HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1900-12-14, Page 5,maltles r $a2.); t,thens at ': se ' Iter tlltn to hiefs F Ess, tv 1 it Baan er t4. See ack'ell's s only. Gro- icL teas. ,oa ' judg- augatry to rnipg that tr how the Live} upon a yway, to put in ere away id ethical ;st vithout arttnity of et A failure, Iri h hoist me , while the petty trickster,,>' rrbi: ity, nor to promote Uer-for the 1. for the boy, a son son.: The reit = known he :annett mine (xray, brother of =al, forrner- is a broth. in of Mont - k, Who is a in* _was in voters and children of ICI.% Christ- ,ing of De- ner's horse kr While he wheel thrown Gut [ler is ill.- • feorn the int; for the dine (=cattle i Ging her xf the .end 7. • J. West ET. Hall, <trz-Gray is t iwel.-l�lr. Fns; in the has anti cutters • r tpxny.- neer sister, lisses Vella. rid ay last t'. M. H. e nage on • h. is via - The time over Sun- s rie.Ft .vas hagZA.i.r11 1 -Monet t, he Min CH flet FI taity (•i.ittate of Saturday. uclt•r,n rtti(1 t n;(i.tlay. or king in Elis head ls- tt:t°ti• i(U% X•11.1, J1r. € stunting •tl t(.:i(•me frennie to :n dee- and unto 1, so eh.tn••.• to and when 1, present Etrty eattte hist ••t•:ne :sass affairs:. woods, tarst n, Joking_ int; along rig nothing, would go era- ','hey �cuutd .l ees rs. e c:.n1pa..ny r,at it all tield9 and ()n being hear, t hey iters could Then Mr. that. the :.5rel .let? ;ill til r••turn, : erse, and roe with mesh, , he :eeisletI to l ..ehester, l,urint ttig. eidenee to r,f ntne00, islet! to I''} DECEMBER 14, 1900 Bayfield. Bums --Miss Grace Cameron, who has been home for a couple of weeks, returned to Detroit Tuesday. --Dr. Palliator was -called to his home in Guelph on Friday, his father having been seriousiy hurt by failing off a lumber pile. One of bis legs was broken and he was otherwise badly bruised. ---Ben Higgins, of Varna, had the sad mis• fortune to break his leg one evening last week, while leaving the Queen's hotel. He slipped on the icy platform and fell, -Miss Rabe Fisher visited in Goderich this week. -Last week Mr. Jowett purchased from Mr. W. H. Woods the former Burns property. This is a moat desirable resi- dence and Mr. Jowett will have a •beautiful home. A good round figure was paid. - The annual -Sabbath, school Christmas tree and entertainment, under the auspices of Trinity church,; is to be held in the town hal an Friday evening, December 21st. An excellent programme is being prepared. Tuckersmi th. , Sensible Christmas presents, moccasins, 8 in 4 overshoes, rubbers, Flippers, cardigaha, 1 ttg a, spate valines, trunke, felt shoes. etc. Great big varieties and Iew prices. W. -L1• Willis, Seaforth. 1722-1 Their Xmas preparation took many thoughts. Christmae is drawing near and these thoughts are being turned into par- cels. The E. McFaul Co., Seaforth, have Xmas novelties to interest, well even you. They' have the holiday goods, something everybody can give to everybody Z Ilse. 172 W.IST END NOTES. -Preparations are be- ing treacle for a Christmas entertainment at Tunler s church this year. -Mr. and Mrs. George Layton entertained a number of their friends at their home, last Tuesday -evening.-Mrs. Livingstone, of Hallett, is the guest of her sister, Mrs. L Johns, this week. -John Layton, who has been engaged in the skimming station at Brumfield, dur- ing the past summer, is home at present. - Earn Crich, of Brussels, was here on a visit, last week. Brussels. ITEMS. --J. H. Cameron, principal of Brussels school, is one of the examiners at Clinton, this week, -F. S. Scott has been on the sick list this last week, but is better again. -Mrs. D. Scott is still quite low. - The village council will meet in council chamber on Saturday. -Parties who have -not paid their taxes yet' are compelled te pay five per cent. interest, but very few ate behind; -Row. John- Holmes preached in Melvin church, last Sunday. Rev. Mr. Carrie, of Ethel, took Mr. Homes place to the Methodist church. -Mr. and Mrs. Cav- aneh, who have betn visiting C. Zilliax for several weeks, left for their home, in Fore s' on Wednesday. -Miss Ifellet, of 1.+•het, spent a few days with f, lends here. -D.•. Keathing, of Sarnia, is visiting his sister, Mrs. Abbey, fora few dare -Alfred Baeher is attending the Fat Stock Show, at Gu' Ip'e, this week. -Dr. McKelvio spent Sunday in town. -Archie Scott returned to Sarnia, to Wednesday. Leadbury. NOTES. -A number of farmers were plow- ing last week,- This is somewhat 1lunusival in December. -Mr. R. Hodgson al -Ain -Ir. H. Gray speeit last Sunday with friends in Mc Killop. The home of these gentlemen is near Staffa.-Mrs. Hicknell, who was quite ill, has, we are pleased to say, recovered. - Mr. S. Bell has moved a small barn from the farm lately occupied by Mr. John Kners, to his own place. At this time of year, it was au unpleasant task. -Munn Brothers are fittingly their saw mil for the coming season's work. -The ditchers are still at work on the big drain in the eastern pant of McKillop. It is now finished as far south as the 14th concession. -Two or threenames have already been mentioned for the reeve - ship. As this is Mr. Lockhart's first year as reeve, and as he has proven himself to be a careful and competent official, opposition at this time would be ungenerous - and -un- - fair.' We hope all the ratepayers will be of this mind on nomination day. • T -- 6 E HURO EgPbSIT!OR. 41 low preen trade article] BI1 collar, ten tail cKI N is someti quote a is for you han at pr' in each ick Fur C rw5. Comb s, long fro front, 2 heads an $1.50 and $2. Fu iea' blank and gra chan Gauntlete at Men's }Ties, four -i pure silk, 50o and Men's $ilk Ties, assorted c fastenini„ regular 75o for 5 and $1,50, Men's Fancy B covers, a large assortment, qua Si 1eboard Drapea and Pieces;; in new deigns, at 5 white and blue, $11. Japan Ladies' Kid Glova, gusset and $1 25. - We Mother Hubbard dies' Silk Linen Bi w T� H - I ST M AS GIFT'S. zees dim cumber ng. or ol( ,sent, bu tepartme perinea, nation C t, $11. ten tails r Ruffs, i imitatio ult to decide ••hat to give as a Christmas present. •Be - f articles w ich will make useful and appropriate . Our stock Lovas never in better shape for the Xmas as our space s limited, we can only mention a few t. igh storm collar, $2.95. Aatraohan Caperines, high storm perinea, astrachan and .electric seen, high 'collar, 2 heads and ombination- caperines, sable and a traohan, high collar, long very stylish, $15. Fur Ruffs, in black. and brown, at 75o, $1, rook martin and ohenohella,$1.35, $1.75, $2 and $2.50, Lad- , astrachan Gauntlets, 750, 90o and $1. Misses' grey astra- 50o. Men's Silk Mufflers, padded and reversible, 25o, 500, 75o and $1. n -hand, a nice range of colors, 25o, ;35o and-5Co.. Men's Ties, flowing.ends 750. M en's Neck Scarfs, Light and dark colors, 25o, 35c, 50o and 75c. lore, regular 20c, 2 for 25o,. Men's! lined Kid Gloves, dome o. Men's fine Mocha Gloves, wool a d silk lined, 75o, $1, $1.25 aces, one pair in a box, make a 'Coe present, 50o. Cushion n tapestry and hand painted, 40o, reaser Covers, 25e, 35c, 50a and , 10o, 15c and 25o. Ladies'.Shetla e Silk drapes, Gold embroidered, fingers, 2 dome tasteners, in all the menee range of children's Handker a, Bluebeard and Ten Little 11'ig lace edges and corners, in great pr MARKET te'e exeroa.re. December 13, 1900 Fall. Wheat (new), Standard...... .... 80 62 to 80 64 Spring Wheat per !melba!, _.. ...... .0 62 to 0 64 Oats per bushel_. _. _ .. _. .... 0 25 tO 0 26 Peas per bushel-, .. _ .. .. _..-,.....- 0 68 to 0 68 Barley per buahol - _-— Sutter, No. 1, loose _ _ .. Butter, tub. Egeper dor-- __---_....-- Flour, per 100 lbs..-....--..--...... llay'per ton new- ._ ..... - ... Hides par 100 lbs.. - Sheep Skins.. -. Wool_. _ ...... Potatoes per betel; (new),. .- salt (retail) per barrel- — ...-..... Wood per oord (long).. •- •.- ... _. _ ., _. Wood per cord (short).-...... r.F... Apples perhrix --. . _ -••• CoverSeed- ......._ , _......... Timothy Seed.... _. _ ........... .• Park, per I00 ibo _ .. _ .. _ .... _. _. - T How, por Ib.. -..-.-....••.-- - o 36 to 0 17 to 0 17 bo O 16 to 2 0) to 700 to 6 00 to -0- 60 to 0 16 to 0 26 to 1 00 to 4 00 to how an i Cinderel nd Lawn, 0 - SH . rD oN l Me :iIN° I ON 8c Co., 65o and 75o. Fine Appli- 5o. D'Oylies and • Centre d Floss Faoinatore, in pink in all colors, 25o and 50o. new colors, 50c, 750, $1 hiefs, with pictures of Old ere; at 5o, , 6 for 25o. La - fusion. RICE.. L.L .L H. quote at 21 to 2 o. The bring 7 to 19c, a • d ordina led bring 15 to 16o. Small at 11 to� 12e, and' plite are MONTREAL, De ember 1 nese is light ut prices Finest finest t late eae 101c. ud prices tendeiycy. We c cote :- 211 to oil ; ; sec nde. 20i dairy, -11S to 19.. 'Eggs- m.:•leirately active- at firm ne v lid are selling at 24c P 15_to 16e, and old story 15e per dozen. quota bars, 10a to under a goo ions are c 1 to ilio 10c ; fioet rades,10 t demand, a O 38 O 18 O 18 0 17 2 00 7 60 6 60 O 70 O 17 O 30 0 00 4 76 est held -stook y held and pick - are unchange orth 9 to 103. -Cheese-Bus very firm. Th extern .Septa estern October .ern,101 to lege utter -There 's have an upwar ineet. creamer3 to 21c ; wester The market lie prices. Strictly Montreal limed. e stook at 1,4 to Live S LONDON, Engl States oattle, 6 ors, 51to 5nd ; sh LIVERPOOL, D tle, 5d ; sheep, /VI OITREAL, De weather did not coming out in la an active deman good cattle, buft. ock Markets. nd. December 11-Tlnite3 Canadiaps, 5nd ; ranch- ep, 5e to•6d.: umber 11 -Canadian cat- I. Trade slow, ember 111 -The below zero' reveut the butchers from ge numbers, and there was and firm prices for fair to he common stock were ne- glected. Mr. G. Martel bought nine good steers and heifers, paying from' 4n to 4Jc per pound. Pretty good cattle sold from 2 to 3c per pound. Calves sold at -from $3 to $8 each. Shipp rs - did not buy any sheep to -day, and the utehers paid from 2n- to 3c per pound. Good lambs sold' - in lots at from 4 to 4no pet' pound, end the common . lambs ate frornj 3:§ to 3nc per pound. Fat hog+ sold at from 50 per pound for coarse heavy hogs up to 6o per piund for selected, wei hed off the cars. BUFFALO,December 11-reattle-The bas on Christmas cattle ovals - $6 to $6.2+ Christmas steers, $6 to $6;25 ; good to b smooth fat export cattle, of desirable qu ity, $5.45 to $5.70 ; goed to best, $5.15 85 50 ; shipping steers, 4 75 to $5 • port bulls, choice to extra, $4.25 to $4.5 good to choice, b'utchers�' steers, $4.50 $5 25 ; good to nest buts to $4 75 ; goodl to best $4.25 ; fair to good fat bu feeder bulls, $2.25 to$3.2 good to choices $3 to choice to extra, - $4 50 1 and stock heifers, $2 5C steers, good to', best, $3 to good do, $2 to $3 ; fer to extra, $3.75 to $4 ; go to $3.55 ; Canada feeder $3 60 to $4 ; Canada etc good, $2 to $3.50 ; Mich, ,mon to good, $2 to $3.! Are $3.50 to $3.75. S" 2 03 to 2 66 0 40 to- 0 60 6 CO 2 00 6 70 O 00 18 st 1 - to x to ers' steers, $4.25 at bulls, $3.50 to lis, $3.25 to $3.5 ; ; yearling stee e, $3.50 ; fat heifers, o $5-25 ; comnjon to $3 25 ; staook to $3 50 ; common ding steers,.chcice od to choice, $3.25 a, good to choice, takers, common .to gen stockers, com- i0 ; Michigan feed- eep and Lambs - Lambs, choice to extra., $5:50 to $5.65 ; good to choice, $5.25 to $5 50 ; fair to good, $5 to $5 25 ; sheep, mixed, $3 75 to $4 ; wethers, $4.25 to $4 50 ; yearlings, $4.25 to 54)50 ; yearling wethers, $4.50 to $4.75 ; Capada lambs •in good demand end sold full steady on the basin of $5.60. Hogs -Active mixed, $5.10 to 55.15 ; early sales 07i to $5.10,but vas ; pigs, $5.25 to $4.75 ; stags, $3.50 1 -Cattle -Good to .30 ; poor to med- ed feeders steady. tuckers slow, $2 25 to $4.30 ; heifers, $2 20 to 52.50 ; 0 to $4550 ; °elves, fed steers, $4' to s 13.30. to $4.10 ; ' 25. Hoge -M xed 5 ; good to ch ice, h, heavy, $4.55 to $5 ; bulk of s les, -Good to ch ice ir to choice, mi ed, xae BADOUR-At the 28th, the wife o ter. GREEN -In Hay, o Fred Green, of TOWNSEND-in wife of Mr. Wn HOLLAND -In G -Srd; the wife of COLE -In Ethel, c J.; A. Cole, of a HEWITT-In Bru of'Mr. Albert 1 JACKSON -1n Bru of "Mr. 3. H. J MITCHELL -In Wi wife of Mr. Alf FALLIS-In Turnb • of Mr. James TOWNSEND-In the wife of Mr. GIBB1NOS-fn Hu of Mr. Robert KENNEDY -In Tu wife of Mr. Ale AIKENIiEAD-In wife of Mr. W MILLER -At Vanes vember llth, t daughter. demand ; heavy, 55.1 6 60 to $5.15 ; medium, $5.10 t 1 26 to of Yorkers were at `. 6'60 to later sold at outside pr 04 to $5.30 ; roughs, $4.60 to to $4. CHICAGO, December 1 prime steers, $5.40 to $t ivan, 54 to $5.30 ; selee. 53.85 to 54.30 ; mixed to $3.75 ; cows, 52.60 $2.65 to $5.25 canner bulls, choice strong, $2 $3.50 to 55 25 ; Texas 54 84 ; Texas grass etee do., bulls, 52.50 to and butchers', 54.70 to heavy, 54,70 to $5 ; rou 55.65 ; light, $4:70 to Grain, etc. $4 85 to $44.90. Shee Ltc I•',1G1'OOL, December 10 -Wheat, No. 1 wethers, $4 to 54 50 ; f �380to.$4.10;western $4to$4.40; T Gal.,. fes '21,0 ; rod winter,. 5s l ld ; No. I sheep, 52.50 to $3 65 ; native ' lamhe; $� to northern, es `2: d ; corn, 44 `'d ; peas,53 8.1.1;r pork, 7''a ; lard, 38s 6d ; bacon, long clear, $5 50 ; western lambs, $4 85 to $5.50. light, 48s 6d ; do., long clear, heavy, 48s 3d ; do., short, clear, light, 45s 3d. Toiwsro, December 11th -Wheat -The market is dull but steady. Red is quoted at 64c asked and mixed and white at - 63c middle freights. Goose is quoted at 62c middle freights. Spring wheat is quoted at .6Gc east. Manitoba wheat is quiet at 89c for No. 1 hard, and 84c for No. 2 hard Toronto and west, Ole for No. 1 hard, and 87c for ;\o. 2 hard grinding in transit. Flour -The market is steady. Gars of 90 per cent. pat- ents sold again to -day at $2.85 in barrels middle freights. Choice brands are . quoted 15 to •20c higher: Manitoba fl.our'is steady at $1.35 for Hungarian patents, and 54.05 for strong bakers' in oar lots, bags included, Toronto, Millfecd-Is steady at 513 to 514 for shorts, according to sample ; and $12 50 for bran middle freights. Barley -Is steady at 41c C. 1'. R., and 40e G. T. R., for No. 2 middle freighte,and 370 for No. 3 extra north and west. Oats -Are steady ; No. l white at •2Ei tc east, and No.,'2 white et 25?4c to 26c middle freights. Peas -The .market is stc.ty at 62e east, Glc middle freights, and snonerYRE-YOUNG-On December 6th, at the residence of the brio oe mother, Mr. William 111/e. north and west. Potatoes-ThemarketSmithson McIntyre, el eat son of- Mr. James W. is steady. Holders are asking 32 to 33c per Mclntyre;-of Clietate o blies Francis bi(artba, bag for car late on track here, and po shoes third daughter of Mrs J. Young, of the totynship out of store are selling at 45o. Baled y of Iiullett-I I --There is not much coming in at present. blaiil1.S-btUJR--At the residence of the . bride's father, on December 3tth, by Rev. W. M. Matin, hives are steeidy at ' 10 to $10.25 per ton Mr. Benjamin Makine,to Miss Jant:,eldeat 0 uigh- for No. I, and $8.50 to 49 for No. 2, car lots for cf Councillor John Muir, all of Ex ter. on. track here. Baled Straw -Trade very SOMERS-BE111NES-aln Grey, on November 2Sth,. at the residence o' the bride's patents, by Rev. quiet, owing to the small offerings. l Car H. E. Curry, Mr. W. J. Somers, of MGKillop, to lots on track here are worth $5 to $5.50 per Mise Martha, daughter cf Mr. aid Mrs, F. to,n.Beirnes, of Grey township. -- • CCRR[E-WHELLANS-At the Mance, Wingbani, on December 6th, by Ree. D. Perris, Mr. Jthn Dairy Markets. A. Currie, of East Wee anosh, to bliss Williatn- TuizeiNTu, December 11 -Butter -The of- ennle L[astie, youngest dauthter of Mr.• Win. �1'heIlane, of Turnberry. ferinl;s erre large and there is an easier ten I3f 00MF1ELD- lA DONALD—At. St _Joseph's, fi:tl ct'ncs. The demand is only moderate, ex- ford, England; on Nes-ember 17th, Mr. Thomas €:epi for the choicest lots, and they- bring Iuoon,8ald, of •B.usec•Is, Ontario, to bites Elisa• top prices, as always. Pound rens of dairy heth bfcDota'd. FEAR-SEARLE-At the Rattenbury Street parson - are worth l; to 19c, and I., ge rolls sell at. Toronto Poultry. There were only a few shipments to -day, and prices were not affected. The oold weather is bound to have a beneficial in- fluence, however, and there will be advances in prices before the end of the week. There ie already a good detnand, paused by the ap- proach of Christmas, and dealers are ex- pecting great activity in trade during the next fortnight. At present turkeys are plated at 8 to 90, ducks at 50 to 70e, geese at 6 to 7c, and chickens at 30 to 50c. Births. • auble line, Hay, on Noven'ber Mr. Peter Badour, of a daugh- November 80th, the wife of Mr. daughter. ckerernith, on December let, the . Townsend, of aeon.' -T erich township, on December Mr. George Hol=and, of a eon. December 8rd, the wife •of Mr. aughter. Is, on Novent'ior 20th, the wife ewitt, of a daughter. sere, on December 2nd, the wife kaon, of a daughter. k Orin, on November 8th, the ed Mltehell, of a eon: rry, on December Srd, th wife allis, of a. daughter. uckeremith, on Decemb Wm. Townsend, of a eon. lett, on December 6th, ti ibbinge, of a son. keremith, on December 7 . Kennedy, of a son. tanley, on December til . Aikenhead, of a son. uver, British Columbia, o e wife of Mr. I. i9. Millt BETHUNE-In 8 Bethune, tom month and 14 REYNOLDS -In Reynolds, age COAu-In Wiugt Chad, aged 72 SHANNON -In CB Scott Shannon gems. McBRIEN-In Go Mos DOUGL relit SALE RLC ISTER. - er, 15th, at 1 o'clock , Implements, Stock re. James Johnston; ipe, Auctioneer. ember 19th, at one , Concession 6,:Hul- arm Stock and Im- y, proprietor ; Thos. On Saturday, Decem p. m., in Hensall; Lan and -Household Furnit Proprietor ; B. S. Phil ! On Wednesday, De o'clock p. m., on Lot 1 lett, clearing sale of plements. John Quigl Brown, auctioneer. Marrlt gee- FLUKER-DYER-At the comber 6th, by Rev, F.uker, of the L'ase ll daughter of Me. ,M,lrten of 11unutt MASON-COTTLE-At the eat-er.t3, in Clintua, on . W. G Howson, Mr. Alice, daughter -of Mr. LIVERMORE--CIi (FACIA L the bride's pareeta, in I by Rev. T. J. Murdock, of Clinton, to Mi s Eliet Ben Churchill. Deaths. e let, wife h, the- , the 1 No- r, of a aforth, _en December 8th,1 Colin trear;dror, aged 64 years, 1 aye. Ingham, on November 30th, J. R. 84 yeare. am, on December -2nd, _Joseph ears. ton, on Noveml er 30th, • Walter roe of Mrs Shannon, aged 22 erioh township,on Novi mbe 30th, McBrien, aged -76 years. S -In G y, on December 3rd, Sophia Rae, t of the la a James Dangles, aged 83 years, 6 month t and 3 days. LYON In Guelph, on December 3Y11, George Lyon, for erly of Cl nton, aged 74 years. - ARM -ST ONQ-Io West Wawanoeh, on Noiembcr 29th, Wee. An, strong, aged 90 years. BAKER -In Gode ich township, on December 0th r Baker, only eon of Mr. Richard yeare, 8 months and 16 & e. Ktillop, on Decembea 12th, Sarah ofd the late Peter Barrows, ag. d thi and 12 days. Wil lam Walt Baker, aged 1 BARROWS -In M Bar owe, relic 84 y t ars, 6 mo FARM IN STA and South h oont.in,ng 160 acr state of cultivatio with cellar, bank pen, stave silo, tw the back o! -the Is schools and mark and 0 miles from . or address THOM dectory, Cilnton, on De - J. F. Parke, Mr. John ee, to Mise Allice, eldest Dyer, of the township residence o! the bride's ?ecember 6th, by Rev. Thome, Mason, to Mise leorge Cottle. L -At the residence of [ullett, on December 6th, Mr. Daniel Livorennore, second daughter of Mr. LEY FOR SALE. -For sal Lot 11. 11 of Let 12, Concession 4, tanley, s, 90 acres, oleared and i a fair . There is a frame dwelling house am with stone stabling, shone pig good wells also a river rune at m. It is convenient to churches, ts, being 3 miles from Bruoefield eaforth. Apply on the premises 8 G EMMELL, Brucefleld. 1722x3 etiri: •t. g from Business ESTATE NS® BROS.HARDWARE ER I CAN FENCE WIRE. We have about 1, 00 rods of this celebrated fencing in stock, and will sell at manufactu er's rice during this and the following week. This will enable those intten ling to put up this splendid fence to save. 25 per cent, on their money. As advertised, we will cOntlnue to sell this week C al Oil at1'6c p gallon, allon, and best polished Stove Pipe at 9cp er' length. E Oop: tt • Wants an and ago, Clinton, on November 2911a, by Rev. W. G. 17 to 1Se. The bulk of the butter is med.- Howson, Mr. Win. Fear, to Mins Kate Searle, of iurlt grade, and sells at 13 to 17c. There us Morrie t.owo E-13OYCE-At the residence of the no notit:eable diminution in the supply Of Airbride's parents, Stanley, oh December 12th, by low grade. It is dull and unchanges: at 13 an, C• W. Andrews, Mr. Richard MoCorkindale, to 15(i. Eggs -Offerings small . and prices of London, to Mies Elizabeth, eldest daughter of steady: There is a good demand for boiling Mr.'Janle3 Boyce. For *hieh th Cuttome ea at reasonable teed) R. 68641 tock, and they are very scarce. They are - SEAFORTH A-aCi . AND. ing Ililtis Here are smile more new prices : antero glasses 'c. 51 a Buck Saws fez. 40o. 2 , o Tea Pots for 110o. Child's Plates' two for 5o. 51 o Lanterns for `380.` 81 o Cold Blast Lanterns for 66c, Go Galvanized pails for 20o. o Galvanized Pails for ,c. t 5o Hand Saws fer 57o. Oo Meat Saws f.tr 690 ah no . CLAR quantity of go d logs heading bolts, 40 inches long, highest price will be paid. r Christmas] Presents inn Cutle 4, running 1! fi s We are positively retiring from business. We will continue this sale for a rt time only and the wise buyer of hardware, stoves, etc., will purchase here elsewhei e. Our# terfos at these prices are cash only. Sad Irons at 40 per lb. 15c Nonsuch Polish for 9e. 20o Can Harness Soap for 14e. 40e Can Harness Oil for 310. loo Axle Grease for 5o. 10o Rope Halters for 7c. 60a Apple Parers for 50c. $1 Breakfast Carvers for 69o. 8o Pint Cape for 5c. Steel Tube Whips, regular $1.10, for 780 Carpet Sweepers, Lamps, &c., a at Cost. state Jolinsoii Bros., Seaforth pr ni ing done on short n tics and prices. Satisfactionguaran- CL A.RK, C th. roc WANTE T1 -e very •igheet price in cash paid Ifor any t uantity of prat class Soft Elm, Rock Elm, Ba And all other kinds of Saw I delivered at the Seafo An Logs w acco ding to Ltngth of teat inches. Catch will b if desired. JOSI A.H Seaforth' th Saw Mils, 11 be purchased piality. ogs must be 12, 14, 1 and 10 paid as the logs are dielivered, Apply to WATSON, Sea Orth. 17 22-tf Store. b 0 •8 y e An Ideal C �ristmas Gift. A well designed and well made piece of furniture is an ideal Christmas nt. There is always room for it, no matter how well a house may be fur - ed, and it is a constant reminder Of the good will and taste of the giver. An amazing variety of joist such adornments as you would like to give, are to choose f om, andat prices you; will admit are eminently reasonable. In ng Broadfoet, Box and Co.'s own ifurniture you get the best, and pay but small profit on roost of making. i E2411 -121:1X alFi 1 1111/1JEfl3 • u1:l st,rt ffiu�• itiwo ^CS T INT G.. This department is (Ic�omplete With a large selection of the best goods, and o.liging attent'on given Ito this branch of the business. Night call promptly ;attended' to by our Undertaker, Mr. S. T. Holmes G-erich streetk, Seaforth, opposite th? Methodistt church. ROA FO ! T, t30X Sc 00., Leading Shoe HOLIDAY- SLIPP RS. We have ju large an Slippers ca.n fit children can't bri we will fit them Let your hol our sto presents prices li Women's, .11 Slippers Women's Fe pair. Men's Carpe Men's Velve pair. Woroerns elt House Slippers, fur tops, Men's Fanc Leather Slipper's from 75c to Alen'e Pull an Slippers, elastic sides, black or choc late, only $1 75 a pair. Shop early nd avoid the Christmas rush. weleassorted stock of Xmas at, special holiday prices. We he feet of. men, wpmen and well and comfortabln, If you sell you something' that will and give satisfactio „as well. day shopping includ a visit to e, and you'll fin suitable for all the famil at close issen and Children's Carpet Slippers from 35c o 51 a pair. Slippers from 75c to 51.25 a tnous C"nadia!) Jubilee Singers Al6 I}ViYERIAL ORCHESTRA. • -Pa— i-- • . 1" orner Main a d arket Sreets eatrorth, dntario. ickard's The Largest I Dry Goods std Ciothtg Co-ncet*ta il+ Four Counties, HRISTMAS is 1 1 And everybody who sees lour beautiful display cf holiday attractions is glad of it. Santa Claus will find no better place to get presents than right herc in this store. A stock such as we keep is particularly adapted. to present Yolidays. It is varied—that is one good feature—and the prices are sure to please every one's purse. Ladies' Department. I Dress Goods -4reee 111, Two special lines of fancy waists at 38e and 55c, fee • Against -the holidays we have pro - Inided tegreat big stock at very ,smalr rices. There are many beauties here 'list the thing for presents The finest aterial, finest woikmanship have gone nto these go ds. t 4c each. 20 dozen 1 ach. 20 dozen peeial at 10 20 dozen ace edged li 15 dozen dged handk 0c, 65c tied 5 dozen andkercbief 10 dozen andkerchief Chiffon an ewest desig bc and 50c Specials i nese silk h 1.00 15 only, s 25c. 25 only, All the n the Methodist C hurch, Seafbrth, Tuesday, Dec. 18th. This ie the only'i Canadian co1patry that has toured in Europe and the United States. RIGHT BROS., 4th's Leading Clothing & Furnishing Store PECIALTIES FOR ECEMBER good warm winter cap is positiv ly eceseary at this season and if you are looking for style, quality and cheapness combined, we can ac- commodate you. +e have a dozen patterns in the t o I ading shapes to choose from at 50c, 75c and $1. consignment of the lateat colorec winter; shirts just to hand, short , front, stiff bosom at $1., Also the latest novelties in eckwear, Call and see us. BRIG ffb ISE_ T BROS R AS) SEAFORTH. rris Presents. wn handkerthiefs at 5c a,ncy lawn handkerchiefs, fancy embroidered mid ndkerchiefa at 25c. ery dainty German lace rchiefs at 25c, 35e., 40c, 90c each. at 35c, 40c and 50c each. Japanese s'lk at 50c. silk ties for ladies in is and latest colors at 25c, ach. cushions covers -24 Jap- nd embroidered covers at lk Union Jack coVers at enim covers at 25c. w mode and giey shades in our $1 an $1,25 gloves, every pair guaranteed. Special n sizes 6i, 6i clear at $1. Pewney's and white s Ladies' w 40c, 50c an Ladies' with -whit $5.25, for Ladies' b ed front an silk front Ladies' lack rinure silk tucked fro t and ack, regular $4.90, for $4.25. Ladies' s blouses, re henistitche gular $6.5 Ladies' bias corde Xmas $2.5 Ladies' red, with with whit for Xmas „ Ladiee colors, regi that will rove their worth in use, coni- lf you want Christmas p ining novelty, quality a d elegance, visit our store, where you will have no trouble in selecting sdmet ing that will please either old or young. In Shoes, Overshoes, Rubbers nnd Fancy Slippers, we will meet your wants, be they large or small, with the m st suitable presents at the fairest prices. Our entire stock is mecle Itep of th choicest' selections and latest styles, that sell like lightning at the prices we no ask. We want to sell you reliable good, cheap, a.nd it is a solid fact that we will do it if you give us a chance. Our No. 2 store in rcith's obit stand, is the only place in town where yo can buY goods at less tlaan wholesale prices, We bought the stock at a low rat on the dollar, and we will give our customers the benefit. Conae in and se hoN? satisfaaory Christmas shoppi!ng can be made. Richardson & -McInnis' Two Stores Whitney Cornelr Store and Simith's old stand, under the clock, S-b.i..4,T;.1C> _Etill la _ 5 oche silk lined gloves - 7, 7:12,—worth $1,25, to Special line at $5.25. white kid gloves, black itching, special at $1.25. lite lawn aprons at 25-c 60c. lack satin waists trimnaed silk cord, regu'lar price ack taffeta silk waist, tuck- ]. back with white stitched and. collar, regular $6, for silk for TWO special lines dress silk in pink, grey, yellow, blue and cream, specially adapted for evening drees, at 70e and 80o per yard. Ladies' Furs Five special lines of ladies' ruffs Four Astrachan collars, speeial at 6 each. Three coney eollars, special at $3 30 Two mountain bear collars, special One electric seal collar, special at One electric seal, with Astrachan trimmings, $10. One Persian and seal collate $15. One special sable and seal collar, 825. One special sable collar $41,50. Special lines of ro-uffa from I up. Ladies' Capes. waist, epherek check taffeta silk awn tiaffeta silk blouses, tucks back and front, re - for Mlles $5.50. orduroy velvet blouees, with 1 front, regular $2.90, for rench flannel blouses in bite polka dot, axed blue polka dot, regular $3.50, 2.75. flannelette blouses, dark lee 95c and $1 05, for 75c, Monti Department Great s crifice sale in mantles, all sizes and olors, and up-to-date styles, in ladies', ticses and children's .coats, to be sacri'ced at half price. Milli ery Department A rare argain ;is always to be found at our reg alar priCes, but all ribbons in this depa tment, be sold at quarter off regula prices all felt hats at half price. of mountain bear Cape Special line of Astrachan cape at $,1,8. Special line of Astrachan cape, 30 inches long, $13. Many speciale in ladies' fu coats. Clothing Boys' clothing has a great deal of attention here. Bring your boys here. We will cicithe them durably and band- somely for little. We have ma.ny special lines in smite, overcoate and reef, re. See our Regent street Overcoats at $8.45 and $9.25. These are very dif- ferent to the ordinary readymatle' over coats. You will find the fit, finieh and workmanship decidedly better. A few odd sizes of freize overcoats See our all -wool fi lee overcc;at t 84.75. Our special rubber lined freize eat Specials in sleigh robes in goats, mountain bear, cub beat and galioway. _ We also sell Newland.',e Saekiatche- wan Buffalo Robes. 'Beware of imita- Extra values in me '8 'fur coats of all kinds. Op ICKARD 00. DrIliEniCT 0 TER site T wn Building, Corner Main and Market gts., S.J2afort14 The I CONVER ng .]Distaivn ITo The Electors of the Town - 1 ship of McKillop. , Owing to business srrangements recently made 1 which will neceesitate my absence feom hetet: for the greater part of my these, I Wee this means of making it known to you that 1 earshot be a nandidate 1 for the office of reeve for the ibcoming year. Thank- ! ingyon for the honor and alit° thts confidence gou ! have had in me in the paert. 13eliete me, yoUr hum- ! ble servant. JAMES LOCKHART, Reeve. MeKillop, December lab, 1.900. 1722.1 TB.AYED 8TOLE. .-A 51. Zernard pup shout 1 Any pereon giving Internist= as to 1ts whereabouts, will be liberally rewarded, LEO DORSEY, Sea - forth. 172exl affords the cheapest and instant- aneous means of communication. nATIONS clearly antisnot hurriedly spoken occupy the following time ; 30 words minute, 70 words min- ute, 459 words 3 minutes. You don't have to wait for an ansvsert