HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1900-12-21, Page 2t' Will bny a good 7.roomed hone), pleaeant- ey sheeted in Seaferth, alumet new. d hard and soils water. Apply to SCOTT $„ Sea -forth, 1721.tf • R SALL-nee sores -el land tor e•ele, being 17 l2, Concession 8, Hey. There is a frame bot tie bern a'sn small orebard., Partieulara o epplieetion. MI101. ROBERT KYDD, Sag Zu 1009-tf • RM IN STANLEY FOR SALE -For sale Lot r 9, Coneeseion 1, ‘Londori toad, net the village c II ruceleid, containing about i00 morel, -90 -acres de red arid in a god state et oultivation, the -re- ins oder is berdwor d bush. Them sro good build- ing , 12 aores tit wheet, 30 seeded to grass. a good ore rad tied plenty of war. Will be 801d °heap an on Cafty terms. Apply to A. J. ROSS, Bruce - F. 0. 167011 AND TH.REE ACBE3 FOIE SALE -The underaigned offer for aide Ids cottage in Hier- pu hey with 3 acres of land in good state of cultIva- tio ,planted with fruit and ornamental tree& There good stable on the pleee, with plenty of hard awl s water. Fences are in good order, There are 00 rooms in the house which is good repair. The premises may be viewed at any time. J 03EP II P. BR ENE 1695-tf FOR. SATZ -For sale Lot 26, Cencission 4, L. R. S Tuckeramith, ametairline 6ai 3 same, lear and in e cliceastate of cultivation. There are on the p-ernieee a corrifortebte log houte, a gold ' fr barn 36x80 feet with stebling easel:Led, plenty o ter, is convenient to markets, with good gravel ro de and ie censidered to be one of the 13eat 60 acre far th • township. Will be ireir1 cheap es the pe pit. tor wiehes to got mere land. Apply- on t e pr MIEW8 Or ALEX. GORDON, Egroonciville P. 0. 1719x6 • ESIRABLE PROPeeRTY SEAFORTII FOR SAIX-13eautifally ei-ueted on Centre Street a ning freattie'a Grove. There aro two lots planted 1,11 the choicest of fruit treee of all Made and oh ube. A frame hem, etsne collar underneeth the Wt3 le house, resittmg nem, dining room, summer are winter latchene aid four bedrimms, hard and set water. It le ene of the moot pleasently foisted, eo: tor able and eenveniene residences In Sint irth an will be (fold ebesap, Apply to JOSIAH WAS. SO , Seeforth. 1700-tf ARM IN nutaxrr FOR SALE. -For sale, Lot Coneesaien 13, ELI:lett, coateining 76 ecree, all cLared, underdralned, well folioed, and abeut 40 c ce seeded t3 grits+. There aro fah' bading-t4. Th re is a good orchard, and a never -failing spring mak runs through the farm ands good well at the o se It la near soheril and post office, and on. ent to the best markets. It is a splendid farm, no a foot of waste land on it, and is well adapted for at. k raising. It will be sold cheap and on easy te e.s. Apply to the undereigned, Seatorth P. 0. TA E ROBISON. 1609 tt OUSE AND LOT IN HARPURI1EY FOR SALE. -For sale the comfortable frame oot, a e in Harpurhey belonging to the undersigned. It ontains three bed rooms, eitting room, dining- () kitchen and pantry. It is on a stone founda- Ma with a gocd ostler; also hard and soft waOar. T e lot contains of an acre of land, has oh it a geed st ble and is well planted with various kin& of large an small Ib le pleasantly situated and will he sold cheep. Apply to the owner, MR5. GEORGE S LLERY, eeeforth, or to JAMES W iTSON, Bea- th 1716t1 ARM FOR SA.LE.-For 341)Tot 10, Canceesioe 7 1. Stanley, containing 103 acres .more or less, 03 ,eceee cleared -and 7 scree of built, ares under out- tiv Litton, 8 aeree in fall wheat atid the belanee seeded te gram. The farm is well fenced and underdrainecl with plenty of good water convenient to buildings of w Joh there we a good frame bowie with kitchen and w ad ailed attached, two large beak berns with stone lis underneath, large drive ehed and pig house wi h cement floor, a large orchard of cheice fruit. It is convenient to church, post offiee and schools. It a 6 miles from Brimfield satin with good gravel ro ds leading in ail directions. This id a first ChM fa m and in gond condition and wilt be Kite cheap. F r full particulars apply to W. hicALLIeTER, rne, P. 0. 1711-tf ARM IN TUOICERSMITH PG% SALE. -For sale Lot 11, Concession 8, luckereneith, oontaining I aoree, all °leered but about 8 mires of good bush. It la utderdrained, welt fenced, and in a high state of cultleation. There is a good stone rouse ; good b rns, stables and out -houses, lb adjoins a good ao ool ; is within five miles of Seatorth, and three in les from Kippen. There is plenty of good water. be cold with or without the crop. It is olio of t e best farms in the township, and will be sold on o sy tonne, as the proprietor wants to retire. Also 6 acres within a mile and a quarter, a good grasing lo, well fenced, but no buildings. Will be sold to. ther or separately. Apply on the premiees, or ad, is Egmondville P. 0, JAMES MoTAYISH. 1639 tt dr ARM IN fiTelfLEY FOR SALE --For eale, Lot 9 and the weld half of Lot 8, on the 12th oonces• el n, or Brownson Line, of Stanley. This farm con- ine 160 sore% all of which is °leered, eicoept four isi res. It le in 2, eteee of first-class cultivation, well f need and all underdrained, madly with tile. There le a large frame dwelling house as good al new, with g od stone foundation and cellar, large bank bern w th stone etabilng underneath, and numerous other b tidings, including a large pig house. Two good o chards of choice fruit, Also nice shade and °rage ental trees. There are two spring- oreeka running rough the farm, and plenty of good water all the y ar round without puniping. It Is well sitirated_for arkets, churches, schools, p0811 0111,:e, &a., a id good g ant made leading from it in all directions. It is w thin view of Lake Huron, and the boats can be a en passing up and down from VI house. Tide is O 0 of the best equipped farm: An the county, and will beISOlti on easy terms, sc the proprietor want.) to ✓ tire on account of ill health. Apply on the prem. or address Blake P. 0, JOHN DUNN, 1049-tt ARK IN HAY TOWNSHIP FOR SALE.-Fer site, Lot 22, on the North Boundary of Hay T venship. This farm contains 100 Acme, 85 acres el ared, the rest good hardwood bush. It is well un - d rdreinect and fenced. There is a good stone house w th a No. 1 cellar ; large bank barn ; implement s ed; sheep home 70x76; with flreteilms stebling !uid root cellar underneath; a good orohard ; 2 good w Ils and Odom. There is 12i acres of fall wheat se wed on a rieb tallow, well manured ; 40 acres e dod down recently, the rot in good shape for a op. This is a No. 1 farm, well situated for !iota, churches, schools, post office, etc., and a will be sold reasonably. Apply on the premises, or a dress ROBERT N. DOUGLAS, Blake,Ont.1608att .6569tivses.:0 Z:1477 -R 0/7; A/f / CY?: efeee in Anlericti far young mon and t ) 1h0 htessi Edi-tfiation, Shorthand, • • 1 :1 Pt -1.-.ittg or Penmanship. Thorough Bye. • : • t' U.A.4tio, K. Sossion enure year. students ,t r...,e. C`ittemgne Free. Iteteronce. all r. JEWELL, l'ree. it. SFESCEri, Sea. AN _ITEM :OF INTEREST. %tree 10an$ taken at lowest rates; payments t3 anit borrower; satisfaction guaranteed • all corre- spnndence cheerfully answered. Al3gEll. COSENS„, Wingharn Ont. Offiee-At corner of Minnie and trrek st'reets; every daturday all day. 1667 (midi Attention to orseshoeinF and ;eneraiJobbuig. lerich atreet, Robert Devereux BLACKSMITH and CARRIAGE Opp. MAKER _gueou Rotel. - Seaforth, County Council Elections County' Of Huron1 ablec notice is lieMby given that a meeting of the •ctore of County invilion No. 6 cm posed of the nicipalitieit of Tuekeramith, McK.Ilop end Sea- le th, will ha held In the TOWN HALL, SEAFORTH, ON MONDAY, DECEMBEIE 24th, 1900, he hoar of 1 o'clock p. in., for the purpose of n inatiug candidatee to represent the sale caunty di '18100 in the council of the county of Huron tor th yeent ten and wee end in nese a poll is required po Is will be apvtied on the 7th day of January, 1901 in each polling sub divielon at the ttme and place flx d by lly.Lew of the Municipalities in the said Ce unty di v ision. A. SMILLIE, Noininatine Oili .er. Dated at Tueltersinith this Oth day of Deeember, 1000. iset-3 Store And Grocery Business - For Sale. For sale in th3 thriving. town of Seaforth ; geed irriek Wm, with dwelling above, and good Irlek etabie at the hack, also a fireteelas3 etoek of graced -14 all rash, best pert of two and ding god bueinees, go if (merle tor Kiting. Apply quiekly to box 372, 8lfarth, Ontario. ...e.e17.2 700 - IQ JORDAN. WORLD- UPSIDE .D0111!4. A Discourse on. the Revolution- _ ary Power of the Go.jpel. RELIGION IS ROBUST AND BRAWN The rxonsteeness of the Church Must Co net eown-Ood nese and eta- nave. the Oates of the Churchee t Havo Kept Ihiele, the masees. Washington, Dec, 16. --Rev, Dr. Taint tee) to -day prea.dhed from the text, Acts xvii, .,Those that have turnel t et) world- upside down are come hither also.” - ' - ' . - I The e : is a wild,bellowing anob' areued the ;house of. Jason,. in Thes- salon ca.." What •has the man done so greatly to offend the: people? He • has 1 eene entertaining Paul and his emurt. des. The mob surround. the house and cry:. "Bring out those ture I :bulen prbacherel TheyI are interfer- ing with our business! •• They are , ruining- our religion! .They are ace I Wally teaming the. World upside, down " . The charge was true, for there is nothieg -that so inierferes with sin, there is nothing so ruinous to every form of :established iniquity,' there is nothing that has such tendency to turn the • World Alpeide down as our, gloridus iChristianity; The . fact is that thel world now is wrong side up, atid it 'needs to be turned upside down in!order that it may be ,right side tp. 1 The time Wile when . men \V&A. 1)60k,S entitling them. "Applo- gies for Christianity." .I hope . that day 1 a.s 'passed. We wante no more apolo detl; for Christianity, Let -the. apolo JO be On the. part of . those who o knot believe in our religion. We d i !ot Mean to make any com- .Prothise •in the matter. We do not -wish to hide the fact that ' Chris- tianit .! is revolutionary and that its tende icY is to turn' the world up- side c oven. • Our religion has Often been. mis- repretiented as a priiitiple of tears and mildness and fastiniousness, 'afraid of crossing people's prejudices, afraie Of making :somebody Mad, with il en gloves lifting the people tip fr u the ehurch, pew in•to glory, huhu rh they were Bohemian glass so !very delicate that. with one touch it may be demolished forever. Alen speak of religion as though it,.' were a refined imbecility, as though it were a :spiritual chloroform that the people were to take until the sheep cutting Of life weft) over, The ,Bible, so. far firom this, represents, the re- ligion Of Christ - as robust and brawny -:--ransacking-. land upsetting 10,000 things that now seem to be settled on firm foundations. I hear some "nate in the house say, "I. 1 titought. religion was peace."- This is Lhe !nal result,. A man's arm is out of place. Two men, coine, and with great effort put it back to the socket. It goes hack AVM great pain. Then it geLa.well. Our World is horribly disordered end • out of joint. It -must come under an Om- nipotent surgery, beneath '. which there will be pain and Anguish - be- fore t• ere can come perfect health and quiet. I proclaim,: therefore, in tlie - name of my Lord Jesus ,Chr ist-- revoru ti on! The religion ef''the Bible - will make a revolution' in the family. Those- hings that are Wrong in the 11{ flintily circle will be hverthrown by it, while justice Eend: harmony will take the pla,ce,,, The hnsband• • will, be the head of the household.. only when he is fit to be. I know a than who 'spends all the money he makes in, drink, .as well as 'all the :money that his wife makes, and SemetinieFe sells the children's clothes for rum. Do you; tell me that he is to be the head of that hotisehold? If the wife have more nobility, !more cour- age, more consistency', - more of all that is: eight, she shall have the su- prema.cy. You say :that the Bible says that the wife is to be the sub- ject of 'the husband. I know it, but that is a husband, -not a ma,seuline• -caricature. There is no human or divine. law that .makes a. woman sub- ordinate to a man that .is unworthy of her. When Christianity tomes- in- to domastic circle, it will ,give the dominan ei to that one who is the most W( rthy of it. As relirion comek in at the front door, m.rth and laughter will. not go out :if • the back door; It will not hop ne the children's feet. John will lau rh just, 'as loud, and George NVill jump higher than he ever did before. It will steal fie= the little one neither ball nor e bat nor hoop nor kite, it will testa.blish• a family attar. Angels will hover over ' it. Ladders of light, 'vein reach down to it. The glory of heaven will stream upon .it. The books of rememnrance will rec-ord it, and tides Of everlast- ing blessedness will pour ' from it. Not.. such a family altar aS you may have seen where the prneer is long and a long chapter is read with 'ted- ious explanation. and the exorcise keeps 00 Omit the children's . knees tire sore, nod theirsbaekte ache, und their patience is lost, and for the eleeventh i him they have Counted 011 the rungs: in the chair, but I mean a family , altar such es _may - have neon seen in your . father's house. a' ou may , have \van -defect far off 'ti- the paths of sin and darkness, hut - nu have never forgotten that family altar \Allot'. fa ther and' mother knelt importuning God for your soul. That is a memory that a mon never g'ets over. 'there will be a heerty, joy- ful family altar ite every demiest ic circle,. 1.•,nt, will not have to go far to find I taneeth rearing her Sa Muel for the temple or a grandmother Lois instructing her yelling. TimOthy in - the knowledge oi Cliris,L, or a Me rY and Martha and, LazitruS gath- ered in fraternal and sisterly affec- tion. or ,al table at -which Jesus sits; as at 1 hak of Zaccheus, Or a home in evhicli 1 Jesus' dwells,' as in the house ofi Simon the 'teener. The re- ligion of 'Jesus Christ, coming into thA li.oucei tic eircle. will • overthrow all 'jealbusies, ell janglings, and !awe and. order and holiness -Will take posseseion of the home. - .1gain, Christianity Avill produce a res ol It thus I in Commercial circles. Find. me 0,k) nsercheet s, and you find elett they have 30 standards Of what is right ;and wrong-. .You say to seine one about a merchant, nIs: he honest?" '9h, yes," the man says, no IS. • ,1$011.-S fneee of his cite he exaggerates tlet v goods. lie ; -he lionest„ 171E1 BITRON est he loans money on bend and mor(44`a.ge With the understanding 11.at hamortgage, can lie quiet • for tel 'yeters, but as etgage here - 'Closure suit, noon as he :gets tie. Sn cords it and beg,ns t . for and the sheriff'S Writ c and the day 'of sale away goes 1..h.. 110111 creditor -Wye t at . pst? eel-1Sn he.loarte knew' that he woult .etead at half price: goes to the linserance oft 1 policy on hillt: life an 1 tel that he 10 \ 44 •When he for • tea yea; she 1fiV; • h Jung.: fie est'? . Tho property by, the ma), -I tell - 1 IJI! pur 'baser 1,1 at it 1 he alt. stei ialf th ge - the home- churches." Now, my al4b1 Hottest? 13114 , to Preae.h to you so nnech, ise to get a : me that you must 130 fa 14 the ddctor tuously every day, nd t y ial as I .OILJC he ie sel Leh Ler PPages have a truS vast population pode for .heaven. I sew in some pap a church in Boston. said, there .wero g :people. The next w of that church came and said it was not were elegant people ) in es ' dciwn , ditioned people th arrives, and rrhen I laughed outri d, and the -laugh I'laugh very I price," Hone people," I said "are tnoney he sickly sentim en tali iMkI r .an ivh .ca a t e u.t, t n.t al • ig tt, Went Yht(1, a d u ly affiai ' ic all under w-ater, but him to clo hat, for water intio: he bar Ah, myIr ends, t iere standing of the ever astl of the seed Lsting von' is the Bible, and when .1', shall get it pry -under cial houses 1 bell ve of them wil go ove ! begin at on end of the -it will be cash! c ash the way dos nto tl e d is the matte.? Has the mat .ecrc thr :nOWS that cl but one gh he isells -getting to te ground is gcnero is in throws tb.e comfort are all a,bou not need the gospel do some who never •ther than be pridin church in_frennt of wl halt 50 splendid equ Sabbath day woul up to whose gates there shou 51 • -in ITOR =7 - a slam- (114111E4' ellecovered that about if16,01,10 , irom ) safe • !triply 10ek I he ash- thiS JI I cash and bonds had been taken bount of th safe the preceding night. Th I , it is 131 4 not beee blown open. it WI1S y plain ' 111 locked by some one baying the trustees "cote bina tion. Now, ncenfding t 13 paper ht k's rules, only OW president, th n i;lyechon-eyiet and the assistant cashier inu cm ibination, hence stispieion was there.'' ); , recital 4 OWil 1111,V 01.11(.1' person fir rin-f- Jerry was h irtInv mentioned lu ()omit et ion ',Those wit It _the robbery until his father of theces tier. :remembered that teene dat. the or,1 lie former lind suggested tbe ti t ieseenthost teillilaq11(.1)f..eahsi(s.) ohflitrhi(f,ignbsetiee of all flit the combine' io er offlieers at the sante time be eiitild In- gold?" beena new there been 'No.'' Thi God has s inent in -the "Oh, n ta.r.iff? ri Urillee is; the t up hi. exehan is but one ig right and ,and that at principle air con men - hat one-half ' he reiin will I street, and crash all "That a been a tall i„1-Ias there No," 'Has tble pa tic'?" L.: The Lord lee of udg- e.. lie has sum- • . tee w icked What was eat!. What meat! What, ion of two penult! Do ing to waft until he Int• hurtle 1 world up before he ri hts the. ongs? I tell you, nay! Every a day of judgment. The fraudulent' m iles up his ' gainse, bond abe ond, :United States Security abo nited States security, einolume t i bove emolu- ment, until his pro iertyl has become a great py amid, and s he sta.nds lookiri at, •1 he t1ieek14 it can never be destroye I, but the Lord God comes and with nisi little finger pushes it al Here is manufacture how it can Moned the righteou.an to come lcfore • him. 1887? A ay of udg was 1857? -1. day o jeici was the .extreme de res, years ago? A day cf ju YOU think tl at God is g th W ay 1 over. - your money safe. The and „yourself only know be opened. ,, You ,have the key. You touch th' lock, and the Ponde eus door „wings back. But let nib tell you -Wat, however flrnely 'barred _and .bolted your money - safe nia.y b', you calm t keep God odt„ lic w'll come sone day into your Counting I:Ito:, (wan 1,,olitet w acielloudnet- mand "Wile .e did that 'ote of hand ceme froet? for this security!' Whe e old you .get that mortgage froi.0 What does this Mean?" If it is, al right, God will eay:. - "Well done good and •fait-hful 1 s requite ' Be t tospered in, this world. 1 13e happyi. the world to come." If it is all w say: "Depart, ye cursed able. for your iniquities and then go down and eternity -a it thieves an eyS and pic pockets." You ha e in old phot rraph of the i signs oi your street Why have those sig is early all el axged with- in the la t, 0 years? es the pas- sing aw y , if a e-,enera. on account for it? h, no. Woes e fact that there- a 0 hundreds 0 honest .men who go c own every -yea account for it? - Oh., no. This ' the kecret: The 'Lord Cod :has h en walking threugh the commercial streets of our great ci nes, and he las been. ad- justing tein ,s according to the prin- ciples .of ate -nal rectitnci , The. time vill come whlen, through the revollutionary power: laf this gos- pel. a falteelLood, instehd of being called exagnIeration, equi ()cation or evssion, will be branded ti. lie, and stealings tht It nowl some •iaies go un- der the head of peticentar s and coin' e iniesionS an bonuses, w t lInbe put in- to- the . cstalogue of -, tate prison offensest 5 'clay Will tUrned ine side out an -1 upside do tri. and raze sacked o a d's truth- u til business dishdnesties shall coni to an end, ' held all ou le dealing, nd God -will overturn and overturn id overturn, and cony, eenial men in 1 1 cities will throw u their hands, crying out, "These t at have tUrn 1 the world :upside d wii are come hither." The edligion of Jest% Christ will produce n, revolution in(ur churches. The non eonnnittal, • de- iothing pol- icy of the glitfrch of Go will give Way to r, Writ -of brassiest conquest. Piety in nits day- some to me to be salted. (10-W4 just so as to keep. It, were chiefly squalor and yit,pe,l,f, d whaatna lands in our roend for a teat flourish te and are is not con- s_ a long procession and the stricken, an ging for admittance. need the gospel se You have good thin Revolution! The pr'de of he s th, dyi ou much a, s in must come down. of the church must c financial boasting of come down! If ni onet were the chief itle then Ileay that the conducting finances it is to see how raa can gain, then the p the beet. But if it, i souls from sin and c ing the mighty popu cities to the knowle he ex me d the c SU P • to-tee:4 lo tile :111 h• if necessary. And ihti- I f on. do : old flow gen a a. regarding the prow). : le neoleshle. •gove his son the 0001 binli Inch as ,eRe_ , yet'i errant's to say, he had neglect , b&- - iumrm the president that he lied In f " a '...'"eow, J et 17 lind sent Wril'd 1'0 titel snaii - (ho i dny borer° the rohbery was die , trete n the eti that lin Was 80 ill he feared be seuld church, nos be able, to ntlend to his duties; dcome, dtlY or i wo: .S0 110 Was not exTee tiering,the hank the day of the discovery.; • beg-* a :I Soon as ik father had admitted lo not lst ould open the safe tbey.songer wits sent to the latter's hm son ac ithridly need say that he WIIS not tlith , church ell -Mimeo the bank °Ricers had con- lusivenessT the examinntion in their owe way, w 1 The nnt as seer as possible. yet whe the h must it.e lug teller could0t be found by 'hem success am.' the stet y of the big steal was getting church, out they8 w that other steps mu e at ode of (awe be ink 'll hi the ease, and so it ame st. 11 a hopt that 1 was called to take a and • s you iii /he gam de is "After go ting nil tbe informatioe mg of slide at the bank I struck out aft biniraiegne of our d ,t fast.tie rum- shallI ash the istiani- 1 or a d nt But that mes- . I 0. ur ry tie resell it is the h y do la eeent m the a eath ation ge '!of I cry re-Veit/Wm!' It is Oontin feel it hi the air. I hea bling of ,an earthqUake tha shake down.in one terlri;flc c arrogance of our modern Gb 111 ty. Revolution! It. May ne the church, learns its 'du masses God will scourge hat before tyto the , and come with the whip of omnipotent indig- nation -and din -ye out the rooney t there is tting be - If it must come.now! he recoil- ; he church: cheerful of changers. It may be th to be a great day of ups fere that time shall cothe come, 0 Lord God, let' it In that future day ef structed church of Christ building will be the mbst, all buildings. Instead of he light of the sun strained through painted glass until an intelligen looks green and blue and copper colored, , we will h -things. •The ,pure atm it th en k up heaven will sweep o mosphere• that' has, b of our churches boxe day to Sunday. The day of which a day of great revivaIS. be such a time as- t1ere parish of Shottse twhGr born to God in one day as were Seen in Lille con Edwards gave tha• alanste when. Ten- nent preached, and Whitefield thun- dered, and Ed.ard ray's in .prayed; (mg, 119 win :such times as ome e•remember 13e mV iser- in 1857, when the ol* of prayer in. this lire, and praise was heart' heatre and speed your warehouse and blackshot and fac- horse jock- tory. and engin houee,. a % sp auditory yellow and eve no such sphere of fetid at - ,pt, in many from Sun- . ,ak :will be There will as in the 500 souls such times •try when • seems as if the church anxious to 'take care of if we hear Ilof want and heathetiiein .011i.fiide we s pity!": tied We put our pockets, tind we feel , 2 -pent pieeet and with • W(' put It npon the ph ainazi7c1 'ghat the world vatted •inl elle -necks. "Bun- says some one, tablishine a great mate eese, N6; , hey will Ile and I. think they will dred thousand of them it. , They - are doing 13 world redeemed! work, but, every missioa dhapel is confession -Of the -disertee and weals- Where and when Will 's making a, ti on begine ? !Tor. n heart and mime ells in tcolasusiees'we'iLi our pride must go dim /mein audi- may conic up, Ilevolet linese Joliet go down pay your • tying to the se„ ees „1„. r „eel a man be bore Iwo in, is too bad ' 11.•••*... "we are es- . missions, eve the inns- . Five hune will not, do nt agn i cent tioneer's- cry o half„ and a half," wis drnwete adjoining pra,y r inciting people cried out, "Men a what shall we do?" In those days of speaking the services a of God .will b more spi ministers of Christ, mstet d. the auc- and a half, 1 out by the in which d brethren, ich ' I am the church itec_. The d o being anxious aboutwhet ier they are go- ing to lose their plao in their -notes, will get on fire wit the theme and pour the *livings tre h of God upon an aroused auditor , crying out ' to the righteous, "1t sh al_ Is well with you,- and to the wicked: "Woe! In those vmY differ - re music chant and 1. It shall be ill with You„' idays the singirig will be mit' from what it is now ! will weep and wail and, "I triumph. People then will pot be ' afraid to open their mioluth,S when they sing. Tho man With, a, •cra.cked ' yoke will ritdc it on. "Whidham" "Old Hun- d the place hymnbook, e spectacles a.nnn, will er go- climb - e, amp th angels will hear, and God will list , and the gates of hea.ve will heist, and it will be as whe wave of earthl the surging an i. Oh, my (.1 ' that day! Let : disease or ttec sea to disa.pp - Let all other ther than that vision. Let al ears rather th to hear that s and "Ortonvi dred," Grandfat for his ,grandcl- or the little cl for the grandf meet hosanna ing to the thro% le" and : her will fi ild jIL th ild will ther. II nd toge • : two se sot g 11 hems, of d, • ther be' dent lor int y ight fail shpul other $ n that und. s meet -the ingling with he free. live to see no power in vave of the xpectations. my eyes ra- miss that unds fail my should fail ant to stand • on the:- mountain t p o catch the first ray of th -claw at i with flying : feet bring the news A d, oh, vvhen ' we hear the lattei in hoofs that bring on the Icing's ch riot may we , all be ready,. With arche sprung and i with hand. on the rot e of the bell that is to sound --the ictory, and ted for the ismounts let izza! of a ; with wreaths all twi ' way' and when Jesus . it be amid the huzzal nese of the 'church. It dividing line between 11 iteesaying, to .the rich an condi t lotted, "If . 3 ou ell pew rents, ': come to - -II ence room." It is e poor 111111ne "'Your coa and your shoes are not If you Want to gel to Will -have to go by tlie mission chapel" The 1 has • beCorne the "kitch • church does ils sloppy It are hui dreds and 1 chtirches in this ctiunize built and 51Ipp01'ted-4, bright, and -sunshiny half full p1 Worshippesi-s, • ood enough. neaVen, you 'way of the ission chapel 11. where the vork. There iousands 01 gorgeously - at even on ays are not and et. they ! are build ng mission chapele,lbecause by some ,xpressed or it pliedetlegula- tion the peat masses. f the people. are kept, 091. of the 111 lin an room. • Now, 1 ship .%%711i class is Let the Sett and the 1 gether, 1 ie Lord the :11 all. Mind- nni that I say that nity lece of wor- th IS appropr te for one 4 : tiVrOPI.Inte fot an elate -ea ()or met to- t ker of theta .1.y ,111111, sion are .a...neces.'item. ells' way churches ire no\v. condu led, lult, may -God spee1. tht, thia, evi n they shall cease to be a neeeeeit ( 4441 V i 11 1. rise- up end break do% of the church kept back the_ muss be -to th su \rho stain .They wil be trampled 11 the gates ,hat lasve ee and w-oe in the kray uderfoot hY A LUCKY PET THE STORY OF HOW ON 1 that. revolue- sv. In your s1 go down, , world, - that (11H:A on! •' Earept Cannot, 500 WAS CAP US • J. After All Trace of ti \Vas Lost nn'Intioccnt uu Innocent'inan I ut t the Hight "One of the most relied esting cases I ever hid With," PO id nu gxelete ti 'was the robbery nf le ings bank of New Ilavvi4 in 1m;(3, 1 think.. AtltIn shortly after the end r f which great condiet the a !fair' had distinfaiished bi many highly prized I 1111!( NV II S Jerry •Tovvo.svini, a el ite. and a medley, of the I 'ownsend Se Vilige battik 0 'Jerry, soon a ter it s war, was given' a nth or: bank, and being a elev4 fellow he ra pidI& advi uce made paying teller. "Well, things ran aloft 091ie timeuntil one fin 4.4(11IVE. , BANK THIEF Absconder Question by le Officer on : lile and inter- thything to do . of New York, 1.MVII!•zelid SaVe k • li i eh 000U rred j rate, it. was 1 civil war, in. ieeipal in the iseif and won oI Is. Ills name I el' the cash- tesIdent of the" New Haven. , um frem the sitien in the well educe], ed until he WRS all right for tnornin.g the Gina 1 se( n found that there was ih the case ind that Jerry bad spent part eveniug of the robbery at her beme. 1,1rein there he probe bly went to the and got away with the swa be - foto midniglht, for about that Unit he restaurant near the Nei ;road. with not lock seen here hely DOS - the gir1 caned at 'a ten hp. an the beam] retern mitt tfela left 1 ir New York. He waS to, )�n id 'tient train, yet then and the trail of the robber was lot -_e11 lusts Indettl, the man vanished as !nom - pie els, anti puddeely as if the earth eght there had opened and mellowed him. Not in New York or anywhere else 'ould any tract) ot the nbsconder be found. -The search was kept up for weeks, but till our efft MS Werd fruitless. ' ? "After several months hnd passed I began to lose interest in the Towosend case, for, having other important fessional matters to look after, I se gas'n, it muCh thought. Of course strOnge, myeterions disappearance e celprit• still excited wonder and spe troth. . 'One day six or seven moeths alter! tk robbery as I was walking leisurely up 13r0adway, New York. just below VII street, Isvas approached by a man who eetinested Me' to direct him to a. ney broker, as le' wished to dispose of s me United States bonds end was a stra ger in the city. My- mind being pretty 'well occupied with another matter at the t me, I gave this iucident but little tbosight. We were near Wall street, and I poi ted te the house of a Well known flies in hat street, and, assuring the man tha it wool& be all right there, I walked on. But I had g me scarcely a block when the recollection of the Townsend bank eb- bery flashe like lightning through my it. mpa iud. Mig it not this man have so, of the Townse d bonds? I turned and ,air- IY flew ba k to the broker's offie to which I had just directed him and reaChed It barely 1 trine to meet the stranger coMing out. Showing him my authority aed taking the chances, I arrested him apd took him back into the office. He had sold one bond there, which upon , ex- amination Iifound to be one of the send bank bank bonds. On searching.the' an two or three more of these bonds CAM' to light; but, what was of vastly more lm- portance, he had on his person a letter from Jerry, Townsend, dated HavSna, to his sweetheart in Connecticut. This -1 tter was o be delivered by the be. rer to the lady in person, and it contained instructions to meet the writer at a riier- tiie. tiinhotel I Liverpool at a certain fuure ;"That mfr prisoner was thorou -hly seared I need not assert. He pleaded ut- ter ignorance of the robbery and decl red that he had made the acquaintance of .the man who had given him the letter and the bonds some months before in a - vane, where the latter had posed as a etiVain of the United States army., Of course he went under a fictitious re me there. The prisoner was held and 1 the matter kept from the newspapers nni! I and some others, including an unel of Jerry, bad crossed over to Liverpool; All but some $11.000, I think, was recov yed, and the prisoner was brought back, tried, convicted and sent -leen to orison, Int. seven years." , leaving a large valise r, he went away and d just before the 2. o pro - don% the the ula- His Inspiration. The poet's eyes flashed as he hea el a Wririlfill'S footsteps upon the stairs. '"Ali," he mused, "'tis she! My ins ira- t ion !" And lie fell to writing -again. • For he heard the footsteps of his and - lady, and his board was overdue. I 'Ind Them AU. Professor (to student of surgery) -Please in t he class the names of bones form- -leg the skull. Site1ent-Ahaer-1 do not at the pres- ent time remember, but 1 know that 1 linve them all in my head. -Exchange. -When packing away ermine furs, place some pieces of white wax in with them, to keep them from growing yellow. Put them in a cotton bag that has been eoloredwith blueing, or use dark blue paper. l In Distress With Ez© Mrs. R.. Stiehl:nen N );.1 );k County Ont., writes as follows: -'1t t. s troubled with Eeese :t or Salt Ifketi 11 for over .twelve y. anti diirin th:it time doctored -with O'er different phy- sicians, but found nett they could on;y give tempura ry re; e f. I sae I Chaee's O1ntn.e-31 .1 veri teed, 1 to try It and before 1 had used neer a box -found great rele-f toel change. al- ioeether I base 11F.. 1 three 1. :ye n I am now eompletely (etre!, 1 hav '- tenon:nide-1 It to my nelghbor.-7, an I f.• Foy 11 is the hest 1 'v:r tiee. 1, :lei 1 la aen-111 Its wane•la eeld - 'rhe keen misery w! -'h many et.lere nrern the tertei est e' seen ei-see ,est ppalling, anti eo /mien etuse it is mine r;". • ontnent Foot '4:4 a : s re • • :e'en reinale f hem! en 1 • •• e!:in disaaere (It) ee) 1, ::. : is', or Enmeneee, ten • -•.:4 DJ. Dr I- a "'T: r • eees 1Q-.; inn DECEMBER i, 19100 What is -NZ'a e. astoria 1 harmless . and So Morph in for subs thing 'nor Its gua ,antee Mothers. Cast ness. C storia relieves Teeth Flatulen y. C the Stan healthy Panaee -Nee: -es a nesseeeeeneesenenn'a ass, Infants and Children. astoria is a itate for Castor 011, Paregoric, Drops1 Syrups. It contains neither Opium,1 ther Narcotic substance* It is Pleasant is - thirty years' use by Millions of ria destroys Worms and allays Feverish-' cures Diarrho3a and Wind Castoria ing Troubles, cures Constipation and astoria assimilates the Food, regulatesj ach aid Bowels of Infants and Children, givingj nd n turat sleep. Castoria is the Children's The other's Friend. asto "Csstoria is children. Moth of its good effect DR. an excel rs have upon the C. Os 00D, Lowell, Mass, lent medicine for epeatedly told me ir children." THE FA Castoria, Castoria is so weli adapted to chrldireu that 1 recommend it as superior to any pre- scription known to me." 11. A. ARCHER, f. D. 23rookly4, y -SIMILE SIGNATUilE OF • APPEAR ON EVERY WRAPPER., 74-4Z CEN ALIN COMPANY, 77 MURRAY STFIEL,T, NM VORIS. CiTY., a • NS pArcJ rz• II. • ..` 111111/i/A, `t* eaP TRADE MARS_ ItNeQuALIY The "King Quality" ladies' shoe with the "Twin turn sole" is the ideal of comfort and ap- pearance. Twin Turn soles are just as flexible as your finest dress - shoe soles, but they are twice as thick. Invented, patented and con- trolled by the makers of "King Quality." Can be got in no other shoe. No tacks or threads under the foot, no squeak—greater wear,' more comfort, handsome appearance. Gold medal, Paris Exposi- tionziS.o& Ail dealers. Made by The J. P. King Co,, Limited, Toronto. aormewiessommenelMINISSISMOSMINVIerileallilMIS The Savin in Coal - Is reason enough for choosing the IMPERIAL iOXFORD R.A.1VG-M. It's new and paten %d construction gives you more heat froin less fuel, as well aa -an ease of regulation, that makes it possiVe to keep the fire jnst exactly as you with it all day long. TI e greater ease awl surer success in cooking and bakia„ as well as the gratifying economy on coal bills, will repay you a thousand ;old after purchas- ing this popular range. Why not inspect their improvements 1 For sale by SILLS & MURDIE, Seaforth. Thi) Gurney Foundry Co., Limited Toronto, Winnipeg, Vancouver. 'NeDigon' Rubbers. CANADIAN RUBBER CI Made:1factubreyrtsh.e - Canada's oldest n. and best Rubber Ma An extra thick corrugated protection band of pure rubber' coming- high on the upper (see the Cut). Thick sole of pure rubber and lens and heels extra strength and thickness. These are soles that wear as long a theTuhpepyersa. the strongest and best heavy rubbers in Canada. Look for this soles, mark on the le Made by THE CANADIAN; RUBBER CO, TORONTO. MONTREAL, W11414IPEO. A WONDEAFUL ANTISEPTIC COMPOUND "-LINTO tr% jeer A Mtdieated l'oilet Soap1\1 of the Purest, Awarded Silver Medal Greatei 1.14. 1 Britain Exhibition, 1897. A FEW REASONS WHY YOU SHOULD USE NOVO. Re, No. 3007, WHAT IT WILL DO. I-Prev,ents all contagious ,diseases from 6 -It will clean and retrieve paint, oil and approaching where it, is usedgrease stains from v.todlen and cotton cloth 2-1t 1 clean and polish paint work and big. Also cleans coat collars and hats. not hill tho gloss of the paint. 17-1t1 contains no alkeli and is strongly re • 3 -It *ill clean carpets without taking commended for washing the head, as it - them up, • imparts a silky and natural gloss to the 4 -It will clean linol aunts like ncwhair,:and is especially useful for children. 5 -It will clean bicycle chain and rims. Novo is claimed to be the cheapest and best paint TBICE lec and 200 a BIAL X cleaner on msrket. Try it on fingermarks on doors, .1., Full directions on blocks. Estate JOHNSON BROS. Hardware, Seaforth mg 62 DEE1 nwQi roof Burn' it) Coats, oonm rsii•noor. Land, 7.1 fietelled And Is Vv-cnit Om% Mikis OUSE -TO RV. gain Street 10 la McQuade I And oinlett, ,04 'gib good Tow EXPOSIT011 .)E1 nut 1 seAhe e sLoByr si:0,:-:1 Fc::liBral e« .; dbew:7Pe1I:4r0e°1rdee0—s';na0:rittti'b1dR71godI:a: n°1::l:11mibe ld-g0oE A1s -:0rei: ar401oret.ke3b/E0: ES' sT::8:;,ni,a eptoiu:r ulaltb:4;elanre:6 st:A8: n0s E-1teo.S1T—RikeYhEeWt lsttei:A:i:oiasD;s setsrE, .e:tbeandr; fst0lteig', other ins a nick g1vitg iiihnunatil imeri1h reVVRINitl esellOMSS BIN CouLtles of A. M. CamplerIn THE ExemerroW satisteedop zua A t•CrIor*ZE: auctient Patel. eking Understanding teenier, place -son pricee. Obargel or oo pay. All -1 at Lot 19, Cop ttended to. ' ST0( 0 PIG BREI on Lot We I s thoroughbreedl bred YoussInns' be Admitted to of *whit', Or White Pigs for Tr,OSTOCE here hull,: removed frOM Man to the pr will be kept In further notice serviee a first e " KEAT Wholes tnl?er, Our Jumbcr of and Pluet beirgI Rad Cedar SIAM yOur hills, you factorily. sera The very h paid for any Soft Efrri,1 And an S& 0 Ali Logs wl according to - Length of I teet 2 'inches. Cash will le if desired. (108/All A - Administrate] ship et the authority Water of the-, deceased, there gen At the Quel on Saturday, II IX, 1900, at ibt lowing ham pri Let 20, in the; Morris, in the' InCIAIIIIMIent -more or len, I And in pod rt stabling underi IMMO kite -tun It' a fair eonditi Peemiseeol eh"; seventy acres' About ecanteen- nener falling ri exceptionally Is timbered wit Is eel1 eituated geed gavel ec ehurches, is six Brusseler,And E Of Ws ton. Te time money M aelicitor, and f within -Mitt propeity bid. Tbetiti • en lmmedii 'tribes 1arU to the Auetien his Solicitor, 1 SINCLAIR, Si Wessell), this H. 1 ECT IMP1 Fran - Franc land Bootil Mao( Innic Whisl Rad 8p On e ToT' M GO Correa