The Huron Expositor, 1900-11-16, Page 3900
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NOVEMBER 16 1100
, r•d1
wood p
OD WANTED. -500 cords of 4 feet wood
wanted at the TuckeremIth briokyard, soft
eferred. Apply to .1 & J. SPROA.T. 17,7e1
FOR SALE.—Nlue head food 2 year old etaek
steers between ten and eleven hundred weight.
Addre Mrs, A. E. SAGE, Walton. 1710-0
Will be told together or separately on easy
terms. Apply to D. BURNS, Hensel). 1711- tf
Ceeford Down sheep, both sexes, also Bronze
turkeya, bell strain, and Belgian Hares in solid color
and etaindard weight. MeEWEN BROS , Bluevale.
1715 4
JOHN BEATTIE, Clerk the Second Division
(gm* County -Commissioner, of Huron, Con-
veyancer, Land, Loan and 'neurones Agent. Funds
invested and to Loan, Office—Over Sharp &
L'vens' store, Main street, Seaforth. 1299
mEACIIER WANTED.—Teacher wanted for School
Sealy) No. 12, Stephen. Duties to gornmenoo
Jewelry let, 1901. Applicatlens will be received up
to November .20th 1400 Apply to OAPE F. W AL -
PER, SecretaryeGrand Bend P. O. 1715x4
TEACHER WANTED.—The.undersigned will re
ceive Applications up to Saturday, December
Sth, fo a ma e teacher holding a second class cot tifl.
este for Sehaol ,Seetion No. 6, Turnberry. Appli-
cants t state salary and experience, WILLIAM
OARROIHERS, Wiegham P. O. .. 1715x4
TEAGHER WANTED.—Male or female for Union
S hoot Section No. 16, Howick and Grey, hold.2nd or 3rd doss certificate. Apply personally if
pbI0 up ti D maim* let. Duties te commence
Januar: 1st, 1!)01. GEORGE ROBERTSON, Sec-
retary. • 17 L7.4
TISTRAY CALF.—Strayed from Let 31, Con -
.E4 *sten 9, MeKillop, a red and white heifer oalf,
about (5 months' old. A reward ia offered. Rom,.
D0ODS1, Winth17174rop.
.STEAY STE It.—Strayed from Mr. Samuel Dick-
" --"---
son's farn. i miles north of Winthrop,
about the and o November a two-year-old red steer,
base horns on. 4ny information leading to iti re-
covery will be es arded, and any person found har-
borlog it will be protecuted. A,- FORBES, Sea -
1717 -4
/111010E FARM FOR SALE. --That very choice and
ke well -improved farm on the west boundary line,
_aoreprising 125 acres of Lot 30, Concession 10, Ful.
larten, will be offered for eale on easy terms, The
fermis( conveniert to school and poet office, and ad-
joins the farm opon which gentle Roy's Preebyterian
°bora, For full description arid terms, apply to H.
Canapbela Mitehell, or te the owner, HUGH
STEWART, Ruseeldale. 17173
SALE,—lot rate the comfortable frame cot-
tage lo Harpur ey belongices to the undersigned.
It contains threq bed rooms, sitting room, dining
room, kitchen and paetry. It is on a etone founda-
tion with a god (teller; also hard and soft vsater.
The lot eontaina a of an acre of land, has on it a goal
stable and ia well planted with various kind 3 of large
and small fruit!. It Is pleaeantly situated and will
be sold cheip. Apply to the owner, MR'. GEORGE
SFLLERY, Seel erth, or to JAMES WATSON, Sea -
forth. 1716 tf
"ViAltif FOR SALE OR TO RE'T.—The East half
je] of Let 10 and Let 9 on the 141h Concession of
MoKillep, oontaining abaut 145 area, about 60 acres
cleared and in geed workir g order. There aro 7
saris of fall wheat. Gcod building!, plenty of good
water and a small orchard. It is centrally situatei
for markets and ict ler conveuiene s, with a good
gravel road peeing by it. A eu-all farm would be
taken in part payment. If not ecld by the let of
December will be meted. The timber an the road
allowance between Grey and Meliillop le also for
ode by the me or by the iuttp. The timber is relit -
able for rails and w od. Apply on Lot 10 or address
Walt:n P. 0. JAMES CAMPeEOL. 1716-tf
yIFOMAS BROWN, Licersed Auctioneer for the
; Counties of Huron and Perth. Orders lett at
. M. Campbell'implement wareroonis, Seaaorth, or
Tux .Exeosieort Office, Wilt receive prompt atteation.
Satisfietion guitrantetd or no charge. 17C8 tf
e ,
A UCTIONEERING. 13. 8. Phillips, Licensed
„al auotionee for -tho counties of Huron and
Perth. Beingpracticli fertner and thoroughly
understandiug he value of farm stook and in:Tie-
mente, piaci 8 mein a be ter position to realize good
peace. Charges' modsrate. Satisfaction guaranteed
or no pay. All orthre left at Hensel] post (Ace or
at Lot `eta Conceseion 2, Hay, will be promplay
ttenf ed to. 1709-tt
110 PIG BREEDERS.—The undereigned will keep
J. on 1101 26, Ci neeseiou 6, L. R. S.'Tuckerstutth,
A thoroughbred Cement WIIITH Pre, als° a thorough-
bred YORKSillaxiP10 A linaited nutnber of 80w9 will
be admitted to eloih. Terms, $1, payable at the time
of service, or $11.60 if charged. Aho a few Chester
White Pip ler elle. JAMES TIEMMILL. 1608-52
- .1 • -
Houses -and 7- Lands IP
Seaforth for Sale,
Eighteen aciecs, North er:d of Lot 26, Concession 1, .
Four and a hell acres south cf the:above on Main
Three ond a half ares west of the Race Track and
Show Grounds.
Lots 45, 46,47 98, 51, 62, 53, 64, 56,-56 T. T. C-olees
Man% EilirWy, Gil WiJlia n Street, north of D. MeCal-
lumar house.
Fi e acres South of the Race Track.
Flee ac.ea Eaet o' the Collegiate Inetitute.
, Five acres Erman of the Collegiate Ins:itute, ineled-
Ing tlas barn, barnyard an 1 lane.
The reeideeee of the mat i Dr. Coleman and about
6 acre.
Lots 101 and 1 ea Gouinlock survcs, one and one-
half story tea ne houee, steble, hard and soft water.
Lot 167, Jarvis Survey, with old building.
Let 41, Main Sreet, Jarvis' Survey, opposite the
Commercial liotel.
Lot 42, Main Street, Jarvie Survey, with brick
budding occupied by F. Crealy, Creamery, etc.
Eighty. live ton lots soutn of the Geand Trunk
Railway, in Gout 110eleS i-tayey.
Lot 33, Gonin oelee turvey, on the railway track,
with store how° hereon.
Terme easy. For particulars, apply to Coleman
Brothers, or te F Holmeited, barriater, Seeforth.
Also Lot 19, bt Colemenai survey, Seaforth, with
comfortaale cott g -e, lately occupied lee Mr. W. D.
Lots_ with brie • residence therean, west of Mr. D.
ix-)t-irrison'e hou e, at present occupied by Mr. Cal-
Let 3,111oek -A, Beat -tie & Sterk`e survey, .with frame
dwelling and uteri) house, oscupled by Mrs. Edward
Lot 40, Goole ock'e survey, with frame residence
occupied bY` Dr. Bethune, and stable. -
Part of 131oe1 E, Goulnloukai etovey, with cider
mill erected the .on. a
Lot 94, Control ek's survey, with comfortable frame
oottege, oecuple by Mrs. Freeman. -
Part of Lot 18, in George Sparlinpre survey, with
frame residence ecupled by R. lareneh, J. •
Part of Let 1.)4, in 'Jervis' survey, with traria,
dwelling occupie by E. D.Miln.
Re ei of land, large frame house c00-
tsar-ling:7 rooms, eeed orchard, good well, is la mikes
from Seaforth al a mile from Egmondvitle, will be
soka te! the p operty of the late Jenne( Burge,
deceaeed, coneletaig of cart of Let 10, Cuucession 2,
11. t, S., Tuckeri nail
For te11113 and part enters, apply to F. HOLME-
STED,Scaforth. 1716-4
efe / C .47 -11's
e▪ `t/e--'
4-;"/ C/4
nen awl
• a. •:. f'• •r, :011 tthtelte,
• tr • Po,
: :•• — F,ttide;a1
au ,
‘VhnIesa10 and Retail Dealers in
LumberLa h, Shingles, Cedar Posts
and Timber.
Our Itaa'eer ('0 ist9 of the best quality of Hemlock
and Nee, being e, ell manufactured. Any amount of
Red Cedar Shineles ale teee on hand. Firing alorig
yam bills, you 1 ill be euro to get them filled setts-
faetckrili ireJ7-0 derich street Eaet 1711-11
Ladies and gentlemen, thanking you all for paet
patronage and new that a new eeasen is at hand
wit.h to let you know that I am still in the business,
ready to do my beet to give you every satisfaction
in doing your wOrk in the line of cleaning and dyeing
gentlemen*8 and ladies' clothing, done without being
ripped as welt AB to have them ripped. All wool
800da auaranttel to give geed eatiefaction on short-
eet notice. St iwis, curtains, etc., at moderate
Piece. Pleese do rot fail to give me a call. Butter
and eggs taken in exchange for work. HENRY
NICHOL, Goder ch etreet east, opposite the Catholic
Church. 1601 -ti
What makes in -her clfeelis time beautiful glow?
• That lovely lig' it in her -eye ,
1; hat makes her nevi, ae will te as Cie ennw ?
Melt gives her that aaeleeful end willowy foern?..
\Chat give p to aer lipe tII1r hr gist dye?.
, 'That hand he s'iativiy and on ,411,
These graces Of here - beWitchl ig they are—
, Oh, does 811c -inherit them al ?
lic r father was homely o her mother _Was
Her lea elinees came not that vay.
She diets, taaes exercise, -wear luw heeled. oboes
And walks several miles each -day,
.51ie'8 growliimorci, lovely the elder she grows
And never knows itinees nor eche; .
iihear making eNperiim 111H, tryi ng to show
Heredity's all a mietaire.
—Boston Courier.
Unsolved Problems -That Dave to Do,
With-Mo(Jern RnI swatting.
"The theory that -a m ving traincar-
ries along no envelope o tiir is very in-
tereFiting,"-said an engineer, "and 1 be-
lieve there is agoodaleal )f. truth in it. I
first had my, attention- ttracted to the
).-adijtct by A' curious in ident that hap-
pened several years ag at a- crossing
near. Birmingham, Ala. where trains
pass twice a day at a sp. ,ed of about 40
miles an hour. The tricks are seven
feet apart, and, there -W old See111 to be
ample room to stem]. Ix (\Veen them in
perfect safety. One :if crnoon
fox terrier deg..belonging. tee a section
ss -
bowas asleep. in Ow middle -space and
\yoke up just as the train cloSed in tram
eal,h. side: .There_ was. . barrel on the
ground near by, and the, ( ogsin his fright
jumped, _on top of it. _ That possibly
-brought -him_ into. one ..of tbe rushing en-
Volopes of air. At an rate, he was
.whirledi'off his• feet and , hroWn clear to
the roof of She opsite car, where he
waa subsequently- .found: amined against
a ventilator chimney,, with no injurss.ex-
seps a broken leg. HoW in the world .he
ever made such a journ sy and egcaped
alive isa mystery unle,s his fall was
deadens;t1 by a cushion of air,
-Apropos of atmospheric pressure, it is
a well known fact that t ere is -a. 'vortex
or 'zone of suction' directly behind
nny rapidly moving trait, 00(1 its pres-
(-lice accounts for a grotesque happening
that took place some ti ne .ago on the
lelouthern Pacific. While the California
tainted eopeese was goin through wet -
1'I) Arizona at a clippin gait a passen-
eer wine was on the verge of the jirojarns
reshed out to the rear platform, climbed -
the rail Red jumped. off. He -Wila
;sea; iug a very long liner duster, and
leuscular tourist Whe hat pened to bc. on
he platform nt the time grabbed. it :hy
1 1, tails as it sailed by and yelled for
i.NVhen Some of th others 1'011 tu •
l.'s assistance, they fou d the luna:ic
-etched straight out in the air behinsl
the pia tfoi as howling lil e 0 Comnneje.
I :t safelv. anchored by his duster, VII 1'
!)0.1 turned inside out an Caught him at
111 shoulders.' rI110 mils tiler gentlemsn
vas hanging on for .dear life,: but had it
ot la -en for the fact flint thIl. wOnid 1(0
wasvirtually sus allied 11.01 citi- •
loll long .by the suctiot of the yortcx
somothing .Would &ertnialy 11.1 .''ipoway.. They reeled he wan
111 11(01
ronsed 10 be good.
"We have very littlo e act knoWled
!.; present of the atmosp ierie conditiesa
that surround- a moving eatin. A l'all•r
keowledge of them rimy 1 ,m1 tO 1 ho sois-
tisa battling problems iu
Toeeete and e bisto Le For z,;1 s.
11 is not unlikely that scnie of the curi.
•ols alteratienslin the distribution of .far -
est trees schirith geologis s have -receg-
uizeil may havts been due to the develop-
ment in former ages of the gypsy rtio:11
(31' °lifer destructivi? sj ecies of insect.
Thus hi the early rnicteet 0 fertiary
rope wns tenanted by a mat or speeies-
elesely akin -to those that no W form our
admirahle American .bro 1d'.1eaved for -
012. The uniguolias,' the .goms and- the
tolip trees were then as well developed
in Europe as they are 11 this country.
Suddenly all these speci S disappeared
from ,the old world. There is no reason
to -believe that the chan,-e was .due to
an alteration in climat . There are
many evidences indeed tin t such f\VIIS not
the ,case. It is a. very 1 ensouable
jyeture. thatthat alteratiOn was. h: -ought
- about. by the itivasion of au insect ene-
my \\hie') may -have been the ancestor
of the gypsy moth.—Profelssor N. S.. Sha-
fer in Poreeter.
. Pler Criticism.
She is a very little girls only 5 ye.nrs
.(4,1, lintin the short period of het few
I's she has enjOYed a lirge experience
'sf life with _dolls of all kir ds and descrip-
tions who in the course of their, exist-
ence under- her loving hit- not n tways
!tie (1 administrntions have itindergone
ninny vicissitudes. So ti e littic 5-3'ear-
old, W tien there came. a real live holly
into the house, felt hers( If to he some-
thing Of a •connoisseur in. .hildren... \Alien
11 syle4 put into her arm_ this Teal live .
she regarded it witi, a critical air.
"Isn't that -a .nice ba iy?" Cried theo
nurse, with the joyous pride with which
a Hurst) always. regards new bahy, ili
kOlieli she. feels that she I as. proprietor.
ineereet. • - •
"Yes," replier] the little girl hesititting-!
"il 's nice, • hut its head's loose!' .
-where Ile
ITe was One of those „mart men who
lila, to show their cleverness.-
-Watch me ,take a to k 'mit of him,"
s.aid as. the s'agrant a p wend:ed. Then.
!•,. listened solemnly to Cu, tale of hard
I -
"That's the same old
me the last time you ac
said When the vagrant ha
"ls it?" •was the 1105 11
" NV11(.1) did I, toll it to you
"Last Week,"
"Afehbe I did, mehbe I
thy hobo, "I'd forgotten
svas in jail all last week."
story 3sIti told
:s.usted ine," li
d finished.
PIIiIIg question.
did," adinitted
mer,,tin yon.
'1.93 c 0 r n
The peripatel re tutteicial
piano Organs •throtigh th
ha ve Vvry filii111011
t *Are. They. on noot love 11
to contributtee :Hid thee' it
'Irvine contempt: for peon]
ing to pay foe the kind 6
dealt out to thetn.
s Iwho- push tile
s 1 stHets most
of human 1111-
50 \V ho refueio
ust have a so -
who are will-
frusie that is
111 the seventh mitt] ra hem* had be-
come so general a beverage in England
that Ina, king of Wessexi levied a in x
-to he paid in .alts, and 01114Iy the fif-
teenth. century. 0 brewer's IcomPany was
formed, in London. ,
s.A. cynic is a- person rlio knows the
-1price of everything and ithe --Value of
iniathing.--sChicauo News.. 1
Tie worst thing
painter has to con.
tem., with ,is the tars
pent inc.
T le lead, of course,
is bad too.
B t the turpentine
the kidneys, in.
es and weakens
, makes tlic
ter's life a clan.
us and trouble-
r's backaches, its
ting the kidneys.
th e
some one; W ten a paintc
time for him. t o begin tre
will fix them I. p—take ou the inflammation
and congestion, give ea:e to the aching
Mr. J. Evanson, the w 11. -known painter
and decorator, go Oxford St., Toronto,
Ont., said: About eight weeks ago I was
taken with an excruciating pain in my back
over the kidneys. It was so bad that my
wife had to apply hot clo hs till the doctor
•came and gat e me morphine.
He said the trouble was due to a stone
passing.frdm the kidney to the bladder.
My water was loaded With .a brick dust
deposit and scalded,on passing.
While in this condition I heardof Doan's
Kidney Pills -_11(1. started Itaking them.
It was not long before I get relief front
pain and have been improving in health ever
since. My urine is now clear and does not
sr-oart me, and I feel better than in years.
UM -LIVER P11.1.These little
I black fellows
act ea,sily an I naturailyl on the system,
clearing away all bile and effete material.
Constipation, biliousness, dyspepsia, sick
headache, heartburn, waterbrash—all dis-
appear when they are used. Price 25e.
12.1411+2411.14112•2411.2‘11•111Vaii 11+241M4111+241114112
X' .Z
�*�db�i �r �i
zi. 4
r 1
ti LI
S4 "X
I. -.
41 4
V C2
✓ 1?
ki 4
r q
z.,41414$04062 Istle41t141•114114%141,14•2•11411 4
The old reliable remedy for Sparing, RIngboses,
Splints, Curbs and all forms of Lamenese. It cures
Without a blemish because it does not blister.
North Plantagenet, Ont., i'eb. 10, '98.
Dr. B. J. Kendall Co,
Dear Sirs :—Wil you plesse give me a remedy forheaves.
I hare a mare that it afflicted. 1 take pleasure in stating that
(hove cured a Curb of four years'- standing with your
lIendall's Blister. by using it only once and then applying
your SpavIn Cure As long as I have horses,1 will not be
without Keadall's Spavin Cure and Kendall's Blister in my
Mable. Very truly yours,
Pelee $1, SU for i85. As a liniment for itunily use it
has no equal. Ask your druggist for Sendai's
Spavin (Jure, also "A Treatise ou the Horse,"
the book free, or address
To Eat.
The pain, nausea ad dis-
tress that. Dyspeptics suffer
after every meal can all be
permanently removed Iy Bur-
dock Blood Bitters.
It tones up and restores the
stomach to normal cond tion so
that it digests food" without
causing discomfort.
Here's ?roof positive:
Miss Maggie Splucle, palhousie, N.B.,
wrote the „following,: "1 have been a
sufferor from Liver Complaint and Dys-
pepsia for tLe past two years and felt
very miserab'e. I could not take much
food as it hurt me to eat. My friends
said, 'Why don't you try B.B.B.' I did
so, -using two bottles, which made such a
complete euro that I can now eat any-
thing I like without it causing me discom-
V ell
Riff PI ni
Any Spectacle,
Is no more adapted to your
face than any coat to
your body.
The fit of the 'frame s as
important as the fit of
the lenses.
-We make a specialty
of both.
We,have a c
ranges, coal an
For a six ho
ford and Col
In wood coo
less and Gurne
first class stov
warranted per
It will pay 5
are Store.
mplete line of wood cooks,
• wood heaters.
e range see our Imperial Ox-
nial, the best value in the
s Moffat's Crown and Match-
Tilden's Family tanner are
s fitted, with steel ovens and
ect bakers.
ou to get our pri es before
& Mu die
ld Stand, eaforth
James Walsh, member of -the Steel: Ex-
change of Cripple Creek, is 48 years •old,
\ vas ia grandfs,ther three 3'enit ago and
sino4.-es at least 40 cigars every day. '
B. Montet, the dly editor of La Presse,
of 'Montreal, has been appointed manager
of the Independent Order of Foresters in
France and will hereafter reside in that
Abner Robbins, the leading eapitalist
of eastern Oregon, is one of the most ec-
(satiric of American millionaires. Ife
liver; (dune in a lonelyhut, prefers hunt—
tee fare and will not accept a pass on his
own railroad.
M. Coaz, the chief forester of Switzer- .
land, still living, made the 'first ascent of
Isiz Bernina. 50.years ago. In those days,
when there were4no huts, guides or maps,
,s.cli an ascent meant a great deal more
than it does now.
Captain Martin Conrad, the,new pros-.
-ident of the Illinois state oard of agri-
culture, is said to be one o - the best for-
estry experts in the coun ry. He had
charge of the Illinois exhibit of forestry
at the World's fair.
Sir Henry Campbell -Bannerman is said
to be able to sleep in a standing posture
IIS well as he can lying down. The Duke
of Devonshire -once said to him, "Yon
are like a policeman, Bannerman; you
eau always. sleep ,standing pp."
Dr. Johannes Bresler in rreiburg, Sile-
sia, is about to open a museum of a novel
kind. It Nk ill be devoted to the study of
psychiatry and wiill contain models of, va-
rious lunatic asylums and samples of ev-
ery appliance in Use in such institutions.
John I'. Trish, once a well koown west-
ern journa ist and now naval officer of
the port of San Francisco, has one pecull-
arity—he will not wear a necktie. He
once had throat trouble and concluded it
came froth too much wrapping up of his
-Louis R. Hastings, Who died in Texas
recently, was one of the pioneers of the
live stock business in Chiiaigo and the
illS:t of th se pioneers to ,survive. He
drove eattl over the mounitains in 1851
and in 18tr drove the first.eattle intb the
Chicago stcickyards. .
Jaines D Reid, organizer of the Old
Time Telegraphers' association, super] n
tended the con4truction between Wash
ington and Baltimore of the world's orig-
inal telegr ph line. He tatight Andrew
Carnegie t be au operato4 and is now
manager o the steel man's Scotch es-
Isaiah T. Montgomery, who was in his
youth a slave of Jefferson Davis and his
Adder brother, Joseph Davis, flounder] a
colony of negroes in- the YaZoo Vover val.
ley, in Mississippi, after the war, and he
k now "mayor" of the villre of Mount
Bayou, the center of the col ny. The ne-
groes own 12,000 acres' there.
After 18 years of exile Arabi Pasha
has lost all desire to return 10 the land of
his birth. For some timo after he land
ell in Colombo Arabi found the" ditnate of
Itis new ho ne making danOnous" inroad..
noon his health, hut in th )se days the
fallen leader of the rebellion in the Nilo
delta had a strong wish to; get back to
Cairo... •
The pollee &pat tthont in Berlin has on
&lea ken a thoroughrevisionl of the bako.
much to the astonishment of the
toaster bakers' associntion there, wide!,
'lad begun to ridicule the bakeshop law.
Contemplated so called intehpational
positions tire becoming so mime:runs that
they dispute as to du tes. J ilk now Ka 11
ens and Seattle are debating; thns far in
11 courteous manner, ,which be them will
have an exposition in 1004.
"Dickens' avenue" is suggested as the
name for the _new broad street that is
heing cut , between Holborn andi the
.Strand in London. It rune through .11
pa -rt of the town in which Dickens placed
episodes of many of his stories. :
New York city has a growing nuMber
of tropical plantations well' the
:limits of Abe city. In both :Central. end
Riverside parks there have .been --culti-
vated during the summer a large number
of cotton, tobacco and coffee 'plants. --
For some time 'the corporation of Olas
gow has taken comparatively small Sums
of money on deposit, and -the experiment
has worked web!. E-naboldened by this
success, the progressive ele6ent of the
city council proposed that banking should
be added t'p the municipal undertakings.
Dr. Conn Doyle has nearly completed
his history or the war in South Afriea, li
may be expected to appear ahortly tate!
the fortnOconclusiou of pestle.
Count 'Tolstoi explains that the
church not formally exciommunicato
-him. It has given orders that he !sit ill
.-_18)t have an orthodox funeral at his
death, Nv h i eh Tolstoi says entirely awes-,
shis wishes.
The gold cross of the Ordet' of Danny
brog has been conferred by King Chr's
tian of Denmark on ;Jacob A. Itiis
the author. Mr. Riis' father, N. 1.3
a well known Latin schoolmastet
of Itibe, Denmark, was similarly ileco-
peas some years ago in recognition cif his
serv ces to his country.
Bsoernstjerne Bjoernson, the , well
kno vn Vriter has just passed thiiongli
an extraordinary experience, havingislept
cont nnously for 48 hours. At Lillehanter
the :writer was taken soddenly ill with
much prostration, and in the evening he
fell into a deep sleep, from which he did
not awake for two days.
CloodS'as often form directly oveihead
as come up from the horizon.
Two thousand gallons of air are II
grown up person's allowance for 24 ours.
. Sets of the Marconi appasstus -have
been ordered for British warships, 1101 it
is said that the royalty payable to tl e in-
ventor will be 1100 on each ship lasing the
'wireless telegraphy. It admits of com-
munication over a distance of 50 mil
With Langley's' "bolometer" a tel iper-
ature fluctuation- as minute as a millionth
of a degree can be detected. The
Is possessed of a mysterious power
enables it to emita strong light' wi
heat enough to affect the most sen
ho ti t
Some of the noisiest patriot are hose
who forget to register.—Baltimore Her-
. A political prophet differs from an or-
dinary politician in that he doe.. not
know either, but lets others know that
he does not know...,
For Infants and Children,,
Ths fa-
tit le
In 06 Clutch -
Of Consumption.
Don't neglect that persistent hacking
cough till you find yourself in the clutch of
Consumption. It's an easy Matter to stop
it now by taking
This pleasont remedy heals and soothes
the hings and bronchial tubes, and cures
lingering and chronic coughs when other
remedies 401.
Mr. W. P. Cann, writing from Morpith,
Ont., says : "I honestly believer I would
have died of consumption only for Dr.
Wood's Norway Pine Syrup. I have used
it for years and consider it has no equal
for severe colds and throat troubles.'
. . AND .
Chopping Mills
E. L. CLAItic
Having purchased from Mr. Josiah Watson
the Seaforth Saw Mills, has placed in the
A new and improved Grain
And is prepared to crush grain on sthe
'shortest notice, and for 50 a bag.
Give us a trial.
R. L. CL ARK, C4th
086 -td
Money to loan at 4i per cent on firet-claes farm
land aceurity. Alfply to It S. HAYS, Dom nion
Bank Building, Seaforth. 1 07
"E. 8; D. Quality Satisfies"
E. &D.
Tlif E. & D. -wheel is the only Oan"
adieu icycle that has built up United
States business. It is the only bic cle
with our -Point Barings.
In four -point bearings the load is trans-
mitted in a direct line, and there is no jam-
ming of balls in the races. In ordintiry bear-
ings the load is transmitted at an angle,
which greatly increases the preesure onithe
parts of the bearing. In the E. & D. four -
point bearing, the bearing never sustains
greater pressure than the actual load on the
bicycle. In ordinary beariegs the pressure
is often three times the actual load. E. &
D. locally guaranteed National bicycles have
four -point bearings in the crank -hanger, the
hubs, and the head. The' bearings are guar-
anteed for three years.
E. & D. Road Modele, mon's see
E & D. Road Models, ladiee'
E & D. Special Models, with gear case..$70
E. & D. Racing Modele $70
Liberal options are given in saddles, Fears, tires.
The E. & D. being a national wheel, is loca,lly gliar-
antecd. Catalogue on application.
Lumsden & Wilson,
Dr. Ward's
Blood and Nerve Pills
No remedy ever introduced in
Canada has gained so many words of
praisefrom sufferers all over the coun-
try as these thoroughly effective pills.
Because they positively cure all dis-
eases brought on by impoverished
blood, such as heart trouble, nerv-
ousness, rheumatism, dyspepsia, etc.
Because they induce sound, healthy
sleep, and restore VIM, VIGOUR,,
and VITALITY to the body.
Because th.e'r use enables the
system to SHCC-r..81.f1.1117 attacks
of colds ar,:i the 11)eo.,:ar-..1.;:e re-
sults, viz.,
a fact of ec:pcc:el nee at thi_
season of the 3
• ,7 c. 1, 11. A':
or Sem-Va.:1e 4.; (.; (.t.
J. D. McNAB, C. E.,
SEAFORTH - - - - P. 0.
Engineer for:Wingham, Seaforth,
Howick, Blyth, Culross, &c,
Cement Sidewalks, Sewers and Township
Thane will be given special attention.
At Queen's Hotel,
40-11.11$01N- BROS ItAIMWARE
for wood or cral, -a perfect baker, a fuel saver, elegant in
appearance, one of the best family cook stoves -made in Canitds.
We also eep in stock the celebrated er JOT el" stoves, ranges,
heaters an furnaces. A number of odd lines in cook stoves ,ind
heating st yes, for woo& and coal, will be close out at about half
regular pr' e, as fellows:
One No. 9 Hom Jewel Cook, regular $23, for $14.
On e No. 9 Loyal ennant, regular $25, for $14.50,
04e No. 9 Perfe tion Cooker, regular $25, for 815.
Ore No. 9 Mapl Cook, regular $25, for $15.
Oie No. 9 laustl r, regular $18, for $12.50.
Ox Waverley W4od Heater, regular $10 for $6.50.
0 e Perfect Jewel, with oven, regular $35, for $25.
And seve4i1 others we have no space to mention. These are all
new and god stoves.
MPS,—A bea tiful assortment of Parlor and all Lamps .ust
opened uo very Cheap.
P 1NTS AND OILS.—We are selling quantiti s of Sherwi &
Williams' aints and Enamels. Use no other, hey are the i1est.
W have much pl asure in informing the raany patro s of this ell -
known firi that We are again in shape to do bus nes% Our s ore
has been re odeled, and made one of the mos attractive nd
modern har ware stores in the county. Our sto k of general nd
building hardware, stoves, tin and granite war cutlery, ianips,
farm tools etc., is complete in every department. We have en-
tirely re -o 4anized our expenses, and having no 4nta1 to pay, can
afford to s 11 our goods at lowest possible prizes. We respectfully
solicit a s re of your patronage. Courteous at ention will be
given all, j4hether customers or not.
Johnson Bros.
I I 1-14-14-1-1-4-14+++
We have late y added a supply of fresh groceries to our stook and we are
pr pared to show tur farm and town customers these go ds whieh We feel sure
wi I satisfy the m sst economical and particular housewife
1 Below are a ery feW of the bargains we are offering -18 lbs. beat standard
granulated sugar f r $1.06, Twenty pounds best coffee euar $1 00, hree cans
earned goods for 5c and 2 cans best salmon for 25c. Wanted -1O0 pounds
of goose and duck feathers and one car load quarter mit dried apkles before
December 1st. We also want all the butter, eggs and poultry you can bring us.
Just arrived full line of Minerva underwear in all the latest Styks and
ma es. Also a fize range of ladies', gentlemen's and children's Underwear.
Cottle fir and inspe t them and you- will find the quality and prices right.
We have on l4and a lot of tweeds, overceats, gentlemen's suitin4s and hats
which, as we are g ing ant of these lines, we will run at and below ebet.
Our show room is oplen to you. Even if you do no wish to p !rte
chaslyy joeus
are1 welcome but we feel Sure you will be pleased and delighted wi-ti h
-Miss McEwen has on exhibition and will not be satisfiedluntil you have become
the possessor of one of our hats or. bonnetts. Baby bonnhtts a specialty.
Cash or Produce and One Pr' ice Only.
Remember the plaCe—
Seaforth's Only Clash Dry Goods Store, under the Town Clock.
St re And Grocery BusinesS
For Sale.
F r sale in the thriving town of Soaforth ; a good
brie store, with dwelling above, and good brick
eta • le at the back, also a lint -class atonic of groceriee
all f ecu, best part of tewn and dolOg good bluenose
goo reesons tor selling. Apply quickly to box 4374,
Seamrtoh, Ontario.
l o
illiams Patent Adjustable
Boots and Leggings
are the most popular ihigh.grade
Boots and Leggings made in Am-
erica to -day. We have found them
to give the greatest satisfaction,
and men who have seen then -i pre-
fer them to any other make Lor
Fall and Winter wear. We have
all the latest styles in ;stock, and
we solicit a comparison of goods and
knowing you will find that
our stock is the best and cheapest,
he Public
Will not spend time and rnoney
going to see you, when theyi can
get your more enterprising ;com-
petitor either by Long Distance or
Loeal Exchange Telephone Ser-
It Does Not Pay to go Els where.
Such is the veidiet ei the g duates
of the
No rind iannjvailetif lu Canna for tit r
course and success iji getting idti$toi
choice positione.
In a recent issue w furnished half
placed in abont as ma y days,- Here
Fred Morley, advsn ed to New YOf
mixed Innis Co.
Tens McMillan, wit a firm in Detre
C.13, Struthere, T her, West Side BosInces Col-
lege, Chicago, Ill.
Kit Kirkwood, $te ograpirer, "We tsainteter" 01 -
flee, Toro to, Ont.
13(36816 Barnaby, Ste ographer, O. B. aper, Grand
Rapids, Michigan.
Graoe Semington, tenographer, Swa 4 & Eastman,
Grand Rapids, Mich! an.
11 A. Coleman, B ak-keeper, Pete Hagart, pro-
duce dealer, Blenhei ), Ont.
Elsie Turner, Sten grapher, Steele Dart, Ridge.
town, Ont.
Elm.r Sn3ith, Ass stint book-kce $ r, Harris Pa-
per Co., Grand Rs id , Michigan.
Wm Allison, Aaslat nt book-keeper, 0 and Rapids
Cycle Co.
WS, Adams, Cold Blast Feather 0. Chicago, III.
A, D. Skeels, Chan' cd from Troy 13 sincss College
t ) Temple Engines., I -ego, Fhliadelp la, Pa,
M. M. Maxwell, mingt n Typew ter Co., TOr-
OntO, Ont,
Douglaft Stevens, b olokeepor Weste n Steel Works
Chic& .c,Ill.
LoulaPorter, tete irary book-keeperi Grand Rapids
Cycle Co.
Marie Buros, sten grapher Bell T.:Iephone CO.,
tanelph, Ont.
E Maude Buohn r, stenogrvpher and Assistant
book-keeper George Stephens & Co:, 0 albino, Ont.
Edna Schermerh k keeper Chad A. Scheufiere
Grand Rapide, Mich
Glare Vaezeeren etenographer avid Burns,
Grand Rapi_le, Mich
Bertha Llembling, temporary steno replier Grand
Rapids Brass Co.
230 in the ten mo the endin June 90th, 1900 ; 72
in the next two mor the; 40 ethers h va vine* been
placed In about S9 any day What do you think
of it? Can ou riff rd to go elsesahe e? Write for
catalog' ue of either epartment to
1681 C &them Ont.
placed in
net of fotty
he balance : -
office of Both-
t, Miehlgen.
Bring your appl
them made into del
peeling of *poles t
whole. JOHN TH
and chopping
if •
to Blake cider
clone apple butte
fill in required, bri
'MC, Blake eider
1111 and /save
or jelly, no
g them along
apple butter