HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1900-11-16, Page 5• e.• _ _ te, 1900 NOVEMBER 16. 1900 THE HURON SITOR. )e :17th: EEN depart hat must 11 have a Ors,. that Ad from ,be sold no early TH Is only. 3, Gro- nd teas, Aimed Mr. , being the :h previous e'llsrien luta he Canada e company -e at first the mean - Le uncalled as sold to 4 Mr. Bul- amea Stew- -tsodgerville, 1, to Harvey tear Devon. ig formerly or renting te, M. P., in Seaforth 4, are - new build - at, 18' visits. Lche Petty DII Sabbath - enjoyed.- essful aue- g a rough, a large as td at good ?.5t4 year - • et $15 aearly $1- F.. Phil - farm was y, for • the T farm. a an has de- aitien on a. 1.3.. of $10, - 1 - n .4 Salson, Shah ago, hue nt. idemic of ,,, France, drabs and 1.: the ex - A's. -The land, on Is sweep - he Liberal. 1* '1'N if:Jus umber of killed in g, is iTio, ries were City of :England, 'rs George's fireman, Hf a life - t. rgy teen of publicly mending E - ie the hat has - 'painter. twelve ave and at the ae of the c/f the true of fUn of a high a beau- '(.,hrist- ' -Eoutures / yearly Fainiry plant.° liana. It, 4nadian aeund to aaitiful It in be sent send a. ly tar, '• Herald than picturea raificent LO dollar THE LAS OP SPAIN. -The United States eeensinen hall purchased from Spain the t' lands of C gayon and Sibutu, for $100,000. -hese Man s are of the Philippine group, et were unintentionally left outside the Hue drawn by the treaty of Paris. " They are the last Of the Spanish possessions in the -Ocianica, SNAKESJfOtND IN IRELAND. --St. Pat- rick's ciecre and the experience oUhundreds of years to he contrary; snakee have been found in Ir land. Two specimens of the ring snake ave been found at Bray. They jediatelyj paid the penalty of death, and the skins ar kept as great curiositie-s. The Irish press raknana the reptiles were im- ported from. England. Nce Mon ; TAIL Doencteru.-Those w.ho flays long a itated against the docking of horses' tat s have won a great viotory, The Queen, in sending out an order that one of her borses be treated in that way, Mao samouncled that: she had persuaded the Prince eq. Wales to follow her example. With royalty taking up •such a vigorous steed j ie likely that the docked horses will soon he teal rare in London" as full tailed horses at preseent. EEMMIEMNIMENIMIMIMMI s Tap., 1iTt. SRAFORTil, November 15, 1900 ll :63 to 101 1 (6 faMUM (now) (new), Standard ...........O _. spring Wheat per beeeitel, 4*0 ostopci hue:tot-- 23 tO 0 23 poat per boob 222,22 • am . 0 66 to 0 56 Sark/tier bus el__ _ .. 0 36 to 0 33 Bator, No. 1 40050.. .•.„ 0 14 to 0 15 BleeettepraerL..+- 013 to 0 1,1 0 14 to 0 15 °"'I Per 100 2 03 to 2 00 7 00 to 7 60 agaidTai"pref‘°1700n 6 0010 6 50 Sheen 0 60 to 70 0 16 to 017 0 26 to 0 30 1 00 to 000 4 00 to 4 76 2 00 to 250 0 40 to 055 5 60 to 6 00 1 26 to 200 _ 8 60 to 670 04o 000 pootats per bust; (now),_ gigs (retain ese berm. - wood per cord — Wood per cord! (short). . e.., Appies per hafse- — , clover Seed .• Timothy Seed .- Pak, per 100 View, per lb — airy Markets. Touorro, November 13 -Butter -Cream- ery is in ste dy and inereasing demand at 21 to 22c for oreamery boxes- ; choice dairy, tubs, at frorn la to 19c ; creamery prints, 22 to 240; medium butter plentiful at from 13 to 15c. Eggs-P!ices for fresh are from 17 to 183; cold storage stook, 15 to 162, ; piekled Ewen, 160. Cheese -Steady and ua- changed at from 14 to 12a per pound, • MONTREAL, Noveinber 13 -Cheese -The market is nominal to day. Late Octobers quoted at 97i to 9? i for Q iebpc, 9,7, to 10.1-0 for townships, and 10:; eo 10.;... for weetel a, September goods are wet ti 11 to 11!,3 far 1 weatern, an 10.i, to 10;,' : for fiutst town- ships. But er-The met kw-, 15 dull slid shipping is Imost over for the seasen. 9 he market might be quoted to 204 to 20.h for finest creameries, end 16!:, to e).fie f, I. und r - grades. Eggs -There is 14 fair busiraaa tt erm prices. 1We Tote :-No 1. caw, ed stock, 19 to ina ; No. 2 15 to 16.', and etals 12 to 14o pe cluzen. • 1 Grain, etc. TORONTo, November 13th -Wheat -The market is qtiet with the deliveries light xi and the de and rather slow. Prices are steady at 65 o 65.,.c far white and mixed, and 6e feared west. Goose wheat is dull and nominal at 61 to 62o west, Spring wheat is quit at 65 to 66o eaat. Manitoba wheat is stealdy at Ole for No. I hard Tor- onto and we t, 93c for No. 1 hard, and 900 tor No. 2 ha d grinding in transit; 85c for No. hard afloat Fort William, and 85c Goderick aled Hay -The market is quiet and the off mega are light. Car lots on track here ate quoted at $9 50 to $9.75 pee . ton for No. 1and 88 to $8.50 for No. 2. .Baled Straw -Z -Very little is being offered, but the demand is:keen. Car lots on tram* here are worth $5 'to $5 50 per ton. Pota:- toes-Dull and unchanged at 26 to 28c per bag in car lots on (.mak here, and 30 to 35-c • out of stock. Toronto Poultry. Offerings email and trade quieter. Cool weather is beneficial and stock moves more quickly now than at this time last week. • Dealers were pretty well sold out at the close et the week. Large shipments are ex- pected to -morrow, and dealers anticipate lower prices.! Turkeys are worth 8 to 9e per pound, geese 6 to 70 per pound, chick- ens 30 to 504 per pair, and ducks 50 to .80c per pair. • Lisfe Stock Markets. LONDON, England, November 12 -United States oattle, 60 ; Canadian cattle, 50 ; sheep, 50. Trade slow. MONTREAll November 13-Depite the pre- vailing slueCthe.butchers turned out strong and trade wiis brisk with prices advancing all round. The best cattle sold at from 4i to 4ic per pound, with pretty good animals at from n tq over 4c per pound. Common dry cows and thrifty young beasts sold at from 24 to 3,0 per pound, and the leaner beef critters at about 2c per pound. Mr. qirarcl bought two good heifers at 4,;. c per pound, and three good calves, from 6 to 12 weeks old, for $36. Mr. George Fisher bought three good calves, weighing 928 • pounds, at 4c per pound. Sonie of the other old calves sold at about 3ic per pound. Shippers paid 3fc per pound for gOod large sheep, and tie butchers paid from 2i to ne per pound f4 the others. Good lambs sold at from 4 to nearly 4,443 per pound, common Iambs at froth 3. to 3!1,' per pound. Fat hogs sold at about 50 per pound for straight lots; selecta brought 5ic per pound, weighed off the cars. BUFFALO, November 13 -Cattle --Good to' bent smooth fat export cattle, of desirable quality, 85.25 to 85.50; good to best, $5 to $5.25; shipping steers, $4.75 to 85; export bulls,t. choice to extra, $3.75 to $4; good to chthce, butchers' steers, $4.25 to $4.75 ; good to beat, butchers' steers, $4.40 ; good to best fat bulls, $3.50 to SI ; feeder bulls, $3 to 83.25 ; good to best fat heifers, $3.75 to $4.25; tair to good heifere, $3 t 83,50'; fat coma choice to ex- tra, $3.25 t $3,50 ; fat covve, common to fair, $1.75 to $2.25 ; feeding steers, good to extra, $3.75 o 84; fair to good,$3 to $3.50; -Canada sto k steers, $3 25 to $5 ; extra Canada cal es, $3.90 to $4 ; do. choice, $3,50 to $4 stook heifera, $2.50 to $2.75 ; Canada feed Ts, $3.75 to $4; Michigan heif- ers, $3,75 t $1.25 ; cows, canners, $1.50 to $1.70 ; fresh cows, choice to extra, good bags, $45 to $55 ; good to choice, $37 .to to $42; sprileern, choice to extra, $42 to 850; common and, poor cows, $1.8 to $20; cows ancl sbringers, common to good, $25 c ; to $30 ; call, ee, choice to extra, $7.75 to 88.25; goo to hoice, $7.25 to $7.75 heavy fed ca ves, $3.75 to $4.25 ; grassers, $2.25 to S3.1. Sheep and Lambs -Liberal supply, inch. cling 12 double decks of Can- adas ; the g neral basis of lambs was 85.25 to $5.35 ; a few sales exceeded the basie. Lambs, choice to extra, $5.25 to $5.35 ; good to choice, :5 to 85.23; common to fair, 84.25 to 84 5 ; sheep, choice to extra, $4 to 84.25 ; go d to choice $3.75 to $4 ; Can- ada Iambs were in good demand and sold at $5.25 to 85.40, with one load at 85.45. Hogs ---Active deMancl and -higher ; market open- ed on the bails of 85,10 on all but pigs, which were very scarce, and starting at 85.10, rapidly aros to $5 25 ; close firm ; heavy, i Z",5.12:1' ; Y rkers, 85.15 ; mixed, $5.12;11 ; roughs, $1.41 to $4.50- ; stags $375 to $4 9:5. TonteaTo, Noeember 14--4)att1e,-Export -Choice lots of export cattle are worth from $4,10 to 84 60 per cwt., while lights are worth $41 to $4 25. Bulls --Heavy ex- port bulls sold at $4 to $5 per cwt., while light export 'bulls eold at 83.12.1 to 83 35. Butchers'-Vhoice picked lots of butchers' cattle, equal in quality to the best export - ere, we ghing 1,000 to 100 pounds each, are worth from $4.20 $4.40. Loads of good butehre'.oatt1esoIt at $3.75 to $4, and medium butchers' mixed- cows, heifers and steers, $3,25 to $3.50 I er cswt. Common 3, while inferior at $2.50 to $75 ree-Heavy steers ,150 pounds eaoh," sold at $3 60 to butchers' cow's, $2,75 toi rough cows and bulls rol per cwt. Heavy Fee ssreighing from 1,000 to of geed breeding qualities $3 90 per cwt., while tho e of poorer qual- ity, but Rattle weights, so d at $3,40 to $3.60 per. cwt. Short Keep Pc dere-Steers,1,100 to 1,200 pounds eaoh, th t are in good con- dition, and require 61111011 g for export, sold at $4 to $4.15 per cwt. Light Feeders - Steers weighing ' from 811 to 900 pounds each, sold at $3 to $3.25 pet cwt. Buffalo Stockers --.Yearling ate :re 500 to 700 pounds, each, Sold at $2.2 to $3, and off colors and th se of inferi r quality at $1.75 to $2 per le . Sheep Prices steady at $3.25 to $3.50 for ewes, a d $2,50 te $2,75 per cwt. for biekn. Sprig Lambs -Spring Iambs sold from $2.50 t $3 25 each, and ,V 75 to $4' per cwt. ogs-Best select bacon hogs not less than 60 nor more than 200 pounds each, unfed a d unwatered, off cars, sold at $1.87i, and 1 ghts at $4.50 per cwt. THE CAN DIAN Bank of Co !Tierce! CAPITAL (P ID UP) Six Million Dollar—$C .000,000. SEAFORTH ' A general Banking "acted. Farmers' NO and special attentlo collection of Sale No SAVINGS BANK.— ed on -deposits of $1 Special facilities fo business In the Kion ktoney Orders, payable at an following rates :- Under 810 $10 to 820 F. HOLMESTED .08 ,5 -.10 ; RANCH. • businels tran• es discounted, given -to the es. _ ntorost al I ow - nd upward'. transaotion.of ike District. bank, issued M the to 880 .12 0 to 00 .14 F. 0.0. MINTY, Solicitor. Manager. 1624 Births MCNAMARA-In Seaforth, on November let, the wife of Mr. Charles McNamara, of a son. 11s:NAMARA-In Harpurhey, on November 10th. the wile ot Mr. James DielsTamera,of a daughter, Winghem, on Novenabor 6th, the wife of Mr. A. E. Lloyd, of a son. I .• Marriages. • • RIERGENS-BLASHEL-M tbe Rectory, Seaforth, on November 13th, by Rcee •Rural Dein- Hedging, Mr. Charles Kergens, of ' London, to Mies Ida 13Iashel, of Brune s. WITHEK-MILLER-On Nov fr her 8th, Sylv anis • Wittner,sof the Babyloa li ?, Hay, to - Mist, Mary Milier, of Stephen. K ALBFLEE3011-STEIN134Cti sesIn Hay, on Novenas ber 6th, Mr. J. 0. Kalbfiele b, to Mrs. Catharine Steinbach, both of Hay.tow 'ship. A LLIN-MORRI3H-At the IethodIt parsonage, BanmIlier, On November 1s, by Rev. E. A. Shaw, • Mr. Charles Allin, to Hiss Lottle Morrish, all of Colbo.ne. . s I , Death • C'filARA—In McKillop, on October 80th,. Thomas O'Hare; aged 68 years and 6 months. MATTHEWS-En Toronto, on November 6th, Mrs.' Alioe Matthews', daughter of Mrs, Kincaid, of Wingham. CALTON-In Clinton, on N' vember 6th, Susan Townsend, relict.of the late, Charles Calton, aged 75 years and 7 marithe. ' Dashwood, on November 7th,-, Hannah Fried, relict of the late A slow Fried, aged 69 yeare and 23 days. SALE On Tuesday, Ncvember 20bh, at 1 o'clock p. m. on Lot 12, Concession 3, McKillop, Farm Stock. Joseph •Matt hews, proprietor; Theis, Brown, auctioneer. Oa Saturday, November 17th, at 2 p. ne, at Coleman's Warerooms, Seaforth. Agrioultural Implements, Coleman Salt Corripany, proprietore ; Thomas Brown, auctioneer. On Thursday, Novembe 22nd, at 1 o'clock p. n., on Lot 7, Concesei n 17, Greyetwo miles east of Walton. Fo:rm Stock and Im- plements. Thomas Johnston, proprietor ; F. S. Scott, auctioneer. On Thursday, November 22nd, at 1 o'clock p. m. on Riverside Stock Farm, Thames Road, Usborne, high gr de stock, horses, cattle, sheep and pigs. Thomas Russell, proprietor; Thomas Cam ron, auctineer. On Sa(.urday, Decembe lst, at 1 o'clock p. in. at the Commercial Hotel, Seaforth, newly calved ()owe and sp ingers. Thomas Brown, auctioneer. . Everybuly Talks !About the excellent Work of the Central Busine s College, TO ONTO; , And about the sums as of its. students and graduates. More than ' op young people have gone from thi; Coll ge into business positions within th past en months. With a dozen teachers.: sixtyfirst-ohass type- writing machines, spl ndid • equipment throughout, and the best ' rsee of training available, this college dbes most effective work. stifiFall term opens September 4th. Calendar for asking. . Wi te. f . W. H. SHAW, Principal. Yonge sod Gerrard ste. Toronto. - 1 1686-62 IMPORTANT NOTICEH.. DUKE APPLE BUTTER AND CHOPPING MILL ) will run only on Tuesday, and Friday after the 13th Wet. JOHN THIRSK. 1718-4 OG LOST. -Lost about tbe 18th of October a JJ Black Spaniel, Dog, lo* eet and long ears, -hitie epot on breast, anewer1nj to the name ot Glen. Any information leading to hitt warded. JAMES SEA E, Mar I TOR RENT -The home rici etitute, Seaforth, owned man, and lately occupied bywlll be sold on easy terms. T. E. HAYS or MR. WILSON.1. rpEACIIER WANTED. -Male School Section No. 16, IT log 2nd or 3rd elms certificate possible 'up to December 18t. January 1st, 1901- GEORG rotary, Molesworl h. 1-1, STRAY CALVES. -Strayed J.2e aion 2, McKillop, about t four last spring's ealveo, 2 re Steer and a. blaok heifer. any to the recovery of these anint warded. JOHN 0. SPROAT, • ecovery will be te- le Dealer, Clinton. 1718x1 ✓ the Collegiate In- ✓ Mrs. Robert Colo- r. J. A. Wilson, or ply oppoeite to 'Mr. 1718 1 or female for Union wick and Grey, hold. I Apply personally if Duties to commence ' ROBERTSON, Sec - 1717 -4 frotn Lot 85, Coma- e let of November, heifers and a red information loading s will be liberally re- eaforth P. 0. 1718.1 reLEARING SALE OF F41 At STOCK AND IM- - 1... j PLEMENTS,-Jaines Jon s ' has received in- struotione from Mr. William D nlop to sell by public au tion on Lot 21, Concession Ill, Hibbert, on Thum- \ day, November 22, 1900, the fellowing : One heavy - drau tat horse, 1 general Om se 6 years old, 1 two year old filly, 6 cows supposed to be in calf, 2 farrow cows, 1 heifer rising 8 years 6 d supposed to be in calf, 4 steers rising 3 years all , 2 steers Jiang 2 years old, 4 heifere rising 2 yea e old, 3 spring calves and a number- of henc. One St wens dt Burns threeh- ing engine and sep rater, 1 1 awyer-Massey clover seperator nearly new, I olreulti save machine, 1 tank g - i 1 chopper stones, 1 and pump, 1 Maesey-Harris lnder nearly ne,w, 1 mower nearly new, 1 eneilne utter and blower, 1 pulper, 1 Job tte rindgr, 1 Clinton fanning mill with bag er new, 2 sets of bob- sleighs, 2 rats of trucks, 1 -set diamord harrows, 1, hay oar, slings, rope. and pulle e 1 wheelbarrow, 1 grinding stone, 1 eintter, 1 to buggy nearly new; 1 road out, 2.set team harems., 2 set single . harness 1 new, 1 twelve here seed drill i 1 hay rake, 20 tons of bay, grim seed sower, 125 fee - of 1 inch gm pipe, 150 feet of rubber belting li• in hes wide, 4 tone col. tare, 30 bushels et potatoes, l• ee hive and boxes, 60 cedar posts, 24 grain bags, iron reekyoke, $ (..-t whiflietrees, 1 twin gang plow, 2 plows, 1 new cross out saw, 1 cooking stove and 0 her furniture, also a lot of other &Moles too numer us to mention. Sale at 12 .o'clock. Terms -All sii s of 86 and under, cash; over that amount 12 nn riths' credit will be .. given on turtfishinaapproied i eint notes. Five per oent per annum calor cash on credit amounts. No rose ve- as the proprietorihas n Id his farm. WM. DUNLOP, Proprietor; JAS. I JONES, Auctioneer. 1 - ! 1718-1 I -4,4 The idolsons Bank. INCORPORATED, 1855. • CAPITAL REST - MoKINN ON & 00. 62,500,000 00 81 625,000 00 orner Main nd arket Smote eaforth, ntarlo. ickard's 5 This Largest Dr e Goods an Clothing Concern in Four Counties. E JAMES ELLIOTT, HENSALL Money advanced to notes, with one or mor Collections made in and returns promptly rates of exchanges. Dr in Canada, the United Sterling and American sold. Interest allowed ing for one month or Savings Department deposite of $1 and upw Special attention giv of farmers' sae notes. The Bank is open d general banking busine F. E. KARN) Agen General Manager. BRANCH. armers on their own O endorsers. all parts of the world, remitted, at lowest fin sold on all points States and Europe. exohanga bought and on deposits remain. ore at current rates. -4rId. neterest allowed on en to the collection - ily for transacting a L llensall Branch, 1689-tf SIGN OF T7 V" 01 IICULAR SAW Lowl al= oves Seaforth' s Leading Shoe Store. STUB PROOF RUBBERS. =IBM 21111.2120211•••••••••••2 We want every farmer who wears rubbers to know about Stub Proof Rubbers from toe to heel. We want him to know they are made of specially woven rope canvas, thorough- ly impregnated with the be t Para Gum before th 3 finishing coat of rubber is op - plied fiend vOlcanized. If one strand breaks all the others remain intact, giv- ing them a wear resisting quality no other rubber contains. Stub Proof Rubbers, are striotly honest in every particular and you will find noth- ing to equal them for good wear. Al-. ways look for the words Stub Proof on on the sole of every rubber if you want - the genuine, Stub Proof Rubbers are sold as follows: One buckle, friction, rolled edge, rolled heel at $1.85 a pair. One buckle, friction, rolled edg and rolled heel, extra high cut at $2 2o a pair. For sale in Seaforth by The Tea The Seaforth Tea Store s the right place to get good bargains. A clearing sale is now going on to m ke room for very • large consignment of holiday goods _which are now arriving daily. I will • gnoto you a few of he many good bar- gains which are no to be had and are 11 new goods. Eikhteen pounds Red- • ath granulated su,l e tor $L, best new selected raisins at 10c a pound cleaned currants 10c poun new figs 4c a lb. or 7 pou de for 25c, a good salmon for 10c a eon sardines c a. tin, 10 bars or soap for , three pounds lemon his - cuts for 5; 5 poun s brok n sodas for 25c, best flower $1.i 0 per cwt., , Cran- berries 5 a pound Labrador herring 20e a doz lake h -rring 2)0 a dozen, salmon tr. ut 6c a ib,, 5 lb?, boneless cod- fish for 20e, eight •ounds sulpher for 25c, ten iunds Glo ersalts for 25o. Great bargain in crock ry, china and glass ware, 97 iece dinner set regular price $14 now 12, Twelve dollar set now $10, $10 sets •ow $8, Eight dollar set now $6, Ten iece toilet set regular price $5.50 no $4.50, Five dor ar set now $3.75, Fo r dollar eet now $3, Three dollar set now $2.25', $2.75 set now $2, $2.25 set ow $1.90. Come one co e all and get some of the many ba gains. The highest rice paid for butter, eggs and • poultry A. 1. AULT S AFORT • GREAT FUR !E HIBIT. The recent arrival of $1,0001worth of ladies' and gents' fur coats, fur jack- ets, fur capes, caperines, ruffs, muffs, cape, etc., is an event of more than otdin- ary importance. A few years ago some people thought it wise to go out of town for their furs. That time has gone by, and they now look forward for Mc. Kinnon ds Co.'s fur goods opening, We are now ready to show you the finest stock that has yet come within o r do rsAt Buy your furs early. There is no choice like firat choice. Below y u will find a few quotations which will give you Some idea of the goods we carry. We will be !leased to show you the, goods whether you areJeady t� liuy or not. Ladies' furl ruffs in black and brown t 750, $1, $1.25 and $2. Rock martin ruffs, very speoial, at $1.50, $2 and $2.75, Chine illi ruffs, fine close fur, at $1, $1.50 and $2. Blaok coney caperines, high storm edify r gular price $3, for $2.50. Black opposutn cap- erines, special, $5. Rock martin an elect io seal caperines, very stylish, high storm col- lar, s:,'. Black opposum and Astrachan, v ry fine, with two heads and ten tails, $15. Sable and Astrachan caperines, high Storm ollar and long in front, very stylieh, $15. Ladiee' Aatraohan Jackets, 28, 32 and 36 in hes long, at $20, $25, $30; $35 and $40. Men's Siberian dog coats at $18 and $20. riden's Oen coats at $35, $40 and $44. 1 0 .A..1'33 I 01NTM FaRacm. • Me INNOX etc CO., BLYTH. DR. OLARICS' PILL 4 CURf PIES LUMBAGO, WEAK BApK, STONE IN THE 'BLADDER, DIABETE31 - URINARY TROUBLES, GOUT, RHEUMATISM, ETC. PILJS4 Clear the kidneys 4nd thus assist them to purify the blood , instilling life and 'vigor into the entire system. , 25c A. BOTTLE OF FIFTY PILLS. ,rr -OR ILsox5sg 1 0 a lgireWR-Ie kis-Ye frirkii irecemerieeTee The largest stociF ever bought in Western Ontario, bought at prices hioh quantity and cash only can command ; bought only froni the most re- ; able manufacturers on the continent. We are familiar with all the processes manufacture of the goods we sell, and are able to represent each individual tiele just as it really 14 You not only save money when you purchase from but you have the satisfaction of knowing that the goods are exactly as we present them, and evety,artiele fully guaranteed. pecials in en's Fur Coats. One only marmot icoat, size 42, s )ecial at $10.45. Four. natural dog coats at less than t ie manufacturer's present Six dyed dog coats at special prices, Thirty Siberian Buffelo coats, extra dark, at special prices. cOK smio= EXT DOORNORTI OF PICKARD'S. a Eleven wallaby coats, odd sizes, from 15 to $25. Sixty•of the finest con coats Ever o ered by us, and the prices were never 1 wer. These coats are all marked to sell, n t to keep. RIG -IIT BROS., C th's Lading Clothing & Furnishing Store ww.A.0/440#•#44.000.....0.0. OVERCOATS. For the next month will geserve Special attention. If ou have not purchased one Yet you Will be interested in the special values we are effering for the next few Weeke, A line of black' cheviot, medium length, fly front walking coats at $7. A complete assortment of black cheviot, and black or blue beaver at $10. A special line of the newest shade of grey cheviot in the latest style, at a bargain, only $7. Extra heavY frieze overcoats in a variety of sizes, from $5 to $10. Boys' overcoats in sizes from 21 to 36 at from $4.75 to $10. Frieze Pea Jackets at $5. , We have still a few sizes in spring coats left, the line at $7.50 deserves special mention. The leading color of grey whipcord in the moist desirable style. Our lines of un'derwear are still complete in all sixes. Special value at $1, $1.50 $2 and $3 per suit All vepelat 75c, $1, $1.50, $2, $2.50, $3 and $5 per Bull. Good satisfaction go4ranteed in all lines. .1-1-144-44•14-1-1÷1-1-444-1-1-144.4-1-1- Blivr GI/ 7, RI? 0 s FURAPI/SIIZR,S, SLIFORTH. to, GILLESPIE'S 1 ow PO me HAINESS. le have remove store, ONE T OFFICE, hall my old ones. • Gillespie's bes A Kill stock o Sleigh Prices right a give us a cal delight your hor teTRepairing JAMES GI One Door NO my harness shop to my DOOR NORTH OF THE where I will be pleased to customers and many! new Harness is the Harness. Horse Blankets, ells, Trunks, &c. d ,,satisfaction guar nteed and we will plea e e, satisfy your pure Specialty. LESPIE, 6'eafo TH of the Post 0 e. 78 tf o esA • you, e • Notice All persons havin Williain Morrow, lat merit agent, who di e are requested to sen duly verified.by affid for the Administrat December, 1900. A will proceed to dist among the parties o only to the claims given. And after suph dist ibution she will responsible to any creditor of whose olaim l not have received die notice for any part sleets of t a estate. This notice is given to the statute in that behalf. F. HOLME Solicitor for Admini tratrix. Seaforth, Oct 1900. o Oredito any claim against the es ate of of the Town of Seaforth, mp'e- on the 1810 of Aug et, 1950, bill particulars of sue Wale, vit, to the undersigned Bettor Ix, on or before the 7t • ay of ter said date the Admin ratrix ibute tho assets of th eetate titled thereto, having r f renee t wbioh notioe has b en duly rdot be hp shall f the suant TED, er 20, 18-3 A Great Chande To Buy Agric ir'npiements. Coleman's sale at having been attend,e of the stook was un On Saturday, N At Coleman's wa when the balance o without reserve. crushers, plows, so other articles. Far tend this sale as th mnet be sold. BROWN, Auotione tural eaforth on Saturday of 1 e week be, only a few people, Io best old, and there will be a s 1 vember 17th at 2 o rooms, near the rsjiw the stook will be die t consists of land rolle ffiers, jacks, wheelbarr ere desiring bargains s implements are all e OLEMAN SALT CO., r. OC1 set agdt grain ao ionnt be at the Royal Hotel, Seaforth Friday and Satin'. Charles Dodds, collector of taxes for MoKillop, will s and day afternoons of each week for the receiving of uld at- taxes. All parties interested will govern themselves and ticeordingly. All taxes must be paid before Deem- OMAS, ber 14th After that date 6 per cent. will be added. s 7-2 •CHARLES DODDS, Collector. 1717-4 Opera House The Messrs. Shipman presenting their POWERFUL, ROMANTIC DRAMA "A Cavalier of France" „A- RIDAY, NOV. 16th - ADMISSION— , 25c, 350 and 50c. As this is the strongest attraction of the season, you should not miss it. In the Surrogate Court of the County of Huron. •In the matter of the estate of George Wildridge Woode, of the Villsge of Bayfield, in the County of Huron, Gentleman, deceased. Notice is hereby given pursuant to Chapter 129 Revieed Statutes of Ontario, 1897, that all pereons who have claims against the estate of the.above named deorge Wild- rfdge Woods who died on or about the 23rd day of August, A. D. 1900, are required to send on or be - fere December 8th, lirO, to Mrs. Lena Woods, Bay- field P. 0„ Ontario, the sole exeeittrixs of the laet wtll and testament of the said deceased, full particle- lers of their claims and securities, if any, held by thorn drily verified by affidavit. And notice is here- by given thst after the said 8th day tf December, 1900, the said executrix will, proceed to distribute the seeds of the said estate alnongst the parties en - thereto having regard only to the claims of Which she shall have received notioe as above and atter ouch distribution the saidExecutrix shall not be liable for the said assets or any part thereof to atiy person or persons of whose elaime notice shall not have been received at the date of said distribu- tion. E. N. LEWIS, Solicitor for said Executrix. Goderich, October 2010, 1900, 1717-3 Tax Notice. [ti-Eitit_Eri . 2.11--,,,,E24. t2,--•,-----..Esst4i. si-itEiEL4m-- - $' a pedals in Robes, In Galloways, goats, rocky bear, cub ar and Saskatchewan buffalo. Special line of ladies'l coon' coats at 7. Special line of ladies'i electric seal at 3. Special in ladies' Astrachan coats at 1.25, $24.75, $28, 29.76, $34,25 d 835.50. pecials in adies' Capes Good Astrachan cape, 24 inches long, fir $9.50. Special Astrachan cape, 27 inches long, for $12. Special Astrachan cape, extra sweep, 30 inches long, for $13. Two special lines in grey oppossum ✓ ffs, at $1.33 and $2. Special black opposs m ruff, trim - ed with tails, at $3.30 Two special sable ruffs at $6,90 and Muffs at all, prices. adies' D9artment. Ladies' hygien underwear, special heavy vest, 25 extra eavy, at 30c; u lion vests at 45c, fine soft union at 5Ic, pure wool at 95c. Ladies' natural wool underwear, per s $5.40. - Fleece vests, 4xtra h avy, 55c; fine d 75c. black tights, slizes 1; 2, 3 and 4 at 38c 40c, 42c and 45e. Specials in hosiery for boys, extra h avy ribbed all wool ia,t 25e; heavy r bbed pure' worsted at 45c; heavy rib - b d, pure worsted, double kneed, at 51c ; extra heavy, fine worsted, honey mb, double kneed, 50i. Mantle Department, Special jackets made of, brown and blue niggerhea,d cloth, silk Ivelvet strap - pings front and back, lined throughout, sizes from 32 to 38, special at $5,80. Special in fawn kersey cloth, lined with Roman satin, with 'taffeta silk straps on front and backesilk velvet collar, special at $8. Two specials in Scotch frieze, bound with silk velvet, lined throughout, double breasted, at $4.95 and $6 25. Special in &Wren's eoats, from $L25 to $4.50. Dress Goods Department. Specialrenanant sale of 100 ends of 'ilk lengths from half yard to three yards, at special price% 125 ends of dress goods in black and colored, at special low price.,. Ten ends of ladies' cloth' in brownN green, blue, grey, garnet and black, af - 5cayard. Special line in tweed, 42 inches wide, at 47c. - Two pieces fancy black, eXtra special, at 21313. Special suiting cloth, 54 inches wide, at $1 per yard. Large range of matallasses, from 500 to $1.55. • Clothing Department, A few specials in clothing to order. Special Scotch tweed in six shades, or $14. Fourteen suits fancy worsted, special at $16.50. Special lines in black from $15 to $22. Specials in Ready-to-wear Clothing. Special double breasted frieze suit, all sizes, in. black, brown and blue, at $6,65. Special line of worsted Suits, brown and green mixture, all sizes, $10. Specials in Overcoats. Special line of beaver !overcoats— black, brown and blue. Thils is the best ready to wear coats, in Canada worth in the regular way $12,50, our special. price $9.25. Other specials will be found at $8, $6.50 and $6. Special in frieze code, black and brown, all wool, interlined throughout with rubber, making it wind and waterproof, at $8. Other specials at $5, $6.46 and $6, Special line of rubber lined smocks at $2, Special Puritan smock, half rub- ber lined, for $1.35. Speoial rain eoat for $2.40. Many Specials in Men's Under- wear. 2,2 1 r sTA, a Special line of fleece lined goods, ex- tra heavy, or 95c a suit. Special line wool fleecing, extra heavy weight, at $1,40. Many specials in wool goods. We sell- Stanfield's pure wool un - shrinkable underwear in all makes. 11. PitKARD lk CO. MEET IMP dRTERSI Opposite Town 13ui1ding, Corner Main and Market Sts., Seaforth. Ett