The Huron Expositor, 1900-12-14, Page 7zGzeuce.
Lo4-se a.
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DECEMBER 141 1900.
• We know of
nothing better
than coughing
to tear the lin-
ing of your
throat and
lungs. It is
better than wet
feet to cause
bronchitis and
Only keep it
up and you
will succeed in
reducing your
weight, losing
your appetite,
bringing on a
slow fever, and
making every-
thing exactly
right for the
germs of consumptibn.
Better kill your cough
before it kills you.
kills coughs of every
kind. A 25 cent bottle
is just right for an ordi-
nary cough; for the
harder coughs of bron-
chitis you will need a 50
cent bottle; and for the
coughs of consumption
the one dollar size is
most economical.
My cough reduced me to a mere
skeleton. I tried many remedies,
but they all failed. After using the
Cherry Pectoral I immediately be-
gan to improve, and three bottles
restored me to health. I believe I
owe my life to
Oet 7,1898. Browntown, Va.
ftitt nn xpozitot4
cupation without regard to salary, while the
sons and daughters of foreign parents are
taking the worn-out fauns and becoming in,
dependent. They are rapidly aocumulating
property, and theyalso have many of the
real luxuries Of life which the former class
of persons do not have. The result must be
success to those who remain on the farms
and supply the demands of those who live
in the ities, by producing arti-
cles of food. Of those who leave the farms
and go to the cities a few probably prosper,
• but many barely live; they expend their
entire salaries, and when they have sickness
they suffer verygreat privations. -Presby-
terian Batmen
[The following itenis were intended
/or last week, but were received too
Stinging Chilblains.
As dietres,ittg and and annoying as are Chilblains,
the can be immediately relieved by the application
of Dr. Chase's OIF-tment. Try it when you have res
tired with itching, atinging feet, and cxpaot to spend
a shadiest night in suffering. S ich a trial will con -
vines you that as a cure for Chilblaine -Dr. Chase's
Ointment is the etandard of excellence. It is the
world'e greatest mire for all itching of the ekin.
The Art of Talking Well.
It is better to be frankly dull than
pedantic. •
One must guard one's self from the temp-
tation ot talking shop" andofriding
one's "hobby."
Whatever sets one apart as a capital "1,"
should be avoided..
A joke or humorous atory is dependent
upon its freshness for appreciation. Some
emotions will not bear "warming over." ,
It is no longer considered good form to
ray a word antainat any one. An ill-nat-
ured criticism is a aocial blunder. Gossip,
too, is really going out of fashion.
True wit is a gift, not an attainment.
Those who use it aright never yield to the
temptation of saying anything that can
wound another in order to exhibit their own
°levelness. It is natural and spontaneous.
" He who runs after wit is apt teacetch
nonsense." '
Talk that has heartiness in it .and the
liveliness and sparkle that come of light -
heartiness and innocent -gayety, is a fairly
good substitute for wit. Offer to each one
who speaks the homage of you tindividel
attention. Look people in the face when
you talk to them.
Talk of things, not persons; The best
substitute for wiedom is silence.
It is provincialism to say; " yea, sir,"
" 1 ma'am," to one's equal. e
lfave convictions of your oweteen Be youg-
o if and not a mere echo,
Never ask leadiug questions. -We should
ehow curiosity about, the, conterns of others
only so far as it may giatify them to tell ue.
Draw outyour neigbber without eaten:hie,.
ing him. Correa, him, if necessary, without
contradicting him. Avoid mannerisms.
Strive to be aa ural and at, wise. The
nervousness that conceals iteslf nndere ffest-
ed vivacity should be vontrolled, as elimild
the loud laugh. -Mrs. Burton Kingsley(); in
the Ladiee' Home Journal.
So thought a Quebec' Man Until
Dodd's Kidney Pills Cured
Him of Bright'Disease.
QUEBEC, Dec. 10-Narcises Mangy, of
109 St. Ann Street, this city, considers him-
self an extremely fortunate man. He has
come through the &deal of Bright's Disease
Bright's Diseace is an extremely fatal
disease of the Kidneys. The sufferer lingers
on, growing weaker and weaker, slowly and
miserably dying. Once it fastens ttself upon
a victim, there is only one Lippe to save him
-Dodd's Kidney Pills. Bet they never
Narcisse Mangy says : "lj have endur-
ed Bright's Disease for over five years. Doc-
tors told me I would never get well. I
thought my time had come.' A friend told
me to try Dodd's Kidney Pills. I have just
finished the fourth box and am cured_
,meeting of the thiborne council the following
resolution was adopted : "That the nom-
inations for reeve and councillors, to serve
in the municipality for the year 1901, be
held at the township hall, Elimville, on
Monday, the 31st day of December, 1900, at
the hour of one o'clock p. m. That P.Mor-
ley preside at such nominations, and in case
polls are necessary, that they be held as fol-
lows Division 1 -Township hall, -Elim-
villa, F. Morley, R. 0. Division 2 -Lot
6, N. T. R., John Homey, D. R. 0. Divi-
sion 3 -Lot '2, concession 10, H. Brown,
D. R. 0. Division 4 -Public Hall, Farqu-
har, Alex. Duncan, D. R. 0. That said
polls be opened at.9 o'clock, and closed at 5
o'clock on Monday, the 7th (ley of January,
1901, and that the vetes for county council-
-lora be taken at the same time and places.
The council also pasaed accounts amount-
ing to $1,516.66, and adjourned to meet
again on Saturday, Dalt:lather 15th, at one
Says He Was Tortured.
111 suffered suctipain from corns I could
hardly welk," writes H. Robinson, Hills -
_borough, Ills a 7.1 but Bucklen'e Arnica
Salve completely.' cured them." Acts like
magic on aptains; bruises, cuts, sores, scalds,
burns, boils ulcers. Perfect healer of skin
diseases and pilee. Cure guaranteed by
L V. Fear, druggist. Price 25c.
NOTES. -The first monthly horse fair for
this year was held on Thursday of last
week. -Mr. W. F. Szott arrived home from
New York on Monday, with the new stal-
lion which he purchased for Messrs. Scott
& Warwick, of this place, and a glance at
his breeding will show that he is a good one.
The name of the harse is " Kaplan," a three-
year-old, and gave a full mile trial of 2:25,
-Mrs. James Daugles, of the 16th emcee-
sian of Grey, passed away on Tuesday of
last week, at the age of 83 yeara. She was
one of the pioneer settlere. Interment was
made in 13russols _ cemetery the following
day. Mitral disease of the heart, was the
trouble.. -Mies R. Brine, of Seaforth, is
visiting at Mier. P. Scot's tide week. -Mrs.
D. Scott is dangerously ill this week; and
very little hopes arc -entertained for her re-
covery, as she is 74 years cf age. She is one
of the pioneerof Huron -Archie Scott, of
Senna., is at, home this week, on account of
the serious illness of his mother. -Mr. Cal-
der, inspecter for the Fire Undervvritera'
Asaocia.tion, was in town this week, rating
some new risks, etc -Robert Johnston, wife
and family Ida Brussels on Tuesday, to take
up their new home in Wingham.-F. Lam -
hie left with a car Irad of lumber for the old
country 00 Monday. Mr. Lambie will re -
mein in his native home far several mouths.
Food. Changed to Poison._
Puteofying food in the intestines pro-
duees effects like those of arsenic, but Dr.
King's New Life Pills expel the poisons from
clogged bowels, gently, easily but surely,
ouring Con:nip:dim), Biliousness, Sick
Headaebe, Fevers, all Liver, Kidney and
Bowel troubles. Orily 25c at Fear's drug
store, Seaforth.
applying the test, hitt the sell r of the
animal will be required to pay th fficerhe's
travelling expenses tA going to et
same: Under this arrangement, a n On-
tario county breeder, 1 for instant , elle a
Shorthorn 'bull for eXport to Ill n is, he
will be obliged to pay. Dr. Volge a
penses in goirg to that county n back
again before the ani al can be s ipped.
The expenses in thatl case would pr bably
•come close to $15; that will be a nut the
average outlay or expenses on th average
sale made withhe the province enerally.
The expense h weve , is of less oment
than the defray and ineertainty jin olved
under the new aysteti. Arthur To.nstou
was evidently not fr out whei e do -
elated that this practically kills ou trade
in pure bred animals with the 1 nited
States. Under the old system, the ertifi-
cate of a Canadian ve erinary, wh e could
be obtained from a s rgeon livin n the
immediate neighborho d of the 1 ee of
sale, was accepted by the lJnited States
authorities as eufficien
Almost Coa.sumption.
'Mr. J. J. Dodds, of Please t Ave,'Doer Par
writes ;-" I have suffered n my head aid
and all over my body Since fist summer fro
heavy cold, which I could not get rid 41.
tried sevsral of whit are co sidered goal Ire
but none Seemed to be of a y avail. I bega
that my cold was dist/eloping Into coneunhipt
very many have to My knowledge. I am t
now to say that Dr.,Chase'• Syrup of L ns
Turpentine has worked a ooMplete cure, as I
entirely free of the sold.
A BO tleman.
On Monday af
the rain was d
fell on the broad
pavement, near
Richmond street
A water soake
apples lay beside
Three boys gat
tied the old fello
feet and tried to
He couldn't, a
Another lad came u
erno;of last we
ing i s worst, an
f his back on the sl
the corner of Yon
, Tor nto.
• bag
is ered
, as
ran into a store
Then the boy
his apples, picke
wiped the mud f
and disappeared.
If the recordin
five minutes a
-much mistaken.
• That boy's nio
About Typhoid Fever.
Speaking of the high; death rate from
typhoid fever in the province, during the
month of Oetober, as illustrated by such
towns as Oshawa, where a paper says there
are 50 cases at present, De, Bryce, the pro-
vincial health officer, says there can be no
doubt but that the unusual length of time
during whioh mild weather continued this
autumn, thete not being any frosts practi-
cally up to the end of October, has played
an important part in extending the period
during which typhoid fever, from polluted
wells tends to spread..
I. From all over the country water samplee
have been sent to -an unusual number, to
the provincial Laboratory 'for analysis. In
almost every instance the samp_les have
been well waters, and in very few instances
have no direct evidences of, polution by
waste matters been proven. Speaking
generally it may be said that in 110 towns,
cities and villages in Ontario where nubile
water supplies exist, typhoid fever cases
are e.lmosti invariably traced to parts of the
places where the wells have not been closed,
while of course all water inipplied in rural,
districts is from wells. Until people have
-learned to prevent the pollution of soil
around and in the neighberhood of wells
with excretive matters front houses, stables,
faetories, etc., says Dr. Bryce, the present
state of things will continne when condi-
tions (if temperature are favorable.
F •
Nothing Hunts Out Corns
Like tight boots. Nothing removes corns
with euch certainty as Putnam's' Painless
Corn Extractor. Beware of poisonous.sub•
stitutes. Ask for and get Putnam's Painlese
Corn Extractor at druggiats °
; •
The New Regnlation Governing
the Sale of Pure Bred Animals
to the United States.
Dr. E. L. Volgenau, of the United States
Bureau of Animal Industry, is the officer
whose duty it will be to apply the tuber-
culin test te all,,pure bred animal e sold in
Ontario for export to the States. This
officer's headquarters are at the Live
Stock Exchange buiidicg. E met 13uffale.
No charge will be madelor his services in
Young People and the Farms.
The present indications are that the young
men and women wilt be compelled 4.o go back
to farms and learn to produce that which
the great mass of people in the cities de-
mand for food. The places which were not
Occupied in the cities by stenographers,type-
writere and clerks are now overfilled ; the
schools of stenography and typewriting,
book-keeping, etc., have put so many young
persens in the fielti that the demand now 1,3
very elow, aud the salaries are low -hardly
rnore than nough to pey car fare and board.
The demand for palatable butter and all
other products of milk, good fresh eggs and
fat, well dressed poultry is so great thet, it
eeeina as though the sons and daughters cf
!armoire would do mach bak ter financially to
remain on the farms, and tt1151- have a much
better and easier life, au I hi' the means of
purehading many more of the real luxuries
evnich make life . pleasant than they gin
have from the ssoaries which they receive
from teaching school, clerking or typewrit-
ing. The American -born beys and girls are
looking after aome kind of "genteel" 00
• •
rad ca
om it
ut t
her s
, Ont.
a very
I have
• think
00, 80
ed and
ni DOW
e and
twat, and a eck of
and jeered anil jos-
he scrambled tlo his
p his apples.
didn'tknow w at to
, stopped a rno
e out with
en t,
the old ma ether
at out of th gutter,
handed it t4 him
1 didn't hay a busy
at time I m Very,
ould be wo th meet-
To Cure a Col in One
• Take iLaxativs Bro. o Quinine
All druggists refund t e money if
cure. 25c. E. W. ?- ove's signet
each box.
Wit and
-It is a gude heat
a better that thinks n
-There are tole ma
so to speak, on the pa
-Court a woman,
worship] you; marry
rinitse elite all diseases and dis-
t-ell, ernino from weak heart, worn out
eery! a or watery blood, Such as Palpita-
te'a. Beats, Throbbing, Smothering,
I Id en • . Lea Weak or Faint Spells, 'Anaemia ,
7:40'rveuseess, Sleeplessness, 'Brain Fag,
G -Aral De:linty and Lank Of Vitality.
They ore a true heart tonic, nerve food.
in a Ili eriricher, building tip and
nnewhig, all the worn .out and-wasted
ti enes of the body and restoring perfect
l• lath. Price 50e. a box, or 3 for $1.25,
-a all druggist.
-It's easy, says J
girl. All you've to
dings, spring hate alt
'-Peeer thinks it'
chet-and it's also we
ber the spot where
-Some people new
they have to, and o
back borrowed moue
-The Irishman's'
Scottish motto, "re
sit," is " Tread on h
-" Nay, madam, he day I ma
I gave you the sey of my heart.'
that says na
y bits of ore
hway to sue
aye Peter, n
her and s e'l
t ils to
re is on
, but
sh▪ e'll
hnny, to i t rest a
is to talk a out wed•
ell to bury t e het -
i, he adds, ti emem-
• interred.
r borrow me e unless
er people e er pay
unless they h ve to.
translation f teha.
mo me imp n lac
av me'oat. if ye
and then you went ri
lock changed."
• .-Biggs-" That
round telling lies abo
don't mind that, but
truth I'll break his n
-Some one threw
an irisii orator. He
said -1' Gentlemen,
ears, I don't caessfor
--Baeldie is a beli
heredity, but oily t
His little failings, he
derivedfrom scme Id
shining qualities are i
--" ow do you know Will the
asked his friend. " You haven
replied,the victim, Rheumatilem
doctor." " I know that it i
those things that doesn't need an
-" Will yet haVe roast be
pie, or tongue, or dorned beef,
or chicken ?"
" spread," the
said Donal, " j
--" I have b
abeolutely in t
other people a
she replied,-"
then, at what
other day."
saiil that when
had to 'laugh."
-A travelle
one town to a
Were about a - iozen other pmlssengern. On
the road they were overtaken by every
other kind of i
shouted to the
you'll be late.'
11 I do," said the passenger. "Shure an'
how do you k ow I'll be late ?" queried
• Paddy, "1 know it by my wateh." " Och,
sure aa' if you watch had a Iliad' on it like
my peer ould sate it wouidn t go 80 fast,"
responded the Hibernian.
ht off and
an Dobbs
t you."
f he begins
head of c
aused a mo
only asked
your headed
ver in the d
a modifie
feels sure,
prayed sine
11 his vety o
queried the
other evening. Ooh ay,"
ist bring them a' after wan
t one rule Oat I follow
if; life, and that is to make
happy as possible," " Well"
ou ought to be gratified,
heard a youn
' What was t
ever she saw y
rid you
" Yes,
had the
is going
og s-" I
o ell the
age at
t, and
✓ your
errine et
lex tent.
a 'es been
s r ; his
m tism ?"
t soma a
11 right,"
one of
r steak
st lamb
at a
b tween one -fou th a
orld's crop, and is th
p us eiporter.
-At a flower iow
m rvele of arbori ultur
tr e from Japan. The
d ed years old, is not m
a •alf high, and 4 othe
e itappear&fl0q not
a «ida spreading and g
tr es are purpos ly d
g rde ere, thong for w
a d they can be kept fr
g brought to Englan
m na ement.
good many peo
er" on election day,
in 'uire into .he or
It r ver was a little st
k el
o uld
t en
u th
in hi
5 It
b a
h re
ri Ter.
- arrings have come ba k into fashion,
a da e now being rnuch wo n both by day-
li ht nd in the evlening.
- he house aloya iniie tes the temper-
a en of the tenn hts ; 1 i is bright, clean
a d +0, so ar ey : if hugger mugger'
a d dirty, they ar that ale
-Ferns will grciw in win owe with any
a pect, but those With a sou hern or eastern
e posure must be !shaded fr m the sun dur-
ing the hotteet pat of the ay.
-Amongst the kitchen chairs there
s ould always -be One low ne with a cus-
h OD, which will often be fund most rest -
f 1, and in which much wo k can be done
n t requiring standing or a igher chair.
-Once or twice, a week 1 is quite often
eI ough for a hot bath, azjd then a cold
e onge down afte it is a wayis desirable,
f• water hich brings the
✓ atth to he skirl.
ting f od into the oven
t se try covering it
c e ting it over a
s Thils plan will
k he same time,
p k
century is identi-
ods of cornbating
hieh has. hitherto
1 !victims, is yield -
meat; and now
t that the dread
I be found to be
d ne-fifth of the
w rld'S great sur-
Lo6don one of the
is seen in a dwarf
ree which is a hun-
re than a foot and
fully develop-
ein unlike that of
ar led oak. These
arf d by Japanese
at end s not clear,
m growing after be -
b a little simple
le vent "up Salt
nd it is interesting
gin; of the phrase.
eati Kentucky,
ary to the Ohio, whieb wars Very da,n-
and so up in a
oat was aboht the har est 'work a man
ercalked' t atiowing
do. It was custo ary to punish the
gro by maleing h m take passengers
river in a keel b at, his master hir-
out for the pu pow;. To go " up
weir " becanje a pr ve b, aid was used
entuckian n the flo r of Congress,
arking tha "he we. going up Salt-
or ro
in Ireland w
other in a br
lady say the
at ?" " She
u danoing she
s going from
ke in which
Oriole, until one of the party
driver -n" Push on, Paddy,
" Who says I'll be late ?"
r it is clear, col
ddy glow of he
-Instead of pu
keep hot for late come
osely with a tin, and
uce-pan of hot water.
ep the food hot and a
event it from dying.
-The close of t3he
w met
air tr
some h
uth el
g nor e
er, wh
health. LAXA-
ional cathartic fo
Any drtIggiet.
ION of the bow
family or goner
• Some Th ngs Worth
-Id ten ye re the deacen
rabbita will n miser 70,000,0
-Rassia's e port of eggs
000,0 a yea
-The popu ation of Bloem
did n t excee 8,000.
-The life o an Australia!
exceeds 50 yel rs.
-Nearly O. per cent. of a
unable to ma or write.
-There ar 7,300,000 1 en
earning lees td an i.1,21 per year.
-The Sou h African wi
wards, the c d .,of April, ar
• September.
-It is pro lased to prose
Wilson, the mine ot Ma
sword of hon r.
-Over .£20),000 worth of
stolen every ear from the
diamond mines.
-Hehasho Id be set wher
be diatorbed
dren, doge, c
-The eewa e of the city o
being mied to irrigate an im
nearly four equare miles
proved such a benefit to the I
ens in the vici
anxioee to a
thei4ewn far
-Europe a
half Of the
Burnes, almost
North Ameri
fried with many n
d'sease. Tuberc
c aimed such anal
i g to the open
ere seems to he
malady known as
menable to trea
-Keep your In
re neither talki
natural respire
st sufficiently b
nd, being lined
ust, which, if y
outh, will ente
awing irritation
ay -lead to eerie
-In making t
nts are 1 lb. goo
pint of milk, a
tills of flour. P
baking tin for
f the steek wil
repare a better
our, seasoned w
he tin and pour
enlace the tin e
-Have you le
re better than t
ccepts many gi
le la necessary to
the best °mas-
t use. Price 26o.
rowing. -
ante of two
xceeds 1,500,•
ontein does or
native rarely
1 Russians are
in Prusda
ter begins to -
d lasts uutil
t Sarah
eking, with a
diamonds are
Sonth African
they will not
by other hens, visitors, chil-
ts, rats, mic
, Or anything
Paris is now
ense farm of
area. It has
nd that farm-
ity who oppo ed it are now
rauge to rece
ill not produce
orld's wheat
the entire worl
a, on the oth
ve sewage en
more than one-
, but con-
's eurplue.
and, raises
This signatur is on every bo of the genuine
Bromo-Quinipe Tablets
at eases u co d onc day'
• Latativ
the remedy t
sed whenever you
ting. The noire is
eh w rms the air
fore it enter the lungs,
with 'ne hire, arrests
the through your
throat and lungs,
flammittion, which
ti'elfaole4he ingredi•
beefs ak, 2 egge,
alt,, 2 tablespoon -
ti the steak in the oven in
bout 0 rnintites-the fat
keep it from burning.
ith t e egg, milk and
th a li tile salt ; take out
he batter over the steak.
nd bak for about halt an
rued --bat many, people
ey see ? • That he who
tir pay dearly for them ?
o defer the is ussion of vital questiens
n til after breakfast 9 To make the beat of
✓ ay weather, the b
he grey eky. Ilhat to
othing i contrriry to
nd mankind? A ne
rom the books you rea
✓ people you meet?
• •
YRUP the best Meldicine a expel worms. Childr n
Ike it -worms don'
The Bpomi g "Soo."
The authorities of Sault Ste. Marie have
ompleted a C613 US of the town up to the
Oth of Septemb r, and at that date the
as 6,118. On the
r the town census
t 3,495, so that in a
623 inhabitants have
s not include tran-
reuse it due largely
rises, as with the
orks new men are
to the present large
Central Railway is
with all possible
cti n works are near-
Company is a new
u bre
and i
s resu
ad in t
, thic'
own landscape and
get something for
he laws of nature
, important lesson
, the work you do,
umber of resid
30th of April t
placed the popu
period of five --m
been added: T
Acute, but bona
This phenomenal in
to the Clergue' enter
development of the
constantly being adde
force. IThe Algoma
being pushed ahead
rapidity, and tine Red,
ing completion. I
The " Soo" Lumbe
venture which piromises to add to the gener•
al prosperity of the tow
a la go
uildi g
' will
is ye
nt he 2
is do
de re
Did you ever have that
little tickling spot in your
throat? Felt as if you
coUld almost touch it with
yotir finger, didn't it? How
haid you tried to reach it,
but couldn't! It's easy with Vap
Cresolene, for you breathe it. There
nothing in the world equal to it f
stopping these tickling coughs; a
it's so pleasant, too. For asthm
croup, bronchitis, catarrh, and
WhOoping-cough, it's the gre t
VaPo-Cresolenc is sold by druggists everywhe
A VapcaCrasolene outfit, including the Vaporizer
Lamp, which should last a life -time, and a bottle
Cresplene, complete, $1.5o ,• extra supplies of Cre
lene 1i5 cents and 50 cents. Illustrated booklet conta
ing physicians' testimonials free upon request, VA
CRE1OLENE Co., 18o Fulton St., New York, U.S.
rnended and sold by I. V. Fea
Druist, Seaforth.
n -
said : Yes, Pll do it. I will go to tlie
farm you offer and quit drink and tobac o
foreVer." He went as decided, and w s
able to carry out his resolution.
At the end of the stipulated time M
Ketohum redeemed his promise by givi
him a free deed of the land. The niecha
reared a respectable family, Two - of
sons became Methodist ministers. Aftmr
the self conquest was complete the mechanic
told Mr. Armstrong that the greatest tri 1
he had had was when he smelled the sniff
his wife used to take, but even then
resolution was not overcome. Mr. Ar
strong says he remembers that Mr. K
chum was always doing good to some one
need of his generous aid.
For twenty-four years Vapo-Cresolene
been extensively used fordall forms of throat a
bronchial troubles. All Druggists.
News Notes.
is constructing
manufacture of
great many new
this year, and a
gress the " Soo
poration as a cit
. The company
• faetory for the
upplies, etc. A
ave been erected
ent rate of pro-
be seeking incor-
or beast ; for sprat a, cuts
swellings, infiamm tion,
t is a specific.
-Prince Alexander Imeretinsky,
ern° -General of Warsaw, died Friel
-The New York board of health
announced that there were 28 cases
smallpox in that city.
-Wednesday morning of laet week
terrible accident oc3urred near Georgeto
when a hahd-car, on which tee six m
was run into by an engine and all the
were killed. The men were all married
lived at Cheltenham.
-A crowd of people assembled on
roof of a glass factory at San Francisco
witness a football match. The roof
lapsed, and many of the people drop
down near the furnace and were ba
burned. Seven are dead and many
Police officers and attorneys of P
Hui -on, Michigan, have been somew
etangered by a decision given by Jud
Atkinson. One John Walsh was broug
into court charged with being a comm
drunkard. His Honor put a few questiens
and discharged the prisoner, saying that a
man is never drunk unless he is unebti-
-The sec mcl. Canadian contingent
South Africa will scarcely be home
Chrietnuts, but may arrive by New Ye
Day. A telegram from the War 0
• contingent. composed of the Cana
Mounted Rifles and the Canadian Artill
--The Duke of Manchester, who rece
married Miss Zenmerman, only child
Cincinnatti millionaire, appeared before
Registrar in Beeskruptcy in London, 11
laud, on Friday of last week. The rece
told the court that the case must be
jetirned, as the accounts were not yet fi
although fully prepared. The liabilities
dieolosed, he added, amounted to :£37, 00 ;
assets, :C7,545. The receiver asked for time
to examine .the accounts and interrogate the
'n --At the fall non -jury sittings before
Jhaiitice Rose at Stratford last week, the
Scett v. town of Listowel. John Sdott,
the plaintiff, it farmer near Listowel,
brought action against the corporation, the
wo011en mill, the tannery, for alleged
pollution of a stream running through his
perty. He claimed that in 1898 he ,had
t six head of cattle by drinking the
ure water, and had some thirty others
cted by the same cause. His Lordahip
1 fl-
es that 50 officers and 1,000 men of be
adieu contingent will leave Cape Tnwn
Canada direct on •the steamer- Ro lin
tle about the lab of December. he
etch refers to the second Cana tan
• ILI cures all pain in man
biuises, callous lumps,
heumatiem and neuralgia
oy r ac er.
4 being caused at
the advent of a boy
Baptist church. He
and has been in the
business three years doring which he has
preached in nearly all' the large cities of the
United State Lately, this youthful
Alexander camp to Zfariada and arrived in
Montreal from Ottawa. , Any text can be
given him, an he goes ahead, seemingly
without diffic lty. I However, the • daily
papers express the ppinion, which is fast
spteading, that his Sermons are of such a•
nature as to seit alMost any text. Since
the special services' began a week ago,
large audiences have been turning out to
see and hear the prodigy.
Ti -IAT ac:iing head. can be instantly relieved by
POWDERS. One powdet, fie ; three for 10a, ten for
• ! •
What Jesse ketchurn Did.
Thomas Armstrong, an old resident of
the city, whose father and family came to
Toronto in 1825, tell of an incidene in the
life of the late Jesse
There lived in T
1840, according to
lections, -a mecha
drinking oftea la
tremens. One day,
over one of those dr
chanced to meat hi
strong's place of busin'
ess Thomas Arm-
strong being peesent and hearing the con -
Quite a sensation
present in Montreal b
preacher in the Firs
is fourteen year's old
Ketchum, tbe pioneer
routes about the year
r. Armstrong's recol•
ie whose excesees in
ded him in delerium
just as he was getting
nken fits, Mr. Ketchum
in the elder Mr. Arm -
sat ion.
‚‚ Well, Jobe," e
you are juet gettin
(Interium.• Will y
or will you alialays
mechanic gave no
nerves being shatte
He knew thet to ea
tion, if he fornied o
The convereatihn d
then Mr. Ketclium
you what I wil do
I have a farm in E
ed, with a good ho
go on this fan* an
neither drink liquo
give you a free dee
replied that he wo
•ng -
ad -
• Dieting
limey of
and Hig
to the n
Sold onl
ed everywhere for De-
lavour, Superior Quality,
ly Nutritive Properties.
grateful and comforting
rvous and dyspeptic.
in quarter -pound tins,
omeeopathic _Chemists,
9S Cocoa
1713 26
He ache Vanished.
Mrs. E. W. Le
" I have used Mil
for sick headache
better, and WM a
allaii, St. Godfrey, P. Q., says :-
urn's Sterling Headache Powdersld
After taig twn powders I felt
le to get up and go on with toy
Hagyard's Yel
swelling, and all
tism, Stiff Joints,
Group, Quinsy, e
' oil the clothing.
[Mrs. James Chi
was greatly troub
1 tried Laxa-Live
than anything I
ow Oil takes out pain, reduces
is inflammation. Cures Rheims -
Contracted Chords, 3ore Throat,
. It does not stain the skin or
Price 25c.
Con tipation Cured.
k, Commando. Ont., writes ;---" I
ed withlIeadaehe and Constipation.
Pills, and they did rne more good
ever took."
id Mr, Ketchum, " eo
over one of your fits of
u never .stop drinking,
o on as you aro ?" The
decided answer, his
ed and his will feeble.
ry out a good resolu-
e, might be difficult.
egged for a while and
"John, I'll tell
if yob will stop drinking.
st burg, all clear -
se on it. I will let you
if, for five years, you
no t4se tobacco, I will
of it." The mechanic
ld ask his wife. For
that purpose he wet away for a short time,
and having coAsultld her, came back and
ht4d that the cattle had died of anthrax,
not of drinking the alleged impure water.
Theicase wae accordingly dismissed withcosts
-•A very aad case was up before the
Hamilton police magistrate a few days ago.
An aged cripple, named Joseph Miller'wa
scoured of forging the name of a city bust
nes man to a cheque for $9. He pleade
guilty. The poor fellow told a very sa
story. He said he forged the cheque t
obtain money to buy food for his wife, wh
is suffering from spinal disease, and hi
three children. He said Ms family had ha
nothing but dry bread to • eat for thre
weeks. "1 was injured for life whil
acting as it volunteer fireman many year
ego," he said, "but the city has done prat,
tieally nothing for me. I am willing t
work at anythieg I can do." His sad stor
Was confirmed by several witnessee.
Was committed to jail for one day.
-Monday night of last week a maniac
held poscession of Woodstock jail. Jame
Burton, of Embro, aweiting removal
London asylum, raised an alarm of fire i
his cell, fell upon Jailer Cameron when he
eatered, felled bine and bounded ravin
about the corridors. A Crimean veterai4,
George Winters, who ran to Mr. Cameron 8
aesistance, was beaten senseless • to tltie
ground with a heavy stool, and pounded
almost to death, while another prisoner re-
leased to help quell the lunatic, fled, and
Button was frightened away from his prey
at the point of the jailer's pistol, an
securing the keys, released another lunatie,
vihe escaped into the town and was after -
Wards recovered in the ladies' waiting roo
of the Canadian Pacific Railway statie
Mr. Cameron banged a door, securing t
Maniac in a con ider, and Turnkey Forb
arrived with two assistants. Burto
armed with a, club, struck Forbes sensele
to the floor, but was choked into submissio
after a desperate struggle. Winters wii.s
battered beyond all recognition and narrom -
17 escaped death.
Quite Full.
A etory is told of a citizen of Glaego
Which shows that contentment is a virte
really existent in some cases. One of the
inhabitants was making his way homeward
ma a certain evening, and taking a good
deal more than his share of the pavement,
*hen he encountered a Glasgew town coma -
oilman walking along in a respectable
fashion. The councilman, noticing his un-
balanced condition, stopped and shouted
with wrathful diger ty-" What d'ye wear
To this hie fellow townsman blithely r
plied-" 1 want-na,ething ! I'm as fu'
1 can hand I"
A Methodist Horse.
If a horse stumbles, said Mr. Boyce, at a
Farmers' Inatitute meeting in an easte n
townahip, put on a long heel oink amdl a
Short toe cork. I once secured a horse ir a
trade. I think he must have been a Metho-
dist, for he dropped on his knees every tjPn
r.ods on the way home. I took him intl a
blacksmith shop on the roadside, bad h m
Shod as described, and there was no mclre
tumbling after that.
Mrs. Ilib'ert B
was in bed for a
not move with°
Rheumatic Pills,
six boxes comp'
cit, Newburn, g. S., writes:
.eke with Rheumatism and could
it help. I began using Milburn's
and one box relieved the pain, and
tely cure]. m3."
411‘ •
C ugh of Grippe.
In the Spring hen Grippe was raging 1 bad a bad
attack, and the csugh was so revere that I thousht
if to death I got a bottle of Dr.
Inc Syrup, and it cured in s in a
would conga my
Wood' a Norway
kurprisingly sho
Mrs. H. Myers. Isaac's Harbour, N. S.
saa • ea
Worms affect
gleet. Sometirn
If you suspect t,
Pleasant Worm
without injurit
child's health too se-iously to ne-
s they cause convulsions and death.
em to be present, give Dr. Low's
yrup, which derroys the worms
the child Price 25c.
Money fo los.
ity. Ap, ly to
at 4- per lent or good farm resent.
AS. L. KILLORAN, Barrister, Sea-
VI,t 111, /I
Our three
101b1 rSiVt:1
connections will save you
cl money for all points.
Canad an North West
Our rates
uo suit every
for further
Trains leave
Iona; Wan-
Mixed Train,
kilted Train...
Goma EAST -
Mixed Train...
GOESS 13017TU-
Goma Noarrf
London, d
gonna Scorn
Blyth.. .
Toronto or Chicago,
lninbia and California
• points.
e the lowest. We have them
r your accommodation. Call
Trunk Railway.
I have removed my haruess shhp to my
POST OFFICE, :where I will be pkaaed to
meet all my old customers and many new
Gillespie's Harness is the
best Harness.
A full stock of Horse Blankets, Robes,
• Sleigh Bells, Trunks, 844.
Prices right and satisfaction gria.rantet
Give us a call and we wili pleaee you,
delight your horse, eatiefy your poree.
terRepairing it Specialty.
One Door NORTH of the Post Office.
1718 tf
The Seaforth
Tea Store
The Seaforth Tea Store is the right place to
get good bargains. A clearing sale is
now going on to make room for very
large consignments Of holiday goods
which are now arriving daily. I will
quote you a few of the many good bar-
gains which ere now to be had and are
all new geode. Eighteen poonds Red-
path granulated sugar tor $1, best new
selected raisins at 10c a pound, elemeed
currants 10c a pound, new figs 4o a lb.
or 7 pounds for 250, a good salmon for
10o a can, sardines 5e it tin, 10 bars ti;
soap for 25c, three nomads lemon bis -
cuts for .25e, 5 pounds broken soda.s for
25c, best Aower $1 90 per cwt'
. Green -
berries 5o a pound, Labrador herring
20c a dozen, lake herring 200 a dozen
salmon trout 6c a ib.,I5 lbs. beneless-ood-
fli3h for 25c, eight pound's sulpher for
25e, ten pounds Glober ealts for 250.,
Great bargains in crockery, china and glass
ware, 97 piece dinner eet regular peke
$14 now $12, Twelve dollar set now $10,
$10 sets now $8, Eight dollar eet now
$6, Ten piece toilet eet regular price
$5,50 now 54.50, Five dollar set now
$3,75, Four dollar set now $3, Three
dollar set now $2.25, 1$2.75 set now $2,
$2.25 set now $1.90.
Come one come all and get some of the
many bargains.
The highest price paid for butter, eggs land
, 018C11.-;
"ft- . P SAW
Seaforth and Clinton stations as
SEATORTII. Ciarrost.
12.40 P. M. 12.66 P.
10.12 P. M. 10.27 P. M.
9.20 A. M. 10.15 A. M.
6.15 I'. M. 7.05 P. M
7.f 3 A. Id. 7.88 Ail.
8.1t P. St. 2.66 P. Id.
4.t0 P. M. 4.25 P. hi.
on, Grey and Bruce.
Passenger. Mixed.
8.07 P. si. • 1.40 P. M.
8.17 2.10
. 827 2.95
838 3.25
Passenger. Mixed.
6.68 A. m. 8.65 A. M.
7.02 9 17
7.18 9.45
7.28 10.02
• • ......
...... • •
n, Huron and Bruce.
part 8.15 A.m. 4.40 s,m
9.18 6.56
9.80 6.07
9.44 6.18
9.60 6.25
..... ... P • • • • •
• • . • • • . • ......
arrive ......
9.68 6.88
10.16 • 6.66
110.83 7.14
10.41 7.28
0 56
11.10 8.00
• Passenger.
depart.... .. . 6.53 A.m. 3.15 r. M.
7.01 8.40
7.14 3.65
7.22 4.05
7.47 4.25
8.65 4.49
8.15 4.67
8.22 5.02
8.86 6.14
8.46 5.28
9.37 A. m. 6.12
. ...... . ..
Londeebor • • ..... ova • • • •
Exeter....... .• • • • •
London, ( rrive)
Money to 1 an at 4i per eent on first-class farm
land security. Apply to R S. HAYS, Dominion
Bank Buildi g, Staforth. • 1607
Sea orth
The und reigned having purchased from
the Ogilvie Milling Company, of Montreal,
the well-known
Seafo th Flour Mills,
Are no prepared to do all kinds of
CUS om Work,
Special Attention will be
• Given.
The very best quality of Flour given in
?xchange f r wheat.
Choppint of all kinds done on the short
at notice. Price, five cents per bag.
The best brands of Flour always on hand,
and will b delivered in any part of the
town free o oharge.
The big eat price in cash paid for all
kinds of gr in.
Feed of •11 kinds constantly on hand.
The eaforth Milling Co.
The icKiUop Mutual Fire
In urance Company.
J. B. Mei an, President, Rippen 0.; Thomas
Fraser, vice- resident, Brucedeld P. 0. ; Thomas E.
Hays, 'Secy. rem. Seaforth P. 0. W. G. Broad -
foot, Insp r of Loess Saafortia P. 0,
W. G. Bro • fool, Beaforth ; John G. Grieve, WI
throp ; Geo e Dale, Seaforth; John 13entieweis,
Dublin • Ja es Evanst Pecohwood ; John Watt,
Barlock' ; T • oma s Fraser, Bruoefield ; John 13. Mo
Lean, Rippe ; James Connolly, Clinton.
Robt, Smith, Harlock ; Robt. McMillan, Seatorin ;
Janie' Cumming Egniondy ; J. W. Yeo, Holmes
ville P. 0.; George Murdie and John C. Morrison,
Parties desirous to effect Insurances or traria
fell other bneineee will be promptly attended to as
•pplication to any of the above officers, addressed
heir respective post tiros.
:it:: il 19.priro, 11(13
P. ii ) gc-
. tit; rit4 Itecc?c7 ' w.mj
0 17'
171 P
li 0
w w
gal : W
t1 Ea tri
w rii.
rl' cili -1-31
clb- r-1
I --I.
/▪ XI til 1-.34
CI- . CD
0 0 I:j
tl C7 CD 1:15
CD to 5:11 0
P t -0
go P rn
P o gls P
1 F---1
:1 Ca
al U2
P.--1 iml
FZ:3 I:1
0 5
...., 0
CD (i) CD
P2 gli I:$
c -t-•
Musical instrument
Owing to hard times, we have con-
cluded to sell Pianos and Organs at
Greatly Reduced Prices,
Organs at $25 and upwards, and
Pianos at corresponding prices.
See us before purchasing.
_ mcLEows
System Renovator
A apociflo and antidote for Impure, Weak and Ina
poveriehed Blood, Dyspep5hs,131eepleasnese, Palpataa:
lion of the Heart, Liver Cturplaini, Neuralgia, Lease
of Memory, Bronchitis, Consumption, Gall Stone,
Jaundice, Blaney and Ullman/ Dlisesses• St. Vitus'
Dance, Female Iriegularielise itud General
LABORATORY--Gsoderieb, Ontario.
J. M. FleLEOD, Proprietor and Manu
Sold by J. S. ROBERTS, Seaforthe