HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1900-10-26, Page 39 0 0 mmatemasearatett, MOM q`Oils salute Of dais- toria sess lateS o children any pre - tore e Holmes rs rt • - rr •••.. u n 000 stu• than all - 'peri- rctary. tore witi dorrie t ave ioth at a save• either wney. (.• OCTOBER 26 1900 THE IMPORTANT NOTIOES. TTORS POWER AND CUTTING BOX FOR SALE ri -Will be eold together or separately an easy teems. Apply to D. BURNS, Bengali. 17114f 'UDR SALE. -Nine jack screw' and moving outfit „u Complete with pulley& and wire cable. Will be sold for reallOtable prima. Apply to W. F. .11E YES, Varna. '1713 3 iaINTOTICE TO FARMERS AND BREEDERS OF .11008. -The subscriber will 'keep for service. on Lot 6. Conceesion 1, Stanley, London Roed, thoroughbred Yorkshire hog, hted from best im. pelted dock in Ontario. JOHN STANBURY. 1712x4 TOUN BBATTIE, Clerk ne the 8000na Division COW'S. County Corriminsioner, of Ilukon, Con. wayaneer,,.Land, Loan and Ingurancie Agent. Funds - -leateeted and to- Loan. Office -Over Sharp' Ak L ten? atlire, Main Week EleafOrth. 1289 ' VOR RENT --About the middle of October, the house near the Collegiate Institute owned by Thom oi ee to Mr will be sold on easy terms. Apply opr T. E. HAYS or MR. WILSON. 17144f 1 ESTRAY NOTICES 7, STRAtd undersigned, ey ea June in have ma!, STEER. -Came into the premises of ti Lot 9, Conocesion 6, Stenley, e It a yearling red steer. Tbe own, the sante cn prey!. g pi operty and payit I JOHN ClIAPMAN, Brucefield. 1712 4 - STOOK (FOR SERVICE, 10 PIG on rapt ihOranglabred ad YORMS/112.11 I admitted servieci, bite Piga BREE ERS, -The undersigned will kes 28, Concession 5, L. R. S.a Tuokor8in1t1 CHESTER. WITITX Pio, WOO a ther011gl PIG. A limited number of sow e wi to eech. Terms, 111, payable at the tin or 81.50 if oharg•ed. Ala° a feet Mesita for saio. JAMO GEMMILL. 1608-6 tatHWO , VI the B mworth ; payable TI1 BOAR FOR SALE AND FOR SEA -The moderfigned will keep for Nerviest eefield 7ffireee Faotory, a tboroughbre, Boar, with registered pedIgree. Terms at Vane of service with privilege of re - - - ---- el 18 1- 11 iO 2 bred young Tamworth Boars and Sows for sale. tIUGH MoCARTNEY, Brumfield. 1406 -if AUCTIONEERS. rpnomAs BROWN, Licensrd Auetioneer for the 1. Counties of Bunn and Perth. Orden left at A. M. Campbell's Implement warerooms, Sealorth, or Tine Karr:Sena Office, will reeeive prompt attention. Satisfactioh guaranteed or no charge. 1708 tf A UCTIONEERING.-B. S. Philifpe, Liceneed _a Auctioneer for the counties ofHuron and Penh. Being a practical Lamer and thoroughly understanding the value of farm stock end imple• merits, placate me in a better position to realize good prfeee. Charges moderate. Satisfaction guaranteed or no pay. Al! orders left at Hensall poet office or at Lot m Concession 2, Hay, will be promptly ttended to. 170941 TEACHERS WANTED ralEACHER WANTED. --Tor School Section No. 10, • 1 East Wawanosh, duties to commence Jaruary 1901. Address R. C. McGOWAN, Box 61, fila th, •1713x3 Nitrate, MEAGHER WANTED. -For &hoot Section No. 1 11, Hay, nd or 3rd came certificate. Duties • to commence January 3rd, 190i. Applications re - coked untilNovember 10th. pereonal application preferred. Address stating eatery to D. SPENCER, •Beeretary•Treasurer, St. Joeeph, Ontario. 1714-3 it f REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. FOR sases-Nine aeresI ef tarot for eale, being Lot 12, Coneeseion 8, Hay. There is a frame • house and 'barn a'so email err! ard. , Particulars upon application. MRS. ROBERT KYDD, SR., Zurieb. • 18994f 1 HOUSE AND THREE ACRES FOR SALE. -The undersigned offers for sale his cottage in Bar. purhey with 3 acres of land in good state of eultiva- tion,plar ted with fruit and ornamental tress. There la a good stable an the place, with Plenty of hard and soft water. Fences are in good order. There are even mottle n the houee which is good repair. The premises ma} be viewed at any time. JOSEPH P. BRINE. 11395•ti VARM TOcLRENT -A firet-class farm to rent, Lot _U No. 7, n the 2nd Concession of Hullett, con- taining ICO acres, about 90 awes cleared ; no stone or gravel, Only first class soil, and well adapted for crops; large barn and other outbuildings; a large frame stable tor horses and cattle, and a comfort- able house and five acres of good bearing orchard; ten acres of fall wheat. It is situated five miles frau Eeelcirth, the same from Clinton., 1.00 rode from aechool, Li miles from Alma church, 2i miles from Kinburn, d artiee wishing to take it Gan got the ;privilege of worldeg right away on it. For further particularapply on the preintses. FRANCIS KETTLE. 170941 PROPERTY FOR SALE. -Fr Bele Lot 9, Conoco- sion 3,11. R. 8, Tuckersmith, cantaining 11+ KW& Vila property has been need ree a inericot gar den and is admirably aslapted for that .purpose. It is in a high atate of cultivation and has on it a large number of pIum al.d pear trees as well as a quantity of small fruits. There le a good house with atone cellar, &table, and other outbuildings, ea well as plenty of good water. It is situated on the river bank in Egreonclville, arid is only a little over a mile item the centre of Seaforth where there is a brisk demand for all that can Le groe n on the place. For a persoirdeeiring to engage in market gardenine a better location could not he secured, It will be so:d on reasonal- le terma. Apply on the promisee or ad- dress Egmonclville P. 0. J. RECK. 1712x4 FVARM FOR SALE. -For sale Lct 10, Concession, 7 • Stanley, containing 103 acres more or lees, 93 acres cleared and 7 acres of bush, Kr -acres under cub tivation, 8 acres in fall wheat and•the balance seeded to grass. The farm is well fenced and underdrained with pretty of good water corrvenient to buildings of which there are a good frame house with kitchen and wood shed attached, two large bank barna with atope wells underneath, large drive shed and pig house with cement fluor, a large orchard of choice fruit. It is convenient to church, post office and schools 11 18 6 miles fm Bruccfield station velth gcod gravel roads leading in all directions. Thle is a first elan farm and in good condition and will be sold cheap. For fell partiettlars apply to W. MeALLISTER, Verne P. 0. • 1711-tf 00.1) FARM Tort SALE AT A BARGAIN IF Ur SOLD BEFORE FIRST OF NOVEMBER. - This farm It situated in the County of Huron, town- ship el Starer:ea being Lot 4, Concession 13. It con- tains 80 aereer 10 acres of which !s hardwood bush, the balance is all cleared and well fenced and under - drained. There is a good comfortable dwelling house, a good hank barn and a frame straw ehed, a good welt at the house and one at the barn and a never faiiine ,reek runs through the back end of the farm There is a fine orchard with all kind a of fruit. This farm is convenient to churches, schools, marktt, ete. iFor full particulars apply upon the prcmittea or atidrees ROBERT 1'. DOUGLAS, Box 13, Blake P. 0. 1705-13 riARM IN IT0KER31.4ITII FOR SALE. -For este r L. -A 11, Concession 8, Tuckeramith, containing 100 acres, all cleared but about 8 acres of good bush. UIsurderdrained, web fenced, and in a high state of eultaration. There is a good stone nouao ; good barns, stables and out-heuses. It adjoins a good Bacot ; is within- five milers of Seatortb, and three settee from Kippen. There lie plenty- of good water. Will be sold with or without_ the crop. It is one of the hest farms in the towiiship, ami will bo sold on eagy tome, as the proprietoe wants to retire. Also 50 acres within a wile and a quarter, a good grasing let, well fenced, hut no buildings. -Will bo sold to, ether or aeparately. -Apply on the premises, or ad- reea Egmoudville P. 0. JAMES MeTA.VISH. 1839 tf KEATING & LAMB, Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Lumber, Lath, Shines, Cedar Posts and Timber. Our lumber consiste of the beet quality of Hemlock and Pine, beteg well n a altar:tared. Any amount of Red Cedar Shingles always on hand. Bring along your bills, }ou will be sure to get them filled satis- factorily. tar Gocierich atreet Eaet. 17114f M-e-LEOD'S System • Renovator -AND OTHER - TESTED - REMEDIES. A %mine and antidote for Impure, Weak and Ira Peennighted Blood, Dyepepela, Sleeplessness, Palpate - Bon of the Heart, Liver Complaint, Neuralgia, Lose ol Memory, Bronchitis, Conaumption, Gall Stones, Jeundiee. Kioney and Urinary Meatuses, St. Vitus Ranee, Female Irregular -Mies and General Debility•, RABORATORY-Goderich. Ontario. .3. M. MeLEOD, Proprietor and Mann • facturer. Sold by J. S. ROBERTS, Seaforth. Matt • TENDERS. Tenders 'will be received by the Council - of the Township -of Liar, up to November 3rd, at -I1 Molock 01. for the eljaning out ot Zurich Drain. /wont of wo4 re to be done, ,500 cubic yards. Full p rtiou- 'rs may be obtained from the undersine41. The °"t`est or any tender net nceesffarily a cepted. Rn BESS, SR., Townahip Clerk, Zurich . 0. • 1714- usines en's B.; cks. Too, nu bunk, vsor to the lot business can't stand filter the p blood pro trouble,gen pain in th natural re can't ,atte properly if --TAO 1150 tr Only one sure remedy th DOAN'S aIDNEY PIL Take 9, hi it from busines need them: 'I have taken Doan's Kid I procured at the Medical rheumatism and 'pains in t back, with which I have be the past six years. They d good that I heartily recom an excellent medieine for rhe and backache." CHARLES C. in agricultural implements, boan'e Kidney Pine cure or weak back, Bright's di dropsy, gravel, eedineent in frequent risi igs at night, rh weakness of the kidneys old people. Remember the r- fuss alt others. Th l?ill Co., Toronto, Ont. ch rtisli • and and niorry fail of the -average idneys it; th y fail to isons flroru the erly. UrIna,ry ralhinguor and back are the ults. A man d to business his ba.ek &choir ing. never fails - S. men who have es, Pills, which Ball here, for small ofmy n afflicted .for d me so much end them as 4matio troubles Plus , dealer rillia, Ont. aokol e, lame ease, d abates, the ur ne, too fttli m, and child en and name, oan's, Doan Kidney LAXA- LIVER PILLS work while you a gripe or ,pain, ness, cdostipati ache and dysper you feel better it Price 25e. at all sleep -without uring bilious - n, sick head- sia'and make the inorning. druggists. • SI P.; 111 ZIA 1.1 L.; Jig L.4 GAUTHIER. 1.4 Price $1, Six for $5. As a liniment fo family use it ,4 has no equal. Ask your druggist or KendalPe seavin Cure, :11sto Treatise on the lier e," the book free, dr addrees • DB. B. J. LENOALL CO.,, ENOSB 'it FALLS., VT. .; '2 The old reliable remedy for Spa ea Rilgbones, aplinte, curbs and ali forms of Lame legs. It cures without a _blemish- becautto it 'doe not blister. North P:antagenet, On Dr. B. J. Kendall CO. Du Dear Slt-Will you plese a'gi re me a r I have a mare thst is afflicted. I take ple I have cured a Curb of our years' 36( Kendall', Blister. by using it only ones an your Spnvin Cure. As long AS I have ho without Kendall's Sparin Cure and Kendal stable. - Very truly yours . • • ALOLPFICS Feb. 10, '08. medy for heaves. re in stating that ding with your then applying en, I will not be ,e Blister In toy Z1141114+47414t141.1.411.1414Mt4104104•24141,042.4 unntn 4..Sores. Mr. Stephen Wescott, N.S, gives the following with /3urdock Blood Bitt "1 was very much ru health and employed ourl cian who attended me thr finally my leg broke out sore S with fearful birrni thirteen running sores a fr&na my knee to the top All the medicine 1 took good, so I threw it aside B,13.,B. When one-half was one I noticed a change, for the bet* and by the time' I had finished two bottles my leg was perfectly heal- ed -and my health greatTly improved. Free ort, xperr nce rs. dowi in cal p ysi- e months; n running g. 1 had •one 1iflhe f my,f ot. Id m no and tied he b ttle Perfect SioLIt a matter of ForeSight, oir4"44 Many caseS of eye trouble alie averted' b.)/ early application Of Iproper lenSes. Present negleCt means future troub e. 40A4.4 J. S• ROBERTS! DRUG( KT AND OPTICIAN SEAFORTH CENTRA Hardware We have a complete line of ranges, coal and weod heaters. For a Mx hole range see our I ford and Colonial, the best v market. In wood cooks Moffat's Crown less and Gurney-Tilden's Family first class stoves fitted with ste warranted perfect bakers. It yvill pay you to get our p ices be purchasing. - • tore . ood ccJ ks, nperial Ox- lue in the 7 anda lch- Bann r are 1 ovens nd ore Sills & Murdie HARDWARE Counter's Old Stand, eaforth RON EXPOSITOR. CUR AIN RAISER _ In Boston* all the aldermen are free to the thethers. Agnes Sorien is to art next Athens, Alexandria and Constni els•de Pitch's new play, which eoeledy class, will be called "Th • The heroine of the new poeti iy Stephen Phillips, "Herod, th ,8 Marianne. Richard Mansfield has aec iramatization .of "Monsieur Be and will produce it probably in . The shah of Persia in the cour event visit to Paris was he Opera, he clic:seising foi cene from "F lust." Marie Studholme, well ountry, has been engaged .oles at the 'Gaiety theat lacing Violet Lloyd.. • Miss Madge. L'essing rancis Wilson Opera co i.g Miss Minnie Ashley, .1 ithdrew from the organi Sarah Dernhardt says t f diamonds (I( strays the. f the face, dials the fire ekes, the teet i look 'like The manageinent of th nglish Grand Opera co o ived over 500 applicatio 11 sthe chorus o the new Alice Nielsei 's sbirthpl will next wint r for the its youthful to nswonsan haye oppor unity to it operatic repert ry. • Nearly evert actor h Richard 11.fansfi id's is sal beck riding; Ji seph Jeffe Sol Smith Ru. sell's, his Murphys, ske ching; N his English cou i try place. entert the o known for th r, Lo mitted inter in inople. s of the Climb - drama King," pted a ticaire" unary. e of his ed 2i sion a n this eading •n, re- joi d the pany, .eplac- who cently ation. at the « wiring t ex ession f the s and chalk. Metr olitan npany. has re - 0 s for rganiz ce; N rat ti echme ar hex s his • to be horse - 'son's, jfi hing; librar •, Tins t Go d in's, itione e since f moms In her hobby. TAKIN4 THE REIN 1 Lord Derby, s081/4, is the thi d ter for 11Iambri o King. .'Connor, 2:04,. has 103 ¼vinnin to his credit as pacer. Frequent, 2:24 1/2, at Pontiac, • a new trotter for Florida. • The champio 2 -year-old tro 1000 is Jay Mecregor, 2:25Ye. • k.rt Alco, 2:0, 1/2, is. the !Drily p r orm- vi• to the credit' •f Blanalco, 2:19 Asote and T ie Abbot are n w the champio trotting gelding Lord Derby's lent in 2:0S1/4 is t1e fast- est yet trotted b a green h.' "se 1911000. Of the .35 new 2:10 pacer enly ve, or about 15. per ce it, are out of dal s that have standard r cords. - • .xeorgena's het t in 2:071/2 is the -astest ever trotted iut e Charter Oak sake or anSa of the clues c stakes. At linden, nen • Vienne, Carrie 'ihields, 2:1314, by Legal Test, 2:20'5e -Ma wood, 2:29M, won the .500 crown staid, driv- en by Ryerson. The average ti ne of Atlantic Ki -g and his sons Ilarry 1 and Fre ik Bo ash is exactly 2:001/2, nd no other sir with two Of his get e uals this. 111/1: The Ohio mill onaire wbo . paid :,2000 trot - heats lls., is r of _for Praytell, 2:091A has not yet r from _Europe, aid, according to he is paying. E. E. McCaig() 300 .per month for tal ing care of the h Hazel Kinney 2:091/, at Wo Cal., Aug. 29, was the tenth 2:10 for 1900. 'She is the first 2:10 trot McKinney, 2:111,1, and ie °sit of known mare, or at least one 1Vhosp ing has never be n reported.--1Hor eport, "bits" *SQ. land, rotter el' for 1131 un- reed - ratan. POULTR POINTEERS11 Sell off the Sur Clorn. is best fot Al full, large re( layer. Ilowls that fea hardy. If there are old eraily it will be b as the hatching s Peking ducks Market fowls an made to. weigh weeks old. It will be a bel 'eines to fowls in they are kept fi hours previously. The objection to buying exhi fowls for breeder is that they are .ry made up 'of bi ds of different s and will not bree I satisfactorily. Ir fattening fo Is quickly it is a to keep them quiet and to suppl food ie a form that is easily dig giving all that the will eat up clea Turkeys' most h ve a good- range prof table. They are good forager insept destroyers, but they Must plenty kf -ground to ramble over los fowls soOn, the night reed. comb indicates good !-- - her slowly are u •ually hens to dispose o st to sell tbein aeon is over. re profitaiple, bo layers. They c five pounds whe in administering edi- their drinking water if om water 'for several gen- soon h as n be 10 1 . THE C R isin bread, w ich is made like ordi- tsars . white bread with the additiCn of one- alf cupful of raisins to a fliall loaf, is al petizing for S nday night Supper. Fest boiling ha 'dens the most t !ieider meat., and the ref SOD . is this: ,Exccssiye heat causes the a bumen in the mea t to - become solid, so olid, indeed, that the heat cannot penett ate the interior. • OKBOOK. Ation sual- rains item the sted, o be and have It is not genei•ally known that a ayer of sliced oisions pl ced on top of a roast of beef and allow ed to cook there will give a delicious flavor to the Meat, vvhi.le theitt distinctive fi vor will not be notice- bi Onions that are always lie in cold fore serving to; 1.1 rank flaVer. If a aftel'ivard, they- 1 .eLath. o be eaten raw slitould v a ter for lin hou • be - them of the st.ong, little parsley ii aten .ave no trice on the • ELECTRIC SPAR s. Electricians claii 1 that the ijuman ody can beeome more or less inume3 t� sl odes ' from live wires. In the Prussian government dock 'ard at' Kiel -electricity is to supersede s cam power. All the great machin ) shop are to he electrically driven Iron a ce tral power plant ef a capacity of ?,500 hsrse- poWer. The same plant will 4ilso supply energy for the powprful dockyard pu ips. WOMEN'S WAYS. ..A Woman can Use .the svord "splen d" so:it will do to describe a sermon, a. pat- ent medicine,' a Ponset or- n piece of huc- kleberry pie. The divine right of kings isn't in it with the right of he married- daughter who comes home for the first time. to show off her baby to her parentia-A-Sehi- pon MARRIAGE •LIOENSIES ISSUED' AT THE HURON EXPOSITOR OFFICE, SIDAFORTH, ONTARIO. NO WITNESSES REQUIRE4, A Tem le Cough. if lit It people would only treat coughs and colds in time with D. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup, there would be fewer homes desolate. The severest coughs and colds, bronchitis and croup, and the first stages of consump- tion yield readily to this powerful, lung_ healing remedy. Read what Km Thos. Carter, Northport, Ont., saysr "1 caught a severe cold, which settled on my throat and lungs so that I could scarcely speak above a vsliisper. I also hada, terrible cough which my friends thought would send me to my grave. I tried different remedies but all failed to do me any good until I took Dr. Wood's Nor- way Pine -Syrup, and the contents of one bottle completely cured me." THE SEAFORTH SAW . . AND . . Chopping Mills R. L. CLARK Having purchased from Mr. Josiah Watson the Seaforth Saw Mills, has placed in the mill A new and improved Grain • Crusher, And i prepared to crush grain on ethe shorte t notice, and for 5o a bag. Giv1 us a trial. R. L. CLARK, C4th. 886-tf MONEY TO LOAN. Money to loan at 4 per cent on firet•olaea farm land se eirity, Apply to 11 8. HAYS, Dominion Bank BuildIng, Seaforth. 1807 Th adieu States with & D. Quality Satisflei" E. & D. E. & D. wheel is the only Oen icycle that has built up United business. It is the only bicycle our -Point Barings. In fo r -point bearings the load is trans- mitted n a direet line, and there is no jam- ming of balls in the races. In ordinary bear- ings th load is transmitted at an angle, which g eatly increases the pressure 011 the parts o the bearing. In the E. & D. four - point b ariug, the bearing never -sustains greater ressure than the actual load on the bicycle. In ordinary beariage the pressure is often three times the actual load. E. & D. local y guaranteed National bicycles have four.poii t bearings in the crank -hanger, the hubs, a • d the head. The bearings are guar- anteed f r three years. =1 E. & P. Road Models, men's • 880 E & . Roted Models, ladies'.. .... . . ,..880 E. & •. Special Models, with gear case -870 E. & i. Racing Models 870 Liberal ptions are given in saddles, gears, tires. The E. D. being a national wheel, is locally guar- anteed. talogue on application. sden & Wilson, SEAFORTH ou Make istak you hairs Paler Crean!" Sallow Complexion, Cold nds and Feet, Loss of Ap- tits, Dyspepsia, Lack of orgy or Stomach Troubles, Yoti Make A istake Wh n you do not use Dr. Ward's Blood nd Nerve .Pills to caunter- act th se conditions. Why? Be- cause hey j contain all .the natural - elemen s necessary to build Ilia the • human system. The woo; to a cure lies Oloog the road from the stomach to.the lood and nerves. All food aoted on by the stomach aOal pre- pared far absorption into the system. Dr. Jardis Pills give just thFo- p-7•alp to a tirgl s /stem, and cl.f- fuse a glx,v ot hc1th throagh the who: human f:ame., You fe., when I and Ha I licrarspif gott3R17_,, !f_ e Br. Waril's 3iol.)(1 le Pills. 69 cta. per hoe: five .boree f :isoan All dreg. ur S tut 'Wdd:unt'Ee.- O., ro:onto, t/aie J. D McplAB, C. E., ONT RIO LAND SURVEYOR, SEAFO - ••- P. O. Engin er for Wingham, Seaforth, Howicki Blyth, &c, Cement Sidewalks, Sewers and Township Drains wi I be given special ettention. At Que 11'8 Hotel, c'ff-=-7 •.f 15984f -- JINGLES AND JI4STS. Out of Po1it1es4 They are gettin out the banners; they are stertin : up the band; Tbey are mak' ri preparationfur commotion through the land. They are fixin up the speeches, An they'll say the eagle seeeeclies With a strident voice that reaches Fur away on every hand - But I've got to watch my minutea an be careful bow they're spent, Fur I see the landlord cornin round the corner fur the rent. I would like to be out with 'cm battlin on the firin line, - A•thoutin off opinions like the rest -it would be ane! I bet I'd reek° 'ern scatter • When I told 'em what's the matter; I would drown their roar an chatter With this silver toegue of mine, But somehow I could never make 6pInions pay a cent, An I see the landlord comin round the corner fur his rent. So I'vleeajnestt olee ' about concluded the what I was ri Is a plain an ploddin person gatberin fruits of industry. • I wan't made fur fight an laden, An, although out of ac ion, It's a certain satisfaction To keep toilin patiently An he knowin I kin face 'lm 'thou t a eign of dis- content When. I see the landlord comin rotind the corner • fur the rent. • Failed to Turn It DOwn. Te88-I never saw any ofle! so slow as Mr. Tinerusa . Jess -He ie slow, isn't he'? Tess -Awfully. We were sitting in the parlor last night,' eridThe -suddenly saki, "If you could onlY see how Much. I love you, Pin sure you'd let me kiss you." I told him "I couldn't see it in !that light," and he iust sat there like a stick. Prement ay Husband. Wife (who has been struck by a bi- cyele)-Never mind, dear. Doiet make a scone of it. , Husband-Whatl Do you think I'll let him go without saying what think? Wife -But I'm not really hurt. Husband -That doesn't matter. A lit- tle more and he ini4t have run into me. -Ti t -Bi ts. 1 . The Buhr Trosn. the *ay. There's a little bunch of diMples at the window I 'cross the street, Just the cutest IRO. --aidranger that you elle.I eitariCed to meet A,nd fe's good to Bit and watch him at his cunning • baby play, That little imp of swJetness, the baby 'cross the s way. How we love to sit and watch him as he laughs In baby glee Or see him playing horsy on his papa's sturdy knee, , . And his papa is the proudest when lie hears his youngest saja: "Oo, oo I Goo, goof" the baby 'crosa the way. When' he bites the ring of rubber of pOunds his tiny boot, There cunetev,er was a baby half so cunning or so And he is a gloom disPeller, like the sunshine of the day, • That little king of hOney, the baby 'cross the - way. But when we cling to downy pillows and the icy streets are still, 1 And a wail of piercing anguish floata across the other sill, And he bawls away incessant till tl?ei morning east is gray, Then we feel that we could smoother the baby 'cross the way. Spoiled Hie Breakfarq. . "How is -the landlady this Morning?" asked one of the boarders. 1 " 'Threatening' and. cooler,'" answered the man with the hewspaper, Misunder- standing the questhlm. And the other .bil)arder, who was no- toriously slow in satling with the land- lady, looked part y clondy. What Taletess Tralning -"I suppose a high 'bred air is difficult to acquire," suggested the ambitious one. "Oh, not at ali," replied the observant one. "Anybody can acquire tha , but it takes training to giv one ease, g ntlenesa and courtesy." A Severe Jolt. I was seated in the corner of the car When I got a most excruciating jar, • Not the ordinary kind To which gripmen are inclined, But a jolt that shocked Me more than that by far. Far Lulea -xi the aisle a fr4cinatiog girl Set my senses in an amatory whirl When she turneda pretty smile H • Toward my corner and the while Showed the tips of teeth that glistened as the pearl. : I responded with a twinkle of my eye I ('Tis a little trick I studied, by the bye), And,. although I passed my street, Still I kept my corner scat, For the hope within my heart was rennirig high. Then it was I got the dolorific jar; Just behind me, on the p;latform of the cbr, Stood the man at; whom, 'twas She was smiling through the pani., And -I'd ridden halt a m le or more too pr. ' '--Life. No Pence A.Ilvoeate He. Williee-Ain't the , Chinese anl Boer wars shacking? Bobby -No. I wish de,hull wo Id 'u'd mix in, so as our joggerphy class 'u'd have to quit till de crappin was o'er. It Generally no is Come to rasm. We aslc a dear friend, When we find hie) alone, For his private opinion, mayhap, And if it should chance to agree with o r own lie's a mighty intelligent chap, But if his advice isn't Iviiat we expect, Or, say, if it should eier conie to pass Our own cherished notions he'll calmly retect, - We declare him an adjective ass. Mieunderstanding. The Editor -1 guess our corresitondent ninst have been alluding to shoes. The Assistant -Why so? The Editor -He says the St. Louis girls were there in large number -Chi- cago News. • Signe of Pall. As signs of fall we can't but note thd earlier sinking sun, So, too, the earlier rising dame whose bargain hunt's begun. A Born Liar. "The boy that say a he likes to go to school," said the corn fed philosopher, "is due to grow into a man that will saiy he is not afraid of his wife." - India iapolis Press. The Why of It. She smiles no more; I'tis ,not that sh I3y glooni has been distracted, But that her pearly white front'tee The dentist has extracted. -L-Baltinaore Ame can. CASTOR IA For Infants ai& Children. The fae- sigastars at 7 best ,obtainable. moat' rigid inepectie that for ease in ope poWer cream separa Wel sell these mac alloWed to 5decide intending buyer fo if not perfectly aati chine, $75. Write Brothers' warerooms Tru 1C411i my to get glie 'test A cheaply made cream separator is dear at any price, eeause faulty in construction, liable to break, and diffi- cult to operate. Th Sharpies No. I, with a capacity of 325 lbs. an hour, and the Sharpies W. 8, with a ca- pacity of 300 lbs„ are the finest pro - bets of the largest an1 best equipped cream separator factorfr in the world. The materials euterin into Jibe con- struction of these n4ahinesare the subjected to the e work is done by akilled workmen, and i . Without fear of subetantial contradictor], we lean say ating, dean' skimming and durability, there is no other hand or made by any one anywhere that is equal to the Sharpies. nes on their merits. We believe that the 'rtryer ahould be rich machine is beat for him to buy. We I eve them to any a week or ten days, with privilege of retur .ing the machine fied with it. Price of No. I reachine,49 W. R. 8. ma. for illustrated catalogue. See sample mach ne- at Iiincialey Seaforth. • W. L. OUIMErTE, Lonclesbor Ontario, A WO DERFUL ANTISEPTIC COMPO#ND • 1\77073TO A Medicated Toilet Soap of the Purest, Awarded Silvelr Medal • Britain Exhibition, 1897. E REASONS WHY YOU SHOULD USE NOVIO. eg. No. 3007. WHAT WHAT IT WILL DO. 1 -Prevents all cont approaching where i 2-10 will clean and p •not kill the gloss of t 3-11i will clean car • them up. 4-Iti will clean linoleu 5 -It 'will clean bicyel Novo le claimed to be the q cleaner on market. Try It Estate JON SpN OF THE gious diseases from is used, lish paint work and e paint. ets without taking s like new. chain and rims, eapest and best paint n flu -ger marker on doors. 6 -It will clean and rem grease stains from woole ing. Also deans coat c 7 -It contains no alkali a commended for washin imparts a silky and nat hair, and is especially u Greatet ve paint, oil and and cotton cloth. liars and hats. 4 is strongly re - the head, as it ral glosh to the eful for ohildren. pRICE 00 and 204 a HLOCIC Full -directions on blocks, NSON BROS. Hardware Seaforth 1687-52 •oliCULAR SAW . • 93 SEAFORTH D • Ladles and gentlemen, than patronage and now that a new wish to let you know that I it ready to 10 my best to give y hi doing our work in the line gentle= 'is and ladies' Wallin • ripped as well as to have the goods au renteed to give gocd est notic Shawls, curtains prices. Jesse do rot fail to gi and egg taken in exchange NICHOL Goderioh street east, Church. E WORKS In you all for put Bealsen is at band still in the business, O eyery eattefactien cleaning and dyeing , done without being ripped. All wool satisfaction on short. etc., at moderate re me a call. Butter for work. HENRY opposite the Catholic 1691.11 IT You to and Pra jec beei n touch with , their needs, and the b . its iequirementa. Every f eility at comman essss. people both before an We ate doing super it. proVe ;It. Send for o r4r.'. College Journal. attend the Fore.t City Business Shorthand Collegs, London Ont. Veal instruction in practical sub- . , For over fiftee • years we have oung people and siness world and for aiding young after graduation. or work, results ✓ catalogue- and WE ERVE ,Principe • 1703-26 1,fr IsjW UT; Our direct connections I save you time and money for fl pointe. Canadian'No th West Via Toronto orWage' British Columbia and Califorula points, Our rates are the lowest. We hatve them so suit everybody and PULLMAN TOUR - 'ST CARS for your accommodation. Oall for further information. Grand Trunk gollway. Trains leave Seaforth and J1Iflbon etetions allows; Joree WiureL Bistro rst. Passenger 12.40 v. ,m. Passenger. .... .. •• 1.0.12 P. M. Mixed Train.... -• a 9.20 A, la lilted Train...-. 6.15 P. M. Goma Eurr-- I 1 • Passenger.. .. .... 7.68 4. 51. Passenger.. .. .... 8.11 P. fal. Mixed Train.... .. .. 4.60 /1.. 1,1, Wellington, Grey Eend G01150 NORM- Passenger, Ethel 8.07r', m. BrusftLe------8.17 Bltrevale., .. 8.27 .Wingham8.38 Goitre SOUTH- Pa13130er, Wingham 8.68 4. S. Bluevale . 7.02 Bauesele.... •. .. 7,18 Ethel . - 7.28 a London, Huron an GOING NORTH. - Louden, depart. ..... . - Centralia Exeter:. ........ Honest', ... • Kippen • Brucelleld Clinton. _ Londesboro - Biyth- Belgrave Winghaen arrive- ... Gorse Sorest- Winghano, depart.... .... .... Blyth_ • Londeehoro........- Clinton_ ..... e... Kippen_ . Ilensall..... . . . . • . • • . • • • . • . London, (arrive) •• ••• CLINTON. 12.65 r. M. 10.27 P. If. 10.15 A. M. 7.05 P. M 7.88 A.M. 2.66 P. M. 4.25 P.M. Bruee. Mixed. 1.40 r. w. 2.10 2.85 8.26 • Mixed. 8.55 A. IL 9.17 9.45 10.02 d Bru e. Passe ger. 8.15 A.M. 4.40 Pal 9.18 5.55 • 9,80 tun' 9.44 16.18 9.60 6.26 i9.58 8.28 lLM 8,56 0.88 7.14 10.41 7.28 1.0.68 7.37 11.10 8,00 Passenger. 6,158 £i. 9,15 a. la, 7,01 8.40 714 8.65 4.06 4.26 4.49 4.67 5.02 6.14 7.22 7.47 8.05 8.15 8.22 8.135 8.48 5.23 9.7a. M.6,1 H. R. Jackson & SON. DIREOT IMPORTERS OP Jules Robin & Co's Brandy, Cognacs Proem ; Jno. de Kuyper & Sou, Hol- land Gin, Rotterdam, Midland; Booth's Tom Gin, Louden, England Bulioeh & Co.'s Seotela Whisky, Glas. gow, Scotland; Jainieson Irish Whisky, Dublin, Ireland ; also Port and Sherry Wine from, Franee and Spain, Agents for W ker's Whisky. Ontario, Royal Distil ety and Davie Ale and Porter, Toronto, To THE PUBLIC : • We have opened a connection with our bueiness in the rear o minion Bank, in G where we will sell the the market at bottom delivered to any par free: TELEPHONE 11. etail store m holesele bust - the new Do-. da old Istand, bast go:ods in Ptiailees. the 6-°°dtown. The McKillop Mu Insurance Com FARM AND ISOLAT PROPERTY ONLY I 151.&-tf 1.,tal Fire anY, TOM* UREO MIMS. J. B.ilfeLean, President, Mime P. 0.; themas Fraser, vies -president Brueeflald P40.'Thome M., Hays, Secy-Treas. Beaforth P. G. ; G. ;Bread - .100t, Inspector 01 Loosen, 8esfo,ti P. 0. Diall0,011111, W. G. Brosdfoet, Beedorth ; John 0, Grieve, Yri throp ; George Dale, Sesforth ; lJdihn Benneweis,. Dublin; Jame, Evens, Beechwockl ; John WatC. Mario& ; Thomas Fraser, Brimfield ; John B. Mo. Lean, Rippen ; Jame* Connolly, Clinton. AIMMT15. , Robb. Smith, Matlock; Rob*. McOlian, °Ms I James Cumming Egmondv -e ; J. Yeo, 1bo1me. ville P. 0.; George Murdie and J4hi C. Morrioon, andliOn Parties desirous to effect lint cgs eie trams rot other busineseivrn be prompt' Attended to we tpplioaMon to any of the above o ere, stiarsaled Se respolive post egress. 1