HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1900-10-26, Page 5900 Ire iples of Ley• are with 6.95. only. 3, (110 -- AT teas._ 44 the ter, iia. da*. iih And ornel the e abeiety, • :Iong• the aucamp- t he airrie regOlar $•pointetl. r. Jewitt. , work on 'a privet(' .1affold On way, and part from d without, rig on the Meears. evil! Me - on tho g engaged the polee, ening by ivy stones the inert (•a might ting Very Dr of Ibig ; bet 1 R. °aid have alod bete ).f toverati- . Monday et iog I be- . ., .1 sa nes aelzie-t he feed -f. - s. were Mi Miss Rev. tie knot. !mea„t arid. Lorriernan. tiezels of afe. Sam 1 t ewe in hine, at - while in 1t1 ki,vailed ale f t out wand, to tent who net with he party mune of au/rester. Wes ex- il largo :i•et,11.- - 7 (we re - are ex - 1• 8. J. onto, here 'kY . VII thing to I.- Miss q brother -Mr. ,t.h1t t g ( f. orld timed L. Sou 11 t o-dt y educiag afte worl t eel 1(1 .f tie !..aree • Matt ;:tqF,10 'Z“ d t 1 neee ifl (mit ion • Mr. lige, Le en$ OCTOBER 20. 1900 Exeter. .1. G. SmeeartUve B. A., (late with Mo. 'a' thy,. Oster & Co., Torento,) Barrister. Convey - Nicer, Netary. Money to loan. Offioes lately on, ',espied by Collins & Stanbury, over lo'Neirs Bank, Exeter, Ont 168441 THE MA RKET Saeroarer. Oct eller 26, 1900 er ail Wheat (new), Standard............. so so 67 spline Want per bushel,- 0 66 to 067 •sets per hnehol_ 0 23 tO 0 23 O 56 to 055 0 87 to 0 40 0 16 to 0 17 O 16 to 0 VT 0 12 k .0 1 2 00 to 2 5 00 to 7 00 5 00 to 550 O 50to 0 70 00 2166 tt oo 00 31 .70 1 00 to 000 4 00 to 47 2 03 to 25p 0 40 to 0 5 6 60 to 6 1 26 to 20Q 6 60 to 6 7.6 04 to 0 09 Peas per buseel-ee Seelin ey per b:too__ - • -.1 Butter, No, 1, loose_ — - Batter, tub- _ _ • • Eggs per doz__ _ - • - $laur, por100a` • • - . per ton nevi_ _ _ _ • - Utdes par tea „ _ $ •$$ $ -- Sheep Sklus........ e. WWI . .... Potatoes per bush (now),_ " • ``` • Sale (retail) per barrel—. • • • " ;Food par cord (teem,. -• • • • Flood par enrd (ho? - 'Apples pr bag--... Clover ..... " • • "'. Timothy Seed.. Park„ per 100 la- .• Talon', per lb..- -.._ Dairy Markets., TORONTO, October 23-13utter -Receipte to -day were very light, and the market waS not at all active. Peices are steady, with a fair demand. Creamery prints ti,re worth 2g to 23e, and tubs and boxes .20 to I 21e; Dairy pound rolls are quoted at 18 to 19oli and store prints, pails and tubs at 17 to 18e. Low grade is dull at 14 to 16c. Eggs -Only a few were offered, and the movei ment was rather slow. Prices are steady at 17 to 18c for fresh gathered, and 15 tO • 16e for ordinary held and pickled. MONTREAL, October 23:-Clieeee-From 7,000 to 8,000 boxes of Quebec cheese sold at the wharf thits morning at 10$ to 10fto, this being a break of $c from laat Monday's prices. Holdete would want at least 11ic for their finest western goods, thOugh buyers would not want to pay that much. Butter -The market is not active, but is is fairly •-strong, a sale of fancy creameries having been put through this morning t 21e. The market might be quoted at 20$ t 20, with fancy goods occasionally higber,j.nd seconds running down to 19$c. Egge- he market is,quiete but prices are firm. Wc quote No. 1 candied stock, 17 to BC ,No. 2, 13 to 14c, and calk 10 to 12e per ceu. Grain, etc. Tostoeteo, October 23-Whea1-a-The nisi-- ket is dull and unehanged. Red ar.d wh; are offering at 65c weed. Ceoeet evileat ie quoted at 64e met, • Sprieg whea i firreer at 67 to 68c ( a.:1; Manitobe wheat, ai Fee!, 1. ier at 92c for No. 1 lierd forme h and we. t, 04/ee grinding in tran..il, 84$ $fleat Fart William, and 8sc Goder;e$. 1)(4,, tee e-- 0 a- tinue easy. Car 1 ;fp o Ci at '2 / and on track here at 25 to 2ae. 8 dee o it of 1tore are tu rflo at 35e, Liven -root., Oetdbr 23-W .(e$,--$ firm ; No. 1 stande forei 6- o Gi 6c1 ; Walla, 66 1.$ ito6,2t; 1$0. 2, led winter 6s to 6s 11; No. 1. northern spring, 61 41$1 to 6s 5d ; futures quiet ; Decernber, 6.3.0$d ;-February, (is 21. Flour Minnesota, 21s 9t1 to 4. Toronto Poultry. Demand is stow, owing to the frot weath- er. Prices are steady. Quotati ns are as follows ; (Thickens, per pair, 35 to 50e ; decks, per pair, 40 to b5c ; turkeys, per pound, 10 to Ile ; gem, per pou ed, 6 to 7c. • Live Stock Markets. LONDOes, England, October 2: -The cat- tle trade is firmer. United States cattle, 6d; Canadians, 6d. LIVERPOOL, October 23 -Cana ian cattle, 6d ; sheep, 5$(1. Moerexer„ October 23 -Prime beeves sold at from 4.1 to 4$c per pound ; p etty good cattle at from 3$ to 4c; the co: mon dry cows and thrifty young etock sol at from 2f to 3$c ; and some of the le ner beasts and small bulls at about 2c per p und. Old calvesold at from 3 to 40 per po rid ; with good veals up to 5e per pound. Shippers paid 3$e per pound for good la go sheep, and the butchere paid from 2.$ t 3les per pound for the others. Good lambs were higher priced, and bold in lots at from $4.15 to 84.40 per 100 pounds; common -lambs sold at from 3-4 to 4e per pound. Fab -bogs ere lower in price, and sold at from • $5 to $5,85 per 100 pounds, weighed off the cars ; the latter price having been paid ler a lot of 27 hogs, two of wins% were heavY hogs, and the others selects. BUFFALO, Oetober 23 -Cattle -Good to best smooth fat export cattle, of desirable quality. $5.50 to $5.75 ; good to best, $5 to 85.25 • shippeng steers, $5.25 to $5.50; export bulls., choice to extra, $4 to $4.25; good to choice, 84.50 to $4.75; good to best, $4125 to$4,50 ; good to beet fat heifere, $4 to $..e.25 ; fair to good heifers, $3.25 to $3.75; fat cows, choice to extra, $3.50 to $4 ; medc ium fat cows, $2.75 to $3 ; fat cows, com- mon to fair, $1.75 to $2.25; feeding steers, good to extra, $3.50 to $4.1O; fair to good, 83 to 3.25;$Canada stock steers $3.40 to $3.65 ; stock calves, Michigan, choice to ex- tra, $3.40 to $3.65 ; extra Canticle calves, $3.90 to $4 ; do. choice, $3.50 to $4 ; com- mon Michigan stookers,$3 to $3.0; Canada feeders, $3.60 to $4.40 ; Michigan heifers, $3.50 to $375; common cows, 81.50 to $2; fresh cows, choice to extra, good bags, $50 to $60 ; good to _choice, $37 to $ 2 ; spring- ers, choice to extra, $42 to $5 ; common and poor cows, $18 to $20 ; cows and springera$ common to good, 25 to $30. Sheep and Lambs -The bulk o the lamb tre,les were $5,10 to $5.15, with a few sales at $a.25 ; lambs, choice to extra, $5.15 to good to choice, $4.90 to $ .15 ; com. men -to- fair, $4 to $4 50 ; she p, mixed, $3.35 to $t ; wethere, $4 to $4 25 ; ewes, $3,50 to $3.75. The offerings f Canada Iambs were 19 loads, and they so d at $5 to $5 30. Hoge -The paekers took their kind at $5 to $5,10 ; Yorkers, „at4 90 to $4.95 ; pigs, $5 to $5.10 ; grassers, $4.9( to $4 95; roughs, $4,40 to $4 60; stage, $: 50 to $4 ; the market cleaned up pretty w 11, and the close was eteady. To -Roane, October 24 -Ca ttle,-e-Export,- ort trade stock is eale ueu- uired, and eep feed - There is very Iittle life in the ex and the enquiry for this clest! o •linaited. The samples offered fo ally fall ehort of the standard re( can be better described as short - era. One load of exporters sold at $4.50 per action re - poor -and (ather in - e weather, themselves ewtaaad this warethet, only tran ported. Batchers1-4-Trade is ver prices are weak., The.eup•ply is different,: owing to the.unlayorab and buyers do not wieh to load up with inferior cattle. Pieked lets bring $4 35 to $4.55 per owt, and ehoice sell wel$ at $4 to $1.30. Good range from $3.25 to, $4, mediuna from $2 75 to $3.25„and common from $2 25 to $2.75. Feeders -.Were in good demand and firmer at $3 t� $3.40 pee cwt - for light, and $:3.50 to $4 for heavy. . The reeeipte were not large and the !stock sold well, Short-lieep were quiet. Stockers - Were plentiful, and the call for them was not at lUI brisk. Light, beasts are !unchanged at .‘rt11.50 to per cwt, and the peor grades are dull at $1,75 to $2.25. Milch Cowe-De- mand for good stock contieuet, but the offer inge a.re not up to the mark ;1$50 would be paid for a Orate...kw beast and that price would (veif be exceeded in the case of ..an extra choice specimen. Sheep and Lambe • levee receipte sold tteadily to a fair demand, and nearly everything was cleared out. Export ewes eoid a, '$$.25 to 10 per ewl, bucks at $2.75 to per ("let, and kitchen,' sheep n! 50e' higher at $2.50 t 0. 5it each. Lambe, however, took doidcd drop. The receipts lately have been very large, and the demand haat not in - creamed in like proportion. Prices are now 15 to 5lie lower at. $3.75 to $3,90 per cwt, and $2.50 to $3 each. Hogs -Receipts much lighter, thanusualand no change n prices. Selebts of 160 to 200 -pounds natural weigt,t, are 'selling at $6 per cwt. • SALE 1REG On T esday, October3 on Lot 24, Concession Stock, I petnents and ture. . J. AMurphy, Brown, uctioneer. On.T esclay, October ' m„, on ot 12, Concessio Stook a d Implemente. prietres : Thomas Cam On Fr clay, November p. m. on Lot 6, Concessi stock, h y and reote. prietor ; F. S. Scott, auc On Sa urda,y, October p. m. on Lot 5, Concessi miles east of Seafort impleme ts. . Michael Thos. Bt1owi, auctioneer. • On Tu. sday, Novemb p. m. on Lot 11, °emcee farrn,'faijni stook and im Stenzel, roprietor ; Tho eer. On Th$iraday, Novemb • p. m. on Lot 17, Concessi Hullett, Farm Stook an Van Eg ond, proprietor auctione r. On Tu eday, Novembe p. m., oi Lot 19, Conce Farm St ck and Impleme bell, proprietor; Thom eer. On Friday, November noon sharp, on Lot 25, Farm, Farm Stock and Thomson proprietor; B. tioneer. e - On Thtirsday, Novembe •p. m., en Lot 6„Conces Tuckerstriith, one mile ea Farm -Stock, Implement Furniture. Wm, McG Thos, Br WD, auctioneer. On Mot day, Nov. 5th, sharp, onl Lot 25, Cone Farm St ck. Arthur prietor ; 'hos, Brown, au STER. , at I o'clock p. m., 5, Hibbert, Farm Household .Furniq proprietor; Thos. V Oth, at 1 o'clock p. 14, Hibbert, Farm Mrs. Chappel, Pro- ron, auctioneer. qth, at 1 o'clock 11, Grey, farm hoe. Bielby, pro- ioneer. 27th, at 1 o'clock n 1, Tucker -smith, , farm stook and crsey, proprietor; ✓ 6, at 1 o'cloc ion 12, McKillo lemente: Josep . Brown, auctio ✓ 1st, at 1 o doe n 1, Huron Roa Implements. Thomas Brow 13th, at 1 o'cloo Edon 7, McKillo ts. Robert Cam Brown, &natio • • 9th, at 12 o'cloc 'oeoesision 2, Hay, mplements. Geo. S. Phillipie, auc• 15th, at 1 o'cloc ion 2, 11: R. S. t of Egmondville and-Houeehol och, proprietor t 1 o'clock p. m. scion 4, Stanley hittingham, pro. tioneer. • Birtha Er`OE-I eeforth, on Cotob r lith, the wife o Mr. Ha ry Edge, of a dau hter, URNBUI, -In Brunets, on otober llth, the wif of Mr. amee Turnbull, of on.. l.00KRID -In Lower Win ham, on October 9th, the wife of Mr, Robert Loc ridge, of a son. McieWENeerr-Grey t evrishIp, n Oetaber 10th, th wire rif' fr, John MeEweri f a on. GRU5IMETil'-1n °linter], on tober 16th, tiae wit of Mr. Crummett, of a seni CARNEY.- n Leeburn, on Octber 12Lin the wife o ael Carney:of daughter. Hereall, op Oetober 14th, the fr. J. WelanAller, o a daughter. Usboree, it Octole r• 1801, the v ife of n Shot., of a eon. Mr. Mk NV F.' M 1 LL wife of SRL` rE—I • Mr. Je . HARNESS In, Exe:er, en Oete':er 110, the wife o Mr. To n Harness, of a son SPARKS - n Stanley, on Oetob,r Hishe the wifa of ` Mr, John Sparks, of a datiehter, Marriag s. - BARRICIC4134.ICER-At the Central Itlethodil church, 'Woodstock, on Oelber 10th, by Roy. Sellery, B. D., Mr, G. R. Iarrick, of Blyth, t Miss Fl tonere Balser, of Woodstock. , NORTON- foLEOD-On Octol ei 17th„ at the rest • donee 0 the bricie'e mother Ooderieh, .,by Rev. James Andereon, B. A., Mr. 'Henry II. Nor- ton, of etroit, Michigan, t Miss Rachel, daugh. • ter of 0 e tato Murdock Me cod. MERNER- 'RARAM-On Oot ber 3rd, by Rev. M. Turnbu I, at the residence 1 the bridc'e parent,, lir and Mrs. E. Grahem, 'oderich, Miss Clar Edith, (Birdie) Graham, to Ir. Jonathan J, nor, of renich. _ . 'VEBER() ALL -Mc DONALD - Mr. Ro ert McDonald, brot Ootobe bergall, A., dau ' Goderie I SMILLIE- ` October Jaynes emilite, of Toronto, t Clinton., DETRICH-IFOSTER-At St 13 ich; on October 16.eh, by R Mr. Sineon Dctsioh, of Step Foster, et Zurich, IIILLS-McLARTY-In Egmo lithe at the ressidence ,of • by Rev, N. Shaw, B. Ae.lilr Mary E. McLartY, all of Eg BURKE-MCDONALD-At St, forth, r ti October 28rd, by I Mr. Janies Burke„ of Stratf •Dona'd, daughter of the In E,f Walton. t tSe residence of er of the bride, on 13rci, by Rev, S, Herner, Mr. Wm, Nic. formerly of ()Aerie , to Min 'Catherine hter of Mr. and MrIs. A. C. McDonald, of township. ALL -At the pal sonaeee, Buffalo, mil 0-h, by Rev. By on If. Stanffer, Mr.! Mrs. Helen Wall, of niface church, Zur- v. loather Valentine, en, to Miss Matilda' dville'on October Mr. Thomas Hills, Wm. Hills, to Mies iondville, Jame& ohureh, Sea- ev.• Father McCabe, rd„ to Min Janet Me- e Charles McDonald,: Death.• •RGSS-In Stanley, on Oetob r 18bh, Robert M. Ross, aged 40 years. GURNEY -In WeItt Bay City, , Michigan, on October llth, Mr. Gurney, tormerlY of Blyth, Pged 78 years. ! _- CADE-In Blyth, on October 16 M th, in k Knott,Kn-owife' of Mr. Martin Cade, aged 7' years and 0 months. OAKLEY-In Orillia, on E'epte nber 28th, Johanna, wife of Mr. Wm. Oakley, of Molesworth, aged 65 years. , 51AHOOD-In Ford wieh, on Oc ober 16th, Mr. Rob - her Malmo', aged 79 yeare GRUMMETT-In Clanton, on C etober 14th, Archie, ton of Mr. if. Grurnmetteat ed 6 year's. JOHNS -In Tuckeremith, on totober lIth," Mary Pearen, relict of the late R bort Johns, aged 91 years and 7 months. - EDWARDS-In Goderioh, on setober 9th, Flora 0. Roynett, relict of the late Captain Thomas R. Edwards, aged 72 years. ; MUNEIL-In Gcderieh, on Oct° or 10th, John C. Me - Neil, aged 42 year and 11 months. IOLARK-In Grey, on October lsbh, Ann Elliott. wife of Mr. John Clark, aged 76 year's, 8 months and 16 diem , , ELLICOTT-In Winghsm, on Ellicott, aged 68 year's, 6 m BISSETT-In Exeter, on °ebb aged 87 years. ROSS -In Clinton, on October ard, wife of Mr. Roderick • formerly of Stanley, Need 7 ISRAEL -In Seaforth, on 0 Rachel, second daughter of • 10 yeare, 10 months and 6 October. ilith, 'Lucy tithe and 11 days .r 17th, John Bissott, Oth, Margaret inst. on, of Clinton; and years and 8 months. tobor 24th, Evelyn Mr, Jacob lerael,aged aye. Notice to 0 editors. 1ln the Surrogate ourt of the County of uron. In the Estate of Robert Morrison. Ross, deceated. • The creditors,of Robert Morr son Roes, late of th° Township of Stanley, farmer,- oceased, who 'died on the 15 h Ottober• WOO, are r quested to send to Wm. MurdocheStueefield post office, the Executors Of the will of the'doecateli on or before the lat day. bf December, 1900, full partite dare of their claims, and eecurities (if any) held by them, duly Verified. by eflidavit. Al ter tto 'said data ho Executor will.pro- ceed to diseriblite the assets 1 the estate emong the parties entitled, thereto, hey ng reference Only to the claims of which he shall Ave received notice. After such distributten, the ea. Executor will hot be 'responsible for any part of the aesets of the estate to any crediter of whose ola in he shall not leave receivedelite notice. This no ice is given pursuant to the statute in that behal . F. HOL11ESTED, Solicitor for ihe Executor. 8 aforth, October 24th, 1900., 17154 Houses and ands In Seaforth for Sale. Eighteen•acree, Ncrth end of ILOL 26, Coneeselon 1, 4?, acres eouth of the ibove on Main Street e'i aeres west of the Race Track land Show Grounde, Lots 45, 46, 47, 48, 51, 62, 68, 54,55, 56- T. T. Cole- rean's survrte oii William Street, north of D. MeCal-, Ilain's house, feaores South of the Race Track, 6 ace es East of the Collegiate Institute6 acres south of tho Collerriate Ir stituto including ttle barn, barnyard and lane, the rue dence of the, late D Colenian and about 6 acne, Vo s 101 and 102 Gout lock survey, one and One-half sto • frit le house, stable, hard and soft eater, Lot 1 7, Jarvis Survey alth old bialdinge.. Let el, Main Str et, Jarvis' Sur vey, opposite the Coin; mereial Hots I, Lot 42, Main St vet, Jarvis Survey, with briek b tiding occupied -beer. Create', Creamery ede „ 65 tow lots teeth of the lGrand Trunk Rail- road in Clout eurvey, Lot 33, on the Railway tack with s oro house thereon. Terms easy. Eur t articulars apply to Coleman Bros or to F. notifies - ted, barriste Soo -forth. Also Let 10 in Colemen's survey, Seat rtli, with ocniforta'ae cottage lately cc.' leupied b,s Mr. W. D, Moore Lots with brick resi- dence there n West of Mr. D. D. Willem% home at ;present eget plod oy Mr. Cal ert, Lt t 3, bluek A., Beattie & rk'e Ivey, with frame dwelifng and atore hotter) meupled by We., Edward Cash, Lot 46, Goulnlock's urvey, a ith frame reeidence at present Ciecupied by Dr. Bothune, and Stehle, part of Block Gouintoel euivey, IN It h cider mill greeted there. 00, Lot 114, Goulnlook e survey, withcomfortable frame cotta e oceupied by Mrs. preen -Ian, part of ,Lot '38, in Georg fiparling'e survey with frarne residence, Occupied by R. French, jr., part of Lot 194 in Jarvis' eurvey with frame dwelling otteupled by E. Dawson. terms a id part'euters apple to le. HOLMESTED, 1716-4' Seaforth. UCTION SALE A UCTION MENTS Mr. Williamil to sell by publi R. EL, Tuckers Thursday, Nov lowing prop° t brood mere, 1 t filly, 1 yearlin posed t3 be in year old heifers also about 150 mower, I mowe harrow, 1 seed 1 set iron herr° mill, I. cutting agricultural fu Bain wagon, 1 I set bobsleighs stone, 2 orose-o eet single barna complete, about of sheet hard w as fork', rakes, numerous to Im elating of hurea ing moohine, oh found in a farm sold without res farm. Terms - that mount 12 nishing approve cent will be alln wM. MoGEOCH tioneer. LE OF FARM S ND HOUSEHOLD (mole has instructed auction on Let 6, ith, one mile east of euber 16, at 1 o'clock viz : Horses -One ree year old gelding, gelding. Cattle -F elf, 1 cow to calve In 4 yearling heifers, 6 hens. Implements and pea harvester drill, 1 horse hay rear vs, 1 plow, 1 gang p ox, I grain grinder, name 1 wheelbarro ron axle wept), 1 b 1 hay rack, 1 gravel t saws, 2 sets double , 1 bay fork ropes 60 drills of turnips, ad, and a lot of emal hovels and other am ntion. Hou ehold s, bed -stead, ohairti, an and all such artiel ouse. The whole w rvo as the proprieto 11 sums of 85 and un °tithe' credit will be joint notes. A disc • od for °ash on e , proprietor.; THOS. 11 OK. IMPLE- RNITURE.- r, Thos. Brown noession 2, FL gmond villa on m., the fol- ged horse, 1 two year old •e cowls sup- eember, 2 two spring calves, ne binder, 1 bined, 1 din 1 land roller, w, 1 fanning root pulper, 1 I scruffier, 1, gy, 1 cutter, ox, 1 grind - am harness, 1 d pulley's all out 20 cords articles such 1 articles too rniture-Con- tables, wash- 8*8 are usual I positively be has sold his r, cash; over iven on fur- unt of 5 per dit amount's. ROWN, aue, 1715,3 A UCTION SA1 E OF FARM, FAR!' STOCK AND IMPLEM tNTS.-Mr. Thomas own has bin instructed to sett by public auction fp Lot 11, Con - °mien 12, McKillop, on TuesdayoNo 'ember 6th, at I o'clock p. m., harp, the following iropor$y, vin: Stook. -One ma e 0 years old In foal • an imported horse, 1 workin horse, 4 cows suppos to be in oslf to a thoroughb ed bull, 1 farrow e , 2 heifers 2 years old euppo ed to be in calf, 1 ate 2 years old, 1 eteer 1 year o d, 4 calves, 4 good e es and 6 ewe lambs, 1 mare c It rising 2 years old, tacking horse colt both got by . awarden. Impleme s. -One lum- ber eagon nearly new, 1 top buggy early new, 1 road cart, 1 mitt r nearly new, 1 pair bob sleighs, 2 now goat robes, 1 reaper, 1 mower, 1 meelend cutting box and • orse power, 1 tannin , er, 1 sulky rake, 1 setiplatform scales, plow, 1 (muff- ler, 1 gang plow 1 ret harrows, 1 sot d uble herons, 1 set eingie her ties, 20 cords of dry ordwood, up- wards of 20 eof e of dry fitove wood,I quantity of timothy hay, 70 elan and numerous ot or articles in - eluding °helm), hiffietrees, neckyokes spades, shov- els, barrel churn a heelbarrow and gri thane. The Farm. -At the Is me Hare and place th re will be off- ered for sale the arm, conatond of t north pert of Lot 11, on the 12th Conceesion of eRillop, eon, taining 50 soros i.ore or lees. On the remises there area nice new fame house and kitch n with stone cellar underneat the house, and fra e barn nearly new, also a stab':. The land is well 1 need, of good ouelity and in a good state of cultiva on, there are 6 sores -of fall w ea. Terms. -All s me of $6 and under, cash; ov r that amount 11 • onths' credit will be given on furnishing approve joint Woe. A discount of 6 c nte on the doll kr w I be allowed for cash on oredi arnounte. Terms o Fain. -Ten per cone of the p robes° money to be aid on day of sale, the balance within 30 days the after. JOS. STANZEL, Prop ietor ; THOMAS B OWN, Auc- tioneer. 1715.2 A UCTION SA .IMPLF.ME. struoted by Geo. ,E OF FARM, FARMI STOCK AND Td. -B. S. :Phillips •es boon in- Thomeon to sell by p bic auction on Lot 6, ()once elan 2, Hay, on Fil November 9th, at 12 o'clock noon sharp, the 1 flowing pro- perty, viz,: Horse, .-One 8 year old gel ding, 2 aged - Inane. Cattle.- 'Ivo mileh cows sup .osed to be in calf, 4 ono . year Id steers, 2 ono year old heifers, 7 spring calves, a d about 8 dozen ewe Imple.• , & Wood binder early now, I rrowe, 1 now No, 4iVerity rm wagon, 2 newel bet of n.ents-One Fro mower, 1 disp har ow, 1 eet diamond h big gang plow, 1 o. 13 Veil y plow, I plow, 1 iron axle I set • bob eleigha, 1 slings, rope and c Elora make, 1 w 1 scuffior pearly Burn's eeparator, _rubber bolt 120 fe sold separately table 30 Inc W Wagon, fan tine ie r complete ieelbarrow patent III nearly 1 three oller gi leder, 1 eeed drill, 11 hose; •,ew, 1 buggy, 1 o utt tr, 1. Steven ac a 'Sawyer' engine ud .b iler, 1 kt long, 0041110 and s.parator to be 83 belt 1 BPW henna ewinging , wagon rack, 1 h milk can, Mout 0. cord! ot stove w togs of hay in the, hare, also a 'leant chop, about 200 resheis of marigolds harnees, funks, s beetle, eheitis, hoes other articles too -ourneroue to men same tine and pia e be difered 50 being Lot 26, Co Penton 2, Hay, situ Irous either Hone II or Kippen and Behool. There is on the farm. Ter cash; over that given on furnishir count of 5 cents o cash on ored It Rill t.) George Thermic' made known on proprietor ; B. S. ating stove, 1 od, about la ty of barley 2 set cf team and a lot of ion. At tho eros of land, ted mike mile from a geed free e house r ed bank barn -All sui of $ mount 11 menthe' g approvdd joint tho et.olliar will b nte. For toims o 31e. on the lemiees, o day of GE HILLIP3; anatIone and under, iredit will be otes. A (118- allawed for farm apply they will be ). THOMSON, r, 1715-2 . MPO TANT NOTICES. OXFO RD DO Ws Oxford Down turkeys., bell strain and Standard weig SHEEP FOR SA sheep, both ewe° and Belgian Hare 1. McEWEN BE E, -Recorded , also Brown In solid color , Bluevale, 17154 !PEACHES WAN 1, Huila, Dutio Address stating sa ED. -For Scholl to •commence Jan sly to JOS. TAY (action No. 0, ary 3rd, 1001, •R., Harlock, 17164 - DLACKElMITH'S APPRENTICE ANTED. Wan'ed at otter), a smart, witty young man, 17 or 18 years ol d, to learn the 1 aokomithing. Must be nf good reputation. Apply to THOMAS ME LLIS, Kippeo: • 1715-41 LIOR SALE. -Th old Methodiet pen._ A solid frame building wi dations, walls, etc., and double floore feet- Will be sold t Balfonr. For tar to JOHN B. DINS1 ALE, Kippen P. 0. _ MEAGHER WAN 1 Section No. 1 January 1st, 1901. to November 20th PER, Secretary, Gr urch at Kip - - h good foun- about 24x40 r, etc. apply 1716-8 gr).-Teachar wa ted for School Stephen. Duties ti commence 'AppOicatiens will e received up 1900 Apply to CA -TER F. WAL. nd Bend P. 0, • 1715x4 MEACHER WA j. colve applieat 8th, for a tnoc toe cate for School /So cants to etate sale CARRUTHERS, W 'TED. -The undere ons up to Saturd her holding a seco Hon No. 6, Turn y and experience ughem P. 0. gned will re y, December d class eertifi- erry. Anon - WILLIAM 1715x4 FARM FOR SAL and oast hal Tuokeremith, cent good state of oulti brick house, with repair; bank bran well, geed eietern miles from Seefor easy terms, on a owner. For furt premien or addr AIAHAFFY. .-For sale, woat of Lot 2, Concessf ining 1(.0 aoree. T :ation and well dr kitchen atteohed 40x60, nearly new. a good orchard. h. Will bo sold count of an acei or partioulare a se Egmondville P alt of Lot 1 n 2, H. R. S., is land le in a Ined. Large all in good Three good About three heap and on ent to the ply on the O., 'JAMES 1716.8 COMING - S • THE BIC CITY ATTRA Opera -Jouse,Se ONE NIGHT 0 Monday, -Octob RE! TION forth LY r29 The Messr. . Shipman pre enting ' their most uccessful scenic riumph "The rison r of Ze da." By special riangement wi h Mr. Daniel Fro man, of New Yo k city 18 PEOPL ONE CAR LOI, SPECTACULA SEASON: The Messrs. their ownpale pearian dramas person remembe Prices, 75c, Plan opens to store, on Frida to the public. ON T OF SE hipima e ,cars here s the o 0c, 3 subecri mom E STA E18 PECIAL SCENERY SATION OF THE now tr veiling in present d Shakes - est seaeon, Every casion w tb pleasure c, children, 25c era, at Fears'e drug g. Alto that date • 1715 1 Notice In the matter of township of • of Huron, f f A Hugh Tucke ruler, sign ent. McCart :ey, of the smith, in the county Inoolv Int Debtor. • The above no.nied insolven has rna e c general aselguntent to 111J, u dor the prov sion I 'et chapter 147, 11(..vised Statue( a of On ario, 1807, 'of all hie real and personal eaten and eff ohs for ths [benefit of his creditors, A meet" g of tin creditors ill be hold at toy office in the toss n of 8 forth, ona tto day of November, 1900, at 2 o'cloe c m„ fo the appoint- ment of Inepeetore Ind the iv ng of d ections with reference to the dis oeal of he estate. Creditors Aro required to file the claims uly vorifie , with me on or before said d te. F OLMEST D, Assignee., Seaforth, October 24th, 1909 1715-2 HURON EX*10SITOR. oKI1\ NO T.•=1"CZ" he 1!all Campai as tarted Here We don atter how w ill be to you n Save your ver more so ore, Heavysff his i. so and can oer still more convinling proof if you will visit Heavy all 4rop1 Tweeds, for wearing pats, regular price 75c, for 50e. Men's h avy ool pants, worlth $L50, for $1. Men's new style j of Overalls, with double fronts and ate, the best et, worth $1.25, for $1. Men's h avy fleeced Shirts att4 Drawer , a ecial line, reg lar price 60c, for 50c. Boy' fleeced Shirts and Drawers, in all size , at c, 30e, 35o, 4to and 50e. Ladies' Vests, long sTeeves, at 15c, 20c, 25o, 39e and 50e. • dies' Vests, natural wool; very fine, 90e. •eY-e.eara. We are 1 cal agents for the celebrated S anfield Unshrinkable Shirts and rowers, mad of pure Nova Scotia.wool, andi are gaaranteed not to shrink. they shrink in washing, fetch them back ani we will refund your money. I ]EC.. 11 - TOT firifir-ffit7Ligrelsollie-ii,o-fot•itleXisTitiffigg refer to politics, but to 20th century dry goods retailing. 11 y,ou are suited with your pre ent trading place, we believ advantaee-to inspect our stock for fall, The chances are avor of the customer here, v prices below as an indica oney. Buying is always in than this fall • We quote a fe No it we but ion the o AS 11 AN]J 40 NE P1=2•I o311.. Mc4INN0N 8c CO., BLYTH. . C LARKE'S 1 PROVED 111,0N meosivookovvvolvvvvookAtvom A perfect tonic, possessing all he tonic and invigorating operties of iron, wliile at the same time deprived of tiie tringent and constipating effects 'so objectionable in -many c ses. They enrich and. purify the blood, clear the skin, aid r store the bloom of health to the pale and emaciated p�r- litips better than any other remedy, and they are sold la c and. 50c a box by • 4L1EX. W11S141 N Seaforth, NEXT DOOR NORTH OF PICKARD'S. .ARGAIN$ POR ,CTOJI.ER T J. W. OWN/VEIN'S As the weather is getting colder and more like fall, people feel the -need of w. rrner clothing, and it is right here at Seafoith's great cash store that you will get bargains in everything necessary.. We have just received a new wintbr supply of Woollen Underwear, Flan - n llette Underwear, Skirt and Waist 14.ngths in the latest stylee and. makes. Our Fur and Mantle Department fir d something stylish to wear. , ro C. W is second to none. Here eifery one will MILLINERY, plE The season has just commenced, and it i now you ought to Visit, otir show in and inspect our goods,•even if you do mt wish to purchase, rou are wel- me, but we feel sure you will be pleased and. delighted with the styles Mies cEwen has on exhibition, and will not be satisfied until you have become the ssessor of one of our hats or bonnets. Baby bonnets also a specialty. We want all tie butter, dried apples anti eggs you can bring -Us, for which will pay the highest market price. Cash or Produce and One Price Only. AAAAMAAAAWAAAAAAAAAAAAA • Remember the place— J.. W. ORTWEIN, • Seaforth's Only Cash Dry Goods Store, under the Town Cock. i EALED TE :DERS ddressed te the rindersigned and endorsed "Tender for Wooten Wharf,' will e received at this elliao until F'rlday, the 2nd of No- vember,' inclusively, for the 'construetien of a wharf at WiartOn, County of Bruce, Province of Ontario, ao ordi0 to a plan and a soecification to be seen at th office of H. A. Gray F.E.q Engineer in charge, If rbour and river works for Ontario, Confederation Lif Building, Toronto, on _application to tho Po &taster Wiarton, Ontario, and at the Depart'. to nt elf 1ubli3 Works, Ottawa, • ender i will not be eonsidarerteless made on thq for sOpplied, and signed with the actual signature of einderers. n aceepted cheek -on a chartered bank, payable to he order of the Minister of Pubile Works, focr thi teehundred dollars ($1,800 00) must accompany ea h tender. The check will be forfeited if the party decline the contract, or fail to complete the work oo traded for, and will be returned in case of nonq aeseptoece of tender. he Department does not bind itself to accept the] los est or any tender. Ity order, JOS. R. ROY Acting Sooretary De artthent of Public Works, ) Ottewa, October 12, 1900. f 1714-2 Notice to Creditors. , In the Matter of the Estate of Ma$garet edinond, late of the Township of Tuck- rsmith, in the County of Huron, widow, eceased. °titre is hereby given, pursuant to Chapter 120, 1897, that all persons having claims against the estate of the said Margaret Redmond, who died on •r about the 61h day of October; 1900, are requir. 1 ed to send on or before the 3rd day of November, 190 , by poet prepaid or deliver to John ItleKay or Da Id McLean, both of the Township of Tucker - em th, Kip on P,O, addrosa, the sole Executera of the said es ate, or send or hand to their agent, CI. J. Sutherlend, conveyancer, Hensall P.0,, their names, resekss-and OCCUllatiOrP, with particulars, of their °Initiate duly verified by altichavie, and tho nature of he securities (if any) held by them, and notice is fu her hereby given, that et or the said last men- tio cid date, the said Exocutors will proceed to die - tri ute the assets of the sakt deceased among the paean entitled thereto, having regard only to the claim Of Which notice shall have thou been 01'011 as ab."e required, and the said Ex.ocutorr shall not be lia le for the said assets, or arty part thereof, to any per on er persons of whose claims notice obeli not has e been received at the date ot said distribution. JO N WRAY, DAVID MeLEAN, Executors, Kip - pe P.O. Dated October 13, 1900. 1714x3 Seiforth's Leading Eihoe Store. Wear the "Slater Shoe" for Comfort. Beauty and style wit out comfort in shoes is easily attai able. Comfort without appearance is equally simple. It's the combination f these which raised shoe making -to an art. The presence of this art you realize when you don your first pair of Slater Sheet!. „ You may buy a pair of com- mon shoes that look, well, and, per- haps, even feel well1when you try them on, but, alas t lin a few days their shape is gone; there are spots which rub and blister ; others that plant corns, and BUN others which raise welts on the soles of. your feet. Shoes like these were taken off the last "green." Slater -Shoes remain on the lasts six clays, and the stretch and shrink is forever taken out of them._ That's why they fit the first time worn, and always after. Odr new Fall eta& of there famous shoes is now here, and ready for your in- spection. We invite you to call and bee them. Genuine Slater Shoes have the name and price' branded on the solo in a slate frame. Price, $3.50 and $5 a pair. Sold Only in Seaforth by PUBLIC NOTICE. , Tate notice) that I have made Lleenee Commissioner's for Soot privilege of traneforring the Item Hotel at fit Joeopla to Michel Le ageinet the said transfer must be Inspector on or before the 7th 1900 R. f3. HAYS, Solicitor VALLEE, Exetutor 0YRILLE Dated at Seaforth, October 22,,19 pplication to the Huron for the se for the Queen's er. Any petition lodged with the Lay of November, for NAPOLEON ALLEE'S estate. • 1715 2 corner Main and Market Sreets Seaforth, Ontario. FA ckard' • The Largest • Drify Goods an Clothing • Capcern • Four Counties. L ARRIVALS The L test in Seasonable Goods Never nor an We do and cul upon as take all to the preciat lower. tfelt-tett.-,takttatet***41.-*.stettskitstitat Astute 0 server nds a flaw in any of our goods, thing wrong with our pi4ces. all the inspecting and (Iritizing ma ourselves. We are looked public benefactors, but leisre don't the credit; we give du credit ublic that has so thorou hly ap- d our efforts to mak? prices Mantle D partment. Our exhibit is sparkling with new ideas , every style of material, every style of make is at equately represented We don't expec • to hold the stock very long. Beaver jackets 21 inches long, lined throughout with satin trimmed front and back with a tripe of silk, velvet collar, all s zes, s ecial at $7.90. Special Astra han curl coat, new vest front, two rows of pearl buttons, trimmed with bo cloth with rows of stitching on eolla and down back and front, 22 inches 1 ng, $9.00 _ Scotch frieze cat bound with velvet, raised reams and titched, all sizss from 30 to 38 special t $6.30. Heavy tw&d c at, lined throughout velvet trimming on collar, front and back, ,6 buttons, pedal at $5.50. • English Kerse r coat, silk velvet c.ol- lar w ith wide ne lapelle, bound with taffeta silk and ined with satin, in fawn and- black only, special at $12,65, • Special child's oat, box plait, Maid trimming, Scotch tweed effects, in all sMa,des $3.75, Children's jack ts in eider down, and Astrachan curls, 11 sizes, frt.= $1 to $4 Spectal clearin little off style, wo your choice for $1 18 Mantles wor $1.50. 54 A double brea green frieze, face to be cleared at $ lines -10 mantles, a th from $5 to $6, th from $9 to $10 for ted oat in fawn and cams, sizes 32, 34 36 50 remnants o mantle cloth to he cleared at speeial rices. Ladies D partment. Two special lin .s of kid gloves—Per- rin's Adonis at • 1, Perrin's Olga at $1,25, Every pair guaranteed. Full range of colored and black Speeials in w black and color colored velvets, b cashmere gloves in liStS—Opei* flannel, ed Rorrudi • satins, ack and colored silks. ' Specials in ladies' and -eh ldren's nat- ural wool and bygeian undarwear and in ladies' fleece lined unde4ftr, i Dress GoocIs Departmen. 11 skirt lengths fail wool plaid home- sPuns, new goods, 1 worth $3 50 for $2.50. , Special line, smitll checks, extra Value for Ma per yard. Special sniting cleth 50 inches wide at 35c a yard. Extra value in Clan Talton shawls suitable for golf capes, etc, at $2.75, $3,25, $4,50, $5,50, $8.00 and 80.00. Fur Department. Our furs possess an indescribable something which stamps them as high class, There's an. abundance of all that is latest and best to choose from just at present, but it is wiee to choose 80011. Special line Astrachan jacket, 28 inches log, nice curl and 'guaranteed, - for $2 L 50. Special 28 inch Jacket, extra value, for $25.25. Two special 36 inch iJaelrets at $33.50 and $37.50. Special Bear Collar for $4,60.. Special line Electric Seal, with sable trimming, $7.86. Special line Entire Scai and Bok haran at $9.75. Clothing Department. TI. -ere are two ways to be econornicaL One is by spending little imoneys and the other is by getting the best goods for your money. When yOu buy here you practice both ecokiomiea, Special of Beave Overeoats at $5, $5.90, $8; and $9.2q, in black, blue and brown. Special lines in Frieze Overcoats at $4,75, 9.45, $6.20 and $8. Our $8 , frieze oat is all interlined With rubber, making. it wind and wateiroa Special lines in men's rain coats at $2,40 and $3. Special line of Inez 's double breasted i serge suite, all sizes, ' t $7. I Special line of Re fent street suits, all worsted, at $11.40. 1 Special values in Robes --Gallaway, Saskatchewan, Buffalo, Cub1,3ear,Rocky Bear and Goat. Special valnes in Men's Fur Coats. Don't wait; you'll never; buy them, better in Coons, Siberian, Buffalo, Chi- • nese Dog, Bulgarian Lamb, Australian. Goon, Wombat and WallabY. 1VM. rICKARD • & CO. Opposite T DIRECT MPO WIER% wn Building, Corner Main and Market Fits., Seaforth, 41 1 ••••