HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1900-12-21, Page 3r. l r� di:f3rCIl- Esi.y pre- w ell y :tS the forth } .¢1 ,i rt ik' f • t i Ftad se -qv to ate, iss it >s3 to the - .alaar Cit . v , i 1:.(.'t El :1,1(.1.,:k a. forthaeez. D EEMBE - 21. 1900 THE SITR N EgPOSITOit. IMPORTANT NOTICES. ORN I3illATTIE. (clerk if the Second Division Court, County Commissioner, of Huron Con• vsysno;9r. Land, Loan and Insurance Agent. trunds Iry:abed and to Loan. O1Qoe—Over Sharp b vseas' store, Main. street, Sestorth. • -1259 OUSE TO RENT.—To rent, the house on North Main Street, Sea€orth•, letety occupied by Mr. Jebn McQuade It contains 7 rooms, nith kitchen acid closets. Good hard and port water. The house %in good repair and pleasantly situated. Apply at THE Expos1rOR Office,Seaferth. 1721.4 FOR SALE. FOR SALE.—Blacksmith shop, old established business, No. 1 stand. !writy to Box 8, Blyth. 1720x4 f}1tSEs FOR SALE.- Geed etre irg horses for tali. Owner for theta. JOHN THIa3K, Blake I ng team of work - has no more use O. 17204 I{oRo BI'uF D STOCK FOIL. SATE —The under- ignedYat for saloon his stock farm, lot 3); fioreession 6, Osborne, five there bred registered bulls from the beet rtrsins and r miring .!roan ton months old, up, one being 4 ,year cid. and a very superior animal. Four are red Itn co or and one roan. deo aiiun=ber of cows and heifers either in calf or have recently calved. These are 11 pure bred and are recommended. 11 d'eetrabie an exchange will be ;wade for stock steers. THOMAS CUDMORE, Huron - dale P. 0. , 1720-tf ESTRAY STQCK4 ESTRAY ST-MR.—Caine into the_ premises of the undersigned, Concession 12, McKillop, 1 mile west of Leadbury, a two year old .steer. The owner can lmi a the tome by proving property and paying charges. A. CONSTABLE, Lc dbu,ry. 1721x3 MIStRAY STEER.—Strayed from Lot 22, Conoee Bion 6, Hay, about August last, a red yearling War. He had two V marks on the under side of the left ear. Any information leadiog{ to the recovery of this animal will be •liberally re arded. CIIAS. McArLISTFR, Hansell. 1721x4 STRAY EWES.—Strayed from the premises of the undersigned, Lot 26, Con esslon b, Hay, 2 fat ewelo One Ea'3. a pteceatf thee. eft oar and the other hes a nick under the right 1 g. Any person giving information leading to thei recovery will be liiiera iy rewarded. Wes. RICIIA ` DSON, H s14 heen. .AUCTIONEER rPUUOhlAS BROWN, Licensed A ctioneer for the Couttiesof Huron and Perth Orders left at A. M. Campbtll'e implement warerOoins, Sea'orth, or Tint ExroeitoR Ctliee, will receive prompt attention. Satisfaction guaranteed or no chart e.. 17C8•tf ACCTIO>rEEB.ING.—B. S. Phillipa, Licensed Auctioneer for the counties of Huron and Pertb. Being a ptactic.1 f .rater and thoroughly understanding the value of farm stock and imple- mente, places me in a bel ter position to realize good prices.- Charges mod' rate. Satisfaction guaranteed or co pay. All orders left at Tiernan post office or at Let. 1,8, Cone esion 2, Hey, will be promptly ttended to. 1709-tt STOOK ,,FOR SERVICE. 110 P10 BREEDERS.—The undeisigned will keep on Lot 26 Concession 6, L. Rt S., Tuokersm'_th, *thoroughbred OnEsrea WBT?R Pt, also a thorough- bred Yoexsatxli Pia. A limited number of sows will he admitted to each. Terms, R1, p yable at the time of service, or $1.60 if charged. Also a tory Chester White Pigs for sale. JAMES ,GEM ILL. 1608-62 (Do STOCK:BREi''DERS.-The Well known Short- '- horn bull,." New Yt arS Gift," 22081 has been removed from 'the prcwIaei of reit. N'ililam Chap- man to the premises o tho and/reigned, where he will be kept for the iuiprevemertt of stook until further notice in these columns.! I also keep for servile a first elites improved Yorkshire boar. A. G. s11ILLIE, " Good Cheer Perm,'! Tuakersmith. ( 1721-tf KEATING & LAMB, Wholesale and Retail Dealers in - Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Cedar Posts _ and Timber. Our lumber consists of the test quality,of Hemlook and Pine, beirg well manufactured. Any amount of Red Cedar Shingles ale a1 s on hand. Bring along your bilis, you will be sure to get them filled, Retie- factorily. ,tom Goderich street East 1711-1f LOCS WANTED. The very highest price iii cash will be paid for any quantity of first class Soft Elm, Rock Elm, Basswood And all other kinda of Saw Logs delivered at the Sea forth Saw Mills, Painters' dneys, Ali Logs will be purchased and paid for according to quality. Length of Logs must be 12, 14, 16 and 10 feet 2 inches. Cash will be paid as the logs are delivered,_ if desired. Apply to - JOSIAH WATSON,'Seaforth. 17 22-tf ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE some p tithe f The wort thing a painter has to, con, tend with is the tur- pentine. The lead, of course, 1s bad too. But the turpentine cuts the kidneys, in- flames and weakens them, snakes .the ., painter's., life : a dan- gerous and trouble- c. When apainter's backaches, ,its him to begin treating the kidneys. will fi and c back. Mr. and Ont. taken over wife li came Ile passil My depot Kidn It' pain since. smart Adreinietrator'e sale of a valuable farm in the town- ship of Morrie, in the county of Huron. Pursuant to the authotity vested fire the underelgned, as adcnin- iettator of the estate and eff ccs of William Button deceased, there will be offered for sale by public auo- ttoit at the Queen's Ifot:l, in the village of Brussels, on Saturday, the twenty seoond day of December, A. U., 1900, at the hour of one o'clock p. no. the fol- lowing farm prop rty, eon-isting of the south half of Lct 20, in the eighth Concession of the township of Morris, in the co-nty of Iluron, containing by mearurcnlent one hundred urea of land, be the same more or leo. Upon the premises there aro erected and in good repair 0, frame barn 28x68 feet, with •stabling underneath, and a log house 18x24 feet with frame kitchen at the rt ar 14x18 fest, the fences are hi a fair condition. There is an orchard upon the prcntiaea of about an aore in extol t. There are about seventy acres cleared, and with the exception of about fourteen: acne ie sEcdod down and as there aro maim failing springs u, on the land this property is exceptionally suited as a grazing farm, the balance is timbered with hard and Gott wood. Thts property Is ss ell situated, in a filet class farming looaluey, on a good gravel read, readily aeceseible to schoota and churches, is six mike diet -twee from the villages of Brussels:and Blyth, and four miler from the -village of Wa ton. Terme of sale.—Ten per cent of the pure chase money at the time of sale to the vendor or his eolleitcr, and the balenoe of the fait! purchase money within thirty days thereafter, without interest. The property will be offered for sale subject to reserved bid. The title is indisputable and possession can ba given immediately upon completion of the purchase. Further rarticulare may be obtained on application to the Auctioneer, F. S. Scott,the Adminletrator, or hie Selioitor. George Jackson.. Administrator. Wfd. SINCLAIIR, Solicitor for Adminie rater. Dated at Itruerels, this 26th day of November A. D., 1900. 1720-4 E J ackson & SON. it KIDNEY S� PILLS hem up—take out the inflammation gestion, give •ease to the aching Evanson, the well-known painter orator, 5o Oxford St., Toronto, id: About eight weeks ago I was !th an excruciating pain in,my back kidneys. It was so bad that my to apply hot cloths tilt th'e doctor d gave me etorphine. id the trouble was due to a stone from the kidney to the bladder. ater was loaded with a brick dust and scalded on passing. in this condition I heard of Doan s Pills and started taking them. s not long before I got relief from d have been improving in he_althever 11Iy urine is now clear and does not c, and I feel better than in years. Ire'. T LIVER PIThese little LLS s black fellows act e• -i1y and naturally on the system,: e1earil ,� away all bile and effete material, Const 1 ation., biliousness, dyspepsia, sick heathy ie, heartburn,. waterbrash—all dis- appear when they are used. Price 25o. OIREOT IMro11TERS of Jules Robin -& Co's Brandy, Cognac, France ; Jno. de Kuyper & Son, Hol- land Gin, Rotterdam, Holland ; Booth's Tom Gin, London, England ; Bullooh & Co.'s Scotch Whisky, Glas- gow, Scotland ; Jamieson's Irish Whisky, Dublin, Ireland ; also Port and Sherry Wine from France and Spain, Agents for Walker's. Whisky Ontario ; Royal Distillery and Davie Ale and Porter, Toronto. To THE PUBLIC 'We have opened a retail store in connection with our -wholesale busi- business in the rear of the new Do- minion Bank, in Good's old stand, where we will sell the best goeds in the market at bottom prices. Goods delivered to any part of the town free. 1 ELEPHONE I1. 151e• -t[ rtesian Well -Drillers ;TOOLS AND SUPPLIES f ' M. GORMA NN PETS LIA Oorreelpondence solicited. 1721x8 T e old re'iable remedy for Spades, Rlsgbeses,. spit, ts, Curbs qnd all forms of Lameness. it cures w•i dut a blemish because it does not blister. North Plantagenet, Ont., Feb. 10, 98. ' Dr. - .T. Kendall Co. . r Sirs :Will you pIlease give mea remedy forheares. I hr ea mare that is afflicted. hake pleasure Instating that years' I h e cured a Curb or four standing with your Ke i'e Blister. by using it Only once and then applying your . pavtn Cure. As Iong as I have horses I will not be witho t Kendall's Spavin Cure and Kendall's Blister In my etab1e Very truly your., ADOLPHUS GAUTHIER. Prlee 1, Six for lit&. As.a liniment for family use it ►;i 241 hati o egnal. Ask your drugggist for Hendail's Zi Se 1n Cure, also A Tires toe on the Horse," ,$ thy�" bpok free, or address al Die.-ff. J. KENDALL CO., ENOSBURO FALLS, VT. 4 tiliZguliV atb5.704144 lw•VNI1110rS•1t1,511411,ni 741,5Z,l.t Huri To Eat. Nomminwie WOOD ENG RAVING. How Cu la Werei Prepared Per News- pitnere In thlie Old Day's. , ' "1 star ted out iii lila* as a wool engrav- er," said n bion intent business: man of this city, chaltin y ab',>it old tin es in his nliic(E tilt - other triers non, "ane little I dreamed n those. days Idiot I would wind' up in a ni rcantil esta lishment In 1872 1, was in ew York, and among other odd jobs 1 p eked uri was! an occasional' bit of cimgra ing on ono As you , ill -remember, of thef rant-Gieeley paign, a . d-Nast'e full icatures. printed in Hai the most widely talke tiynitl f atures of t tl Ing ,styoowar °clever, c est and the publi Neat's d lithos. ca and the and taut H abou w prep read phot et fancy, at into • ox whir t road p. wort sed block co .from a d andthe� a nu -th n home -to hurry all Jest he dent to awn sect ter ct c portrait, of a figi the pain, nausea and dts- tr s that Dyspeptics suffer aft every meal can all be pe manently removed by Bur dock Blood Bitters. tones up and restores the st ach to normal condition so th it digests food without ea ing discomfort. - ere's proof positive : Miss Maggie Splude, Dalhousie, N.B., wrote the following: I' have been a sufferer from Liver Complaint and Dys- - pepsitt for the past two Years and felt. very miserable'. I could not take much - food as it hurt me to eat. My friends saie`l,' ` Why don't you try B,B.B.' I did so, using two bottles, whieh made such a co plete cure that I can now eat any- thi' g I like wit -pout it causing Me discom- for ." - eye Comfort is obtainable through. the aid of perfect fitting glasses, urspectacles and lenses guaranteed erfect in fit and focus. S" ROBERTS, D!RUGC kr AND OPTICIAN, SEAFORTH. CENTRAL and ware Store. f .Nast's cartoons. that wa the year presideia ial cam - page poi tical car - per's Weekly were about and sensa- e entir a contest. ible - that tter how eh inter- nee with lber'that great po- country, e of out back, it seems lucre of the kin , no m uld have exc ted' so m fielded such an influ But you flet reme awii,gs were the first toons ever seen in thi had all. the advanta otelty. er, what I • anted t tell you :o the mantler In which hey were for printing. In 1872 modern graving was in its a treme in - d all of. Nast's picturewere cut ood by han The blcks upon e -pictures vete dr wn were of a nuntie of lima 1 sections together at the ed e. Each ld therefore be sopa ated into ozen to 25. or 30 differ nt pieces vork ofengra ing divis ed among ceive my take it enjoi. ed me to nual old sweat once aeci= What may lyanlat- re was a Imes part sliced up' • drawing for that ✓ of men. I used to r tom the for man an cut. He alw d was in a c paper -be del s piece of thi ion contained Nance. Som - or', two on ft i ire.- It was puzzles ..o popular wit "!.lir. Nast had a very ditlicult to eng� reason t ' was neces block i itoas many othc' wi. e they woul finished ing was ists, tali by pitrii shot-) angle, and th •Ve have_a complete line of wood cooks, ra es, coal and wood heaters. or a six hole range see oer Imperial Ox- fo . ! and Colonial, the best value in the m rket. n wood cooks Mofiat's Crown and Match - le ti and Gurney-Tildon'e Family Banner are fit* class stoves fitted with steel ovens and warranted perfect bakers. - t will pay you to get our prices before pili chasing. ills & Murdie HARDWARE, 0 urfter's Old : Stand. = Beaforth ys nth yed by b ock. was pur times th std some ik the I. hildre s yle •o av,e, an any to divide his pi ces as possible; never have been His shad - what art- ier words, other at a f gouging block of us. Very Ion would wing, and nes would reassem- . in time for the dress. expressed en irely by `cross hatchi r g'—in otl lel lines cros ing each labor c a• tough g• enorm )f a sect the dra hat the 1 dock wa out_ -he box\l•oot 'offer � tl devi to rite not .bled are ful Lindy ' eruct ty pret y nattallly cost wa that of modern hoto on na interspaces o was somethi e `engraving slightly from equence was 1 chi when the "he old prints of Nast's cartoons- of- grotesqu blunder s of that - ut, considering the - hurry .and 'of method we really- did veil. A. center page plate was. engraved in a out fou days. Its anywhere fr.m five t ten times work." Exchange. Th . Lee ' eauye Whe • .the pl gue ast rage lands i ; the later pa •t of the eentiry, the se 'vices of the f penny, the heir oom f the L• pee II. use, La arks ire, were 5tantly requisit oned ass a cha iseaSe It w s aleborrow nuuici I ality o Ne castle. plague crossed he birder, ata of a large sum of mi uey was So Co vinced ere he New of its plague searin; efficacy actual! wante - to r° tain the and- fo felt the . epos t. - T:e 1 ee penny, who ch is .in t In Le house of Si Simon Lockh, rt, the resent head of Iy,•-s .imply a smal , triangt set n - n old-sil er coin. It wi In Span by an - nces or, Sir Si s part o the ansoun of chief when t. at knight a' Lord ames D )ugla: the ab • rtive exedit! of Br ce in t e Ho penny, which sug Scott' • "Tabs an,". casket that w. s pr le�enth century scioi Ifamil by - .' aria Wh Bute the n eoste told 1 hurea had • et were, of wit - beasts.. "But continued the t•urist tricia , youth's accei llsh.tn in Scot- seventeeth mous Lee ckllarts of. being con - an against ed by the when the a deposit left on it. astle folk that they Lee penny he custody Macdonald theqami- lar pebble is obtained mon Lock- e -Moorish companied , who w s slain, in n to bur the heart y Land. - The Lee ested S'r Walter is kept in a gold sented t an 'eight - of the Lockhart Theres . • . The U tam n a young m hile stiioiling ighborli.od° of by a li tle c im he w: s gift being a last: he re u, like me." - "N ; l'ili a But margt "Then wher on ed?" inquired .the went. The juvenile put oni a very ing Menacing! roared, "Who Thej alarmed other word, ht lire in, the direr chronicle. head ecce a C•U aid I Lond t tur tion o STRONG ANp IGOROUS... Every Organ of th - Body Toned up a d Initis' fated by 01 LBU-R'N HE'4T \NE.AND •, VIE pILL" Mr. F. W. Meyrsl :1 Ont., says: i i I Guff re • With palpit: tion, sh rt eleeplessnes: and pai i one box of ilbu 's Pills compl:tely em v h tressing sym .tom since- -tiikin., thelll, std and feel stro. g an Milburn s Hear an all diseases arisi fig ro Worn out neve ti suers, d Margdis. n, the Itiarquis of through !a wood in Rothesay, was ac- lckney tourist, who d to see a civilized All the natives he marked! Like a pack nay'be, cockalorum," deceived by the pa- t, "you're an Eng - man," replied the earth were you tam- ockney'in astonish - f the house of Bute xpression and, rais- gel be was carrying, was tattled?" ner uttered not an - ed and!ran for dear Rothesay.—London How L na an Yon Past? HoW long ca a pe son flat? In a pro- longed fast th loss Of weight is usually rapid at first ud d creasee as the time goes on. De th en ues when a certain percetitage of loss 11- a been' reached, and this, percent!' var es according. to the original weigl t. t animals -may lose half their we ght, thinner ones perhaps two-fifths. A man or woman of rather spare habits, eighi ig 143 pounds, might therefore los about 55 pounds before succumbing. Glaild 'en die, after a fast of frmt three to fiv-, days, :during which they have lost a qui rter of their weight. Healthy adnits, hovever, have fasted 50 days when w ter h s been taken.—Pear- Wa ruins. ious Ito make he ac uaintance of Charlea Lamb, determined 0 introduce himself. So he called t the noted author's oflice and,' upon be'ne u. hered into his pres- ence asked, •ith a respectful bow, "Mr. Cha leaLami., I believe?" "Yes," said Lam , slowly feeling and eoax,ng at tb s Sabi time his short, thin, gray whisker. ; "ye„ they call me Lamb gotta ut. g St. E., yenrs reath, rt, but Nerve d all these dis- ve not uffered now sleep well weak heart, HO S of Brod rick's! lio se nkets, Goa all ro es in own nd th SLEI H :ILLS .1 are RIQK We al o have BRIDD CADY' cl NIMS. rtable with one st stook f horse way an Bear quality of our eaper th n ever k of tru owest SH EAFOR ks and NESS H. A Sett eine t Suggested. Sandy Pike —Yel , der's been a differ- ence between me n de lady in de cot- tage fer som dole, Coalg te—I guess de wood at de pile is de cau-e? Sandy Pike --Yel ! Byly Coal ate ---Y041, why don't you split de differ nee IT YOU it Every E LICENSES i3BAF RT ONTARIO. NC WI NE ES REQUIRED WI atte d Sho actica ate. 012 in reen facili ople e are ove it Jllege thandluColle ouoh !with de, amid 1,he remen s. et City e, Lond in praeti n years oung pc usiness oth be ore a d after gr Send for ur catalo ournal. ESTPAV LT, Priac pal. 170,26 usiness al sub- orld and h aa nv de pele g young results ue and and urrotimcli II LiVI supp price the 1 Wi dress CHARED R. Fi CAS t, by strict Otenti ying first c1ass art te fir 1 pa the IIighest FRIED GALES f Seaforth Bust ess cted by ole at a r nage bee market es, skins efts and asonable owed on price for and tal- Seaforth, 171941 No r Ca ada pr eft try th eca blood, A SO eca an VI A SO eca of col s SIPEAKING OF LUCK A. Sportin Man Declares That It Ex - is s Ouly In Real Life, "The ol saying that `the MM.:, l`.I'C against th guesser' is firmly bipieved iu by nearly all gamblers," said a tin-rum:1 who prides himself Upon having retInt ed betting to a mathematical formula, . "The axiom is a good deal deeper than most people suppose. Taken literally in games of "chance, it is false; olpplied to human nature, it is true, Suppose, for example, that two men' pit.ch- pennies. The chances for heads and tTtils are per- fectly even, and it can make , no differ- ence which pf the players does :t4ie guess- ing. Where the guesser appealS to have greatly th . worst. of it isin slice a game as -faro o roulette. The effort to fore- cast each turn is apt to unettle his nerves. el e gets irritated and Idemoral- ized, mak 8 reckless bets, pre ses• bad luck and inds up broke. - In. fact, the chief tidy ntage of a 'system' 'or gam- bling is t at it saves nerve force. The bets are p aced according to rule' and the ii player a the game ate on he same cold, mee anical basis. In pi ying the races the odds are seemingly , 'against the guess Ts,' for the r ason t., at they are influe ced by all sor s of hints, 'tips and prem nitIons, most] wrong. It isn't "DO yo believe in lu k?" flaked one of the list tiers to the foregoing. "That d pends upon witether ion mean scientific urfrnan. "Leek i something that doe.n't exist except in -real life. The latei rofessor delphia on the `.Mathematics 0 Chance' aud Proved conclusively ther was no such thing as luck. Afterwar he took a dice box and attempted to de onstrate e , fact to some skeptical fiports and went- broke in eight minutea by the watch. There is absolutely no reaion why people should have streaks of good or bad luck. i can demonstrate to you ou paper that the thing is i possible, and you can demonstrate to me by ocular evidence that It happens every day. So there you are. "It's a funny fact, by the wa2?, that the two principal 'systems' at Monte Carlo are based on diametrically opPosite the- ories of luck. One is called theinaturity ot chance.' To illustrate: SuPpose red trans up three times in succeskion. Ac- cording to the system, the clr nee of it appearing again is greatly dindi ished aud grows less with each repetitili . Conse- qnently the player bets on black.' The other is the 'svstem of runs.' Its votaries hold that a color which has on ,e 'repeat- ed' is apt to keep on, at least, -ve or six tinie.s in succession. Each bran of cranks proves -its case by the daily cord- kept ,vear in .and year out at the Ct ino. 'You pays your money, and vou tnkes your ara's ani:I Nerve Pills as gained , o many words „of S2 they pos. ought on such by impoverished rt trouble, ncrV- se they' inducc sound, healthy res ore VIM, VIGOTJA, to the body. lee ti dr the use erablcs Ilv kkIncy J. D. MeN Et, C. E. ONTARIO i..AN SURVEYOR, Engineer foi- Win ham, Seaforth, H !Myth, Culross, Came Sidewidke, 8 were and Township Drains ill be giken cial attention. At Qa en's HcItel. • --Hares as Swimmer*. The paws of hares and rabbits in swim- ming are like an ill ballasted ahip, dowo by the head. Like the squirrels, these two animals show great timidity in the water, and naturally po, for their heads are so' low and sterns so high that the slightest ripple on the surface would send their noses under water and so drown them unless they at once returned to land. In perfectly sti1.1 wnter, how ever, they can both swim considerable "A friend of mine, who is ft constant fisherman," says Mr. 111illais,1"told that he has three times seen hares try to Avim the Tweed, and each time, after going half way, the timid creatures had to return, doubtless owing to vater get- tibg into their nostrils. As fav as I have been able to ascertain, rabbits and hares are the only animals that eXpose the whole of the hind leg, excepCthe foot, above the water when taking a stroke The effect of this is very curioits. giving them Ithe appearance of a slow stern wheel paddle steamer. When Once fairly startell, the legs are moved Slowly, al- thougt the animals procee-4 at et fair t -a Cow Stories. In the Journal des Debats it is told how Sir Edwin Landseer when salmon fishing in Norway landed a salmon; but, the lad who carried his basket being oh - sent for a moment, Sir Edwin placed the tish on the ground and covered it with a handful of grass. When the lad return- ed, the place where the fish had been laid was indicated, and he was told to get it. but it could not be found. On the other hand, the prints of cattle huofs found on the spot where it nod been The mystery was presently eleared by the testimony of a peasant, whO said that one of the cows feeding in UM meadow had devoured the fish. A similar case is mentioned in the Lon- don Field. Cows, it appears, have most accommodating appetites and digestian. When, in. tha sixties, an Oxford cow wits credited with swallowing a 14ackintosh, it drew from Osborn Gordon, then the well known vritty censor of Christchurch. the expression of a hope tha its mill.; would now be waterproof. Lost His Bet. A poor man locally reputefi to be a "button or two short," living it) an out ot the way viillage in Gloucestershire, callec one day at a farmhouse while the gam: wife was dishing up a huO. plate o "I'll bet thee a penny, missus," said he "that I could eat they -dump ings, plat1 and all, for my dinner." "I'll Iset thee a penny thee Can't," said "I'll bet thee I can," again etiid Jock. the good wife. "Then do it, Jock," said 'Misti-ess Thus bidden, Jock threw his; legs undet• the table, calmly devoured the contente of tl:e plate and, heaving al deep sigh. said: "Missus, I shall her to pay ' the penny after all, for I find that I c n't eat the plate."—London Fun. A Not Too Young.' A very amusing scene took place in a certain 'village church recent). . It being christening Sunday, the cler ..ynian step- ped down to christen the childir•en. While christening one of them, he said to a very young looking man: 3 ei4ring from Business HINSON BROS.HARDWARE tAt.***************""*" ME ICAN FENCE WIRE. We ha sell at will en As 4dvertised, "You are far to:o young tlo stand as sponsor to this child." Whereupon the young 1, an, much abashed, replied meekly in a .weak volee, "Please, sir, I'm his father. it Girl and a Shrew Un. "They say that 011 visitin Mrs. Jipp is homely enough to stop a' cbck." and entertaining that vitile s e was sing- ing for me I sneaked np and Istopped the eioek myself."—Detroit Free resit. A CASTO nil Per Wants and Children, The fac- simile sigutsre Here are 5 c Buck Saw e Cold Blas QS Galvanize 9 ci Meat Saw We are p sh rt time on stat e about 1,500 rods of this celebrated fencing in stock, and will anufacturer's price during this and the following week. This ble those intending to put up this splendid fence to save 25 per their money. we will continue to sell thia week 16c per gallon, and best polished Stove Pipe at 9c per length. ome more new prices for 40e. ✓ 100. sa_two for 5c. r 38a, Lenterns for 66c. Pails for 20o. Pails for 25o. for 570. for 69o. Sad Irons at 4e per lb. 15o Nonsuch Polish for 9c. 20e Can Harness Soap for 14c. 40c Can Harneee Oil for 31e. 10o Axle Grease for 50. 10o Rope Halters for 7e. 60e Apple Parers for 50c. $1 Breakfast Carvers for 69e. 8e Pint Cups for 5c. Steel Tube Whips, regular $1,10, for 78e s Presents in Cutlery, Carpet Sweepers, Lamps, itc., all running off at Cost. sitively retiring from business. We will continue this sale for a y, and the wise buyer of hardware, stoves, etc., will purchase ete. Our terms at these prices are cash only. Johnson Bros., Seafortit he orti in An amaz ing Broad small pro Ideal Christnas Gift. signed and well made piece of furniture le an ideal Christmas e is always room for it, no matter how well a house may be fin- is a constant reminder of the good will and taste of the giver. ng variety of just such adornments as you would like to give, are from, and at ptices you will admit are eminently reasonable. In oot, Box and Co.'s own furniture you get the best, and pay hut t on cost of making. This dep rtment is complete with a large selection (?f the best goods, and oLliging atteltion given to this branch of the business. Night c lls promptly attended to by our Undertaker, Mr. S. T. Holmes RIGHT BROS., PE IALTIES FOR EC: MEIER A_ good warm winter cap is positively necessary at this season and ilyou are looking for style, quality and cheapness combined, we can ac - comm • date you. We have a dozen patterns in the two leading shapes to choose from at A consignme t of the latest colored winter shirts just to hand, short front, stiff bosom at $1. Also he latest novelties in neckwear. Call and eee us. B IGHT BROS as Presents. AAAWAAAAAAAWAAANYVVVNA if you ant Christmas presents that will prove their worth in use, com- bining novel ye quality and elegance, visit onr store, where you will have no trouble in selecting something that will please either old or young. In Shoe , Overshoes, Rubbers and Fancy Slippers, we will meet your wants, be they larg or small, with the most suitable -presents at the fairest prices. Qur entire st ck is made up of the choicest selections and latest styles, that sell like lightnin at the prices we now ask. We want to sell you reliable goods , heap, and i is a solid fact that we will do it if you give us a chance. Our No 2 store in Smith's old stand, is the only place in town where you an buy goo s at less than wholesale prices. We bought the stock at a loW rate n the dolla and we will give our customers the benefit. Come in and eee ow satisfac ory Christmas shopping can be made. Richardson & McInnis' Two Stores, Whitney Corner Store and Smith's old stand, under the clocki Merton Stock Farm, ilTHE 0EAFORTH LOT 27, CONC_ESSLON 8, HOBERT 1 .,At,..--Nrsor Thoroughbred Durham Cows, Heifers and Bulls of the most fashionable etrains for sale at et umreig oppmg mulls reasonable prices. Poet offioe addrese, DAVID HILL, Staffa. 166141 The Long Distance Telephone affords the cheapest and instant- aneous means of communication. CONVERSATIONS clearly and net hurriedly spoken occupy the following time : 30 words i minute, 79 words min- ute, 450 words 3 Minutes. You don't have to wait for au answer. R. L CLARK Wants ally quantity of goodlogs and hea4ing bolts, 40 inches long, For whiah the highest price win. be paid. Customs sawing done on short notice and at reasonable prices. Satisfaction guaran- 11)