HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1900-12-21, Page 4I11URWN DECEMBER 21. 1900
4 ITOR a ju3t as good an article here as can gather. His nd-father came .frolft, �ew lin, McKillop,.and togan. Tea was served day next being nomination day for. co inty AW ADVEAT1f4NNT13XT. produe' r illors, no doubt a good many will at- Jerseyo and 11AEled in ll Veutw )rt1i ab��t the at 5 p. w.., and the' tabl Do fai -ly groaned counc of i be produced in any country. The cattle, we a ro ded,c, After tea, tond.-Joba Kelly has a big eontrac
j2rTh-e fl&qi*,ebAw,-e6 the close of theilist century. H a fathoir Mrs I with the good thing, t ANT S 14., cicqlot(�s tho pa -whic h the _noL shipo. nany of them, ebtRpete -resented Ventworill in 1 the time- was. pleaean itably spent drawing wood for Mr. R. Armstrong, 6th kge of the papor On W euccea.& Jacoby Ryinal, rep ry a d P found. fully in the English markets with. the cattle the old Uppe r Canads i k4seml ly, and wail a in social intercourse, games, Jecitatious-and line. -Mies Clennan,L of the 7th line, il � at IMa kinzie speeches. Mr.,aud Mrs. flTreer wera the tl�e home of Mrs, Parker, as a nurse. Aiss AT shipped from the United !States and other 'warm, Ch 'on of William 1�yoii 11Kdav Footwear -it Wll[�M lelpileats of ik large arr of pr �sents of a Clennan is a trained nurse.' and comes high- I during the roubtes that led up to re- rf ay countries, and if we Cali copote on 60t ial kind. ly recommended. -Rev. W, I Hall, p stor we not fuLtnish the. dressed Mr. Parke, of Brit,�On, has been called of, the Be1gLrave Presbyteria eb ob has isli loaned Macki ncia the horse ; -upon which the St lic i1do doods-ftcid & wil on -5 leader of the rebellion elud. his pprouers' &"y to the better land. I The old gentle- received a call from Pickerin " in the Whit. meats ti I would coij on of 1837. It waE Jeoty Rymal' who L I 'Corn" �i pq Goodo-Ale-N� Wfliorl-b why could P belli very viluable, useful and i sublet ntj ur �he, e r ore Tote with -equal ve nd Yvar'a Xlj4ht i. man h4d been affected for, some time with byPreBbytery, the congre tion formerly succes- . N re carf d d made his, escape Oil of coun�Jry 0. and all that we a4 I so' st'd-mach trouble, but able to go ministered to by Rev. A. McAuley, nov of F'Zn For Johnttm6 waw suill Pulls, For C=PbAl-5 require is ille oppor to show what we* 'hen Mitchell. about until a week beford his death, w —BiOle, iii the Pubho 84. 13 at,. could The 0018'.,be was obliged to tak� to' his bed fie T.
cctuni can do Ont Xio,p oduce a suffi- WIT THEB E FRO LalitsAt-tout, 'r-8 11 tile j ublic -gradually grew worse, an on Friday 7#11 Farq4harl- lient num r of good animals such as wo uld The teaching of the. Bible lease. I a Wtison-8 be rc-quired to keep up the supply ?_ We do sahools in all'old: of. ccntr�ov4rrsy, and i6st., death cam to his r He leaves If ever sham cheapness is most o be __1 - - - - - - - - ney Walt- F. 11 � td -A ards-9 a widow and, grown up fimily f -fonr sons a ig a o3hoo suit voided, it is when ohoosi, u Cc )or ery-- -George Be�ttle-H not th'L 1k � here need be any cause for doubt. has- been discussed long aud warmly. It is and two'claughters to mourn his loss. His for a healthy boy. We k ceo our ocko now a oys To ClearL OU an es, we wi sp pattle grog-$ a subje-ot wk ell can not and . *hich a i�uld remains we're laid to est in, lma Centre on this score. If there 'Was a demand, the' and legs are a poor place 46 put shoddy and
Invitation -D. Ki t-8 0 for So; 88 mantlei; for $4 $7.50 ni.autles"fr $3,75 wal�ltles for
i 83.25 ; -
lrilitum�4,Foat.A R.. Willi. and Sou -+3 uld'. ui face. tery on the -following Monday afi6r- scam u know it too. Tke 13. 'tinn supply t be k6p�.Lfronl tile a -a game 'I b8l If our no P YO L t1 trs at St V 4-9�U 11. G -3 . I a noon. Mr. Parke will be much missed i _1o., Se4fortli, keep just the kind $6 mantles for $3 � $5 mantles for ULM ;_ 4 man, es for andll Lo�, Tile La,�t Call -2-S, Mul;ett-8 armere (tin make a; suffiaient profit by Hugbej�,.of--3t., Thom a., in hifw a ro lag to "I McFaul ( and 8 xpet 9weeper h -Reid and Wilson -8 the community, where he is well known and. of suits you would have your boy . ear. the same rate. " livery mntle in t1le store must be sold. Come, ee for . I feeding. animals, they' have the -facilities and the.-g-rand.jnry, recently made speci, �l refer- highly respected. Rrin Yotir (:,ht ek.-2-1 V. Pear -8 very Be sure you get' his next suit from Mm. yourself if they ard Dot j'11."it Las advertised. We will be Pleased to show to
the knowladge for the ork. The great ence to the a ibject..* B a said. 1723-1 tn All Di -O-J. 1'. yhether youbuy or not. Bible was NOTM. Mr. Matthew Thompson,. o F the you) U Jolly 11misill Opera House- 8. complain(L now is that it does *not payA6 He deplored the f4ot tha the i Hills Green. 'Tie Dvat of Every thing-hichardeor, ani McInD13-8 not made,- a -t mb book. i the pablichellools. HAPrENINGs.-Mrs J Dougl 8, of NJ ich boundary, left on Tuesday of last weakto produce Jiese first class. anirrials, to Cc --�'tark 'd Lath6r1xnd-8 - O"'91 If the,Bible vas not re( d and taught ti the visit Scotland.. He goes mbine busi- Ve also have a larre and well asscrted stock of risks in-- i I Jgan, is abpresent visiting at her parents. - - J 0 To The PtJlJ1j(.-Ftfed'P. Gle6 argely,tc the great urred in shi here ness with pleasure. We wish h
Coat oil- RL id vald Wilson -8 p- horne andth public iie i0olell wo ild it Mr. j. Iludson'a.-Xi. E dwarA Troyer sold im E; pleas -
ping theml coupled with the be taught ? Not in th, i Sund �y school, nor ant journey and a safe return. -F. ack- Chnstmas Cards, Calendars, LpAies'Faney 4andkerchiefs nag. llutts-Kebnedv Broo -8 ..unreasonably a valuable. horsexecently, r a good figure. a was etroit, -re- R. ifiggins-6 high railway and ocean freight the church. The fct ;hat t ie, Biiii -Services' will be held in, the Methodist ney and A. 1061,aren, of Detroit, Which we aid selling bit prices that -svill wtonish'you. not taught in public fie tools �s rals bedaue of urned to spend their Christmas holida a at i church bare, at the usual bell next Sun- 'These we Id be materially lessened on the a i It, lempent their respective horries.' George. 1jc :nay, tile mean jealousy of tte Protes."nt.0 `Oml' day.�Misi M. 241 ri . Aw - elick 'of' Zi i ht -1 fe 0 of Toronto k1so spending his holida a at dead, meat, and the prbfits to the eder nations. The Roman Catholi on ls.--rMr. ove vw-
fSunday at J. Huds home. -D. McDougall, teacher of the school t t I
c Wo*pld bee,propor tionately, increased.- With teaching the r -children religion accor ing to, ited at r. 0. Stelok's lasit Sat urpay.-Mr. CIO I g Depar men their system, and he thou lit t ey were Iin seotionNo. 3, Usborne, who has been ill- sufficient demand anda profit to make the W. Orauby, of Daekerville di igan is -t#, to right, though he would like to gee no Sep. Chia vi q�ln ity. r, Heory for some time,- will soon be convales ent, Special holid prices 'in Clo,thiig. 100 boys' all -wool two-piece sum
husiness 1) y, there Would be no 4iick in the visiting.frieilds in be cleared at $1.5 100 men's all -wool three piece :s ceaed at $5 -
IS i,AFOR-TV, FRIDAY, wrate school!. . And- the Pro estan0 tand Reichert, last Thureda� ev'ouLin a and will be able to attend to his du
Dec. 121st, 1900 gave u -its, to be supply. The proposition of Mr, Rose- is by and ee the Bible -excluded from teacher at the beginning of the year. -Dame tile party to a number of 1hialriend i. :The tit -no boys' pants af'25c a pair. 'Don't forget to see,our prices in Freize
and choolti bee use , of t ieir joalousieO. The Rumor says that a number of the. fair ones good one and'would be fraught with beric- a 1 was spent in trippfin� be light fantastio, gi�t panacea for maki us.liappy here and until bhe early hours of I'll a morAID9, on Thames road are soon -one by one -to Overcoats. These, prices last only for tbe-holiday seaswn. Dont f or,get to seb .. 9 W.-vanfslin South Affica. ficial rea:ilts if jildioionsly carried out; and Mcmra. f -h.. hnmaa nnA 1 11 +11�
happy herearter was to be lounaim Me J. Cochrane and e chart wbilded the a a o ell a ay, o a ne - o vul V UU01 V L YVLL _JJUL%, "O -t should r �c ive general support, not only Revent even t1l in Sou th Africa h' at Bible' and to; be found iowhe a elso.1 Some hearts, � Particulars will appear la r. av a proven bow, which did much croilit to the musical Mr. and Mrs, W. J. Vance and family have t� ttt have, to their loss, under. in the hat- throughout the might think he was preaching a sermon but part of the programme, 1AIr. Rqiohert is a y, It would. hasten the happy time he. was propo unding idbae which men should got comfortably gettled in, their new re8i, cti, the at,aying powers of the Boers c-ouixtr �enial and attentive host� and I is guests are Qrocer Depar, tment' --hey once. -They are� highly pleased with the feed on 'live by and Oe- by, and witIhout which - t I o a and hav6 a good d when eva�ly Oatario farmer would always made to fool at h' Iresh arri' a], this week of Ohristmas goods, including �Cro- D J ifst at Lhe time whcn it was supposed to be rkmanship, everything being done it first -iNere afraid to die." wo IV his fatril his entire cereal crep' 'and i -ell time. 1 A J : claks style. The mason work was der a by erely a matter of rounding. up the few There N -much truth in what' " u d&e A.L%T EXPLANATION. — W��' are sorry that a peols, ne laxer at ma IgI51 new d,ates, nute, emrants, raisins., &e. nothin W. Howard, of Exeter; the paintila b- r the 9 r(trinnts of tl�L army, they show won- g from it that could not. walk away 0 albibp paragraph splieured in We Aepartment last fluglies 'says. There are mi ny di* We are paying� 4c for dried apple$. or be an anirnal product, week, which has gi Brooks Brothers, Kirkton, and the 'cai pen the 13i ale as vert 6:ffence and -annoy- 0, derful recuper4tive powcr sur -rounding the introd iction qf %rice to some whom we a P, sorry rto offend. ter work 'by G. Miller, of Cromarty, wh 9�rWe malicle -a specialty 'of :prom pt deliveTy. larmy suffer n eovere and eq ol the Britishl a text book 'ato the pb blic ab iools,bat these The paragraph was hefli: Jed "A, Huntin as a houEe carpenter,- has few uals ar d no A Worth Suggibstio 9 superiors in this viciniVy. We wish Mr.
crua ng e ear (-it outies, If grappled with, co-uld no sur, Erroy, and so far as woMan learn was 111- w, force only es. A yo- %in fectly legiGi- 4nd Mrs. Vance a long' and happy li a in COME WITH THE CROWDS TO ole uf Genelral Clemerita uug mzkn n. ed -Lorne Alulloy,'a stu- mounted. It . is a;.rguA , thi It the p ropet tinded as & �ak9.off on a per The apes capitula I Lion t I brough the excellent dent at Toron"to University, i . f we mistake mate and proper. underta iing. It was, per. 'their new dwelling.- Thames oad place for the teaching (if the Bible is in the Presbyterian Sunday school purpose baving RT11 I bapa, not intended to injore or hurt the A vlork of his artillery. As it was, he lost not, at the c4ll, of � his. country, abaad cited' hon,ef L . We might aiv the game of any a Ch.-ristmas tree on Chriattras eve, feelingaL.Of any persan, lut was intended 8 veral killed Lud aver one hundred tak.en his studies, and joining the Canadiom splendid programme is Wine, prepared, and- UNN SEAFO other subject on the a 3bool curricullim, If more as.a joke, but it as incorrect from beginning to end, and should not have been & good time is in store for the children, and B a B 0 isoners. General DeWalb has still. que. Mounted Rifles, won#, -with them to --South is the allArn i6rtanl, b)ok-' which the Bible all who may have the pleasure of being oceded ia eluding the British, and,.Atwo Africa'. -In" one of the engagoments there he pu�olished,,4nd had we li nown the circtim- present. -Oysters . '.are plentiful during all Prote3t&DtS profei3 to believe it is, stances, it would not have been pub- to have become so bold -as was woLundeJ, a ball piercing his te)ple to get Christmas times, and if thone parties 'from forces of the Bee' and, if -a kng'wledge of ts truths' is fraught liphed, We are'always glad items 'a Kirkton who;did not get their mastiff, like- THRE E STC RES—No. 1) Dry Goods, ladies' gooa, 0#1y. tc invade &he Cape Calorty, but are being -nd causing complote and incuMble, blind. with a-uch 4emendons consequencei, both of news, but our cor espondorlts every tea satiefied at the supper here! ome arsulad by strong forces, and will, andou bt- nee", He*' will never be able to' behold fhe Wlidre7would gave us a gmat de of trouble NC'.,:?,, Clothing, men's goods only..' No, 3, -ie life whiall is to (ome 'ould p for this life ud bi and out patrons ani3oyan,e if tlLey 'would be weeks ago, would.take v. drive they odly, soon be driven back. Besides the beauties of nMure aga.in, His life has b".0 I - ialties, canneA goods, bitte'ri adt
how Civil We Oxcus ou-malvea for relegitfog careful hot to seo'd-us an thing of thin ki6d, undoubtedly get their hogshead capacities ceiies—spe ently blighted. He haf I I - � ! serltyus cagaement We have already men- perman i now returned filled to running over -point for small fee. ib to the home,'thb- church ani tile Sabbath whichiscalcula0ed onlyko injurethe feel- h tion,ed, several minor ones have 'taken to Canada,: and there is talkin Torontoof il3g6 Of innocent eople o are interested. school, a�,nd devoting or ly . a cc uple of ioural Montgomery, John Sp
place, in each of , which the Boers were getting tip a public entertainment for ED, Expo A student of Knox College will conduct Messrs. J. J. ce,
SITOR, Hensafl. each wcek to -its instrucGion, while. me ex. service in Carmel Pi esbyterian church n Arthur Spotton, J. T. Wiggins, H-tiory
heavy losers, a.'ill they cling to their hope- berinfib, We . beafti concur with the Wanted a large quantity of clever and
ly pend thouaan_ds of dollars �evqy year, and Sabba;h first, moriii ig -and evening. -The Shute and Robert McLauoblari.-Mre P. less came with exceptional tanacity, and Telegralill ID sa�ing that.this should not ;be 13lueva e. 'timothy seed for which the highest market pri(o will Jolly Pulls will give -i L three nights' enter. Brown, of the burg, has had a uumbO of fivedays in each �veek in 'the jzivi 3g of be paid by the undersligned. J. S. Nee, merffiant, neccasary,-atid we eorfally endorse the. fol. . I - Pv,� V. Helleall. Ii 2.4 bus have fully deminabr,ated that they are -no purely secular instruct on,- which, at ANN THE TIANSIMAT tainm, int here, in Ui ler�s new ope I ra hoLufJo, men and teams in his Carrick: h duing JoWin,� moat' commencingnext T ursday-evening.-Th Fra'nk G. F t r's lectu a' on " The Iiion G. J.. notary public,. con.- -a the past few weeks cutting and skid Ang &n8v al Cub, ',in the JPioresteris veyancer, Ingurance agent and Jesuer of ina Aago usual ;annual Sabba school Christmas tree loge. He is going to &L a s --ore or more tb a struggle, to the bitt r 6 -n -d-, _-;-G'on&ra1 Kit. CAnada's duty. is toace to it that Lo�ne licensellp. Ofll ile at the post office, HonsaIJ. 'Good m mn foe, and that they intend to continue ctn only . havt :.an influence for this life ? and- her Tr
Mul)oy lacks nothing �vbiah nvney'.ca d Judge'Hughes iA deservirig, of credit for hall, on Wedneiaity eve6ing f last wcek, village dwellingo, and also farm erty, for entertainment will bi I dispensed with this teams a;t work right way to hwul -the valu. free hah�d, and it is Orangemen great liarg$lng to offe yteri&n church, and in able maple and hemlock into he burig.- at otter is to be gva to make up the irrel' 0 8 tinder the auspi es of thi' loca r at Pt'hoep present -time. 'year 16 Carmel Prest loes of his �e. bringirig tbi subject once mooe prominently and
tristed tht hL I ifford, hat �_eert sirorl _bmid will speedily put and Foresters, was ind ied profitable and Monpy to loan on first mortgage on farm and ) illage its place Will be held a lecture, to be' given Rev. Mr. Marahall, of Ch
eight,, The patriotic fund 8hould be drawn before the public ubje,'t was an in which property at .very lowest rate of interest. IN2.4 b he Rev, Mr. Wilson, of London his conducting special services here during', the I entertaining,. I he a I a i A - down the Boers and briag DeWet ao his upon for something td� provide him with, a all are interested, but when deli:ve The Jolly Pulls, the world King of, H., -prio. y �
red in 11 ubject being 11 South Africa and the war. " psatthreeweeks. Asa. result some .35 �ia n f tists, a re so highly spoken of every here ilea to a stand stilt General Roberta, im.. competency, and failing that,. the. Domin nd who a io, Petth Notep. the rich brogue and el(quent Ian lie 0 The lecture will be� illustrated by viewa. decided to become members of the ell: a, guug treasury should be good for a yearly pension will give a three nights grand catertainm Vt. in M. adiately oil him arrival in Eugland, will -All the teachers o the Mitchell ublic Mr. Forster, be( omes many thnes more eo. ' The children will al jo give recitations at to keep him in comfort for t 11 Miller's New Opera, Hal), Hensall, commmoing he remainder of '71 Schodl have -been re-ert1raged. ter next y(ar. No surer proof A his buccess as 4 speaker Thursday youlax, Deconater 27th. Plan of In 11 and I' intery Is during the lecture and Mr. D.
vi %it, the Queen, o6a.d the thanksgivilig ser- MCC Blyth. his days. There is no'- more. tragic picture -Hbn..Thomas Ball intyue is being arged. could be given t ian that a lar a and mixed tickets sit G. M. Babreock's Drug Store. 171-3-2 'il� will sing several patriotic songs.- vwes arranged for ha-v'e been peatpo'ned -un- in: the whole sad yer, glor ous history of this WoTrs.-Mr. George' King has to stand for the Wayorilty of Statford. audience, ench as face r, �Orater in L00L ftmrs,-Mr.. Drysdale, ge 3eral Miss tiffies, of Gode rich, was in the village b664 ap
r than youug M ulloy turning a i a. from pointed caretaker of the Methodist chiir til DaWet amd the other Boar generals W Wi htman hae Bluevale, will st foe an, bell- # perfect merchant, of Drysdale. Was in the village on Fri ing at-
-Mr. R. resigned his and Saturday last renew'
I Wi
hit preparations for a proNssioria'l career, lay have been taken prisoners. position on the teaching staff of tile St. site -nee, not caring to 4pplalld much, for one day last week, viiting big son and Sint ces.-Mr. D. McGill was unable to _John BArracks, of Hepworth, is spe4d, allbravely faGin.g his ate in b-a-ttle, and.coming r t the servi6e of - soug in Carm. el a few holidays at his home here. -Mr. Geo.
Marys Oollegiate Inisti Into_ fear of missing a word. .The ar'leaker quoted daughter. Miss Shaw, who has been an. conduli
ba6k to his oWn count�y blind for life but Denstedt a�_rived home' frorn Manitob bravo in �spirit. The, Elog. aged -for the past two seasons as mil iner church on Sunday, 0 in to an affection of Publi �, opinion will support iss Addiscn, Isto.of Stratford, has from Ron. David Mills'work, il I I at n
The Dressed Meat Trade. beetiengaged'asniodera lunguage speaulist, lish in Africa," which he considers' the best for- the R. Pickard Company, left hi re & I his tbrost.-Miss H nua Craig and Miss Saturday evening, for A few months.41NIT.
the Donlinion Government in making a 'pat Ed- Moeer is in Bffaloi this week, ,visiting
in the Lindeay Collegiate, at a salary' ot' 'treatise on the' subject Mr, Forster has few- days ago, for her home in Teeswab r.- Belle S kff, spent 1�st rid�ay evening at- The Ontario Coernment has done good spociall�! generous WI -o ance -to a brave . I 11 $1 bee4 ill and hO not ye . fall Iracovered, -Dr. Roaa,of Auburn, was in the villag on Mr. MeDouald'o, in Stanley. -Mr. Wm,. R. relatives. -Rev. r. 06poland,-of Loqdos�
thn Wit, of VOUtIff C Wilt. Vine, a in 000. h 01 1; I.' 1,
I _,Tobs Gree
of Toronto iaii
of 4uga roll
'bones of one Ile
was taus.ed Of 0, on 1r*11 Wbr;4 wh;mt PI
,;14" 'per b u pool* per r er Irotol) PC �ood Per -?d Wtod p0T P-, APW109 POV �)Vr se*d j
od. �p)ik. per 100 trade has -sulf,
4ifferent, aud I
the threatene(
were -of alow. Turke:
chicken's aTe' D'acks are in geese UT13 61'es
riig in 9001.1,
t-ra.de has bee'
'41 6;
at 5 I to 6 A -,,a,
t T)a t
Zia I la 6-S 3A. ; fat
Corn, q)V
-20 to 4s *3,j Met; JaouB
hUndred bu0i
one hund-red 1
6 I'to 6 1,
-obs.i3ged at 6
hundred 44e. Oats low,or at 29 t(
jes light. Pi
9�5 -to $7. per t
Prices are ste
34c per:bag f�
Baled Hay -1
a good, dema,
$10,25 'Per ta
'Small, price
�cv lot
Searee. Ten
inark at � ii ver
-Mr..J, N� R)th, cf Tavistock, ha re. which was quir noticeable in his race and Wednesday, calling on w1r. G, R. ung- Hoggarth, who has been englaged aa public 6 AL lw� e -t d1i a) aniar
educating the people and encouraging them Bub itilis not the case or mulloy Al that turned, after A two months' visit to Get- voice., The latter WJus ot so strong', and, blutt and famity.-Dr. aud Mrs. C;te , of school teacher --at Troub Creek, returned lebuOulu ctlurull, On brist, as night, IThe one UYL ely a IiieWas on abject will be The life of Christ." in the produatiou Of the -veiy best products should bo apeoially considered by Parl,ia ma .. Ou he way home he had a very- we are �Iorry- to say, scar Dangaution, were here this week, via Ling horne'this week. -So vie ill not be hel su MARRIAGE. A happy social evettook
froin their farms,-dairias and other'depart. ment. Thore are many others who have stormy passage. his previous visit.' He ust b ge ting me- the cloctor"a mother and other relativet and tbig year, as usual, in St. Pa-uVs church, on PlLsoe at' i -Mrs, Wory, of .14b. Marys, has been climatized, but his voice, ill. ri�,ver be havall friends. -Mrs. (31. A. MoMor--an, of -Ohi(ago, Christ nas day, but �m ill be hold on the- pre the home of Mrs. M. Mali,
monte of huebandry, and in this way an. been mulmed -for life, and who ha�c thu's ceding Sabbath,. when the Christmas nor. on Saturd ay afternoon, at 4,-30 o'clock, Nvhi;�
awarded $1,000 ali ony from her hue Dand like a Canadian', A short p6gramme was. is here visitiog her parents, Mr. and �Irs. in her eldest daughter., iss Christina M., was
abling them to cam eta successfully with been clertain extent inolpacitubted from �mes Story. wi a lad presented before the cornmencement of the Wm-. Bell �Mr.-.Jilmes Willis, of MarlAte It i cry reated his vice will be held in I is evening. -Mr. land M& �he producers, of other owuntries in the earning a comfortable living, to say nothing- badly she cc uld not-li a with him. lecture. The z nophono gave sevc ral selec. Michigan 6 viaitirig her Rister,- &Ira. Win. Mrs. Samuel Rannic spent last Sabbath united in rriage to Mr. Wm. MacKeinz,te,
t d -Rev. G. W. Henderson, presideiftof itions, Mr. J. oyd Mortimer, of Toronto, Bell. Mie-ses Jessle and ity JILbkirk have with their ison.in-la* and daughter, Mr. aud of Chicago.' The ceremony was performe
markets of the world,L and so adding to their of the physical loss sustained.- The young the London - Conference,,has been ash ad toI was to manipulate it, but was too ill to, be returned from visiting theit, aunt, at xe- Mrs. - Paulin, of WI ham. in the presence of a few relatives of the con.
own wealth and the wealth of the Provincei men whc went -from Canada to South Af- remain a fourth year iii St. Marys, his prea-�: present, so Mr Forsterf, set it ( ff.' It is ter.-Ai8a Mary 14', Paevo�, of Exeter, wall tractiing parties, by Rev. A. McUwn. After
the ceremony all sat down to ai exce 11cut
Another impottomt step of this nature is rica war not professional soldiers. . They d to be�i he ant charge; add has accepted, claime beat of the gramophone in the village this iveek,-Mrs. Houlderi, of r L field. Pl Society- wa tit a family, but, like all its b ethre 2, a )pears to Cliiqou, spunt the pie. week with S4rs. hortly to be taken. In a recen6 speech, in a11 of them had other. o6cupations K -The Pei th Histor, a dinner, prepared by the friends. Tire bid
_nd am;; f grant of $50) from tile countv council, o� be suffering. with a ba cold, and often David Clark and Mile. Francis Marshe If.- B. R. HiGlaws, B cefield, Notary Pubno was given away by her brother johnk' A
Niagara we thnk it waFt, P.re.�nier Rosa bitiona iii life, and whatever they may have Conveyancer, Fire and 'fe Insurance agent. Any large number of the relatives sent lttersf
the -purpose of pqbl'ish ing a Idatory of the' 'talks through its nose, pretty Irill was The bachelon' ball, held in Miller's new amount of money to lo i first-class
wa 5 per cent., ox annouaced that his Grovernment'had - deter- lost by giving 'their, services to the country regret at not being able to be presen Count performed by a class of little gills, under opeia hall, on Friday night - of last. m eek, -farm. security. U r drawn and money ad. The sho4ld b Y. vanced free of a . x one the borrower. Also a presents to the bride 'were very numerou
mined to submit to Parliament for its made up fo�hem as ne ly, as �St. Marys has been in darkneas for a thedirection of Mr. A. VicHwen. Clayton was a soAal event that had been looked for- I t . a
Ome' limited amount o priv a funds at 5 per. pent. married couple' left;
approval, a scheme to guarantee the interest p' 6bly by the count'ry. . None"ofthese Inightit on account - f, the council and uff recited, land Messrs. Will Stewart ward to with much interest, and provei to At hoizo every mornin and WedneWay of each and cosily. The newly
1 Messrs. We t & Weir, prop',ietors o th and Hartley Patterson saugveryac ably. be a very enjoyable one, and was conducted week. Several good I 6 for'salei 1:67 'on Saturday evening tran to visit his lreta- at the rate of'4 p3r cent. on an investment Young man should be permitted to suffew eil Mrs. W. J.4lohniiton an Mis Al"'pt or- tives in and around Llu-aknow, after -Which
electric ligb � plant, b og un 1�ble'to cc "a t 01 ;gie H throughout in a manner that reflected o- -edit they'd be
af to encourage thoL establishme tit b�_rough I ife, pecuniarily, on account of their 'o was sup- uiRs.-The garme to are fine, they will start for their new home in Chic. an agreemet: t in the mitter oil rateo,L' bert wOre the -accompanists M r. R. N. the c)mmittee. The muril hiAh in grice if most people bad a say in ago. The best wishes; of their kieua-s is
to their counLry aud their Queen. by the harpers, of London, and w a all in of a. large abattoir in the city of Toronto, o:r -Mr. A. H. Left' of St. Maryls, was eel Duff was chairman. Mon g
p led the mar They are at The E. McFaul I I acted. as a grand juror for the sessions held NOT]iQ -It. isabeginnin g to feel nice and that could be desired. The hall was very 'tore eaforth They in aked them that their life may be &� bapp in same other contral place. The object of In additilou to tills the families of thse Co's. 15 8 V one.
Christmasy.- a auniN arsar r si rvAces in ga were
in Stratford this week, and was fined $10 by T� nicely fitt�d up !or the occasion, and af 'ord. which in the reason u get such extra good FIRE -The cit z 'of cur villa this iridustry is thwt the an-ima1s which ar who hav6 been killed, or who have died at of
n an 'SPI gain aroused by the al m fire, ,e&rj� on
y t Judgo Barrcn for not i uttiDg i pear.� the Methodist 'church las6' Eabbith were ed every convenience, Among those preis. qualit as at prices q ite So lif'tle as .80 �b% Wednesday mornitig, When it was N-Cerisin-
now sent to the old country alive may be should be'eared for,b the State, ance. largely at tende!d. Rev. Johr 1 H �lmes, of ant were 'a number from London, Exeter, I expect to pay for ev4 la much lower grades.
marty. range comprises 1e very beat in Costs, f
slaughtered a -ad dressed in this country, they will nort be reqtxiked_ to suffer phymically . �Miis M nnie Spear a, of Oro who Brussels, prea"ched MOrting Lnd evening, Zurich, Bayfield and Godericb. -Miss E loan 1. The ed that the drug sttr.e� Mr. James HAmli-
amd. the carcasses shipped mor oss the water, on account c their ta untpeg over a year ago, wal- and Rev. R. Hobbe, of Win gliam, in the and Miss Edith Banthron, of London, were ton was in flmes. fire sprea-d raoidil
Caper nes, Collarettei, Ruffs, Muffs. Gaunt- . T
provider -Ang been went to Wi I to the north and aaut)l, taking in H fi.
as is now done -by Chicago, Minneapolis a told taken from them while -he wag a paarried recently to a �Wr. Crruthers. Mr, afternoon. The church IV ran 0 tie(. by Rev. in the village last Friay, accompanie I by leta, ( ape, etc. 1723-1 erving is and Mee'. Oa rruthers vi ill reside in Vie okia�t Dr, Potts, of Toronto, o a D ember 18th, their friends, Miss Elliotb and Miss 0 irys. S.Ai K or PnopERTY.-The auction sale of Smith'a jewelry store.-ou the northand it. H.. either similar iristitutions in the United country. Anything. that iiv'done in_tpis British Columb, q . Chelleves furniture store, John aton's
%. --I 1890, when Rev, 1. B. Wallw WS motor, ler.-Mism Davis wits bare during the past the i ml Otlate belonging- to the , estate Staeff. Promier Room contends that if this way, if ilone wis6ly,.will be L approved by -Mr. � Wm. Dittwer, of Monktoi , has -The Methodist Sabbath so ool, Wer re- week or so, visiting her brother, Mr, VT. 0. hotel, stud -Thomas Wtson'Lls barber abop, o1i
of N. r. Hugh McCartney took place the South. Nothing was saved of an . &0
is done, a valuable industry will be es. the poaple. The experlie may be hea 111 a d lina p o a', n,, of hi . 50 -acre lot or tho considering the mattVri � lecid d W have a Davis. -The services in the Methodist here on i Tuesday. The twenty -acre y on ustriess, botel
co ceal ion, bought half of lot I "on enteptainmen', . i6h will be church will be.of a special chara6ter, ot Was pur Daniel furniture woo nes 4th Christmas count in the b laces, but the
tablialied and the cost of transportation will but the people have a right td bei),r it. oesa held in the church on Chriel mns night,- Sabbath. In the.morning the sermons will ased by Mr. flyalleaved. T,.eflriemen
ion 16i 4oau, containing . 50 acrei all d caks $1,250 ; th residence and lot, by be very much I fa than the cost of freighlb� bush from Mr. Wm.� Haktrileir, of M liver. The Preabvteria entertammet t will be hold be to mothers ; in the atternoon, there will kept the flaroLes in fiubjection, snJ thereby Eclitdri ay evIninj be a mass meeting for the children, at d in Mr. I L art MoCar iney, for $6 h Notes an' d Comments 11) ; tile saved the brick store of Anderhon & 1, as aL resut, the farms r, al 00IThurad' g, De(embe r 271h. -Rev.
'd ton, for $90). ease f otory and one acre of land, by I -fflhe nat i of-PrivateE. W. Peafl, of D,1Rogers,prdacped to tie Methodist con. the evening the mormon will be for they )ung p- on the corner :although it was all-ghtly dam*
un live V, 81 ch or producer, IV!. receive a considerably . We notice the naoic of Dr. M,,Dlonald,.of peo- ice me �'�egor, for $21 o The farm was aged by smoke. There. was cosiderable in. larger prico for �-his a-di.mals, El%st Huroa, mentioned. as the one Which St. M arys, pears in the list -of' retu -ning gr6gation at BrOseeig Iasi &bbath evening, pie. . The musical part of the se -vi sold, t il� highest b,id,.$4,280, not being up
In the first I . I ce onall. of the places. The ori
suran _giz. o -f Ounadian sodierB, who,qailed from En ,Iand as 'their pastor was aeoist ing,a � an aivereary will be in keeping WiLh 'the subjeotF, on tie the will be a -favorite for p -services at Bluevale.-Kies Mabel Thomas each occasion. -Miss C. V, S - mith has a Id a the fire is unknown., and it seams to -be -a
place, the ritik of shipment will be very Jbis be lu�y Speaker.. for ll"ome�-lcfl the otearner Champlain,on Wed. No. ri'set pr' ice. he Independent
In A meetim g of t In place lose alli P Of tile Coniniong -the House'inee to., neld, ay of Is it week. The gill4nt St. b I arys is home froth Toron bu. r. HirnestJewitt, number of pieces of tier fancy needle ork, Order of Foresters, will be held on Friday t
'ratich reduced ; itis rance will be less , ystery how Lbo fire abouti start in a youngest. son of Mr. Th mas Je 'tt, Blues to be sent to J. G. Troyer where there never had been anv, A large
space wil be r(quired than for the live Ib would be v pie -of soldier should reich h me about ChriAmas, . , . -1
ery ratifying to'th.a poo Om evening, 28th inst., ' Vhen all members are amount of. da -mage w4l& done' to the plate
. % w1i -A very. pleaqant ovent, t ok place o t the vale road, arrived home rin a Albert, a in Hillis Greeu,'tbis week, visiting his Mr1imajo -ud shipments can be made �on should their clever represen[a. 0 requested to be present, as officers ;will a. at any, East Hul residence o L f Mr. and Mrs. I)avid Near, of Northwelst Terriiory few lmyi ago, to brothern.-Nle;,srs. Charles Lsischiugerl and elected mind other important business tran,31- glass Windows on the opposite side -of -the
tive be nalected for so imprtant and hon�r- street. time and, the meat can, be landed in the old M-cinkton, on,, Wednesiflay, 5th inst., when spend the winter'under 6 parent, 61 roof, C Crabb, of eaforth, spent Sabbath' last a,bleL_a poiibion. - .- - actedi special , cc -nmun.ion will "be die- Olin on. h ith fro ell left pense( eountryaefreffhandina9glaod condtion as, th i eldest daughter, Miss Christy, was Mr.'A. A. Cook, of is Imsed the w iends here. -Mr. R. - B here in the Presby ierian church here on uriltred in trarriage to Richard Byars, of village hotel from Mr. A t a present this week for Bruce Mines, where he has the� fir it 8 bb the new year, There are The lit otest mill will - soon --be grind' ... th if it were slauithtered there, and also Fullarton,* in the prese nee of about fif I tenant. Mr. Cook took secured work, and intends remaining intil -of the nZ 119 w eentur�'.
'y In*]. osees3ion oil Mon- y There will be no pre.. rough The
many advautage in. sbipp"I'n-g by the carcase agan. rive protests 'ib connection L w 1 th vited guests, , Rev. -J, Abrey was the offici-� day,�Mr. Charles tlarsli,. who,wotked with spring. -Mr, James Gilchrist has decided to i Vuu couldn't possibly, walk thL
. I .. I , paratcry service or thankpgivitiff service, ],, a'Mr. Robert Black during he aun Ter, has 8�gags in the meat busirie-ra in Seaforth, and just g. in ply -ore, & fo -bee
which do not count in shipping the live the reolaut;Domin-ion elections have already ating'clergyinan. the communion.�M7r. Alexan- leFaul Co' St, IS -.9; I th t a
Ross" -otyiecb is to- try to been entered, Tiielso &r'e 'North Bkuce _Onaturday, 8bh inst,, a very luiet! gone to Now York. to w�rk w th Ilia uncle, to that end has -purchased a businepa tliere. der Id irdoch, of Toronto Medical College, oliday times without 18tumbling ver juab
wedding taik place at- the home of Mr. a Whittingham who- taught We wish him all succe-w-Mr.0 Shff, d in spEnL; ing the Ch istmas holidays with the thimg you are looking for an a Xmab
secure there advantag�i ;o the farmers and West Darham, Nipisaig, gift for fatbt-r, mother, L brater, sh-tar -South On(ario James Sclat(r, St. Marys, when Miss "Iessie, at Brownto* wri(Morria) school, �bout twenty his two youngest sons, of big par 0 - he annual :school meeting of igan, are Mr. Sheffer's brother, 4
stock deaters Of this Provinad. As Mr. and Obmwa,' The expectation is, however,' Black was u iited in mariiage to Mr. it. J.1, years ago, and who will be rei tie bered by lover or friend They have bail thif
school a otion No. 1% Stanley, will be held IRoss sa.ye, the UniLod States roll annually that there will not be man Whaley, of ' .-iyton. Only the nearest rels-1 many there, is visiting in ithis i ici ity. Mr. Edward. -Miss E, L. Walker,. of Lon' on, in that 11 occasion in mind for severi inbtlis paeb ,y protests this school," -o Wedneadxy, December
time, as the majority of the Government is tives'of the ,ontr ttiogham now lives ll� or west — who is giving vocal lessons 11#ere, o and have been collecting up nire things to
267,C00,000 pounds of dressed -meat in the so large qhat it! standing -ioan not Refin parties were pros-, Wbi 26t,h,--*iss Helen M,.Donald, who has been
be offeat� oat to witness the ceremony, which waE per -i: Thomas Campbell, of In . Via - - is now in New York, taki Mrs. YelloWlegg, in Place in Your way at temp 't"ng Prices "
English rket, while Rngland last Am r. IP1,91 9 visitin her sister, year formed by Rev. T. A. Cosgrove. �1 itiog at Mr. Edward 'D q Bowmarville, bat returned home.�Messro. ad by t h 08 a orria.— special teachers course in voice oil
e ection courts. —The council me t Imported six mllon mrcasoes of mutton —Mr. lia rlei A; Jolinston, of t. Marys MrF,. Robb, senior, of the r [in( of Mor. Mrs. McKenzie was in Blyth for a day! last Cou.
oldon Ross and Peter Campbell returned from: Australia an:(-] Argentina, He thinks The ef�lctiorl of a successor to Mr. �V. M. who accomp inied the Young Men's Christian His. is improving in he'alt M I. Amuel week.—Miss McDougall, of Cr6mart Jonco, hotel, LeaLdbury, on Saturay ant
Y9 home W t Saturday, from the Dental Col- na(l& g'hoUL1(l ge� a share of this trade and the V. 8 -0 spead Christmas holidays all the mairribers being present. The tiessv
iGerman Local L-gialature, for the 'AsoociationField Force to the Klouffike, 0aldbeck, who is att6nd,rig a edical col� spending a week with Miss C, n tith. lege, (,,h C�go, t home loge at SH inaw, Michigan, i viiliting his She has also been visitiog her uncle, t Mr. , P&L r6nti leetr were also in. atte, d4uce,
thore , izi no doubt but it would if it were in county of Welland, took'place *on Thursday nearly three years a(yo, returned on gS with their and friends in this urer and oo] r)
a 'wen, M. P.—Miss Ids Eick, ' the One 'Coll gin money and tht 4ther Tuesday oflitweek. Mr. Johnston will father, Mr. filuet Caldbeck of Morrie. George vicinity.—Mr. Robert Murd6ob, who has paying it e
e-k,and'F e till h
a pwiitioll it) furrd,01 what the marl(CL re- Of -last esulted in the election of spend the w uter undef the parental roof. —A special children's servic� ill be. held who has been engaged as milliner at out, 0 rquell; were issuc-4 o
been ill, is reeovering.—The teachers and NJ r, 0'roe , Libera, by a mijority of :2GOv In the tpring he wi I retu*rn to Calgary, 1: in the Methodist church next, Sa bbat.h. — ham, and who has recently purebalepli a trufttes of schools for -$4,330 -06 ; councilors' pupils of school section No. 10, Stanley-, are
We nolive that Mr. -Rosb, propt)sal is Althougt Mr.1-German 'carried this conati- where he wi I devote himself 'to fairrhing, Hood is visiting her home 'n Sunshine, business there, was here part of last week - - salaries, $336.: work on roads and other ex.
giving a concert to -night. The programme, 13 '4re. which ill certainly be interesting, will e
n., Davie, of tileney aL; the,:,general elec"tion.by a la. w I
f-tro William havi g boug it a farm there. Mdrria.—Mr. James Robertson, of the 2ad and this visiting her parents, Mr. and , penditures, $1,109 ; work on xllraine, $1 1 015. r99 —Mr. Gtorge. Gropp, f Mornin ton, -line of Morris, was struck by a talling limb, Thomas,. Dick. —Mr. Reps, of Blyth, was The annul financial statement of the reeve
I furuishad by the pupils. the well knoua D&vie pork packi ng Les. mkjority, it is -not by auy.__,,mcAna a Liberal while butchering for Mr. John Me i, of 013�Ftiday last, but fortunately was not here during the past week, visiting Mr D. and treasurer was made ,out and signad,, and
tal4iat Lment in Toronto, anti by r. f,,tronghold;aad itwuls supposed that Mr, Brunner, on Tuesday morning ot last Week, seriotialy injured. -Alias Hannah Ball, of &JaGilli He was on his way to Bri'tish shows a balance on the right aide of! the
't� a, was, La let. 'col
hc;Conscr�vative candidat ti ,naive Crawford, M. I� P., -&n ex(L met with. a very paijiful aecide t, which Wingthara-, visited at Mr. T. Z WaWo, Columbia,—Miss V let Campbell, of Chi. ledger of about $1,000.: The time f aric :Pn
next to Mr. Oerma, the attongest man in will render .Wrn incapable of workin for Turriberry, last week.—Rdv. W. J. West, cago, who bag been visiting relatives and BRym.-Mrs, George Scott moved to lecting the bal a of I'; taxes was exf d- cattle buyer and exporter of the eame city. trie cuustitueo�!y, but' even. he could
lot some time. 1 While -dressing one of the ani.- MI. A., and Mrs-. West are, vidting for a friends in Staffa andL ViCirlity, is here visit- WiDgt a n, last week, where she bao rented a ed, as there are -about 71) till to collect,
Tlw principal reasons given by'Lhese gentle. -(urry it ffir the Conservatives. Both parties M a Her farm and to which five per 4nt. will
ale a dish n �ivhich the arm holding th week or so at Air. West's former horrie in iug bar cousins, Mrs. Harold and Mrs. A house !o,r a number of months, be added.
pit t tip as at r6ng a figh b as they could., a ad b en�e pf Re 7. W. J. Murdock.—Mr. Daniel Wren, of 120 acres, which ale left, on the 16th The place for holding thie municipal no : iiiin- for their opposition to the Proposal arr. knife rested, slipped at d caused. the ad rye of Whitby —In'. the a is who is at- I - , -be fact tha�t it resulted go strongly,in f4VOr the 'ore 'Rev. Mr. Bailaut, conces jidn, Howick i s for sale or to rent. ation an,d the deputy iturningofficera Were (1) That the quidity of the Bh(vp knd eattle nife to 1corric down with great a West, yne, of Molosworth, tending Albert College, Belleville, its tome at the Mr Iliday, of the same concession, appointed. The nomin tion will be �held of. the 1,iberals is a good indication ti? tipon his oth6r rist, cutting it to the bone will preach in the Presbyterian ,hurch next spending the Christmas vacation with his 8, 11 of this country tire tiot good (riough for the stock. of tho Ross Government is on fhe vp. and severing'one of the tendons leading to Sabbath. afternoon, at 3 o'Oock.--Me re.
as parentv, Mr. and Mrs. George Wren, *he moved to the gaine town the week previous, -4n thei school house in; section No. fl, on
trade, and (2.) that the Rupply in McLellan and Robertson, of tear ved, into our village.—The coun. Wingl�am seems to be the favorite residing Monday, Noveirther 31sti, at 1.0 a. M. L, *ben
I the thumb, INlole3- lately reMor
�ry interesting marriage took plac worth, were in the village last we cil ha a laid down a temporary plank side- place cf thoEc wbo retire from the active several questions of importance Lo the tate-
short nut' fitful, and, thetefore, thi, irade el . Another Lf the old guatcls of Canadi,' t walk v could not hokept up, There nial be a'o at the farm home of Mrs. Whi a, in, Hib- in front of the -new brick blocks, and duties of farm life lie e.—The Scott boyo, of payers will likely be discussed, such as'wbo
poli t ician 3 havo departed life. The bert, on Wednesday.of last week, when her,. I which will prove quite a convenie Cc t the bu 7g , have put a whistle on their abop- are the fittest persons for reeve and idoun- t init -, I )U t we RNI r10 Morris. I ng inil and this ivinter w eilors ; statute - labor and patbmagllcro, ill the',le 01ji I p're- Confe#ra tion. �politiuians a 1 sw?h time w' granolithic Pi I a Will have
ranks (f the only reinainitig claughtar, i a Alice. was as the me walk is why the diffi,nill iv?t im, tit vaultl married to 1-tev, J. Hnderpon, �of Slaffis, NoTns. —John Young left 1for A lgoma '-laid.—Mrls. Wm, Dougall an(I Miss Jean correct 'me. - They are doing a rnshin I gL. Whether' there bhould be four patlimalMrs are rapidly. deeirna't,ed, nd on not he The dfli;iq ltiL.3 ex- �he recently appointed pastor of thO Staff& Tuesday la,;t. We hope he �inay 4u well in Kerr, of this village, were in E xeter an bu,iness the four last days of the week, at or 120, as at present ; should there be &':new are only a few left now. Honest -.TCfe iatet'i wit ri otir our butter it: u The marrioge was a quiet onp, on-� the minin distri.c,t.—At A �eetinfi hel in 'ruesday.—Dr, Palister, of BaVfield, was in 4 centf a bag. _11c sra. Thomas Dauglas town ball erected, and wbere Bhould i.� 'be
L it] even Ile' W1113 ](]Dg :and familiarly ly a few relaii-ves aud ric-ar friends of the 9 it was cle. 1yomeray, ot Huntingrield situated, together with vati-irm grit4tices
tKaox church, on Mon lavIaRt. the village last week.—Mr. W. J. Miller and ?V M.
Our pork IM018-LI) k thl. bt8t, to pay nature's penalty. contracting :parties b ing Dreent. , The cided to build a borpe r -.h -ed _-0 by 100 feet. has moved his buggies and eutters into his Charle3 Vlurray and Robert Whiteman, of i of ratepayers, if there'- are any ratep�yer
mort r li�ppy couple left early in theafternoori, and Tenders will be af- -11!n a few clays. abow room the Cliff rd road, are o bave grievances. Those having rad
thm met and no -w 1) r. Ryfu il away (Lt bis� regidence in ked for, in his DeNv brick block. --The I going to build new wh ou -1 will be absent a eek, hen they will re iThis will be a�good contrpLet fcr some one. friends of Aire. George Case, of Hay, brick oubes ncxt , iminer.—Mr. Samuel scrapers are rcque!sted to de.liver tht0i at
Ully ') flutit place in. the ald r"untry 71trmA1118hip, W.Crit Otth county, on turn to the parsonageo ub-Staffla, and sefflo iThe snd and stone will be laii c own by the will regret to learn that site has been Nay �ra in G'odenr..11 la;5t week as juryman i the clerk's residence and Liave the rxpeu�,(., Of
t tl)LC� g"d age of down in tbeir pleasant [tome tli�rv. congregation, allo the levollir�g o the found- uite ill during the past few weeks.— at th and jury kitl ings in tha't twn.— huntivg them up.—Jons- 79 Ille rept-chented Soutl Went - —Mr, an& ra, Thomas Grpi,-D, of. the ation.—Miss (4. Parker is getfilg along Th e '.%Tinsea Je eke! 1, of Exeter, werein the There �z e 4 candidatt a in the fhl-1 for com- Clerk. othur AR it, flas been with hi Pdrliament frcni ;o IS2. second coucew,,jon ot Loglin,I celebrited :Ioiee,ly now.--1,',iglit candidates Ere running villelge during 4he p"ast week, calling on missictitc-ra for this tlivisio v.*z. : Mesrr4. '15th anniversary bf ifor the Morris 'enuncil, . but on y four a
11,F) it lic vvith our beef utll:l hiltaigh, utiliolishedl- fie waii a strong man -their Lilver wedding, r -c friends,—The skating rink waf.. opened for Wn. Weir, TInbert Mil- —The London vity eouncil are goirj�! to
I watch �r
1" politi(Aan. Although thL(.ir mitrriage, oA* the evening of the ev,en. ler and ndrew Dig, In Howick town. prusent a -14 -karat g,)Id bunting case toll, 0411, f,trinc-rm atill fveilerij are ostj.- I Gth wanted.—Mi. E41. L%undy had a wood bpe the firat time this winter, on Saturday 44
,511, WP
lie W148 a close personal' instj About eighty fr ends and relatives �this week.—A number of young me� gather. ing laht. There was a good.� attendance of abip Jot, u Gregg and Win. Finlay will. put to each ot the 65 ) returned London solct'
att.-rpri.ae to tl)o.,(- (it werb presen t theri on the occasion, -aday last, and who served in South Africa, The I it 11,1.of die late. 8ir John Macdonald, and ed, on Tu( c:ut a I A 0 word skaters, whoeemed toenjoy themselves. upastifffightfor tl� reeveship, and
Ili the y. �PentL -as for in the orld, t%,nd we can to. hailing from �uffalo, Loadon, 'Mitchell, Dab. :for the Misses'Flaming, at'Sunal ino,.—Mo a eld are to cost j�60 .7-aeh, y n- much as of y re. The ice was splendid.— councillors the follow ugare in the t!
10 to 1016, land prince eat There is a fa
14id oro neffil.
per TonoN. tv,gpoa deilini
aud thity. W481.
P to ;0 .
at is to pic
1.5 o 17c, Sri,
worth 13 to tive. 'PrtntA
Z101, and jEl
at 28 to 41300i
Trade Isuy-
other kindal'
ordinary hel,
16 to 1160. t t L t 6d lam*
p, 5W -Ali
prime steeri.
wm�4 V to$4 . 45 no W -A, U $4.97i 34.97-4 go
$4.95.,- rou i
65: lie She
to $4 60 to �ehoi,ee
sheep � $3 to $31A orn laabo Moi;Tnr,)
were in
1-71 good der
an -9 --oh'a lea
at abo It good
weigh 400;;
8b eep Pold
good lambs
larrib's'. at fr
are - n
pound., ,,, .11
BrvFA steers, fat export,
t o 4 t ehipping at -
choice, to c
best but4,b
best fat bu
f&t .S.3. bol
�3 50 $3.,5 $140 to feeder,