HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1900-11-30, Page 3an it to Rea to that ft V7 per - very wrapper. EMS 14, Rre a tid leletoel 1 an - etc. - and eleth- ,t;e. ;fly re- , 19,8 l0 the :ren. NOVEM ER 36, 19001 XPOSIT IMPORTA T NOTICES. ,IMPNIMMO••••••••••••••1 BLAKE APPLE BlaTT R AND °FLOPPING MILL will run onlyon Thday and Friday after the 13th inst., JOHN TILLI1SK. -, 1718,4 FOR SALE,—Nine hca good 2 year old ttook steers between ten nd ekven hundred weight. Address Mrs. A. E. BAG , Walton. 171841 HORSE POWER, AND GUTTING BOX FOR SALE —Will be Eold tog ther or separately on easy tones. Apply to D. BD NS, Henson. 17114f OBN BEATTIE, Cler °oust, County Cow man , Laud, Loan an 'sees and to Loa apesaa‘doela Main street gi the Second Divirdon !intoner, ofHuron, Con. Instuaince Agent. Fund. Offlon—Over Sharp 1 Ssatorth. 1934 ITACHERS WANTED nIEACEIER WANTED.T-Male or female for Union "1 School Scotian No. 110, Howick and Grey, hold. icg 2nd or srd class cert 1 cote. Apply peraonally it ible up to December lit. Duties to eminence anuary 'at, Nan 0 'ORGE _ROBERTr$ON,‘Soe. rotary, etomeworth. 171,74 ESTRAY NOTICES -"EISTRAY STEER.—St x4 'On's farm, 1 nal about the 2nd of Noveno luar beans on. Any inf covey will be rev vele boring it will be fortb. eyed from Mr. San uel Dick. co north of inthrop, or a two-year-old red 'steer, renstion leading to its re - and any person ound hare protecutee. A. FORBES, Sea - 1717.4 REAL EST ,TE FOR SALE. FARM FOR SALE.— or sale it 25, Oonesssion 4.a. R. S., Tueke smith, containing 50 acres, an clear runt in a fleet el gestate of cultivation. There are on the pretenses a omfortable log hone, a 'rood frame bain 36x80 teet ith stabling attaoteed, plenty of water, Is convenient o markets, with good gravel reads and is ()moldered o be one of the best 60 acro fonts In th towaghte. Wilt be sold cheap as the proptietor wishee to g t more land. Apply on the premises or to ALEX. 1 ORDON, Egroondeille P. 0. 1719x6 AUCTIONEERS. nr110IdAS BROWN, Licensed Auctioneer for the Cattalos of Buron and Perth. Orders left at A. M. Campbell's implement warerooms, Sealorth, or TrIZ Exeostecat (trice, will receive prompt attention. Setisfaction guartute.d or no charge. 17C8-tf A UCTIONEERING.4-13. S. Phillips, Licensed Auetioneer for the counties of Huron and Perth. Being a peac aced firmer and thoroughly understanding the Y lUe of farn3 stock nnd imple- ments, places me in a 1ctir post -time to rtralize good prices-. Charges mods ate, Satisfaction guaranteed or ne pay. All ordere eft at Bengali post office or 2, Hay, will be pronaptly 170041 at 1,ot f8, Conceralo ttencled to, STOCK FOR SERVICE. - 110 PIG BREEDERS —The undereIgned will keep I on Lot 26, Como Oen 6, L. R. S. Tunkersnatin a thoroughbred ella8TAR Wen% Pro, deo a thoroueb- bred YORKeilturf Pro. A. limited number of Bowe will be admitted to each. Terms, eta, playable at the time of service, or $1.60 If charged,1 A RO a few Chester White Pigs for We. AME S GEMMILL. 1608-52 KEATIN & LA m Wholesale d Retail Dealers in Lumberl Lath, hingles, Cedar Posts and Timber, - Our lumina consiets )1 the test quality of Hemlock .and Pine, being le ell n eufactured. Any =cunt of Red Cedar Sitineles al A ne a on hand. Bring along • your bills, you e ill be sure te get them filled_eatis- factorily. nenniceleric etre. t lat t 1711-tf SEAFORT DYE WORKS Ladles and gentlenun, thanking you all for part patreuege and new that a new semen is at heed • wish to let yen kuow that I am still in the business, ready to do my beat to give you every satisfactien • In doing our Werk in he lino of cleaning and dyeing gentlemen's and hull& clothing, done without being ripped se well as to h ve them ripped. All wool geode truarantted to gi -e geed Benefaction on ehort- est notice. Shawls, mrtaine, etc., at moderate prices. Plesse-do not ail to give me a Call. Butter and egga taken in e (change for work. IIENRY NICHOL, Goderieh str tat east, oeposito the Catholic Church. 1091-tf IT WILL PAY You to attend ill Forebt City Business and horthaud College, Londoo, Ont. Practical inetruction in practical sub. jects. For over fifteen years we have been in touch with young people and their needs, add the business world and its re(fflitcmeIt8. Every facility at Ommand for aiding young people bath before and after graduation. We are doing euperior work, results prove it. Seed for our catalogue and College J °urns.' . J. W. WESTERVELT, Principal. 1703-26 Meeting of the Huron- County Council, Nolt e Is hereby given that tho Council of the County of flux -on will tract in the Council Chamber, in the Town of Winghant, el Tuesday, the 4th day of December next, at three o'clock in the afternoon. W. LANE, Clerk. Dated at Ciceleric It, this,20th day of November, 1000. -1710-2 ANNUAL MEETING The annual meting of the ehercholders and pat- rons of the Winthrop Butter and Cheese Company vein bo laid it the factory on Tuesday,. the 4th of December, for kk indPrg up the business of the mason, ahe the appoint ng of directors and other officers of the company for 190t, and any other business that may be necessary. Petrone to meet at one o'clock, shareholders at three. All interested are requested to attend, ALEX. KERR, President ; JAS. KERB., Seert •Treaeuret. 1719x2 To the public of Seaforth and surrounding country KA VING PURCIIAREBilaa' The Meat Business Formerly conducted by 'T. R. F. CASE & CO. usiness I trust, by strict (Attention to business and supplying a first elates artiele at, a reasonable price, to merit, the patronage beetowed on the late thin. Will pay the highest market price for drtattti poultry, good hides, skins and tal- low. FRED GALES, Seaforth, 1719-tf MONEY TO: LOAN mom., 10 loan at 4.i per "mit on tope farm [Wenn ity. Ale le to JAS. fe K1LLO RAN, Barrister, Sea - forth. 1712-tf :en's Backs. Too much rush a,na lOe / to the. lot of the avera.ge bustle, work and worry fall businees man. Kidneys p , h (snail:Is:al ndrei3ut:st.heyAfamilatno filter the poisons from the blood properly. Urinary trouble, general languor and pain in the back are the oan'i attend to business ealf-e— a, properly if his back aches —no use trying. Only one sure remedy that never fails-- IOAN'S • KIDNEYPILLS. Talke a hint from business men who have _ , used them: t"Ihave taken Doan' s Kidney Pills, which I, prboured at the Medical Hall Isere, for rheu atism and pains in the small of my back with which I have been afflicted for the ast six years. They did me so mash goo , that I heartfly recommend them as an eicellent medieine for rheumatic troublea and acks,c1te." Cener.LEs 0. Primer, dealer in agricultural implements, Orillia, Ont. D an's Kidney Pills cure backache, lame or veik back, Bright's disease, diabetes, drop y, gravel, sediment in the urine, too freqnent risings at night, rheumatism, and weakness of the kidneys in children and old people. Remember the name, Doan'a, siellnfuee all '<A -berg. The Doan Kidney !Sill Co, Toronto, Ont. Store And Grocery Business For Sale. • ear dee: in the thriving town of Seaforth ; a good hrit•it itsr,uith dwelling above, and good brick stable et the lock, also a Nat -class gook of groceries all trete beet part (-town and doing good bUsineia, g000 11•4.3,3riti for (telling. Apply quiokly to bete 372, beef Ontario. 17Cei M. JORDAN. The Public Will not spend time and going to eat, you, when the get your more enterprising petitor either by Long Dilate Local Exchange- Telephone vice. oney MID COM• ce or Ser- LA A - LIVER Pq.LS work While you 'sleep without a gripe or pain, curing bilious- ness, constipation, sick head- ache end dyspepsia'aaid make you feel better in the morning. Price 25c. at all druggists. yinfoortv.vozwite.rivm s4 ro_ 42. vt.1 4 umer,soossoAtz,t4mAsiwziAs*tevsle,41.41,04 ailimittatozro2 A Itz cia it5 Alt KENDALL'S... SPAVIN l'he old reliable remedy for Searles, IlinNbenes, %ewe, curbs and all forms Of Lameness, It mires without a blemish because it does not blister. North P:antagenet, Ont., Fob, 10, '08. Dr, 13. X. Kendal! Co.- Pear Sire (—Will yon giro me a remedy for hriaves. r have a mare that 11 nfilicted. I take pleoure In stating that I have cured o Curb of four j•cars t standing With your Rendall's 'Meter, by tieing a only once and then,applying yokr Spar in ('inc. As long 1111 I have horses, I will not be without Kendall's-4(LO') Cure aud Kendall'e Blieter In my. Very truly vours, etre, eeoernes G A UTHIER. rrilee Si, Six for *6. .A.s n, liniment for family use it has no equal. Ask your druggist for Kendall/0 Stravin Oure, auto 64,1...Treatise on the Horse," the book free, or address DR, B. J. KENDALL . CO., ENOSBURO PALLS, VT. 13 Running ores. 11r. Stephen Wescott, 'Freeport, N.S., gives the following experience with Burdock Blood Bitters. I- was very much run down in health and employed our local physi- cian who attended me three months; finally my Ieg broke out in running sores with fearful burning. I had thirteen running sores' at one time from my knee to the top of my foot. AiI the medicine I took did me no- good, so I threw it aside and tried B.B.B. When one-half the bottle was gone L.notictd a 'change for the better and by the time I had finished two bottles my leg was perfectly heal- ed and my health greatly improved. HE NEW RRIVAL. There came to port t Sunday night T1,1 "queerest ilftle craft, Witham an inch of ri ging on; 1 hotted and looked and laughed! It Seemed so curious t nit she uld cross be un flown water And moor hermit HOin iny room— My daughter, oh, In daughter! Yet by. these p-esents She's welcom3 fifty‘ And comes con,ligned And common meter She has no Manifest b No flag floats o'er t She's too new for the My daughter, ob, m Ring out, wil&bells, Ring out the lover' Ring in the little wo Ring in the bib an Ring out the muse' Ring in the milka Away with paper, pe • My daughter, oh, witness all Imes, to Hope and LoVis rhyme. t this; e water; British Lloyd daughter! and tame ones, too, moon; sted socks, spoon. ing in the nur d water; and inkt y daughter! —George W. able. PUZZLED THE 1 TERPRETEIIS. Ae prisoner Who • Idn't Undo Any of .Their Langstages. - A stranger 'wile had dropped 'Center street police 'court one aft last week might hate) thought t had discovered a dramatic represe ofa scene at the tower of•Bah 'school of modern laUguages where instructors had gone crazy and we ing at once in all 'tile language kllcw. A (small, swarthy, frightened ooking man was crouch ng in the Witness chair; taring at all the official and several un- (elicial and vol Hither interpreter who \\e.t.a jabbering exclitedI-Ylf The small matt was Milte,Costello, avto was arrest - td the night before WW1 alParty f Ital- lane who were intetrupteclin th midst or a general fight in 'Eldridge street. Each of the Ital.ans had been pia ed up - ell the stand in tuin and, throti h the • Italian iaterpretsrs, questioned as to his part inahe fight. COstello came 1 st and was addressed by the interpreter n ian. . The witness gave no answer to the question,. but only shook his he d and waved his hand In a puzzled way. After two ov three more questions In taliait, \Odell -elicited to reply, the lute pretet gave the witnees un in disgust,' telling the magistrate that be was not an What'. "He must be ehench," said the,magis- trate. -"Is there any- one here who can speak French'?" There is no regular French interpreter at the Center street police court, ut Bev- eled Frenchmen in the audience volun- teered their service • All their rreech, howeeer. did nct bting an answ r from the witness, wit) o ly squirmed uliteasily tii his chair and I eked 'appeall igly to the magistrate. A oluuteer Geri an in- terpreter who_eame next only succeeded ' in enueing the witness to look more. be- wildered them ever, Another interpret r then took his turn rind addressed the witness in an impas- eionate harangue Which sounded like a bezzsaw -going throgh a.knot. Ilse wit- ness looked at the tepidly movin "mouth rind black heart: in terror for a f w mo- ments and finally, placing his banis over his ears, turned awry with an ext tession or agony on ihie face. Several other in- terpreters, encouraged by this sigfi of in- - telligelice, started to talk excit.,dle, m their respective -Ian tinges. Tide vas too much for the meghtrate, who, .j unplug up- from his -chair, ordered theri all to keep 'quiet. • "Why on earth d n't you aroo er any questiens?" he sho ited to the 'Witness. "-What langUage do you speak?"• • "Sure. these ;uys wouldn't give me a chanst," said the wi nese. "I don't speak no langwitch et all. I didn't wantleasay anyeing tell they got tro' with th ir jab - born. I -can sreak When 1 glt a chanst all right, and talk, but I'm a w se guy and don't git arrest .d for- cont enpt of c-ourt interruptin cour officers, See?" Tills answer, which was delivered 'with great rapidity, eau ed a disturbance among the iuterpre ers, who 1 .ft the courtroom hurriedly The ma istruie, however, heaved a 'de p sigh of re ief. "I will discharge th prisoner, ie "I think that he has been su iciently punished in th.s.courtroom for us, f - fOnso he atay have -committed.' When Children should wear glasses oitand to the moon iat he teflon 1 or a all the e talk - they 1. When their eyes are not straight. 2. When they cannot distinctly see the blackboard. 3. iWhen reading, if they squint, hold the book sideways or too -close. 4. When they tire easily of reading ail studying. 'All sure signs that great benefit will be derived from wearing glasses. Satisfaction guarapteed. 'J. S ROBERTS, DRUG( g AND OPTICIAN, ,SEAFORTH. CENTRAL Hardware Store. We have a complete line of wood cooks, ranges, coal and wood heaters. For a eix hole range see our Imperial Ox- ford and Colonial, the .best value in the market. - In wood cooks Moffat's Crown and Match-. less and Ourney-Tilcien'a Family Banner are first class atoves fitted with teel ovens and warrant ed perfect, bakers.t, , It will pay you to get our prices before purchasing. Sills & Murdie HARDWARE, *.inter's Old Stand, Seaforth Beauties; of Nature Which W Mists. Dr.. Charles 0.4bbott in Lipttincott'e Magazine calls attention to one of the de- lights of atitutin which often if disre- gnrded by those who otherwise irpreci- a te the luxury and beauty of out oor life in the pleasant weather of early fall. He says:- "rho twc seises only of sit ht. and • hearing will not always suffice when we 1 ramble aut of tolvn. I have 'tramped front dawn to i:ark with a noted itithral- ist, who, only exciaimed from mw time, 'See that colored leaf!' o that bird!' and never mice reform to the odor laden air. • "No'one lovrs .the autumn lea better than I do or 'appreciates:more th merits of 11 mention/ litat. 1 have seen he hill- sides eta, vast sheet of gold and Hinson, yet the day wes.not given wholl to col- or, and listened tonianY a lark's xultnnt song, yet the dny was not givenn holly to music. Seeing and bearing much we- are all too apt to be -content and for et that we have miss( d much if the sveets of' the scattered leaves and withere weeds have keen dis.egnrded. It waters not how common flace the surro (tidings, breitthe 'through a bruised li ickd r% lene, andou may Inger, the while m Araby ' ' the Blest." Low mad Load. . They. were ASSAire SOD of grand o vra. vial sin ndpoin ager deferred. to th two 8001013 who had inn& this thing possibl "1 prefer 1 tenni opera," s '"The music is so sort and lqw,!' "Ale but Ny -tenor is my choic "Yes, but o'ie It nhinn Interfeye. tie 3311 h Inc conversation in the 1 "True, bute Wagncr will give ts 00 ex- cuse for taiking all• the louder." 1 of a sneees t least from ccordingly ful Feri- a !inn n- 10 010 wain.. id one. Somewhat Odd. Jiggs—it's tether odd about in , wife. Diggs—Hew do you tnea0? diggs—Why,. she says she is ound to Imre the last worth and yet sh •alwas gives it to me.—Exehange. The world is more beautiful nd won- derful than anything that tins ever been written about it, and .the most glorious picture is not so beautiful as th race of * spring morning. • The University of Bonn prides iteelf on having been the alma mater of the Ilo- henzollerne and other German reigning houses. Some of the English pri cea have ettulled there. A Terrible 1 0 gh. If peo le would only tr a e •ughs and eokls in time with- Dr. ood' Norway Pine fl up, there would fe er homes _desolate. The se erest coughs and olds, •ronchitis and oron , and the first sts:ea of consump- tion yie d readily to this pipwe al, lung - healing nedy. Read hat llifre. Thos. 0 rt r, orthport, Ont., says: "I caught a se e e o.ld, which nettled on my throat and lu gs so that I could scarcely speak she e whisper. I also had a terrible cough ti h my friends thought Would send ine o y grave. I tried different remedies bu a I felled to do me any good until I took r. Wc od's Nor- way Pint Syrup, and the co tents of one bottle completely cured. m THE SEA c)FITH S.A. . AND . Chopping Mills R. L. CLARK Having purchased from Mr. tosiah Watson the Seaforth Saw Mills, has placed in the mill A new and improved Grain Crusher, And is prepared to crush grain on ethe shortest notice, and fin 53 a bag. Give us a trial. R. L. CL ARK) C4th. 686-tf MONEY TO Money to loin at 4i per oar land security, Apply to R Bank Building, Staforth, LOAN. 11 oi flrst.olaes farm S. HAYS, Dominion 1607 "E, & D. Quality 41 Satisfies E. " ich6 The E. & D. wieeel is only Can adian bicycle that has built up United States business. It is the only bicycle with Four -Point Barings, MARRIA E LICE SES ISSUED AT THE HURD EXPOSITOR OFFICE, SE1AFO TII, ONTA IO. NO WIT EMS REQUIRED, AX/S AXIS OF HUO AXIS 9 fece, wale? . "narltWgttir i eiee Mei alPeeell 16.6tlfr CA, ••••) ••••• •••$. • In four -point bearings t mitted in a direct line, an ming of balls in the races. ings the load is transmi which greatly inoreames th parts of the bearing. I point bearing, the beari greater pressure than the bicycle. In ordinary beat is often three times the D. locally guaranteed Na four -point bearings in the hubs, and the head. Th anteed for three years. E. & D. Road Models, men E & D. Road Models, lad E & D, Speoial Models, w E. dr I:), Racing Models e load is trans - t iere is no jam- jI ordinary bear - at 'an angle, essure on the E. 86 D. four - never sustains al load on the s the pressure al load. E. & 1 bicycles have nk-hanger, the rings Are guar - et et ion tor be 860 $60 th car case . 870 $70 Liberal options are given in eddies, gears, tires. The E. lit, D. being a ntt1ona1 wheel, is locally guar. antecd. catalogue on applioa lon,1 Lumsden & SEAFORTIL OU A Mista 11 you have I. Greenish, or Sallow OoinpixIon, Sold Hands and Fee oee of Ap- petite, Oyspes, Laok of Energy or Sto a h Troubles, You Ma A Mist R. MATRON AND MAID. A. gi t of about $100,000 has been made ny Mrs. Jane K. Sather of Oakland to the Utiversity of California. , ,11.ese John C. Whitin, one of the tres- iets of Welleeley college, has bad Wilt and equipped for that college a students' (Ahem itory. Hrin Keller, the deaf, dumb and blind young woman who has just entered Rad- cliffe jo1loge, finds geometry and algebra her herdcst stedies, but all of the lan- guageti she takes to easily. WoMen whose adopted home is India enjoy Ithe most mannish sports. Every militaty center has its women's ride club, mid t e members do not hesitate to hunt_ the tier, the rhinoceros and the buffalo. It is aid that Lady Curzon is the prize shot of the Simla Rifle club. Thelsite of the grave of Mary Girard, wife Of Stephen Girard, which has been discovered through the tearing away of the wing of the Pennsylvania hospital in Philadelphia, will be marked with a suit- able tlablet by the board of city trustees. Mrs. Mary E. Hanley, who Is about to build a 30 story office building in Chi- cago,' the highest ever attempted in that ity, is the president of the Mtn& Real Jistate and Loan company, and will call h r building La Grande. It is to'cost $2,5 ,000 and is to have every modern convenience. FeW women have done more for their sex than the _Baroness Burdett -Coutts. In London alone she has established free sewing schools and an organization for the training of housemaids. She has provided A shelter for homeless women, one-Italf of whom have gained courage to begin life anew. She has organized the flower girls of London tato brigades, with fixed stations assigned to each, under po- lice protection. Teel Mitani, the young Japanese wom- an Who has come to this country to take a coerse in Bible instruction at North- field, Mass., will spend her winter holi- days in Washington as the guest of the Japanese minister and Mme. Taltniiira, with whom she crossed the Pacific. Miss Mitani speaks English fluently, is an au- thor of some reputation and has success- fully passed the Japanese government ex- aminations in mathematics. THE ROYAL BOX. A returned missionary says that the Chinese emperor in giving out an order for 20 books some time ago selected 54 that dealt with the Christian religion. Or the occasion of the visit of the shah of P .rsia in the pavilion' or clockwork, in the hiris exposition, a Clock was shown to lihn which fired off a -Pistol every hour. 1'1'1;)11 h, 0`ikriell time, eh?" remarth ked e Persian 1 The present mikado of Japan is seen much more in public than most of his predecessors. He is described as short, but even proportioned, vigorous, even =stetter, and with a face indicative of the Ilighest order of intelligence. Pi ne° Rupert, the heir to th•e throne of Bavaria, dislikes very much the Mien- tiona of the White Rose League01Eng- land which, because it recognizes the elaime of the Stuarts to the British titre 10, persists,' much to his disgust, in styling him "the rightful Prince of -•Walds." King Victor Emmanuel of Italy is.de- eirotie to introduce the .Ameeican cabinet system into his government in addition to the European system of re-sponsible miniStries an. is determined to have a prirt council answerable to him alone. In order _not to violate the constitution, which makes the ministry his sole Offi- cialite.lviser, he will make his new coun- cil alsortof "kitchen cabinet." • When you dei not u Dr. Ward's Blood and Nerve PUiI. I, 3- cDunter-' act these conditions. Why? Be- cause they contain a the natural elements necessary to build up the -hurnan system. The \fay t) a cu.:3 lies along the road frcr the st)mach tlo the blood and nerves. All f is -aeecei on by the st t1.cn ai i pre - Pare d for absorption in to t'ee, system. Di Ward's Pingi•.rq j 1st peoe aelp to a .areet s v.1 I cL:- 1:-.1,5s a pis) y et h whole human frame. Yol foal uozerself eieneics When you taka Dr, E';rett3t1 and orve EVI115". et4. per irrt, fiv-t brm.4-(11- C!01. All (len. or 8 %Ai W1111i tin r.)*0:.1 J. t McNAB C1 E1, ONTARIO LAND SURVEYOR, SEA ORTH - - - P. O. E gineer for:Wingh m, Seaforth, Howick, Blyth, Culross, &c, Oerfnt Sidewalks, Sewers and Township traiiB will be given speci 1 attention. At queen's Hotel, 169341 THE PEDAGOGUE, 'Exl-ntuelty has been appointed presiden Governor William 0. Bradley of Ke of the law school just opened in connec- tion 'with Kentucky university. Hermann Grimm's successor as profess- or of the bistory of art at Berlin is Pro- fessor Heinrich Thode of Heidelberg, whose wife is Richard Wagner's daugh- ter. The cause of Hertuann Grimm's re- tirement is bad health. Professor William H. Carpenter, the head to1 the department of German in Colittebia university, was recently elect- ed e imeinber of the Society of Dutch Let - teat of Leyden, Holland, in recognition of IIIS services to the Teutonic tongues in general. . As the views of the faculty of the versity of Bonn as at present consti- tut( d are too liberal for the trnining of the ,1'0Wit prince of Germauy, who will ant r the university in the eaming winter, the dictum has gone forth that the facul- ty must be reconstructed to meet the view e of the emperor, and alrendy two new professors have been celled to that end: THE DOMINIE. The executive comntittee of the United Society of Christian Endeavor has die cidel convention shall be held .at Cincinnati 111 tlut the twentieth international The Augustanasynod of the Swedish Lutheran Church of America will raise a montiment to the memory of the late Dr. Olaf Olsson, the president Of the Amens- tana college in Moline, Ilis., who died hint )spring. TI o Nev. S. Hatch, pastor of tin. Courtregational church of Monson, Mnss.. has psigned in order to become the gen- eral secretary of the Christian Endre vol' Uni( n of India, Burma and Ceylon, with residence at Calcutta. The Catholic church has bought for $1 SQ1,000 a pnlatial residence for the pa- pal tiuncio'in 1' ('18, Mgr. Lorenzeili. It was the residence or the late Mexivan minkter, An De Mier, 14 flue Dam. Thel,papal embassy will be made one of the most magnificent in Paris. SCRAPS OF SCIENCE. ravel lers' Samples. About 60 Bibles and about 20 Prayer Books, Only one of a kind, from 25e to $4.25 e ch, POETS in Fine Leather Bindi DIiRSSIHV GASES complete fittings. gs• with -good Plese goods are offered at about one-thied less than iregular va1te4 while they last, many of them as perfect as if they had never been shoWu ; would make Usefnl Xmas presents. Call and see them at AL H X. WIL S N'S I3001‹STQ _H SE4FORTHI NEXT DOOR NORTH OF PICKARD'S. ft 6 Ala • r 1, ItiNG aloha .Covily Shout", "Never dreamed that such. Shoes could be made In Canada!" " Isn't that a 'beautiful finish?" "1 like the shaile and eut of it, too, BO graceful, you know." "Yes, it's th ed "King Quality" shoe, and really, girls, I never wore shoes so comfortable and neat as these are. And, ydu know, we save all the customs duties, becaus they are made in Can- .1a." "TI y won he gold medal at Paris t .s year." 4 (See., here' the trade -mark you can know hem by" "KING AJALITY." mad. by Th J IX King Co., Limits I Toronto. BRIGHT BROS., 4th's Leading Clothing & Furnishing Store INNAANOWIAAAAAAAAVVIOAMAI OVERCOATS. For the next month will deserve special attention. f yoia have not purchased elle yet you will be interested we are offering for the next few week.. liMa of black cheviot, medium length, fly front walki complete assortment of black eheviot, and black • A special line of the newest shade of grey cheviot a bargain, only $7. Extra heavy frieze overcoats from $5 to $1.0. Bois' overcoats in sizes from 24 $10, Frieze1Pea Jackets at $5. We have still in. the special values g coats at $7. r blue beaver at $10. in the latest -Style, at , 'n a variety of sizes, o 36 at 'from $4.75 to few eizes in spring coats left, the line at $7,50 deserves special mention. Theadig color of grey whipcord in the most desirable style. ur lines of underwear are still complete in all sixes. Special value at $1, $1 50 $2 and $3 per suit All wool at 75e, $1, $1.50, $2, $2,50, $3 an.4 $5 per '. Suit. Good ‘atisfiiction guaranteed in all lines. Pbysiciens say that grape seeds have never been found to be the eanse"of np- pend1 cifis and that toothbrush bvisilos have been the celete in a great ninny cases. Ali seen from the moon the earth would appear four times greater in diameter and 13 times wider In surface•than the moan dors to us. The illumination of the earth is 14 times greater ou the moon than that Of the moon on the earth. The question of apontaneeus combus- tion, of hay has receetly been investigat- ed.by one of the officials of the United States weather bureau, who states that fermentation within moist bay may raise the temperature to 874 degrees F„ at which temperature clover hay will ig- nite. • CASTOR IA For Infants and C4ildren. Thr fac- simile sisesturs 01 iterf wrapper. IGHT BROS., _FURNIASILE.R 8, 8EAF0 IT DOS PAY PO Fif.- AT 4_ 4341 ..441 d#'404 Kir Aff41, enders for Supplies, . It Doe e Not Pay to go Elsewhere. 1901. Theandersigned will receive tenders up to noon n TUESDAY, 4111 DECEMBER PROX., tor supplest f buthhers meat, ereemety butter, flonr, eateries), utatees, cordwood, etc., etc., for the following ir- Muttins during the year 1901, viz :—At the Asylums ) or th ' Insane in Toronto, London, Kingston, Iler»li- n, a imie , Brockville and Orillia ; the Central Pri- on and Mercer Reforineory, Toronto; the Refer - for Boys, Penetanguisheme ; the Institutions or Dot and Dumb, Belleville, and the Blind at • rantford. Exception—Tenders are not required for he stinply of meat to the asylums in Toroao, Ln 00, Kingston, Bernilton and Mimic°, n3r for the entral Prison and Mercer Reformatory, Toronto, masked ohtque for 10 per centof the estimated mouht of tho contra, t, psyable to the order of the onorable the Provincial Secretary, must be urnlehed by each tendentr as lk guarantee of his lona fldee. Two sufficient sureties will be required or tho duo fulfilment of each contract, and shored ny ontract be w thdrawn before tho contract is war ed or should the tenderer fail to furnish sneh ecu ty; the amount of the deposit will be forfeits& wet canons a d forms of tender Duty be had on ppli ation to the Depsrtmeet of tire Provincial sere ary, Toronto, or to the Bursars of the re- pective lestitutione. The lowest or any tender n,t sceallarily accepted. Newspapers inserting this dventisement without authority fromthe Depart- ment will not be paid for it, J. R. STRATTON, ProvOicial SeCrefary. Parliament Buildings, To' v OntO November 190, 1900 1719 2, HARNESS! Beth single and team harness made by cnirselves, by bkilled workmen, from the best oeion oak leather. We claim they are not equalled in the country for wear or looks. A poor harness is dear at any price: " Get quality first at Broderick's Harness Shop add you have the hest value for your mtoney. The largeet stock of jute and all wool horse blankets, plush, wool and rubber kner rugs, mountain bear robes, Oat robes of the best quality, No, 1 Northwest galloway robes, also a nice stock of trunks, valises, ete. —Prices the Lowest— 13110DERICK'StgAgroESS CADY'S BLOCK, SEAFORTH. mule Tax Notice. __— Charles Dodds, (*Rector of taxes for AleKillop, will be it the Royal Hotel, Seaierth, Friday and Satur- day afternoons of each week for the receiving of texas). All parties intereeted will govern themselves accordingly. All taxes must be paid before Decena- ber]14th. After tlaat date 6 per cent. will be added. ClilaRLE3 DODD3, Collector. 1717-4 Such is the verdiet of the graduates of the THE CANADA BUSINESS COLLEGE, CHATHAM, ONT., No and undvened in CRilD, 'a for thoroughness of course and SUCC0013 in getting graduates placed In chrice positione, In a recent Issue we furniahed half the list of texts placed in about e nii. y dee re /fere is ,he balance: Fred Morley, dvan ed to New YOrk Oleo of Stith- erlauel Innis Co. Tema aleMillan, with a firm in Detroit, Michigan, C. B. Struthers. Te cher, West Side • stereos Col- lege, Chicago, 111. Kit Kirkwood, Sten grapher, "West ilnister" 01. floe, Toro -to, Ont. Bessie Barnaby, Ste ograpber,O. B. D raper, Grand Rapids, MIA' gan. Grace Setniogton. St nograpber, Swee & Eastman. Grand Rapids, aliehlo n. 11 A. Coleman, 13oe -keeper, Pet.r liagart, pro- duce dealer, Blenheim 1 Ont. Elsie Turner, Stenographer, Steele & Dart, Ridge - town, Ont, Elm r Smith, Assistant boon -keeper per Co., Grand Belinda Michigan. Wm Allison, Asetaa t book-keeper, nd Rapids Cycle Co, W.F. Adatne, Cold Blaot Feather Co. Clricego III. A, D. Skeels, (theme from Ttny Bus ness College ,e) Temple Buitnes,0 ego, Finladelphin, Pa. M. M. Maxwele Bnn1ugtn TypeweiSer Co,, Tor- onto, Ont, Douglas Stevens, boo 'keeper 1;Yeetern Steel Works Chleato, 111, Louis Porter, temporary book-keeper Ornd Itspids Cycle Co, Marie Butes, steno epher Ikil Te eptione Co., Guelph, Ont. E Maude Buchner stenogre Over Ind stesletant book-keeper George 8 ephens & Co., Chetbran, Ont, Edna fiebenlier, not) keeper tavern's A. ache -tiller, Grand Rapids., Mich, Glace Vanzleren, stenogrspher David Burns, Grand Rapids, Mich, Bertha Hernbling, ti,rnporary steno ,;apher Grand Harris PA - Rapids Brass CAL 230 in the ten months ending June 30113, 1000 ; 72 in the next two mopt s ; 40 others- have eine° been placed in about al meny day. What do you think of it? Can you ttffeta to go elsewhere? Write for catalogue of either de gut:pent to eLACEILAN & CO,, 1684 Chatham Out. Special Attention_ to Horseehoeing and General Jobbing. aoderich street, Robert Dow' roux ILA% MITH and CAM E Opp, MAKER rote: Seliforth.