The Huron Expositor, 1900-11-23, Page 3• 11900 eirmiema" is a props i: . I s of -.turn, sant. 44toria q and ,i 01ates ;11!Ving (ren's i 1 11 . ;4ao ehildren !'o- any pre- kl`yer., N. r .. )F 011111 ii ii- .. .. , " ,. ore re ers a :iof i to and r................. p: 'BERS ' RS -' Brand 'I)ouble , . i. made ee of it a alel /er. .aoies- e__..._ 0 u buy brand 'ild beet _r bo, 1PEC. (a Cr taa. ;reatei and n clOth- iate. oly rei as t to the 4.1tiren. DI.00K rth 6B7•62 1 • s- 1. • ii 1-1 NOVEIVIi3R 23, 1900 IMPORTANT NOTICES. BLAKE APPLE BUTTER AND CHOPPING MILL will run only oil Tuesday and Friday after the 13th inst. JOHN THIReK. 1718-4 FOR SALE -Nide head good 2 year old rteek steers between ten and eleven hundred weight. Addresa MM. A. E. SAGE, Walton. 1716-tt -----:-:. - .s -.. 1.01,0 A. II.I'T's ee- 1,`Mis/C1 I/11V r•vvil ay zI II II a fi 8 Reiner. rt./ fr .W.ks• 4141 •••• 1.,.. -Will be told together dna. Apply to D. BUR A. a AJN'lll J.J,,•••• ... ,,.... ...,• or separately on ea S, lifeneall. 1711ett -- rolaN srArris, Clerk 1 Court, County Comm 'pupae land, Loan end ivreted and to Loan. 'emu' store, Main street, • If the Second Dlvist 4 loner, of Huron Cio nsuranoe Agent. kale Otape-Over Sharp eatortb. tea — — TEACIliats WANTED FIEACHER WANTED.-, L School Section No. 1., eg 2nd or 3rd Mese certifi °gable up ta December li sneers 1st, 1901. GEIRG toy, eloleavorth. ale Howick 4te. . or female for Ulli4 and Grey, he; Apply personally Duties to oommen ROBERTSON, So 17 i 74 ESTRA 0 ICES . _______. EISTRAY STEER.- re son's farm. 1 riksj krutthe 2nd of Novenaber as horns on. Any infer ovary will be roe arded, 'flog it will be preset: rtb. tray d f n a t We. nd ited . mem om Mr. Samuel Die . rth of Willi hro .-o•year•old red *tee leading to ite r ny person found ha A. FORBES, Se 1717-4 - SALE. —_ REAL ESTATZEIR FOR SALE.-Iiine acre Lot 12, Commie lose and barn aiso pen application. MFRS. etich, 8, erne of Ha I irehard. RO . land for sale, belt . There in a frau Partteulta 1ERT KYDD, SR 1699-tf alARBI IN STANLEY D 9, Concession 1, Lad.n ffirueeileld, eoutainin eared and in a god alnder is hardword b ige, 12 acres of wheat, rchard and plenty of ad on easy terms. _ Apply ad P. O. FOR stout Btatv eh, 30 Wat ...ALE It of Ti a e r. - 0 A. -For sato L( sad, near the villag 100 acres, 90 acre cultivation, the re ere are good bulk ed to grass, a goo Will be sold obea J. ROSS, Brucc 1676 -ti '_TOUSE Alio THRE a underaigned offe rrhey with 3 acres of Dutp1anted with fruit a good stable on the place It water. Fences are von rooms in the houele emises may be viewed 1INE -1,110ICE FARM FOR ..) well Improved fartn omprising 125 acres of atom will be efterect mm is conveniert tospho.I dna the tarp upon which inrele. Fur full description impbell. Mitchell, TWART, Ruseeldiale. A s to land 4nd Dime in wi at ,4ny SA. o Le, for . or to It sal in wi • no icsh • .- th 30, :41e an. tan a / '3 FOR SALE. -Th his cottage in ' Hai ood state of cultive ental tress. Then h pleasty of hard an order. There am is geoid repair. Tb time. JOSEPH r 1695 -ti That very choice am • west boundary line Concession 10, Ful on easy terms. Tie poet office, and ad is Iloyai Presbyterial d terms, apply to H he owner, HUGE 1717x3 IESIRABLE PROPERTY 1 RA LE -Roautifuliis- L sitursted SEAFORTH FOB on Centro Street n - de d. if c- • r, r• ie •. adjoining Beat tea Grovel. There are two lots planted with the choicest of fruit trees of all kinds and II shrubs. A frame house, etone cellar underneath the , • whole holm, a sitting ronm, dining room, summer H and winter kitchens and four badrooms, hard and soft water. It is one of the moet pleasantly lomted, , I ecenfortable and convenient residences in Seat irth and will he sold cheap. Apply to JOSIAH WAT- 1 SON, Seatorth. 170041 i F . rtARM IN HULLETT FOR SALE. --For sale, Lot a .4 a _U 4, Conoeselon 13, aIIiillett. containing 76 acres, ll cleared, underdrained, well fenced, and about 40 ' r .ereiseeeded to great tr heettare fair buildings. / . ; I Morels a cod orchard, 4nd a neverefailin a nn creek runs through the f house. It is near echoel venient to the best markets. not s foot of waste land ea stock raffling-. It will be terms. Apply to the un IA.NE ROBISON. rite and a good and eo .I: office, It ice eplendid it, and is well sold cheap leraigned, Soatorth well at the and non farm, adapted foe and on eas3 P. 9 1660 Ill 'HOUSE AND LOT SALE. -For sale tl tage in Harpurhey belonging It contains three bed rooms, room, kitchen and- prietr, tion with a go:(1 cellar; also The lot contains 1 of an stable and is well plantedaeith and small fruit 4. It is be sold cheap. Apply to SIILERY, Eeaforth, or forth. IN E1ARPURHEY e conrfortab -to the sitting . It is on a hard and Ore of land, has verioue pleasantly situated the owner, MR. to JAMES 'VATSON, FOI e frame cot undersigned room, dinlin stone tounda soft water on it a goo. kinds of 'nag and wit GEORG I Sea 1716 tf ARM ECR SALE OR, of Lot 10 and Lot 9on MoKillop, containing aben- cleared and in good wt ecriteof fall wheat. Good water and s small rchar for markets and oter cenveniences, gravelroad passing by it. taken in part payment. December will be rertscil allowance between Grey stile by the acre or by tbd able for rails and w od. Walten P. 0. JAMES CAMPBELL. _ TO R.Ev.`T.-The the 14th iut 146 aeres, ic, g order. building+, . It is centrally A small If not e-ld The timber I and McKillop lump. The Apply on Lot East hal Concession o abaut ell acre There aie ' plenty elf goo( situate, with a goo( farm would la by the 1st o an the roa( Is also to timber is suit 10 or addre3 1716-tf AUCTIONEERS. nellOMA8 BROWN, L 1 Counties of Huron 1 A. M. Campbell's iniplenient Teen Ex0081TOR C Mee, ‘1,1 Satisfaction guaraieteed, Or ceesed Auc e - eer tot MI and Perth. orders left a wareroon s, Searonh, o II receive pro. pt attention no charge. 1708 tt A UCTIO16;EERING.-B. 2.1. Auctioneer for the Pea. Being a practieal undeistanding the value menta plants me in a be•ter ;niece. Charges moderete. or no pay. All orders left at Lot e3, Conceseion 4 , ttended to. / S. Philips, cc-untie firmer a of farm- stick position Satiefact' at Hensel' 2 Hay, will , Licensee if Hurn an( d thoroughl: and imple o realize gocx on guarantee( post office o be prempte 1709-tt STOCK FOR SERVIOF.l. s leo PIG BREEDERS. 1. on Lot 26, Coneessen &thoroughbred ClIF,STE4 bred YOREBUIRK Pro. A be admitted to each. Terme, of service, or $1..60 if Charaed. White Piga for sale. JAMES — The undersigned 6, L. R. S. Wu -nn Pm, a limited nurnt 81, payable Aln GEMMILL. will keel Tuckeiemith so a thoromeh or of sows wit at the Mini a few Cheste 1608-6' ee-e a-,-66, a '• -'tee 6:-. / .Y Sri e i ,-- ,. I , z_;..:-..-;-..:-:-.-;:. ,:. • ; : , • • 1. ., .. --- l. -r- .7- f.f.0 a e ...- e . e..._ -.a .....e - a %a'. a i__. e. -e- /-;-../c/,-: .... 1.- • ,. ,,z,...,..,,,. ''''s a - I, r.- - -::_- e / _ .._ / -,,- -, -,,i ,,n, p KE kir INV Wholesale amij Lumber, Lath, Shingles, and Ti Our lumber consiets of and Pine. being veil maoufactured. Red Cedar Shingles alae your bills, you will be b!ui'e factotilr- tgf Goderich / & LAMB. Retail Dealers Cedar m ber. the best (mai on hand. to get the street East I in Post; t3 of Efemjocl Any amou t o Bring alon; m filled eatis 171141 SEAFORTH DYE WORK8 all for pan in at hand the business satistactlor ing and dyein; without being d. All woo on ehert at moderate a call. Butte] HENRI the Catholk 1691-tt- Ladies and gentleme I, Patronage and now that wish told you know that ready to do my beet to; give in doing your work in the gentlemen'e and ladies' clothing, ripped as well as to have geode e uarentred to giVe C51. netice. Shawla, /curtalne, prices. Nesse do not tail end eggs taken in enchange NICHOL, Goderieh street ',Thumb, 1 thanking ycu a new seasen I am still in you every line of clear don( them ripp gocd satisfaction etc., to give me for work. eat, oaposite ST • f 0 ,(2.-- • g" ( ee_filiieei.61/ r 67, IT WILL iPAY 4/ / / el IP 1,01- / / orrr. `-...-----. a 1 a 7 B You to attend Forest Ci y Business and Shorthand College, LcFndori, Ont. Practical inetruction I in pr otioal sub- jects, For over fifteen ye 'rs we have been in touch with 'Young people and their needs, and the beanie. s world and its requirements. Yvery facility at cOmmand for iding young people both h6fore and afte gradation. We isee doing superior work, results Prove it. Send for our catalogue and College Journal. \ J. W. WESTER-V.11LT, P cipal. 1703-26 WOMEN Will TALK. Mem:Deal of a Death Drove TRAGIC TALE OF AN INTAGLIO. Can't Blame Mein -.P/r ling each other about burn's Heart and .N e r v o. Pills. •iar THE GREAT REMEDY B WEAR -NERV HS WOMEN. Irs only natural that wh a remedy which cures he anc weakness' relieves ac es,fputs color in her ch her whole system, she sh to let her suffering sisters Mrs. Hannah Holmes, n a woman finds of nervousness her pains and k and vitality in uld be anxious know Of it. t. James Street, St. John, N.B., relates he experience with this ;remedy as follows :--` For some years I have been troubled with fluttering of the he rt and dizziness, accompanied by a thering feeling which prevented me e was poor and debilitated. Milburn's Heart sin from resting. My appetit I wks much run down and "Since I started using and Nerve Pills, the smothering feeling has gone, my heart beat is now regular, red, and I have rough the tonic el stronger and : rs, and cannot e remedy which h," the fluttering has disappe been wonderfully built up t effect of the pills. I now better plan for many ye sayeoo much in praise of t restered my long lost heal , .- 'Deno Me iil to Suicide. . A New Yor, it -List is tbe'possestior of an' intaglio v,i,i,..i. has a peculiady tragic history. Two et' its former owturs have c:onimitted sukide because of in- .uences more or less directly connected 1 ith the fate of the imfollunate girl who e death musk . was the Model of the sc IPture. The present 'olfuer, however, 's more artistic than sentimental or supe stitious • and has no foam that he will imi at the two previous possessors of the in agile. Not :many years ago an aetist f more than focal reputation was living in Bos- ton. He had an only daughter, beau- tiful girl With many graces whic I would have -made her a'still more lovely vonean. But, like the girl Hood sang abc ut, she was "eashly importunate," and to end her sorrOws she droWned herseli in the - bay: The artist father, though -keenly sensitive to the great grief, sti 1 noted how artistically beautiful the -girl -was in death. He made a. death mas , from which the intaglio was made: But the face haunted him. Those classic ; lines, represating is d ughter as she appeared floating in the w ters of the bear, her eyes Closed and h,er _hair floating like a mermaid's, seerned1to lure him to[ follow her: He reflected on her life and her sadder fate; how I might have been because of his ;own s ernness li that she had destroyed her ye ng life mI and how In a large measure he ight -be responsible for her destruction' The thoughts, became Unbearable, and he drowned himself in the bay at th el identi- cal spot where the !beautiful girl , had gone to. her.fate. 1 1 1 The artist's -wife could not lear to I have the intaglio near her and gave it to ' a New York friend. ',Phe friend ras not ' superstitious, but her husband i was a sporting man who lost and won With the . reckless abandon of men of hi kind. ' Naturally lie was a firm believer n lUck, and thei marble features of that beauti- ful face had a strange infatuat on for Lim. He knew something of the history of both ,the girl and her father. e mus- ed over the Sculpture,grew despondent and finally ended all by drowni g him- self. The widow of the sporti g man was net superstitioue, but aft r the death mf her husband and know ng the . fate of ,the girl and the artist s e was willing to part with her treasure.The present owner as an lartist admi es the • bit of marble and ' tis a lever of the strange eed eurious ' prizes it or its story. I HOW THE BRAIN TIRES.' , . Its Cells Shrivel Up Like a artly , Collapsed palloon. 'IV ts2•24+ •VMAIIII2.14 *VI -.V &I •siJ 2_1 fl t-,141,14u4stimioalovzs.414474,410,42,1 • j I I . '1•1402•2402.184t2elli tet2414112-aelltritMS KENDAL SPA VI CURE III The old reiable remedy for paring, Ringbones, Slit ma, Curband all forms of Llemsno,g, It cores without a blemish because it 1oes not blister. North Inantagenet Out,, Feb, 10, '08. Dr. R. J. Kendall Co. ear Sire you please give m4 a remedy for heaves. I If ve a mare that is afilleted. 1 take pieasure In stating that h I ve Cured a Curb of four years' Isanding with your Ke dall's Blister. by using It only one; and then applying you Spavin Cure. As long as I bay horses, Twill not be it wout Kendall's Spavin Owe and Ke dall's Blister In my atu. le. Nary truly yours' ADOLFIUS GAUTHIER. Pelee $1, 81x for ($5. As a, linlmen for family use it Ilea no equal. Ask your drug st for Kendall's Spivin Cure, also ,,A Treatia on the Ilorse," the book free, or address DR, B. KENDALL CO., ENOS URO FALLS, VT. • ;.; 0.4 1.2 C2 - Cures - Stciy Cured - The most chronic diseases of the Stomach, Liver, bowels and BloOd. Thousands of testi, those who have been permanent- ly Cured by the use of Burdock BloOd Bitters speak f its unfail- ing efficacy in Dyspepsia, Bilious- ness, Sick Headache Liver Com- plaint, Eczema, Erysipelas, Scro- fula, Sores, Ulcers, BOils, Pimples, Hives, Ringworms, awl all blood humors. If you want to be cured to stay cured, use only B.B.E. onials from Satisfaction Guaranteed Our guar- antee means Something. , We are not here to -4y and away to -morrow; you know just where to find us. Comfortable vision Or your money back, No guess work. Acct:rate, scientific mea urernents and tests t Difficult cases a pecialty. RTS, J. S ROB gr AND C:pi-ICIAN. SEAFOR+H. CENTR L Hardware Store. We have a cemplete line f wood cooks, ranges, coal and Wood heatees. For a six hole range see o r Imperial Ox- ford end Colonial, the be t value in the. mark 60. In Wood cooks Moffat's Cr wn and Match- less a d Gurney-Tilden's Facnily Banner are first class stoves fitted with steel ovens and warranted perfect bakers. It will pay you to get our prices before purchring. Sills & urdie HARDWARE, Oou ter's Old Stand, Seaforth S. Brain .cells, Olen. quite fresh and vig- ems, May be likened to small Valloons inflated rettdy for an ascent. T ey are round and full, -and when seen unler the micrescoPe they give evidence o being distended. The cells ,of the tired brain, on the other bend, are seen to be hrunk- en,- as en air ball or toy halloo from 'which most of the air r gas has.e caped: - -When ..our brains be in to work fter a refreshing -rest or Me p they ar , says -Pearsone Weekly, full of nerv4 fluid, 'Which the 1 ebsorbents of the bo y and brain have !stored :up there like es fill their comb. ! So soon a. work begi is this vital forcei ls sapped 1 to meet he. de- f . mends upox the brain, and the • recess that goes oih during the whole tie e it is working may be described M the ollow- ing way: . : . . Imagine that these cells re smell gob: lets filled with liquid and t at the have a tiny stem through whic runs a tube or opening. The liqu'd -in the goblet is drained by the demand -s 1 mud and body a d slowly trickles throu h the opening drop by dro e sin il cit 'or the work ce ses or the goblet is exhau ted. This hatter condition is no 'often reach- ed for the sin -10e rea on t at the owner j of the brain is very uch tore li -ely to • collapse When the .c 11 ha yield d h If its vital fluid, you- be in to exper ence a feeling of fatigue, and if y -o go o draw- ing the contents of thel cells you ar doing yourself injury in pr porti nate egree, and nature will make you pay f r it in some way or other. But till the cells tue- no iniol ed in any kind of mental work, which means that one pert of the, brain • may b every actively at work while the other s rest - ing and storing up. nerve uid, hus it is that a man suffering Irma bye in fee,. may leave his books and go gol ng or cycling and feel that lie is eally eesting. Other cells are bein cal ed upan for work now, while the tired ones—t ose.re- quired for -mental ac ivity are e joying repose. But it follows that tile pact of th brain which is called into activity for lice ily ex- ercise is now getting tired, vhile t e oth- er part of the brain is still at NS ork to some extent, and so the cvlaole •f our brain cells become atigu d, an teal rest in the shape of sl ep is absolu ely es- sential. She Was King. Queen Elizabeth Was not only qt England, but also ki ig of Franc cording to the Salic. law no could be ruler of Irl'aillee, and Ilene - could be no queen, but Elizabeth thdid, not I let at prevent her a suming a title. "If I cannot be queen of France," sills said, "I will be king." . i The monarchs of England bore the title for 432- years, hut on San. 1, 1801, te was -cimitted-for the first ime siuce the days of Ed Ward III. _ . , The English mon rch . is still called -"Defender of the Faith," a title earned by Henry VIII at t e time when as an ardent : Catholic he wrote a t eatese against the ',einem s 'which so leased the -pope that he con erred the titl ueon biin Henry afterweid refused n!kjgiasce to Rollie, which led t the Englis refor- mation .- • Why Her Per. s Were His • ' One of the wome delegates tustinhge journalists' conferen e told an story illustrating t ie ambition iwhich many -persons have t see their utt es in pant. = She was eng !ging a servant, an Irish girl, but found that her term were unusually high. "How- is it," she a such high wages?" "Shere, ma'am," en with a- delightful been in the papers." "In the papers! "Shure, I gave eve London Chronicle. eon of . Ac- -om LI 11 there ked, "that yo want '-as the answ r, giv- brogue, "my nine's 'hat do you m an?" lent at an h1ag ist."— Whip awed. The Chicago diver ee was talkin aboui her former husband • "Whet was the matter with the first?' asked her friend. "He didn't undersand me." _ "Arid the second?" "He did."- • MARRIAGE LICEN ES ISSUtD -AT THE HURON EPOSITOR 0 !ICE, EAFORTH, oNTARI4). NC WITNES ES REQUIRED, THE HURON tXPOSITOTt. TAKING TF-th REINS. IYER 1 will work while you sleep, without gripe or pain, curin$. • tipation, Bilious,ness, Sick Head- ache and Oys psia, and make you led better in: the morning: THE SEAFORTH S.A.W .. AND . thoPPing R, L. CL mHialvl ing purchased from M4, Josiah Watson the Seaforth Saw Mills, haIs placed in the A new and impr ved Grain Crnshe And is prepared to crus grain on ethe shortest notice, and for 5o a bag. Give us a trial. R. L. CLA.R 68641 K, 04th. MONEY TO Money to loan at 4i per cent land security. 'Apply to R S. Bank Building, Sealorthe OAN. on flrat-olass farm HAYS, Dominion 1607 "E. 85D. Quality tidies " E.& The E. & D. wheel is alien bicycle that has b States business. It is th with Four -Point Barings. the only Can ilt up United only bicycle In four -point bearings the load is trans- mitted in a direct line, and there is no jam- ming of balls in the races. In ordinary bear- ings the load is transmitted at an angle, which greatly increases the pressure on ithe parts of the bearing. In the E. & D. four - point bearing, the bearing never sustains greater pressure than the actual load on the bicycle. In ordinary bearings the pressure is often three times the actual load. E. & D. locally guaranteed National bicycles have four -point bearings in the et ank-hanger, the hubs, and the head.' The bearings are -guar- anteed for three years. E. & D. Road Models, men's 860 E & D. Road Models, ladiea' 860 E. es D. Special Models, with gear cane. 570 E. & Th Racing Models 870 Liberal options are given in sad les, gears, tires. The E. & D. being a national w eel, is locally guar- anteed. Catalogue on applicatio Lumsden & Wilson, SEAFORT Heart Hu bug It is fashionable to-. :y to have a new heart scare 24 hours. The commonest sym oms of dys• pepsia or nerve troubl such as pal.* pitation, weak spells, oss ,of appee the, and poor circulation„ are magni- fled and distorted into Sitrious signs of heart trouble, with the object of frightening the publi into taking this or that heart r medy. If a hundredth part of the heart t ouble we hear about were rikal, the eme- teries would be filled ii a mon h. A Wrong construction is mon ailments in ord the people into the be disease is preva.lent, heatt trouble, whch i suddenly fatal when it a rare disease. Lopsi cannot convince an int Iron is th,e, vital elemen Too little irdn means ut upon r to -hu ief that COM- "ibug heart whereas rea'l 1-) cadl- and does oc-ur, is %-ed al -gut lents !li,Yeet -,-.-,eo,-)Ic. ;. of the L cod. veakr_:;:s,-le.el; of spirit, paid cheek., shortnes breath, sieepl.:23:-;ae2s, loss of Vital force, en .;n7,int-;ra! breaktdowa. The L-ce.. in Pr. V./.1.-cl's Blood and Nerve ble form you need, ki with other curcive a.•,-;.-.atz., -n a mann,-;r that disease c action. You feel well • when you V,Y1rd's - Blood and Nerve 50e per bee, :a: ; ex, s' - f' • • • (' ••- • J. D. McNA ONTARIO LAND SEAFORTH - URVEYOR, 0. Engineer for:Wing am, Seaforlth, Howick, Blyth, Culross, &c, Cement Sidewalks, Sc Drains will be given spec al attention. At Queen's Hotel. ers and ToWnship Bay Star, 2:05, cost Penn Valley Farm $1,000 and has won dyer $4,000 in Woo, The' 2 -year-old fillyby Prodigal. 2:.. out of Rachel, 2:0Sr.i! is called . (;.,...: - Spirit. , Sltperior, 2:231%, by Oakleaf, 2:23, trot- ted in 2:13% in his work at Cleveland a few days ago. . ( The 2:0-04 to wagon of- Free Bond \giveS that -pacer the bbnor of being the The fastest mile by a 2. -year-old trotter fast >st Canadian bred harness horse. Ti reported this .season is 2:18%, shown by Belle Sligo, by Sligo, at Louisville, Ky„ recently. The trotting mare Bonsaline, by Stani- boul, 2:073/4, who has recently lowered her record. to 2:15 in California is out of Bon BOO,. 2:26, the dam of Bonnie Di- rec4.2:0514. Mitmbrino King shoWs :up with three fast. green .trotters thiS year—Lord Der- by, 2:07, the fastest on record, and Me- tallas and. Billy] King, each with a rec- ord:Of 2:18%. A new one for Gameleon, 2:251/4, the good; son of Gambetta Wilkes, is Adrian H, Who took a ecord Of 2:27% at West Liberty, Ia., r cently and showed his ability to trot. in 2:20. The record f r pacing teams over a half: mile trace was lowered to. 2:14 at Canfield, 0., the other. lay by Brose Mc- Mahon's Nicol , 2;13 e,.and Sid Scott, 2:191/4, driven' b their wner. . At Washingto , Pa., the- other day the $1,000 stake for 2:40 pacers was won by II. je P., by Co clave, in 2:141/4, 2:15%, 2:17%. This is ehiev'ed to be the fastest race !ever paced ver a aa.lf mile track in the 2:40 class. A lnew 2:30 trotter for Ly/1RO Bel, 2:101/4, and a good one, is General John- son, who -won the 2:35 elass at Prospect Park, Baltimore, Sept,. 13, trotting the la-st three of six heats in 2:221/4, 2:23%, 2:241/4 over a half mile track. . One of the most surprising events of a reeent week•#Was the victory of Coast - man , in the 2;09 pace: at- Indianapolis. The son of BoUrbon Wilkes is now 12 year,old, and -his record of 2:08% had stood ,for seven years. He won off the -rel Sad stepped the first heat in 2:081/4. -1-1erSe Review. , • THE PEDAGOGUE. Professor Louis Dyer of Oxford uni- versity has been chosen to fill the new lectureship on the history of art at the University of California, a chair estab- lished through the generosity of Mrs. Har- vard. e. IIearst. rofessor Dyer was for- merlycu a member of the faculty of Har- . The board of tirstees of Jefferson Med- ical College in P iiladelphia has resolved to establish a lahoratore of clinical medi- cine es a memorial to the late Jacob M. Dn Costa, who h id been a teacher in the collegei for mor than $0 years. Con- tributions to a fa nd for this purpose are solicited. Del. Paul Haupt of Johns Hopkins uni- versity i who secured for Yale a collec- tion of. Arabic manuscriPts on his recent trip tce Europe, iiought else for a Balti- more gentleman another collection of Arable and Turkish maeuscripts valued _a t -$25,i000. Thi S last is 'to. be presented either to Princeton or to ohns Hopkins. . President Eliot of Ha 'yard is not af- flicted with what the students of that place call the "Harvat-1 handwriting." On the contrary, in Sp te of the vast amount of writing he does, his "copy" is alwayS clear and even, with few era- sures. 1 There is a tradition to the effect that 4 never yet received a uery on it from :a printer. ; r CRACKED CI HI A. - Every time the conceet in China gets read ' to play the instrunient of the first fiddlejr snaps a string.—Tlacoma Ledger. The Chinese demonstration ver the re- mainS of Baron von Ketteler will hardly appeeSe the kaiser. He .is insisting upon the r6inains of a few Chinese officials.— Washi gton Post. . What difference does it make whether Russi leaves Peking or remains there with t e few thousand troops when she has aj conquering army within striking distal) e of the capital ?---Baltimore Amer- ican. 1 . The ' German emperor acquits Kwang Su of guilt in the premises, which is just. Nobody can rightfully aecuse that unfor- tunate young prince of eomplicity in the atrocities which have been committed in his naine. The disposition of the empress dow- ager from her position as guardian of the throne! must be secured by some means or other before China's accountability and reliability will meet the require - meats ' of civilization. RAILWAY TIES. In 24 hours nearly 700 trains pass in and oet of New street Station, Birming- ham, ngland. The efforts of street railroads to en- courage pleasure riding has arisen out of a realizatiou of the important part that factor, plays in the receipts. Por in- stance, it is stated that; in Chicago "the difference between a pleasant and a rainy Sunday often amounts tO $20,000." The Bolivian government has appropri- ated about $50,000 for the preliminary survee of three railway ines, from.0111114 to La Pae,:and Lake Tit•caca, from Oruro to Cochabamba and fr m Challapata to Colquechaca. Another road is to run from Potosi to the Argebtine boundary. Las year two ItaliJin railway lines passit g through swamp,' reginas supplied all ti dlr. station boasts with mosquito nets. In consequence there has been such a dirninutioti in Lb . number of cases of ne !aria that �ther Ines in Italy and in Sicily are about to adopt the same measeres. THE ART dF WAR. An infantryman with fixed bayonet has at least an equal chance against a caval- ry soldier with lance on sword. The, emperor of Aus ria has issued an order forbidding the u e of any sort of automobile during the- Austrian maneu- vers or in the Austrian army. Official figures show that in a force of 25,390 officers and 862,800 men engaged in the FeancoGermau war the battle losses. were 1,650 officer and 26.627 men, while 144 officers an 10,942 men met their deaths from dise se. The bayonet had its origin in the fact that a Basque regiinent at Bayonne, run- ning out of ammunitioeli, placed their long handled knives in the lends of their guns and did deadly work Iwith them; hence the word bayonet fron Bayonne. CASTORIA For Infants and Children. it's ovary wuppat. • — H1 JOIINSIN BROS. pi DWARE 4.,t,,t#tet4t COOD CHEER COOK STOVES, for wood or ccal, a perfect baker, a fuel saver, elegant in appearance, one of the best family cook stoves made in Canada, We also keep' in stock the celebrated "Jewel" stoves, range . heaters and furnaces. A number of odd lines in cook stoves and heating stoves, for wood and coa!, will be closed outat about hal regular price, as follows i 1 , ne No. 9 Home Jewel cook, regular $23, for $14. ne No. 9 Loyal Pennant, regular $25, for $14.50. !le No. 9 Perfection Cooker, regular $25, for $15, no ....‘,To. 9 Maple Cook, regular $25, for $15. ne No. 9 Hwitler, regular $18, for $12.50. ne, Waverley Wood Heater, regular $10, for $6.50 ne Perfect Jewel, with oven, regular $35, for $25. ; And several others we have -no space to mention, , , new and good stoves. AMPS.—A beautiful assortment of Parlor and Hall Lamps jus, opened up, very cheap. These are all AL,NTS AND OILS—We are selling quantities of Sherwin & Williams' Paints and Enamels. Use no other, they are the best. e have much pleasure in informing the many patrons of this well- known firm that we are again in shape to do business. Our store has been remodeled, and made one of the most attractive and modern hardware stores in the county. Our stock of general and building hardware, stoves, tin and granite ware, cutlery, lampsp farm tools, etc., is complete in every department. We have en- tirely re -organized our expenses, and having no rental to pay, can. afford to sell our goods at lowest possible prices. We respectfuIli solicit a share of your patronage. Courteous attention will be given all, whether customers or not. - staite Johnson Bros., Seaforti 10MET11ING NEW ND UP-TO-DATE AT ----- J. W. ORTWETN We have lately added a supply of fresh groceries to our stock and we are reparad to show our farm and town customers these goods which we feel sure ill satisfy the most economical and particular housewife. Below are a very few of the bargains we are offering -18 lbs. best standard. vranulated sugar for $1.00, Twenty pounds best coffee sugar i $1.00, Three, cans e:nnee... goods for 25c and 2 cans best salmon for 25c. Wanted--1,0001pounda .f goose and duck feathers and one car load quarter cut dried applebefore eceraber 1st. We also want all the butter, eggs and poultry you can bring us. SI a UNDERWEAR - J at arrived a full line of Minerva underwear in all the latest sty es and akes. Also a fine range of ladies', gentlemen's and children's un erwear: ome _n and inspect them and you will find the quality and prices right 'We have on hand a lot of tweeds, overclats, gentlemen's suitings and hats hich, as we are going out of these lines, we -will run at anbelowbelow cost M I LLI N ERY DEPARTM EN • Our show room is open to you. Even if you do not wish to purc4ase you e we come, but we feel sure you will be pleased and delighted with the styles Liss McEwen has on exhibition and will not be satisfied until you have become e possessor of one of ourlats or bonnetts. Baby bonnetts a specialty. Cash or Produce and One Price Only. AAWAAAAMWANAAAAAAAAAA Remember the place— J. W. ORTWEIN7is Seaforth's Only Cash Dry Goods Store, under the Town Clock. I IT DOES PAY 20 _RUBBERS :4,47fAiro , • will outwear two pairs of Ordinary Common Rubbers. Search the World and you will find nothing Seet11 better than IPoutpu .7mitated by Every Rubber Manufacturer and Dealer, but no imitation has our specially Manufac- tured Rope Canvas or Duck, the only fabric which can be thoroughly imp-egnated with the Para Guru. When worn out have leather sole put on and use for a Plow Boot. Thej. D. KingCo., Limited, have the only11:011 genuine Sib" Ifre7 Rubber. Don't buy unless the words rogir, are stamped upon Ruh bar ; al.15.19th others the Public. earseoflreauodfs uepaocnh 511 PS It Does Not Pay to go Elsewhere. Snob is the verdict of the graduates of the , THE CANADA BUSINESS COLLEGE, CHATHAM, ONT., No stand unrivalled In Oana4a for thoroughness of course and success in get'ing graduates placed in choice positions. In a recent Issue we furnished halt the Mb .of forty placed in abont as many days, Here Is the balance; Fred Morley, advanced to New York office of Suth- erland Innis Co. Tenet McMillan, with a firno in Detroit, Michigan. C B. Struthens, Teaeher, West Side Buainess Col- lege, Chicago, in. Kit Kirkwood, Stenographer, l'Westminister" Of- fice, Toro -to, Ont. Bessie Barnaby, Stenographer, 0, B. Draper, Grand Rapids, Michigan. Grace Remington, Stenographer, Sweet & Eastman, Grand Rapids, Michigan. H, A. Coleman, Bookkeeper, Peter Hagart, pro- duce dealer, Blenheim, Ont, Elsie Turner, Stenographer, Steele te Dart, Ridge. town,- Ont e 1 Elmer -Smith, Aesistant book-keeper, Harris Pa- per Co., Grand Rapids, Michigan. Wm Allison, Assistant book-keeper, G and Rapt& Cycle Co. W.F. Adams, Cold Blast Feather Co Chicago, 111 A, D. Uccle, chewed from Troy Business College ee Temple Business 0-1 ege, Philadelphia, Pa. M. Al, Maxwell, Remington Typewriter Co,, Tor- onto, Ont, Douglas Stevens bookkeeper Western Steel Works Chicaeo, Ill. Louis Porter, temporary book-keeper Grand Rapids Cycle Co. Marie Burr's, stenographer Bell Telephone Co., Guelph, Ont. E Maude Buchner, stenographer and assistant book-keeper George Stephens & Co, Mather:La Ont. Edna Scheufler, book keeper Charles A. Schermer, Grand Rapids, Mich. Grew Yanzeeren, stenographer David Burns. Grand Rapids, Mich, Berth* Rambling, tenirmeary steloographer Grand Rapids Braes Co, 280 in the ten months epding June 30th, 1200; 72 In the next two nionthaer 40othershave epee% been placed in about as many days. What do you think of it? Can you afford to go elsewhere? Write for catalogue of either department to McLACHLAN & CO., 1684, - Chatham Ont. AN ITEM OF INTEREST. Tax Notice. Farm cans taken at lowest rates; payments to It borrower; satisfaction guaranteed; all corre- ndenee cheerfully answered. ABNER COSENS, Ingham., Ont. Office -At Oorner of Minnie and triek etreets ;_every batnrday all day. 1667 Charles Dodds, collector of taxes for Ittelilllop, will be at the Royal Hotel, Seat nth, Feiday and Satin - day afternoons of each Week for the reeeivIng of taxes. All parties Interested will govern themselves accordingly. All taxes nest be peld before Decem- ber 14th After that date 6 per eebt- will he added. CHARLES DODDS, Collecltor. 1717-4 e