HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1900-11-09, Page 22. ..„,""`"•‘",- REAL' MATS EPOR:-SA LE. ;eel, • II1JRON EXPOSITO NOVEMBER 9 1900 MUHL SALE. -Nine acres of land for tale, being J Lot 12, Concession 8 Hay. There in a frame house and barn also small orchard. Particulars upon application. MRS. ROBERT HYDD, tHin Zufich. 1099.tf 'LURK IN STANLEY FOR SALE -For tale Lot X, 0, Concession 1, London Roadnear the village of Brucefield,-contsining about 100 norm, 99 acres cleared and in a geed state of cultivation, the re. mainder is hardwaed brush. There are pod build. Inge, 12 some of wheet, 30 flooded to grata, a good orchard amd plenty of %%ter. Will be sold cheap end on easy terme, Apply to A. 3, ROSS, Bruce - field P. O. 167641 IIOMW THREE aChEi FOR SAM -The undersigned offers for onto hie cottage in Har- purhey with 3 acres of land in good state of - °ulnae- iion,planted with fruit and ornamental tress. There (as good stable on the place, with plenty of hard and eon water. Feneee are in good order, There are seven rooms in the house which is good repair. The prembee may be viewed at any tine. JOSEPIt P. BRI I ) 11395.tf •ESIRABLE PROPERTY IN SEAFORTH FOR OALE.-Beautifully sibutted on -Centre Street adjeining Beettle'd Grove, There are two lots planted ' with the choicest of fruit trete of fill kinds and shrub*. A frame house, stone cellar underneath the wbole houle, %sitting room, dining . room, summer and winter kitchens- ani four bedrooms, herd and sett water. It is ono of the most pleasantly located, earnforiable and convenient residencies in /JoAnne& and will be sold cheap. Apply to JOSIAH WAT- SON, lioeforth. 17004f •-•-•••••••+ abniARM lif HULLETT FOR El (LE. -For sale, .Lot X 4, Coneeesion 13, ffullett, contsining 76 acres, all cleared, underdiainecl, well fenced, and abeut 40 're* seeded to mita There . are fair building,. There is a good orchard,- and a never -failing spring creek runs through the farm and a good welt at the house. It Is near 'obeli andepott Otos,- and con. venient to the best market; It is a splendid term, not a toot of watt° land on It, and is well advised for etnek Tabling. It will he sal theap and on easy terrier. Applv tor the undereigned Seaforth P. 0. IANE R013ISON. 16439 tf trALUABLE PROPERTY FAR SkLE.-Feir s tie In V the villaee of Egtuciedville, the -valutble and p'easantly loatod1 premises of the undereigned. The property consists of two sores of geed land, wel drained and cultivated. There b a comfortable frame &nitre, a good stableplg pen and other neat essary oubbuldInge 03 the ramifies, also hard aud soft water. There aro &leo 14 good fruit trees, applae, eStimes and pearl ; besides ecnne chola° small fruits. It is s most desirable place for a retired far. mer or market gardener, and will go cheap. Apply to WM. 0, Clerk, Egnonclville. 16964i Milatti FOR SALL-For sale Lot 26, Concession` X 4, It, R. fa, Tuoicersmith, oontatring 50 acres all clear and in a first class titete of cultivation. There are on the premises a oomfortable Log house, a good frame barn 35x80 feet with atabling at`ached, "-plenty of water, is coavenient to markets, with good gravel roads and is considered to be ono of the bet 50 acre firms in the townehip. Will be sold oheate are the- proprietor wishes to got more land. Apply on the premises or to ALEX. GORDON, Egmond- vine P. 0. I710x8 VARA" FOR SALE. -For male Lot 10, Concession 7 X Stanley, containing 103 acres more or less, 93 acres cleared and 7 sores of busy, f0 acres Under cul- tivation, 8 Ades in fall wheat and the balanoe seeded to grass, The farm Is well fenced and underdrained with plenty of good water couverdent to buildings of which there are regood frarne house with kitchen and wood shed attached, two large bank barna with stone wells underneath, large drive idled and pig house with cement floor, a large orchard of °halos fruit. Is convenient to church, post office and schools. It is 5 neltee from Brucetield station with good gravel roads loading In alt directions. This le a first class fame and in good condition and will be Bold uheap. For full particulars apply to WM. binALLISTER, Varna P, 0. gOOD FARM FOR SALE Ale A BaRGA1N IF SOLD BEFORE FIRST OF NOVEMBER.- is farm is situated in the County of Huron, town. eine} of Stenley, being Lot 4, Concession 13le eon - tains 80 Roma 10 flares of which lo hardwood bush, the balance is all oleared and well fenced and under - drained, There le a good coinfortable dwelling house, a good bank barn and a frame straw shed, a good well at the house and one at the barn and a never feline creek runs through the back end of the farm. There ir a Rae orahard with all kinds of fruit, This farm is convenient to churchee, school, market, etc. For full partioulare apply upen the premises or address ROBERT P. DOUGLAS, Box 13, Blake P. 0. 1705-18 1711-tt, VARlitt IN TUCKERS-MTH FOR SALE. -For sale U Lot 11, Conoelerion Tuokorsmith; containing 100 acres, all cleared but about 8 cores of good bush. It is urderdrained, well fenced, and in a high state of" ()unbutton. There is a good stone nouse ; good barns, stables and out -hareem a adjoins a good school ; to within five -miles of Seafortb, and throe miles- from Kipper), There is plenty of good water. Will be sold with:or without the crop. It is one of the beet banal -a the township, and will be sold on easy terms, as the proprietor wante to retire. Also 50 sores wahine& mile and a querter, a good grasing lot, well termed, but no buildinge, Will be sold to. gather or eeparately. Apply on the promisee, or ad- dress Egaiondville P. O. JAMES BIOTA:YIN". 1089b1 -MBE FOR Sala -For sale riot 18, Conoession 8, X Tuoicerscnith, It miles from Seefortb, contain - rig 97e scree. The land is in a good [date of cultiva- tion. On the place is a large frame house in good repair and heated by a furnace, beak barn with good stabling, new etone pig pen 24x46, drivlag shed, woodshed and everything in nest olaes_aanditIon. Plenty of rod water and windmill to pump it. The land is well underdrained, There is about 12 aures of fall wheat and the ploughlog Is all done. It will be tied cheap and on easy terms as the proprietor to going West. Posseselon givenat any time. For further particulars apply to WILLIAM EBEREfART, on the promisee, or to Seeforth port ofilee. 11384-tf DARM IN STANLEY FOR SALE -For seta, Lot ellS 9 and the west half of Lot 8, on ehe 12bh conces- sion, or Brownson Line, of Stanley. This farm con. tains 150 &arm aft of which is aleared, except four &ores. It to In a state of first-olate oultivation, well fonoed and all underdrained, mostly with tile. Thero lea largo frame dwelling house as good al new, with good stone foundation and cellar, large bank barn /pith 8140176 stabling underneath, and numerous other buildings, inoinding a large pig house. Two good orchards of choice fruit, &leo aloe shade and ores - mental trees. There are two spring °Lemke running hrough the farm, and plenty of good water all the year round without pumping. It is well situated for markets, °bunches, sehoolte post office, and good gravel roads leading from it in all directions. It is within view of Lake Huron, and the boats oan be seen passing up and down from kb house. This is one of the best equipped arm: the county, and will be sold on may terms, 69 the proprietor want, to retire on amount 01 111 health. apply on the prem- ises, or address Blake P. 0. JOHN DUNN. 164941 *LIAM IN HAY TOWNSHIP FOR SALE. -For ,12 sale, Lot 22, on the North Boundary of Hay Township. This farm contains 100 lame, 85 sores oleared, the rest good hardwood bush. It is well un- derdrained and fenoed. There is a good stone house with a No. 1 cellar' • large bank barn, implement shed; sheep house 7045, with first-clats stebling and root cellar underneath, a good orohard •, 2 good wells and cistern. There is 12. acres of fall wheat sowed on a rioh fallow, well manured ; 40 sores seeded down reoently, the rest in good shape for cro Thie is u No. 1 farm, well eituated for markets-, churches, schools, pose office, eta., and will be sold reasonabTy. -Apply on the premises, or Address ROBERT N. DOUGLAS, Blake Ont.16(i8xStf CPLENDID FARM FOR SAL16.-For sale, a @plea: didfarm and hotel property .i This farm' is on the 13th oonceseion ot the Townehip ot MaKillop, at the Village of Leadbury. It contains 112t sores, all of whioh are oleared, except about three acres. It Is tn a goad state of cultivation, being well fenced and underdrained, and Heritable for grain growIngor stook raising and feediniSn There is not a foot of wide land ou the tame. There are two good dwelling houirea, a large bauic barn with etone otabling under. neath, a large implement house and all neeessary baildinge in firs Wiese repair. There are three or. eller& and four neveafailing web. The farin ad. joins the. Viliageof Leadbure, where are -stores, post office, blacksmith shop, sehool. etc. The well known Leadbury haat ie on the farm, and will be sold with ` • t. It is now under lease for a term of years. Thie , Is one of the boot and most profttable .farta proper. Mee in the County of Huron, arid will be eold oheap on easy terms of' payment. For further partioulare, apply on the p-orefifes, or "address the undersigned proprtetor, Leadbury P 0. JOIINSTON KINNEY. 1653 c DAR Time ly of DECISI TO BE A DANIEI scourse on the Subject Religion in. Politics. N-OF'"CHARACTER NEEDED Dr. Tabu ge Draws Leeson Trom the Life oe Daniel -The Man. Fieltitful 10 God I4 the Most Faithful: to •Ilia Coat- : try an tai His Fellow Men. 1 ton, Nov. 4. --Thi dis- t' .Dr. Talmage- is apprafiri- Washin -course ate for 1i seasons,- but es'eecially in these t.iujtes of •great political agita- tion. Tiie text :is; Daniel vL, `"l'hen Itho- king counnandeL, and -thay br ught, Daniel and cast hini into the rdeli of 'ions." Darius -was kb g of Babylon, and the yOUD t man './a.niel was so mu& favori p with him that hemade him prin 0 minis er`,- or' secretary of state. I at' no 1 Ian could .gain such a high i»sition without exciting the envy at ct jealousy of the people. Thu w re demigogues. in Babylon who Ivoso appreciative of their on abil tfes that they were affront- ed at t eleVation of this young, man. 0d. Baby_on wds 'afraid of young B bylon. The taller the ce- dar the i ore apt it is to be riven Of the- lig triing. These demagogues asked th king to make a decree that anybody hat ma le a petition to any one exce t the k ng during a period of 30 dt s should be pat to death. King Da ius, not, suspiecting any foul play, nui es that decree. trite detna- gogues 1 we ace( mplishedi ' they Want, b cause th kILOW thAt no one can vete I /ante]. froin sending pe- eittons b fore God for 30 days, $o fur from being afraid, goes on viela his supplications three timee a. ay and is found et • his. housetop making. prayer. -le is %caught 1 the act.- He is cond dined to be de °tired by the Doris, .ough executiori.rs of the law seize him and hast'n him to the caveen. hear the growl of the wild beasts, and 1set them pawing the dust, and as they put their mouths to the ground tI w solid earth quakes ,With their bel owing. 1 Hee their eyes roll, EuI 1 abnost hear the fiery cephalls nap In 1 he darknes's . These monst ers a pproa ch. Dan fel . 'They' have an oppetite .keen with hunger. - With one' stroke of their (I'V or One . . p , "Snat ch of, their te?th they iney leav h im dead; at the -)otIoni of the cav ern. BO what a -etrange welcom Daniel r ceives from these -htmgr monsters They fawn around hiin tiny lick his hand they bury his fee in their mg merles. i That night h has calm sleep eviele his head pillow ed on -th warm iiecks of the tame lions. Slut not does Darius, th king, sl has an attack Q terrific.: Ilp loves' Danie and hate elegem by whicl he has bt min -de All nigh long the king wa Rs i•he-thoI p. 'or. I cannot sl ?eAt. the; 'least soend he starts,' and hi, fleah creeps with horror. Itin is mpallent.-- for' the dawning 101 the 'morffing. At the .first, • str ak of the daylight Da4s hastens f rth to s ie the fate of DO- M. The heavy lace. doors Open and clang1 f-theit lo g before the -peo- ple of thd city ev. ken.. Daelus'-goes to tlhe len of li(ns. He looks in, All is: silent. His heart step, He feels that the %;(31' :- worst has pened; but, _pa hering all ' his strength, he shout .through the rifts of the roek, "0 1 Intel, is thy God contiaually able here . comes rol- deep darkness a "0 king, live as sent. his angel mouths that they ' Then Daniel" is, he dep. The -de- inttgoguea' are hurl( d into it; and no sooner lutee they. . truck the bottom .ir flesh was rent, .racked,and their ugh . the rifts' Of .0 I ionA. make' the their roar they e that while God ople the *ay Of rish. ' . his 'subject ' that that Yott7 commit .is the crinie of Daniel done that to the lions? lie ha d become inin.). minister: They could not forgiee hint for that, and behold in that a touch of unsanctie fled hunian nature as seen in all ages of the world. So long as you are pinched in poverty, 00 long -as you are running the ,gauntlet betiveen landloed ahd taxgatherer, so long as yieu find it hard work to edueeta your chilehlen, there are people Who will say:, "Poor man, I' am sorry for him. • He ought, to sueceed, poor man." 13iit a f t er a wh He the t ide turas in Ma favor. • That was a pro-, titable ievestment yore made. ' You bought just. at the right time. Foe- (une beeonies good Iineitired and some dep-a - 1 men t successful, and S111 ifrfi -1114)1 3'011. NOT ydu are your selectee.; chills some one. -Those men. who used to seen ea th lee with. ,you slim! along the street, and they ecoWl at you from under the rim of their hats. You have more money w more nib ten re 1 ha n t 1- have, led you ouelit .t to he .SC01% led at front melee the rila of their ha ten ": Y ou etch- a W ord or two an you pass ly them. "Stuck 'up," - says one, elo 1 it d qionesi ly, ' ' fiSyS another, 'IV ill burst. loon," 'says -a. third 'Ey- Ty stoat, in your new house is laid in I heir hearts. Youn horses' hoofe SO, well ,ep. He nsomnia this se en cond whom thew serves [b deliver thee?" Ting up from the voice- •alileh says forever. CI od to shut the -lions' have not hurt inc. brought. oUt from of the dea than- th and theij bones blood spueted thr the rock, and t rocks tremble wit - announce to all ag will delOnd his p the ungocW- shall p Learn finst from the greateet crime in the eyee of man sitccess. What had he should lie flung Special Attentie to Horeeshoeing and ; General Jobbing. Goderieh street. Rpbert I went ox ('1'('1'thein nerves Every- item AcKSMITH of \ mir :aka ess has been to t hem an BEand • item of flisetanflture and despair. CARMACE - 0, JUSL as soon,as in any respect you MAKERimocoin rise ahe Your: fell Mk s if you are more virtero 15, ou are more wise, if .vou are Moro inilnent ial„ you cast the prin.:Teets.. of others, o lionoe. and S 11 Cet'SS is it of the enemy's guns. Seaforth. MONEY TO LOAN, Money to loan at 4t per eent on good farm occur- ity. Apply to JAS. L. KILLORAN, Barrister, Sea. forth. 1712-tt Merton Stock Farm, LOT 27, CONCESSION 8, HIBBERT Thoroughbred Durham Cows, Heifers and Bulls • of the most fashionable trains for sale at reasonable price& Post office address, DAVID HILL, Staffa. 10614? a shadow on The road xvi thin. reit Jectlouse sa, s • ne'dae• thieve' or I'll knock yon n " "I do not like the Neon fifrke t 0 the Yon " 531 • snowbird. "Why don't, you like me?" sa id Llie sno wince'. " said the sm a flake, , "you are going upehnd I am coming down." 'Young merchants, ' young . lawyers, young doctors, you ne, mechanics, Young ar- tists, young wieners, at. certain time t there are th se to aympathize -with you, but no% thatyou are becoming • a. master of your particular occupa- e--- - 6 won or proressme, how i • it no\ e ming luevyere, young docto s, youf artists, young farmers ---I ow is now? The greatest crime ',fat -y can commie is the crime of uccess. Again, 141 subject - impre •ses ix with -the value of dcf10 0 deem Ler in any .depariment, Daniel kne that if heeeontinued his a.dhirence t the, religion of the Lord he ould 1 " hurled • to the liens; but, having tit his coinattft, he sail el rigii on, 'For the lack of that •element declaim) of charactar SQ emilient i Daniel many men are ruined 'or th world and ruined- for the :iv rid t conie.c A great many at 40 Iyears- . ago are not settled In any reel*, because they have• not been ble t make up their minds, Perth: Ise the will go west; perhaps they ill gie cast; perhaps they will not; perhape they ill go north; perhaps t ey ma, go smith; Perhaps t ley will not; per haps they may mak , that in estmen in real estate or i railroad ; pe Ineps -they will not, They ar like steamer that shoal I go out of NO York harbor, start, g , for G.asigo and the next • day shotild chu ge fo Havre de Grace, trici the n xt fa -Charleston, and- the next for boston and elle next for 1 iverpeol,- Thes men. on the sea of life everl stingl, tacking ship and making n heti, way! Or they are like m n..wh tarts to build it h(us in th Cori thian. style and cht rages It. t) Dori .and then completeit in th loni • the came -of all sted s of archi ectur Your* man, staeter ght and eep o ' Have decision of ch z racter. C aracte is like the golelfinch of Tong io. is magnificent whil standing Dm but loses all its eaetty in fligh How niuch• decision of: chara,c er order. that these yo nig men ilnay b Christians! Their old as ociat :Make sarcastic fling at them .The go on excursions, a d they do not in vite them, They =p ophesy - ti at k will give out. The wonder; f he i not getting -wings, s he pass a the 'evinfacei and wink nd chitakl an say, "There goes a aint:" 0 youn man, haVe •decision f characte 1 Yo • can afford in this IT atter of eligio to be laughed af, hat do 3, u .car for the seofis of thee men, w o ar affronted' homes° yo iwill not go t ruin, vith thein? Viten the gra,v 'cracks • open uncle! ,their feel, an grim Messengers puse them in it and eternity coulee own har 1 upoz their spirit, and (onscience tings and hopeless ruin them up t hurl" them down, will they laug then? ._ • •I‘learn also front 1 iy subject tha men may• take re igion thel ?worldly, business. This is a miist ap propriate thought at this seasbn o the year, when o many men ar Star Ling out in new nterprisesl. Dan id l had enough. work to do to *coup six men. All the affa rs of state wer in his -ha,nde; qu tions of finance questions of .war, of peace; all inter national. questions ware for his s tlement or tidied:1e nit. He .mus have had a coi•resp ndeace vast be yond all computatio 1. There wa not a man in all th' earth who ha more .o clo than Dan el, the secretary of state, and yet we find him fhre times a day bowing before God prayet. There aro n en in our day who 1 ave not a hundredth part o Daniel's engagements who say they 0 busy to be eligious, They , idea someht w that religion attorney, general of 'New York i the time of your fathers, Such was Jlohn MeLean of the supreme court of the United States, Such was Ocorge Briggs Of Alassachusetts. Such Was. e heodora Frelinghuyisen of New .Ter - soy — men faithful to the state, at - the samie time. faithful to God, It is . absurd to expect that inen who have been immersed in politic:fie wickedness for 30 or 40 years shall come to re folinatien, and our hope is. in tlee yh oung men who are coming 'up, that hey have patriot! e principle and Christian principle side by side when they come to the -ballot .box and cast ` their first vote and that they swear allegiance to the govetnin tit of heaven as well as to the gov n- ment of the 71.inited States. We would have Bunker Hilt mean ees to them than CeilvarY, and Lexing on in an less to them than I3ethlehem, bi t- because . there are bad Oen wound the, ballot box :is no reaeon ve y Christian men . should retreat rn fr the! arena. The last time e ou oight t give up your chl1C,or foe- ke your child is when it is stir - r unded by a company of ChoetzeWs, and thel last time' to surrender the bbx is when it is surrounded le31 impurity and dishonesty and all sorts of wickedness. • Paniel stood on a, meet unpopular platform. Ho stood firmly, though demagog es of the day hissed at him and tried tad overthrow him. We must carry our z•eligi•on into politics. But ther are a great many men who are in favor of taking religion into national politics who do not see elle importance of 'taking it into city politics, ale though a man were intel- ligent abo-ut the welfare of his neigh- borhood and had no concern about his • own home. MY subject also impresses me with the fact that lions cannot hurt a :good man. No man ever got into worse cempany than Daniel got "into when "he was thrown Into the den What a rare morSel that fair , young ac111911would have been for the hungry twinstersh . If they had plunged at him, he emild,not have climbed into a niche beyond- the reach of their paee or the snatch of their tooth, They came, pleased, all .around hies, as hunters' hounds at the well known el!leistle come bounding at his feet. You need, not go to Numidia to get many lions. , You all have had them after you — the lion of financial dis- tre9a, the lion ot sickness, the lion of persecution. You saw that lion Of finantial panic putting his mouth down to the earth, and he roared un- til all the banks and all the insur- ance companies quaked. With his nos- tril' he scattered the ashes on the doMestio hearth. You have had trial after, trial, misfortune after misfort- une, lion after lion, aid- yet they have never hurt' you if e ou put your trust in ode and..they never will hurt -you. They did not hurt Daniel, and they cannot Ilea you. The Persians used to think that Spring rain falling into settshelle would turn into pearls, and I have to tell you that the tears of sorrow turn into precious gems when they drop into God's bottle. You lived -be afraid of nothing, putting your trust in God. Even deaths, that monster,lion whore den is the world's sepulcher, and who puts his paw down amid thousa.ncis of millions of the dead, * cannot affright you. When in olden times a man was. to get the honors of knighthood, he Was com- pelled to go fully armed the night be - fort, among the tombs of the dead, carrying a sort of spear, and then when the day broke he would come forth, and, amid the sound of cornet and great parade, he would get the honors of•kniehthood. And so it, will be with the Christian in the night be- fore heaven, as, fully armed with spear and helmet: of Salyut ion, he will watt and Watch through the darkness until the morning .dawns, and then he will take the honors of heaven amid that great throng with seapwy rob s, streaming over seas of sitmihire, are t in Will )011, their worldly ogeupation, that 1- will trip the tcceuntant's pen or dull the carpenter fi Kew or con- fuse t e lawyer's brif f or disarrange the in rchant's store .helf. They think religion Is unpertinen They would like tei have it 'very veil seated be- side them in 'church n the Sabbath, to fled the place in tle psalmbook or to nucge them awak when they get sleepy Under the di Etat& discourse, or they would like to leave it in the .pew on Sabbath ,evenng as they go - out, closing the door, guying: "Good night, religion; I'll h back- next Sun- day!" But to have r 4igion go eight along by nein all t trough life, to have religion look' g over their .• shoulder when • they are making a •• bargain, to have reli ion take up a bag of d shomat gold and shake it and say, "Where did 'ou get that?" They thielc that is an impertinent re- ligion. They .would like to have a religion help thein when they are sick, and when the s adow of death • conies. ovzr them they would like to have •reli non as a s rt of • nightkey with whijh to open ti -door Of eav-. en, but rje1igin -uncle other ci aitn- - stances t,1ey take to 1 impertine e. Now, ny friends, !eligi on neter robbed a, man of a •ollar. Other th ings. tieing equal, a ma,son, , will build a 1:T1 ter wall, a cabinet, maker Will make a - better eh ir, a plumber •-make a better. )i pe, a lawyer mak9 a better pi a, a merchant Will sell- better bill f goods. I Say,. other things being equ 1. Of course :when r61igion gives a man a new heart, ji does not p opose to give him a ne\lv head :or to intellectualize him- or toi ,change a 1 ants condition when his ' r linary state is an over- throw of tie . phileso hical theory that a t tal -vacuum is impossible, but the 1n ore letters you have to write, the more bui•den you have to carry, the more miles you have to travel, th more burder s you have to lift, the 11. ore engagem nts you have to meet, t le more WO ites you - have to :settle, he more opp rtunity - -you ha'. e of b !tag- a Christian. If you have a eh tiselnd irons h the fire, you have a th iusand more opportunities of serving God than if you only had one iron 11 the fire. W to so busy as christ? • nd yet wh ) a millionth pert as- h ly?- The bus est men the :hest. men. All the 'tiers ins. converted 10 beriptur busy at the time of their being conv rted. Mattl ew attending his eustinn honse dut es: the prodie al Son feeding swine: esalia selling urple; Simeon Pnter hi riling in the et from .the sea; t4rtul spurring his )rse. toward Damascus ,going down O his Jai,v business. Busy, busy! aniel with all the ,f_La irs of state sighing 'own' -upon his soul, and 1. three tines a day l% orshiping the id of heaven. • Again 1 learn from this subject at a lilan may take religion into his politics ha( all the af- fairs • of State: on hand, , et a servant - of God. He,eould not hive ,Icept his elevated pheition unless he tied beeu a thorougit politician, end yet all t he thrust el o.f. officials tad alt the danger of isgrace did 11>1 make him yield one ioltet of his- hi rh. timed re- ligioas prineiples. lie . tood before (het age, he st ands before all in, es, specimen :of a godly j olitician. So there have been in oiii• ch y and in he • days Of our fathers mei as emin at in the service of Cod a they h ve been eminent in the sex -lice of , he state. 8u,ch was Benja iin F. 134- , 0 3-0 .0( th - Empty Barrels on the Farm. Empty barrels will be found very handy for keeping chicken feed in, oats in. the barn, etc., if a good cov- er can be had on them. A good handy cover is made in the following way: Take one narrow board that will cover one-third of the barrel top, nail it on to one side firmly, cut off on outside close to barrel. Then take a 'wide board that will cover the re- mainder of the barrel top. Place on firmly and mark around on outside of barrel, and cut . off to fit nicely on top. Fasten' on back part Of covet' with leather straps for hinges. If the . job be carefully done, neither mice nor rats can get into the bare rel.—Farm Journal. - The Telephone in England. During the year 1899 the National elephone Company; of England, es- ablished. no less than 615,000,000 caking coenections amongst its sub- cribers, or about 2,000,000 per vorking day. It is remarkable that is figure •exceeds that of the tele - rams received and despatched by he General Pest Office during 'the ante' year by nine times. ...111•••••111 Family Averages. .Tho average number of children or family in Ilpropean countries is °west in France, with 3.08; SWitz- rland, 3.94e Austria and Belgium, .Q5; , England, 4.08; Germany, 4.10; Tolle rid , 4.22: Scotland, 4.46; Italy, .56; Spain, i4.65; Russia, 4.83; while reland is highest with an average 5.20. children in each family. NE1V MACHINE GUN STREAM 6F BULLETS HURLED BY CENTRIFUGAL FORCE. o Stoppage Ifor Loading, as the Gun Is Fired Witt out Powder -The Discharge Is A.bsolutely Continuous as Long as the Supply of Lead -Holds Oat- A. Wonderful Invention. .s. A machine gun of a novel character s been imented by James !Judge, :well-known engineer of Newcastle, hich is thus described by The :Lun- en Times: The, gun is a,. patent centrifegal !Iu ickehring mach ine gun; 11 ta five .et eijigh and ex eighs about fiv4 hurl- ed ereigl.t. It is intended for !jilt tie - iii. earthworks and garrison pur- a s. , The inoti ye poWer is ,, electri- ty ttainsmitted to a motor attach - 1 to ithe side of the gun. The motor uses' a disk te.) revolve at a very gh rate of speed. The bullets, which e introduced into, the 'interior Of the sk at tb,e axle, travel along curves in no interior to th13 circumierence, and are there impe,led Ithronah bar el. It is claimed that thlr disk wel rotate, under the inil*ence of the mot r, at the rate of 12,000 revolu- tion a minute, and Will e:ect, shots fron the mukele of the gun with an initial velocity- of 2,000 f( et eel' sec- ond. One of (he chief characteristics of tie gun Is that It will maintain a. continuous fbe. If necessary, a shot may Le distharged e\ ery halferevo- luticre but in practice one shot every four 11 revolution will be found suf- fide It. The bum to are- spherical and mem ore fl,l0 inch in diametir, Tie following are the results of the test already tnude 'with the 'gun. Eigl teen thousand rounds of shot at t o rate of 3,000 a. minute have been discharged from thee 11_ se shot consisted of niekel steel. soine of Watts (as used in Fr the), lead rind d metal, • It wa, tasted seven • time privately, no M tor Wee used, nor is one 3•et attache to the gun, alth nigh the gun is c nstructed for an lectric niotor: Tie tests were mad by 'means of a. b It driven by a stea n engine. *Linde these condi- tion the' velovity requ red and Which it s maintitined an electric motor -te• wi11 produce -Was not, of couree, at- tain d, but the practi al vorking of the run was fully dei ionstrated. A Jong range could not e had because of 1 c necessity of secrpey, and the testing was elone in a covered shed at, 1 A shat Ing PCI.. the a di. of a lyth dry doeks, :OA target, 3 -32 -inch thick, was heed, the disk of the gun revolv- t a speed of 2,500 revolutions 111 nute. From the penetration of argot it is calculated that at tence of 400 yards a penetration similar character will be effect- ed of a plate 7 -18 -inch thick under the nfluence of an electric motor. Titer is no heating of the barrel of the en, b wane!, of . the continuous stre in of cold air which is impelled the° igh' it by the torning of the disk. The dis% iiself is also free from heat- ing .1 account of the special bearings on iilch - it is coestructed. These hea- ne,•fi are a highly complicated inechenical contrivance, and are simi- lar- 10 those used In. Parsons' tur- Wnet, which can revolve at the rate of 2' JIM revolutions a minute, and- Levall's motor, which revolves at the the sexy ate of 30,000 0, minute. To test om. thoroughly it will be neces- to affix a, motor which will be a 01 0180 power motor coupled direct onto the shaft. Latest Charuberlahrf Legend. •Th s gem is culled from a 'Paris letter in The Toulese Express: the Quai des Pleura, in Paris, ChaMberlain saw one day a rare orchi 1. ow utuch.. askedthe future Mini. ter. hventy pounds, Monsieur; it is the nly specimen in France.' I re is the money,' repl lcd y • Char erhthi, and, drawing the notes h•oni. his pocket, he took the flower, 1 ore t 10 pieneS, and trampled it un- der f iot, saying, 'I have it in my o \VII cellecti'on, but I object to a Feenchwan having a duplicate.' " .•••" Alpine Travelers' Signab. The SWiss Alpine Club has arrang- ed a. code of signals to be used by .Alpine tra-velks in case of accident on tile mountains or other circum- stances in which relief is required: The tlighals for day use consist in wavii g a flag or cloth six times a minu e, waiting a minute and Wav- ing a ain as before. At night a lante n or other light is to be used In th s me manner. Guides are in- struc ed to keep a lookout for these signa s, and to -carry white or red calico part of their outfit. Nes+ Theory of Wages. A s opkeeper engaged a clerk and paid 1 im $4forthe first weelc, says the L ndon Chronicle. At the end of the s cond Week the clerk was sur- prised when he only received $3, and asked the reason of the deficit. "Why," :responded his employer, "you_ know more about the business now, nd thework must come easier to yo ." The clerk thought he had learn° 1 enough of the business and resign d. The the -F last f of gIo press. ling a people novel ature Lights a Churchyard. churchyard of St. George!s-in- st has been visited during the w nights by a great quantity v -worms, 'says The London Ex- erhe,effect has been both start - d beautiful, and numbers of have assembled to witness this ind of illumination. An Exclusive Order. "Th most ancient and most noble Order of the Thistle" is the smallest of the three great orders of knight- hood ih point of numbers, and the longest in point of title. It consists of the elovereign, British Princes, and 36 knights. The Shah's New Clock. The Shah of Persia, has taken home with him from Paris a •clock which gives the - time in all the principal towns of the world, -Carpets should be beaten on the -wrong side first, and afterwards more gently on the right side, and should never be relaid until floor is quite dry. NININNBINMOM ornOut , Nerves. So Weak she Couldn't Sleep or Work— , Hands Trembied—Coidd Scarcely Walk —Restored by Dr. Chase's Nerve Food. Mrs. Margaret Iron, Tower Hill, N. I B., writes:---" Dr. Chase's Nerve rood has done me a. world of good. I was so weak that II could not walk twice the length of ,the house. My hands tremblAci so that I could not carry a pint of Water. X was too nervous to sleep, and unable to do work of any Since using Dr. Chase's Nerve Food I have been completely restored. I can walk a mile without a.ny inconvenience. Though 76 years old, and quite fleshY, do my own housework, and consider- able sewing, knitting, and reading be- sides, Dr. Chase's Nerve Food has proved of inestimable value to me." Dr. Chase's Nerve Food is the world's; greatest restorative for pale, weak, ner- vous men, women, and children. In pin form 50 cents a. Infix, at all dealers, or Edmanson, Bates & Co.. Toronto. Don't cough, use Dr. Chase's Syrup of Linseed and Turpentine, 25 cents e bottle. What Is Castoria is for harmless subs and, Soothing Morphine nor Its guarante ' Mothers. Cas ness. Castor relieves Teet Flatulency. the Stomach healthy and Panacea—The Infants And Children. Castoria is a Itute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Drops Syrups. It containse0er Opium, her Narcotic substanee. It ;is Pleasant. Is thirty Years' us, by ;Millions of la destroys Worms and allais Feverish- ures Diarrhoea and Wind Colle. Castoria ng Troubles, cures ConstiPation and storia assimilates the Food, regulates Bowels of Infants and Chillren, giving ural sheep. Castorla Is thei Children's other's Friend. asto m. "Castor's la an exc children. Mothers have of its good effect upon t Da. G. C. 0 THE FA lent medicine for epeatedly told me Ir children." on, Lowell, Man. Castoria. "Castoffs la so. well adapted to childr that I recommend Was Superior to any p .scription known to itie." IL A. ARCUEIL, 24f Proohlyest SIMILE SIGNATURE OF APPEA Tlit Citt4 • ON EVERY WRAFTER, N commute. NIUNNAV IITNILICT. NEW 'MAN CITY The Red Ilas been renewed' in a position to offe Bedroom and Din very nice line of 0 Pictures just in, ve every one to come it T,TISTI) This department is co obliging attantion given to Night calls promptly aoderich.stret, Seaforth, o oat Fornitur0 More enovated and, enlarged, and now, we are he public all the newest designs of Parlor, g -euites at very tempting p icesii Also a airs in all the newest styles. NeW line Of y cheap. We extend a cordial invitation to see us and our stock. BROADPO egggeriffiree7-ernefeg IRM.4413KII\TC4-.. plete with a large selection of the best goods, an his branch of the business. ttended to by our Undertaker, Mr. S. T. Holmes osite the Methodistt church. T, BOX c3c .00, SM.A.VOJEZTIEE. Thinki urnac F r warm air heating, y anyt ing better than our etruc ion— The Oxford 400 They combine enormous a moot gratifying economy of coal, and may be simplyi regul ted to suit every var of te perature. Th ir imFroved featpr you abso1utc indoor comfort long, and very -much smalle Make a point of seeing th tice t yourself—you'll find perior in every detail—the brst warm air furnace made. For sa The Gu g of a e ? i• o can't find latest con- ertes ower with n the use and easily ing degree s promise all winter fuel bills. m in jus - them su- e west and 400 SERIES. e by SILLS & MURDIE, Seaforth. uey__Foun ry Co.,jAmit(d, Toronto, Winnipeg, Vanconver. A WONDER trIa ANTISEPTIC COMPOUND A Medicated Toil A FEW REMO Reg. No. 3007. 1 -Prevents all contagious di's s from approaching where it is used. 2—It will clean and polish pain work and not kill the gloss of the paint. 3 -It will clean carpets with at taking them np. 4 -It will clean linoleums like ne 5—It will clean bicycle (stain and rims. Novo is claimed to be the ohedpest and best paint cleaner on market. Try it on finger mariko ou doors. .1\41-0-NTO Soap of the Pureet, Awarded Silver Medal Greatet Britain Exhibition, 1897. 8 WHY YOU SHOULD USE NOVO. HAT IT WILL DO: Estate JOHNSO 6—It will clean and remora paint, oii and grease stains from woolen a-ndootton cloth- ing. Also deans ecat collars and hats. 7—It contains no alkali and is strongly re- commended for washing the head, as it imparts a silky and natural gloss to the hair, and is tspecially useful for children. ise and 20c BLOOM Full directions on blocks. BROS. Hardware, Seafortb 1687-52 24 Will buy a and two rol TisEue Pap ALEX. DJEZ G SE NEXT Lamp Shade Frame s of fine French Crepe rat WILSON'S Boo sToiIHi AFORTHI DOOI NORTH OF PICKARD'S, TiR SA AddMig bi anelettaud, LAC We0 le ex 18' itust; le MittoslitileriSt p: tdeetgbif W141: to .301IN landed ! Vvanaf . cleared,* withatona stable and /*fawn° vnienttD .old on NAS, A and &mini good stete - brick ho repair; ba well* miles ease term ownee. rembes *OAF T.TousE -SAL tagelh Iii" contedne 1'60112, kite Von with The tot co eatable andnd eniali :f beefed th ortLERY tooth,: ATM P of Lot )LoKIlkp, Z :cleared atal Urea of lid wetter *JIM her market gravel .rond taken in pa December eillOwatee•I 'sale by the able for ral Walton P. . rill Al Conn A. Ifir. Cana Tee Zaroi teatisfactiot 110TIe eta And Rene, Be nizzletstanc merit., pia, prim. et orno pay.- at Lot 74 ttended ta 4 thorough Bred 'DAL athrfitte of service, Whits Fige U T to sel y p R. S., Tuck Thursday, I lowing pro' brood mare filly, 1 yew poked t he year otd he also about t• mower. 1 tri harrow, 1 a 1 set Iron b milt, I outt agriculture Bain wa.gor teat bobelti *one, eisra set eagle h complete, e of *holt hal sorke, in- numerous I aiding tit b Jog =whin found in a I sold se -Mori hum. Ten that hmoun nisbingapp ennt WK. Walt tloneer. IT IN y.0 to and Pratt jeets,i been their its re Every'le,V PeoPi We prove Celle 1 Whi ber, Our luinli and Pine, Red Cedar - your bilis, Isetcrily. ••••••••••••• Ladies att pstranpge a with to let t reader to dol In doing yor gentlemen's ripped as W4 good:soars est notice. 1 priess, Pie and eg NIOHO 0111.1solt.