HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1900-09-14, Page 4THE HURON NNW SEPTEMBER 14 1900 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. , !ands for their successors. In hie opinion, tor The figure between the parenthesis, er oach was maintained proiperity would tte one-, denotes the page of the paper on which the advertisement will be found. Study HuMan Nature -Greig & Macdonald -I Bargains -Bright firos-5 New Fall Goods -B. 13. Gunn ---4I Fall Antra -Is -McKinnon & Co -5 Chock Full -E. Moran! Co -8 Wanted --Canada Woollen Mills -5 Greet Entertainment -8 Farm to Rent -Mrs. Joseph Martin -5 Auctioneer's Card -B. 8. Phillips -5 Clearing Sale -John J. Comb auct:on Sale -John A. Hinchley Farm for Sale -D. M euthoriane-5 Farm for Sale -N. Cassidy -6 Farm to Rent -Francis Kettle -5 Teacher Wanted -Robert McElroy -5 Teas, etc -S -Beattie Broe-8 Girl Wanted -Expositor 44110e-8 For Sale -Frank Outteridge -8 Cider Mill -John Elder -8 Conrt of Revision -Win Elliott -5 CIO Wanted -Mrs. A. Mowat -8 Pdultry W,anted-liennedy Bros -8 - just so lopg Ise the interent in etock bre ding d the brileders. There were times when th y re- gretted t at suoh tempting offers were made fort Canadian animals by American bre dere, but they had men in Canada who we e al- wiys wil ing to go to the old land Rind mere the best nimals to rephaiiish the 'Clan dian herds an flocks. They need have no fear for the f tura of th? farther. The 0 tario section of theGenerel dist Conference committe, at its meeti Toronto last week, passed a resoluti dorsing the posithen Wren by the Don Alliance, which, in its ciroulanurges f of the teinperance cause to take a mor Live par tifying istions, conventi otho- g in n in - inion 'ends ac - than ever in political affairs, iden- hemselves with. political orgniz- ttending political primaries and ;as, and doing their utmost to se - the e re- use. Ore the nomination and election fo nrou xpooitov. Itodthuinpioo: tPoabrleiatusrueenttootfipepenrolvi ihboi goann 0 SEAFORTH, FRIDAY, Sept. 14th, 1900 The Wars. The British forces in South Africa keep pushing steadily forward, and are meeting with comparatively small opposition, and will eroon be in possession of the three lead- ing railways from the eoast into the heart a the Transvaal. A significant fact, pointing towards an early close of the war, is that preparations are being made for the resum- ing of work in the mines. Reporta have come to hand that the Boers are well sup- plied with food and ammunition, and finan- cial provision has been made for keeping up ,the agitation -in favor of the republics, a - large suns of money hhving been placed . with a large body of trustees in Europe for that purpose. General Buller has success- fully captured a strong poeition from the enemy, inflicting heavy loss, and is rapidly pushing forward, while General French is acting in consort with him, in order to clear the country to th_o Portugeso frontier. The latest heformation from Boer sources is that they have decided in favor of guerilla war -- fare against the British. Ex-preeident Kruger is said to be too weak to leave the railway, and still clings to his contention thatthe Boera have nething to lose, and mast, -therefore, continue the wer. The Transvaal is henceforth to be knoWn as the Vaal River Colony. General Beden-Powell has been made commander of the Transvaal pollee. It is stated that tend Roberta will leave South Africa on November 1st. The allied forces are etill in oornmand_ at Pekin, although tht Rusaian Government still favors their removal, and has been join- ed by Franco. Tho other powers era in favor of remaining. Li Hung Chang is said to have been vested with complete author- _ ity to appoint the plenipotentiariett to con- duct the negotiations for peace, and it is al - mese certain that aomething ia going on 'in Pekin in the nature of a reconstruetien of the Chinese Government, and all the diplom- atists there aro concerned in it. Although the powers differ as to who shall be amploy- ed in this work, it is tolerably (dear that all accept the principle that Chins. must be gov- erned by the Chinese. Press despetches re- port the capture of the dowager-Emprese by the•Russiaa forces, but this eeport lacks confirMation. An allied expedition is aloo said tr.d have started from Pekin for Pao- tingfu, a point abeut 80 miles distant, but what the object of the exhibitien is is not. clearly 'known. For the preeent fighting seems to be over, andthe sebttement of the matter appareatIY rests ehtirely with the representatives of the different nations. - MIMIIMINIMINIIMmomM111101111t Editorial Notes and Comment s. , New Zealand has fallen into line with ° Canada in the matter of Imperial penny re postage. Postmaster' General Mulock has received wordthat p'enny postage will be inaugurated there on,January 1st. Sir Charles Tupper propheeies ewe ping victory at the coming election, and at!) e of his organs never tire of reproducing hese prophecies, in the. hope of influencin the innocent electorate. They are, 'how ver, not credited even by their own follo ere. The best the Belleville Sun can do is to hope for a reduction in Sir Wilfrid's rnaj 1 with a tip to the people to watch their when they get after Hon. G. W. This see is to be their real feeling as t result, bile' the vain boastiege of leader ar only meant to get 'the ran a-ohe ring. rity, gait OWL the the and ;;John . Ellie, M. P. for St. Ions,- ew k, has been appointed to the Sen- ate,nin lace of Senator Burpeee who ha° resigned. Senator Ellis in editor of th St. John's aily Globe. Ile •was postm titer of.St. Jo n for a time, and sat in' the ew Brunewie • House of Aseembly !rein 1882 unti1.188 , when he resigned and was e ect- ed to rep esent theolty of St. John in the Canadian House of Commons. He w s unsuccess ul candidate for the seat a the general elections, in 1891., but was elicted when the Liberals were retdrned to p wer in 1896. Consid rable diesatisfation is being ex• presseddt the manner in which the Tor nto Industrie Fair is being 'conducted. Ex- hibitors o machinery etc claim that too much att ntion is given to the circus ele- ment to t e exclueion of the industrial ex- hibits, a d that these sideshows detract from thei displays, and, in conseque ce, they lose oney, in place of getting a b ne- fit. There is, no doubt, a great deal in t ese contentio s. The Industrial is really big circue, b t, nevertheless, it draws the Growls, a d that_is, apparenqya what the managem nt are after. It doeieseein a ity, however, hat the educative qualities of the fair,shoul be sacrificed -dor the sake of a few dollar f At an e thusiastic meeting of the Lib rale of East ork, Mr. N, W. Rowell,: a- p orn- inent you g lawyer, of Toronto, elms nom- inated as heir standard bearer in the dom- ing eleetions. Mr. W. F. MeLeari, 'of, the Toronto 'odd, is the present member, nd will in all probability- again be the Pons rv- ative nom nee, although he is not in t or- ough ace° d with certitin circles; of 'the party. I Centre Wellington, Mr. And' ew Semple, w o has for thirteen years been the representa ive of the riding, has again b en nominated by the Liberels. His oppon 'nt, in all pro Ability, will. be Mr. John c- Geowan, a flax manufacturer, of Peel to n - ship. Dr. T. E. Johnsten will again teethe Liberal ca didate in West' Lambt n. Dr. Johnston as elected tit the.bye,el etio in 1898, to succeed Mr. Lister, Who had een appointed o the bench. A Hamilton magistrate has just given out a somewha peculiar jud-ment. e police Th of that eit had_ started a crusade aga nst gambling h uees, and had one of the offend - ere before he magistrate, Who decided hat poker was a game of skill, and -no of hence, a d that a person had a per ect ight to ru a place where poker Islan- d, and ha e " rake off" from the ga e• This decia" n has tied the hands of 'the po- lice, and other houses are ibeing run op nly on the st ength of this judgment. 8 oh may be in strict accord with the lette of the law, b t it ean hardly be in accord ith the spirit o intention pf the act, and is er• teinly cal° lated to do a moral injury to the city, and mey have a wider influence. ne thing is oer ain, -and is Universally ad it - ted, and th t is that poker or card pla ing or money d gambling and that gamblin le illegal, and some action dhould be take to test the val dity o suoh judgment. The petition against John Dryden; On tario ture, came up for trial day, and was dismiesed MacMahon, with costs presented by the petitio • A big Conservative rally was held in Montreal on Monday night, for -the purpose of introducing into Federal polities Mr. Hugh John Macdonald, the new lieutenant whom Sir Charlea Tupper has imported from the West. The speakers,- of the evening were Sir Charles Tupper, Hugh John Mac- donald and Hon. G. E. Foster. the election of Hon. Minister of Agrioul- at Whitby on Mon- . by Judges Osier and No evidence was ner. The Coneervative. papers have, Limos with- out number, fixed the date of the elections, and now they have the assurance of Sir Wilfrid Laurier that there will be an elec- tion eornetime within the next ten months. 11 they keep on guessing they are aure to strike the right number. A meetin for the pur ent politica was held in se of organ party. The Toronto last week, zing an inclepe d - principal busi ess was the bui ding of a platform on which the Independen s are to stand, the result, b ing hat the following princiles *ere unanim- ously adopt a Direct legislation', pro tional repre entation, pu lic ownerehip public utilitts, Govern ooinpuleory hibition an planks will pe_ople. Re single tax w as he believ or - of ent banking, ad rbitration. The utility of ro- adult suffrage as additi nal depend upon the vote. of the 48 S Crai ' 1 party showed a brave front. In fear of a threatened vengeance, the proprietor event- ully furnished funds and got the missionar- ies off in safety. . - Hon. Clifford Sifton has again been nom- _ inated by the Liberals of Brandon as their candidate in the forthcoming leotions. The I Conservatives h&ve nominated, as his oppon- ant, Hugh John Macclonal , premier of Mapitoba,. The Conservative are apparent- ly building their chances of uccesa largely on the prestage that the name of_ Macdonald is 4upposed to carry with it. They seem to for et that Hugh John- has been in Domin7 91 ion polities before; wh n he proved a disap- toi tment to his frie de -.1 The battle in r ndon will, no doub , be a severe one, and wil be Watched with interest throughout the Daminion, and wil in all probabilitei be a c one one, but We. can hardly agree with the Conservative organs, who already see Ms Sifton completely snowed under. This ea e snow storm. has been predicted be- fore, but it generally fails to materialize or conies upon the other party. Pa a n rea nig in Be News of the Week. (more Mines CLOSED. -Owing to the tial failure of the American cotton crop, mber of Englieti cotton mills have closed. GOLDEN CAROO.-The steamer Danube hed Victoria, British Colembia, at mid - t on Monday with over half a million londike gold. Of this . Berry, of of a million., sums of from ry Brothere, had a quarte The rest was divided in small $5,P00 to $25,000. j THE PreteetTE 4LASGOW. medical health `authorities st are now sixteen cases of bub the city, and 112 persons ar vaton. CHOLERA IN rtr IA , -The India Lord -Curz n, of K graph's that the deaths from c week ending Septe ber 1st States, 1,930 LeBrit TERRIBLE 74URB. ricane and tidal wa in Texas on Saturd said to be lost and stroyed, The tow entirely wiped out. BRIGHTER IN. I -Th India is now promi ing for th (latent rain has fallen in a traets, and the wi ter sowin cally assured. The number relief is something' nder 4,0 °enraging reduction. - BIG GIIN EXPLOD .D. -Duri an military manoeu res on F borders of Galacia a d Bohem exploded, killing f ur men fatally wounding 18 othere. To KILL TRE S enjoyment of the j bilee les began Sunday on th complet year as head of the Ottoman been epoiled by th discove against his life. 118 erre -several high officia a, have made, ancta secret i quiry is We Glasgow te that there nio plague in under obser- Viceroy of dleston, tele- olera for the ere : Native eh distric 4,021. CANE. -A terrible bur - e did awful devestation y. Over 3,000 lives are about 4, 00 homes de - of Galvis on was almost weather in crops. Ex - 1 alp famine 8 are practi- ow receiving )000, an en - g the Austri- iday, on the a, a ibig gun ontr ght and lvitiea, which en ofhis 25th empire, has y of a plot ts, including already been roceeding. Hilko Note . -The tax rate fo Blyth t is year will be 19 mills. -W. O'Neil has purchase the grocery business of F. Melville, in Cli ton. - -The Wingham dvance h Lis just entered on its 28th year. The Advan e is a bright, neway paper. ; -Thomas Bell, f Wingh in, has been eleeted president of the Furn ture Manufao- turers' Association. -Mr. Charles A mstrong, of Weetfield, heal purchased a farm in the vicinity of Mount Forest and will shoal move there. --A pile of coal o the wha f at Goderich caught fire the oth r day, b t was extin- guished before any amage w a done to the wharf. , ' -Mr. John Weir of Cred ton, has pur- chased the 50 acres f Jand fO rnerly owned by Mr., Charles Frei z, the pece being $2,- 200. . • -Huron County Temperance Union convention with the the last week in Sep Women s Christian ill hold their annual Union in lythe during ember. -Exeter's rate of taxation his year will be 20 mills on the dollar, 'an increase of three aused chiefly er works. den & Mo• prize with n, and their n the sweep - and a half Mille over by the inauguration -At the Toronto Donell, of Exeter, last year, of the wa fairetBa took firet their three-year-old Shire etalli aged horse captured first prize stakes. -T.he voters' list o the tow . for 1900 has been pri ted. Th ber of names on the list is 1 part one, and 408 in part .two. gate number of juror is 371. -Mrs. Ann Stitt, a -forme near Auburn, died t Listow and the remains we e interr cemetery, Hullett. She was age. ' -Mr. Harrison, w o has be the old Lewis farm, north of some years,. has disp sed of his his neighbor, Wm. oiling. I acres. -While in Oakvi le, last H. Aehbury, of Blyth, purchas flouring mills in that own from in-law, Mayor Shaw, nd will ion on October 1st. -Mr. James Black rou h, w o is %doffing da, ont na, has pur- bite's 100 -acre farm, East Wa anosh, tor of Goderich total num- 203-795 in The aggro - resident of 1, recently, d in Ball's 87 Years of n living on Exeter, for property to contains 25 eek, Mr, T. d the large hie brother - eke possess - in Blyth from Armco chased Mrs, John lot 42, concession 3, $3,000. - Mr. A. Holmes, store, Clinton, met wi gerous accident the o gaged at an alcohol et n • • g was sorry t at and his faee was badl era) nailed tin to the platfo m, The Toronto Mail has at last acknowledg- d the farmers were at resen i -Aoroni Jim, a rac ed that there is some virtue in the prefer ential tariff. It-eays : " It's chief effect is to cause Americana to lower their prices so as to undersell the British, favoured though these ate by the preference." This does not seem much in the eyes of the Mail, but it will be appreciated by the consumers of thia country. n L Rattenbury, of Clin the position of slaves, Henceforth the i de- - fire at Providence, R - pendent orgenization will be known as the PetTle's Party.," 'The following is the re- The horse was a spee R. N. Price, St, Thomas ; secretary, Ore rge In 'the course of a speech delivered at Ifalifax, recently, Hon; W. 8. Fielding suit o the e cation of •officers Presid nt, Wrigley ; Executive committee,,Rev.; S g, . McCoy, of Wallaceburg • GU-' en eal Burwash, of Baltimore • J. M. Davis • mellie, of Ikriarton ; J. 5. Spence, Of n ; and Mr. Carter.. Atithority was gi e executive committee t make n ap r funds end to place organ zers -in t e Id. Indeiiiendent couch atee vvi I n m- ated wher ver their °ha CE8 are consic er- favorable. Mr. Smelli was of the o that the rural district • be let alma at esent, and that the effor of the party be nfined to it,ies. 8 do fo Finance Minister, said that the epproximate ree;_enues. for the year ending June 30th, was ed $50,927,011, with expendituree chargeable i("3 to consolidated fund, $12,947,549, leaving a Pr eurplue of $7,940 :302 After :rovi f co , • ( ng or expendit urea of. i.,very chime, inelud ing cepi t al ehergett, there iiiet reductioa of debt to the extent ot n079,770. -- Hughelohn Maedoneld expt ets to carry every Peat, Wet:at of Like Supt,rior. 8ir Charles Tupper says the Maratime 'Pro- vinces will go in hloc with him, while the Mail and lempire is going to wc op Ontario and Quebec hate the Coneervative fehl, and if the elentien ie delayed muelt levee -a there won't be a Liberal left in 11n, Knov, in„,; (-In Sir Wilfrid be thinking alma"? At out. of the eireetar.s' Innehene at the lomat° induetrita, live week, ifon. Sydney- Fiaher, Dominion of Agtioult are, in the c'ottre of i,i14 peuch 1,4aid leAing feature of the prc-svnt twrivultur r-ituation Was the tpIendid revival in thedete etnek in- dustrv, ae evinoed by the exhiLits at the -present 1,ir. He eomidered this a most for - tun tte t Ling, for it meant, not only tilled pocket; fer the pi taunt generation, but rich s During th comae of an, address, ronto, few ighes ago, Ira Goforth, w with her husband aud eh I ten, has , just i turned from the mission ld in China, g some of the experiences. the missiona there. " Time and Min again," she ea thc little band of miss onariss came, • f to face with armed ban e of rioters, 1 some avenue of escape fLi3 , al ways ope and this she aecribes tot eprayere frie in Canada. As an exame ties to which the ladies ed, nlre. Goforth told of , n occasion whet .C'hiuese eflicial entered t e room of the i where the missionaries ere sheltered a almost fondly disrobed imself. Thid tion was plainly intende as an. insult, pause no Chinaman, who pretended tq tidement, would do sud, thing. It was at of the same inn, with a howling mob outside; that the proprietor finall t ea they must leave. " You lat hut we will not go outai Mr. Goforth said ; and al comrades were I d of S. Ja kson's drug h a painf 1 and dan- er day. He was en- ve when t exploded, blistered. horse, o ned by Mr. ton, was urned in a ode Islan , recently. y one, an will be a serious loss to Mr. Rat enbury. - Mr. Robert Milne has sol acre, farm, lot 41, concession 2, wanosh, to Mr. James Caldwell, for $5,500. Mr. Cald ell'a son, purchased the adjoini g 100-acr Mr. Charlee Stewart, f r $4,000. -Miss 1‘1. Foster, of Varna le day of last week fo Man'ito parture, st churc mn book, her ser evenings before her d gation of the Method her with sn•Bible and h of their appreciation member of the choir. -Mr. Richard Beck unpleasant experienee was drawing in flax, o. and ihrew him against o, He was nearly smother e. helP arrived, while he his contact with the wi ve -Mr. Thomas Dea ceived the sad news by d, that his son -in law, 08 Manceloria, Michigan, d (Michigan) hospital, aft ut from typhoid fever. T Mr. Dearing's second le of the iedig dis e_er As fatgeot. an illness of s ere bften eubje gust 13. de Peintrv passe a 31st, at his home in God n became ill last Novembe recovered partially, he e. beginning of April to r e. .finally, and since then h e. until his death,- The de France, in which cou 12. He left that, co me to Montreal, Queb, er to Goderich. He - told them th can kill us he e to be killed " treal in 1877. In 1886 hough he and his and spent two yeate tl and bruised, tl e spent another period of a WOULK e t his 100 - Emit Wa- of Hullett, obert, has farm from t Mon. a. A few he congre- presented I as a token vices as a of Hen all, had an he other day. He hen the oad upeet a barb ire fence. d by tho flax before leo show d signs of e. ing, of I xeter, re- elegram, est week, r. G. A Birk, of 'ed at Ba tle Creek, er a sin rt illness e deceits d married daughter about 15 veral minas, Au - d away us August rich, Th deceased r, and although he was con-pellcd at. linquish his work graduall: declined eased wa a native try he w born in intry in s75, and c, tied three yeara as marrie at Mon- e went o Hayti, ere, and later on out the ame dur- ation in that country. I 1892 he was ap- pointed hook -keeper for t e Goderich Organ CompanY, and held that osition up to the time of his illness. -The West Huron lice se commissioners met in 'Inspector Pedalo s office, Clinton, recently, and transferred the license of Mr. J. C. Miller, of the hote Clarenaon Olin - ton, to Mr. James MoG ire, of Belleville. The license of the late Jo n Mason, of the Central hotel, Blyth, was transferred to his wife,_Mrs. Frances Mason --The fading days of t e summer season saw a very quiet, yet h ppy scene, which took place on Monday eve ing, August 27th, at the residence of Mr. m. Pym, Centre- lia, when his youngest da ghter, Miss Effie Ada, WO.. united in happ wedlock to Mr. John Wright, of that ,pla e. The wedding ceremony and anifing wor were spoken by the Rev. S. Salton. -The wedding of Fred. Bank of Montreal, New ish Columbia, elder son Naftel, of Goderich tow Caroline Mabel Drummon ter of R. J. Drummond, Bank ' f Montreal at Pe mated in St. Jame consu on Tue day morning, Augu t 29th. -0 e day last week WaIer, son of Sam- uel M dge, of Usborne, su tained a Severe amide t, He had, unnoti ed by the driver, climb° upon a load of grain, and cOvered hiinsel with a blanket, a it was raining slightly at the time. T e hired man, in putting the fork trite the I ad, drove ono of the tines through the ea f of the young man's leg, causing a severe wound. -While playing around the barn on Sat- urday afternoon last, Gord n the little son of Mr. James A. Sanders° , of the 6th con- cession of Howick, fell out f the barn door and alighted on a pile of et nes on hie head. Among other injuries he eceived a nasty cut on the head, which ne eesitated phy- sician'a attendance and cquired quite a number of stitches. . -Crown Attorney Lewis returns of cases tried at the county judge's criminal court, for the first half year of 1900, show nine thefts, one aggravated" as ault, one shop - breaking and three eaties o horse stealing, 14 cases in all. There wer 11 conviotions, the sentences ranging fro three years to two months. Six prisoners were sent to the Central prison, two t the Kingston penetentiary, and the bele, ce to the county jail. -On Saturday last, Mr. James Brown, sr., of Fordwich, met with an unfortunate accident, which will lay h m up for a few weeks.. It seems be was oing out to Mr. John Sotheraa's eider mill for snme cider, and was sitting upon an ens' ty barrel in the - wagon, when the jolting ea sed him to lose his balance and fall to the round, alighting - upon his shoulder. He w s taken home, suffering great pain, and t e doctor sum- moned, who upon examin tion found the shoplder blade to be fnactu sd. -There passed away at her late resi- dence, on the 8th conces ion of Hallett, recently, Eliza, beloved wif of J. Hughes, after a brief illness of five ayes Deceased was bornin the county of Caven, Ireland, in the year 1833, and came ith her parents to London, Ontario, when b t a child. , She was married in 1857, and hero resided to the year 11380, and then se tied in Hullett. Deceased was a member f the English church, was a good °lariat an mother, and died trusting in Jesus. She leaves a family of three sons, three daught re and her hus- band, to mourn their lose. -Mary A. Dinnin, relic t of the late James Ftsnson, died at her oine in Exeter, on August 31st, from the e eats of typhoid -fever. The deceased was orn in Durham county, England, December 19th, 1848, and at the age of four years c me to Canada with her parents, who set led in Lumley, Usborne township. At 18 ears of age she married James Eamon, an during the 16 years of a happy wedded lif seven children were born to them, Since the death of her husband, 15 years ago, she as been a resi- dent of Exeter. She leave to mourn her loss three sons and two dau ters. -The following 'figures are taken from the official report -of the M thodist church, in the Nile circuit, for the p st year : Nile, $458.10 ; Sheppardton, $11 .60 ; Ebenezer, $105.35 ; total, $682.04. To al money rained. on circnit : Quarterly board $682.04 ; trus- tee board, $173 ; missionar , $123.80 ; Wo- man's Missionary Society, 33.50 ; Sunday sehoole, $133; Sunday school aid, $1; League collection, $1. ; Epworth Le gue, $104 ; Pu- perannuation, $38; edueatio al, $11.05; Gen- eral Conference -fund, $5.76 ; Union church relief, $3 27 ; contingent fu d, $2.81 ; sus- tenation fund, $2, Total, $ ,314 33. -On Tuesday forenoon of laete week, while Henry Greb, in comps y with his son Eddie, were at the Zurich cider mill, and about ready to drive home, he horse, own- ed by C. Hartleib, became frightened and started off. -Eddie was on he wagon, but could not control the hors , and it came dashing into town at a furious rate, turning b block, where among a lot of boy escaped miracle. . The horse was not J. Naftel, of the 'estminster, Bs it - of Charles J. F. ship, and Mies , secovd daugh- manager of the th, Ontario, was ' -church, Perth, into the alley at the Hartle it threw boy, eider and all wire. boxes, etn. How th without serious , injury is a wagon is a wreck, but the much injured.' -The announ ement has een received of the wedding of ev. Donal MaeGillivray, formerly of Goderich, and n iv of Shanghai, Chins, to Miss L zzie Augue a Bevey. Mrs. MacGillivray, e her,hu band, has been engaged in mitt ion work, having been a Church of Engle di missien ry in Shanghai for the past thre years.' r home former- ly was in Eng and. The wedding took place at Holy Trinity Oath dral, Shanghai, on Friday, August 3rel. Mr. MaeGillivray has literally a hoot of frien and admirers throughout Canada, whose est wishes will be for his continued and i creased hsppi- nese. -The de,ath.of Martha SI e relict of the late Wm. Brock, occurred a Winchelsea, on Monday of last week, after brief illness of dysentery, although for any years. her health bad not been first- lass. Deceased was born in Devonshire, lngland, where she married her first hush nd, Wm. Pin- oombe. In the Year 1845 t ey set out for Canada, settling in Usher e, on the St. Marys road, neer the 4th oncession-the farm now owned by her on, John Pin - combo. Mr. Pincombe die a few years after coming to this count y, and in the year 1857,.the deceased marr ed Wm. Brock, who ale° predeceased her s me few years ago. Mrs. Brockl was highl respected as a neighbor and frielnd. kippen. NEW GOODS. If intere ted, read on, Do your trading ith the E M.cFaul, Co., Seaforth, and yo 're sure t get the better of the deal. Ma y shipmen s of new goods are in. Among them you'll find Dry Goode wants, to y ur fancy. The best of it is that these new oods are going to save You money. It's the valu you get that does it. You finc at this -tore fashion's very latest thing waiting your welcome visit among them. 1709 1 NOTES. -Mr. W • Cudmo e and Mr. Jas. 13. McLean, who ave been sojourning in Hie old country f r some veeksa arrived safely home ion Tu &lay, aft,- having thor- oughly enjoyed their trip. hey look as if the beef of the old land agreet with them. - Miss Bertha Ivison is spendin a few weeks visiting with friends. in Essex and with her sieter, Mrs, (Rev.) Barnby, of Brighton, Miss Ivison, in Writing home, aye the peach crop in Essex, which for :pal ty are of the finest, but they ere so plentiful that they aro allowed to rot bu the ground. We, in this neighborhood, could make u e of some of the waste. -Mr. Robert Murray, of Tucker - smith, is visiting with frie ds in Lower Canada. All Mr. Murray's friends will hope for him a pleaeant time -The heavy wind storm of this week ha played sad hewers with the apples and other fruit. Mother earth is well covered with fallen fruit, -Mr. Samuel HollIngshead, with his son, from near the American Soo, were this week visiting his father-in-law, Mr. Wm. Kyle, ex.., and other deride, It is about 22 ears since Mr. Holl'ngshead left this vicin- ity,: and still he look as young as ever. - Mrs. Stewart, the past week, has been making a pleasant Wit with her daugh- ter, Mrs. Thomas E der, of Tuckersmith.- Mr. JosephiLamont, of Windsor, is spend- ing a week rusticati g at the arental home in the village. -Mr. R, B. Mc an ha's filled his corn silo. His ei o is far too small for this Newton's crop. .r. McLean is a good farmer, and knows how to grow good crops. -Messrs. James Canning, Alex. Monteith, James Mustard, and Wm. Thornpeon swell- ed the crowd at the big show at Toronto lest week. -Mr, George Taylor, who is pay- ing much attention to the grazing of cattle, is now busy buying in a fresh stock. -A number from this vicinity are, as usual, taking in Ithe Loudon Fair. The big crowds of former years to this show -seems to be a thing of the past. The novelty has worn off.-Misi Nellie Cooper, -who was visiting with friends in Toronto, for some days, has returned home. Exeter. J. G. STAtlitunY, B. A., (late with Mc- Carthy, Osler & Co., Torcnto,) Barrister, Convey. sneer, Notary, Money to loan. Offices lately oo- oUpled by Collins & Stanbury, over O'Neil's Bank, Exeter, Ont. , 1684-tf NOTES. -W. J. Heaman has returned from a business trip to Chicago and St. Paul. -The Dyer & Howard planing mill had e. narrow escape from fire one day last week. Sparks ignited the roof, but were noticed in time to prevent destruction of property. -J. G. Stanbury, barrister, at- tended court at Mitchell, on Friday, and cerried home fresh laurels. -Mrs. Charles Coates, of Pontiac, Michigan is visiting her mother, Mre. Gould, for a 'few days. - Mr. Wm. Darling, of Teeswater, accom- panied by his daughter and her family, are visiting at Mr. George MeLeod's.-Duncan McGregor is the guest of friends in London, for a week or so. -Miss Gertie Hicks is spending a short vacation with her friend, Miss H. White, at Niagara. -Mervyn Huston lefb last week to enter Robert's drug store Parkhill. -Mrs. R. S. Lang and family, who have been visiting in Manitoba, have returned home. -Mies Irwin, of Wing - ham, has taken the position of junior teach- er in the public school, in place of Miss Rob- ertson, who will teach the Latin and Mod- erns department. -Mies Blair, of London, has been engaged as stenographer and type- writer by R. S. Lang, apple exporter. - Rev. W. M. Martin, B. D, returned from a month's vacation in MuskOka and Fergus, and occupied his own pulpit on Sabbath. - Thomas Bissett, sr., has purchesed a high - stepper, for the tall fair, and will give horsemen a chase for the first prize on the 1.8th inst.-Miss Cora Fowell is visitiog friends in London, this week. -Mr. Fred. Miners, of Kincardine, attended the funeral of his grandmother here, on Sunday. -Wm. Bawden and John Essery are serving their country, on the jury, at Goderich, this week. -Robert Sweet, who recently bought out John Treble's harness store, took possess- ion on Wednesday. -Miss Dempsey re- turned to Zurich on Tuesday, to resume her position as milliner, in Merner Brothers' store. -F. H. Lutz, druggist, of Gananoque, was married last week to an estimable young lady of that town. He is a son of Dr. C: Lutz, of Exeter, and his many friends here extend eongratulations.-Miss Edith Beers left on Monday to take a posi- tion in Chapman's large department store, London. -Mrs. Crocker, who has been nursing her son, Edward, is now laid up herself with the fever. DEATH, -On Friday evening, August 31st, there passed away, at the age of 52 years, Mary A. Dinnin, relicit of the late James Fanson. Mrs. Eamon was born in Dar- . ham county, England, and at the age of four years came to Canada, anclasettled with her parents, in Lumley, Usbortie town- ship. At the age of 18, she married J,ames Fanson, who predeceased her some 15 Years, leeving a family of seven children, of whom three sons and two deughtere are still alive. Since her husband's death Mrs. Fanson had lived in Exeter, where She has' won the highest regard of all who met her. She was particularly shrewd as a business wo- man, managing her property herself, with much abilityt She was a member of James kindly and generous disposition. , The fun - street Methodist church, and an active worker in the Ladies Aid, and h d a genial, eral on Tuesday was largely 'attended. Those left to mourn her loss are : Albert and Norman, of Manitou ; Raymond, of Winnipeg . Mrs. (Dr.) Harrison, of De- troit, and 'Mrs. William Balkwill, of Exe- ter. , GOOD HORSES. -The Toronto Mail and Empire, in a recent iesue, makes the follow - ng reference. to the horses of Messrs. Baw- den & MoDonell : " Messrs. Bawden & Mellonell, of 'Exeter, Ontario, Who have a provincial reputation as importeis of high- class Shire and Clydesdale sta. lions. have two splendid Shire stallions on exhibition in horse shed No. 15, viz„.Belshazzar, winner p age class stallions, four years old and up- wards, and also in the sweepstakes, and Catthorpe Loyalty, winner in the three- year•old class stallions. Competent judges 3onaider Belshazzar a massive horse, weigh - ng 2,300 pounds, the beet Shire horse in Canada. Catthrope Loyalty, a Very thick, heavy hello, who was recentlY 'imported with ten other horses of fineet 'type and style, is by the best 'judges coneidered a lass of horses much wanted in I this coun- ry." At the London fair this :isteek, Bel- hazzar won first prize and the seitieepetakes, and Catthrope Loyalty won fie t in the three year-old class. 1i BlUeVale. NcerEs.-As usual, many from aii8 locali- ty went to Toronto during the Industrial Exhibition. -Miss Lily Rogers is attending Alma Ladies' College, St. Thomes.-Mies Eliza Messer is visiting her sister,fgre. Ira Barclay, of Ypsilanti Miohi a .-Mrs. Henderson accompanied Mrs. Co on her return to Brantford, and will visit in that city for a few weeks. -Clayton Off, who was ill with congestion of the lun iff re- covering. -Rev. D. Rogers atten ed' the Wingham District meeting in Whi echurch on Tuesday. -Mrs. Robert Musgrove' has been visiting friends in Toronto and Dr. eorge Musgrove, Niagara Falls, --Russell McKinney, son of Mrs. T. McKinrsey, had the first finger of his right hand injured in the break at the flax mill on Saturday last, and the doctor found it necessary to ampu- tate it below the first joint. -Mr. .Abraham Jackson, of the first line of Morris,' has bought the pretty litttle cottage ati the sta. tien owned by Mr. John Collie, of, ,Alma, -- Mr. and Mra. Robert McPherson tileited at Monkton this vveek.---Mr. and Mae, Hugh Ross and MienJean were away on 4 driving tour last week. -Mrs. Rutherfoad, the Misses Bickle and Walter Huggin visited at Mr. George Pocock's, East Wawanosh, this week. -Albert Denman retuined to Ctatham Business College on Mt6nday.- Victor and Russell Jermyn are attending CI nton Collegiate Institute. -Mise Mar- ga -et Robertson, of Wroxeter, went, last Tuesday, to Liberty, ,New York, !to enter the training school for nurses in cdrinection wi-h the Loome's Sanitarium for q nsump- (Ives, and Miss Mary Smillie, ofl Morris, goes to Chicago next week, to at nd the Illinois training school for nuns ,s We wit h them success. --Mies Abram, of Wawanosb, vieited Miss Maggie Case - more this week. -Mr. John Hall id having a stone foundation placed under hill house. -Inepector Robb visited our se:hnol Tuesday. -Mr. Robert 0. Casemlore has purchased a bankrupt stock at N wbridge E FALL GOODS . . AT . . . The Corner Store WITH THE BLUE FRONT. Our stock of Dress Goods this season excels anything we, have ever ofi'ered. In homespuns, we have a splendid range, and our stock of Black Dress Goods we believe is the finest shown outside the cities. ktitttew...****4*****4-..***** MILLINERY. MISS ROSS will be pleased. to show the ladies one of the finest stocks of Millinery in all the newest styles, and she would be pleased. to have the ladies call and inspect and com- pare. Any lady desiring an early Fall Hat, will be accom- modated after Thursday morning. COME WITH THE CROWDS TO B. G ,„ N, SEAFORTII THREE STORES—No. 1, Dry Goods, ladies' goods only. No. 2, Clothing, men's goods only. NO. 3, Gro- ceries—specialties canned goods, butter and teas, and is selling it off there. -Mr. William Messer was in London on business this week. -Messrs. George Hanna and Herbert Wightman, of Wingham, visited at Mr. Archibald Patterson's - on Sunday. -John Haney is home from Toronto. -Mr. Walter Patterson and daughter Edna visited in Molesworth on Sunday last. -Mrs. John Wilson and daughter Annie; cif Wingham, visited at Mr. A. McEsven'te last week.-_ Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Miller, of Belgrave, visited at Mrs. Charles (Amiss' this week. -Mr. and MrseJohn Patterson, of Moles- worth, visited at Mr. Peter Fowler's, Blue - vale road, over Sunday. -Mr. Williem Pat- - ton is building a silo. -Misses Hattie and Burdett° McCracken are visiting in the Forest City during the fair. -Mr. W. J. Duff -was in Lietowel on Tiiesday.-The Presbyterian Missionary Society have their box of quilts and clothing ready to ship. - Mr. Thomas Stewart attended London Fair. TuckersMith. IN GREAT ARRAY-Flannele and Silks. What's more adaptable for a Shirt Waist than the new French flannel? You know how popular silk ie. Well, we think the E. McFaul Ce., Seaforth, has the silk and opera flannel stook of that town. They have selected: range of patterns and color- ings which is very pretty and taking. 1809-1 WEST END WOTES.-Fall wheat seeding is nearly all finished in the neighborhood, -A large number from this neighborhood at- tended the Toronto fair last week. Among the number were, Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Landeborough, Elcoat, Mrs. and C. Carter, Mr. and Mrs. Robert White and Harvey Johns. FARM SOLD. -Mr, Robert McVay has sold hie farm, on the 3rd concession, H. R. S., to Mr. Hegh Hamilton. The farm con- tains 100 acres, and has on it a brick house and good bank barn, and is one of the best places in the township. The price paid was $5,350, and is very reaeonable, considering the property. THRESIIING.-Mr. John Murray and his two boys have made a threehing record, and Mr. Murry would like to hear from any who can beat It. One day recently, on the farm of Mr. Henry Chesney, they threshed 420 bushels of peas in five hours. This is s pretty good record and it veill be hard to beat. FIRE. -On Monday morning of last week, the house on the farm of the late Richard Cudmore was burned down. Mr. Robert White had lived in the house for some time, and had only removed a few days previously, as his brother, George, had leased the farm, and was going to move in. to the house last week. As no person was living in the house, and none of the neigh - bore saw anething of the fire, it is not known what caused it. There was no in- suradce. BURGL.6.RY.-On Friday night last, some unknown1persone entered the stables offMr. Peter Stewart, 3rd concession, and stole a fine new set of harness. They then visited Mr. Thomai Robertson's and stole a halter. There is at present no clue to the burglar, although, about ten o'clock in the morning, some persons in a buggy were heard driving rapidly past that neighborhood, end it is supposed that `the occupants of the rig were the thievee. Farmers should keep a sharp lookout for individuals who go prowling about after dank. LIGHTNING FREAKS. -During one of the recent thunde storms, the dwelling of Mr. Wm. MeNaug ton on the 7th concession, were struck 37. lightning, but no further damage than t e knocking off of the chim- ney was done. The same night Mr. John McKeever, of the 0th coneeseion, had a sheep killed, a d the barn of Mr. M. Coyne, of the same e ncession, was struck by the lightning. 8 me shingles were knocked off, but further than that no damage was done to the batn, although one of the horses was killed. The animal was standing at the' corner of the barn, where:the current paseed down, and was stunned, and in fall- ing it struck ite head against the stone wall, smashing its It was found there in the morning, and died shortly afterwards. 'Mr. Coyne'e lees will be coneiderable, as he valued the fume at $125. Hills Green. • HAPPENINGS. -Mrs. J. Spackrnan, of hay- field, was visiting friends in this vicinity last week. -Miss Maggie Snell epent last week with friends here. -The cranberry sea- son is about over, very few berries are left. -Our football' team, The Moonshiners, have almost reached the standard, and are eagerly looking for a challenge from other towns. -We regret to learn that Mrs. J. Jarrett is on the sick list. We hope, how- ever, that she 7411 Boon be around again. - Quite a number of people in this vicinity have taken in the London Exhibition, among those are James Love, Robert Forrest, Alex. ForreFt, Arne Stelck and Wm. Jarrett. - Mr. C. Troyer has returned from Toronto. He reports having had a good time. -All the farmers armind here have finiehed seeding. -Our veteran coon -hunter, MC. G.Reichert, has captured a large number!of coons. This fall, he reports that the skini are of the fin- est quality. -Miss H. Digrnin spent Sunday at Mrs. Jarrott's.-A jolty crowd of pie- nickers from the fifth concession, passed throudi our village recently. Hensall. -CIDER MILL. -The undersigned, on Lot 16, Concession 2, Hay, has his cider mill in running shape, and will grind Monday, Wednesday and Fri. day of each week throughout the season. Parties wishing to get grinding done will receive pr107m091: atcention. Satisfaction guaranteed. John Elder, licLndOaCHAPI, 0BRIEPs. -Swamp- fires are ragin to the west of the village, at the time 'writing, and at one time great fear was Mitt for the safety -of Mr. Augustus Luker's and' Mr. Edward Dater's buildings on the one! side of the swamp, and Mr. islusso's on thee opposite side. We are pleased to learnthat1 the danger is not now so great, owing to thei strenuous efforts of the neighborly, aided by the rains of Tuesday. -Miss Alice Coldwell is in Chatham this week, attending the wed- ding ot relative. -Miss Kate Hodgine,who has been seriously ill in Toronto, for some time past, returned home with her father on Friday evening. Miss Hodgins was so ill that she was obliged to come in an invalid's chair. -Mr. W. R. Hodgins attended the Exhibition held at Toronto last week, and while in that city W8,8 united in marriage to Mrs. S. Perkins, of Chiselhurst. The happy couple returned to Mr. Hodgins' home here on Friday evening last, where they received congratulations from their friends and good wishes for their -oontinual happinese.-The sacrament of the Lord's Supper will be served in Carmel Preabyterian church on Sabbath. The preparatory service will be held this afternoon, at2:30 o'clock, and will be conducted by Rev. Mr. Larkin, of Sea - forth. -Large numbers are leaving this station daily te_attend'the Western Fair in London. -Mies Annie Carlisle returned home recently from vieiting friends in the northern part of the :wtinty.-Mrs. Davis organizer for the Lady Maccabees, is in the village this week, endeavoring to organize lodge here. Sbe is assisted by Mrs. F. Rae, of this place. -Mr. Albert Kaiser, of Sarnia, accompanied by his wife, has been spending the past week with Mr. Kaiser's parents, and with relatives and friends in Clinton and Brucefield.-Mrs.Robert Carlisle was St. Thomas last week, visiting her eons Robert) and William, who are eugaged business there. -Miss Thointion was in Tor- agro.f last vreek and this, visiting her Hounnet:nlseal:11.-The Misses Fisher, of Port Ar - David L. Thomson, formerly of thur and Zurich, were in the village recent- ly, visiting their brother, Mr. John Fisher. -Mrs. Elder has been spending a number of weeks with her sons in the countty.- Miss Nellie -Bell, second daughter of Mr. James Bell, of Hensall, who recently re- eived her diploma from the London Busi- ess College, has secured a situation s book-keeper with a buainess firm in Lon - on. -Mrs. Coombe, of Blyth, who was ere during the past week the guest of Mrs. Dr.) Ferguson, has returned. -Miss C. Car- ol], of Embro, who has been visiting relit- ives during the past month, left here this eek for her home.J-Mr. A. A. Goetz, who arried on the Commercial hotel previous to Mr. H. Cantelon, is in the village this week enewing acquaintances'. Mr. Goetz hes - ust returned from Paris, where he had been ttending the great exhibition, and has uch of interest to narrate connected with is visit in Europe. -Mr. William Moore, on of Mr. William Moore, of this village, ho has been in the employ of Mr. E. Ran - ie for a number of years, left here on Satar- ay afternoon for Minneapolis, where he as secured a situation in the largest abate n the city, his line being the dress goods epartment, Mr. Moore, on the evening revious to his departure, was entertained y a number of the young men of the vil- ge to a aupper, in MeEwen's hall, which as gotten up in fine style by Mrs. E. She& r, of the Homan restaurant, He was also ade the recipient of a cuff and collar ea,. Ily supplied, and a box of choice cigars nd other remembranees, The presenta- one were accompanied by neat addresses, preseive of the regret felt by all at hie eparture, while at the Berne time pleasure ae felt, at the promotion he was receivin he addresses were feelingly replied to. 0 ve Mr, Moore something to remind him Hensel!, all the party had their photo- aphs taken.---Mre. A. Grigg has return - from Brussels, where ehe had been visit - g her parents. -Mies Gilgan has improved e appearance of her dwelling by the ad - tion of a neat verandah. -Mr, N, Sheffer, Toronto, who is an old and skilled eili- oyee in the Pullman ear works of that ty, was here the first part of the week viE- ng hie brother and sisters. -Mr, and Mrs. raham, of Old Mexico, have been spending asshtewrheeekrdt.he guests 'of Mr. and Mrs. ehIlp a 0 a la fe fu a ti EX gi of gr ed in th di of ci iti th Jo b e e-rimfrad. Ge . a GQ, Aci ra , of Strat ord, haci VP. - :711 t-Oelreikes. : inrieswanaeairdennrs'itiset'inrili'31 _ astrieTniirt,elesitia. - zrohaisel: an 4e.luro:11 .11 jajmni,- 012aetylibleor aant nrdaik,a.te elb e ce seegeNallii .1T1.1:u. pi;:ianoals eawri, and -again, nf Garnitfer gers in Tien post 4 la2116 err II Ir eet 0 et "ai hopNe°M.S asull:hama twten h he eons - has been ;lab It.l, -covered a :43tMnieliflpilil-WintaiilL:m.egee_mon: indiapose onr true Vance. A. down, the imiproved. .-peasirtinietrurtaygdst:hi, nip cf : -- tolthe be twait:adaitthtthhaee trnatees i3; R. "Conveyanee amount of farm secu -venced fr AM At home e Week. Bev -On T again bro Mitchell within a 1 through t ed that it with pails kept w Teached t removed a work on t on Tuesda a scaffold ped about on the edg ing -a wcu 'length an M several ho progressin -LThe most deist The fire at the high that the fi with it, an lord was tics! part o 203$ will b Fall Wheat Spriallf Whet Oats Per b Pea/ per b Barley per Butter, No. Butter, tub • 'to, pee do lirknir, piste gay per toil Hides per 1 Sheep Skins,. Waal - pe Salt (retail) Wood per 00 Wood per no se par vat Seed Timothy II Pok, per If -now, per 1 LrNDsAl Cheese Bo of August board sold TJTIoA, 'Trade three lottt, the reset, 1 -Creamery, at 221c. TORONTO market is ter in rubs tubs and p is quoted a a,t 22 to 22 print -4 choice boili demand at is quoted splits at 7 PONTRz llocal mark at the boa finest wes market is -rinest e to 20o d market at 14 to 'for No. LONDO trade is States ea LI.vmpo tie, 64d ; BI,IYPAL 10cand able grad _ ort cattle ,45.80 ; goe pang steers choice to e butchers' butchers' fat bulls, balls, $3, I 83.10 ; Common 83.50 ; goo $4.85 ; fat Medium fa titters good good, 83.50