The Huron Expositor, 1900-11-30, Page 4EXPOSIT '30: 1190, TRE OURON on NOVEMBER 4 'is a ppul ar t Ing, and Premier Rose Is NE. W ADVE RTISEMENTS. tbatonpure personal RtDunds ind dr -the core iis how to make i p the deficit. A kep� books'fora number of the business Wi It M, He was a man of good 'bitionists of ready the Island has a de t of ever $500 receiving a gre 6 deal of pesise far etting it men f IE -her Igo a :tiou, -'as honorable in. all his good he had 'done,. the- Prohi XrThod9u;r6bebwcMthe parontheste, or er4oh 1 000, and there is little i ]Olin tLion to add still. aot uc nd w 11o, denotes the h the Brandon should have give 2 him thoit nndi-� T j in his 60th year, a Pat on w lah it 'or inora"io the di at taxation. T el commission,is poken of. his is an edu. dealitiga. I eceased vu -OF e tvartleament will be found. vided support. In the position 49 has population of the ialand its about 112,00 , c%tioual commission to consider amend. and leaves wife and four sons mud two members' 9 bei g Monte in he whole scheme'of 1prir6ary and daught t � mourn his death. taken and in his 'remarlils, We thI4 Mr.. With aUqislature f `0 IP, Clearing & MaInnis-5 ay morning, Maodoxiald does 'the Probibitiaxiia'ta grave in the Government, but 6 without" ortfoli seconder edUo%tIon "ta to. It P most like b the next occupied by Win. Dancant aq a 'LIN 4Y AND in 01 r will -6101n ri the Dinelay- store" i t iit mas Bargains J. - W Ortwein-5 y be brought forward i in o� N L E MANit too mu*ch from 'beral aleft meaBiono the. L in grocery, w de troyed by fire. The build- llre.4,i (foods Salo -MK t- Co. 5 inj uatice, lie -expected' i 1 8 Mr. W -,.F, McCreary, 0a Li egielture-solne 1 time E 10,000 ',3t( 0, As- Hare art, ti a I M inister ing w ital wreck, but part of the stock AT iqx Sslkirk,'Maniboba�$ bag come through linceon Bros -5 th6m, more than he waii. entitlod Jannary--by.Mr. 0 we 0, t 'Stock For Salc�Thos, lud, more -5 M1611310 imill con. was saved, 1 This building -was one of the there aro always two sides! to a- stpry,_so -,the recou.13t with a,.majt)riV of one. Thi of ducakon, The com -1). 'Irummett 5 *ve he public me a Rystern land in 1t in thie, and K.iac- 0 9 and yet pie8or a uniform- 1854, kears before Clinton was incor. House For SAlo trive how t narks �f Olinton, having been bui there ate two sides: to mor donald evidently so as oal y the.. side[ whi h 2iurned a candidate b_v eo fit uder a majo'n- ity. Thc'mab or of cirriculum ill also be corporated oe a village. Homes For Sale -John "Ttifrak-5 Jbile seeond time this doxist tuericy has re a flexiibiliti, of affects himself. pair 0 [y taken UPI and the ornamental aub*acts in -A qui b home wedding took place at orner Mr. M&.Creary will be. ble to ty. Rernov-od-Dr. 0 ibb-8 -appealed to the the publip schools will be tho oughIV dis- the home o Mrs. Win. Sanson, of Wingbam, When Mr, Macdonald wio6MIr. McNeil, Cobeer ative elect, f(r " t J01111s,01,1 Bro:i.-H cussed The questiou of inorea ad facilities on Tu 'd evening of last week, when her INT, at th : a* laqb� Pr-viDeri4l North Bruce, whose m Jort 001 people of Manitoba y was redu" or.�Ie-Rox 8, Blyth,i-5 for teo'buioal. education will also be ifiv6ati. dabghtera iss ElIzAbeth, was married to ITH THE BLUE F: 0 Archibald election, and as leader of the Conn rvative from 3 to -1 by it recoun WehLeru Ddry gated, . -Another topio will be the tuition John Wells. - The cermony Was per- Fura-L. party thereI he promised "hem that it they fees in'hi gh �ohools and . coil giato inaLi. formed byt'Rev. W, Freed, in the presence :oLliing Sale-,S'tark & L,�atherland-$ There is likely to be tpuble over tho 0 �utes, T iereiis an.opinion In any quart- of theintim.ate relativesand friendoof the 6-1 would place him in offlee and pol iir he it's ko it& and F-arry 8oune election in M ers tbat t iene' hoole should a self Is�p- contracting parties. Mit to and c an -the wold oub' ry thio�tjh 0 ridnw -and Sato -he state a which is -while M 1!kugh ter, 3 -Richard mon & where Mr. G-oorge'Macor ick,. 0onserva. porting, and that t -proh was 0. Good Riots-& Willis & Son -6 Legislature a ibAory law am widO and'as r. Edward Heideman, of Exe ri I. now gran, houId be devoted to etiag in the slaughter of some Ist -tive has been declared elcoled by the ad to them a ter, Auction Sale -F. Rol.m6ated-5 I stringent its the powereP the LeAslature the imp ovemovt and expant (on of - the igs, one 4&� last week, he met with a, very g public,Iso 001 gelourse. We fa painful Roo dent. It appears one 0 turning officer. In so�eral municipaliti(a of the No V. 30th and G� would permit, The PiDhibitionimis took Day, however, Getting Re%dy-lialdwi.a Ifilltwy- 8 the wrong voters' lists Were used, which, i that the ublid would scarcely sabction a beasts bad1h.een stuck, sudwhile making a hat his word and placeid him in i power f this 0 Wilson -3 is said will *render the�*obton void: under a cbat)ge o kind. The high sob ols and last strugglie, kic�kvd Mr. Heideman with F ed & Ktxtake-g supported by an overwhohning' majority cteg, to ii the ankle considerably LND F036360WING retest which bas' alr6tdy been entered. ini.tiLUteg are prope0y much feral, Dobtors—,Wdfrid Morrow -15 go omb-of the lists used were�,not certified to de !the P, ve'k thus enabling him to fulftl his - prcimise to, signate i Dor man's co a and brca4n a small bone in his foot.. Chriqtmas Fruits -F. A, It, -Whild orkig at the drum -sander in by the sheriff until October 2od, just one the very letter. He- had his pro!tibi.tory. ar Rabe:, B4tc MILLI'l-NERY DEPARTENT in nth too late'. The trials; and tribulatior a It is lit 0e short of cruel for tie Olobe to the orgamn Jf ory, at Clinton the o6her day, bill prepared. and submitted to Parliament. 0 - I I i lIver Bidger-& the Square a was usin flew back -and of the rliamentary representatives aie try and deprive the Conservatives of the A. Young -8 Thus far he kept him pit dge, &ad be- amany, struck P0e a ;dep, inawcar- 11had M low on �he head, only crumb of,comforr, they hai e in onnaa- lthouLrb business has been bo Ing in thist e -El. 0. Colanan-5 'O tion with th6 recent election. In rebuttal worki no of the*ciroular awii when a 1AtIief,'-Goat8-W, Pickard & Oo.-8 it' iial, We verely. George'Twitp continued as he began, th P bib cutting itis oll was �Ib'yo'h i m The Liberals 6f Toronto have decided to that. Real Estate For Sal would be in duty bound t:-.n'tand met, we still have a lot of tri=ed s ock 9 11P of their coutorition th f w d flew off and bit 1xim. in the andhisGovernment. Butiinsead.pf ' sh.. tender atiquet to Hon., Clifford Sifton, pu! g a wound, -V P, be sold at once, regardless of ost; -io, wi 1 lay him e st oatal ind4hich balucluatiori they hug to a Minister f the -Interio the-. second be t ing his bill through the Legiolatu a, As up for me Oral weeks. their b few Felt ats, inearly all shapas and Colors, �hhs-t b, at they have swept The banquet. ak 6sts: s ii th the f ervdr of a young e�e - in abuaed m'n in Canada. could and should- have done, and in %king'i it 4 -Mr, is�typiece, of Wbitechurch, i8L One' "lobe, in a of the p iptitts in the Ciinton hospital, k Place in tl�l e pavillion n' the evening of mother fc r. hor fi-rat born, the r t a.Nw and.putting. t in. �peration,be too will be sold for 25c and upwards, kets f, jr carefully prepared calculation shows that where be re ently underwent an operation. an entirely different 'dou1rse. Ha allowed Tuesday,. eeember 11th. The tie About six onths ago Mr. Pettypiece had 30til, 19 OF their '� v at in this province Oao r AFORTE-T, FRIDAY, Nov. cally MANTLE DEPARTMENT. the bill to be so chavid, amended ad cm. the ban t have been placed at $4, ac d not a vidor , t all, It shows that, even his knee a% fractured and it never knitted. can be in advance on application to tl 4 asoulated by the commiLtee of the ouseto under tho'g6r'ymander, the P')PIlar Ma- The opera bi, n consisted in sawiug or rnak, E. as Ing fresh tb ends of the bones and Wiring seareLELry of the cornmkoe,' Mr. The -&unty Council. jority.re(orde for the Conservatives w A Special line of Mantle that. YE gul�rly which itwas Submitted for 'Cond oration, Malone, 50 YODge street. All'the lead' has them tog�toer. Mr. Pettypiece is fee -ling 9 really very am 11 and that so artf Ily T7 TFe Har"on county council hold their Do.* that it was scarcely re,.i�gnizible, nd. ae 'a state4sen of theDominion will be in attend. hi $6 to $106 On above mentioned A � the. gerrym een arrasged that a very weillafter a rather formidable opera- of ay will be iold sice Xud those who attend. will enjoy a vei y 'minority 'a represented bl, a majority 1114r set-sion. in the town of Wingbard prohibitory _.e knee is progressing a k� measure 'it wits pr&cti ally use- tion, and t4 favorably. a e iviniug, at $2.75 �co 1-e e4rl plemeant and profib bl a' L30.ving out of consider- !0 clear out balance On j� dnesday of last week, as Chris- ;line week. Th;e i 3 the first UmG our siste legs, Beng the leader'"o:f' the Leislature, in parliame t. ation. the cZ f Toronto' whe!e the Con. topher Jobq, of Turnberry, was bringing a rth ha been honored b I i B power t load of h y1to Wiigham, he met with an t! wn t* the no y- 6 and having control lit had. 0' ecurebargains. Referri'g to the recent presers.-ation Made servative mjo ities were abno Mal y largp, and'. visit from- this distinguished body. We to check this dtstructi4-u of his bit, and t Rii by Ilia lollea accidebb h4t will lay him aside for some 0 to PremiO oes iues in the the popular vo a in 011twid, as recorded at -A, A� rter- secure its Passage i'D i cc�io., w time, hie on the embankment 'near orm. the lual at as coneiderably in favor hope the an-Larprit4ag oidzens of that a ts origin I f' C&binet and big supporters in the Legisli. of the Liberola, Taking in Toronto, the what is own as Jobb's bridge, the hind rising town will tre&t their guests wfill; ai Rub, instead of doi6g this, he taL., sly and tare, the Canadian correspondent of tie n y p, COME WITH THE CROWDS' TO Consery I olledS,000more votes end of the Wagon Slid. off the embankment. We have no doubt they witi. aind people quietly submitted to its belug go Obianged am Buffalo Ekprem Say@ The Hon. Georie than thoLiberitle did and still the Couserv. Mr. Jobb 'was thrown off and fell on are diRpohed to blame. the county council to render it 9-,Jmoht umelois for tho,pdrpow's Ross, Premier,ot th' a pr6viw3o of 0 ri- atives have #6me 25 moriI ulder, with the result that one of hi reprment tives in be liameot than the Liberals I ave. It will thighs was broken, and he was otherwise con- -t diipgaibion to �erambulate for which-itwas deiigned.' 0 thi kY ke tPrio is filling the abeam of his illu o a par f6r this oviden P w be seen f1rom this that ur Conservative siderably a akeu up, 0 0- 1'. who pr�deccsaors so well th�t a new ard larg with their meetings, We do -not, th iuk, went back on hin p�orfiisas �t r B B GU -:NTN FA friends have not much to crow over in so The alri of license commibsioners for b 1WOV-017 that they have, laid theineelves had trusted him, %ad who had ir will soon be uecesaar� for him. Pxetr i. pl�ce.� him Pa Or Rosa is exceediugly Popular with t] io far as the real result in Ontari) -is concern- West U op meb in Clinton on Monday of open to blaine on this scor�. On' thD in power. Nol; only this but inst:fad of -dll the members being present. ed. last wee embers of his Cabinet 4 his suplin rte r8 U tron o a -t rary, it seem s to us a rather ow- '15ill pla ed pon' in the Legislature, more so, undoubtod,y 0 having even the amended The hote license of Thomas Arms g. of nmadabla movement, providing it can b Ei the statute book, and in this way gtviu it than any preceding Prery ier of' thati piov. Whitech r�h, was transferred to John Me- -9 Huron Notes. ince, Sir Oliver Mosvat nc t accepted."' Donald, at6 of Listowel, who bas purchased 1E I ]i STORES—No. 1 Dry Goods, %di, curried oat without unnecessarily disturb- force, he bad it submitted to couits, to Oly I - 4 S. R. Crerar has be6n re -0 e hotel, and the Shop license held y the teachtFr of No. I school, Gray. NO. .2 Clothina men's goods 6 N. i 3, ro . .... big or impeding the buaitterse. of the council have its constitutionality tested. So that, On ace nded assignee A the estate of La Illy ouut of several.oAhe long wi ugblia Kennedy, into , was transferred to Thomas Bell a -id cauiiingr s-�:rious and additional expense, even to this day, the 'rohibitionisi 1% !xrd not -Rev. J. W. Goffin, of Wing am, has of 01 i:i0liriciins of- the arliament ha cenes—specialties., canned goo -Is, abutter aiid teas. removed to The State of Vermont, of Londe iboro, who 'will carry on the liquor No donbl- som a of the. members of th. 3 one whit further ahead th they were beo b6en defoaled, thf; xidon Advertiier -T. 0. Graham has allaged Witli&m storo in Clinton. f -ore thay p (I lUnty council ha.Va nevar been ia Win laced Hugh John in power, and Nicholson's house art, paying Cavalier county, P %r thinks f ature Sessions. hould be mu in Wing -The alections helAin baim and perhaps never in that part of the the probabilities are that they never will Shorter, It Says In( eed, lb is eatimt t. 350 for it.. North Paketa, on November 6th, proved ,erivg an exellent sermon. At iLhe close of plated, as was. clqime.d by the,,contrac 6-anty� This vialt will affi)rd thnao main. be, through his aid. Bat, more -The Goderioll board of tride has rO-..()r- that the!Peo le of that -.section hold a good the set vnon he presented the claims of the having found it facking in depth i ed that bie defeatf Mr. Davin aloi p many ric w W 3dniu, information Mr. Macdonald deserted the at ganiz, ith the old officers re at; cted for opinion 4f f imer Cafiuoks, as in the list of superannua ion fund to the congregation in places, Xext meeting will be held on Do. bara a uppotunity of g, out one month'off thei len Gh of the Session. another year. the viotdrs we are glad to observo the names a clear and lucid mwnner.-Mrs. AndersoD, cember 15th, at 10 o'olbek.-A. G. -umuz, th bhlbito:y For this, 000nomical of tllwt sectilla which they might not a OT - time of direst need. While his Ghw�idjans should-thsAk -A party of Wingb Off residents of Hurou, in the persons am gentleman, who ormoi of Scalorth, and Mrs. Taylor, of Exeter, Clerk, V,iqe have gained, and in this way gi* laNy was otill in slispense, be &ban oned the tb q� a 4 rA Nortvhweib a' ttlers, who have Of entiy IMoLeap, to the Legislature daughters of Mrs. Will. Bell, who, we re spent the (leer hunting oeaso i i AluskokA, Pr -d 'the practica man of returned,with seven fine doer. I -ve been -b f. position [a which the elector �ferre I t , is, )usly-ill ha ba Worn. ealarged views Pad a better opinion -of Manit Roxerb �Vqk, county auditor, without op gret tc ata -very seri( Walter $001" to the imaginative- a id - -The high wind, on Wed 3eada'y of last DiAson, State's attorney. bere d 1rin th t week, visiting their mition � W, B q. pas ioui Nicholas.- Flo d Pc or weel-, played havoc with the, make stack on mother. -Die contractors of the new br elegance, We the choice showin of U16ir own We-thiak 4 is as nea. had placed him, and. wbore he c( uld have Al around the store is an atmosphere of kquac got ick here itho: were in the fight and well up to W I cisary for county cou-noillora to have a per been of servicP to them am Probi Flood, he TV as an coomplished* jaw- Bell's furniture factory;,(,in Tingbalm. the v, It, were Alex. F. tewart) for the -blocks were fortunate enough, Iamb week to women's needz thatigives it. Thich Furn smith, b1i.- his. d i ay is passed ver is p Iarettes, Ruffs, . w and sought a posWon in another ad an ea -1 He will -Typhoid fe I t in antralia. Legislat re; Archie Sillers, jr., for mberiff ; get the roof i finished on all the buildings.- s)n&I knowledge of the territory for ' hi acaNely again 'be hear of in Canai n In the family of Mr. Win. 33gishaw ti) ore Harry , tic 'ord, registrar of deeds; Thomas Messrs. Ge(rgeJoynt and Fred Marine paid in Jacketm, Ciperixiies, Coll t1%ey axe cAlled upon to loginlae, am it 41 foi tirely cliffLrent ephcre, where be could. 14 0 not otc.�-the stylish !Cbata in all the Ie -1 poji6ici The late elec-ion is leviponaille are three cases, his mothe -brother and Duford, county constable. a visit to fr. code in Lucan last week.-Mrao badee, the beaupiful millinery t members of t4e. L,,gislaure and Dom iiot possibly be of any eervioe to: then i pro. he blau for mEmy political facer Is -anid his is 'not sister. .-An thi r of the early settlers has parsed Medd, of 0 inton, has been visiting Miss some Dress Goods. A ht for forsilnine Mclut�yre luring the past week.�The Parliamoult to; p,.y9seas suah knowle-Igo o curhigallrovincial prohibitory I w. An d the least important. -While chopping in the bush, rocentl away in th( person of the.late Henry John. yy is 0 IS, Thi ly ina, of Bracefield, were in t.h reapeetive constituencies, This latei it is because they did not unani ously sup- Mr. Matthew Mosoff, of Morris, bad the son, of hOeld township, who died in his Mites Hig Store, Seaforth 172�). om( trenseckhonors some'even fight Jor misfortune to fall 1gainst'a log aind b eak late he a o:n the 15th in�,t. the 11 t heow A -%z OLD RE.siDJ,',%T.�---B i r He wits in fail. village last ceL visiting their sister, Mrs. iecobaity is the, only valid reason which th porb him'�n this new -P'081110n t Dy _T11 01, 'a W.,O. DA v -j 3 and uncle, Rev. Mr. Higgins. -death of Mr., Alexander Watt, which them, while some other -very few, -have ome of his ribs. !ng heal Is for the last few years, and dur.- nia mbers of Parliament . and of the Legis turns 11fa back on them and a;buge4 tl�,clli. Ok set I the American Ing tha� lait few Weeks suffered from an- ll�nors thrust upon tb rn, These latter, -Mr. John Ament has -Mesi re. � ndrew Dougall and Wm. Craig, plabe at his residence in Clinton on 84tur- 1. Ltare give for accepting free passes from-, If Mr. Alac(lonald had aban oned the hotel, Bruseela, to Mr. Samu 31 Beattie. The, aemia, f which he died. Ho was born in who ate to Grey townshia Ing in . In con- day, 17th inst., one of the early settlers of bowev.cr,'generally speal ing, are men wilo- price paid aa�Sg 000 and'N. r. Beattie took. f a ge drain tia railway compimies, and although tht Premiership of Manitoba and go ght clec. Kinga County, Ireland, in -1826, and wag nectiox wi the o Own up o ia:r, I Hulletthas been emoved, Deceased who A] r Joha Ross po'seessiou on Wednesday. there, spell Sabbath attheir home hre.- dooti. want honor., the youpgert of a family of ton children, all a nly practiqc may no be capable of justifief6tiOr tion to the Dominion'Parliament forr the ex was 66 years and 11 tnontlis old, It, Id ofthe Toronto r a, ton It, press put ortson, the proprietor To a- -W. H. Dearing, of Exet r, It diiposed of whot� diad before him. In 1851 he emi- Mr. George Joynt is making a large ship been ill about two weeks, but from the ia this way, there is no daub he othe pose of advancing th cause of g of hie milk b6s'iness to Alex. Dow.1 Darin grated to tb ' Ujilted States, where he re- nient c f ash es this week. -Mr. Battery, of very little hope was entertaine-1 for 111 gram�saetne -to b Amon the latter cl& is. a I re- rit, vir. , the destrabili&y.o.f tho momb at prohibition, and the Prohibitioni its had not long years of service Mr. earing has'not mained foe �&bout two yeare, and then came near,Atwooi, has engaged with his cousi Atthe elections oof 1896 a was elected to 10, covery-, so that his, death as not a Su tee cquainted with tht supported, jim, then he would have *had' represent East Toront , in the Domini)n missed one day on lierourib f baJlweatlier. to Canada, living in Toronto and the county Mr. R. Paterson, jr.., contractor, of this his illness. .. He L I I to those who had heard of tDpogra,phy and conditions of all part8 o just cow -se for'comp�aint. But hi makes no Parliainletit really againet his will, He a -James MoKay, an- old and respected of York un�il 1861, wheii he removed to his village --M188 Susie Melville has been visit- was born in Bauffshire cotlaud, and J Ser ould resident of Turinberry, (lied t. the home of late home, accompanied by -hie Iwife and iug friends uriag the past week t her for. A the country for whch he has to miike 1,Aw-a pretense �hat he did this, and it- i's. well have had 6e Same post -ion on Noveml er 13is ton.in. coming to Cauadaettled first in WentA o.rth law,� Alex. Kelly, on . ednesday two childieb, Here he and his "go] part. mer home, near Cromarty. -T4 council, county, c;aiing af terwards to the! neigl bar - 7th, bu� lie positively declined it. Now, I 'The ppragrating system. of the councti. 'known thut the interests of proll'b'Glo had an atta -Of laot week. Deceased �w a in his Stith nor, who survives bim, hewed out for them- during the a8t week, put down a gobd d bood of rlock, where he contiirued t) re- nyt is being ma a to force on h rn year. salves and family a comfortable home. He much i ieede crossing at Dr. Macdi therefore, if not oairioA to extremes an ining his jot�'�r671 On the malroralt of Toro; o, and thie, als "arm 8 siJo -until about two yeaIrs ago, wba * be d i no influence in deter 0, a I -While James Carr t work in was a man of PUrlig inLr-grity, industrious drug s ore.--Manicipal matters are begin- sold out and moved to Clinton to enjoy , tot alitended by loas. in other directions, iq -the contrilry, he abandoned him Vacein the positivi IV. declined. i10 this its the 019 "a Button & Veseant's factoi in Wingliam, and ready to land his licIp to any vublie or ning N engago the attention of our ratepay- well 'earned rest. Mr. Watt Was pog2e' a with Mr. Aobertsofi th re are hundreds of rOton-lYiustiti,�biel,)utoommend4able. Logisltturc, where he could liave been Some the other day, lh'e had the isfortune to run religioi others ho wo0d give alf -their ikin for as obj�at f hab was worthy. For many er&-"he friends -of Mr. Clemson will be of thosesterling qualitics-which chamZbur- If we were disposed to find falt with th( aid tb prohibition, for- the pur is, a ohipel through him left b9.6 years, Until falingb(attli compelled him to P16aEo,i to Iearn�that his wife an family are !zed many of theearly a I ettlerq, and was -held Is of ai"'119 the pos ti�ns which he spurns. This a Po' o,,)unci:[, it would be for bavin v a Decom, -Dr. Fran4 S ­Turnbull has purchased resign,be held the position of cllas leader recoveing ricely fronl',.their recent illne", in the higheat esteemby all. he -be, %, political party that has no gym Iltby'Wi6. In politi( queer odd, x the medical pr4obice" of Dr. H, Hol Ross, at and 6unday school Puperintendent atBlako's -M ISO Am M urdock On was a staunch Libit-ral, religion a 9 -agion at a1l. The old. county council, fox prohibition, but a majority of t a memberp was in Zurich and iw ftIiir Christm 8� r. Ro a will go appoinment, Ashfield circuit. Five of his Mond& I&;;, -Rev Mr. Higgins was quili- Presbyterian, and for many years was por- e 3anom way of ob a deadly opposed. to,it; Under to England to take a special co seven children Survive him. ciently recovered last week to take' the interident of the u day school at rue Mr. , ?a' I Kruger, (x�'Fresidect of I hq Auburn. A a y 8 sake, got into the of which ar A South 61ican, Republic, is at present on a Bu It tera-ting the December session, and we ar these 'eircuinstances, 'illorefore', lit is 11ttle, -Mr. Vili Crich has Wight L�he John@ train to Br cefield, his former bnme.-�-Mr. church. The remai a were laid to rest ulted -ly Of isit to F'anze; He firab landed at Mar- homestead, on the 3rd coh&ssion,i Tucker Robert Bell: jr,, of Seafortb, formei not aware that any injury res short of childish for Mr. Mae-donlald ti) com. Burns' cemetery on onday, and were fol- frorr i Hensall. this praotirie. Ori -L -he contrary, we baliew pl� sailles an afterwards visited Paris an Smith, consisting of 100 sof a, for ithe surn Honest was in the village on l onday, on [owed to their last r stitig place by a large ain, as he is -doing, becabse the Prohibi. d of $5,500. Itis a good far' quantity of clover and busine � Ho was ' hi Wa4ed larqe Is ' coricaurce of Serra, ing and sympathizi tie interest% of thri couny 'never suff (ionists of Brandon ref 6ther lar cities. He as given a magnifi. a pied by h dur- Ing useA towsist him in' -The house i Wingliam, 00011 timothy �seed for which the higheat market price will ter Ma gie, who bad been in Seafort friendi. H-4 leaves a wife and Three cent re6eption by th Is be paid by the unders!gfied.. J, S. Oaie, merchant, hil- ­om thi� course, and a very considerabli his'-politi"I or selfilsh schemes. It is the 'Mr. - Albert Taylor, and owr ad by Mr. Wm. ing M r Be 418 illness, who, we are pleased fj a authoribie and popu 1720-1 dren, and -what make the death doub y sad We w lace of thii various places where he tarried. Snell, was destroyed by fire )a'Friday night. to lear has redovered nicely. -Ib has been is 8aving resulted. ould suggest to the Prohibition paty who bive'a ri liti to. feel OATS -V� nted, 20,000 bushels of the fact that his wife and dau a oats- ghter cre Mr. Taylor succeeded in ba:vii3g most o the arrang to told a cantata in the Me th down with the lover at, the time of his He was amompanied y Dr. Leyde and th,,ext few days for ex) -)rt ineal. The hIghast 'Coming county counlil that this practhe hurt and disappuinted trea'tm'ent L ,t i th0crtst be furniture. me church, at I ie annual Christmas tree enter-. deaLth. priacis paid. Reosall 0 MAUI& D UROUHAPT. be followed in future. It is only on rare they have received from Mr. Macdo'n�ald. several ot term of his ret �iners., He is 80" d -The anniverary service in connection )719x2 tainment.-Wiss Luie Moir entertained looking we I., with the Auburn Methodist church will be THE OVRLICUS. -At a meeting held reaent. some f, to be in robust health and is a when a Dacem iend on. Tuesday. evening. -Henry Bluevale. ber Session is really On the a-trength of the promises bf, what..,he He travel, n tate and himself and his- Of held on Sunday', December 9bh. Rev, R. ly, the carling club was organized for the dirbri, was in the El ilber, M, P., of ere n3cessary, and it is not advisable �to- mul- would do for them, they turned from- poWer lea me m to live' in he very �bef NMOTES. -The Bluevale branch of t a 13,ible WL -Hobbs, of Wifigham, will -the following officers gues, t sty reach he anni- coming season, when ;illage,on Tezday.-Misa Minnie Doan, of Uply Sessions at the 'expense of the rate. a Government tha:t had done well for them herever 1ey go. He says the Boers w 11 vereary sermons. were 61a Jurich Society was a4drepsed, in the Metholist spet b Monday evening with M oted : Patron. G. McHwen, M. and only for th continuet fight for -th4ir freedom uptil ti e obureh, b Rev. J-obn Ross., B. A., of Brun - p %yers e. amusement and in the p3st, allhough, it did nb.t :give -them list in I -At the Clint -on Col iate �nstituie P. chaplain, Rev. J. S. Henderson hon'. Minnie Shalfer.�Miss Eliza, Bell, Of Mount ani voman and child in -the Trau i. gels, on Tuesday evening f aet commencem o th otherleveniog, orary presidents, S. Smillic, and -D, Robin. P106111at Farm, London road-, accompanied rf cretkLivii of mom bers. all they aske'd,.and placed MrANliedonald vaa.l and ( range Free S' to is'killed. eat exercises Mr. Snell has, returi ad home, afte - lHumane son ; president, C, A. MeDonell ; let vi e� by "r little cousin, Mary ig their stead. And no Sooner do 'they do it is e#, him to i ulge. in such bar n or nd& Bit GuyMiller�was presented ith a C Belldaughter of 1, -society's lengthy absence. -A- few QJ otr % it--')& rem medal, for eavi;� a companion president, Robert Bouthrou ; 2nd vice. Mr. Jarnes A, Bell, opent a werok with the bast iswell out f harm's wa sad- have been lucky enough to gi:t tr thi's than Mr. Macdonald deserts them and y eate Hugh John and the Prohi- from drowning in Fairlm poil IsEt May. presidenti, G, P, Arold ; secretary trea's. latter's aunt, Mrs. . Walters, of near Clju� to hime -if ar d his colleagues live in the most venio",byeomeofthos who were bunting heri bitian is-ts. their cause and leaves them to the tender -After an illness of th a weeks, from urer, W. Mcl�ay ; committee of mavage. ton. -Mr, James 8. Troyer and his brot a' t' r in a res in Muskoka; --The gorgeous'l partments.an 'ere Imptuous John George Troyer., left here on Tbursda qZnual me4ing or the mercies of thohe who have little-lor no Eym- or dup:. . Y -heart trouble, Richard Ir,�- pected ment, J. Steacy, M. Elwood, A. , After his defcat ia d his every day while their j re figh b. Tract Society Was an resident of Blytb, departe this; life on F, Smallcomb5, J. McArthur, G. Joynt, L. re- mornin g, to attend the- funeral of their aim- Meld in the Metho list pathy for Ghom. Tfiey ara now in an in ng agai k t fate -and a arving. The turn, to Winuipegil Hm Hugh John Mae- d Thursday' of fast week. Th deceased was Scott, T. Brintnell Skips (qenior), C' A, tax, Mrs. Wm. B.. Clark, of Shelburne, who church, on Friday g last. Dr. Me rat, finitely. worse -position than tbey--. were rascal sho ild be publial horse whipped i 1-. '19 years of age, The of Toronto, was pre ent, as usual to rem�i a were interred M D 11 died daald bs reported. to have made the.'follow., Mr. Mae-- stead of Wing fet6d%amd feasted. Through. .0 all Bosithron, J. Steacy, G, F. afLI ;er a very short flinees. an account of the wo kings and p' before they plac6d. their cause in � in ell's factiletdry, H rinood 4,. jlannie,-J. Hilis ; skips (junior), aLemeac to pape I I .. out the W ole bursiness ullett,� A 1 - rogres I of 11 g a, a news r interviev,er a has not shoi5n -Od the mociet.-Mra. C)Ilio went to Alma on Monday night f; aiat' iieek, tbe dona-ld'a hands. If, th f ' th caus6 ellery, 10. Elwood, F. Tuckersmith. -ere ote, "I wil, sorry to say that, judging f f )no redoeming trait of b iaracter, and hILfJ pworth f the ordwich S A. Taylor, W. McKay. Tuesday, to visit her ou, Mr. John lie, rum c %]too Junior E thia election, what is. commonly called the prohibition has.been put back twa�-ty ear:- been.looLki3g out,for 'elf from start fio Methodist cliureb, U Grand Trunk ua t a that�'nl ho Leag enl:e(. Don'j foi a -cold to catch you before Ap to ll , or pras:n� Miss Helena LocA, NpT�,%.­Mr. 11, Jacobi's new en finish. hattiver fXulbe Stein ex.President hop'l - ilyftioli voto is a am ar-fraid it is N1r..Maadona-td and not the; Prollibi. Mallood, of. Fordwich, with pure�. tire vellixii is �ow encloacd and presents a wearitig Lbe proper sort of Underwear, dw grapher Wok a nd its tHat the men who talk prohibition are fir8t tionists-who are re State may have, he bas Many a sad story has been told through the of the Ora 3ge F 14, on Tuveday.-.Nlemra, Caqe� ore &n plk;turi of our I spousible for tbis nufor- and Miss Mahood are leav�ng For wich w very go d appearance,--MrL Thomas Peart pu fAberalm and Conaervatives, and tw c'o the man that I their tat d ay -of shown hirr Belf to be 03. Mi ribipped their tat eye, vn Tb f ter that glect of �hi B ur winter under- tunate reside in Toronto. has pur hasIid the laundry business and ul change. Tito Prohlbitfoniats of Kruger 1ic If. beyn h ff remained rigt t t good wil -of wear at once, buy iu�y�yoere last week, an?d as a, :opet�lucnze was a ber a Mr, 0. Billantyne -Oar vil ywil get the The re4uhis 0ovod that Owing to the scarcity. of 11-nitobw have kep Mae fighting They shipped from t faith with Mr Co pany will log coul icil bas closed a very *,at isfiietory right, I inds'at tho right prices,. at Th 'a 91, tt ere is no stiull thJug as a purely Probibi with his dclud6d pebple ad is now -luxiei 00 e E. bit �y d y in the vil1a for.his life.in the last x6ter, bfie Sutherland di o, but K, uga remove air. �,stave mach" r au Co'c Store, Fselaforth. Special line ay. -J mes Patterson is home ti,.In vote. I donald, but he has not kept faith NZWthem. am the contract with the. Aleshre. Cook Brothero McF Gorri"n - _: whan'itgot too hotfor'bim, gobbled.up a,,.l in wy on a visit, a ter an absence of �,over lour tha tho result also 1110=18 a They are the agrieved partio 11,xeter in 11, a:fWr working pti -) thi i winter's for light� u di �s' at 25c, 35 )o and 50c, extra value f g ur-strects. -elve light of !n La a and!n9b him-. the.gdld he could lAy *1 T v, 9 set -back f'()r prohibition, from, which it will his hands on ab J stock of ni men i at 50c, 75c, and $1. yearf, in helaaitoba,-Rev. Prank (Ix'. Faster, IG shighed hipiself to a place of' f y. bb4l, The�company will remove 50 eandl power have ia te meantime, been- 17204 49 1 afft recoi�vr within t1w ne. - twenty yea neitheri ast nor geadrous of him ito try as, at of Toronto, Will lect Ire on Br tian i� ind xt it to the Lt a Valle ho re t ley have contract d fpr, to be put up at the prinei. Wk.S ENI) NOTj;, A �n' y I umber of the the TeamBviLal, n -0 a Fort-6+erj? hall, are ortly Imman, aud'we can oilly to plape t li� blame for failure on tfi 3ir occur -no giv#b satisfac by ikild' they are so human chouldera. ed a largelsupply of elin imber. Pat etree coii,uers and crossings, and if they farmers of his vicirril�y took advantage of The Asiegament-Gomriiission',* Appointei t -I)ccember 12th, -The annual thaulk, Ir-oring -John Rob� has disposed of his 6 Ae satisfac ion no doubt more will be add- tba fine weather last week, and got their meal turnips under co -Ver.. -Mr -Cantelon timt tily ex1wrieneq will Leaell them not,tc by the 0a' �ario ('flovernmelpt to inquire itito brick residence, and two' 4cies of land in ed in ortter that out, village may be' well Ling of the Aliesionary Soeict*,- in ton� Arthur sm-ritiov thernoelves for Lho mtke"bf a party aertion with the Blueale Pr�sbvfte 'an V and report upon 8th Edito-fiall Notes and Comments. the ant re system of the Bruesels, to John McArth.i�lr itie, Mor. lighted Mr. W; J. Miller, our enterpris. has ereated a w ood Shed and also a- large church, held IaA Tuesday evaning' 'ok the iieh deeerts then at the Polls. t muchvexwl and very int icate queation of na, who will take posessiom ne p April. ing ctltrr�;�e Oaker, has decided to fit up a ben house title fall. -Win. White left laet liquor nien know where they sta Lhreer elections to '.be Do I There ivr� minion The pried -ia a id t form of an illuistrated li.,LLutre, by im R S, a o be $1,4 0. Mr. INIc. publiall4l over his new brick block and week for Shallow Lake, yhore he will visit ar d no liquor man will sacrifice him in-terepts nicipAl 'aiseasment, bas been industd. (.',.Anderson, of Wroxettr ion "Dr..Ngao- I Parliament yot- to- take plAce, one in Ontario mu Arthur haR cold big farm an I 'will take a iaani:18 soaring no-pajus or expense to make friends. -Oh irles Cich returned a feNvlwereks kay and h w simpt lipeauso iL bi his party whieh is do. -ously at� wDrk for the prst; three' weeks an I Well.earn�A reolt. it one. of 11fro fro n the WIst, where he epcnt the d oir i and two in British Columbia, In Nipissiaw whijoh our village will have reasin. past in 0 sang a fiew ielewions, kind �tlj6s Ada ('11; no The troubl(-'is' the- Prohibitionists ha's-listened to* the vie.. m -of many experts r, to be.p He inten�tm putting in a fine summer in E ritihh Columbia and Niontana, rank and �M a I&a Reid the elect ion will lie hold on Docernbeir5th and. rou v( Le with their politicl party, and the - - i Z of Wingbam two 1 . ar young people oif odei ich,. were 8 F Sang a couple of -100s. Ror nd crank( on,thiIis a c From prosem b tage and having it 'lighted with eleetric -Mr. Paterson, of Kineardive, is engaged lit utyr ni, ii, both in Burrard and Vale -Cariboo, Britif1h.00111M. united i marriage on. Wedn 'aday - of last and ishingo that -will drillin" an a -tesiau well at the arm of M r. rendering o the 1:1 Lamd ol the foal *am Urn g g a vt te anit work aga-inbt the pivrty which bifil, tho following day. Sir Obarle Tu ndicatiow ii woUld see -that radical ceromony wkig 11. He intends George Turn r. ----Mr. If. Carter s touebin ad sweet. 4 pper week, lo erf )rmed'by make it a -to-date ba ;old a pair p chan"ge,ma be rec-,mm,En ad by tbe con Rev. Jag er Wilson. Miss M ad Shirman a nof colt i, and Ifon. X. C. Wal -la v it dy t Wt week, to Memors, Ball. c1m ai ce are no T my thatil p gn h ing it, e o hold an entertainment and K themselves if neither ially in 86 f r as the assess was bridparnaid, and Nlr. ert. Martin before 0 ristmas.-Mr, F. Smallabom Wright,' of I H I Ilett, -Mr. S. Johns b W ov. 'nbilt a f' mission, etpec h3g in 133titiSh COU1 i t�e interests 0, beo U (if t Ill. rm poliGeid P-Vf t. ment of largIi corporations, Such as railway groomemain. Oisposed of his farm to. Mr. Eli Cfib, vvho -In every home table inexis are very in-4ch ies 6oimeut, to take the Conservatives therei our popular 3ouncillor, had the mWotune tilt their 1W and-strectrai ayoompani concerned. (3-eorg"te Harris and rQ.ns!, of D last week,li while using a drawknife, to in. gets po ext fall. Tb' d of a neocabity. , Their presence adds is 18 a goo 6rrect rpP7.t of "I'lic rorouto All such corporations hA e :not hithertD Ilni� O�hf vel received flio qwt� ee uld be worth the Price paid, much 'to the enjoyme t of our d4l ry We presatne this is a a! the Mail ad.V be very.1 st I the well known honey *R,�T;, t d p gash in his leg, below the farm, and sho ily "oug' been bearing their fa iar of the munici. notice from Paris tbat the nti�rnational i h he. pal tax and if the lenien y banct: Tho wound licnorahte gcritlman'a femarks, At ')It ly th t all the pr knee, owiqg to the knife lipping,, in his $5,600. Old Ireland has some fa one looms and `h q.wned t a hich has hithei - Juvy at t a aris Universal E ibitio h it, h as owever, is not a eerious - Tim C ;0UN �JL. met in Dalys E. McFaul Co., eafort buy from'� her n ost, e�enta it has 6cen before the pubic f6ri' province of Ontario, and Situated �iy - 'the to been Shown them t ro gh the alseei - awarded gold inedal diploma ti the Do- one, and NVe hope soon to see him Stepping ball, on No ember 20tb, all the members attrractive productions The ooArto, he saweeks, and its accuracy has not city.of Toronto, should be d t to -mentcah be removed am resulb of th� minion of Canada for a collqcti v o xhibit of d Lively as is his wont. -Mrs, W. present, Adcounts were passed a Ma a 8180 arouu �ass mounting fiuer,andthe finest m terials and-idesigns fact commissto either 1) N hers rc66archIss a ood work wi I honey, of which the Messrs. H rr a7 exhibit J. Hot ea Jof Ingersoll, and formerly of to`$858,53. A by-law was I fixing the are what they offer you. V . fr, NIaodonald municipal -taxation..- It says that paese( be done, A Toronto a6rr spondento wh) formed a important part. NOTMS.-Nr. George AltIldodii.,- who re- hinuvlf, or any petson -in him behal. It will of1the Ontario capital b itig located lin To, has been in close attendante at the various Flet4er 8 114tisall, wl a was here'on a visit, has re- followir g salaries -for the township offici pftrliug, ISth, c neegsion, turned bom�i-Mr, and Mrs. A. Grigg and for services ,crsdaed during the year, etc.:- sideisnorth of this place, has old big farm, notiv(d, alpa, that his rewark have ref. ronto does not benefit the city as - m all as "s6ssionii of the co ye In all I Grey,, hasl a his 100 acreL far I! to Luke' family, wl�j q have ee the reeN a, mmissicn a old b a residents of our vil. 0; councillors, each, $40; cleric, to Mr. Shodice, of Mor 'a. We have ot, -on- hich hav or, Prohibit! Toronto benefits the Whole province., Are the questi Ila W a co e Up so far th 3 Sperain, 114t a(t. to Itiq treatilletIt by the h 'ConCenion, voliose f4rm corn. lago for a n4inber of years, left here this $140 Turner, treasurer, airice March learned what Mr. Naluld on intends doibg, ic �was-sveking it ect -we to ta 05 nbe rear, for thedeum of $5,000, week for Br4asels, where they have relatives S th, ach member of tb a board of but we hope he will rem in in this vicinity. i isH of whil(A ke th� its one,of the new plal�ks in has indicated, tb t it is ih favo ere it at it of the fairestj simplest a as ingnis s u in tl�e D' itori an 3 onitiion Parliament, - Ile, 2 fr. Whitney's politicit,plafform le -lit will 'd I t The farm 5.9 a good i has )C- rn� Lr.one-in theity, one, and, has longed to living. regretting their removal health* 5. It was decided to appoint an. -Miss Dorrance, wbo ba taught rso aucc�ss- be El popull at method of asteciarnent. T a recommend. tbe 8 arli g family for a good an years. from Hensall, we unite with their many inspector foi each of the large drain pas t year, I ctimi, rrakeii tho clidin that 1) 7 8 ro. full in our school during as e. y r Ing redic-ed by everybody Mr. parting indy give u'- f ationa wh ich a u'o� fa for a friends in wihing them all prosperity in cently congt*ucted in the townabi b I for next ar, Miss ham. he little Pro,4nve of ct' Ed.' who ha p, w ose been re engaged he, a4 I'reinier of c Prin a attended the Beseti: a of com. whi duty will be'to examine the drains t hss also b �.-their hew 4ome.r-Alr. John Mero, while wite ney een re,e gaged in No -112 (I Is 'n d the honie of Sir Lonis Da i k is mis8toners, will all have"In vi e1i 131 r slidden death 0 Wing- #,Dgaged in n i new premises a e tbfm kept in Proper r aue of th! Prohil?itionirts, w the is -A ve rri epair ach h ned C�c wart acil e in �.oving.Ao Iii year and ha. �.00l. Both these y�ung. ladies 4vt oin Pom6what mLaightened eircumat' up of the assessmont at, the le at trouble to ham- on Wedriesday -eveniog-of ast week, few days aigq, . had the. misfortune, anc(s .1in- r while by -causi ng a removal of all bludge and proved experts in the pi0feesion, and �bo tbc assessors, The various municipal as. when r, W, A. Stuarb died - af ter a few nrning the dorner at the Co liven Win their aneimlly. The r(wenuo-of the'iland anipiint.s- ociations-whiell have it' mercial hotel other obetr tions f n,'and to re. trustees are to be congratplated on securing 9 ppear d before the hours' illn age. - Mr. Stuart had b 'an o slip on th6 ice$ and received a painful: port to ;he ebuncil. annually upon the work. teir services for anot r tp about $240,060, made up of $1, er �,ear.-Mr. Jaifies f otile commissiol I are (juite eabiEffid' that thei, town as ut awl all day Tuesday, an appear- though not s4rions, injury to his knee. A done du ing :the year, Mr. ames Connor Hart, who went to b hunting 01) I revenues v 81:1 a sidy from the Dominion, and aboui, fro., these amend art to be in, 18 qsua go health,, He was liberal suppl)l of coarse salt at those corners was t(d for tb( Athmigh he ocen ould not uek4ka, on 'a 7 fro h' I od Shepherd '�Irain ; Mr. expedition succeeded ini bagging a hue meuts. Tiat the "rec6irmen ations of tbit taken ill op Wednesday morming wd'ni ame6 N., direct taxes, As thete 6 nQ m ever woul nble.-Owing to or t e 3roadfoot ; Mr. James deer, also a large grizzley � )eor.-Alr. Wm. (.1 an etit irel differccut. position from tha , I ou d soon r move the tro cKa y un �ipal coinininiot will be cariied out is a certainty i left big be#, and �died on Wedneaitay he increase interest that was -Shown . Sproat f r t a Sproat, and Mr. Win. Gram- McCullough or Leadbury, has been around spe k because a I Aby has littla efr at. against A Dvqased had been a Wr ich Ilk! formerly occup ed, aud was government on the island, th is latter anlou,at residentof Wina. at. the close ol last week, in the special matt for thebig drain. Their fees are to be i- raised in the same way as municipal a 0 her turkeys and obickous, for ship- xes, governmen D espe hat, gov many years, and was a Man of services in 0- p Methodist church, it was de. 4 while actually employed, expenditure, bit" s0oporte 1 6 Uyin Ia., an (,Ilice entirely different from thab cially when t hat� for in Ontario, This ly 1 82 per day,, A mZt!to tee old country. . He is a hustler,* as received from 'has met With the succaps his enterprmo of hich ernment is arge by farmer many good qualities. He taughti school in cided to con inue them this week. -Rev, which he occupied when lie, was charlipi,-In -150,00() goes to pohools; communicatibn w ar � . W� and -9ounts to over who are an�ious to take it flinp. at the bi his early dAya, -and later was enga ad in the G, H. Long preached in the ethodist Farneon 6, ' gineer on he' Spro%t dain, deserves.- 'The brickyard has closed dowX of 1e Prohibition party. In other wordF, 300,000, and the question bTfore the qn lea. corporati B. The as ahamen co mmissiox timbdr business, but for the last ow years church here 9� Sabbath morning last, deliv. refusi ng to P*86 the rain as 0 baid d beinig cow? after a good seasotes business. r 0 f r .0 rd a W sio 01 V . . . ........ NOV .-Ths. your.; ,f�bakeafmiaxo. � -Alaritoba. on f, bis fatb<x. It"' —Twt- Strat, Teppoetively, Ib'] o0ai vard, in. vtey,aikInaged � tbio.g. They rb�fs pur. per )rrftA­ BarhoyrLr bas,V! per Floor, PDT 1-00.0. V*y pey'ton rjc.,�, a r 19D p.rrfr but onit (TotAll) Vcr W,00 For eordOg Aiviesper $ead.. ZWO&hY Seed --- r rk, per 100 lbo T 11ow, p4ir 1b... TORONTO� J%' UrUt it -qu u-nd, - WhP oiaAle tceigbt .-62e'W&t, $P1 �-660,aast, XtRl for N0.1 bar� hard Toronto ana s9a for 1N $30 -for No. 1 -1 d er;1--b ud the quitt A -on traick here, - for N -i -per ton V-1 ad* but the & tia-ek bere aM P,ot%tves—Pot c),anged Ait 30 here, Aand 40c �Oflerlugs. light. per;cwt, AU: the next few-, T14 ne 'a . roi aayaatough -X to be noted.. worobouees he a4plied. Th nal the vital limited. Cali f.) -ed a trifle big) bigherut 36 t, .6c) And du Tenol�;T% is oomiog fort. enough �,of ;ehm inand. D-eatei, -for goud roll I -ounl- nf t1re aice u - ,rolls are wortf tolls fell rea vilsof good �q eall. IR .18 bw �ohauged at, 13 Priuts Arz in I 116108 are wor fresh are firm eoynivg irk. Aentiful enon u.n anoed 12 to 13c, aind Mi0$T1W1AT11 -market is quit Iowa --Fineal '113e I finest I flueat late 'el There its a -goii steady. We A 'to 21,c Aecon z 17-IT'n, So_ E market -at firt' caudiea stock zu'lls 12 t, U -D N -01,t* L IStates cattle i 52d ; sheep, fl - Unp-P,001" 4 coming Out a but good �6&tt EIme beeves ighest prize they were -no sol(I at from I Common sto. ,while the e.jaoh. 89hi to 3jelor tbt 10to at -from others at fro --mumber i6f � Fat"bogs we per pottud �f* off the car's. Tonoxqo, as,oattle We enough b- mi "the e emne in, tb.. eaplriees. bu Medium to ft sver It wonl tha-t Meither all anxious tA to -day Is wx# The abundai poultry". �iW ellooten. tibe "t �Ibr -sto-ek UU-6410 mur Jstexdy� and I found Ior iroin 0%, to A!re are much wa to -d 64 gra 0. utelde M there is a quoted 5o p hucks are -hutchers' ab to V3,25 eael per cWtJ an $4.1221 the There is likely to re prleea w -b.10 -went, 110to 4 p-a-i'd for sele Ialtm Thery to, A f 4 i� ellxl�� Omzie nie 0, *ad to be i to flu 0. e- �Mtra, Pherel st.te buatcherS' a, fat bulls, ;ce: f4t, lchoiee thoice, '$211 best, to $2.75 f to 134,150 $4-25 -; eo'w' atook steove 'men to go e"hoide to v Z5 to