HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1900-11-30, Page 2I., 01 Novi HURON - E O8rr0R NOVEMBER, 30., noo APPLE will mn only a al ly are cojlmtst� gi a I v AIRAL ESTAT� FOR SAL A� 0110 1101 1,110Y thlni: )ngS IVIlell,!111OSt Of til I 1 JOHN the book of ob dvscrf what reall. down with scarlet fesver or havo i� hich don Aelit'lliv '41.117- "m 01' . E(ALF.—Vlne aerc4 rf land friv being THE SPIRIT OF U N I E T 1r colds that 6reaten jiolv tie kind of solile jiltivne.11 will pics.f. They N ly occurred, bot I lie i t the, SALE Lot 12, Conceesion 8,� II&Y. Thute to a fralue, eteers bzwtc Ispeak of it thr,y ca I I L a dramaj. disease and now another? 'I in 0 t h- to ji,othiiig L iiiii:01;t, art! F0 use ',%rid barn also orn*t orel.ard. Part culars �&Adrm*,Urv. A� er watchin at hoine hs ii ucIt pleases ill atid 'ow on *p - MU.] ROBEnT XYDI), 84., N they -believL all ti r -who at h plication mother! 1; Olzed 0 It with Ou" POWZI Z11 UP I C bLlt t yo-ur Mixt Intel view th,ey tr�r Ilhu I ord as the their IA Disoo.Urse oy-Or. Talmage From - t lOr in the 6 .810iow how. thesq, sc(.�nes had noth-' church' tak s the acranic aid of I tirta i NLEY Fdft SALE —For eale Lpt TA E 9, Concession 1, 1.01 a ural, but cail. mission se ool tells he aifs of the r is enti fflruedl.ld� containing l out, 100 acrt:%- 00 acres be, accounted fo- -1. natural causes. Street how they njay, beco ic, s(;ns and to sell his coticoctio" a --the ridicul- Lima Crxiq BEATTIE t 'daughters of tl ' Lord ity. r0a ftoai, nA4r the village an Unusu' I Text. hig in thein supernE cleared and in a god qtatt of Cul Ivation. the re- out mong religious th ollsly low price of .aboit Is 2d. 1wr J tfw.� tt I ( ' adding- ab ic mainder to hardwocd bush. Thereare; fried build. #111rot 001111111111LII PLORED All , tho hat -1110ther at home Is deciding C-711 D E 00 THE GADABOUT EVIL Ories and fiever satjt�,l ed, allon and tit tilt- saine in.le to ilial:v T#T*V In— 12 acres of whcat,�30 seeded to graw, a good 9 ajodod Aud tc evid an the destiny of the state y the ay drc�ard and plenty of wr-t-r. Will bo sold cheap -ence is put' befor thein, nprofit upon the tran-ic- -H tod on easy terms. Apply oA. J. ROSS, Bruce. virsew stars. gwhy do -they not, ren ler a verdict? she leads that boy Int.o jig -it think- Lion, Alm of his be �el wid, P. 0. 167641 the Grca� NValtt of, the etarch and the fi ac ting and is. de JdIng the. in If they cannot make up their m sees the iight in or near TEA( XVorld�; Is More � ; a 1) 'th Lbl(Ei FOP.] 9 -teadfastnex. and More WiLl, all.�tlls, welfare of solne.futuroi Il Ul Y (USE ANDTHREE data puV before them, don. I I FAC-SIMI 'E ur1raigned offers foksalo his cott%gbjn Har. ample she is ailer sells it airlin Lit alloill HER WAI Fixedness of Purpose—All U"Cat Suc- they never -%vill. setting; th t girl, and 111111111111 I i;�hool &Ctic tiurhey with a &circa of lav& in good state of cultlVa- 90 also an are Unfixed in regard though the world does not a�)preciate P -d o,plat_t,�d with fruit and 4irnamental trorg. There icesse8 Have Do6n. Gained OnlyThrough Y : or, if bottl( and IL T 4r ard dal in the plowe with plenty of hard and -Ion and d 7 tile 11no -ved work heavni, watches py A Ible up to De' TURE I)CUtiftlIly and c( bwelibed, t S It oad stable o o their spiritual condit. A*(ege table Prep a ration for As - soft water. Fer-ces tire in r;od order, - Thera -ire ItIon. and Struggle., n tho other hand, -9i after day and year ftcr� year go and rewards. L 0 the considerabl enhan ed price of, Ut. f q � #even rooms in the houve wl tch Is good repair. The lffdodandRegula- pren. ca way be viewed at my thne. JO 38 PH P. 1Vaqhj11gtO1l; NOV- 25.-4'rolI1 -an, un- gadding alyout, hopes and you have 41101"m I women Nrlio are off ay, six1lonce lier pint I,otLIc—­0ur at illeetill .9 human Liagc- in this -dis- fears and anxieties. They sing with ip famous 6 EST 1111 itarialn and phil- dM50MA and)Dowds of t lanning for th s claret. IN SrP%)RTl1 lroa reblike.,4 -the pirit of unrest great emphasis that oJd hymn which A par Licit I -it -DESIRAULF, PROPPIR �vhlle Loirs own SALE—Beautiftilly bI,u-*tcd on Centro Sbraot ebaract.crizes o inarly people W6 have all wid the outcast, of the of certain 13viLish -led and un- STRAYSTEE1 childro.n went unwasl adI.Ifng Beattie't; Giove, Triere are tw6 I Ag planted &lid _.-jhoN1vs thew the happiness -, and as afforded the Food -ig U) kno',v; , Z;; I." � Vis a point I lot eir garments iboiLi; fte 2ad of Ieallir uoderntath the t it causes anxim with the choicest of fruihAroes ct all kindi and I . kempt, tb needing. re- to be foun(t ill stability; Of s thought; Preservatives ConinAttee, by 11rofes- shrubi. A frame house, at and coteqDigesti 111111,11 borns 00. All dining o1 -Why gaddest pairs, their manners impudeAt Corfleld. Tf is scielitist., x -house, a sitting room summer L, Do I love tile I,ord ot no? sor W. bero wL,,14e nuisa ee Vill A"d%Iaterkitchens an -1 fo r bedroot hard ud themselves a; general to the fsaAdF �Irtsneithff i ri ad, thou about so much to chage . thy Airl I his- or alli I riQt? ( 1 which they Ive. who is c(insulting -ary TrIz it will scft water. it is one of the most plemvir'-'av lolat \xommunity in t nor Nuieral. X . n �P, f- i 10 11. NI 0 nl(.c of WDrics, stated judrMorphinc IS ON T= I _30inforabl*sot cnverlunt residences in seaf)rth whethe Thd book of ainual givei,4,photo- Why do..you n t find out and will be stild choap. A -ly 0 Jo�IAII WAT. 11olliel is the illustraVion by' which that be' coninionly found ACITNAHCOTIO. FWAL 1 1700-tt thi� lyhot of tears deplores the you ae his or not? L There are all graph' of Afephibosheth laxLel in both 4. S ON, 8 0 -3 fox t h. I T cid in the broad- invitati* h feet, When we see any dn' lame in 113, Naciflati(I)n of the nation to whom, Accept them. There ato all th r one foot. ar.laine in both feet, i've X L Lot W, added lie, for the- 1jenefit of his 91a '�J fE R vt HULLETr FOIL B&LF. ir of AM FOR $A otalat 75 acres, F want,ud alliance surances. Apply them, Thor wonder by What accident he cared, uudcrdra*nw1, will fanced,J irritating ,Arhich %va'S elem-and in A I allot. aind ab-1ut 40 ill -id liow with Assyria nfc. . J all the hopes of pat-dor and h lained. I'lerhaps It may have XWJ There are faIr buildl and now on the e e .. ;i WRAPPE eaven oresseeded to grasi. and now with There is a good orchard, and a nevn-%Ilin,,�r, spring much in 11'r afflicted poo- Adopt them. 's the,Xing'4 been in battle for hiis country., or I e bun SftBQ 'noNv what the wa �? - A," -N! (lid not Is. Roddzi, seur we I at the tll(. n t creek run% through tha fc&rw and a goo :)Ie as a orn solv t. VX OLIVERY Wour, is 0orivo -a run over by Som dC(I, nd the behavior "PAlland is -nmeb house It !a near Seto)[ an poit offi of the nation highway. Start on It. Travelitig may Pave ibeL a ap undid Pxrm, A fabrica'Led sherry, which can vanlent to the beet uuhr-kt-;t3. It Is any road, you are not satisfed unti. driver,' or some oxplosion -UrMS in the toWL0 and 1 renihidud the prophet of a inan or no' a fLot of wa�ta Iqnd a Iva I adapbod for 0 'It you.hava found out Whcther it iq th( did the dainage. SO You wo4der-haw Sol(] at a gof)d profit f'or Is it vialbes' -a AL It Ill be 011ild obeap iremig" �ior t w rid on easy woniari %Vho, not satisfied -with �:BOr=LU OR b6tl le, is, prepared from cidej anc '3fephiboshqt.h became la. terms, Appir try the unlerilped, Seaforth P. o- hoille goes froni place to- placc righ me n both 0 t road. or the vvrong road inare obnoxio5us . things. "Chaw- 1609 tf yoti.clfmb up In the darkness. to: feet, ThelDible for a gCo L reason YANE ROISON� never s gadding 11)OLlt, is et- oax which. is lso be ter left till- 0 Pa jiing the - finger b ce us tIl At, Hgy Fox and he giv rticulars -It, tells us 10 AND LOT IIARPUtt cots 11 alt wh ell c is nurse touched, is preimi-ed by Uie wily fab- p mfec t Rej hu !ornforta,bl Why gaddes S VLE.-For i a'c t frame cot- Oil to thein, t ight road, but if it te 'the wron dropped him. 1�'fie inust ha) dropped rical or. 11tor .Sour StomachDiarrIloea, %HOWAS SRO' tagola 11arpurhoy boilongingto the fitindoreignod. o intich to change thy r IT hatever the bortcominks of tile W01 MSC contAnathre) bed room,,, sittIng now, dining Srou cross over to the righ the roadside to ce if it be th: that he was a �ild Redy for , e it road him very aaird, for be ne-A 0, again onvulsionsyevwerish, roorr, I.Itchen and. PaLtry. -- It is on a 111oneJoUudo6_ A. road. , If you are oil the sea., YO 'got over the effect of tliat fall.. Long 13" it ish �vinc fal0r, ai)d they Lire s;; and Loss oF SLEEP. wd - water. tion with a go of nellar: riNo h and oofir a Nyorld. lins noxv a-, 111any 4 f t ne in% want,- to know Into what port you aiter the lecident -we :flnd him at ulan, it certaill tbiLt for sh(�er The lot cot,taina:f tit an nere of land, ha on it a XZod satist"tion gel'" gadabouts ias it had ill Bible times, us W44 of I r upo what ..ocks YOU 4rE I's table, but'still our at- audacity Ike must -iold TuA1111 (O otal�sfe &!!d Is welt pan&cdvfth vario wril run oi Xing� Davi TacSinIlte Signature of small froilti. Iq IS- I)hf 330tly Olt � t. of a n of and I think that.0 race of people. dOR09 is inore nuili6rous now than it - ever ill danger of crashing. ThIs inqlnent tantion,is called to the fact that his h Is Toutollic colllpAAitors. Ill tile be sold ch to bh' ox.p. Appf� )owner, MRS. GF C n point- feet were crippled, thougl so of Ildniburg alo: A K SON, soa- io long me Iel A, STLLERY, Jlexl�,rth, or to I I is possil)l PK � NVUH, Ghtdabout,s ainong occup tions yot' rim JAMES W.ST have 'all tile 111fol'illa at C&Storiiiii IS Pnt I1716-tf lz EVVr -YORK. orth. -c - his nure droppOd III)', And 'relia P lu 0 jing to the road Ibat U.,raililLites_ befoi to e hilit tions o' practiclly- e bottles only., t Is zot sold 'n. bulk. Milo. religious I h eo rics, �nlbng mistato, 1plaefs%fte the-gaxd of the Golde-9 CiLt Li�nd he that to -day, - in Lll depart- Avintl! and spirit under the stin at -Do allow -ijoyane toi IOU _ bL&Tgft y _D AR14 rO,RR SALE GEL T 11LENT. be East half -CIlv.q01 al 11 borh oods, you anytbing 11111 ,long tivi, and s' I fe there are tllo:�e crippled I rice -t - I voya e that 'anc.ior i ho heave ments 0 Ili-, British -wine also on the esor prozake thit it of Lot TO and Lot 0 on occasion of olle (if the wan(4 of . the or no Var4 All Crip_ Why g ) on guessing t.1,ir nllls� Stflll(l aglltlSt, is "Justal good at Lot 52.�Conc Malfillop containing about 146 acres, a out 60 aorea of eternal rest. in habit c�ippled in nior0s, ana 11 ill ai&war veryvzur Inioj ndedo; 0 cliurch the orld 1. whan you have, 8 11 the 10,CLS before pled or a I tiuic.. The accident h4p- pose," Ala-SceteUatwort, #_e feared a;�d in. good workln- ordar. her are 7 slil I ' 1 1 s, h o,,N- ever, the pqlate nerts of fill wheat. Good buildingi, aty of good fstries- anf.1 woe, fixedness xof; pur-. water and & small orchard. It Is cent fly eltuateJ you? So, Lillis'. tlere- a'a th9so who: Pened in this wa.3r: The r mothe is a hvttar 'A Dritish Rast The fla. N'L ST4DG, Ith a ood gad about mong- particulai were ga� hef Indian house wiis recentl offered 1;iy, 17- Its' for markets and ot ior coni enlenoes uF d t Simile d apouts and.. negle te ZT, UOF�l OF WRAPPER. gravel road passing by W Asix-al rM wo b hi le sepking diVinO gUi(74 W - i A ',No Lo pend or k Ing Ift, I -g lahisky at 2s chisroahes. r a in Ll homes id the wor (of train tibut export ors taken in part payin.ent. It not sold y the 146 of 0 011c- lo BREEZ a service, At soulc n over to ircOmPetelit, 1 1 (I I doyon ca Decerobt r will be rontoot. The timbat an the road -thern: f( )r a hmn Grp yp�r (),%v -n t(sinperaincrit, Tile e.,L an I brandy Lit Ut% 0 S 1()(1. is. I. 'y L and McKillop to also, for 'tilne Wile s, _awl the nurses let, them fall I] KhbredC llowance betwee n' he'l as p�opared a set . . . . . . . -or by the N mp, The t! mber 9 -%vill tell you our -nen- nursc le .90 t of I)oison 0 0:918 gate by the acre II into '-bad habi L8, told the, deprav- 0 f _IVb I ell ( bred y0w"HIRIC I jnon,. after till �)ra,yer and re- -be i able for railliandw-t od, AoplyonLoblOoradic3s I prpelivities. "I'lie ph.xsiologist witted lot 1) L1 --�c nd Dius6le and in:g stori tolli you.Your physical tempera- of n rili] tile. Waltn P. 0. tting nei and gave tit i wrong wilite rigs for em list Pro t ect i ra to. The invilit. Yor: enewles. ill Lell you braln. and goul ill to U� every Pa,a- notioiv�'of life and praotically ruined N, I ire VA.LUAREPE PROPERTY FOR S&LE -Far 9�10 in t attend- them. Dot as Alephibo beth. was liquor if; il,e lljo.qj, 11011S potat grapll, these InIcriw tho as we the village of Eqm,)nd V1110 %,out, weal�nesscs� If A.-OLI re, aluable aud ocated promis erilKned. The proporty conals's of bw acrea of g A land,, We I IL", (10 not 'While an, absence ex ace and Seated at the r0al table, on R VIM V IIQL L there to Ilear it taken by King David int ) the pal- by strong a . aur - pleasantly I a of the Ind do no t_beeoft "*a geon, If ou Lire- coward wits are The Red''Tr t F 'miture I tile gratifici i drained and euldvated. T tire is a o3mfortable cusable fol so by the- grace of the hcwtc�ily King Iframahouso,a good sta,bfc,ptgpe0 %ndotharnee. becooio a.ri origincer. 1 f re b 0 ttloW of SOME Al to heal. tht, is conse-, ise. u n -tunate oVe.q in ly yet be 01, At hard and - 1),�Y I, thL fox n ly Wholesall ing for aild C it Ine 1bout 41(1,000 heclo- enl- r. d W we are ft water. Tbore are al�a 14 Cra hKftjg',,:� tab e in the eijiaTy outbul dings an the pr large lit in- Led or Oratorio; IT] seated at and nc 00 goad itrult birnes, l.4 of gvnfih,o Has been. ten-eived, renovated and apple@, p'umcH and peara -, b381408 99MI) choloff small co- King's palaCe, though thu mrses did 1) I11, If Yo[l jia(ljrall�, quick qll(, exports n a p fruits.. lb!s % twjob destrable place fee � rottreT far. I 22800)0 b cc, I i osition to offer the public all the newest designs of Parlo, )f EL cliurch with his them 0 that (:Y(; calls 1,11c, drop arket grardonor, nal will go chotip, DPIY do not becou)e a ininister they "" liti-Ps in lidditioin to tl,e 2,000,000 Bedmom and Dining a�- very tempting ice s, - Also, a Aur lun)b4Lt Ron w.ir or in. ta WM. C, Clark, Eai)nAvillo. .1'. foL Il Of by your. presenc(i laille Ill bo P, r while anyone is in ber own Inn(l. v6ry nice line of lqhaire in all ilie newest Style. ew lina of AnJ?Ine. being L 1i I101e, Old. ph ce p' Lictically a 0 ne ba4 habIt thelse gadabouts,- lluriwr Red Cedar 7 drsadvantaged by dIs-. ho-ar- out I U F OIL dALE.-For it i U)b to Oanwmfo "I h Pietu,rea just in, verychrap. We eXtend a cordial invitation to yom mi ere. to get the J)enei Illasculi Stanley, containing 10 acres mo, q,or lesq, 93 ne r feininine, . ard ure to r position the -re is -hardl a ii.y.one NN I -o- Ihe conswnor of tilt-ohol I I ,Is sr(;,j 'ful, tboughts You and see us and our stock. fit of all the, 11se get, &11(1 at is of scalidal distrib' every ore to COMAB neongi-tiotis part as foev to fa le Avi t h vet tivation, 8 acres In fall whet t and the suede d. -roa cleared and 7 w3ron of �uih, to afres unlor wil- Iall I. if, 1-13,11131si yo it inad minister. - (:tin ,,ou -intike E6 lilay L111 Ler till of tion. Y hear so many delateri- for his favor- tograss. The farm is well fmaed and unhordrainad- E A f inkly give,011tianc of all the prayer,� in T11.111lis to tile, %ith plentv ofgood water o)iivvn1cnt to b.alldin thic slcetclo of a, ship or rock. o*r houe Otis th about other'? and see so go of wh1c4 there are a good fram) hou4c with kitohen and 11OU MaY.OfTer.- 'I a ctdier of Jesm M-stell of wlon'g behavior Lhat they (if Dr. qi 111011svil, of TA41es"d gen walls- underneath, largo drfve shei and �pi-Z Musa Cr CEr wood obqd attached, two larye bank barns with aton6 or face? li/P 'Itil at*LfSt. I)o yoil find am in my oN-vi) 'place in th( Lire loaded p nd loaded (I.o,%,,,n with snto -IT_rQ_1DE3_1=trT A 3K3: If 1111ilitilino cadences, and CIO patirenage and 116 C, onipany, Ia t1i bttalion, iA 'tile the faults f others, and tile), have iViih to let YOU kit with cement floor, % large rGh%rd Of choice fruit. flic, clef and thr- bars d I)oti I)aper hnd fall, and their :cars full, ready to 40 Iny b hools, (111 YOU coill -their eyes Ibiacoavenl4ntto chare oft:oo and fie drop fralli our Iwil 0-agily, kilid ct�n andTbia department is complete with a large selection ,of best goods n Iit Is 6 milee frow Brucoil I �iation with good gravel an( in -doing your wo I Wherl obliging -attention given to this branch of the business, amd -1 W� farm and in good conditiod nd wilt be sold cheap. 'who her it? Be it Are yoll illouLlis full of defamation. "Fhe wo- n a 4, it inake a tune th.aC clittruis 1-1 and thei� � 118.11(19� fLII, and their roada loadin g In all dire- I s. ThIa iq a first claff YO Oppo Im well as For. full PaCtIC.111L ars apply o W9. KcAI,19TER, C511 11lan W116 i's endowed goods RUINVAD -n with a. fondliessJor rgu� (I r!XI E. oil liot �sip can' O'17110 U -so of colored Night calls promptly attended to- by our UnderfLaker, r. S. T. Holros Be an -att-oriiey. Are you -1 will OoiilA Ho�ariily unite her b6n�loe,L� strings for bot- Price But, -611, how Lhv ties I I as rOCNI'LlY lievil Goderich opposite the Methdistt ch and sit down to spend the ,ti'tienoon. Led str at, Seaforth en ow) FAim Foa SAL� AT A BARI)AIN IF riaLu Ily a, good tilli-so and and tak $10JI OCoj,v iliti-en, and -Ld of Ooderb G801I)i BEFORE FIRST OF NOVE11BER.- IIlistek r you a c igar as A nof iiian? This farm le situated in the lCounty of Huron. town. o -)Nn ineeting I)III)li ]led by �Churioh -e ou interested retainer if -you patienLly hear a Iie a physician. __i the ithip of Stanley, belasc Lot 4 Concession 13, It can. . el -Y LlIer prayer all lie has to say Illose who BROADFOOT, BOX & 01. tainaBOacrea,10noresotw ch 'a hardwoj buili, ill all quosLions of traffic and Ili bar- 1001 'tile, SocieCy he wall fenced and under- lid ��uncha schools. I Moot cannot pay their debts, oi- are about decribes t'he colors for bot- d . proper drained. There is a goo comfortable dwelling gain hiaking9 Arp'.You apt to be. 1119-9 " .. i theni" oil the st.rovt going the wrong to fail, or are, guilt of moral Illis- tles %\.Iiich are to conLain medichies, '"ceo."ful- on large 'Or SItlall UY r house, a good back barn and a frame straw shed, a. _W1 lvay Oil Sundy or evening, hap, or - have aroused suspicion of liquors and other substances. In or- S_ A :FO good well at the houja and one at . the barn L and 4 Be a, merchant. Do you Ili efer: coun- ion f and I accost thein lit flic -%Vords of embezzlenient. All gadabouts are der to Secure protect never failing creck runs 6hrough Phe back end of try life, and do ou like Lho pl.o*, thotaryn. There is a fine orehardith all kinds of tile text, WIly th0L1 about aek and do you inusic in the rus- peddlet-5, -who unp. in your pres- lents from the chemical aL�tion of the tr ,ult. Thisfarmis c-onvenionttochurohes,echools, so inuch to thy way?"': market, etc, For full parll,-ulara apply itpin the tl c of a, harvest Field? 13e.a fa�rniar. enco their large store o nax voinica: lig'ht EL gl;lss of dark color is used, premigoB or address RODE P. DOUGLAS, Box 13, text, also addres Ys those *ho and nightshade, Such �-radabouts and the best for thIs purpose are Blake P. CY. r10 13 Are ou fond of inachinery, Lind are 6- in earch - of 'Implill are going 'have little of 1waven. If blaak (Opaque), 'red, rn a NC0901111 Rubbers (urning eels to you a. fascina.tiollr I in ' hither and yonclor lo( -VARN IN TUCKgRiAll FOP. s&r-For saie" eil'n o.11 follow g I ing for.. that they got there, they would try to clark yell'),wish brolvil. Next to Lob 11, Cc IT .... 'WIL h iong th GAIN neagasion 8, uckeremith' a new I.c.,ind of thrieshill nia- whielt they find not. ' 1P eir tili is create jealousy an Itho nuitter Of prot ectioll all cleared but ab Lit 8 &circa of good bush. Made by the You to atten 100 %area, t It Is ur derdralned, well fee ad. and In it, high state (-Ii'n(! hot r after l3e a ille- �s, " and rauks of colestials, and iria.. e.trouble st-and bronish dark ------ AD I RUBOER Cq- I firo I nd. Leas, andi among the heavenl naigh)ors, L and green 1hat is Wilhout a hIttish tint b ! nd Short of oultil There Iff a g od otone nolloo; good chaniv, If you onjoy anal . %zing (be .9reSSIVO etIC il. I - Canada's oldest and Rubber 'Map- barno d3blea and out-houieu. It Adjoins a good S , I it L is and ­aL s tart quarrels scraphic, mid. -would Lind clarki ufacturers. practical IlUt it ral elounent in( I i -born I ory fie so hree Jeft-ta, 1141 t- be. on perpetual ruli, now, Jown this I)Iti( I green, -,-joiet, I )iI 1,� . blidsh An extrit thick corrugated protectio,J) i Wiles from. Kippen. There a plenty of geod water. Robbi-rap "' . . Ith or without the crop. -night, be a cho Will be eold w It Is one of If,yoll ers: nd, ilsLead of�findiz I ig happi, streat and now 'up that, now in the awl coiO lvs.§ glass 0 hut little band �of pure rubber. �!onilng high on been in to 3hool ; Is within five milei of Seatorth, and t could viltertain -irou ;-tit day wy-d all Itheir need the beat (arms in the towneb 1p, and will be sold on - CLIli.91tive al)ouf- ot-ber worlds rifid in- tll(.-y get pale c)ieek,_ and in., house of many niRnsions, and now proloction1froin tho, arti le 0 the upper (see the ell Thick soles f easy terms, a& the proprioto wants to retire, Also ilia, alld illdigcstiop, and neural- in the choir of the temple, and now of pure rubber and 1. ps and he,eIs t f 50 acres: within a Milo and tor, a good grasing tores Led In all �fnstrunivntq that thn tinligift. For Y faeffitv� rin llot, well fenced, but no bull will lie sold to - that wo lid 1) _q, heill nea for giR, Lind exhaustion, and all abbrevi- on the -%valls, and now,on the gates,' 1)ppr alirl I ors a gR ss )f Clark extra strength and thi bo�i gether or separately. A I ingtke prom toes, or ad a Led. lifetinie. Thcre is wore until they would be chiosed down lo-tvish br ' py in,4puction, be an! a!itronoiner, If the mvii or dark btownish--,vel_ Tbese-are soles -people . 'I that Nvear as long as dregs EXwonolville I big$ MUTLVISH. We are Krass unler your fovt and tile oliage splendid v%'011111111100d sacrificed and . pushed out into the I)aiidemO- is 'the best. hein I hat wa in otir citics than in any nium. of backbiLors ancl slanderors prove It, 0%-(,r yot, r head and the owers other way, They are the ARM FOR 8 UE. -For i ale Lot is, Concession 8, which shake their inwnse' Ott tile The juqg ent day can af ter Jeremiah had addmssud them ThO Fashionable Colors. -st and best FTuakeramith I contain-' n1kk, - reveal -the awfill lolocall9t of, in the words' "Why gaddest thou trnillea from Satorth, stillinior 4ir tire. to ),oil flic bvIlos let- trong J. AV. W not Is I a a good st%te o 1c b7i acres. Tit oultiva. reen I S undoubtedly one of tile jangled nervos; and. the suicidal hab- about so much to chanKQ Illy Nvay?" heav rubbers ill tion. On the place is a largo) frame bouse in good I Ct botanist., Y Of bo Us of intich o inost fashikl)nable col)r,, ill millinery, ... repatrA.nd heated by a, furnabe, trink brn with good -ott:ha-ve no one fticiilty doillin- our social life. The Canada. Now, what is the practical use of stabling, now atonalft pe 24x46, driving ohod, uirt In - illf-diltin and dark ON&"? L 'I"l)is': hrLook first clans candition. Lint and nothin 111*al.:e lip hiLtiary' of SuOl. well, for tho. the prv.sent disc for this Meeting Of t, woodshed and everythInK ip Plenty of K�od water and 'windmill to pump it. The to, point to this or tha ( occu- . stol%� is tibmit how. thuy as, so ilially, have ruined theniselves %V1111 a I oll ch )f gray land Is well undoirdrAlned, There to about 12 acres got Lheir death while, 1tanding in at,-� and ruined others by beconing gad Drol,wn, holds its trade mark on the X*U-c to hem, 8hut IlCounty ,of Hurt)(11 of fall wheat and the plouthilIK is all done. It will oxvil in it] I ha des anel deep -toned soles. get down oh vour; kn'evs and tire of. galize, lvnitir!ig for 1 -hp. car-: abotfts ainong occpationri, among In Obe T*wn of M be sold ch(ap and �rma as the propric or 6 riage on a ra�v n1f,,h."t,1 On the front religious theories, popular with oung and old to golixg West, Pomeoglon �ffivon at piny time. For reverently ask 0"od what lie . niade among churches, December further particulars apply to WILLIAK EBERIIART, you for and tell hilli that you dre steps. - Find nie one initin or one alike, Castor is alnong tile noveltiois, 1 'AT. I ' EPT. '86, 0- among neighborhoods; the.-efore, re- fade by on. the prowleou, orto Somforth pod offl,,e, 1034-tf and is'a favorite front tll�� ftlut tilitt Deved at Godetr)4 �villing to'db tmthing thaLlia i.9h_ pimn who Ili fill the 'Xotnds of Ideas- Sol- i ved, that wo will concentrate up- it o well with 1) n1r, bl THE CANAD1 V e and hits! follild a PieCej on what is right thought. and right ue or 'AN I BOER CO -%-oil ve that Ll ARM IN STANLEY POK SALE. -For sale, Lot vou to'do. llefor( F 9 and the. west half of Dit 8, on the 12rh conves- Of happiness as lar.e�as that. htilf ArV(41-- N,e!l(;\v unit orange vel- rootti ou ill find wit,-For.-thesako behavior and waste lio title in va.- TORONTO, MONTREj �L, WINN4PEG stun, or Drownoon Lino, of St3nlcy. This farin oon- of X'our ILI dollar \\hich, vet, vttrti6lli�-ly in the rriare varlo- sofulness arid and the bor evolent and cillations and Indecisions and uncer- tains, 160 screv, all of which L is cleired, except four sIH likel to bo used for and aternal -Christlike soul puts J11110 tile es, 1%fires. It Is in w state of drat-clare cultivation, w Welfare palln tainti -running about. In places ell tri I The annual int riced and all uriderclralned, r Thera do not !,oin 'of of the liand of that int)ther whose ninflng, land for niak- ostly with tile, t 11 a L crowd pe6plei where we have no busin,,,ss to be . f the Wint! 'rolls 40 Ing toques, hicli Iai Cirup- to a largo frame dwelling hoose as good mi now, with children are crying ffir bread, h'ort we have no time 1 vill ba hc1d ij t! good atone foundatio4. and oollar, lairxa I &bottt. tittiong Life is so s LO )ank Imirn rift. Find e 1 how trying Aniong tile, q 4adabouts at-(,, (I w, t 11 Deeanber, forw! i x1th stone btabling underneath, hud nutrerous other play with it the spendth I thoso who ncglect tqir hoines in out whether the Bible is true and AIL10 theappoinv bttlidin if, Including a hir, a pi houuo Two good thi andlilwv flitt.t-and never I TJ 0 i it IT'S NOT THE COOK the �conapany fo� of oho no fruit, a do Zee ahado and oria- a,cvon)pIf14hIng order that. aft.end to Iristi- whether your nature is immortal, 'Too Large a Bite. may beecessul mental trees, There are two spring orooka running At hrough the farm, and plenty of Kood watex all the All I ii have tutions thA.t* Eire really lex'collcilt and and whether ChrisL is the divine Ltnd aboill 800 ralles -o- to attend, year round without pum.ping. It Iff woll altuati.-d for lievri 9 o I -q losi I. 1 on and do not imich ask for lielp as dc- only Saviour, and whether" you must one atid 500 the ofl-cr, it Is no IE STOVV—tbat's to. BUT T1' rnarket%, churches, school -j, post oftf-,o, &c., a -id good inand it, I am acqi,alked, as , you have him or. be -sliscomfited, and -Gooffi var, the in- wonder the litis-dan bear d,-nies ba.v­ Wame for most of the ill -cooked gravel roadd leading frox6 it n all directioriu, Ill Is, W-0, Xt illi wolilvil Who are inein v whether there will probabjy ever be a( the first gulp. At bers within'lawof Lake Hurongand the boats can be VerlLo", lia.111v is. no w it SYn I n.4 S Wfil I X%'ed I t deen passing up and down from th house. Tots is till tit meals ynotb.0 the new e world oyer foi- b To the for- 0 I so mny of diroction of a more auspicious ninient for your least t-svo bites at v. of that Y one of the beat equipped farm nL the county, and benevolviit, lill(I 11 tune Lo forhine, inan ave. to beeoming . his adherent, and then magnitude are to be loolied for, and and will be gold on easy tormp, &'P tho propdotor wanti to Y chin d tand,at, a boolh I]) so Inany frors, make this 1.2 o'clock at no :)n of Nov. perhaps several inore., bLt there is Irettro on account of lit health. Apply on the pruir- vop through tile foeo,orrk-1AreogI1!xkor.O. JOHN15UNN.- 1011Y-tt Culd iin ebtor's and nitist collect inany 25,' 1900, 6e Most illutflous'min- little doubt that UAe robust antla �and Lire ex- IMPERIAL 0 XIFORD rison nd vattiv with his fmily to IIute that you will ever have passed ill PU24 AN! dol -r jar Mt.61r. _Qrly it V11 soon, "ARK IN HAY TGWN-q4ItP FOR SALE. -Por sale, Lot 22, on the North Boundary of Ray tilt, of but con- P('(� to he ill so 11�1, - Lily difTerent since the day of your birtl until the 85 ma ith, V ton millionth cycle of tie coming -Twenty-five Victoria crosses have been Township. Thifffarm contain,; lOn acroi, res ifiltil 1)111�"s LItt' tlI0 Fall)(2 011H 0"t their the rest goad hard%vo;d bu4.h. Itlawo) fill. IR_A6 unlif lit, niore ilit�n. children arc lifl to i -re- eternity, beeause by coxrplc�c sur- awarded iso fair in the South African war. h, of i i derdrained and fenced. Thete i -Li a go7,d Htone house The _t1l -fo .1(1'8 ponsIble a c- with a Wo. I evilar -, large �%nk barn ; Implement can he III(' "Vol if tile little rendbr of!thoiight and wil, Eight have hoen given to captains, three to iq afTL t ll!c� rAwla-o btvblInX lit -it It till(] volitforL, ti,q w(,] I Li to at tion zind'li�u to God tbrojgh�Jesus - ffh(-d' obv(p house 7Ox76, %Uh If I ( ones IN lieutenants, i4cluding the one ten to LAY And have a ifetime of kitchen com to orchard ; 2 good 11 t llg!.. I-ri(se I l(i -would never - tec6n my ; it's th rid and root-co[lax anderticath, a ��,ocl d their Roberts by ptioxy for, her dead, soD, four to T. wells and,09torn. There is 12i twreo of fall whom t h"n Christ you hecon a, Ilew 1211 , fort an el neweat a ind say tllcil� c�'i�liing at- all.','-iiiell, new woMag sergeants, fo�r to corporals, two to majors howed ou' a rich (allow, well martured, 40 acres a liew. soul, an.4 God - finekt ringe made has li and one each to a gunner, a driver, a trooper ded down reocritIv, the roRt in geood shape for tind W. I it;l(l 1101110 so lih- the 1'ather, and God the SO and tlust, by at cro This to a Ro. 1 fa.rrn, wi4l situated for of God tile Hol Ghost, and all nd a private' infantryman, ampplying a I p ind 500 otill-t-8 ill list 1-11 t Ions ngel- a 111aricto churches, Behoolq, poKh office, otc.,and . I I I -his t (lie (hilihoilse or the menal uccesi because of its many improvements a. speicial ticnW1 featu*s ill lie soI roaaonab'v, Apply*on the prenflavo, or wht tiff(I. -pluck (10. dom, cher;iblin, and scrap] hn,�, and pnee, To vaeri W P adlroj�� U011FRTN. I)LYUG fiffiike, Out 1668x,,,tf I n a t Vhildron of ( hat house archangel became your alli S' .1 -the- late fitm. eclusivey its own, and will give you enduring satisfa(Ain. is an I d i rig, Kell t I arL .114 thorolighly oil Y. of leqS [IrLol pay KFNDID rARH FOIL 8,�11&--For sale, A splon. 11it'll, W1 I u - Fatal Ala I V%110 van I otind Pa'lnf ;1, did tArni and hotel propa�lly. Thid frm is on i%--L)M-F- LONDON VINE ARDS. sion of the Tonehip of McKillop, at th­ lll� drtssed poul the 13th conevu for .Hsease kin -Seeing'll; believing—+I,at o the Village of Leadbur.� it contains 112-i acrei, 1611 9 Y ur negres' agentE,. od,uce Inot di low. glit from. ol)- celitil-Ij. (1]. N11.11cil _V�*Jnei lakir of whi(,h aro 0ered, except abotit three acres. It to ing, o'ind ust ri ou.N!y 41 ­btlt %A Ito In l- One of tn%goodatate of etiltiva�lon,boiitgwL and ill invans Yarloas i4rands most commo Symptoms Ined, and ouit%ble for grain g lot kidney dWease is the! sn-inting, scald- n o 4-fil Prot-esseh, underdra rrowing or atock lon" .4t.- of 'Ann raloing and teediniC. There is not a, foob of w %at) to inst it lit ions and give 01(111 much in. itn wlEn passing Nvater, For sale by ILLS IE' land on the farni. Them are two good dArelliag FM i -(Ia.v W L L L e willie if,,, at of flivir thile Lis ilcat but Tu 1, day of LIJ ly to come very frequently -r� 'till of Coal, a. hov(� and at Inc rivenient timvi. Then there houSea, aL large bank barn with atone atabling Under- nuath, a Dirge Implement house and all niiSessary itile first dilty C&HInt.1lother Is the fakir, �so,�s Lne I.undoli 14' 1 3 4u. innipeg, buildings in tire t-,Iuo repair. , There are three or Clut the dull, illeavy vhIng in the sniall The Gurney Fo r dry Co.) ronto, Itli'l k" (I I)o N ONN'VS to IlVl 110 lie. u lit Ill Ll�c histol of the Limited To rif the bae �'qrfd the limbs. ellrds and four never -falling walls. The farm -ad. No ollo,cali lalw a 111olther, C' tradu Ili's tivVil -O mot folnotheVillageof Dndhur) whore are stores, p;iab oexPeN to gilt t1int Coal In s 11ILfl 0, When the 6 it,- veonripanied by Vancouver. Jk g.all n.WfIll nl[StalCe that t1lat V! he_ I. d l.'ete, The woll (I She all d (IC -posits Im tille after It h1.9 stood to 1041 -Known it-litellgoathetarni, nd w�lll bcooldwith um I % m6ter, makes who o%xi, twenty -Tour YO may be sure AV, IY to shY Vs, ft Y101110 t. It is.,now under least for n term of years. ThW dilti,es for Lill� oru aLisiact t!tu Ichincy dis- is, one of the b"t and mut prpfitable,- fr�rm pr,)por- of Cod g, that iou a'� Y( tlesinthoCounty of Ifuroij, 411 i will be 80 N Olir iong as is u deiiiiiii(I lot, ittil- and 10sc, ciln-le day Id cheap to it,. rri )l - a - In ecuring tbe V.-4 greatest kidney A WONDE FUL ANTISEPTIC KP07D on catv toraig of pament. For flirther particulars, (hi& lif 111(.I,( y outHide hodiud applyon, thopouilsvo, or witleons the undurglictied --sto-re Ai, 1: sp's K! I;i(.Y-Liver Pills, orjom-, and at, Proprietor, JULINSTON KINNRY. to y.iii ;lri- IN.- 0 �Nr 0 91 Ind. fthis, we %N ill be Xlcl- iiinn� who vNilibit I XvIlen. you us.� Dr. (' A edicated T�Ilet -Soap of the Purest, Awarded Silver Medal Greatelt For Vale In thl 'frailly 11 I sa brick story wit I; I I t of 1-01"ioti. Veen is Britaib Exhitlition, J897. faction. Lis to how ILI ny Christ lails fabricated and it (I I I Ell- t ; all ( �N illv. a arV not It otable At-iii'a bal I A F11M RE 'ONS WHY YOU SHOULD USE NOVO. tal frogh, beet pi tve pert ill!4 Fo!ll m vr klil.sy Reg. i WHAT IT. WILL DO. 0000 lewns to] nal des to deal %�itll. is remo e p v e come tO IaO tbp only togious heases from 6 -It will clean and lint, oil and e., res fif ki neY on r--( a r s. a i i ve rKal- (in far of 1(j I cu for discax?. sk is used. grease stains from 1P =tou cloth- loo!, oN ,r bui t e appriiiiiiielling wher it W001p, and vice a St Ih oi- wir i%*.v(1,.1Y. �b-mt then, 1-1 �v nd now they 0re vothodl 9,It wl,111 oleo, and polish paint work and Also cleans cost w1lars and hate. nit-ri anit and Lhat N� Ilicil (4n tL-11I (if The and -fitroigly re- ttild now illey 11re in not kill the 1068 of the pain 7-W'cont us no alkali at d is thill noi!_-Iihor- '%�ilh tilt' idil-.1 Of by thi�, r utiv, pill a do." -ro nothing at, all. They 1 it Wi 11 01 an carpets without taking commendod for washing the head, A it its box! I or P' dni z.- naturfd glosa to -the l'It till a r .. . ... ttbetn t n. imparts a Bilky and Vvi I hv lie Was oil,,. if. 4-1t wil 'cleaa linoleume like new. 171: illy Useful for tbildre6 into o� 110 5-1t wil clem bic cle abain and rime. - ie espec goin AN ITEM OF INTEREST, tit( -is -a in.. pi ed the .41 oi ide, . wei Y get r f chld C" aild I J)el* Celit., of Avatvr, It,r it -ill. of owhetillor OWN' ptirt of tha, book Novo Is eta med I) be th"beapeot and,best paint 'DUVE Up and 20C a BLOCK cleaner on ark Try it on finger wark on doors. JL Full direotione on blocts, Marni loans takern, at lowest, rates; payniental 0 -vv ls inslilred. q,hey think at orie, 14cis Of tile thery shille ione ill, till(] Tho Lxko latLer ingrudionts tu suitborrower; satisfaction guiiirantaed; all co6v- thile Ili Gene'sis about KI d: cm L 1 wc,;, r i niondence ebeerfultv answered. ana the ell (if E'den is a history, tallied froill the clicape"'i fort I f Ila- -At cot nor of M nnio a4d h le c; n t�iat. �ijiot.h('r ported Fatrl,* streote;­evo 4 t 11' after file.%- tl-;,,k it L% an winxh4w, ont. offire Ilow little till Esta; e OHNSON BROS. Hardware, Seaforth ry Saturda all day. the 1110 iv(., �o. churches ard litayer* meet-- Very fre(jutintly these ralsius"