HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1900-11-09, Page 71.900
ick as
atfr ir
khan -
In every cough there
lurks, like a crouching
tiger, the probabilities
f consumption.
The throat and
lungs become
rough • and in-
flamed from
coughing a n d
the germs of
con sumptio n
find an easy
entrance. Take
no chances
with the dan-
gerous foe.
--For 80 years
there has been a per-
fect cure. What a rec-
ord! Sixty years of cures.
S to repress
place it with
figure. Sup-
npletely dark
How would
rould you try
buckets and
t all. You
end shutters
You would
ght. So it is
Ile way to- get
attitude of
Litude. And
the person is
ire to bring it
o be passive
perfect wrky
ght- for thirty
anew And coo-
k+ cured.
t eho is fan-
,orne man and
he improves
I courteously
Ilked to ret-
l'aensibly and
'with no head
1 admired by
'rule and subs
WIly, to lead
aess in being
'la look up to
er mind bowe
woman lave
nan lead him
be cared
san think him
d favor him.
..nrirt'e bright
on, approval
.-onian'a hand
Epressioh and
aan'e strength
in life.
o tries to be
d him in the
a can 'sink a
- help him to
frown can de -
• him -Wo -
',nee word of
meat tenting.
1.,:tring by any
a always en -
It, will soon
•re, 8. }finish
3 of our fare-
Discevery for
t8 CCIUOrl for
arrivaled Me-
lting dieeaeos,
I t at Fear's,
;ottIeti freo.
no -wing.
marry later
ge in boiling
t the flush of
✓ veal,
nails- aro said
ition of the
once a
Thi a will
est. and hi an
11)3 to ox.
that bagpipe
hed eausee
mats in the
ineresee of
argest con.
irtg in nine
In bushels,
ate bettor
tish about
or Heverel
atter of long
e put into
e ta be
eordere of
c to:want. of
or a faulty
hieh (Retieall previou
ng the past
o civilized
41} yeara.
sed in the
really no
11 noneense
going to
and for
the opine
This will
,-make oae
:ay be very
earls' fail, by
EV bit a
!cleat water
°Idea, cover
he moment
it to is fresh
to- become
eady to re -
soothes and heals the
wounded throat and
lungs. You escape an at-
tack of consumption with
all its terrible suffering
and uncertain results.
There is nothing so bad
for the throat and lungs
as coughing.
A 25c. bottle will Cure
an ordinary cough; hard-
er coughs will needs 50c.
size; the dollar bottle is
cheapest in the long run.
"One ot my sorra was spitting
blood with a high fever and wu
very ill. We could hardly see any
gfgns of life in him. The doctors
did him no good. But one bottle of
yottr Cherry -Pectoral cured himand
saved WS life." C. C. A zenErtsow,
Nov. 1O seee. Pukwana, 0. Dak.
Write the Doctor, If you have any
complaint whatever and desire the
best medical advice, write the Doc-
tor freelr. Address
Dr. J. C. ATM% Lowell, Ness.
CO. non kTletmitot4
[Tb.0 following items were intended
for last week, but were received too
limo", Meier. The standing of the
pupils of section No. 1, Tuakeremith, of
whieh Miss Jennie Murray is teacher, is as
follows Senior fourth, Mary Buchanan,
'Ethel Caldwell. Junior fourth, John Bu --
:chapel], Wm. McLaren. Third &ass, Laura
Billing, Roy Traquair, Wilfrid Buchanan,
Maggie Boa, Second clises, Sadie Caldwell,
John McLaren, Jessie Buchanan, Mellville
Traquair, Maggie Buohanan. Part II, 011ie
Boa, Wm. Bell, Cecil Ddling, Alfred Bu-
That Throbbing Headache
Would quickly leave you if you used Dr.
Kinee New Life Pills. Theusands of suf-
ferers have proved their matchless merit for
Sick and Nervous Headaches. They make
pure blood, and build up your health. Only
25 cents, Money back if not cured. Sold
ky L V. Fear, druggist.
BRICEZ38-.-A1l the farmers are pulling
'their turnips, which in moat mem are only
a fair orop.-A collection re the Century
Fund was taken up in McIntosh last Sun -
elate and was liberally supported, as is al.
ways the ease when a collection is called ler
this cause. -Auction Wes are very plentiful
in this vicinity. Cattle are selling very
low, u there is a scarcity of feed, which is,
no doubt, accounting partly for it. -Mrs.
'Charles McElwain and Miss Freda Dettman
are very low at present -Everyone is quite
eomposed over the coming election, and they
all admit a clove run between MolDonald and
Diekenson, but the doctor should have as
many to the good Lie he had last time. The
other night they apoke in Ritchie's school,
Ind all were orderly. The doctor is a crack-
er on the platform. Mr, Wm. Weir, pros-
pective cendidate for county council honors,
-occupied the chair. -Mr. Robertson, of
Montreal, returned to his home on Friday.
-Miss Beanie Ritchie, who visited at Ayr
during the past few months, returned home
last week: -Adam Scott took his loge to
Barrister' the other day, a distance of near-
ly 12 miles. -Mr, Albert Fyfe, bets king, of
Minto, visited at J. Darrock's on Sunday. -
Mr. Thomas S. Damage is clerking in a
store in Harriston.-Mr. Wm. Rutledge
bought a good oow and calf from Mr. Wm,
McIatoeh the other dey.
Great Luck of an Editor.
For two years all efforts to cure Eczema
In the palms of my hands failed," writes
Editor if. N. Leder, of Syracuee, Kan.,
then I was wholly cured by Buoklen's
Arnica. Salve." It/ti the world'e best for
Eruptions, Sores and all akin disettees. Only
25 cents, at Feer's Drug Store.
DOT8.-My; what is the •matter with Mr.-
-John Hart? He looke tto happy. Pshaw,
don't you know, on his arrived home from
Seaforth, the day of the nomination, he was
agreeably eurprised to find a bran now,
bouncing baby eta at his house. We eon-
gratelate Mr. Hart on the new arrival. -A
very peoullar phenomen was noticed by
Yelir correspondent, the day of the nomina-
tion, in Setsforth. It was four Grits and
four Mo's on -the platform. Also the chair-
man, I think, it I don't mistake, was a Mo
Soldiers in Camp.
Ex.serionint William Johnston, of the 10th Royal
Grenadiers, Toronto, writes : It is impoaeible for
Ine to speak to highly of Dr. Chale's Ointment ter
Pile s or any itching skin die. 11 le simply in-
valuable. Many Of our rueu lewd it while in camp,
ead reeetved exiviient resulte," Membere of the
Osoadian contingente took 1,000 boxes of Dr. Chase's
Ointment with them to South Africa, to relieve the
bearings ot campaigning lite,
Obedience to Parents.
On one oecesion when in Devonshire I
went to Dartmoor Prison, and the governor,
hiving to know my name, wail good enough,
reevtzsy,witirout an order from the Home Sec -
to show me over the otattblishrnene,
to which the woret crimioals of the male
texas° always acot to complete their term
01 imprisonment. It wear a very painful ex.
perience. I aaw among the converts a
elergyman of the Eatablietted Church read -
his Graek Testament, so that mere
vlevernese and -learning are not sufficient to
keep men out Of Dartmoor. I saw trades -
`41011 and meu who had occupied many pod-
tione in life. When it was all over I said:
Well, Colonel what is the pr weird cause
of crime ?" Many teetotalers would have
said, "Strong drink ;" he uid : "The
principal cause of English orim is disobedi.
• ence to parents." In the lawl ss self-asser-
tion of youth begins that spirt of lawless -
nese lwhich, as St. John- says, is the eery
, usenet) of sin; and I beg you to remember
that distressing experience iro Dartmoor
• Prison. le is uselesis to shut our eyes to
the feat that in a -democratic go like thia
there le an utterly illogical, hu at the same
"time Very real, tendency of t e children,
especially in our great north rn °Hies, to
• throW aside the legitimate. y ke of their
parents, to set up for themsel es at a ri-
dioulclusly premature age, and t think that
they are very wise. The poet ope, on one
occasion, with respect to those hildren who
imagine they know a deal mor than their
parents wrote a couplet, whio I think I
have not forgotten'
"We think our fathers fools so wiee we
And wiser sons will surely th nit Ile so."
That was the sentiment,' at ny rate. I
solemnly believe that there is nothing
which will be -of greater service) to the boys
and gisle of England to -day tha to impress
upon !them that it is their a solute and
ji duty to obey their pa ents.-Rev.
H. Prise Hughes. '
. •
cure the worsitheadache in from five o twenty min
utes, and leave ho bad after-effects. 0 o powder 60
8 powders 100, 10 powders 25o.
• _
A Plucky Scotsman i • China.
A remarkable story has been told by Mr.
C. McIntosh, a Scotsman, who as returned
to America from China. Some earl' ago he
went out to start a new woo len mill at
Tientsin and when the troubl broke out
some British and Americans de ided to de-
fend the building. Mr. MoInto h agreed to
defend the tower, 140 feet high, which aim-
manda the whole countryside. or sixteen
days ae: nights he remained o the top of
this lefty point, using the- ee-Metford
'every time a Boxer shewed hi head. In
the cold of the night, as in the errible heat
of the day, when the sun beat downson him
with neirciless force, he rem ined at his
post, ef ten without food for onsiderable
period, and picked off no fewer than 96 of
tin enemy.
" I never expected to get awe ," he says.
" I calculated how long it V70 d before I
eeould, hear the yollow de its rushing
through the mill below. They wo-iild fire
the fadtory and let me burn t death. I
deterniined that the last shot in my gun"
should be kept for myself. malty they
turned their large guns on the 1 ill, and the
'Mello Set it afire. Somehow, 1 loan hartlly
tell how, we escaped to the city."
Mr, McIntosh . afterward', be ame driver
of the train that carried 1,700 A nerican and
German troops and emmunition f the Pekin
relief lexpedition. • He • had. ttny hair-
breadth escapes. At one time Ihe ran the
train at express speed through everal hun-
dred Chinese that were tearing desperately
at the rails. When one cif then was after-
wards asked why he did not run he said
that the gods.had promised th t no harm
should oornd to them. They •xpeoted to
see theengine stop before it re ohed them.
This courageous Scotsman hope soon to re-
turn te his work in China.
I as_
Ended Effectually and Perman-
ently by Dodd's Kidne Pills,
Central Waterville, N. B., N v. 5 -These
dull a4d clamp days of Novemb r are ter-
ribly hard on the Kidneys. No one person
in a hundred escapee. Backaoh , pains in
the lorns, Lumbago and simi ar Kidney
troubles are as plentiful as fallen leaves,
Dodd's Kidney Pills are the o ly sure and
certain cure for kidney oompla ate. They
never fail to cure. ---'
. In proof of this, read what •r, 'F, W,
Barrie, of this place, says : " 1terhavIng
suffered for eighteen months, w'th kidney
• disease being unable to work, wit • of the
time, and having grown worse • hile taking
other medioines, I used thre boxes of
Dodd's Kidney Pill, which effect d a corn -
pieta and permanent euro."
How to Handle a cnn.
Forest and Stream : In pioki g up your
gun from lying flat., standing a airlift any-
thing, from a companion or a •oat, do not
take hold of the muzzle an drag it
toward S you; take hold of it b the fore -
stook end -barrel if you are on using one
hand; if two, , in the regular way yen
grasp it when you go • to shoot, n oarrying
your gun do not keep the mu le directly
behind you; throw the butt to t e right or
left, whichever shoulder you a e carrying
it on. this will bring the muz le toward
the opposite shoulder, thus r ndering it
easy to carry, as it will be resting on your
neck and shoulder instead of on the small
part of your shoulder, and with the muzzle
upward; will also lighten it a littl .
I think there are more men shot with
their own guns by taking them 1 om a boat
than in any other way. Whe you run
your boat or canoe to the bank y ur gun is
likely to be in the bow, whic I' think -is
the bestplace for it. Take hol of it by
the fore took and step out. Put t in a safe
place w ere youre sure it wi I not fall
down. Then dra _ up your boat or do any-
thing (dile you hae( to do ; but o notlet
your gen stay in the boat unt 1 you have
ehouldeited your pack and then atoh hold
of the muzzle, drag it up over th gunwale,
hook the hammers and have it e plode. It
is likely to blow mit your brains.
HAGYARD'S YELLOW OIL 'lures sprain", bruises
soros, wounds, outs, frostbites, chilblains, stings of
s, burns, tdo, conturlions, etc. Prim 26o.
Th b Way She Managed It.
• He Was a timid young man, but she
swung upon his arm with Unease and grace
of ane* gate on greesed hinges. He tried
to think of something tol say, for a lull in
the con ersation was to him at picking a
boil w1ti a dull pin. Finally", he made the
same remark that every bashful, lover since
A, eiritive euro for all Throe. Lung
and 1:ronehia1 diseases.
lkeiing and soothing in its etion.
to take, ,prompt anI elrec-
tel.! in its rosulta.
r. tIii.. Sohneon; Bear Rive, N.S.,.
sIa; I was troubled;with hoarseness
t... el- iiiron,t, which the do&
seese, Poesuehitis and rioomnite
t.: :sy Wood'S _Norway Piue
I (Le so end after wing three b
wee ererely cured!'
r pro-
ded nie
tt lee I
Take a Laxii-LlYir P111 befq retir-
ing. 'Twill vrork-whilo you oleo with-
out a gripe or pain, (Inns bilk snots,
constipation, sick hyadach• and mop-,
Dia and make yot fool bettor in ta•
morning. Fria* 26e.
Ada has mad under similar 'rumstan es, to wit :
t's a nice ev nin ."
' She said : " Yes, is truly deli htful,
but then I thin th company o may
110013 to be in h a gat deal to d with
• the _atmosphere."
He threw his ey up along the gale end
of t1e market hone, and said he'd be there
wou d be many a od steak and sou bone
sold in thatbuildi '.
'She maid she • ad no doubt but there
wou d be, and went on to remark hat it
would be a nice thing for newly marri d peo-
ple to get their m rketing at a newly finish-
ed market house, Then, after.a paus , ehe
told him of the fu niest dream she h d the
night previous -ab dreamed epmebo y had
proposed to her I
He replied that e believed Ithat reams
were nearly elwa s caused b eati ' , too
much- mapper ; but he hoped hers would
• come true, providi g it wasliir self th t did
• the proposin'. Th a took her s iiomj letely
by surprise that s e said he'd aye give
her a week's time t think abo it it And
the young man is ow underg ing & 1 the
&genies of auepense fearing his forwa dness
has lest him a brid .
At Fairs and E ibition
Usel the
. '
' -
.The Fair fairs nd exhibitions held this
. year in Canada we e a souice of pl asure
and maiefaction to h ndreds of e ergeti and
artistic ladies. agnifioent displa a of
Mats, Rugs and rpete ruedfrom -rags
dyed with the DI mond Dyes dre the
special attention -of thousands o visit° s.
• In ninetennine e see out' of every hun-
dred, the exhibitor who used tlie Dia nond
' Dyes to color the ateriale for Which their
Mats, Ruge and C rpets were made, took
the beat prizes. s
No stronger proo ofthe a perier ty of
Diamond Dyee cou d be demi nded. We-
mensall over Caned will find it aye 1 o use
Diamond Dyes toy -color their fade and
dingy.looking dress e, Skirts, bl uses, apes,
ie.' °kens, ties, ribbons, etc. One pack go of
Diamond Dyes will, do as me h wo k as
three packages of he common dyes and
• give colors far mor beautiful, more bri tient
and more lipaiting.
Ruskin's .imple W rds.
There aro BO a` things that oung
writers may find usT.fuL John uski was
ear Oxford gradua e, an M. A., a D. il, L.,
an F, G. S., an F. Z. S., an F. R. I. i.
and pne of the gran est masters f styl that
everi wrote English or an oth r Ian nage.
Naturally, you wo ld expect t at he ould
write in stately lari uage, with proo Beton
of -the longest w rds he eouijl find n the
dictionary, intersp,rsed with qroek, 1 atin,
French, German nd Italian quotations.
WelL look a.t this:
"Tho first of "all English gam
many: That is nt all abaorbi
we knock each otl er down oft
tog at that than football, or
roughest sport ; an it is absole
purpose; no one ho engages
that game ever k owe why.
money maker wha he wants t
s is making
g gam , and
ner in play -
any other
ely w thout
heart ly in
Ask a great
do wi h his
money -he never knows. He oesn't make
it to do anything ith it. He gets ip only
that he may get it. ' What w 11 you make
of what you've go ?' you ask. 'We 1, I'll
get more,' he says. Just as at orioke , you
get more rune. There's no use in the
them than ither
there's no use
e more of i. than
but to get more of
ill the game. An
money, but to ha
people is' the game.
Look closely at
are 146 words in it,
one syllable. Of
syllables, '5 of three
is longer than th
hyllabled word ia
"absolutely." Th
words in -succession That is e
but If you think
write a lentensse yo
one suitable in a re
And this is not e
Tiske thie
"O all waste'',
you atm commit is
you went down 1'
dairyland found th
hsd int _dawn bef
the oat wetie at pia'
had poured out al
for the oat to lap u
child and be sorry
But if, instead of w
in them there are g
life in them, and in
with the devil to
self the player; an
golden bowl to be
fountain, you break
the paragr ph. 'here
and 117 of hem are of
he rest, 23 are of two
and one of our. None
t, and eve. that four
a very eimmon one,
re- are 26 ne syll bled
sy re:ding,
it is easy w iting •ry to
nen with 5 wor's of
°optional ith R skin:
the greatest waste that
he waste o !gibe . If
the morning bate your
t your . Youngest child
re you, and that h -and
together, a d th b he
the cream n the floor
, you woul so& the
he cream as wa ted,
oden bowls with milk
Iden bowls ith h man
teed of the t to play
lay with, an you our
of leaving that
broken by God a the
it in the d it yol reef
and pour the hum n life out on the gr und
for the fiend to lick p -that Is o we te
Here are 128 ords of 00 syll ble,
spinet 24 of two an one of thr e sylla les.
There are 25 one yllable wor a in suc-
cession in one pia.. and 15 n ano her.
All good plain En lish words no fo eign
quotations anywher. . Ruskin g t gooi out
of his Greek and L tin -they g Ve ease and
certainty to Iris sty e -but he id no let
them obtrude theme Ives -in thei raw s ate.
It takes hard wor to write as simpl as
Ruskin and then y u Jan't do i unless you
have the knack. B t at least yo on' rite
as simply as you lin w how, ins ead of ut-
ting on exhibition the longest and east
familiar words in our stock. New ifork
DR. If.AV'S WORM 13 'RUP is a safe, sure an re.
liable worm expeller. eta equally wel on obi! ren
or adults. Be sure you et bow's.
New Year ResolutiOns.
The advent of a n w year is hominy the
-occasion for drawing up new plans for our
moral government- orming new reeoluti ns,
or mending the rent in the old -and re-
sults in at least one s onest effort to b gin
.right, 'to divest ours lves of whatever may
have been unmanly in our lives, and of
which we have been painfully consciou in
the year just close . All suoh atten pte
are proof of,the desi e of the finite to r aoh
the infinite -to lif ourselves above our
faults, to look forwa d, not backward.; ad
though such attemp s often fail ere they
have attained major ty in days, if eve a
few are successful t en some laetieg ad
has been aocomphe ed, and the infiu nee
and example cannot e over estimated.
The world's gre test benefactors have
been those who in ob curity and alone at-
tled with self to ove orne an evil habiq, or
in earnest, unselfish study evolved a ew
idea of benefit to h manity. Each fouj it
the battle alone, o nquering ridicule nd
calumny, compelling recognition of the re-
form or the adoption of the new theory.
While on the threshold of the New lear
let us not take leave of the old witho t a
sigh otregret for the many sine of omis ion
or commission thatae on record in the ar
that is passed -grateful for what measur of
happiness we have njoyed, for the m ny
favors received at the hands of lo mg
friends, and for their forbearance with ur
many shortoominge. We are all apt to
speak of the "'Glad ew Year," giving lit-
tle heed to the indivi ual part we shall • ay
in it to make it so. The king is dead; 1 ng
live the king," was a dual expression • at
voiced the regret at he death of the re:°-
ing monaroh, and a inging royal web e me
to his successor. W iile we apeed the de-
parture of the _old ear and welcome he
This signature is on - very box of the gennins
Laxative Bre a -Quinine Table
the rtessay alit a _told la oae
new, let us question oureelVes have we used
our talents to the best adventage, exercised
them for the production of the greatest
good If we cannot fram affirmative re-
pliee to these queries, thin just as mer-
chants take inventory of d bits and credits
at the close of each bueine e year, carrying
the 'balance for or againell them into the
new Iyear, let us moralize, take our moral
inventory, strike out all mean actions,
sordid thoughts and ignoble deeds that a
quickened conscience taunts us with, and
carry forward their opposition to the yet
unspotted pages of our new moral ledger.
If we have been favored above our fellows,
let us give our abundance to those to whom
such aid would form much needed help.
Let tin quit ourselvee like men ; let us put
into practice the grand words of the Seot-
tish poet), Of arles Mackay :
"Ye, who have wrestled each other,
Or injured friend or brother,
In this fast fading year ;
Ye, who by word or deed
Have made a kind heart bleed -
Come gather here.
Let sinned against and sinning
Forget their strife's beginning
• And join in friendship now -
Be links no longer broken,
Bet sweet forgiveness spoken
-Under the holly bough."
- •
The Only Medicine That Gives
Nerve Force, Strength and
Trainers and athletes in every department
of athletics must be vigorous and healthy
men if they would excel in bicycle races,
football, running, jumping, ekating, and
enowshoeing. The athlete ahould have a
well balanced nervous system, blood fresh
and pure, and the organs of digestion should
at all times be in the beet Condition.
For many years Paine's Celery Compound
has been the chosen health restorer of our
best and most prominent athletes. It has
done wonderful work and kept in condition
men who have made world-wide reputations.
The irelebre.ted John Graham, who has
trained athletes in Harvard and Columbia
Universities, and who is now superintencl.
ent of Boston's famous gymnasium, says :
"1 have used Paine's Celery Compound to
my benefit, and have no doubt that any per-
son undergoing great phyeical strain will
find it a grand strengthener."
J. R. Watson, Boston, holding the world's
chempionship as jumper and pole vaulter,
says " The strongest of athletes often feel
languid and drawn out. I have tried many
things, but .have found nothing that dine
me as much good as Paine's Celery Com-
James Michael, the great bicyclist, Hjert-
berg, the champion steeple.chaser, and
other great atheletes have declared that
Paine's Celery Compound -is the great tonic,
regulator, nerve bracer and strength -giver
for all who are weak, rundown or suffering
from any ailment.
New Historical Fireside Game.
' In the new game of " Guess" the contest-
ants are told that each question must be an-
swered with the name of a man who has at-
tained some sort of fame during the last
hundred years. Eaoh guemaie given a little
tablet with his name written on every one
of the pages, which are numbered from one
to thirty-nine. Two minutes are allowed to
each question. The questioner sits with a
big bowl before her, into which when she
calls time, each player drops a slip upon
which he has written his answer. This is
the kind of net that the questioner reads,
omitting, of course, the &Tinware :
Why did England sits often lose her way
in South Africa ? Mr. Rhodes.
What did the Emperor of China do when
the Empress usurped the throne? Custer.
1 niece was the finest zsological garden 7
What did Isaac watch while his father
was forging wohain ? Abraham Lincoln.
• What is Li Hung Chang credited with
being? Schley.
• The lane that has no turning is a what :
Longstreet, I
How did Pharaoh's Jewish steward sign
himself? Jopeph Chamberlain.
What does a Chinese lover say when he
proposer'? Dewey.
What is in the graves of the three kings
that followed Richard III.? Henry Clay.
What does Aguinaldo keep between him.
self and the Americans ? Miler.
What do the waves do to &vessel wreaked
near shore? Beecher. .
If the Statute of Liberty came to life it
would be what? Livingstone.
What does a ship do to a seasick man?
• A story of Senator Depew's, when it is
known to be old, is whet? Spotted Tail.
What is the end ot the Philippine war
often thought to be? Nye.
What will Turkey's exchequer be if she
pays the indemnity claims? Leiter.
What is the chair -boy likely to do to the
old lady he has to push on a hot day ?
What is a novel military name for a cook?
When do you get up to see a sunrise?
What were Burns and Southey in infancy?
", Little Bobs."'
When Max O'Rell gets on a platform
what does he do? Speaker Reed.
What does a waiter do after he has filled
half of the glasses at a table? Fillmore.
What does the wind do in a collection or
dried herbs? Russell Sage.
In the settlement of disput s, do the Hu-
ropean nations quarrel? Gen ral Lee,
The towns taken by the 13ri ish generally
lacked what? Garrison.
- What did the Jews say when the mother
of Samuel -pasted ? Mark Hanna.
The big Northern Pacific while being
built, had to pay a big what for meat?
Buffalo Bill,
What did the British learn to do at the
battle of Lundy's Lane? Dred Scott.
The civil war differed from the Mexican
war in being what? Cervera.
-A dirty sink should never be allowed,
Every night boiling water, in which a little
soda has been dissolved, -should be poured
down it; this will remove any material
from the sink, and prevent the pipes getting
dogged with grease.
=Mr. B. Pewee's, of StriStford, met
with a very unfortunate accident Saturday
morning at the MoLagan furnituns footory.
He was working on a rip saw, and whin
• cutting a board, it 'dipped, and his right
hand came in contact with the saw, com-
pletely severing the first finger of his righ
Public Notice.
Take notice, that I have made application to the
License Commissioners for South Huron for the p 1 -
Oleg° of transferring the license for Kling's Hotel in
Seaforth to James Dick Any petition against the
• said transfer must be lodged with the Inspector on
or before the llth day of November, 1930. JACOB
KLING. Dated at Seafoith, Novi.mber let, 1900.
Take notacie that I have made application to the
License Commissioners for South Huron for the
&liege of transferring the license for the Grip
Hotel, in the Town of Seaforth, to W. N. J. H nter,
of London. Any petition against the said trinifer
must be lodged with the Inupector on or before the
llth day ot November, 1000. GEO. E. HEDER.
SOX. Dskd si Ssaforthi October SO, 1900. ino.2
Elpiis's Co' eoa
Distinguished everywhere for De-
licacy of Flavour, Superior Quality,
and Highly Nutritive Properties.
Specially grateful and comfortiug
to the nervous and dyspeptic.
Sold only in quarter -pound tins,
labelled JAMES EPPS & CO.,
Limited Homoeopathic Chemists,
London, England.
Epps's Cocoa
1713 26
A Druggist's Opinion.
e s speak so highly et. Milburn's Sterling
Mr. %%J. Stinson, Austin, Man., writes: "Our
Headaoh Powders that it is a pleaeure to rec,om-
mend them to °there. They never disappoint, but
always Ore." Price 10c and 260.
es • a.
Ilagyard's Yellow Oil can be applied externally for
rhetunatiOre, . tiff j dots, chapped bands, chilblains,
sprains, ate. lb can he taken internally for croup,
quinsy, broachltis, pains in the stomach, kidney
complaint, etc. Film 26c.
A Terrible Cough.
Mr. Th03. Carter, North Port, Ont, says : "1
caught a severe cold, which settled 013 my throat
and lunge, and my friends thought it would send me
to my give, when other remedies failed, Dr. Wood'e
Norway Pine Syrup completely cured me."
If a child eats ravenously, grind" the teeth ai
night anpicks its note, you may almost be certain
It has wo nis, and rhould- admineter without delay
Dr. Low'I Pleasent Worm Pyrup, this remedy con-
tains Ito awn cathartic
Suffered 15 Years,
Mrs, Win. Irelend, 170 Queen St., East, Toronto,
wife of the well-known shoemairer, buffered from in-
digestion and constipation for over 16 years. Nett'.
ing did her any geed till he tried Laxa-Liver Pills,
which cured her.
If you want to quit being a weather prophet, have
your Thelma:lieu' cured by Iiiiiburn's itheinnatio
Pills, a guatalterd remedy for Rheuniatisneki.tica,
Neuraigl and Lumbap. Pike 50c at all dealers.
•MMONIrmo.41 1.01•1111•••01.
Numbers of People in
Canada Who are Being
Cured of Consumption
Is Positive Evidence
01 the Marvelous Success of the
Slocum System for ail Lung
Dr. Sloc,tim's success in curing all disease' of the
lunge and bronchial tubes is beyond question.
Scores of men and women who had believed their
condition hopeless have been restored ta heatth
through the Slocum system of treatment. Rae& of
the three preparations eomprising the Slocum
treatment act together until perfect health results.
If you suffer from any form of lung trouble what-
ever, you "should not lose mintite in applying for
O trial of the Slocum, system of treatment.
You are not &eked to pay a sent. • All you have
to do la to write the T. SLOCUM CIMMICAL
LimiTen, 179 Ring st. Wm, Toronto, trtYing nun*
In full, with volt *MU and triremes cam adftrese,
will be sent you promptly on num of Yeast:.
quest. Thim Is the moat morons offer ever moon
by cry raseicel man to tblt PolUitr7. Pr. 110011111
ra PP Pointlyv 01 W7Itie treatment will de that he
*nukes this unprecedented offer, folly confident of
what the result, will be to all thou who want le
pot well.
When Saltine tor than alwsys menUon this
Pensonsln Canada, seen Illooern's free offer in
American papers will please Mind for samples to
the Toronto laboratories%
.... 11.: .141 1,4k41.,
•• .•• , •
Our direct connections will save you
tine° and money for all pointer.
Canadian North West
Via Toronto or Chicago,
• British Columpboiiantasn.d California
Our rates are the lowest, We have them
so suit eVerybody and PULLMAN TOUR-
IST CARS for your accommodation. Call
tor further Information.
Grand Trunk Railway.
Trains leave Seaforth and Clinton stations ail
Penang° 12,40 P. M.
Paseenger.... ..•10.12 P. M.
• Mixed Train.... ..
9.20 A. M.
Mixed Train......
6.15 P. kf.
Goma EMIT -
Paseenge.r.7.t8 A, M.
8.11 P. M.
Mixed Train-, 4 '0 P. M.
Wellington, Grey and Bruce.
12.55 r.
10.27 P. M.
10.16 A. M.
7.05 P. M
7.88 A.M.
2.65 P. M.
4.25 P.M.
Goitre Soirra-
Bluevale .
8.07 P. M.
8 27
8 38
0.68 A. M.
1.40 r.
8.65 A. m.
London, Huron and Bruce.
Gotwo Norets- P110114111ger.
London{ depart 8.15 A.M. 11.40 P.M
Centralia 9.18 5.65
Exeter.. _ ........... . - 9 80 6,07
Hermit_ 9.44 618
Kippen. •9.50 6,25
Brumfield 9.58 6.82
Clinton, 10.15 6.65
Londetihoro ...... .... 10.88 7.14
Blyth. 10,41 7,28
Belgrave..... . ,... 10.56 787
Winghani arrive, ..... - 11.10 8.00
Gonse SOUTH- Paesenger.
Winghain, depart.... 6.52 A.M. 8.15 P. w
Belgravs 7.01 8.40
Blyth . 7.14 2,65
Londesboro.. ...... - .... 7.22 4 05
Clinton,.•••• 7 47 4 25
Brumfield-. ... .......... 8,05 4.49
Kippen 4. • 8.154.57
Remelt,- .......... .... 8.22 • 5.02
Exeter • . . 8.35 5.14
Centralia 8.46 6.23
London; (arrive) 9.87 A. m. 6.12
System Renovator
-A specific and ant:dote far Impure, Weak and lm
poverished 'Blood, Dyspepsia, Sleepleesness. Palpate.
Mon of the Heart, Liver Complaint, Neuraalgiu swna, Losses.
of Ilemory,i Bronchitis, Consunsption, o
Jaundice, Kitney and Urinary Diseases, St. Vitus
Dance, Femele Inegulerieles and -General Debility.
• LABORAORY-Goderich, Ontario.
J. M. MCIJEOD, Proprietor and Mann
Sold by J, S. ROBERTS, Seaforth.
C4 h's Leading Clothing & Furnshing tore
In spite of the present fine weather, the cold winter winds will
• soon b'e here. Thi 6 will remind you that you win need some
warm Leavy underwear. Where do you intend to get t? If
you are wise you will come to Bright Bros., where you will have
the choice of about 30 different line.s, and hall as many price.
Our bo 8' suits range in price from 75c to $1 per suit, in both
fleece I ed and all wool.
In men's sizes, we ha e a large range of goods at all prices. Our special line at
$1 is p sitively the best value on the market. You can save
yoursel honest money by investing in a ccuple of suits of either
• 1
fleece li ed or pure wool.
If you are not a perm tient customer, give us a trial. We can save you money.
Ttr Seaforth
Tea Store
Is right at the front *
gains in °rookery, China
few ddzen of fruit jams at
out at,lcss than the wh
great discount sale is no ,
above lines also the best
large stook of first °las
bacon, a -reeked meats, bu
large and well assorted
groceries which will be
American and Canadian
of salt fish, oatmeal, cot
molina rolled wheat, pot
Teas, &deem and canned
th some great bar -
Glassware and a
job will be cleared
esale prices. A
I going on in the
our $1.90s bag, a
, lard, long clear
ter and egg. A
ock of all kinds of
Old cheap. Best
deal all, all kind
meal, swiss food,
arley, split peas.
eode a specialty.
A cordial invitation to R to come and get
some of ..he many bargains which are to be
SEA F013.,T H.
Store And Grocry Business
For 841e.
For sale n th) thriving town of Seaforth ; a good
brick star , with dwelling aboVe, ani good brick
stable at t o back, also a flnit-olnse btonk of gr merles
all fresh, best part of town and doing gond bueinors,
good canoe s for selling. Apply quickly to box 872,
Seeferth, Qntario.
1700 I M. JORDAN.
forth Mills.
The u dersigned having: purchased from
the Ogil le Milling Company, of Montreal,
the well- nown ;
. I
Sea rth Fiour
Are ow prepared to de all,kincle of
Cu torn HWork,
1... TO WHI97
Special AttentiO4 will be
The ve y best quality QC Flour given in
exchange for wheat.
Choppi .g of all kinds clone on the short
est notio . Price, five oente per bag.
The be t brands of Flouri always on hand,
and will delivered in 1 wry part of the
town fre of isharge.
The hi hest price in ear4i paid for all
kinds of rain.
Feed o all kinds constsintly on hand.
The Seaforth 3141ing Co.
H •
R• ja
& so
Manor IMPORTS= 07
Ju,' es Robin & Co's Brandy, Cognac),
&nee ; Jno. de Kuper & on, Hol-
t nd Gin, Rotterdam, Holland;
th's Tom Gin, 1ndon, England ;
B looh & Co.'s Soo h Whisky, Glee -
Scotland ; mieson's Irish
inky, Dublin, It land; alto Fort
Sherry Wine fom France and
Sp in, Agents for ,alker's Whisky.
011 rio ; Royal Die illery and D140.3
Al and Porter, Tor nto.
W have opened
eo nection with ou
b inns in the rear
m • on Bank, in
wh re we will sell t
the market at botto
de vered to any p
fr .
' retail store m
wholesale bust-
trf the new Do-
• od'e old stand,
e best goods,. in
prices. Goods
et of the town
The i cKillop M
tual Fin
J. 13. can, President, KiPpers P. 0. ; Thon-es
Fraser, vi e resident, Bruceflel 0„•• Thornwe i.
foot, I real. Sesforth P. 44 W. G. Broad•
r of 140seee, Seat h P. 0.
W, G. roadfoet, Seaforth; Joan G. Grieve, WI
Wrap; George Dale, Seaforth John Benneweis,
Dublin; James Evans, Beech pod; John Watt,
Herlock ; Thomas Fraser
Bru sold ,• John B. Mo.
Leen, Rippe ; James Ceemolly,
Rob*. Smith, Oarlock ; Seaforth
James Cutnming Egmondv • W. Yeo'Holmes.
villa P. 04 George Murdie end John C. Morrison,
Parties desirous to effect issuances or Irani
lot other business will be prom • y attended to oe
•pplioation to any of the above goers. addressed Sr
heir respeclve post offfese.
MuOcal - In trument
Owing to hard times we have con-
cluded to sell Pianos an4 Organs at
Greatly Redo d Prices.
Organs at $26 and upwards, and
Pianos at correspon prices.
• See us before purebadng.
woo 00 4.
0'5 00
12.41.-2-E3 gra
Furn*.thea the tettimony whIoN proves its dein' to
this proud distinction. Here it le :
Two hundred and thlty, of our pupils Secure&
positions in the t n months ending July let, 1900 ;
72 pupils were pieced d utter the months of Jelly and
August, 1900; 40 others have since been placed in
about us many days, a grand total in s trifle Over 18
months of 342 -what do you think of it 7 I
litre is the Bret het( of the 40 placed. Th other
half will appear in u early Issue.
Ben B.rgeer, stenographer Pulp and Paper Co.,
Sault Ste Merle, Ont.
Meggie Heviland„ stenographer banking office,
Sault Ste Marie, Michigan,
M. S. Walker, stenographer and book-keeper for
Grehem & Co., Chatham, Ont.
F. Kelly, otenographer Shaw A.dvertiling Co. ,i Grand
Rapids, Mich.
Rarriet Walker, stenographer Commercial 'Credit
Co, Grand Rapid., Mich.
Stanley Bogart, bookkeeper A. Hervey k' Sens,
iParkinson, beok-keepor Wm, Gurd I& Co.,
London,uela, Ont. Jessup, stenographer Commercial ,Credit
Co,, Grand Rapids, Michigan.
Louise Mello, etenographer MeConnicic Harveder
CclittaGiblanctsolt:alrialdol,'clegbielgr a:1;d stenographer firm in
book-keeper Foreman &Co.l Chat-
ham, Ont.
Frank Shopper 1, book-keeper W. 8, Duggan, 011
Springs, Ont.
Elsie Wuriburg, stenographer Iiirnith Prem14 Type.
writer'Co., Grand Rapids, Mich, • ,
Bertha Heger's, stenographer Welverine IMoter
Werke, Grand Rapids, Mich.
Comic Hum, stenographer A. 0, Orahann,IGrend
Rapids, Mich.
Emma Rardesetle, Coneumers' Tobacco Co.,:Learn-
ingt4n'iEllaB°enhtkie, book-keeper Greed R,apids Eleetro-
type Co.
Lauren Snow, stenographer W. E. Barrett Lumber
Co, Grand Rapide, Mirblitan.
lioesisnel Ileyering, aesistant book-keepei and
stenographer Heystek & Canfield, Grand E
W1)rueke militant book-keeper Daniel ync
Grand Rapids 'Mich. •
If you wanteven more convincing evideno than
thigh write for catalogue of either depertment to
D. MoLACHLAN & co.
1684 Chatham Ont.
Notice to Creditor
In the Surrogate Court of the
County of Huron;
In the Estate of Robert Morrison tese,
The creditor's of Robert Morriemi Roots, late of th
Township of Stanley, farmer, de:mewl, who died on
the 18th October, 1000, are requested to seed to
Wm. Murdoch, Brucefield post ornes, the Bettors
of the will of the deceased, on or before the 1 day
of December, 1900, full iparticulare of their latina
and securities (if any)beld by them, duly verl ed by
affidavit. After the said date the Executor will pro-
ceed to distribute the assets of the edit& among
the parties entitled thereto, having referenc.e enly to
the claims of which he shall have received notice.
After such distribution, thc said Executor will not be
responsible for any part of the aeseta of theleetate
to any -creditor of whose claim he shall noti bays
received due notice. This notice le given pursuant
to the statute in that behalf. F. HOLMESTED,
Solicitor for :the Executor. Seaforth, Oetohsf 24tho
1900. 17154