HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1900-12-07, Page 7.74. .
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:1 aaw him.
I-- babe.
. �t atruggl"
�uly friend
� I
1-ulter and
� I awl C&r-
I lef t hand.
.- " 1 ven-
, ,
I ;
IL9000 I
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our direct oonnectio 1" wifl1l sav you
time and money for all poin .
I i I ��
I Canadian N drth est
I - :
I .
; 'Via Toronto Or Chicago, �
i I a
I Britlah Columbia ad Calilornia -
. . points, .
I Our ra,tes are the lowo�t. We I ave them
0 suit everybody and �ULLMAN TOUR.
,ST CARS for your aa ? orriniodat ,�on. �4 Cal)
for further information. 1 .. �
I Grand Tr�xnX :Zail,4y.
i Trains leave seaforth. an� Clinton *tlons as
i , - �
i agow$ : i .
I I .
: I �,;,Drqa WKVLT— - SX-4-TPRTH. CLI]MR.
rAznngcr .......... 12;40 P. M. i 12.66 P, M.
� , p&mengef — - - I - - - 10,X2 P. M. 1 10.27 P. M.
t .mixed Train . I - I 9120 A. H, I 10.16 A. M.
I 3
-Mixed Tmin ...... - I , I I
gorsa Y'Asr-- 7.143 A. M. 1 7.88 A.M.
� Passenger .. I. ....
I pugenger. I .- -I-- 9.1ill P. M. 1 2 ' 66P M
4: 50 P. M. j 4.25 i�. M:
Mixed Trida .... I. .. I ;
� I
. —i ;
. I
. - ton, Gr
� woliftig 11 and E.�ruce-
tsorlqo Nwarr pawn er. 1 If ixed. -
I T�n i
Ethel ........... 8.07 F,, M. I 1.40 P. 19.
� 8.17 : 2.10
Brusseb.. I
- :
13luaVA10 - - . 827 : 2.86
- - I � .
Wingham - - - -- . 8.38 . I 1 8.25
I vonfe SOUT11— Ppasengar. Mixed.
Wingham ............ 61,58 A. M. 8.56 A. M,
Bluavale I. .......... 7-02 9.17
I -pruasels .... ..... 7118 9.46
Ethel.. I. - -- -- -- :.:: 71:28 10.02
i 0
; .
; London, lauron and Biwe.
: Powenter.
� � NO&TU
� "" - . K .
� London 5.66 P.M
. � ,.,ra&�e�ar.l .... -.-. .... -.-. I - '. - " A� . 40
i 1. '9.18'0 6.07
; ....
. . 9.44 6.18
: Hensall . .............. 9�60 6.26
� Kippen ............ "', I 1 9.68 6. &3
. Brucef101d . ...... � .....
; I jo.i6 6.66 -
cuntoii. - - - - - .. _..... �: 10.33 714
. L,ondesboro .--- r. 10,41 7:2S'
Btyth.. - - � .......... 10.66 787
BOgr&VO ---- -::,r,
�, 11,10 8.00
Wingham ArrIVO- . PassenKer.
Game K.,UT11— �. 0.63 A X. &16 P. H
Wingham, depart .... .. . 11
BelgraVO ........ .. ...... 7.0t 8.40
Blyth .................. il. 7.14 3.66
7,012 4.06
Londeaboro .......... .. i.- .25
Clinton....- I I - I I - - .... 747 � I
I 8.05 4.49
Braveflold ............. j
I . 8.16 4.57
Kippen .. .............. ; * 8.22 5.02
11ena&U---,. .1.'
Exeter .......... I ?& a 6 16.14
Centralia .... ... :*.,'.*.::I:: 8.46 6-'13 I
--.1-- 1-1-1 --I.. 0.37 A X. 6 1!
. � I -
I a,c ,,i n
. 1%
.. � -� '.
a - ; There . s npth-
I- � Ing. so- bad for a
� Fough as �ough-
. gh
� 11 # ing. It tears the--
. -tendermembrane
.. - . of the thrPat and
I -lun,,,Y,s,. and the
.. -
,,woun hus
- ,
- I made-lattract the
germl;s of con-
. sumptlon. -Stop ",
yo ; pr. �coqgh by.
us�ng the family
retne y that has
been c u .�J a g.
cough� aad colds
every kind. for -
i sixty years. ' You
�� !!
1! can t afford to be with-
� , �
Put It. 7 i , � I
71 W %w%
.1 loosens the grasp
of your
,I cough. Thb cok
. 9
1 .
lof the throa
I removed; gll inflarnina-
�tion is subdu d;
andl the
cough drop I
, ,
I Three
I siz s: i
. I
e one
� dollar size I the
! est to ke'e on
i the 50c. siz for
j you- have -h Cd for-
I tifne; the. 25c.
size or
3 . ,an ordinary cok
1 11 For 15 years ... bad
1 cough. The doet ro am4eTerybody
L very ba4
else tho-lit T 11, a ,
" e came of
� I . - � r 'i nsumption. T on I ftled A.yerla
M I Clierry Pectoral 11 it 4 nly took a
. LOA�. . 1co
MONEY T � bottle and a h&U cur( me."
, A
Money to 1041) s1 eat on flr,�t-clma farrn ii F. M DX 3111,LIM
I Doo li,in I
land -security. APIP]Y to P. S. lj.Ay'�, � Oct. 28, 18M.- . I Camden, Kly.
ill ,
riforth. 1-107 � . I
Bank Buildinz, Sc 1, i :. Writs the Doctor. If you have any
� - 1—* — ---- - , I
---� ! complaint whatey ar and desirer the
i beat medical advice,mrite the Doe&Wr-
) freel dres 5 I
C I I Y� I mass, -
ThO -Pubilic . * R. I 0. A.Y. W, L
I I i I , 70u,
Will not sp2rt(l ti(ne aid mnn, y 1-t - - - - � Aog h6,11hooft -
going to sto You, When Tibey e -vu- 0010 I - I .
. � I
. get your more enterpr' ing com- ,I 4 1 .
" ; '
petitor either by Long ioiance or DIBTRIOT MATTERS.
. I I I
Local Exchan e Telep�ollne Ser- . i I
9 , . i
I i. . T.4 .... I - I I �
vice, ; � .
� �
I I ZA 91
: 2ft
— - -- — I
i '94 mpurnexpooth
. i
� 19 I M- i -
I . I
Seaforth 11111se I . I � Hi ,,, rt. -
. � ; SCHOOL RL�PORT.----fflIie following is
�- � ,eport of school sectiioti No. 4, Hibbert
The undersigned having purch s�4d from ' - .
the Ogilvie Milling Company, of MIDnt real,. the month of Novem� : Entrance clae
the well-known - I I Peter McIver, 354; I Ue Hamilton,
� i Lizz-b Morrison, 38X.. i J inor Fourt
m2lylorrisori, 32L.;: nnis Hamilton,
. .
N i '
-Seaforth Flour . ,-X',,11ls, w `
. i Soni r Thir'd,-Ague gort is, 363 j Lue
, �rak,
Are now prepared to do all ki id of is O,e 361 ; Stewart,11amilton, 346 ; F
. � . �; n6li r.by Smale, 273.
1 1 1 �r.h yp '- ;
Ve 11gr ior ird,-Sylveste I 11AIlen, 251. Se
-0 ustom WQ) W%j class: -Robert Striale. �309 ; Mary Me]
I �
I I : . -1) - ,o
- r % - -1
i 1 297 ;;.Thomas Fell 0) hn Allen,,
I . . I TO WHICH . . .1 I Pa ck Ryan, 222'- 'Ellen Connolly,
� . � Par t,second, -EdWar I I'Dra ke, 159 ; Wi
Special Attention vi,i# -be Fell, 132 ; Normaq Drake, YOO.
I I i — �--
Given. [ , W�AKNESS � - 110SPITA
-- . I I . � I
The very best.qUal'tyL of Flea given in I : -- 'T
Said. to be Inc,, .bl. -i'Qu
-exchange for wheat. I -of the .Mo I st Deadly D
Chopping of all kinds done on ph short 0,40
tat notice. Price, five cents per 1pa . i I" eases of the Age.
The beat brands of Flour alwayl� on. hand, � I ,I. ,�
� i
and will be delivered in any pairt of the , M6--;TREAL, Dec. 3 , Mr. William Br
town free of obarge. ' tells an alarming I a ory � of utter fa
The highest price in cash paid for' all ley
. ! of tho.lhospita,18 to cure�hirrrof BrighVs
kinds of gralln . i He waa treated a the best 11081
; ease. i .
Feed of- all �inds constantly on! hand. � .
1 1 . both �in Canada an, thy United St
The Seaforth Millin CO. Thej gave him up, 1. Be incurable. Me
9 I science had failed ;- the he pitals were
� 1 1089 erlos�, to help him. Nevertheless
. -1 : .
I I Kidney
I Brownley if; cured. ! Dodd's
� I I
� : i ourearhim, and he is a, well man to -day,
Saly-a Mr. Brown hiiniself : 11 I have
H. R. -Jack on . �
S a su ject to Bright's Dhease of the
- - I I eye for twenty, years. I have been i
, , i
' oat hospitals of Caunda and the U
t e -
& SON* I Stat' a. I could get ri relief.' I have
. . �
! finis ed eleven boxea of Dodd's Ki
Omr= IMPORTERS OF I Pill' and am-, completel.3
- Jules Robin & do�s. Bran , Cognac, I 0
. 1. 00 ineer, and well know
. Lotive 69
France; Jno. do &uyper & Son, H& anV can vouch for tih .9 statement."
land Gin, Rottordam, I Holland 9 in � I i . I
BootWs Tom Gin, London England ; I I 6
- .
Bulloch & Co.'s Scotch W isky, Glas- .1 f - Mdrris.
gow, Scotland; jarnies nis Irish 0 -�
9T,T..NCI.L DOI.Nas.,At tl e last meeti
Whisky, Dublin, I ' reland � also Port Morha council Mr. bde was instruct
and Sherry Wine from France aiad hav6 award drain at' lot 4, concessi
Spain, Agents for Walkeif's Whisk- cleaned out an soon as:the weather per
. Ontario ; Royal Distillery and Davih An la3count presen d b P.. Ament,
Ale and Porter, Toronto. I lai& over for fu tu e : c Asideration.,
i account of James ljli�ui'kshank, left
To THE Pt-l-BLIC : 1 1 I ic
I fron�.Iast meeting, 1;w%$ ordered to be
We have opened a r a. a re in W. ij, Johnston reported having ivap
connection with our wholesale busi. the Oatness drain ani�found"it satisfac
business in the rear of tb e new Do- com �leted. Messrs. I Aldock and P
.1 0
- minion Bank, in Good's old stand, were granted $35 for work on Xe
where we will sell the beE t goods in drain; The following deputy-retu
the market at bottom, pripes. Goods offi .rs were appoil3ted ia case a po
I delivered to any part of the town req ired at the coming municipal *elect
free. Division No. 1, D�j Laiilaw; No.
i I '
TELEPHONE I 1, ; 15U4f Kelly-; No. 3, Charles McCrea; N
� . William El
i i Thqmas Miller, jr. ; No. 6,
N � oi 6 1 J Robb. After- passing nury
Iderton Sto,ek Farm, I acc'�unts*the councll� adjqurned unti
1. : cerniber 15. I
I ;
. I'
-- I I I
I I A Tonic for Mothers
Thoroughbred urhan � COWS, THe hn�ppinesg that oomes t( a home with
advent is too frequently ahadom ed by the ill
Heifers aid Bulls or %V'��aknen of the motber. To restore the in
of the moat fashionable strains for sale at Btre gth to bring back vigor Ivid 'energy. and
reasonable prices. lost offi(e address, tai. 1�t��uring the aureing pot iod, Dr.Cbasc'a
. Pool] iB undoubted iy thu most off ti e pie
c O' '
I rill
DAVID HILL, Staffa. obtainable. It makes the blood ;�hh,, revitari
1 1861-tt nerves, and has a wonderful rcA -,IV Influe
I --- - I wh,-le systtm- 60 cer-tS R b- I _ dealere
- � I I the -1 . , I
I - .
. - pr�lj" I - .
cook"s colttoli BOA -=1 c nd . .
I � .
. - Grev.
� I I IS KjjeC --er .
eS,';fUl1y,USVd 1110IJU11Y 1)y o,
Itt,M) 1,affi"-, 1,iftf��, eff(�CLU,111, LAd "CINZ-FIC C, OU'�,�(-jj, NJEETI.1�0. �At the last m
y(jur druggLa fo I r cook a Cal too POO! UM- I u n at. ' timunication
Pound. Tah(I tio otlivr as 411 .'-fixtures, vills and of �he Grey co , A, co
Mr Thomas Pepper was read, slatinj
lni�ttations are (langerotio. P-'rlee, No. I �� I r .
.3 bc;--111 I e � expenses i
bfix.No.��,lodegr(,e,;strong(,r,y er '. 0. It 1 hould not pay all the
I Or 2 1pt�)f prive Lit. wV11 � . side ro
. mai led o it rece d two 0 n t ne4ion'wilth the line fence oLL
stalill,F1 'illii('oolcCi.)irnp-inyN%'In-tisor.Ont..
rW%NO-4. 1 j.rj(l,t2.4oI(l atio reconia ended by all at tot 5, conc6asion. 9, and he asks to
responilble Druggists ii� Canada. tho matter settled by arbitrauion. I
. �
-----4 --- ----------- ------------ � ------- - - - de 'ded that no action be taken,
. 'from T
Tb -e mcKillop"Mut,13i Fire council have an agreem ut I
Pepper topay the expense. Thenler
Insurance Comp iny. , , instructed to make out tie amounts �
- —� , _ th� township of Morris on the
. FARM AND ISOLATE[ TOWN awards under the ditches and water
- I �
d the sa
Q act, and f or�vlird the sa e to the el
I municipality. lt,wga resolved to pay
— , . . - on contract o
omo*". . Oliver �he sum of $6,24
. J. B. McLean, Pretdden�, Kippen ,; 0. ; Thomas ern,me I drain No. 2 and outlet, as p
gi]4 er�
Fraoer, vice-proBidont, Brupefield P. . ;.Thoinaq E.' 5 certificate. As there t,eems
Haya, Secy�Treas. goafort� P. o. I . G. Broad- some mistake between th a. council . a
. A, In6pector of boaseo;,.Soaforth I 0, I
DIArg4rcia'. i I cooncil of M:!KilIop in regard to wor
. r
0 i
� W. Q. Rroadfoot, � Sovdotfl ; John 1�. Grieve, w i ni.the boundary of Grey and Me
George Dale, Sojiforth; John .
' Mi. McDonald was authorized to atte
'bro ,
Dub in John Wattj T
.� James 9vans, .0eech-wood,111, . meKil)op council mreetin ,,on the 19t,
! 11.rj�c ; Thomas Fruarj� Brueefield; John B. Me ...
Lean, Kippen ; James Cobno-113" Clinton. an� have the mist�ke r ctified. Mr
I AOV�TX. W4,s authorized to have a stall in th
Robt. Smith,, 11arlock; Robt. MeM Ilan, Seefofih
Ja.mes Cumming Egrnondv o; J. W Yea, Homes; be�,ind the township- hall closed in
Ville P, O.; (;.cargo Murdle tknd Job , C. Morrison, p#pose of keeping -the road grader i
auditors � . n t in use. The �releve and Adam Ti
Parties desirous to 0, t I es or iftnt. -
'Ot Other business will be �Peroolmptnieyurt,Lcnlded to on reported they had examined and m
%pplicatton to any of the aSove office , bddreiged to wl.dth of side roa 3, at, lot 15, con
21dr respeoilve poet officap. t 13, and fourid-the oad Ilowance t
i F 3 . . - �
j ; .
C i I I
i i . .
— I , I ! I I
� 1- - ---- - � - - - --- �
I .- - - � -1 - 1, - � - , , , - i I
.---.1- . I ---- " , - - � " , - � - � I I � - I - - -- - - -1 � � � - , :.
I ; ,� . . ; �.
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I I ! ; .....
I I � ..
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I � - . � . . � .�k
I � I I
I �� -
- I I
i I
. . . . I
. 4 -
� . i I i i i :
- � i ; :
. . V T I 10 PnQJTn"R I I ; ;
i, I . �� rqrP . TTT 0 nk T
. . a 7 — --- --
- 11 . I I I --- . -- - - --
-- � I . i - - - , I � - . .
. I . I "oniplaining . Wife-" Share, I .
feet wide at 01 e blind line and only 61 feet bly, wore announc4 'Dr, Murray reporte black eye?" C . e Baby
I w oppositel3anitiel Dunn's barn.' Ro�bert in re century fund, expre siv g regret that yer worship, he wasn't a physical wreck till . 11 I I
��e I ; I
Livingston hn� , Adam Turnbull were au-th. only k w congregations pu 11 in i final report. he gave me the black eye." I
- *
� orized to go I d examine the line fence at and urged all to send in r tur is before De- -Teacher ,(endea . voring to explain the ick ?,
6 I . i
lot 15 on ai� .e ,oad,.And make arrangements comber lab. The remit of Asi embly on De- meaning of the word " harness ")-" What .
. � .
. to have said fence rp-noved to the proper votiDn'al Manual foo aids ,o fj)6ial worship does yov*.r father put on the horses ?" Small The prob bly it's a oold.
I I Ba s cal cold so easily
line. By-laws �pppin.lng polling places and was considered, and on oti3n the remit 1 Boy (his face brightening)-" Please, air, 'o �
depu�y retu -ni d -g offic 3re, for tbo municipal was disapproved. lRemi a rerappointment puts on all 'e can if 'e thinks it'll win." . and recove so slowly. Not
. -
. elections, aid thio ApI ointing a, drain in8&c- of S'Abbath school gecretary and extended. -Magistrate-" The assault you have - slowly, ho-v�ever, when you ,
I ter, were ad op;ed. A f ter passing numerous powers to Synods, ,Were tabled till January . I committed on your poor wife is a most usei Vapo-Cresolene. Then I
accounts, al I oF which will appear in the an- meebirig. Session r6cords of'Wrox ter were - brutal one, Do you know of any reason . +
nual statem3n, soon to be issued,� Nvere pass- exat6ined, and attested as (;mrefull� and why I should not send you to prison ?" i a single ni ht is all tha
ed, and the 0 incil D.djourned, to�meet again correctly kept. Tho' Presbyt ry.c naidered Prisoner-" If you do, your Honor, it will n�cessary for a cure., YOU just put ,
- I I I
on the 15Dh of � Decem 3er. � a petition from the �semioll 0 Dungannon.' break up our honeymoon." some Cresoleric in thE vaporizer, light 4
1 ; I I �
I The members of the 'essio it were hoard, viz.: -Walker-" You know the old ,saying,
--� . I . IS the lamp beneath, and place near the
RE, GULAIL- A,C�rION of the bowola is necessary to Messrs. Elliott, Ja�dine, Duff 'Mallough. 'Let me make the songs of a nation and I ,
I I At I -
health LAX.i-141VER PILLS are the be9t OCAS. and the Moderatot, Re 7 r' iairbairn.' don't care who makes its laws"' Fraser cAb. While bAby sleeps he I)reathes-
lonal �atbarbic fo� fawl y Jr general use. Price 26c, I in I
I It wa.9 on motion �iunanimoualy 4greed to " Yes. What about it 9" Walker-" It I the healing vapor.' Cold loosens,
Any druggl8t. I . I , )
. � I . appoint two assessoks to th Dungannon ought to read, I Let me make the laws of a inflamed 'membrane§ beal, and all
� -0 I - . . �
. � � . session in having an' eledion f three now nation and I'll pat in jail half the folk who trbuble ceases. It's 4 perfect specific
I st ni y Council.. ld6� -iller ind - make its soDge.' "
c ,rs. Rev. Mr. D4 obort Look - I
Stanley c)uiicil rnet on Monday, Novem- bart, older of S b,_ Helena, - wer ointed as Mrs. Smith (to Smith, who is in bed for wbooping-cough'and croup. 8
ber 26th. F. W. Firsoomb was instructed . 11 The doctor's comin 3 Mapo-Cresolene Is sold by �druggists everywhere.
-asso isors in terms of! motiG . meeting with a headache)- AL Vapo-Cresolene outfit, inclu ing the Vaporizer and
, Smith-" H ye n6
to survey & id -epoit on big swamp drain� of '' .-'resbytery will 'be hE Id Ftepit - i n g h a m,' roun' tao see ye." � Zatrip, which should last a 11 time, and a bottle of �
' T � . AV
The followi ig Drav I accounts were paid : Jan. ary 15, 1901, at; 10 a. m. better '� send for the undertaker I ,I . Mrs. Cresolene, co tra supplies of (3reso.
i " lene2 5 c ents a,mnX15`oec`e.n8to1a50111u rated booklet contain-
I J. Cameron. $ .92 J. Dinsdale, 80 centa ; I - .
� ; I , . 10 Smith � 11 Whit in the worl' d'ye mean 9" Ing physician ft upon request VAPo.
I . s, testimonials fx
i0. Logan, 138 48 a d ,$8-.50 for keeping T AT aching hoad 0an be instantly relieved by Smith-" Weel, ye ken that 'comial events CRESOLENE CO., 180 FUU013, t., New York, U.S.A. -E
. '
in ;,A I k 4 a r n i :, ,1 'pQ pit taki one of MILBURY,8 STRELLUrG 11,EADACEIE
repai -� ; W. Carnie, $4.80 ; POW ERS. One poivdor, be ; three for .10c, ton for cast their shadows before."' ecommended , and s6ld by I. V. Fear,
. �� i
S.. Rg-thwell, $7.52 v A. Watts, $4.96 ,- Jan. 26o. . i -" I would give the world to call YO`u� Dluggist, SeafQrth. I
Campbell, �5.00 ; W. E, Reid, $51.04 ; A. . Ji. mine," be said,�ardently. 11 No, Harold," I -1 � ..... ... -
Reid, $63 52 ; 11J. Parke, $7.12 ; D. -McKen- . T . she answered kindly but coldly ; " you may
Hugged 4 Canadian. Beltish Government to the value of 9150,. *
zie, $ 17-68 ; i ,I T, Rei, 1, $4. 1 6 ; J. Gingrich, I -- I think you would, but you wouldn't. You 00b. Then, at ti eir leiq'ure, they removed A
F6 1 $20-72 ; P. 011pling, $12.24 ; Howard and A� remarkable ne Wok place on the, couldn't buy the world on a 30 shillings a the gold without burtin a hair of the pas-
Jolfnaton, 437 for work.on south boundary, Prince's stage on sc� � week salary, you know." 9
� f t e ockasiort of the de, setigers and the few British soldiers in the I
� Thomas Cc) em an, $9 rM0, for gravelling south parture of the Canadianilliv lide troop'll -"What if I.were one of those husbands,
I train, The affair has b�en kept secret in
boundary; D. McNa�ghton, $5.30) for re- who returned to Canada iDu he 0mlni0A my dear, who gets up cross in the morningt I
I d ik W accordance with orders 'from headquarters
pairs to g a( er an op es ; M. Purdy, liner Dominion. t hail b en 0aid that and bang things about and kick everything at I Pretr,ria " . .
81,60, for repairs to g ader. The clerk wag Liverpool has not I lionij;ed' theie heroes' over just because the coffee iF, cold I" . . r
I ;o �otify B atty Brotheis to re- as it ought to have done, thol -gh I he Lord "John," responded his wife, " I would --A heavy snow storm: which set in in -
instructed 1 � Montreal on Monday of, last week and con-
I move olbstlu4ions o d replace Mayor recently to th( st'j rig t of the make it hot for you." As her words admit- tinned Tuesday, seriousiy interferred with
sidewalk oweast side of store. The reeve charge by sending a �arge j iupF ly o tobacco; ted of more than one interpretation, John the train service and with the telegraph
I was instruclaed to see r. Garrow in r�gard eto., on board, wim his beet w Shea and said nothing about the -,offee. lines. Several o�e a n- veopels Nvere tied up
to Grand I cu nk Rai -way repla ing cattle .thank's. The ladiel of - Liverpo I furbher -Visitor (at the lunatic asylum)-" Who in that harborulpable to. get away until the
guards at farm crossi go. I showed their inter�sb ir the Cainadions. in that poor fellow in forty --seven?" Keeper- weather cleared. i ;
A onBiderable con� ' tingei t ' an �Oing On " Forty-seven ? Oh, forty-iseven loved . a -Duncan Me . onald,!of Kenyon town -
ANXIOUS M THERS nd DR. L)WIS WORM board in a very q4i&t w Y, omel partly in girl and she wouldn't have him." Visitor- shlip, GleDgarry county, who is hale and
SYRUP the bas�tl,,=dicfne expel worins. Children khaki aind otbeis lin or in y 6vercoatsi " How ead ! And who is the poor fellow hearty at the age of 106 years, was probably
I like it -worn: a on't. 1 d for a conr in
I All iad,been at the I frow, a forty-eight ?" Keeper-" Oh, forty-
- , the oldest voter in Canada who marked his
I sidembI6 time in Ue hoe ital in this
. . I Lak let. I �YOU L eight married the girl who wouldn't have ballot on November 7.' He drove rieveral
. u 'anadian had forty-seven." ' f
. ' couritty. One brjgh�b yo g , � miles to the polzzzz . Air. McDonald despite
BnicEzRs. -Mr. Ma McDermott, well lost a limb, though 'it wa at tificially supr 0 his great age, is still quite smart.
known in our town, returned from " Ould Elie I with ouch deftnew , th t it could not A Woman's Awful Peril. - ,-While goin , down the Ptairway steps
-Ireland" a few weeks ago, Mat does not e easily detected. iBut I was, and as soon i 9
I I There is only one chance to save your in the Y. M. C. A. building in Toronto a
appear to be,�ery fav rably impressed with as, t ie la;dies realize� the osibion, that the, that is through an operation,�) were
� -
. the trip, and �or the r st of his life will stay you Ig follow was go�ing ! e Minus a eg i I life' and fe v days ago, Hon. S.� H. Blake slipped
on terra firmai. Tha Irish.girl whom Mat the Empire's causO, I mpathy aril the startling words heard by Mrs. I. B. ar d fell down several steps. His wrist was
was to bring home wit i. him got tired wait- enthusiaism broke wi�ldly 61 Hunb, of Lime Ridge, Wis., from her doe- sprained and his side slightly iDjured. No
ing and took i another man, which fact, no . �. i ter after he had vainly tried to cute her Of bc nes were broken, and the eminent Quecn�s
. . T �e young hero was it ormed and Cap- a f rightf al case of stomach trouble and yel- C' H oat of danger, alLhough con.
doubt, soui edi, Mat or the Emerald Isle.- tured in a moment, 4nd h 3 had to 'Undergo P, low jaundice. Gall stories had formed, and siderably shaken up.
There will be three auction spiles 'in this qua ter of an hoor's leasant llcondo�,- she constantly grew worse. Then she be- I *—
vicinity rig in succession. Charles Me- ences,". which were � eno Yh to satisfy the ' -
� gan to use Electric Bitters, vOhich wholly
i Elwain's, it on Wednesday, 28th, TwamleY moeb avaricious � He Was � bu ed and cured her. It's a wonderful Stomach, Liver Food 0 . anged to Poison .
I g � .
Bros., on t e. 011oWiDg riday and William kissed and claspedlrou Ahe neck' until he and Kidney remedy. Cures Dyspepsia, Putrefying-fo3d in the intestines pro-
, n .
I Allan's on the following Tuesday, D�cem, was in some da g-�6 of beir)g smothered. Loss of Appetite. Try it. Ouly 50 cents. dqcea effects likE those of arFunic, but Dr.
� -
ber 4bh. All three ar giving up farming. The ladies were al�ll seh(t, too, ea3h on6 Guaranteed. -For Bale by 1. V. Fear, drug- Kil3g'E New Life Pills expf-I the poisons from
.H. Torrance, A Cliffo d, will be auctioneer � �
I . v hav ,rig a permit f1or the stage, and they 'gist, Seafortb. i cligged bowels, gently, caiiily but surely,
. -
I and the ex as iistant of Tiru EXPPSITOR, 'Mr. wer3 all fashiona y att red. Silks and ; . curing Constivation,, 13ilic"Isness, Sick
Aitohoson, of, Clifford, does thei printing of sati in were cast rot nd th c CanadiiLn's neck, - I ,3be, Fev d
. Nuggets of Interest. Heada ei�s, all Liver, Kidney aa
the bills.--H3gh Hall day, Tom Inglis and whi[e the diamond rings nd gold bangles
. others tool, tlr eir,larfib i to Clifford last Sat- and bracelets of the st-uggling fair one I a -The funnels of the s�e&mer Oceanic are B�wel troubles. Only 25c at F . &:.lr's drug
I * ions that two tram st,bre, Seafgrtb.
urday, they jbaviDg been bought by Mr. flashed fitfully in ,bbe san. ! This assault of such gigantic proport I —0 I
� .
, Dalmage,' of : Newbridge, at 4 cents per was delivered by about thirty ladies, and cars could pass through them, bide by side. I
. I ; I
- -T merchant, of this the you lg� -The preparation of human hair for the : -Mrs. Hiram- Hinsdale, who die-
pound.- .r. Dulmage, rig man b �e up I erqically throu .
place, for 21, years, 'i inn ounces a clearing the ordeal. -Liver ol E& o. � i market gives employment to more than tihguished berself by her heroism during
I r sale till bh ebruar , when he ' I I - 1 7,000 Parasins. - t�o civil mar, and who rendered valuable
. i -To the naked eye not more than 6,000 service to the American Government as a
expects to leave th'e burg, Mr. J. J. . An Hono able edicine I
- . nd Miss Jennie arrell were Tl tat apreals to the b utjudg ent of the beat pe�. stars are ordinarily visible. A powerful s Y, died Saturday, November 24,h, at St.
married a b he homp ,of the latter, near pie i d Dr. - Chase's - Kidriey. Ll,v,, P�119, the greatep telescope will reveal five million starB at Vary's hospital,'Detroit, at the age of 94.
V , 'Orange Hill , I T d .-T e Rev. Mr. rescription of Dr. A. W. Chao), thp famous licalpe once. � . Mrs. Hinsdale received a pension of only $12
, 48, u 8 ay tooisuthor. Byactin difecil tirod specifically On -In a ton of Dead sea water there are 187 a month, and died as a cliarge upon charity.
* 'Hanna, of Mount For ob agent of the Bible ��
� t the Iver, kidneys and [bowele, his popular fonMy
- Society, a3dtessed a very slim. audience pounds of salt ; Red sea, 93 ; Mediterran- Mrs. Hinsdale was born in Steuben county,
� inedioino thoroughly ou"s liv) LOmplaint, blliou�- a a
-here last Tiesday' ight. Ho is an ex- nese, kidney disease, coo6tipat n, and the accon;N- can, 85 ; Atlantic, 81; English channel, 72 ; New York, in 1806, wag m rried at the ge
I cellent spaali er and elivered I b far the nying pa,l'o'sand,whel. Dr. haoo's Hidnoy-Liver Black, sea, 26 ; Baltic, 18, and Caspian sea, of 14, and came to Michigan with her hue -
the mosu convue rig and pleasing ad ress on the rilla act p ptly, p1q%eant!3 nd� naturally. Or. a ,,. � -- � band in i840.
I pill a. doso, 26 cen 5a o'bo 11 � - —#
I -
' � I eased recent
for work ever I here. He was in Harris- — ..-I- A singular battle was witn
I.- n -There are at least I ly in an Eeti&lieh apiary. A hive of bees
89 ton the Ole, e g nigh % Another Province A the Nori,h.
48 ; four in th-, �,,�ellDd for purity councillors for . I was beeeiged by a large swarm of wasps.
I - m va
b,- this division' They are: Robert Miller, he officials of thp Crow 2 �ands Depar - The been made valiant sorties to try and I Epps's Coe
o t
275. one of the prq'sent me bers ; William Weir, ment are highly ple�%ed with, he reports f drive away their besiegers, and the wasps � "
inda Samuel W. .I Ferguson, present reeve of the exploration parties who were o made furious assaults to drive out the bees. GRATEFUL COMFO11,TING
I i through New Ontarlio all tht summer a .. The battle raged for two days, at the end
ran. Rowich ; and Andrew Doig,: one of our I Distinguished everywhere for Do -
Jun. township co inci or I e vote will be- fall. "The report� show hat we have of which time the bees evacuated the hives licacy of Flavour, Superior Quality,
cond pretty we I ( ivided, bat doubtless Ferguson practically another, �rovineo in norther' and the wasps took possession. and Highly Nutritive Properties, �
ver, will be on 3 o the next year commissioners. Oa:ario," said one dfficial to � Globe repr - -Nearly 100,000 pounds of snails are sold Specially grateful and comforting
250 ; -J. J. Gi egg and William Finlay will be fielitative. " It is 6ow 458b& lished beyo cl daily in the Paris markets, to, be eaten by to the nervous and dyi,peptic.
200, coritestan .9 or the ie-qveship of Howick, a doubt that we ha�o million of acres f dwellers in that city. They are carefully � Sold only in juarter-pound tins,
h a extensive snail �,
lbert and there v ill be some-'d(wrzen ut for coun-" g9od agricultural londs aad f timber. T e reared for the purpose i labelled JAMES EPPS & CO�,
cillon.-The,� cho pin� imill here is very, report brought back by .r. I I R, R, Gray, gardens in the Provin.ce, and fed on aro. Limited Homwopathic Chemists,
busy two days oT the week. -At the draw- the last oC the explorers' is a very encou �- matic herbs, to make their fl:%vor liner. London, England,
LS, ing-conteEt eld here recently, P. Brown's agi rig one, Mr. G %y -it v estigated the r 3. One snaillery In Dijon is Paid to bring in to BREAKFAST'
� � e , rovince lyir g its proprietor 7,000 francs 9, year. Many
. team, of �,he burg, to( k first, while eecond sot rees of that part of J, p
I -
I . money was divided between Twamley Bros. we it of Lake Temagami, and found very Swiss cantons al,o contain large snail gar'
. ing and Jack Reldt, larm areas of pino timber ,and qiiantiti�h dens, where they are grown with much
! . of pruce and other; pulE woods; also eli- painst They are not only regarded as a
is- . 11 I 4 far id. Gaml e io Iik � t re reckoned as very nu. Epps's Cocoa
HAGYARDIS, YELLOW OIL cures I I n In man to sive tracts of goo I 0- grea idelicacy, but a �
or beast ; for sprains, out bruises, (114all lu'"Ps- wii e numerous the Mr. Gray speaks In 1 171326
eumatiam and neuralgia ,tritious. Hygienists say they contain 17 � —0 —
owpilings, It flanimation, on, huaia8tic terms �Fthe resources of t4e per cent. of nitroReuous matter, and that I
own- t is sipecife. I I .Us cc Tamagami dialtricti, and thinks that they are!equal to oyEters in nutritive pro- 1� � Cough of Grippe.
. y 'ded th pertios. � I I
ilure - when railwa facitities are provi e In the Epring when Grippe was ragf ug I had a bad
Die- Maitland ... resbytery. La ce Tem . forin a vet I —# attack, and the cough was go severe that I thought I
nd agami di trict �ill :y I Would cough myself to death. I got a bottle of Dr.
itals At the last ,meaUng of the Maitla importaut part of ntario . - � � Says He Was Tortured. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup, and. it cured nie in a
aitee. Presbytery, held at Wia�ham, on Novem- ,� i -- . I 46 suffered Puch pain from corns I could eurprisingly thort time. e�,,
dical ber 20th, the followin .7 as far as presenteJ . .
POW- were reported as re reeentatit e elders for Saw Death Near-. bard y walk," writes H. Robinson, Hills. � Mrs. J. H. Myers. Isaaea Harbour, N, S.
' at Bucklen"s Arnica' f ---411I`* 41.
Mr. the ensuieg year, to attend me(tings of the ,'I It often made my h aart ache," writes hero gh, Ills., " b red them," Acts like I Worms affect kehild's health too seriouely to ne-
pills Presbytery and Syn3d of Hamilton and L. 0. Overstreet, 0 El I , Tenn., 11 to hear SaIv completely cu � .
9 . V,ject, sometimes they cause convulsions and death.
. � I - ; nti it seem k and magic on sprainat bruises, cuts, sores, scalds, y uapoot them to be proient, give Dr. Low's
London-: W. Millet, Kincarc ine 0. C. - my wife cough u Perfect healer of skin "
been ROBB, 9i ussels ; John M. B 3attie, Pine sor IUDgR would .-ollapf e. Good doctors burnp, boils, ulcers. Pleasant Worm Syrup, which destroya the worms
- . � and piles. ed by vdthout injurirg the chfld. PAce 26c, '
. she was so ar gone ivith Consum dise ses Cure guarante ,
ames Band, Lucknow ; W. Daw,- fiat, I ption a
all son, Sout I Kinloss ; John Elliott, Dungan- that no medicine orl eart �y help could, save I.,V. Fear, druggist. Price 9.5c. 6
a Do bet, but a friend rf�,ecom Lended Dr. king's . a Headache Vanished.
nited non and ' ort Albert ; Edwin oan, Moles- I ' ' �
j not worth; 1;rances'Mclonaldv Huron ; Henry New Discovery and per stent use of this News Notes. ' ': Mro. E. W. Le Gallals, St. Golfrey, P, Q., says I-
I . 's Sterling Headwhe Powders
duey Woods, st-1 Helena and Eaet Ashfie)d ; excellent medicine' sav I her lif�." IVs -George Arnold, of Atwood, had the i I haye used Milburn %er ti,klag two powders I felt
mn a Hugh Chambers, Ashfield; 'Franeis Lewis, abiolutely guaran4ed for Coughs, Colds, f roickbeadache. A] I
D, go Edies e ; 11. D. Edwards, Br nchitia, As.thrrxa and all Throat and misfortune to get the first two fingerE of his letter, and was able to get up and go on w th my
and'I Blueva 8 left hand cut off on a saw he was feeding ab work."
and Liingside ; A. Turnbull, Lung diseases. 60 �ent , ,nd �$1 00 at Fea!'s ----------d* a 40.
Whitecht re r the planing mill.
� �, Drag Store, Seaforth. . riai bottles free. :Hag5ard's Yellow Oil takes out- palu,Rreduces
Walton; D. Murchiaon, Ripley and Bervie; . . 7 I -Mr. W. C. Kidd, of Listowel, sold his welling, and *111kys infisvinta"jon. Cures heums-
1 1 1 standard bred stallion. Lord Ferguson, to I
A. Finlater,!Belmore A ciroul ar 'from the � - tism, Stiff Joints, Contracted Chords, 3ore Throat,
. . century f and commi Us of Assembly was She Identified 11-erself . ! Mr. Isaac Stanley, of Paisley, the consider- Croup, Quinsy, eta. it does n -.t Ltain the gkin or
rig of dul - , . I � coil the clothing. Pros .25c,
y considered. its purpose a to empba- I But I don't kn�bw you,, madam," 00 atioi) being $2,000.
ed to size the s iritual aspE ct of this great move- bank cashier said -to the w an, who bad -No. 2 school in Hibberb, has Wen closed � -------*-* �"-- -
on 7, m presented a check. But i a Woman, in- owingtothe prevalence of scarlet fever. Constipation Cured.
ent. heauggesticris it eut(rtainedwere , �09- I I — - ill
mits of andseseions wererecommend- stE ad of saying haughtil, , " I do� not wish Mr. 'Robert Stewart has been teaching the Mrs.JimesClark, Command&. Ont,,writes.-
I I I uble'd withHead!Lche and Constipation.
was - ed to cari y out the s uggestions made. The yoir acquaintance sir " mereIy- replied school for a number of weeks, owing to was greatly tro
,I y I tried Laxa-Liver P-11�, and they did me ;i,ore good
The appointment of Rev, A.- McNabb to Supply wip 1h an engaging smile : " Oh yea,- you do. scarlet fever in Mr. Mahaffy's family. than anything I ever to It."
over Walton ffir six months was sanctioned, by I t aink, I'm the 11 red-headed old virago ' -The Cabinet has recommended the 1 -49-40-- 1
paid. the Prefbytery. Standing committees of ne.,t door to youi, 4oge I scoundrelly little (,,)ue n to promote Lord Kitchener to the Mrs, Hiblhert Beek, Newburn, N. S., writes - "
ected -last yea were ie -ejected, except the ap- bo rs 2 are always reaa ing through the rank of Lieu tenant -General, in order to vas in bed for wet ks Arith Rheumatism and could
. ` began uilng Milburn's
torily pointment of Rev. G M. Dunn, convener of -for cc and picking your 11 wers. Whon you ena4le him to assume supreme command in lot move w,thout help. I
I . � . tbeuniatio Pills, and one box relleved the pain, and
ollard committees on churc life and work, instead st rted down town; thin i iorning your wife South Africa. ix boxes ecinpletely cufel ill!)." I
rness of Rev. J. McLeod, who wish d to retire. said, 64 Now, Henr , if y)u want 9. dinner ---�Some mathematical genius has calculat. .-- I I ,- -- -- mm�
rning Representative elders are metbers of the fit to eat this evenin yo i'll have to leave ed that an oak tree of average size has 700,. - �
11 b6- committee I on whic the mini , sters are re- me a little n --- I, - , I ca 't run this house 0001eaves and tbab it lifts frorn the earth ii
ions I .- . spectivel 7. The con" mittees, are as follows, on the city water Nnd 11) cents a day 11 )) - into � the air about 123 tons of water during VD T3
2, G. .the first . iamed being convener : Financial, 11 Here's your moiey, madam," said the theflve months in which it is in leaf. UR
o. 4, M cLerint it, M, cKay, McNabb; avgmentation, caihier, pushing ib',toward her and coughing -Under instructions from the Ontario
ston ; Roos, W�.Ejb-;` Sundayschools, Miller, Wha- lo idly. , . Department of Agriculture an exceedingly SAYS DR, SLOCUM
. i *--
erous ley, -Fair:)aien, F. J. Maxwell '; 'church life .: fine lot of apples has been collected and
I Do- and yvork, Dunn, Ross, McFarlanu; exam- To care a cold ig. a nil; lit -use Vapo-Creoo- placed in cold storag6 at Buffalo,,to be ex- - I .
. . ination of students, McRae, Stewart, Per- le,le. It has been u�ed extensively during more hibited at the Pan-American Exposition &
, rie ; Yo ing People'§ Societies, West, Hall, timn twenty-four y9irs.- All Druggists. next summer. .1 et i of the Cough, the
Malcolm ; statiRtien Ballantype. Anderson; i -*-- -Ex-Preaident Kruger landed at -Mar-
� aged and infirm ministers, Revt J. Malcolm. i seilles, France, on We4nesday of last week, Hacking, the SPittij-1,fr,,
baby's . rotation to Wit a4d "Wisdom. and in a speech to the irec-eption committee
-health Names of changes entitled by -Don't co . mplai if 5 on lose your temper. declared the Boers would continue to fight. the Wheezing.
othor's fiend commissioners to next GOnera) Assem.
1 1 You are probably ette off without it. --
'to LUS- mmmw�---- ;, He was given a grand reception there as :
Nerve -- , : -The average -' an, II tays Bauldy, is apt '4ay to Paris -
I well as at many points on his I
aration t tf believe what thp wo A doesn't say about. -Linden W. Bates, an American by
zes the ; - Special. Advantages
I ' *
nIze on j - I ; h] in. � I . draulic engineer, has been asked to under- I
.. . I I . -Some people � hav so much patience take the , widening of � the Suez canal. He
. A 1. with themselves Oat tl ,-y never succeed in left London for thO Mediterranean the I
� abythin � ' ffered by Dr. Slocum tO All
� 9. I latter part of November at the canal e0m- Are 0
f -Peter holds that w � en a man does good pany's invitati Who Desire a POSIltivc
eatiDg I 11 e a . ver smart de- on, which bears the indorse- Those
� b stealth it doesn?t tan, y ment of the British Colonial Office. and Permanent Cure of Consumll-
, :
from , . t ctive to discover',the i otive. I -Mirs. A. Robineon'the oldest and prob- tion In any Form.
that 1A .... -Learning is g6od rr bad, according to '
ably the best known inhabitant of Prospect -
n con. I � 111111 h,m that has it --Ian xcellent weapon, if Hill died early on *onday morning, the
ad one I ::: I . N 11 well used ; other . ise, I � ke a sharp razor in l2t�inst. When her' husband
have - -,�,- 11 (I i(111911f - . I Good advise Ton A&Y. b -t b,ow can we do it wben
Ij - the hands of a ,child. I body vvas still warm, but the spark. U). lilu , on, remedy altar anot1mr has been tried 'o-Ithout
t was � �� - . 11 -Curioua Villa er-,"Ay, Sandy, an' ye had fled. She bad been ill for some time. huiprovement or bovo 4C & cute. Quite true,
as the -. at ageisforitein. Whit wis ho has been 13. resi- I seores,- or sufferers from all kinds of lung troubbrs
I - �= %is wounded -Mr. Wm. Telfer, f � have been a, mark, for unscrupulous modleal con-
homas � ��F- f answering dent of Avonbon village for a number o - tie who never intended to cure You. Dr� 151ocurn
, - - -wi' "" Sandt (tired o
- ,- I y a struck cer
. - I
k was . - � 1� ,�:- �:�-- ae8tions)-" I W.8 Rtruck wi' wonder when ngumption and Lujiz
no b -- -- w- - I years,' has rented 150 acres of land from , tan inade the cure of Co
y - I :� I ? kent I wasna ki led.` Mr. Wm. Cornish, bqnf lOt3 19 and 20, Jroubles the study at .kis life, Lnd tboupand% of
i I
several I . � - - - �- - -Green-dico gratulatione, old chap ! I [ , muen and women In all parts at Canada are ready
. —� concession I 1, Downie% or a term of - four, 10 testify to the marvelouA curative Proper -des of
.,oarse 110re's . peopte fre6 from pain and ache heard you marrie a lady with an indepen- years, at an average re � riltal of $4262.50 per the Slocum nYffiteln. Dr, Slocum is r4dy au -j
erk Jf I . dent fortune.)) ro,�v -11so I ttiought, � . wililng to Provo the efficacY of his tres-tmOint, vmd
George Dvt.i1-,-,-,,;ia.'s direfil ills. � h year. . . has no hesitation In offering it to you or your sick
. I . I . but I find I am mirried to a fortune wit an -On Wednesday ,�vening of last week Irlends ASSOLAUTNIAV p"R, This, in order that
f Gov- . I
� It ;.,: 11 ecause thely �always ti.ke , indegendent lady Eevoral of the officers 6f the Atwood M-etho- Tou may test the Slocum system amd J�adge"c
er en- .- . , 1. _ cene-Sheriwcoult. LAwyer-"Sneaky 3 -ourself reigardine its merits.
n .; . � . f)p� diet Sunday school met at the home of Mr.
to be I I � -: v., .7 a," !;L9 w at d ) you mean, sir I
2 11 Ort of 'man ; .
z 111�L L ver Pillsm amuel Peter, and presented him vifth a
nd the — v� ''. - . %�Iitness-" Wee% eir, ye see he's- ane ol 19
k done ' ; Vi 0 -lill, work' wh le you sleep, lod.k ye straugbt i' sum of money as a slight token of the esteem i
I I 1." I �,Ic I t2ae sort tbat'll peve
Killop, . . I . � . esq, and appreciation Mr. Peter in regarded by Yop or your sick frion" ean ba-ve A, IrR?* course
"1'-.t,,w*,1', a �ripe or pain, curing biliousn t3e face till yer b4ck's 14urned." I -
,, ,
. .. the officers and pupils of the school.
nd the C0.)" !iA ,It(.�-), dvsp�psiaand s �k headache, -Magistrate-tl Do you mean to say b. of Treatmeat Xmply writs to THE T. A. 13LOCUM
. - -A private letter from' Durban, pu CE EMICAL Co, Livalted, 179 King St. We*%, Tororl-
h inst., MILl !1:,Iil� you feel better ir the morning. e ch a physical wteck ,a he is gave, you that as office addr&-e. ard
'- P . lished in the Kreuz Zeitung, of Berlins to, giving post oince &" "
I Lake - — : L - - , i - the free wedlei" (4he bhocum cure) � will be
e shed ! ; I � Germany, -confirms the story of an " un promptly senL
. . . . and "e' ere
. 7 77 � - e R
1p�k i
e ob bly
es c t c
- Fba h
�, f�-
11 e t
( I an
, 'I
* , *
't a
1 9
1 D
� c
I ti
, p�
r'i a,
v I
has ' 61,
- I ,
re" hi
li" "
i Pat " "
.1 .,
i, I I 7(
for the H als I - fortunate accident," details of which w I, when writing W &an alwaYs m6n,"io'n tn's
. suppressf-d by the militar,
DR. WOOD'� sooffies the lungs �� - - - 6 Y authorities. . paper. r in
n when -d � &, �1��� I On the 10th of October," it says, " the t Pormons in Caus" "dng fileenrals free offe
rnbull NOR AY P1:1E and cures 't he his a n ev �ry box of the genuinq acing some rails, held up a I Amerima 1p&pere wa ybeam Mead for "11110tS W
eas i kinds of the Tareate laberSUOM
I . , Jgnature is 110 Boers, by disp] i .
cession Y'� U P. � wors t Laxative B�10=-Quinine Tablets train containing money belonging to the 1
i I .
: ; couglh s ano colds. �
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I have removed my 1arness shop to my �i
wn store, ONE DOOR NOR T1 OF THE Z;�;
'OST OFFICE, wlicre I will lie pleased to -� � i I
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icet all my old custom.ers an., I many new . " �'
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ties. I I I
. � ��-
I �
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I � c :
rillespie's Harness � is the i
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best Harnes,c.. . ". �
4 �
— t�
6 full stock of Horse Blan�ets, Robes, .�.
- I
Sleigh Sells, Trunks, &c. -
- �,
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I ! 7
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Prices right and satisfaction j guaranteed. a �
� .
Give us a call and we will pleaseyou, 1"..
., I
elight your horse, satisfy youl'. purse. I - �1 I
—Repairing a Specialt i 14,
A= y. 4 :
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WES 014ESPIE, eajo --,I i761
1 - - q c rth., 7-1*
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One Door NOR1H of the Pbst Office. riz
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I : 1718 tf tz
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The Se4aforth �
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rea Store 1, "i
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"he Seaforth Tea Store is the . ght i)lace to T! -
2 get good bargains. A el ,,f�ring'-aale is � f � �
now going on to make ro 3m. for very V.
. U
large cousignments of holiday goods fl?
which are now arriving da ily. I will ! I �
t 1,
quote you a few of the ma iy good bar- , �
, P
gains which are now w be had and are ;
! t,
allnewgoods. Eighteenboun4s Red- i;l
path granulated sugar ior,lil, best new I"
selected raisins at 10c a pound, cleaned � "',
� i
I �
11 glil
currants 10c a und'. new figs 4e a lb. - I
I . po -
or 7 pounds for 25c, a goo 1 salmon for . . - .
I �
l0e a can, sardines 5a a tit t-, 10 bi�ra -o" . 4.
soap for 25c, three pounds leinou his. ill.,
' I -
cuts for 25c, 5 pounds brolten sodas for I i
I 1-w
-25c, best flower $1 90 perl owt,, Crau- 4�,::
berries 5c a p � burid, Labri,ader herring � �,
� ,
20o a dozen, ]Pike - herring �Oa a dozen,, 11
I !,
i salmon trout Go a lb., 5 lbelboneless cod. I
I I, �
fish for 25o, ,eight pound� sulpber for .. I
I I 7
' 14; 9
25c ten pounds Glober salts for 25o. ��, I
xreat bargains in &ockery, china 4nd glass I �
I .
ware, 97 ' diriner set regular price 77 �
$141 -now Ell eeeT; ,
, . 4welve dollar set now $10,
- $10 sets now$$, Eight. doilar set now .1 ,
. �
$6, Ten piece toilet set regular price 1,
$5.50 now $4.50, Five diAlar net now ii
$3.75 , Four dollar set Dow $3, Three ii
dollar set now $'-)25, $2,-j� set now $2, i
I �
$2.25 set now 181.90. I L
Come one come all and get some of the V
many bargains, , i�
The highest price paid for bntl,er,,egge and 4,
poultry . .1 i
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- I
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E817PABWEIZA 10073. , ,
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Owing to hat times, e have con- *�
eluded tO. Sell PialLOS RDd � )Tgarls Rt . h�
' �� ,
... I
Greatly Reduced Prioes. 1:
. :�_ i -
. � I f
. �,
Organs at $2 , and I waTds, and �. k,
. - �
Pianos at eorre6isp�06,nding ke�. 11.
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See -as before ptirebazin . I 111�
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'SCOrl"'T , I t,
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System ' Reh"oVator :
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-AND OTHER-' ; i. 1-�
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A, spice4fic and antidote for ImMire, Weak and 1w .X. i
. I
I � .
verUhed Blood, Dympepela, 51 , plessuess. Palpate- :-, �
gn of the Heart, Liver 'CoWp`l&r%,1 &I A 1: I .!;
of memory, Bronottitle'. camumptito'nX,enrillgil-31 . =nea. I li
jaundice, Kleney and Urinary Dise0eff, St. Ville' ,,-
Dance, Female Irregularleieffi and i0enerail Debility. I
� I If -
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LABORATORY-GOderlob, On4lrio. i � ,
J. M. MAEOD, Fropriotor a,nd Mann � 4
. factu'rer. ` i: I
Sold by J. S. ROBERT0, 6e4Qrth- . 1 i;�
. . - -1
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U01 -if i I - . - %-
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