HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1900-10-19, Page 4�
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I ; - 11 i. -] 1-1 ! �_. . . . I �. . . .-T E HT 1�,ON� .EXPOSITOR I I
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i__ - 77, 1. --- ---.; 7 -.,- ____T!T� - : __
� ------. --f—- ----. � - 1. � , I I . - , - - , , , "' , , -, _ - - _Sz - -_ �7 � . I —_ -
I - . . I . - I I : I
. - I , I . . a:'sent $7,129.430 cattle ; It is safe to say that honoro were eamy.. If
� �NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. plobisoi�te Vote, Thin, however, is behig dozen ; in - 1899, Ho per dozen ; in 1900, 003,40 1
� ' 7 � I . ' the United States sent $28,213,572. Can- we are to believe Cobservati ve repot ts M r
done for purely ,partiz%n 'purposes, and any 14jo per dozen. Th( value of the eggs-flo it of his opponent
Aw The figivebetwoon the parentheals, or ench , : ads sent $7,458,538 wheat ; the United Tupper made mines mei :
- person ,who is *Influenced - by blLkp,.trap of, exported 9 in'189( $807,086 ; 1808, $I,- I the pal of Vic.
one, denotes the page of the pr6por on which the i : ' , 19 6 , States sent $5b,397,395. If Canada were while Liberal repottis give
dvertlaordont will be found. this kind must be either very simple minlied 255,304 ; wla,,,, ,,,,,,,,7,, 3, and in 1.900, ' riot doing bctte�r than the States their export tory to Mr. Sif ton. You ays yout money
- - Z . I . . . I 1 in each case should, population considered, and you takes your 0I I , . Both gentle- I
. i ' .
� Fall Arrivals- W.) Pickard & Co. -8 ovvoryi easily misled. Some, too, are talk- $10457,900W. 1 . * be nearly 14 times as much as ours. I men are good speakers, pr�.babl among the
A Fully Furred Store-(r'reig&N1%adonald--1 ink ab�ut voting against Liberal candidates A noticeable featu ,e is that an the exl 16rts - 1� --- - beat in the House of CommiDne, lat we van-'
Auction Salo---�-Robt. Movety-5 I . I -
in some constituencies for the -same reason. �of C"nadian butter &;ad eggs into the-Bititish The Mitchell Recorder gets off the follow- ture to say that not one cOnvert we a made
Sealed Tenders -Joe. R R,)y-5 . � I . I 11 , on either a
Notice To OrecjiEori-R. S. Hi%ya-5 This w�uld be equally foolish. What won I d, market increased the export of theme articles I ide, These union meetings, while
$ � I I . I i ing, which is t6o good to - lose : 1. I Strange al
Tcnderis-FI� Ross or. -5 an '�pe,pson gain for prohibition by yoting to from� the United Staios fell off, Thus show. N h popular with the people, who ways like a
. � y I . . I I - � it is that vre bear nothing now of too 'lug fight at close quarters, are not, as a rule,
For Rent -T, E ,. Hay8-5 I turn frOm power the present Govornment to ing that by the efilightened,enterpri8ing!and � John booni, It is a truth that *wherever conducive to good results. The old method
" I I
- Auction Sale -Hogg & Son -5 ha,ve replaced by a Government bed'b; - liberal policy pursued by those *ho have � - of permitting each candidate to tell his own
Auction Sale -E. J. Murplay-5 . . - y . ptry an I i , Hugh John has appeared the bobble has -beef,
- 8 it broken and the' boom has " burst." In an
8 -later Shocia-R Willis & !Son�5 ir Ch, rles Tupper, or by a Conservative . had public control i a this 'con 1. by . I story at his own meetings, produce the
� N 0 - - . _4e friendship and ,confiden( results, and furnish the greater aniount of
Vanted-G. E. Ki g-8 I Government of any kind ? The fact is that . securing t e of. undertoneof disappointment many &Tory information to the elector, as reason in not,
Auction 8ale-Hiram Fisher -5 I the 4'Mrnm6nt, had Lthey submitted to our brethren across the water, we are gradit. I I asking himself I wh&Vm in a I name, after
Teacher Wianted-D. Spencer -5 - __;1 1 � , I - - , a ' I as a rule, covered up by a frenzy of excite.
, The Campaign -Beattie Bros. . Parlianilerit a prohibitory &at, would have ally,'if not rapidly, upplanting our neigh. ! all �, Thin recalls the''story of the darkey ment. Hugh John did not put in an,appear-
. � I �
I , uthern 'border in the I *0 was , on big way to Richmond' once at this meeting, although it vi as held
- Notice To Creditors- G. J. Sutherland -5 edurting sure defeat, because' the peb. bars across 4our so . . wh
i . — . in his interests and in the heart of his con-
- - pie had't not sent to Parliament '4 sufficient Bri ish markets, and are making our b tter - to delii er 01 tame n ituenoy. The contest in !this cons 4tuency
� I - z ' lease the way 'some mischief substituted at
number of members to support. such a I&w. and egg trade as priddible . as our o' causes a deep Interest in all parts of the Do-
i i I I a little dirkey youngster for the coon.
14 11, urion (ft - " 0 trade has long been. As it has been with '
i F,00140V As t�as with the present Go riament, so . minion, and its progress is being eagerly
; 65 1 � i I . . . 9 WhAn the big darkey arrived at Richmond
i " .
._ � . . . - __....__._ wou .t be with any Government. The� cheese, butter and eggs, so will it be short. watched by both parties. -
, 1 . and went to- deliver his charge, he opened __ —
� — ' I
� .
! I
momeat the Prohibitionijt�s_ send to, Parlis. ly m ith our meat prodacta, when schemes the box ard called to I toby' to come out. News of the Week.
8P,'AFOfLT'R, FRIDAY, OGtberlftfi, 1900 - ' .- - . I ic [1 we, To the our e of himself and the bystand-
� . ment w suffloient number of rept esentat ves . whi -h are *npw in progress, and to wh -
- ----.---- I � , . . I ere the l2tli�eigdarkey crawled out. In his FoLLowiNG CANADA'S LEAD. -The Sou�h
, .
. I-- I to carry a prohibitory law, that moment the sball refer again, are tPatured. Surely' the �
. I I . . confusion. the older . darkey extila'imed, African League has passed a resolutiot
A Flat Denial. : . Go .ment of the day,"no matt4r to* which. people do riot desire al reversal of this pro. I de same � ame� but not de same coon.' Hugh sh
� . . I .in favor of a preferential �tairiff on Brit.
-1 I
Sir Wilfrid J,audor has'given a prompt -party it belongs, will be forced to submit ,gresuive and profitable polic and to go back I John mighb�add- this to the stock of stale manufactures. . I
� Y, I . .
� L
and flat Acrital to, the abaurd statemen t t1ha t sucfi� a law, mud no auc'h'law w It ever be to't le conditions existing' even four pears - Varna that he told on the .platform �hrouimh X-Ew LoRD CHIEF J - ord Alver-
. .
- . 'until thin is' done, no atter d how ago. . I 1 Potario. Elio hearers would see the point stone, formerly Sir R71NT%'J,dE 4'obster, will
I --difficulty." la sell - of K Ilowen,.
-_ oen offered to Fell a Seia__paesedL I . I '! . in it witbc ut any I
$10,000. - �� i . I succeed the late Bai�on R t
. � I I -
atorship. to Mr. H. H. Cook for many 6hanges 'of - government L may take ,� � an Lord Chief Justice of Eogland. ' L
I ibitioi ,hita. f or several years ' 'mpress
- Ling
Notwit,histalid. this denia.1, however, the place.; � Thin is.a, fact whioli-Proil - A GREAT RECEPTION. , r , who EmPREss FREDERICK ILL. --4
I . - - .
. - :
. . . � I
Maa andi otlaers of thG more disreputable may as -well become possessed of Orat as � ast, ropresente i North Simone in the Dominion Frederick, of -Prussia, is a( riously ill.
. . . I 0ariada's Premier was. given a reoe ptioa Parliamen, i, but who has been out of politics SAI%i JoNEs ILL. -Rev. Sam. P, Jones,
Conservoitivo pa,pers continue to repeait the So goo as they do become possessed of it, I . b
� . . - I in'Tory Toronto on Tuesday night labt the the famous evangelist, is roken down in
statement and comment on it, the same an and act accordingly, just so a' . 0 for some time, has published a lengthy health, and his physician has forbidden
. � . con will there sup 3rior of which has never been witil 3seed t
if it were tr I lie. - -Sir Wilfrid, who was then be prohibition and not before it. If there. - - . manifesto, in which he pours hot shot into him from indulging in p4blic apea. ing for
� . , � I in Canada. The Globe says: . i � - � I
in Montreadi' addressed tile following letter fore, tt ey are sincere in der, 49The demonstradon in honor ol Sir the Laurie Government. ,Mr. Cook says he some time. �
i- . -, " their , ire, for pro- I . STEEL WORKS CLOSED. -The Lorain,
. to the Montireal.4azette on Saturday, and hibltid�, lot them orgat,ize now in Wilfrid Laurier last night probably ex- has been a Ref�rmo all his life, and is one
a so'iid,- celled any6ing of ,he kind that To -onto . � ,_r Ohio, plant of. the Federal Steel Company
has since telegraphed a similar denial 'to the com a t body, and cast their full strength stillf but,11,61 can not longer support the 0
. � - p ' ' - had ever previous] seen, if, indeed i 1 b did I � � was losed Saturday migi. t, throwing three
Globe in reply, to the statement of the Madl. in id f the candidates in each constituency. not surpass anythin .in Canadian history. -present leadere, of that party, as they have thousand men out of orriployment. It is
I I 'I . . I .
This is what he says� in his letter to the who wil I promise them to vote for a prolaib� Tile ligatures of� 6.h jubilation were a vast not lived up to, the promises and - profession 8 said the ishut-down will be for or ly tw-o
Montreal Gazette : _� I torchlight procession, with four thodaand they made whei2 in opposition. This though t I weeks,but as orders are, light t e. men
. . itory li�w at the- first se-jision of the new Par. . * I
"In the Gazette of this morning there I I men in line,. and tb �ee huge meetings, eack seems to so vex the righteous soul of Mr. believe the mills will be i�'le until a ter the
. �
- . liametal, and-where.ther e i i no such caud i I addregsed by Sir Wilfrid Laurier and Cook that a now wants them depoEed from election. .
- I -
appears a telegraphic report of a -meeting date, �o give their preference to '.the ore several of his colleague - a. Massey blusic office to In � replaced by the men -whom he Loss ik SOUTH AAMCA,'-Appro imately
held at Owen 8ound, Ontario, in which the .1 . British lives have b' en loat i action
following ato.tement occure , I During Mr. who ha'ls:the best record in that directiow Hall, holding, alo'he five thousand people, has spent I& time in, opposing and do. 10,000 P .
Tucker's addreas-r,p' and _w a their purposes. ove4lowed i4 a low minutes, and 1he nouncing. There is nothing. new .in Mr. or by disease, and 2,000 m4n have ,e!rA in-.
- forence was made to the . _ .. oat likel7 -to sery . b of capaciatedfrom further militaryse vice by
. -
manifesto of Mr, H. H. Coork, and in reply -'- I ey hundreds of newcomers -at that hour were Cook's mamife&!�to. It is simply a reha h - There still remains, therefore,
- * this.:-th will soon have probibi- . , in wounds.
I 1� �� niet by hundreds of - others turning aw%y to - the stfale stuff which has been appearing . .
- Dr. Horsayclaimed that Mr; Cook had left I
his party be . cause he had been refused a tion, a4d until they are prepairea to.do this hasten ',to the oveif low meetings i -n the Pa- the Toron -o Mail, the Montireal Star and over. 200,000- trained fighting men of the
I I � ! . . . . . he have seen modern warfare in
seuatorahip.� TvIr. Tuaker afterwards tale. . they held better stop squealing. I Althongh vilion 'and in Association Hall, which, too,. cilther Con ervative prints for months pa3t. empire w I �
t i were speedily filled . t the doors. Several It il very. doubtf ul if it is the roduction of South Africa. - .
phoned M;r.�,Cook and learned from him that the cathpaign is %rell iavanced, there is _. I'till ve been filled, with Mr.1 Cook at all, although he as attached LucKy Jimim-" Jimmy " Adains, of
-the reason lie had left- his part was that , ,other halls dould cae ly h�. �
y ti,meto!aocompliph the objeotdos'ired, if I is Berkeley Springs, West Virginia, left .for
Sir Wilfrid Laurier and other members of I it the 6rowd ,of disal pointed ones eag(. r to his name to it. Indeed the statement
i . . .
� I � � I made, and is no doubt correct, that Mr
the Cabin4tf'. through an agent. who WaS is gonelabout in earnest. hear the elrquent Px 3n�idr." , . A. the Klondike three years pgo, penniless on i
, I I I ' '�
� is a freight train, and returped the other day
I .i � . r, .
: hron-topeciallItin Toronto to interview Mr. - I The Mail says: I ', he denionstrati n to W. Wright, the Conservative organizq
Cook, offered Mr, Cook menatorship, and � . ill __ . I Sir Wilfrid Liurier ml his colleagues) lhat" tile real -SUthior of Mr. Cook's manifesto. in a private par,hatiled byi a leased eng'tne,
statedtha't owing to hioalong and faithful I Makin,g Money for the FarME)r . ,night was a success I rom the Liberal s;and. At any rate it 1has fallen fln.t, and will not with a fortune of $260,(00 in gold, and I
! . . . � ' In mining proper I ty estimated at 1,�,,5,000,000. �
. I
career in the Liberal party, he would re- %Ve-f�cquontly hear, the statement made noint. The ,curio2it-�,6f the public to hear do any person but Mr. (look any harm. -- PRUSSIANT EX-MINISTE.F. DEAD. -Herr
- ceive it upon payment of $10,000" ;,he Prime Minister 64 Intense; and Tory , juetific%tion of his apostacy Mr. Cook haa
, .
4 ( Commenting upon the above,.you say that th prices for the products 0 tho'Calia. Toronto turn'ed out to lilaten without b com- since said that he was an applicant for a Heinvich Kusseraw, who 'retired in 1890 �
, �, . . � I � from the post of Prussian Minister to the
c.litorially .- I Mr. Cook was an old, prom. than fal,mer are -regulated wholely by,tbe.law inv any the less Tory Toronto. The Massey, Senatorship, and that the Government re.
� . - � �
' ' , ive him the appointment ,u I
- ly and demand in the I place ng and the overflow meeting at f used to g
inent and hard worki]ng Liberal, and was to ofsupj� of pri hall meetfi nl(tiq Hanseatic cities and to Mecklenburg, died I
I , . . the Pavilion and at Association hall :ere - he cotitribbted ten tbouga;nd dollars to tb � is on October 15th at Kolblentz, aged - 64.
get his scab at a bargain for $10,000. What . I . -
. i gumption, and that, there(ore, Governm DO or ' I hioh he 'refused to do, and He was the virtual founder of Germany's
did the unkii,ownf; pay:? Who was to get , . I owded to an almost insufferable degree. party , f unds, w ' ..
�' 0 quently he did not o Senatorship 00107lial e ing under th Big -
'Mr. Cook's $10,000, and what wfka to be : otlegi-datornhavenopower.to i,___! r, 'Tha abree't denionstratforl ,m%y �lao b ac. confie get th mpire, acquir e
I 1. ' marck - regime the first protectorates.
done with it ? Thew axe, questiong that Sir I Secreage the prices for these! counted a success, although the. enthuidafina and hence, the split, The first part of the -
� I . . 1. . � products. . , . - Since his retirement he'llas been active as a
-,N'Vilfrid 'Laurier must answer personally. i Theec re, to a certain extent, correct rin- -Was in, some degree manufactured." statement is,,no doubt,,true' enough, but � - I
,� He. is the head of the government that nam- ; at . plee. : It is true that Ue laWBI of su ply " The World Days : 4'Sir Wilfrid. Lamier, Mr. Cook Aas only his own sta.tement to colotlial publicist. . �
ed the senators. He personally advised the 1. � I with , at , mulated' smile and hon6 ed substantiate the latter part. .
. I I ' y �_ �. .
. -
Governor. General when senators, were a,p. and. demand do regulate priecs. �But il is� words, and attired in the heigbtof fag ion, I Tucker'smith.
. . . I -netoTorouto arril has been royally Mr. AS. . McKinnon, the well known -
pointed. I(le canil�t go -to 'the country on i Ise true that a good del.l.' can b,b done by has cot .. I . I � TRADE FETUTIBRS,—Why ? Because their
polli g day 4ith this charge unanswered, i I'legislation to iucr( A. parfe�t facilities received -:4v the Liberals. of the city. He N,v/liolesalc :merobant, of Toronto, has been prices are dwarfsi their vNlues giants. . The
I I . - -
and ;ith the sonat; I � I r - � haq every ieason to be flattered by his re- . E. McFaul Co., Seaforth, have the men's
orial toll�taker unexposed i f or I - - I
I . the shipment of our prod it to to t the selected- by the Liberals of Hatton as t heir -
and U*Uptlllifffied.� . i. . . - I ceptioii,-and�hiis meeting in Mmsey Hall, as . underwear right ; 50c each is the price of
I . ndidate'i Mr.,McKiinnon in a native of
16 1 am not prepared to admit -that, a man , point of consumption, and, to popula1r,ise �a picture of consent ated humanity, should C% . I I men's fleeced undershirt , (very heavily,
i � � . -
in public life should, be answerable for ' those productswith the consurneiR at these live. -as a memory foraver." � � the count,, and spout his, eftrjy manhood
- ' ; . . fleeced) light gray or fa cy striped, well
- -
. -
charges of this ohatactor unlaka they are 1, points. This latter -is what- has been done I , .1 . � there, and, as he said in his speech, he bound, cut full and long. 50c a pair is the
. I I . — ; , 11r__ . . I
supported by some kind of evidence which _; nrice of drawers also. The same 'money will
., by.1110 rese nd it is in this -Editorial Notes and Commepts'. "married Ilia wife there." He has also I
would give them a color. At first si Int, I,!! I I I . l� . buy you winter underwear, from other lines
9 T , .. I I
- however, waive the right of ignoring such f way that, they have enhanced tfic value of I large prop rt� interests in the count , The .in heavy wool or union, which are just as
� � ly
I I " .. . - The Liberals of Lmdoia have again aplect- only thing agiiinot him is his non-rosidelice
� I I u
an azaufiation, and I here and now rria,ke the ' Canad-iata Jarm produe'ts, mid, th,tis ma,6 ed Mr,. Charles Hyman as their candildate. as he lives in Toronto. 11� is- a brother of pop lar with some particular underwear
! 1- � i I � . buyers. The kind you like beat is always
statement, for myself and my colleagues, -1 money qirectly. for the Canadiian- 'farmer. Mr' Hyman'has-had hard luck in .the�pjstj, �1 r. M cKi non, merchant and postmaster at ;
thEkt there is not a shadow of foundation in ' (, t I ' 11. in stock at their store. 1714.1
1 grea. �ritain is now and �as been for 1:ev- . having been I "I Blyth., alton has been repregented for
the charge of Mr. Cook i thm I: never, di- I � I I . Juggled out of his seat lvera .seve A GooD Ri=RD.— ' Win. Dalrymple,
. reefly or indirootly, through an agent or i . eral.ye ra, the leading markdb for Oanadian thnes by the I or . aft of the T -.'ea. To. Lib- ral terms by Mr. Henderson, a Conserv. of the. l2th concession of B ibbert, the well-
, . I I - . .. ative,
otherwiso, made auy demand upon him for 1 farm ptoducts. By the preference given to. cr�ls say tha't he has never h d afairch).tice, . . known thresher, has, threshed for Mr. Win.
. . I
rilain i the Canadian tariff, the at- . a.nd that now when it fair'fi Id is like y to The elections in Great Britain, which Sinclair, of the ll.th conecission of Tucker -
any surh of meney, big q arnall, or for any- � Great I� I � , 1. ,
thing else. I gt�tv,ethe' paterial ch�rg, the 1 .6 1 amith, for 26 years it! succiesrsion. He was
'hiphatic denial, an I tentionlo.f the people of that . ' untry hag. be the rule, he is sure to win. 1 9 the first thresher Mr. Si,,'nelair had ' after I
I moat unqualifie ,nd et d J �. . _ have been draggirig along for several weeks
challenge the proof of the same, (Signed) Jeen directed to Canada as it had never . . are now About at a close. They, do not coming to the township, n.hd no other nia.
-1 I i . . When there -is a f all House of Commons ' 'his barn.
Wilfrid Laurier." -;-been before, and this concession on the part ' . I seem to have preated very active interest, chine hus ever been ' This
� . - � . I � I . . , there are 213 ,nomb(ra.. -Of the 02 menribers . ka well for both empl(yer and employ-
. I If of this bount;ry.1,has impressed the British spea
� - ___ I . I
. I � from Ont !or the reason' that they were very much
i . ari ' o in tae late Parliame ,t, 45 . ed. Mr. Dalrymple has Mao used the same
. Now Is the Time For Actioii. ; conaumier in ou�, favor. . He has I een in-duc. � q4 ,aided, The Liberals werre so thorough. tbreahing engine f fin
� I I . were elected 'as rAraight Liberals, �P as one . . . . or2l r' d it fitill
I ! ad therbby to t�st our product with his , ye '
� Now is t4o time for the -temperance peo- I I ly disorgaiized, and being without any real workfi well. Both geutlimigen seem to be
k . i straight Conservati-,ea and 7 as Inde liend-
I t,
pie, or those who really and sincerely desire I mind favorably! impressed to rds them. onto or Patrons. "he Liberals leader, eiril also being divided into so many conservative in some hinge, although
- 11 I expe 'It to .
i Findin the tes� satib'faotory, �. Will sections or factions, were not expected . to as that term is ordinarily lused it- will not
to have .a, prohibitory liquor law passed in 9 . I purobases carry 50 of these me is election make muc,11 of a fight, and in this respect apply to them. " I
them in preferebee to the produ . ' 11fty ? .
� this dountr to tak action with that object . ots, Pf other ,the three Hurons be I among the expectations have not been disappointed. ' A PAixruj, ACCIDENT.�Alr. James Ma-
y? t I ntri'0!. What say you Liberals of this grand, -old
, He !becomes impreasod iu their The Salislury Government has beenoustain. haffey, 6f the 2nd conc'eision of .Tucker-
-in view. The prese it is the time' to test 41 Con - . county, - .
I � . .
. i
who ar6 prepared tolplace their temperance favor, ipstnad. of being prejudiced against _____ ed by a large majority, and will return from amith, East of Fgmondvill , met with a very
� prino . ip I lea ahead of 6h . air political prejudices them, [as formeriy- - Thus the -demand for The great pDlitida' gladiators are mg king �he country fully stronger than they were unfortut'iate and painful ac3ident, in a very
. in the last house. Chamberlain's war policy simple �yay, a few days age. Mr. Mahaffey
and preferences. The candidates of both I them ia,l increasO and the marke 'improved. fun for the populace in the extreme eagt as has been veryidecidedly sustained by ,�Iae went up into the hay mow of his barn to
I i . I
I . -
`pglibiOsil paxties'are now in' the field, Q,olicit- The se4ding, W the Canadian, con ingen a o wrIll as'in the: west., Hugh John- Maed'inald people. . � . t some hay for his horse '. He stuok the
. � . ;
I I foor1k into the hay andlapplied his full
ing the suffrages of the people. This, there- South 2 frica, t� aid the mother ,ountry in . has resigned his posi ion as Premier W op- , I i I
her di culty, lha�g still further impre,ded page Mr. Sifton in Brandon, Hon., Mr. ' Some o! our Conservative friends are strenguli to it to raise up the bay, when the
fore, in the time when organized action . � -
.- i * ' . prone to deny that the old National Policy, fork slipped and Mr. Mahaffey fell back-
mhould be taken by the prohibition 'idvo. the Bri ish 6onslumer in our favor,' We aim. Foster has declined he nomination i# big rds, alighting on the birn floor on his
I I - - L_" would ha, a- taken more money out of the wa
catoo. Individual action will not accomp- Ply giv these a i k examples as to t a. ways in former constituency n �ew Brung'wick, and 1. * hands, fracturing both his arms at the
. �
- lish the desired end. Let the Prohibition. which:1 I a islatioti can be worked . �6 ' inerd ase haml accepted the 'C noprvative nomin tion pockets of the people than the Fielding wrists.. He'fell a distancel of about 12 or
. L
. .. 9 . f . in the city of St. Jo n I where hd will op. tariff has ( one. Well, the matter is very 14 1 feet. Fortunately he mas not 'otherwise
iota. organize at once so they will be in a. and irnprove th dema,nd for ouIr products pose Han. A. J. Blai ,%inister of railways. . easily setl led In 1896, the last year of injured, but this is bad enou h, as it will
position to offer their anited suppirt, irres- I in out -best ma ket. Another,* -v-ay is,1 in This is carrying the. ar into . Africa.. The ' rendier I inn helpless and toy tim. up for a
. L Conservati ve rule, the percentage of duty
pective of individual political predileoLlons improving the iacilitieq,for reacking those next Parliament will ikely. miss some p om - long tiAe. I �
. 0 1 . . ; I
marketli with oiar products, and for placing inent leaders on eith r , ide, as both anyt, .collected on imports was 18.28 (See Tables
to the candidate who will pledge himself to. I , be elected where the 0 Dose each other.. of Trade and Navigation, page 7). Now -_
. vote for prohibition provided he is sent to -them it�'the mar'keb in the, very best cohdi, , I - � " ' let us ,is,, how it would , work out The Bluevah). .
' . 'I many of . " . , NOTIZ$.-The branch of the Christian En.
Parliament,, and to bring united opposition tion, go daub � our readers .have ,Some Conservative are making a ... reat . totod im o �,ts in the last three years amount. deavor ociety, in connect.on with Bluevale
I -
against the 0andidate who will n'ot so'pledge I been a pr me , 8_ 7,811 _as gratified, at �thc boast of what the I& �e Wovernment, 4 A in ed to 94 i3 995.,282. Now apply te that Presbyterian church, wao re -organized on
.1 i age in �.he . I . . I . � sum the oA N. P. percentage and we get : . I -
. I noticeable inore .prices for butter' the way of reducing tie, taxes of -the people, Duty at in d rate . Tuesda3 evening of last I week. Membei
himself. If �in this wa.y a SllffiCiellt number i I I . - $97,386,751 re
of.11'rohibitiolnists are elected W'Parliament, and eg@ a, &man$ other products, during ith One instance they gi 7ellis: the, reduction "of Dut I ac-tu 411 ! collected under 1. are now all on an equali,W,
I without the dis-
. � . Y. Y � tinctions of 1, associate ' and " active.11
a prohibitory law will be enacted bef6re two past ye tr or twd, and have speculated -as! to the dut oniougar. .Xillquit' . Liberals . 76,801,053
� � . -y a true thab the Neither are they required 1to take the usual
� . �
years passoiaround. If this is not done, the caulies whic ave e c t age itacraalie' a- rovernmen re del t e at op raw - 5S5,698 pledge, a the pastor thought it better for
, .. I . y I . . . . $20, 9
there will be no prohibitory law, no matter prices, Four years ago the system of el ip. �ugar but not on r6fined. How muela�, raw There is no gettin m' these. the members to do their bent of their own
I � I
ment by cold I stur I ago *as . in - its infancy in I I 0� away fro free will, and -not because, according to the .
I which party, is returned to power. We d,3, I $u ' ' do the pe pie use? Tho effect of figuresi f om the cial records. They
,- ohibitiouists are Canada�, although for memo, time previou ly to put in the pockobs of show that on'a similar, trade the old tairiff
not know whether the P -r* tiagisa%rduction waso pledge, �hey have to. - Mrs. C. Christopher
: _� . , Zho sugar refiners the money which f 0,585,- Thornton, of Wingham, and Mrs, Will. Gar-
ta,king any such action or not. We have - the Austialians nd Americat �18* - . . oftnerly would have taken from the people $2
- . t .! . went wto.the public treasury, and - pe, mit- 698 more than wan taken, by the -.Liberal diner, o Owea Sound, vifisited at Mr. John
not heard of their duing so, If they are ing 'a thoraligh equipment of mechani,cal t. Ga�rdinerlo last week. -Mr.,Joseph Warder is
. . . I ing1he refine'ra to g3t. as high a prioll) for tariff. Uavi , ng that money in the pockets improving the mill since hb bought it from'
not, and -if they allow this opportunity to . cold storage'. The Liberal inister of Ag. the refined article as illey formerly did. of the peo le bielped to make good times.
� � . Mr. Leech, and expects t have it a first
pass, they �Miay refit satisfied there will be ricultitre, a practical farmer,' boldly as�ed This waa not much of a Voon for the pp)ple, . � . � -_ -
i I . . . __1 '�, . A year ago fast Frid I ay the Transvaal and class roller mill by the lht of November. -
no such law:for the next five years at any Ilia colleag.ues a Parlis�nent for $100,000 � - Mayor' . Miss Caldwell, of Paisley!, is visiting tier
I * . I ' . Tee,ilze), V'wice clectod inay r of Orange Fee State declared war �kgainst the ideter, Air. David Rameayl� of the fire', line
-rate, ! I a year for three years, got 'it, and a . I
; I - t o0ce Hamilton, ha,s resigned his posifion as'may. here is no Trans. of Morrie. -Mrs. Rutherford intends to sell
� I- ' . I British Ediiiiie ; to -day t
We have said that Individual action will organized a:� thorough, e�luip m6nt, which �fie . I .
. .
. . '100 I a vaal or Orangie Free State, but there are the hEr-property in the villag and remove t
I or, and has.a2c6 ted the nominat' " th 0
serve no g Id. purpose, and we repeat this put into o ation in the -ybt'Lr 1897. The ep Hamiltco.-Mihs B, I right, of James.
oo,.J per _ � I Liberal convention, a ad will be the �1 form Orange Ri ver'aud Vaal River eclonies df the ..,,i, ,Vlr
eniptimis. Any candidate, � town, is Mrs. Bailey's dreiss-making asaist-
statement with result is that CAD%diaa battler for expart� is candidate for.that ci y, having as hiall run- British Empire. It was on October 9, last ant this eeaeon.-Mesers. Charles Herbert
in any co.nst�tuoncy, who pledges himself to kept cool fr in t � e moment it is mmde6 until ning mate Mir A 'T 11Woo'd, the well k year, t a t a ri is agen a er ajes a a o.�ert ongrove, unU eQent y o t a
L I * , , .
probibitiO11,1TILISt-have, and hag a right to it reaches t e British reitailer. What has - ha-rdware merebant, �vho wai one of amil, JtL are intending to build a chopping
. � I Governme . at Pretoria, Mr. Cunningham. grifit ml 1,
expect, the -vote a-nd influence ot every Pro- been the effO�ct of this ?' - An' immediate ad. t�u'a represeptativies in the late Parliament, mill. -Mr. Joseph Hogg, f the first line of
- I p . � They will maiike a very strong team, but 'Greene, w is amazed at receiving from the
hibitianiat in t1w constituency, irrespective Vance in tht rice of Canadian butter in the.. - � .1 ,. Morris, has rented Mr.
I i Hamilton is. -a fickle constituency, Eollic- Transvaal - Government an n I I
of' other party considerations, And, any L-Britifill markatol In the Sesson of 1809 �he I L to " w hicfi� on examination farm, or the boundary, a 11ittle east of the
I - . th es favoring Liberalism,. but more fre- " no was found to I
- P ) I mo'e or loss than an ultimatum village..- -bil iss Maggie Bal,four'of Toronto,
ca,ndidrt,to who iia nbt po8iLively assured of priq'e of Qmaqian butter averaged fully quently on the side of Toryism. The liam. be nothin r . is visiti ig her hom in ITur'uberry.-Mr.
. �
thi'4, WOA1411 h� shil I a � hundred more. than �tbe iltion, council has refused to accept Mr. demandin the withdrawal of British troops e
1�)(! f"ligh to � ' r T )erry; has arrived-
L giya iany such cig t ling L ' I .Tdetzel's resignoi,tiou, but have giver him from Briti h South Africa. The demandS Samuel knde son. of urial .
pledg(-, aa by so doing he is &!moat certainly Australian butter in the British market, of the Tra nov "�l Government were couched home from New Denver, �'Iritiph Columbia
- I ' - leive of- absence for a montlad - . . - - where h,- spent the eummijer with his son:
uoitrt,ing dcfca�. JLtia pledge will eneure th.�, and the pride tol. the Canadian produceriat , .. I . I `rogan�e which none of the
. � i . . I .1 ; -_ � � in terms )f ar William -Mr. Win. Wei1r, flax dealer'. of
opposition.of his own political friends who the creamery was fully 20 per pound - r+e ]'he Woods�ock E'xpress, an Indeperldent great pow 3re of Eur4e would have used to .
poiridd to prohibibion, atn(I � it V% I ! . ; .. tile sinall(st and weakest civilized nation, St. Marys, was in the village, on bubiness,
are op -ill not -than ever beford, -The demand in Br4iii,in paper, with Tory proclivities, is not very last --Week. -Miss Abbey, offNewcastle, form.
bring him , thd nupport of his political oppon. for our butter a� . so increa8L It was on he 14th of October that Newcas- erlyt- of Bluevale, is vi8fting Mrs. Robert
ed lArgely, dub� to well pleased with the double.%arreled policy tle, -in N atal, was occupied by the Boor
� .
entis who are 4i favor of prohihition, an'd the generous I moerial-policy of the' Liberal b6ng pUtLbefore I the pe�oplc 1bv Sir Charles forces, and oni October 15 the Kimberley Musgrove. -Mr. Theo. Hall, editor of the
the resuh will be cortain defeat, while had government. abo�c alluded to, and to the ex. . TL pper and his colleagues, it,sayB : "But, . railway at d telegraph lines were cut, Mr. Wingham Advance, took t a service in .the
vo I . - ' . Cecil Rhodes being nearly captured on the Methodist church last Sa5bath evening—
tie not macle such a plodge, he might 1,a, I cellence of our -product. Thus our butter apArt, front that, how' would! it be po�-� . Dr. 0. Ambi ose Toole - retrieved to Brussels
. ' "')lel last train going, into Kimberley, which was
.been auccea,,Ial. Any candidate, therefore, I has gained is reputation and a favor in the foi instauce,'to bo more loyal� �o the mo,-hor- then inve&d.,' The battle of Talana Hill, this week, where he Will practise his pro-
who will ta�e such risks, is not only doinc� British market on - s pitr with -)uf--cheesc, hl d than the .Liberals are,'a ' � fession. We are very,8o ry to lose Dr.
�. � . I P d at t lie iiame where Qcnernl Symons defeated General Toole and his estimable wife, and wish them
I himself an iojustieo, buL ii .acting unjostly and instead of bcing a drug, on- the market tirie- be lese Rritish? Bothi' bese promises Lucas Meyar's� forces, was the first serious prosperity wherever the� may go. The
to Lhose who have selevt,ci him �afi their here, as in the p5et, it is eagerly sought after have heop made. How wodl I it be Poe iible encounter, and took -place on October 20. doctor says Bluevale is th� most healthful
� I I to strengthen: the hands of -t,he Ima,uufa( tur. ' i place he ever saw I
standard bearer. If, however, the organ- at high prices. In 1896 the total exports of ord by putting more backbon� in the tariff, A wordir duel between Han. Clifford Sif. . And so it is, There has �
i,.e(l i1colvibil ioa vote and eupport is pledged butter amounted to 6,000,000 pounds ; in ani at the same time removelall the duty on . been very little serious ilin os in this neigh-
. a(Y'icultural implements ? BuLli Lhes 1 a p -a ill - ton and Hon. C. H, Tupper was fought out borhood for years past, and fevers are &I. i
to hi,11, tit(. cawie iq entirely difforeut. 110 189s, 11,253,787 poun'da ; in 1899 ,they. had iU �
. I I to tile fini It at Brandon, on ,Saturday night most unknown. Of course! this is compara. �
I . have be.(�n niade." i
� S'23 1 �
11 aa -nd':;, add in 1900 ____ I tivelyspeaking e e
wan(la to ,%in i intich or tuore on the one jumped to 20,000,000 pou � last. Mr. Sifton had invited his opponent ,. It'mayb disagreeiabl for
� I I . .
side aa hv will lose on the other, A Parlia. to 25,:!59,737 pounds. In 1898 the value -of The Mail and Empire,de.lares thut t I . . I the doctors, but their leis is our gain.- i
. . he Hon. Hugh John IMacdonald, to hold a joint I
ment elt,vte(l in t hi i way. - will fairl v repre- these exports .was' $1,052,089 ; 1,898, S2,- United 8tatea' agricultural productiq ia,ve meeting with him. The latter,, * Qourt Douglas, Canadian Qrder of Foresters, I
I to the number of Ebbout 60,11 attended divine
I fient the. truv twatinimits of the mass ' 0-10,680 ; 1899, I .','M,700,873, and � in 1900, $5, - be m. making incomparably more pr(.f;ress considering *discretion the better part of service in the Presbyterian church, last Sab- I
of the powple., and will 'not only ensure 122,556, . . � . i
' � I . on the Britiell market than Canada ha�., -un- i valor, fail(d to connect in this arrangement, bath morning, when Rev. W. J. West, M. I
it prohibitory law, but what i,i immensely As it has been with butter so has it been der Lfturier. 'That is, of Course, - 0, A., preached an excellent, practical sermon.
tant, v, -ill eneure its enforce- with ,_ - unirue. 1 As his 8ub3titdte, however, he secured the There were 20 oir more Nigiting Foresters
more inipor t �gqs, In 1896 the .total exports Canada's progress has been greater actv ally ! younger T.ipper.. The,meeting was'attend- from Wingham and Brussels. The church was
' I
filetit. . � atnounted* to 6,520,673, while in 1898 they an I relatively. Taking the Mail'is own fig- ! ed by about three thoudand people, and, well filled. -Mr. and Mrs. 'a'hristlan Brinker
The C'T)MUrvi�tive pap(�rs are trying to had jumped to 10,369,996 dozen ; In 1899 ures, which are not for the last and ..'argest , judging from reports, was a typically west- and children are home froin Detroi.t.-Mr.
ill, ,�
, ,
'� i i
p `
. . �
I 111
� �(
i t 1
work up n. feeling against the present Gov. they were, 9,652,512 dm�p, and for the last year of the preferential tariff, we sen't Brit. orn one. ..&. Tupper opened the meeting and Mrs. Geor I of East Wawa-
� i
- air -1$3,526,09"I worth of butter.; the United with a speech of an hour and a half ; Mr. nosh, visited Mrs, Rutherf�rd, last week.-
ernmerit because they refused to -have a pro- fiscal year they amounted to 1(0871,000 Statea sont'81,705,190. Canada sent 4,16,. 1 Sifton replying for a like time, when Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene McDonald, of Wing-
bib,itory act passed ou the strength, (if the dozen, The price in 1896 was 12c per 71H,41.8 cheese;. the United "States Bent $2,- i Tupper had a half hour, in which to close. ham, visited at Mr. And1rew Holmes' on
I - I . -
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qTOBIER 1911: 1900
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C)orn- .1 r Store
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Travellers Lot ladies' Mantlo
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� . I ..
1. i ..
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1. . : . .
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1- I I .
I . i I- I
We purchased last- Thu'rsday the eutire lot of isamples of-
. . I
! � I A . � �
� , � , A1900--
1 the Consolidated Cloak -,GQ I Trdr_ Toronto. : The ' are '
I - 4 -A., - . L t, - � p 11 ., -
, ' ' as $18 i
,lined I with
,;IE)a r5 I I �
very high class, s meol ade to sell as hio,h i
I I i
. I J
� I �
real satin. 11 I I i
. . . t
.. -.- i i
� , � . I -
. r I
. - . . � . i
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. I . 1
,3 oi
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50 to be sold Fridnv & Skurdnv for q6,`,'.,9_,J_.
lhl� 4111,
� CY � - gy I i . i
I � � � i
� . I g I
Don't fail to see these M-antles, whether you wish to -
I ; I
. . I .
- I ,
. . I bay or not. . ;
.1 I I . I .. :
. . - I
. : I I
� I ! ,
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4A - - - - - - - 'A A A A A A A A 4.&,�Ak,&�_ 1� i
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B. B. G-u'N'N SEAF-Onfril ,
- . � � I -
- i - � I I I ..I
�t - I �
. . I
� - I
. T
' ' 11-- I
0n� "
THREE STORES—No. I Dry Goods, ladies' oods '
. ) 9, i ly
- " goods oiily. IVA of 31 i Gro
- No. 2, Clothing, men 8 ;
� . � i 1� I
�ar ,
. ceries--specialties, -canned goods, bu,W� ' 0 itea.s. . .
; � � . I
r+— - - . ! I I _�_ �
. � 1!
' . . : ; �
-Standay.—Mr. and Mrs. - Frederick M'c- I of a host of friends.—Rev.'.1 0. W11 Cluff,
Cracken and family, .of Brussels, spent Sun- I I
day -at Mr. John Gardiraar's.�Rev. W, J. rector of the Anglican chu:tch, Stria,throy,
' was in the village on busirieAii on Friday.—
West is.giving a short series of Sunday i Dr. Shaw, of Clinton, wall i . town�Frida -
evening sermons on the book of Ruth. —Tile . i y
is in great demand in this neighborhood just purchasing a driver.—Dan rench and son
doing f_xtensive Victor, of the House of Rqfuge, were in �, I
now, as the farme�s are I �Neter on business on Thursday !of last I
draining, The demand exceeds the supply. week.—Mesers, Samwell Bbbier, � . awden
—Weare -enjoying brilliantOotober weather. - f
� . � and A. J. Rollins attended the South Huron
. . � Liberal Convention, at Brucbfield,. oji Thurs.
� Brussels. day oflast week.—Mack 177 cent, o town� .
ITE,Irs,—The political meetings for the is a winn ng a ig re ion k� r im-
coming elections are- now in full owing in self as a comic singer. . t o+ery cc , 'ert at
this district, the first being held in the which he has appeared he, has pat the
township hall at Ethel on Monday evening. audience in fits of laughter I hias been .
The speakers were the prospective csndi-� asked by Misis'Eva Roblyn, orlao �'s lead -
dates, M. McDonald and E. L. Dickenson, ing soprano soloist, to sing at the oncerb
assisted by J. Leckie and James Irwin. G. she will give here on Yriday, Ndvemb I er .
F. Blair assisted Dr. McDonald'st Bluevale 2nd, and has consented. We are pleased to
on Tuesday evening and quite a number of note the success of our boys In every sphere � I
the townspeople took in be- meeting. A of life.—The anniversary e4rvices in -on-
number will go to the ireeting in Morris nection with the Preabyteria'd church will be .
township hall on Friday next.—A shooting preached by 'Rev. Mr. Larkiin, of 84aforth, �
match is being arranged -by a- few local on the 28th inst., and on th,ii �Monday fol.
parts for Thursday.—J. Ament and wife lowing Rev. Mr. Willeon -',will lecture on .
a I , I .
returned home from their extended visit to South Africa.—Miss Amy, Jobnd Spent �
I .
Michigan on Tueedsy evening. —Messrs. several .days this week the gixest of tits. B.
Thomas and S. Walker intend going out Gibbings, Clinton. ! I i
west.—H. Ball and famil moved to their - � I I �
. MM16 I Al
new home in Winghwm oil Tuesday, where � ! �
. � I I I .
they have purchased the furniture business � McKillop. ; I �,
of S * -G acey. We wiela them -success. —8. I i �
Scott, �fl Janesville, Ohio, who has been via- FOR You.—Black Dregs (;code that are
ing.with relatives in town, was called home black, Ustrous, fast dye. WMeaves that you -
on Thursday owing to the illness of his only will want, the newest, habdoomems' that
� I
son, Mr. Scott may return here for the looms anywhere have turbod out,� Such
winter with the hope in N iew of improving code have bison imported by The `X Me- �
-his ownhealth.—We lear that a syndicate Waul Co., Seafortb. They're f -or u ,o,
is about to purchase the Ronald fire engine come to cQe, to learn the sty!es, to buy if
works, and will conduct the business, if you please, but not to be disappointed.
, or" ffilich larger scale.—A number They have booked out that, ' They should
of the Canadian Order of Foresters of this tell people about, their great heavy w1ored I -
place attended divine service at Bluevale on cloths, double .fold., at 35c per ysrd�, guess
Sunday.—' A number from Seatorth will visit they're too busy. - i 1-f 14-1
the Brussels Oddlellows' lodge on Thursday - I
. ' STATISTICAL.—The followibg statisides are
25th inst. Any members living in M`CKil. .
- � taken from the collector's roll : Toital sis.
lop are requested to attend.—girnuel Ches- sesement, $2,000,700 ; county �tlh.x I e I , $3.�
ney, of Peaforth, was spending a few days 01.19 ; township rate. $4,001 40 , drainage
in towl again I ting J. Longwith his implement for Log -in outlet, $102 ; et . igineere' fees, I .
businem .—The i�pplo packers are hard at $56 ; statute labor -returned, V13 W, ; gelid, ol I
work tl�ese dli�e. The highest price paid taxes, $3,733.17, makin a total of $11,317. -
for choice winter fruit is 50.cents a barrel. 26 to be'. collected, fn addition to the
I . � oxen e me cc is r . i - in I . I
. I
Exeter. est, Owing to a mistake of the cler� there -
,a ,
J. G. STANiwny, B. A., (late with Me. was $1,000 more county taxes'colle d, then .
- needed. Instead of an sifsesement Tof one - �
earthy, Osler & Co., Torent%) Barrister, Convey- . I
ancer, Notary. Money to loan. Offices )fttel� 00. and seven -hundredth mills, this raile wan �
, y
cupied by Collias & Stanbury over O'Neill@ Bank, levied at one and seven,tenth mills.1 I
� . The -
Exeter, Ont. I MUM mistake was not noticed until after the -roll �
Buij!.irs.—�tev. J. C. Corriere, of Grand wan completed, and as the clerk doois not
tend, ' pre&-.hed in Ca van Presbyterian wish the councillors to be blamed, ;he wi- - -
. �
. �
church on -Sabbath eve-ni.mg, and Rev. Colin sumes the t4isponsibility for the erroi.. The ..�
Fletcher filled the game FulPit in the morn- county and township rates are the s4me an .
. i �
irg.—Joserh Senior and wife returned on lastyear. � I
, ! �
Saturday rom a pleasant trip to Chicago.— T)jr, CO-C-NCIL.—CaUnCil Met in 1 Jones' 11
Alfred Coffin has left, the ,.mploy of W. H. hall, Leadbur , n
Trott and has taken a sirnilar position with y on Monday latt. T�e fol. ,
. i 'ravelling
Robert Sweet.—W. C. (ay, of Buffalo, an lowilif accounts were passed -. G - �
old Exeter boy, is reneming.ac 'ntances I dory line b I can
. I'l nal aries, $120 ; boun
— . Grey and McKillop, $65 ; cement eitiWerti
. � - I boundary of Hullett, $WO ; agricaltu'A a -
been on an extended trip larough Ni6w On- I ��a if . a .
tario, .. returned home Friday.—.Frank ciety grant, -8150 ; cement abutme A for
McQuaid'o- bridge, $136-72 ; and 4e of �
Willis, who is now proprietor of .a photo gravelling, lumber, gravel and a lverts, - � .
studio aot Forest, spent 8 inday at. his home f
here.—The hop given by,thc-8ocial Eight in making a total of $924,39, A letiRr was
Gidley'm opera house, on .'Friday evenin read from the reeve of Grey, refuging to
, , 91 spend 50 cents for each day's ietatute�� labor
was highly enjoyed by the large n a-mberof do e by McKillop on boundary. . Th4 clerk
gu�sta Present. The mu?ic furnished by n
the harpers, of London, was excellent and I we s authorized to notify the - Grey touncil I
every one voted the Social Eight admirable that if they would not agree to d6fio, or' 1�
- else keep boundary repaired by coiatract, I
hosts and- hostesses.—Rev. J, W. Ten I ,�
.U�yck, rector ot Trivitt Memorial church, to , be paid for ,equally by both 1 town- ,
occupied two of ,tbe Lo idon pulpits last ships,. that tbe.townebip of MoKillopi'wo-ald
Sabbath, Mr. Pritchard, a. student taking apply to county council at next 1 meet- -- �
his place here.—R6v. M . Endicott, a re- ing to enforce cqual expenditure. A reiso- - "
turned missionary from Ohina, preached in lution was passed allowing all ownerls, who
James street Methodist church on 8ab I bath level sides of road,9 and need down sai�ie'and I
mornitig and in Main at-eer, church in the leave- water tables clean to as - rry of water, �
. and not take water out of natural i water
evening.—The Fanson bri(k business blo3k courea, one � day for each 80 rod frorit,and I
on Main street will be offered for sale, half-a-da'y for each 40 rod front, of �tatute : �
together with the reiaideu ,e and household , labor each year for three years. i Those
effects, on Saturday, the 27th in8t., by the levelling along side roads- as' well, *ill be
administratol! of the eat te.—Paul Madge allowed two days a year, Work to be done - I
and daughteri of Tharneir Road, returned by the middle of next June, All fen0cs are
Friday from an extended trip through the I to be removed off road allowancee. Oouncil
West. He was pleased ,A ith the country, I
but did not invest in any land. � W. Levitt I adjourned to meet in Sage's hotel, Walton,
bag moved -from the Fanhon block into the on Monday, November 19, at 11 o'cloick in
. house lately occupied by S. Davis, on I the forenoon. � �
Andrew street. Mr. Davis has moved to . - � I
Centralia, —William. Heanan, of London, ._ - �
visited his ,son W. J., hardware merchant Percy Fawthorpe', a yoUng lad a0d 11
here, on Fnday,—Tbe Coaservatives held a years, residing in Cornwall, had eigb � fing- I
meeting on Friday evenin ;-, in the town hall ere cut off on the Ottawa & New Yor Rail-
to perfect organization. - -Judd Davidson, way on Saturday. The boy, incoliapany
P,,. i. with several lads of big own age, wert tark-
who has been a faithful employee in ing a ride on a -shunting train, when the �
Spackman's store for so. e time, left on , open car on which they were seated ran
Friday for Mau-colone, Michigan, where he . .
takes charge of a grocery store. Judd will "gainab a coupler, and the boy was thrown
be much miseed in musi,ad circles in town off. His bands fell Aaron the, rail with VAer
and carries with him the very beat wishes above result, ,
. � . I
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L sheep .
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! rofAto" P1
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; Bait tr It
, I Wood VeT 10
I � vVoodpor�oi
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� "Timothy Si
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I �
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_. � Li
I 1, I ,.*taiadaria I
. 6s 210 0,1,
- I to 6;0z;T
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i February,.
I � to 2,2s 0&
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. � White, It
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L —Fifti
I - I loy
: 48,c. Oat
: -2M to 3(t
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. j at4",12 Zia
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- ttore. �
. Turkte��
I ! to 12c pet
� � 'Cid, An(I t-1
scarce by.
JdVts. C
� pair for d
ato-ek. T.
per pair.:
'lots of 4.1
� I
� Ing price,
� Dairy bA
nteady� '871
I w to 10
�on Isrge,'
� � ery, tuba
- 1 L I -;\� Ds A
I Board m(
� i
� boarded,
, 1 - �rjai'ah_ WA
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I Mo�,,,wi
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: Prices fir
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I i �candl6d A
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i � TORON�
- i ply in Ut
I ter gr4d,
4 � - I
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i r9114 ,
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. i lquality"
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X_ 1 $5-60 to
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$5.65- ; -1
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