HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1900-10-26, Page 2ike "" r HURON ...EXPOSITOR OCTOBEA. 26,11 TWO OCT
IS C0111 s it'! ja Lho vemu* ,3r trutfl, 'Mey Ivan, unt.11, I.Ockyer, w,-corcling to iot that ell I r'll their C111dreft swear before they teach UJUPTH I !!'I THE RE fU OF Prl"101rdlal UBE PON
.10AS11 aliarthiclit al.(! tilt,, Of thaill the importance of righteouw bodies was not a ]lot gas, bpi, Lin Ili- 114 -i-WHI III
-7 �Apply
ment. That 1,4 (hu scion, of thv. I children are wrapt tip in this world matte 1440 r absolutel without, h0af. -7 and tile catise of ood gmern conveniation, They wait until their finituole of discrete, golid pa.kicle.; of o f Da be:ore thell tell them of it better F vid. It Is Joasb, the (k)d Avor ProfeOsor T, G, -of the SALE
Startli�z 9tatement by Saved ro�r Death'by JehoShe- WhAt. is F trop te
world, Too late with your prwyers. C I - leago Deed, It. is Joash I the Too -late ;With your disicipline. - q,o.o Vfflvers1(.V of hi I as 11 t . 11'. to jWd for r6awni.
Sir Jatnes �(Iraiilt ' f J, speak. figurativel, injdl�egirlal` of ba's Heroio' friend o t Is .joash, the de- Moralizer of baalitish Idol. tt�y. late with ' ),our benediction, You Puf to tile Laplace theory, und 1 -as founid . _XT40TICE_ TO
Ott all care upon your children between or thInks lie has found rL h of Jilin tenderly, hil1l 11011t- i0013
t, again-st i's Lot 26,
CHURCH T E REST HIDING PLACE ly, Atballah, You Jcill all i. he ghbred
the ch'ef (fare bet,ween, 4 ail(] O? It it'. '11tecently Professor Clainherlin y other children, but ou cannot.'Lill is too late to repaO, a- vessel when it and Ills -Uolaborator, 1.)r. F. V. Aloul- owrted etock in
him. . Eternal defenses Lire t1upw n has got out of id dr.ydocks. It is ion, publishold in Science hort pa- A '1000 Die Annually Ro. Dr. Talinage Dritws Some.U6ififort- all around him,.and th is'elergrt Ll Vile too Jae to save Joash the exe- per in which the have suliniarized 01M ZZAT
ife, Johosheba, will natch hit) 'up cuti \ Coal& Ve
III Lesson: Frosil I'llis III Iden't, and oners. have broken'In. May God the conclusions at -NvIlich. tlq?�y have car, JADC�
bl�Lvs Tiit&t All Arottit(I LN Are Uoyal front 'the Palace nuniev rund will arm us all for this work of snatch- thl.18'far arrived in this lay.e.,,tigation, jonted and
souls, fr Aote, 31
ran down wit. -Jifin hiLo i.,he Louse Ing roxal, oni cleath to cor -dly condens-.6ile its. a Is lina E.-2 Oittarl� Alone 'Throu'sis the Ray. N a ; tureis That'We Ma'y Ilelp W Dolly'�r- of, the Lords and there she will ! ide Onat;on, who (I into it, ahort space, bill one az C, 0 f 160 Great Wbite Pis XT. -
lilril for six years, and at the end of The third thought I -hand to YOU' fact,, which is mentioned Castoris Is fo r Infants n. Castoria house neal
Iva.4hingtUl'), O.C.t. 21 --,-I jj this dis- 0
that, time he -%vill. clilile fort.11i for' is that �4e chure -iod is a go Y. b. of C od, m4t : be fro.
coise o-11 the Mill on. hidiny Plac , When- Jeho!�heba se:ecWd, bothas a, striking harmless fiat stitute for astor 011, your dethronement -ra 13 0 rusheo fabt�fti itself and as Illustrative of Paregori,, oblite draws hume co to to Mr. T� E
Well, uty friends, JuBi into the nursery of the Icing and 0 and Soothi as po Dr a ne-of the diffIculties Involved in the Syrups It COUtainS neither 0�11Mjr. Before the"4anadlah. Medical Association keld at fortilj8 and shows tha pfeks tip Iet Lill botch does the world always nlake !.1oash, 'What shall she do Laplcearr hypothesis 1111111 the Ini to Morphine nor other IV94.coitie Substance. It is PleAsau. -sicht ri, made the startling statems t that uroluld us are -ry -wo of extinguishing right0ousness.- Su- Mrith Wm? hall �',shp take h excessive tenuit, of tl'10 ne- 1�oiol plij. al flaturel; that Nvo V-01DO r -om In the palace? No, for bula is tUirty, years' use prAftot,s die annually lu Ontario from tuber- up 'and sa�ya, "I Tile illass, or to 11 z, Its guarante e
help leli� perstition rJsc 'Vill i lllo�e 1.48TRAY STI
lit I Li4loxlu. Trul,,,. coami--plIon 1A the Mort terrible the official' desperadoes will hunt, f tn? terin, the weigr the C44 dNwAa In thA worlAL. It U the ruult.of ger.W just put an end to pur religi, i Jai aro und us royal a all Mothers. torla, turej that we thropgl every nook and corner Of mAtt,cr now contittith'ig the sun and stroys Wornis and allays Fe4rist Dornitlan slew 40,000 Christi ans, Xi, Z,- 3: "Jellofiliella, the V* Abe tai
that In 11ding, Shall she take him to e 4s S ness. Caiol! Yb Diarrl -
tury Slocum, one 'Plocletian slew .844, OC 0 C ris- curp4 weaand.WindColle. C 1toria. a0luent samusts of the da. has made or a quarter of so c*m Dr� T� A. daugi ter, of King fsLer' of the res dence of some We.alt�y eitf. th�� jilatiets with their at Dit-- i *Sex- of ti'm must $Un of known, and since, according to thb 'brelle-ves Toethi Trotible _S' coustipatioul the cure of wasumplSom We study and has Oil too k t1axis. And the sc persect. ion Zen? 1S O; that citizen Wo and uLzil �Jv ' t uld not: nor -
oucceeded in bits' been swung through -11111 the i ges, pothemls, tho original nPlAila had stray -i precisely this inas sinlillates oundlug a sy0em, of tmtmerA dare tc harbor the fugitives. But positivsly- di tb*L MSM that prodQess Almzl th' wid stole aulong and the fiames hissed,—anp the ill- .9, it can e I ly be Flatulency. Casto ' ria s m!
tile dkease, M the wanis Umi buildIng up the Lhe kilig's wus w-hich wLtre sIM' she as'to take him some'where, IS h e calcti,lated vwbitt must, bee it the. Stoinac li�d Bowels of Infants and Children, wi ri btem and cr6atlag A 0fie chopped, and tho L Ba 3 ;Lle hears the cry of esk sa4l blood, There Is ao h Lot
LuuLbug about 1)�r. luacum, M knows exaOtlywhat grearted, but did the foes of Ch, st-- r t Ills the mob in the it filled a glo- eXtL she I-Lears the shriek of' the bular SMICO hay.ing ii, diine, cr equal bealtl y an; natural sleep.' ()astoria -18 the In tile buellujill iy an
Wit trcatmen� iO &ad affIrms emphatically )er .'f -ain At- ianity erni inate I t? �h�a it cur6o. in utnety The halia dying nobility- so she'rushes �Wd bNawu
aiii not, slal.a. per cent at cases. 11, so with -to that of the orbit of the 0 fermost. ranacea—T Motheryis Friend. 1* odmitted Jo dot;tor has 64ch coadde"s. In the Blocum system , 1.11.6delity sa, 9, "I Will oxtermin 0 JOLLS11 I th4t lie offers treatment 1postrwarav FR= to all And jio was wil.h. her b 4 In th'o the f3i Onto the room of the t8raple, plant!t, Neptune, The ca culation at sonloe. or*
ble, " and thc� Scriptures ivere into thl, house of density. m
ilre a cure. aere 14 the offer, uu,sc of Lhe Lord six yeaki) thrown I Lho, nob puts hii it down She knows that C nto the sti,eat for lid there she showsz that thi's avorag( j. Yoli, or Your'atck. frunds aPA iayi a FREE courso -Geafidmothar.4 are i would be one .101,000 mill4crith of Casto_ria.� nor lenient to trample on, and they7 ivere Or Tradtiziout. Simply write to TZjC T, A� Piled Athal 1 a: i and her wicked assassins 61065torla an fx,cellent tuedicin Castorls Is so well adaptta to OLOI�*ux 1wi Liz Lholr chHolreli'a children, than that of water. 'Chat is to j 4y, this thitdrea e for Cil LUIC-AL CO., Limited. 179L Klnf St� West, Tor up In tile ijublic squares�ana set on not bother the. ternple a great jab lot matter would b rarefied childreii. Mopers bave repeatedly told ine that I recouilliend it as supen lU. 1, 1% J114: POOL oftoCLand exprow oMce address. wA they t ere. w4h, At I 11 t1w frea m4dialne (The Slocum Cure) 11 be deal. or toarzy4l pr4s- 40 fire, and ino litains of Indignant o very that a q ears of age.. If (liselplina 1�0__M00- tellipt we lobular mass O!J 00 feet of Its good e ct upon their children." scrip ion known to ine.11 prowlitly isaiit, rd. hurled on t -leirl' Laid much to f church, and so -she sets -y cha Ili diameter would weigi le s than fR,:G. C. Qaooi), Lowell, Mass, 11. A, A W-litin wdtl�nz tar u0m always Inexuan this Is -, U (1, Uut at 7 0 learried univeesit es decreeQ theMbIO, down oash in the temple. There h*' ono otince. Rcmsiit, X. D. Rrv�Alyn., lookil)g on the 'Out of cxfstcnc�_ Tholias Phine wil Air at sea -]eve atmos- pr . tire has on ti I be�hearjng tile Songs Of the pheric, esq e- i usandth Ilutbous in Carrads, smafii 1�jocvm�js fr" offer in lilisb(41avior of Ll is. sald -All'UrIeWl PaMs Will 109459 "ad for samples to —SIMIL9 SIGNATURE OF lu� ln� ill I'Age of leapoa' 1 there the (4111it of water. A glob�'e 'of air
orshirer6' ��ear after year; E C t_1uTurouLo alld, ME-ijosed. to substi�- have aril fillutaid the icriptures. b(- will breathe the odor of the gold- Of that size Would WeIL1,*h ti,bolit 5,000 tate fwt- whjl�, Thute Your Wa6ling-ol'I. s 'a pwillanintaus, ceAlsers, in that sacred ipot he. toll.. WAL ESTATE FOR SALE, 8 liollillig 111ol,6 bl, child- Christian but BRC
;1-11t iful th Evil Wit the foe of Ditles will tarry' secreted until the six 'o �the imscienUfle read his sin- hood. GrandiiothT tkes out.' her and of clltlrchcs,'� Qh, how lilany� a- years I h -3,ve Passed and he come -to gl(! A 0 more aga Vill tII -DA11M INS MNLEY POK SALE --For saults upoii that,- Wordl 'All the hos� A. X. capbell'o
onto l4n't utiol. wj I) as her enthr6rikin' _-Tilic K)LTAMITon I
exit, t1wory than all ot, 9,GQnca9sIon1,LomJon Road, neartho village letaelos a ever bcen cre4;ed suain
tilftles that haW - he objec
of 13rucefield, contWinX about 100 acraft, 00 hereq dVIVITI Oil and Would Uod thal -we ere all as tions'; put together, for we re re- d imagaod state of cultivation, the ro- look9-down Into ffie facu (if hor nil.9- WIs its 11ehosheba alid knew that the. qtnreo to conevivaL of a gasoo s globe on ox.rLh —are not. to be compoxed maindar 16 hardwood bush. : Thore are g-jod build- ith Lite ho4tilitles against, thatiOnG churel -chlevous and rehvIlious l. of God is the beat hidirill (if 'I 11 i eNcesive average tertility AAuctioneer
ing qd o,, 12 acres ot wheat, 80 seeded to grass a go reirlb. Being A
and says: th[lik ho i" book. Said one man Ili his inlli0l, place! Perhaps our parents took orchard and plenty of watir. Will, -be sold cheap 110aht us L111d, of vastly inore tenuous understanding f
'(16speration, to his NVffq., "You rwistj there In ;arty days. They, snatched us and on easy torniff. ApplytoA. J. ROSS, Bruce. I () do it' 1,(,t hiiii off ffifi% tirne, not be rdadli4g ill i(s, outer than Us inner ortion places we
p ��ivat Blbld," and he awily fir Id and hid us be rottitilig in the wor -EVERY WRAP: fit field P. 0, ))a for thi,4 bchavior a. t rigid sphere, APPEA S ON
1 t aw from ier. j nd hind t�,. fonts and aild A, *1
1r_%,E3jR,&BLF, PJtOPgRTf IN SEt On. faulre' M31 mother, with- Was lock of ut -is con�
r,()9TlI FO psal.mbooks. 0 glort- A n Trish Cup of Tail. 094TAUR COM uded to,
_U- SALE:'$eatit1f ully ititu if ed on Centre Sbrjot the socond. around - her, littir' of the d�'ad clilld--the Wily the J3Jb1cs and' PARY, 77 MUVjjqAV STRC&T. WwW yopin clory. adlotaing Boxtble'4 Grove, There are two Jobs plantod L� I)OI erevy-, 9mid one day: "I ous lnel)sure! We I�ave been brefttli— Irish ser!Yants, with all their f Eat ts, with the-, choicest of fruit troon of all kinds and child that (,'rod bad ever givnit theri- Ing the br.ath of the, golden. cansers shrubs. A frame houje.stone collar underabath the 1 Ought to be lie pitched TKAX
and ibe f r sl cup ts all the tile bL k With ItS COnte Ithe, and Nye have seen the witolchouqv,aultbing room, dining roomi summer can't, do- it. into tho and Iriled It with. t of t(',L is hot a bad f the and winter kiteb(surf. ani four bidroomff, hard and not fit to -hr[ng.up gral)& ;iitfonal (1harmater-as We -8 I(115 dre 0198 La1111) orl the altar, -and we have
soft water, It N one of the motot plemantly located, and spat on it afid CUrsed it had handJeol the vials in which are ther -,otriforfable mad converilent residenoos in Soaf,)rbh in i6y text we- SUd nev' In k�tebc gen -J)Its Ap,)Iy to JOSL �!@& 190L Aiddrer.
)p and will ba sold choAp. 11—
er have c- n i ii ore pray&l6 of all sailits, and we h&ve Lku iVAT- (if a different of that dainimble ,;ttjfr herc." %velt under the w -iii 0
1700-tf ss to 8
SON, Seatorbil, and iArs of the ehert.!:- orga z- blin, G101*101,18 illCloSure! When my. A Eit W�
V.ARN 14N 11U1LETT FOR SAM—For sale, Lot -I- Ila V I Bay, 2nd
HOW hiAll and it as t urn PICACIF
I The Red on' F iture M re 1
a where erl 4(teulpts b6cii. niade to fath(v lizot her- d Daza 1, Concesion 13, Ifullott, oDatilainiz 16 acroo, the (loci Irreric(" of the te:kj, took tormillate ihat' XbIJ? ITLL%,a ied alf(I VIC prop- ill tired from loiVg walk, All cleared, undordrainea, well fanood, and ab-iut 40 ts i te- arty was settled up, there wa littrd- cehied until Wove
extern � n- ly anytiflng left. WL ly 1,00111 t( I ie, down, and ddril
-ores #ceded to gra. There are f.%Ir buildinga. f1l)(I tile ('117le uies do, I NNLrill -to n to as been rene renovated and enlarged, and now we I lowed pro
Xbore Is it good orchard, and a nov,�r-fmJlirjg spring i(fly llt.,fore Ine N1 h! CLL(IdL th(j- A met 11 Lly'lort it 111E. lit le I AN -its goin 'Bible ovie Y?. r'S with a property worth more thmn 1V for, Alary: W position to' ffir the public all theewest designs of Pi creek runs throtj�rh the ftrin wid & good well at the 9 Ila v seof the anpient, ikeilil they� extern irtatud. ic. D�ifth tiny earlhly possession beemuse thoy :111ar to in I edroom and s at very tempting p ide. A' hoilue It Is near 8cho,)I and po3t office, and. oon. - )10 ake 0 1 it cup :of tea, ining ujte londid firm, alld cllulbillg i tho w I L U .,SO a vonlorit to the bout niarket5. It Is a T crj*,0f tile an([, 7 oreign. Di I)lc Sociel,? llai-c they 11i(I s in the rnfstaivs � a. And when (lays' !'I rolig, and I AU
P v 3ty nice line of Main ia all -the newest styles, New 1"'te 'of RE 1�
nob a toot of wagto land on it, And IR well adapted for ex Let, of C111. i4_. of III lie �hcre* ppear- in tho tit�xt is the thOusands tei Aatioll have conic upon my. In of il otwk ralsing. It -will he sold cheap and an eag jr(lej:,ss. fan i ns C if I It; on,, whose only let 'in, Fictures just in, vary �Jiraj), We extend a cordial invitatidn -W torms. A-pplv to the undorligUed, SomforblI P. 0. old Atlialill, obj( ol-11 I liave gone there for shelter; y door M, ry', SeaLF.—N
1669 tt 14he oil lit to h( i1orahle is ITILtItiply copies of the Scillp- and when assaulted of -C every one to come and see us and our stock. ll ot 12, Con fit( 01
F Mid Ppread thein bread4a� b4ow And bara�
Jler faLlicr was a. king. '11V 11"tis- gone thqre for,. comfort, and t'A an clip 'of tea I'm! bring- ALUABLF. PROPERTIt FOR SALE,—For oilo In h 3=1 on appi hitad vvas a kilig, I I(. arou d the world" They have exter- tht-re I to ljvc.w I N 'rit, I - r9fiR, IcAtion.;
bho of Egntondville the* vilumbl _r 8011 Wa5 . a she said. __g X Z 110b.
V 0 and a like ing, btl lfed until lasi [Ill I into the a-11-cer, pleagantly located promlocs-oi tho undorsixtiod. king. Ali([ N*eC- lier plottilig ead of ore or two -foitsh, t) ,[a "It's I I o in' y ulltll 01.0i r%T
1-1 �_ 1% Ir The property consists of two Acres of good land, we'l cop! 1: Z. M A of tilt- BO)l in, o�tr jtottmsclil v�a Ah, wl,ei 'LLY ar for thel exterlyfluatioll of tile entire I you pass drained and tiftivated. Then Is a ootr0ortabla have or ten an ot lie long be ore ou do d ive'plle tham ivfJl 11 frame houso, a g.o.eid stable, pigpen 'idd'othor noo. fl-tillilY, ijlelll(lilil� bVr own ix�! as I took tlit� 11-isli TltiE department is t onlpl4e with a large selection of the and u 1) "abb also hard and beyd aLlod di �U the corners of out, tb� whon Ott. pass awl -In- it be a, Mar tood be.4id,_1 McInip rtod with I
canary olibbui on bhe promisoo, hd 0i ildrt-n. "I'll e execititionera' obliging attention given t) this branch of the business.. 9 and I soft water. The- aro also 14 good fruit troes, , tl. 11, srhool -roollis (111d. send grelLt b o, i as satL9faction't to see -,\(,iir T drank it. In ;*�d stalile on
The is 9 apploq, phtnocs vaid pearit �, besides same oholoo small a8 I of them eN erywhe. e. If th(y get n Christian .socif'ty. You to'Kave "-a Q so Wiater. Fenco
fruits, It jsL m. most dealrable- place for a rotirod far- ro-d IV i tji, tll(! I)IO(j(l �ej" I I 's the kind of enj f Lea, 0 e4k, roams in tha
on tnand j V Ko 11 Nigtt calls prompt y at ended to by otir Undertaker, Mr. S. es mor or market gardoner, and will xo cheap, Apply e 'IL Ell pit ciH the.N the holy sacrnnien .3" is t - M WAY bovi
prill On ail yoll g. t, Aral X.1 Iffolin re shrielcs jtLjh(! to W&I, 0. Clark, RAnimdvitle. the ��-ork of e*.xteraiination, I do 'r ot Yo ein ming U_ Iva it ill ling Ili Clir teaj Goderich. Street, Seaforth,, opposite the Afethodistt chureh.
alids thrown 9 filto 11fe saucer?" ul hfiolW but that ou r * childron' inay 11 ve jail assodiati-ons. Yola yould liketo 1. 11!4 Cotioession utid. dea Lh grow os, ma'am, she said. Ax To R-rN7
&RU FOR SA[�Ctoor,43lo Lob 25, 0 soe the milleniuxi. Yea Ithr-le 'bave their) die lit thi sacred pro- of 'I L d ie I oors 1� V0111 thrie of tioA in. cincts. W11, F 1, L. it, S., Tuckojemith, containing 60 scres l3ut I BRPADF OT BOX & 00 while 'the ivory I �Sl( give a cup of tez� to 0,
all oloa,r and iO tisl% otito Of cultivation. e tL .01 X0. 7. on the
itctll�'L196 and lie 'W till t1w-known 'Bibles of tire on our dying fr not givin, iRDing NO acrep
There are on the prom :)mfortablo� Ing housD, t plenty, unles a bed and our little. ones conic tip I � i 1. I only firs
a good frame b%-rn.35x$ foot with stabling aVacbed, IaLid is under shadc W Of a et 8110tild 1)0� (IPSIrC s flowin' into the saucer, We'd I r- t b
plenty of water, lo conv1oniont to markets, with O:)d all th( so to taj�e our last word and you look n o t b('� insulLin' a friend Wid a c tip 0 gTout *orror a IIL(A fooLed woman, ILIMP$ of life that-- blazu Ila gravel ro4s and lo oonsI,derod to be ouo of the Tait' �w into Ihei� bewildered faces, you will that Nvji sn't full. At howe able bouse and Ayt I
6G micro farms in the t.wiiihip. Will be iold cheap -h pulpf fEL11.1 cS ext: a- ant to leave th6. n under th it's* Wife, .Jehos � ba by' s and in Oil" Uri Aer" Of fail
sotheproprioborwishouto got more land. Apply inane �,e are if ye don't fill i4 festortli, the�.
on the premisea or to ALEX, GORDO,N, Vemond. 81.1'althily approa-ches. the fln- gLfished, fill the very day tba.l. infid .I- church's benediction, I do not c e CUP villa P, 0. 171OX8 1.11rial 1 ursery, ek4l!8 upon th grand ty and L sin shouR , be holding jub cc runnin' over. Ij =Iles I
Ninburn, Ptd PrViloge of
that had' -somehow escaj)ed- 0 row bar([ you are; that is so. I s fol There is a pretty bit ofl Irish child e univerSECL.extinction t 1� 'IF ver 1th' h re WE'RE LL INlawRIAL to a man,of the world- ".Your son 'VL _ARR POR SA.LF,,—For galo, a ahol-co Gfty Acre ljjftSsaCj'0" Wraps 'it UI) poetry in this. "A Ilowln-1 cUD Apply farm lit Tuckerouilbli, I)elnfc Lot 2, on the 13bh -tenderly, but .Would be ill Same closet of a. bac and daupliter are going to joi our over 'Noolle church for a friend." Nucession. Th% Oholoo farm has art 80 rod frontage, snuggles j,'t againkt, hot, a ecreted cop of ti church noxt, unddy. Have I any I&I lit objcAiojiA?1,l These days—eLVen in o [a well fenced and drained; It is nearly all moded. f I (]own the lialace.stairs, her 13ible,' and'this JOILh of otet "Bless Youl" e said. r kitchens P P;
and Is-froo from bad weeds. There Is alao a good attire. wotild. conio Out 'and conic, The Greatest meat of the ERTY Vol
orch%rd and a small bush.. Qn bhe promises is a gootl bert f�i her throat- lost she be d is- "ObJections? I wish ill ill children ent ry. The 13Lew Aon Ill R, R. �
and take the a M jwresf Ibis prap-r
frame house, contalalOg eight roonis, wtob efone cot- ill Llibs �o Lill In ss iono to . a 1.)� nd tle Ath I- belonged to Cho church, I L on't at- Itoger, director of the nl�tcoro- don jind in admiraii!
lAr and woodshed, and a now bank barn. There Is v, (I (L(. L. I G Jall of Infidelity and pertlecutl . 10 never-fallirg spring st the 'o"I Wt her out of the way as tend to tliqse wattep"s yself 910ELI station at Chateaudun, 1 near is in * high state oi
house. H to within a WOUld fly Out the back doof of Va ris, says in a recent numb of La quick s I �e kri -%vickdd but I am er, quarter of a mile of a villago, wharo there are YOU call, for ow a very numitter of plum at.
6110 carries a, Pulace' and dro l h 1, -eri. Of sm,Allrulty. Th
IM'p rdnoburchesi post office. store, etc,, and 4@ three and a pre-clo a young kirjg& y a g u f n and I shall Nature, In.the course of ail ILrticle Vellaf, btable, rod
halt mHes from Ilensall. For further particular#, e CaSS Under fs of' fho liorses )I be there I o see t Uiis youthful prize she presses ew.. I am very glad, 'reates jonty of good wstt
the h o o t Ifeat o. � the fip�,�Jy on the promises, or address ChIselhurst P, 0. With Lt. the - king's st ablus hezz ntitled "The a
You cafim) ext&- sir; I am very ,d I "%ant, them Century.," t1lat, the highest ternpera- T-1 ?�r XYRZ. 1-702-tt 1r) to -the rcmin of tile, ancient -y! ced near Paris Wis ob- & from tbeftotroof i
iiiinat:i ChOstianit You cannot there. And so ough 'you may
the "ch,urch f olden thii(v, unwraps kill jj)ah"! served -at his Station on JUI.jr Oxfor deniaod for sit that-
"Vkfthl FOR SALE.—For sale Lot JS'Loonooes KaN e beer L wandere from 61 od and 27 of -
3, t he youn king and- I 4 person desiting U
JQ1 Tuakersnitth, li miles from SA&fDrtb, a. Puts lifin dow -ond thought I hand yo Jthotrgh YDU thfs-,-vear, it being 103.6 degr ng9liLAores, The land, is Ina good st%te of ouitiva. %ound tv-sicop - as h n, The se( may have sometimes - -S in b4itter Ineation ftui
sul1cOn- from jny subject is'that thark are o .6aricatured the e tirch � of Jesus, it is the-- screen, Thd nearest temperature on terml
tion. On ther place Is a large frame house, in good of Ltic peril that, I ldreEf Ugmaudville I
ropstr ond heated by a-furnsoo, bank hArn with iai been �o this, in the vicinity of P portiplities in wil ich We indy SaW r Range I
Y94, grea. d,esir that -your sons and' ar s, re- FA the stabling, now irtone pf pen 24x4o, driving nioeod� and the�e for -aaughters sb Id be standing r ng 0 yeari i, was 9 s I: e -years r03'al �life. You kxiow the profai i, a CO d4d dur! last 10 woodshed and everything in first class canditio he i4 secreted that -church almrt- history is' replete witJ! sto 49ted at . the rou SA -L.'
Plenty of g3od water and windmill to cuum tp it. Tha ries their lives wi in this sacred inclos- ntsouris Observatory tariley, couU
Uien t. Aca n v�ii a land lawollunderdrainod, There- is& 12 area -'old - Athaliall. strnp'lede* monarch 3 and of ' young tire. on the '2 Increases in favor very &.y. Any carcd ind %
f July of this; syear, tiv-4 D, 8 Antoo 113,
of fall wheat and the ploughinX all done. it will her lips with sati.,,�fctio ho have I een put oft of tfic Afore tha that u yourself 'Will 'when the mercury sto do- an Per- t n princes w d everything ean be bakcdi to p al' W YO od at J01.5 'o jarm
be sold cheap and on -easy terms as the -;oprietor and thi iks that all the roy ay. ' But hy sh )uld w ce grees. At Poitiers in July, IR70, oL WI entrol geed
to offix we e itirch for r,
st. Possession given at any time. For m hiding pla feeltion in its perfectly. V001--ti"ated, 0 wbi there fe AL
fu are dead. Duf tile 8, pir time in praisilig this braver,y of ex' when th .'mortgage is foreclosed; dod ad 9her partioularaL &PpJ y to WILLIAK ERTRHART. rx years ex teniperaturc of'106.2 degrees NVUS re- evenly heate oven. on the promises, or to Soatorth po3t oflije.. 1684-tf tilld it Is time for young Jok'sh to pediti mjwlien God asks the Sall e w -hen y'ur �daughter just blooming corded, Among the highest tenipera- iandernesth
thing t' you and. iae? All around t tures known in or ftear London are examine its special patented fe ARM IN $TAKLk1,.Y FOR SALE.—For, sale c0ille f th and talce the tlir(.,n'e and into manhood, suc�cierzly clasps her Wily not atures th luent floor, m
Fto j)ush the m per i le d ekild In vonvenIcht to '12th o� i�jlbaolc into dis ran of a great 04t on the Pnces lum no Camden Tow 9 and the west half of Lot a grace QLmi death hands in EL _n on S knIles from
slon, or Brownson Una, of Stanley. This farm cou. old Atli . liah. king., They are -vvhcn 'gaunt trouble ;'Walk July I 6 last and 97.2 degrees at -every loality, Itis ti
bont of Al�migllty pa waki g; Te alWays w3leome atour Agentm ia
tainalSOLacroo,all of which to oloared,-exilept; fou)r Jam Ing In *11
The rentag) and will pme to' a. throre hr gh the - parlor and the Preeinvich in July, 1.881. are all in de for %Ores. It Is In a state of first-class cultivation, wolf d: o
fenced, and all undordrxined, mostly with tile. -There political revoluLlf)n. or a orawn if permitted. B It Sir sit ing noorn and the dining Indian Religion. "Tor p b Come all and the" r i with Attialiah, oes forth to tie h, 11 Visit:a by ISILLS & MURDIEu S Is a largo frame dwelling house as good ai now, the old F0 d taki of the Leal- nurs ry, you will good stoue foundation and collar,. large bank :barn ma§sacre, Alurde -ous t so benign. was the religious sys- Adth atone stablin underizoath, and numerous other ]it atior s Ne, sw(ar loyalt the boy J-oash ant sonie shelter ftom the fem-; 1-10 D FA
F amp
been each. depart- n ry C.O., Limited Toronto, buildin 'I'l11 0j9r his efense, are oq for the ast ssinittierl' Valen., tem of' the Indian that The urli d
'18, Inoludi a larfe p1F house* Two good atid stayid aMur pest. Ah, some of y(,u have - ey Foul Win
Q ry run upon by misfortime and triall ne a animal kingdom was Teg,, -ship
mentaltreow. Thdrosr�twosjlring oroaki 11swrds and- the -in hk rectlin -who (tie shLz;rpari�4 lih orchar Sot cholo rult al so n cc 91I%do and arns. Oic ernpuor, was Uld that a a wa lit of running somebody provided 70134- f SUMI-ey, b hrough thil farm nd pilenty of 00. burnishi,-d oul' Why do -,,:)u �not conic into the shel. With a little d[LvInity to r fill I Ii (I taing Every th j n Vaijeouve.r. ter'? year roundwitho; pumping. If In well situatod for Is usurp .,its -throne ard nat e look after its affairs. Th jj� the btiUn6c is, -All kid
Now markets, churc of the nan who hould e le I said c) a wi schcolq, rot offlao, &o,, and d Spirit of the Great Sw P. from It all directions. fkoot(al dowed mother after af- hous ood bank I
grxT.ol roads 16 of usurper would begin with -the I _e, * g e, em tar all sNyans, the Spiril V Within ViOW Of J�A o Ifuron, and the boate can be cared a I tj X . t lit -e t It Ut The toll
she had -buried her on -1,,y son—nionths Of o.f Ills ad-. -T, IT, E,, 0, 1), and the' ecilat ent aicon passing tip ant down from th house.- This to after I sa A to bet-, "I'low do Turtle co�ntrolled all turtledom an, -4ek
one of the bo8t equippod farm a tho county, and re- forth f loril thd ern perLor's j 0 juirers, is brougKt forth jin- fQI you rOnc-, get along nowadays?" so on thr�)ugh the list, every ki d of W-111 be sold on e4s�, torm galia. The lscrq.�j o �:authlorjjty li "Kil "Ob," she a, a% the proprietor wantq to f -whose narneAeg of 111L . Ili an animal having its Al� IA.1;4 retire on account hoxIth. Apply on the prom 4 'replied, own pro =4rkAt, A0. For of with, I Ill I-3, 0 D.tl 'I . ad&M�,
hal')ds,-thu corof)eL "I get along tolerably well, t 'eting _,V
[sea, or Address Blak P O-, JoirN DUk a hun- JC09,0.
;N, 1649 -ti spirit to gii rd its iterests andipun- exopt when the Sun Shines, I a I h YOU tt on Ii is b"ONN', and dreds und t. ousandil were s in fish its exiertzies, rMese the clapped and. 1( "o nut an d to hOP- said, "What. do mean by tht?" divinit' ARU. 1N 11"ti TRWNSEIIP FOR SALE.—For v(x( Ing b.,V liat wass'a.010 to r�r.) Who were under the control ot the F H%le, Lot 22, on the 11orbit Boundary of Hay limizaed wicl ti-tin,j)(!t(i t When she said: "I can't bcar to see I,N jeoij
-d t hat ohe isurper But' a Is inor J�
Township. Thittfarm, contalus 100 AGrff3 85 IGreat Spfrit—feli a great t' 11 vonom
sbine. My heart is so dark W mlt�l I 940d, A t h a I ih. Ill Its dailunciati A, 1� afat- W acm, cleared, thereat goad bard wo3d bush. HIS I
dordrained and fenced, There Is a good stono hou@6 thrit sound ove,r, that all the ))rightness of the the human *rmce, and any one of t.liem the temple -Arid ters not lio-%v you pel ,, , ll! i u0ordralned
? - 4
with a No. 1 cell-tr; largo bank barn; fro ont become the Protcting g nium Of ould she flies to sec,'and orr lie cohic under it,.4 knif ind Ieins a mockery to me." 0 -plem 1, N%,ay thoy you world. se of any Pa.ktioular min, shod, obocp house 7Ox7b, with first-class stwillin b4f4s.'stablet and
Arid root oellxr ur!derneath , a good orchard darkened soul! and"A-aY' ord, underAts d(om, unles 0 broken hoarted 2 goo "Why, haven't sw s there achool!; to within Aw
wells and cistern. be som om OU4hL t(P man I Wh, The Olde Miles Ilrom -Rippen, Thorolsl2j, -acros of fall wheat You y0l� 0100kht you b d st, the Newest,! t'he Leadin, theARest Busines Tranin Insfit-uti
lef br broken hearted wo Will bd sold with jot flowed Ott a rich fallow, well mmnured, 40 d man, I noticed that comilig agree S - Iiiin Lill Llit, ro the res, -iie. But, blessed be.; -0 odi do you nob conie into the shelter? I seeded down recently, the rolit in �Yhl faillily, ))lit joash into town on the train in the mornings yo I of America. -the best farmilin t-iti
or U crop. This to % No. 1 farm, well Oi�uatod for WEN I.,: such a thing as doliv Ing the door -,vide Oen,' �1 swing alwa Eucates young men and won, j for money 3fskj Ravy teir;ms, so the, Pp.
the roydi ering ya manage to sit in a seat beside a ve deats in atte nir and useful altizerrship. Has had owr $;8,0W ttu- adance since it was ev a gjahe d In 1850, and furnished �jiioro situ stiong to gr"uatdp j n,A11 0 acy-lis within A alaricets, churc-hes, itGhoola, pout offico, eta., and royal smil, Who will snatch awal it' from Wall to wall. Come: Jnl fine looking YOUbg woman, and You don 6 other Ijoetitutione of the kind In I 1blesncombined. Superoirmodernmetheds; large Como of expo bu
c ith. ragc, bs;
will bo oold reasonably. Atply on the prouilsea, or I Come inr - : I lot, well bu
� I -I' ilid Lore ft to jjj C addrossiROBERTICDOVU A8,B1mkc,Onb.1668x8tf he(I h( _L- seem to know her. You never seena to enced men teschars ; Oc upics an � to gant building or gtheroj jj�pAtLUly.
ected especially tar ItA use. your i9a )I)atJ all I Irgoond-ville
afternoon God grant that speak to each otber." Handsotuelllustrsfodcstajbgu� roe. Carresponden wid vried L111til slia foal his audience, 110b, tbats my ce Invited. Vill 0 WM. F. JEWELL Pr( s dent. PLEWDID FARM FOR SALE.—For sale, a eplon- 1he iliouLli: chool Mass theee Ivill he a, pri ee a the yotrrigest, 'he eldes�, the worst, ife. She 6 mes to 6own to 6udy art, 011 hit\(- 110 rirlit, Lo PLATT R. SPECER, Seckery� -n grandson, Y()u, ljjt�,e n did farin and hotel propetty. This farm, is on 0%d, scincrone' who ma yet r a, the best, may find their safe and B173INESS VNIVERS1TY BUILDING, 11.19 WJLCOX AVENUE, DETROIT, XjCff.�
bite 13tb wacosigon. of the Township of MoKillop, at. cro no kinL);. forever before. tho throne, all c t lie froill then glorious laidin place where Joash N of which ro cleared, excopt about three sores, ft is Whr fouud it—Ili the temple! tho Village Of Loadbury. It contains 1121 acres right to tak, ATIN
will be so'lle One In a good Btato of cultivation, being well fancod and LZ as hits a corrupt. 'ph.-ssierd inherilance Wholetale i
raising mud feeding. There is not a foob of �v late THE LAPLACEAN NEBULA. IrAnd on tho farm. There &to two good dwolltn$r ho lia3 a father a,y] mot.livi, Lath laewhe. HT B SN undordrained, and suitable for grain xrowln� or stock cr.N Ecezma m 16 there* will be solno ime in yolit, n5f BRICT ithouses a large bank barn with #tone stabling under. -Cut 1111-Migh 11. do not <noiv ther( will One Hundr d and. iiii0ement houso and all noaces- 0ur lumber,
ry winety-one XMI0 of Ill(. tolillife and W'rs't lie sonic one in our xvho d buildinga In fIrs t-alage repair. Thoro are three or. t.1 t
Ti Thinner rhan and Plop, Uelvg wvn
but tile. ftok COVered With Blisters chards and four ne�or-falllng wellij. Tho'larin ad. t coijilml nct i church or tatel ."Thin Air." TerAble 11nC C4th'S Clothin
h are are aboroo, Poe !e Red "&r Shinglas
joinat eVillagoof Leadbur3,wh 'of the itzilital. Itching fjo g & Furnish r -Sto -
foll on her sh-eping 11: A-0111. cradl by� ! Tour bills
The we 8166131 Possible office, blacksmith shop, school. etc. n The f aMC LIS nebUl 11 11no nd for man �j ill vouK ar hypothesis of Chase's Leadbur - lotol is on tho farm, and will be sold w:th g Ointment Simply Marvello I in &ctorll:V� AWOoder
Lie that in its primeval + + I.aplace, n It. It ow under loaso for a torut of years. Th being ill Vill] q0111.9 1t8 CuratiVe Powers. loonoof the best. and most- profitable farm proporL Me
ondition, 1he !solar s��stc foifront the 014110t aft( as Mr. John K11.113,, '79 Trinity street, To- tornis of pSyrniint. For further p%rtfsulars -he County of liuron, and will be sold cheap ouglobulax, r.)tat ing Ill, of gaseous ronto, in an interview, mad(-, the foi- ties III t Joish ih(* 9 iel, thll� gpt out Inwille L it- (it. inatter ar, an itIC011veniently lowing vebailm staternent:— L NGIF ("'PlVelly"11011 the I)renlLJE;Cff,. or address the utid.)rM, n oUld snort al d r0ar plisit g (if oul ire%, F or high .0m I WLI TER 1 g ca S-0 System
the proprtotor,LeadburyP.O. J01INSTON KINN9T toluperatUre, "I have been tr--ouble(l with eez4m& place ws they swill qj(j jjljc(� :)f Ili that out of this 7� —A
1663 each 0M. of tlims(- 'cHildreij, sin and' as it C0110-aCtOd 11701j) loss in almost its wo-rst form for the -cold wiuter -winds will
of In -spite of the presenb fine weathr, tbei halikli oil tile three years, At times mY back lie R�t, Oil L thvr, T9SITED
frolil ttile illremind You thiat you will noe some this sut)joct "i.4 11.1t th 13U heul' tile hits 1ev i do yo,�, intend to get *It 9, Jf JL
planetary systeni, ,vitl 1.Ls entral AvIth patchs like Water blistere, warm heavy anderivear. Whe
(1161tgl t T band I, 119 Fhouller blades were literally cov rod
I lit existi won be here, Dib
(-X1 (�l In i Ila- A
re lid ob t ion of rk�litroiis l(IRS tiso Of bo, 'Icked tbel#-, jjr.(.,r)mI1anIed with terrible.fich- you are wise ou will come to Bright Bro's., where yo I -11 11tt, by cuii-
thering chii(Ire., NNI ill Tlig- tient physicists' froin a number of frig on. my legs, put sleep cjll of the E
i s n Iill IIOUS ins[ I'llctiQ11" lien is t Of the the choice of about 30 different fines VIP- mom ify-1 and chouscl for rjou ell -known and hali rice*, Jaundlo,
4zood. lid (lintnient (names mantionorl), Our boys' suits rango in P Din 0 P
she Is bad �_j IWir i()l rice from 75)e to PC 004 1 I I.- Sil )pose, Ls a I.,; begin- (ju(-stlr)n, I tried va lb both a bX
ftiff 91*0 %* uP points of Devereux iq a.,,t t8 ie x.e�y D011 t ift- ning to lo as man
she is llpf. to be vor. and did r sultr First, -1](Minholtz -poijilod out—and Possibl., to obtain relief, but fleece lined and all wool. L mone had saill to his views 4 I)ted by the pres- I had freque4tj-y In mbri's si'es, we have ge range of goOds�at all priees. Our BLACKSMITH sn(j nd this -Al hllb wns cine f t)jj, e. 'ere %xith I'ttle su(:cess.
cial Attention "Don't ni.erfure %.,, tit that h(,ar(l 'of I)r. Chase's ointme a lai
11f LfW iblrt. he would ent 1,ord,helxin and ther eminent nt, R)ut specid �ine at to Worseshoeing and CARRIAGE Opp. -TO,1811. hilt) phsicists_ that it iii.t.q.q (.)f g aw)oIntmetits, You �,sat save
1`111-PtIng with so many dis 81 is positivdy the best value on the niarket. General Jabbing. -queen Lhe 1tt-51, SCioll of 1116 11 U 1.1.98 of liavid, lid likos tilt Id MAKER Hotel 1(' or not; I had not tried it, eeing the advertise- Yourself honest money by investing in a ecuple of suits of. eithx tich as pu; suppose(l, Uf los- I, oIli j WhetHer heivam., t 1 by J, 0sus N. as to co4ie. nir:.
o be kin or not I" heat s it contracted, -tvotild gro' lit one day I concluded to get a, jox, fleece lined ol I)ure wool. Xoderich Etreet, Seaforth. ork for Sli'Ve using Dr. Chase's Ointment, I lam If you -------- Don't disturb ahis hoLter. Th ail count, I arp balulels and sheba knew riL�lit N% -ell that mil l I es t i of like a new being. r ot a permanent -,-utomer, give ut a tria he would the Spectroscol.e t Its sojthlng *nd We canave yoli moneyo.
that da3. hat� while tile ac- healing properties are SIMPly martel- ('lwLr tile LOW of all (rod fearing and iU119 Nlas ro,,cued T,eudors wit
ulc pu t be twe
it nds Washij of 11sy pp
�'otlr applea to Mke cider mill and have to evel-yLbing that cot] ft from long s a. n 8 9LISCS, tho.v are at a relatively uffering.1 or the
d il ((..It you, Im TO
�41ie w o le woul nek*er at till, -I heaA-Mis o'%v 1 their faint glow to lu- Dr. Cha's Ointment for the rle� God tual riel)ultke f0iind cattt.re(l over the 1011s, and I am bonestly grateful' to them I don't rXIRD11 our chiXL1ll ' Ift-OM JUW owot be d1one 4
nade into deliciou4 apple butter or jelly, no interfere with her iin temperature, and no. Dr. Chase's Ointment, a Positive cure w0r] dI in �ss is i)001tir Of agples to MR in recluired, bring them along, crilliftiality. aibegin too at all such B.R1 er hands bodies bt.,; A-Vel-O�ililaginedlby Laplace ntS a
wholv. JOHN T11titsK, Bl%ko cider, apple buttor Nlic- -folds h for all ItcbIng skin dieases, 6o ce sny tenji
and sayq: late, Ili-ro-rits wait until 1the chil- Out box, at e11 doalor,s, Or Edumni5on, aud ohoppitig mill. 1710-tt "TIle work ia Jone, It of this pectroseopic evidence has d YN. Wq bolu.0 they IOU r Toronw. F&RAI I SEER 81 S -Ed -FORTE. OE