HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1900-09-28, Page 8• THE HURON 'Et If It Isn't an Eastman It Isn't a Kodak. CAMERAS AND - CAMERA SUPPLIES 1 aving secured the agency of the famous Eastman Kodaks, we ean now offer you their productsat the same prices as they are sold at Rochester, NewYork. - The prices range from $1 upwards. Folding Pocket Kodaks have the finest lenses, automatic shutters,. are-- made of aluminum, and load in daylight. Come in and examine the Kodak, its neatness will delight you. You can put a Kodak in your pocket. Other styles of cameras such Glencoe 'Folding Cameras-, also; in stock, together with a full line of supplies. Our importation of Winter Flowering Bulbs expected in on Saturday, 22nd. SN REMEMBER PAPST' THE PLACE , BOOKSTORE, SEAFORTH. Watch Your. WATCH And when you find it not keeping perfect time bring or send it to Counter's ,Jewelry Establishment, opposite Reid & Wilson's Hardware Store, Seaforth, All work fully guaranteed. este Counter's 'Jewelry EstabliOment, SEAFORTH. W. R. COUNTER, - Man4ger. DOMINION BANK. CAPITAL (Paid Lin), REST, SEAFORTH • - $1,600,000. $1,500,000. BRANCH, Main Street, Seaforth. A General Bar, kin Business trans- acted. .Farmers' Sale Notes collected, and advances made on same at love,eat rates, Drafts sold on all points in Canada, the United States and Europe. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT.—Interest allowed- on deposits of One Dollar and upwards. R. Se HAYS, W. K. PEARCE, Solieitor Manager. Bicycles For Season 1900: N. WATSON, North Main Street, Seaforth. Ateeet for the liehdoroon Bicycle Company, Godert tch, ()Lt. A full lbw of the latest up-to-date wheels for the season of 1900 on band. The "McCready," " Common Sense" and "Goderioh." Also agent for the celebrated " White Sewing Machine Company bicycles of Cleveland, Ohio. All wheels guaranteed and prices right. ()all and examine before you pur• chase. A full line of blaycle part! and sundries kept in stock and repairing done. Also dealer in " Ray- mond „ and " letridte SeWidi Machines, needles, oil, partkt, etc. NORTE( hiAlti ST., SEAFORTH, General Insurance Agent & Deal- er in Sewing Machines., . 103e Grand Trunk Railway Annual Western Excursion to Port Huron, Detroit, Bay City, Cleveland, Chicago, Grand Rapids, St. Paul and vari- ous other 'points. Good going September 27th, ,2tith, and 20th. Valid for rethrn leayiag. destination -on or before October 1511. For ratites, connections, tk..c., see -us. We Will accompany all passengers to Stratford, holding through baggage cheeks, -to assist with passing of baggage. W. SOMERVILLE Agebt Commercial Building, SHARAITH. 1.(45 t;A.TISFACTION ( C`ARAisilTTEED.: ))257,7 STRATFORD, ONTARIO. A school that is doing the bet work in business ethication in Canada to -day. Our maguilik:ent catalogue gives full information. Send for one; Enter now if possible. W. 3. ELLIOTT, Principal. 4,14442 THE CANADIAN Bank of Commerce! CAPITAL (PAID UP) , sht Million Dollars—$C 000,000. SEAFORTH BRANCH. A general Banking business train-, &acted. Farmers' Notes discounted, iand „,special attention given' to the collection ofSale Notes. SAVINGS BAN K:—Interest allow- ed on deposits of $1 and upwards., Special facilities for transaction of buslnesi in the Klondike District., Mime).- orders, pl,) able at an.ybank, issued at the folk r etc.! : l'n,ter kn.!' .0"A it20 te 0 .12 0 to.9.)0 00 to ...;710 .11 Ii0lAIESTElv, F. C. G. MINTY, Sulit item Manager. 1821 Will Buy an Oak or, Wal- nut Clock. Clock runs for eight __days without ,11 ring, strikes tho half hour, azv i w ar- rante-I to t4iv' satisfaction. • DA LY - THE OPTICAN AND • JEWELLER SEAFORTH. DISTRICT MATTE B. Co - 100 (txpootto. I '' HrDON l'ItIlSBYTillitY,--A an djourned meeting- of 00 1Prembytery of Iluron, hold at Brucefield o' the 05th in t., r, David - ii sou accepted the cell te arn old Bla e, and his triduct mils to take place ut Blake _ J. S. Handerscin to °side, Mr, „e‘rkin t on the fht of October, at. 2 v. m., Rell preach, Mr. Stewart to ad roes the mini- ster and MT, Sawers the cc) grega ion. . 4,,,_7.— A GOOD SAT; !1,—The first taucti n sale of the season too plaoe on Tuesda on the farm of Mr. John Hinchley, towi line be- tween ilullett and McKillop. Th re wee a large orowd of peoplepreseht. The etook and implements were alt in good' condition and sold readily at good prlceee rho sale e was a splendi *amen in every way and was satisfaoto y to all concern d. m Brown, the pple'e auctioneer, w eldehe hammer and did his part well, as e a w does. Mr. HinohleY intendS reti ing from farming and coming to Seaforth o r si e. The farm has been revted ,for a term of years to Mr, Charles Wright, wh hail ad Mr. James Co ao's farm rooted f r the net year, 111............tame MATitprosti L. --A very pre ty . o se wedding was solemnizedithig noon, on Wednesday, ic a the home Mr. J. Srn th, High street, when Miss Susie, his ti ird daughter, was united in Intarria e to' r. W. E. Kerslake, merchant of t eis to n.1 The bride, who wes gived_nwa b er father, was handsomely gowned in w ite silk organdie, over !taffetwIsilk ,ith hi fon 1 trimmings, and carried a brhon wa issutiful bouq et of carnations. The maid o Bessie Smith, niece of the edee and the Wedding march was 1 in ed by Miss Lizzie Solatere After ,the o re- mony, which was performed by Rove f. ,H. Larkin, in the presence of the immedi te relatives of the bride and groom, a bou ful repast was:indulged in. The nurrter us and valuable 1 presents testify to the illigh esteem --4n, which the young couple are eld by their, Many friends in and out of town. Mr. and. Mrs. Kertdake left on Vie after - noon -train for a -week's trip to Detroit and Perry, Michigan. - I On their ret.urnj they will take ,up their residence OD Chureh street, in the dwelling until recently oecu- pied by Mr. Ingram, which Mr. Kerslake has purc.hasod nip ExPOS,ITOR congratulations and 'best Wishes happy eceasion. , ' 1 • DEATH MiSs , TI Much regret was felt by our, eitize e.11Y on Monday morning, on learni death of Miss Maggie Thermion, daughter of Mr. °John Thomson, town. She held only been sick th Although not enjoying the best o during the su rneniher case was sidered seriou until Friday, when aid was called in, and despite all th care and skill ciulcl she pass early! M onday Ihorning. (in the Wednesday she jattenclod the ma her cousin, Miss Nett tee Wilson, bright and Ghee ful%s Usual, and n saw her then i agined that 'ere should pass aro nd she would be a the better worl . ,But such are of Providence er d such is the un of life. Mists T omson was a mos young lady, bei g bright and chee light of the ho e and a universal with all who new her. She been a membet •f the Presbyteria Choir and took n active part in ev work. Her ear y demise will cause in a large circle of friends as well a home, and the sincerest sympathy extended to the bereavec. pare friends. The funorai took place_ day, to the Mai landbank cemeter the remains wer brothers of the Thomson, of 0 wel ; Robert, b Montreal, withl of Seaforth, and Scott, of Roxbtrt jome in on this 0 72N g of. min 'er- 'he 1st ,of -this ee d' ye. ea t,h o c n- m dieal t en er d a ay pr V1 118 nage of nd Was 11 Who a w ek itieen of he w ye er ai ty al ia le fu, he fa o ite ad 1 ng c u oh ry g od bl nk the w 11 be te and n Tues. h re f ur n er 18 0- h, of ile n Jol n e s. e laid to rest; he deceased, Mr. Alex elph ; • Thomas, f Brussels, and J er cougn, Mayor her bnothertin.la , acting as pall be • 80 DEATif or Ms. JAMIESON. —ADA er of Huron's honored pioneers has pass;d w y. 'Mrs. Alexander Jamieson, of th Hur rt road, Hulletni ied on Wednes. ay, S p - bomber 26th, h 113g reached , the odd ge of eighty years She had been ill only to weeks. Her nladen name was Jew e Uh48. ney, and ehe vva the last survivor of a o oe large and prom ent family of this vicini y. She came to t is country from 'eotle d hen eighteen iy ars age, and, ftee ! or arriage to it r 'Jamieeou, settled on t e arm on the lift ron road, where he con- tinued to reside until her death, at el where She had residedfor nearly half a , centu y. Airs. Jamieson was a kind, heartel,'gen t- hus, good living woman, who WAS g eatly respected by all who knew her. 5 e soe Who will be much miesed. She w con- ! t3istent member of the Presbyteria G ur h lend always took a deep interest ve ovement for th spiritual and in all es rovernent of tl amily of four zt rhom aro at ho nd long cherish vas ever so hem.. The fn e people. 1 She . he and one dau,ght e, and .Whol will the memOry of ughtful ofunits pralL takes place t einetery. on Friday, le he late residence of. the .deoeased at . 01. „ ; 10 ora GaS er, eh mi ne w d ar v 9 1 ‘,; ,,,,, A I:o i'T W AT.% '4 iNWI'S.—WI,4". 11'111 am M 0 - Allister, of the, -township cif Stan ey, ne r Varna, Galled al, THE EXPOkITOR 0 ii.Q0 la b Saturday morning. Mr. lAlcAlli ter h d just returned from a trip to Mani ob t a d - the Northwest. He left Iyataske in le t Tuesday morni g and reached Seta nt Fri.day night. He went up on a -pi specti g expedition an wa so! pleased . ith - ti 8. country anti wh tt h aw th tt he - relate d 480 aerea of udscn. Bay Compt iy Lan, and returned o d`spose . of . his far i H n Stanley, with he i W Of retnov g to A Iberta in the priti... Wittasko vin is a station about si ty.11 les south a Edmoi tton. It is- a a -tart -Wage, coati 1 mg fot r 'stores, four.grain el v tors and ot er buei-. 1 ness places. lie I nd -Which In el - Allister purehas d is 1 'Ulan, thirt n . nil s ofthis place, 1 nt there is a railw t w'thin sey.en miles of i . .I-., is in the 'san s tt - ment and wit in a Short -distant o t e farms of Mr. Wi blam. Ihirsk nd tAe Messrs. Ward, who went from; Staid about a year ag t .. Mr, McAllister era th t Mr. Thirsk• has about -a hundred he d- f cattle, besides Other sock, and that "bo hie and the Messrs. Wit .c have had gc d trots this year and are ar ell satisfied ill t e , country ' and - di not in -any way rE ret ha ing gone the e. - Mr. MeAlli- ter had samples of all kintlet! 6! grain a d grog, whieh he pick d from thc holds ni., r 1 bete he purchased hilatid, and be says he ev t saw liner crops han thefanners ti ore ha this year, and he sarnples ho..had With hit C40 to eorroborat his statement._ Timh r i that locality is scarce, but it, can bo g t; i plenty within a out fifteen iriilos, 113d tho e is an abundane. of good 'coal wi,hin five miles., There is also`an abn ' dant eupp y E f excellent water He. cOnsit ers it a -no..t desirable place nd th taks a,rian w WI stria 1 capital can do better - there than in th 'prair. . hi county.. of Hu on.- The winters are not -711early so severe as in Manitoba and sto k f all kinds are witered;on the iweather during harVest, but' early s tl ,year there has been a good deal of wet not `bad aa in Manit ba. When he car e :a va farmers were cu ting, their oats and many o them had their wheat threShecl. But al though the cou 1tr9; is good for he ro duction of all k n s of .grain, he th nks it model stook country, and many fa4ners aro going more into atook than grai rale ng. Grime and water aro abundant, Whilo the winters are favorable, Most of titt land in the viainity v, hero he purohasod is , low taken up and settlers are- comirg in very feet, He did xob meet many, potpie from Huron, but in et of the settlers in the die. triet aro ham arious parts ef On ado. , • 1 TRAVELLERS,—The following w�re ticket- ed out to distant points this week' at W. Somerville's ticket agency i Mile (Or.).1s ow' kirk and Mimi Newkirk to their borne in Bay City, Michigan, after a leiagthtned visit at Mre. Newkirk's father, Mr. Wm. Campbell ; George 11, Caldwell, to Detroit ; Mr. and Mrs. W. Korelake, to Pt,rry, Michigan, The following passengers left on Thursday morning, 'the first' day of the western excursions: Thomas Ryan, itire. J, G. Ainent, Mrs. (Rev.) A. L. Rusaell, Mrs. Colbert and son, Mrs, William C. Sproat, -Mies Sarah Gemmell, and Mies Jen- nie Chesney, to Detroit ; Miss Bates, Misses Lizzie and Mary Devereaux,and Miss Bertha Daly, to Chicago; Mr,. John Knoolitel and on James, to Saginaw, Michigan ; Howard Lloyd, to Bay City, Michigan. • 0/LOAN FOR SALE.For sale, at a bargain. A full piano ease, Boll Organ, catalogue price '160, sale price $715. W. J. Clark a Co. Selatorth. 1711x1 Fon SAry..—A good brick dwelling ho se, with good stable and throe lots. Will be sold !Nether or lei:unto. Apply to F. Outteridge, Sea - forth. 17 x8 POULTRit' WANTED. —Kennedy Bros. pay the highest cash prices for all kinds of owl, Beattie's block, &Woth r. , i 17' !•tf 'GET Tim, Br,—Don't fool with ed ca. tion. If you want a thorough business or ehoit and training, attend tho Central Business College, S rat - ford. This college has equipped thousands of y wig mon and wareen for business life. 1608 tt Heavy shoes and leggings are the boss • ut.' fit for fall wear—Don't pass this store for any hing in good feotwear. W, H. Willis, Seafortb. 17 i .1 BUSINESS MUSOLE.—The Strong ma in business Is the man with businese education. ome men get it by hard experience Others acquire I by taking a course in the Cent;a1 Business Cot ego, 169 -tf StratsBtfiotrvd.NTs WANTED.—Wintecl i med'ate• ly one good eooki dining rootri and ki ohen girl, good wages and stvady employment. Appy at noe to Mrs. Thomas Stevens, gneen's Hotel. 171'x2 1 . HECTOR,' TRH BLACK KNICIIT.--11 II -Hector, commonly knosVn as 'the BIaoI Ke will lecture In the MothodiSt ohurch on Fri ay Mg, September 281h. The gentleman s a known popular lecturer and 6 ould be gr cited full houee. 171 China openings, china made to order ported direct, Just in time for the Fair Sou Goods. See our north window. BeatLe forth. 171 Winter flowering bu be now in ate° Papdt's Book Store, Seafort 171 -1 J. ght, von - well by a x2 iM- enir Sea - .1 at Our new stock of ru We have a great big select berg from the cheapest to t Seaforth. • bers is now coin on of everything in e beet. W. IL 171 ete rub - 11118, .1 WANTE0.—Any qu ntity dried ap les. Thy roust be large bright ( waters and thorou hly (In go de, Bilks and furs 1) no 5 urpassed. G. E. log, ; d; Butter 180, eggs V o. Our stock of ress Wingham, - 171 41 In purity there is strength, you get oth In Beattie Bros. 28e tea. 7 TE-ANK•OFFERING 1VIBTI:kla, —The 1t1114 nk-L: offering meeting of the Seaforth Auxiliary of the Womeni? Foreign IdissionarY Society, will be he d in the Presby terian church, Seatorth, on !Monday iext, October 1st. The. afternoon meeting will open at 8 o'clock and will be addressed by Mrs. (Rev) GI ant, of St. Marys, To this. meeting all ladies ar in- 'vited. The evening meting will Lopen at 7.30 °Mock and wil) bp addressed by Rev. Mr. 0 ant, late of Henan, China. This meeting will be op n to the general public, and p,11 will be made weicom . A collection will be taken at the close oi each mee ing. .. 1171.1 125 'empty sugar barrels for sale at A. 'Irwin's, Seaforth. . • - 171 -1 LOCAL BRIEFS.—Mrs. A. J. Smith, of Carrington, North Dakota; has been sp nd- ing some time past with rehetivee and friends in Egmondville.—Two rinks of bowlers went to Bruges's, on Thureda of last week, to have a feendly game with the Brussels players.. They were defeatedebut no' person, not even th players, seem t re. member the score. 11 they will say is, " wilip.tiii we get th m on our green "— Mirth Marion Watson is on a visit to her ho dry go brother,. in St. Peal, wan.fortherly employed goods store, and who away •for his - health, well again, and has ace W. Pickard & Co.— has had a plate glass fr office, store, ooeupied rews.—The rally of th dren of the Presbyteria last, was a decided au evening an excellent au scholars in the basem adjournment was made church, where a good .prog amme of m and recitations was gi en y the child ) Brief addresses were al t g1ven by the tor, the superintenden and others. rally was thoroughly e • joyed by the dren of the school, as ell as by man the parents.—Thursda , October 18th, been set apart by th Dominion Gov ment as Thanksgiving Day.—A numbe the young people en ved a• dance, Cardno's hall, on Frida evening last.— Armstrong, of Oshawa, is the guest of sant, Mrs.:D. T. He burn.—Sunday n will be flower Sunday n the Presbyter'an church. In the morni g 4 special ser ice will be held for the children, when a er- be in. he Ip- - his a he o, th, ld re ne he of n's he he of re. is — 'at it is to r. as ia it Mr. J. Calvert, iu B, B. Gunn's as oompelled t has returned, q pted a position r, Samuel Dic nt put in the -p by Mr. C. 5. Sunday 130001 n church, on Fri nese. Early in pper was served out. Afterward to the body of ite ith son at- nd- hil. ay the the an the sic en. as - 'he hil- of has of on Wednes husbandlyld one more-ev we publish° of Mr. John ay and before e tiesdesired to dev cling with the boys last week respecti A. Stewart to th state prison, was published enti own respotimibility, and the par en were received from alio her not from Mr StoWart.—A church o ial ,window las been placed in conme St. Clair Simpson,who had the church for a number of nual thank offoring meeting ville Worna 's Foreign Mi will bo held in the chur October 2nd, at 2,30 o'oloc noon. ,Besidee an intereiti readings and mtulio, Mrs. ( St. Marys, Will give an a B. Scott and Mrs, Jame e L ed the annual county meeti Wednesday, as delegates fr Woman's Christian Temp Mr. C. Bethune, town trees ing slowly from ;his reoen se but -is not yet able to atte d although he oan take a wa k days. Mr. W. Elliott, to n al to Mr. Bethune's duties durin —People handling money s not to accept ot Mexican qu their face value, as they wi about 15 cents. We undo a goodly number of these o tion.—Mr. " Dooley," , comic writer, has a chapter Star of Monday, in which, way, he delivers to his bos in sassy, his views of the oomi the Big Four "tour.' H situation with professiOnal Edward Daly, of London, ing his brothers. Messrs. Daly, of this town, It isti the brothers have seen eac Daly lsacooripan1od by hia much please with whd,t he Canada. H� sails for home ber 3rd.—Mr. Harry Rand the Dominion bank staff he Belleville, iti'risiting old f this week;—.1r. Fred Powe is visiting at the residence —Mrs. Alfred Stark is vi Sarnia.—Dr Frank Ewing Mrs. George Ewing, is hotn his mother and sister. Dr. in the weet for a number of has been em nently soecess ips, daughte of our stet ticketed to egina, on Satu J. Macdona d, Canadian ticket agent.—Mr. Hugh L Oau in th bee ea of t sio g P v. dre wr g, ran re ou 10 eta oin afo 10 a so ogl ete irt and formerl holidays at G. and A. Van Egmon and forme of Seaforth, Ir. W. It Box' °Mann, Edwar spent Friday Er. Samuel De of Seaforth, w or so with olld friends here, on Wedneadey'last.—Mies youngest daiighter of -Mr. near Roxboro, was marrie the 19th instn to Mr. Mal Haven, Michigan, and form —Messrs. W. 0. Elliott an Ingersoll, ar visiting the Brothers.— iss Maggie M ing from her recent illnesseeteftln. William ' eete showed us, althorn a blue , whinh is laden ond time this e and of fine this season of seveaal bushes eft—The many pbell will be covering nicely F. Gutteridge on !Main street he !whole walk A. Cosens, of eek: looking up ario Mutual,— little grandson e itown, while accidentally John Ains- er, was in for placing rian church a & Murdie, lacing two Dublin, as ices in dif- he Seaforth is an excel - hall pre. Everything show to -day.— • 11. Thomas' ag rd, e, len 1, itin el on Ew yea ul. on OSITOtt sumlng hla te at least The item g tho vieit Minnesota ely on our Wars giv. 'party and iful mernor. t. Thomas' late 0. E, warden of a,—The an. e Egmond- ary Society O Tueaday, the af ter - °gramme of Grant, of s.—Mrs. nee attend - t Blyth, on he Seaforth e Union.— is recover. ere illness, o business, ut on tine rk, attends his illness. be careful r dollars ab ly pasts for d there are In drools- th'. clever the Toronto confidential riend, Hen.- leotions and zee up the uraoy. —Mr. nd,ia visit - and John years since ther. Mr. ife, and is as seen of in on Ode - formerly of ut now of a in town hiladelphia, re. F. Case. friends in est son of a visit to ng has been e, where he Miss Phil. agent, was da last, by R. acilfic Railway ga , of Toronto, is ending his . — Willson, B ight and B. • eve ing last in m, of Toronto, o pent a week returned home uphernia Kyle, WM. Kyle, of in Sarnia, on Min, of South rly of Seaforth. 01 Hislop, of essrs. Kennedy tan; is recover - Thornton, of' north Main st on Wednesday, a, branch ta raspberry buSh in his garde with ripe fruit,. for the se year. The berries are lar flavor, and are a luxury a the year. Mr. Thornton ha which are noW laden with f friends of Mr,. William Ca pleased to learn that he is r from his recejnt illness.—Mr has all the g anolithic walk completed. will be ready Wingham, w insurance ris Master Dews of Mr. D. Mc wrestling he fell and bro ley, of Wing n a few days for use.—Mr. s here this s for the On n Smith, the lregor, of th O, on Saturd e his arm.— I r. am, county e gin town this weelf.—The cent act a new furnace in the pres yt has been awarded to Messrs. Sil who also have the contract or furnaces in the new church at well as some 12 other new urn ferent parts of this district — show opened Yebterday. T ere lent indoor display and th ne e. seats a very fine appearan points to a very succesefu1 The harvest ome services ohurch, on 8 nday last, we ful. Rev. M . Kerrin, of ed two excel ent sermons rendered app opriate music) ance at eac 1 service w Alex. Broa foot returne Winnipeg yesterday.—As t eed of funds to procure so ments and meet running o mittee will wait on the tow e hoped thateverybodyevil o they can keep up their p • Hibbert. mon_ appropriate to ti e occasion will preached by the pastor Rev. F. H. Lar —Rev. Hector, commo ly known as Black Knight,will ,deliver one of his p ular lectures in -the 'Methodist church, (Friday) evening. The Black Knight i versatile and humorous lecturer, and -church should be well 'lleci.—A Nanai British Columbia' desfeatch, on the 2 makeri the following r ference to an Seaforth boy "The Liberal conventi held on Saturday night, nomivated Willi Sloan, commonly kno vn as King of Klondike, 'as ae„indep laden° supporter the Liberal Governm nt.'? Mr. Slo • chancerof election riee to :be bright, as is very popular, and is well known in eons ti tuency. —M re. illiam Moxley, Guelph, is, visiting hr daughter; M E. Hunt. ---Mrs. R, E. Johnston visiting, this wee , ab Walton In the Exeter prize- lie , as published 1 week,Mr. John Voelke was given ore for the 2nd prize for ei gin driver. T was a mistake, as the p ize was awarded the horse of W. & S. 1MeLaren.-- Charles Stewart, who, s )melyears ago, band insteuctor here, wasin town t week., Mr. Stewart tpi resided in Detr for the past three yeah. Himself and Mrs. Stewart have been spa ding' a few we ks with friends in tho vicinity of Mitchell nd Dublin, previous to star ing, for Californa, where they intend in futitre to reside — Mr. J. Canning, who has for some ye re carried on a very succes ful mercantile si- nese at Kippen, and wh recently sold nt there, has become a re ident of Seater b. We do not know what r. Canning inte de teed° here, but we hope he will cast in iis lot perrnanently with us --Mr. R. L. Sha of Toronto, was in town this week. A. Sharp was for many yea 8 the populaa la d - lord of the Gripp ,hotel and we understa d there is a prospect of hi resuming his Id position. All would be elea,sed to weleo ne Mr. and Mrs, Sharp. ba ,It to Seaforth.— A goodimany who have no yet got in th ir winter's supply of coal have been ha bori fears that they may ha e) o live in the kitchen and spend th ir soaro °me ts stirring up tho wood fire during the vint.r, as the dealers have not been 'able to et their orders filled on ace un t of the riino a' strike,and they can't supply what th t ie theetrike will last long, it el have not got and can'e g t. However, it is not probabilities are the blo kade will sociie raieed and the coal deale s i1l yet get t e start of Jack Frost.—Mr. W. Kerelake, of the firm of Hamilton & Certdake, �n Mo day evening, entertained a number of is gentleman friends at an yeter (nipper at t ie Queen's hotel. Mr. Ker lake was niarri d e m ito an e b 1)0 pen epe hel st r FARMERS. --14We have the n the business. Big veriety to nly in factory bo As but in our o . Willis, Seaforth. DON'T WAI .—WIly be fr emembrance f year fur '. M Raul 06., Seaforth, ar O immense ruige? Some wn 'Special o der, -being ge luishere. Th y can guarant f f tv.heir furs, armth and arising of spr ng. For the ake your own risk. If yo i ory latest ia caperines, c uffs, gauntlets, etc, the e tore. Oerruanv.---Much eath of Mrs. Burke, ho died at her hom ear Mount Forest, as a native of this ere all her life, prey ome 15 y,ears ego. ldest daughter of t ll'he had mtehy relati cquaintanees in Hibbert, emory in the highe t rega ble disposition and good any friends in her 1 te ho hen she had just re ched t i a deep lees to husb nd an • Lea bury st success - ell, deliver - the choir he attend- large.—Mr. ome from nd are in ew instru- es, a COCD- ple, and it - the band, putation. est long boots elle se from, not n alto also. W. 1711-1 )St itten into a ant:, while The o showing such made to their uin cold van- e t the wearer- omf rt till the urn er months, wo ld see the Ila ettes, ruffe, hibi is at their 1711.1 regret is f lb at the nee Miss 'Vary Coyne, in A thu township, few •aye ago. She town hip and lived our* to he marriage, Decease was the e lat J hn Coyne. es and lar:e circle of wh • hold her d. Her agree- ense made her e. er death,' e p tine of life, chi dren. FARMERS.—We halm the )est the 1,u8inete. I: Big vi riety to choo nly in factory boots but n our own m . Willis, Seaforth. FUBS.—Collar onto one of t ttes. You'll no loner be elan doe of fashion, but rght in it. aperines, ruffs, rnuflls, gain tlet he email thinge in Uluro, yet on wanted by every oinan by he wants it right in style righ he li, McFaul Co , Seaf rtis, ight kinds in such quantit'es, o busy they can't tell mue abo the paper. When in town se the NoTns.--eThe late rains are b I nd into ' condition for iloug pples hav been lying nearly kn loxes sine the.late stem s, on't knbw what to do wi h t I eiGuig n, cif London, ba be f lends his section. -11 zssrs. illiam Kelly, who were. well t e Lea b ry line, and w o w outher. Sates last spring, arel hey h d poor health whildo Quito a uriber of farmers; ith t eix co s each, tell us tha boas 1 title m re than keep the'r -d butt r this present season. a pear t at cows and orchards a , a Par a money making ag neje long boots e from, not ke also. W. 1711-1 eir collar- cing on the ollarettes, , caps, are or other very girl. in price. have the id are kept t them in . 1711 1 inging the ing,—The o deep in nd people ern, —Miss O visiting Henry and known on nt to the ack again. O south.— from four has done es in milk It would e about on this year. —M Seaf T ar M la 6 re pi t . Samuel Dicke° Oh, Is in the vi auy Wen& of thin lwaym pleased to ri itoeh hike boon away vvook or ,two.—T 01300 of Mr, JaMes CI, postmaster, of !ago occasionally', genial gentleman est him.—Mr. F. lling silos for the e handsome new tory is nearly cOm- S 11 avy shoes andtlaegngli fit or fall weal—Don't pass th gobd footwear, W. IL Willis, TIIE STREETS IN Si�Avol,TIx are now being wal ed by many ladies, 1 wearing autumn's late t—dressed in fashion's favorite weave,. A g teepee of those costumes is Perfectly oapti vatin . Those tailor-made suits (jack. ets nd sk rts) in such deep rich shadings, are ust th thing for street wear. There is a imm nee range of suiting cloths being rho n by he merohanti4 We might add, ti 81 oh go ds at such prices Where in the orld vill you get them 1" AtT111.10E. Mo aul 0 .'a *tore. 171 I ME 0 TA VISIT.—Mrs. Fletcher, of Nee awe, finite* is home visiting her lath r, M John Gilmour'of the 2nd oon- cese on. r. Gilmour hasbeen having poor heal h for some time, but his numerous frie wi 1 be pleasedln learn that he is new a goos deal better, and •is able to get aro nd ag in. Mrs. Fletcher says- that the wet weath r has interfeered seriously with hair estin operations both in Manitoba and the orth est, preventing farmers from get- ting their rain threshed, after it has been out. As oon as it gets dry,_ another sho er c mes on and • makes it as bad as e er agl in. It is weather such as this tha make Manitoba farmers feel the need for erns in which to house their Grope. Mrs Mete er intends retorning to her west- ern home bout November 1st, ATRIM NIAL—On Tnesday, September 25t , the erne of Mr. and Mrs. George Kei nedy, •f the Goshen line, Stanley, was the oene of t very .1:dement and happy evei t, bela g the marriage of their third dau hter, jos Susie, to 1r. Chris. Eicher, of r urich. The ceremony was performed, by Rev, J. W. Andrews; ot Varna, in a most pleasant nd satisfactory manner. 'After the eerem ny the company sat down to a su ptuou dinner, and, after having done am le!just ce to the good things provided, pro eeded y way of 'Varna and Brucefield to Hensel' wherethe happy couple,- amid shoivers of rice, took-theitrain for Londen, intending to spend' their honeymoon in HaeniltOn, Toronto and other places. Their many frie cis join with DIE EXPOSITOR in wishing th m a long, happy and prosperous married life. y, ge are the bone Out. el store for anything In Seaforth. 17114 • Sodoni. Noms.-1-Miss Jessie Gen held a birth- day' party Tuesday evening, quite a number of her yo ng friends being invited.—Mr. Allan, the blind man, addreseed the League Sunday e ening. There was a large and appreeiatise audience. He intends holding revival m etings in Sodom in the near future.— r. and Mrs. Charley Box visited at John 1 enhale's Sunday.—Mr. and Mrs. George Fo d were the gusts of Mrs. Alex. Box on Su day last. St. Joseph. NOTES. Mr. Nelson Contine has re- turned frorr his trip throngh Eastern Can- ada and ihe United States. Travelling seems to a ree with Mr, Contine as he is growing j st as fat as he is good natured.— Mr. Yung t, of St. Cathatines, is spending a few days iere on businese.—Mrs. George Campbell, vho has been Fjpending the past week witht her mother, who is dangerously ill, has returned home.—Mr, Robert Bon- thron, of ljlensall, who has been spending the past tlhree weeks here, has returned home.—A 4ab load of young gentlemen and ladies froth Goderieh spent Sunday here, guests of • the Queen's hotel.—Mesers, iller and Peter Contine, who have been very low with fever, are pro- gressing fa orably. • Stratford. TERRIBL1 AMIDE:ST.—A terrible accident occurred near Sebringville, on Saturday last, wheriltby Mr. Thorne. Vair, Grand Trunk Rail ay agent of that place, lost his life. Toge her with Mr. Wm. Gilchrist, section fore an. he had oome to Stratford on a hand car to attend the Conservative • meeting. n their return trip they were run into b a train that Was coming from Goderich t take up the special train after the meetin Gilchrist ju ped just as the engine etre them,and este ped with a slight sprain. M , Vair was ter ibly mangled, his head, lege nd arms.beingJ completely sever- ed from his body. Mr. Vair was ,55 years of age, and ame froin Durham to Seining - Ville three ears ago. • ' JOTTINGS —Meta. Alfred Young, WLIC/813 .husband di -d a few weeks 'ago, with typheid fever, is now ill With the same trouble; inj the Stratford hospital, and her little cFlild, who has been in the same inetitutien or some week, is convalescent. She has hacl to close up her store at Lake- side, where she had been doing an excellent business.— ohn Hay, whO got his big toe put out of j >inti, while playing at school, is still linipiu around. Farquhar. 1 NOTES,.— Ir. John Kay and Mr. E. Stone are packing apples in the neighborhood of Kippen,yfor Mr. Jones, of Winehelsea. They reriert that the apples'are somewhat wormy aod not very plent ful.—Mr. George Bell is out. buying apples for Mr. Jones,— Mr, Wm. Key's only child a little gi rat 16 months, -died on Thursday of last, week; after an illness of a few weeke, with Cholera- triorbus, and was buried on, Saturday. , . • Brussels. LOCAL ITEMS.—Alex. Strachan Ilas pur• chased the residence of Dr. Snij1er, on Turnberry street, the latter moving to Port -- Dover. The 'price paid was $1,575. Quite a number froM Brussels attended the funeral serviees of the lute Miss Thomson,• 'of Sea - forth, on Tueiday.—W. H. McCrackeneour well-known gardener, is at his old game again, eapturing all the prizes at the Vario,us frill fairs. He!captured 67 prizes at ListoWel and Atwood.—Thanksgiving services will be held in St. John's church on October 7th.— Judge Masson, of Goderich, will hold the cburt Of appeal, in the town hall, on Octo- ber 4th. There are 40 appeals entered.--tA grand concert will be held, under the a s- pices of the Agricultural Society, on Octo er 5ch. The leading features will be Camer n, of Toronto, and Ruthurn McDonald, of L ,n- don.—Mr, S. ,Fralick and wife have- moaed to Manitoba. We wish them success.—Mr. Robert Watt, of Toronto, its in town visit- ing for a few days.—Jack Hewett receieed a fine bird dog from Strathroy on Monday. —Luther &Meet the 9th concession of Grey, has perchesed the furniture business of Mr. 8. Gracey, of Wingham, and his, parents will remove to Wingham in October. • Uorrie, JoTT4,:cs.—Mr, Charles Wiiliame,,son of Mr, J. R. Williams, is spending a feiv days under the parental roof. Charley has been three years in the town of Mitchelle—Mise Minnie Williams, is home from Alpena, Michigan. --Lambert Stinson and 'Willie 1:Tortoni two of our village boys are attend- ing Harriaton high school.-2Mr. James Leech has rented his shop to a man who intends starting a general store in it.—Mrs. Green, of Wingham, has rented the Horton shop, next door to the post office, and will embark in the millinery businees.—Miss Rae Patrick is managing the millinery de- partment of Donachy & Company's store.— Mr. Jardine is moving into the Edgar SEPTEMBER 28, 1900 building, lately vacated by Mr. Cummer, who moved to Wingham.—Mr. David Bradnook is moving into the brick cottage just north of the Baptist chureh, and his eon, Thomas, is moving into the house he vacates.—The Hammond Brothers and Mr, T. G. Edgar havw been repairing the roof of the Glasgow Holum and drug storo.—Mr, Nelson McLaughlin, druggist, is enjoying a well earned holiday, visiting Winnipeg and other place" —Mr, Robert Deachman oe. oupied the pulplt in the Presbyterian church here on Sabbath afternoon. • Blyth. PROBABLY ATAL AGOIDENT.—The hostler at the Cent al hotel, in this village, met with an aocii ant on Sunday morning which may cost him his life. He was unharnes- sing a team of bronchos when one of them kicked him on the head, smashing the skull, Dr. ilne was called and removed twenty-six p aces of bone from his head. At last repo ts the unfortunate fellow was still living, b t his recovery was doubtful. N0TES.—R v. William Stone, a minion- ary support° in British Columbia by the Epworth Le gues of the Goderich district, will preaoh i the Methodist church on Sunday next and on Monday evening will give a lecture in the chureh.—Harvest home mervices wer held in Trinity church on Sunday last; when appropriate sermons were preoohtd by the pastor to large con- gregation.. , ' ANOTHER IRE.-1•The fates seem to be against our v liege, evidently trying to wipe It out &hog ther. On Monday nighttour citizens werelaroused to attend our fourth fire. This time the devotiring element had attacked the old Emigh hotel, the property of Mr. John Emigh, of Goderioh. The fire started in the mouth end of the house, where no person was living, and had gained such headwaY before any person was aware of the fire, that the family were unable to save anything. The origin of the fire io a mystery. The firemen worked hard and prevented the fire from spreading. 5 Gut ich. THE Sirow.—The annual show of the Hay Branch Agricultural Society, or the " World's Fair," as it is popularly called, was held here on Wednesday and Thursday last. Wednesday was cloudy and unprom- ising, and this, no doubt, militated in some degree against the summit, of the indoor de- partment. The second day, however, was delightful, and, as a result, there was a large crowd of spectators and an excellent show outeitie. In horses there was the beet show that has been seen here fonsotne years. There was also a good show of cattle and sheep, but pigs were few in number. This latter was due, probably, to the present high price of these animals, farmers selling them off as rapidly as possible, instead of keeping them for show purposes. The dis- play in the hall was somewhat lighter than last year, although there was a very nice and varied collection of products. The principal falling off was in fruit, and es- pecially in apples. Zurich has long en- joyed the distinction of having one of the best and most successful local fairs in the county, and this year it fully suetained its reputation. The attendance, also, is kept up without any of the so called "special attractions," which moat show managers now find it necessary to provide in order to keep the cash box replenished and maintain an existence for the show. The directors of the Zurich show have never resorted to this, and it speaks volumes for the good sense and pure testae of the people who patronize it that the, attendance of epee- tators grows year by -year, the gate re- ceipts this year amounting to over forty dollars more than last year, which was con- sidered a phenominally auccessful one. The Zurich band enlivened the proceedings of the afternoon of the second day by die. coursing music trom the grand stand. The list of successful competitors -will be found on the sixth page of this issue. A. SUCC.IESSFUL ENTERTAINMENT. — On Thursday evening of last week, show night, there was a large audience gathered itt the town hall to hear the cinematograph enter- tainment given by Mr. Hess, of this village, assisted by Mr. William McLeod, the. -well known, comic singer and story teller, of geaforth. The chair was occupied letr Mr. Hagan, the geniel school teacher, of Zarich, and it is needless to say that he performed his duties meet efficiently-. The hall was packed to thedoor with a highly appreci- ative audience. The views given by the cinematograph were most interesting, while the selections from the gramaphone jwere amusing and pleasing to the audience. The great feature, however, was the cotniealities of Mr. McLeod, who appeared at his best, and brought down the houee every time with his mirth provoking - gestures, his funny stories and connundrums and his comic character songs. He was rapturously encored after every selection, All enjoyed a geed laugh, and the entertainment throughout was n pleasing success. , The storm started just as the people were coming from the hall, and many of the boys and girls from the country, who lead waited over for the concert, must have had a dark and disagreeable 'drive home, At this en- tertainment Miss ,Doan played the accom- paniments and she did her part well. NOTES —Mr. J.I Merner sold his hand- some bay carriage horse when at the Exeter show for the nilce sum of two, hundred dollars. Thia h rap took first 1 prize at Exeter and at Zt rich. Mr. Merner pur- chased him a short time ago from Mr. John Geiger, by whom be was raised. It is need- less to say that, he realised a good profit on him as Mr. Merrier does not usually make a deal of this kind for fun.—Mr, Fred Kibler returned to remove his family trnBrampton, where he has taken an interest in a large shoe manufacturing business. ' Mr. Kibler ban long been one of our moat popular and enterprising citizens and himself and his estimable family will be much miseed here, and all regret . their departure. How- ever, all will be pleased to hear, from time to time, of their well -doing in their new home.—Mr. James McDonald, one of the oldeet and most highly reepeeted residents ,,of Bayfield, has come to reside with his daughter, Mrs. John Torrance, near here. Mr. McDonald's partner in life permed away a few weeks ago, which was the cause of his breaking up house and leaving Bayfield. He is aleo troubled with cataracts of the eyes, which causes partial blindnees and until he has them operated on any improve- ment is not expected. Mr. McDonald's numerous friends will deeply sympathize withhim in his severe troubles.—We deep- ly regret, this week, being called on to re- cord the death of Mrs. Chris. Schoch, which took place last week. Mrs. Schoch was one of the pioneer residents of tbe 14th concession, and was much and deservedly respected. She was 66 years of age, and leaves a husband and family to mourn the lees of a faithful wife and loving mother.— Mr. Wm. Bender has removed to Zurich, and will reside here.—Mr. J. Simon and Miss Eta Sararua were united in marriage on Wednesday last. The best wishen of many friends will be extended :to them.— Mrs. D. McCormick has moved into the house which she lately bought from Mrs. J. G. Schulchter, —Mies Lydis Faust has been at Hespeler as a delegate to the Young People's Alliance. Mr. Alfred Geiger was also there, representing the Alliance of the Evangelical church here.—We regret to learn of thainnese of the respected pastor of the Lutharian church, As a result there was no eervice in that church last Sabbath, and will not be any next Sabbath.—Quart- erly meeting will be held in Evangelical church next Sunday, and the centenary service will also be held. It is expected that these special services will be largely attended,—Mr. John Deichert was in New Hamburg and Berlin 00 busi- C110C4 FULL. Onr store is now crowded With neve goods. Every department ie a pieture of plenty. Loads of new stook have been rolling in on us thee° het few weeks. It looked as though we -couldn't house them properly. It did take much planning and manouvering%but now they're arranged, priced and ready tor swift eelling. People will have to pick their way through our ;store edgewize, with their eyes shut, to not notice what extensive pur. chases we've made NEVER TOO MUCH. Some merchants are greedy fa large profits. Too tnucb is never asked for geode. in this store. Oftentimes we do the store an injus Meer by asking too lit0e. it's all right !so long as our customers get the benefits. Remember, this store is partly for your Interest, partly fr ours. We want to give - such value as will show plainly we're di- viding the profits With you. • It's this kind of thing that has Made the People's Store so popular. aomimeeimsoismlimw ISTOW ABOUT SOME XEW dOODS. ; The Dress foods get first elbowing. The vastness of the assertment in this Dress Goods stock is its predominating ;feature, Each womrm has a taste peculiarly her own, and where could it be suited if not here why, our vt riety Cfnew fabrics embraaes every stylish weave, every fashionable coloring. Those of you who are interested in what the most at 1-.i.e.ctie and eye pleasing dressee will be made froM, should have an early introduction to Mir new dress and costume. beauties. Again right styles and right. prices prevail. OUR MILtINERY iPENING DAYS— Thursday, Friday and Saturday, Sept. 27, 28 and l 29kr. Headiittart'ers for everytbitig new in Millinery. IT'S JACKET TIME DNCE MOUE. The Jacket Department is a very busy part of our store these days. AU are not buyer", many are, and every one is in- terested in seeing what's going to he worn . by Seaforth's bese people this season. We've been as careful as any home in the land to have the Jacket Stock exactly right. We're not disappointed. There aren't any other coats like them wit in you're easy - reach, and we're melting tway at these to ose who've found out the prices. MANY FRENCH FLANNELS BEING SHOWN. It is said that flannel waist s will be very popular. Everybody says it—we. be - nevelt... If everybody is right we're going. to do quite a—business in Opera Flannels this fall. For we've gathered in many pretty patterns. Flannel is adaptable as a waist fabric. It is serviceable, it ie sightly. Buy all your .fitennele as Well as. your other Dry Goods wants from the People's Ponrilar Trading Place, E. 111cFAUL Dry Goods Co. C4th's Greatest Cash Dry Goods Store. nese, this week.— Mr ie J. 0. Schleuohter has gone to reside with her. son, Mr. Ef. Magel.--Mr. L. Peine, of London, was here this week.—Mr. Thomas Johnston has had a new furnace planed in his residence.—Mr. J. Preter is improving the appear- ance of his home by placing_ an addi- tion to the kitchen and other changes. —Rev. George Finkbeiner, of - Alefield, was here visiting Mr. F. Kibler, and reached in the ' Ewangelicaii church last Sunday forenoon,---L-Miss Annie Fisher, who spent a month or so with her aged parents here, has - returned to her home in Port Arthur.—Miss Lizzie Deitz, of Seaforth, is here visiting her slater, Mrs. Axt, and other friends in the vicinity.—Mrs. Casper Wee- ver, who has been in Pigeon, Miehigan,with. her husband and sens, has returned home. Clinton. A NARROW SHAN-E.—Monday morning,. while the London, and Buffalo trains were at thie station, a num, whose name we have not, learned, had a narrow escape from a horrible death. While on train was moving up to allotv the passengers from the other to alight at the platform, he thought his train was ping out, and started to run for it. In doing so, he either slipped or struck his arm against a 'switch and felt directly in front of the other train, Which was moving at the time. He was pushed aside by the car wheelie his escape from mutilation or instant death being most miraculous. • The affair was witnessed by a - large number of people, MaDy of whom turned their faces, expecting every moment that the unfortunate man would be (heed- fully crushed and mangled. This should be a warning to people that they cannot be too careful when about to get on or off the trains. TH WHOL, 1 Just as tl s ' The con 0 Asa - The Era We There av for cop,i is wit sP13137*