The Huron Expositor, 1900-12-14, Page 88 HE H ON OSITOR A FEW HINTS F9R XMAS GIFTS. TO BE HAD AT PAPST'STBOOKSTORE At pricers not 'equalled by any other 1 store. STERLING NOVELTIES STERLING TABLEWARE RICH CUT GLASS EBONY GOODS SILVERWARE FINE CHINA FANCY LAMPS BRASS AND ONYX TABLES - FANCY JARDINERS LEATHER GOODS• FINE PURSES BIBLES AND; PRAYER BOOKS FINE BOUNP BOOKS FANCY CALENDARS PHOTO A LBUMS GAMES TOYS DOLLS Geed tato* of ab ve and of many other 1 lines, SPECIAL A4k to see oar SPECIAL 25e and 50o TABLES of Mimi, and Fancy Goode. Many bargeine to be found there. rgi 'EA fniNREICEER PAPST'S BOOKSTORE,- SERFORTH. POMINION BANK. CAPITAL (Paid Upi, FltST, SEAFORTH - $1,600,000. $1,500,000. BRANCH, Main Street, Seaforth, A General Ban kin Business trans- acted. Farmers' Sale Notes collected, and advances made on same at lowest ra es. rafts sold on all points in- Canada, th United States and Europe. "AVINGS DEPARTMENT. -Interest allowed on deposits of One Dollar and u wards. . S. HAYS, W. K. PEARCE, Solicitor M anager. a rand Trunk Railway s-'sirmivi. ri mas. And New Year's Holidays 'sound trip ti ketts will be issued at Single li re for Christ as going 22nd, 23rd, 24th and 25th, valid to return on or before 26th. 0 for fare and a third you have from the 21 t until the 27th, inclusive. The same ra ea and limite apply to New Years also. T a,chere and p pila have the usualefare and a hird going ecember Sth to 3Ist return - in e on or before January 20th. Excursion and other tioke 8 always issued the previoue d y for early trains. SOMERVILLE, Agent Commercial Building, SEAFORTH. 1045 W. N. WATSON'S AGENCY. NORTH MAIN' STREET, SEAFORTH. DEALER IN FIRSTtLASS SE Wnsto MACHINES- , RAYMOND AND WHITE Also sewing machine pads, su.pplies, needles, at- ilt 'tolerate and oil. Ail kinde of Bewiog tnaohinee reratired promptly charges reasonable. - Geueral Fire and Life Ineurance Agent, Only first el es companies repreeented. gent Or the Toron,to General Truett CorporOlon. .61 ney advanced on fann and•town property, at low ra es of interest, and charges low. -IV- NORTH MAIN ST., SEAFORTII, 1630 _ Vs.T.A.T 40 1•T XMAS. GIFTS. Wise be carried away by fine- printed catelogues wheis at Counter's, the old roll - el le headquarters for Chrietmas gifts, you will find the real thing, A fine and well ticketed stock cif Watehes, Clocks, Diamond and other gem inge. Solid gold brooches, pi siderite, nick pins set wieh real pearls, at rlirsg silver i ovcities, gold and gold filled sr ectaeles and ye glasses, purses, bruahes a d comb& A l goods sold by us engraved fr e of charge. C nnter's welry Establishment, SEAFORTH. R. COUNTER - • Manager. IF Y U..CANNOT peseibly arrangp to speed the Winter Term in our College, from January 2nd, do the next, beat thing- and take a Practical Course BY Mail. After several month& preparation wp are now able to offer firat-olass instrue- tiha in, Bock -keeping and Busineseyeeme, flu' so anahi p, Shorthand, Etc., by Mail. From a reliable teshool , with eleven regular teachers and a good reputation for honest week yau may .xpeet good results. Write for oarticulare. Central usiness College, TO itONTO, W. H. SHAW, Peincipal. ye e and Denali ste., Toronto. '1686-52 oPTICAL poo . How rdeeut peir of saectaclee for a X fr.'01 preaati tO SOITIO of your friends who may need them. You can pur- ehanc them now and after Xeria.s we will, examine their eyes and change elasace fay f charge. L THE OPTICAN g AND.. JEWELLER SEAFORTH. Winter Terra Opens Jan. 2,-1901. )/.77.2 01; //' STRATFORD, ONTARIO. 1Tne demend made npon us during the last three oars by husineas colleges for our gra- duetee to take positions-. as teaehers in their aoloole, hes been exactly six Unice the [supply. Surely this it; ennvincing proof that our work a the very 1#gheat grade. Our students are highly ituct.tissful in getting good peed- tessei with buciness firms, Write for hand- & e .3! .1!egue. W; J, ELLIOTT, Prinoipal. itt4.52 DISTRICT MATTERS. Ilit vonexpoilita. , TRAVELLER -The following were tick- eted to dista t parts this week, at Wm. Somerville's railway ticket agency i James MeMannus and brother, to Chicago ; Mrs. McGregor, Side-atreet, to Palmo, Michigan ; James Weir, to -New York ; John Stewart, to Manistee, Michigan ; Miss McCabe, neice of Rev.1Father McCabe, to Chicago ; Mr. George Barrows; of Walton, to Dows, Iowa. Mr. Barrows accompanied the re- mains of an aunt, who died ok Wednesday. The old lady formeily lived in Iowa, but ;had been on si visit here for the past year. 1 ELECTION OF OFFICERS. -00 Monday evening, Dec mber 3rd, at the regular meet- ing of Court herwood, No. 6,065 of ., the Ancient Orde of Foeesters, the following brethren were eleoted for the nett term of office : J.; *aerie Right, deer`f p. ; J. D. Hoag, t ,wisurer • J.. Haddon 1J, W. ; D Muir, J. B'.1 s W. D. Hoag, correspondent to the A. fr. This eourt is progreesing very favorably. Quite a number of new members have come in lately and others are sending,in their applications for mem. bership. All visiting brethren are welcome at the lodge rooms on meeting.nighte. ' , --• THE Hotusit Cur GONE. -After many trials, the 'Goderich Collegiate footballers have succeeded in capturing:the Hough onp, which has been in possession of our Collegi. ate kickers for a number of years. The matter was decided last Saturday, when the uncompleted time of the match on the pre. vious Saturday was played out. The game plased on Saturday, the let inst., had to be called before time was up, on account of darkness. But during that muoh orthe game Goderich scored one goal to the home boys none, and they were unable to even thinge up with their opponente during the allotted time last Saturday. However, our boys have nothing to be ashamed of. ' The best of teams will be beaten lometimes, end as they have had the cup for BO lOng it won't hurt to let Goderioh have- it for one season, • COVNCIL MEETINO.-The regular month. ly meeting of the town council was held on Monday evening lett. . Rev. Mr. Hedging, chairman of the Collegiate Institute board, and Mr. Mperate head master of the Iiisti. tote, appeared before the council asking for the use of the i town hall for a proposed course of lactates, under the auspices of the Institute, lb, prominent edueationaliste and politicians.' The request was granted, Aocounte t he amouot of •$441 95 were passed. M r Wm. Elliott was appointed town trees r r for the remainder of the term iu pla of the late Mr. Colin I3eth. une. The following resolution was passed : " That thi ouncit learn with regret of the lose, by d a h, of Colin Bethune, Etg., town trees r r, and we hereby express our deep sympathy With Mrs. Bethune and family in heir severe affliction, and. that the mayor rid clerk prepare and present a letter of co clolence to Mrs. Bethune in be- half of thi council." After some other businese of minor importance, the council adjourned ntil Saturday night, when they meet to c raider and adopt the finencial statement or the year. ; ; it EGMONDi'ILLE NOTES.- What might have been a serious accident happened to Mrs. Ferdinand Burgard, one day lait - Week. Mr. Philip Burgard left the team of horses standing in front of the pottery, in- care of Mrs. Burgard, when Shay started off, and runuing down the road, turned u,round and upset the *a.gon, throwing Mrs. Borgard out. She received several bruises ands gen. eral shaking up. Mr. Burgard will have to watch his te m in future. in order to pre- vent furthlr accidents. -Mr. John Allan, who has bee living in Mr. Burgard's 'house, at the potter , has moved into the house re- cently occult) ed and owned by Mr. Leopold VanEginond, sa-Mise Mary Burgard, who has been i Toronto for the past Several mouths, bee returned home. -Kruse' Bros. were near ' t. Mary last week, bringing home their new mhchinery for their brick yard, whio hey intend opening up ;on the farm ?owned by Mr. Samuel McGee° '.-Mr. George Ja k ail d aroud hie little fi the tanne y Jackson, s ,, week, with the stomach. n, C. R. ; J. W. inch,- secretary ; W. . Roberts, S. W. ; McLeod, S. B. ; J. on, sr. is visiting fri nds in eyfield.---Lawrie Ellison got er poisoned while working in the other day. -Mr. 'Henry has been laid up for the past bad cold and some, trouble in , • required; while the Belection is ample the prices as low, gfiality considered even a large city departmental stoke offer. Purchue all your supplies in 3/ own tone?, and in this way help to buil up, end enrich yourself instead , of send ,youripatronage and Money to build (Aiwa trade centres and enrich other peo White on this subject we may mention t welinow of some business men, who do like to tee trade in their own lines go ng fronato n who° oecasionelly,-very o ca- . sionally perhaps -give orders tor plinths to these. tramp agents and brave it done e se. where, *Mott could' be done jut's," well and just as cheaply in their bwn town. EVery ittle, helps. , • Counter leads the van for up-to-date nov- enae suitable for Christmas presents. 1722-1 Sleigh bells, horse blankets, leather- ha -- ter@ and oow tles all at greatly reduc prices. S. Mullett & Co„.8saforth. 1722-1 Christinas and New Year's Presents at a big reduation tor cash f)r remainder of this month. John Lanisborough, 8eaforth. 1722.1, • Try one.of Counter's. watches, they are time keepers. 17224 Sensible Chrietmas. preeente, moccasins, oyershecs, •ruhbers. slippers cardigan', leggies, spats, valises; trunks, felt shOes, gto. Great big vit. ieties end low prices. W. II. Willie, kleatorth. 1 1722-1 Some great , snaps on self feeding e al stoves, Moo wood heater and cooking stoves. 8. Mellett & Co., Seato:111,, 1722- -_ Is your wife the _kind of woman who says yes, you make smoke any where in the house. p• predate this kind of woman, she 11 near the ant) io, see that the t tbaccoe and cigars thet you smoke re good. Beattie sells enly tte tett kin s 1722-1. liondreds of people have been watching the windowat Fear's D:ug Store, this week. nd an UT It ng up le. at Ot WINTER 'EN INO ENTERTA.1S5IENT4. -The board of the Collegiate Iestitute, in onnee.. tion with th literary society of th Insti- tute, have ,.a ranged for a course of ectures to be delivered in Seaforth during t e pres- ent winter4 These lectures are to he deliv- ered by prer inent oducationaliists and poli. ticians, one bjects of interet to all. This is a most co nmendable movement, and our eitizena ahould show their appreciation of it by giving the lectures their most liberal patronage., The price of admission has boon placed t a merely nominal figure, so that alrwlio desire to do eonan attend. But aside from e ceuragiug a worthy movement to instruct a d. entertain the public, thosce who attend ill be abundantly repaid by the information nd pleasure they will receive. It is inten ed to have these lecturee month- ly. if possi, 1 , and none bet men ot note in their respec ive spheres will be secured for the course. The first lecture will be on Friday even ng next, the 2Ist inst. by Pro- fessor Clai• , of Trinity College, 'Toronto. His eubject is a moat attractive one, and one which ill be made intereeting to both old and yo mg. It is Kingsley's " Water Babies." st how he will treat this sub- ject, we d ot know, but we do know that those who a tend have a treat in store for them, As 1 r. Clark is not only a most scholarly e tionian, but is admitted to be one of the st able and eloquent1platform sp eakers in Canada. • Bev Fesisi HOME M ERSI ie NTS. -The fol. w i h we take from the Wingham Times of lee week, will, perhape, be as ap. plicable h:r as elsewhere " V1'e have fre- quently r f rred to the. eubject buyine from pedli r , but nearly every week some outsider c ea here and takes money out of the town y selling goorlegif Borne kind from house to h use. Recently a young man made the ko nds in a neighboring town, sel- ling large eke, and he made some sales, The price id was $9, -and, upon enquiry at jewelry e ore, a reporter was informed that a shall r time piece could be purchased for three r four dollars,cheaper. In pur- chasing fr home merchant the customer gets the its eler's guarantee, and the clock is kept in r pair, while qn the other hand' he (the en tomer) getal nothing but the clock, and hould the time piece stop, he would have to pey the looal man for repair- ing it. Tb custom of Purchasing goods from outsi rs is a detriment to the town, and in nin ases out of ten a higher price isnpaid for he article purchased. If our thwnspeople would give all the pedlars the A nice line of fancy clocks, they are the very thin for Christmas presents. J. F. Da & Christmas novelties at Fear's. 1722 Co. Jewel ars, Salto rth. • 172 In our undertaking department we have a fine new winter hearse to hand in time bad roads. John eanesborough, Seaforts. 1722. Ladle's large chains in endless variety nd matins'/rote $1. ea h, upwards J F. D tly,Jewe e r, • Big bargains in rubbers, Men's plain 40c, stornal48(3,1 altos' btonn Wise' plain 26e, oh ds' 19e. Thom pricei until Chri Loam. W. 11: W lie, 172'7 1 Seafottb. • Do you smoke? You need. no persuasion to ask for the best breeds. .L.eattle carries only' the finest brands of pipes, clears aud tobacos. 172' 1 Hockey Boots for Christmas boy& si4es • 1 to 5-81.75, Men's sizes 6 to I0-82.00 a pair. Willie & Son, 8eaforth, • 172 1 Your eyes tested free of charge at C toe" Jewelry Establishment, Sesforth. 172 41 Be sure and oorne to Fear's for Christ ase A fine assortment of parlor sets andilf21 novelties-. • chairs" at a bargain for (Ash al this month Rings to suit everyene and at p‘rice1782 hat Landsborough, Seaforth. • • will suit your purse, Engagement and wedding ringsa specialty.' J. F. Daly & Co., Jewellers, Sea• - 172 1 lorNtho-thing like Rum and Cubebs for a o Id. At Follett Drug Store, Seaforth. 172 -1 . Tetrault's fathom hockey boots with pa- tsnt wide ankle supports, $2.E 0 a pair at It. Wil II & Son's, Sertforth. 172 1 Any one in own or ,Oeuntry that ay want a bedreorn ite or ta sideboard in Oak, At or Elin any time this winter it w 11 pay yea to buy this month. John La &borough, fieaforth. 172* •1 Dieu you smoke ? If so, it would be ike asking you to change your po Mos to ask you to top. Our own opinion is that there is only one rearm for stopping, that being, when you cannot afford to buy good tobacco or cigars. Beattie sells th:e Nat o gers 172 1 and tobaccos. Rum and Cubebs will cure your o Large bottles 25e nd 60c at Fear's. 172 -1 novelties are all the r omething nice for 25e in nail J. 2'. Daly & Co , Jewellers, 172 cheapest stook of lan bells and harnese is town go to Broderick's, Seat 172 tma boxes 25o, filled ith .elopes at k ear's. 172 1 ty of Christmas gifts . in the metarye, p etures, photo fra and meta cabinets at price al- oiear. John Landeborough, Sea - 172 .1 as are in style this sea on. y appropriate Christm te pre ant tr 75c up. J. F. Daly & Co., ew 172 -1 fer Seaforth.. - tiny cold shoulder we would soon be lid of them." IN, it is not only those who buy from pedlar who pursue a penny wise and pound h policy. Some people make purcheses tr m the large city departmental stores, au give money and patronage to thein whic hould be given at home. Every resident is intereeteel in building, up their own town. To do this they must patronize the businetis men in their town. In a place like Sertfort , for instance, there is little exeine for a y person going from home to , make their Purchases. We have here as! good stores end other business planer as are Sterling silve We oan give you paper knivee, etc. forth. For beat and Lovely Chri note paper and en A great vari way of ladle's se easels, paper rack most out in two t forth. Chain bracel They make a ve The prices are frot ellers, &Worth. For sale in good land with c ings. The land is HICKS, Egmond RAW FURS', furs at Jackson's Views of pu Lerge assort carpet elippere, f 'Jockey boots at Cady'a Block; Sea A properly tobacco ta,,te is e smile at the idea desires in the tob restauranteur, sel We can sho combos and.loun will be pleaeed to that you cannot factory make. J Sea - eta, -1 Egmondville, two acre of infortable dwelling and out uild- clean, well fenced and drelne . B. Hie. 172 x2 Highest cash price for raw annery, 4toondville. 172 x4 lic buildings 25c at Fe r's. 17'2-1 ent of Christmas slip ere, it slippers, rubbers, overshoe land oweet prices. R. Willis & Son, orth. 172 .1 ultivated and discrimin mething to be glad of. Soul Judieloue smokers will And mos and cigars that Boatti , the ls. • 17* 24 _ you a nice assortment in es 1,1n our own upholsterin and show you points of merit in oura nd in an ordinary lounge. or o Landsborough, Seaforth. 17 2-1 We have a f w specials for Christm s in ladles' and gent' watolees. The prieee are away doe n. First oo e secures the choice-, yot had better call and se them. J. F. Daly .& Co„ owel- ere, Seafcrth. 17 2-1 A CIERISTM 8 PRESENT.--Loole in our window this woe A tvhite shirt; tie and ha dicer - chief worth 800, 11 for tee. Stark & Leath° land, Opeosite (Demme alai Hotel, 8433161*th. 17' 2-1 For the bes quality of tiesy goat, cub boar and Gallows robes go to Br derick's II mewl Shop, &Moab, 17 .2-1 Seek to have your husband enjoy his piPe and paper at ho e. He 'nippier existence for both, and your husbau rune no danger from the con piny he gecko for the etting of his quiet Brooke. his is Beattie, the toba oonist's, itha of wifely salmi y. 1722. So BUSY,- aldwin & Hillary, Sealer h, aro so buby manufacturing and shipping their M p, Pail and Wringer that they have not time to writ, a big ad., but it will appear next week. Tale gr at labor saver 18 poi uiar and is Oleg off like hot eakee. 1722 1 dressed by H. Glendenning, Ma ille, and James Mo wing, Drayton, at Se torth, on February 5th ; Varna, Februa y , 6th ; Hensel', February 7th •, Eliinvill Febru. ary 8th ; Dasliwood, Februory 9th ; Shipka, February 10th. East Vuron, Regular meetings, to be addreesed by A. Holman, New Dundee, and'Iismes Totten Walker- ton, at Wroxeter, on January 23r , and at Brussels on January 24th. Sup lementary meetings, to be ad reseed Li Sim on Rim. nie, Milliken, and Robert arco rt, B. S. A., Guelph, at Fordwio on February llth ; Bluevale, Februa 12t ; Ethel, February 13th ,• alton, Febru ry 14th ; Murdie's school h lure, MoKillop, February 15th. West liar n, -Regular m tingse_ to be addressed by CUM *elms of New Dtindee, and To ton. of Wal erten, at Auburn, on Janus y 25th, and a Dungan- non, on Januar 26th. Sup lementary meetings, to be reseed M McNeil, Walkerville, and iss B. Maddoo Guelph, at Kintail, on arch let ; 8 Helens, March 2nd • Blyth March 4th Hol es - Ville, March' 5th. South Perth, -Beg lar meetings, to be addressed by the ame as, in South Huron, at lirIitehell, en Jan ary 10th, and St. Marys on -January 14th. ;Supple- mentary meetings* to be dr d 'by the same as in East Huron, Bo holm, on January lfith ; Staffa, anus 18th ; Russeldale, Jantiary 19t ; Se ringville, January gobh ; T vistoek, Jew& .21st. •, , DEATH OF MR. COLIN BETR1 Colin Bethune plumed awayl at his residence, reGoderich street, at one e'olook on Satin'. day Wit. Mr. Bethune had not b en enjoy- ing good health fief. about a ye and ;for the past three meths had been o aped to , his residence most of the time. issue of the liver was the cause of his tro ble. Mr. Bethune was 64 years of age. Ile had been in the employ of the GrandTrunk Railyway most of his life. He contmence as tele. graph operator in the office!! in To onto, and was afterwards promoted to the cushion of freight agent at Stratford. He am.e from Stratford to Seaforth, where h assumed the agency, and whioh positio he con- tinued for 22 year". Aboitt two yeare ago he left the service of the oompan and last March he was appointed to the osition of treasurer of the town ef Seat rth. He was faithful and conscientious i the dis- charge of every duty, ever watch ul for the best interests of hie employers, a d courte- ous and obligieg to the p blio. e was a model official, and was a niverea favorite with all who did bueiness ith the company, and the greatest regret wa felt w en he re. tired from the position o stati n agent. Personally, he was a rn ri of f w words, but of a genial, and ki dly d 'position, which, added to his ed irable bueiness gualities, made him a mo t usef 1 man in the community, and the re rot at his death is deep and sincere. He as a consistent member of the Presbyte ian ch tch, and hie practises were ever in aceor with, his prolusions. Occupying e po itition he -did, of oouree he never took any ery 'active pint in politica. But he was, ne ertheless, a warm sympathizer with Liberal rinciples. He leaves a widow and faimily of four Bons and three daughters. All the eo s occupy goodt positions, two in Detroit, o e in New York, and one ite purser of th ,C; P. R. steamer Manitoba running betw en' Owen Sound and Fort kVilliaml- One d ughter, Mrs. Warner, is married and re ides in Manitoba, and the other two ar a home. The funeral took place on Monday. and the remains were laid to rest gi the &Wand - family were at the funeral with th exeep. bank cemetery. All the niemb r of hie tion of Mrs. Warner. ting„ r will heir .13USINESS OLLF,GE.-All young men and -women who expt et to attend a IDA ciao commer- d write to the Central Businent r1T--for a catalogue. This 'esti- oiled in Canada for strictly h'gh preeent tali favorable time to 1716-11 brand nnw made.to-order cial eetrool ehou College, Stratfo tution ia not ex( grade work. .T1 enter. BARGAIN, - Portland cutter f r sAle. 'Rem & WILSON, Hardware Morohante; Sear( th. • 1719.1f Just watch wreathe t• -e face good smoking in ly if you have n husband for his will be like the g Beattie, the toba good feeling. W ANTED. - weekly ; also dri dross goode, furs ready•made clothing, etc., is ler and notaturpasse 1. We have a few edd mantles clear, $10 ones f r $5, $5 ones for 82 60. 0.. E. Ktsal Wingham. 1719.tf To THE Feeetens.-Kennedy Bret. pay the highest cash prices for hides, shtep skins, tallSW- and fowl. the kindly smile that will of the man for whom you buy some terial this Chrietmas, more espoolal- gged at your otherwise exeruplarly etormined liking tor a smoke. It ed feeling before you mamed, and con'et, will be the medium of the sells geed tobaccos. 1722,1 ne ton choice roll butter,20c, d apples and fowl, Our stock of Scores of plied to the Cent graditater to t schoole. This t Central Busine reputation for th Preao Fo. • Pratt Busineiss Colleges have stee al Bueiness College, Stratford,.fOt e positions ss teachers, in the 1 tirely is strong evidence that the s College enjoys a continental roughnose.. 1716-tf SAT,E,-Handsome upright piano, full size, 1 eautiful French burl walnut case. ktust be sold by (snowy 'et to clear up an ettate. The piano is like now and cost $425 a few menthe ago. Can be bo ght for about half. For pagi2e2uxlairs write to P. O. B x 161, Seaforth. Beautiful m dalions at Fear's Dru g17622t°11e for 25c. Do you smo e? Beat tie, the tobacconist, sells the beet olg re and tobacooes. 1722-1 FARai Ens' INsTITUTE ors' Institute eetings will b county during the coming ye South II:Iron, -Regular me addressed by another to be January llth, 12th. Supple ,erses,-Farm- held in this r as follows : tinge, to be V. N, Hutt, Southend, and selected, at 13rucefield, on and at Exet7 on January eatery meeti ge, to be ad - a._...-a— LOCAL BRIEFS. -Mr. H Live met with an unfortunate ad pa dent on Saturday morning He a barrel of sugar out of hi& deliv which was backed up to the when his foot slipped and he fel, catching his leg against the ba wagon 13:x with the result th bone just sleeve his ankle Was br was assisted into his store and warde driven home. He il gett well as could be expected, I but 't some time before he is able to again. -Major Anderson pnd Henderson were ciut on a huntin one day recently, and succeeded a fox, a wild duck and fivei hare. pretty good record for ? one Jubilee Singers will give On en in the Methodist church on Tu ing next. This is an excellent and will undoubtedly dravr a b Mr. John M. McLean, esiho h Manitoba since last summ on Saturday. -Mr. and M are visiting friends in members of the public soh ere have been reongaged the BEITOO salaries as for have a mut efficient staff publio school and the tru continue their services Abbe -Mies Beattie, daug ter Beattie, who has been te chin oessfully in the old Roxbo o se past two yeare, closes her enga at New Year's, with the iew the Normal echool.-Rev. Dr. rontb, will preach in the leth here noxt Sabbath, in th century fund of that eh Watson has taken the con ing saw logs for the Seafo is now ready to buy all t Mr. Watson is an old han and is a favorite with the publ'o, and will, no doubt, get his share of the 1 gs that are for sale. -Captain J. S. Reber e, who was . laid up for a week, is again ar und attend- ing to businees as usual, ---The coal famine, .the result of the strike arno g the oper- atives in the mining districts, as now been broken, and coal is being , rece ved by our dealers in large gliantitie . The late ,ttringency will show us hew ependent we are on the Yankee coal rno opolists who are responsible for keepin th people warm during the cold weath a Mr. George Fitzgerald, who has been re ident of Sea - forth for many years, re eve his family to Toronto last week where hey will in future reside -The special serv4es eing held in the Presb,yterian church th 8 week have been fairly well attende his efternoon the school chitdren will be addreesed by Rev. Mr. Sewers, of Bruc fie LI, at a quarter ill again ad - after four, and Mr. Sawe a dress the meeting in t e veniog. Rev. Mr. Muograve addresse t e meeting on Monday evening, Rev. M Shaw on Tues- day evening, Rev. Mr.1 P nton, of Strat- ford, on Wednesday afdern 013, Eind Rev. Mr. Henderson, of Hen all on Thursdey evening.7-The annual m eti g of , the Sea - forth hockey club will e held at the Queen's hotel this (Frida ) e ,ening at 7 30. -There has been ood eleghing north of Walton since Sun ay. , The eleighe are running in town, but iit is pretty hard scraping in most places, hi wheeled vehicles are eti 1 i Rev. Principal Cavan, D. college, Toronto, will pr ary sermons in the Fresh Sabbath. The &universe s, in a ry th in et r. ex grocer, ul meg- taking v we ma ge °lent barrel of the small n. He B ostifteard will be around G. E. 'edition tagging is is a, d y. -The ertainment sd y even. rg nizetion g ouse.- a 'been in r, ret mid home s. T. R. F. Case °rent the ol st ff of teach- er n xt year' at erly, We now f tea here in our tees do well to as 1 rig as pos. Mt. James very AOC- ool for the ement there of going to 'otte, of To- d is church idterest of the rch. -Mr, Josiah rad or purchae- th saw mills and at omes along. at his business DECEMBER 14. 19 -00 - W. G. Montgomery, Wroxeter, their prim- arye-The postoffioe people here desire us to eay that part es having parcels to send by its mail would e ure safer and more apeedy delivery if t ey would mail them in the evening. Th's is a request which is very easily complied with. -The following have been elected officers of the Ancient Order of United Workmen, of this town : Muter Workman, Fted. Harris ; foreman, E. Ham- ilton; ; overseer, R, Jones ; recorder, George Paterson ; financier, D. McIntyre ; receiver, S. °Imes ; guide, A. Currie ; inside guard, J. urrie ; ohtside guard, J. Young ; rep. res ntative to Grand Lodge, Fred. Harris ; al nitrite, H. Stephenson. -Mr. James Lo bhart, reeve of MoKillop, having de- cided to go beta the saw mill business, in the county of Hastings, and as he will be absent from the township most of the year, has decided not to be a candidate again for the reeveshili. Many of the people of Mo- Killop will regret this, as Mr. Lockhart has proven hime If a most oom etent and pop• ular official. ever, that he momently fr to hese Mr. e south of this general use. - D., !of Knox ac the annivers- teris.n church next y a meeting will be held on the following nday evening. The choir, on both occesion , will be agsiet- ed by Mre. John Hogg end Misie McFaul. --Mr. James Cowan is buyin up aoother lot of thoroughbred cattle for s ipment to the United -States Canadian ca .tle are in good demand there. --Miss ve and Miss Rachel Grieve, of McKillop, spent Sunday and Monday last: with their sister, Airs. Spier, in Morris. -The " Jol y Pulls," who played here last week, say aforth is OEC of the best and moot lively t wna they have struck in C neada.-The folio hag from this county have passed their ex minetione be- fore the College of Physic ans and Surgeone of Ontario : J. S. Chishelm, Wingharn, his final ; D. R. Dunlop, Fordw ch, 1 is inter- mediate ; W. J. Chambers, Loehreh, and We are gla to learn, how - does not intend to remove per- m this looality. While sorry &hart, all will wish him sue - one in his new venture. -Mrs. George For- est, of Gre were visitin ity, this w one of Stan' was in town some friend near Clinto merket tow ways please aritan, signi friend," has ladies of th awe Union to aid them in their wor of relieving th'e poor.. A similar donation was received in a like way last year. This is an example that might be emulated by others who would 4ke to do good in this way, and have spare eans with which to do it. , and Mrs. Scott, of Brussels, friends in Seaforth and vicin- ek.-Mr. Malcolm MoEwen, y's meat prosperous farmers, n Wednesday, and called on here, Mr. MoEwen lives , and usually makes that his , but? Seaforth people 'are al- to see hini.-Some good &m- g himself or herrelf " an old ent a donation of $5 to the Woman's Christian Tem er. NOTES. - lives a short bought a- ho Russell, at t (+orris. r. Wm. Montgomery, who distance from Wroxeter, has se and lot from Mr. Wm. e northern end of our village. -Mr. Jamed Leech was laid up for a few days, but is able to be around again. -Mrs. Hayes has Weiland the Duncan Ferguson estate, and intends to make extensive im- priovements thereon in the spring. -Mr. George Dane, son of Mrs. George Walker, totvoship clerk of Howick, has reached hie faeoff home in the Weet.-Our shops are doping their Christmas attire and present a very attraetive appearance. -The snow dorm, whick set in on Saturday night, still continuee, and we now have enough of the beautiful to make good sleighing. • ' , Fullarton. LOCALITIES.-Spedal services are being continued thie° week.-Rbv. James Roger, who has been stationed on the Algoma dis- trict, earn° home this week to spend his vacation. -Miss Belle Yule, of Detroit, is home to spend her Christmas vacation. - Mrs. J. Morrow was visiting friends in Clinton last' week. -The township council meet as usual on Monday. -Rev. Mr. Waldron preached a missionary sermon Sunday morning in the Methodist ohurch.- Mr. McCullough raised his new building on Saturday. George Jordan has charge of th,e frame wprk, which is 38x42. Mr. Mo- Cullough is also putting in gas lights, which will bt. a great improvement.- Wm. Reid put in ti hydraulic ram last week, He has the piper' connected from the house Lo the barn and everything works well. • Morris. NOTES. -14e. Edward Armstrong has a large pile of fire wood to take out as soon as ?good sleighing comes. -Miss Georgia Parker, of the 6th line, is ill thia week, with an attaok of fever. We hope she may have a speed Morrie atte James Benn recovery. -A number from ded the tuneral of the late tt, of Blyth, on Sunday after- noon. -Miss Mare, Helliday, of the 5th line, has been re.eingaged to teach for 1901, on the gth line, East Wawanosh. Mr. Stew -- art, of Mitchell, will teach in No. 5, Mor- ris. -A Chriatmas tree entertainment will be held on Wednesday evening, December 19th. Ever body will be made welcome. -LQI1det3bOr0. JOTTINGS. -Several of the ratepayers at- tended the Meeting of the county council, in regard to teeming a school section at Lon- deaboro, but ae nearly all the farmers were strongly opposed to a new school section be• ing formed, the county council did ' not grant the petition, -Rev. Dr. Gifford preached an excellent sermon to the Sunday school, on Sabbath morning last. -The League was ed by the president, on Mon- day evening hist, while Rev. Mr. Copeland introduced he topia-Miss Mary Town- send, who underwent an operation last week, havi g a tumor removed from the stomach, is lowly rocovering.-Mrs. Joseph, Riley, who pent the past two weeks with friends in C lborne, returned home on Sun- day. -Mr. in, Campbell called on friends on the 14t concession last week. -Mies Oakes, who as hari a large music clue here, will leave f r Chicago, on the 20;,h, where she intends, to spend the winter. Miss Goodwin, ol Clinton, will -take her class till she comes beck. -Miss Simpson, of Bruce. field, is visiting at the home of Mr. James Hill, this week. -Miss Blanche Shepherd *Tent Sunday at the home of Mr. William Lyon. • Big bargains in rubbers, men's plain 40c, , storm 48;„ Ladies' storm 85o, ladies' plain 2oe, Winds 19o. These pticet until Christmae. W. R. Willis, Christmas Goods that will electifly714t1he Seaforth. people, great values that won't go long un- claimed, You'll find ea Tne E. McFaul Co's. Store, Seaforth. They're showing many new things in fancy dress goods, and any lady will find Xmas ehopping a great pleas- ure if she but visits their store. 1722-1 &Lyme Wennteo.-On Friday evening last, Mr. and Mrs. George Murdie, of the 4th concession of MoKillop, celebrated their silver wedding. Among the guests there were nine couples who had passed, or ere just passing, their own silver weddings A very luxurious table was spread, wit all things appetizing and delicate. Man in- ' troductions of strangers to one another pre- ceded and followed. A very plegsant time was enjoyed in mutual intercourse. Old friends were brought together, renewin the fellowehip of days long passed, and this pleasant intercourse was blended with usic and gong andifree speech. Everybody eon. eratulated the genial host and hoste s, of tti whom and tio whom many very ple sant things were epoken, so that when the , eet- ing broke up by the singin of " Auld y n g Syne " in oirthodox fashion, a reposeful sense of grgtification filled every heart, leaving moreithan one to utter the wish that ; silver weddiegs were oftener, and j et as pleasant and congenial guests were br ught together to celebrate them. • Varna. NOTTS.-11 unicipal excitement is begin. ning to loom up. Mr. Isaac ErrattS who has been reeve for several years, is de- termined to retire and will not again be a candidate for the position. The eenteet will likely be ,between Councillors MbDer• mid la.nd John McNaughton. They are both good and popular men and the erintest will be a hot one. -Stanley will also 114ve to teet a new municipal clerk. Mr, if. T. Cairns has disposed of his property and bueinese here to Mr. Farnwell, who taught school here 'for many years, and in!tends leaving here shortly, -M iss Jane Johnston, who fell on the granolithic walk in frqnt of Beattie's store a few weeks ago and broke her erne has presented ship fathers for dam of their refusing to bring au action in the claim. The council tn was laid down withou that unl the Messrs. they w' I forme them from th public highw a claim to the towa- ge', and in the event toe the mark, will ourts to enforce her intain that the walk their consent, and Beattie foot the bill to remove the walk y. 1.• ey. NOT .-On Wedn ay of last week, while ngaged in tting wood, George, eldest s n of Mr. Will am Earl, met with a painful ocident, havi g the tnisfortune to lose th first and d toes and a portion of his ri ht foot, by st iking it with an axe while o tting wood. he wound is about 7 inohes ong. At last accounts' the %infer- tunate young man se improving.—The large t rie standing n the eideroad was felled t is week. Tie' remove" one of the old Ian marks. It easured 8 feet at the trunk. The put few ays have given us a taste of the forthcomi g wintert , • Cow nee. Your Christmas ripe ding meney may be limited to a few mate or you may be fav- ored an have several dollars with which to make y arson and oth re happy, that's your Widnes . The busine of The E. MoFaul Co., Se forth, is to se that you get your money't worth, no m tter what you pay. Buy yo r Xmas prase ts, Fancy Novelties, 1722-1 eto., fr m them. Nor .-Mr. Will threshe via busy grin pusher.-Ou Gregor, was busy week. -Hiram Prods) West, snd looks wel four y re. -Mr. S. 9 paid a ying visit to t r. Hotham an Sunday evening at genial arbor was ho week. Ed. Britton is driver. Ed. knows h -Mrs. Dr.) Hotham Blyth a present. -E. oently urehased from Porter' Hill, breeder six mo ths old thorou calf. his will be qui Farnha hi heard of H of the ery best calves sold. A Te will give day even auspices company B. R. conveys, _amount o tarm see yawed limited Ai home week. No m ing tbe e collar for most d. pacticuls Collar' you anyt 89 ; dou thing no class oho SNIDER.. NOTE has ret Territo brother Muster ley ech ment o school, logs, re of singe along w is expo pains to has ret Chicago a Brant Stanley The she lately b lately b -Mess head sp Mr. ;Da Maggie week, the Ch place w after p for nex indsay, the energetic ng and cutting feed., veterinary, C. Mo - horning cattle last is home from the , after a sojourn of Cooper, of Clinton, e village, on Sunday J. F. 3:taples spent V. B. Cook's. -Our e a few days last breaking in his black w to handle a hone. s visiting friends in L. Farnham has re• Mr. Wm. Elliott, of f Hereford cattle, a hbred registered bull e an addition to Mr. refords, as this is one Mr. Elliott has ever • Bruce eld. EAT. -The Can n entertainment ng, December 20 f the Oddfollow Anil fall t he HIGGINS, BTU ear, Fire and Li money to loan a rity. Mortgage se of explmarf t mount of ;trip' every morning avers' good fir dian Jubilee Singers In Dixon's Hall, on Thurs. h, at 8 o'cicck, under the . This is an excellent r them. '1722 1. efield, Notary Publics e Insurance agent. Any 5 per cent., on first-class drawn and money ad. the borrower. Also a e funds at 6 per cent. nd Wednesday of eaoh e for sale. 157 re sore shoulders for horses. Hay. le right for the a mbined pneumatic horse Huron county, I m prepared to mire the cult shoulder on your horse. Write for it, or call at the Bruoefield harness shop. grantee! for ono ear. We clan also give hag in a good se of harness, single from le and stitched t ickle trimmed, or some - bier, for 05. Ev rYthing found In a first- . Give us a call it will pay you. Jona 1722-1 -Mr. Robe t McCartney, who rned from oosejaw, Northwest y, is visiting at the home of his Hugh MoOtt and Wm. Bai ol No. 10, wi Friday next, hen the chil itations, dial e from Clinto th Baird's ore d, as the tea make it a sue rned from th -Mr. James tney.-Mies Jennie d, teaohers in Stan. I give an entertain- ecember 21st, in the ren will give read- gues, etc. A choir are also expected, estra. A good time here have spared no ess.- Charles Mason fat stock show at Swan has delivered ord wind mi 1 to George Baird, to be used for his artesian well. - a of the Pres yterian church have en repaired. Special services he ve en held in t e Methodist church. a. Charles Saw re and Hugh Aiken- nt last Sabha h in Westminster.- iel Campbell and daughter, Miss visited frie de in Walton last The monthly business meeting of Wien E,ndea ot Society of this held last Wednesday evening, ayer meeting, at which the officers year were ele,ted, namely : Presi- dent, Mr. B. R. Hig ins ; vice-president, Mr. Jo n McQueen ; eoretary, Miss Aggie Sewers treasurer, M as Aggie Hart. • Zur oh. DBAT I OF AN OLD this wo k to chronicle our old residents in th Truem er, who passe at the dvanced age o had be ailing for so most es imable woma esteem 'y all who kne sided h re for the pas that ti e she has pro kind n ighbor and tru partner is left to mou hie ti e of aitlictio sympat y of the oom were in erred in the on Thursda NOT 8 - Ire. S. H from E kton, Michig paying hie mother an an abeence of 8 years. and his bride are here He has been in Illirtoi of yearls,-M a Jose again, Mr. Henry F 56.acre farm, on the 1 S. Levigood.-You s Christmas tree in D. Meseta' M. Geiger an Torontb. On their stop at Brampton to Mr. John Pfaff is fat cattle -J. Preetor h poultry this fall.-Ou night and day, tESIDENT.-We have the death of one of person of Mrs. J. J. away on Monday last 76 years. Demisted e time. She was a and was held in high her. She has re - 20 yeare, and during od herself to be a friend. Her aged n her demiae, and in has the heartfelt unity. The remains ronson line cemetery Itzman has returned n. -Mr. A. Fuse is brothers a visit after Mr. Jacob Gellman visiting hie parents. for the put couple h Gellman is home eishauer has sold hie 4th concession, to Mr. • go and see the S. Faust's store. - P. Lemont are in ay home they will 'hilt Mr. F. Kibler. - Wog a lot of fine a shipped a lot of grist mill is running it D. HAY, 0OrnmiSai0Der, gages and deeds drawn oweet ratesof interest. John MeNevin of t ing bueiness hum again. kinds of custom work, Ina quick. The very best fa for sale or exchange Be John MoNevin. pen. .,onveyancor, wine, mod - p. Money loaned at the 1609 e Kippen mill hs mak- Ile is prepand to do all uding chopping. cheap and ily flour always; on hand embar the old favorite. 1712-tf COUNT ON THIS, SURE if Jr FiEtralEitTietRili PRICES shall be itb least as low here sail) where else in town. DECEMBER DAYS We've already swung fairly into the - stream of holiday selling! The surge pelt nruesdhtowibialvsoe tohniubgee wohni.ding,Wefaihtsivue paddle wheels to keep the departments from getting flooded with anxious bitter- er". W sYt 4.,) he ka e inwtoe btrobuegghttattfindiseirocoreadanitigontiaoet fitneis and conipleteness that they have ever known for the holidity tredee BECAUSE each year'i lessons hatre been to us as stepping 'tones, to bettee doings to hieher achievements, to brooder, mere liberal trading in every braneh of eur busineu. OUR GOODS They're the best that money ean buy, we've proved that. An exeminanIon. of our shelves and tables will soon con. vines you that our holiday offerings elude no " hard stock." We know Our trade appreciates new, freah goods, that makes us overly anxious. LINENS There isn't a housewife within reach of' the people's popular store that' hasn't reason to be interested in its linen 'hew- ing. We've the best linen 'tore end would be doing p000 store keeping if' we didn't sell linens' best. Liner, it linen at this store, no tow, no trash; no poor cotton admixthres. Our table linens, napkins, tea cloths, toWels, eta., are the best. HANDKERCHIEFS Which had I better take ? We listee to this repeatedly. That's the one soreow of having so many handkerchiefs. 1 A, whirlwind of styles, the patterns are prettier, the designs kmater, the prices less than you expect. Visit our etere Christmas week and you'll step into - Handkerchief land, handkerchief talk fro e could give you one topper to one hundred cents. We've any variety of ;fur coats, caer- • Ines, collarettes, ete., but lust - make mention of the ruffs. ;We have them by the dozen made from the niost popula: kinds of fur. We sell a le* as - low as 75c each, but for quality and style in ruffs at $3 50, $4 50, 4t5.50 lend $6 50, no Core discounts this,1Why, we have sable ruffs in price a& high, as $16 50 No trouble to select a tuff whether you want a cheap or more ex. pensige one. JACKET S In looking through the jaoket stock many attractive goats caught 'our eye. A worthy one is marked $4 75, fawn. color, light pearl butthne, silk lined. A black coat, rough cloth, black ailk lapels with silk braid trimming, ia a • beauty at $6 50. The higher prced coats -*peak for themselves and a look at the $5.00 one convinces. • WHEN READY, come. Don't lieep put- ting off. You're going to do tome IDe- comber buying, you're going to rem m- ber your friends and we would leo have you remember that the ehoice el. leetion of Christmas fancies it with the E. McFeul Dry Goods Co. 1 . . . The . . . NOTES. -Mr. and Ire. John R. McDon- ald, of 'the .second onceesion of Tucker - smith, are spending two weeks' pleasant outing among friend at Alviston and St. Thomas. We bespea for them ak- enjoy- able trip. -Mr. R. B. McLean was this week at Goderich, as a jar r. -The Lordie Sup- per will be observed 'n St. Andrew's church on Sabbath. Bev, r Sewers, of Bruce - field, will conduct t e service to -day, (Fri- day), and the thanks iving service will be conducted Monday a two otelock, by Rev. J. 8. Henderson, o Hermit. After this service the annual c ngregatioual meeting will be held. -The ible Society meeting, held in tbe Methodi church, on Friday evening last, was ver elimly attended. The address given by the agent, Rev. Mr. Ed - monde, was good an worthy of a far better attendance, -M re. ( Rev. ) M cKibbon, of Strathroy. is this we k visiting her parente, Mr. and Mrs. R. Me lis. --Mrs. D. Heysed her daughter, Miss Iggie, were calling on friende in Farquhar uring the fore part of the week. -Miss Lill Parsons, of Harpur- hey, for the past we k, has been paying a visit to her former ompanions here. Mies Lilly is a bright, pro ising yoiing lady, and her young friends he o are pleased to have her company in thei homes. ---We are now having a smell of wi ter, and a little more FUR RUFFS E. 111eFAU.-- Dry Goods Co. C4th's Greatest ,Cash Dry Goods Stoire. snow is required in order to maite things hum. -Our grist mill is having itt share of work, if the large loads coming daily from it are any indication. -Our merchants are making a fine display of Christiriaa geode, which remindis us that we will be soon in the 20th century. (From an Occasional C,orroepondent,1 POINTS. -Mr. George T. MaKayis at nd- ing the Goderich atsizes this weeklas a Puy - man. -Mr. George T. McKay, est,lio is an 11 agent for the Queenston Cement Corrsp ny, has been laying cement floors,the past w ek, for Me. Thomas Russell, of the Th mes - Road, IJeborne, who has erected a fine large barn in the place of the one that was il destroyed by lightning, the pun sum er. Mr. McKay does good work, corilseque tly he has been busy, and his business is in- creasing. -Mr. Edwin Latta of L ndon, for several years a farmer on tlie llt conces- sion of Tuckeremith, was in our villagebne day the beginning of this week He was employed in the brick laying business, ur- ing the past summer, in the city. l He 1 ohs hale and hearty. -Poultry of all ,kincle I are daily coming into our busy Inirg,-Vies Sanders, of Exeter, epent Satnrday and Sunday last among some of her frienda in this vicinity. • Exeter. J. G. STANBDRY, B. A., (late with Caithy, Osier & Co , Tor •nto,) 13arrieter, Convey- ancer, Notary. Money to loan. Offloes late% oc- eupled by Collins & Stanbury, over O'Nell's ilk. Exeter. Ont. 1684 tf LOCAL BRILFS -The Exeter COUGIB aye purchased the Renald fire engine, toge her with hook and ladder appliance*, and 500 feet of new hose, from J. D. Ronal f Brussele, fer $2 500 and the old Wate our engine. The new eligine was much a,dmired during the tests.-Mrs,J, A, Stewart was in London thi3 week, vititing Mende. S. Gidley & Son have told out their e tire - stook of furniture and undertaking eupp les, to Mesere. Beverley & Hutton, the 1 tely formed furniture firm -A. Q. 13 bier '114 in the field for county councilor fo this die- trict. He will make a good represent& ive. -It is rumored that A'. H. McCallum will oppose W. G. Biseett for the reevesbi .- The funeral of George A. Hamm!, on 'un - day, was attended by Exeter Compan of the 33.ed battalion, of which he was trill sergeant. -The many friends of Mrs. f ar.) Lute regret to hear of her continue ill health AeteivERSARY.-More delightfol wea her or larger audiences could not have been de- sired for the anniversary *services of Main street Methodist church than it wae tibeir good fortune to have on Sunday,and lori.- day, 1st and 2nd inst. Rev, Dr. Daniels, of Sarnia, preached, and though the chprch was uncomfortably crowded, he retained the closeet attention of the congregat ons. The choir rendered choice music for the occasion, and Mistes Johns, Oidley and White sang solos, in their usual admieable style, On Monday evening a fowl supper ware provided, after whieh Rov. W. Hobbs of 1 VVingham, delivered his popular lectur on " The Triangular Man." The procee( e of both services were $120 -The annive sary services and tea -meeting in connection twith James street Methodist church, on Sunday and Monday, were en unqualified sucisese. Rev. C. T. Scott, of :Aylmer, delivered ex- cellent sermoni on Sonday, to large congre- gations. On Monday evening he, together with Rev. W. G. Heisson, of Clinton, gave thoughtful and inspiring addressee, while Mies W. Hooper, of laondon, etiolated bee the choir, furniehed the choicest music. THIRTN WHOLE More mpoi an your thin] t a feel thin Tie e Lad C-011 well for The e tha sary fur One as a it is thin son suff hu The las If y ing ma For awl Tie ha Peo and m a tart reee For the No toys gre line be e of very may kind In cony e pres a ha oaf bow . pair uml Thes are con W01.1 Or On the ViT. STI The 11 money ord $3 and und 330 to $40, I5e 3100, at &Me r 182 ; 800 to taeftel