HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1900-09-07, Page 2, c•• evi THE TT*ON EXP IT REAL ESTATE IFOIVAPLE. 'CUItMft STANLEY FOR SALE —For sale Lot , J 9. Concession 1, London Road, nem r"fthe g of Brucefielcl, oontaining about 100 scree, 90 . ere cleared and in a good state of oultivetion, the ra- n abide is hsrd wood bush. There are good bulld- ogs ,12 acres of wheat, 80 seeded to grass, a god erchard and plenty of water. Win be sold cheap end on easy tonna Apply to A. 3. ROSS, Bruce - field P. O. 1676-tf TsEitakelit PROPERTY IN •SEIFORTII FOR SALE.—Beeutifully eitutated on Centre Street adjoining Bettie's Grove, There are two tote planted wale the °hobos& of frail trees of all kinds and ebrabe. A frame house, stone cellar underneath the whole house, a satin room, dining room, eurnraer and winter kitohens and four bedrooms, hard and waft water. It is one of the most pleasantly loarited, comfortable and convenient resideneeri in SW tritit and will be sold cheap. Apply to JOSIAH WAT- BON,ISeaferth. 1700-tf VINE FARM FOR SALE,—For sale LA 24, Cou- r, canton 8, Stanley, containing 100 acres. The land Is all oleer but 12 aeres which is in good hard- wood hush. Fifty acres are under oultivation, 8 acres is in wheat and the balance le seeded to grew. There le a good fume house, frame bare and ribsbles. The farm is weIl feinted and unclerdrained and has * small, neveefailing spring oreek rucming through one corner of Ib. it le oompletely free from ell foul weeds. Terms cash. Poneseion given benne- diately. For further particulars apply to JOHN GILMORE, Brucefield P. O. 1681-tt MIAMI IN HULLETT FOR SALE„—For ado, Lot .r I, Concession 13, Hullett, containing 76 acres, ill cleared, underdralned, well formed, and about 40 • ores aeeded to grass. There are fair buildings. There is a good Orchard, and a never -failing spring reek runs through the farm, and a good well at the house. It is near Embed and post office, and con- venient to the best markets. It is a splendid farm, not a- foot of waste land on it, and le well adapted for &tack raising. It will be sold cheap and on easy tame. Apply to the undersigned, Seaforth P. O. JANE ROBISGN. NOM OARS! IN TUCKER3MITH FOR SALE.—For esle r Lot 24, Concession 8, H. R. S., Tuokersmitsh, containing 100 aores, 90 acres °leered and in a good date of cultivation, 10 acres of good hardwood bush. There is on the premises a good brick house and kitchen, a large now bank barn, with stone stabling underneath ; an open shed ; driving home, and other buildings ; two good wells and orobard. It la five miles from Seaforth and six from Clinton on a goad gravel road. School °lois by Will be sold cheep. Apply on -the premises to ROBERT MoVETY, or Sea - forth P. 0. 1639k4tt 1JI061 IN TUCKERSMITII FOR SALE.—For sale (t Lot 11, Concession 8, Tuckersunth, °outlining 100 acres, all °leered but about 8 mores of good bush. hie uedercirained, well fenced, and in a high state of cultivation. There la a good atone -house ; good barns, stables and oatehouset. lb adjoins a geed school ; Is within five miles of Seaforth, and throe tulles from Kippen. There is plenty of good water. Will be sold with or without the crop. It is one of the best fanneln the township, and will be sold on easy terms, as the proprietor wants to retire. Also 60 urea within a mile and a quarter, a good grasing lot, woll fenced, but no buildings. Will be sold to - other or separately. . Apply on the premises, or ad- dress Egmendville P. 0, JAMES MoTANISIVI 1030t1 MIARM FOB, SALE.—For sale Lot 18, Concession 8, Tuokersmith, 1 miles from Seeforth, °entaili- ng 97i acres. The land la in a good state of cultiva- tion. On.the place is a taiga frame house in good repair and heated by a furnace, built barn with good stabling, new sthne pig pon 24x46, driving shed, woodshed and everything in final class c Plenty of god water and windmill to pump it. The • land is well einderdrained. There is about 12aaores of fall wheat and the ploughing is all done. -It will be saki cheap and on easy torras as the proprietor is going West. Possession irtven at any time. For further particulars apply to WILLIAM EBERHA,RT, on the pretnisek, or to Seafo:th post office. 168441 MIAMI IN iSTANLEY FOR SALE —For sale, Lot .112 • 9 and the WeSt half of Lot 8,00 the 121h conces. sionl or Browneon Line, of Stanley, This farm con- tains 160 acne, all of which is (Attired, except four aores. It is in a state of first-olaes cultivation, well fenced and ail underdrainecionostly with tile. There is a huge frame dwening house as good ea new, with ood stone foundation and cellar, large bank barn with stone stabling underneath, and numerous other buildings, including e large pig house. Two good orchards of choice fruiters's° nice shade and orna- mental treee. There are two spring creeks running hrough the ferm, and plenty of good water all the year round without pumping. It is well eituated for arkets, churches, schoole, post office, eze., and good gravel roads leaditig from. it in all directiooslb is within view el Lake Huron, and the boats can be seen passing pp and down from th house This is one of the beet- equipped farm( in the 'county, and will be sold on easy terms, as the proprietor wants to retire on account of ill health. Apply on the prem- ises, or addreie Blake P. 0. JOHN DUNN. • 1640-tf MIAMI IN RAY TOWNSHIP FOR SALE.—For sale, Lot 22, on the North Boundary"of Hay' Township. This farm contains 100 meg, 86 woes is °leered, the rest good hardwood bush. It well un- clerdrained and fenced. There b a good stone house with a No. 1 cellar; large bank barn; implement shed, sheep house 70x76, with first-olase @hitting and rod cellar underneath ; a good orchard ; 2 good wells and cistern. There is 12i acres of fall wheat sowed on a riob fallow, welt =enured ; 40 acres seeded down reoently, the rest in good shape for crop- This is a No. 1 farm, well situated for markets, churches,- schools, post office, eta, and will be sold reasonably. Apply on the premises, or address ROBERT N. D0UGLA8,Birike,Ont.1668x8tf SPLENDID FARM FOB. SALE. ---For sale, a eplen- did farm and hotel property. This farm is on the 18th coneeesion of the Township of MoKillop, at the Village of Leadbury. It contains 114 Acmes, all of which are °leered, except e.bont three sores. It is In a good state of cultivation', being well fenced and underchained, and suitable for grain growing or stock raising and feeding. There is not a foot of waste land on the farm. There aro two good dwelling houses, a large bank barn with stone etabling under- neath, a beg° implement house and all necessary huildinga in fire Whets repair. There aro three or. chards and four never -failing wells. The farm ad. Mtn the Pillaged Leadburs, where are stores, post office, blacksmithshop, school. ete. The well known Leadbury hotel is on the farm, and will be sold with Ik is now under lease for a terra of years. This - is one of the beat and most profitable farm praper- ties in the County of Huron, and will be sold °beep on easy terms of payment. For further particulars, apply on the premises, or addrees the undersigned proprietor, Leadbury P. 0. JOHNSTON KINNEY. las Eureka 4;foli ' 1/4.•••• • „•-•• - a-nee:a fr - `see,. Veterin- ary. , CATISTIC BALSAM. A Reliable andSpeedy R.emedy for Garbs, , Splints, Spavins, Sweeny, Etc. it canbe used in every case of Veterinary Practice whore Stimulating Liniments or Blisters are pre- scribed. See pamphlet which agoompaniee every bottle. It has no superior. Every bottle sold is gueranteed to give esti tiactionq Price 750 a bottle. Bold by all druggists. InvaluaNe in the treatment of Lump Jaw in catttle. see PaWphlet. Prepared by— - THE EUREKA VETERINARY MEDECINE CO., London Ont. 1694.62 Special Attention to Ilorseshoeing and General Jobbing. Robert Devereux BLACKSMITH and CARRIAGE Opp MAKERrtan aoderich street, - - Seaforth. Merton Stock Farm, LOT 27, CONCESSION 8, HIBI3ERT Thoroughbred Durham Cows, Heifera_ and Bulls of the most fashionable strains for sale at. reasonable prices. Post office address, -DAVID HILL, Staffs. 1661-0 Store And Grogery Business For Sale. ° For sale in the thriving town of Seaterth ; a ',Jed brick store, n ith dwetling above, rn i trmsi 1 itk stable at the back, ale° n fireaelase stoek of geaceries all fresh, best part of lawn and doing good busincis, good reasons for selling. Apply quiekly to box 67:?., Seaferth, Ontario. 1700 M. JORDAN, MONEY TO LOAN Funds of private parties, also company funds, to loan at lowest rates on first mortgage; terms to suit borrowers. JAMES L. KILLORAN, Barrister, Seafolth. 166941 THE ClitliCa A GAR EN Dr, Talmage Draws a E3 Picture of the king'sGa a tifu I id n. CHRIST TAKES BEST FLOWERS. This Garden Is Open to A.I1 Wit Oheosts i to Enter —Christ the raSSIO 41aut, Whose Perfume Is eat Fill All ti a Na- tions of the lEarth, Washington, Sept. 2. --:-This se Dr. Talmage sends front a h place_, in his jouiniey through valleys of Switzerland, , it se,e have been prepared amid the . and aroma of a garden mids The text is Songi of Solomo '1 an cone into• My garden.' The Bible is a great poe . have it in faUltles rhythma imagery and startling =tithe *rapturous 1Yric id sweet p and instructive narrative an tional psalm.; tho ghts expre style more solemn han that o gomery, more bold - than -that ton, more terrlb e than Dante, more natural than, t a *Wordsworth, more impassion d that: of , Pollok, More tend e tisat' • of CoWper more weird ' tiiat, ale -Spenser. This great brings all the ge • of the ea. Its coronet, and it Weaves th of jUdginent int its garla asurs eternal h onies thythm. Everyt ing this touches, it makes eautiful, fr plain. stones of t 0 summer ing floor, to the ughters of filling the tir otig s for the -from. the fish,pool of Heshbo the Psalmist prat. trig God,: apason of storm nd whirl* Job's imagery 1 Orion, and the Pleiades. . My text leads into a st.e of summer redolence. The wor has had a great many beautiful dens. Charlemagne addecl. to the g 0 y of his reign- by door •ing 'that h y be established all- hrough the r aim, 'deciding- even •the mines of t e flow- ers to be planted there. • Hen Y IV at Montpellier est blished:gar its el bewitening .berai y and lux r ance,- gathering into tiler i Alpine, P Jr 14 -lean and rrench -- pia ts.• '. One 1 the sweetest spots on ',firth was t gar- den, of, Shenstoee, the poe . His writings' have ma h) but litt, e im- pression on the w-irld; but h s gore den, the "Leitsov,- s," will 1 e Im- mortal; To the 1 atural adv i tages of that place \Ara_ brought t.h( per- fection of art. A bor . and t rra.ce and slope aikcl ruStic temple 4c1 re- servoir aiTtfirn rid •fountai here had their era' wn-in g. Oak • a 4 yew and hazel put 'fort their rich it fol- iage. There was no life mo • dili- gent, no soul. in& e ingenious than that of Shenstone, and,. all th dili- gence and genius ie brought o the' adornment. of that one tr sured spot. He gave T,3 0 for it. sold it: for several thofisand. Anc yet I am to tell you to -day of richer garden than, any - have mei ioned: It is the garden spoken of bt, .. text—the garden or for myte the church elongs to Chris , so. He bought; it, he plat ii he owns' it, stnIl,,, he shall Walter Scott, in ifs outlay b atsford, ruined his fortu now, In the .crimson newer& o gardens, you can . almest thi imagine that you See the bl that old man's broken hear payment of the last $100,00 , ' ficed him. But 1 have to tel that Christ'e .life were the outlay of den of the church, speaks. • Oh, ho tears and paogs me, ye snomen si- Tell me,. Ye eXeca him and let him 0 th It 11 re MOn lting the - s to o on), 1:1 • We; bold tiaral. evo4 d lr onts Mil - It _ of than, - than than oera Into Mee and it4 book 1. the , ash+ ahor ip to -di- arid nityi at nd Christ' this. beautif of which -many' sig nd • agonies o 'saw him 'loners wh down! Te thou , sUll that .didst hide, ye that Ifelll "Chris and -gave hirnself f dee (i)f the church t . c -rtainly he has • it. Come. then, Ci day. :Walk up and and Pluck what LI ness *for thySelf!' ']he -.church in iny text is priately compared t� a garde cause it is a oleo . of choice of select fruits an thorough don... . That wouldlie a strange ,gar en in which there were o flowers. tf : no- where else, they seauld be •alo g thd borders or. atmthgateway. The holiet, staste "vl, ill dictate ,some- . ie li thing, if it be only the old fa I toned hollyhock or da.hli .or daffodi But . if there be larger means' th i You . 'will l find the M xican canto ' and Writing azalea an clustering lean - der. l Well, now, eirist comes a .his garden, and he pl. nts . there s le of the brighte.st -pinto s that evex flow- ed upon the wori 1.. Some of -them, are violets, incopS icuous, buttpweet as heaven. you 1 tve to searoil and find, • them.- Youdo not see them very often peth ps, but yo fed. where they have ben by the 1i Tilt- ened face of the itiv lid and th -prig of geranium on ,t1 e stand and the new window curtai is keeping ou the glow of the sueligl t. They are per -- naps more like the. ranunculus, 'c cop- ing, awecilv alont, ..aulid the th rns and' briers , o(1i e, giving kiss- for, sting.: And -many 0 ma a wit has had in his. way s me• great, b iack rock of troithle -ha. found tha they have eoVered it al over with flew- _ ery jasmine Tunnineein and out a lid • the crevices. • These flowe s - in • Christ's garden are not., like th, 5111-.. flower; gaudy in the light, iut wherever darkness 1 overs Over a s itil that needs to hea emeverted there tl1,y stand,: night hlodminee cereusesIitt in Christ's garden., there. are -plat th.. that May be ..hettet compared, to tjhe Mexisan cactus -4 horns Invelieess ey i th i rt--' nen with. : aim p points:. of eharacter. ...They won id1- m ' t ost every one tlr 1 ouchee the They are hard le 1 andle. Met pi 0-, noutre ithen). nothing hut thorne, h It • Christ loves them, not wiihstancli )0 all their sharpuesse It is harder for eome • men to o right than for othei men todb rigl t. The grace that wriald .elevate yOu to t he se ven t 11 li ea yen might not keep your brother -from knocking t a man down. - . 1 had a, friend , who came to nes and said, 'el dare n[ot join the church.'' 1 Said, "Whyr' he said, -.1 havesuch. a vio- lent teltlper. Yesturday morning II was crossing very early at the jers y-: City ferry, and I SaW a no.ilkman,po tr a large quantity of water tote t 0 .1 n 'Ivhnileytt says edit, E ve it. t • Abe , and those or • d of The sacrl- yoU d e IgtaeatIr- cht and hang lifted roincl:11; hurch rglasrt, ik in s, to- aisIe weet- loved the r it." It t helongs to right to blessed Jest down thes ou wilt of ppro- be- owers rriga- can-, ana isaiti to nun,. `1 Winn orea rat will do.' -And he insulted me, from nd • I knocked him claWn. co• You Jesu Milk I ought to join' the c urch?" I • now -evertheleSS that very same man who h vas se harsh in his behavior 16ved ther eirist and cOuld not 'beak of sacred up t things without teare f emotion and arou 1 plan 14 ,you of the bett hi all this gar, brig e text. If you: 'epee, 3kyour emotions forsv s, "Why, this fdaecn,o al hundred ytarsl bloom, and WI; rs more • before e out." But \ ever ae a plant that-' tookIt in all eternity ago put forth hous „her. It is the . kn" mg off tio*ent, carp and cl n, the stem, and 'I say: "S op, li, ve e . Do not kill those beau iful rs." He turns to me and ys, come into my garden to go lilies, and I mean to take t ese a higher terraee to th.e ga, den d my palace, and there 1 vill thorn, .and in better soil an ia r air they shall put f rth ter leaves and sweeter re ol- and no frost shall touch t ern • r." And I'looked up into his nd said: "WelI, it is thy ar- and thou host a right to do thou wilt with it. Thy 'veil be "—the hardest prayer a an made. as seemed as if Jesus Ch '1st the best. From many of your' holds the, best one is gone. ou that she was too good for his her , the deepest in her affect On, hen at last the sickness c mo iad no faith in medicines. 'on that the hour of parting ad and ,when, through the ich of the Lord Jesus Christ, , ou dered that treasure you s id: Jesus, take it. It is the • est have. Take it. Thou rt sr," The others in the ho se - may have been of grosser m Id. as of the finest. heaven of your little ones ill e fairly begun until you get ' Ali the kindnesses sh •w'n! by immortals will not m ice . forget. you. There they are adiant 'throngs that went s • uti your homes. I throw a,- -Ise • Sweet darlings. They are ell in the palace. The crip led has a sound foot now. A 11 tie child says, "Ma, will I be 1 ind ven?" Wo, iny darling, rou be lame in heaven." A li•tle hild says, "MIL, will I be aven?" No, !my dear, ou be child soya, "Ma, will I be bl ven?s,,ek iin heaven." A. li "No, my deae•„ be blind in heaven." T ffection. . l , - But 1 have not efo nost beautiful .flowe en spoken of in t ee . a, century, plant re startled. You ower has been athering up for on ill be _a hundred y ther petals will have to tell you as gathering IV nd' that 1,000 yea its bloom never to N )a.ssion plant of the oreioLl it, .Ile4,1 looked upon it in 1,1 hook at its burste ot up in their -wind its full bloom.l. It is r—blood at the root ranches, blood- on erfume is to fillall math .1s heaven. •eiri the north and outh and winds Iron • inds from the west he earth the s \tee •f Christ, my 1,erd! s• worth of sa• 1 th tire the -whole arth too. Again, the c tire riately.compar d to ause it is a piace Ould .be a, stranl ad in it no ber eaehes or •apric it f -uits are plant d in they are set ou pn side. But the cho ept in the gird n. • utside the church. C di, great man be atience, charity, ig rity. •• But he ',bite f uits to' be in the hey are not, there -trh 'lurch. Religion is', ing* sentimentality. 1, _life giving, lie41 osieS, but applis. -1 "Oh," sa,y8 • 8011e1 hat your gard n ielded f". - Wher nie from?. nd your 'ins brist planted eNrerY - 'anted . them in MS hrist gave sight to Lid the- corner tore asylum , that e s hen Christ soothe Galilee, he laid th -ery lunatic wedeln WI "T a id worl 1. She was the gentlest in erase. Prophe s 'bet, tshheephroercicss • 3,0al_rvonoadm:0- and .111tie dead YOU g sheets to see , blOod on:the e leaves, • Its, crimson nowt- , -g:ria,oer surre he nations. Its we 1. 1 een esta„blished • the sick _man and --walk," he of every hospital the s en. When Chr .it s 1 rison and ye tie cornerstone f rm association organized. ‘Th e 'a visit( of -et tha Chur glorious garcitn, ,a 1 know thy uit 111 it.. 1 know eeds that ought, t e fence. 1 k ow al) apple trees 'Limit own.. I know, rapes that ou ut are you g( -tele garden narled fruit? ten leaves 11 me, oh winds' Wort Inds, from the She eni Rea; t anct d bear to -all. • Th savor not lotions Ic'new, therethem ouid love him them the ay be appro- from e garden, be-. to th fruits. That LI ew arden 'which st has plant - t fruits are o in the world The coarsen ft Ibic11:11101n1:dcie e orchard or sunny hill_ , won' in h no plums or .1:i:1e iful things— in lie rosity,integ- wont the choicest; den, and it shame on the a mere flow - is a pra,cti- 1 fruit, not "I 'don't see thi ud 011 eY, .are all well there, In lice that thee fine gardens so ee times have high fOnces around thr 111 and cannot get in. It is so itbi a, ki you the 1 carri e church. has , den, our asylums) wide ur hospitals? I to c of Mercy? ion. n of them; he now g rden. When I Many B rtimeus, he this • of evefy blind found ✓ tr been built., eVa.s he demonian 1 all ti ornerstone of I laugh t lat. has ever But 1 • Cbrist said k up thy bed eornerStone w rld has ever , id, "I was in me," he laid y prison re - as ever been of Christ is it is full of Is, some poor ere are some hrown over ere are ,sonte ght to be cut -i e some -v‘ ild o be uprooted, destroy the of a little 1 find worm inebleau and fair y11 groves Youldo not tr y piewhole are a few spe- er ,th , th thdr a slit! .be •• U1', o s 'op wi Fo it a sects that stiflesii h o the Champs �iysce t r down an de. g rden because here d, mees of gnarleil fr it. I have not told y t en, in this garde,. a fruIt. It was ilati . Jerusalem a goo 1 W1 that • tree was -planted aind bruised find bar teeing Would into gr no sooner' had ti at t than it budded 1 nd f littied, .and the ly the clubs ti uit,' and It fell tions, -and me d eat it, a,nd tidote to all o of the better d of the better,/ ed- jut outside • Ile- ago. - ,When • it won so split, ed meii said no -1 w upon it, but ep,--been planted lossomed and oldi rs' Spears were t: - truck down the into the lap of the beg n to pick it. up they found in it an iirst, to all poison-, t� all sin, to all clett .h; thesmallest cluster larger th n t e famous core of Esehol„ whie tw men carried a a staff betwecn th m. If the one apple in Eden killed t 3 race, this One cluster of mercy skali restore. -Again, the church ?a my . text is a propriately c lled i a garden • lie - c use it is thor.ughlb irrigated. No giirden could p•osp r long 'without plenty of water. I. ave seen a gar- den" in the • mid t • of a desert, yet blooniing and lu uri nt. All around ss ae dearth and 1 arr nness, but there ere pipes, _ a ued ucts, reaching Om this garden up the mountains, d through thes aq educts the wa- r came stream!' g a NVn and tossing into•beautiful fel-ill-tains until ev- - y root and ie f rin flower was twitted._ That is il ke the church. e church is a and n in the midst o a great. desert of fri• ond suffering, but it is well irri ate.:, for "our eyes aire unto the hill fro • whence com- eth our help." 're the mountains o God's strengt t e flow down , rivers* of gladnes, 1 ere is a river the• stream 'wher all make glad , the city of our -G Preaching 'the gospel' is [one of the !aqueducts.' The Bible ls knother. Ba • tism and, the Lord's Subpar ar auducts. Water to slake the thirst, iva er to wash l the .unclean, wat the•light of the S In (.)f showing ns the r inbos so thoroughly he- gated throne. Oh, was th re Hark! I hear il e late den gate, and I I ok to coming. I hear hel v -"I any come into my 1..?,*a. den." 1 say: ,"Come in, () " .1 es us ! W have been waiting for thee. Walk all through the paths. Look at the lowers; *look • at the fruit; pluc that vhich thou wilt for thyself." Jesu, comes into •. the garden and u to th tt old man - and touches- him and sa.,•s; "Almost hone?, father; not many 1 lore aches for thee. . I will never eave thee. Take coura.g.e a 1 ttle loi ger, and 1 will steady thy otterin .steps, and 1' will soothe' ths troubl .s and gi,,,e thee rest. Courag-e, old man." "hen and he comes to a 1 sou in trouble .1 Christ -goes up at other arden -pith, and says: "Peace All ,is Well. 1 haVe seen thy teat s. I ha rt. hea rd th y prayer, The stin shaill n t smile -thee by day nor the n ocnla by night. The 'Lord shall pres ,rvithee from all evil, 1 -le ,... will presere e thy said. Courage, 0 troll]) ed 'spit. i 1! ' . . ' 'rhea 1 - see Jesus going up another garden path, and 1. seereat excite- ment among the leaves, nd 1 hasten up to that garde path o see what Jesus is dense. th re, an • lo! he is • r tos,ed high tin in Ighteousnees, around tha V& a ' garden of the gar - 'see who - ;s ce of Christ. "gr"Ilrle91411pute!!".101 g's garden. The only glim ver get of such garden is w Ing rides out in is splen ge It is not so with this .his ICing's garden. 01 thr open the- gate and tell you me in. No monopoly In r Whosoever will may. Cho •etween a desert and a gard of you have tried the garden orld's delight. r-'ou h It has been a chagrin. So vith Theodore Hook:, H e world laugh. _ He 'ma now when we read 'his e could not make his owm he - laugh. While in the „midst df ' festiv ties he confrmited a lOok glass, and he saw himself and "There, that is true. I.lcusk just I am purse whos ginnir amid lost es ow —done up in body, mind " So it was of Shenstone, O garden I told yohatthe: g of my sermon. He sat- do those bowers and said: "I h 13( -road to happiness. I am gry and envious and frantic and s.pise beeo verything around sne just a es a madinsin to db." Ci 3e • weary souls, come - Christ's garden to -day and pl lItUe rest turbe your men waiti good heartsease. Christ,is th nd the only pardon for spirit. Do you not hance has almost come? and women wire have is g year after year for opportunity in which to ck 0 a 1 th SO acc Christ, but have postponed it. 5, 20, 3 -years, do you not feel as now , our honor of deliverance pardo and salvation had -some? man, thy ,p itbe Som the r boat. gers The Nesse): had foundered an sinkin one b gers on th se en id se n. of Ire de US 15; rt is ng id114: as of e- ve n - es to a, ly er- 011 en ne pt 0, if nd 0 hat grudge host thou against or soul that thou wilt not let aved? years ago a vessel; struck on cks. They had onlY one In. that, lifeboat the ease n- nd creW were getting ashore as at n- od to deeper_ and deeper, and, t at could not take the Plass ery :swiftly. A little girl st de& waiting for her turn get into the boat. The boat ca and ent, canie and went, lint turn • id not seen 'to -come. Af awhlls she could Walt no longer, she le ped on the taff-rail and t spran into the sea, crying tO boatmen: "Save me next! Save next!' ashor Oh, how many have g into God's mercy, and y t , are •linging to the, wreck Of s Other. have accepted- the , pardon - Christ but you are in peril. Why -this n oinent make a rush for 3 inuno tal rescue, crying until Je shall ear you and heaven and ea ring • ith the cry "Save me ne Save e next!" Now is the 4ay salvat on! Now! Now! The A. r Philli Septen is in dotes charac These his ni mostls told. "Tht hea.da "V0 eggs." "I d with i eedatal Side of Fhillips Brno eminiscent article on WS 9 Brooks will appear in ber Ladies' Heine Journal.. he form ef a series of an which a,ccanately reflect teristics of the beloved Bish anecdotes were gathered fr st confidential friends, new, and all are effeetiv a or CT Ind en he the no ou of ot Its th t! of 9 Cause of His Headache. t hard-boiled egg gave rise a he." 1 shouldn't eat hard-boi ed idut etli it. A fellow hit, behind tile ear." • FISET AND DEWET. The. Fr nob. Canadian Tells Boer Gene 4 A p evenin tain his b of Canadian. Constitution. easant event occurred t —e -the return of Surgeon -C set, I have already told ing flea behind at Heilbr writes Lieut. Hamilton. in the Globe irons E 12, an Boers, detaine is P - of n, andsfontein Junction on Ju falling into the hands of t He soon recovered; but w by them for some da,, Then emeriti Macdonald came alo with hs Highland Brigade, Heilbr once more changed hands; and C thin Pi -et was free. He lost no ti in reioining his corps, and ackno that he was very homesi parated from his moving fa - iset was fairly \tell treated, istian Dewet, the Boer Ge - O has several brilliant feats to his credit., -was -especial They had a ta k of half ' is m t firer ' first the BoWere a. m nd a Frenchman in the Br•t- orm, and When they grasp d ' that he was . French -Ca - great interest -was show 1)0.Nvet inquired with t lntereSt about the Canadi tion, and ask6d Canta edges when s ily. Dr. and Ch eral, w of arm c . hour. ed to ish um the fac 3 dian General greates constit 1 - 10 1 ,7 Q / i risat D.ow the French were treated, whether their language was allow - d, and a variety of other points oaring; upon the relations of the wo raees. Evidently Destet, who 9 making a superb stand now, is ooking ahead to ae•future co -opera - ton between two ra.ces. Captain iset was very searxnly welcomed in 'amp, all *being delighted to see him gain. i• Quit It. To get a. broad comprehensive view of human nature stand at the 'hurch door on Sunday morning and 'tear the remarks of the congregation: 'one old -skinflint, who never 'reliev- d a widow's sigh or smoothed the el, h of. childhood's feet with a cop- se cent, will grunt out his coiu- Pialint about the. churches "al -ways e ging." Some brainless, soulless u terfly, who has to keep off ennui i h theatre going or .euchre par - les, will Usti- out some , criticism bout the tiresomeness of this . con- tinual talk about, sin and its results. long will . 'come some old blacks guard, who would be ashamed to liave his .wife know, where he spends three nights out of 'six, and he turns t p his nose at the vulgarity and 1 thinness of the preacher. Another yin remark about its being. a fine s •rinon and round off the statement ill ,t it is easy tail-falk, but you can't eppiy the "Sermon on the Mount" to 1 u. iness these days. By far the ma - i ety acquiesce in the preacher's sen- t n ents arici form resolutions to live li i to this) teaching. but their foot do s not leave the, 1a -'t of the church s os until. the good impressions and int ntions are swallowed by the rush O isociations and habits. There are p • ple who accept every word of Sol- o n in in regard. to strong drink, s arinir and Meanness 'generally, a,s GI t lid morally, ethically and coni - 3:e -daily, but whO still scorch their , V 1. 11S W i th . svhisikey, pollute their o 11!ills with PrOfarrity 'and • degrade i Li e r nianhOOd With contemptible and O s ionorable praellfees. We would like t see- a .little More genuine results it he lives of the readers of thi4 O limn than tlie frequent expressions 0 PProval that reach us from iti.ure tt time, -Quit the -business. As the gi e it David said. to !his greater son - before he Rift Ihnn the heritage. of a t irone and a good name: "Be thou st r mg, then.efore, and show thyself a in 1, i . "1 ' Seeing titt , means of the spectroscope the ey of the scientist is now enabled to irect the presence in an electric spi -lc of a 'particle 'of the metal cal- ci I weigh i ng only one three -hund- red billionth of ao. ounce. If ten su particles were consumed each se nil of time, a piece of calcium tit size of a inustard seed would fur- . nif 1 the characteristically colored ca, calm light of this sort for .15 cen- tu s. This is the instrument with wl ioh the composition of the stars is tieing studied. Each metal has a, ch l'acteristie colored flarne, and by ext mining tholight from a star with th spectroscope the light is • analyz- ed and the various 'whirs_ are separ- atic, and the metals present ean easi- ly 1. e noted. The trembling rays of lig i from distances so inconceiva tin made, • to bear their' messase, tel g of these chemical compo 1- tio s, -and-We have learned to re d th messages they bring us with s t certainty as though we had a pie c of the star in our laboratori s. tututoil•ed Savage's Dentistry. e of the 10St by Mr. sti Le in the 'Ottawa fire was a set 1 .fou false teeth made out 'of walr s ivo by an Eskimo, who had, nev r he d of dental surgery, and the a- tm. rdinary thing was that this un - tut red savage had thought out 1.r hi elf the 1 principle underlying t io bri4J..ework 'which our dentists ha e. e so popular. He had cut L e fou teeth. out of a solid block, 1 d fa toned the plate to fit the gut, ant had niade Holes at either end, sy me s of which the false teeth we .0 fas ned to his ,sound teeth. The (id inai made himself three sets a ye, r, an they Were hammered into his hea by his wife... Mr. Law acqu r- ed set for a plug of tobacco. LaId and Water. Only for the Funeral., poor photo engraver lay dyin an his good wife was tending hi wit1i homely but a ectionate ca "D n't you think y u could eat a bit of something, .1. hn? Now, wh t can 1 get for you?" Vth a wan, smile s answered fee ly: 'Well, I seem to 1 smell a ham coo ing somewhe4. I think I cou d do with a litt bit of- that:' no, .)-ohn, de ," she answe ed, romptlY, "yoo an't have th Th' 's for the funeral." 1 Nat ural inference, "e,harlie i$ a big fool," asser the‘ -.irl io blue. ,11.en Will your engagement be Pao ced?" asked the girl An white. • great many people suffer from in r - mit t and weak action of the heart, br in exha stion, irr1tabilityl, 1 ss of appetite a d nerv force simply beoauec they do not ta e the me -for a eufficient amounhi ,of natural eees one of Going withoub the proper amount of sleep the lett' g causes of in- sanit . -00 N. rvou and De bil tue ted. AIM t a Vieth,' of Dery Pipstration — as Restored to healti and Strength b Dr. Chase's Nerve Feed. etre "M, good run and worI and that .and pros F. D. W. Cronsberry, 168 Richmond west, Toronto, ent., states:— daughter, who se s in a white Lmanufantorye go completely own by the stead confinement lose attention req red at her Her nerves were o exhausted, he was so weak an. debilitated, he had to give; up ork entirely, as almost a Victia of nervous ation. aring of Dr. Chase' Nerve Food, ehe an to use it, and as benefitted fro the very first. It p oved an ex- celle 1 remedy in resto ing her to heal 1 and strength. 'fter having used our boxes she Is •ow at work agai i healthy and happ , and attri- bute her recovery to th use of Dr. Cha et's Nerve Food." As a blood builder and nerve restora- tive, Dr. Chase's Nerve Food is of in - esti able value. It ma es the blood red, the nerves strong, 8414 the -svhole syst sn healthy and vigor us. 50e a box —at all dealers, or EdniIa,nson, Bates 4k Ca Toronto. e 4:1=er.4 SEPTEMBER 7, 1900 11111111111109111111111111111111111111111111111111111illlisteme 9 00DRous I MI SEE THAT THE FAG -SIMILE AVegetsiiiiliaU cl 44g the,S SIGNATURE Promotel/Plgesflon,Cheerful- tess and*st.contaius neither !Opium,Ispiphine nor Nihera. NOT 1$A.11C 0 TIC Jiter;00.eiti/Jr.VMEZZ87= Tied - 1 NNW& Saler - Airs afse4-• 21=sailay,. &esti - Super • 17anin A puree t Rerliedy for Constipa- tion, Sour Stomach,Diarrhoea, Worms ,Convuisions ?Feverish- ness and)LOss OF SLEEP. TacSinrile Signature of • INT Nt‘r YORK. IS ON THE WRAPPER OF EVERY BOTTLE OP • EXACT COPY OF WRAPPER. yon anything else on the plea or premise Viet it piS08:31.4instsiras gseoeodengatnydo: ‘3s..77843-rz.ectea.rylar...A. It sisznpuesattst:o.oria is put up in ene-size tn131. get is not sold in bulk. DMA allow &vim 10 on drains tin tiny of winter. riirsirSJI-7212-..1171:34aMMISERIZOISEROMMIIIIIII1111111, .671 Tike itpd Front -Furniture Store Has been renewed, renovated and enlarged, and now we are in a position to offer the public all the newest designs of Parlor, Bedroorn and Dining Suites at very tempting Floes. Also a very nice; line of Chairs in all the newest styles. New line of Pictures just in, very cheap. We extend a cordial invitation to every one to come and see us and our stock. FREIFBUI elSia TTI\TIDMITT.A..3Kil\TC÷.. This department is complete with a large selection of the best good, and obliging attention given to this branch of the business. Night calls promptly attended to by our Undertaker, Mr. S. T. Hohnes Goderich street, Seaforth, opposite the Methodistt church. BROA FOOT, BOX & Ca, AT BRIGHT BROS., C4th's Leading Clothing & Furnishing Store AAAAAAAAAAN~•~Amovvv For the next two weeks we will close out our complete line of Spring and Summer Shirts at exactly cost value. lqo one can afford to go past this chance of getting these, stylish and up-to-date goods at such low prices. See our window for the two lines at 50c and 75c. They will not fail to please you. The above offer is just for the two 4peniig weeks in August, so cbme early and get your choice. ++++44+++++4-H444+4-1-1444+ IGHT BRos PURNISRERS, SEIFOR271. OJT— Iteration Sale. Estate We are abou and granite ware. ed into hardware +++1-1-1-14+++++4-k+++4-14 Johnson Bros., Seaford' to refit and rent premises n'pw occupied by our stoves, tin The large stock of these goods now on, hand must be remov- epartment. We are short Of TOOD1, and Must reduce stock. FOR 97:11EIST ID.A."Y"S We will sell you,'at largely reduced prices, Coal and -W ood Heaters, Coal and Wood Cook Stoves, Gasoline Stoves,.Blue Flame Oil Stoves, Granite Presei.ving Kettles all size -s, 'Steel Granite - W ' aik e, all yinds Tinware, Pails, Milk and Cream Cans, Copper Boilers and Tea. Kettles. • It will pay tlie housekeeper to come and secetre sortie of these goods. Binder Twine' 1,0c, 110 and 1.2c. Hay Fork Rope—special price. Estate Johnson Bros., Seafort Can afford to sell you hardware at lowest -figures, because they buy for CASH ONLY. They pay no rental, their expenses are light. OR SALE, Challeno done no worke and will be A OR SALE. Lot 12, - house Ind b upon applicat Zutich. ODERN rooms, 1 mental sl Terms easy. or to HENRY] Sedorth. 1 -1-71NGIN Li Stevens a Waterous, in rim. 112301 les who may re foundry. ROt TORN BEAT tJ Cert, layencer, Land invested- and ; Ivens' item, ai -DEES AND slue bee3 g oaoh. Aiso Bees taken Fonitry.—A winners id Cat large, good eol stable. Eggs HARTRY, 4504 110 PIG Bin „le on Lot 26 tharouglibrd bred Y011E51118; be Admitted to - of service, oril White Pigs for /MORT NUM.— it e Bruce rowath BOA 3 payable nt torn ug If lb heed ming T AR crlEACHER j_ holding/1 - in School Stet/ will be reeelved **below. Etat etc, URNRY grave P. O., Oti - B,E40 TrAN nnderslgi lien,planted wil ,goed stable! 'atwitter. Pet even rooms in premises um, bl i RBINE ThromeoirR:43.1.:17211:1 a, good funnel) gravel roads tAh°e4pciore:ralleltiomr1 11 pth:lcenaptrYenaille:tee l[TA.LUA13L/C, ✓ the AUK; pleasantly lo The pre per ty Asortsalauttio:e.idisteotturnee.d4:e. emery ,oute11114 apples', plums fruits. Hiss.. Suer or marktt to WM. C. CIO VAR)! FOR ,r /I. R. S., - -olearedand the - fittm is all well the premises AT With wood shed: squire. There good water. T of Seeforth et& sold eliesp end • epees address • SOLOq 00D\ FAR I iB. s hfarin lila Ship of fitanley. tains Eel Idea, I the balance 111i drained. The bottle, &good b good well At th never leans er Ow Urn. the fnlit. Thishn entiehtt, etn, premlees orad Rieke P. 0. `LIARM POR JE farm in T Canceesion. T J�wejl lenetd a and is free fro orchard and 1111,1130 house, 1st and woodeb never-fellieg sp quarter of e churches, pat half miles fr apply on the pr T. tr. EYRE, F" " ' eleare d „end and well fence anee is timber ehard and thie house and w -also sheep ho other necessary the north gray churches, post and ten Inn*. I farms In *het* as the proprle remises or add OB.T110 3 ear -old til earling hone registered i*I" proved Yorksh -stake airmen. eflel3 e Very 131 OA:an ehewhe you bo Ihandle oie s llge and 01 wiiibes Gla:ignlarl5i inxe einEe Wartedb highea -come al