HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1900-12-14, Page 14 1900 ?E /WO the The u tz,c! - tc Lula the !.-inlith,ri of tiny have t.rade': - have been to tt-er doing, to i:der, more- mch of any key. can buy, examinaniou I soon con. offerings in - We know our Fa goods, that .in reach of that hasn'r Ii „en show - al tore arid 1 eeping if Linen is o trash, no ; Oar tabIe towel,F, et(., !aaN lisa en to sorrnw kte(thic fa, IA t erti t-- are t prk 6ur store ,t p into ,it.i111 give you eoppvr t.c (apex -- at, will it st INVe ha:e o6 the an st f,ell a few quality and $5.50 and is Why, ilre ai high as •.eleet, a. rU1I or ni'ore jacket stock Ott our eye. 1. $-1 75, fawn silk lined. bleck silk imming, is a ighor priced arid a look ,keep put. 'flo some to, remern. would also ve choice cOl, with the shim. ri Tuesdi him there .N,,v'11 th e '257141M Wt1.710, aris, lier,e-e 0. id The tune al the (lir. Parker and lately .y. --,Tan ee J,1 'Hale jMl • attende4 e reaUzt,d. latit, and of John Ke1157 d eakuuse anti tet Saginalw, ing t du plowing .r of farini;re ,ek 5; how at wert h going 191)1 siIl khapeOfl titIl ilia for cot Li - 1 tell.,Jai, iUL ray - Ile in- Nornioa- i!.11 of 1)ent- Tnernbr. oppc,,,i :pl.! larg(. p tx ties 2EInt lizi.orit havc r own, f,ande <art. is beirag the earning Ion. F.. .1. Lae stated. (;overnnient )13 to the alio to the. (itei‘ '[he ,entW, esp,_•c• (,eorge It. .iV5 there i6 r• THIRTY-FIRST YEAR. WHOLE NUMBER, 1,722. hnstmas Buyi www.,~000/0/00#010/00 Generally speaking yon want to buy the real nice things at Christmas time, if you buy at all. At this time then and because of the real nice furnishings andi clothing that we always have a good stock of, we think that we will be of special service to. We can and w'll be glad. to minister to your wants at this time. For your guidance We will give a list of certain article that you may choose to give to some friend as a re embrance at this season. Bath Robes, „Belts and Braces. Boas. Fur, of SaKe, Thibet, Opossum, etc. Collars and Cuffs. Both Linen and Celluloid. Collars. Fur, in all classes of Fur, Seal Lamb, etc. CapS. In the clan tartans and also fur and fur line Cap& In fur and cloth, the Storm King and th being the avorites. Coats. Fur coats being the favorite coat at this time. We have the oon, Canadian and Australian Wombat, Wallaby, Siberian Calf, Marnot, Dog and Lamb. Billy -reed aPerthies. It is not Our own words, but 91.e saying of many people that they never saw such an artistic lot of cap- exines as we are showing this year. Collar- and Cuff Buttons. _ Never come amiss and often go astray. We have a nioe line of these goods. Dressing Jackets. Or house coats are a comfortable article for the stay at honae nights style of man, we can tit any size of this kind. - Handkerchiefs. In cotton, linen, silk and what is called Japanette. The white silk at 50c seems to be an attraction already. Hats. There are men who wear a hat at all times they never can stand the warmth of a cap, we hayi3 Christy's nevi - est in stock at the present time. CO Huron cou t council chs last week. Jn J. B. MoLes organizing ai d meeting, the jo 10 o'clock W d Council met ment, J. B members pres number of &coo council and ref tee. The gym presented and tee : "There ie insane ; one s a ing goods on fa se p six are vagran . is a resident of Bru been an inmate of that oeunty. Wh r h of i COUNCIL. -- uneil met in %/Ingham r, o Tuesday afternoon of the brew° of the Werden, as hosen chairmiui. After read ug the minutes of Jhne unc I then adjourned until �.d y forenoon. WE NEsDAY. nt nts rre er's ent re cember 17) yo the advieakilit own county, as himself." The report lof missioner, Was re road and lows : " bridge on wanosh, the Stratf $1,394, b have bee bridges an I believe repair for the bridge season, an be proyid Some new season. bridge on Iberr deoa ed, possible. ick and be rebuilt I recomm be steel o At, the was prase A num and referr Ai petiti bridge ov bridge oo The chi the consideration A petit d before p again ispute Landes s were eounter- ed to then la to allc rid he uth of r Bri the onsid proa are go eo supe boun in he the coming winter. Several of • will re uire to be refioored next Ilreco mend that the materials for du ing the winter season. bridges should be erected next ne (the •itchell bridge) a smell the bo ndary of Howick and , the ti bers of whieh are much nd shoul be rebuilt as soon as Also th Boehler •bridge (How - Wallace boundary line) ahould next sea on. If thee are rebuilt, nd that i hat the superstructures ooncret abutments.? fternoon meeting Warden Rollins t and pr sided. et of co imunicatione were read d to the r respective committees. in ftom Grand Bend asking for a r the Sa ble, referred to road and mittee. f besine s :of the afternoon was f the Londesboro school en and counter -petition the council in June last, for consideration. The the boundaries of sohbol oro, Hullett and Morris. eard in support of peti- etition, and the matter education committee. journed until 10 a.im. ni the education comittee a. ne., as per adjourn - an in the chair. All xoept the Warden. A were placed before te to the flumes commit - report, as Niece., was o the property commit- ihtmales, one of whom siting trial for obtain. etenoes ; the remaining ne ' of the latter oleos e county, and has twice he House of Refuge of n hie term expires (De- norable body may see ending him back to his unfit to take care of r. Ansley, county com• d and placed with the mittee. It was as fol. structure of the steel ary of Mortis and Wa• ingham, was erected by go Company, and 'cost contraot price. There rable repairs made po hes during thelyear, and n a very good state of Hosiery. Or as most of us call these goods, sox we have all the weights of tie same from the finest iashmeres to the heaviest of the coarse wool kind. Gloves. 1 In the lined1 and unlined. In the li ed kid glove we are selling rhany of the 50c, 65c, 750 a d11 lines. - Mufflers. In the many styles that we are showing there is noth- • ing so attractive as the satin lined. bla k silk and satin interwadded 'fluffier, these lines sell t 50c 750 and $1, Mitts and Gauntlets. For the man who drives, the Klondik is one of the kind of Mitts that will keep the hand warm, it sells at • 65c. We have a nice line 1f gauntlets at 750 and $1 with a rubber interlining. S2reate)1S. And what answers the same purposej and is a deal handier, the old(Sshioned. pardigan jacket; we have them selling at 75b $1 an& $1.25 in wtool goods. Sit In fancy fronts, soft bosoms top shir s night shirts, white shirts, neglige shirts, undershirts and every kind of a shirt that a man is given to wear ng will be found at our store. • Ti. We might say a deal of the 'few patterns' and styles that we are showing in necyware, it will be sufficient to say that we are well known as, up to date in all that is new and handsome in tie. We are in a position to show you. $800 worth of saleable neckwear, and we are sure of suiting you. Just a parting word about furs. We have a line of furs that will compare equally with ra y fur' stock in the n.dis- trict. We have nothing t igen in fur that we will not give our own personal gu rantee with. In ithe pur- chase of fur, you can neve ' 'buy anything that , is too good 'The best is always he cheapest in most things, but more especially is this 'true of fur goods. See our furs before you buy. 4-44++4-4-44-1--m +4444 question. were plac and came matter in sections i Deputed° tion and *as refer -Council Thorsday to report. Greig & aodollald Clothiers and iurnishers On the Wrong Side of the Street STRONG BLOCK, T URSDAY. Council met pur uant to adjouriennen- te, A letter was read f om I1rs. French, -matron of the Ho se of R fuge, asking for increase in salary alms fro • the clergymen of Clin- ton, who • re in th habit of conducting ser- vices at t e House of Refuge, asking that an organ be rocure for the services. I3oth these weri referr d to the executive com- mittee. • REP T OF E. ECUTIVE COMMITTEE. The ex utive c mrnittee reported recom- mending at no etion be taken respecting the appli s don for a grant for a consumptive sanitariu ; Mao hat the applioacion tor an organ for the Hou e of Refuge, made by the clergy/me of Clint on, and the application of Mrs. Fre eh, mat on Of the House of Ref- uge, for a increa e of salary, be left ever to be dea t with a the January session. • The re ort was dopted. THE HO •SE OF REFUGE., fuge committee reported accounts for the third Tbe total expenditure, t, is $3,266, and receipts $285 55. The committee the management of the and farm, but feel, that on in the house is badly in the hospital portion, of those under treatment basement, this being the art of the house, and they n addition be made to the er, and that plans and The H having a quarter t up to De for produ are satis House of more ace needed, e as at pre are kept only uno recoanme house ne specificat ita Janu for 1901 Couch, mutton, Clin ton, Irwin, 0 a etatem Refuge farm last 255 bus mends, 45 ;gard ions, 80; bage, 90 hay, 16 transpla owing to and out same ca drain fo barn an the far We hay this fall, for anot plowing three er from far SEAFORTII The et referenc tion res echool s the vill listened very recomm 'pectin section petal ag previou ho effe formed Hallett seetion mittee pointed tration and M Wm. C The report w The council a use of R dited th is year. ember 1 e sald, ed with Refuge mmodat peciall y ent POM in tbe eupied d that t sumn one be laid before the council at ry sessi n. Tenders for supplies were ocepted as follows : A. linton, eef, $5.50 per quarter; ight cents per pound ; J. A. King, •read, 2 cents per pound J. W. intone g °cede*. The following is nt of th manager of the House of s to t e produce raised on the season ind the work done : Oats, els; ba ley, 275 ; potatoes, 690; 1,040 ; turnips, 210 ; field wrote, n 15 ; eete, ; parsnips, 7 on - !Lana, ; apples, 7 barrels ; cab - head ; raspberries, 1,500 quarts ; tons ; odder corn, acre. We ted a n mber of maple trees, but dry we ther, they did not do well, rope we e not good, pwing to the se. We 'dug and—covered in the water p pes from the house to the hog pe , and did all the work on , witho t any expense for labor.' plowed ov_er the stubble land twice and th soil is in good condition er year. We are now nearly done six acre of sod, from which We out pa of h y. Amount of proceeds this y ar,$285.55. ED1:CA IONAL MATTERS. DAY, DECEMBER 14, 1900. that the engineer receive tenders for work and 1 y them before the Coll oil at its January meet ng. Respecting the • etition from the rate &yore of Stephen, • king to have a brid e constructed on the Aux Sable river, that he -engineer inquire 'nto the matter and spelt at the January eetingJ Th report was adopted. THE FINANCE RE OAT. The finance committee eported recom- mending the paymerit of nu eeous eccounts, but made no further ream endatiens. •THE SPECIAL ccm. PrfrEE. • This special committee r mentng that tt e council Onta ire Legislature to a j dad mom- morelize the ud the law respeCting the publishing cif lista of con- victions, so that these lists a not need to • r. Also to vision courts so 200 to 000 for Jennie Brown aobed as bridesmaids. They frotri $100 to looked exceedingly charming in Liberty • dresses of blue satin and wearing white $300 on open accounts. he dommittee picture hats. The happy couple travelled further recommend that no • rant be made in the afternoon by the London and North to th6 Prisoners' Aid Association. • Wetern railway on a tour to Perim, where the honeymoon will be spent. AM. • be p blished in a newspa extei4d the jurisdiction of di as to inolude ,olaime of from .lgne1 documents, and claim A Souvenir or Sepforth Centaining 60 photographie. views of theprincipal street., churches, sohooli, factories, places of bush - nail, residences, eto. Will tOe ready Saturday, Dec. ?lice 25c, by mail 30c WINTNR, SEAFO 11 15 111 Thb report was adopted. THANKS TO WING M Mill desir Win gene the mica the thro coun with ved by Mr. Holt, se r, that the county co to convey to the t ham, the town officers ally,' their very mince welcome extended to ion of their visit to Wi extreme courtesy ext ghout the sittings of t e usual grant of $100 y clerk for his duties the county council elec THANKS TO WARDEN A resolution was passed den Rollins for the abilit geniality displayed by hi oupary of the chair. To0 LATE. onded by Mr. noil of Huron', wn council ot nd the citizens e thanks for them on the gham and for nded to them e council. as made to the • in connection RoLLINS. banking War - courtesy and during his oo- M ved by Mr. Torrance, s conded by Mr. Bowii an, that in the opinio of this council the fees _charged pupils wr ting at examin- ed° n • for high school ent arm and also leav ng examinations are excessive and sho,ila be reduced, and that the warden and dart memoralize the Loos Legislature to 111130 d the law so at to redu e the fee. This was referred to the education com- mittee, but as the mission w s too far spent to permit the committee ealing with it, the Jatter was left, over u til the January mee ing. 1 The council then adjourn° • Another Letter F can South Africa. I o weeks ago We publis Arohie MeQuarrie, o serving in South permitted to make ucation 1 committee reporte to the petition and count eoting t e establishment ot otion in ge of Lo to depu refully nd that the peti with r-peti- new A Hullett, with a aollool in to desboro, that after having th adman from both sides, .and th e news, but the next day orders came considering the snbject, th t we had to go ba k north; then you no action be taken. Re- should have seen us, w were not so gay. ion of ratepayers of school Vt e have been here t o days now and are To. 1, Morris, in support of an sp. hist a Mr. DOW agai trac frith SO you and mu had one little go and lost have been chasing Boers al ing houses and destroying tured * good many Boers or thre imagers with a lo -childre cattle, horses. for the We ale oaptur of pro out as day or much runnin ed a letter from 13lyth, who is Erica. We are b following ex - be from a tecond letter r ceived by hie r, Mr. Hugh Megattrzi ,lof Myth : 61111 have got anot her hence to write, thought I woiald drop ybu a line to let knew that I an still n South Africa st 11 on the move. e have not done h fighting since I wrot you last; just one man, but we the time, burn - crops. We cap - nd broke up two women and oapt red 8,000 90 r ules and en doing so bad, than the Boers. that the Boer*, With quite a lot het was served pretty well for a aye been faring got the railway is+ not so hard to • nder General I naean Plum- • doing all the een getting the ne commando Jeered up and roebients. He nt he gave the in. Then he ilea and gave •ut. I tell you we found them the Boers is : i ," and we had ime. When we .hased them again ills and again for more men, e them to we star ed for Pre - we iwere going LVO part of were the tectorates, last Sep - hey are the ✓ n ne months,' at Feom all ac- ve then) the dirty •uld nt stay in e he gave them 24 is, and when they sent dut in cattle • good men are ap- 11 the hard work. in the Y were given itchener and Lord ches, telling them ckbone of the war, did nothing com- a There will be a at time when, the troops ail get home, there will be things ke your hair Ord. e did not ; get i ped about six mile e met the first conti re camped about t 1 you we were glad to re the first Canadian ril. They told as t go home and that we 29th. We were in . in them. We els 15,000 sheep and So we have not b stook is worth more got a few wagons Id from the Bride isione on them. extras, s,o we lived two. Lately we etter, as they hay pretty good and it get provisions in. . Our Paget er's oo hard praise for on sent b weirld :Bciers moved the B there column has bee or the last six wee umn. We I have ork and Paget ha for it. We chase week; got them ck to Paget for rei sot give thetn to u , even days to surrende us back about fiv- ers a chance to g as a big row w gone. Our motto towar `" Surrender, or fight f or the fon till cor anc BO tor to ou Rhodesia volunteers and who had been in the fie te ber, and were tired o men who held Mafekin ani so they deserve a r ou nts Lord Roberts g e . Because they w lo ger or join the poli ho re to get out of Preto di get, out they were 0& 8. You can see ho pr ciated after doing Wen the C. I. V. went e,nquet and Lord R berts made great ape th t they had beep the b w ile in my opinien the pa ed with other troo gr fo • drop on them that d they were gene we we got them in the ered up and sent b el still Paget refused to gi e left them there a d a.• We all thought that e disbanded, but they only g force their tickets. They th Pr d laino s, ee • 0 en Ca I te 1 Canada. —The thermometer registered 11 degrees below zero in Montreal on Mondey hest. —All the Canadian canals ;closed on Thursday by order of the Minister of Rail- ways and Canals. —George Arthur Pearson was hanged at ur er of uary the ed into a Hamilten flkti Friday, for the Annie Gri a. —On the first Monday in Js village of lIeepeler will be ere° town. , —James Wills, of PalmerstoN aged 71, drank a quantity of aconite in mistake for a patent medicine last Friday night, and died in a few minutes. —Two brothers in Manitoba, Mr. Robert Strong, a well known insurance agent of Winnipeg, and Colin Strong, of Edmonton, both died last Monday morning. Both deaths took place nearly at the ,serne hour. —The Middlesex county council, at its last meeting, passed a resolution empower- ing the warden to offer a reward net exceed- ing $l00, for the detection of thieve e taking cattle, sheep, pige_and poultry. —Rev. John Alexander, ore of the oldest .13e,ptist ministers in the province died at his home in Toronto on Friday last. De- l:leased Was 72 years of age, and for 50 years had been engaged in the active Ministry. —Friday morning, while piling lumber in the J. Armstrong Manufaoturiog COM- pany's yard, at G-ueIph, Themes ,Pallister, an employee, was engulfed by the pile of lumber falling on him. When resoued it Was found that one of his legs was broken and he was otherwise injured. —George Peroival, Pittsburg, a farmer, near Kingston, had hie shoulder dislocated by being gored by a bull. He wail stabling the animal'and was about to turn around in the stall, when he slipped and fell. Be fore he could recover himself the bull had attacked him. —Edward Jackson, only son of Mr. Thomas Jackson, a well-to-do and much respected farmer, living near CoMber vil- lage, accidentally ishot himself while out hunting Saturday afternoon. • The charge entered his left side and death quickly followed. The boy.was about 15 years old. . —Sunday evening as the six o'clock train was leaving the Grand Trunk Railway depot at Port Dalhousie, Thomas Reece, of St. Catharines, one of the rubber factory employes, who was a little latekran to catch the train when it was in motion, and fell, the wheels completely severing oue arm. • He is a married man. one mit that will. • to Pretoria, but out at Silverton. gent there. They o miles from us. I see them, for they we had seen since ey were mobilizing would also sail on great spirits over ly e,ppoi t that a from pa to be o. 12, It ecomme nd tha. .1 to cseal o be cl sera. W. ats,, of • At Triday's road and brid adenine ding th necessary lumb year. Also th orete a utment batwees Turnb bound ry betw decision of the arbitrators te ted, which decision was to a new union school section be h t of Morris and part of d eeignated as union schooL, ing to move out to -mo row on a 15 days' ek, so that means a y way, if not more, before we start for me. I guees we can stand it if the rain n't come and wash us lall out. It has not en very bad so far, but it is just com- orris and Hallett, the corn- mencinq now. Well, Ij think this is about d that the petition ,be sue- al a new arbitration be ap- g ith the matter, said arbi- neposed of Judge Masson, Clegg, of Wingbam, and 'linton. • adopted. journed until Friday. FRIDAY. month or six weeks , as ram laying out jn the sun on grazing ard and it is not any jtoo cool. A erne NICQT'ARRIE. Pienaars River, Oat° ier 18, 1900. • —The Manchester (England) newspaper a ye of a Brusselite : d ng took place at St. Saturday, November -Oa Saturday before last Mrs. Edmund Houghton, of Collingwoode was bitten by a dog. I Though at first lietle notice was taken j of the matter, on the following Tues- day she became very ill, and medical • at- tendances was called in. Nothing, however, could be done to prevent the fatal issue which took place. —Mr. John- Ilagarty, of Toronto, has re- ceived a private postcard from his daughter, who ie spending the winter in Paris'which serves to show the height of the "Kruger orazel" in France. The major portion of Ithe card is taken up with a photogravure of fOom paut. —While digging a grave in the _ village • cemetery at Drummondville. Ontario, which is situated in Lundy's Lane, Wm. Daltin uneerthed seven skeletons of sol- diers who fell in the battle fought there in 1813, From insignia and buttons found, it is supposed they were members of the 90th regiment, U. S. A. —Mr. Aubrey White, deputy commis- sioner of Crown lands for Ontario, reports thati there are many appiice.tione from re- turned South African volunteers for the government grant of lands in New ()abaci°. • Veterans of '66 and '85 are also sending in their- applications. Several requests have come from Canadian veterans now living in the 1.Jnited States. session of the council the e committee reported, re- t the engineer purchase the r for repairs on bridges next c t steel bridges with con- t be ereeted on the boundary rry and Howick and on the en Howiok and Wallace,and I very pretty wed- oseph's, Saltford, on 7th between' Miss lizabeth McDonald. 'ot St. Gregory's, Yar- outl, and Thomas Bleorrifielcl, of Brussels, ntario, Canada. The bride, who was be- ) mingly attired in whitelDuchesse satin, l immed with orange loslsoms, wearing a reath and veil, was escorted to the sacred difiee by James Tbrner, of Broughton, anchester. Miss Ede Turner and Miss —A disastrous fire occurred at Parkhill &boot 4 o'clock Sunday morning. The fire started in Ovens' furniture shop, destroying the building and contents; alai) Seaton's barber shop, the Bell telephone office, Dr. Caw's residence and office, and badly dam- aging the bank and residence of T. L. Rogers and the Hastings Houee stables. Insurance unknown. - —William D. D. Howell, a farmer, 35 years old, living in North Fredericksburg, while duck hunting on Hay bay on Friday of last week, accidentally shot and killed himself instantly. The accident was caueed by Mr. Howell drawing his gun towards him to fire on a flock of d-ucks. The trigger touched some part of the boat and the weapon exploded,ahe charge enter- ing his heart. - —The " Soo " train going east on the Canadian Pacific Railway, jumped the track at Haley station, six miles east of Pem- broke, about 2 a. m. on Monday, and tore down the station. The baggage car ran up against the station. No one Was injured. The train ,was running about 40 miles an hourThe GI — rand Trunk Railway Inta,de a fast run on Monday night, between Toronto and Montreal, of which the officialare not a little proud. The journey of 333 miles was made in 7 hours and 45 minutes- In all there were 20 stops. Between Brockville and Montreal the run was partieularly fast. The distance of 125 miles was made in 160 minutes, but from this 32 minutes have to be deducted for atops, of whichlthere were 11. —At the evening service in McCaul street Methodist church, Toronto, last Sunday night, something occurred which had not been announced on the bulletin boards. Rev. J. T. .Morris discoureed on hpnesty. He spoke of the honesty, or the lackof it, shown in municipal affairs. After regaling his audience with a story of New York muni-__ cipal life, wherein a benevolent alderman was represented to have told a, contractor, his daughter's fiance, to double ; the amount of his tender and add on a third for extras, the pastor directed his hearers' attention to the state of tfraire in Toronte. "Why," MoLEAN $ROS., fnblishers. $1 a Yea' in Adv4nce.i much isere in it for me if I get the con- 1 and by giving caret tpy said he "1 have heard that even the nun in the business, one to oversee the inecheni, who sells dog -tags has been asked, How cal department and the other ;the fihishing, tract for on ?" Then arose E. C. Daven- the general workin pe port in his w. " You are not telling the to make a emcees o truth," quoth he.. "1 must repeat myself," T11, said the pastor, undaunted, amid applause. "Sit down! e cap fits boo well !' called a voice from th gallery, and Mr. Daven- port, although desirous of entering a further protest, subsided. Msi.: Davenport is in ;charge of the dog license in the police court department at the city hell. Hence his in- terest in the cage, —Winston Spencer Churchill, M. P., the famous war currespondent, and who was imprisoned by the Boers in South Africa, for a length of time, will 'spend Christmas with their Excellencies, the Governor-Gen- eral and the Countess of Minto, at Govern- ment House, Ottawa. Mr. Churchill will lecture in - Montreal, Ottawa'Toronto, Kingston, Hamilton, Brantford, London and St. Therms, during his stay of a fortnight in Canada. His first lecture will be in Montreal on December 26th. — Mr. Edward Blagden, farmer, 7th con- cession of East Flamboro', Wentworth county, was severely gored by a bull on his farm Monday afternoon, - The -animal, which is four years old, turned on him when it was let out to get a drink.. His thigh was torn open, and one of the horns of the animal pierced his groin. Dr. Mc- Gregor, of Waterdown, put fourteen etitches in the the thigh wound. Mr. Blagden's condition is critical. —David L. Caven, Dominion Immigration Agent, died suddenly at Columbus, Ohio, last Friday, from heart failure, brought on by a paralytic stroke received last August. He had just returned to Columbus from a bueiness trip to Detroit and took ill the same day he died. Deceased, who was 59 gem% of age, was well known in Toronto, and was the fourth eon of the late James Caven, of Prince Edward county. For Some years he lived in Stratford, where be was proprietor of the Albion hotel. —Charles Grant, one of the oldest and most highly esteemed residents of Brook- ville section, died at his home in the town- ship of Elizabethtown, where.he was born, aged 71 years. For many years in his early life he devoted his attention to railroad contracting. He built a portion of the Grand Trunk and also considerable railroad work in the state of Maine. He also en- gaged extensively in lumbering throughout Ottawa. For the past 20 years Mr. Grant followed the life of a farmer very success- fhuol—mlyetliisein Botany, Elgin county, met death s Annie McBrayne, aged 17* whose in a horrible manner, in Detroit, last Satur- day evening. She stepped off a street' oar' and passed behind it to cross the double tracks, apparently not hearing an approach- ing east bound car. When in the middle of th; track she stopped; hesitated and tried to turn back, butt it Was too late. She was t rown under, the fender of the oar, the fr nt wheel cutting off both legs, the left ozje above the knee, and the right one close the body, the right side of which was ribly crushed. ---Premier Ross has declared his inten- n of holding a conference shortly with e membere of the Ontario Good Roads sociation. - His object is to ascertain the we of the leaders of the movement for ad reform as to the best manner of ilizing Governmental assittance which outlined during the last session of the gislature. At that time the Premier de- te ti vi r u w L clared his intention of distributing $100,- 040 year for ten years, on condition that at least ae much should be given by the tunicipalities for the same end. The sub- ot was taken 'up too late- in the session to threshed oat, and was laid over to be d eh with at the coming meeting of the ; ouee. —The annoUncement by the Toronto eilway Company of the 'sixteenth quarter - 1 dividend of one per cent. on its paid up capital, directs attention to the enormous earning power pf the five -cent piece. The gross earnings 1 of the street railway wen- t/may last year Were $1,333,542, an iucrease o $122,924 ov year. There operating exp ortionate adv but, after providing interest at from 4,i to 6 per cent. on bonds to the value of, $3,000,- , the company was able last year to stow a net profit of $432 816 43, as compared with $404,738 80 the year before: And all t is out of the fi‘e-cent—the too often despised five-cent—pieees of the great rest - 1 ss public l good trade. 1 personal{ oversight to of the buOness he hopes it and th build- up a — Mr. Will Taylor, .on of Rev:. Taylor, of St. Marys, formerly, of Y has unfortunately been ohligsd to all study at Toronto University, his ing affected through over-stuc10". i giye up eyes be4 — The Osclar Springs cheeselfactory, just west of Wellesley', has been sold by Mr.. D. R. Streicher to Mr. Clark, 1 cheeiemaker The - be de aft el. et rept o Mr. at the Cedar Grove factory, at Pool last make of this season's cheese is livered in a few days, immediate' which the new proprietor will ta ISBSIOD. —A. painful accident happened Charles Henry, of Monkton, MOnday f last week, as he was assistinie to bake oft timber on one of Mr. James offattts lot!. He accidentally cut his left feat across the top, severing the chords of the large toe,and injuring the bone. The out' required ten stitches. — Wm. Collins, of Stratford, h awarded $600 damages against the Stratford. On the 12th cif June horses ran away, and he was thrown a land roller on the street, the res thst his leg was broken. The co was that the city lives liable for alio roller on the street. — A very pretty event took Place needay afternoon of last week, at t been city of, last hie against It being tention ing the 11 Wed- I reel - denim of the bride's father, it e. Mel occasion WAS the marriage of I Miss Minnie Hobson, daughter of Mr. and t Mrs. i` Robert Hobson, to Mr. Addison Reid, ,isf Krug Bros. Furniture Co,, Chesley., The nuptial knot was tied by Rev. M. L. L Steatford. After a lingering illness of man Ann Mason, relict of the late Wm. Mitchell, who pre -deceased her b years, passed to her eternal home on day, let inst., aged 79 years and 2 She was married in Yorkshire, and in 1840 came to Canada, and tw itch, of years, 'tty, of seven Se.turr onths., ngland* years later move on to lot 11,conceesion leLogan where she limed a large family. Twenty- one years ego decesesed and I her usband moved to .1iitchell, where they spe last days. They were among the fi tiers of the neighborhood, and un all the privations of the early pionee —On Monday evening of tan week, by pile upsetting and breaking of a large lamp, the store and post office at Monkton, of Mr*. A. Erskine, narrowly escaped being burned* t their st set- erwent s. About 5 o'clock in the evening, Erskine was sitting it a small table a newspaper, by accident knocked off onto the fioor, and in an ins flames shot up to the ceiling., The as Mri readin* e lamp nt the ory fire was •quickly spread, and these whOh4were near were soon on .hand to h extinguish the flames, Mrs. Erskine, in the endeavor to beat out the flames, bad her apron completely burned off, her hands get ting pretty badly burned in ;taking it o A quilt was thrown over the1 fierne and it was soon smothered oat. Some r carpets were rather badly scorched. —The following wills have been at the local Surrogate Court dur month of November : For probate James, Elina'lime burner, $4,300 personal, $300 real ; Donald MoTavish„ North East - hope, farmer, $24,295.45 peesonal, $10,000 real; Irabella*Bell, North Eatithope,1 widow; . p rzonal T. Kane, Fullerton, retired flarmeN $2,700 personal; NWenzel, $2,700 , Nicholas Wenzel, Wallace, farmers, $2,692 personal, $3,110 real; Andrew N-nholson, go end enterea ng the • Edwin Logan, farmer, $786 persona, $5, For administration—George Le Stratford, county treasurer, $2,550 $4,000 real ; Alex. R. Walker, farmer, $1,675 personal, $6,175 real —The following pupihs at the Model school have procured sit otions Messrs. John A. Beattie Cy'redshi4 „- J. F. ' Gaynor, Winfield M. Little, Tralee ; W. Fallis Howickl H. McFadden, Stirton; W. Stephens, St. Ives, M. MpOaffrey, Ellice ; A. M. Murray, Crosshill ; A. L. Langford, Elmo. The Mise ls V. 17. SimP- r those of the preceding son, Winthrop, A. Bronell, Dungannon ; as en increase of 1.4 in E. Tomlinson, Trecaetle ; N 1 DelyeO,Wyou. news, attributed to a pro- dotte ; C. MeKnight, Milvetton ; M. Bain, nee in the pria-e of material, South Easthope ; a Waring and . Spoi- ling, in the neighborhood of St.j Mary* " M. Flanagan, {Jargon ; Bello _Rox orough, No. 4, Ellice; Mary Dalrymple, irtakeeide. • Huron Notes. —John Ireland has di posed of his milk business in Clinton to Fred latokwood. —Before leaving Blyth, Dr, and Mrs. Tait were entertained at a complimentary dinner by their friends. 1 —Mr. Thomas Hawkins bas aoldi his 25 acres of land on the 3rd coneeesion 'of HaY, to Mr. Coxworth, for the suin of 1150. —Mr. George Middleton, of Aell 'eh], has purchased Mr. James Martin's farila of 100 acres, in Killion, for $4,500. —While going out of his house the oth r inlay, Mr. John Hunkin'lieborne slipp d and fell, breaking two ofhio ribs. —Jackson Brothers, of Clinton,] are go. ing into the wholesale nnanufaciture of children's and boys' readymade clothing. •—While Wilson Yeo, of 'Goderkh town- ship, was patching the roof of his barn the other day, he slipped off and sprained his ankle. • real. ereagee monad) ibbert, tratfond — Wm. Mc eake'e farm il —The Mitch P ent $1,289 o s'dewalks. —Messrs. Pi a erth N otes- enzie has purchased W. Logan for $5,000. 11 board of works this year tside of the special woik on eon & Litt, of Sebringville, aye rented the Shakespeare flax mill for term of five yeera. _ hompson secretary of the itched in ale Staff& Methediet ay last. ros. have sold their livery When, to David Linton, of y of Fullarton. t Francis, of 'Mitchell, has teach school section No. 9, • corning year. h Nichols has sold his 100 ortheast Fullarton, to a Mr, lingford, for the sum of $6,• will be submitted to the rate hell, for the purpose of robi- 1 ng $600, with which to purchase property or a public cemetery. —Mr. Harry Head has sold his farm of 43 cres, on the boundary east of Monkton. for ;, he sum of $1,800. Mr. John A. McEwen as the buyer. —Mr. Warner,of Tralee, is very kw from the effects of a paralytic stroke he sus- tained a week ago, and very little hopes are entertained for his recovery. —Philip Helm, of Poole, butchered two hogs the- other day, which, after being 1o1ed, weighed 1,000 pounds. They were on. ly a year old, and not overly fat. 1 —During the year ending October 31st, the Si. Marys creamery company received 7,474,555 pounds'of milk, which was manu- actured into 311,546 pounds of butter. —The vital statistics for the city of Sprat- ord for the month of November show the number of births to be 10, marriages 10, and death* 9. This is about the average rate. —The Dufton Woollen Mills, Stratford, are shut down in order that extensive re- pairs may be made, which will include a new boiler and a acetyline gas plant. —The Si. Marys waterworks pumped 698,040 gallons ef water during November, an average of 23,268 gallons per day. The wells have a large overflow of water every day going to waste. —Mr, Samuel Forins, of the 2nd conces- sion of Elmo, has purchased from the as- eignees of the late firm the Listowel chair factory pren48es arid property, and is busy ..,nrrstnidna the premises generally for win- -Rev. Mr. onference, pr hurch on Sun —Irgram lE u siness, in M ogan, former - Mr, Robe • een engaged ogan, for th —Mr. Jose ore farm in yarbut, of Ca 50. —A by-law payers of Mite —Mr. George Lyons, for many years! & resident of Clinton, died in Ghelph Ina Tuesday of last week. He ' was ibout 75 • —Mr. M. H. Hammond, of B4t,h, has years of age. been appointed station agent at 10akville, and will assume his new duties a, 60011 as an agent is appointed for Blyth. —Oa Monday, December ' 3rd, re. vie. Kenzie, wife of D. N, McKenzie, of Aeb- field, passed away after a severe stole -nese 01 nearly two years, of cancer. • —Fred Sharman, of Goderich, :was pre- sented with a Humane Society Medal for saving the life of H. Miller from drowning in the Maitland river in July last.1 —Walter S. Shannon, a popular youhg man, of Clinton, died on Friday, 30th ult. Deceased was only 22 years of s,ge. Con- sumption was the cause of death, 1 —Moses McBrien, of the 5th conce,ssion, Goderich township, who made his home with W. Johnston, died suddenly on Fri- day, 30th ult., at the age of 76 Ye0g# — On Monday of last week Sophia Rae, relict of the late James Douglas, died at her home, COLICOBSiOII 15, Grey, at the ad- vanced age of 83 years, 5 rnorithe and ,13 days. • — Alex. Perrie lot 10, concession 12, Grey, had an exce'llent crop of peas this year. He had 9/ acres, from 'which he threshed 410 bushels. This is about 43 bushels tothe acre. —Mr. James Roes has Mold his 100-aere farm in East Wawanosh, to Mr. Win.. Fear, of Morris, who was married last week, to Miss Kate Searle, daughter of Mr. John Se—ariTeke spring assizes for this county will be held in Goderioh, as follows Jury oases, Tuesday, February 26t,h, Rose, ; non -jury oases, Tuesday, May 14th, Me. ter. His p ans are to employ two experts Mahon, J.