HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1900-11-30, Page 8THE HURON EXPOS TOR NOVEMBER BULBS AT LESS THAN HALF PRICE. til sold, we offer first claim bulbs at less thaa leaf price, either singly or in collee- tior 9. 2 HYACINTHS (any eitIort) TO. 3 FREESIAS 5c. -3 TULIPS 6c, NARCISSUS 40. 23e. WORTH FOR 10e. 4 HYACINTHS (any color) 20s. 6 FREESIAS 10e. 6 TULIPS 12e. NAR9SSUS 8e. 1. CHINESE SACRED LILY 10e, e WORT FOR 25c. -IrTirvi.nABGEE PAPST BOOKSTOSE, SE&RIEIH-• DOMINION BANK. CAPITAL Medd Up), $1,500,000. REST, - $1,500,000, EAFORTH BRANCH, MedeaStreet, Soteforth. General Ban kin Business trans ac ed. Farmers' Sale Notes collected., an advances made on seme at lowest ra es. rafts sold on all points in Canada, eh United States and Europe. -AV INGS DE PART M ENT. —1nterest &flowed ondeposits' of One Dollar and u wards. S. HAYS, 'W. K. PEARCE,/ Solicitor Manager. JEWELRY The following JiteK are a few that we make a specialty of in quality and price— Watches, Maks, Jewelry in all its branches including Engagement end Wedding rings, Sterling silver novelties, ete. All goods soldtby us engraved free. We have also a.C.d4d to our Mcrae:Aug business a fail line of Optical Goede. Having had 20 years ex- perience in Ohl line I am in a position to teat all visines. correctly. No charge for testing the eye. Counter sewery Establishment 13 • / 3 SEAFORTH; R. COVNTItif., - 1- Manager: SATISFACTION' GUARANTEED: (4' STRATFORD, : ONTARIO. A eehool that, is doing the beat work in indiums education in Cana la to -day. Ou giagnificent cetalogue gives till itformation newt for one. Eater now if possible. W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal, 444452 W. N. WATSON'S AGENCY. NORTH MAIN. STREET SEAFORTH. DISTRICT TIMES. DEALER CLASS SEWING MACHINES— RAYMOND AD WHITE ls eeeing newhine nettle Pi pliee, needle% at - t hierate and 011. Alt kitide e. Ing niashinee r paired promptle. (liftmen reaeor able. General Fire alei late insurance Agent. only first l• age ciempantee represented. Agent f the Totortto General Truets Corporation, A:oray tele &need on fie et arid tom a property, at joie r 1114 ef lett:relit, and e Iterges Iciw, W ANT.A.TSC31\i', 1030 N(7)11T11 MAIN ST., 8EAFORTH, von txpooitot A Bounni er NIGIIT.—The following is from a Port Iluron paper, of a recent date : " `The Bohciniau Night,' at the Harring- ton, last eve ing, was a au eess as well ise an innovatioi , end hereaft r the event will be a weekly eatage. The Cit.y opera beetle_ orchestra furnished mimic and little Mier Mahle Tobin recited a number Of selections, among thorn being 'No IC h Need Apply.' She was h attily encored. Mr. MeElheney was called u ote- and recite 'De 'Almighty. Dollar.' 4 Iurge number •of people took lunch, and the Bohemian feature was not, `begleeted, f r -handsome. stone 4 steins ' on the corners of the tables." The aboiel acly is a daughter 4f Mr. Patsy Tobin, a former resident of this town. , • • A Goon &END OFF.—The gentleman re- ferred to in the following paragraph, which we take from the Toronto Globe, ist a brother of Mr. J. 0. Greig, of the well- known firn �f Greig & Al donald, of thia a town : " There was a large gathering lest. (Thursday) night in the reception hall A Massey -Harris Company's] head office, the occasion bk ing a presentation by the office staff to Dee Wm. G-reig, who, after a long connection with the company's business in Ontario, is about to be ars shirred to. the Maritime branoh headquaree s at Se. John, New Brun veiek. Mr. Greig's many friends are sorry tp loee him, but they rejoice . in his sue -etas and the magnificent onyxclock which he carries away 1 with him ° beers witness to his great personal popularity." rand Trunk Railway exiled everywhere. Feet and superior -Leiter to Detroit, Toledo, Chicago, Port furou, Cincinnati, he Peal, oto,, Western lel Nei thweetera ntittett Ind the Pacific (out. One way mecond class special fares en Novenewr 2esh mid 27th to points in Ianitoba, Minuretoi a, Montana, North Da - 1 co" Idaho, Witehingtoi Oregon and leitedi (amille.), vet China o or North Bay. E, Agent SOMERVIL Conexteretel Sleselet/RTIEL 1045 _ ALY'S <For tin it- it reparrin Alt went tte at deli-. lr. t leotepted ekt. i itet revere- or n net e widest. d setisfactorily THE MOAN AND EWELLER SEAFOR I EverybDtly Talks m,„tti orifitint ktk kkf the eral Btsines- College 11 )RONTO, "'it I 01 of it •-, kt t hart , o studeuts and young people gene floe, Collett inte kuttirictie i ter -4 Wither. fl past ter 'Lunette. With d. • ri tk ek I f.' eixry find -class typo rel.! e nee lee te eplent id equipment. tereeel ke., ar, lit:st nes of trainiog _ease , feta eSette does most effective Fen Jet opene ceepterribet 4th. keen-. Write V. 11. SHAW, Prineipul. et. t r -T'•4 T Jrente. 1630-52 IL .--,e 7 • THE NATION/el, Bezean,—The Isamu, held undet the inispices of St. Thomas' -church, on Wedneeday and Thursday, was a most isuocesSful and eatiefaetory affair. A large number of articles, ornamental and useful, we 0 dieposed of, while the refresh- ment tabl s were liberally provided for and! largely pa thmized. Oa Wednesday even- ing Mrs. arley's Wax Works furnished a most attraptive and amusing entertainment, the novel* of .which enhanced the interest. All the parts were taken by local talent, and all did well. The attendance was large, a,nd would have been larger had there been room in the hal for all those who desired to get , in. On t e whole, the ladies are to be non- • granulate on ' the success of their venture. It was all well carried -out, largely patron-- ized, and urnished the citizens with. an in- teresting occasion which wasduly appreci- ated, whit the finances of the Guild will,we aro sure, I e coesidexably augmented. ' • ' # • -Palmeri AL Vis,—O. Monday laet Rev. 1'.MeCtib entertained in the new Presbytery in cornice ion with SteJa es' church, in this town, a namber of dieting ished ecelesiasti- cal guosth The visitor 'included Arch- bishop CrOonnor, Toronto' Bishop Dowling, Hamilton ; Bishop McEvi y, London -' Rev. Dr. Spatz preniclent of St Jerome's 0olleree, Berlin; Rev. F. Oughing,' residerit Senclwich College ; Revels. Meson. L. Brennan To- ronto ; P. 13rennan, St. arys ; T. iVest, Goderich J. Kennedy, S mitt ; T. Noonan, Biddulph ; M..Mer.lor-mie , Ashfield ; II. Traher, London ; P. -Mc eeown, London ; H. 0anni0g, Toronto; T. Ma,hony, .flamil- ton ; G.- Cram, Beeson ; . Downey, Mit- chell ; W Fogarty, St. •Columban '• - D. MeMenan in, Se. Augustine, and T. Valen- tine, Zerieh. In this visit the parish of St. James' hs been especially honored. In the visit of t.lja now widely known Toronto pre- late,-Are4bishop(YCoanor; the parish feels estnetial pride, as it is seldom now that the Arehbishep leaves Toronto. Pleasant im- pressions of Seaforth were carried away by the visiters. I . • t Lover, l3RXEFS. —Rev. Mr. Larkin preech- ed a mo4 able sermon last Sunday evening, on the sabject of terepero.nce, in which he emphasized the necesuity, even from a pe- cuniary standpoint, of men, and eepecially yourig men, who wish to make their way in - the world, . abstaining fekom . intoxicating, liquors, us le these days of commerdial aot tivity anl keen conipetition, none but those of the etc rest intellects eyed mostexemplary habits c n hope to aucceed. . Rev."A. L. Russell a so dealt with this question at the Sunday vening _service in the Methodist church. -4A leading merchant in town says that the jveolc before last he did the laig,ett businces el has done in any one- week for several years, and that letisiness generally this fall has been better than -ever at the sem° semen in former yeate.—Miss'Wilkin- sop and Miss Eden, of Woodstock, aro the guests ef!Mre. .L A. Wile -on, of Inglesicle,— Rev. R. W. Diekie, pastor of the ,Orange- ville Presbyterial] church, end a former as- siataist in the Settforeh Presbyterian church,' has declined a call from ix Roeslands British Columbia, church, with a etipend of $2,000. —Mr. —Mr. and Mrs. leiward AI ulea,lty, of Brit- ish Columbia, are visiting Mr. Mulchaby's mother and ether friends in town and ,vittin- ity.e-Mr. I). Ortunmett has purchased the Isaac. Miller property, in Herpurhey, from. Mr. Janice Hugillt 'rhe place 'contains about twenty acres, and the 'price paid was $1,80n. Mr. Grummett will reside theree—, M r. C. eaokeon, who has been in J, F. Daly & Company's jewelry store for a num- ber of years, has started -tip• for himself in Ripley. Mr. Jeckeen is a steady young man and a good tiorkmete end 'we can dune °uglily recommend him to the. good people of Ripley. -e-The Jolly Pulls Company will °eminence a week's 'engagement, in Cerdno'a late Mr. Hugh McKay. Mrs. McKay was a sister of Mr, Murdock Campbell, of this; town. The funeral tekes place to -day, at 1! o'oloole—The- Ladies' Aid of he Presbyter-, ian (thumb had a;very please t social meet-, ing In the basement of the church, Wed- nesday afternoon. Quilting and nefresh- meats were the main items on the program-, me.—Rev. Mr. Whiting; of ;Mitchell, will preach the anniversary e mons in eh° Methodist church at the mu 1 hours next Sabbath. Mr. Whiting s a able and ethos quent divine, and will ne do bt have tail congregationn—Will Hale le t on Saturday has secured iture factory. of his your gat his home, . E. Stewart, eco red frorn be is now on a visit Sittings of th d i Seaforth, dur bru ret 8, April 5,1 er 25, Inesemt an able and e, T mules an n der tie au n Tenteran (Amnia° -Te umiday even' hu oh, and reabyteri last for Stratford,, wiser° position in the MeLaglan .On Friday evening, a In friends spent a pleasanit ' before his departere. —I% of this town, has fully recent severe illness) and to her parent, neer feta division court will be he ing 1901, as follows ; F June 6, September 7. ber 5,—Rev. E.• O. Ta eloquent.temperance ad addresses in this town Wednesday evenings no pices of the' Woman's Ch Unian, on the subject a perrence." The lecture _ will be in the Methhdi Wednesday evening, in eh ur eh hall, next AlortdayT-tevening, The Jolly Pulls are eery highly spoken of in all the neighboring towns,,where they have been, and will undoubted draw good houses here. They play under the auspices of the hockey -club.—At the annual commenetment peel: - Peace in connection with the Parkdale high' tschooll on Ftiday evening last, Mr. H. J. CraivOrd, IL A., was- presented with a handsome 'Morris chair. Mr. Crawford, a few yeare ago, taught, in the Setiforth Col- legiate Inetinste, .end is apparently quite as poptilar witerhis 'Tomei° pupils as he was in 81.4e-tab.—Miss Powell, who has been With friends here for the past year or More, left on Wedneaday for .her home in Phila. &Ilene, She was aecompenied by Miss Clem Caine who will prey an extended visit to her sister, Mlle King, iii New York,-- Aleetra. D. D. Wilton & joinpany are now ohipping out the It of-ehis season's qua. Teter trade this year as been unusually large, and the. stock has gone out in good shape, and We truat that the results at the other ent will be even more favorable, Milk -nigh the fresh egg -market hes not, been very encouraging this year.— The many friends of Me. (). Bethune, town. treasurer, will regret to learn that he, is. now eoplined to his residenee moat of the time, arel his condition is not improving.— Miss Kffloran, who has been ill, is now re- eevering, but i1 is not expected she will he able to take her plaee in the school for seine tirne.—We ingra this week to announce the deer h of ielise Free!, eiater of Ales (Rev.) likeiginse which took place. 'on Tueaday, at the Episcinpel rectory. Miss Fred had boon ill for eoree time, and!. the sad result was not unexpected. Tbel remaine were taken te Thankesford, ft r interment, on Wednes day.—We have been enjoying beautiful In - di to hummer weather : it will tone us all up ter the rigors of ninten—Mr. Wm. Shade, of Harpurhey, was married on Wednesday, to Aline Addie Spading. The ceremony wee performed at the residence of the ltriede parents, Meleillop, by Rev. Mr. utgrave. The young couple intend to re. shle in Ilerpurhey. Numerous friends will unite wellus in- wishing thorn many years of centred* happineese—An old and highly leepreted eetrident of Tuekersmith departed tide life ote Wedneulay last, in the person of Ileloran Ann :Campbell, relict of the • be fur mbe veni ra. a. ato !or, oca on t, th Removen.—Dr. 'Gi b, his °meet, the one he f m street, and his realdenee t t NOTIGE.—Th,ose Ant eb son Bro., Hardware, will IC the 16th of Dec mber efts w In other kands. for colleoti n. Iiighest prices for a under theTown Clock, itto SALE, OP- CLOTIIIN'Il ready made elothing at pfice 0111 and secure on e of o Leatherland, opposite Doman 3eaforth. V. S., has rriov rly coupityl, nn Ma o Oa y Blook,Seaforb ' 17204 o Estate Joh ettle on or bele into will be oleo 1720.2 fur at L. 'Smit th. 1720-1 e are offeri tha will a itonish yo r erecting, . 13/ark) role Hotel, Main dreg. ed diy lch GREAT SLAUGHTER — e intend to ma our hew steak of boots and a toes move rapidly if I prioes will do it. Prim out an slashed in eve, line. Come and so. No rot' le to show sotd Bicherdson & Salith'e o d stand, Seafol ' • 1720 Ir I SLAUGHTER IN1 OATS.—We hare 300 Ladire' and bbi dren's ro ts vhioh we have de- termined upon slaughtering alt price. All e e of the latest styleed $12 pa s ow 86, 08 coats np $4, $5 goats now $2.50, 83.60 co ts now $1.76, $2, 0 pate now $1.25, $2 Child's ent:now $1. Willtp Pickard & Co., Sesferth. 1720 - SOX ,AND RUBBERS.— Wok, Warm fie e lined seeks and stout enag sr'ot rubbers, that' combination that cark't be be G f r out door win r work. We have, their in all ty es and sizes and �i priees are the lowest n town, ichardson & Mei nis, Seatorth, 1720-1 Remember we are sel n dinner sets, t a sets and toilet sets atvery lo p ices, 97 piece (thin r sets for 130, Making' best st a wear plain fir 8. They are a pap Nice sets in gold tint for Toilet sets froru $1.50 up. 0 d pipet In China n great varieties at ke Young e, s aforth, 1720-2 Due Setoen-eWhen•y u .wear a pair f our rubbers you know you ha e t good thing b eau e they keep the foot dry mai th'y wear well. We bt y the best and sell at' mercy a eng prices. Men' women's and obilhron's, all k n e, all prime. Rio ardson & McInnis, Boeforth, 1720-1 • While they last we a Papa on second band coal at ve guarreoteed. Mao a lino of w o and second hand at prices hat you to buy as we had there p r Vance on stoves- took place al d the money. Come early, The most egmplete forth,ohokpor than (mist Seaforth. Dainty silver novel for Obrietmas, These aro make very suitable present. Anything ordered will be k by paying a small amount o eller, Seaforth. ' 1 8. n t b. e offering gre t from $3 up, all ful y, heaters both ne are sure to indu haeed before the n can't be replaced ti' !lett & Co , &siert 17204 of bells in Se rlek's Harness Sho 1720-1 nd Ebony goo very expensive b all and ace my ate r you till (Arita John Bulger, Jo 17204 ves has no ewe, new and Is al vays eaforth, 1720 Herbageurn for youn • 1 it makes elcim milk rie goo solo by Hamilton & Kerala e, Goat, Mountain bea loway robes of the beet qua If 1, Northwest G 1- t Broderines harn es ehop, Cady' .Block, Seatort 172o. . Orders for wood left he store will re< °dye Immediate attention, have it cut to a ty length, also guiltier those doe ring it so. We have PASO about 26 cords of No. 858, delivered at 8150 per go d. S. Mullett & Ce.-, forth, 1720- . • Try the stay on blank;for the stabl r. -Harass shop, S 1720 - Henson cow tie,s, s, ax -es and ho forth, 1720. ldwin & Hiller P 11 and Wring,er, will I nday next. Thoy h ndred huh can sup 11 lay, 13.aforth. a they are theebeet, Broder forth, Remember we have 1 halters, tainerns, arose cu blankets. S. hiullett & Co. - ETT I N (I READY. manufacturers of the Mop In a positlob to fillip about orders ahead for over two' ail who come. Baldwin & 's go a• FEED. 0o.—We are corn in•large and small quit to temple the publics at the Ratnilten 84 Kerslake, Seater 1720. 80 ty again handling fe d tifileir and aro proper d lowest possible pri h 1720 BuSINESH COLLEGE. — womeirwho expect to attend elml school should write to tutiogn not grade work. enter, tford, for al ea exeolled in Can The., present is o. 11 young mon ad 1 flret elan vomit :r• . he Central Buein is aloguo. This Ins 1. da. for strictly IV fh a favorable tine° to 17154. , . OUR NEW STOR Our new story commences this is a good one. Read ib, and tell y u bora about it. Tini EXPOSITOR will be giventt n scribers from NOW until January is for OXE DOLLAR. Who would b the beet local paper when it can cheap? Send in the names at 'no have a large list, but we want mo e. k. It neigh - w sub- , 1902# About got so . We Hills Green. HAPPENIN08,—Mr. Francis Co OM OW and wife, left Saturday for Luck they intend visiting friends and —Messrs, A. Maine and A. Kain the contract of cutting wood fo Kippen.—Mies Euphemia Maxwe been at:home for the past few returned to Clinton,—Mr. oently had shipped to him a pal oughbred ducks. George is not d ' ing good poultry.—Mr. W. Van Chiselhurst, is helping his fa Mr. C. Troyer, to get his winter wood out of the swamp.—Quite the farmers in this vicinity have their fall plowing. • Leadbury. Is a Dry Goods Store the pi your Ready -To -Wear clothing? go to The E. McFaul Co's, Sea enormous sales they have in ot ments justifies the close price they sell clothing. • Men's suits, 42, serviceable tweed, at $5, ular prices in Tweeds and Serge $7.50, $10 and -$12 NOTES. --A great number, of I went from these parts last we day of delivery, as well as the d y there was a big commotion am women and democrat wagons ere demand. Indeed, the excitement by the Dominion election was not a it.—Mise vora J. Kinney, he young mini° teaoher, of Walto w ing friends on the Leadbury lin , o day last.—Mr. R. Common, ero Winthrop, has been around bu in poultry for shipment. --Some o t chaps who went to the bun er Muskoka, have returned* and te o likely to follow.—John Barr ws, timer in this seeMon, intends oin the Rookies in the near futu e. McIntosh has been quite ill. hear of her speedy recovery. M Smith has been away, moving t e h goods -of Mr. Fred Greig, fro H Brussels, where the latter int nde the winter. BARGAIN. —A brand new made-toorder Portiard cutter for reale. Bede & Witsox,. Harder ro • el arab an ts, Seaforth. 1710.1 WANTED. -000 ton ho cie roll butter,2( 0, weekly e alp dried applee And fowl. Our stock- of rola e, ure, rea yenado c'ething, etc,, is lard o and not surpessod. We ha o a few cdd mantles to clear, $10 ono for 85, 85 po s f r 82 60. 0. E. 0, Wingham. 17194 To Tint FARMERS, K nnedy Pros. pry tho highest earth prices to ea, sheep tell w hoice fancy chi rite and art ware, Just turfy d, suitable for prose WO aro veiling. dinner, tea nd ode away do in price this month. Juita k t price before buyi No trouble to dhow geode. A. Yoreo, Sea'orth, 171f1 - Scores of Business olleges have p- elted to the Central Business College, Stratford, or graduate] to take poeitiona as teachers, in th r phoebe This wilily As ittr ng evidence thet Cor tral litteinetts College enjoys a continen il reputation for thoroughness: 17154 - n ;HE SEA FORTH GREEN the greenhouse of Air. D fully repay any admirer , McLennan is a profeersio house of carnations is ee sight, the -collection bdin excelled. During the 1E101 81212th€1111.11118 he else heel neon Although sernehr McLennan had cut- flo number has been too ',/3 en erpriee pa, and he 1 thinking of going out of the business al te. Yn g, roesse—A visit to MeLehmus wo Id of flowers. It r. al florist and his tainly a beauti ril one that, is ran ly eon of, the cle y - some very. pretty ve known thaelt ,ers for , serenethe ill to make tie as been teriou ly 0- gether, It, would seem (oo bad that Ite Seaforth greenhouse ,ha not been mire liberally patronized, partiaularly in view ;of :the fact that neany petto s are in the ha it of sending out oftown fo flowers. Such 'a concern in our town is a ecided advanta- and weerutit that perso s wautleg flowTs for parties, wreath wo'k or for other p poses will visit the Se forth greerihon o, where sve are sure the pr prictor do 11 in hie powerto merit yo r patronage, • • ' RE l'N'ION OP THE H -awes --FolAhe pat two orthree years, the atter of having a re -union -of the membe it nd ex -members of the Huron foot ball team has been plann d, but for varioue reasonil. t e scheme has 1 - ways fallen through. It now has tak n some definite eitape, t t meeting held t e other night it was dee de to arrange or such a re -union on the Friday between Chriatmas and New Ye re, and OD t e eveoing of that day to have a re-uni m dance. It is expected th t other featu s will be on the progranjrno, but as yet it is impossible to outline t em. It is expect d that a large nurriber of Our old boys mill e here, although it will inpossible, on count of the diatance t w reh they live, f r some to be in the old t n n the body, b it they are sure to be here in he spirit. N 'e trust that everything pr stile le will be doie to give the boys a righ g od time -whlin they visit. homeagain, e•el...•••••c•-I•a2rs•a•e • • • n, jr., where e atives. taken Dolt; ho has he, has sis re- f thor- or raise- orn, of er in-law, • pply of number of ot Wished a J 1, on la ce It ort er a SI a ve k. • Brucefield. B. R. Hrbellers, Brumfield, Conveyancer, Fire and We footman amount of money to loan at 6 per con farm security. Mortgages drawn yarned free of expellee to the bor limited amount of private funds At borne every morning and Wedn week. Several good farms for sal to buy s if you . The depart - which ea 36 to er pop- e 86 50, 720 1 poultry On the revious, •ng the in great caused ateh to popular viait- Satur- ant, of dressed e young oods of her are an old oct to Mrs. F. hope to .Wm, usehold: nsall to to pass o a yobi la 11 pee e a erne Any . ofl nd oney ad. owe . Also a t 5 per opt. ada of °ph 167desfgns o wrapd ble) are eaubefore.ti fu d to tell • eryapwpeFirliebnfueoyht. 7.72S0t7e# es held ere very homson abbath. ddressea ewe, of thand E,. H.wasaeproa. e interesting e h story ot ts .eginning en serious the London in f horses hil he was th horses ann ekburn, onv ntiontof of Stanley, hel . in the ue day, Do- ree sessions, do ening at • PRETTY WitAPPERETTES.—C °lee are being shown. They mak in pet's, warm, bright and corn ort prettier, some of them, than eve The makers have turned out a ch patterns this season, that it' ha some of the wrapperettea fro th Fermis, that means pretty little money. That little mo the material at The E. MeFa 1 Co Seaforth. NOTES.—The anniversary ervi here, in the Presbyterian °bur h, largely attended. Rev, T, e. preached two excellent sermon on On Monday evening very excel ent were delivered by Rev. Mr. nd Varna; Rev. Mr, Lerkin, of :eafo Rev. T. Thomson, with e ev. Sewers as chairman. The me tin decided moons. 14.1xcellent m sic vided by the church choir. 0 item of the programme was t the Presbyterian church from till now.—What might have b runaway took place reeently o road, Mr. Smillie left his te standing on the London Road calling on some friends, whe took fright and ran as far as .1 on the Bayfield road.—The the Sabbath <school ASsociatio -Hay.and Tuckersmith ,is to be .M.ethodist church, Kippers, on °ember 4th. There will be t morning, 10.30, afternoon 2, a 7 o'clock. • Exeter. J. G. STA...NM:MY, B. A., (1 te Carthy, Osler & 00., Torento,) 13a rieto tumor, Notary. Money to loan. 0 flees oupied by Collins & Stanbury, over O'N EXoter, Ont. ith Mc. , Convey. Intel)' cm - Wit Bank, 16844f BRIEF15.—Rev, Mr. Wadd 11, f occupied James street leth dist pul- pit, on -Sabbath, morning ad e ening.— Jamea Beverley, furniture d aler and un- dertaker, has taken Wesle H sten, of town, into partnership. The ill be a strong one, and will no doubt ecei'ca large share of patrona e.—Barris er 'La was in OW& on Tuesday, where le _ Rented the Usborne and Hibb rt F twee Company, in a fire i.vosti James street gethocliat churc i an services will be held on Sunda and Deeember 9111 and 10th. Pee . 0, B. A., of Aylmer, will preach and supper and entertainment wi I be Monday evening,—We unde sten H. Dearing, who has been a ilk Exeter, for about 12 yeare, he sol Alex. Dow.—The funeral ser on John Sanders will be preen led i Memorial church, next Seb ath by Rev. J. W. Ten Eyck, the Miss'Maud Jeeltyl, who has wen petientat St. Joseph, was brou last week, very ill with peri oniti now quite low. Her many riend her speedy resovery.—The onald gine arrived on Monday, and will a thorough testing before th pu made,—We are very sorr r illness of Warren Ross with typh —Miss Della Crocker, of St. any net% of the Misses Johns.— In A Ms has returned from- a v4it to 1 Michigan.—The death of Mr. aged 80 years, occurred at E sfeeday. The -funeral will b (F(OeY.) • Bayfleld. . For your Christmas cake -we natio the beet raleine, currants, peels, flea,1 ing e mate pure rpices and all the other rcquireme ts. lou 'II wan need thorn and you get the bust fro F. A. E I warde. 7204: Bititezes.t—Mr. John Torr ince, of Lest°. vsel, was in 13asfie1d for .se erail do, re lent week, organizing for the Can dish Or et,' ot Foresters. go added twent mem els to Court -Rose 'df Sharon, whi h new hat it membership of 114,—Mrs. 1. EIio t, of :eider), visited . her father, A r. Json, one day hist week.—The young peope f the village held a finial dance in • he tswe hall,. ono night last week, and had it very enjoy- able time.—Mrs. (Dr.-) Rutted e, oti Moms - min, Northwest Territory, i visitieg ; in Bey-field—Rev. Mr. Hamilton'of Goderich , was in the village last we It. --Rev. Mr.' McKay, of Goderiah, preached in thoPrees byterian church last Sabball .--Several of the young men of the village ent tr, Owen Sound, on Tuesday, to wor :.—The sick people of the village are all doi g as well as could be expected—Albert Woods and John Bailey, have lately re tuned from South Bay.—Sarnuel Envie and Jan Omer - on left on Tuesday for ()wen esued.--Ed. 'ward King has returned- home from Mani- toba, where he has been since si ring.—Miss Fairy Jennings, of Parkhill, is t e guest of anie eter, hel rn. at on.— iivereary Monday, A. 8cott, the ueual given 012 hi* W. ealer in out to .the late Trivitt morning, rector.— uraing a ht. home , and is hope for 'fire en - be ;given chase is port the id fever. , is the J Ret- ie tent in •n Wed- te-day, sbury °pre- flour - Rev. E. C. mill is goin turned this Brandon and several days being made f under the au NOTES • — thur Woodno again after h W. Riddle home limit w with friends visiting her A. Crisp is Seaforth.---h around again for a few da ennings.—F. J. MaT at saw again. Mr. Burroughs re - eek, and has charge.—William If. Falconer were at Belgrave this week.—Preparatiens are r a Christmas entertainmene, piece of Trinity chureh1 • Londesboro. he many friends of Mr. Ace n are pleased to see him out 8 long spell of sioknes .—Mr. nd Mrs. Ouimette r turned ek, after spending a month in Ottawa.—Mies Palmer is rother here at present.—Mise t present visiting friends in Ir. Wm. Riley is able to be , after being oonfined to his bed 0. • :Maffei,. MEN'S , CI OT IIING , —The Ready -To -Wear kinds, not the- old time Ready -Made. After you see the elegant fit, the quality of the goods a d linings,_ it will only eed the prices of Th E. McFaul Co., Seafortb, to convince you that their store is, after all, the place to buy your new suit and winter overcoat. 720-1 FIRE INQUEST.—On November 3rd, the barn of 04 Old Walker, er., on t e 10th concession, ibbert, was destroyed by fire, together with most cif the contents belong- ing to Thomas Walker, the tenant. Mr. Walker had no insurance, but Mr. Mitchell had a policy; for $800 in the Usborne and Hibbert 0ohipany, which fairly covered his loss, Caw Id Walker, jr., also had a quantity of chattels destroyed. As the origin of th3 fire was a mystery, an investi- gation wasi held at Staffa, before Police Magistrate 'Loane, of Stratford, on Tues- day. A 1 rge number of .witnesees were examined by the company's solioitbr, J. G. Sbanbury, of Exeter, and the important facts elicit d, It is clear, from the evi- dence, that the fire was of incendiary origin, but who lit the match yet remains to be discovered. At six o'clock an adjournment was made for one week. Brussels. NOTES.—IJ. A. Creighton'tax collector, is seriously tll with heart trouble,—W. F. Scott left lon Monday for New York to purchase another well bred stallion for Scott & Witrwick.—The American hotel has changed h'an3s. Messrs. Beattie ,& Clark took possession on Wednesday ;evening. Mr. Amenhas not decided what hi will do In future,4--A number from Seaf rth were hunting in, this locality on Tuesday.— . Monday five of our town hunters succee ed in getting 26 rabbits. This is a record breaker.—Aguetus McLaughlin is able to be around again after his Mums with typhoid fever.—Tle road grader has been doing some worion the streets the last few days, —Mr. Jan pe Barnhill, son of Mr. John Barnhill, is, here at present from Washing- ton Territisry, visiting his parents. He has not bsen hpme for 21 years. • Munch. NOTES. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Geiger, of Bad Axe, Halligan, who were here on a visit, left or home on Friday.— Rev. C. S. Finkbeine has started revival services in the 14th concession church.—Mr. John Voelker, Of Dashwood, has been here visit- ing his mother,—Mr. Jacob Brown has pur- chased the 50 acres across the road from his own place from his father in-law, Mr. H. Koehler.—Mr. Wm. MeNevin, who was .helping in the grist mill here for a few days, has gone to Woodham, where he will run a mill.—Mrs. C.- Gasho is home from Miehi- gan, visiting her father, Mr. John Gellman. i v Dublin. Fun GAUNTLETS TAKEN. —During the services at the( opening of the new church here, on Sbnclaly last, some person took from the pocket of ti. fur coat, left at Mr. Jacob Weber's hotel, a pair of black Persian lamb gauntlete, The 'leviers who took ehern will save trouble by leaving them with Mr. Weber or at THE EXPOSITOR office, Sea - forth. Thefts af this kind are quite as seri- ous in theleyes ot the law as larger ones, and unless! they are returned at once, steps will be taken to recover them. and daughter, and a, giest many other tokens of respect from visitori and friends. The evening was spent in music, song and chat. Before the departure of the gucets, Mr, "Ca n,-- through his son John very fittingly t ' thanked all prbsent for the hearty manner n .whieh he end Mrs. Cann had, been tre ted, which wise replied to on behalf of the p IV, by Mr. Al Bishop, in his usual. witty as cl wholehearted manner, and he , intimatk i that thernm y be a airliner event at his p100 in a very f w years. ---a McKillop. . FAityl ItErrED.—Mr li Til0M9#8 McFadden has rent d his farm, . lot 16, concession 4, MoKillo , . to Mr. Gilbert McMichael, of Hullett, for a term of years. Mr. McFade den rata no the use of te house and oral- lih ard. T 0 farm contaiIs 100 some, and is rented f r 8230 a year.; It is a splendid pas- ture far and has plenty of good water. Mr. Me adden has_ been working hard all hie life, and now intends to enjoy a well earned est. 1 • — Sippen. D. Iva Commissioner, Conveyancer, wills, mort- gages an deeds drawn up. Money loaned at the owest ra old interest. ; • 1069 John °Nevin of the Kippen mill is mak- ing buein hum againere is prepared to do .11 mods of uslom work, inehtding chopping, cheap and quick. he very hest family flour always on baud for sale o exchange, Reneember the old favorite. John Mo evin. -- , 1712-tf • Varna. Noeits.—The anniversary servitea in con- nection with the Presbyterian church here will be held on Sunday, December 2ad, when Rev, Mr. Martin, of Exeter, will preach, morning and evening.' On the fol- lowing Monday evening, a fowl supper will be held in the temperance hall. After the supper a grand entertainment will be held which to judge by the array of talent will be it splendid one. The committee are, sparing no pains to make the affair a sue- cess.—On Friday night last, Miss Jane Johnston met withea painful accident. The night being dark; she had the misfortune to slip and fall, breaking her arm.—Master Harry Armstrong is thin week in Drumbo, visiting his sister, Mrs. R. MeCool.—Mr. 0. Reid shipped two cars of lambs to Buffalo, thia week. Charlie is a hustklen—Aliss Reid has agaie resumed her position in Beattie Brothertel store. ------ • Unbonne. GOLDEN WEDDIKG.— -On Wi4clnesday, November 211t, the resideuce of M. Robert Cann was taken possession of by a targe and pleasant party, mot to celebrate tho event of Mr. and Mrs. Cann reaching tile golden milestone of their married life, and also the christening of three of their granthildren, of these families : Mr. Charles nn, Mrs. V. M. Alillar and IsIrs. B. WilliaMs. The party gathered at 4 p. m., and lifter the christening, performed by the Rev. Mr, Waddell, dinner was served, about fifty visitors being preterit. The table Was beau- tifully decorated with flowers, flap, ribbons and a hundred dexterous touches of feminine taste, in the centre of which set the unrnis-- takable emblem of marriage several stories high, deleorated with flowers and wreaths, over which cupid rested with a reflective smile aup it merry twinkle in his eye, and if the ebb tnd flew of maidenly blue es count for anyt ing, as the young grand aughters shot occ sional glancee at the centred object of the tlable, the fourth generatioh may be presente to great grandparentaelong ere the die end jubilee takes place. The table al o zontained luxuries which might tempt 1 e appetite of kings, showing that this pa t of our fertile country at least, flows w th milk and honey. Fifty years ago Mr and Mrs, Cann came into the un- broken forest on their honeymoon and located where they now reside. At that time thi ga were different and the insolent growl of the wolf might be heard around the door of he little log cabin, but now, one glance it. Mr. Caun's posseesions reveale beyond i doubt that that unwelco e visitor no longlar muses uneasineee, ith the exception of one deceased, all their children were present with their familiea Messrs, Thomas, Charles John, Mrs. G. ierslake and Mrs. Ben iVilliams, of Usbo ne, and Mrs. V. M. Millar, of Bervie. An ong the guests present were: Rev. W. J. Waddell and •Rev. W. A. Walden, Mr. rehibeld Bishop, ex -M. P. P., Mrs. Bishop nd Miss Victoria, Alr, and Alm Robert M Donald, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Passmore a d John, Mr. E. Williams, Mr. R. Goultie, ire. Ann Harrie, Miss Celia Ferguson, of Ex ter, and W. C. Gay, of Buffalo, New York. Notice- able among the presents were two andsome and costly parlor chairs, the gif of the family, it sugar and cream set from their son Thomas ,end family, a sugar and cream aet from nephew and niecee, W. H. and Lizzie Oann and 'Mrs. J. Colwill, of Darlington, a handsome peke basket from Mr. and Mrs. Bishop, a very fine illuminated card of greeting loin hia nephew, W. C. Gay, wife lk None n no DEBTons.,—For the conveience of parties owing accounte to me, I will be at Mr. Hays' St re, Kippen, on December let. As I ant de- sirous of winding 11P my business in Kippeln7,19%re- speetfuil Mk an indebted Ito me to can on that date and settl . Jett. CANNiNe.I -Nun IS WANTED .Highest market price picsiipdretoopoet rokinfrit ot toproeu. ftlryon, eNesirAtoyro rtajrsKp Dd eeaetn ,tho 1719-2 NOTE4.—Mr. JAMB S. Cooper, who has been ifor the est four years, was spending a few lthe employ of Mr. John MeNevin dil days reeently at his home in Howick. Mr. Cooper purposes, in a short time, going to Nevada, where he has a brother.—.Mr. and Mrs. avid McNichol, of Farquhar, the past w ek, were in the village, calling on Mr. an4 Mrs. Hay.—Mre. T. MeOlymont, who ha been in Lon+sn for some time, has returnelihome much improved in health.— We wo Id reinind all of the entertainment this (F iday) evening in the hall, under the auspice of the Mission Band. The band is doing good work and should have .a crowde house. A good tea will be served and a lengthy programme will follow. Messrs Sellery and Trott, of -Hensall, and Mies % Miami, of Zurieh., will add to the interes of the evening. The ladies are giving gooe deal of ' attention to making this en ertainment a auccem—Mr. D. Hay was tha week in Stratford, calling on his sister'who still keeps very poorly.—Rev Mr. Salton, of Centralia, will conduct the iserivice next Sebbathin the Methodist church, here.—Mr. George Mulholland, of Harpurhey, was, durieg the week, paying a visit at the home of hi.r. and Mrs. Frank Mann end calling on his old time friends. Mr. Atulholla.nd still feels more at home among his old Kippen friends. • Bowma , third line of WEDIorria, presented a tter BEL1s—T home of William lively scene on Wednesday evening of hint week, when a gots* company of guests assembled to witness the marriage of John G. Turnbull, a well known young gentle- man of Gres', eldest son of Reeve Turnbull, and Miss Sarah J., daughter of James Kers neghan, and cousin entire host, who has re- sided with the latterl At 5 o'elock Rev. John Ross, ,B. A., spoke the magic words and the haipy twain received the hearty congratulatiens of relativea and friends. The wedding march was well played by Mies FindlAer, Miss Thompson, of Caledonia, Ontario, was the bridesmaid and Will Turn- bull rendered services as groomsman. The bride, attired in a most becoming costume of peacock blue oath], looked charming in- deed and her attendant was very neatly costumed in dark natry blue trimmed with lace. Wedding gifts,' numerous, useful and valuable weie there in large measnre, be- speaking the popularity of the principale. An elegant supper was prepared and thor- oughly enjoyed by all. Before rising from the table, the officiating clergyman spoke wordsofcongratulation, counsel and good cheer befitting the occasion. The evening was devoted to social enjoyment along the line of music, song, story, dancing, etc. Mr. and Mrs. Turnbull will make their home in Grey where they commence housekeeping with the best wishes of a large circle of friends. THE EXPOSITOR Nee most heart- ily in these good wishee. The editor was, in days long gone by, a echool mate of both the father and mother of the happy groom. • Cromarty. RECOVERED.—We aro pleased to be in a position to state that the family of Mr. James Hislop, merchant, who have been afflicted with diphtheria, have now fully re- covered, Sumer Wonettne.—For some thno past flooka of sheep belonging to farmers in this neighborhood have suffered from ravages by dogs. A few evenings ago the flocks of Meatus. D. MoLaren and A. Wright were again visited. Mr. McLaren had four kill- ed, while Mr. Wright had a number badly worried, The Itrutes alse attacked Mi Wright's herd of nettle, Matta:noway Aerinetnne—On Friday het, while aeeitting in nutting straw at the farm of Mr. John Alaudson, Mr. John Stacey, a respected young farmer of this neighborhood, met with an unfortunate ac- cident. Mr. Seacey wee engaged in feeding the machine, and, while looking up into the mow to speak to some of the rnen, Le un- consciously allowed his hand to cense into contact with the rollers, which immediately drew it to the knives, which amputated it 'inch by inch to close to the elbow. He also had his shoulder dieloeated. Dra. Fergueon and McDiarmid, of Heiman, were called to attend the poor fellow, and, should blood - poisoning not eat in, Ir. Stacey may mean be around again. AN HONEST BALLOT aiteitneentem It has elected us for years THE ECONOMICAL PARTI CANDIDAT FOR YOUR APPROVAL AND s ul IP P ° RT TEE W It013.. NOTI:e. —During the heavy gales of 'teat week much damage as done to fenceie and standing -timber, . 'art el Mr. George Grigg's barn was unr ffed and the wind aleo blew down the wind nili on the farm of Mr. Rowland, killing a calf.—The work of dredging the Beaueh mp creek is expeetel to be ermple te.d in a out two weekr. This has been a difficult ta k and has taken con- siderable time to aoc mplish .it, and con - treater Oliver descry a credit for his -skill and perseverance. hen the work is done it will be a great hen fit to the ferment of the commuuity.—Mr James Colclough has secured the contract f *kidding logs for L. M.cDenald, on lots 7 and 8, McKillop boundary. Jim will have a buy wintet's work, but he can sh w them all how to skid a big log.—The tentera are busy at work on the new hali , now nearing corn- pletinri. The contrators have bad a busy summer, which has k pt them late in flash- ing many of the bui (liege. Walton and vicinity has done wel in the building line this season and with ve more yeara of good government and pros erous times, we will expect still further i provemente.—Mr. F. G. Waghorti is a b ay man these days. Besides numerous pre fessional calls, he has within the past thrte weeks, dehorned over 500 head of cattle. No wonder Doc. has a good muscle —Mr. and Mita, John Lambie, of lelmvade, Simeoe c Duty, are visiting rela- tives in this vicinit, • Mr, Lambie is a brother of Mrs. Jam a Smillie and Mrs. T. McFadzean.—Mrs. M. Morrison and Miss Lucy Sholdiee are on4 the sick list, but we hope soon to hear ofj their reeovery.—Rev. Mr. Jerrow, of New Jersey, preached in the 1 McFAUL CO. PLATFORM; -LOWEST PR/CES ON HIGH CLASS DRY GOODS Have this ballot impreJsed Upon your hate band's Memory to that h'11 alwaye use it rdi the polls. - ou4 DECLARATION PRINCIPLES; To follow an honest buiiinese policy. To adopt none other than sterling priecis pies which assure us victory. Honesty of purpose—quality of goods— lowness! of prim is a pletform the massee should eurround and support. - WE WANT YOUR TRADE We are in business tfo r keeps and want your regular patronage year to year, want you to help us when you Can, want you to never feel under obligati n to buy. Few endeavor to mak a place more profie table, more interesting, comfortable and in, viting to the people, tha We do this attire. OUR GREAT 1 UPPORTg LADIES' FURS. STYLISH MILLIINERY CLOTH JACKE S FUR COATS BLACK SILKS DRESS GOODS IMPORTED LINENS FINE FLANN*8, SALABLE CARPETS LACE CURTAINS FLOOR' LINOL i'UMS DURABLE SH ETINGS BEST TICKIN S HEAVY FLANNELETTES ETC., ETC. SMALL WARES AM.) NOTIONS We have mentioned the fact before hat this store pays as much'attention to th Age in detail, to the small thinge as it doe to the great, and that ie saying a good el al, But why shouldn't, It? Little th ngs count for much aometiMes. For ineta ce, might not a last year's ie, glove or belt e oil the nattheess of an e tire gown, Styles change so materially thit it's easy to reeng- nize a dress with old time -ornament or trimming no matter wh the wearer be. 'See our IneW stock f trimmiega, belts, ties, gloves, hosiery, ve ts, corsets, notiees, etc., and you'll be poet d in the latest. I Dry Go C4th's Gre Dry Goo United Presbyterian c Sabbaths. .0n Dece morning and evening, conducted by Rev. opening services in co church will be held on 9th, when Mr. Whet° preach morning and ev will be held on th evening. os Co. test Cash 4 Store. ureh for the past two ber 9th and 1 ‘th, he services wil be RaUstein,Jie nection with Daft's Sunday, December of St. Helens, evili kning. A teamee bag following -Monday Wro eter. We have as large a stock of first btee Ontafio cedar ithinglee as t ere is in the county and are gelling them at very r :aeonuble rates. SeYeral ears of British Columbia re 1 cedar ones ordered for next sewer, Lumber, ail finds. 0111130N D1103, I BRIEFS,—Among th forging ahead in Un Mr, Morley Yeung, ,was lately elected a lature for a &Ago 106 of a majority, Thomas Gibson) sr., well and favorably k jamin Cooper, who Black's fleet mill her after an absence of toba. Mr. Black per night and day.—Mr. Toronto -on Tneeday o hill & Son have latel machinery for tnrnin will likely have as la their oatmeal.—The gob up by the Ladie Presbyterian church promises to be -an e laughable to hear • If Huron boys wh re le Sam's territor , is earn in Lakelet, ,who ember of the of North North Dakote4 by is a brother of Vire. 1 this place, and is own here.—Mr. Ben. learned his trade: in 'yhelsr or re been 1W Toe i 7213 AIL?. mites running his .mill Rb benteienteAlocilLerwetT,ilvni, tj: added the , neceroary -out rolled wheateand go a tale for it, ail for " pie apelal," 1itiIig Aid Soeiety of ;the oeanriliceriingaffa day'thcira: °It ur ConeervatIVc, fi.eid especially our Orangtmen friende, bemean- ing French domina ion and coneerenent catholic tyranny. "hey say another $t. - Bartholomew meow e is. approaching, end we dart not raise a 'neer in defense It would seem a blesein i that, at emelt a One a kip(' Providence has tlaeed the boge, rsoke and ravines of Mus, oka, so near to Where our friends may " me," while we poor resits will be leoking bout to find ours avee dishonorable graves, Praying for John Bull to come over and ttraighttn up the tie der- ful French. Its significant that the em- bers of the Laurier Government have been returned and neatly all by English eon- stituelacies, they did not require to . o to " Qacebee " for re -el .ction. Most of the big guns ef the late eonaervative Go 'ern- ' .1 ment butte been dole1ted in Englieh eons stituencies, and in the case of Bra don, where they focused 411 their might theY Aver° overwhelmingly beaten by the p stek- iest Grit in Canada,\ Mr. Siften. The travelling agent for et Wan & 0o,, of was in town solieitin Auden on Mo da laste—The pond is froz n over and the ina boy is annunng htmeelf twirling pebbles ever its smooth surface, as is predecessors dia 1 30 years ago. TIMM' WHOLE itisi fths and ci can o thi share that purchasin, You 1 is to exanl We are sa in the -gt itothing ti iood ccat. 1 A bi ihe mildn many are a stock of is the rea, that cannj 9. I, which wai gular prio No, selling at will be thl only one ! weather .1 with the Tiler many, t -a heavy s - velvet cs1 e on han here that they than t Lot t drawers. , Lot goods, we are pi: This will underwim cartl lined mit pants at $2.90 to EeWil it JIM& fl'O- without good gol, or ladies, at $6.50 3 of pants day suits heavy all ecu anyi', suits, bef, capes, ea money <, $3 and 830 to 840, 8100,al son! 18c; 820 to Coast Pi $40,00 Thi tales. Ustl able. apply td,