HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1900-09-21, Page 21
et conoession 1, Leaden Road, near the village
of Brueelield, containing about 100 amen, 90 are
cleared and in a good state of aultivation, the re.
matador 1s -hardwood bush. There are ga od build-
Ing‘12 sores of wheat, 30 seeded to grass, a good
Orchard and plenty of water. VV111 be sold oheap
and on eaey terms, Apply to A. J. ROSS, 13ruce-
field P. O. 167641
SALE.—Beautifully situeted on Centre Street
adjoiniog Beattie' e Grove. There are two lets planted
with the choicest of fruit trees of all kind, and
shrub. k frame bowie, stone Gerber underneath the
whole home, a sitting tO3M, dining room, summer
and whiter kitchens and four b '
edrooms hard and
ecft water. it Is one of the meet pleasently loeated,
comfortable and convenimat residences in Seat atili
and will be sold cheap. Apply to J0SIA.11 WAT-
SON, Seatorth. 170041
VINE FARM FOR SALE—Fcr sale Lit 24, Con -
I ceseion 8 Stanley, containing 1.00 acres. The
land is all clear but 12 acree vthich is in gond hard-
wood bush. Fifty acres are under oultivation, 8
acres is in• wheat and the balance is seeded to grass
There is a good frame bowl°, franie barn and stablea.
• The far e% is well fenced -and underdrained and has
a vault, never failinir epring creek running through
one =Tier of it. It Is completely free from all
foul weeds. Terms cash. Posseesion given imme-
diately. For further partictilsire apply to JOHN
GILMORE, Brucetield P. 0. 168141
7 ---
MIAMI IN Hinitzrr FOR -SALE.e-For eats, .Lot
J. 4, Concession 13, Hullo% °embattling 76 aoree,
all cleared, underdrained, well fenced, and about 40
..oree seeded, to grase There are fair buildings..
There le a good orchard, and a none -failing spring
creek euns througb the farm and a good well at the
bonsai` It is near scholl and post office, and eo0.
venient to the best markets It is a splendid farm,
not a keit of wade land on it, and le well adapted tor
ski& raising. It will be Bold cheap and on easy
terms. Apply ta the undersigued, Seaforth P. O.
JANE ROBISON. •1669 tf •
Bitable and pleasantly situated property on the
2nd Concession of Tuckersinith, a quarter of a mile
west of Egroondville, ie offered for sale cheap. There
la a good frame dwelling house, with sbne founda:-
tion, also a stable with room for three head of (settle
and 110.• or 40 fovls. There is a splenpid orchard, con-
sisting of stunneer, fall mid winter apples, red, white
and Englieh. cherry, 'pear and peaeh trees, and
plenty of room fora nice kitchen garden ; a never -
tailing spring of water. Apply ta MRS. BURGESS,
on the premises, or to Egmondville P. 0. A bargain
If sold before the 30th September. Also one Olen
did dairy cow and calf about three months old.
J Lot 11, Conceesion 8, Tuckeremith, containing
100 sores, all °leered but about 8 aeres of good bush.
It is underdrained, well fenced, and in a high state
of cultivation. There is a good stone house ; good
barns, stables and out -houses. It adjoins a good
school; is within five miles lot Seatorth, and three
ladles from Kippen. There hi plenty of gated water.
Will be eold with or without the crop. It is one of
the beet farms in the townahip, and will be sold on
easy terms, as -the proprietor wants to retire. Also
60 acres within a mile and a quarter, a good grating
lot, well fenced,Jeut no buildings. Will be sold to.
gether or separately. Apply on the prennees, or ad-
dress Egmondville P 0. JAMES MeTAVISIL
1639 11
FOR S kLE.—For sale tot 13, Concesgon 3,
Tuokersmith, li miles from Seeforth, contain -
ng 97i acres; The land is be a good etete of cultiva-
tion. On the piece is a large frame homes in good
repair and heated by a furnace, barrk barn with good
stabling, new etone pig pen 24x46, driving shed,
woodshed and everything in first class c)ndition.
- Plenty of god water.and windmill to pump t. The
land is well underdreined. There le ahead 12 sores
of fall wheat and the ploughing is all done. It will
be sold cheap and on easy teems as the/ proprietor
la going West. Possession given at any time. For
further particulars apply to WILLIAM EBERHART,
on theapremises, or to Seaforth post °Mae. 168441
1A.1131 IN STANLEY 'FOR SALE —For Rale, Lot
I it and the wet half of Lot 8, on the 12th conces-
sion, or Brownson Line, of St nley. This, farm con -
tales 160 acres, all of which is °leered, except four
sores. It is in a state of firs -class oultivation, well
fenced and all underdrained, motly with tile. There
. ie a large frame dwelling _ho e as good as new, with
cod stone foundation and- eller, large bank barn
with stone stabling underneath. and numerous other
buildings, lnoludiirg a large. pfr house Two good
orchards ot choice fruit, a so nice eheele and erns.
mental trees. There are two spring oreeke running
hrough the tartar and plenty of good water all the
It is well situated for
year round without pumping.
arkets, churches, schools, post offite, aao., awl good
gravel roadsleading from it in all directions. It es
within view of Lake Huron, and the boats can be
/seen passing up and down !vim •th house. This is
. one of the best equipped farm in the county, and
will be sold on easy term, al the proprietor wants to
retire on account 01 111 health.. Apply on the pre.
Ise% or address Blake P. 0,_ JOHN DUNN. 164941
• sale, Lot ge, on the North Boundary of Hay
Township. This farm contains 100 aorea, 86 acres
cleared, the rest good hardwood bush. It Is well un-
derdrained and fenced. There Is a goad atone house
with a No. 1 °eller '• large bank barn ; implement
shed; sheep house 70x76, With first -elms stablirig
and root miller underneath; a good orchard; 2 good
wells and cistern. There bet* acres of fall wheat
sowed on a rich fallow, Well manured ; 40 vireo
seeded down recently, the oat in good shape for
crop. This is a No. 1 term, well situated for
markets, churches, schools, post office, eto., and '
will be sold reaeonably. Apply on the premises, or
address ROBERT N. DOUGLAS, Blake,Ont.1668x8tf
OPLENDID FARM FOR SALE.—For sale, a splen.
lij• did farm and hotel proPerty. This farm is on
the 13th ooncession of the Township of MoKillop, at
the Village of Leadbury 11 containe 112i- acresall
of which are cleared, except about three mores. t is
In s good state of cultivation, being well fenced and
nnderdrained, and suitable for grain growing or stock
raising and feeding. There is not a foot of west°
land on the farm. There are two good dwelling
houses, a large bank barn with stone etabling under-
neath, &large implement house and all necessary
buildings in firs Whin repsir. There are three or-
chards and four never failing wells. The berm ad-
joins the Villageof Leadhura, wheie are alreftie; post
office, blacksmith shop, school. etc. The well known
Leadbury hotel is on the farm, and will be sold with
I. Itt. now under lease for a term of years. This
Is one of the best and most profitable farm proper-
ties in the County of Huronaand will be sold oheap
on euey terms of payment. For further partioulare,
apply on the premiseis, or address the undersigned
proprietor, Leadbury P. 0. JOHNSTON KINNEY.
A Reliable and Speedy Remedy- for Curbs,
Splints, Spavins, Sweeny, g gen'
can be used in every case of Veterinsry Praetien:-
where Stinaulating Liniment@ or Blisters are pre-
scribed. See pamphlet vticch accompanies every
bottle. It has no superior. Every bottle a -old is
guaranteed to give sett ifaceon. Price 76o a bottle:
Sold by all druggists. Invaluable in the treatment
of Lump Jaw In cattle. See Pamplalet.
Prepared by— -
London Out. 169452
Special Attention
to Horseehoeinig and,
• General Jobbing.
Goderich atreeh,
- Seaforth,
Merton Stock Farm
Thoroughbred- Durham Cows',
Heifers and Bulls
G., the most faehionable strains for •saie at
reasonable prices. -Post. office adyress,
Store And Grocery Business
itor Sate.
For sale in the thrivine town of Sc ; a e)ea
brlek Store, with dwelling' above, ant trend neck
stable at the back, ale° a firet-elaes sto.ei oftleroceries
all fresh,. best part of town and doine goad inieleeiff,
good rename for selling. Apply qui ik'y to box 372,
Seaferth, Ontario.
1700 M. JORDAN.
Fuilds of private parties, also company funds, to
lozui at loweet rates -on lint mortgage; terms to suit
borrowers. JA -MES L. KILLORAN, Barrister,
&gentle 165941
God's Judgment Are Swift n
Sure, Says r.
National $1ns Arel•P nis ted by Kee
strumet ts—No Calm at Ha mew
Chalice, But Is in u..yff Div eted
Divine Wiskont.
Washington, Sol t." 16.—lir.
image, in his journey is este
through leurope,, h Is • ecentl vie
scenes of thrilliig istori eve
He sends this senior), in w licit
sholv that natioi s re ju geci
this world and he God resv
them for their vi tue and • uni
• them fell their cremes. , The tex
Iaalith vli, 20, "Pe t e sa e
hail the Lord. saav with a r
that is hired, neenele, by' ti em
yond the river, by he kin of
The Bible is the _no lest bo ok s,er
written. There are no si 'little es
in., Ossian or the Ilia or t e Oct s-
• .sey so daringi Its magere :so 0 -
times seems on the 'Verge of re k -
lees, but only seems so. he .. ct
Is that God would st tle an i aro se
and propel men d net MIS. i A.
tame and limping ad qitud .wce 14
fail to occoMplish th object , Wh Ie
!there are times when he em loys in
the Bible the -gentlei d it in t e 'Morn:-
ing cloud and .the do a and he dos: -
break in the present tion of truth,
we often find the iro chari • t; •
lightning, the earthq 1, th s.pre7,-
the sword .and, my ext,' the
razor. This keen bl ded in treraent
has• advanced in usef Imes ith the
ages. In Bible ;times and 1 nde the
beard remained um t SONO in • ' he.
seaeons of mournit g and humll a--=
tion, - but th.e razor we's . ways a
suggestive symbol. aavid aid -of
Dcieg, his antagonist, "Thy t rig:to is
a sharp razor work ng decttfull
---that is, it' pretend to clear he
face, but it is really ised fo cleat ly
incision. ,• • ,..
In this striking te t this wea.p n
.of the toilet ap-pears under the fee-
loeeing circumstances: .Juda e. need-
• ed to have some -of_ its prosperitaes
cut off, _and God sen s eget st it
three .Aegyrian kin see -fir t • Sen-
necherib, ' then Esarh ddon nd • af-
terwerd. Nebuchadi ozzar. These
three gharp invasions *hat c it clown.
the glory of -endace a c coin eixed to
so many sweeps of t e razo • across
the face qf the land. e.And these de:-
vaptations were •callel a hirigi razor
because God took th - kings
syria, with whom e had
pathy, • to: ; do the viark! '
them in palc.ces and spoilS
nexations. : These ci11gs we
to execute the divincl behests. And
now the text, which on. .its first
reading may-leveeseemed tirlval or
inapt, is charged wilih snOmeritous
int:pert, "In the samq day shalle the
Lord shave with a. ramie that is
hired, namely, by t ern: beyond the
river, by the king of Assyria,"
Well, if God's Jedgn en4s are razors,
we had better be car ful how we usa
them on other -peoile. In carefel
sheath these domesti .weapons are
put away where no • ne by • accident
may touch: them and here the hands
of children may not reach them.
Such instruments rn st be -dare-ally
handled or not handl d at ale. But
how recklessly some eople wield the
judgments of Gpd! • f!a man meets
with business misfort ne, how many
there are ready to .cr out: '4That is
ii.j-udgenent of Gtid u on him because
he was unscrupttliius or arrogant or
over -reaching or rats rly. What a
clean sweep of everyt ing! His city
house and country h use gone;: His,
stables amptied of al the fine bays
and sorrels and gray that used to
prance by his door. " 11 his resources
overthrown and all that he -prided,
himself on tumbled i Co demolitions
G-ood for him!" St p, my brother;
Don't sling aroun too freely the
judgments of God, • for they are
• Some Of the most vicked business
men succeed, ansl th live and die
in prosperity, and e 10. of the Most
honest • and conscient ous are driven
into leo,nkruptcy. P rhips the -un-
successful mares man r -wes unfor-
tunate, and ihe was not really 1:s
proud as he looked t. be. Some of
those who carry1 t eft. heads erect
and look imperial- a e humble as a
child, while i many a man in- seedy
coat and slouch hat and unblacked
shoes is as _peoud as • ',heifer,. You
cannot tell. byi a ina 'S look. Per-
haps he was not. nacrupulous in
business, for there a e two sides to
every story, and ere ybody, that_ ac -7
cproplishes anything or himself or
others gets industrio sly lied abo•it,
P-Prhaps his businees, nisforturie was
not a punsihment, b t - the fatherly
distipline to prepare im. for heaven,
and God may love hi tar more than
he loves you, who can pay dollar
for dollar and are p t -down in the
-comelier c i al catalogue. • as Al. Whom
the Lord loveth he gives $400,000
and lets die on -embr leered pillows?
No; whom, the Lord °vete-lie- chest
teneth. Better keep your hand off
the Lord's razors, :le. t they cut and
wound people that 'do not deserve it.
If you want to shave off some of the
bristling pride of you own heart, do
so, but be very careful •how voe put
the sharp edge on oth es. How I clo
dislike the beliavio f elipse persons
W110 when ]Teople re tinfortunitse
Spy, "T 'told you so getti4i: punish-.
ed—served him right!" - If those ' I-
I old -you -ed.'s got Abel desert, they
w ould• long have be n pitched over
the hattleineets. Thi mote in their
,trielthor's eyee, s small that it.
ieekes a microscope t - 'find it, gives
• I htin more t rou hid than 'the beam
At 11 iCli ohsellN,S 1 lie'r 1 oat -re, optics.
Willi air sometimes . uPercilions and
sometimes • pharitsaital and *int -0'S
Ha eiplienions they. ta e the 'razor of
divine judement, and sharpen' it, (in
the hone -of their -oe el hard hearts
tied. thi•if oc) to Negri._ in lawn cliprata 1 --
ad out at full length under-alististor,
alit 1 ince iiiereile. sly. rhea: litqa•in la.:
-soft• expeeseiiiiis of .yilipat hy and
e)itv and half praiSe ind lather the
victim all over hefor they, put on
the sharp edge.
_ Let us In. careful h< w we shoot at
.ot hers les e . \VC, tithe d i.e'vn the \sar 0 ng
one, rententheriing• the servant of
King Will jail). 1tA1f1AS; who shot at a.
_deer, hut the arrow lancedegainst
a tree and killed the king.. ",Instead
of g-oing out with hafts to pierce
and razors to cut we ha : bet er' int-
i -
ita e ttle friend of R ch d C eur cle
10 -
is -
of As, -
nd paid
and an. -
e hired
lean, seicnaree In th-e' war of the
Cruslidese was captured and impris-
oned,' but' none of hie friends knew
where, so loyal friend went
-around the land ,froine stronghold to
stronghold and sang to each window
:a snatch of song that Richard Coeur
de Lion had taught him in other
clays. And one day, coining before a
jail where. he suspected his king
might he. incarcerated, he sang two
lines of eorig, and immediately King
Richard responded from his cell with
the other two lines, anci so his
whereabouts were discovered, and a
suecessful - movement was at on
made for his liberation. So let us
go up and down the sworld with the
music of kind words and sym-
pathetic 'hearts, serenading the un-
fortunate! and trying to. get out of
trouble men who had noble natures,.
but by • unforeseen eircumstaneee
have been -incite:cerated, thus liberat-
ing kings. ; More;hynanbooks..and .lesa
Especially ought we to be apologetic and merciful toward those
who, While they have great faults,
have also great virtues. Some peo-
ple are barren of virtues. No weed
verily, but no' flowers. I must• nor,
be too much enraged at a nettle
along the fence if it be in a field
containing 40 acres of ripe Michigan.
• wheat. Seine time ago naturalist
told' us -there .was on the sun a spot
20,000miles loeg, but frlora the
brightnees- and warmth 1., concluded
it was e good deal- of a sun still.
The suncan afford to have a very
large spot upon it, though- it le 20,-
000 'miles long,. and I am very aPolo-•
getic for those mexe.who have great
faults,. while at the s,anhe time they
ha,ve magnificent 'Virtues.
--Again, when 1 read in niy text
that .the Lord shaves with the hired
razor, of Assyria,' the land of Judaea
I think 'myself Of the precision of
God's providence. A' razor swung
the tenth part' of an inch out oi the
right line means either failure or
laceration, ;but -God's dealings never
,slip; and they do net miss by the
.thousandth part of .an -etch the right
direction. . People • talk as though.
thingsin this world were .at loose
:ends. ChOlera, sweep's across Mar-
seitles I and. Madrid and Palermo, awl
we vvg.tch anxiously.; Will. .the
•dernic sweep Evrope and, America?
People say, .''That will entirely de-
• pend on whether the inoculation is
succeSgful .experiment; .that will • de-
pend ' entirelyion quarantine regula-
tions; that will depend on the earls -
or , late appearance of frost. That
epidernips_is • pitched into the world,
and it gees blundering across the
continents,; and it . -Is all guess work.
and an.appalling perhaps." I thirds;
perhaps, that -God had something to_
do with ;it and that his mercy may
have in Siorne way protected us; that
he may have done as much for us as
the iquerantine and the health offic-
ers. It was right and a necessity
that all 'caution should be used, but
there have come enough macaroni
from Italy, and enough grapes from •
• the south of France, and enough rags
from tatterdemalions, and hidden in
these articles of transportation en-
ough chcepraic germs to have left by
this • time all the cities mourning in
tee cemeteries. . I thank all the doc-
tors and quaeantines, but more than
all, and -first Cif all, and last of all,
and all the time, I -thank .God. In.
all the 6,000 Years of theworld's ex-
istence there has not one -thing mdre-
• ly "happened . so." God is not an
anarchist, but a King, 8, Father..
When .little Tad, the son of Presi-
dent- Lincoln., died, .all America sym-
pathized with • the sorrow in the
White 'House. He used to rush into
the room where the cabinet was in
sessicrnTand while the most eminent
men of -i -the land were discussing the
questions. of motional existence. But
the child had no .care about those -
questions. Now. God the Father and.
God the son and God the Holy Ghost
are in perpetual session in regard .to
this world and kindred worlds. Shall
you, his child, rnsh in. to criticize or
arraign or condemn the divine gov-
ernment? IVO; the cabinet of the
Eternal Three can govern and will
.governin the wisest and best way,
and there never will be a. mistake
and, like - razor skillfully swung,
'shall mit that which ought to be
'elle and avoid that Which ought to
be avoided. Precision to the very.
hairbreadth. Earelller-t•i•empieees may
get out :of oreir • and strike- wrong,
saying it is 1 -'clock when it is 2,
or -2" when it is 3. God's deck *is
alivays right, and when it is 1 it
-strikes .1, and -.when it is 12 it
-strikes 12; and the second hand Is as
accurate asthe- minute. hand. '
. Further my text tells es that God
sometimes shaveitnations, - 'In the
'same day ?than the Lord iriave -with
a- razor that' is hired." With one
sharp sweep he- went across Judaea,
and down went its pride and its
power. • In 1861 -Gpd shaved the
American' nation.' • We had allowed
• to, grow Sabbath desecration. and op --
pression and blasphemy and fratn1
and impurity and all sorts of turpi-
tude. The south had its sins, and
the north its sins, and the east .1te
sins, a,ncl the west its sins. We had
• been warned again and again, and
we did not heed.. • At length' the
sword of war eut from the St. Law-
rence to the gulf and from Atlantic
seaboard to 'Pacific seaboard, The
prideof theland, not the cowards,*
but the heroes, on both sides 'went.
down. And that which we took for.
the's:word of war was the Lords
razor. In 1862 againit went across
the land: in 1863 again; in 1864
again. Then the sharp instrumeta
was incased and put away.
Never in the history of the ages
was any land more thoroughly shaVe
ed. than during those four years :of
civil;combat, and, My brethren, if we
do not quit some of our individual,
and 'natiOnal sins the Lord . will
-again take us in hand. He has other
razors within reach besides war —
epidemics, droughts, deluges, p1aguee.
—gras-ehopper and locust — or our
overtowering success may se far ex-
cite she jealousy of other lands that
under some pretext the' great nations
may conif.iine to put us down. .0 ur
nation,• so easily approached on north
and south from both oceans, might,
have op hand, at once more hostili-
ties than were ever arrae ed against
any one power.
hope no such po-w-
any -one *power. I -hope no such' com-
bination again -1 us will ever sbe
forieed, 'hut 1 Want to show that, as
Assyria'-' was title hired razor akainst
Judaea., and Cyrus 'the hired razor
against 13abylop, and the Huns the
hired razoragainst the Cloths, thei e
are now, many razors that the Levi
could hire if, because of our national
• sins, he should undertake to shave
us: In 1870 Germany was the razor
;with. whir/1i the Lord shaved France.
_1 •
Japan was the razor With Which he
•sheved Mee and America the razor
with whieh he shaved arrogant, op-
pressive end Bible hating Spain. But,
nations are to !repent in a, day. May
a speedy and wcirldwide coming - to
Goed hind r on both sides the sea all
us as a
law at
• among
calamity. But do not let
alien either by unrighteous
Washington or bad lives
rselves defy the Althighty.
One w uld thiek ehat our nationtil
symbol o the eagle* might sometimes
euggest another ' eagle—that which
ancient ome carried. In the talons
of that e gle wee clutched at one
time Bei ain, France, Spain, Italy,
Dalmatia. Rhaetia, Noricum, Pan-
nonia, M esia, Dacia, Thrace, Mace-
donia, Geece, Asia, Minor, Syria,
Phoenicia, Palestine e Egypt and - all
• northern frica and all the islands of
the Medi erra.neate indeed all the
'world th t was worth having, a hun-
dred and twenty millions of people
under th wings of that one eagle.
Where is she now? Ask Gibbon, the
historian in his prose poesa, "The
• Decline •a d Fall of the Reiman Em-
pire." slc her gigantic ruins, be-
moaning their sadness through the
ages, the screech owl at windowe
out of hich worldwide conquerors
looked. Ask the daY of judgment,
when her croWned debauchees, Com. -
modus a d Pertina,x and, Caligula
and Dixie etia.n shall answer for their,
• infamy.. As men and as nations let
us repen and have our trust .in a,
pardonin God rather than depend on
• former a ccesses for inununityl Out
of 13 of the greatest battles of the
world Napoleon had lost but one be -
fora, Wat rloo. Pride and destruc-
tion ofte ride in the same saddle.
But no ice once more, and more
than all, in my text, teat God is so
kind and loving that when it is let
*cessary f r him to- cut he has to go
to other for the sharp edged wea-
pon. 'In the same day shall the
Lord sh ve with a razor that :a
hired." God is love. God As pity.
God is h Ip. God is shelter. God is
rescue. here are no sharp edges
about hi , no thrusting points, no
instrume ts of laceration. If you
want bales for wounds, he has that.
If you ant divine salve for eye-
sight, he has that, But if there is
sharp an cutting work to do, which
• requires razor, that he hires. God
has noth ng:about him that hurts,
'save wh n 'dire necessity demands,
and -then he 'has to go clear off to
some on else to get the instrument.
This dive e clemency will be no nov-
elty to t ose who have pondered the
Calvareari--Maesacre, where God sub-
merged llutself' in human tears and
orimsone himself from punctured ar-
teries an let the -terrestrial and in-
fernal, t orlds •maul him until the
• chandelle s of the sky had to be turn -
sed out, ecause the . universe could
not endu e the outrage. Illustrious
for love e must have been to take
all. that as .our substitute, paying
out his 3wn heart the price of our
admlssioift to the gates of heaven.
• King enry II of England crowned
his son king and on the day of
doronati.n put on a servant's garb:
and vvated, he, the king, at the
son's ta le, to the astonishment of
all the p inces. But we know of a,
more wo drous scene — the King of
heaven a d earth offering to put onl.
you, his child, the crown of life and
in the fo m of a servant waiting on
you wit blessing. Extol 'that love,
all paint ng, all sculpture, all music,
- all arch'tecture, all wo ghipl In
Dresden: gallery let Raphael
hold hi up as a child, arid in Ant-
werp ca edral let Ruben e Lhand him
• down fr.m the cross as a martyr,
and Hane el make all hie oratorio vi-
brate ar und -th t one chord—"1{e:
• was w� 1 ded fo our transgressions,
bruised fir' our niquities." But. not
until all the red emed get home, and
from the counte ances in all the gal-
leries of the ra somed shall be re-
vealed t e wo ders of redemption,
shall elt er man or seraph or arch-
angel kn w the 1 eight and depth and
length a d brea th of the love of
• At our nationlel capital a monu-
ment to im wh did more than any
one to chieve ur American inde-
pendence was fo scores of years in
building, and m st of us were dis-
couraged and sa d it never would be
complet.t1 An how glad we all
—were hen . in the presence of the
highest official of the nation the
work was done! . But will the monu-
• mlt_ to im who died.for the eternal
1lteratio of the human race ever be
coimplete ? For ages the work has
been-goi g up. Evangelists and apos-
tles and Martyrs have been adding to
the heavenly pile, and every one of
the millions •of redeemed going up
from earth has made to it contribu-
tion of gladness, and weight of glory
Is swuni at the top of other weight
of glory, higher and higher as the
centuries go by, higher and higher as
the whole millenniums troll, sepphire
on the top of ja.sperir sarelgtoyx on
the top of chalcedonya,4t:et chryso-
prasus above topaz, until far beneath
shall be the walls and towers and
domes Of our earthly capitol, a.
monument forever and forever risme
and yet never done, "Unto him who
bath loved us and washed us from
• our sins in his own blood and made
us kings and priests forever," Alle-
luia., amen.
• An Argument.
Wife (earnestl 1 )--G-e4rge, dear, I
have prayed so fervently of late for
a tailor-made g -ern, that I feel it
would be flying 'n the face of provi-
dence not to go and get measured at
How the Astronomers Are Making Photo-
graphs of 'all theaStars.
At a congrel
's held in Paris in
1887 it was decided that the end of
the , nineteenth ceritury. should see
the making of a great catalogue of
all the stars in the sky upon a scale
of completeness and precision sur-
paseing;anything' previously attempt-
ed, says The loternational Monthly.
It is impossible to exaggerate- the
importance of such a -work, for upon
our star catalogisee depends 'ultimate-
ly 1 he entire strecture of astronomi-
cal science.
The work was • far to vast. for the
powers of nn ohsere tory elone:
'Theeefore the whole sk s from pole
to pole,' was diN 1<hd in 0 eight helts
Or zones of appro isece y aria' circa,
and -each of I ht“;t,.. was Lesigned to a
single ohservate ry 't s: be 1 holo -
graphed. " A seri -s of eecopes as
1 -
spe- c constru •ted, s.) that ea ery
part of the work should be done Vs ith
the same type of thstrumebt. As far
• as possible, an attempt wp.s math lo
secure uniformity of methouS and
particularly a uniforni. scale of pre -
To cover the
tire slur noon the plan
1SEPTEMBER 21, 1900
pr Op osed no less than SelelIOS
negatives are reduired, and most 1,1
these have now been finished; 11:e.
.further trieaSureMeot Of the pictures
and ! the 'drawing I up of a vast print.
ed 4tar catalogs0 are also well. tee
der way. One of the participating
observatories, that at Potsdam, *(;et -
many, has just published the first
volume :.of its part of the catalowie.
is7 estimated that this obseree-
tory alone will require 20 gaze io
volumes -to contain merely the! onal
results of its work on the catalpeeii
Al together not fewer thaii 2,00) lee)
stare will find place in this oue lat-
est directory of the heavens.
Life, At Its Worst.
A clergyman once told this marvel-
lous story: "Thirty years ago I two
young men started to attend Pare
Theatre, New York, to see, a _play
which made religion ridiculous and
hypticritleal. They had been brought
up in Christian families. They start-
ed for the theatre to see the .vileipla-y-
and their early convictions cameibac'e
upon them. They felt that it was
note right to go, but still they vent •
They came to the door of the l the-
atre.. One of the young Men stoo-
ped* and started for home, but re --
turned and came up to the -door}, but.
had not the courage to go in.! He
again started .for home, and • went
home. The other young man went
"in. He went from one degree of
temptation to another. ;Caught in
the whirl of frivolity and sin he sank
* lower and lower. He lost his. busi-
ness position. He lost his m9rals.
He lost his eoul. He died a, citc.adful
.death, not one star of mercy shining
°it'll. I stend before you to -day,"
said the minister, **to thank` God -
that for 20 e4ears I have been per-
mitted to preach the gospel. 1 • ant
the other young man."
Decadence of Family Life.
' "There are other and graver facts
of which I can, but hint here which
prove how deep is the decadence of
the old sacred family life, and how
rapidly the instinct of motherho d is
dying ' -L out among our women,"
writes "An American Mother" ii the
1 -Ladies' Home Journal. "One i the
- rapid and enormous increase of di-
vorces in this country, especial y in
the Northeastern farming State . It
Is not only the gay, self-hidu gent
husband and wife who tire of each,
other, but the plodding farmer and
the w oman Who is old and worr out
with work. Another fact, even 1 ore
tragic 4ind significant, is the number
of chilcless • homes in the Northern
States. Hundreds of the oldest lead-
ing American families have beeoine
extinct in the last decade. The wo-
• men of these .families Were notably
active in _public work. So large has •
been the decreeme of births of 'Aimee -
can parentage in one section of; this
country that there is a real danger
that the native stock there will en-
tirely die. . out. There are darker
depthhere which t shall not uncov-
er. . All women have looked into
Tw _Century Ilappeninee.
The 1 sentieth century will haire 24
leap yei rs, the greatest possible num-
ber. February will have five !Sun-
days t ree times -1920, 1940 and
1976. The earliest possible date on
iNhiCh aster can occur is Marchi 12;
The last time its occurred on that
date was 1818. The latest date, that
Easter can occur is April 25. RI will
occur but one time in the coming cen-
tury on that date -1S'4,3. Thea.mid-
dle day e the century will be Jan-
uary 1, 1951. There will be [ 880
eclipses during the coming centety.
The lrbit Fair.
• Fairs are very numerous in Siberia
and possess a great importance. The
greates , and ancient Siberiafele is
that of Irbit, founded in 1643. The
'resit f ir is open from Februarly 1
to Mar h 1, and during this time the
little t wn wakes up and weloomes
25,000 strangers, doing bueiness
worth from 40,000,000 to 55,000,-
000 rut les. The chief article of
trade are tea, peltry, honey, rax,
nuts,, hardware, cultery, woolenfand
co ttons
The Mianisalppi dunetion.
The Mississippi jetties are among
the most gigantic engineering feats
of the world, costing in the neigebor-
hood of $5,000,00, and nsakiele a
26 -foot channel • out of a afros=
where there was formerly but 'eight
feet of water... This has made 'of
New 0 leans a port for the largest
among cean going vessel's.
Spectacles for a Pet cat,.
A pet Maltese cat belonging to an
English woman has- been seccesefully
provide with spectacles to counter-
act fail ng eyesight. • A picture of a
mouse Was used by the oculist to
test thei cat's eyes.
TitIM igratiam to Eastern Siberia.
From 1882 to the first of January,
189'), t iere arrived in Eastern fls-
beria 1,117,715 migrants from Euro -
pearl R ssia overland and 33,608 by
sea. F om 1883 to 1899, 582 per-
soeui re urnold to Russia.
An optimistic English physician says
t !modern life is easier, safer, and smooth -
than life a hundred years ago OW
ng people are healthier, stronger and
ter grown than their great -grand par-
s, and that the complaints of increasing
retie endencies • are wholly unfounded.
Dr. Chase
Cures Piles
Without the Danger, Palm or Eronso of-
oparation—The Only COarantood
Fnearly every town and village
in Canada come letters feom persmiis
who have been rescued from the mis-
t rit-s ( of piles by using • Dr. Chase's
ei:iditri.e:ber.:. Ls.
token, 116 Dunlop street,!Bar-
rIe, Ont., • writes:—" I was troubled
;tsti blind, ',Wiling piles for yearss and
(teed get nothing to stop the eonetant
itching. I was always in pain !until
a friend of mine told me of the fwon-
eoeful cures Dr. Chase's Ointment had
ly mired: In 'gratitude for this inervel-
, I, es care and for the benefit of Others
suffering- as I did, I send you this re -
(zed uf my ease."
When pperations and ;every tither
meane have failed to cure You, you can
begin tl e use of Dr. Chase's Ointment
'with perfect -eonfidence that its will
cure you. It has never failed to:cure
piles anl will not fail you; .60 cetts. a
-box, at all dealers, or Edmanson, Bates
and co., Toronto:
1110110111111111101111111 -11111011101111111111111111111101111111 1111111nm
(9 00 DROP
011111111110 • 1
. I
= E
Similatifig thffoodanate
ting theStomarts livil3owe
As- I
la- -
tessanclRestkontalas nellfier
pinual,Morphind nor HinOral.
ilay;s b
RearterliSeEtr -
Ain bac,*
Mop Seel -
.41 IrlEm••=••=mmancomw•
Aperfect Reified)/ for Co tipa-
tion, Sour Stomach,Diarr ea,
Worm ,Convuts ions ,Feve islb-
ness andLoss OF SLE
TacSililile signature of
s 01 d -
• -•
1 ,
Outer's is put up
is not sola in 'bulk.
yen anything else o
is "just as good°
-pose." Nettle. tha
The in-
in one -size bottles only. Is
Don't allow anyetie to sell
the plea or premise that it
ed "will answer every per -
mu get 0 -A -13 -T -O -R -1-d.
is es
The Red Fr
Has been renewed, renovated a
in a position to offer the public al
Bedroom and Dining S'uiteeat
very nice line of Chairs in allIth
Pictures just in, very cheap. We
every one to come and see us and
This department is complet
obliging attention given to this
Night calls promptly atte
Goderich street, Seaforth, opposi
re Store
d enlarged, and now we are
the newest designs of Parlor,'
very tempting piioes. Also a
newest style4. New line of
extend a cordial invitation to
ur stock.
with a
ranch of
ded to
e the M
the bUsiness. the best goods, and
arge selection
y our Underta er, Mr. S. T. Holmes
thodistt church
Up-to-date Dry Goods and
Grocery House.
New Goods Just ilrriied.
As the early bird catches the wor
pleased likewise. The showing of new d
store is remarkable. It is a show that
elegance. Immense variety, exquisite st
are some of the attractive features.
Our Dress Goods !Dv rtment.
The goods have been selected with l great care froni
able centres, and represent the choicest weaves for thi
prices are remarkable. We have a specia range of suitin
Our Mantle. Department is right
Our Flannelette depax Inent
so Ithis seasola the early buyer is
y gods in ev ry department of the
vill delight al lovers of taste and
le, eXcellent q ality and low prices
Is second to none, as we have ove
We also have the nicest range of Wra
showing a line of Silkoline for sofa cushi
New York, ranging from laic t� 25c.
Our new- -department.
We have,* the request of our
creasing business a full stock of Choice
WANTED—We want for export
quarter cut farmers' dried apples. We w
for which we will give the highest price
160 different p
pereths ever sh
ns, hich was
any farm cwt
roceries, which
by the 1st of
nt all the butt
the leading fashion-
beason's wear. The
s at 35c and 50e..
tterns to choose from.
wn in town. We are
imported direct from
rners, added to our in -
we will run at close
etober, one carload of
r and eggs we can get,
Cash or Produee an
Remember the place—
One P
ice Only.
-Seaforth's Only Cash Dry Goods tore, under th i3 Town Clock.
A Medicated Toilet S ap of the
Reg. No. 3007. W AT IT
1—Prevents all contagious diseases from
approaching where it is used.
2—It will clean and polish paint work and
nbt kill the gloss of the paint. 7
3—It will clean carpets without taking
them up. 4—It will clean' lineleums like new.
5—It will clean bieyele chain and ri s.
Novo is claimed to be the cheapest and best jniut
cleaner on market. Try it on finger marks ou doors.
Estate JOHNSON 13R0
Purest. Awarded Sliver Medal Greatet
Exhibition, 18970
—It•ill clean and remove paint, oil arid
grea stains from woolen and cotton cloth-
ing, Also cleans coat collars and hats.
—It c ntains no elkali and is strongly re-
com ended for washing the head, as it
impa ta a silky and nature.' gloss to the:
hair, and is especially useful for ehildren.
TO RICE lec and 20o a BLOCK
Full directions on blocks.
Hardware, Seaforth
VI' help.
good wages.
Red, tiesPel
X Hellen
wheat farm.
0 good tena
,Ve Ices in
each. Mao
Bete taken
winners' at fa
Jerre, gocel
table. Eggi
leo. 7,
Wang ,aco
or gravel, on'
0MP; -15141-
able houss,in
ten acres o
frano Seafore
privilege of v
era hold
Diaties to CI
cations, 0.40
ree1ved bg
I bolding,
lneboo1 Bee
wi4I be reeeiv
ea•beiow. St
gin. BEER'
grave P. D.,
ratheett et,
mite from Se
4301timencis Oc
to September
bouLot 120
se and 1
UpOn epplica
VAR/it F011
. beans,
'vetoed, -goo •
aeres in pat
eleen ti
o mental
teems easy.
ere URNS'
W-erISE Pi
' Seafort
es as* far
Win end ern<
sear. Will b• ,
under fence,.
hank hare;
plentiful *up
ifr to N. Cf
bey witbe
;planted 3
aood stab
Itoiltweter. A
men rooms i
(maniocs may-
V the villt
pleaeantly lo
The prrperty
drained and
frame house,'.
,estary outbul
• tolt wider.
frbite. it is:
Orr rr nimbi
to :Whi. C. CI
tl OOD
l)s farm Ise
p of Stinfi
ta ne aere0,
the balance
bduse, a good
good welt at I
never failing!
•this UM. T..
frnife Thls
entaket, etc.:
nrendees pr a
Blake 1.-o.
VARld 101
farm he
is well tenee4
and itairee fa
Ortherd and 1
frame licuisea
lar and wood
quarter ol
ehurehes, pc
balf miles h
apply on the.
"rad PIO -13x
J.. 'On IAA
bred Youvani
be admitted',
of eeritleeen
White Pigaft
f 4WO
I% the 13
• Eeetworah
; payublei
kateing 11 qv
bred yonn
ir eineilal
at aloe
A I:mos
Perth. Beii:
=cots, pladre
lees. Cb
no pay.
,at Let
attended to ,
0 s from M:
Auction, on;
day,,E1 eptem
horse, geresea
Old; 1 eprim
driver -seven
calf to gab°
In December
steers ..risingi
rising two ye
two yearaad
aniount 13 nu
approved join
for (meth. or
tclorietor ;
and Huron.