HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1900-09-21, Page 7900
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SEPTEMBER 21 1900.
Look rn
your mirror
today. Take
a last look at
your gray
hair. It sure-
ly may be
the last if
you want
Rsitso, y o u
your gray
hair a week longer than
you wish. There's no
guesswork about this;
it's sure every time.
To re -
color to
gray hair
using it
for two
or three weeks notice how
much younger you ap-
pear, ten years younger
at feast.
Ayer's Hair Vigor also
cures dandruff, prevents
falling of the hair, makes
hair grow, and is a splen-
did hair dressing.
It cannot help but do
these things, for it's a
-hair-food. When The hair
is well fed, it cannot help
but grow.
-It- makes the scalp
healthy and this cures
the disease that causes
$1.00 a bottle. All druggists-.
"My hair was coming out badly,
hut Ayer's Hair Vigor stopped the
falling and has made my hair very
thick and much darker than before.
I think there is nothing like it for
the hair." CORA. al. Lis.,
April 26,1899. Yarrow, L T.
Write the Detatims. -
If you do not obtain all the benefit.
you desire from the use of the Vigor,
write the doctor about it. Address,
pR. 3.0. A.YER. Lowell, Kass.
A Cowboy's Life.
Capt. J. H. McClintock in Ainslee's
"The cowboy, if he be the genuine article,
is a man who daily does feats on the range
_ that would win applause in a Wild West
show. In his chase after the fleet, unbrand-
ed yearling, he is compelled to ride at
headlong speed over a country that a fox
hunter would consider sure death. Danger
confronts him in varied form, and no man
can be an efficient, cowpuncher who hasn't
in him the spirit of recklessness. • The
writer once witnessed a stampede of wild
tattle at midnight. A great herd was being
held in a canyon of the Mazatazia Moun-
tain& The night was as dark as it is
possible for night to be. A coyote's bark
started the nervous animals to their feet,
and they were off. The two riding geards
.on watch howled for hOp. There sleeping
comrades were up in a twinkling. Each
seized a horse at the picket line and
mounted without a saddle, etopping only to
twist a loop of his riata about the pony's
nose. Barely a dozen seconds had paned
before the camp -fire was deserted. The
-cowboys were pIuoging in the dark after the
'fleeing cattle, through a wild, rocky, un-
kn_own district, filled with mesquite and
cactus, cut up by dangerous arroyos and
canyons. By noon of the succeeding day
the drive was resumed. A half dozen
steers had been left behind lamed or dead in
the gulches, while a few of the horses in the
"wrangler's bunch" in the lead were
skinned and limping. But the cowboys,
their clothing in rags from the midnight
ride, merely joked on their mutual appear-
ance and solaced their weariness with to-
bacco and with endless song."
That He Used Dodd's Kidney
Pills,Which Saved His Life.
Bowmanville, Sept. 17. -Marvellous in-
deed is the case of Mr. A. W. Gibbons, mil-
ler, of this town.
Here is his etory, as he himself telle- it :
"1 couldn't eat, nor sleep ; had terrible
pains in my back and stomach.
"Doctors said I had Bright's Disease.
But they couldn't cure me.
"Thank Heaven, whether it was Bright's I
Disease or anything else, Dodd's Kidney
Villa soon cureit.
-" I hope the mews of my cure will spread
ever the whole' country, so that all sufferers
will hear, of the - greatest kidney remedy
in the world-Dodd's Kidney Pills."
Dodd's Kidney Pills are the aNLY medi-
.eine that has ever cured Bright's Disease.
What Wbmen are Doing.
Women are taking more and more to gar-
dening, both as a source of pleasure and
profit. Many women now add to a limited
income by raising violets or sweet peas for
the local market, and a few are studying
landereepe gardening as a profession. For
this profession it would seem that women
.are particularly fitted, as thely are for in-
terior decorating. The healthful possi-
bilities of the work are evident at a glance.
The American art_students who enrolled
themselves_in a bureau_of companion guides
during the Paris exposition, are making a
success ,of their work. Those girls are
bright, well educated and perfectly at home
in Paris, hence this work not only adds to
their often meager bank accounts, ,but it is
of great assistance to visitors.
People who are always finding something
to lament over now declare that the coining
woman will be taller than the coming man.
It is a fact, that the girl of to -day is taller
bY several inches than her mother, and this
is supposed to be the result of athletics.
Since the average man has also gone in for
athletics, it is also likely that he, too will
increaee in stature. -New York Man and
Rlown to Atoms.
The old idea that the body sometimes
nee& a powerful drivitic, purgative pill has
been exploded ; for Dr. King's New Life
Pills, which are perfectly harinleae, gently
stimulate liver ana bowels to expel poison-
ous matter, cleanse the system and abso-
lutely cure Con- tination and Sick Headache.
Only 25c at I. V. :Fear's drug store.
The Duty of Happiness.
I esaanot but think Chet the world would
be better and blighter if our teachers would
dwell on the duty of happiness as well as
the -happiness of duty ; for we ought to be
88 cheerful as we can, if only because to be
happy ourselves is a most effectual contri-
bution td the happiness of others. Every
one must have felt that a friend is like a
4un1:13' day which sheds its brightness oa all
arwlnd Nrid meet of us can, as we choose,
make of this vrorl
prion. There is, n
satisfaction in yieldi
brooding over grieve,
or less imaginary; i
victims of -fate. To
often requires an eff
art in keeping oursel
spept, as in others,
ovi* and manage our
we e somebody else.
either a, pale e or
doubt, Isom selfls
g to melaneh ly ;
ces, es solidly if •mor
faneyi g that we ar
e brigh and cheerfu
rt ; thee is. eertai
eshap y; in this re
we req ire t wato
elvete al oat if w
Lord vebur.
You are in the -1
tio4 and cannot live'
were the words of do
Richardson, of Laur
her doctors, "but
King's New Di800
Danghton, of that pl
cured by it. She is
mat.". It's the snpr
diseases of throat an
Coughs, aolds, Bron
Wheoping Cough.
and $1.00. Trial bo
drug store.
to D1atb..
at stage of 0, sump
Ore th:n a onth,'
nit hear, by M s. Rosa
1 Sprinse, N. , fro
she beg: re to use Dr,
ery," rites R. L.
co, " a d wa wholl
ow a s out, ell wo
me cure for Alesperat
hinge. Infal ible fozt
hitis, thma Croup,
uarante d bo tiles '50
tiles free at I. . Fear'
Hit First Appe rance
in on.
• Senator Ingalls rived i
clad in a long linen duster,
slouch hat and carryilag a ver
AA -be was over 6 feet tall
and, angular, he was alfigur
tention. But he seemed t
held to his outlandish gar
timti. ,
Fr the first couple of years
in eyidenoe. But he looked
evidently took a hint from
Con ling.
Ingalls' first notori ty was
speech in eulogy o &net
Georgia. It was the eloquen
cisni, regrettingthe death o
waste live only in m tnory.
G eater notoriety wite
speech againat Cleve and.
debating the right of the pre
hold the papers in cases wher
cers! were discharged from t
service. Ingalls attacked bo
dent and his party, reviewt
histery from war times down.
It was in this speech that
the imugwumps and designa
the t • political hybrids havin
ces , of both sexes and t
nel her."
Rhlative to discharging ol
said:: •"They say the demo
stration has not made a clean
reptiblican office -holders. W
done the best they could. A
no more."
In the etorm of applause of
followed Ingalls •stood as so
Tl/ie Simplest and Ea
of Home Dyei
Their Great Superiority over
.of Home Dyeing -A Ten
Will Color from One to F
!Goods -Colors that Will
in Strong Soapsuds.
Success in home dyeing de
upon the kind of dyes "used
mond Dyes, -if the simple dire
package are followed card
special dyes for eotton are us
and mixed goodsoand the wo
for ell -wool goods, there is
chance of failure. -
Diamond Dyes are very aim
to tee, and by using a atic
goods while in the dye bat
need of Boiling the hands.
brilliancy and fastness,, no ot
whether for home WO or for
equal the Diamond. The la
discoveries are used in their
they are guaranteed the stron
est of all ,known dyes', and
out in the strongest soap_suds,
fade when exposed t� the sun
i.Try Diamond Dyes °ire,
easy it is to make old aid
Womb:, ribbons, capes, jacke
like new. • i
Kruger and the Lo
Many years ago, when Pre
was in England, he wail appro
ing Some concession, railway
by a, business man in London.
ations lasted for some time.
the Londoner, who Was stayin
hotel, having spent:many ho
Kruger and his companion,
much exhausted and feeling
not got quite all he wanted.
he arose st 9 and went alon
to Mr. Kruger's bed room.
ment it was empty and all the
gone. " Oh, sir, said the
Mr. Kruger and he friend
!morning." Thep, with a gig
reminiseenee, the girl added ;
a queer couple sir, and no Mill
'e *sad your door, sir, M
started dancin' right oatside
'e and his friend. Theydi
' d
one Saw them but Bessie and
unbeknown, from the top
Then they went downstairs, si
ting their sides with laughin',
didn't say a word." --London
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Cent Package
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Eail1y News.
To Those Who 'Feel S
or Depresse
Miss Belle Cohoon, of Whit
N. S., Tells How She Re i
and Advises Others to Flo 1
the Acadian,
White Rock
noisy swish of the Gaspere
pretty little cottage, 1
In this cottage there dwell
elite Miss Belle Coheon, a ve
attractive younglady who ta,
teret in all the chureh and a
the little village. A short
Acadian representative call
Coh,00n for the purpose of a
opioion of Dr. Willia.ms' Pin
remedy he had been informed
nein. He was very cordiall
foued both Miss Cahoon e
meet enthusiastic and ardent
greet Canadian remedy whit
versally used throughout th
give below, in essentially he
Miss Cohoon's story :
" Three years ago this spr
lwa.0 very much run down. I
feeling well for some time, an
opened up and the weather
my condition be6ame worse.
eaten exhausted me, and w
an awful feeling of weaknes
palpitation of the 'heart. I .
my ambition, and a feeling o
sluggishness took its place.
failed me and my sleep at
turbed and reetless. In fact
sorry condition. I suffered ,i
scene time. Then I began t
Wi llama' Pink Pilla, and they
to work achange for th
atr ngth and spirits improve
and the old feeling of tired
leaye me. My appetite re
o k Mil s,
ed Heal h'
w1 Her
d of the
v r, i81 a
olivine, N. IS.
ills, withn sbu
y right -and
With her par-
es a lively m -
deity work of
turnago an
d up n Mies
ceitai ing her
Pill -which
shei ad been
repei ed, a d
d Iher mot er
trinth of t is
ie no so u Id.
ng ng
igh t
I Was
t ie
wor s,
weight Increased steadily. By the time I
1 had used less than half a dozen boxes I felt
stronger than I had done for years. • Since
that time whenever 1 feel the need! of a
mediehie.a prompt use of Dr. Williams' Pink
Pills has always brought me Speedy elief,
and in future, when ailing, -I shall nev r use
anything but these pills, and strong y ad-
vise others to follow my example."
Dr. Williams' Pink PiIJ.soreate new blood,
build up the nerves, and thus ,drive disease
from the 'system. In hundreds of eases they
have/cured after all other medieinee, have
failed, thus establishing the claim thatl they
are a marvel among the, triumphs of medern
medical science. The genuine Pink Pills
are sold only, in boxes,bearing the full
trade mark, "Dr. Wlliams' Pink Pills
for -Tette People." Protect yourself from
imposition by refusing any pill that does
not bear the registered trade mark around
the hex.
The Good Old Boys.
There are no boys like the geed old boys -
When we were boys together;
When the grass was sweet to the brown bare feet
That dimpled the laughing .heather ,•
When the pewee sung to the summer dawn,
Or the bee in the blllewy clover,
Or down by the mill the wh1p.peor.will
Echoed his night song cjver.
There are no girls like th good -old girls -
Against the world I'd Ptake 'em!
As buxom mid smart and clean of heart
As the Lord knew how temake 'em 1
They were rioh in spirit and common sense;
A piety all supportin',
They could bake and brew, and hat taught school,
And' theymade the likeness courtin'.
There it no love like the good old love -
The love that another gave us 1
We are old, old men, yet we pine again ,
For that preolour grace -God save us 1
filo we dream and dream of the good old times,
And our hearts grow tenderer, fonder,
As those dear old dreams brieg soothing gleams,
Of heaven away cfflyonder 1 •
. -kugene Field.
Her Head a Fright.
" Large sores covered the head and face
of our child," writes Ce D. Isbill, of Mor-
ganton, Tenn., "that no treatment helped
till we used Buckled's Arnica Salve, which
quickly cured her." Infallible in Eruptioes,
Bruises, Accidents and Piles. Cure guaran-
teed. Only 25o at Fear's drug store.
Wit and Wisdom.
-The poor man must go out and weather
the storm, while the rich man can stay borne
• and storm at the viesather.
-Many a poor .young man is compelled
to work for his living simply because his
father-in-law failed to amass a fortune.
--It doesn't do a man any harm to be
thrown on his own resources. The diffi-
culty is that it always 'happens when he
hasn4t any.
-" I think you would walk muoh easier,"
I remarked to a Vle boy who was strugg-
ing to ride a hic cle. Ay," he replied,
"but ye ken welkin's auld fashioned.'
-" Too bad about Jane Gilroy, wasn't
it ?" " Wh'at was it? 1 haven't heard."
" Spent five year qualifying for a trained
nurse and then married her first patient."
-As a Highlandman stood in one of
Glasgow's station e the other day, he asked.
the station master " if a certain train went
by Aye ?" "Na' replied the stationmits--
ter ; it goes byteam."
-Ada-" Then you haven't quite decided
to accept him ?" May-" Not quite. In'
fact I'm not sure that he is so very much in
love with me. When he proposed he didn't
talk a bit incoherently."
Haven't I told you," asked the father,
" to always tell the truth?" " Yes, you
told me that," the young man admitted,
"and at another time you told me never to
become the slave of a habit."
Whenbe saw the enemy coming he
tureed and ran. I call that edwardice."
"Not at all ; it was strategy. He remem-
bered that the earth is round, and he intend-
ed to run round and attack the enemy from
the rear." •
-First trustful wifel-" They say brain
work is more fetiguingithan any other kind
of work." Second ditto-" I quite believe
it. Whenever my hueband has to work
late et the office he is sure to have a head-
ache next morning."
- He-" I never hesIrd of a woman so
generally well liked by yeti women as Mrs.
Brown is." She-" That's so. She's a
dear old soul." He -9 That'S what you all
say. Why is it 7" he-" Probably be-
cause she wear' • such plain • bonnets and
gowns, and never has nything to make us
ot b en'
• spr'ng
warn er
east x -
wed by
a ra id
to 1 se
our end
eal? eliitse
w .
in a v ry
Way or-
of pr.
sdon began
ter. My
derfu ly,
aegan to
e. and ny
• Is a Nerve edioine and
Nerve Food.
because she is a woman of discretion ;her
friendships are not to be achieved; they are
to ,be thrust upon her, or denied. Greater
than any difficulty of this sort is a more
praotical one regarding hospitality. 'When
a visiting clergyman comes to the church,
when missionaries and meoretariee and evan-
gelists and lecturers appear, the parish is
usually willing to have the minister's wife
reap all the bleseing from the entertainment
of angele, unawares.'"
Eionest and True,
This is eminently the case with Poleon'e
Nervilineand great pain cure. It is an hon.
est remedy, for it contains the most power-
ful, the purest, and most certain pain sub-
dueing remedies known to medical science.
It is honest, for it does all it claims to do.
It is honest, because it; is the best in the,
world. It only costs 10 or 25 cents to try
It, and you can buy a bottle? at any drug
store. Nerviline cures toothache'neural-
gia, pain in the back and side. All pains
are promptly relieved by Poison's Nerviline.
Some Things Worth Knowing.
-L20,000 worth of fish is caught daily by
British fishermen.
-General De Wet, the Boer leader, was
once a student atCambridge University.
-There are 266 railway stations within a
six -mile radius of St. Paul's Cathedral, Lon.
-Theatres are free in India. The cur-
tain rolls up at nine o'clock at night, and
never comes down until five o'clock the next
-The population of Corea is 12,000,000.
The country is 82,000 miles in area, and un-
til 1894 was under the suzera.nty of China.
-In Turkey the disappearance of the sun
at night is accounted for by the periodical
retirement of that pious luminary for pray-
ers and religious reflections.
-Bangkok is a city of waters. It is an
Indo-Chineee Venice. More people live in
floating homes on the Menane, "the Nile of
Siam," and the many canals than in per-
manent buildings.
-In spite of famine and plague, the India
railways continue to prove more and more a
financial euccess. The mileage is now 26,-
700, of which 23,76; were worked for traffic
last official year, ending March 31st.
-One of the. sparse population of Juan
Fernandez, Alexander Selkirk's Island, is a
Swede who leads a hermit's life. He hardly
speaks to his neighbors, and he subaists on
the produce of a email garden, and by
fishing. ,
-There are nearly 80,000 more women in
Russis than men.
-Women clean the streets of Cannes, the
cleanest town in the world.
-Germany, Austria, Sweden, Norway,i.
and Italy are now training dogs for use in
-The Shah left an excellent impression
in Paris ; in other words, he left over
000 behind him.
-The loss through drought in Western ,
Queensland during the last seven years has
been about £7,600,000. '
-- 'though the Queen does not permit
smo ing in her immediate neighborhood, yet
she keeps on hand a stook of the most sup-
erb Ha.vana cigars for her gueists, and the
consumption thereof is about 8,000 a year.
-Experiments have for some time been
made in England with smokeless coal. This
peculiar fuel may be burned either in an or-
dinary grate or in a basin in ;the middle of
. the room without developing any perceptible
odor or smoke at any time. The fire looks
like the ordinary coal fire, and the flame is
white and blue.
-The sum of $10,000 was raised recently
in London, England, for the erection of a
statue to General Gordon at Khartoum. It
has now been arranged that the empty pe-
destal in Khartoum shall be occupied bya
replica in bronze of the statue representing
Gordon mounted on a camel, which was exe-
cuted in 1890 by, Es Onslow Ford, R. A.
Too many people ar ignorant of the fact
that tbe nerves regul te the blood supply
through the body. Tl1ie condition of the
nerves should therefo e claim our beet at-
If the nerves are ou of repair the result
is, loss, of sleep, irrit bility, de ression of
spirits and lassitude, all of which are the
beginning of serious ailments and diseases.
Paine's Celery Compound is a nerve medi-
cine and nerve food as well as p -purifier of
the blood. When used It removes from the
the nerve centres all irritability, and by
Supplying abundant nutrition to the ' nerve
tissue, secures healthy action throughout
the nervous system.
When men and wo en are worried and
overworked in the hone, workshop, store or
office, and find it hard to get sleep at night
-when the used,up b sin gets no time for
repair, nothing so r freshes, strengthens,
and gives vigorous 11 e as Paine's Celery
Compound. It is the food for brain and
Parine's Celery Cam ound is the acknow-
ledged chief of all me icines for the Cure of
diseases due to nervotas weakness or to a
foul condition of the islood. It is the one
real remedy known torday that never fails
to benefit. Get Paine's Celery Compound,
and only "Paine's," if you would be well
and strong.
Trials of of the Xlinister's Wife.
"The average parish feels a sense of
ownership in it's minister's wife, her chil-
dren and her home, and because this inter-
est often uses the eyee of affection, she tries
to blind herself to the fact that she has no
privacy, no liberty to choose her own
friends, no leisure for her own refreshing,"
writes "A Ministe 's Wife " of !" The
Church Engaged My usband, Not Me," in
the September Led es' Home , Journal.
" The lack of privacY and the semi ce of
• dignity that miist accompany it, 4re as
nothing, however, to the deprivatio4 that
most of us feel when we are den ed the
right to choose our even friends. • It is only
common sense to suppose that some people .
in the parish are going to be more congenial
companions than others for the minister's
wins, who was probably a very human girl
one. A minister's wife rarely , d res to
make close frieods among her hu band's
people, because those whom she • hs not
chosen become offended and critic& . She
usually succeeds in living on terms o Color-
less fr1et1llness with all, and perha. s has a
someWhflb lonely life in consequence. There
are intimacies w ich she does not care for,
1 r -
A Bundle of Nerves.
Nerve force is the very life of man,and every organ
ef thel human body is dependent upon it. Just as
aeon se the blood geti thin and watery and fails to
supply nourishment to the nerves there come; a
train of nervous "disorders, nervous prostration,
paralysis, epilepsy, insanity and death. Dr. Chase's
Nerve Food rebuilds and revitalizes the nerve cells
wasted by disease, overwork and worry. It is beyond
doubt the world's greatest restorative. Reconnnencl-
ed by your family physician. All druggists re•Jom•
mend.and sell it.
A Tax on Beards.
Under Queen Elizabeth, in the first year
of her reign, a texavvei 'unposed of 3s 4d on
everr beard above a fortnight's growth.
The aw, hdwever, was never enforced, and
eo it lapsed: In France a tax on beards was
impo ed and enforced, and it is said that
from it a handsome revenue was derived.
Pete the Great of Russia, also itnposed a
tax pon bearde, a copeck to be paid by
peas nts and laborers and a hundred, roubles
by t ose of a higher station in life. So
stro gly was, this Russian anti -beard law
rese ted that in more than one case it led
to the spilling of blood. Officers were sta-
tion d etthe city gates with egords, and if
anybeard-wearer refused to pay the tax he
was Sit once submitted _to the ordeal of
gratuitous shaving.
A Bright Idea
ws• that of Dr. Chase when he discovered a eons.
bleed treatment for disorders of the kidneys and
liver, and so provided a cure for eomplioeted dis.
eases of these organs which were formerly incurable.
•Dr. W, Chase's Keiney-Liver Pills are the world's
greatest cure for kidney, liver and stomach troubles,
and has an enormous sale in all parts of Canada and
the United States, One pill a dose. 26 cents a box
' Scottish' Wit.
his now almost two full centuries since
England and Scotland were united, in 1707,
under the name of Great Britain. Yet up
to the present time the world continues to
employ the familiar terms English Queen,
English srmy and so on, with no mention
of Sootland. This slight has often been
cominented upon by Se tchmen. Mess -
metes and bosom cronies froas the same
oalchan, happened to be st tioned nesi each
other when the now celebrated signal was
given frdm the addiiral's ship, "England
expects every man to do his duty."
word o' puir mild Scotland on
this ocoapion,", dolefully remarked Geordie
to Jock. ' Jock cooked hie eye a moment, -
and turning to his companion, "Man
Geordie,"Isaid he, " Scotland kens weel
eneuch that nae bairn o' hers needs to be
tel't to do his duty -that' a just a hint to
the Englishers."-Exchange.
FOR internal or external use HAGYARD'S YEL-
LOW OIL cannot be excelled as a pain relieving and
soothing remedy for all pain.
• •
- Pat Again.
A certain man, possessed of great wealth
and proud -of his possessions, was rather de-
ficient in intellect. One day he had an old
working for him -an Irishman, possessing a
full share of the wit of his race. The rich
man went to oversee the job. He looked at
Pat a minute, hard at work, and said :--
" Well, ,Pat, it's good to be rich." " Yes,
sir," said Pat, meekly enough. "1 am
rich Pat -very rich." • "So I am told,"
said Pat, shovelling. "1 own lands and
houses, and bonds, and stocks, and -and -
yes sir." " And what is it,
Pat, I, haven't gel ?" " Divil a bit of since,
sir," said Pat, as he picked up the wheel-
barrpw and trundled it off.
are C8y to take, harmless in action and sure to (rum
any leadache in from 6 to 20 minutes.
custom, gave the newspaper man so cold a
reception that the latter lost no time in
melting his return trip to London. A few
days later the correspondent received a let-
ter from Ruskin, in which he said " Some
time since I put myself on record as an-
tagonist of the devil's own toy, the bicycle.
I want to reiterate, with all the emphasis of
strong language, that I condemn all manner
of bi , tri., and 4-, 5-, 6-, or 7 -cycles. Any
contrivance or invention intended to super -
cede the use of human feet on God's own
ground is damnable. Walking, running,
leaping and dancing are the legitimate and
natural joys of thebody, and every attempt
to stride on stilts, dangle on ropes or wrig-
gle on wheels is an affront to the Almighty.
You can't improve on God's appointed way
of walking by substituting an improved
cart -wheel." It is hardly necessary to add
that the letter was not used inthe sympos-
ium on the beauties and benefits of bicycl-
deWaio0r8R.51S oannot exist either in children or adults
when DR. LOW'S WORM SYRUP is used. 25a. Al
A Land Without Tramps.
aWhydo we never see a tramp in Ger-
• There are poor people enough, and many
must be out of a job now and then. Yet
Germany is a nation without tramps. Is
America a poorer country, that we count
our tranips by the tens ot thousands?
I once' visited a so-called " tramp colony"
near Bielefeld, Westphalia, guided by an
expert in such matters, Dr. Hinzpeter, who
was for many years tutor to the Emperor.
Here I was told tho secret of tramp exter-
mination. Germany allows no man to
prowl around the country without giving an
account of himself. If he is looking for
work he must make it clear- that he hag
means of support during his search. If be
has no means of support the government
offers him these means, but on the import-
ant condition that he works in return. The
government thus relieves the tramp, but
sea to it that the particular individual does
job by way of equivalent.
Now, if that tramp is an honest man, he
ill be grateful for the opportunity of tid-
i g over his hard times and earning some-
thing into the bargain. On the other hand,
if the tramp is tnerely a loafer, intent upon
living at the expense of his fellows, the gov-
ernment; gives him such a taste of work that
in the future tramping will have vastly less
charms for him-Kan.saa City Independent.
LIVER TROUBLES, biliousness, sallow complex
ion, yellow eyes, jaundice, etc yield to the cura-
tive powers of LAXA•LIVER PILLS. They are sure
to cure.
At Drill.
In the early days of the present war in
South Africa a. large number of colonists
were recruited and hastily licked into shape.
Drill they all detested, but cheerfully put
up with it like true Britons. On one occa-
sion an officer was putting a. fresh batch
through their facings. ".Form fours," he
shouted, and they jumped into something
like order. "As you were," he called, and
ck they all came except one fat farmer,
ho stood stock still. "As you were,"
a gain yelled the officer in the bewildered
an's ear. "Beg pardon, sir," mutteied
the man, "but Pm blowed if I know where
r were 1"
-Ii is said that Major Dent has dispersed
about $60,000 in the neighborhood of Listo-
well, for horses for the Imperial army.
-The new railroad from Jerusalem to
Jaffa is doing a large business, and the
trade of Palestine has been stimulated.,
-Major Dent and staff will again visit
Listowel on Sept Ilth and 12th, to inspect
horses for cavalry and artillery service in
South Africa. It is understood that about
two hundred horsee will be wanted. Messrs.
W. C. Kidd and R. R. Hay are now buying
up horses, and it is expected that the num-
ber required will be secured without diffi-
All the lung healing properties of the pine are
bottled up in Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup. It is
the most satisfactory remedy for coughs and colds of
all kind. Price 26e.
Does Children Good.
" I have used Dr. Low's Worm Syrup in my fam-
ily, and it has always been effectual and has done the
children good. I can highly recommend it."
Mrs. Joseph Langtry, Brockville, Ont.
Stupefying headaches are cured, the head cleared,
and the brain brightened by Milburn's Sterling Head-
ache Powders. 'They do not weaken the heart: Price
10c and 2 c.
-.sr • Earache Cured.
Mrs J. J. Jchnson, InnlslaU, Alta., says: " I was
troubled with Earache for a long time, and nothing
helped me until I used Hagyard's Yellow Oil, which
cured me completely."
Laxativer Pills are the ladies' favorite cathartic),
as they do not gripe or pain, sicken or weaken or
OAUlle the slightest inconvenience. Price 25o., all
Instant Relief.
Mr, RobertJennings, Mansfield, Ont., writes "1
have used one bo'Ve of Dr. Low's Toothache •Onril
for severe toothache, and received instant relief. Be-
sides this, it acted as; a splendid Cmpotary
Price 10o.
rhe McKillop Mutual Fire
Insurance Company.
J. B. McLean, President, Eippen P. 0.; Thomas
Fraser, vice-president, Bruceold P. 0.; Thomas E.
Flays, Bevy-Treas. &Worth P. 0. ; W. G. Broad.
foot,' 'Impactor of Lowe, Seaforth P. 0.
W. G. Broadfoot, Beaton& ; John G. Grieve, WI
throp ; George Dale, 8eaforth ; John Bennewels,
Dublin; James Evans, Beeehwood ; John Watt,
Harlook ; Thomas Fraser. Bnioefield ; John B. Mo.
Lean, Kippen ; James Connolly, Clinton.
Robt. Smith, Barka ; Rob*. McMillan, &Worth 1
James Cumming Egmondv ; J. W. Yeo'Holmes-
ville P. O.; George Murdie and John 0. Morrison,
Parties desirone to effect Inmates.' or trent
rot other business will be promptly attended to oe
pplication in any of the above officers, addressed is
heir respective iOIt Woes.
The Old Reliable Remedy for
Margin and Dysentery.
Mrs. Thos. Sheriock, Arn-
Used It. Pr" Y
ior, Ont recentl wrote:
"My little girl, three years of
age, was taken very bad with diarrhoea,
and we thought we were going to lose her,
when I remembered that my grandmother
always used Dr. Fowler's Extict of Wild
• Strawberry, and often said that a saved her
Ruskin's Idea of the Wheel.
A few days 'before Ruskin's death a
New York editor dispatched his London
representative to interview the sage of
Brentwood on the beauties and benefits of
bicyeling. Ruskin, following his usual
life. I got'a bottle and gave it to my child,
and after the third dose she began to get
better and slept well that night. She
proved right along and was goon com-
pletely cured."
The best equipped Business and
Shorthand School in Canada is the,
Forest City Business and Short-
hand College, London, Ontario.
Large enrolment and strong faculty.
Hundreds of Students in good
Years of excellent work to its
credit. Catalogues of either cours
free. Correspondence ,invited.
J. • W. WESTERVELT, Principal.
Mrs. lame; Carr,
Umfraville, Hast-
ings Co./ Ont., says:
"My little boy, two
and a half years old,
was in a terrible con-
dition and suffered a great deal from
scrofulous sores. My husband bought a
bottle of Burdock Blood Bitters for gine
and gave it to him, and by the time he had
finished -the second bottle there was not e,
sore to be seen. On account Of this won-
derful cure I can honestly recommend
B.B.B. to all who suffer from nny disease
arising from bad blood."
Mr. Oliver J. Murray,
Charlottetown, P.E.I.,
writes as; follows:
"About `six tnonths ago
I was troubled with
painful boil, for which I
could get nothing to cure me.1 As a last
resort I tried Burdock Blood Bitters. One
bottle completely rid me of boils, and my
health was never better than a present.
Seaforth Mill
The undersigned having purchased from
the Ogilvie Milling Company, of Montreal,
the well-known
Seaforth Flour Mills,
Are now prepared to do all kinds of -
Custom Work,
.• .T0 WHICH.
Special .Attention will be
The very best quality of Flour given in
exchange for wheat.
Chopping of all kinds done on the ehort-
est notice. Priee, five cents per bag.
The best brands of Flour always on hand,
and will be delivered in any part of the
town free of eharge.
The highest price in cash paid for &1l
kinds of grain.
Feed of an kinds constantly on hand.
The Seaforth Milling Co. lm
Hardware Store.
Machine Oils for Binders and
Threshers' Use
At Bottom Prices.
Consumers' Cordage Co.'s Binding
SiIIs& Murdie
Counter's 01.d Stand, Seaforth
J. D. MeNAR, C. E.,
Engineer; for Wingham, Seaforth,
HOwick, Blyth, &c,
1 .
Cement Sidewalks, Sewers and Township
Drains will be given special attention.
At Queenha Hotel.
R. Jackson
Jules Robin & Co's Brandy, Cognac,
Franco; Jno. de Kuyper & Son, Hol-
land Gin, Rotterdam, ' Holland;
Booth's Tom Gin, London, England;
Bulloch & Co.'s Scotch Whisky, Glas-
gow, Scotland; -Jamieson's Irish
Whisky, Dublin, Ireland; also Port
and Sherry Wine from, France and
Spain Agents for Walker's Whisky
Ontario; Royal Distillery and Davie
Ale and Porter, Torontoi
We have opened a retail store in
connection with our wholesale busi-
business in the rear of the new Do-
minion Bank, in Good's old stand,
'where -we will set1 the best goods in
the market at botton prices. Goods
delivered to any- rtf the town
- free.
Musical •- instrument
Owing to hard-Tnes, we have con-
cluded to sell Pianos and Organs at
Grel,atly Reduced Prices,
Organs at $25 and upwards, -and
Pianos at corresponding prices.
See us before purchasing.
Our direct connections will nave you
time and money for all painte„
Canadian North West
Via Toronto or Chicago,
' British Columbia and California
; points.
Our rates ere the lowest. We have them
eo snit everybody and PULLMAN TOUR -
.ST CARS for your accommodation. Call
for further Information.
Grand Trunk Railway.
Trains leave Beriforth end Clinton-statcio
1°Paosen" Wgr-
ngser........... 12.40 p. it. 12.25 P. m.
Passenger. 109..1220PA. P. M. . 1100:2715 PA: M.
Mixed Train.
Mixed Train
6.15?, M. 7.05 P. M
Passenger.- ..
Passenger.. .
674...523855 PPA...MMM.:
Mixed Train... ..
7.53 A. M.
8.11 P. M.
4.60?. /d.
Ethel. .... .....
Brussels.. .. -
Bluevale- .. ..
Gobso -SOUTH-
iluevale ..
n, Grey and Bruce.
8.071. M.
6.58 A. M.
ao• 4000
• • • • 4.0
1.40 P. if.
8.55 A. m.
Loud , Huron and Bruce.
London ------------8.16 A.M. 4.40 rat.
0.18 5.55
9.80 6.67
9.44 8.18
9,50 6.25
9,58 6.88
10,15 6.55
Centralia ... • • ...I..*
Hingh1100 • /0 •••• • *. • s• ire •-• • •
Eippea.....•.•••••••••• ••
Bruoefield-•. ••••••••I; •.0 0
011113$06. 00 OM ik• 0.40 • se a. •
Londesb;ro -
Myth-- ...s..•••-•.•••
Begrime- ...
GlOrtr• SOUTH--; ,
• Wingham, depart..
Bl_ -.. .. • •• •
Londasb7trU. • • • • • • • aeo • • •
ClIgiban ••••
. .
Stpeen... • • • • • II •
Remelt I
Keefer ...• • • ir.•
.. • • • .... IOW
London, (arr(ve). .....
10.41 7.28
10.66 7.87
11,10 8.00
6.58 A.M. 8.15 F.
7.01 8,40
7.14 3.55
7.22 4.05
7.47 4.25
8.05 4.49
8.15 4.57
8.22 5.02
8.35 5.14
8.48 5.23
9.37 A. aI. 8.12
pealers in first-class Furniture of all
kinds, in latest designs. 'Upholstering
neatly done. We also do picture Irani-
ing, and a choice selection of pictures
always on hand. Curtain poles at all
prices, and put up. We are alsc
Agents for the New William's Sewing
Machine, best in the market for do-
mestic use, no travelling agents, no
high prices.
;In the Undertaking Department, we buy
our goods from the best houses In Ontario,
sod guaranteesatisfaction in every depart-
ment of our work. We have always made
it a point to furnish chairs, and all ether re-
quisites for funerals, FREE Olt CHAROE,
Prices better than heretofore.
!Arterial and cavity embalming done OH
seientific principles.
i P. 8. Night and Sunday calls will be
attended to at Mr. Landsborough's resi-
dence, directly in the rear of the Dominion
Rank. •
Le atherdale