HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1900-09-28, Page 4I 91
tall likelihood, hav yot 8d. to toe p rtl in I am IV is Ir n, try -t6 seduce him from the Legislature by $-bunciect and tine man came running Out, L NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. I alLand trifling, tho6t it baul on &--re M , I Will they also his absence. - On t) 60 er ha el, Ithe rie ids of feeling where th pialM. Conviction offering him a j ad all' .�he barn wondering where the fire was, but
i Iss, r yi g, he Conifervative 41hess. they' saw that the sparks weriii flying 00 Ike th `M' .,Rose of bu t W The fI between the parenthesis, Or Ilich of Sir Charles T6ji Pei -do: W foatered, T�o real situ h. 0 e e wont to be 1812 U on the roadside,* they went- quietly back to The Oo�rne"r St �,-71motco the page of the III On, which 0 that dissatisfactioz with 'h a �'J or's 1p party of Centre oronto to me'leot Mi. Foy ore
will. be found. Ile of .111 as q ominion Parlia. t should necessitate t�68 press ti i in this, and the publ a at 6 not slow o their candidate fort a D heirwork.-Our enterpiising ladder nisnu- G.. Priogle, his rented the A Gou-Yet Ht -Cll & 31acd, nald-1 lire peiceive it: Tie Govertment is invulticr- tqeut? The one in just 3,. probable as the fsI Ur
,p c e ore donald' and the f riends of r. F 'r & Qo'-fi I r1l,
not particularly happy over t,,,. , pros set of other. cider I for the seamob. George will make Bright Bros. -6 ab e at the point �ir Ch ries and I his i I Coalt;4 the WITH,. THE',BLUEFRNT.. Three Bammin D*YS-B. U. Gunn -4 his being. f4?rever shat out from ro ol i juice fly. -One day last week a horme MlIllnory Openir -Personally, Mr, Macacinald Jal p Josgues have selt oted for ittack, On the' p
J. W., ortwoln-5 cl r, )ut Is- ev. Mr. Mo4regor, the travelling coi. and rig, belonging to Mr. Abbott, of Con- beyond being the ton of -hio fat ..h3 is grounda imply, I I'd the PrembyO'rian church Organ For sale -9. J. Clark & 0), the Of osibion hav 3,. a O respondent of theWeatinitister, in h6 write traliao was found*i Auction --Thos. F -6 that Mr.
sale owfor mesi I neither erie as.. n possessed ; of the 4x or oam a, andthey k ow it, and I once to cov shed of this lace. It bdi Fenctng-Rcld & WITOOD-5 J� ii Proebli'stri in Sosrboro town -Wilffill & 80I � I I I ac'eIrst ip. UP , P of I - Abbott had I his horns and rig in the Rubber$ --R, ability to entitle � him to their paucity of material for ai6ack, thi J, 8�p no UtItray ffelter-Geo. flendareqn--6 The contest between -himself r siftoll Ar Toronto, referring to the monu- church shed at Centralia. While absent, igull Land b or Salo -D. blekillan-5 fe t to this trumpery. son -)imentalkty n 'a . g place of a, Murdle-6 1 in Brandon will be .6 o ceell Tent which mark e last res#in' orne'personitook the outfit and lft it in -T.HREE, BIG 1 7 there I
11Or#o Power For sale -D, Burn" struggles in the earn i 8 11 d and deed, hopin a& ;ch the pub] ic- -thany of those who were proulibent in - the the chtiroh 'shed here. An ovetcoat, and g I - t, gloveo, which hhd bpqp lqft in the rig were 'Telephone Directaq-U. W. NPat large majority of Qo iib' so InAbo ccl ap rovil by sue I aff in: yell, b I says.-' "-A head- ch a
it N011 P*y-J. W. Westervelt -6 church 0 yl Mrs Noah She Of stituency. rn of special it sit marks i taken by the thief. vulnerable, Sir 'harles I Lipp r and Ibis col. Fo.rm For Sale-VYm. KcAllister-5 of aarbotcll and the first white woman to Boswell, of Brantford, is visiting at Ma- A Campaign of �ez�timent. V i weakei -an more objeo, Allister's. -Quite a numbe'r of our citizen Auction. 14410—grg. Sohn Dicksorl here the �e t r re weak at A late" ;he resting ToroI is visiting in thin Vicinity. ra, placp of Mrs. - Mary Thom oil, I the mother so,tistactlan Gus.tanteodV, J, laffliott-5 BARGA lea ues are -evei se�ble in the tcll fp. Theilittle legend on 0 1 Scapo-Cook Broa.-S The oleotioneering..toprofe,1,he 04niseiva. attended the World's air, at Zurich, lamb Blattm-a. W. Papil 8 t�onable. . 'The weakness of the present thi stone,tells thai or seven long months - if, Willis tive Big Four "; throughI' 0ntai io -was Thursday and were muorpleased with the Itubberi-O-W. -8 r do;vernment is tot in the directions assai se r�saw thei ice.of a woman, and the I a
Tea� Bo.ttle-Broa.-S - lo, b Ifirst that. she did me 3 was an, In- dian. The merry- o -round ad* other attract' brought to a mo�- a6 Stratfic rd y:Sir Otiarle rapper and his assistan 0 PubilcNotloo-John MeXay-5 the those who in the solitudes of the in ... SEPTEMBER 27, 8. and 29 Caution-Jamcii J1, I i on -Saturday la4t, and ' I 9 lives of Severaf of them took prizes for 90 - I I sev ral yha�t weaness, if we may so ter it, is n forest Llai, I 60 founi lation , upon vg we Ooultry, grains, stock� etc. ---Lumber- Kcaing Lamb -t-45 I I in Ihich ela combination * b five th ' Government) I In ' berm of th�l a suboery ienc to and their are build ag fol are full of gestlaine hero. gone their respective' wa�m_ Sir -Cha lea ism." 7 _V I - .1 of agresaive-'riess- againit, the 1pell HensaLL Tupper has gone to Novo cotia, 13011 ful i Cit)FR MiLL,-Hensall Cider Mill and Our prices on these, days will make it --expensive for ,ral way, oorpor6t Il oll"lind opher monopol 1yoll Hugh John Maodona-ld P re r6ed Sir -Richard Cartwright and Hon. G. W. Jelly ill will commence operations on Monday, h 8:1 tu to ist 6iiibinatlon I a. But, if the Goverm September 24th ; hydraulic 1steam power -I rge' caa aVe Rbas pene acity. D. URQUIIART. 14 to buy elsewhere. ra bled him. me t h been sindero in thill respeeb, the Manitoba; Ucl Foster d e Political' campaign n the p 1710x2 self to Now. Brunswick,'an op 0 Westl`bn the Liberal side, by a large meet. - Ci*mit MiLL,-The anders ed, on Lot
t; Mr.,'Whitoey sition have been muoh g eater sinnei a, , 1,900 10, Cotic6aslon 2, Hill ign ths'
UKAFORhT, 'FRIDAY, Sept. 29 h London, on Wednesday evening of T has his older mw In runnfnif BoyW Suits, sizes 22 -to 25, '01 wool, $1.50 each. You
hat; gone to his home in Morrisburi. . he and hence their ineffectivenes . They.have Ing Irl shape. - and will grin Monday, Wedndaday and Fri. Wool Week Suits, sizers 26 to 33, all- each. - We handle the i outside public, anL4 more particularl those fast weell. The veteran knight seemed to day of each throughotlit- the sassov, I'Artles in I his way dell berately blun ed their o d Whin to get rinding done will receive prompt Thr Wars. good formilIand delivered oe of his w tfc Manly Baits, you have h�&r-d'of them ivho have an opportunity 9U.perusing th atoent on. Sa efsetion guaranteed, John Eider, daI For-what'realsonj-wa no not,b v bein T�e news,, meagro though. it� in, hiah . 0 best Snl: L most trenchant speeches. ft 0 Helatiall P. O.- 1709-4 y -press, of the various ohadilils of polit i'05, it i i a fact that Sir 0harl )a T pppr and lis rece��sd, fr6m, South Africa, In boo6ming 8*- r - - fully an's vered the. charges of Sir Charles SNAPS.- urrah for the large auction sale Sweaters—Red White allrd Blue at 25 each. Fall aps ditt.,now form a tolerably scouraie satin at3 lea ing lieutena 24, with )ut 4 sii)& exce of over Thirty low ard Second Hand Bicycles, Tires, -arteeleap or the reverse of the t,,ux 500 -y'ards of H0me8
ceedingly monotonous-. The only ohange, In of -- the Tupper and Hon. Mr. Faster," against the -to cle at �5c, each.
tio il, have oust,tuted themseives the chain. Gol int, and � n the plainest - and clear. Inner Tubes an I 3uppliee of all kinde on SaturJay that were 50c ar the situaion there, is. that the fighting Boets �ho . Mair vening, Septe libeir 201h, at 6:80 p. in. Term A-11 tior mo of $16 an� under, cash; o - Tweed to clear -at 25c a Y�rd. Alen's 11 w If we can believe. I l!'the Moril pions -and guardians of theze, coroorg s, eat niatiner- prove I their falsitf.,-ai it also ver -that' amount a Ily eclimated, and the f 00 su $5
are being gradua ,, d shwiI I is advant I the peoplt-'Uve on. alonthe",3redit will be given oa I Ill a roved 'We Would A oyed frc good g(vernment duri Ole and -other almildrly 'hide -bound (cl ��hop, Yerim 1, Ont, UP. BUtish force are clontiril capturing su- St , ar so �hat.whon. th. i Government1were'dispose agLiberal JOint notesi a ok Brox,,,W3 Iervative organs, sthat th to o good n th in- directi Dn, %kid to espouse rule- If very eledor would read Sit, Rich- it a good ar icle plies and prisclI -All attempt 4s now �c I . A Salesman can sell iinything b tour was 'an. unbounded, &� u * nquali is, I the,koterelsts of the eople.�agaiast the car. ard r and (on ' ' #CIDIDIONTS, -While returning home trom. vincing speech. there being made to intercepf� and capture eX I C -suCCC-88, and that t resulted' I in, im, meal �el� would be many votes cast -for Sir Chat les 'armel Pro ibyterian church, on Sunday poillitions. and (ombinati6no oig4nized I)r sel -e Lailey'Watson Brand CL thing will dp it. Presidents Stein and i�a_ft, who have still;a. .- last, Mr. Jot n McAllister met with a pain. to sell it I f. Th otrengthonin ag the leiabm the! flecoiuk of tie people, they'were dote Tupper o election day. Ontario's Premier force under,thay command. Tf tI g and populariz! also dellvered'cials cf his brightest and most -fal accident. He was Crossing the street, Perfection makes the style, material and fit of every 9 - 1. fi. In tne country, lind maI them &I OR t red or'hampere at.ev but in the d �� kness. did not notice a rig ap- ar ent
-Completely finis P -eloquent liddrooses. The dentionstratiod was
succeeds the wair wil-I stel by the 4_1 io -1 Comfort '10 to the Bod" what Good Sens impre'gnablo in tt 9 hearts a ffec-01-on of c' which had been fo!med between t 0 A a U040se, p Caching, and was struok �n the backof as y e is to the Aftud
od, as. it is now practii6ally no. The an a. t e head b the pole. * 11� was knocked U, lho�eople, Wor%.wetotqike'tbigestim&tc, curporatign and Sir Char es, The Opposition . the- other -by buying your
yo the one and display
Clarlea Tuppef, Hon. Hugh John te homei t however, we wo Id'bei dotibtleso, ks f' r -have, Ocrefore, in thisway not only dellb- 1. L
ta tion i8L th at C' onera UoI W. d. will, eklid ?e d to be assis )ut was Wi, a f rtunately not seriously n ured. Our vil- Clothing here.. TAvlor made -Suits guaranteed.
rotarn to England, and that the force , .. . Mited6nold, Him, Air, Foster, and Mr. J. P. A it we,6.00k 6ne lia . eliatel from the real tlI a ge authorities should ma a arrangements be reduced to' a, police- force, of about 25,004) destroyed their o,11yeffectivoweapon Whitney,'M.'I�, P. completed their neries. metrically opposite. The best-guide1othe against their apponeuto; bdt they -,have t have our a tracts lighted, then people who Grocery Special:&=Six bar Sweef Home It is ropoLrteel, and thfreport is ged� eetid go In.Strafford on Satutday ni ht a e out after
men. OfLM Oap for eliults, pethas will bo fau sd in ible re' mobt Lffeebutilly forfeited the confido'ce' A -Mr. Robert Paterson, .sl a dark'wohlel e able to see ap.
erally believed, that 1)eWdt in deAel,� hatVing oaching.ve iialea, A 25c b4tle of Catsup for ports of the ape whdre bi Ey were gi en a grea ovation. The P ciaVocirreitpondents I of th D the amount sentiimentil-- sr., also had &n.usipleamait died frolm the results of a' wound, rooeive'd 1people, . and no experience one orth PAth Conseivative Convention wxs, Independent. Conservative papoial; iliond the 1I or party trumpet sounding wilf r' 't re, d recently, He was driving a' load of im an epgagerll Tho bulk of the first I I 1. . i 0 t�u , at 61, . held in t he of terricic n ''and Mr. A. F. Mae. sy editorift remarkol of tbese'Plapere thereon.- to hem whA thdy, hav d fo IF MI a _. I building material, when it slipped forward ent member, was unanimons, on 61I6 horse, canning it to run away. Mr. Canadian contingent are, thought horrie in Laren, �t is pres' FOME WITHi THE CRbWD.S-,..T0 Take -for exanip1lei such %I 'as the'. To-. of the rank and file re,,;7.0 Ws fact, d t A. An ii 0 Liliig a few days, a -fid it is expected that the e ronto Telegrlx�' ly select nmenge . pobli mee 1?4teriiion managed to run he animal into a ni 'Thin paper was boi hen3c their disappoinitinkut 4nd disc was bold i the skating rink in the evening, fence and-- e top it, and alighted from the. -tife Canadan force, who de'aire to returo over with ent:h1usiasm over Mr u In e rel'eved rx- w vo tell ill b aie weegg. 8a � and w t mpting to hold on to the aimall he was gh Ah are, t which fully 3'00), people were present, ri lit, when A made another bolt. I afff-I
Macdonala bi�fore � 6be coWnerieed, are, addressed by Sir Charlea and q oral raerribers of the let6 Tra-48vald (,'r"yv Orm. II 'a -i Ontf flooked down led, its Ed.torial Noteo and.0omm 1. Liugh JOE n, Mr. Faster hpving a meeting in and had both wrists severely Be 13,0 Gu, as it proceed U Illent, ilicludin the llostm�ster .-Gonerstr ihe lain gradua y Brantfori the same evening, The distiri- 9 I sprained. P will be some days, before h.e aned and �4� wards the close it took on a T is -ponservatives of- South Perth hat Is guiahed Avitors were escorted to the meet. will be able to work again. Assigtant Secretary and gtoc Treaaarer, tone of posi-tive disappointrpent. eading sells ited Mr. William Pri Mani as thei oa IF ingplam by a torch light aud LOW, Bnrine.�Tho weather during Ghe have lef t by a (Irerman stliamor for E aro pe, between the - line)$,: thcrefcI taking with them a Cargo of liar gold, hey r �the elearcher didl to. Mr, Pr dham was no;G.at, thecloi. the )g- was a inost-0-raerly and aucceRa. past week bar been most favorable forout- THREE STORES—No. 1, Dry Goods* -ladies' goods ly. work of all kinds, and is affordingour 'after truth will have no dith.'p vention, Owing tu ffluess ut we understar d ful one. The andience included manylAdies, side '1111y 'in Coming he I L Z g,, o On 6ontrabtors agitlIlendid chance to push along ' ds - ly. Np, 3, (I will likely jxIn Prehiduut Kragor. 069 since accepted -the' uomi�naticln. -and nott o few Liberals. It was previouly To�. 2, Clothin '_ men s, go
.4 to the conoluMon that while Ihe t6ur as In 011 -in the fsitt*ktion remains alR anuounc �i I that Sir Charles aiid'Hugh! John the block of stores which they ar; building cerles—SpeelaltieS,_ canned oods, butt;Br and t3as-, P.Ot a cone-pichtoulf isuccess, neNher wam X a 9
x awany pecoon can make out does.Tit,, he Toroul 0 would - peak at- W.-ingliam on atur'day. where the fire was, In addition to those have been a in Lich pre go fm notable failure. Thi8 in al)Ot:1t'Gfic best t at !Wo Id makes d a following- ref6rence ,.a. This.mu. istake, as no a' iviously sn,�Iitioned, we have this week to waset. �A contradictory reports received from meeting %ras held there. report the fine new brick block which Mr. id, I I . . day to day, At any rate, & important can be s& Nor li Perth's gonia M.- P. Mr. Mar Win. J. Miller, our enterprising carriage positio.n, and as gniyorsally respected. He Clayton Dliff, who has been 111 ior some The loading local Conser;vatives, liI ho 1.6"r n, Tyl, I for *Nor . h, Perthl, hag die Hon. B ughJohn M . aodonald, in several of maker, is putting up, on- the land purchased I was al consists t me'lliber of the Presbyter- weeks, returned to his duties in the, same M-ovemclit has 1xion made fil -anv quarter. i 3 otbeing PILIne j)ller., There a,e hiii spec(lies ilf ()nIari6,_rtttacked Hon. M r. ne"JLY Coln, iatichurch, arl until this season,, was one of I plwce on Monday.-acra-ment services were w: ld, nali from Mr. George MoBwen,-the foundation Iseveral p6ints where meetin93 the monb regular in attendance there, and I held n Bluevale and Trial � Germans In his ridiilg, lind they fr3- for which is now Eadie's Presbytorian
pleted. All I
(Tid thrir parts well. Itimme crow 1-13 wore Tart ver btt. I I a sing him -of dial' always to be all en in his place -in the front churches on Sabbath last'. - ' Prepallptory quert,ly bold d nees. i'Alcl has be(a OY- these -..'modern and hatiff6me new buildings Va gathered, grand and. imposin prow-esawris alty and. r ner in life still survives him, -.rer-preaAed in both church6, 9 knoi ?n td a,ttend, and seated on &- stcI ther ba- . tbings, and balsing. his will nq�ake u great improvement to our vil- "V- His I sermons we by' A CainpaigA of Slander. ad a family o three noun and two daugh- Rev, D. Perris, of Wing am,'on the brev_i- 'and parades were organizo�� broi bliud play thq 'violin for the daneprei, As a violi I. acousatie a on re (rted statements- of Mr. 'lage, land the owners are entitled- to great b
era are left to morn the loss, The body ous Friday. -Rcisanna, the infant da,u ghter F6r some mouths past,, the leol(ling Con' music galore was providied',� al in, one ia- ist a � such gatherings Alex. is, a great stw. credit for the spirit of enterprise they have r Tarts, fil bift'specones recently deli -erred 'in - Wroxeter Presbyterian of Mr. knei'Mrs. Arthur Wh -else, of rurn.
-servative Pi stance we- noticed even the. biig ipts wve Ishowti. Hafifiall will soon not only be was int I pvpers, headed by, the Mal' al P rsFraince. Ip his 1ohnier Park speech, famls4 for WW fino residences, but or her cethetery.-Rey. T. A. Wright, of Brant- berry, died last week, and was buried -in Brapire, have em,.&Yed their time aI in evide6ce, although som a m. ford, formerly Church of �0 in- Montr al the Bluevale cemetery bri W ducal
ght jo onell, ler Tlio people of Parth h'ac polidids galore, (n the I*othe -, night, Mr. Tarts handsome alid substantial brick blcl l ngland clergymall I ! of thin parish, !was to have preached the day. - Dilling, ot Toront,
space ' throwin - niud, their politicai -thi(4 particular historic idstr6e'nt' out of made th 9 'followi The members of Hensall lodge, Independent I 9 I I -Miss Wa
89tu day. In addition to the Consorvative "g, r6)ly to his, accuser g sermon in St. James' a I III Philip hmallot We are French but , Ve are loyal subjects on Sabbath last, biii,. owing to a sudden"ill- Mrs. Joseph Pugh and Miss Olive � Scott opponents, and aa the time for am eleatioti place in a Tory procession. :I I Order!of Oddfellowe,"weie honored by a vil4it Thankegivin hurch,
-that ibieral in visiting at
rallyl ab; Stratford, e was P6 L from licime ot the Exeter' brethren, on Fri. draws eloer, the viler h(7-i6_1a_n ctu&.ka in- -tbiug, was done to raise'the oialm ond to Her Majesty, 1dr. Hugh John Macdon. ness, was unable to ttend.-Mr. Allen we
raly at Mitchell, wilen 4' large crowd turned day evening tast. After I the lodge closed, nt to Brus- -8*61a toattend the funeral of the .hich they deacribe.those _wh-o do not agree stir the emotions of,the pecI ever ald is making thesi attacks upon Frene'll. - Ramsay, wh e illig busi. -late Mrs John Putland, on - Saturday last. to d1i's a 1; arned the flour m out �P listen to an address from, Hall. SU' 'Canadiazis because � he Premier is a French. all re.aired t1,o the ConteInnial hotel, where ins with, thom. Words seem inadequate to playing prominently on the plai,fo ness here, -with Mr: Black., and who has VU'tlL a b iat ey Xisher, Minister of AEriculture, and Canadian, B0, I ill very soon give him. 0, fin� -supper was partoken of.-Mrel and formerly lived here. : since been working in mills at. Brussels and Mary Collie is home from Rob.
Zxproas the loathing they have for rnen who. of tho late ir John Mabdonkldrmat d por. nwe v'enture to say that �one -went away. di i.i satififacUOD in the Province of Ontario The Sheffe , of Toronto, who hall been visiting Wi gham, was in ton recently; He is go. I I
J relati es, returned home on Wednesday. I ort Farrow, of Otta*%,-visited at X -1r. Rob- Edve tix-keni 'prominent part i the poli- traits of �im, so the.. people Cquld idge of uppoin1ed. Adeliesses were also delivered place wh i )h will an t me beat is TorZto i t. - . I ings' into om larger mill shortly.=Mr, ert Mustrov's this wek.-Dr. Toolewa's in Speoi�l servicen will be � held in. Carmel tical world for years and who have been the resemblace betweeh thd, I -eft t a by i. John MoMillan, M. P. for South' elf. If I I r, Macdc nald will call a meeti. ng George Dane, ol Hamilton,'was in town Campbe ford ak couplof days last week. d d ta e - Hij nd by Alee)srs. Rrb and Goetz, ti e therc uri I er . thet - -mailagement 'of the obus�el� on Habb*th. In the in rni 9 the Monday lsst.�Our electric light,- comip M M T- t.'teacher at Belill0re Sc hool,
o positions man and his living son,.wbcI before th,l in. serviog will be especially for ch? and r. a aggar
elootod� by their fellow' elector t ildren� I Liberal %nd of X11 Co their eyatemi Theymay give �Liber'al candidates for:f3outh and North naervative Aneocia. in thel are extendi
of pr6minence, and trust, seems with' And yet, notwithstanding g ev rl!nig for the young meo.-Harvest spent Sunday a Mr. Frank SecitVa.-Miss Jl,:1the0s strong Perth reapictivoiy, ticI vill be att -ils disponal to -morrow, i us a mori -Mr. Nellie Isbister �and John, of Morris, home ieer"vices wi I .3ing service 'during winter. 11 be held. in St. Paul's John Barnard, w-elltknown in the oat meld ' pent Sunday ab - Mr. Charles Garn4o'.-
them, that no words are too bad to use i4 appeals . to sentiment and the 01 necess Lr per elmot i )II Y. ohurc4' on Sabbath, when Rev. W, H. reforring-to, an enemy, and no tactics al of the peciole, tha People -see M to Ig I jr �m G,. Marchand;, Pemier of. tEe '-mill here for many years, has secased a sitif., .7.4rubr ounall mct[i on Monday.- ext
in lie y will take t ry e I)Ober lie morping service, a)Uj I
Province of Q'Qebeo# died ori. 7!ueday, afu Sir-w.lfrl, ,4 up �ep c pened the plitical tion s heed IT8 SAbb-Ath Willb ebildri sly in tbo a miller in A TQpdnu mill, -'1N1OWP: bli 4 rs.. F.. V. T)jxo too reputable ta use in their ofaxiety to, the meetings diospvointed,, br. awft)rd, of J49n.dori, wi0reo-ob in the -u's d
will he mWod ip Wwp.-A
P01-iti 41 'Party they uPPO)rt ift pills mr, mar410,44 was A 00 -,Q1 '9408c, hy DAmey 'eyeni T40 eb4 Chi is Win ary Chi. F a -ad
0460 ths' P b,avo been NO thig! WJ 4 r PA I - JX)F 1704A AqPpoaeff fQr oo Pf Oki PT.,90 OF wing in ftohr P%F�, A194 f pu) ky 1wr wrt
ro P a - W 1I qlf A ph.qk- VIA vp M,9( qpq Pr ppiN lent 04 rat of 91419A P fq * I�WfPF Od * �4) IMMF 1 P-Arp of php Oryifv W41 6 '91 Ifull nep. 4@4 in lint, A# pffppf� (III Ow 09 M I AF the Pomw 10 94W44 i9n. pfnd too 14fiM, �fi 199.4 14 F46% he ifffl4p thifi weeki MRI!I *91194fit- MON&y. I 64 Ilk tho bofi.� fftVb9a§ :f#,Un*ked 947 918n) im MPF PR -H INI N. A. PF W_ O#W'Ak�ffy Inft
4fLest.-I T)16 14 MAP F8 64findag av 11 11 ato ifft to tWLeRV #np V 1# fi U men, MF, I I tj I 8j I W_ F ft
ba priblim It"& 011 twitioUd# ;(I . "No affli illig &A evening, delivenn &VU18111 I 161111 , & Ff�4- 'duffillig 0 Utfkfio WAd R616 f8. I hffw# no' Led hArying mig polixi WIG d4f who J* - i0ril
i0fivi HlifffionlY an P0611 I A FB. ! aid h#,# FII1 ffm L40yil whofe " 0 tit-, low deb&ttohod thailt tf 0 & ed 11tifinjeF i1i I 99 1: L It ign at 'ME, RION, ME, yie,difig, Ali ilifilt iii 01t)iddiA Aftf6p I& i "*U ht �'Ioljftl &fid 46 bijimuffi M dut. outfor 6 hild bon - ViNibifig i4AU'V61 Oil w4fidNI I I It"816i 6t 66 wnk ��li W. Jull'tim gwivifti m twbr. to 6y the deftwooX0 �, 4ild hkd btfith vlkjtt4 ift tiat *11101i tf. gain, mighti be usjust,fr prejudicled againa� the sympathieg and jeqlitgn!ot1 tho peopip, Th(f filaily . hibliaN of Mle, dffm A, b4i *fit bhy% it h6tio 6.kfI, id. Rant agdoin Glearter, &OUltundes 6hab falllh�g 8�61# 'tit the Pi6psrs! regret to leArti that him bartso ere btrun k the right pUee. T 6 mo � aul 06" 913ii. Z -1l, Walter Daid,100#'i fOrtnefly MAICks nith
Canada oil seclottat of thl' doj� 4! try to belitifills 16, but la. roPtY to these Lit fortho sell blainkeltis made of real wool -wool at belmorej haef probas
a wholevalo and to arsube in the, adsnirerl1s:�U big i4thilir heaft makes Itfinporative4or him Lo for by lightning on Thursday n 6 of last week, ed Mr. 110fir Al.
Ing of the men who have bee 09" PrOfte, 000onaervative Irremoh.0100411101syll taken from a aheep'll backo They are real Boaman's farm, on the esoatid Is Of at
-n entrusted:by and oninplettly destroyed, i1ncluding all his fin rrie,
I an enthusiasm which reason: ml�d targumt h, t-. the.pl aoure lol'another osmpa�gnl, and thab it Whitt fill . tile, good -of this unjust4flable be -heaters, ren4olsut- of warm6b the m �jcl with the government of t4e. i grain &nd the greater part of the ordinary and cohi, for $3,000. Hr. IbIlry Boarnan will move ciould not Inspire. The. people -laame to llflii' be, therefore, cannot be die Liberal c(lilinali childii h slin Dan nd.heads its report ith "a contents, Mr. Bell, although insured fc�r fort. Add one r more pairs of these to onto his fatheVo fal next Marob And Mr. 0ourt.try and the control of our domonstratiolio One page oxpeoting t got inforrit -date # tho. ociming elections, 'He h414 rep. b L% Patric points out that the $800 oil buildings and $700 on contents, will yOur supply� 1711-1 Bomman, or,., will retire from sole WeI affildw NoTLP.4,Kr. ames Canning and fismily M,r, A, MoRwilals prop ation, and they wore g id refjoatIod- Huntiri.Ldon for.thir ,spectacle If 11 0001 F"r-C&A People, with 11111, boa heavy lomer, Mr, Bell had just to. aring a olass - for the
'Iven hootiment a �' over or It is largely on aocaut of thia-clourse, littiel eigo. Sili Cha a �b 11110outly!.'a years# 1.10 was ( 0 d heads, hinting 11 Odd Save the turned- home from inviting friends to his hays moved to &&forth, 'here he will re- I leaving examination next yeaI WIN rles Tup or' and H of tholDom in (itho lather: Quillen, " a hould �iako Cla rke Wallsoe and th main for a few mbnth w ' such time so he were hokrlded sa-mon wh 0 threshing, which he intended h4ving on the 0 till r* Ramlay, youngest daughter of Mr.
alloo, that many of our ablent and beat men, John are cI inion Parhimei it, and was slway horde of �- Tciry isnatin ash T vfif IN buslill A iln soloot for chairman of tho LQrsi canous;s Amed, he followipg day, and was only in the house' h a In this vicinit wound up, Rai'mitay, of the -first line of Alo refrain from7taking an aotive part in the ful In doba-te, and before 'wh:io nuol Montreal Witness also an I The name about half an hour when the burns were 0 001 very marry td loso IF Canning was married at Rat Fo - rth 0, on op r
A goo many of the old mernbcIrs, whb have owor mallagameat of our affarli, and thum-Is lost mon white trash so Laurier i o Cart ffrig lo of Laurie;, im *a mightj a among the' struck, Thuso fort slatil being u aud from our Vill o He was 1, r ng and faithfully, areAropping ou: mules U ver. 'The mag atio personalit . I 0 niz. 4 good oltiven 10th, Uo'Mr. Frank A.- oodi M tneralsil. to the country -the wisdom aind the advice thin t rm., and give thus allow'Ing y"age". dressedi he barely ilad time to rea,4&i the and while Xkft ' b miness here made for Mtter In Winnipeg Business Cil by would #Ink Into fuel 'iffollac cl rii -the silver tongue of --this gest-ion of t himself many frTli) Rev, W, M. Rochester. The bride wi re a
barn a ld -let out hie horses and other fine
of many whose presence would be art orus, Iblood a come to the front, A ads who will ever wish for with theme expeataticiI their, disappoint. Provincia ave lost none 6 their Influence." stooki before the buildings were a mass of bib well -doing wherever him lot ay be cast, fawn cloth costume. After- a xhortw.ed I'aK
meat to and of valuable service In-,,, our ment, was'sure, They al i irpb'ote 'A, It Is intimated that 11 n. RI-obard Har All the of In of the timem go to! show that flames. By the holp of neighbors, he sac. -Mr. George Taylor was, this week, t� trip Mr. and Mrs. Wood,took -up their est. d th at
portion$; telling indictment still 'solid for the ceeded In gettinlout some implements that .parliarn ontary inatitutkao..: T& would 161 MR the Provi oe of Quebec In Toronto with a mixed oar load. of stookers deuce on Pacific avenue, Winal do out O�url peg.
h its theme, i t III ?on retire from Canaian p0lition Laurier C overnment. sue ti nicanalhat tbe'high-repu. against theipreserit Gov'ern melt. But in.' url were fa an a oin-ing shed. With the and butchers' Cattle. No grss grow . I in-, al Grant, of Queen's Co' tation they have always enjoyed will be� stp*ad of receiving hat they 6xpeoted, . asi le, .�lege, King& near approach of cold weather, Mr. Bell under Mr. Taylor's feet; We hope for: him I 1teferd imp ched and -droggedin the politi' t a,. in mentioped to suoobed him, Alth'Ougl. 39 tothe ac0sat loan of Hon. Mr. will begreativinconvenienco bythelossof a good salc-Mrm. Thom" McQymont, who Walton. cal mire; from' the sonfimenAl display, thLy flad to we' have no definiti information, we in I Poster in him numerous, spo,��hes that him buildinim, which, althou h among the has been in poor health for some timis, in f fire erects in the neighborb ad, were very SoBizutow the cold snaps of last fall, by rowdy political papers, whose columnal listen for hours to, the meati4e�rings 0 Sir may that tbw� last sentence, at any,.ral ii enormo in taies have. b -eel a wrung from the t now at L�ndon, 41here she will remain for
and those cold winter days (you remerlL would disgrace any yellow journal of the Charle Tupper about his Political ae� ncomplete and cairivenient, ani in ex"Ielleat - few weeks with hir daughter, Mrs. Grieves. ber hiev e. extrem ly improbable. Principail Grant, I people since the Libera �overument ca a repair.-� I -Miss Smith, of Goderich, in hefe -Mr. Win. Cudmore,'who is a busy ..man them) were passed pleasantly and comfort -
neighboring r6public, The politiod'i queg- meats befell most of them w L Agood and an able in& re born, int(r- . and. would be into power,", the Toronto Star thus -.�iicl"Il visiting, her brother, Mr. G. Smith, mer. among the hay, im,loading some 25 care of ably enough by those who w.eie wrapped in
n tions of the day require honest and fair 'I hl A tower.. of e-trength to ani, bailed bay at our'statiQP.-Ou Fare, purchased from The H. MeFaul ' o.:,
apersed with abuse of Sir Ile ar Cart. .7 government a ciselypla!ee! the -matter in its true aspect chant. Mrs. R. H. Collins and Mrs. J - A. r grain [mar -
party. But- he is a success ' h* Th most doubled tieIr
discussion land Q i%,is presen before thle, PecI In' the fiscal year Stewart, of Exeter,'were in the village thin kets the scene of acti*ity this fall, ho; ve al
riticiam, that the people wrighti -Mr. Tarts! and Mr.'18itton. Fr in jill Seaforth% f I
':�M urs
positicl I, and' it � can scarceiyl Imagine 1995 96, under ICono'ervative rule, the im. week- I renewing acquaintaI quantitiee of graii coming in dail usual stock thin -fall. You ki Low
may be i1na, position to judge impartially of Mr. Itogh r in whoiii they were thel that he ould, at his time of life, wit -Mr. J, E. lea , - - I 1 w 6 congeni bdraw ports of g)ods land merchandise into the Berry, who returned home re--ently from Lily Whitman. who has been speindhig a what that meana.: Theyve a sample pe t of
the a6ats, of thcse-�they have placed in posi- to expect so much, �thy were! �reated.'to from a position a 4- to his tastes I 'a Dotninion a;a6unted o '$118,011,508, on the old!pountry, where 'he had been selling two weeks. visit with friends, in Lon. each of the diffeilint kinds of fur they sell,
tiona of public trust, bat nothing but evill Can ancifor which he is so em, Inently qualified, I has returned . home�-Our ;mer- 80 VO U
few nice stories and a 16w p4titudes.about to take part in the turmoil -and turbitilance which the duties collected were M2 219,. a u Can see just what you are b ying, and
I � L shipm6nt of horses, brought back several don,
come of this persiatent campaign of aan1der the services of 8ir Charles tcI his - f lather, 037. whic is equivalent to 17-16 per cent. very fitin entire horsep. ebants have been supplying. their cue kn;w exactly ho -w well the hide has been
of acti i e political life. -Mr. D. Bell is de- towers and atte' ous and racial also to- a tiff at Mr. T In 18909-1 0, under Liberal rule, the im. liveringi over 300 cords of wood to Mr. H. with a fine quality of peaches."Adr. Tohn t%=ed. 1711" 1
arts. Mr. o er as poits into Canada iggregate 8183,209,V3, Cook, c the Herinall flouring mills. -Miss Dietz has sold to Mr. Oudmore -25 tie of O=TuApty.-Oa Saturday mori
.,s The- ritish Columbia - a to ning At,
the only redeeming f6aiture cl show. 1 orrespondent of hay, which h is now busy rawing to the there died at hei home in Morris to*ns ip
on which luties colle�ied were $28,866,986, McKay, of Goderich, has been visiting her IP* r,
He, as every Person knws, is' well worth the , Weatitninater, in referring to the de. ox*.At the at+f 15., per cent. The re. brother, Mr. Wm. McKay. -David Buchan. station for sheipment. �Iohu knows ho wl t Martha Knight, belovkd wife of Mr. Peter
parture of Rev., Mr. Pringle, from Vallcou a on r Ginant, McNal She Indepandent Opinion. listening to. He-ris ah�ays' 1b ightio logical, duotion i th rate on &total imports the 'n, a - of Mr. Win. Buchanan, of this vil- 1. make farming a shecess. r --Mr. Pete ..mAgaqvribed to an attae of
ver for %e Atlin district, whith plan yesr an earn unto himself a fair ia; and 'Itallaralmation of the lu ere so er he I goes t I Pneumorl go The Ottawa.correep-Gadeint, of the Buffalo and eloquent, but, the au�dilll w pared with Conservative Inge, ha,s recently taken who knows bow to grow the cligicestgripem, 9 rule in 18 5-96 is theiefore 1.40 per cent., a partner for life. -Miss Annie Papple was this season has a big crop, whic4forqu4lity, after a brief but severe illness, at the earl Express, who seem, s to be a alcI observer much disappointed with' the others tba,t the as 96. Missionary sellit by the )?resbyterian in .8 �:
very good -re-Juction would be hsrd to equal. of 27 years an&., 1:1 months, 13h on: the total imports of Seaforti and vicinity part of last week and i Mr. GLrant is I also age of Canad-ian, aflairs,.asld who is most likely effect of Mr. FcI a' church J a y The ship was oaded dowd ..been I m d to her now berft buil rguments' and elo- athe coubtry. It has a big gaving to this, v siting friends -.-Mr. Ellwooci has eeting with ready sale. -Mr. W.,illiam I Me- InUrle 641 -a I ttle cluence were lost -�pon'the People. The re Is with al I sor a of - goods, the people. If the Lib government bad purchas tel a very handsome buggy from Mr. Nevin, who has turned his'atteotion to. the over two years ago, was . a quiet d to be witho:at pcI bias and to write of to the V ed g of
a4imals , ll 411 the men left the tariff the way they found it in 1896, W. J. b iller, made specially for his pcl apple buying, is now in this V einity look- usiassuming dispositi much and deserv- Canadi4n topics from a truly independent is no del Hugh John wouldl have' been that cot Id get'an "
board. It� in said th Ing up good fall fruit.- pple buyers, ;this edly'respeeted by all those who had -the at the people of Canada' Kay, of Zorra, Oxford county, ac- i stro -,not 00 to Onl4tari there w �,re 200 tons of I- would have had to pay Mrs. M. -far, be- al--�'bint saya tiger had he me o at al. iqUor: on board for season, in this locality, pleasuse of her acquailtance. The furnaral
the northern trade. $31,402,380 on their,ir.nports the past year. companied by rs. (Rev.) GaulA, of KIP- i are few and s .or hig c�p is fft isever thas with our The publia, however; saved just $2,553,394 pen, Wai in the village on Firiday last, visit- Ife has not done eit 2 er Ili m elf T4e. re-ei,ppearanceof -Hugh John Mal tween. was the ilargest that 13 as been I seen in, -- �his donal(f in N�;-xiiiion poliLica has given boasted Civilization. We send 6ne miqsion. in the one year by g h vicinity for a long �im�. The steem, licito Wer ar onserva. ing friends. -Miss Hatton has re-engagiA as I an good by coming here. _P., I I led by y and 200 tons of liquor. Th,16 oddal,are tives out i a 189 fi which she was held �y a large eirel Of increase intereat to the campaign which is the Conservative pa �er§ to expect 1 oo mu(h 6. is, besides the in. milliner with Mr. Rannie.-Mr. Wm. Oar- friend . a was testified by heavy. We expect him to regenerate 9 di8. Bluevale. begirl all o -ver tbe country. . Some L calculable saving upon 'g.Q?dq manufactured le, of Sb. Thomas, was here last week the vast asseru e
years ago Mr. Macdonald was ind from him. A genleraticiii has grow �ribt into which we permi; and authlorize, in the coun N`Q.,TES_.-Iu' the Huro ho followed her remains to their last fit- fter - aced to - n vp try,whose gripes were reduced -spending a holiday with his parents & n girl's English let. `w enter 1'ixrliament.' but a' sitting a couple since Sir John MacLill was�i promi nent in 0en to :)Our heill-fire and I eep iiu- dail re. to meet the lower dutiea."� When the friends. I ter in last week's EXPOSITOR, she mntions ing lace, in the Briisselst- cemetery, on
of see�FWns for the ciLy. of I Win, i lenishel.". ipeg., he re- C4uadi people could survive usider the' churchyard Mongay afternoon. Rev. Mr. Rosa,� of an politics, land'many of the. lital- taxati6n im. a tombstone which she saw in a
at Brussels, was caAed � on to perform e
signed -his seat on tb grounds that be had warts who admire posed by the ConservlktivI6 , government, it is Folkestone, that has its epi aph written P tb
no taste for politics. At the last Lyeneral d 'and ' loved him ' have It is TJ ated thbt: Mr. J. J. Foyl Q. 1,1. not surprising that -they are now generally Wroxeter. in shorthand. A c�py of the L)ndon, trig- last sad rites, and delilvered a very fe I, 9 election I r gone to their eternal he was prevailed upon by Si res�. !The* sons f P. P., of Toronto' will retire ficim, Ontario proapqroue under the! greatly reduced tax_ JoTri.-, os. -While assisting in the save- land, Sphere, i7hich came to U since, Carl- and impressive discourse. , Mr. McNab ifias
by tbe"Ubera troughigg of Mr. Joseph Higgins' new tains a picture of this ver the-Ueartfelt sympat-I of this commlw�ity u ation imposed [government. y gravestone. Charles Tupper to �.ccept the Dominion' ttheise old patriots iml be enth sed by ti e P litics and accept the Consery tive nomin. portfolia' of the interior and,, aon-in runfor honse, on the 6th concession of Turnberr , There i in his sad bereavemento' enial son of t -a man L it and the inscrip'- 9 tateg had he met y a a cross upon or e House, of on Mod iy lal Mr. 'Wm. Rntherford had Here lieth Kate Blanli pitthpit, Loe,ws.-Mr. and Mrs. ihom. 1-ViarlI He succeeded in deftl the "Ie old tion fell Centre Toronto their e-- as Thom�,on,
Hon. Joseph artin, bur \pectati4ns. 1 They expected to hear oe. , the Tupper Guy- I I 's911111110 . Should L*ve to be� true, it SWELL C LOT111-N-0; its that will the misf(rtune to fall from the scaffold, a translated Into longhand 8 way : of Listowel, passed through here last 8.at- ernment was nut suetained and Mr. iac� an or a -tor, and whatever . excellent part4Mr. this' Pr make read�h`I distance A tWEnty feet, and sustained some " She was born in the ' I
vill abow tb -at Mr,' Foy dcI not build � :north of reland 'and urday, on their way to Seaforth, where Mr.
afmin I ery ew man 0 lacdcall may have, he is, Cer- iigh on Nlr. -Whithey's suddes ent with any of thern clona,ld tigned his seat. A couple* of Hugh John I U ut, of yotli-you'll look so differ- very severe bruises about the head. Itisto belonged.to the church of En gAand- She Thomson was ealled, owing to the serious
years ago he Wa" arvinOd of the tainly, s Lb � the next on. Ge't the right be hoped iaothi3g serious will result from his was a wiae and gent is not an orator, and h' rt rovinci, i,l. electiopii. Is. woman illuess of h* sister.-So3me from this vidin- provincial prty in lllauitoba and,ucceeded en.ce fhey Wer Mr. Foy is' Mr.. Whit- siza, and you'll'feel lik& throwing your head fall.- Ali. T. F. Sanders, our well --known children nor hardly: s6I friends., Shetwould ity attended the fune'ralof Miss Ma�gie last vear in defeating Mr. Greenw&y. mvay disappointed. Had be :met thm' eys ri2ht han-cl man in the La� back and your Aest out ; you'll., be glad to He r ex. harness maker, will exhibit some ot his high have no flattery. She believed in the 4oly Thomson, ��t Seafortb,' on Tutsday after- nd in-tbe event of the Co ser'vativua L;U meet your riends, glaId.to -have them notree class goo 8 at the fall shows in the neighbor. sacrament e 0. ept aw announced that he will dese;t pro-. -peetations, their fe 31igs wduld ha'v beea ng into power, after, the nex-t- local which is th true flesh and blood noon of thiO week. -Alias Altice A. M V vineial pullitim and conteut Brandou- -with vastly di&rent. yoI new a ht, and itrnight not be amiss to ing townf; and -villages. -Mr. 8. B. McKel- of the -New Testarnellit. S e as sensible is Visit ng wit er cousins, I -r of the Interior. Until the ions, bewould c4rtainly )e a member of the Minibtt got it from 'the E. McFaul Co., Sea. -vie has sold bills new house to Mr.,` Leo to the last moment, solid the last words � she Ferguson, of this place. -Mr. R. H. Fer When, therefore, the solicl, Willrin pe( - the new'�Provirlciallf-,�Mlernine forth; IVE there you get writs for the gcneral eleotion are ir3sued fie nt. His hopes up-to-date, ready. Nicholsol,,, who will move intotovFk�sho'rtly. said were Sister, will you pray for me son took i -n a ear lodd of lambs this we k,
will not resign the premiership of anitoba. ple of tbo. count trast'lall t for the futu.re, ther4ore, Canno't be' very- to-weai sufts. _! . I
ry , O'n biB sent - d not ab ndon'- his pI igAl . ),.EN Is -A Be words she want-, left to reeI which he Will ship to Bbff�lo t the first op- U'ha Coaser�ativ ental trunipet B;Iowing indulged n t `ugJ lo� be woul' t the advanced age of 84- years, Mr. With the ro -I G .-We f are pleallied to learn Robert L nton, a well-known farmer ot this Flax threshing was finished at the mill Jast tune time. Mr. Ferguson has always a e party expects that Hugh in m6Cs for�& leading position' Jahn's return to the Dominion field will be' these Conservative demionstratioIs with,-�fcr in the Oni�rio that �Nlr. RDbeirt tepberison, who - has been locality, 1 iassed peacefully away on Wednes- w-ebk.-_N1r.'Peter XcEwen, of TarnWrry, keenye to business. -The brick work has
I �,'Iabinet for the position o of great general beriefit to their cause. 'instance, the stern logic, tbe f Pti"I'11td-gie&ber ill fcr the -past few weeks, is recovering.- day last, fter a, brief illness. Coming to, Bh ed two car loada of fat cattle to Torcl been completed on Mr. W. -H. Hnmpbries'-
indisputable h the ]Dominion Pitirliament `It girfil-lbe re- Mr. IPP 1-�ome very old Conservatives, who were fi embered that ei,'6w Robelt Love has, secured two first this couill ry from Scotland,. be settled in' to on Wednesday of last week.�-Mr. 'John store, amd work is rapily being pushed for- followers (if 'vlr. Macdonald's father, the facts and the offici gure, given a the Cen- es for his two-�ear-old colt, -one at the coutll of Blenheim and afterwards Hamllton,,of Wroxeter all' 3e4 a a& of ward on the Ancient Or -der of United Wcl IPI itrvativel papers oictured th�Srsame Mr., K.tter and the other 4t' Zurich. Mr. Love bought a �arm in. Turnberr , where he re- cattle fron. this station on Monda .- men ball. -Mr. Win. McCubbon, a fornier late Sir. ohn A. Macdona 'Richard C eecb� -th toy a artwright' London s,p a being such 4 severe I y warmed by his preserll but ti ey would in 'whole proceeding seems so loss' side tha t i Prerrill handles good stock. -While threshing at ajded til his death. He was a man of Walter Burgess assumed's cler 'sb- in. Mr. resident of this l us a visit the
t he induced ip �rier to Mr. John Hal lasIv week, the fire alarm sterling q aaliti( u3, of a mild end retiring dis. John Kerr8 store., Wingharn, thin wrek.- former part of thia-wit. he h P
t e
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