HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1900-12-14, Page 20 POSITOR EEO ESTATE FO It SALE. cee tea Will buy a good 7-roo e17e.)au 1Y situated in Sea Good hard :and soft water. BROS., Seaferth. ed hou e. please:A- orth, almoat new. Apply ti SCOTT 1721 tf yetOR SALF.-Nine acres f and for oale, beitig • U. Lot 12, °once:mien 8, Hey There ia a frame house and bsrn Wee enot11 o etard. Part'eulars upon application. MRS. ROJEKT KYDD, Set., Zu.ich. 1099-tf G1ARM IN STANLEY FOR, dALE -For sale Lot r 0, Ceneeesion 1, London Reuel, near the village c !Eruct feed, conteining a.bouti 100 retiree, 90 ar...rei elealert and in re god state ct1 eul.ivation, the re. maluder in herdwocd bode There ere pod build. - Inge, nacres of whet, a0 ereee,t to grass, a good orchard rted plenty of weter. Will be sold cheap end MI cagy terms. Apply to A. J. ROSS, Bruce - field r. O. 1676t jj OUSE AND THREE ACK . 3 FOR SALE, -Tho un(1ereigned etfere fir ea e his cottage in Hate purhey with & scree of heed in ood state of cultiva- tion,plarted with fruit and orn mental. tree& Ther - is s goad eteble on tho plane, w f plenty of hard :ale soft water. reflect) sre in go.d order. There are seven rooms in the ou o whl. le good renew. The Preseiree•may be viovied at an Cele, J03E1P. 1895-tf BRINE ARM FOR. SALE -For trate Lot 25, Corcession 4 L R 5, Tuelcortenith, eentainine 6) serve, all clear and in se first ollee state of cultivation. There are on the premiseo a, comfortable log hue agord frameeearn 35x80 feet with ets.bling attesohed, plenty of water, la convenient to mericets, with good gravel rods awl t meldered te be hoe of the best 50 acre farms tn th- twee*. Wilt tee geld cheap se the propvir.tor wiehee to get mere land. Apply on tao premises or te A,LEN. GORDON, Egreonciville P. O. 1719x6 DE4IRARLE PROPERTY N SEAFORTH FOR. SALE-Reautlfully teed on Centre Street aejeleing Belittle s Grove. TM re are two 149 planted with tee, choicest of in& t eee of sit kiode an shrube. A frame house, mem cellar underneath the whole house, a sitt'xig room, dintng room, summer and %tater kitchens ani fou be.droome, hard and eat weta. It ie one of the is feet pleatently loaded, lomfor•able sect certvenient eesidermes in Seat irth and will be seld cheap. Ap,ly te J031All WAT- SON, Sereforth. 17Q0-tf rIAR31 IN MULLETT FOB SALE. -For sale, Lot _IC 4, Coneeseion 13, tufle'1I,, contlening 76 acres, all cleared, undcrd nee, wee fenced, and ab Jut 40 . ores seeded to gra04. The e are fair buildinge. There is- a good orchard, and a never-UW(4 spring creek rune through the farm Ited a good well at the house It is near echo)] and acid office, and con- venient to the beat markets It le a eplendid farm, not a foot of waste land on it, and is well adapted for stock raising. It will be sold cheap aed on easy terms. Apply ea the undereigned, deafortit P. 0. ]AN E ROBISON., 1609 ti A KI G'S FERRYBOAT David a 'd His Family Crossing he River Jordan. AN INCIDENT OF OLDEN TIMES Dr -2 Talen . and If -They " sage Will I Washiin noticed Talmo e some c sons, tF 'And t carry os Which Thai she tigtie dr king. and his polo to see , I t, tyeen e Draws felessons ef Comfort pefitinese to All God's Children Afraid of the Paa- hore, ae the Ring e Boat. • Need Not be the other e on Board t ton, Dec. ncident of in this *discourse draws iforting .an i rapturots8 les - e text is .11iSamuel iix, 18, Il, -re went ov ir a:ferryboat to er the kin's household." . of the crowd is the king?. rt tnan, sunburnt 'and in fa.- ss. It, is ls,),Vid, the exiled Ie has defcated his enetnies now going home 'to resume • •e. Good! 1 alway.s• like a.vid ceme out ahead. But, him and WM home there IS ..-Froman un-- olden time Dr. be stile e1 rbrated r iv ref . Jordan which \has to he pa.ssed. Tito king ac- compa.'11 ct to thee batik • of the river by 'um ristotratic old gentleman of SO y a s, Barzillait by name, whe owned E fine counties. seat at Hoge - Um. Boddes that, liavid has his family with him. But hoot shall they • g t across the 'river? While they:art standing theee I see a ferry- boat Fuming ,from the, other ride, • El/td. 0,13 See the hold br SO Sol) -Erma ANo Lot IN IIARPUallEee Foa sALE.-For sale the comfortable fram) cot- tage in If arpurbey belougieg to the undersigned. It contains three bed room, sitting room,. dieing room, kitchen and pantry, le is on a stone founda- tion with a good cellar; also hard and soft water. The lot contains I of an store ef land, has on it a geese etable and is well planted with various kindof large sad small fruit. It is pleasantly situated and will be oold cheep. Appitto the owner, SIRS, GEORGE 6eaferth, or to JAMES W1GN, Sea- orth 1718-tf 'GURU FOIL tiALE.-For Let Canheeelo ; 7 i 1. Steuley, containing 10) sores more or lease 93,. acres cleared and 7 Acres of bush, fattens under out- tivatioreS mires in fall wheat and the belenee) seeded to game. Tho farm is well fenced and underdratued with plenty of good water ceovenient to buildings of which there are a goocl frame houeo with kitoben and wood shed attached, two large bsek barns with Atone walls underneath, large drive shod and pie house with cement floor, a large orobard of oholoo fruit It le convenient to church; pest aim and eschools. • It WA miles from Brimfield soatleo withgood gravel roads loading in all directions. This la a firet class farm and in good condition and will be sold cheep. For full particulers apply to Wei. itteALLITTER, Vara& P. 0. 171141 VARA( IN TUCKER3MITH FOR, SALE. -For sale r Lot 11, Concession 8, Tuckersinitb, couteining 100 -sores, all °leered buirsbout 8 cores of good bush. lb le urderdrained, woll folioed, and In a high state of oultieation. There le a good stone nouso ; good herses, stables and outehauses. It adjoins a good school. ; le within five miles of &Worth, and throe smiles. from Kippen, There Is plenty of good water. WIII be told with or without the crop. It is ono of the beat farms in tiro townohip, and will be eold on elleY terme, a theproprietor wants to retire, Also Owns within a mile teed a quarter, a good grasing lot, well fenced, but no buildings. Wilt be sold to. gether or separately. Apply on the promiles, or ad - drew Egaiondville P. 0. JAMES tioTAVISII. 1689 ti ARM IN STANLEY FOR SALE -For sale, Lot 9 and the west half of Lot 8, on the 12..1), comes - Sion, or Brownsoa Lino, of Stsnley. Thle farm con - tattle 160aore8, all of which is cleared, except four aoros. It le In a state of that -class cultivation, well termed and all Underdraineci, moistly with tile. There tea. large frame dweling house as good as now, with good stone foundation and collar, largo bank ben' .vith stone stabling underneath, end numerous other buildings, inoluding a large pig house. Two good orchards of choice fruit, also nice shade and area - mental Ocoee There are two spring °reeks runnIng hrough the farm, and plenty of good water all the year round without pumping. 11 19 well situated for markete, churches, schools; poet ofil o, 8a3., aid good gravel ramie leading {MITI it in all directioee. 19 Is within view of Lake Huron, and the boats oan be soca passing upend down froin th house. This is one of the best equipped farm. .n the county, and will be sold on eaoy trino, as the proprietor wants to retire on amount of 111 heelth. Apply on the prem- ises, or address(' Bleke P. 0, JOHN DUNN, 184941 MURK IN HAY TOWNSHIP FOR SALE. -For 0410, Lot 22, on the North Boundary of Hay Tovrnsitip. This tarm contains 100 store9, 85 sores cleared-, the reel) good hardwood bush. It Is well un- derdrained and fenced. There is a good stone house with a NO. Geller, large bank barn, implement shod; sheep house 70x75, with firet-ola-s etebling and root altar underneath ; a good otchard ; good wells and Mestere. There is 12e acres of fall wheat sowed on, a dab fallow, well manured ; 40 sores seeded down reeently, the root in good •shapo for crop. Thie le a No. 1 farm, well situated for markets, churches, whools, pose office, et,o., and will be sold reseonab'y. Apply on the premises, or address ROBERT N. DOUCIL4.8,Blake,Ont 1688x811 SUSt/VESS te ( ! MICH: - • la Ar wrIrs. for young, men an4 l'ut:ne••••4 I.:duration, Shorthand, ,• r r Pt-fo.ino#.1111#. Thorough eye- •., 1.. , eat teeere year. Students , Iterrroure, all . . .% • Pres: 1'. 11. Se.KNUk.:11., See. f-,41AN ITEM:OF INTEREST. voc3 loans taken at lo sett rates; payment9 Nutt borrower ; satiefaelion. guerautood all °erre- epondence eheerfelly answered,. ABNE'R Ca3ENS, Wale:ewe Ont. 0111 ea -At corner of Minnie and Patri st.reets; every Saturday all day, 16(17 Special Attention to Horseehoeing and General Jobbing. Robert Devereux BICKSMITH CARRIAGE MAKER aoderieh street, • and Opp, Queen Hotel. Seaforth. it cuts through the -water I twos of David i..nd hisehoUse- ghten up at the thought of , getting hcfue. No sooner has the feryboat struck the. shore than Ii• vid and his iftemily* and his old friend- Barzil,a1 from Rogelim get op. (stud the b mi. Either w ith splashi g oars at _. he side or with one oar sculling at, the (stern of the boat ;LI Cy leave th , easterti bank. of the .10 clan and st sr e -for the west- ern The: "estern 'ban i -is • black - with' crowds of people, who are waving aed sh uting at th approach of thd king lai d his fami y. The military ere all out. Some. )1 those who levee 1. been i I (evict's_ wo •st enemies noW sh out1 mtil they . are hoe ese. .at his . returp. No sOorer 'Ims the boat eti•tick. , he shore dti tli',t western side than ithe earth quotes and the heavs ens Ong. with cheers of -welcome and cong otitthetion. David and his fam- ily and dlerzillal l'tiont Itogelim step uslio••6. King David,- asks his old filen 1 to go with , Win and live at the ,)et ace, but Barzitial apologizes and int iinates that he is infirm with age in o appreciate the musie that luxe. -i( Day Id conn Ix, 1 (11 dent 0 he 1 eve lie t ha lion County 0ouricil Elections Corti* Of Huron, pmsosopner, at a melee a caricature while ano,ther el their kin 1 died eaying, "Mu leave. all these . beautiful pictu and . then '; stied . that he raigh bolstered up In tire .bed in his inements a and lofted of all- ages of them sn wept theists some blaspl their bed O the. -way •ssis man to- die. Blessed coining fro' Imitation a the • other this gospel .don :from ti the Other s shore; mini other shore from the �tb from the ot.h fa i Of a 1311 se, in acceptation ipto. the Wc front a for boat comin surges of . as it strike rock, and t • parel oso come out. earth, and g gets intoi saying: "II confel My le his." Good that, boat, from the 810 gates! Opel God that as other ehor men acrbs, to die, tin same, direc i should. CST starts froi Again, e when we c s King will earpen try infancy,. T reade,. imagine t cllildren might hae ing on th oarsman c out and tl NI on...the were deeh. I coulcl ha ing n( out: Oh, We are gc •king w ts those •vc hotiechi ld ery car ' he. tea safetee. Now, T. ion in yo When our caust •tbe parents hot ,ch Odeon ,w1 to someth the moinen will•beIn - boat all' al Il?.says, "if. f could only go with my child, lowoold bo willing to die half a dozen 1. ' ton afrold She he lost:it the woods or in the dark- ness; I a mach fri alone," Whea s not go 0 the boat last extro aiea of mirth; tau hing ut`e Of an aged Wman, rea.de by his own aannd of their company a. t E, es?'' lsila d be shaved and intuited Of all the unbeli ees not one died welt 'ome eaied out, of life, some elves away in dar ness, iceroid and rayed and tore overs to: tatters. T1 is is Holly philosophy he ps a God,: there is a boat 1 the other side! rans- t last. for our soels from hare; everything bout from the other shore' pal- e that shore; mercy from to e; pity from the •ther I y of angels from the I ower to work mi itcles ✓ shore; Jesus hrist ✓ shore. - "This s a r abet worthy 0 all hat Chriet Jesus camh rl to save sinners," and tig shore I see the erry- s ge and •-it. rolls wit the a ,. aviour'S suffering; but i be ,earthl the mou tains . h !dead adjust thei ap- hi t they may be fit to hat boat touches the 0rious Thomas Valsh n hie expiring moment, 1! has come! He has 0 ved i s , m in e, • and I lan tirah :WeSley. got 1 into pd as she shoved off he. le scried: "Open the the ,gatesie' I bless the boat came fror_ the 0 take David anhl Its , No, ''ben we are alio t st eill come fro 3: the . • God forbid tl at I :rust t() anything tilt 1 his side. iy eubj et suggests that - r( over -at the las the )0 in b )(led the, bon SIsip ' ;BHA • times was in its le boat • Were 1101, s Wiel- and I can very eosin la the womenan the )1 i the king's hot schold e been ervous about .(;)-' 1.1 a °a ,, afraid tha he ✓ the h dinmn m saig t gis a i 1 he mat might b dat1M- r ekli, 18 sometimes boats i in ti 0 Jordan, and then v. 1 Mae ince! the boat start - r( eking Una they crylng ve itr ..going to be lost. i g do vn!" Not so. The cn board the boat, and C 1 Ind children aad all the .c f the -king knew that ev- w-talc u1 to have the king d of 0 c empire -pass in public untie° horeby givrn that a meeting- of the Electore of County Pit Igoe No. 6 (am posed of the munieipalstive of Titekerensith, PeeK hop and Soa- forth, will be held in the TOWN HALL, SEAFORTII, ON MONDAY, DECEMBER 24113, wets o at the hoer of 1 o'el tee p. in., for the purp me ef nominating feaselid et att r .pre•pint,thi said r3lrit,1, div101011 In the. eoutivil of th J. tenuity of Huron for the Diem 19n. aed 19M and in ewe a volt le req_.-41!rd' 118 will to Oi Hid on the 7th clay of Jaeuery, (3•51 n ea(.11 out) thvitlein at the time stud plaeo fixed be I'a•Ltw th .i,) the said Ccuray kors. Teae A. Sell lettle, 131 Nomiervtifix ont .er. &tether eith day ef Dee. bor, 11100. 17e1-3 Dated at Tuckers. Store And GroceryBusiness For Sale. For sato in the thriving town of Seaferth ; a tf md brick atone with dwe'llne aeove, ant good bit+ 'stable at the beck, aleo a Orat-oloes etoek ef gr 'eerier all fresh, best pert ot teen and doing good foment. good teumns for selling. Apply quiekly to box 372, Seeferth, Ontario. eteLe_eee 4;4.V 170a M. JORDAN. . ns �l el decl trd: "I --was glad te get _home. These was too muth going -en there • for 'we"- My father, an a.gecl Man; made his last 1718111 at my house in Phil Idelphiaa and 'after the . church serv•ce was over, and we. wept home, som one in the house asked the 11 age( 1 Ian how he enjoyed the ser- vice, "Well,',' he replied, "I enjoyed the sicii•vice, but there, were' tO0 many peo; le there for me. It trouhled My , too deaf and has a, vould soon us living, at would let hi Seat. • e heard the father of a prcsi- tle e4Littes soy that just been to Washington to son in theAVIsitc, 'House, and me of the; wonderful things 1 • occurred titre and of - :what Webster eaid to. him, but he delicate appetite .be cloyed with d so he begs that I go back to his hem old If :10 'e cry much." The fact is that eople do not like excitement. g. David had poked Barzillai rs before te go to the palace, the srobability is that Bareallai Wot lel have gone; . but nbt now. The cies each other goodby, a Cue - tem among 1 oriental, hilt in vog yet where two brothers -11.iart oi• aged father . and .a so go her never to meet r that their lips and old ferryboat, -parted 10 n. for ve T i [1111011 syn b earth fort ie about. from each o No won& King Davi jirow ,of th river ;fordo a.11 'agee and alt langua }nth been the I. of the bou olary line between hnd heaven. Yet when). on a' • occasion, 1 prettehed to ;Yoe the orda,n (1 passage I have O of You desPond- ,ord have Jubilee, but not. litee- up! 'I want it there Le a ‘vtiy threaugh, i t . i there NVe.itt. over y OVer the king's e first_ place, im- e fact that when thie world to thee lil haVe to come Ie. • The tribe of no doubt that 8on ingt,v said, "The dividt.(1 Jordan for for 'poor owe' • ( to „show you h ovee Miordan VS AN My ttxt says, "An a, fereyboat to earl house 101(14' suhject , in 11 peesse 1‘. 11 11 .t1 el'oSS Ve'r 110111 next: the boat front ot her si .Incialt, We are informed: sent this ferre Mit across to gte David end his 11 )m4(41(11(1.6 1 eland en the east- ern side. of the river. Jordnn, and .1 find no shipping at a!;, but. I em standing there 1 st n boat pits -w- ee' nd as hear ere and the hoot 1 side Of he elm -- les fetidly and oft .1.011rd Hurt, in.preseiel W 11 11 CroSS - °Vol' 1WX I 1 1 Walt 1 (ail 111, opposite ing throtiget he He the stvirl of the te 11 conies 11) the (sister den end David ;en( hie old friend :else hoot; ain !nightie ilia fact hat 11 hie front this ee oriel It; v, ill iltiVe t() ete1e1Q ehore, Every eety i find 11,N 011. Tliely gilt 1 t. orkS 3111(1 Horne .1401 ft het 1 111%V lit1 11 from 11 is 14110re., 1 s- 1111s got # oll, 11(113 rt jro elo\k 11. • S1.(111 £1.11(1 11111 one. *man 1(1 OW Ship cereenters oeophy to r01111' 11! e1111 j11\ 1 1 1. 11111111 ail to 11 111 11011111elereke rlii Inc; and Tynan] hot% -11,1•11 and • 1,41 .1 le. .itsteini opme t rum tsliali go to tut :and bo\ing o cs!,10 A 111("#, tO roc.lee a, boa! t • Jordee. \h \t mid Blount 1111(1 1 110.1r :•ollIS? It I-1 vel O. crosS 111! of. their (Atli (`O meseettlile. work 1111 16.).1 wits died - or - could ro drill) which Inid 1 him at a vuhlic _ ID'ople. 011112 " to 11o111 t.nt'l 11 1.0. or t twit' [1:00(1, 1i lilell (-i 1 1.1100rje.f4, tuft, shoving it lid , poor, deluded that reit__ and 'he fact is • that del ite Heller •yet (11(.. l' invite alt of evorldly 1)1111- (1 build one hoot see this river: 1. unite their skill, ell lift., the stun- t shell -shape the deeeti shell mike lea( es. and 1- 1 (1(1' eed 11 ‘11 1 oVe.011.1' 111 at can 'cross this 1 t Sp i noza raft e!.bitry lost It ,,'i !writ time ( 1101 si ret.111 in a tense sst melon.. What e toad,. of dying!, 1.1011 like Lion geess conttn- eon 'proposed 1 0 - not t: Zeuxis, the l‘ t, t 01 lint f••100(ls ' feel ✓ have :1 On o Jere g 'of they the d centre of the sun and ment shivering in the the moon? That is no tjt have no patience wit ce,ndental gelatinous, ven. My heaven is no ne next rao- ountains of my heaven. 1 your trans - gaseous hea- a fog bank. My eyes are unto the hills, the ever- lasting hills. The Kin starting from a. wharf will go. to a wharf on t Agaiii, My subject ,when 4ve Cross over at shall • David the fei they I come steppe the shore there • were 1 People who gathered ar express a, satisfaction t yond description. And will be met at the landi rival will not be like stopping ashore at Antwerp or Constant rionle• (timing a crowd' of strange: s. It will .be heir friends. ve have nev- iebtoly talk h; we know them almost as well as 'if he had seen Viet • And do you not supPose that our parents and b others and sisters a id children in 1 Ieaven have been t• liking about nal all these years, a id. talking to ,heir friends? So that, I suppose, Wien We cross the rive at the loot w c shall not only be met by all th 'se, Christian friend i N'hom we knew n earth, but by all LI eir friehds. '11 iey will come down to the landing to meet us. • Thee Christ itt Adonirat sionaoy, *hen he cont1 Wed th part from his wife, she to Oine to Amer- ica to: r eitore her health, he to go back to They in the Uni ting n was 30 break up a cloths- , taut that is this: go out front this sorry for them be - to go elope.; and o the hands- of their dying ond hold on he impression that Jet go the little one• trkness and in . the ''011,'the Parent n : a fra i Memel 1 bret . te. goe one; the King .is on board Wa. Paul alone in ' the n it y? I leer the shout of the sacred'in ssionaro as he cries out "I . am' now 'Tads'. 1) be offered, and the time of 11 v de! artte•e is itt linr.d." Was , Jont It este, ' -alone in .the aste• . extremits ? I No, flyer him say, -Best of all, (f id fs tvi 111 us." Was Sir Wil- liam For lees al( ne- in the last ex- trensits? No. fear him say to- his 1riend8, "Tell al the people who are coining de-wn to the bed of death from my cl!x.pericnce it ' has no ter- rors.'' 13 'comforted about your de-_, parted f i( nds, le 'comforted .4out your own imnise, when the time hall 1 o all the people un - 1 no Christ ion ever ing is in the bot t. t suggests that leav- for heaven -ib nly r: Dr. Shaw psti- ge width of the ,Tor- . 30 yards. Wha , oo There went ove • s a ry the king's h ng to heaven is ly a ferry.' it that is, SO year 0 the wet bank but the crossing 1 'site will be Very . ire the beat all k the delusiiofl. • to heaven, it does s ferryboat, on this side, le other side. teaches' that the last we e met at the landing. iWhen and his family w Ott over in ryboat spoken of ,in'tthe text, nded amid a nut on 'that had ut to greet ihe n. As they I from the deck o the boat to ()Warn& of und them to at wall; be- et you and ig.1 Our ar- 001110# rr 1 it t der the sun Oa' i d iiis alone: the. h'• Again.,,•.n'y tex ing this world a fere; ' aloe' ti about t o cal ,S, go rip-oe crOssing mates tilie 'den to 110 narrow'? • ferryboat •hold." a short, be SO miles - before IN 0 get. 1 the other side, short. evill ti -rot, . It is • not nor ,thr( •,1 -nor t It 113 ttn !hist an I ion. 1 eople (1 ing this life, plitligi'ng anti 11 ming, I ( crawl other sh n'i..," Et I1( 1)11' pi,1 1 ng slit 'Menotti, No sec a ferry. It is etin hail each o bank, 1, is on il 0 cress:. 'flip n r, put rout from t! liettvent:N .NVele01 other si le, will] standie Midst ihis t evo arms. fo reevel 1 of 011 ri -111 ka n .. greet i tenkes four arin ely subject a that when eve ( we shal • find 31 leer:Oro-al as s , place . 111 11(1 - find hi ans. sho're means 1)11313' 1.0 did 0(11 dOrdan N1, yet to real pit -.bank itt - veil is surreet i rc sot rrec tread 0 colors ed ear 1 men in *cleat of 03.1181 j(' no‘v; tip friene what Alin be - in hey ti and to 11. Ilan 1 ng to, tlirciub ne 111011 great eta t11(' (1 ie 54)1 ide 1 in has I eel I'm 1. and among f We know er seen 11 about lends, and all people whoui y hearing sot hem • very mu was . romance beauty in tit: Judson, the as Well as life of Dr. !Baptist mis- Burma pret ithe (I started iron Derma for ed States together; but, ga- me St.- Helena, Mrs. Judson uch better sh, said: "Well,• now I cut go home very pesily. You go hick to Burma and. preach the gospel to those poor people. 1 ans soon be well, toal °solution, sem." Af- illi g to give tst'il sake, she oint and with son 0 eight or eh 1 will give almost, and she ter she tcrri ic 11 you the svhole liveenentoes ac WO, nor one neit la !icons transin lk. 1.18 though, t ht. Christ hen iendering and s up tee:hailed ted 'on 1 11) in: pulled (et . as he' 0 linni, 1 thing. It is use- nly .011 18 See - 088, 1)113 rta- env- . vent he t. of go I e only well. I shall 1 'st'ill return had made th in its grief, w up her I u•sband for (Ir vn in her r g hand wrote ten woes, four of w•In sat do trein sill you: 8(3 narrow 1)113). we h e• front bank to y four ii./11153 lengths • It of earthly farewell 1114 side, the arnil of le put one from the the dying 1 ihriAt len eenin. Stretches I out. ,he one 10 teke the it, and the other, to ng of heaven. That s' lengths acrose thy so stig-gest el 1 he! fact ress over at the last solid lending. The poise, of in my text to- siert from and a 1111.-% id and his pi,aph, pas.t,ro shore of, t he Imre feolid than I the vliere i.e landed, a.nri: O ave w nd ante - this' da fan alit lescript ed hod: trtql nothing tasle you go forevvr., and fee ately, inan‘v heaven is not a, y011 114 11 fog .1 NONV, i113 i10- ,'lft('rtie 3 e ou v. ill 11 tve 11. t end something to . 1'eset:T04yd eye find ith it and a resurrect.- ic legate it.. Smart. V art.; mak nig a great eit st, Jolm's 11e11 - ons of heaven. \Veil, s, if spi: -will tell me he low of 0 resO'rec 33 111 nothing to. iothiag to hear andi Indie aed nothil will laugh too, dont about in ug about your 110 air indisci lent swelterfng i g• tot Aret et her ands , the wo I 0 Wh A An We 41 BP • Wel 11 part on this green is et, eve - ion for the enstern main; r ti e settlog sun, love; -hen to meet again! knel to see oar TT 'try die d eard 1k last faint 010 In, ; It t lped 11.1 ny the other's tears; w each must weep alone. wlo enn rint Our within! joy het . nit r wenderhig o'er, 1)01 h claAp our Infants three h me on Hurnia's shore hl en yet 1401 lapse died. y of t. par , fo par ed • is e me ed ?n his lit ma, f o (id ter dos li Lt 'Mc) ed one me thit anc Was When 1 the lar sec) bre ced lan her 811111 (stir repturee gloW 311 vele tint plain, oved a id milted here below ne'er o part again. lded Ithat manusc dot a, re - her disease come on, and she re Judson, snYs he pet., her r the resurrec ion on the Isle relena. They oad tho'ight to a year or t IS o, NOV they forever, so fax as 1 hi si world rned. And he says he 'hasten - board „after ti e funeral with le- children to start for Bur- ' the vessels h -td• already lift - sails, - And he says, "I. sat, •n for'some time 1 1 my cabin, my e children axon ol me , crying, the , mother!' And 1 a13a11don- -13,s if to heartbreaking grief. But y the thOugl t came ' acroso as my faith stretche her wing w should meet [...gait' in 'heaven, vas. comforted!' It, my friends, all a delusion.? e .died, did sin meet hire at ding? When $h died. did the -of souls woom• she had es ight„ to "Christ and who had. pre - ler to :heaven nieet, her at the: .? I believe it; I know it. Oh, ,glorim s consolation, that when our J)O(r srork on env( h dOne rnd we ci•o s ,he river We shall be Inet at the la/ ding! ut there is a, thot ght 10 fro k un brella. It was then regarded aii mar- vel us. There are performers today who do the same tiing in evening dress while til sm • king a ei arette and with nothing to ba mice then except their bare hands. Af pet ga fel (.1) nt. useu to mute (town an inclined wire the first balcony to the footlights, ping his balance by means of a paper t er the w ctice they ne. Soule OWS soon at evei ite acrobats had time to beat the Japs at their own thing with juggling, Our aught on and beat the ori - y turn. I rr ememb( one of the most f tching hi ngs the C inese did was to kee ) a toe of paper butterflies in the air by he aid of a fan. 'Thl uninitiated never diScover- butterflies were kept' in the e same distance above the rformer by menus of an in - read attached to thein. No 'Orman at empted to do the trick. with- ou the titre cl, but in a little while a number of American jugglers did th.e ° butterfly trick without the help of invisible :threads. 'rile feat was benutiftil and atteactive, t after awhile it becri•ne so cheapened constant use that it was dropp&I from bilis of all first class pinees of amuse- nt rind relegated to the cheep side w tents, along with most of the Chi - se and Japanese acrobats and jug - ed ail he vis that these exactly t LI d of the p ible sill; 1 t hat collies over uie like an sloe ,ric shook, -Do bel mg t� the !King's ho isehold? Ma k ooto the toist says, 'Aid there - we it over a ferryboat toocatry over the ki g's household,". and none but the Id g•'s household T ien I ask, "D I belong to the household? Do yo; ?" If yhe - do' nct, dome to -day nn c b sa th by th 031 sh THE MAJOR'S STRATEGY. Extirefeed His Traveling Compan- ion, but Fooled the Robbers. "Speaking of train robberies," said a vSteran railroad man, "did any of you fellows ever hear that story about Major Paterson? The yarn is not now," he continued, "and I thought some, of you might have heard it before, but it hap- pens tO be true and Is worth telling again. "Years ago the major was traveling ou the railroad through western Kansee when he fell into conversation with a v4iry gigreeable chap from St. Louis. Tirain robberies were frequent in those dtltys, and when •the conversation finally t rned to that subject the St. Louis man , marked that be had an excellent . scjheme for hiding his money in 'such an el1nert1ncy. 'I simply put it uilder the sweatband of my hat,' he said, 'and no r biter in the world would ever thiak of c looking there for cash.' Withl that he li lied off his hat and showed where he id $250 'planted' as he described. "About an hour later the train was thinly halted while it was tiarning a nely ravine, and ia a few mements a asked man entered the car aid began systematically loot the passengers, hile two .other robbers kept them cov- ed with shotguns ft•orn the doers - When e fellow reached him. the neljor look- up coolly and declared he had lesi' an a dollar in his pocket. ,`Now, if u'll, leave me Oak and my Watch,' he solid, 'I'll tell you something worth know- ing. That fellow in the next seat hes $250 under the sweatband of his bat. 'All right,' said the robber; 'keep your witch and chicken feed.' A.nd he pro- ceeded to confiscate the other passenger's cash. • 'When the agony was all over and the marauders had departed, the St. L0111$ men turned around, bursting With rage and indignation. "That was a dirty, loW delve trick,' he roared, 'and I'M going to hcild you accountable for every cent of my money!' 1 expected yen to, my friend,' replied the major quietly, 'and here is the amount. You see,' be addedi 'I hapPen to be a paymaster in the Uniti ed States army, and I have a matter $4i000 in this valise by my feet. 'Uncle the thimunstances I felt justified in tem' porarily sacrificing your little $250 t divert attention. I shall charg it up t the government as "extra ex,pense transportation of tands."' adopted i to that household. says some soul here, "f do no k ow whet he the King wants 11)e1" Ile does; le loos their the Voice roll' the th (me, “I will be -a hailer to them, al (1 they shall be nly . SO s ond datighteks, salt 1 the 'Lord Air lig 1-fy," "1 I1111. thilt. '0111001 111110 'Ill'iSt 8tly8" "1 Wi 1 ill 11 0WiSe ell, t . i tit.' Come, info he King's ho isel old. r• Sit (hewn at the King's -MI le. Come 'in and .ake . y oir ' ap- Pa 'IA l'rout the iiithe,V wardr( be, even tio wedding, - feal•ni int of Christ's rig 11 ('3)11813014(4 Come in am inherit 1 lit 1(1ng's wealth (' one in t nd cross in the King's. fuer •boat. ' — 'whet the le ruple Vi (nets Cori ume '1110 . large .st eel N1:0 'kS t 1 R'1'11 pp, ill ES 't,l'i C01IN'l1ne.(1 ill gitc n 0 1t,S8 1.11' 11 111,000,10)1) cid, c in •tre" of tt, "IN hien Pepla 18 li ben , i 10 con- sul ItIrtion . of the (.11.e. ( 1 1.` 'au kfm•t, \VI 11 230,000 i iliehitaffis. The ES 011 . NN orks cense n 0(1 fie 1 her, 1 ,- OS ,:i.)0 t( ne of coal ind 1 8,800,- 00 c bic etietres of eas. er ja at UGGL RS A D ACF1.9B TS. e leans Are -liovv Hare Clever Than Chl neke and 10141 . older generki in ofl theater go - ill. no doubt email 1 10 troupe of ese acrobats aind jug, ers that ere- •ueli a sensatioo 111 thi coentry theatrical el one to red. The quisidcred Ss in the he Amer- ation has Th 1, 801110 • relll'S ago," said ret •ed itni.nager recently. "1 t t wileli 'Little All night! b don is niid Chinese. ulsed to be . best leggier?, (14(1 equirbi•i rld but they ere far Veld ,id ns of today. Tin ir hig rept fl overshadowed long 1146. Ja th wc ic be "The. company I linv.e...j est lentionecl en ght the people hy the n ivelty of their tricks By •the \yr y, the 1110' 0111)013 of 'All Elight' was gi .1 n th lit le fellow be f11.1130 of the siel ai he wou ti always gl-e father e hoe .1 hely w re about to perform some (hiring eerol atic feat. 'A' ri the boy woithl pipe' wh he was re uly to be tossed by 111 - In her head over heels in Ow eh.. Tlit name tickled th v0 th of Se 81) fa ft nu of the poeulaee luable trademerk in the Little All -Hight •one existenee, it was sod fo m. It was stolen sifter ke company, and a lot `Y.au may remeilther t find 1'011 any van g 1. at became a ie. When went out Jod round by some wsuit re-. ittle 11 St 1 The Blunt Englishman, During his short stay in England 80I13 years ago the king of Portugal t frequent ly took various little trips bytrain s cretly and accompanied by only one a hi suit Traveling down to Hatfield Once it second class compartment, the Porte geese king 'entered into coniersation-e the dng speaks English fluently -with nt typi al, plain spoken "John Bull." #f I hey seem to be making a deal of fus Oei the king of Portugal, sir, Who is now In London. Have you seen hirn, might ask " "Yes," replied the Englishnisco. "H ain' much of a king to look it. Why sir, his stomach ain'tno fatter and face ain't no more intelligent than yours. t 'His majesty said afterward that could understand why the English peoplir were called "plain spoken." • Brazil's Coffee Jar, A visitor who returned from Braz I sapthat the whole country Is perpetua - Ly ietoxicated by coffee. It is brought t the ,bedside the moment one awakes an justl before sleep, at meals and betwee meals, on going out and coming in. Me women and children drink it with th same liberality, and it is fed -to babies i arms. The effect is apparent in tremblin hands, twitching eyelids, yelloVv, dry skila and a chronic excitability worse thati that produced by whisky. A woman is never so mad as she ill wben she sees a hat that is terrilt1FY cheap rightmm rater some smooth an has talked her around to buy an eleyclopediil, Siberia end the Amur country poseesis advent ages very similar to tholse of Nort An Orin. Australia and mills ef Arrive, ---• •-- No." said a fond tnotheie speaking pie edit' of her 25- year old dau4hter-" no, !linty isn't old enough to marry] yet. She cricl whenever any ono ecoldie her ; a d unttil she becomes hardened enoegh to rep y viedrouely she in' t fit for a wif ." eroorwsi Cultivate Co'd Whenever there- In an as. wh e or nal en the appetite fans, whes there a . elespless nights an 1 momentary epere: of weakness, look f sr th•e .11.1.18e, • al .1 Se that it is removed at one cultivate good healSh will!. yet the -e is something to -britid on, instead waiting Until the nerve force is deplet 1 ae 1 vitality comoletr.ly exha std. 'o persons sufferfeee the •eiiells thin blood and weeted n eves, Chase's' Nerve Fos, 1 supplies all needs of the system rind brings sieves .t laralth, - It occuph a field by ix ,f-1.;• an 1- is unique in these yes' tly,t it cures by formin".. new, rich 1110-1 end nerve force, buit 11.1g up pie ss'sleni 0131 Increasing th o "oeight. It, is a rectInstruct. nt, tstrirative and rf'•Vitaliv.r of the 01 mt unusual meter, ,,ends new lif,• :trid viger (0 -4*,•-.1y part of tlie 1. 1y, and grainuily pcitzrrititiuteinif;n„tulrr..se';?(Iegsuisii_tlnIgierixi.-in.ouris , 1111 IL:Atty. 5 1 ems a box,- tit..111 stealers', or Elmanson, Bates & Co., TurontoO so rj 13. DECEMBER 14 # iiiii111111111111111111111111111111111111111101111,1111111111Mailinume rinmuntuuniiimunturrurannimmatutrirunrinatninnumitonit -AVegetatgePieparationforAs- sintilati theToodatidReguta- ting the St machs andBowels of SEE THAT THE FAC SIMILE SIGNATURE Promote s Dgestion,Cheerfui- ness and 13est.Contains neither Opnan,MorphinO nor Iftnerat I NOT N.Amic °TIC. Apeffectgediedy for Constipa- tion, Sottr Stontach,Diarrheea, Worms ,C nvuisions,Feverisit- loess LInd Loss OF SLEEP, Taz Si le Signature of 'NILW -YORK. eXeeeeT tee:en' re7 ee'APER. IS ON TI -IB WRAPPER 1. OF EVERY BOTTLE 0. CASTOR! ()Astoria Is put up in one -size bottles only. it Is not.sold in bulk. Don't allow ta,nyone to sell you anything else on the plea or promise that it is "lust as good." and "will ausWor eve y pur- pose." Aar Bee tbat pa gat 0-A4B4-0-4-14.. The fso- oistile signature of Solid Comfort Shoes. Goodyear Welt shoes, with Sleeper -Insole. There are two kinds of slioes, Goodyear Welt, and all other varieties, In a Goodyear Welt there are two kinds of Insoles; one is Leather, nd the other is a Sleeper Patent Flexible insole. Thert is only one shoe that represents aperpetual cOrnfort, whereby a shoe ta es the place of a Slipper in the house, or a boot on the street -this is t ie Goodyear Welt that is made with the Sleeper Insole. The leeper Patent Flexible Insole, which is made from re -ounce Duck, is oft and pliable, perfectly waterproof, and shapes itself to the foot in su 13 a manner as to afford the greatest possible comfort The leeper Insole will not harden with perspiration, as leather insoles d., and is always ready for immediate wear. The . D. King Co., Limited, have. the exclusive right for Canada. Dry Cha& a I' Nerve Foods The S,ving in Cool Is reason nough for choosing the IMPER1 L OXFORD ieTo- It's neW and p as an ease of r you wish it all The great gratifying eeon in this popul Why not or sal tented clnstruction gives you more heat from i1Fs fuel, as welt gulation, that makes it possib'e to keep the fire just exaetly as day long, r ease atad Ellrer 811C0e8E1 in cooking and baking, as well v, ih my on coal hills, will rem you a thousand fold after rchas. r range. inspect their improveincntS ? by SILLS & MURDIE, Seaforth. The Gurtaey Foundry Co., Limited, Toronto, Winnipeg, Vancouver. 0.0100,000nionorear "ARMOUR PROOF" RUBBERS R.00." RtIBB[RS With the "Armour Proof" Brand are the strongest heavy "Double Duck" rubbers. .1••••••••••• • They wear best because made of purest rubber, and more of it than in any other heavy rubber. Extra heavy, real tap soles- , pure rubber. They Stand the Wear. See that the rubbers you 'buy have the "Armour Perla" briand on the f,icle, like the cet. Sold at all dealers'. -Made by the eidet and best Rubber Company in Canada; The Canadian Rabe r TORONTO, MONTREAL, 1 WIIMPEC. Al WONDERFUL ANTISEPTIC COMPOUND 1\1-tYV--0 'Medicated Toilet Soap of the Purest, Awarded Silver Medal OreatI Britain Vxhibitien, 1897. ' 1 4. FEW REASONS WHY YOU -SHOULD USE Novo. Reg. No. /K. WHAT IT WILL DO. 1 Prevents a contagious diseases from 6 -It will clean and removn pain , oil end approaching Otero it is used. grease stains from woolen and cot1ou cloth -It will dean and polish paint work and ing. Also CleaDB coat collars and hate. not kill the g ties of the paint. 7-I1 contains no alkali and is strongly re -It will cle n carpets without taking commentled for washing the hORI, Ile ,,it them up. imparts a silky and natural gloss to toe . 4 -It win °lea • linoleurns like newhair,' and is especially uglyl for children. -It will alert bicycle chain aud rims. ovo irs claimed to be the cheapest and hest paint 'DRICE liec and %ea Mktg 0 eanor on merket Try It on O. 'ger marks on doom _L Full directions on blocke, , state JOHNSON BROS. Hardware,Seaforth i87-� -eyanOes, tand eroded and store, Mar filo DEBT -QRS.-, j_ of flee late WI! the saute with the ware rtornsifirseori All tben unfaid wil WILFRID MORRO. i-iouSEtO REN MAID Street, Meguede11 ised olAet Good, lien geed repair tl EXPOSiroit TeOlt SALE, -B1 r bufoiew, 1/011SES F leg hot -see 1 for there. JOHN1 TVS SALE. -Nis r etre 0 betwee Address Mrs, .A. litIGItO MUD eigved tete," concession 8, 'eel tulle from the Ise months old. up, 4 superior animal, ) Alec nuereber of fume recentler eale are recommended; wade for istock tI dale P. ES1 exjweC'thte:tros.S,T0:tRfnio.ALekanYeAt3n.dS:bT:nnuEoart:3:il ene hive the souk liitteeetetheAt'arL'1971.1112.1811:Ttl:"Inaayl,111: TRAY STEE 111-112:aitviSeitietolleinA.:Y0OurnEdn::erti'l-sEilce4 17beb:1121:sraernvia:kdOi fiellOMAS BRC se. 'Creaks (if A. M. Crane:be ll'e Ter Execerroh Satisfeetton guar UCTIONEEI A vet1ontr-1 mt.. -Beteg xuettandiflg Ithente, Diet Ben Priecs. Charges or Ito pa -.1 . st Lot VS, Cool teended to, TIO PIG BIM j 14126, • thoroughbred bo 4 Yoztuturax be admitted to - ef service, 01.1 Mao Pie for* 1110 STOcK BR horn ' removed tram 1 man tothe pt will be kept fo further noloo sent e a fret 0. EIMILUE, A 514 PLEMEN TUR. -13. If, Pi Janson to tell Iihnp In ILMIlitIr VCIOLIE p. to , The p-operty Ing 7 acres of et diained with tiF of choice straid berry husbee, A groi :rare b buildingie She nail and el 11 driving horse sound, 1 (Idea drlving horise yews tiew, 1 lumber in good repsir, buggy rustly geou repair, 1 single harness Wavy -lugs, ne.1 is.434.vir ; 1 pair mi agos, 3. pair t 1 I. nee macbi -cutting box, 1 Two box stoves ether housebo prcprietor ha -tear,lege male tbe red 0041 Zohnston, tm mode Imo oi Jkli sums of fri in -labs' credil! joh.t notes. A wiit he letveg ttenc(-. HAT Whole Lumber, I. Our lamb and Plbe. belt Red Cedar )113r WI% yrli feta( rdy. $31 COLL MU,t4 All -taxes ni Al) *Marl It111 *It! Out haw e r) feeel Juke Fran land Boot „Beth gove Who and, Spa' Onts Ala To THE We conn bust min whe the deli free LEP LOT' 27 Thoro ef the tnes resatons.ble DAVID