The Huron Expositor, 1900-11-23, Page 2IIIHUROS XPQ3ffQR NOVE MBE R 23 1poo 0 or, six cla:;I; 'aay f or six A,' irle cit o Gibcon. now tha,L theN� are getting a better y it, na; once a and Iand thenj oil the seventh day pu e,' Itself under 'Ah protect on f perspective leiv 9f, themselves YVARFARE they: IvelT Thel e ar, the- ITst of the Nvo' Id th are ready E CUREo' C IRITIA tc o around bfiowing hua, They sen&w rd: f I e y 0( -se! rudeMusical Instry mentil 'seven fl ve kings after u., , ey., are going to to thelilsolvZ I IConsum. P V Need not Unei, and then -at the (lose ot the d troy us.. Send tro ps quick, 9efid ditfon. Especially 4$ the Boer ha a es Lat tas a `"Onlith blowing qf the radi's - horns us-- ell) right away," Josh U keen eye to tho. inain chance and al - Leave T -ir Owrl Homes' Joshua's Triumphal Ma�c.h. and What is oil 06 soventh da� the perora, ee'daysy inarch,� more than I ou bb i rtady ae is realizing that, it inay be _t on of thr to e Cured. His Great Vi or4s. the %�Molc scene *as to be shout, q1114. On the mornixg of the thir botto.r for his pocket if worse for his eat -walls should day.' he Is before the enenly. pat if these 1�rltlsher' with at cl-i those g� There ai L=6�e. �rOiln CaPSLOne to base. I two long lines of battle., The battl tbe entiful. shi'ny gold sovervigns Tile wilm Istem 1 T1 I d seven priests with -the opens with great olaughter 13 it the are to be become, a permanent: feature GOD'S SOLDIERS MUSNIDVANCE rutcle nitisical instrum ent6 pass Canaaaftes soon ollic thing in t6e Jandscal,e, The fact, of an disk-mver A Of Treatimest is Offered you Ab- a.ro Lind - tae city walls They sa:y: "hat Is - oshiia. Tiat- Is rmyi of occupation bOng maintairind &M uWy Free. on t!he, first day, and scre a, thelilian'-who conquei-ed the ipring here. �for a. year or !two will be a A Dr. Talmage Glyes Eheouragir g Words for i I 4 faift!.V�. Not so as a, pike of fres6� and knocked down, the ston( A 0onsi-deratt'n not to be overlooked y4uch present sourve of in,�ojne for the r(.si- Those 10,ugst-god In the. of Lik— I;Iast r br,oke oTsc froin the, wall, wal'is of Jericho and d(stroyed thc '.dent. Por the ovinal-en Nvill have in the treatr. of consumotivfs is the- e is n se fightin in quest of healdt. Some'of our There liall o t Any ILL) b Able to not so much a a loosened rock, Cityii-of Ai. Thor g." eggei, Imtt �r an� sundry other They, xl�dicaIe men -now advising their Thee All Itue D ya of Thy� not P9 much a-3 a P, d of III rtar Sound a retreat, and ar they prodocts, even wil h eggs at 5.9- a Ipationts to go lo. ig distances in-Ithe hopel.. Vire"—Go(1,8*r I n I i it -fie a nfo It I ing. lost Uroni its pla%e. 'here,' say 'begin to retreat Joshua and his host dozen, and inilk a stilling a quarL. onilf� b4t change of a �r will do them g'ood. A' the Lit lsr�LcJpAtc. did not 9pring upon them like The. �idditlon of 1.0 0 nonq)rm illdren. Castoria a paather, .0astoria, is for Infants and, a In thils dis- U so? Why, those,U, fng them over the rocks, Lon, iN a Y, -1 teri are pur while ing c4mfhners to the population, tri ot of solemn no isense is being said, and WMftin 't y harinless substitute for CaAor' 011, P�regoric, D Dr,; TL' fools. The idea ofl; going courli I tho �qa e 9 cy pour a *ol- rePre-4ented by the army of occupa- written, �about. c ange of climate, and its cour,;�� LIU-let ­� fol[ow's Jqs4ma I the ti1pults of th� atient. city Ith those nl; ley of hailstones into the valle, and tion, be the fi�st brult and Soothing Syrups. it nflucnce on 'th p "Stick to low on his friumphcLI mamh a!W speaks 'usical ffistau ents S of the contains �,either o and e�lpccting. 11 that Way to de- heavens, with War, fior the Boer. It J11 bring a lot We -nor oth M-treotic snbstance. It is plasa ilti tudes". says one. "Go the'mountains", encouraging W-6rds to idl .%vho are all the artillery of thE M h. Lays anothex. 0 is A,-poatr perplexed engaged in the batles. �of this 111 stroy lit. Joshua, has b. -en s'(?iled.-, bullets of'iron, pound the Canahnites� of money into and dtstribute it in thQ Orp e; Ii OTh tufferer with lungs, to decide among text, Joua I, 5, ere shall 'not 1,16 thinks becau$a he ledges of Bethhorom! y Millions -sor al�st the Its ge is thirty years' ne has overth� counti-y. By I lie tim� tjie army of oc- alig) I I I Of t orities ? The fact is, man be able to-st�4d before thee and 0 spring, fr 4,11 aYs to-sh-Lia, ' this is surelyi CLIpation is being re Uced to garri- hese different an,V1 it of co ates. nquered t, i eshat he, Mothers. Castoria destroys W�rms untit �11�,tys 7eople d -i Feve umption in aR clim all the days of thy'life can - o-orthrow t, ic sLone wall.' Why, A40t,0171" "But do', Sou not s e.the' sons, the influx of civillfan population rhey recover f it too, In all- climates, au a ness. Castoria'cures Dh-trAlcea allid Wil]L( Colle. Cas Moses ­Nvas dead. A bleautiful tra- [it is bot philos(l)hie, n f going down? Those Am rites Vill have couinience4. !The British Do you not f they are treated =y The only dltl()n says the Lord ki I him and see herd Is -no, zelation bet fire kolng to get awa�' after all an 11,111111 has done more relieves gc1etethlng PatiOn- aid jositive cure for tlhe weer. the Troitble.. cures Uolnstl . - I I of ow. t� kill the in that act drew forth�tlw sou 11 'g 01 a then;:they will come up,some other n d sword into the nd "'erms that prodtice it. This is accom" 019 0 muical in3tru- ansvaa a Flatulen Castoria aslinflate the the, dy-ing lawgiver Ife. ll d- - 'bec4. ).ne-ritNI jl6ccing.ldown of timd.'and bother u 'tate. It Vood regullate-g Aished under the. Slocum system of the s, and perhap3 de-, I -'I - e e ha"s I b n an enligl,4- stroy. us, See, tho sun Is going down.; ellilig iforce for a buried, only one person rat tic funer- wall?' It is not; philos6phic," And t ha. the Sto M'ae and Dowels Of 114fant.8 and �)hildren,, givix g poliul aion tha: 9 reatment- Ille disease must haye noth, al, t tie same one who kissP Oh, for ,d him. I GtMliose there a longer day han has" ever 11%ed up here I gely cut,off from were Many lvise� ng to feed- on. -hat is. the principle healt)[13 But, God never 'takes ! nian!' aw' been! seen in this clinic nattiral sleel). Castoria ts the chi -te I w1at is t'lle 1i very little field inderlying the -cum System. You can, a 91LY acres �Avho stoocl with tieir' brow the �natter 'with Joshute? ITas hc fall- coluolh and garrison is doing Pianacew—Th wrother"S Friend. ry it at your hG from any place of usef,ulr.63s until knitte and Nvith the foref nger e� ol the as sonie one dy to rep en h1l an apoplectic fit? No, He is In, siont, The so�dicrs talk to. rea. lace right band to the forefinj tr work, he �Qr, of tho POSITIVELY FREE. him. The Lord does ao't 0'100king left land arguing it-'&!: out, prayer. the )qpple and t�Il thei1n things and and Castoria. C oria. all 0 frIg that -as not possible'l Tou orour sick-fri nd amid a great v4ret,y, of ca ut es &,iswer their questio I S. Thanks, Z can 6ara a FREE course aroP n w Look 'o 4st It Nv it the Lord his ally. Joshua raisgs his largely, to'. Lord Roberts' policy, the Castairla is an excellent ined.-licine for c BIMPI* WrIt* COTUXT. A. ST,0CrM didtitts to find same' one I C uld pro'duce 911ch f. PPeOII Y, that sili�ch a cause co Is s6 well adapted tov.1i M Wal"t, Cal, Lfmttfd. 179 King St. West., Toron- fittod for the VaCated positilon, . He�' an effe_�.t, And'I suppose that ace,i radiant with pra.,yer, and looks best, Motbers �ave repeatedly told me tliat I recowmend* or, of relatfons exist between the, chi'dren, a, 6avIllit Post office d express oMoo addroiss. and right be fro& medtcMo mai1es it man for 'that plawl . Mosesi, in the i at the . descending sthi of I to fkltcW�* BlWdM Onto) Will bo enC&MpMVI over C beon troops and the people. The individ- good effcct up�n tliej.r children scriptioll known t�,Mc.­ it there was pl,,-nty ar and at, the faint crescent of the litoon, lual 0ritish soldler bears no ill -will OsGooD, Lowell, Mass. R. A. ARCUTM, M. D.,Brook1yjx* has'pased off the stage, di Joshua, Lure, and)f Joshua had Deen for Y -DR. G Iof cari&a f Wilea wrIU4 for them always zuention this the hero, Puts his foot on t4e 6u, know the quee of t Ii anomin !ted for any high n Po. he ifght I ,against the people ; 4e is fighting. 4 111tary T Wll(. Persons In Canada, Owtuff Slocurn's free offer In form of history so solidl all sometimes' will ling(, around the _11 I he fighting is ovOr and the vil- I 4ratrIcan Pxtferff wilk Vlo&se send for sampleg to I, that sition he *6111d not ll&�e rec ived TH E FAC -SIMILE SIGNATURE OF the ages echo with the trL I -le was Paletees of the day. Poix ting one hand '11190 or town capturcil he in Ibe'roroato labomtorillso. many k was votes., . a ua's I toe a magnificent fighter, )ut i 0- always 11 I at the descending sull and the )ther and liolps nurse the ba�y of the peo- down. I'lle seco P da,)r �hc pri e4ts hand at the faint resc 'PlV llehtt' Where lie is camped and is fought on the right and he nev- REA TATE FOR SALE, blowing the mus �ca,l In'sti: unienti, go L ES ent o the, o d toW 00#, in the -name of Dbat Clod who ;anciors to he friend er fought unle. aratin(L'the citV and affair. a failure.- ly 'and sociable. Ile got his militi equip- UARLEPROP to ilf hV is stationod there a few L ERTY FOR S kLM—For azle In fight. shaped the worlds aid movv.� the The third day and a fail inent froin who gave him the day, and a failure' fifth V"Athe village of ft�noidvllle, tho valuable fourth lworlds he cries; "Sun, stand thou !he evt-rN!body in'the place, and pleasantly located pr mises of the underalzmed. Thet property consists o two sorc3 of g'ntod land, we 'I Promise a the tart, "Th�re shall still -upon Gibeon, and thou, niocn, in lias indde EL little circle of friends just failure, ixth day. and it fj tjiur6, The t dral and cultivate . Tha?e ia a - cimfo ne 110t.any nian, be o;stt', ild before -the valley of Ajalont" -e Was quartered in a town at rbable able. t ith, day conies, the climaci,e They halted. is i f evet frame houde, a go,')d a ble, p1K pen and other noo, tIlee all the days of thv li �',e, Gbd_ Whether it was by -efracifon ;of d ossary outbuild Inge o -3 he-promisev, also hard an day. a, M Ialso 14 go -)d fruit treae, iiho'gh Josh- Thero ara fulfilled this proini .10shila I's up car y in, the the 'sun's ra3'A or b.� the , stopping view that,the 13oer will take e troops, of th wliol( Isoft ate, mornijig and exit nining th applas, P!uroes and, pew a; boaldos 9,3m,) choice email tta's" flrs� battle was with 11le spring 143'stelli I do to the new oriller of things st des rabic plr;oo for a reti 10-01c's at tho, ity fruits. It la % ma red far- frfshvt, the nex.t. With a. stone wall, not know and do not are. I leave �11111' $evni odd in view! of the con- APPEARS ON -EVERY WPAPPER, rV I mar or market Maim, and will go cheap. Apply wall. pr iest.t start to make the it to Whf. 0. Cla -4m) idville, _tf tHeaext leading on a regi� 4 the Christian �4 fentIHIs and tilt 'fighting tip here.. 'ble Opinion in 01 �j IIft 4, of the city, They g THE CENTNUM COMPANYj Icowar he Inext, bat- the �nfidel scientists 77 MUMMAY OTMett. wcw y :on a somewhat e*tended inter- f settle that bi, so(i I Ojq� CITY. armind lonev, all itro-und t IMCM Q 9 I - ice, t iree. It S&Lg­�or i 0 i L,)t tO, Muoenlo 7 t I against da,rkness, heeling the question, while I t I you I with residents of the district,', ey contAlml 10) tim e iave COurs four tiaii!s, five thaies, six aoros moro or less 93 i �s battallon een the saine thing, say and 1,irlsoners and aor Sim and tho moon into li�l acres cleared' undor'aul. "What?" f buih, (O wms practicallv all over the i tinias, seN�en tihiCs, and a fall.ire and Ithe last against. the king of ter- Cvatlou, 8 acres In W1 Mlhwit and thj balan3e seeded 1,01-1. "Not the sun st Uding central nd northesterrX part of th -I !a wIll foncedl and und 3rdralned r o rs great y I irtori", ;11Y one more thing to do, es The saine miracl is perf:)rm- country. Of course. the. Boer is sil to'grass. Tho tarn re i� b e with pleqtv of good wat(Jr conventeit bo buildinga of 'is to utter a gr -at sh ut. ed 'nowadays, The wi ked do not fle and diploulatie, and! may conceal -)d Hme house with- kitchen and which bhera, are ago Tst-aplitiAh army a. live out half their dal and ',)le4r his real feelings 411,1111, sLarts out in traig4ten- wood shid afitachad, two�hrge b%nk barns with stone . . ;r he. would A Et rule whvii the of. an a tha' The fted rnihIr but I thin] <, oil -the vqalls underneath, large 14rivo sh,ad and plZ house I I ke -to lia,ve , u a Le Ing filling theii ial b t I in ord r lungs Bets at noon. But let a man the expression of] entiment is ­IthcemaatfI)or,a lrge orchard of choice fruit. w for a v0ciferation that lie may get- his own courage tip as never was Th is convenlant to churlh li:nt offlye and schools, start �oult In a battle f r God and too itimninious to be ot)ier than sin- nd rally his troops -and get heard hoforv, and n' er,, the, t licin ever licard F4 (-Pre, Tho iell vilo -6 11' ovated and enlarged, and Itti! 5 miles fr�)m Wucatlt�la shtl)d with good gravel t Has been renewed, re 1,11th and against sin, and the al Ighting are ,now w43 -are ioadi leading in till direitious. This fa a4cst class rvels Lila for grea.ter conflicts, bu t the t be hour has come, day of hig ulsef,1111ess s. prolo igeqD of V%VO clft.',Ses: Those wilo have not ii L a position to offer the public all the newest designis of Prlor, fArm and in good conditio t�nd will be aohl cheap. 'L 8 ho8t, ,,q I undertaldrig of Joshua was alld Ile OU's out L ) hi hout, For full particulars &pp o W9, KoALL13TER and. prolonged and pLrolo ged. or heard of transpOrtation. and 1edroom and Dining emites ai t te 171t4f"'. than the levelfrig of Fort foi. tile hath givon you the Mpting p �cei;. Also a IDuit Joshua as not q ite th t ,who have excbl�ent personal II ------ k,,. 01, J'he a, ro qg lvexy niceline of Chairs in all the newest St.yIeS ew life of 'ibrc top -th: r tli(3 t.rcops There* was thile for five funerah be- tltar All' ault of V ronsoni for not wihig to he cap- OOD FXRM F011 84LE AT A BARGAIN IP or t6la overthrow, at' the Basl ile, It :"1)0 -%N -n, Jeticho. Down, tures just in, very cheap. We extenct a vitation to SQ141) BLF FO,Rg YJ MT OF NoVZKRER._ fore the sun of that pr longed day G at t red.' Pic cordial �n And the lapg li This farm is situated in th� C,)unty of Huron, town. Was tho crossing of the Jordwil ic of s)ljd every one to come and see m and our stock. sc't-* VMO will Proach L. eir fueral ship of Stanley, beinz L*613, Conecattion 13. 16 con,- the Wine of the pr -Ing fresbvt, The ninsonry Ibegins Joj(q1L1iV.r and to Massillon' World'o Beet Suxar crop. tainaSoaarea,.10acr000f �ivhlah.ls lmrdwo-)d bush, preacied the f tin- the balance ia all oloared aind well fenced and under� siiowH of Mount Leban6ti had jiqst move and to rocit Stand from un- serinon �over Louis- XVI. Who According to the report, of United Inciting, and they 1)dured down der! Shal fix I Is Sj g drained. Th�re 18 s'g�od oomforbablo dwelling o the wills. will preac li the funeral gerilloll of i'orisul Diederich, at Bremen, gooft well at the houio anq on� at tho barn and a house, a good bank birn i d a frania straw ahod, M the valleY, and the whol�, valley wag and tan q,'tha t:)wcts, t e Pala?e--4, 1hose five (lead kings—kf g of .1eruI..l the of the beet ugar Wst ostfniate TGr Ina-yor Wdow crack runs through the back and of It torrent. So th(il Caiiatinites the air blac.1coned with the dust. he king of Ile))r6 ah011t to be garnerptl from tile thufArm. Thqra1saflnc4rohLrrJ with all kindo ot lit;tnd on' )(1119 of Jar 'fion one bank, and Wivy -look huzza of tha victoll Thif department is complete with a large sele� of ihe bcBtood, and 1OU6 Israelites i nd, Ui u Lli, king of Lachish, I ing of TPg- of the, _tvorld - bas obliging attention gien to thifl branch of the business, fruit, Thloftrm Is oouvefiiant to churches, achoole, an(] see Joshua , and Liu, Is- (NI groal' market, ote. For full pairU,nil.irs aTply- up)n th shut. -1 u. 0 I of the ' conquered Canjan- lon? JAxt it be by Jo Aylidt ftq bqn publi!�hed, Though thvse ravlit(q, and they" �L gh and ay: itvs cominingle,. and Joshua, promises oraddrusa R01394T P. Do G-P�14, Box ts F1 to nd- his text? What shall be �he epillaph 1 I I hlave een very carefully co e I 01 I_ - 6.18 "Ali, thoy cannot, disturb us ' until III,, the -re -In the di,brt-i of the w[Ills, glit calls p Make F. 0. 170 Ni romptly attended to by our Un put Oil the door of tile, v tollilb? lected 1)�- illost s1cillful dertaker, �1�; S. 1. 11olmes agents in ev- (lie fall! it is, illipossible for a voice saving: sliall shall not ar4y inan be it sugar -producing country, Goderich street, Seaforth, opposite the Afethodistt church. ARU IN TU0KI;R4%IIJW F M SAr.—For sale t ury bee to us." But 4fter,awhile 'not niall be abl.o. F Lt 11, Conoofision 84 Turkeramith, containing to stawl, ibe- to stand before. thee all the days of still the are to be considei d all,Lhe da - i It, It f a ur derdralned, w 1,,h state iof tllv life, t Ily I I fo. only alillwoxiinately co, ; t )AD 11"00T, BOX & U08f 100 acres, all oleared but aliout 8 mwes of good bush. the Wn!t6r. 'ti9d Lhey f ore tlive , ell fe cod, and in a h sve a Movvinent in th�- arixiy of Only on1e house Who 1jlveg. Dut, it is tinie for Joshiia t.o gr i�re as follows: Ocrinany, 1,- of cultimblon. Thero Is a kood stone nouse 0 900d Joshtut. They say: ­Wlijjt� in. the mat- grea -ood No. SiOnte holne, Ile is i 1 o ye 7 , 0 0 0 t barns, stables and out-hoWis. It aijolns a g kiiig? oris; Austrial, 1,0,-)0,000 ter n o%v ? there ars c1d, Wush- achool ; Is within Ilve roll s of Seaforbli, ai2d- throe X1111st, be, a Ilignish Id for great ki�d- ingLon went (]own the Potollia d tolls; 1,0(3o,000l tons; RUS_ miles f rona Kippen. Thorai is plonty of ge4od water. p;lnic V1.111olng those troop.4,'ttlid they Will be aold w6h or withol i the crop. It Is one of IIN(). ,-4he had hevil cpn- at Mount Vernon clo.sc-d hi sia, 940,000 tons, Belgium -10,000 �y deeds? aru,going t u fly. or pe are d -ww hip, and wIll be sold on 41)s t e. the beab farins In the tL pictious for bri- ciinem, it is he Wellington died peacefully at tons; 11alland, I 90,000 !to�s; other going t o. try to march a easy torms, as the proprieOr wants to robiro. Also �,s the l.iotIse of IVIly wItt ys A sley '445,000 tons.' Total, 5,_ 60 acres withia.s. mile wid a her bollso House, Now, Where sball .70 hu countries, "ARMOUR PROOF" RUBBERS uarter, a ood grasing rker Nprdan. Joshua a lot, well ftmeed, but no bu Idings, Wilf bc sold to., 11"t Joshua, the chieftain, looks -t he liad Wh,y, 118 is to have his grpat- 800,000 t-on,s, he total.� for the four a geth6ror eeparstaly. App�y on the Dremifins, or aj- great inner? o. hut Ij e he est battle now. Aft preceding.* ears are; 5,523,446 Idraw E,,mondville k. 0. JAMES MoTAVISH. his a rtri and cries, "I,'orward, 11 yvard; he tons hag tol meet a king, -%,,hc,, has inorLi 1689 tf March! " and the repented, demonstrating to all lie 1,982,001. tons, 4,831,7114. tons and start for the, bank ages that thvre is iner-cy for the 14,916,586 tons. I of Jordan. One iifllp� ahead. go subjecLs than all the present popula- ARMOUR f.�p ARM FOR a.1MF,.—Por1;-sale Lot 18, Concesaion 8, c1livf of sinners, 'rho Ted cord of I tl,v-o prie-sts carring a glittering box � (I I- I tion of the earth, his throne a pkra- PR IF U. nuo-11 FTucker8intth, li mileO from Serifortb, contain- viiie injiltiction r,achin,r from eo-) ng 97J acres. Tha land Isla a goodebrde of ou!t1va- four feet long kind two feet wide. It- lior mid of sletills, Ills Parterre the gr llow exicans Malt ice. With the "Armour Proof Braild tion. -On the phee Is a lar�o fra-te bouaa In good indow fo the groAnd, qo that wlic AV s the ark of tho n yards and the cempt ropair and heated by a furnice, h*nk b:Lrn with good Icovenant., And they e s 0 the In one of the highelfit of % are the strongest heavy Double stabling, and no' 'r -d cord now Etouspig li�a 24x46, driving shed soon do they 'the saw the rc Illey world, his Chariot the rse axa('a �Alexico, at an levation of know ft:was the divine indicaflon LLJ Duck" rubbers. woodshed and everything In fleet clans candftion.' touch the rim of tile wate ith —the Icing of . terro h q is �,000_9:(G'fevt, there is -a flourish- cr. Plant pump It, The They Wear best because made of pod wator and Mndmill to feet than, by an Alul "Ty'rla't, that they should not diSt"I'l) "he 'I Joshua,'s great-pst Irsitle ing ice industry, which !is base -d on igh )a op land is wall underdrAined. !Thora Is about 12 acres �st vi r 9 A preiniseq, making us think- of the di- to be Joshlia'sI greatL TRADE M RK of fall Wheat and the plouihiuK Is all done. 16 will 11ordan parts.' The arm, of oshua to y. 1 -le the principle' of the r(,,- REGISTrRED I ne cord of' a, 8avii0lir's delW.er- gathers his Iriends aroun Of temper of rubber, and rnore of it be sold cheap and on tIsr �erms as the proprietor 111MIT110S right on without -getting Il ini so 11 * a d to going Weeb. Posse� 0 Oven at mnytlma. For tlivir fect -%vet, ovor tb bottom of anep, . tho red cord of a avioT s: gives his aledictory and I is ful' of tevipe�ature during I the night. The further pirtioulars apply to WILLIAR EGEREIART, �hn red cord -Of a- Sitviou rerninisceill'o, As he I of than in an otbr heavy,rubber. on tho promises, or to Seafcrth post otll.�e, i634-tt -a pith of chalt wid broken lit's there Ile 'ground in covered with a lar;re nuni- Extra heavy, real tap sal s— the red cord Ir's I ! e iof mir resclie. ber 9 and pebbles, iintil et t tells the ..9tory one, two. or Oree of : shallow woodlen troughs, -VARU IN STANLEY FOR SALE.—For sale, Lot Aferc I I pure rubber. the other bank. I "I'lion th( IJ holod for' the clift-f of' sinners. ut tin)es—yo � have h mrd id pepple Nxh'ich are filled' with walter and dur- your trust, in that od and no dam- two or e ir( I� and the west halt of -Lot 8 on the 12th conces of Ilia oleanders and tell a, They Stand the IA'car. or Brownson Line, of Jt9, This farm con. ti inies over ilig the Winter nights a Min of not J* t aill I risk stor 11 r Ve and pull thc es �up e - sb all befall o 1. —and he answers: more than one-eighth of.an inch in See that the rubbers you boy 160aoresall of which is olo%red, oxcopt four -mse v a ag P� o the way acres. It is in a state of i1ratlalme cultivation, well bank 0 or 40 fevt high, .137d having But 'Joshua's Li-ouPs. initty not halt of all 1he earth, and not. one 1,A'ord thIcknes,4. is forined. The Ice Is reinov- bave the "Armour Prokif" brai)d I here e to% largo frame dwellinz 1I use as good ai new, with, conlaiald of tli'e promise has ftifted, d on the following rildraing, shov- fenced and all underdrained, mostly with tile. T gained the other bank they clap their is, here. The marchl" Thero is the city of I. It on the side, like �'the cut. toodstone foundation rind collar, large bank barn shields and their -Cyinba.ls- and- sing A Word thereof has f Hed, All has '('led into holes in the gou d, and then ot Iith atone abling undoral ath. and numerous other ty iiraisys of the God of Joshua. it be must 'be taken, 1.1o,.V sliall 11 I conle to pas; not e ed with earth. It r pidly solid- Sold at all dealers'. build[ 0, Including a ar 11 pig house. Two good 011 word thoreof cover I o Cholne lrul o nice shmde and oraa. 9 comes has fail ad'. " And thein . .......... I .... 41 y 11pt no sooner have the,y� reaciled the taeft? -A sc.0 11 L' arty ifies and Is then cut Into blocks Lind Made b the old-st and best pring, cracks sent Mental tre,L. ,.I' 0 9 running back and says: we can do his family, as a ding parent will, b.v mules to the -ities below, .rhere sr bank than the w-aters begin t� dash sh a, hrough the is -oar, and with a b-trific' rush you. It �s going to: be and says: I'Mooe now Where it is readily sold. rm,audplen;yof good water all tho'". aII(I i Rubber Compan i that without iiy Canada.*' y0ar round without pu ted for whoin vou. r4pin.�. It 10 well 131tua the.v break loose irom thleir dtrange a very easy job, You UILlst st ruarkets, churches, sohnole, poob offlao, &a., and Kood w1lI serve the Cod of Tlac or the Tho I gmvel roads leAdinir fro I I r In all direebioau, Io is nchorage. here' while we , go an; cilptue It." God of the Amorites. Russian Postal Auto obile (knad'an- Rtibber Co., W1111113VIOWOf Lalco H�r iand the boats can be As for nip and As 'the hand of the Lord (41od is They march with 4 smll, regi TORONTO, MONTREAL, WINHIpEo. and d 11 r ftom th house. This to Ule"t MY house, we Will serve the Lord, The adininistrati. 0 general soon passing up on of I itb 0 taken away from the thuli, u;'.plift men Of �i in fftbnt of that rJ,h e ono of tho bas6 oquippeTaf rm, to tho county, aad ed post office of St. P(3terab.V'g has I 10 in- will be gold on easy torms, t the proprietor wanti bo Waters wat' I and g ivO. Oil Yel it a J011 DUNN. 1649 -ti er uliplifted e l automobfle traffic in rutire, on account of III blea, h. A ly on the prem Slow wol-k, trodtLced ai for In I race, or adrads Bl%ko P. 0. owri, and tho Israelites ruln [Ice reindeer, '�io "Maria, OU let that y(ning Dob- the transportation of the mail fram of the unbellevin T I elites northern troop� at t3u.1 t ster r, s of, the capital _VARU I HAY TOWgBUIP FOR SXLE,For say: "Alas, alas, wh C SU(h :ralfld �iljlo US a half wile —.t:iey rush Run did U taY la-st night until one tho railwuy stations Th k of out a I is fortune I nial these I- o'cl o �k, L to the post office. It is now hiteiid- _U site, Lot 2% on tl�e #orth Boundiry of Hay raelites vvith the 'an�laniLes after "But, ers I Why voidd not those Nva� have' 11111milla, you told ine I must ed to ln�roducc auto Townuhp. This farn abutivins 100 acres, 85 acres MO�I�cs also for cult.1 uch a. r --y give him tiMa to propose.' the liviery of post parlels. cleared the ros ause p6 -%ve. t good ha�rdwo�d bush. It [a wall, un. rha ps so -tu-0 as whell they N o n 0- - derdral6od and fenced. 0bre Is a good stone houso "MY want to go back. 0. L Nve fig �'Buf fiv6 hours,"' Ile I e- shod; shec-p house, 70x"fi, �vlbh ilrat.olau rtibling ess, "Why, In Jal%n. with a No. I cellar; WK8 bank barn; Implement de . F or' are t-ngaged in risky, b-�sill falls i his face in nlauln)a, you knoiv he sLut- Those .0inaniteg 'may eat 11� chagrin. il t' is the only time you ters, and root collar undarneath;! it. good ofahatd; 2 good At the beginning of the preent wells and clatern. Than Is 112J acroa nf fall whemb. IoNV if 've want to go back) ever see tl�e back of 4is hoad. 11 I e year here kv t (lie in pPeration in Ja_ sowed on aL rich fallow, jVall manurod; 40 For wa acres air heating., you canl. find it n(it have bpen a more co�ljplett, falls on I. his fa de 4nd begins to i It May Re Better 8D. 394 tO,cu ical el seeded down recently, 11imrost in good shape for . 11 CY crop. Thii to a No. I Nrm, wdl situated 'for I) I 0 T.,ord had parted the hine, ftn�l he Says, -10 Lord Go'], Miss Walsingliam—We -can trace "() !WL* plant -5, of anythin better thall ollr latest. con- 3,re gierated by waler mptrketa, churches, h I sh office, ate., and 10 lot -tis come. through and , kLipt wherefore hast hou at all brougri L. our Itneestry back to the Norman 1) 4 ,85 of these tion— - 80 po" t will ba sold remonably. A, )ly on the pramigoo, or to ]Vt us b back if -(;�V this T)Pof)l over ,Iorh addr6sIt0l39RTb1.l5oUd A,4,B!akc,orvt.l66ix8tf 0 el iver .4 conquest, can't -%v I mothel? -,I-4)11lY electric. light, 14 are P� tMy-frien Ood s into the h nrls of t iv Aniorites, 0 Mrs. for poNNer t-ranslilis.9ion, Walsingrilam (,sac ly) —Yes; for both NDID FARM F01 t E AIA.—For sale, a splon. Tro PN ret eca t, d IQ RL K )visiori for it- Cliri,saian 08troY M Wo u I d to God ho'd but we clon't know where your fath- I ndfor tho operation The Oxford 460 Ser4 0: did farm and hotol pr3torty. This farm I's on pn(h till t1i been content ,,n(I clv%elt oil the zes Wa to iC stveet rallwas. the l3th Concession of the I jwnehip of HaKillop, ab To go -T bark is to' diot The side of ,lot-cln, For the Cannanites the Village of Loadliury. 1� contains 112jacrott, all sAviing' biL(,Ic awd all the inhal)itr;ntF of th'u lard igh ne.1 They co nbine enormous power witli of which are cloared, excaptabout three acrou. This ti Reasons for it —Like the Canadian solider6 the Canadian of lier er-was last night. clecir tn. A good state of cultivMlqn, bultig well tenced and t ll(- j' horse has Won Rood name f r hinigelf in a Most gra �lifying economy in the use 110113sthie and 'crvstallin�, gate shall hearIof it and shall environ I'S High heels, it is q und6rdralned,L and $Ult%J)lP (of gralu growing or stock dowe r o the ordtIll to let lsr-li�l round ­80lubil Afrioa. ralulng and feedinsf. Th4rc Is not a toot of w tst43 e froul tI.e origin to Persia, pasq and',cut -oil our nam' 'where. the were in Major Phillipi,.horse buer Of co�l, and may be simply and easily for the land on the farm. Thpre, ary tvo good dwelling 11rough now- swin silitt tile eaxth.' III.eneburhge(l Ile BrWeh army, cays our horses have regulated o suit every varying degree rgv;bank barn i4h stone atal ling under. he . ar this troduced to raise Ilic. fo-el fr n P�OiV esti for service in South Africa, sed the�b i Ileath, a largo �ouse and Mll He3easiry ga t of Cry of Joshua as llp IiL�s la burning sands of that Tba of tem pera buildinga In fto dall to ement t44t a Ure. , Is the, dust, God comes and rouse &4 advertis latO. There are three or. hin bould be tl,zlaaa re "oill igoiliff tiftn? By eoliipl - An Importa :ohards and four never-fallin), Nvells. Tho farm ad. I 1,1 Cl� - Victory HoW does :he worthsoni0hingtoour farm roand broad - t JolnethoVillageof Leatitur" tit on. Their improved features promise suirging whore are a to res, p!)sb fi-c-t 11 nioUtntly apostrophe? No. Ile. "I lost my this aft 1.1,11 ()On. Office, blackinnith shop, schoul, The woll known you a�soliAe indoor comfort all winter Ael itf on the Mrin, and will be sold with r,%c I o us, (I.irknosN LIU(] \v0V. Leadbun- h, it 'et Uwe up. -Wherefore liest tho Julia, wcre ,Ou nd very much smaller t. It !a. activ under le -1w tar a berni of yoara. Th"s did not upon thy face?" Josllua rises. and, I 9hopping ar coming back., long, i fuel bills. IIIs one of the boat and rno� t broiltable farm proper, %varraDt ith a a ortified loot.. �y will bo sold ahcap jUS ties In the coull of Ifu On 011J, Ib Oil eav torm ot payine �r I r her parbicul%ro, 11C L_.3(' Th BOERS WILL N. Every Ki tie Taie, a point of seeing them iu nt -hinding oil tile. top of 1110 But his old courage conles back, n V_pply on tile p-oralsos, or m d,.as' In underai;rned (it, -1 () 'fvvt high, c,I)III Ide( VI v�, (let lol . I.,; I I fact waR-that Was not his battle, If I e to� yourself—yo-u'll find the M Bull X6To_J proprietor, Lumd.Wry P. 0; .dowl. i t he he, had'beeri in it h mould have gon Un(ler British Auspices perior in eyery detail— thLe newest and 1063 Wit -It Rapidit --- -ictory, Ile go,t L r4 . I Nvill telF '01 on to N I M 11�%: (� e No A -P �'Ott rs 11A troo parent Ran brst P cor, Says Lieut. of B v c e arm air,furnace made. fillidt. a proMise. and lie Avas 1,,.--o ng round hinx Rad says: lot us Morrison of D Battery. go e the c! to hall not', Lnd dapture tY,'of Al. Lehus Weld3to Dr. Chese's KI ey-Liver Pills, Robe tile Lieut. n 409 SERIES. a go up- right� a\vay.:1, r.PheV march on, t1y:0n the Liver I 13attery, Avilo -,vas 111ent oned by 0 hk' to tmid befoLl-e E� W. B. Aforr:sou of D 1180ause They Act Dire of thy 1-ife." He lt.li� majority ci�..,tlme as Woll as the Iroop t 11. lit, host ledge of rocls y, writ!Pg Pains the small of the le by SILLS & MURDIE Seaforth Alta OOP Lord Roberts for gallantr, Kidnys. i s the For! sa I D reux is i,w no for a nd then' he sends night, to a friend at Ottawa"say baek, over (o Ntop. Ioslill t fit- the kidneys, are usilally dile to d T�e Gurney Foundry -Co., Limitfd) Toronto, Wlhani OParat.1vely have seen of the Ioer I e- raligement;s of the ILIdne 04 and dis- peg, WASMITH and small regim I eiits uP in front of tile link that lie will. rapid- appear wben the kidneys of and Speciai Attention to t 10111� groN aroset rlgb t. city, ilien of Ai con c out 1Y Settle (IONVil under British auspices. ;But there are other ki Vanconver. i to Harseshoein and ARRIA E opp. at the' end of the is with ol bamc- They take their defeat a6he, by far the provorti General Jobb QuOOD Tt is, a- shout. he silia,11 leajl with ca ill greatei i.�! n, t f Iff t e - "I's o tl)at can nolver be reached by troating AKER Hotel, rael i)hilosoph 'and there I,,; no appar it stratag( back d A WONDERFUL' ANTISEPTIO ward ca 1) f I nd ()IIce &in the fall back, rancor in thVir ouls aga I nst. t lie Pains In th� sboulders. COMPOUND rbh. I 'odorlah street, ferod 010 Great ar](1:0,11VO again I ill the men of British. They are rather proud of tile through the centre of the back, and A hY the Moliantinedans il have lcit the city an i are in pur- 14 .but his IIn the ides are caued by i torPId c- IV Imign the I ��d plan. Th( suit Of scatterL1, fight they Put ul), as have i a. LOAN or seetning-, tion of tho liver, and can o IY be driv- A Medicated Toilet Soapof the Puref;t. Awarded Silver edul Greatel no SNvords, nd no regillit-rits, shua stands right to be, but the recognize now I Y ell out When the liver Is Tra4e healthy Monev to loan 5t�j perTeTt on zoA farm aocur. Britain Rjxhibi tion, 18M Ion a r(.)clC_ J if not a yehr.. ago,:, tha-L, it (ou Ity. Appljv to JAS. L. KII. rani. Thert! shall be onl. Id only nd active. ORA, Barrister. Sao,- i oil, W 'ZIP011 I eks Ilying ill A FEW REASONS WHY YOU SHOULD Uf�h' NOVO. forth. I hwve ono result, MinLrled th this To reach the liver, as wel' as th kid- Re 1712-tt of war amd that a �ranl'q 11( thb. lvfn(I lie points i's spear No 300"I. ards till. is a strong appreciation the le4i- n(s, to set the filtering WHAT IT WILL DO. organs in I horn of the slain ra IY, and that 114 0 Pre nts all contagious diseaseii from 6-1t will clean azd III Was qnje Inies the signal. ent, iliatiner in N%hi ivorking order and to y kind remove paint, oil a;aa I ish havo Merton Stoo taken, ild hures h out fro ut :v k Farm were j)unctlure- M of backaelip, there Is b unfailing. appro ELchi g where i G is used, pease Stains from woolen a -ad cott*n clotb- behind: tile tl em, and'a certain. wond�.r flit'll tile 11111�gjcja and ti,�ke the city, rernedy, and that Is Pr ',)Uw1l1cltanand polish paiiatworkand 11 Nvptl pu that it nation so stro IV& ans coat collar and hato, s Nit to the 0 ch, and then ney-Liver J?Ills. It is on y treat- not MR the gloss of the paint, 16114 he 'these .1711 - SI( N s, RIBBEP.T Vic instruilwilt to 111s.1 houlld a 0 LOT 2�, CONONS, L and it i tjhase's ing. Also ele knov*' her to he, I 7—It contains no alkali and i8 stron ill Mean �c:irpets without taking in the city d combined gly inarch - nient thai has this direct a over- thisi rude down, anti Mjilba Hill to commended for washing the headi ss'lt Thoroughbred urham Cows, IIIIISiCid iii.Sti-tillIellt all fiving lsraelitt,s re. in unw engtYd f6r action on both liver and i Idneys, and them, up., d make a great turn, aud be .20 3 -ears. is incorrect t ) supp(,Ije the only one that Positiv-ly and Per.. 4-1t w 11 el livoleums I imparts a tilky and natuml loss to tle cleal Of sAvret hariliony-fol- th the But- bair, and is especially useful -for ebildreo. Heifers ain Balls - . thV80 t%vo waves ike new. I)eople. of Isr,aeliti$11 rs, as a hole. are ignoraift. nianently etber prowess tile inen of Ai Whe 5-1t w 11, clean bi,eyele chain and rims. of the- moat fashionable atrains for salo at tile; on'.), kind of 3 de,stroy4d They UIa,V be badiy inform d egard- caued by liver or k1dreys. Novo Is cl aimed to be the cheapest and beat remonable pricea. Pott office addrem, to take But thi; ing tile outside world, an(i ionioxvillit' Dr. CbasLals Kidney -Liver. Pills, one 'paint RICH lea and We 0 BLOCK Is J10 place for the host tII1I.Sj(-aI to a box, at all deal- cl"110r 01 markab. Try it on finger marks on door#. P Full directions an blooks. DAVID HILL, ataffa. and theY of Joshua. to behind in- their knowledge f current sto D. "ForNvard, ers, or Edmanson, Bateip and Co., To. IvOr"D to go around the city events previous to the war, but thd 0 th Hor M W I T I ro ever -V Inarch!" cries JOsh"a'to the troolm, Y ronto. V41 -headed P,-oplq. @,4d tire ric-usible. le Est#te JOHNSON BROS. Hardw"wreSeaforth 4 Iago" ME,( LAX9 AM 'WIII run DD lasit. i ou'll Ateate betwI Address Un- A, � ]4DOSE POW3 a —Will ba I, 1=1A lod -I Y, 'Out' *are, MW TEA sivbool Sct IV n or 3rd jel ble U Dg 21 19 F18r $TRAY STEI E ZZ .zboustbe 2nd -,I Imb,orns Or. -A ']I be it, eoy,sry w_1 lbodbg It F OIL SALF.—i ' tonse and bati npon Applicallot VAIIN IN STA maluder As hardw ,olibse ard plen.,1 *nd on *W tem. figld-,f � 4D. -r.1l"OUSE AINDI j[J undorsigne pur wltb 3 am anlion A tw With js a go stAble *I ,11oft rere, #even X-Vombin th, priaralseb way be I CNOICE FARM well ImPP)OVA OoMpriBinir 325 a. a"ob, wift be, vA -farm is zonvLpier." JoIne te fam UPI ohurLib. nrlull%- Campbell, Utimb STMART, Russe JJ SALE.—Bee adjoining Beattie) vith th7atholceo shtubs. A fraIne �_ wbole house, a aitl *nd w1uter kiteboi *oft water. It is t "Inforfable and ( and will IZe sold d, JalAftred, uilder .-ore% seededto - There Is is good or creek Tuns throus� houvo� It Is near vanient to tte beei not a toot of wasu MOVk rallitnir. 01 ternis. A ly- It JANIC OUSE ANT tageln Har urhf . grea t room, kfobenantJ t1on With,s, gocd 0 The lot coptaing �' ZfAbh'abd % Well and omall trulto-I be soldbeAp. A SIMERY, lorth. ^"AP.M. Y of Let 10 antJ MoKillop, contAini cleawd a0d In goo acris of W vilheal water and A small foruiarkots and o, grAwl road passin taken in part lixyl], Deegmber *M bo Allowanea batwcer sale � the acre IGY ablc%or ratio ayid -I Wait= P.O. JA" A Bi I tol 0-ountles of A. 14. Carapbt Wa Mils RxposMpp. C, AAuctloswir: Poit.b. Blng a Ments, placcj5 PrIcer. cbarges I 4r no Pay. All ot at Ut is, ttended to. ST001 0 PIG 33REM) tout 26 0 bred ToRumijiRn T, be 441nitted* eatz of artl,b whito MP for sall Isy KEAT11 Who les,%j ' Lumber, Latt OUX'Iumbgr cona� and PiDa, beingwo lttd Codur shinz-1i Y(,U,r bjlla�, yt-u vril.1 L0410a and genii patrans o and, *16h torlet you k -n rlmdY 'to 40 ray b yeUr*_0r.,R n's d: .-As goods2uarimte t Mus -do i taken 0 iT � W1, 'YOU 10 atten and Shorthl jeets, For J)Lben in U( their nee&,, ver 'y facility -People both, We are do wlege u