HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1900-10-12, Page 7tt o vhen nigh will life. ete. ;ame uan- the ting by a., ions. 14 t have an minatione he 000n 10 &idol a neceseary, n book all de, exlcept toiler,ware 40liar;sign at find it the time 1 in IntKt-, tablished. c. Lee ae to be ail - :tierce the the magas erry lettere his con- ,nd, for idy of the when the e treasury nee a more Ooka to see - prior to -an be die- nacendants le author's resat tight let. It ie origin of a. loiter eign. ty to. take -re but thie T.:march.— Tori6y. rekS Agftnte- nes of the ler as the able helps eake new is gain - e and ease ly eing. of any of , one to six shade de - when the e, blotter", SLB and faded and rackage of a mighty . like new .r.;t in tine !e you that v-ers to the ramp - pray in e eonseien- references, reet in the While- via - :he fall of one Sate Kepublican tnnecticut. r. Clemens her of my aarthor of idly that, k eheract er inzen I re- ef years I ltim, ae a • n minting OW ittl-. 1 adtteCt El, -.tare, true say e oe- Et.i0/1 So eIr thet he t eled from lets er of et, ineor- eh a man Nary in a. r outlet', . I ith t eid .t.i ins eelf .4 tieneed •fl, of bolo,: lecerat eti - from the Kinght eitich has eirotst and t my wife . ' write ; but . iv cured se,tiOn 19 f5t, Sea- LArg$ Pod - to relat humor - e1:10 of day s•er t merit Iretn had a:t, mon, r, quite hoote elf: setae called led roof r•e,ey low eurling Jr found , mat he- , *where he in- avrie the :alle and ,reney ae 'irpose w h ear eoontire peat to peat at C1,() to discorn- it. 6venteeu e;erman hreeentea • "1. .e OCT BER 12, 1900, A, ,.„. a bones! __. 'exc e. , There are( hun cis medi- dre of cough ' cines whick re_il' ev coughs, all coughs except bad ones _ The inedicine whir has ben curing -th wors of bad coughs' foi6 years is Ayer,.s Cher y Pectoral. • . Here is ytdence : "My wife was troubled with a deep-seated eough on her flings for three years. One day I thought of how Ayer's Chen k Pectoral , saved the life of my sister after the doctors had all given, her up to die. So I purchased two bottles, and it cured my wife completely. It took only one bottle to cure my sister. So eon see that three bot- . ties (one dollar each) saved two lives. We all send. yoir our heart- felt thanks for what yeti:have done for us."—J.R. BURGE, Macon,C01., 'Jan. e'er 18gteir - 1 , sionsmenossumnear es Now, I for the first time yo i. can get a trial bottle of Char Pectoral for 25 cents. As . , put. druggist. Bel rave Fall Fair. The annual all,fair of the East W wa. . nosh Agricult ral Society was held in el grave on Mom ay,and Tuesday of last w eit. Chanting wea her wes meted out and s coneequeece-t ere was e good show. 'he inside depart t one was well filled, and the exhibit of hors scattle, sheep and s ine was ahove the average for Belgrave. `his is not a new i istitallione as Ore fair wan eatablished wet r 30 years ago, John Rohert- son, now dece acd, being the first presid nt, and Walter Mena the firat secretary. he present efficie t secretary, F. Anderson, has filled the office for over 25 years, and t eas• urer MeCielle. d has handled the cash fo 17 or 18 years, 1eigravu show is purely gri- cultural and ar °put none of tho attract one now rea commoi in other places.. The f61. lowing is the rim lilt: Honses,-11 avy draught,—Brood m re, t-) 4ndereon,I John Cole. Mare foal, 3ohn -Cole, W Ged es. Two-year-old filly, A Robertson, J rnes Speir. Tevo-year-old gelding, W H Cruickshank, 1st and nd. Year -Id filly, Robert, Nesbitt, James Sreir. Year-old geldi g, Robert Nesbitt, James Spain Team orses, James Forester.' General pipose,—Brood mare, Wm Steakhouse, R Scott, H Deacon. /e. are foal, W Stackhouee, P Ament. Horse lord, 'Wm Stackhou e, II Deacon. Two•year-old filly, James Forester, H Deacton. Year-old filly, A Alorton, George Robertson. Year- old gelding, George Robertson. T am horses, J Cuming, J Taylor, G Robert on. • Road and Cerrio,ge,—Brood mare, Sco v & Warwick, P Amenta) P Reid, Mare oal, `Seott & Warwick, A Mortoni Horse oal, Arnent, P. Reid. Two-year-old lly, Scott & Warwick, R Reinder). Two -y ar old gelding, H;Deacon, Thos Black. Year- old filly and year-old gelding, Scott & War- wick. Siegle driver, R Williams, J pole. Hack horse, T Bleak, A Rebertsma Team horties„ J Brandon, R McMurray, H Taylor, jr. JUDO F.:8' --Jahn Scarlett, Leadbury ; J :Bell, I, eaboroe 11 Moore, V S, rue - eels. Oen —Thoroughbred; h -Go w, Ge rge Sowlar A B Carr, R Corle-te. Two-year-old heifer, Cook, M H Harrison. One-year. old hei er, R Corley, Ist, and 2ad H ifer calf, D Cook. Bull calf, R Corley, ohn John Armour. Bull, two years old or dver, R Cori( y, George Savvier. Grad R. -00w, M 110411800, P W S ott, Walter Scott. Two-year-old heifer, R & A Proctor. - One -year-old heifer, John Barr. Heifer calf, D, Cook. Two-year-old steer, R & A Proctor, W Helps. Oree-yeae•old eteer, 1) Scott & Son, lat and 2nd. Steer culla IA alter Scott, M 11 Harrieon. Jeul es—David Clow, Whitechurch!; Fisher, Goderibh. SIMI, P. —Leicosters and Gradee.—Aged ram, R J Sanderson, 0 Henry. Shearling rein, N Cuminlet and 2nd. Ram limb, N Guntiag, R .1 Sanderson. Aged ewer', N Gaming, R J Sanderson; Shearling ewes, R Sandereon, N Clueing Ewe lambs, N •Oaming, R J Sanderson. Downs and Grades.—Aged ram, J Arm- our, P Reld, Shearling ram, P Reid, let and 2nd. Ram lamb, P Reid, 1st and 2nd. Aged ewes, P Reid, M 11 Harrison. Shear - ling ewes, P Reich W Helps. Ewe lambs, M If Harrison, P Reid. Judgini—Jarnes Lane, W Sutherland. Pure --Large Breed—Aged boar, James Alton, W H McCutcheon. Brood sow, W H McCutcheon, R. Nichol, Boar, W H McCuteheon, R Nichol. how, R Nithoi, W H MeCutcheon, Small, Breed—Aged boar, George Robert- son, James Alton, Brood sow, James Al- ton, Gearge Robertson. Sow, Jaynes Alton, Welter Scott, Judges:—James Lane, Lane's postoffice ; W Sutherland, Whitochurch. Pornshay.---Geose, R hoott. Turkeys, W Scott, 4 & A Proctor. Ducks, P Gibbons, R & A 'rector. Plymouth Rocks, R & A Procter ,T M Henderson. Leghorns, T M Header On, let and 2ad. Spanish, T M }lender en 1st Herd 2ndi Wyandottes, T N. Rendered:I, let land tand. Brahma, T M Hendereon, 18t and nad. .Tudgr J Stewart, Wingham. Demi vieners —Pump, D Showers & Son. Gum, .--White -fall wheat, M 11 Harris- on; R se.ott. •d fall wheat, R McMurray, R Seott Spring wheat, R G McGowan, C nd, Wheat, any kind, T M Hen- derson. Barley T M Ifendereon, R Scott. White (pits, T M Trend( roofs, H Edwards. aa, R Scott. 'serge peas, -James Speir. Flax seed, James Alton, II Ed. wards. Timothy, James Alton, James Speir. • Judie —W II Finnemore, Blyth. mittiiie AND leeoweee,—Golden russett, aymington, P Gibbon. Baldwins, R (1 McGowan, W (meddes) Snows, W Cedcles, P Gibbons, Greenings, James Speir, Ines Alton. Northern Spy, Jas • Spair, W Geddes. Ben Davis, Jas Alton; R G MoGowan. Canada red, James Speir, R G McGowan. King of Tompkins, T M Henderson, A 13- •Carr. Winter apples R & A Praetor, J Speir. Fall apples, James Speir, W Geddes. Fall pears, R Scott, James Stir. Winter pears, W Soott, Jae Speir.Grapes, Ja es Alton, Miss L Sym- ington. Crab ap les, P Gibbons James Alton. • 141ums, Mr Dr Carder, T k Hens derson. Peaches, Mrs Carder, Mies L •Symingto . Collec ion -of fruit, ,R & A Proctor, ' M Hem erten, Table bouquet, George I avid, R & A Proctor, Hand bouquet, eorge Davide R & .A Proctor. Flower in pot, A B parr, Judges, F Metealf and A V! Sloan, Blyth. • - , MantIFACITUttES.-1-Union flannel James Alton, Robertson & Henderson. la.nkets, Jamee Alton, James Owens. Hoiie made wine, P Gibbons, James Alton. Judge.—W Robertson, Wingha FINE ARTS, —Pailoting, still life Mrs W Blashill, Mrs Carder. Pencil dra mg, Mrs Hele, Mrs Carder. Oil painti g, Mrs Carder, Mrs Owens. Collection *f oil paintings, Mee Carder, Mrs 131116111. LeotEs' , DEPARTMENT. —Tatting, Nirb Hole; Mrs Blaehill. Crochet work, Miss L Symington', Mrs Carder. • Bead work, Mrs Carder, Miss Me lelland. Hooked skirt, Mrs Geotge Rob rtson. Fancy knitting, Mrs HeltinMiss ymington. Gents' linen shirt, Ma W McKenzie, Mrs little. Gents' fancy flannel shirt, Mrs McKenzie, Mrs Hele, Braiding, Miss McClelland, Miss Symington. - Feather flowers, Mrs Blashill, Miss Owens., Woolfen stockings, Mrs Mc- Kenzie, Mrs Hale. Socks, Mrs MoKenzie, Mrs Hele, Woollen gloves, Mrs Blashill, Mrs McKenzie. Woollen mitts, Mrs Mc-, Kenzie, 14iss Symingtoe Log cabin quilt, Miss McClelland; Mrs Blashill. Knitted quilt, Miss Symington, Mrs Hale. Patched quilt, not known, N Cumming. Rag mat, Mrs Hele, Miss Symington. - Betlin wool work, raited, Mrs Blashill, Mei Carder. Berlin w el work, flat, Mrs Carder, Miss Symingto . Sofa pillow, Miss Symington, Mrs Blash II. • Silk quilt, Miss Symington, Mrs Het. Peinting, Mrs 13Iashill, Mee Hele. - p.ir flowers, Mists McClelland. Embroide y on 'silk, MiEs Symington, Mrs Blashill. Embroidery on linen, Miss Symingter,I Mrs Carder. Lace week, Miss Symingto: , Mrs Hele. Twine lace, Mies -MeClellete , Miss Symington. Rag carpet, 141• i G Oeteens, Mrs G- howler. Collection of ladies' I work, Miss McClelland, Mrs (' rrder. 1 Judges, Mrs T hl Hamilton and Mrs Shame B1 th ; Mtn jW Bone, Belgrave: . ROOTS ND VIt1(1 hen nr,Es.—ElcIphant po- tatoes, Ge David, '1.' M Henderson. M etch - leer' corlie , TM He dersma Empire State, T M Hen erson, Goo David. Any other variety, Go David, 11 Edwards, Cabbage; Geo David, R & A Jeoctor. Red cabbage, (leo Davi& T M 1cnderson. Cauliflower, Geo David T M. li nderson. Blood beets, D B Anderson, Geo Henry. Turnip beets, George David, T Mo iendereon. Swede tur- nips, P Gi bons, Gee David. Field carrots, Geo David T M Henderson. ,Horn carrots, Geo David R and &Proctor. ' Parsnips, 0 David, T 1I Hendereon. Onions from seed, Geo Davi , • T M Henderson. Any other kind of on ons, Geo David, T M Henderson. Celery, G Javid, T M Henderson: Corn, 0 David, Mr Hele. Field eortre 0 David, 11 Edwards. Water melon, James Alton, Miss Symington. Musk melon, James Alton, G Sowlar. Pumpkin, G David, W Scott. Squash, 0 David, James Alton. Citron, D B Anderson,Geo Sowlar. Tomatoes, Geo David, 134 thA Proctor. Beans, P Gibbons, Geo Sowlar. Collection of vegetables, T M Henderson. . Judges, -0 ALawrence, Belgrave ; Geo Fothergill, Marnooh, DAIRY PRODUCE. —Dairy butter, Mrs J Cole, R & A Proctor. • Crock of butter, R & A Proctor; Mrs 'W Geddes.. Butter in tolls or printseMrs'A B Carr, Mrs Geo howler. made bread, Mrs Al B Cart, Mrs P Gibbons. Ten pounds o butter, Mrs A B Carr. Home Honey in coin)), T M Henderson. Maple sugar, W Scott, James Alton. Maple syrup, W Geddes, R Scott. Home made cheese, ,Miss L Syrnington, Mrs W McKenzie. • Judges —R A Graham, Wingham ; C McClelland, Belgrave. , • 'Brave Men Fall. Victims to stomach, liver and kidney troubles, end feel the results in loss of ap- petite, backache, nervousness, headache and tired, run-down feeling, but, " Electric Bittere are just the thing for a man," writee J. W. Gardner, of Idaville, Ind., "when he is all rim -down, and don't care whether he lives oridies. It did more to give me new strength and good appetite than any- thing I could take. ,I could now eat any- thing, and have a new lease on life." Only 50c. Every bottle guaranteed by I. V. Fear, druggrat. • Irish at the Front. • Some amusing stories of the irrepressible Irishman at the front in South Africa are related in a letter by a sergeant .to his par- ents. Re writes : In the Coleus° fight one of the officers of the Dublins went down off the lines and ,saw the chief cook fighting and firing away with the beet of them. He • asked him what he was doing there. He said ; Foightin', sore. Couldn't resist the music any longer.' The officer asked him where the other cooks were. 'They're foightin' too, sone' The officer told him tee get the (rook -pots and make some coffee for the men. They went back three miles, got the pots, and started boiling -them, when a shell blew all their constructions to pieces. The poor 'Dub' got no •coffee that day. They have been cut up bedly, but are as full of tight ae ever. They were the first in action at -Wane, and have been fighting practically ever since. • IT'S eo pleasant to take that children cry for it but it's death to worms of all kinds, DR. LOW'S WORM SYRUP, Price 25o. All dealer.. , • • An Elephant 4gainst the Bag- - pipes. It is a feet that pipers in Highland regi- ments aro posted to companies, and always follow them wherever they go. On one oo- °mien aoompany of the Gordons was march- ing from a place called Jellnnder to Fort urt o Eat. The pain, nausea and dis- tress that Dyspeptics suffer after every meat, Can all be permanently removed by Bur- dock -,t flood Bitters. It toOes up and restores the , , stomac4 to normal condition so that it dio-csts food without causing' discomfort. I cre's proof positive : Miss Maggie Splutle, alhousie, N.D. W)'()1 ll the following: "I have beeh a t4;11fo1l.r feom Liver Complaint and Dys- pepeia fo the past two years and felt very misrrable, I eoula not take mueh food tis it hurt me to eat. 147 friends NVity don't -you try I did so, using two bottles, which made such a complete cure that I can now eat any- thing I like without it causing rae disoom- fort." Kangra, situated on One 011 the lower ranges of the Himalayas. Accompanying them we an elephant, on which was placed sick and exhausted men. After a few days' march we were depriyed of miasic on ac- count of the piper's feet becoming blistered, and he was relegated to the back of the ele- phant, On the last day's march, before en- tering at new station, some one suggested that in order to brighten us up the piper might be requested to play on this elephant's back at the head of the company. To this the officer assented, and acco ingly the piper was han ed his pipes. When he- be- gan t� tune t em it was evide t the else phant`had no ppreoiation of is eh sounds, for he shook he head, flapped his big ears menacingly, r hied hus trunk, with which he embraced the pipet round the waist, and violently thee him and hie pipes into a ditch as a mar of his disisppro al of such , HA A TO GET H PAINE'S • 11-111EART D TEMPTS ELL ARE NEVER OOESSFUL. nest Use of ELERY CO • WILL PERMANENTLY Y( UR TROUBLE. The Great - a Ne It is pitable almost useless ple to get rid mined efforts a put forth to ac dertaking. Too many ar ,other e make ue recommended I quite satisfied If Paine's C cleanse the blo nerves, to ha headaches, ki then be assure permanently a It is positive young or old e condition, and blessings offer pound. The eines LAB good f the system to varying weath Go to your d bottle of Paine how soon the nervous depre rheumatiern an menent health, be yours. ompound G Lease of' L to see the haff-h taempts made b f poor health. d greater energ Levu victory in a helievers in " of almost anyt y neighbors, whil f temporary relief lery Compound d, to regulate an ish rheumatism, ney disease and the good work i complished. y criminal and mope around in shut their eyes t d by Nine s C orld knows of no ✓ fortifying and attic) against the ✓ of autumn. uggist & once an s Celery Compou "blues" will v sion, headache, neuralgia will g activity and hap Some Thi • gs Worth Kn —A damp st ble is very injuri animals kept i it. .a -A good cal el will travel o miles a day fen ten days throu ert. —A rich gol find has been Salvation Arm colony in Waste —Boers in S • ?dens say th getting too mu h food and too lit —The amou t spent on patent annually is so etinng like £2,50 —The air of high altitudes microbes, . --If ecrubbi g brushes are et to dry they wi 1 last much lenge —Oatmeal, aken both as fo mai°, is most excellent for whi softening the s in. —The perfe es of flowere in 'and repel cate pillars, while the screens them f om the sun. —A child's e re should never The sudden co mission of air m the drum of t e ear and cause deafeness. , —This is the season for using fruit ought to e used in the seas 'the blood and repare us in a i the winter. • -In cooking for invalids, nev big dish; and ever leave food in about the room; never have a s or cup. Dry t e outside and m nice. —Very cold drinks, as a ru the feverish condition of the stoinaoh, and a creatf3 thirst,. - shows it to be fact that hot dri thirst and "CO 1 off the body w an abnormally eated condition ioe cold -drinks." • —For baked apple dumpling's paste in the us al manner. Pari the apples, fill he cavity Of the sugar, cinnamo and lemon p each apple in p ate of the' usual put them to b ke I in a dish wi sugar and wate at' the bottom. bake in a mode ate oven f r one serve hot. —Here is a g od chest . rote() little ones in th s variableclima The bodices of woollen combln often little wor „even aft r new been knitted o and wori out. bodices off, bin it round the foot the stitches ru ning, and fasten back. This wo n under sailor blo a capital prote tion for thle sho throat. —In airing a room, there, are to be remembered. Fleet, that air must be allowed to escepe, a ly, that fresh teir mutit be admi pure air in a ram is almo t al and they will ceiling, when it he opened at t will enter thro rtnclow, if give therefore Hee to will escape if t e top, whiie col gh the lower p a chance. POUND *NIS} arantees fe. arted and rnany p00. ore deter. would be y otherun- fataliem ing that 18 many are is afforded. •e used to tope the neuralgia, dyspepsia, fully and foolish for l'half-sick the grand ery Corn- •ther medf- uilding up prying and -procure a and see dish ; your backache, ,and per- inea!' will wing. U9 to the hundred the des - de on the ia. ' they, are O work. medicines 000. ntaiss no ed on end and coa- ening and ite insects Volatile oil be boxed, y rupture permanent 'fruit, and ti to purify eaeure for ✓ make a their sight eppy basin ke it look e, increase outh and irperience tilts relieve en it is in Otter than make the and core core with el. Wrap phieknent_ h a little Let them hour, and ✓