HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1900-12-07, Page 5re spirt - St 1f% ' C a i, that Gm old arly H only. , Gra-- 11 teas, . f rGnaam- nese f the ;by if ':he t os the :€. Much rdn 4r has ...ea s on, to it Morgan su serving a, -arrived 'eiday,and the -peo- let at the Coilegi- thouBan el len-. Ile autnber of [`hey then rd by the welcome addressee Adjutant :ly cheer - ,tion was ands with icing, he hie home illage and i honor. of wol- :sergeant talent. He deserves }vide, but d like tee town. + ported,. Whyte,. =.cith his r' ported tare ones [daughter itel, See- y fin the f}(iEh. St ho r drr;ly a her own cl lc•eo l sit (.ar- f'E.ni the kiug in et ,fling, tttf4 meal. lir€ had r••urn. fel saran .• t•rllage ;e•nt•hing done. -eek irsk Mtar ri over. or t8 trent t,n the :h for sire. Mr. t4• r.},out rilling, a rir,v to it "oh ult., tt North .teed tiy_ earl close ablaze. ;a high ground of the his wa' '1,e over F• > of l ib- vt• d into Ft' -prop- improv- n ago hia is dor'tor amble ea o grow et week, ferings • (1, and !innulat•r verse - an of ed the _ECEMBER 7, 1900 i THE Milt EXPOSITOR. • 5 Perth Notes. —TEs Latter Day Sainte pu oso build- irg a church hi Stratford next a ring. --The Stratford Poultry As elation will hold their annual winter fair o December 26 28- -Mr. H. Kiober, 15th emcee( ion, Logan, is nuking preparations to erects large barn Deet attrnmt`r. —Mr. Alex, ,ailing and Mies +`lla Strong, beth of Milverton, were quietly married in Stratford, on WO esday of last week. James Chapman, the ew pastor of the S°.. Marys Ilapti;st churl , occupied ate own pulpit for the fleet time pn Sunday, 25.h ult. .-.The question of a , public of being agitated in Mitchell. It is that the town take ever the cemetery. —While going home the other W. Young, of"ytratford,• was he two men and robbed of $2!L Th clue to the robbers. II, --A little 5•year-old on of &. McKay, of Mitchell, accidentally a barrel Tuesday evening of last v broke his ehoulderblade, —Mr. David Dow, jr., has beer engaged to touch Melville's school, in Ribbon, for next year. Dave is at present attending the Mitchell -Model school. —Mr. J. W. Wood was entertained at a complimentary Supper the other evening, by a number of his St, Marys friends, prior to hie departure from that 1 town to live in Brantford. _Tuesday:afternoon of last w ok Mrs. John Brown, of Mitchell, slipped and fell, =breaking a small bone in one of he ankles, the lady is we1.r up in years, he acci- dent will likely confine her to the mouse for some 'months. --Burglars broke into . the hou4 of Mr. Fred Mingay, of Stratford, the oth• r night. They effected an entrance through a cellar window and proceeded upstairs, b t made a noise which aroused the inmates and the burglars decamped. —Mr. 3. J. Bettridge, of Downi , thresh- ed his season's crop the other day, and dis• -posed of his straw in rather an animal way. An ensilage cutter was operated a the rear of the threshing machine and the a raw was cut as fast as it came from the machine. —Mr, George Barr, of the Bla cheese and batter factory. has re Stratford. Before leaving, Mr. `Barr were .made the recipients of motory is suggested' ethodist night, C. d up by aro ie no r. David ell across (eek, and k Creek oved to nd Mrs. n address and a well-filled purse of gold by t eir many friends. They have beep active workers in `Knox church, Carlingford, —' A pretty wedding was witnes ed by the relatives and a row intimate frien Is of the of l:,st Hagge, Graham, Taylor, contracting parties, on Wednesda week. The principals were M is daughter of Mr. and Mre. ;Gorge 8th eonceeeion of Mina, and W • •enaon r wde , t - The ceremony jr,, of Atwood. 3 , p formed by Rev. E. A Fsar, of A good Methodist fashion. —The South Perth Farmers' meetings are fixed for Mitchell tai wood, in Institute 8 year on January 10th, and St. Malys on January 14th. The supplementary meetings will be held at Bornholm on February I6th $taffa, 18th ; Rurseldale, 19th ; SebringviIle, 20th, and Tavistock, February 21st, i:Che depu- tation for these meetings will bid Simpson 'Rennie, of Milliken, and D. C. Anderson, of Rugby. —R. B. Hamilton, of Stratfor rested Thursday night of last w international bridge, under the law, and later was deported by 1)e Barry, of Buffalo. In his pos .founda contract to work for ash in Mica, New York, at a solar week. Inspector De Barry, wh• contrast, will begin a civil act the shoe company. —One day recently, while M Ti,eihl, of Monkton, was taking fi, was ar- ek, at the lien labor Inspector eseion. was e company of $8 per holds the on against s. Charles kettle of • boiling water off the stove, the handle gave. way and two of the children re of the contents, scalding the badly about the neck, .shoulders feet. The other got one arm shoulder down, scalded. Their eived park baby - very arms and from the lathing was quickly removed, but the skin peeled off -with them. € MARK -AWL' tr SnavpaTH."Deeerlber 6, 1900 . Fall Wheat (now), Standard .......... $0 82 io (10 'Spring Wheat perbnelrot,........, 0 02 to 0 Osis per bushel_ '0 26 tO 0 Peas per bushel_ ., _ - _ - I Oi 68 to 0 Barley Per bushel - - _ ... -.:- ....I 0 36 to 0 Butter, No. 1, loose_ .:. -- - -.. - . 0 17 to 0 Bnttor, tub__ -- _. _ _ .. - -- ..! 0 17 to 0 Eggs per doz_ _ ..., ..^.. Flour, per 100 tfse El ow per 100 fbs _. �. ..... Shoe? Sktne..... ..... .. Wont -.,... ,.-.-.... Potatooe per bush (now),_ Salt (retail) per barrel., _... _ .... Wood por cord (long)..... . _ ... _• Wood per cord (short).. ., ... Apples per bag_.. _-....... Clever Seed ..-.-..,_- -..... Timothy Seed1- -- _....... -... `Park, per 100 nal. -•-.- T flow, per lb.. _. Dairy Markets UTICA, December 3—Last da son. Cheese—All large oheese excepting a lot of 81 boxes at cheese, 10c to 10;;0, Creamer; 2'5 to 26e, prints *27c, Mo.NTItelaL,December 4—But er—Receipts are light and absorbed by looalljobbers. - We quote :—Finest creamery, 20 to 210 ; sec- onda, `20 to 20.to ; western dairy, 17 to 18e. Eggs—There is a good demand for small lots. We quote : No. 1 )andled stook, 19 to 20c ; No, `2, 15 to 16o ; Montreal limed, 15h to 161c, and we3tern Limed 14 to 150 per dozen. - TORo:t•ro, December 4—Butter—The _prin- cipal receipts in dairy are the large rolls, which are coming forward freely. There is a fair demand for the choice late, and they bring 17 to 14 c readily. The rest =sells at 15 to 16ic. Pound rolls are also in good de- mand, and choice bring 19 to 20c. There are few tubs and pails offering, and 'the quotation is unchanged at 17i to 18c. Low grade is plentiful, and sells slowly at 13 to 16e. Creamery is firm at 23 to r24o tor prints, and 21) to `120 for tabs and boxes. Eggs—The trade in eggs is very quiet, ow- ing to the small offerings of strictly fresh. They are worth 15 to 19e. Pickled and or- dinary held are coming in freely. They are steady at I5 to 16c. Smalls are unchanged at 11 to 12', and splits Bell at, 9 to lUo. Crain, etc. LiVEttrooL, December 4th --Spot wheat firm ; No. 1 etaudard California, 69 2d to 68 3d ; Walla, 58 lIel to 5e 116d ; No. 2 red winter, 5a lid to 6a ; No. 1 northern spring, 21,t1 to (',6 3.1:d` ; futures steady t Decem- ber, k,3 1I',c1 ; -March, 6s ;d. r ri`„I:i,:,•r,,, December 4th--•-���- heat—Three ” -hundred bushels of white sold unchanged at 67 =`, and 1t)() buehele of goose unchanged at 61 to 612.c. Farley—Five hundred bushels sold fairly steady at 40 to 47c. Oats—Three hundred bushels sold le higher at 30 to 31c. Hay and Straw—The price of:hay was un- changed, twelve loads Melling at$13 to $14.50 per ton. ()ne load of straw sold unchanged at 1 1,t.r ton. Baled Hay—The market is quiet and the offerings aro light. Car lots on track here are quoted at $9.50 to $10 per ton for No. 1, and $8 to $9 for No. 2. Baled Straw—Very little is being offer- ed, but the demand is keen. 'jar lots on traekhere are worth w4 50 to 55.50 per ton. Potatuest---•Trade ie slack. Prices are un- changed at 30c per bag in car lots on track sit Toronto, and 40e out of store. 84 84 26 68 88 18 18 0 16 to 0 1.0 200 to 200 7 00 to 7 60 5 00 to 6 60 060 to 070 0 16 to 0 17 0 26 to 0 80 100 to 0 00 400 io 4 76 2.00 to 266 040 to 060 6 60 10 8 CO 1 26 to 200 869 to 070 04 to 0 00 keys, 5 to 6o for geese, 20 to 40e for obiak• eus, and 45 to 650 fo>j-ducks Live Stook Markets- LoNDoN, England, December 4 -United States cattle, .6,d ; panacliane, 6{d ; ranch ere, 5:i. to 5fd. LIVERPOOL, December 4—Canadian cat- tle, 1-d ; sheep, 5itd Trade firmer. 141 � T1tnAr,, December 4—The disagree- able, eloppy weather helped to make a dull market more so, for, although the butchers wt.ro present in cousiderablu numbers, they were careless purobasere, except' for the best atlima!a,which were not at all plentiful. A sold gar losidnf good Vlauitoba asitia were at from 4 to 40 per pound,. pretty good animal; brought < from 3:1 to 40, and.,, the common stook from 2 tis 3o per pound. ban- ner" paid from 1 to 2; sold at from $3 to $12. 3o per pound for good butchers paid from 2i a per pound. Calves ach. Shippers paid arge sheep, and the to 30 per pound for the others. Good lam s sold at from 4 . to 4io per pound, and the oth rs at from, 3:f to 3.'r.o per pound. "Fat, hogs are still rather scarce, and sold at from 5 o 5ie per pound for good straight lots weig. ed off the cars.. BUFFALO, December 4 Cattle—Choice heavy steers were in good emend and full steady, but not quotabl higher ; choice feeders were in mod rate s pply, good de- mand: and higher by 10 to 1+o ; ood to beet smolth fat export" tittle, ,+•f desirable qual- ity,, $5.45 to $5.60 good to best, $5 to $5 45 ; shipping steers, , 4. 0 to $5.25 ; ex- port bulls, choice to ext a, $4 ta$4 25 ; good, to • ohoiee, buaohersj' teere,. $4.25 - to $4.85 ; good to hes buteh :re' steers, - $4.10 to $4.60 ; good to best fa bulls, $3 50 to . $4 ; fair to good fat bulls, $3.25 to $3.50 ; feeder balls, $2 t • $3.15 ; bologna bulls, choice to extra, A'3.50 t • $3 85 ; good to choice, $2.75 to $; .25 ; c nners, good to beet,( $1.50 to $2 to eloiee, $3 to - $3. extra, $4.50 to $5 $3.851 to $4.50 ; co $2 to $3 ; stock eta: $3.50. ; common to feeding steers, ohoi good to choice,$3.2+ era, good to choice, stockers, common Michigan stockers, $3.50 ; Michigan fe milohers and calve to $55 ; good to chc, era, choice to extr, el oice to extra, $7•" 7 to $7.50 ;- heavy sheep and Lambs-� -to extra, $5 30 to to $5,30 ; common sheep, mixed, $3 75' to $4 50 ; wethers $3,75 - to $4 ; Cana ply, 1015,loads, and to quality cordis mixed,. $4.9to pigs, $5.10, with o e sale at. $5.15 ; roughs, $4.45 to $4.60 ; stags, $3 r5 to $4 25 ; the offerings were pret y well leaned up at the close, only a few 1 to are vale being held over. TonoNTo, Deoem • er 5— attle—Export— Trado is dull, as ve y few attle are to be had. Prices are steady and unchanged. Butohors—The fine cattle • ere bought read- ily and good"price were paid. The local butcher trade is beginn ng to think of Christmas, and enquiries : bout choice beef day trade is like - were made to• d $3.75. These lots, and choice '$4;15. : Export lis have advan• ow from -$3,50 to $4 40 per Cwt. A :llent beasts.were sold to -day. Light are steady at $3-. to $3.50. Trade is god, wi h a steady de- meid and offerings of fair quality. Feeders —There -is a stead demand for high grade feeders and the price has advanced. Short - keep are now quot =d at $3,50 to $4, and a bunch sold at the era sell well, but not !been partieula and light are u quiry is limited, a are weak. Small and they:sold e Milch Cows—OoI and these were no are steady, with g Sheep and Lambe a little, and there ity i; Export ewes $3 o $3 35, while 25o each, satin: sol 12# o lower, a were quoted' at. smell bunch of f: cwt, but this tr: private. Hoge— vanoe in prices of demand for hogs - of the sea - sold at 9o, 10'so ; small butter, tube yearli . g steers, good 0 ; fat heifers, choice to ; goo • to choice, do, n mon a • d stock heifers, - re, go. d to beet, $3 to good 60, $2 to $3 50 ; e to ex- ra,` $3.7� to $4 ;, to $3. 5 ; Canada feed - $3 50 to $3.85 ; Canada to go d, $2 to $3.50 ; commo • to good, $2 to edere, . .50 to $3.75 ; s, ohoi'e to extra, $50 toe, $41 to $50 , bpring- a, $43 to $48 ; calves, 54to $8 ; good to choice, calves $3 25 to $3 75. Aotiv , ; lambs, choice 5 45 ; ood to choices, $5 to fair,! $4.25 to $4 75 ; to $4 ; yearlings, $4 25 $4.15 to $4.40 ; ewes, a lamb were in fair sup.. mid at $5.10 to $5 30,ac- c- n —heat/ 495. `A $ y 1; 4.921 ; Yor kers, $4. 90 ; have. been made. he hol ly to be fairly goo . Sale day let $3, $3.25, $ .50, a were for medium t good cattle eold up to $4 an Bulls -Prices for eav y b ced,; and the ran a is ew exc RAA8E-In Mr. Hen MA --In Ir, Mos TFO So Wife of BLAXR- -In Bart into TIEDERMA Wife of KEYS -In SGmnloy, n N Mr, Notion Keys, of a •AUNT -In C oderloh, on Mr, Otte les Hunt, of KING to B uiwale, .n N Mr,:Johr, %{1ng, f a IiOPE-At fap10 Orr ye , th Bi Howlek, on ry Ilsase of Iiullett, n s Mann, of N --In Iion. ryn Mr. J. I•I, Tho Brussels, n Blair, o a e Dahw Mr. Mire Tie N a N a� he. vember 27th, the wife of laughter, - vember 20th, the wife of aughter. • n November 20th, the eon, of a son, vember 28th, the rife of o s. er 1, on Novombor 2tg:h, the el email, of a eon. vember 24th, the wife of 00. N vembor 26th, the wife of daughter. vember 28th, the wife of daughter. F rm, i Carberry, Manitoba, of „4 Mr. James Hope, atter fi he off ly goo •ohang the oto we owly two or of choice finality. Prices +od co ' s in keen demand. The arket weakened was no the usual actin sold dawn 5c per owt, at butche s' sheep were off at $2 50 to $3. - Lambs $3.50 o $4 per cwt., and $2.50 to $3.50 each. A noy e es sold at $4 per nsactio , was - praotically he fe: tura was the ad - 25 to 5 o per owt. The las bee • very keen during they past couple i of wee s, ,and deliveries have not been large enou:h to meet the re - To -day selects of 1 weight, brought fats went tip to re large, but the ure to -day. Feed - rings lately havo Prices of heavy d. - Stockers—In- merioan markets e offered to -day, t the old prices. three were sold, on Neve (nee Mi.. a deight Iv1;R1i.-.Tn .1 Mr, Joint 14. Kerr nbcr 20t Joan 13 oh or; of tllop, a,ian), of Mensal],_ Ont.ti of on )eeembcr tth, the v HO of of son. SALit On Tuesday, D p. m;, at Dick's Estate, E._ 0. C Brown, Auctiono Oh Saturday, D p. tri., in Hensel,. and'Household• F Proprietor ; R. S. REGISTER. ceb r 1111, at 2 o'clock • otel, Seaforth, Real len = n, Proprietor ; Thos. r. de ber, 15th, at -.1 o'clock La. d, Implements, Stook culture. James Johnston, P illips, Auctioneer. LMPO117 A T NOTICES. X550Will btiy a goo ly si uat d Good hard and so 1 BROS., 9eaforth.l 7 -roomed house, pleasant• n Seeforth almost nese. ter. Apply to SCOTT 1721-t1 HOUSE TO RENT Main Street, John McQuade. It and closets. Good h islin good repair an THE EXPOSITOR 0 -T oaf ont ,rd pl e0 rent. the house on North rth, lately occupied by Mr. ins 7 rooms, with kitchen and soft water. The house saintly situ ted. Apply at Soaforth. 1721-4 STRAY STEER. . /. undersigned, west of Leadbury, a can have the sante b• Charges. A. OONST Ca • e into the premises of the eselon 12, . eKlllop,1 mile year old et er. The owner oving property and paying E, Loadbur .. 1721x8 on tw MISTRAY STEER, St Cion 8, Hay, a out steer, He had two V m left ear. Any intern ati•n leadiog t of this animal will be 'liberally raw MoALIdSTER, Heneall, Syed from ' a of 22, Conoee• Auguet last, a red yearling rke on the u • der side of the th9 recovery rded. CHAS. 1721x4 quirements of the 16: to 200 pounds $6 per cwt, and li $5.75. The deliv prices remained e Toronto Poultry. The exceptionally mild weather has dead- ened the business in fowl and very little is Moving. The shipments, fortunately, were emall today, and stocks>were well cleaned out. Prices are steadyt 7 to 8c for tut. - trade. natur ghts an cries w eady. THE CAN Bank of Co ADIAN merge 1 CAPI AL (P ID UP) Sic Million ollar —$C' .000,000. SEAFO TH = RANCH. A °general B eking business trap- B a oted . Farm rs' N • tea discounted, and special ttenti • n given to the oailectton of ate N •tea. pAVINGS BANK. Interest allow- e d on deposit of $1 and upwards. Special facil ties for transaction of business in the Klondike District. Monoy Orders, payable at any bank, issued et the following rates :-- • A"' Under 810 .08 $20 to 880 .12 $10 to $20 .10 $80 to $50- .14 F. TIOLMESTED F. 0. G. MINTY, Solioltor. Manager. 1824 STRAY XW1IS.-Str the unde!eigned, L at ewes. One has a p!e other has a nicht under t giving information lead liberally rewarded. W Marrs; es. SMITH-WILLIAMS-At th . Manse; Egmondvitic, on November lith, by R v. N. Shaw, B. A., Mr. John L. Smith, �o M183 0 pha Jane Williams, all of Soatorth. TIREBLE-M0goAN-At the bride's homo, Exeter North,,on November 28t , by 11c‘ho . J. W. Ton E) etc, Mr. Jbbil Treble, to Mies Alfretta Mon gan, tta'ightor c t the late Thomas Morgan. Sal NDERS-DUNSFO D -At the residence of tho bride's parents, Ion Novo' )ber 28th by Rev. J.W. Ten Eyck, Mr. Wm. Sanders, of the 8rd conceit. slop o1 Stephen, to Mies •fay, eldest daughter of Mr. Wm. DunefOrd, of t Lake Road, Stephen; iL;;DONAI.D-CAMERON-s n November 23th, at the rosidonoo of! the bridi'a father, Geduld), by Rev. James A. 'Andc'rcoi , 13. A , Mr. Duncan McDonald, of West Waw nosh, to Mise Maggie, younreit daughter of Mr Alexander D. Cameron. ]'ALIC1i--TEES-In Bruas +le, on November 20th, by Rev. John Holnioe, Mr. Allan M. Fralick, to Mies Mary J rte' Tees, boll of East t� awanosh. cGREO0R-rSKINN-At 11 o Methodist personae, Wingham, by, Rev, R. If abs, on November 28th, I Mr. John W. McGroge ,.to Mise Annie Sklnn; 1/0111 of Ewa Wawanosh, ARSON-BUDD--At Glenlioro, Manitoba, on Oc- I tabor 30th, by 1tev.,J. J. Crookehanks, Mr. Albert Carron; to Miss E., daug tor of Mr. John Budd, of Morris towntfhip, Iluran county. btc'CUTCHEON-JACKSON -At the residence of the bride's) parents, on Nov mbar 21bt, by Rev. J. Kenner, Mr. James Me('ntehoon, of Ilibbort, to Mise Mary 0., only daugter of Mr. James Jack- son, of Fullerton, • - - Deaths. Itictd Uu11LIN-In McKill )p, on December. 6th, George MoLaughtin, air/ d 87 years. $ANDER8-In .Exeter, o Nov. tuber • 2ii:t, Jahn i Sanders, aged 72 years nd 8 months. • WILSON -In Centralia, on Noveml er 27th, Thomas Witson, aged 18 years a d 11 months. j3ISSETT-In Exo er, on Na•veniber 27th, James 131,• sett, aged 80 years and 11 months, Oi TTS ars,days. ! month and d�bolla Coutt$s,, a ged 21 ye PARKER Parker, , ag Y d 68 years, 2 months and 20 dn Morris, on Novenibor 24th, ayego s. yed from t t 25, Conce e off the le e right log ng to their r RICHAR e premises of Mont, Hay, 2 t ear and the Any person covery will be SON, Heneail. - 1721.4 TO STOC { BREKDER horn bull, "New removed from, the pre man to the premises o will be ke t for the 1 further notice': in those sorviie a flrstolass imp 0-. SMIIiLIE, 'i Good Ch -The well known Short. ear's Gift," 2087 has been lees of Mr. William Chap- the under, gned where he nprovemont of stook until columns. I also keep for roved York hire boar. A. er Farm," T ckoremith. 1721.11 AUCTION SALE OF 1>i� PLEn1E*1. TS AN TURE.-13. S. Phiiltpe he Johnston to Bell by put shop in Hensel' on Sat: o'clock p. ni., the fallow The proper',y knownas ing 7 acres of Choice lan drained with tile. On t o property t of choice strawberry plants, also it berry bushes, a' good or hard, 2 goo a good Iran o house, fro a shop and buildings. The property is situated i sail and 8 miles fro Exeter. driving horse 16 years o d, well brok sound, 1 driving mar: rising si driving horse 8 years o d; 1 general years old. Implements. One•horee new, 1 lunaberr wagon r a a in 0 d repair top b buggy nr arly•#new, cu good reps r, 1 set of el single her lees` nearly heavy tuge many mew : heavy ; .1 pairf light el ighs new, 1 pair of .timber sleighs, 1 pair f new to: in • sletghe, tanning mill; 1 fence mach ne, 1 wir stretchrr, gang plow, 1 cutting boar, 1, turr ip a icor, 1 plc Furniture. - Two box stwor,-1 oak se •rotary and a quantity of other household effects All will a sold tie the roprietor has bough out Vii iam Colwell's (carriage maker) ir tore 1 in Heneatl. Terms. -For he real tstato in quit. of the proprietor, James Johnston, on the premi9es or at his shop or will be EAL ESTA F, STOOK, IM. F lvI- BE:OLD U HOU ft s been instr cted by Jamoe lie auction at his Carriage rrday, Decor ber 15, at one ing propert , viz : Land.- Rogerville C arden, contain, ,-More or e8K, well under - ore is one acre n sore of raw- wells of water, necessary out• mile frr,m-.Hen• Horsesl-One n and perfectly yea's old, 1 urpoee,horso 8 bolster wagon,, early now,. 2 lumber wagon,: ggy in good repair, air 1 top ter nearly new, 1 cutter in glo harness now, 1 sot of ow, 1 eet of single harness, . 1 collar, halmos and tugs, made kno e n on day of sal •. On pc all sums of 85 and under cash ; over months' o edit will he glverl on turn joint notes. ► discount of 8 per oc will bo given on all credit amt JOHNSTON, Proprietor ; B. 8. P tioneor. so,af property that amount 8 Ishing approved nt. per annum ,unto. JAME4 FILLIPS. Awe 1721-2 COLLECTOR'S NOTICE. MUNICIPALITY OF HAY. All taxes Must be paid by December 14th, inst. All arrears after that d to will bo liable to seizure without further notice. CHA'ILES. TROYER, Collector. 17 1-2 Hills Green P. 0, ounty Council EIetion Coon Public notice ie Electors of Count municipalities of forth, wi I be held TOW 1 ON MOND y Of Huron, er. Di Tu in H Y, at the hour of 1 o' lo. nominating candl • ate division in the 0o net the years 191 an• 19 poIle will be open •d o in each polling au,rdi fixed by By -Law of t County d vision, Dated at Tuckers RI islutio an cy C o s Prays -N ve As it is abs;hlutt'l I simply invite every going. Includes the latest no Toys, Games, Ebony G &c , a l marked 111 plai 4. CALL SOLI LF 1 J SUO 1 n Sale or—�• Books and tationery, Hymn Books, Toys es Wall Paper$, &c. 1t r r.:c,ss;r, ; ig"r�-rtr iertif t, is nig s lTIl ss'u •ss • g necessary for me to reduce my stock in the al dy to come and get a share in the bargains It 0 fi T es in Books and Hooklets, Xmas Cards, s, Brushes, Mirrors, elegant packages of P urea, and I rely on the price to make them g ibles nd ove ove lines, that are S D AT WILSON OR TO LUMSDEN & WILSON, SANTA NEXT EAFORTH, L US' HEADQUARTERS, 0 R NORTH OF PIOKARD'S. alendars, rfumery, • by given that a meeting of the-. ision No. 5 composed of • the kersmith, McKillop and Sea. the LL, SEAFORTN, DECEMBER 24th, 1004, k p. m., for the purpose of to, represent the said county of the county of Huron for 2 and in case a poll is required the 7th day of January, 1901 Won at the time and place e Municipalities in the said • A. G. SMILLIE' Nominating Officer. thte-8th day of December, 1900. 1721.3 HORSE Ke3p your _of Broder have the 1a blankets, roles in to harne,ss is SLEIGH BEl bef ore. BLANKETS. h le aG w al L We also havo a valioes. --Price CADY'S B rse comfortable with one e Horse Blankets. We at and best stook of horse at, Galloway and Bear and the quality of our o unsurpassed._ aro cheaper than ever loo stock of tranks and the Lowest-- OCK, SEAFORTH. 1719x18 BRODE IGrK's SHOP ESS 1Will bo t ord after the holidays, down to quick Gelling Men's blank and bl with good Italian lining, front, lined with One qui regular price $10.50, for price $6, for $4.50. Sho u1 r $8, for $6.50: Shor re ular price $9.50; for $ ed and trimmed, wor m de and trimmed, with coats, at reduced i prices. The M.Flsons Bank. _N -- & 00., � 1 ICK SELLING f the day in our clothing department from now till tock is complete in all lines and has been marked ces. ack Beaver Overcoats, fly front and double breaadted, lined ular,prioe $6.50, for $5.455. Men's fine Beaver Overcoats, fly Italian lining, French facings, a stylish coat for young men, 95. 1 Men's Frieze Ulster", well lined and trimmed, regular s Rigby Waterproof frieze Meters, all wool extra heavy, reg- heafvy Frieze Ulaters, rubber lined, as warm as afur coat, ). Men's fine Tweed suits, in checks and fancy mixtures, well $6, for $4.50. Men's Fancy Tweed Suits, very stylish, well such facings, reduced to $6, $8 and $10. Boys' Suits and over - $ND ONE PRICE_ ON & CO., BLYTH. L iNCOR' ORATED, 1866. CAPITAL PAID UP . . $2,500,000 RL+'SE't/1{, E1J D. $2,050,000 JA ES ELL OTT, General Manager. • HEWALL BRANCH. Mot ey advtitn .ed to farmers on their own notes, with one or more endorsers. 0011 ctioflS :m de in all parts of the world, and ,r turns prsmptly remitted, at lowest rates f exchsin es. Drafts sold on all points in Ca, oda, the United States and Europe. Sterli g and A erican exchange bought and sold. nterost • Mowed on deposits remain- ing fo ' one mo • th'or more at current rates. Savings Dep=rtment—Interest allowed on depos is of $1 = nd upwards. $p oial atte• tion given to the collection of far era' sale notes. Th Bank is open daily for transacting a gener=l bankinr bueinees. F. KAR , Agent, Hensall Branch. 1889•tt etir HNS s • ng from Business re positively retirin f lan ware, Stoves fo 0 tot the prices : B=et Canadian coal o for 16a a gallon.. Bast American coal •'1 for 21c a gallon. B at stove pipes, for one week only, for io .er length. 2+c gallon pans for f0. 50 five Olen oil + :nae for $1,13. tea kettles :for 67 tin dippers two to 5 . sprayers fob• 65c. 2 o ash sifters for 16 =. 11 o wash basins for o. 210 wash basins for 0. 5• jelly and pie pan: two for 5c. 110 match eafhra for . o. 11 o mouse traps for 0. 1- c rolling pi s for . $ .25 nickle t a ket t e for 81, 09. 25c horse bru hes fo 180. 35c horse brushes fo 24c. 3(o horse brushes fo 20c. 110 curry combs for�7c. 1 0 curry con}be for 100. 2 o curry combs for! 150. 1 o scrub brushes for 63. 2 o scrub brushes f r 9e.. BROS. HARDWARE ora business, and will offer their large stock of General oking and Heating, Szc., in detail, for a short time only. 5 Corner Main and Market Sreets Seaforth, 25c hand mitts for 20e. 65,3 hand loather mitts for 43c. 50e hand leather mitts for 35e. all complete, handle and file. Fatini tools at costroarpenter's tools at cost. :Grindstones le per lb.,' just hall $3.00 hanging lamps for $1.09. $3.50 hanging lamps for $2.68. $5.00.hall lamps for $2.63. 1$1.50 daisy churns for $3.95. ' 85,50 daisy ohurns for $4.67. $6,50 daisy churns for $5.39. Washing machines at cost. Parlor lamps and fine table knives forks, spoons and cutlery of all kincle for 'Christ- mas presents. ickard' CHRISTMAS is 0 Dry Goods end Clothing Concerti itt 1 And. everybody who sees lour beautiful displa,y cf holiday attractions is glad of it, Silt,nta Claus will find -no better place to get pre9ents than right here in this store. A stock Och as we keep is. particularly adapted to present holidays. It is. varied—that is one good feature—and the prices are sure to please every one's purse. These prices ar f r cash only. Goods charged and deli▪ vered will be at STOVES. -1N e are sent°. this seasOn's manufactured at foundry price' nd those in Stock 1 st year bele'ow Cost, as they must be cleared outi Estate Anson Bros., Seaforth Artesian Well -Drillers 1 TOOL AND supp IES M GORMA PATILA orreepondeace sol cited' 1721x8 DOM' I pal ead the folloviing let of the E CANADA CHAT an learn how hirihly th se dot are thought of h go d male steno raphe an I It ecoured tot us th gr pliers and othhr offi ho ding positions, migl If ,ou can put ue in yo r old graduetes, re' experience, wo s ye Ve fright mention tl in the above letter has do bars. When you re n ed you be sUrpriae sitIons were filled by d Canada's Orestes h nd, if you wish to tl o ce work and be Reel a d. For Random 1684 ter received by the princi- SINES$ COLLEGE, -graduatets of this of this "October 18, 1900. openings now for 2 or throe who' have had experience, me , who have graduated time to time and are now desire to better theals!-.1ves. ho have bad two or three lmyleatien with some of ould be under obligation to thie concern represented Capital Steck of five million sueia evidence as the above, that during the period of the endiog In october, 842 ur puplia. It pave to at. School Of Business Or Short - roughly (finality yourself for ted to a position when gradu- catalogue issued .by any a, wirite, Chatham- Ont. Seaforth's Leading Shoe Store. SEASONABLE iHOE SUGGESTIONS OR CHRISTMAS Ladies Department. I Dress Goods Agaznst the holidays we have pro- yided a great big stock at very small prices There are many beauties here jUst the thing for presents The finest material, finest woiknianship have gone into these goods. 200 children's picture haadkerchiefs at 4c each. 20 dozen lawn. handkerchiefs. at 5c each, 20 dozen fancy lawn handkerchiefs, special at 10c each. 20 dozen fancy embroidered and lace edged handkerchiefs at 25c, 15 dozen very dainty German lace edged handkerchiefs at 25c, 35c, 40e, 50c, 65c and 90c each. 5 dozen pure linen embroidered handkerchiefs at 35c, 40c and 50c each. 10 dozen Japanese silk initialed handkerchiefs at 50c. Chiffon and silk ties for ladies in newest designs and latest colors at 25c, 350 and 50c each. Specials in cushions covers -24 Jap- anese silk hand embroidered covers at 15 only, silk Union Jack covers at • 25 only, Denim covers at 25c. All the new mode and grey shades in our $1 and $1.25 gloves., every pair Special mocha silk lined gloves— Pewney's white . kid gloves, black and white stitching, special at $1.25. Ladies' white lawn aprons at 25c, 400, 50c and. 60c. Ladies' black satin waists trimmed with white silk cord, regu'lar price Ladies' black taffeta silk waist, tuck- ed front and back with white stitched silk front and collar, regular $6, for Xmas $5. Ladies' black arinure silk waist, tucked front and back, regular $4.90, Ladies' shepherd check taffeta silk blouses, regular $5, for Xmas $3.50. Ladies' fawn taffeta silk blouses, hemstitched tucks back and front, re - Ladies' corduroy velvet blouses, with bias corded front, regular $2.90, for Ladies' French flannel blouses in red, with white polka dot, and blue with white polka dot, regular $3.50; for Xmas $2.75. Ladies' flannelette blouses, dark colors, regular 95c and $1,05, for 75c. klith Christmas less than three weeks away your thouights naturally turn to the old yet ever new question 41 What shall I give ?" As the matter of usefulness in a Chriatmas gift receives greater con- sideratioe each year you cannot decide on anything more useful or more ap. preoiated than something in the foot- wear line. This season we are ehowing a large assort- ment of Christmas footwear at special Christmas prices and you are at perfect liberty to drop in and look around with- out any suggestion of buying. Our assortment includes fancy !slippers, car- pet slippers, felt slippers, ovetshoes, overgaiters, overhose, rubbers, hockey shoes, Slater shoes, skating shoes, Em- press shoes;in fact everything found in an up-to-date shoe etore. Two special lines of fancy waists at 38c and 55c. Two special.lines dress -silk grey, yellow, bl4e an4 cream adapted for evening dress, at ,silk for in pinks specially 700 and. Ladies' tors 'Ive special lines of lacliesi!.ruffs at Mantle Department Great sacrifice sale in mantles, all sizes and colors, and up-to-date styles, in ladies', misses and children's coats, to be sacrificed at half price. Four Astrachlani collars, special at $6 Three coney !collars, special at $3,30 Two mourat4 bear collara, special One electric $8.50. One electric trimmings, $10. One Persian One special. s One special s Millinery Department A rare bargain is always to he found at our regular prices, but all ribbons in this department will be sold at quarter off regular prices ; all felt hats at half price. seal collar, special at seal, with Astrachan nd seallcollar 15. ble and seal collar, -$25. ble collar $44.50. Special lines Ofimnffs from $1 up. • Ladies' Special line at $5.25. Special line f Astraehan cape at VI. Speeial line of Astrachan -cape, 30 inches long, $13. Many speci apes. f mountain bear cape s in ladies' fur coats. Clothinfi Department. Boys' clot mg has a great deal of attention her - Bring your boys here. We will clot e them durablY and hand- somely for li We have any speeird lines in uits, overcoats an reefers. See our R gent street Overcoats at ferent to the ordinary readYmade over coats. You. will find the fito finish and workmanshi decidedly better. to clear at $ See OUT a 1- ool freize overcoat at Our spe 1 rubber lined freize coat sleigh robes in goats, moSuPnetealianieb ar, cub bear and galloway. We also sell Newland's Saskatche- wan Buffal Robes. Beware of imita- tions. fur coats of in men all kinds. DIRECT WM. PICKARD & CO. IMP ETERS Opposite Town Building, Corner Main and Market Ste., Seafortb.