HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1900-09-21, Page 3I
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I,' SEPTEMBER � 211 1 00, � " I - -.1 � .
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I A Dr6�make, ,11'�', Duties i �
. - j
I ANTED.—Weav ors And Any good woollen mill j � mmmio� W I " I I A-Curions 4"Ortion �Xttdo by ;Ln 01d Ren
W help Families preferred. Steady work and i . .
: CANADA WOOLLEN MiLLS, Lim- i � � I calptl�111.'
- � Are Such as to Qwso paekache ,
llweoslp� Tel e r. 17094 1 ,�A_L� of
cv� I � . _77 I 'L istarvati(!)n will kill OL mail
I �
__ i - - I �w i
i . 11 - 1111111Y tilll(A quickei than mtarvution
ARM TO RENT.—Bolug Lot 4, Concession 8. 1 1 1 �
F �Iulletj,conai�tingof 100 acres. A good fall, I A Toronto Drassmakep 11as' Found a ii -self," stlid an ol(J. dQep-N-vater cap -
I I in� to a, i�_V%
- wheat farm. Will he rented on reasonable terms to � POSItiVe C1.1re and G1341Y T611S I td 1� V 01-11calls Times -Dem -
For furtbqr Particulars apply to : I �
a good tenant. � AboUt ft. I ocrat reportL-r. "I've seen that prov-
MRS. JOSEPH M".11TIN, Constance P. 0. 1709 -if � . : I
. �
I . __1 . --..-- I � I ell more t 411 once at sect. Back in
-, . __ . I k T6s whofollo I
OHN BIATTIE, CWrk qf the second Division I 11 �. !I . 86, to gil 0 you ail illust,ration, I
ZTCourt county Commissioner4 of Huron Con. . I I I., tie' ardl�lous ocau
wayanoor, Land, Loan And Inararence Agent. ftnds . I &V )n i of dre Was first ofl�cer oil a ship going frolil
.13 ) I
gnrcaW and - to Loan. oflloa--Over Sharn A 11311% ngi,or sewin Frisco to! San .Salvadoe. Down
- I
ivans' store, Main street, Setforth. 1&9 . . about latitude 15 -%�,e pick4d ill) eight
� I hav t�oubleis o e
- 20 -colonies of Italian I tbZQ own,- _. men- in a boat. hey canie, off the ;
EES AND POULTRY. m,n sewin Liverpool ',r"ip Scipio, bound from
B . I co i in good painted hives, at f rom 85 to$6. 60 1 .1
- each. Aho full lino 0 boa keepers' supplies. n ao4ineis_ all. daX Jal)Lin to New York� and it seenied,1
Etta L,.kcn in txcbar,ge for supplie3. . l(n bending �ve . irom what they told us, that her
Paultry.-A grard pen of White Rocks, prize � Nv orl that r4 quire boiler had exploded when they werei
. winners at Car ada's biggest ehows. Black Minore4q, 11
� I tl �e. reatest of cars; - '
� arg�, goed color, a very desirable fowl f r eggs and I � . ? somewhere off the lev illa-Gigedo Is.
Ft,gs for latchliag 81 pe ; 0g, WM. 11I �es .are the thingq. lands, A .nyhow,
I table, ,, ;� 4 q I �it blew the day-
� . IIARTRY,'�eaf orth. . 1GS9411 that have Ms- lights out of the �ld tub and these
"_ - ---,----- ,-------- - �� . ZE%Ia� a wonis�� men had all th ;
,0, Aft M TO RENT -A fint-olass farm to-ront,Lot . 1 4101161m, 41e;er - . eY Wuld do to get off
I _r No.l,onthe2nd Conceardon of Hullett,con. - _. I " - before she sank. The, others on
wrting 100 acres, about 90 sores cleared ; no stone - . ti ne I take a stitch board -went doNvn with the Wreck.
or gravel, only !first-class soij, and well adapted for . * �th M�y needle -
oropf seems as t Oercing in Of course they �hac 110 time to pro -
i frame stable foli hones and cattle, and a oomfort ., I � ;
I 1; large barn and other outbuildings; a large h9ugh I am ) y ow vision,, and ir,Oia I little food they
I ablo house and )5ve Acres of good bearing orchard* back." , .1 . I .. - .. I
i fr bac were able to snatc up as they left
� 1. ten $crev of fall wheat.' It is situated five miles But those who suffir O& �- ksche,
i from Seafortill', the same froin Clinton, 100 rods from headache�psinl in the side or, any derange. ran-Jout on, the second day, Alto-
sachool, 11 miles front Alms church, 2J miles from ment of the k ill be glad to know gether they had been afloat five days
Kinburn, and rartieti wishing to takp It can get the � - -
workirg right away on It. For further that there . y t a ever faild sivea ,vhcn %Are picked timm up, three days'
I � apply on the premises. FRANCIS in the worf!tloas 9 96 I � I Withoat food of all d, nd e-liery
i i1trit! all.."'."081 I 1709-tf It is Doanla 'dn6y P I. . . IYU n in the party loolked to :be on
I . , I -_ - . Mrs. P. Coy r, the 11 -known dress. thl actual verg of starvation. They
..! maker, 224 'Ba,hurst SVI, oronto, Ont., .had pass d tough a horrible -or-
I - " gave the iollowing statement of her exp�ri- deal, to bt surp', but they were all
WANTED. -Wanted, for Schoal. See- 81106 with i);: I I .
I - big, huaky fellolvs, and the length of
. 2, MoRillop, a' male or fema!e " For SOMO ti 1118 I OUgerf a good des -
- Mng second or third -clan certificate. from weak back, a tired �eel ng, and i I tinic they had �� vVithout food'did
_� Duties ta commence Janu&ry Ist, 1901. Appll- I a -us "Ing ,riot begin -.o "count for their fam-
. . catioxis, stating salary and giving references. will be &Dc chesi In lrsrl,� pqt of my gody. ished appearance. Their cbee,k4 had
-1 . -
� . receLved by the undersigned tl� to October 11th. Since I have uso'boan a 1Xi nay rilis the fallen in, t4vir eyealivere hollow, and
I ROBT,. McELROY, ,keaforth P. 0. 17 09%4 , pains have ]Aft T-Ai4- my ba 'k bas got stro: 11
. � I . weak they cotgd hard-
I_ EACHER WANTED. -Applications from teachers and the kidney ti�oubles h To be#correcte4. 13, get aboard. T at wasn't . caused
� Toolding first or second class certificates to. teaqh I $I That tired', dull, dro ,_ feeliiip that use4 by, hunger but y fear of :hunger.
I in School Section No. 6, Morris townshlp,,,next year, I to come on me hd,o now J'end amhappy I I
will be received up to October 12th,1900., Address 1 to say I have-noi They were all rou h, i'llitera'te sail -
i t so ell in years as at
asbalow. Stat6 salary wanted enclosing testimonials � present 11 I : ! "I ors excep't wie, w o had been mate
. etc. HENRY JOHNS!�IN, Secretary Treaetxrer, Bel. I "
. f, F. O�, ol'tarlo, , � i Doan s 31-idne, Pill cure bmkisalle, lame -find was rather superior sort of
.rave 1707x4 "'
� ack. right's : *aae, diabetes, Ina n - I ioticed Yiat lie was much
er,iliecond class pro- I dropsy, mist bef re the eybel, loss of memory, li,." fiffectel by the experience than
W�NTHD,-A female teach lor weak b , �, a
IV V � fessional certificate preferred, for second do. ' rheumatism, gr vel'and urinAry troubles o I tho,others, although he was the smal-
.1 partment of Egmondyllie school, situated half a young or,otd; he Doan Kidu Pill 100�, lest and frailest of I tho crowd, phys-
mile from Seatorth. Salary 0286 per annum, to ' � ey
I commence October Ist, IWO. Perm -anent poillion Toronto, Ont. - . I -_ ically. I account for his condition,
for satisfactory teacher. Apflications recelved u i � 11
to September 24th, a persona, application preferreT I - I on the grownd thhC lie a m
R. HICKS, Secretary, Egntondville. 1708x3 ,,,r, 1110ral forti tide �nd did- riot
i � SpavinspffingbonesySplint �
- - - I allo"w hinisb1f to giyo way to despair.
REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. 1 Curbs, and All Forms of Since thell, 1, "ia � ve., sern professional
I i . Lamenes* Yield to who go wit,hout- eaCing far a
. i i � I fa�;tvrs
I - - -"09 SALE -Nine acres of land for sale, being I I moTith- at a stre0h and stiffer no
T, L6V 12, Concepaion 8, Hay. There Is a frame . rc-at'disconifart. If their wgre in an
- . house and barn &180.amall orebard. Particulars .0 % 9 , -
. upon application. MRS. ,ROBERT KYDD, SR., i b_.._ � open bo-nt, -%vith thio clia,ilc0s ,.�i re;S-
- Zu, icb. 1699 -ti etiq one ta a thousand, theyl would
I I . . � .
! � � - . sta,rve to tenth in less.. than --a, third
RM FOR SALF.-Containing 163 acres,2 bank /I I . ...A
i barns, brick house, kitolteri L Well fenced and .of 'that tinie." .
atered, good orchard. Willselicheap or take 60 - END, .. . I — -
� 11. acres in part pa3 ment Apply to D. V. SUrIfER- :- .5 D . . ... Shre-wd Fariner. ; �
. _ LAND, on the premises, or .to DR. -PATERSON, 1 IN CU E � ; I
. Pori 9J."'D. 1709 2 . '.. __ .1 � A -cit-V gentleilian Who -had just
- . MODERN HOUSE,,FOR SALE. -Solid brick, nine I � . - purchased I a farin in �the country,
xvisdied to buy soine cattle with
. 1 rooms, I urrace and bath room, elegant lawns, - 1: I -
. which to stock it. Ile I
ornamental shade trees, large and small fruits. :therefore at-
Tormoeasy. Applyto 0. CLARKSON, proprittorl- Works tbousaada of cures annu n Orse y Le en e ail auction where cows were
. beat breedors and hor-emen. ever-3rw, ere. rrica. $Ji; Rix
I or to HENRY BEATTIE,'Barrister, Cady'o Block, for t-5. As a linimelt for flamily u e it has no equ.q 1. to be -sold. ()lie of thm
seafli4b. � . 1704-tf - - - -
-1 __ - -_ - 1� West I orne �.Outario, Can., Dec. 11. 1898. ably fine animal, soon attracted his
I _1 DR.B.J.KENDALLPo. "i - I I . .
i -
HO4jSE FOR SALE. -Fine new, brick houce In, Dear Sirs: -A Year Jago I had a. val jable horse which. .attention, _Lrld he bought her at a
, - - hl�n -.nary Sur�zeon w 0 fitir price. Ile ivas examining his
Seaforth, goo:i location 6 roonis, well lixitted, got lame I took , to the Votei
I let class furnace, gocd ceIlaT,w.'th Etone CiBter,n, pronounced it Occult Spn win and gave me little hope,
.- . aithough he applied EJ sharp blister. rhis made mattbra purchase,, i0i.en Et farDier, who un-
� lawn and ornamental trees M-Fnur and garden-irt only worso and the hqrse became so lamo-thut Itcould
I rear. Will be eo!d chcap and op easy terms. Apply notgtandup. After �trylnq ev'�r b in in my fortLinately had arrived too la,te to
I . to J.L.KILLORAN,8cafortb. , � 1708x3 1, � went to a neighbor and told hi I n Zb'. I � t fh e ca s 0. = 10 bit the - co V himself as he had in-
__ -pl : - __ __ _____�__.____ I me one of your bookaand.i studied It carefully and b3_ Y
-nARM FOR SALE. -A farm of 200 acresjo tb I e ing resolved to do the utmostin favor fy6ny beast, went tended, (Ircire tip, Lind thus accosted
� to the nearest drug 8torean d got a I?cttleof your Spavin hilli: . .
_r township of Snugeen, 18i aores cleared ind -all Gure and applied it stirictly according to directions. I L
under fence, large brick house of ten rooms, �arga fore the first;b6ttlew" used I notic lanimprovement, "I say, �riend, did you bid off
. bank barn ; all the neocasary outbuildings and a "d when the seventh bottle was at out half used, ix y .
: � horse was completely etnkrd- and ,vithout leavin&ja that Cow?"
i T plentilul. supply of -water at the buildings. I For blemish on him. After ceasibg treatment I gave the " I did," was flie reply.
!_ - , paiticul4ra apply at the pr(inises, L-A 18, Concession horse good -care and didsome lightworkwith himwish-
3, or to .N. CASSIDY, Port Elgin, P, 0, 17092-- -ing to see if Ithad effected a cure,l then started to,wol k ''IVell, di I -%,oil know that she had
I - Z Ahe horse hard and. to my entire satiRfaetion he nover 2 . 911
i - - -1 - - ____ - JBhowed any more lameness throughthe whole surnmer. no front te th in the upper jaw.
. Ot'SE AND THREE ACRES FOR SALE. -The 1, I can recommend Kendal Vs Spa,vin Jure not only as i, �a � "No," replied the gentleman-, in -
H ndersigned GffBrB for sale his cottage in Har- excellent, but as a. sure remedy, to any one that It m4.y .
purhey with 3 acres of land in good state of cultiva- concern. YOurstruly, ' - SAMUEL TRITTEN. dig antly, .
Z� Tl
V013,1;1 anted with f ruib and ornamental tress. There , Askyourdruggist forltendall's Spavin Cure also "Is that so?"
to a good stable on the place, with -plenty cf, hard dud � 'A Treatise on the #or8e,11 the book tree, or-aVd7resa
. "You can� see for yourself." -
I � gottwater. Fencesare in geod order. There are I DR.- 9. J. KENDALL OOMPANY, ENOSBURG FALLS, VTw
I even rooms in the house wbich is -good repa.tr. The � ! . . . ntl�iiian exa-mined themouth
__ __ JOSEPH P . I . - I of the, c 0iv and finding no upper 1!
'T , prerinleeB may bo viewed at any time. , � I . .
BRINE. � 1695-tf : -x
t inini daitc.ly went to the atic-
- � " : I ISEAFORTH D WORK tt -th,
� I . tioneer and requested hiiii Co s
. VA� XA BLE PRO PERTY'FOR S A LE. -For s Ae I n I . - I
the village of Egmovdville, the valuable and I Ladies and gentlemen, tha,'nk-ing you all for ps tt 60NV again. ,
. zMly located prunisel; of the u -ned, 11patronageandnowtbabaDew geaiion Is ai band AVhat's lie teouble?" asked
pl"s ndeni; . the �
The pFcperty consists of two ae-ca of-grod land, we'l 'wish tol;at you know that I aui�,otil in the busineie .
drairbd and cultivated. Thcre, is a comfortable Iready to do my best!to auctioneer,
. give you very Batisf2'ii)�,
fram house, a gocd stab!G-, pIg P -en ar,d other nec- in doing your work in the line of ol ,arilog and dyei ig "She a n't ? any tipper front
ngs �0 n emen'a and ladies' clo'hing, d)ne without bei ig "�
,mlsei;, also bard and gentl . -
esea outbuild] the pre teeth," , �., tlic� rep13 ,
- soft water. T�vra are also 14 good fruit trPes, ripped as well as 'to I have them 'r pped. All w( 01
- . "Very we I," refflied the auctioneer
Utpl 0, phiweu ard f -ears; besides scme choice Pivall goods vuarant,ed iolgive go(d, sa isfactkon on Eho t.
frul e it -a a uicii-t desirable place fora retired far- eat notice. S -'bawls, curtains, c _, all moderate- wit1l. a� smi e, "I'll.' put her tip once
r �tt garden(r, and will go cheap. Apply prices. Ples8o do itiob fall to give e a call.' Butt er' I
Wer x Iva) � inore." I
. to WAL 0. Clark, Eglln:mdville. - 1096-tf and eggs I a' un in exchange for work. HENRY - I
I � NICHOL, G(,dcrich 4reet east, opi wtetheCathodc I -le did so and the shrev,,d farmer
- t . . I
FARM FOR SALE AT A BARGAIN IF Church. I I . . 1691 -ti who, had given thv� information to
$uLD BEFORE FIRST OF NOVEVRER.- � li � . . _i. the, city gentleiiian, bid her off at the
I Go") I ; � - I ,
This. farm is riltuated in the County of Huron, town - I . i - I - - �. I
ship olf Strkn'ev, )-)(.Ing Lot 4, Coucession ) 3. I I I . willic price. � I I
. r
. I talDo 80 acrep, 10 acres. of which fe hardwood buiih,, - . . — , ,
the balance is all cleared and well feneLd and dridur. WhCn- In d1fia , �� T'resence of Alfind. I � .
I 9 '. - . . .
� i dmincd. �Thcro is a good comfortable dwelling � 1 � ! .
house,� good baLk barn and a frame straw abed, a � I . � I A good Pt )ry cdmes froill the lViudY I
� %�-clt at the howe and one at the barn and a ,�Iwftys take , 11th you a -Ottle of D City regarding --a, well-known .'-,an
�� never failinir creek runs through the back eiid ot . I
9 I t - Franciscan, who i,s jiow a. pilgrilli- to 11
4 of Fowler s ;tractof ild Straw,. the ,,cell_tl.L
I thufarm. There is aline orchard %ith all kirids - I � 6f the JIJl,v0J_s(!._ Al rs.
- I
� .� fruit. This farm is couvm.cint to'churches, behools, berr' I I . .
4 markEt, cte. For full partkulars apply up)n the Y., , I . - . I I Dr. Cool .,vent east. a 'short thne
. premises or address ROBERT -P. DOUGLAS, Box 13, -
i . .1. � Since as a delegate Lp 'the. world's
.� ; -Blake V. 0. 1705 -IU � - _7 , . I - deiiLal congress at Chicao-o. On ar-
� . i 1
I 1� 0
I The -cl ange of food riving at lier dest,ination she illade
ARM FOR SALE. -For sale, a chot-cc flfty__aoiro� I - � I
- I - - q .
. � and - wa er.to whicp all eayly visit to tile s
F firm lit Tuckersmith, being Lot 12), on -the 13th ' . , fail. ground,.
. OoDeeseilin, Thfq(.holcu farniba8an 80 rod frontage, - r � thosa w o travel af.a, and as usual I.Vith sojourners ill that
. is well fenc(d aT draiced; it is nearly, all seeded, , . I � . I
and is frve-froii4,Eid weet:18. - There is -also a good .. � . . subject, often pr - SL�(W('tive _J).a.CC, f0LIIid upon Jeaving
ordurdand a iimall hu8b.- -a i:3 a gc,o.1 ." � r duces, art att�ck o that site had sla all her ready
I . - � .%t
. ; . On the premise . I I I I , ,V,vl,l i h is a
frame licuse, eunt.Liijing ung.ht room -6, %viLh stone ccl- . ., .. I diarrHoea whi h " cash. ,())I ler vva�.,�;bavk to her ho-
larandwoodfihed, Pnda new bank burn. Thereisa . .- unpleasant a d -dis- - .
never -failing spring at the houee. '16 Is within a . -efoi e, sh '
I . �( tol, thei Ll Stol)1led at a bank
. - � I -1. .�.. � I Comforting as 'it mav ki, '-heck caslied. As .ust al
churches, lic at c Iliev, store, ete and ia three and a .1 I - 1, I . be dapgarous. 7 � I I
. quarter of a mile of a ville-e,- wherri there are I to 11 a.% e I
-, %� ,. , . t -he clerk inJorliled her that she would
halt ruflt:j frorn Ilensall. For further partioulare, . A bottle 'of D�. have to be identified, As lYr,-. Cool
. app'y on the pmujisuB, or address Ghi8elhurst P. 0. It J I Fqv,16r's Extract f � i
, ... .. -%vas n. stran er in a. Strange land She
. -
T. F. HY I, E. - , i .
- . . UO2.tf I �11 -awberry n 9 _
I . . - ?I I Wil i Sti .
. I I 'A .. 11 .. � I . . er sd1f in a dilell,x,lila. She, ijr(--
__ __ � I found h
. ::= � - ', I � yo - grip is a guafan- I
� � 11* :)f sa5ety., � ,sented -her &ard,, but. that ivoulq1 1,10L
KTOCK Folt 8 _R, 1� V I 0 1?. . . - te� 1 ;.- ,
I - - � - il I I .. �� .� ch the first indi- 11(', "\_11("l ti, brilliant idea stilick. her.
-reigned will heop - . ],'Jashing q� beam froui the, dia.mond
0 VIG P,REEDLRS.-Thoundc cation of Crampap.
T on Lot 26, Concesuion 6, L. R. S., Tuckerern'th � � Colir-, Diarrhcea br* set ill Awl- f ront te4th upoin the clerk
' ' � ' "Plvtiki-,e look into wy.
- � a thoroughbred (IiixtlTiia WIRTH Pio, also a thorough. I , .Dysent ry, a fem I sliv s a i d: i; � �
I - -1
. bied Yvitasmax Viu. A limited numbor of sows will �4 - � I I doses V611 prOMpt Illolit.h." 1
be r-du,',ttW tu_each. Turroa, $1, payable at the time I I . . " I
I of scrvice, or ��.150 if chatKed. Also a few Cheater . � check the further ail. , A'lloi her one gone- crazy, thought,
. .
Whitei Pi_48 f(>r sale. JAMES GEMMILL. 1608-62 1 � vanca of -these diii. the clvrk, 1) t lie complied -with the
; I
I . - cases. I . request; 11ked a9tonislied, I smiled
. .
1J1&W0-RT11 BOAR FOR SALE AND FOR SER. - - W' .1 id 't
VIC.X.-'.1*ho unduAgned will .keep for service As D.r.,Fowler's Extract ol ild Straw. 11:11d 1), . . 1 tie, clieck, for on the
. orry is" beinX widely and sbarn 0 c r ow n i n jlic dentisL's inouth the
., all tho Brucetlohl J�ioajo Irr-otory, a thoroughbilcod , eless
Zan.0 orth Boar, with Mt�ititurod- pedigree. Ter�a'o, - i ' Herk read the inscription, "J,. Cool,
m1tated, your safety lies in seeing that 0
. I 11 � pa,� uble at ttw-e of .service with. privilege of re- - i
� ull name is on every bottle you buy. . 1 893. " Jt4ntityNva.s thus' esLablish-
I idmll�g ,It nocca8ary. Aleofknumbey of thorough- , � - � - 7 - ed beyond c, fluestion, and Mrs. Cool
bred' 3 ounK Tamworth Bwkra and Sows for sale. I . �
. - I
Fil'(111 MC(AkRTNEY, Bracodeld, 1105-tt For over a y I car we have had ,thd'ag cy tor the sal . ! ol - vvent oil her Nvay rejoicing. -
I - ---.---- __
____ __ _____ INDAPO. Our first order we-% for a rler of a & en, I
I -
. . our last for One Hu�dred and Fofty-fou ollars worth. I Origin of Visiting Car(ls.-
I ,
- AUCTIONEli,'RK . . � TRADEMARK 4=_"lii1Ill& I � "The use of visitin-cards, dafes
I . ____ __ �___ EGIS ER6. 61 - 19tih � 1-1
� -11KOIAS BROWN, 'Lievrsi d Auctioneer for the a � , , I back to qui e ,in antiquity "', explaills
I Gr,ui. tiL,8 of 11 uran and P, rth. Or& rs', Ivft at .. Mad a ell _ ,�%l 1.�;. ,%,LJJJ ),� )ert Schuyler, In 1lie 1'a -
I A- �1_ 12,L-O)t Il's implumexit wareroc,n.s, Sualorth, or - . "Pornierly the
Tni,_ Exi-oi,i-rui, ( Mee, N%%ll rc, eive protr lit attention, - ... F . an f .(lies-limile Joill-11111.
-1 � . . M I
�5�Ji,-taetidn guthrm,let d or no cl�.�r);( . 1708-tt I � I :1,] - liorler at tlelodgre or door of the
— . � .. . , gi-cat house; kept a visifors' boo&,
11710NE'ERING.- B. S Phillips, Licensed. . 41 0 - I I � ill ,which lie 4crawled ,his iden of the
A .&uctiui,Lcr for the vturdieq (if Iturou and �� ! I
w Peril', Behig a pra(ticil'fArnicr Lind thoroughly �, . 1.11ailles of Q ose "N'llo Called upon -tho
� INDAM I'll 1D �V
underi,tanding the Yalacof f, -sto( . , I . master ,in(] to ii'llose
arm -it and iniple- - TILEGREAT . arid Iiis fttlnil�% t
--to il,t(,t!�ixteinnt)c't6rliobitioritor,alize good el ill ISVC 1011 t, ivas SLI,l)[1111ted frojil.
priceeo HINDOO REMEDY 07 . I .
V I " �
i Charges niod- rate. Satisfitetion guaranteed PHODUCIFS THF ABOV13 I .
_� or no tfay. . All ordere, left af -Ilensall post office or Resuffsti,480(fays. Cures I �_� tilflt: LO tilll' One fine gelit'lelliall, a
� at Lot n�,'Conctebt,i all Norvous D y 1pvt ��' I - Llie nobilityi from the Fait-
, on 2, Hay, will be promptly 180118013. FafliNg MOM01 'y '1� .scion of
-1 "Itteudol to. .- Paresis, Sleeplessness, Nightly Emi - I t ,
-tt , ( , ,rinain, was ��liocked to
_- __L__._ — . � 1709 slons'eto'caused by pnot abuileff, 9i bourg ',:4 , ,
� 0. -___ - vigorandsize to mhrun and:quickly but find that hii porter kept so poor a
I . res Lost fitdm,hood in Z or
� . ou rol Y resto .1. oung.
i . � � �- .. Ensflyiyarrio&ln vestpocket. Price 0 a pa&f ge, I- e g i.4 e r ()f t ic, . naines of t hose -who
L .
i. . � I � STOCK FOR SALE. Six for $5.00 1trith a 107'"t g1lara"ide to cure or I
). - ..
1; - - 1. . Money r0t&nded. DON'T �''Y AN IMMATION )Ut' had called t poll him. The naiiie*:,
1� inoiston bay naiNDAPO. If your druggiisftWs lot ba(JIV'i�rrift(n -,Vitll .splut . terilig pen
,� II0l1Tlf0RV,8 FOR SALE -One cow and �-1 t%V1 I , , .
0- Vlot it, we wil'i aendit prepaid-. ' -
S 3 t-ar-r,ld lulfvr, suppo�vd 0 calvi- in October IND00 REMEDY CO., Propro, Chlealro, 111. 6r our.Age it** - and' pale or t1nuddy ink, suggested to
, .
I jearliw_ jw,�K'r,. I heifur calf, all good aninials with This rapid Increase proves It Is a re Oy hot every Ilia . Iiiiii the idea, of writing his own nanif,
rcgistexed pediKir"% I altso keop for service an im- Who tries It spcAkis well of., yours res Ilf lly, I upoll slips o. I)al)L-r or I its of card-
� proved Yorhuhire boar, bred froin Toronto Sweep- - I I V.-FEA .-Se fortli. Oid. '
stake e, � � board in ad-,ance of calijilg 11poll his
�%illllLr, _I�A, 0. S31ILLIN, 11crisall P. 0. , * I ; �_Cl
- � 1697.tf I .1 I � j neighbors lest his nalile� .,;houNt ftire
I _!
-;. .. - - - —, —_ .- I I . as .badly at the liallds Of I 110il' IM"t-
I I . i McLEOD
. I I - . . I I erg, ,Tllis ("Istolli sooll I hvrawe gon-
_. i - . AUCTION SALE'S. - I erally'establi-9116d.- . ..
_�__ Syste'ni, Re'n v4tor I ..
CLE RING RALK OF HORSES, CATTLE ANT) :. . I I . Gtiosts on t I i o 1;�Ift.
SJEEP.- James Jones has received Instruc- -AND OTH - . I .
tiO-38 troin Mr. Juhn J. Gormley, to bell by Public 'rh-e,- place of lionol' at 11 01il1;..-Z,,
- I Au'Aiun, (.,it Lct If,, Conecogion 5i llibbort, ob Tuca- TESTED, - - R M DIES, --- banquet. is the I � i o,, L 1� s It, . ft, 11,;n(J. ,
dk#,L4dlPt0ni&r 26,1900,the followi O" aged' I . . . I
ng"�l nine years . dote fdr Ours, Weak and m -_
. bof�.� 011oral purpose; I brood mar A specific and ano - - —
DTd-', ' I bprir,g- eolt, 2 col rising 8 Years old, I POVOrIshed Blood, Dyapepslo, loopi odiliew, Palp'ta. . �
. driver :leven yt aro old, I ... owsF suppoHed to be In tion of the Heart, Liver Cout laink No ralgia, I on MARRIA E LIOENSES
. Calf to a thorou ro three years ol of Memory Bronchitis. Con, ti
- ou ibred bt 1, 4 6tee d , � n Gall Stol es,
In De(,g,nber, 1 ofers Y s1nK three years old, 7 Jaundice, kleney and Urinn L , St. Vi us � I SUED -iAT I
'Oteoril , r,g two years old, 6 oVring calves 6 f5beep Dance, Female Inegularteiaii A Ge 81"d Debilit: I .
I ' ' .
. two Y(:� rs 61d, 16 I %rubs � I -11--brea, 1 rain LABORATORY--Goderich, -Ontari . I
. -
"I'll", ard old (Lvicedter breed.) Sale at one o'clock. I I - THE HURD EXPOSITOR OFFICEl I
two ,I wc .
� 1', , � fl
. I
iqn"a W I
- rimed I!
di ne.
V# �
)y r,
Sish't �
I "
1h 11 4
a I it
z. -
T"n.;w1l Allift,11[414 Of $10 and under, catili; over that J. M. AfeLEOD, P-rdprieto and Manu
1 amount 13 marith,4'aredik will be given by furnishing � BE9"1AFO TH. ONTARIO,
I approvi,d J')iatlnoteg. A discount of -6 per cent. off factuiler . . .
for cabb on vadit amounta. �to reserve as tfic Sold by J. S. RoBEic rs , 8 '16f Drth. . I
Propridwi is short of feed. JOI1N`J.GORXLEV#_' 1.601-tif - . I
i "i'OPYi0tuy ; JAMES JONES, Atiotioneur for Perth NO WIT�ESSES REQUIRED,
! and 11tiron, 1 1�00.2 1 - .
I. 11 I ` - . , .,, I .
ii . . - - I
-7 — _.__,____ � - � I ._-____1___-_ I -"---,- - * -
I i
� .
� I .
. i I . I 1.w
I .
T ON EXPOSITOIL ; - 1.1 . 13 - -1 :
: i
I I I . . ;
—_ . � ;
SIN I - - - - - M
__ . T�!!� i I :, - . - �
� � = - i I I I . - . �
' I � . , " -
� LOVE HAS A, VOW. - - I __ i - - � - �
� ____ . � .
i I . 9 . I I - .
2 i �1.t . �
. - They say, I . � .
! ; these critics wise and true, . - 4 ,
. - - . I
�__, , That all life's tales are told, - I I .
- S I I That death I I Ics 'neath- the morning dew, . A : i .r7 I
, �
I . - -_
I I � � � I
� That tile heart of the world Is coldl � � �7�' .
;;; , '! .
� �.', , � 1� .
. . AND . . . The bero's dust, his red sword rust, i . I 411bo,_-t X_—T 0-,,mlity Shoes. —
� _�
I I � .- My lady oighs no more; --- . I Ten 'LO (1�1(? %-_� 'IV 11 say ,,there I � ,1-4, I
� . �,
. Goo,d.deeds of valor, love and trust, ,
� - - �
__ I - I.. I
. .
Ha, lia, are a poet'is lorel .1 are r -one L)eLter." ;. V1,
i. - t
Chopp fl�g 111HIS - I I
. I
But lips speak low, and hopes beat high; . The7 are favorites with � �
, Sweet faces 11a8h and lade;, . I -, 'i
Brave souls bow down to the inlystf a sky; J0. I good , because they . I __ �,
I � I
- No I Love has a vow newi madel - I - I
-R. L. � OLARK And never a star o'er the m�estern bar are conifort-,O.Je ai-id yet I -
- ; --- � I-
. �
I Falls into the deep of night i I -r -
. stylish-stylisli and yet eco- ; I � �
. I � � " -
. ( - :
ig ptirchaised from Mr. Josiah Watson But a thouglit is bom that will burn far, I W , . _.
lWavir far, 0 � .'!� � I
the Seaforth Saw 'Mills, 'hits placed in the In the deathless soul -of the rightl � . nomical. I ;
. I I ,f 9
mill - I � --C. W. Stevenson in'ChIcago Record. � - ,� ; .
I .� - �
I X � I I
�, an exper i and holl . �\,\ 11111,4 '. f �5 1
\1 ,/, --.
`�, /,/,,� I . 41. 1
A new and improved -Grain - A At their 1�,rice, , , I � �,
X 4
. 1. . I 4
I ,
. say 151'_he'd U wro ��� for 0 - I
. . I i - �
I'll . - <> � i
xe]C of a Man W -ho Rtepped on a . TRADr- MARK S
:� -
- . ce is $3- � � 0. � ,_ a �
Andirs prepared to cru3h grain onathe they are worth 'it, our - t a I
Crack GoIna to #Is Office. . I 0
shortestn)tice, andfor 5c a bag. . I . . �. I
The man who was Watching the tape That"S one secret of their success. � L_� -4
1 r
Give us a trial. i I I
Jlz .
It. L. . CL NIRIK anxiously suddenly snap6ed it off and, Ask to see X�ng Quality Ll N G QUALIV _.� I I - -
) C4th. turning to the brokers sta4ding near him, I : , hoes.". � � I
I .
. . i � V
I .
086-tf � of . lid: f . I I � -1 I I "I �
. I �
"That last sale has probably cost me _v =
=�__ L 1 �
I . � .1 k �
MONEY TO LOAN. $1,000, aDd I am through 1bucking my su- i � -
I i . i � t , .
Mortey to loxn at 4J per coot on flrst-olas� fo,rm perotition." I ; . I i_ � I .
, � I I # V
' - "L rabbit foat.9 a4ked a broker. , , _,; . � J
land security, Apply to R S. *AYS, Dominion I 08t a , . . i I w,mi I
6 , , I . . I rivir, , � _%
Bank Euil4ing, SEatorth. � 1607 No, nothing of that soM I don't �4 , C I � . �J I
I �, !. 1
1 I 11 '. . I it �
8 � � . � I , I _-q
. �.
. - . i
- i liefe in rabbits' feet and all tha4 - ,r. � i - Best -.
� -
Itisfies 11 sort of thing. I av tle superstition d i X I 1 V .
11 E, & D. Quality S a 1 A " ,; -, � � , I � I i � I
- ", � ,
" .- - I
� Df My OWR, howeTer, which is just as I . ,� ; I � I
-.9 .1
� I � . _� T
�... I . I
. %% .
foolish. It is really absoilitely silly, but I . I - 1: - ; : .
En & Do � ,..�, i 1 1XI 1
I .
. I I I aye never known it to fail. I coine . . I V ' 11 14 I
. I . . , , ,
I down town in A Broadway car every � i My ;� ,
I . �
. The E� & D. wheel is the Only Oan morning. Experience has,tRUght me that I Econoium � 11 ;_i �
adian bigele that has built up United it I step'on a crack as I wilk from I 0, i : I -4 I .1
I 1 4 11 �
. I ; -.1 :
s" Broadway down Wall and Broad to my I -, I
States bq iness. It is the only bicycle . � I ,
office luck will go against me all day. I - � I � �'.7 , ! .
� I I I
i � . I I
I a iA I �
I . ' . I i � � - I
I I to me like an inspiration. � I tried to flght . ! I � - �.
. .1v I
with Foli i r -Point Barings. . - . to ge ,; - �_V --
; first noticed this ten years ago. It came � it the Rest
_' it down. On days when I had stepped - i .q 4 �
A,Y19 - - '.. 1. � � ., on a eTack in going to r4y ,office In the i i � � .
---Q�7 � a , , - . I i . : _rir �
1--m- i - - �!� ._- I i � .
i ;. _ �,.:It�. morning I -would trade o#ly in the most � :� � I
AXIS OF HUR �� . I i - � -A
1. . I - �
. �
I " __ I � I conservative stocks and o1h what seemed I �Ji I
- ::, . � I t. � �
- -
I 11 to be sure tips. In nine 4ses out of ten, ; . ��V 11
I : ,
I � - ) I
I . j 1.
, -
� " uuvyever, the market woj,uld go against i � I I
I � . . I
. ; , �
I rne. ! .. I I �
I . �''._�,.� . A cheaply made ercam Separator .- -
I . . I . Q1 .. . "Of course It Is fooli4, but I'll ven, e ,,� - .� � ; 1 3. 1
" . is dear at any price, because fau�ty in * � Z
- :�� �_, : .: 4Z_l 1, I � I ,
, -
. .. -1. �
I � - . : ture to say that eight bird,"kers out of ten A?.7- .., _�� 11 I I , I ' It I
I , , .- 1��. I .. "_ � -tiction, liable to.bTeak and diffi- � 4 I
11 I down here have some iet superstiti . consty . 7 . - .
1� -
11 �k P on - 1� I � _ Ak
I �, like it. I bave tried in every way to take ' , cult to opell ate. The 8.1larples No. 11 I 1�� I
.1 .
I �
� 11 .1,11 , " -_ 1.
. I � I
. : the boodoo away from mite, and today's . I with a capacity of 325 lbs, in hour, �, I
� - �
I f
s. �,� I � .
I In four -point bearings the load is trans- luck has convinced me that it is useless. . . .- -.1 .
-1 �
� -, . and the Sbarples W. - R S , with a ca- 1. I
mitted in o. direet line, and there is no Jam. I stepped on a crack this morning just hpl_ - I . i ,�_ i Pl - , #A 7
g 200 - - !- � - 1k 00. 11-1.1 pacity of 300 lbs,, are the finest pro- .1-1 ... I I
miug of balls in the races. In ordinary bear- as 1 was thinking, nboiAt buyin , - -1 . ,
. . I - � . I !. � .Q I
- . �. h -
- -
Dad is transmitted at an angl6, shares of X. Y. Z. J h straight infor- . 1�1_�".. ,_,� - - -1 duets of the largest and best equipped .-%- -
- _%�' .
ings the I " I . - .11 - - _� . 4 . I �
. � - �
. .
. . . . . 1. I �... -
I'll : . I �
which greatly increases the preesure of2 the niation that it was to V bulled, and its .. . . I ��_J� tor factory in the world. : .
I . � ,,, ! 11 cTeam separa
.. . . I ,�
� . I
. . � -
'Ifist report warranted a ptice better than 1. I .
parts of the bearing. In the E. & D. four- . V,��_ V I h I .:_i
point bearing, the bearing never sustains 51. When I stepped on thelcrack, I thought .IVA The materials cuterillg into tb,o �con � -A i I
� ' ...V , .
-7 .
-.4 _�� ,I I .
- . 1 I ,stiliction of these machines are the � �v J,. -i
greater pressure than the actual load on the to myself: 'There Is my hWoo. If I buy . . i
. . -1 . .
bicycle. In ordinary bearip.gs the pressure that stock now, it Will go down' "ll just best Obtainable. The w 6rk is Ekilled -,voikmen, and is subjected to the I
� Z
is often -three times the act7ual load. E. & take the curse off that hdodoo by selling - � 1�1
'n I 11 11 XT �: I I_: I 11 7 P3 -na+ r; id ins ection Without fear Of subitautial contradittiOD, we tan/SRY r,_ -J.
- 41 .
. oca yguaranuee 06 Una OYC es 11-0 200 shares. Inat was wriat I did. I or- b r . ` z
i -,_j�
four -point bearings in the crank -hangefi. the n operatin , clean s�immiDg and &;.bility, tb(re is no Other hand I_- �4 *
� Z_
r1pred'illy short stock coveied at 70. Five that for e -ase i 9 . -, ,
hubs, and the bead. The bearings are guar- � #r�
I pnii)ts' was all the profit 1� expected. The power cream separator made by ftny One whev thiat is equal to the Sharples. ri I- .
al4y .
anteed for three y(ars. M stock began to sag as soo as I sold, and We ,Sell these machines on their gneritE We beb, ve that the buyer Lzhould be ' . 31L
I . I �A .
, .
E. & D. Road Models, men's ............. $60 then Caine a rally, and it been golug up W alf ave tbem to any , _
. E 8; D_Road Moc els, ladies ............. 8W allowed to decide wbich machine is best for bim to buy, - R
I . rver since. My stock h just been cov- I �_Jp I
E, & D opecial M(dels,vith gear case -WO ored at a five p, 21That convinces intending b�yer for a wEek ox ten.day% witb privilegne of returning the macchiniO 1 �;4.�.j, �
- -
E. & D, Racin M d-ils... ....... 870! oint loss. i I 1. .
� . , , . *\ 490 ; W. H. S. ma- =-
Liberal o .ven In 8'1*��;18"* it. � Price Of J_T0. 1 nlacllille, $ -, � I. .1
� i ine that I can't get the better of my hoo- y ,A,�
ptions are g gears, tirm if not peifectl ' satisfied with I __ 1!1 �
,;,-, .
iDg to yield to - chine, 87 5. Write for illustrated catal o -,� :
The E. & D.,being a a.itional wheel, is locally guar. (loo, and hereafter I ani 916 gue. See Eample machine at 11inchley - - , �s
antecd. Catalogue on application. it." I - :__ 7
- �
- Brothers' warorooms, Seaforth. 1 11.!� I
eveval of the other br1o,kers admitted � . . I
-- s �_ ,
t- .
- �
. i- 4.
io , - .
Lumsdein, & Wilion, ill turn their pet superstitions, and one I W. L. OTJIMEf TE, Londesboro, Ontax -L w--_ -
� -
I � . � -9. .
PE TH. I of them told a story about the death of a I � -
I i- __ i�. - _Ij
well- known governor of lithe Stock Ex- __.-
� i ____r__ i I .
I �
y � 6: eliringe a few years ago.; The governor . I -1 A7 I
. - 4 - I
� � �
lilay be called Brown. The broker said: - Z' I
- i -_ �`
- �
� . I hl !
� �.y
. i A ";
man on the exchange thiln Brown, aud .� __
- A A.. 1
- �
. 0 ake h inore level hellded � � f a _
I probably all of you ktiew him. Ile Th I*nk i*n . J; �
- ,
- '1,,d ,,, ,,p,,,Iilio, ,hich he confid-d . � - �
N- ; ,
. . � 9 i
. , .
I Fl- - .
I to his friends. He alwa2�s said that he . � - ��4. � �
. � - I .
;_�, .
. . - -
. I folt sure that if it ever r ,_ _,1:
� I
, ' � 0 I;
__1 for hini to announce a l:n I � 7-1 1
I 0 1 .
A stake Furnace .. �. �
� 1�. - .
. A . I
. . . that- his own death would come Tory I I . h I
. . 4_g;
.m , :
! shortly after that. We all gnyed him I-- -
� I . ,-
t ' I- ;
hout it, and Brown himself didn't seem I M 2
: f i,
w Ivou h Paley Greenlah, 11 - For warm air heating, yon can't fin� � I ;
to be Tel'y serious. It s6 happened one I -1
� thing better than our latest con . 11
any � 11 -
or lallowl COMPIGAiling 001d i morning, 1101'Vever, that t4e other officers . I . - .
. � I �,
f the exchange were ill, and Brown struction- I - 71. .
Na de and Feet'- Lose of Ap. ' " I �
was called upon to annowice the dentb of - �
pe Rev Dyspe;lslat Litok of a inember. I heard lihn d and thou. -lit .0 . ?V. j
k., -4
I - . i f.
i The 6 0 'yeries - .
' 5tod opportuni- - J -Oxford 4 )s -
" "'yself that this was ag . -1 f I
. En�rgy or Stomach Troublog), r ollmhne . s of his super- 11 . . N..
� I .
I I . rl
. I I I stition. Brown looked t6 be In perfect ' I I __.. � - - -
I = A6 They combine enormous powe- witIl I I
MR lioalth. After announcing' this death he � .- �z
, :
14MA - !C I I .
I stopped down, walked a'ross the floor a most gratifying economy in the use! . -
YO I KE ake and when near the door ,4e fell as if in of coal, and may be simply and easily . � �
� -
19 � a faint. Ile never recovered conscious- .
Iless You . regulated to suit every VaTY111g egree U .
1. .
I R�A, � .. all know th�t b'e died in of temperature. . . : � i
1�% 16�-t ke � � � I
A I i� a I that way, and there are! a dozen otlier . .- I
f- i . . 4 :
- i nlei) besides myself who.can vouch for I
! I . Their improved features plomis I ;; !: �
hii liflying that superatitiqu. Aly experi- ! �
- j, ;
When you do not use Dr. Ward's u absolute indoor comfort all winte I � - �
� : elice leads me to belieye�; that stockbro- yo Z Z I :
. Blood.arld Ne!�-ve Pills to count�r- .1cers. arp tlii- tuost superstitious of men." loing, and ve.'ry much smaller flIeL bills, . . � -01.1 . .
: i I _ � � I
I . ! i -- - .
act these conditiclas. , W�'_17 ? Bc- � . I . - . - I ;
. - � . ' � � I .. 11 _. i
' Make a point -of seeing them I I Jus- .� � 'J - I I
cause Uaey cotit2.in 41 the natutal . i . . :�� - I m I I I - i
I __ A Jnggler�x Feat. tice to yourself---t-you'll find them SU_ .1 " -4. F -A.-4 - �
I � �
. - . I I
4. .- E
61ern ents , ncc,_,S,1_'-,,!rV to! 11)'Jilj up t�e . . - 9 vit�'�. I - � . �
* , I � r., u T Cinquevalli, the king of Jugglel'.9, perior in every detail -the newe�t and . _IX - 11 .1 Z
... I ... - -_z _4___.i�___ I- ,_ .. i
� I _ . � . . .1 .. �
huaiarn systc-rij. ' Th c V':F,�y to a cii,,,e used to tbro'iy a fork soine ten feet t I - �311: 1, . I I 11 - r., .. �_ , , I �_ t� :
% � . in 0 bEst warm air furnace made. 1-i I � � _3� --, - �_ �_ I's ]S;
1- - I
Nie air, making it revol e all the time, I � i
1le3 alon- the- .rual frctn ihc s,tonpac-h I '" � C I
C> � I it u d when it reached a cer ain spot, tlire%v . 400 SE'RIES. �� i
. - f V 1. 1
. : . I
to-t',Ie blood a.lcl ncr,-��- 11"I fopd Lip a potato which just 11frixed itself' to I I -4 - 9-1 �
� I .
. , I � . ) ! .
1.� 2.c',!�d on bur th- -1-r-, �! ' - Lb e vrong 11 �
,,, __ -_1:1C!,1 t'lik " plic s of the fork, while at the sanie �_ I �
I i
frcl I
., I time through a tube he h �d in his niotith For sale by SILL'S - MURDIE Seaforth, - I S_1�
p al r cd f o r Z,,'o _- -_- r-, t ', -.)n ; _-_,'� 0 1 H _' S -- - ' I - - .rn � J - `V .
� - - J-` ' [I e blew a puff dart whic4 stuck, into the - I I I . 1, "!
. underside of the petato. I As the three - . I �,� ;
- ;_
D-. Ward,.; -L'.'.'-;.f.,V.,! '-'i, "').2 Pro- The Gurney Fo-andry 0O.- Limited , TOrouto, Wiunipeg, " I
� J - �
i)bjects thus joined tokether fell lie ) 3 � -
J -
, I
p, -r lv.!�p to a t r - i !I- - j! �T', 1, % 1 'I �_'jf_ Mught theni on the edge o!f,a knife which � . . _. , , A
' - -i (: �- 1� . :: .
- - -:nhil. Groa "I __ � J;
'f ,ie a $,_ " �; t'- - . _11�,an c ouver. � 1.19'.
11 *h I I . -he drew froill a belt at his side and bal- I 1 4
iv .)!e hu , n- Lxn! F , , , I
. � . . ; I anced them in that pogition. This took - I i - I � i
f;�_ . ars and eight moudis of incessant i I -
-1 jr,Z,�-33,f gp ;,�,:v �,ra! I wo yei 0 �1� - �
. ,� 1. . I ,t_�, - _ �1 � ! i � �.--
ya � - ^ practice to learn, but it Ivas finisbed so f7,1'1j*f*l.Vr,� IN! — ,�_ . -1 I - . I I �. *-,;" 0 .-
�7 . . lxl I - � . I . . f, _-7�':
, - .� !_ . I '. , -. -, ..
wheyl you z, a 1, i a Bv. Vv',u%:V'3 �3!DU quickly that the audience'Mas never able I � , X:��_,�'. , . U" ,
. i _. 1! _ , - I
- I - ' . .- W F . - . I - - -*_,_;�_.,_� I
to appreciate it sufficien0y, and it ii -as I . . . . � ,,:I' � � I
and Rai-tra PC i J " Z-11. � I - I . - _. , . � I
- �, 911001/ / i'A - q (Z . I 11 ,�. � I I ,
. Vollse(I lien tly indffective. s4 that after -do- S VVIC "A I i -t 'I
- lUr. Cinqup- . ' � - L_ *-.O# %�� . .4 � T*.;�,
. �
� 63 ct-;. per 1)0.-(:. f -,-i 1,, -)Kc- f ir S1 (:1 All drug, ing it for about a fortniglit I � - . DE7,P01r I � I : � - --7-;
i . IN ,;., V �w
,;,.4, -; o 1. 8 t:; I Wl,: 1 -:It " ��L G vrilli discarded it entili-ely.-rearsou's 1 r r V. -
I . .).. Voront 0. 0;) L, . .
. � � - 7
____ - Weekly. I I 1 , . . � I � .ti�
. : 4.
. - . I . I I : _�,
. �
I A . i
. 1,
An U '"ected Reply. 4 I �
'" I 'i� �
. . s:�
E KIPPEN MILLS The late Lord Ludlow W'.a§ exceedingly �, I � ! � :
. I I I P
I . � z i
mild on the ben�h, and ol� more than oDe � I . 1 .4
1. -----r--, I I
I I . I , -
I I I q
occasion his amiability hilinterposing out t . �, .,
- � I .: I
Griot mill running bight and day, and all I I i - .��
. of pity to a contused witness led to un- I I
kinds of work do�elon the shortest notice 1 1 ,� i
I Bus'ness Training Institution I
-class olle flour exchanged for wheat, � foroseeh results. A witness was once The Oldest, the Newest, the Lea&ng, the Be% I . � '. V .
First r r bndgered about a denial of iutoxication. !of Anierica, " �
I I -
- -FE]HIIE) 00:RW_ The judge asked him kiDdly -ftoni-Alre � -- - -Educates young mpr. and women for M') ey Making and u I citizenihip. lla,i had ovcr 23 000 stu- I �,
- - I I sef�!, .A
On --hand a d corn for benchi "Did you say, 'I -,,vas not druDk, dents in attendance sin-C61t was established 1 18-10, And furnisbbd inore Atuatrions to graduates Iiian all ,,, �� ,
of - I
,quantity of good fee : I � other iribititutions the kind inViebigan c Mb*r.ed, Superoji mcdern nictheds ; large corps of expert- -1 � �
sale at lowest , sir'�, " " ; ,- --
, prices, I ' enced men teachers; occupies an olegaut bu Wing e ected eipecially for its use. I I I
I - �
. I It
I I "I never said anything about you at Handsome illustrated catalogue free. C irresponlen-ce invitca. I I , F. '�,
LOGISMANTED, I ull," was the uneNpected j-epl.r. , I I I
PLAXT R. SPENCER, Secretary. ,, j.
I . WM. F. JEWELL, President. I 11 Z ,
I . Z � V
I �
All kinds of firs)t-class loge wanted at the R f
mill, for vyhioh*the' highest cash *pribe Will Breeds New Plants. - I �
. 1 441-1
. -
-be . nd see ' - isposing . There is a inan In California who 1111111111111111111 I I ; .
- -
I- paid. 'Call a us before & I . I -.---., I � _... ;
. I
- of your logs. I � � � - , rmakes it a business to produce new fornis . .� ; . ) :f
. - i . �- -4. :j
JOHN McNEVIN, Ki � pe . of plants and fruits. Hie decides wliat i -fl -
p n � ut 7�
. ; I �
. ! he wailts, breeds to produce the results ;-#
1670-tf I I . 11 �4
1 th,sired, and when he obtai - . F it -i
t _. I I - i
()Sses�-,ing qualities that Nvill. reconinieprl R BOBS �4,-_-;
� - $r4
I I ,
it lie disposes of a seedling to some nurs- I - � � f
hildreip - 1 A�
: cryinan and then resume's his work for - . i � . �J:
� � : � - � A
I I new results. _ . - - - ; , . � . - I
� I � i , I � �
I I � � I ; I
I --
i . I - I
- � I
should � � i
Bubbles. I � I
� i Laxting', � i� �
I �
. It is said that bubbles formed of fit- I
- " HER6i of MA FEKING 7 .1-
�� � � - - -Z#11
_1� - � tered castile soapsuds aild glycerin will I I I - 4
. I I i -
: . ..�,_It
, wear - drawing i I I . 5�
1 last several days. A Ballimore I ; ;
J, . . f � � . � ? I ;I
. room ornamented with 'Ahese bubbles, I i � � I I . 2
. I -
. t - � � I � -
� . . which had been carefull� released close ' � . . . is -.1 2 I �
lasses to the ceilln,-, reflected tbe gasli.-lits in a . U I
. . . ,9 - ever varying titits, and tb� effect was e _x- STRATHCONA, 1.1;i4
. '. ,*
. . A , � � ,_,__�
� I
. I I
I - ceedingly attractive. . I I - - �11_
I I . ; � �
J", �, . . 1 L . 1 .4�,,� �,
. I I I : 17*_A
� , ��.
There is no man so good who, were Ile �
:f. 1�
And other popular portraits in colors on the new five 'Cent. N �,
I 1. When their eyes are not straight to submit all his thoughts aDd actions to I I . - I __� I
I . s f,:
. im.4 -
2. When they cannot disftWy the laws, would not deserve hangin.- tell � � , -
' I est " -� .
I �
� Scribbling 'Books ju4 rec�ived. ' Also, all the 14 " I
see the blackboard. . times in his life. -Montaigne. I I . . I �_ ti, -.,
� i M q
.__ � ; . I A -i
When reading, if they squint 1. I ,� I � � *__ �
't � .� I ;_1. I -
. , � I -
Beware of the still map; he Is gettIng 1 -I' �`_, . I , � �
ho?a the book sideways or too close I . �-_ :
rour size 4nd concealiug�his owu.-Cen-,- Vt-e 'i
* ! � ". P � I
4. When t�ey tire easily of reacH 11 Sdhool S' p A s & Text BOoks �.
. 139 tyry, Magazine. I t I i At
- --
. - I i - , I I . - -1 14
,� � � I i i
or studying. � I � � I i
All am iiins that great btmefit wM I - t ! #_ �
! 4__i�T— �. � i I
. - I I Iff -
be derived from wealin lasses. I � � � �
�.g lit �
g f ; - w �
. ;, -- � a
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satisfaction guaraniee . CASTORIA '" , � f � _�j �
I n � I ly
. � �,
1 9 N .�, �il
s and !Vhild en. 11 'i �
J, S'ROBERTS, For Infwit I . , Seatorth. - -'---'
11 ALEX9 It It,", 8 0 N 8 -N.
I . . . 9 : f 6
1 1 .. . .�,l
DRUG( $TAND OPTICIANe 0" ho, . -1
I - sinals Is a ; - 1. - -
I . � I �
� 11sut . "or I I - J .
wo"M - NEXT D 0 0 R, NOBTH OF PICKARD'S. - ' .
SEAFORTH. � of I I I I �
I ! �
. . : -
. i I � I . - ,
� � 7 ,
I � 1.
; r � �
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