. clamation, and snatched the lantern from � , rrVVVVUb-0V=;Ur1t1r177UtTUU / J . 66 Well," said that ge is er, Is I he a p � the bewildei6d butler. I I . . � i I i . : . � Mrs. Ruth, it for en i all r g t a that 81 ter D. a took .1 11 What's this ?" he cried, rtooping to drag a dark bundle from under the low- � 1 : .- -­­­­-­ — R. WILLIS ­ . & SON, -SOLE LOCAL, � . AGENTS FOIII,SEAFORTH. gran friend, kn ad iirley , w of her indi up it �on,: particular and had growing branches of some thick laurels. _;_ ---r . --.I---- - - —Z.­--:.�­ - - ­�7=- =--: --- j-==:---=- ;-:-7=--=.Z: -- --- - -- -, - - - - ­­ - -.:-= --- -- - - ­ 1 - - ­ -- I no idea himself that t ha )een anything Marsden eargerly assisted, aiid they ov,eripread her own, from her throat to the was I 1 seen approebing, and he said : ,, We more -than ha i ttsok of faintness, due to quickly unrolled a short, wide, foreign look- . lit�tle, curls that clue tered on her brow. She must . � stop now; here comes a fooll"' in beat and, I I 11 nlig. DISil ly, ti gb b ' ( ing black cloak, from which fell a mask and tqrni d aside to avoii his glance, and affect- which . harsh -censure be was justified to this 0 Has M ,% uthvi in be n ill ?" exclaim. & long knife, something like a bowie -knife. e4 tc ateal a deep r(d,geranium from a vase eitenc, � that is in cert,�inly an egregious folly � I � ad Shirley. 11 was n'c,t aware. Where is 11 The scoundrel east his skin here. !" said 11 n6ar her. " Theft is the order of the night," for any man to become old " i on purpose,1v . � she V 11 I : . Marsden, making sure there would be no a a said, laughing. " lis this pern-Atted, as the children would 'Say. I 11 Oh, ve,y likely i t ball -room by pur uit till the conservatory door'was -open- $I squire ?" I , 41 . � this time. and I was lady Do ri ggt o. say not i g ato was sent for, t it.?, � ad, and his victim recovered. Good God I that poor woman had a narrow escape. If , iflit I q4icl', did not reply does eigb - h' at once. Then, with a roused himself. I W - ORST ON RECORD. i . I I 11 This i4i . most ext sordioa y,11 said Shir. frightL.and chloroform together bad not made ' i ' 7ake what P on like !—take every- . -- i I . ley' who w he appare t] r m4 h, even pain. her insensible, he would have murdered � t�-- 1 ini !" he said ! P And again calling for A. N.' 'WideMan'S 'CaSO Attrae-t. i 11 fully"' an rF glittered ei rised. . IW 8 I ised. ... I I& 1, b sea gerly, an p r .b aok � eyes . ale whits her." . 69 Pcofessional thieves in Furope sel- I . 1 ne � W -1i I 6 I' drank &-third hey are dar large tumblerful. CiDg," he exclaimed ; . I ing Great Attention to DodoXfs I teeth on hi,i In 96 . er IiI.. have )een out- - a dom shed blood, I believe," r turned Win, 'of "; do . i't let us lose t me I By the way, why . Kidney Pills. � � f side at the doo.r . ; the amo LI igari tte ton. 41 Let us break a couple branches n d I I i you call me C lifford ? Squire is ridi- — . i I rpome are overpower ' gl hot.. I mapt to mark the spot where we made the find." i'lous. Itsoundeas if I - . .i DUINTROox, Dec. 17.—Mr. A. N, Wide. ascertain h 3W a a is. n i, a savi heir look 2) I .. 6b We had better go on to the gate, it' is more than half a mile," said Marsden. 9 ay haired, superainuated bovine Metha. man's 1 care has been attracting a great deal I I b8tt6r than . ad Here i I,qhiq i, Marsden. evenitig. I ) r- . " retur ed Cord Do not 11 I will go, and perhaps Doctor Weldon . sih,lek." 11 I I �. 3u t I am used P to call you I squire, all o dent I attention lately. Mr. Wiseman is a real. - i of this place, a 'd consequently will, A I . ripgtoo. I He will tell W all about her, will accomPam iy me I" replied Winton, "but be i�.y I Ife," she returit thin ied. "And I k Of known here. His case was truly remark. * How is M Shirley I. R thven ? ]1ere it, Captain for your prolonged absence will remarked. You had better show yourself." - y u an the 'squiie.' Clifford sounds too able. For five month!s he lay in-J*bed, beut� ankionj "A litti! �idiiings,:" be, ter, qalMer � � I hope," said i is I am with you "' cried the doctor, who had tied large et --hand kerchief fmi I "'Familiar-! , isr." IM gine your being too faw twisted, actually difitorted by rheumatism. He wait in agony, sometimes screamin 9 Marsden, i �7ho 00 'V " I I d a hini. a silk pock ilia r ! And, as to) thinking of the squire ! 'With pain. ad sores came out on his . self I I III[ orri utDn a d - t a doctor over his head as a measure Of precaution. T41 , h 1A - #­hl.a ^"" 0hrm hts )) I 1 .3 C I': L -1*. 119 1.-17 2 � . ;47 - I. I - I I - r . . aMy Was. 0 JT 15 . �o y,one o w e wasp ce ve re U.; I � !J -;m � , made this opportanity to propose for me. — t, A . de. , I '� � I 41 i. � � I - � � 0t­4k­A1M1,,�,.4.--W.Q.0.Ad*QW -1 are with h r," hen, 0 erin is 'vice'� ho " And yon, Qaptain Shirley "' �vtl )h, yen ! I do think of you sometimes. times before it bealed. U -n il Ir Wi - - . -1 � �. ­ I . -- � I . = ­ . �- i - I "; i ,,- �'-;'��­ T6 -morrow I shall 'be mistresa-elect of ' 0- is I shall return to the house. It seems - . � 04 1 - �- , Z� -1,Y- ! sappear, o . L EG A t the doror and di ,;nly to retu,6 added - " t. has be's a f ul affair &It before.we came back, before I bad man started to take �Dodd's Kidney Pills � I., � ­ . C )me int I . ­ ;7 4. ; ;! . to X. I I . -�,f . , Evesle4h Nlanor,�' so, leaning lightly to. gather. ary. I don't- hopeless and fruitless to search further. My Tet rou in London,. I used to see you with i� was thought that � death was the oul 19, . � . I =­ 1,�,� [ � 1 . more rapidy,, and buret in the room 0 - o he lib . . I - . `. � ward her host, a I mpression is : . )) y Way � .:� I -- -i . � I want, a rov, made ab ut t il. W. my � kther—riding, Dr out shooting—in my cut of his misery. 7 ", I 4 i , -i I 1 4 if needing his support i i that the jewels are irreparably �' . I .i- - ­ i i mi, �, i . �- , t , `J . claming . " Where is Lady Dorritigton ? I I . . . - I , -6 I . �i ! - - 'ange, 0 1 . � "I ,�IL,l , AMES L. KILLORANI she willingly accepted his guidance. is Pakri ! Aa soon ke'thei h d d1ofee the door of lost. 'They will be out of their settings to- -pictures." . t i - -1. . � I - � - , � �,T,�' j! �, , : I ­ � ' I C ". Conveyancer and Not3;ry - The dance finished, Nora, escorted, by Mrs. L'Estl 0 a for Gods' d. 1) 1 x Mr. Wideman wab tireated by doctors to I �J* I!: ,� Barrigiter,- Solicitor, morrow and can never be identifie n I � .� 6 - The key is gone, and -Mrs. Ruthve-n is lyipg the librar5, where i Ito Awaited them, - I : I -1 � .,- , - 1 - to .1 . - . . �, - 49 . I � PI. jp �, oney to loan. Office over Pickard's Sic" h regirrient -quar- � St,ill we must do our best," said Marie- 7 And since ?" . no avail. � t -, -iK fl�:, . Public. - M I er partner, an officer in the . f, I is -V � - ii. insensible ! - Call her maid 1 Look fc 11 I ee-very oftEn-eepecially since this r - - AK - : i , 1528 ir Lady Marsden rinidly rel ted he extraordinary They gave him medicine containing mer- � �,� 1, 4, - ! Main Street, Somforth. , � �,:� . tered at.Oldbridge, inihigled with the a ir : ­- , tream 2) � , , ­ �, . Do -servants w�ho r6bbery w' ich had t ken 01E ce, to the our- den. " Come,we'll get a glass of champagne, ' - ; �j:­ � , : i i� r .� 1;� � I rringtOD he cried to the ball was talked of,, she said, with a frank c ury, which mad6 his , teeth' break off, but I - - I J ' � . N, � .1. � I I � . of guests thronging to the,buffet, and while � 1 ­ ,q , prise and ( ismay of he lisle ners. and see how Mrs, Ruthven is," �i� , - _,, � � ,-1!. 4 � : were'a'bout. 11 Bring somie watef. C om a I � 1�ugl 1. which absolutely failed to cute him,Mr. .. . , -1 1% r R. S. HAYSI , � talking togbther over their ices and lemon - . . 44 ly . . - . Wideman was cured by Dodd's :Kidney- .. 1- � *1 I I I . . � Id Agitation By G orge I criei- 1111rrd Dorrington, * * * �rl * V-.,-�!�­��- � � Mrs. L'Eist, ange," ant. in eiri a t I I 11 : believe you ore a finished coquette !" I I -wit n, . I . i . . I I Solicitor, Conveyancer and Notary Public h Mrs. L'Eatrange and Winton,. ing vil � � I - ,,�, I" - � B�rrlster, equash 'a I - .- , !1,4 1� Z t f ofil-.-e-in rear of - hrou ,h a pi�hrt )f the house' "I never ieard of such lainy ! ' . Marsden trying to a � , ,Solicitor for the Dominion Back. -he led the, i ity, � 1, assurn h*a Pill -- � I , 11 excle imed I a. His case in regarded as the most ae� " 1; - - � � Money to loari. - open to . i he g.dnqral - com ' - T i '. � 1236 , - � ". J! .- - � �rl, � th, she qoticed Marsden breaking away from a not thrown What is to be done ?" -, I The announcement of supper gave every usua.lighttone. "Come, lab us start, � vere on record, and bio eure by Dodd?a Kid- , -� If, - , �, I Dominion. Bank, Sealer pany, I - 1 41 � � - � r - - - prosy master of fox -hounds, who had button- . - � - � � - C , � i I . -u � .-� , ,. -- conservat)rytq the tent. . x I ! all go a "? cried Shirley. one a � , ... I - ­ . - L . Solicitor, Conveyancer, holed him. 11�' � through th 11 Her j, wels sufficient and agreeabl occupation, so feel that I must have this waltz, if t ney Pills is the most s -icessfjul care of rheur. . � , I 7 I ��, ,� U � I M. BEST, Barrister I - 0 11 Why, they m a wort) sixty or seven- the absence of the host was but little re- -up U all I � :, � 1. � I I � , 44 I really can not stays" he said,- - aid marked. Lady Blankford, an immensely h . ,r , Notary Public. Offil 9 up at loudly - Winton, Nora and one or two of the am t hings were at the end mW"i rn known. J0 . Wideman gets lettere- �f ! -- 1- ` � -1 cc &ire, over 0. W. � _ � I As 4 , ,-- T, I - 4J. . we&to see if they could' be of ty thoueand ati, U1:118 Thi: is a deep' -1 1)) .:A I T; , � � � I Main StrOLt, Seafort1h, Ontirlo. land impatiently. 111wanitto take an others folle . ! If :1 ­� . Papat's bookstore, ice ' - I 0 it from all over the con try enquiring about . I ',Ty� . 1627 . I . I .. ies � I : �:, . i rl � -, . any use. scheme, of Blhas bee� dogg�, by some of the stout personage, with gossiping propensiti Nora looked at h m. with a vague. feeling , it, I I . . thven, who is feel' � . Dodd's Kidney Pills. I I r 11 � - to Mrs. Ru Ing faint." , . washer,0oman in Oldbridge, . . . I - I . � I 1 - worthy of any t I � �� - i . . � a Mrs. Ruthven lay apparently- lifeless, swell -mob �' - f alarm. His whi,,e face and flashing eyes ­ ­ 11 . - --, i &o. He went to the buffet and up ke to on I . " But h)w did thei crig: of he� jewels ?)' about Marsden's -. . - � ENRY BE&TTIE, Barrister, Solicitor, , 9 , was pleased to be jocose . �-, � � - t�� i - Money to 10a. . .. I . stretched on the divan, one arm hanging - 1 y . I evid truck her as unust al. She had been accus- A New Way. ! � 11 Z : i . � " I H a. . Office-Oady's - Block, Sea. of -the waitere ant devotion to Mrs. Ruthven, and. said , 'i , ­ � down inert, y, her.dea,ily- pallor contrasting said Wint)n. . - . , ' � , . --- 16794f 1 . orned to look upon him an a mere kinsman, A despatch from -V,ancouver, British Col. I V J " forth. � " No, I will take it myself," he replie� � it was altogether a very pleasant outlook for I I � -1 � I ­� 11 - . �vith her al fendid dreho and, gay surround. " Sheb %d them 1.�ok d 5� or valued for . I W, I., to something the man said. . ; � the county. " We really all suffer from the colitemporary of ier father's, the friendly Umbia, gives us some idea of how theyelect � . i-�;� , - - I i I i . on her . � ARROW & GARROW, Barristers, Solicitoria, &a. tngs. some reason when abe an i Paris, -�, � � -thought he looked rea�"ly anxious S ead of her house. Now, a sudden revel. i : ­ . . -ways I � �'. , � , Ont, Nora " ' very fo closing of Evealeigh Manor. It w4a al iiarliamentary representatives in the new 11 - .. - G Cor, Hani!Aon St. and Square, obderich . . . 11 Is she iead ? 01, in she dead ?" whis- way home, .said Shirl. ; olish of tion flashed -upon her that, although con- Met.- It says : ; *;- PI . i J. T. GARROW, Q. 0. . -and disturbed. . . f . . . I ! � i a social rail ay tell me, was ; t . . her, bu b a 3e told me' go' " I , ­ � i � - �- , � nt. Pr I I per L I ­ I i . i . e .11 . 11 Ha ! I though � m i. ht give Us ,some 1 i IL - � , . ad Nora, in awe at d terror. I . I � I y 139 ­ i ­ . 1676 CI�Aiwga GARROW, L. L. P. Is Is Mrs. Ruthven fe ling u welf ?" she not the late r. Kutliven a cousin of the iderably her seni)r in years, ,he was as Deciding a parlimentary contest by &4 - 4- " ; ;�i I . " No, nc)," return3d Mrs. L'Estrapga, t yo our g, as full to the lips with life, "as her - ;7 ­ . . -ii - " p�F " � asked, as Marsden passed. intancel Maraderis 9" and a long, genealogical talk game of poker is the 1atest method Of elec. � , , " r-," r , , : COTT & McKENZIE, Barristers, Solicitors, etc taking the hand whic i ung ,so helplegibly, bint from your intim te acqua i . . elf--thit he was something to be guarded -- . ­ , ­ - , 4, . �-, � - . . . ton Offices 91110ii He shook his beadwith a --smiling .glance or assistance y 'ul ensued,- lion adopted by pioneer miners in British - , 40 m ;. ' 0 � - . . � ; � thee -give me - - I . a I � i* � v �, - S Clinton and Bayficid. Clin she is n(t L ooldw--gligalbre with Mrs. Ruthve Aw against -why, she did not kno she - . � . )) I � 9 -I � -� I block, isv.ao street. Bayfield Office, open every he bore frofri�. -w-hom hb had just . L Meantime 'Are. VEstrange and Nora hod n Columbia. Intboselection fortherepreatin- :, "��L . � - � .toward t n excuse your fan- ihe must h ve- air -do not come can give- -- . J '. W' .4 L , J ,! i �'- -�� . I i he ex ". L to f , wa a , won d h*ve indignantly denied t tence � - � 4 Thursday, main street, firat door w 6 Offi0e- escaped, as if to intimate'ir tation of the Yale -Cariboo distriet, in the , 1� Ir w . - I I I � ' Oi r is. rvice," returned, gone upstairs to Lady Dorrington's room to �-i I � money to ORD, J ames 8 of such an instinct, had she been &cc sed of I I �-- . 1, I oott & EV MoeZo,"le. - 1` too close-iend for Di. Weldon, I saw him 11 Is entirely at Y * . li� , ­ � � �� I � f. I . ! 1698 for leaving his guest, and went, on qui(;k*ly 4 1 14 � � 41 - 1�11 � . . Shirley, drdwiing a Iong breath. gain news of Mrs. Ratfiven's condition, and (386nadian House of Commons the returtis. T . � . just now." I I it. So she. put her hand on his ar , and f I ;, I into the next room. . . to"keep out, of the way, an the nerves of both - . � � �Ii fj� " I I t - . � I rom a remote polling place just received re- t, �, Is I will go for him," said Wfintion, " but� ed, and without' � . ­� i 1. . ; . , Here D ,. Weldon f ntat '. . , '' � ' . -mile .. i i a . � . g0LmF,sT,ED,- successor to the late firm of Winton looked afterhim, glided away with him, to the' undulating #1 ;: � I - 1 had been a good deal shaken." 11 eal a carious condition. The 150 � � � citor i 4 a - - �� I I � look, Matsdian, her jpwels are gone." speaking, i3at down to t a writiW-tablel mu i . � ;, I I mocaugh, 11olmested' Barrister, sell 11 The rooms are 'not hot 'enough for I I I sic of the Manolo Waltz. � J ; ­ [ 1� F& " . ; cried 11 She is a good deal quieter," said Lady P a I ,cuss in Cariboo, a pioneer mining locality,. � � l� , 'y 11 what cau have happened ?" , ,� I ;, ,d NoWy Woljoilor 101 and proceeded to write rapidly inton - res ntly she said, "Stop -atop !" and � I I ; - I 000voyancer, 'he 0*0 fainting," he said. 'A You have not seen I " I Dorrington, ooming to join them. "I She . I -. orce. Money to lend. Farm Marsden. " Has she b ,went solidly for Galliher, the Government i � - I I I : 1� : '� adfaa-Bank of 00min Qej the tent yet, Mrs. VEArange � .come .and I een robbed ? Good in a low tone-, deser ,be th 3 poeiiion of ilia ' . Marl den brought bar up, skillfully, near the : �.-4 r-, ooki'S Block, Main Slor I ; had another !fit of hysterical CIVIDIZ, which I nominee, neither of the other two candi, . for 9%10, Office In 8 I � God ! and perhaps injureA-9 Call eldon." opening cut in the aide of the -tent. so a of a window, I t 11 ',�Z� . , f � -96*forth. inspect it." � . . ­ - is . � haiq relieve - ree � da,tea for Parliamentar honors receivinge, - -1 , I � .- �� � � Turning toward the door, he� m t Lady I d her. My maid ana iier own - � � " I � . . I . -- . one[ of your grooms will it by her all night in turns, as she will . r ? Are you tired ?" i I . -� , 1 ! , 116 offered her his -arm, Nora and Lord Will on dispa�ch I ; " What is the matte ly � I I : I . f .� I .: Do-rrit)gtoii coming in, and with her the 1 a " go, but I. do not want to dance any single vote. � I I � ­ � - � Alfred Harcourt followed. As soon as they with this rescription to, y assistant, Mr., - An analyAiai of the !reason developed the ; I � ­- J DENTISTRY. ­ , chief doctor of .Oldbridge, one of . the I never find herself alone. I have just .seen f i .1 - -'[ entered the morning -room, they saw a . . � Marsden " said tho� dc ol , without lookiug� Clifford, who was going to wash and brush mort * you were taking too " . I- � . . I - . ( Xplanation that at t4le 150 -mile bonne the- ! t . I --und the door:Juadj - . 6, M ,,, I was ui�e _ I I - n, I Ing into guests up. a Ruthv n I hardly get any much champagn:, quire !" looking straight - I;— I - I G. F. BELDEN, D. D. S. group of men 6.m 46 Well, well ; wha 1's the matter ? Hot t.9) I away the traces of his search in the shrub- electors had concludied to avoid political i ' .. f- i z the conservatory. sleep Witt out a cc po Ing draugh bery. They, found a mask, a cloak, and v, at hi n. "Do yo know you held me so dissensions, and bad iresolved tio vote the . a, �r 1� I "' exclai 4 . � - . , 'I; 1:r-1 - � - I DENTIST. Nexvto it stood Marsden, a -look of rooms ; too muc . h danjbi6g I!" exclai, ed Dr. I Certainly, doe or I have alread long sharp knife." tight it was quite i rocomfortable V ni . WAS decidea that this combbried . '. . z t Street, Weld,on, a short stout, authoritative man. , ' 0 : t It . I I Plocials (NO the I)ominion BAnic, Main * . 11 Did I ?" exo1a me�d, Marsden, laughing. !.. ote of the locality should be a iAdkp..dt, to, � r puzzled surprise on his face. . ' ordered a horse to a Bad ' ad, a bar, "A knife," echoed Nora, and her step- Is I - - �: . 1691-tf 9 J) ' Pooh,"p oh ! don't,- look so frig itened," ; - I g Vie a thousand pardons ! I - SoMorth. - "The lock must have. shu't of itself , sen'd a report of t is e ordinary occur- �� mother, with a shudder. " What un escape am sure I be 1) played for by the "herents of the tl�ree - I — as Mrs. � to Nora, iih ' ' he took Mr-a.-Uhstraingc's .place. thie bridge. it IN ; W. TNVEDDLE, f�fusstls, Denblat, (formerly of Captain Lethbridge was sayingi rence to tie head 0 ce at Old she has had !" I , of course, ( uite unconsciously." arliamentaty candidates. Galliher, the I I I scaforth,)(Jradai�te of R. C. J). - S., Toronto. L'Estrauge and Winton draw neai. Is It is "'That's r lit ; all she wants is air." He ling 0 11 I dare say,but.1 am sure you ought not I , I � F aud bridge work at laid his ha d on her side. " Heart "beats ; The local men mup It ve he mang I f " We had better go down,atai They to dance any more ?" I . . iberal nominee ; KcKane, the Cotiserv*a- . � raduate course It, crown , - It re" . Post �. unaccountable." � . re will; have gone in to suppec, and I must say I Ive candidate, and Fialey, the La;bor nom- flaskilila School, Chicago, Office over A. R, 11 What in thematter ?" asked the 'latter. it's just a woom ; keep fanning, please-- the mar,te r in the i 11 Why ? My dear cousin, do you think I I I smitwo store, Bruasela� . 1609-tf ou get her clothdg loosen ad 4 -all write a short menea a, 1 a it then we will I feel to want something dreadfully. 11 am inee, selectearespectiyely their most expert ' : I � I I I The doo-i is mysteriously locked, 0ough examine t a terrace and g, undis." -. I quite exhausted,. and so infinitely distressed I can not stand a ,'ew tumblers of cham- pok - : . I . . R. P. A. a-ELLERY, Dentist, graduate of tho . . a Is Whet a, I fear, w I ind but little," 1 about this horrid business ; do come, Mrs. pagin . Do you at ippose, I Weal I . flemen. Are, you ,, ' I - � - -- fasten at the back ?-um � irration I I You y . is 9 her Players, who were grizzled old miners . I passed through it only -now," said Mars- d'take more , .. DRoyal College of Dental surgeons Toronto, aloo -den, shaking it violently. .. � had better get 'out, gen. ' `1 I . than � -.�uld manage ? Yon -are positivel (41 a 50'r, and the game waa started with ! sadd Winton, I t � L'Estrange, " . . y fifty chir,e in front of each player. The f � . . : � . - . I look, Hansall. t' looks &"a if the fair widow did ,'not " , , honor graduate of Department of Dentistry, Toronto 96 I � her maid ?" to a amarb little Freinct woman, I 11 Givex a quarts 01 aiart, and In the ball they met Winton, who had insulbing ! Come, I shall never forgive Von, oker expert representing Candidate Galli� � - lVolversity. offico in the Patty b . � i i I want you back," cried Lord Alfred with .a who aame in, follows([ by the butle - carry if you don't finish the waltz with me." i . commencing Men- . I Will visit Zurich every Monday, I � Ing a caraffe of water anA, a goblet. i� will be 4most i p(sai )'a to catch the, just returned with Dr. Weldon. They had er won. I . 1687- foolish laugh. I . 11 I really would rather nolt-I am not in . � . - I � f .� day, J UU(p let. I � I - Oh, mon Dieu.! J never saw ma 4 sme so ruffian," cbmerv,ed Shi Is i found the Oldbridge gate securely 1peked, . 11 -- � I i ., - I . it . Y. the humor for dancing. I should Jprefer go. ! . � . ! I i, . . . Mareden gave him an angry look. ,The crily c6auca 1 .t at some accom- I and no traces of footsteps. The daring rob- I . i �' i I y-% FL, R F. W. 94 so if the key is in the door." bad before," cried the maiJ. ! 9" plice in � ing horne-and you are not quite am -ss No* I Feel Res4- Well, I -1 � ­ R. ROSS, Dentist (successor to 8 � I I I A th n ering big reward! bar seemed to have vanished as in steri. . � I i - JJ Tweddia), graduate of Royal COIIO90 Of Dental 1) " Then is site aubje t to these al tacks . . � y steady an you ought to be. You are not a Mr. W. 11. La Blance, Ronfield, Ont., �Wrltis i , "I' i � , � .1, -�� .- . mor graduate of " � . It is By spiPitsaid Lor orriugton. I ouely as.he came. . � �� ­ Break it open.- the thing" aa ori-ce a stifferer from aiLtarrb, and while uting Dr. - , i - surgeons of yn�"rlo; fir6t class hc Yes sare-a little -not often." � - I I �i - I 46 C t , y . 0 . is � bit like yourself. Don't be angry with me, h&8.?a Cat -arch Cure, I twas recommended to use . � ; own and bridge work, also U a pane;, I were. vorne of the. sugges- ' ;'. On al ich a. ro,& , ith numbers of, " That is not to'be wondered at, consid., I should be sorry to vex you., particularly to� . " I I . -Toronto VniveTs.ty ; or � " Try and loosen her dress� Here give - . . I ­ gold workin iall its forms. All ons rapidly offered. Igo Dr. Chase's N oerve Foad to build up the 9 - , - , , I the moht modern, ti I . . ' people go ng &ben 1, hn etranger would' I � _ymteni. 1, p ICS9 fliling.and painless extraction of ad I ariag abou I �, I - - � methods for pi�in 11 Is there not some other way into the me the water I Stand back, Mr. Mar en." � � the number of persons moving t - night." . I y nerves vrere exhauated, ani I was 0o weak to do i . , L 1, -1 111ce - 66 pass unno.iced," reari ter !�I'hirley. . i � . ! � i I �, Louth. All op0ations carefully p6rtormed. conservatory ?" asked. Winton, . I can no� leave till .1 see her revive," . on #inch a ni ht," 'continued W -uton. � I . t i - . 9 11 Then take another round, 11 No, I day's work when I ,began wilog it, and now am I � . trocory, Sokforth. rang and healthy, and fosel real well. I aw per- . 'g , I I -, � Tweddle's old stand, ovisr Dill's & * cried Mar den. �- 11 ]Phere is scimetling The entrance of t as )U, I T interrupted. ",The scoundrel had only to be cool and� wid not let you off ?" Ifectly sure that -anyone who u 4ey Dr. Chase' Serve I � - 1. - I L . . 1640 11 Yea, of course ;' throtigh,, the east cor'- 66 The r ian and hiore 3 a r ready, air." . � i . . mv8teriOu,J in thin seizure, AShe rho6v be leieurelv,and he might have walked through i 66 11.1? 11 ; 7 X7 I � I ); . - ridor, cried Marsden. He rushed- away. hurt. As her ho3t, I feet �espo ible for 61 Wait, Y) said �Iraden 1 the whole arraw of guests and servants." � a , squ re, see a on au the other ood wit believe as I do, that It Is the bent cngtb� . -- -_ MEDICAL. I . In another moment they ,saw him -pass 1 . . Us - 11 There is in DO a '? at � ad Dr. Weldon. ' - I . side of the room. I will go so far with you, ner and restorative o'otaipable..' � I I � - her," - I � y ' " It given one a frightful feeling of inpe- then I will go home." —0 ; - 14 Tell you� meAsen er�to keep- ringing the I . I I � Dr. John McGinnis, . Is Ha ! sic is coming to," s4id the doctor night -bell till some nd c( r ies. He knowai curity," said Mrs. L"Estrange. 'I Sa ' Clifford,' or -1 shall do some. An Old Story Revived. . I W041. , ,r. as a deep a gh parted. the, lips they watched !. � I Is Tht re is no cause for fear now," said th Yreadful." i � Bystander, in Toronto Weekly Sun, gives 0,on. Gmduate, London'Wcstorn University, member so- anxiously. 11 Get, some brandle—dan't my house." I i I Winton.' "The robbor has secured his 1J 9 r7 well ! I . I I I - - d 6�0h, y �fj, air.' i a �� a lease, Cl[iffurd, , be Yery this.incident in the life of a once great Can - at Ontario College of Physicians and Surgeons. . I let any one conie-' in here, there ,ire t � : , � .1 . I 00 booty. He will keep his didtance. You te dy. adian sta,tegmen. - He says ; i Offica and Realdoneo.-Formoly occupied by Mr. Won. lre6dy," I . Then M Eirsden ro a ud gave full direc- 1 , look so sear d th t I would adviee supper: -.y - ' next to the Catholic Church I many,p . den tried b) pass Mrs. L'Estrange, I The misplitced delicacy of - Sir John Mae- . , Plok3rd, Victoria Street, .. . . - Of Let us go, then," whispered Mrs, tions as to giving h " ho i a into the hands � re ra . W, AN-iXtib calls �attendad prdmptlY- . - I . of the iiaml �eotor at Idbri I ,a, . and champagne." b made a A out resis�'anco, and they -donald'a biographer has led him to conceal a 1 . . . J�'JrAtrange to Nora, .adding to Lad � Dor. I . I � 0 1 1 1 ­­ . - --- 1---t,n­­------- .- - y '66 . Is And I am glad to,confirm. Mr. Winton's p ,ly bade Lady Darrin "� � n good -night. f ailing contracted in the days of bacchabaaa� M. D-, C. Al., lionor Graduate Whor you se4ding'?" X't � rington, " I shall be in- the cons�rvatory . ' are ­ Dr. Weldon. "Come, m e all _ W� HOUAU, J) advice," said '118h I see you home ?" iaiked Winton. lisin politics, and thusU spoil agood speci- 11 a a u r . - . " Tom arrip, al on Bi own Robin. y A .; and ii,ollow of Trinity Modica! 001100, Gya- -should you want me." � � , dear madame," offering his arm to Mrs. 11 I do not think either of you look parti-u- an of big ready' wit, As a .Minister Sir ., ' - d,,to of Trinity Univeralty, Member of College of Another � ng'shivering isigh brokle from ".-Good. Tell him do r��,e a like the devil IF. . � ; Ph,, viciani, and Suigeous of Ontario, Co6utance, On- 11 . � L'Batrartge, larly brave or com rtable. " 1 ohn bad to speak at a banquet. A tytD in,- . I taxio. . Offlea fornmr-ty, o(icupled by w.0-coper, 1050 , ehe aldwly opened � r eyes,. then bring me A laul er� ilf -,he conservatory. " Pamit me, L%dy Dorrington," said Win. 11 Yea, do come V ejaculated Mrs. L'Es- I be prefession was sent to re h � r gt bee , DISCaSe - Quick. We ?Aill � 1here are any ­ �_ - - --- ­! . . Which met hoee of Laidy Dotrin n , wha , " .. . . . � ' . , I ton, following his example, Is and NJ i4i L'Es- stange. "I shall see to all our barn -and ohn had been convivial, and his speech I M. D., Irellovi of 6120 Royal � . . was bendin over her tracks. " . � I I 1. I I . I 11 . � tran e. ;1 bolts before I aleel to -n 2) it howed it so much thatt the young man - I 11 It is t I'most ine -a ight. 0ge ,of Physician# and surgeons, Kingsion. , . . , a minuto or two she did not em to Al that in such a � successor to Dr. Jdaokdd, Offict, lately Occupied . " can take tare of you, Nors" i'nter- will just tell Marsden I shall return � hrank from sending his notes to his journal, , A, � zcxo � B"'TH"' For I - " is causect by Nveakiless of-, the recogaize any one, then an oxprer'ia" Of placei'with crowds of Pao ]a at b � !Dr. Mackid M,kt- Sirc,pi soafoorkh. Rovidencle o . . ion . � I 3y rupted Marsden, who came up at that mo- to hear if there is i ny message from the in- fter waiting for a time he,obtainci an in, I rip, equare in honve lately woupled .e she on outragt cou 4ave een committed, 11 - -Corner or vlot� Stoin,,�ch�()r 1)()�-Cls "likely to I pitcous almi m came into her face, a id Shirley, who, I � , dazed by his ment, and he d -ew her hand through big spect)r, and will 4 i with you directly." arview with Sir John, who, by that''Llim.0i � . 1127 V is I 8Tm ( . I L, E. Dancey. I Mebly stretched out her arms and (xclaim., 86 arm. " Why, what pale cheeks ! I "So Winton a going t escort you as himself again, read ove*r his notes, a6ad' � . � . I - � i i . . Z. iihm 3nt a �d bopeer : 0 � 4 . --- --- ­­­--­------­-- d ;n gasps ; ; I ,. ­ . � .--.. yield tO SCOTT'S, - EMULSION Of ,a thought you were a plucky girt !" home?" said Mar den, co ing out with s sked 8ir John if they were correct. Sir - . . :, � 11 Save me'! don't leave me.." I " It is ( one iowOvelr, a d verJ,effectu&I-. " You are pale enough yourself, squire - Nora to the carrist . 46 Art you sure he is John utterly repudiated them, and dictated i . DR. F. J. BURROWS- . ; P I I #� .1 . 611 I ' Cod Liver Oil. ' I '- . It, Dear Mrs. Rpthven, you. arc perfectly ly. I am atter Y' confqun rd I neeme to and no wonder ! Imagine if that dreadful, I sober enot h for a oh a taolk 9" a sober speech, which having done he raid :� I Physician and Burgeon, Toronto,Gon. . .8 4 . . �&110 resident . a no harm shall come to you " said be a sort c f per onal diagr ,,e. that au,2h an man had used I � i � ' . arai aoopital. yonor graduate TrWiy Univ 'aitlyt I . I P I I 11 Mr. ;§iUtOn 5 Ob, yes' -'he in never ", Now, young man, you tell Inc you are a! i inem,bar of the College ot. rhyulclans and Sull�eonl NVe doii't say surc; and you- marsdon, cOmffig forward. . outrage should 1avJ been erpetrated on a I " � i - . I ' ) " Oh, well, he did not ! I suspect he on. , ADYtil iug else but a )bar !" ; leporter just getting okit in your profession. , - - #f Ontario. Coroner for the County .of Hpiron, . " There --there ; don'b agitate her. 'You guebt at E ve0a gh. I ; I . . i . � . . 01 the may ii6t be sure that YOUl-, or I ly had. to out his way into the t Marsden laughed, cot plealsantly. f- Bolema ad Orcoo and Roof don L e �-Goderioh Street, East . . ­ drink this, my dear madame," cried the Is Come on," aid W�nto , impatiently. ont, I hope . Let me give you a pie0e e vice. ' ; relephone 40. .­ . I I there are a lot of accomplices, that i By this time the story of the robberybad Nciver again attempt to report a Minister I I I 3detaodin Churub. doctor, offering bar some brandy and wateit, Dorrington " al id! bi boat a our � . i my that i � . . � - lose your little One's trouble is dLIC - I Paus'ng, only chance of recovering the jewels, other- got afloat, and great was the excitemernt ,when you're drunk." It in right to a I . ; Zom . - I � " You are all right now." Is I wish you -would take L ,dy Blankford in , I - � I - i I � wise Winton fearn there is very Iibtl 'pros . and hubbub, A thonsandl fantastic ad- Sir John yielded to �boa temptation only 1 1 . i to weak stornach.or bowcN. ' O� ! no no," cried Mrs. Rutlive'll, raig. to supper. and � ceop the people going, If 8 were made .. i hen he was ra wn ' I I DRS. SCOTT & MacKAYj ing herself with an effort and throwi V her. the truth a known thoire will be such an Peet of doing so.", Here he stopped and _ ditione to a b istory strange a do ;. His general habits � - I I . PUYSICIANS AND SURGEONS, - D(WtOrs caii't always trace a self into Lady Dorrington's arms ; 11 that irifernal row. E'very �one , will be panic. denly, and drev� his companion bsbincla encpu�, h in itself, and Jdarsdan was almost were temperate, and the disgrace of bit 00- I . I group of palms close to the door of the sup. mobbed by his guests, eaFer for informa- c isional lapse# rested i more oa his genera- j I Moderich e4.ract, opposite Idothodiat oburch,Sonforth dreadful man will kill me," struck, an I w nt thle�n to get their supper � I . per -room, as the Marchioness of Blankford tiOD. ton than on himself. ] i disca'se to its. Cau � Se; al -id you t She burst into a violel't 6t f cryirg, in peace, Tell the I M - robi n 3110 what you I . I i - 1. J. 0. BCoTT, graduate Victoria and Ann Arbor, and I . . . I look I in Af came forth in earnest conversation with L But, the idea of continuing the feativity I i - o' '� t. I - . " That's ,ight," said the Odoctor, - com. like. Say I am t r M. Ruthve Ord , ------6— i rr. ,-�iher Ontario College of PhysJolane and C2111 - I as U I I that will n' Dorringtou. � . i ( uite given 1) ; the company gather- Rheumatie, Warped Limbs. I . sitirgewakii. Coroner for County of Huron. placantly ; o her good."I Tell Mrs. ""Es a" go nd ora not- to talk 96 'iWd n groups to di cuss the extraordinary . � - J : I am not going to be caught," he whiti- i Alre. 11. Willa, Chantey, ,Aut., says.— my.uy wat 11 � SCOT'r's Em ' I wish vo could get 'bar to her own about the theft, i � . [J. IlAcKAY, honor Kraduate Trinity University, . � ULSION Of, Cod ro I ' )) J . pered, as he again pressed on to the 96pper. Outrage committed almost in their midst, all orippled up with rhoumoitl m. Althouxh-wedoe- 1 gold mi-dallHli Trinity Medical College. Member I- - . orn, exel imed Lady DorringtoD. " But Is Very well," sa4 Lo d Dorrington, is and g,adually die i rsed to their homes at a Wad, he wAt In this wai. for about ore )-ohr, land the . (Jolleg') of Phypiolans and Surgoons, On.�Ario. ' Livcr Oil is the easicst fo . Old for what has become of her necklace -her - l I I I I room, until you have given me tha�w,altz p painwastei-rible Reading of many cis,ev 'hereDf­ . I I have been looking forward to through all much earlier hour than was anticipated. ---- 1488 a tired digesti6ii. BLit fliat jewels ? Did Mritr, L'Estrange take i off to - , I Cha4a's Kidney -Liver Pills bad cured rheamwNtIsto, we � I . - - � - —.— — relieve her'." I � this unfortunate business. Come wg�t may , And so the grand Eyealeigh ball, which got a box. Before t1hey wart, half gone be began to . . ' It ! after, I am determined to anatch on bit of was remembered for many ayear, came to Itinproye, and is no;v quito well. I am very flX4 to � . " No, it was gone when we came i ; I I MeKillop Directory for 1900. isil't all; it clic, , re- Pe p e W 01 )) recominendtheni to othors�." One pill a ose, 26 .. ouraoles Stomach turned Marfolen, Hearing the word Mrs, � i I enjoyment, Give me some champagnes he an ead. I � I I Z:� i . . I r I P I I - . I i I cried to one of his own servants, who were ' (To be Continued.) clents a IDOZ., ! IANIF.�;'Len'KIIART, Reeve, Sentorth P. 0. atid bowels tj Cir Ruthven fel) her neck and arms. � : I i . � - a— . - f ALEV C-AVOINER, councillor, Undbury P. 0. I to tack1c I . I stationed at the piin.3ipal table, where the � : 1, Ha Off", , . I i . , I JOHN (I multwE,clouncillor, Winthrop P. 0 - work it gives aiid -1 matter, he is ,J . ' : � U ' ed older and weightii6r guests were to'. be feast- 1 Heat and Cold. 44 I � " They are All taken," she said. - I's No . JAMP�-i O'LAI'vilLIN, Councillor, Beephwood P. 0 ; 1-1 . ge t.S 'tJ1_C11 - are my I a, I , H ! It I . Who spared your life, dear ?" abkod � � . ad ; he held out a tumbler which ho, empti. re never -failing causes of diseaae. At thi The following stoty, comes fro 8 th Al'OUIBALT) UeGRE00R, Councillor, Senfortti 11,0 is - ' 4 is Africa -, That the ex�Prvsideut' of"the I : , stremyth froill t1le officr foocl Lady Dorrington. ' � . qay tha Dr; Chamei.'IA, up of Linmeed ed at a draught, to Nora's surprisel' then he 15?ason of the year euralgia, toothache and ; . JOXtN 0. ,N10-RUISoN, Clerk, Winthrop P. 0 : Zn . -1 Transesal fe&thered'ble own test scarcely I I i (i and Tu'pent[n,, atror(i:.. wonderfully insisted on heilto,king eome, and pressed al host of similar die eas" are rampant. D A �J 1) R (WSS, Treasurer, Winthrop P. 0. . Now do 't ask any questions, ( et her y)1-,)tnpt r Ilef for (.(�Ugh� The I W I 1, 1, I AX EVENS, Aspeaeor, Beechwood P. 0 the are able to take. ' .Give it I and colds, her to eat, with gteat solicitude, any person will deny, but the following I y a r d the doctor, . ce In Dr. Chase, -�- great luestion, that, is to find the quickest, (7lIAItI,r8 DoDlni, Collector, Seatorth P. 0. I 1. y Everybod , has confle,len .1. story which has been told to me, if true,, i . as - to go and 8 . � t%,I('IIA[U1 POLLARD, Sanitary Inspector, Lead - tillie. � . . I " Look here, Marsden,. said Mark WiA- In his great recli)e �))ooh and famous 11 It seems rather heartle rest and most economical remedy. Pol- shown that for a long time he has been mak- �1 I hury 11 o. ton, who had been examining the floor and fanffl�, reinedfas ie� by dance, after seeing poor Mrs. Ruthven in tonja Nerviline exaCtly fillis theme require- - � I . - I They have learr I ' ' I I 1"ood is th,,� best of Illedicille: ides of the Ant. " HOro in along ient in exporlene� that it pa�,s to insist on hay. such a state, her beautiful jevyele tom away mentio, It is pro npt, efficient, and most ing arrangements for I a rainy day, Mr. I 11 . . Kruger is said to havol saved not only the i � . the hangingi, and the oanvas," putting his inK Dr. Uhaze 8 syrjup 01 Linseed and from bar !" le�onomical, for it exatiedis in power every I #' -1 Eureka food that sets t11c'J)()(J� I (Y() I lig head throug i, " in out away on. the Turpentir a In$tead :'of Accepting the 11 Nonsense," returned Marsden, ab. known remedy, and is as , archives of both tho republics, but the I , -- -­ -1) I . cheap as inferior I '771ollr­ 51!� - .1 - . ,the u('side - treasury, valued at som a millions .sterling. i , - �, , ,� � 'I'll � " . - I - various unscletitlflr,� ­rnix-upslf -'sheis riohenought,o buy others. A ill give ., , � �. . - . � Also.", . ; which raptly, rtiol a. A 10 cent sample bottle w ... �4� , � I J) SOMP ' ''ust as good, .I When be was at th height of his pro;- I , � - - Is Some or a mu�t have �ot through here, - a chan,,e to test it. Large bot. , - - � �r as '!.' , , )� agaiii. � druksifNts OffL , � � I --- . , - I - I � inseed an .A true woman, I mean a true -hearted wo. every person a uilt a church oDpos- I * �f el - .- N-- . c 14 d man, which is another thing, would not be tlea only 25 cents. h � ­ -- � .� ,- Z!, . . I)r ('h,L.Se'A . ylluo oC parity at, Pretoria, a I � Ile terin - said Marade i, goill' ov to examiae the T Ll I'l) e contaJns - it -e his erauo�e of 5 - '*',- i -1 -,,- Ir ; ��.­ - T -111S is health : give it time. , .9 end M I � * , ­, ­­� � � . . opening, . I . e most Incontiolable for 6he lose of a hundred such . house, and in the ekab -­� it - �' - Valuable nd most !effev Iva remedial wealth he had the hands of the clock in the I " , 11N . �,-.--�� iL,� �j, I 11 Yes," fal e'red Mrs, Ruthven, who To Ke p Young. � fl- --:. � I A . t was av,ents ' fir throat iiand lung troubles baubles, It would not injure health or Lord I �, , "i- , , 1-1 -±-01k 2V . The -genuine I 1, 1� 1� �4 V k!N -)� 'ary. now fast reco a WAS th,lo.t. science Iiias 'dl�covered. It acts I I grow great and rich and grey and Roberts took por-sessiou of Pretoria it was ! ; tower east in solid i gold, When I .4, ­ verilig, thou�h her voli rep'atation or affections, You would not YOL can � , -:T1. - .­ - . has this pict- car@ If you lost all the diamonds of Gol- wise in experience And still retain your i A . . . broken by hysterical sobs., 11 He earn() so directly and PrOtnPt11Y as to be of observed that the face ot the clock was 1 CA USTI C BALSAM. . . ure on it, take from that side. I was !putting my hair Inralculat 1(� worth In, all �ases of croup, conda provided those you love were left . you, youth There is nothing gained by growing without hands, Eti I quiry proved that ihe 1 -* ' � - - '--- no other� right what) I thought I heard a. rut tle ; I bronch1ths und Nvh,)dpJni cough. it Is that is, if you loved any one V' morel r Old, and the wiriest � of man have - i - ao far -i President had the hands removed and pack �; . ' 4"I'l, If you have turned and lound a dreadful figure in a -f-Aching, -in 4ts �,Tccts " � to I " But I do love a good many eople,11 been Zmreful to post us doing so all long as a ; -f,,,,-, , ed up in his personal! b, ggage, A 1-taliablo ant) ��-Ilcedy Remedy for Curbs, IA--.� - eloak, a large hat and a mask close to m 1wisen , th, tightt-it �vhe. I vough and 'she said, a little indignantly. It Ay do possible, says the I - em. Wasn't it Pitt : I I ,- Z1. a. I I - ' Splints, Spivins, Sweeny, Etc, ", not tried i t, Before I could draw a breath or scream he cur(- tht, wold �[ ion SULriding. 25c a —*4 1 I- you always talk to me as if I vrere a heart. whom the unexpec ed visitor surprised in i I � V10 bot t1f, -, . ranilly I SI'Z", L tbrof, tirries i - 11 11 send for- free sefy.ed me and smothered - my face with . - I as 'less simpleton." I the drawing -room, own an his hands and says He Was Tortured. ; it, vaa tie med in, 1. er- vase oi vt: , - . much. 60(. at all dial,,r ', or Edman- i tarlifi3r), Practilco - �., omething. I tried to push him away, for ' , 11 You are no 8impleton, sweet cousin, but knees, playing at h roes with the children ? COUR .1 . wheye Sti oulating Liniments or Biloters are pro. -- sarnple, its a son, 13.aLe.s & W'A)., Taron . is I suffered such p�`.%iri from corns I tivribed, ,Sf-e pawphlet uhl.vh aoconipanle" every � �. ­ ­ agreeable I felt.I WaR losing my, senmes, as if I 11bould you.bave not the faintest idea what love is," It in on record that iSocrates recreated him. hardly walk," wribee! �T. Robinson, Hill$- botble� it has no surk-rior, . die ; then I knew no more till I saw dear said Marsden, looking down into her eyes self with the like �frlvolity ; and Samuel borough, Ills., " rBucklen's �Arnics I Ever), bottle sold Is I - Dr.- ( h S-e!s yrup , . ; guArat�tced to gho oatljfao�fon. Price 76c a bottle. . , taste will sur- - Lady Dorrington, Oh ! I shall never feel . . . with a dark, peculiar expression in his own. Clarks, the gr gican, is iial 1 .401d b all drugglstq. Invaluable In the treAtment, . 11% ---- safe again." I 11 I wonder who will teach you ! You must frcquently enewed big I to have Salve completely ourled them." Acts likO I - . , - I , prise you. � . � : r youth in a very m a g I c pnol sealds, o(LuwpJ&wIxjcatttIe. 8cePanaph . let. I " Great he%vens ! while I w I )rains, bru, w ises, cuts, sores, ' . � Perfect healer of skiD Prepared by- evvere hasitat- , of Ln eed' learn the lesson some day.' ptacti al sense by a return to the Pastime$ burns, . is uloors. I - I ­ $COTT & BOWNE, I , , r - . Ing about that locked do 1. the scoundrel U. P 0 . His words struck a hidden electric chain of his boyhood. On one occasion when he diseases Oure guaranteed by I Tlf� F,URF,KA VZURINARY bluLCuliE co Chemists, - . Toronto. made his eampe ! Why�, I could sear of thought, that brought Winton's grave W I as competing with some of his pupils in and piles. ; Of"A � and ur ni noa LV. Fear, dxuggistl�' Trice -­ ­ - ' I I ever strong face before her, and a vivid blush lespin g over a ta e, an orthodox pedant . 1.0 ont. 169152 ,5 0 q. gnd $1,00; all druggists'. have been ted minutes away, C14ti yo gely I I I I I I � � . I � i . � I . . - . I � I i I I ; I I - % I �. � . I - . � i � ! .. .1 . . i . I r � I . � :� i I - � . I . . ; I I I I : . - . � I I � I I � I I - � . i I � . I . . 4 � . . � i I � -. I I I I � . 4 . . i I ; i . i � I i . I I I . . i i �! . . . . . I A . .1 I I i . I � I i I ; i'� 1 . � i - I I I , . - . � � I . I I � . ; ; . . : i . . i . I I . I ! 1 � 1 40 1 1 q I I : � � I I ! . � .1 - . 11 - � i .! I I . I � I I ­ � -1 I- A I i �. . I ­ � � I . I i li . . I I ; , . � ; 1. I I � � I � . . � I I � . I I I � ,� . . I q � I I !I . ! I . I I . � - . . . I � I I I . � . . ! I � . . . : i � , :. : � � I ; - . . . I I � � i I . i . . . � I - -- - -­ . -- -- - I � � - ­­. . , 'J � , - - �� .­-­­­­ --L- -­­----­-­­--­ : ­ . ------ ----L-----1 -----1----�--[=w-­---J ­911­1�1.1 � . ­­-.---­­ —­­ , -,- . ­-­ --.,�.-.�.--...--.--�-�-�.----.-,.-�---,-,--�.���-.,--..---.---- --- I ill";ku,A�.161"ik�r.�-'il&��--�-�l--.,-�---�----�---�---��----- f - - � �Z I PECE I "--MM ... - ITAIM - EC1100L R)�r �rroontbly tepor section Xo.. 14v 1 the attendance] deportment, of I I of . H. �)!rllk ilF1' . 'Bell. Senior 1 ­ -ston, J. MeD4 Johnston, J. : F. le, W. BI Se y 1P , , - (Id ilennvQ Hood. Senior, "Emma Alair, I ona 'art I Jest -, Joniayf� Part ; :rott, Aggie Gej the monthly sp . CbarW I A GrA Alxir �- junior seconii, .-'Fred I Baglei - senior. . I I junior second V � Ida, J 0�nes. I - i — To' Cure I � r . - TA�e Laxati � All &�uggista r, -Cure. 1 25c, E' I - -each �ox. � I i— . - . I he TA .� 1. � Z t . DF',"U- MR, . rejoic 3 to knom . now pa-atin-2 0, I abf,w a fortita, , '0148n: times -. � ChTlat in the -B - inorc cruel, n(J iendured tb" t in China 04 -have existed � work being doi ie foraver sile-1 bar book of ma the ninetibenth early martyra, A �eaury. The' -in China duri , converta wtre I doebts weft -4q � I of tile work,, tions came, thi persecatioh di G ' x -race -is 91" is good nowis I . and praying 2 whose gif-u ; � - develop the ci -ain -now feel, .-acrifiets werf part in tbis)d the Gospel, w.. of the roll ol, dhapter -of 11�, There w,er-- Protestant it Wag of these . ,�,&nd about,onil ­ :�: "ents. Ther,e:' � E missionaries,- I � mumber was. universal tef' the ,outbrtAk' - the prospect the - ,expecte� t -eating timej mony that th . -3vil day � In, , of, Shantung q ' of theae lowl - thrown ino� . - bumble homP lr Miss (". B. 'Who uarrowl wan", to tell true Cbristi, -*uftcring ho.� -4 for CbrifiVis I I I s 1� ibe adds," f i ,:he mob. "D 11 took his nul � I , having nails I I bears in ble 1 Jesus." 1 i A native i' In ai, was B Wall a MIM� I � I With Eame 1 1 1 - , tbrown mtq � hundr-ed Noll I naked thig�` . I - kvtre beatenj I Is the magisiri Christian'," - I � aw." The 4 I - � be beaten, all I I 46 I � I This Isilignatul � , 10 Laxitivi the remedy I