HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1900-09-28, Page 7RTH.
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. calf las -wqek.-n-The 17th ooncestion, above- autumnal ir � rnipg, without feeling an ele�' ; m4tlil THE OFIESS MOD'EL.
- , . � � - 10 � agoomfortably coA and chilly. Can-
- . I til. ,
� -
1. � , � U . all, is noted for its numerous bachelors'. vation ot si I like the enthusisani of - devo. adit, , be severe w ater, has a muoh . . �
At the threshing of Mr,Mm. - Clra*ford, tion or poa . Toll me, dear friend, to
f � . mote cce�table climate olivein.11 '
� �i , 8ft
.. � -., I . there w ere no less than* 18 1han4s and only- what can t a be o1wih a piece of 1 1 1 ight draperies have taken the place of
I - � . .. I .. g ? Are w( � 1' blaitings on some of the few early au-;
. , one mar -iod ;nan in the aduad. They die. machinery, hicb, like the ANiau harp, � ,A Rule � of Thumb. tunin dress skirts sent over as models
. - 1.
I " I
I 11 I I . - 11 I "I cluesed all subjects, cattle, ; ' beep, orse rais. passive takes the impression of t, ke passing 1 In the,� note -book of the late Bishop from both Paris and London. � I
T. ing and the most prQfitablel b%do hog, ap. accident ? Or &, these worki igi argue Fraser, of! Manobes iere is a s4ory of a, A. strong moverrient is again bciu,- made
. � . We ksiow of parent,13 never giving a thought t the more aomethi g within us above th 3 trodden, fo,rmer-yolting caratteeolf-I he -English villaqe in favor of reTiviil- the wear of the odi-
. nothing better importait topic, namely matrimony. --T. clod ? n of Stoke - i i
I I 1 own mys If partial to a ch proofs �: " Which shows the value of a little o -,,s hoopr4drt, in d1rect contrast to the
. I � Ouglas I returned S,aturd�y from a week's of those awful and important ealities-9. :
. than�� coughin 1� . ommoill. souse in delding a knotty point. present clinging style of dress. '
R - �� i � 9 ,a
J� - , . visit to �he Western 'Fair.�J-ames Ritchie God that Trade all things -man's immiateri- �� g
!Z � ; to tear the lin- 14 -The citirmte, bein xceedingly anxious at
"il . .1 — Ing ��of'your rieturned Saturday from a filur-we ks' busi- al and immortal nature- and. a world of !all tiricie0o do things in the order of the Pretty and feminine loo,king are tho
, . I . �
I� ' - sm4rt little Silk "dri ing coats," as they
li ; . I -- 11 ness trip In, Algoma. �-Xatt:..fd cDei - mott will weal or woe beyond deatif and the grave.- ' once insisted hen marry nfr a
I . , ' y
� n,
-5 t b rl� o a t and. leave this week for the olld sod, with the Robert Buine. � 'liturg , ar�, called, that are worn and will con-
, I - con on the ring bei4 put on the f iurth
. I I � . f ple�! J3e to be worn nlike by young and
cxpectatiqn of bringilrig outi a.pait of Irish :- -- - --0 Ing .d
I u n�gs. It is � ; . or. -T4e�ibride rebellcd, and finallylsal .: t,
hunting.hpirses. f I . - ' Jn� the Twentieth Ceni;
better than wet I F -- --- --- Ury. : 46 1 �Vouldlratber die tl an be marriod on old rly women. .
I . . I 9 � I The tweritieth century will have 21 leap I I my litlible fitager VI ' ., . I S�hirt waists of -oft, sheer. veiling, cash-
. �
feet�to cause A WE - TRIAL. -The following, rhich we years, the greatest possible numb6r. Feb�rti- ' For -an Xnatant the cur to wavered , I then, 111, and wool barege will fill up the
bronchitis and . take fi, the'court reports, will le Of 'u- ary will have five Sniadays three times- e said': � 44 But the rub a says 80.11 � I ins-Zoval between the Iffien. and cotton
.. I I . 1orldbt to many in this vicinity, as ;hose �in- l9,)0 � styles of the summer and the cloth and
a pneumonia. . . I 2 , 1948 And 1976. The earliest; possible , Ma ters were at a ,at ridstill-the lbride I
I I . I French flannel waists for cold weather
I . terested i are 3 natives' ,of the tow nahip i of date -upon which Easter can occut is 'March tearfu tbq groom-wi&Ey, the curatp do.
I . � Only keep it - 'Tackers ith : 11 In the court of a I
: up I )*Ij !at 12th. The last tiride it occurred on that berminod--�-�when the �Barish clerk stepped in W04r-
and you Toronto, on Wednesday of k, in the -date was in 1818. The -lates at and a id i I Vielvet flowers and shaded foliage in
suit of Walker vs. -B,k'oa cot. A� [eswor 44 I
will �"ucceed W . df(I 148-bwee aster can ocour - i i April 25th., It *ill I thoge,cases, Sir, the thoomb counts dec� green and also in brilliant autumn
� - Q. C., and Best, (Seaf orth �, for. � )fenda ' I
- i reOpng your 3tt Occur but olle, time in the coming century on an a digito"� - � lea� effects combined Nvith. inasses of
' move a . � 9 . I
� � d 6t Agid e � verd i at of, j ury rid judg� that datp--1943. The midd16 day of the J I — �Ia�k ostrIch plumes will constitute tho
li � . we ! -
.\ 41ht, losing ment f,ltrt$,5100 � 6f MAcMahouj J. entered ceiritury wil be January Ist, ,195 .. There � A k1cot -, .
11 . I ILL ! leading gurnitures on felt atid 'velvet hats,
' �
I I/ , your appetite, thereon in actift for damagog for ,reach of will be 380 clipses during the coining con. Oman's Views of Adam for the autumn and ivintel -seasons.
.. . . . 4
promi - Curous Specimens of hoottiall. humor arie I
ing on a � I �y pla at-iff- It tury.
brin �0 se by defendant to.ma
I I . YX aq confeadedli for defendan � tha ly a let er - brou it, o4 at the examinations by mi4;- Elegant little cavalier. ,or Henri If
, . I -- -- * I .
slowliftver, and written" y him. to pltff A ust, 18 9, . . isterf -f Ir flock before ;he administratiotl sho,ulder capes for eTening`drives, piazza
. . I IS'
�ng every- � u . POul - Fattenin -0 we r, sunluier fetes and concerts are
maki,l, ' he had r queste-d to' be re', evee from' is . � tr3 9. of the� mmunion. Thu , with referenne to made of soft, beautiful -�panne satins-
I proniise,! and thab plaintiff ac 3ordin ly . � the tol- h - -n a
- l thing exactly i Ed : Professor I Robertson has issued uman nature before e fall, a ma w )
Pvholly ep,oneti' ted hi' f 'It peiformake lowing bulletin, which contains many prac-, asked 11 What kind of ui� �n Adam �9, often a CrOam. pale cameo pink or char.'
I . right for the. I r A � inT rom I a a regar ing t of .. " On, I just� like i � � treuse green ground, figured with small,
1, I by a let ,er daied` August . �bb, 1 398, - ut tibal hint - di be -fattening . &rk-." The rniniste-!r
germs of -consumption. �1'1 poultr , - I insistgd-4m-T!�l.ugata mare, special doacriplo b.cfantlifully colored Made Antoinette de-
-1 ' written 4ud Solt in reply to his of Augufat,. . � l �
. , slggs�
. 4 Better kill your CoUgh , 1899. .Ti . L �Iylnbuth Rocki Wyan4o 1,jo,-D�ur-- -ti-0-n-of the first man,'ar d I pressed for more �
,:; . he jury,fonnd that the pla titiff did �
4 .9 before It kills ou. not writ the* lefter purporting to I a sijo'ed king,' Cochin, BrAima��In4lau Game explanation. 11 Weel," said the catechumen 3�umor says that sleeves are to be a
, . it :1 � .1 44he was! Ja de ce fuller, or, at least, the shoulder
1,11 chickent, o aroma e at like Jae Simson, the horse
�, . . by her, ad datdd Adgust 8 h 189E, w 0e, are IT ore east y 9
I contended f I as - )y P I -
I I couper." 11 How so ? &Eked the ministev, oM is to be accentuated by a return tb
�, I 11 � -or defendsut thai, Ue landw it- fattened th n chi � kens of lightdr breeds. . I
9 - . 10 . t T y V, "Wecl,.nobody g9t onyt�in-&J-V-�Iwrrnd epai'lilets, small c4ps, etc, This is agree -
5 ing n t�o � tterl its coute �ts, th a ex art -he should be pu up at from tWe and one
. I viai
I e enc mild �the p1mintiff'o admi Sion at fialf to three and one halt pounds each. many i �ost." 1. I 1� I abl� news to maoly, for few ivolnen ap-
I I if I , � -- �
. the trialiprdved cone'llusively e p) nt.- English' btyers '. cbject to black legRed * - � bear to advantage in sleeves devoid .of
P I I , ithat , . ! of trinlining or fullness -on th
I" iff wrote Order made directi a- ew poultr . � Reflections, of Bachelor. ; an� sort e
V, ' : 2). �Jhe most pro ' ' ' . shoulders. I I
trial wit ut diosta. - , .1 4 ! fita,ble period for f atten. The, less a girl blushes I he more she taw 4 I I
�4 : I ; . I I - ing is about four wee s. I Lot of � men you u t,1,hc,ro has arls�n a sudden fad for the
1. 4? , I -, - -- I I ' . I .ever would suspect ar
�! � � I . 1 3, Be v a y Married, bu� in love. . we�rjng of brigbt
.L ; - . griiss reen tulle or
i � . uh:d� Amok . I McKillop. ; carefu - I - --n ,16- a- erfeed ckickeno not, 0 i
11 � !
I . . uring Arst w ek. Feect ligitly, three t I a fun grelriddine vOls. 1
14 OF 4-v I ny thing, but there is kotn .. They n1r,le worn fre-
-- I
COU T � lsi(n� . ,,q, � � .
r! I .� . .,-A courb of revision . timo� day. Rem)ve any feed left in thing bout being too -fat that makes a tly as a r4ther conspicuous lialo;
� was held iniJolles'ball,.orlt e lUb, by is �
i'l. � 4? t , . _Lpoligh half an hol'ut after feedi g. Keep i n a it, Pt to tell the truth and -treat his wifo firo lid the lint :and are seldom Pulled
11� I I U, Honor Judge Masson.4 to ha e na Be ad A#A- I �i
-1 I �_ _ the troughs clean and Sweet Well, : : I down over the f ace. The upper, ends
I kills coqhs !of every to votera'list,, Ten,�mmog ere 4&d'hud * I I -
. cost the ill unicippdity $26.1 1 a , mly one 4. After first - *1eek give ell -okens all There seems to�be as much difference b4. are instened witli a single pin'aud the
kind. A 25 ent bottle .Partyof,al who, We �, , i , e i peaied. _they will eat, regul,hrIy twice a ,lay. tween calling a woman at old rillaid and. � t lowet! Portion of � the veil flutters -in the
- I . - I � I � �
� is j4,st right. fo ' an ordi" I Politics Ve a dostl.. �� I 5. The oife must � be ground My fise. bache or girl as there is wbiveen calling he. bre zF.
11 -4 - . � - ,..;Pg t the �c mntr .- Oats grouh I as for horse feed an not Suit- ' P6 d a' an an old hen, . !
it I nary cough -1i for the,- J. C. M I , � : / � .11 - . 1. I I I U I - b
---- I a : : � I 0
1 Tjin, ' 11-�C1Ir-CQ'UnCi1 met i I J ea, I I BEE BUZZE-S. �
II harder coughs of br.on- . ' . . 6. Feediag skim imilk whitens bhe flesh, � Milrshall's War Horse,.
- , . Ha.1i j-l�t al bury, on N�onday, the l7th - - -- .1 - � .
�, I chitis You 'wil-triepea 50 '86P' which isclesirable. .� � . Otte of the leadin �-- `:-, T '
1 " -- I I ter) %er. JlNler�bers' adl pr9hent. A letter gimenibem � tary -,very particle of comb .0iould be saved
'? I . � . '� 7. . U -ot
U cent bottle; apd for the , - Put a little sal� In the feed. a I I
U I . I I � N110 � rea -o ri Thoma's. E. Hays, I . Ian4 b r a Cal, Charles Marshall, a direct and made into wax.
1. 'Ott t �il'
I I �
I �
"� S.
�t ai�
n :
11 t
0 a 1--",�
- fi, d
� ,�, It
V I 0 Mueh"'Ing 8. Give water in - the trougb, ,twice a .
coughs of consumption c! (nail payll.69, now due Tu, keramith I des�oudaut of.the famous chiiBf justice of th � Ants Nvill utte�ly ruln conill honey it
i � . day. , . -Stxtes- Supreme couff �
� Agricul at I cipt .�
4 . the one', ..dollor size is so y, �as voteld by ;he r te- U . -d �. Durilig tb
A I "I . . 9. � Give - some form of grit twke a weej"- ,I 010,r CAD get 11MISS to it. � .
' pa .rd. .he clerk wo's �uthdrjzed to d!�ft . _ civi 1war fie was aide-de-camp to Gen. .1 ,�
il I most ecano,mi. al. .ye Sifted gravel will -do.: --- i - 'ert 9. Le� r A few blves at bees about the farm -
I : q I I eed tallow arin -"- I ,, and wenb! through tl 1`0
. 41 My � COUP reduced me to a. mere a by-law for next meeting of counc 11 autli�r. � 10. F .. du . g last ben days, ie battles house are both ornf11li1CDta I'll 11 d proftable.
izing the icev'o and troasur r to pay �Jhe . � he w r w�bh his chief. He was present t .
skelettyn. � tried rin�any remedies, - : a , . lBegin with 1 pound- Per' day to '." 0 or 100 ) Feeding bees at: Lilly tinle and foi- ally
l grant.' T le clork'was utho ized a ac(ept I I I the nrrender of , Appomattox,i Cc
but they all tailed. Afteruningthe -; � I hick --mcremsed to I pound to 50 or 70 . . purpose except brood redring is usuall
. 01, &A 1, f 6d% nnI16 %f--�W'). I -A .�; I t. f-& 41 areb 11 has mail f-fut�nafirj nftnr;.�" ^f hl;� y
I . I wry ac rall fm eulawy be- t I . - � C.— .Y -Vh-f6i-cena. L � I . � I . - ih I ta Y If I f . a, a .7 5 I unr,rofitable.
- gan ta f mprove, and )three bottles as in prev ous years, and a,lgc to Doti 1. ' I . . nd one of )he most amusim
. I 11. To prepare tallow : Weig'li quantity as a experience With a new hoiTfe. i
I TQRtored me to healtli, I believe I -Smith, albbn, to rqmove ru-bbisl e do. � , Hi 'To got the benefit of the Italian beos
. I ol�r#�my life to ft.�J . - . I � required for three days, melt Tit, 'and the following spr;Dg, Italianizing 'should
SASAU F. XO3&0A posited b6tiudary (If 0',re ;�� Ucki, Id he So had been shot from. under him' U 0
. � ' .. y -t . -y- , 10P thicken while hot 'wibh ground oits. Nix be done in the fall. I � �
- - 0(3t.17,1898. : Brownto , va. roadwa � el ght .of the a day, and he ba,
� � is I ,causes hn"ara-e-i �o shy and may ,,
L . - -- I one-sixth of this prJste with -the morning and f)reviou
. � � cause da Y age. i - !M011018 wyre p i8ed aijd mkon possession of an arimal that seeme A queen introduced In tbo autumn will
I ,
L , J. -t - -. t $"4,73,' Of llia , I , onei-sixth w, th the 'evening: feed. I :
11 1, - paid am(t �� 0 ,Q/ . I :o Suit hisi work; .In the battld'a few houri produce an entire stock of ber-o,wn"prog-
� ��-Ar'� - . k;188 -
—���—� I t IL2. Rub a pinch of Sulphur u der both I
- t!!!2±t!!!��..i I 'ox e. Wing$ PIS .
Is i _"-...&.L,--Iz;z,..—.L.-�—�----A was for I I vel and $36 for 'rapairs to R - ater t e w'' riding morose a field in whic, eny by early spring.
L . th slid tail ,of the chickeil
,: . � 1- - I . - boro -bi�l( e. ouncil!adjourned t( Meel'-" - I . ; to kil! ;here were numerous Stumps. Suddenly th( . There is no better time than durin- the
I . In the lice. I I
3 I . JSL T I . . - '
-A Jone�' E 11 the .
� eadbury, oil Mou my, I . 3erforman' e opened. Tle guns roared an-.'
- DISTRIOT MATTEI , . -- 1 $ . . fall months to re ucen and have the' best
1i f - 13. Do not feediwith the cramning m a- I
, " r, 15th Oct YiDer, t I o'clock in the a terneon, . � �he aii w 109 filled with Smoke and .
�: I , . noiso Quems in each colony. .
. 20' � � L chine longer than two weeko, . 3efor( C6 Marshall klic w what was hap, -
4r ! , : . q—, - . . EIxecssive feeding ne6rly always fol-
(W , I . - Do n t feed I a lowl by machine until )ening the'borse had hi's four feet on one of �
� � 1,&, It M I . 14. O, . I .
. I , fir ECONO Y I�. -A VIRI UE - its crop.is quite em )t - . lowi; excessive EiNvarming and if ieeding
9, Ut Twx 0.41 -If 'r AP . . . �he a urn PS and was yly dan"i
I . ----t.-- , - 15.- Remove'foo, I � a clng In a is rot properly done loss of colonies re -
I i F 1�-10 - 0 - , � : � 7rom pedal of crammer
- I I . . . 4rele. IT the mcantim the fire wasio,
� I before the fowl is 1 tilled away, L
14 . . sults. .
I — . . � . re Sin - a I I
� I., L . , ; i d the situatior was anything bu,
� I The following items wore i4tended - MANIOND PYES. 16. Ke9p a reco -d of weight of ground 0 but the horse kept on as if lr� Add tipper stories or supers as fast as
. ,�] L - , I . . . . oatei a;nd of skin -milk fed to 'owls per forts. ep . the colonies need the space, especially if
4- , Wil Save Mqhby-lbr-Every. � as elljoy ng it. I . IL
1_, f6r' ast week, but were reeei�red too . - � . L . week, and also their gain in live weight er . 46, . h y is coming n. Let the ,bees store
. ! Hor ae * in � Canada. I . ,r"*. .
. i I . � Ib4a@1 not �ntil aft rward," eaid Coll O" '
� � -, late.] I . ; . - � . . I we�k. - I AarshkIl, ,that I founi the horse ha awfy enough to winter on.
I'�, - ' - - - . . I I ' 17. One gallon, (of Illilk weighe I rao.tically )elong;ed a circus and I ad been trained t , QUeonless colonies are the worst to ,
L " - -Sodom. - - -..... I . � I I � t� ��
. Z , I 'Sfor(l, of Cleve. . , When times are hard and dollami scarce, lO pounds. ` ' o t a cause robbing, aad this is one good rea-
'. NoTni.�Mrs.- Fred. � D Uf . l ' rec9rd f ed consumed I er week : 0 �ei act amid the firing of cannon. h soni Nyby there should not be a colony
land, was the gdeA of Mrs. Win. Dunsford, the Smart and, right7vomen of our country p 'ne eview. i
- . -Of Stepb . ell, a few days last week.—I�Ir. find that Diam, rid Dyes-aro.i port nt.hplps, Weig.h each 1�new ag of. meal b(fore com- I --6 Nvlt�iout it queen., Nuw' is the time to be I '
. in;eoonomizing. 'By.the use of iamond mencing to 'feed from it, and )lace the —William Saunders, ar., carpenter, c on �be watch for robbevy. � .
Alex. Box wears aLbromd. smile these daYs' Dyes the husband, mothe and -children lea weig t in a bo�k. .' t en 0 wee i, add to- ravenhut d3ntallv killed a I
, .
I We a boy.—Mr. and Mrs. James Ford and be well and Stylishly Aress0d, 'kltho�g L gether the weights �f bags of mea. fed, . and 0 I -
i daughter were the guests of Samuel Stan- � uskoka wharf station, in that town, oi �
L I nearly all the clothing'may be old material also lWeight of me, I taken' from the last ,' - 7 THE ROYAL BOX. -
i ; I � , . riday. - Mr. Saunders wis returning hom i
I . . E
: lake, on Sunday.—Mr. Win. Ohing, of th"J dyed Over. . ! I bag. I . : L �
. om up the lakcs, and ,while crossing tb I i
. ; place, has erected 4 silo.—i1liss Annie For- To a r I -
q Diamoid --D 69 make' such Ia Ling !and 19. obt in Ill a gai in live - tracks at Muskoka * harf, was struck b Kaiser Williplin has succumbed to the
f Beirimiller, visited her' siater's . . I . t , ei
girson, 0 . i beautif cAori that j.pods d3 e'd w th ti�em weight of-, fowls ; Weigh 6c brain, which went over him, cutting- 011 � 11 , inotor car craze and is' busily engaged
school in this place on Monday last, I . rk t e weight on It ; weigh ' .
? . L cannot be told !rom lrt�w. Ady one can, use empty, and ma
� I I L i � them, as �he dire tidn's are so lain and "crate when fowls ar placed in it, and again leg and badly mutilating, him about th In tbe art of running an auton�obile.
� i r. - lower part of the body. . Mr. Saunders wa Tlje widowed Queen. Alarg1herita of
� . . Morris. I kiinple tha; no ski I io'needed.' TIU 3 e 'ore on each sqqceeding week, at Same time of - L
- . O� . ver eaf, and pro I id not hear th Italt, ,who intended to settle� at Turin,
I NoTF.%LThe fall showa*will soon be n.— ' � I . day and before feelding. To prevent any ,v d bab y d
1, I L of Diam(rd Dyes nelver, 'gri?w -d m_; they- . brain. . lifis yielded to the entreaties Of her son
It Wm..-Thuel:l has bought the 150 acre from rder �o: ,aekre �the Injury to the toes �f. the chickens between
1� The following cable was received fro and her daughter-in-law and Nvill take up
z, . fiever wa I out, - Ia., '10 . I � -
jL . � .
E Mrs. W I the slate and the Be I . place two or three I I I
:: alker,--17th line ; price, $7,000 , --Mr. beat results in opi 3 -4yeing,. every , we ain a as Mr. Chamberlain by th Mqitia Depart her -esidence"in Rome. I
I .
i A. T. Cale, 7th line, has _rented the 56, acre should se -, tha hbr .dealer or m6rC4 Lnb gives thicknesses of bags On. thd'soales. ' , - -Ottawa, a few, . d yd ago : � 11 Re. U itil- the bullet of the' as.5assin Jai I d
� I . L .
1 farm from John Y � ung, for a term of yeare. � Ot POL If, a chicken gets OF I to fee, emov ment- tit
% . 0 her the I Dia a d Dyes,'" ne her package i, r _e, 1orring to your telegram of 19th Auguet, him loy King Humbert of Italy was the
s . in ing .
. - —Threabi - Dge are terrible dirty, Tv�o weeks dyes are offly p)or im'itations, it pen for a few da3rO, Field Marshal -Commandeu-in-ChieUitr South only living monarch probably, Nvbo hhd
. S It ----@-- , . allowing it free run � � .
. I
I I more will about 6ni . up the job.�It is 1. I . - -')I D t allo . ,w fowls any food Africa has been instructor. to des atch from becri wounded In actual triodem warfare,
I feared the turnip crop will �,e a failure this Hensall. ' . -thirty. Africa members o,'
. . 8L i South � , Royall Canadian the a air ,e ng e battle :of Custozya,
fall, owinv to � the �, insects -4The fire did a si� �qursabenfoor killing. .
� .
' LoCAT,'MIEF3.-The many. frioncs of Mr. .. . regiment not willing to 'extend period of whe3 the Italians, were so badly defeat-
. .
- lot of damage bn Tuesday of I�st week. The r L I Victor# Park 1922. Kill chickeriar by dislocating the ervice, ar I
. and Mrs, C. Eac*ett of . to ' riveinCansda not ater thall
I ed by the Austrians. ;
Concqsslon � he I I
. road is in bad -oondition at loi 5, Farm, wi I be glad t&.hear that their daug4- neck. or by bleedii!Ig in the roof of t the 15th of ,'October, In I he event of a
6, M. Kelly bad his milk wagon upsOt on . '11rat I Queen Victoria has just purchased au
� ' � ter and Son-in-law, who reside in Gilveston me , uth. Use care no. �, -no outai � de blemish number, they will be sent direct to 'Cana '' -
I .
I -Tuesday of t6s: wieek. Owing"to the dense Texas, am -not moug I the h up, 110� ; of I th'e' is made. i . . by transport ,specially detailed, ci L therwis - old manuscript relating to the early ree-
Amoke he coqld no� "see the horse, and -the dead, as t ey 1were first re )orted, causing .23. Dry pluck �t once, whil( fowl is via England, by transport carrying im. ordsiof Windsor. It Is nearly 300 years
I .
road is burning. � . . warm. Pluck clean, leaving onl a ring of old ind $125 is said to have been the
. . Mr. and Mrs. Eacrett to mourn the-irlobo valids." The militia act provides � that i . .
. — —0— , . fe&thers an Inch and one-half ar und the price paid the dealer. The queen has a
. i for days. u n til thia week the y race �ved the neck. . I .! man �may q6t be forced to serve 'before th a valuible collection of such matiusbripts
� A Wedding Present - glad tidings that they had es( %,ped tie great I 1. enemT for More than o6 year, hence Lh,
. .
, � * 24... As soon as plucked,:place chickens option willibo I given to Q:% adiane to return and a es muc interest In them.
1p --would be . en,th Ian . .
. . ,
Otpracticalim; ortance. jA attle disaster th it had befall -M . on shaping boArd ;o give it a compact, wit I Tie king of Servia told a 6rres nd
ly sure -pop corn ure— _ b Shaw hal te-eilgaged.as mill" OitLh hin thab� time.
of the a a, ?utuam's iner t the. The opinion, however, 01 -
z - square shape. ' I in,
s Corn EKtractor—which.can be had R. Pickadd! Company, and ha . entered upon Is that few� if- any, will accept this a tnt :ecently that Mine. Draga MaTch
. - 26. Chickens arenot to be drawn. I' . ppor. his bride and queen, Is I not 40 'years
at -any drug store. A,-.cou-tinuation of the I , . . tunity to r turn, and:that all will. remain now
I . her dutieB.—Rev. 51ri 1,4rkii i of Seaforth, . 0 1
� honeymoon and the .-amoval of corns both proached, with very, muA acceptance, in . 26.. When. .cold, wrap' in clean paper, bill the end, Which is .� now apparently abou bid and more, as she has commonly been
. and pack tightly in hi ping'osse to prevent � i epo -ted, by any means, and'tbat bpr two
Assured by its use, -Beware of imitations. Carmel at u rch, on Friday ifternook ; of last , � : . � r
? — 0 week, th( 6ccasion'bein co,7imunkDD pro- injury trom knockl a ut. I - —Lioutebs'llit E. �V. Morrison,�.- of the YOUD companions are her sisters and not
-, �1- . 9 �27, see thlit fow , paper,and cases are lier aughters, as ieport has had it.
I Stanley. paratory i ervice, The reverend gerittleman kept perfectly clean, ' ! , . P�pyal Can�dian Artillery in South Africa,,
Cot , ,-N(, � ' an able and pleasauti� Speaker, atirld has a . � in a letter to a fri�nd in Ottawa, says!:
- ur,.-Sfanley council met on Mon.- is I � I
, I
',dayj September 17th, sill t,he members being most ple sing delive�y. He will :be 'wel- EE i . 10 We had Volta in camp several times from SISTERLY- CITIES.
,� -Wevent. Complaillt was made by Wil)iam ,earned here agaid.-LThe,attendanp at the Not a Good armin4 Country. the M fames , Cronje,. niece of the' general i � ;
. "I I They are. very nice, m ell e Jucateo girla'and I �
t Zurich Show from Hensall and Vid ity wa .Ono o a propr tore of
. Argentagainat the aciti �oul Of W. W. Farran 0 f th t the Kincardine
I I ' i It1would be inte�resting to know how
I � 1h fencing the abreotin Dinaley terrace, and not large o Thursday last,owing Is �$ely to Review, in a letter !to his paper, advises qluite fashiopabl d ised. As we marched
1, � t ju re tbeyl tell when ai Chicago Mau has be-
. .
the clerk was instructed to notisfy Nir. Far. the unfavorable eiiteiof the weatbir.-Mr. Canadiana not to golto South Africa' With a into camp Ian ndi y w( passed them o :
i I arming is, he' the veldt driving home 'rom church in como crazed from the effects� of heat.-
� - ran to have his feace nwived forthwith. -Mr. and Mrs. A. Goetz, and son, Johni were in view"Of farming there.' F ' . Detroit News. I �
� � Wiley's bonds wore accepted; and his ap- the village for a da ior So .this,, i veek on sav,s, more profitable in Canada than in stylish Victoria, Witt a fine pair of carriag
. . , . . y ' , ; horse@ and a little Zulu boy on the box. A Iter September the garrulous slug-
Pointment ' Hector confirmed by by.lavir. their way , om Grand, Ben� , to *8 �ratford.' Africa. The South'Afripan climate is very - ger's place In New York.will begin to be
-0 - Mr. Goetz as not yet docidei I wher � he 'Will uncertain, and it Is an exceptional year that looked curiously out !of place on the vold
"" 0
. -
The following bills wer( paid, . D. Campbell, -engage i ri th, h i1el 1;l1taineo a. -M! so Stan- - drou ht doe It prevail: Before's' person tid reminded one of the Southern O'Utfi taken by the tlieatrical box party.-. Phil -
I I I t adelpbla Times. ! !
$12.75, for bridge,bolts and spikem;. A. re be
-- iy, who Y; 4s SUM Mrs.' A liller I dwarde,. coulf farm ismirt'hat count'ry irrigati n would I efore de wall.' V
I Mustard, $62.65, for Stauley's portion of 18 . I � . .,�hen the Misses C "Great cities have good streets," says
ceffient arch and timber for London road. has returm(d t ,her ,home at Luca .-Miag- be necessary' land before a proper tystem of visited our,, camp they were attende V Paper. Thl'19 puts St.
- - Next meeting of council on Monday, Octo. 0. V. Smith, he was one* of the sufferers. iri igation is established an enormoi to amount z three trm ing Zulu waiting maids, their a St. 14uls news I
ber 29th. - - � from the ate fire, F has re. pened w1tfi uirq to be expenc� ed. The freohlyloilelfaces mbininj out of enormous Loui3. among the small fry municipalities.
. 11 . 5 I stock of niTinery in Petq'e lock,'near the -lay of the country is such that even irriga. gnaw w1hite:.sun hour eta, Cronie here on i - -Ki naas City Times. .
� - S.t'-Zoseph. . ri . 1"ilway t aPk.----4Mg, Lerilie' Oolwel, son of tion would not render farming a- desirable tbe. giile' 6vo broth)rx are away fightin . "JE'ow Women �et Off a S�treet Car"
- . . Mr. Wm. Colwell, of this vill ige, II4, i seour- occupation.- The entire cou'dry ia'infeated agal0st us. , I may be a Foxy Quiller, b t Is n topic of current newspaper discus-
XuTi,.,;.-Bush , lives "are raging to the I � ' . I
- :3outho,l this place and .% la�ge arnount of ed a scho(I �t Npp1gon:,-,On t b C. f . R., at with verm'in. - The lilcusts ard a great curse I am inplincid to thin c the t the social inte P sion. It depends tornewhat on locality.
'. tion of the',young ladies are not prompte I In St Louis, for In.stance, they usually.
tiniber and cordwood has been destroyed. a salary of ;SlOO.-Mr, Alex der 1.� ,tewart, 'and do'.enormous damage !�o tile crops. so riluch b3r a -desire for tl ie pleasure of our get 6� with muc6 trepidation and little
. Among the losers is Mr. Wrii. Heyro.k� who who is man er of the farmh g de l,ftiment 11 This is," he adds, 41 not the laud oi sunny �
lostabout9O cords of wood,-Mro. Levi of the PE etangueshin- -- -- t.ry, ac.. aris. It: may contain Soci ty as a patriotic I impalge to assist the wearing apparel.-TCansas City Journal.
I I � fountains by any me : .
Smith's parrot has been killect. It appears co-tripanied his son,� who, ri-as heen con- rich I veins of gold, diamou4s d oober Beer, cause �by obtainIng a knowledge of our � .
the bird had taken up its quarteca on top ducting #( burier fd.r 'a ' mber of im inerh1a, but these ar I all in �i the hands of position'" � ;
Embro C .1. _ Wn,, 0 1 -0 . I RAILWAY TIES,
� .1 -look, on bheni . -village . I cc([ salaries. � � -
� . of the mammoth b ght of the - years, j -W6 in the - n 6 nesday, limited liability companies. IG I �BEE BUZZES.
I wind storm.of last week, perching on some visiting N r and ' M ' rs. Jame Stith Irland.- are paid, but the cost of living is Jdgh, and I � 11 . It akes something like $100 a year to
lumber that had been placed there tompor- Mr. E'. J- �. Torton was in Todonto rid Lon- a very uncomfortable . living.� it ds. The I :. . - keep a tailway carriage in working order
arily. The high wind blow the lumber don durl g the past week. I Summer is disagreeably warm And 1he winter, One ftdlvantage In fa,or of the blacl .- I
down, and Polly v I - ----f . .. - . � ,,,bees ill tb t In capping their honey the, in 0 -eat Britain. I . I
ly -ith it, resulting in its .. . On first class roads a passeng r engine,
� U , :: I . I ., use . � I I
� death. . We �'Wftrstand, however, that To 0 " e a' Cold � -
f, U1 in ne ; ay. - I it is iaid,- will average about 35,000 miles
I � . .1 i � I I . i
Miss Polly has- been placed in the hands of 0 , the cau e of cliAterl g Is usually LIT I
I :� Take xative Bromo � I . r, say, 100 miles a day, and It
a' Quinine ' Tablets- �� OvOrfull h ve. 'While U�es are clusteret I a Y(1:11" 0
� an- experienced ta.xidermhtt, who will place I I will .,onsunif, about 70 POUDaS Of coal to
, All druggials refund the money if i fails to I �
Polly upon her piekch once rhore as natural � ' � I I . ! wojik ils ln;a meiisurq� surpended. 1 the diilv. The life of an engine is about
cure. 25h. E, W. Grove's �signat re is on . . : , ,
. . I
I . i
I as life. We fear that its familiar voice and I 60106jes' having flefective queeng ill,( 1 1(3 .N.I�arr I
!I I - '. I
;. each box. ' � . .
I. . - 7 . i �1 - th C I
h " Polly wants a craf,'ker," will be heard no i *1 I I - � � rl I wil Y'4; ,e follDdation of trouble tin I
— � 7 So lie years n -n one of the biggest rail-
- Z i , - - I I t t,
11 more.-.Nlr. Robert Bonthron, of Hensall, voi-or ifail �i a conie W. Dft Ight if DC9)eCIL0 !
I n Soothed t e Waves I � I ron,ll corportitions of this couutry em-
' Fraril: I '. . ,1.,tt;()D 1.11T 111111- four s(lil'In 1
is spending several weeks here ru8ticating 11 "I 'y f(Jur I � PIUy(Jd a confidential peacemaher, with
110k in Lando � f I
I for the benefit of Ilia health.-NIns Premone, Green I n, wh� ell is 1) Bing out Ut t ) tile 1)(1111111,1 IV! I produce whi., I
Ily, is �ich ir higtori- 1, - ' 1 the idea of preveliting suits, as far as
down to I j4 an ,Pi coad i I 111-11y'-11 out noill-113, a Comb Nvith full] Size,
- There, it is sa A, in a � i
C of Detroit, ia paying a pleagant visit td Mr. . I � pos.�dlble, foi, personal dninages. It has.
�!". l
NelaonContine.-NlisEiK,ing, of. Winghath, cal. ass,,i %tilons4 ' cell, I i Vov�!d a PrOfitalJO ilIDOVatiOn and Is be -
lace of wa�er lODg since dr tined, Harriet �1- rl I ' i P
I �
� ,
is visitinp,, her un(4e, �l r. Luke N1 ��b.-Mrg. Wllestbrock,i the unfortunstollwife A Schel- . ,Ihv'�suplply of drollos dapellds, vnt irel., 1 hig f4keu up by ottier railroads.
'Utiorge Campbell is vike'..iting her �other, at � . -, tism 17 the back. .1 � � -
I Oor-bett,-,W-ho i,j very ill at, presen 105r, dro oeld hereelf in 181 I It was on, -` - - I's-1141cuma 0 pI'll 01v ?1111oul't 01 (Injile co'.111) fllrlj;�lq � ' .
t 't It � �!! C;6 -e lliu-4t be Ukell not to OV(11* :
t .Tile c, use i.q Uric Acid I'd, ."; ,
his eatile, ece'of water, b he way, that , . FLOWER AND TREE,
--- .*--- . -� t .
.. I Franklin, O a Windy dayoyJliowod the ex- I I in tile blood. If tile kid- (I , f', 1 � i �
- �-- �, Johnstown. I . neys did their i�rorlc there I J1v1';..,A %v"Ith thick Wflils Illade .of solm T � �
.1 �
. " parinient 6f soothing the water bYA, pouring . , : Cof,fee trees produce fruit up to the
X(ITE,. -Johnstown is a -most promising . . , . T � uld be 110 Uri!u' A-6 J and .I - * I ;,.. " i It)', .
oil upon ffs tTo�bled surface'. le Green NVO - L " :;� . ''.1" k .11, ", , -1 111111 I , 75
little village, r,ituated on concessioa 16 and 110 Lumbago. ,Mak-- the I fige (4r to. I
- . ppark, too I ad I te duels in t ,ys e 6,, when � (1, .. " .:.I i� I, lo"It :i!; v,-,-.'] ,,, , vil :iI !w -lit -:11 1� A ilemon orebard bears 'perpetually.
. , used I them. 7-- I kichicys do theirlworb-. The 1 ..) Ill : I .-ave dvel It -d :!-?V:ll11,l,." ovl I
� 17, Howivic. Mr, WilgDn, one of the lead- entlerne woro swo nd I I I - ., I I
. 9 I 1, - 4 -, 1 ; I 1.�..-Jlo of a 'FillA.'e* 11livk"ll(ISS 0 . . .
- ing businr-esi men anfl �Aerk of the t 41 London pRere, � i � Stil-e, p�sitivc lid only . : �' I You !alivnvs see buds and blossonis and
; cure .f'or Lurnba o is I I , I � I gt;ev,j nrid ripe rruit oil the sawe tree.
I ---f �� .�:,(�..,. I I
0 n, ; I . I f, ,
thou h up in yeats, is very energeti(enu the , . -- :
. clif, 1,
'el� -ill(] Ilm st believes it hi.q
. t r e of his various duties. Ue com , l4ong Nh
. - 9 I - I I � T�- � . I.-It".1 two fl'�!irr-t, T'n"g!"Ini. .�jz(,, 1 AL .
�. plain -Wf.t.hevot,,t1u(qo-f someof ouryoung BuriV15 on Mah's ImInior � r1ity. - ; ( .. . . .,. ' 7 grectillou'ws nl,(. 6-ightly illuminated dur-
I 9 11 I . . � � - I :* '' 11�-( Vr,l,k: ,.%1 %,,I -,or cl ,:,;. Thw I I I
I hi - . �
Trien, and v.01 lia nlay.�-011r school boalrd AVe kn6m n4hing, or next to rib � ing of i . , " - . ing t�i� night by (,lectric light he will be
. I I , � t e-�,nb l- , - n, -,.,� I-.' 1',,�(, -1:
I nce or structure � our iouls, so I . 11de t-) ha:,lell t1o. bloolilin-7 of his carna-
, . e s6ryiees of F. I.,owi8h ;to the sublst� . l . 1, ; :� i!.(.!I,. NN -Lia 0 - 1! %1,1�: (:111-z,! ll1f1;l-- 1�
! 11
tpaeh out tile roniaindor of the 19th con. ennnotao(ccunt for those 1 -ming caprices ,Do d 9;! :.,� 11.,14� l '.,r fi':,-�!1,111 infl". Bu: dolls llud VIll,y:-ai1lIhvlXluWs. .
. . .
. ,lii - I i I
o tttiq% -2 ��h t � particularly �
- Nlr*" '�� Ia(..e, our uluat promiuont in the mo should Me � .1 I , 1.-: Fir" !', I. ,,ri (.1.1:11. .0"..1" the
SO 11 v il"'M a ;, i �T" , ." � ". 'I 11loy rry 116111
far,711( I Icaae th this thing., or i ilruck with that, . , , .
-r IlaL*1 tile Initifortune Lo 10 -- P I , . . 1 " . 4,1 t "' , , V�IIRITERS AND PAINTERS.
. st,� If r. which owmi I a I � I . . .
young hor8e on 8.tturday Ia Lida of diffe i� cast ' -d-aft ,,e% .- "I I Ii. . i i :
al,le , rej n (akes no r , , I I . I
� i7ses, be ex rao * i I haV , t, . " A.AILN 61I I . Cx I -olus
", .
Wallace liyj poor luck ILL raiLing lio t I'd - iroprea.gion. 6 some I � -----+-- Duran, the famous'E'rench por-
.q of ' li r a in spring, I I . I - i - -.----. --- ,— --- trait painter, will visit this country again
I 1-d I 11C , I
icertalcily, Ii.- flkrnii' favorite f ol-yer riD6g Wliich are'. K * 1� � ' ; I I
,td,% it, otij-v h.( _ - , a ,
k. - i ON 11 --
I " I I � I . 11 1:.,,,h li't V,.,:! y i � r plopularity is not next winter. i
. lie has et ect ed a large i-ilo, i i.t o whiel -''I tile mouq�tqiu d aisk, the haro�bell the fox-. , f .
� I .
11 i
I ' I , .
n e wi d (I. 1, 1 0�., t: � !I Y'Jil toll a pi(-ee of William Dean 'Howells bas become
will,putas fine acrop of uernaa wasgrew love th,. io the budding ': I I
tirah:, J the ho r ir r I (1 th 1 I view . I J J- I
� in the county. -Our reeve took in the an� ,�ry hawt 1, c I n, al I � . 4 ' '.1 I i
I ,fe�,.':�;,'. `11 --,-:,jN Nvv11L--Atchisou Olob(. something of
; .:,J,i 1 a ya�htsman and has a lit-
� Tr nd hang. (ver I Wi h part C u I ir. del ight. I , Pi I I - � -- - I_ - —
w; ironto fair, and-a,t the same tinic, podd a i * 11S .
ii W. Ydrl��L- never hw. I -loud, soli t r y whistl� 3 . of � the . - I 1) ". I*,. .'
i 'that vicinity a visit.- , 1. -n -im- iatimi with th L to erluise about Lo'4Z Island sound.
I friendti In . �he 1 , - - ., . � I, ig r . i tle b,)at of his ow� in which he delights
4013 in at prf,vent �ttterlding Model lit walk7-::1 curlew i 16 Eitullimernoon yr the wild mix. I ed� t'riken. uff.-INew Y)r,k ,Sun. Anliedee JQuIlla. the Califori4a born
- erton.-Mr. A. 0owdy lost a thoroughb�odr iug cade4 of � troop of E3 plove'ra in an 1 ORNEWIM . a I . � .
. 1, I I . : I
I I �
: . � I j .
. i . I �J . . I �
I I i , . I
i t . . � �1, .
I i. � I . - . I I .
. . ii . , I � I I � � I
I I � . . � � i
I I-
- . i
� I I I .
11 i .. .1 . �. � � i i �
I : � - ;, - - - . I I I �. .
- — . : � I � I
. ; ,� . . - . ! , .
i I . � �. � I i : -
I 4 . I - I I I I ,
. i I I : I i :
. I . : : � . - I
. � . I � . I i
. � i 5 i - . ; . . I - � : I" -1 I I i I
. � , % . . . 1" I � �
. I . : i I , � � I I I I
. I ; . � I . i (
- . . 1-1 . � I I �
� . .. � � . .1 I : - 1 �.
� . � . �
I q I . I 'I' . . I I . - I I I -
. ! . . .� . -- . I I I I
I . I .
I . - � i I
. i , t . ! .! . . . - .
4 . I . � i !
. - I I , - -1 � I I . - I � . - �'t. --11-1-- - -
t I I , 1. . I I I - - -- - I - 11 -11.1 - -----1--j--- ! . . L- - ---------- - - � ., --
� - I
. - 11
I . i
. I . � I
� j i
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� I
---1------— -- ----;�-W
- I
I , i
I !
-- ---�
: - --4— � - - 7-
i � I
� I
-T i �
, I
- -
� . f
� I � �
. . I-
- 7 -
. � . .
� - . . - � I
I .
� 1, I
- I
I : !
. I
o i : i
Ii . � ; i
I .
.. --
I I .
I . �
I �
. �
i � -
; . I Z . .
� � I -
I . i
. I . � I
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� i i
� I
� .
. : I I
I �
I I i
7 *
I --
- -- I .
I -
'' i
--i i
1, Earache Cured.
. . i
Mrs. .T. z
Innisfail, Alt�L, says: 11 I wss
. I
trou bled . ;
kb' for a long titne, And nothing
a 1,
helped ine atil I tilled Ha 0 le
, 9yard 9 Yellow 011, wh
cured me eb pletely.11
i -0 *-&�
Laxii-LIvOr Pilleare the ladies' favorite cathairw
Unfamiliarity With
as they do fiet rrlpe or p�du, alck�exj or weaktri O'�,
cause the $119litelit inconvenience. Price 25e., all
the Do-vix , IniK of
Is 0,110
druggists. . . .
xtumblln,w Block,
Changenble 311nds
In A
ITheir 0-wn
i I
� , Instant� Reliet
Mr. Robert Jenninge,, Mansffi,�ld, Ont.,writes: 'If
In making her la;t
will filid
testami '.
baveuisedofm bo(Ve of Dr. Low'g'Toothache Gum
it woman �bas much
more to
L, 11
� ontend 'w'.t'
for severe tootbache. and rectivedinstant relief. Be-
sides tb1% it acted as: a splendid tolipolary JMH6;,-�
than the � stiperstit
oil 6nnll�lon
to I,oth
Price 1:0 c. - - - � �
sexes-tli4t the maltilig
of ofj'ie's
-will has-
-i �
tells the Opproach (I)f
do-lth.i It is not a
All the lut),- lic2ling propOrties Of the pine are
subject that eitll(.r
� parly likes to talk
bottled up in Dr. Wood's Norw-av Phie Syrup. It Is
about, And the onlv
,ndviov Jak.on i., that
tile mo5t satiffaebory remedy for cotixhs and colds of
all khjd3. Pi ice 25c. .
of the family lawyvr,
and niost Woll)*111
are debarred from
taldn that Step 1)8-
Stu e fl 1, lead�uhes are cured, fl4e head cle0ed,'
the fear that be will
telf Fr,;; wift� or o,li-
,n ig
r ,
and t9e rirlbriX toned b Milburn�s Sj�erling iltail-
_ y
er felliniq
A11,11hill* (l*S,ldVf1ID-
ache Powders They do not weaken the heart. Prioe�
tage unde
- which 11
w(Jillan hilon, i -s her
i I
- .
own i-liorance
of tI
e Inv%- o*L' the -,:t,ltc in
. Does Children Good.:
her devhS;Pg
lives and
any Of
which 1 -nay forbid
"IhaveueedDr.Lo ' W S �) in .my fata-
PVt)PVVtY Oil a
ily, and it has always bewen,8 1Ta1,'Mt,,,y.r1,11d ,,,, done the
of Ilge,
the C04st-I)t of her
childreln good. I can highly �recoyiimend it."
husband -,if
pi,illy c()D,1fl,,t-
"Em Joseph Langtty, Btockville, Ont.
flig red trilpe
laws that
,�,-;,vfi .Is 111.1t(�,-i-ll
---, -- M�� i
for .1 lonlgleourse
- � of
litil-nition Oil the Iyart
- � - � .
A� rv,,,.,��- - � --,
of her Iwirs.
hol. f,wi) (hange-
I � . ..
able will agers
a se�-10;,-,
�,ttlllibfing blwk
— — -11 . I
- .
in the -way
Of forli;ulat;ng,
a C;, --.,L in"i
� 1''I''11 ���i �
which shall
res.h.Ztithe hipse of
=---I- I I
Years and
repose pt�acefully
in the ii�oll
-- �
-- - �
box of tlic,
safoily v-
ult ulitil �the
do.-Ith ut
Our dir4 at connections will �Nave. you
tile testat1l"N.
, -
time and -money for all points.
The 11,11
lidd a Co 'i
1111al wol'All
Cil to her
IV011bi walit to
last will Lind tes�,a-
- �
I th UrAft -L I
Cana !an Nor
lilent at 1�'i
once P
Nvov'c. Sh:� i�i ll()t to
. � TV VSE
blanic for this, TI
v nvoi-n.-e woman is
Toronto or Chicago, -
st-ldom the roal ov
0011 (If nnytldn� be-
Britio* Columbia and California
yolid a.few gowlis (i
. ril,-4 of 'issociation.
� points. j
She is ptitlicticlilly
ool- ill I.t.l. 0w,D I-igllt,
Our ratem are the lowest. We have them
all(] rome
�f the wills
Nr'Oeb tlio;:e re-
uO suitevOr rbody and PULLMAN TOU11-
iin!,"v arv,divir own
-STOARS 'or your accommodation, Call
to tbeir v
.,lit, ef indi',,-voce.
for farther , aformation. �
A wowshn
of my
nifli.nintanct, made
Graud Trunk R4*ay.
I lier %vill, writbig
oil il sillgle 15111'et of
Trains leavo
Soxfortb and Clison stAtione as
pilper-iti 131111
--gal lnmvl�lgv
a d`:4I),)SftI of
allows: I
her few e.1pollsive
k,l,eh lis "illy
91A,PORTr1. i CUMON,
new r'vul1;1;1n
CIO-, �,
or --I'., ifying "Illy
12.40 F. W - 12,66 ?-)L
f,oll.,111-0 d. �111)uild
" 1`11";', also
.. .. 10,12 P. 41 .10,27 F. X. I
, I;iy watc0l
set with
(1Ql1,JJ(1.,.' lirlid then
Mixed Train....
- 9.20 A. X, 10.15 A. X.
I:id the dICUDIVI)t
1101- J)OCIWIL 1111d fur-
Rifted Train......
6.15 P. X 7.05 F. X
got 1411 ill'Auut
it, r;lt
wie (1:13, sLe Sa w
-. - - - US A� M4i 7�38 A.M. -
l"'er hushawl
ovor a Iniper lie
Psmenger.. 1::
3.11 P. X4 2155 P. X.
4.0 P. X: A. 23 P.M.
NVIIS I'Vildhig,
alld C1
fisking hilil what it
.. .. I I � .
was tlw�
amus.od I
im ivccivvd the all-
. I
0 . �
. .
likver: "Youl,
hist VvIA
lind te.,tnulellt, lily
Grey and Brue
- e.
dvar, I r(I'llud
it kin.:
on tile 11"wir, where
Passenger. ; Mixed.
),oil must hayv
Ethel ..........
8,07 r' id. I Lio p.m.
Ho ot:;,ht
not to
have hinglied, for it
Brussole.. .
.. 8.17 . : 2.10
8.27 . x 2.85
left uVeY.N'thing
� ''
-:;(1;vd it) lliur:'Iri
" , I -
.. , � 11-
- 8188 � ; 3.2.6
ellse lie Should
necd them." Afore
GOu(0 8OU=-
FAWrlgor. mixed.
Patlictic still
is this (!
'cullivot, IN-111di was
Bluevale .. ..........
I ........ 0.63 A. M.. 8.55 A.M. .
7.02 ; 9.17
writtoll 11),
lend 111,13ail
'ind fo*,illd alholig,
: '7.18 � 9.45
the effects of a young-
. Ekhel-.:::T-,.*
� 1042 �
.... 7.28, ;
"TO iny dear son.
11vury, I leave my,
8 — �
N-�Itll st-t,with di.,Mcutls,
two (1111mondi
Huron and �Brnce.
11,11-s. 1101illoNer
pdd noll viloher rtncl-�
, .
GOT.%(, Xoj�Tjr
Undon, d
'Pamen �
_ I ger,
tLo boxt of
Illy sil";
dre-s-'es, "Hiiell In-;
3part ...... I... 8.16 A.M. 4.40 lk�X.
chidu nov,
black silk
grendiline -%vith
.� .. ...... � ... qa$ 6.66
elliffoll tri,mmings,
tan striped taffeta,
9.�" 6.07
* 9.4 6.18
black sath' sldrt and
blue corded evening
� Kippon....1*.*.,".,.,.,.,.,.*.,.,::
%fit 6.26
dj'(Iss withimt tdoeveS,
to Lie kept.for him
....... � ....... 9,b$ 6.33
until lip, shiill have
vvife and children to
........... io.i$ 6.55
3 -.... . .. 10.0 7.14
,whoin lie call give
�bese things as curl-
Blyth .. .
. . ............ 30.41 71Z
ous, old fashioned gowns
oDco.worij by
..., .... 10 I - 787
his mother; also I
��ive to him illy new
Gows Baum-
arrive ...... :: IL'I 8.00 -
� ger.
- ipswa
caDvas covered trunk,
in which he can
depiwt .... .... 04- A,V. &Wr. x,
pack and keep these
dresses I have
BelgrAve. .
. � ..... .. ...... 7.Ot 8.40
Tried to teach: Uy s
n the ri�ilt way to
Blyth� .....
.............. 7.14 SAM
7,2� 4.05
live. Ile 18 goodTboy,
and I hope lie, "
...... ..�. . * .
.....'..... .:.,. . 7.47 C25
-will gro-w to be a . I
,00d iijau, and if 11
,0( 0
............... 8.00 4149
Nvill follow those fils �ructious
he will be. , I
Kippen - 'I
........... ..... 8.16 4.157
........ ..1.. 2.20 B.02
If your lips would� keep from slips, �
Exaterl ...........
* .. .... 8.86 5.111
T�vo IlAngs obscr�e with care :
Centralia ....
........... - 'S.46 1543
0� %vllom )'OU spca�, to Whom you speak, I 1
London, (&.rrlve)..
-....... 9.3t A, U.' 6.12
�: And how and wlign. and where. : .
� -
I --li,
� -�
� �
;. - � I
� -
, - .
� T
- ,
I -
- I
; -
� I �A
� .
. �
z I :
- I �
i- 4
�, �
. �
i -
- I
- . .
�, I �
- I
. ;
� .
� -1
� .
I�, .
-1 ��,
.7 I-
. �
�,- -
� -
"These are the' Wishes of his moth-� I I I
ell, . .17 - I ; I
I recall the makl�g of a Quaker 'will; I � �
where the family ;were assembled in; I - I
council, an(] the eldest dan,g,liter, who wa.15 ,I L
I .
. . I
hoine from. a distance, sat amom- theni I t , -- --
and after a long silence rose and said: � I urni u're - - ,
"'A-Tother, tbee'need not put me in- thy I -
will. I have had my share already, and' �
I hereby I-ODOUllCe 'a]) ri.-lits to every- . E i1POR11U."M .
. .1
thing thee �hast.- except the black marble I .1
� i� �
1,ab!e in the front room." I . �, i
She sat down, andi nnother long silence LeathOrdale & " 1
. :
� I
ensued, when her sister- rose, T ,,.,3,,,U , , --
"Thee camiot have that F table, liza- I � UP"F211
beth. I want it for myself. ' - .
� - � .
Silence again --and as-. protracted .as - SEAFORTH, �
before, a lz I � '-
first part, stood up. I � Dealers in first-dwm Furniture of all
' .
"Mother, 1 will n t be left out of tb.y � kinds, in ... at designs. U holatening
. , give us011170 an 1" neatly o L9
will. Thee will ple�se We 41so do P ure fram-
share alike. I ,ivi 1, I have my rightful , ;
I ing, and a choize selection .of picturm
own." I I �! alwa a on I -and. Curtain poles at .all
A member of another fainily was .al -j, y
. .
ways chaDging herl will, as she quar-l-, prices, and ptlt ' Wo ate a1w
UP. �
reled frequently with those,whom she, Agenta for the New WilliaWs -Sewing -
bad named as legatees- On one occasion;j
, Maclune, b�et in the mar�et for do -
she anpeared at th( Lor of the family!
sittin- room and .asked excitedly how' mestic usei no travelling ogents, Mo
" _ I
they spelled the word "cross." - She ; --
fOl'1-10tt0D.::she said whether .it began i —
with a "c" or a "k." ".'hey told her, .n rid she 'U W:0 Im n 1.r.AL=I11T<3--
well - t llway. Then �he members of that In the T -Tr dertaking Npartnient, we buy - I
f anil.ly looked at ealh other, and one of - -our goods from the best houses 'in Ontario, �
tboni saidr I and gnarant4e satisfaction in 'Verydepart- �
"She has quarreled with Cousin Amy, meat of otuwr rk. We have always made
and -slie is going to give her diamond It a nt to urnish chalro, and all otherre.
cross t) some one el$e." 0 a for '
uieftei funerals, imicis - op mAwN.
Women seldom make long wills. Airs, iices better than heretofore. 7' 1
William C. Whitney, who was Flora Arterial and cavity embalmi' I
] .9 .
Payne, made a will that only covered one 11clentific �ri cipil �
nary . piper, leaving to her L ". t I
slicet ' )f ci�di P. S. i ht and Sunday calls 'will be �
husband ii:� personal fortune of $3,000,000, attended at Mr. lAndaborpugWis reti-
a ei Je e a n ev ry . dence, diree y in the rear Of the am ,.o
I n : .
sessed in makin him the ouly execu- Bank. - I I
tor of 'the will. The will of Julia 0. . i I : i �
' i � �
� I
Conkling, ,widow o Rosdoe , Conilling' ' . .
� ' '
was even Mio'rter t an Mrs. Whitney's, Leat4erdale� &
_ - - `
yet the magnitude f the Interests con
veyed may � be estim�ted by an excepting L'dor o' u g
clause beLlpleathing 1150,000. to her son -in- L � .
law. . : $EAFORTH.
Airs. Sarah English of �Williamsburg, I .-
who died childless, left $500 for the J�ffzlr - 6 1
ti2jC&L LL I na
d(comfortablo maint(nance" of her four rhe . - F � Fire
. I
pet cats, '(to maint in them fLu.the style Ins �; mce COMPUY.
to wbi(h they bad b en accustomed." � � . -1
#LND i
Quit( often some woman, will leave an FARM 180LATM TOWN
elaborate will giving In detail much per- PROP14RTY ONLY INSULRED-
sonal Iroperty and I-eal estate when she I . ,
, .
i � .
had never possessedl any of the property. ; OFYMNMIL
81weifi . One worlian a4ded a codicil J B XeLe;4ii 'Pseddent, 111ften P. 0. ; Thowas
to her witl that tpe property therein Frj�aer,'vlce-gpldexib, Bruce i(P 0; - Thomas Z -
Frays, , ' *'
nained should have! been hers. but for secy- 'to", 000orth F. 0. ; , G. Broad,
: foot. Inspeator J of - Lome. 0ealoirth P, .0.
Goille linknown on It had never Ma- � �
rens I DIR5010191
terializid, but it was a conifort to donate W, G. Broadf , Sealodh; John G; Grieve, W1
it ill in a.-loation as �;hc would baTe done I 'hroF � Georm Dale, Sesforth ; John Rennewelff,
� I Dub In ; Jarn Ev&us, Beeoliwood ; John Wstt,
bail it bepn real. ' Harlock; Thou0s Fraser,. Brumfield i John B. No.
No woman could have T�eeli guilty Of Lean, Kippen ; games , Connolly, Clintlou.. I
tile itli )syncrasy of ninking a will con- 1, "M .
Robt, Smith, JUrlook; Robt. NoWan, Soi%forft I
taining 9,000 words and t1jen walting un- Jswev Cummin . Egmandv -'a; J. W. � Y4o, Holmes.
til neally half thp b(.n-wficlaries were dead ville p. o.; Go#ge Murdle and John 0. Morriwo,
befol-v lying with tl�p will unchanged, as audit -ors � g
the lato Jullp 1. Plair did. - rwrtles devir me to offoot Infurift000 or imaw
� Pti$ other busini a will bo promptly %Wnd04 So on
. pplication to Az V of the abova ofterl, Ad3lmaod So
. heir iraspentive "d offiem �
wlxe� Dog. . — .
"Don; yo : hir'littlo dog know any tricks"" - THE- SEAFORTH
aFkvtl tile enlier. . I -
"oh. yes," Fnid the little girl. "Speak, 'I - -
Don "' MUSIC4 - Instrumment
"I d, n't lienr 1.*- ,,iMng," said the B:,MP01DTUM.
* , ,
� L%;JL f
visitor alte.- the cwj-ij�ind bad been re- A
� -- — I
1)(i.,ilte-1. � - EST4 LISHED, 1873,
,<(1,, !:.aid tlip I-! -o -:-I; "lie thinks , 0
, " � t, I �
; t Nvice br-fore lie Eric...ks ,C..,Qe."-lUd1aIlaP- P
owl� Aard times, we � have con-
iolls Prel;s. in,, to
I 0 , � . I
r . clu-&etl to e -e Pianmq and Orquns at
, Gre&l I Reduoed Frioeu
- --- I i ---I- �
Tbo Fuitan of Tir-ki-y1s buying Krupp I Oi,gans a14 $25 and upwards, and
guns, p�rbaps ir, I bu u-�d Iii standing off Pianos at Cc respOna.ing prites.
bill cullectors, . . .
It Is about time 1but we ,ceased to pend See us be: ore puroasing. q
diplomats to Intorview the sultan of Tur- 11 � I �
key. The man who .,,should be Bent Is tho -KOTT BROS.
LUADIZ . I 1! I , I
I �
� I I
i � ; I
: i 4
1 i I 4
: � '-- 1 .
� 11
I i
I .
I S, I .
-- -1 :
� � -
. ,� i
I, .
� - � :
$K -
- I
q I
fT �
k - . I
I - ::
� .1
', . .:
I � 1. I
, , 1
W: �ql ,
;,� � g I
,� �: �;
C kI
I .
� -
, , �
. 11
- N
4 -