HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1900-08-24, Page 7900 11.T I I. :itantaEi country, population be entith ne-fifth of her hand, o0 miles of f. people, on a par an, by the out eight -to miles of Lean -miles. 1 400,4011,- d. he eating,. ary power in using to per - It can. Ferf at pain ht to the see. Ner- trust or ex. fret a bot- tude in iris. a 0, ister Kate. made, 'hea& a Tt tr:-.m the pped •on 1de eeveral nonchalant 1 IS t bo v. fell to the yd round-- ° ;and ; -,egin it, a min 'ere - , tried ; „veil abort), r that*ht. !lye her, bra0aers, there. LJy true, le ; los a while f" !a ore since, ots : ,rd e Kate. ds of letee. eon- product educated, Ie is ac- ! es,: Must Thu sp to the dints' t Family fl(8 and io sale, agee Celery edicinee oaf ng. e it in ying pan odor of to the .t'llt fitrt opread- every- -.ear her '- requires tr and t het 11B - pt dia- . of hot end one weather I Of the [el over I before fish for of the lab dis• n the other that for a oree for w on- ipulp in L3 sub - It is nn and ng ani. 't than the n into ref use jtflfl a all water n ern - wee - tracts animal ar over King e pave - On re - end to r rn ands' Seaforth The undersigned having parcbased from the ()Osier Company, a Montreal, the Weil -known Seaforth Flour Mills, elsre now prepared to LI° all kinds of Custom *ork, . . TO WHICH . Special Attentio'n will be Given. The very best quality of Flour given in ,3xchanage for wheat. Chopping of all kinds done on the short- est notice. Price, five cents per bag. The best brands of Flour always on hand, and will be delivered in any part of the town free of oharge. Tile `highest price in ce.sh paid for all kinds of grain. Feed of all kinds constantly on hand. The Seaforth Milling Co. 1689 CENTRAL Hardware Store, Machine Oils for Binders and Threshers' Use At Bottom Prices. Consumers' Cordage co.'s Binding Twines. Sills & Murdie •HARRwARE, Counter's Old Stand, Seaforth J. D. McNAB C. E , ONTARIO LAND SURVEYOR, SEArORTH - - - P• 0. Engineer for Wi n gh a rn, Seaforth, Howick, Blyth, &c, Cement SideWalks, Sowers and Township Draine'will'be given special attention. At Oneen'e Hotel. 16984f Ourklirect connections will save you Tile and money for all points. Canadian North West 1 Via Toronto or Chicago, Biritish Columbia and California I points. , Our rates are the lowest. We have them to suit 4verybody and PULLMAN 'TOUR - ST CAAS for your accommodation. oral for furtber information. 1 9.rand Trunki Railway. Trainleave Seatorth and °Hilton stations as ollowe : .110ima wtorr- SNAPORTII. MANTON. Paean er 12.40 P. M. 12.66e. M. Pawn er .... .. .. 10.12 P. M. 10.27?. M. Mixed rain.... .. 9.20 A. M. 10.16 A. M. Mixed Train._ _ 6.16 P. M. .7.05 P. id _ GOING Kw- Passonger.. .. .... 7,58 A. M. 7.88 A.M. . P. M. 2.66 P. M, Passenger.: .. .... Mixed Train-. .. .. 4.60 P. M. 4.25 P.M. WeIlington, Grey and Bruce. Goitre .Noatru- Passenger. Ethd1-1........ 8.07i'. M. BnulsolS.. .. .. 8.17 Bluevalp.. .. .. 8.27 WinghaM.... _ 8.38 , Goma 'fioarrn- 'Passenger. Winghatu. ..,........ 6,68 A. M. Bluevale .. ...,,...... 7.02 Brusee10.... ...... ,. 7.18 Ethel_ .... _ 7.28 Loildon, Huron and Bruce. GOCio NOLTn- Passenger. Loncicin, depart.. .. . .. ... 8.16 M. 4.40 P.M. Centralia 9.18 5.56 Exeter- ... ... . . .... .. 9.80 6.07 Hensall_ 9.44 6.18 Kippen_ .... .... . ..... 9.50 - 6.25 Brucepeld 9.68 6.88 Clinton - 10.15 6.66 Londesboro - .... - - - 10.88 7.14 Blyth 10.41 7.28 Belgrave_ ..... , ... 10.56 7.87 Wiegham arrive- - 11.10 8.00 GOINO flott-ru- Passenger. WIngliana, depart.... 6.68 A.M. 3.16 P. M. Belgrave........ .. 7.01 8.40 }Myth , . ... ... . . .. . - 7.14 8.55 Londesboro. ....... - 7.22 4.05 Clinton_ • .. . . ...... . 7,47 4.25 1 Bruceleld 8.06 4.49 i Rippe . • 8.15 4.67 Hamill- .. . ........ . .... 8.22 6.02 Exeter 8.86 6.14 Centralia... ..... - 8.46 p,23 London, (arrlve). .... ...... 9.87 A. M.6.12 - ' - Mixed. 1.40 r. 2.10 2.86 8.26 Mixed. 8.66 M. 9.17 9.45 10.02 RICH GRADE Furniture EMPORIUM Leatrherdale Lan dsborough SEAFORTH Dealers !in first-class Furniture of all kinds, in latest designs. Upholstering neatly dlone. We also do picture frain-, big, and a choice selection. •of pictures always On hand. Curtain poles at all prices, ,and put up. We are alsc Agents for tho New William's Sewing Machin, hest in the market for do- e Eleatic use, no travelling agents, no high pies. t71\11DP.T.A.JECITNT0-. In the ]Undertaking Department, we buy our goodif from the best houses in Ontario, and guarentee satisfaction in every depart - clout of our work. Wo have always made it a point to furnish chairs, and all other re. quisiteineor funerals, FREE OF 011ARnE., -PricesMt beer than heretofore. Arterial and cavity embalming -done on nientilic principle& P. S. .Night and Sunday calls will be attended to at, Mr. Landsborough's red - deuce, direetly in the rear of the .Dominisn Bank, P-* Leatherdale Landsborough, SEAFORTH. ealth air 'is We e d , especial- ly to a o a n LAv, e r y • th e r- phys cal attr ction is seco dary to fa We have a bokww11l glacll send ot that tells just how t care for -the hair. I ) If :y`our hair is too th In or los- .. irig its lustee; get't: .G r.owthbeomes vigorous aiid, al dan- druff 'is removed ,It always res ores color to gray orfaded hair. Retai o u r youtti; -don't loOk old before your tinel $1.00 a bottle. All druirglets. "7 ha1va used you Vigor now for about 215 year, and I- have found 1t1 splendid an ,eatpda.otory In eu.n. way. I be level I have- recoran nded this H ir Igor t� hundred of my triennia nd they all tell he same sto y. If any- body wa ts the best ind f a Haiti Vigor I hall certain! roe mmend to tben just as etong y• as I can that they get a bo tie f Ayer's Hair Vior." A rs. N. E. HstILT zr, Nov. 28, 898. • NOrwl h, N. Y. - Write the Boole If you don't obtain all the you desire from the use of t write the Doctor about it. A DU, J. O. AYE Lewis! benedte e Vigor, dress, DISTRICT MATERS. .444.• 11.t iattrovi xvoitor. orris Co -unci ' Council met accordincito ad the council robrn, Morris, .on 1900.. Membcirs all present ; the ehair. Allayed by Mr. Cu ed by Mr. Shaw, that Mr. J paid, $10 for patting in milli concession 5.. Moved in amen Code, eepoudeI by Mn Jack Be!) be field 4,9 for said culv ment icarried-, An account o costs ea forma ion of union s No. 12 Morris and Hallett; $38.50, was resented. Mo seconded by J okson that the strUoted to write Mr. Robb re tailed stateme t of said costs eider the bil excessive. -C motion of She.* and Code, Mr. was appeinted collector for the at a salary of '85. On motio and Shaw, the treasurer's half- ment, as read, was accepted as Oa motion of lode and Jacks and Coun-cillorl Shaw were app tern re Garniss drain. On mo and Jackaon .tle reeve and t instructed to ijorrow $1,000 to expenses. On motion of Cod the reeve was lnetructed to tractor $60 for work , perform drain. By-laws Nos. 6 and read and passed. A numbe for gravelling, etc., were orde Council then adjourned- to me her -17th. ournment in August 6th, the reev in cliff, see nd- ohn Bell be rt at lo 2, ment by Mr. on that Mr. rt. -Am nd- arbitra ors' heel see ion !noun tin to ed by C de, clerk be in, uesting a 'de- , as we on- rried. On ohn Mooney current ear of Jac son early st te- satisfa.ot ry. n, the r eve hated ine eo- ion of SI aw eaeurer ere meet cur erit and Sh w, ay the on - d on Gar iss were uly of Delco nts ed to bep id. ton Sept rn- It Da zles the W No Diecover in medicine h ed one quarter of the excitenl been mimed b Dr. King's N for Consumpti Ite severe been on hopeleEl victims of Pneumonia, emorrhage, Bronchitis, thousands of who stored to perfe health. For 1 Asthma, Crou • Hay Fever, • whooping Coush it is the qu cure in the wo Id. It is sold druggist, Seale th, who guara tion or refund money. Larg and $1.00. T ial bottles free, Stanley. COUNCIL. -S anley council et on l's on day, August 13th, in townsh p hall, 'All the members ere present. By-lawsere collector's roll i °minty - ra e, 4 mils ; paased levying the following rates on he township ,. rate 1 three -fifth ills ; gen ral school rate, 1 one-tenth mill ; school ec- tion No. l, 1 three -fifth m*Ile ; No. , 1 one-tenth mills ; No. 4, four-fi 5, 1 nine -tent mills ; No. 6, 7, seven -tenth ills ; No. 10, milia; No. 13 nine -tenth mi nine -tenth Mil s ; No,. 1, Un No. 9, Unisn 1 four -fifth school, 2i mill . Thomas Wil appointed colle tor. -The folio were paid : • ohn Dinsdale, bridge, $22; J. McArthur, James Armstr ng, 2 hamine °cute. Next n eeting of counc September 17th. - • - SeVii) • 'Years in ed. " Will woncider eve cease ?' inquire he friends of Mrs. :. Pea e, of L wrence, K ri, They knew she had b .en tine le to lei ve her bed in seve years on rtca unt of k'd- ney and liver rouble ner4o s proetrat on and general 'de ility ; but, "Irhreo bottles of Electric Bit, ers e abled ne to wal she writes, "aad in thlree mon hs I felt 1 a new person," W men: s ffering fr Headache, Ba kache, Nervo• sneeze Sle lessnese, Mela choly, Faintin , and Di Spells will find it a pticeles tlessing. it. Salisfaotio is g meal* d. Only at_Fear's drug tore. • rld. s ever cr at- ent that has w Disco ery t tests have Consumpt leuriey it has (eights, Co oilleeness ekest, SU y I. V. F tees satis bottles on, nd re- nd est DX, ac- Oc th mills; 3 mills; seven-te le; No, I on, 2i, mi ills; sopa y was ag ing aocou cement spikes, handles, 1 on Mond NO. o. th ,1 le ; ate in ' te or 3; 50 , Hum rous Advei ture. KIT LINO of A SKUNK. S0111 e few ye rs ago 'I was esiding at he Old homestead, not fa from 'P' edericton, IN. N. Be and I had ot long beeu t iere befeite I was laid up with an attack ef yphoid fever. When about convalo °ante an old darkey (whoin I will c 11 Jim) -came it one morning and said, "M ma Henry, I just drove a 1 skunk into the root -house." I told him' to I go and close_ th door end keep it there until the evening, w en, if I was s rong mese , we would go o t and he could ben open he door and . let y frieed out, a I would 1 ke a running shot at him. About dusk 3 im ma1e his a pearance nd - ke p- zy 'ry o0c said, "Massa ,Iienry, tray is your' time; come along and we will have sOme fun out of that kunk." So out rwent, armed with a , double barrelled mu le.loader, prepared to, kill r cure, prec ded by Jim, wno opened t e root -house oor very cautimisly and entered. In a miniute he came out and informed me that Mr' . Skunk was in a barrel, bat. that he " did not like to disturb him for leateof the eon equences." I told him to get • an Iriehma (who was Working with my brother) to fetch a, lantern and to go into this premises an tip over the barrel containing the enemy, a d that when he ran out I would fetoh him. So Jim -and Pat, arm° with nothing hut the lantern, went into the root -house and softly closed the door after them, and I re- mained outside at a e fe distance, gun in "hand ready to fire. All t mice I heard a loud roar-aornething li e thunder -mom; periled by an exelamatio which sounded to me very much (like "GodAlinighty." Then the door suddenly opene4 and out came (pm and. Pat with aanighty zlush. As far ae I could understand from w at the nigger field, when he tipped, the ba rel ever the sk nk ran up the darkey's ide, mounted hia shoulder and then ren do n his back. This was the wise of all th4 nole, cussing and commotion, Stranise t relate no other harm wee/ &eel hut if ever a darkey Was near beociMing: a White man, Jim was on that mernOrabie occasion 'After they game out I autiously ventured in, the nigger followin with lantern in hand. I spied myf frie d curled up in a corner of the rcsothbuse. I then took a rest on the top of a harrel and let go both barrels at the polor unoffending animal. This caused the 1 ntern to explode, and what with the ern 11 of the skunk. gun- powder, paraffin oi and nigger, and with the atmosphere colo ed green, blue, red and . various other col re, all intermixed, I thought foreiertain, for some Heconds, that I was in the infernal regione.. I dropped riy gun -or what was 1 ft of it -and made for the 'door, knocking the poor darkey do -n in the aaempt to et out. After a little . time he managed t escape. When the air cleared and quiet w s resumed, we ventured in again to tee what results bdth barrels had accomplished. We found the poor brute out in two and p save and the air still very impure. Jim ot a fork and caught our Mutual enemy on the end of it and landed him out in o the open. He then came up to me and touching his hat said, Massa Henry.. ou a e a great shot- nebber took any ai bu hit him all the same for eure-an I w nt to apologize to you :for sweerin', bu pen my soul I could notshelp it,. for I houg t for sure, when thatelara crittur o awies up my stomach and-- then -ran dowi my •kok , that I was a dead and gone nigge for :ure; by golly he smelt awful bad." said "Jim, under the circumstances, I wi 1 exiuse you, this time, but never let me h ar ou swear so 'bad again" ; and I gave him ] coin to go and drink my health, -fe ling ery thankful that I came out of the se imm ge so well. H. B. R. To sav From .frightful die Gelleger, of LaGran len's Arnica SalVe head and face, and oeeded all her hopes Sores, Bruises Skin Scalds and Piles, by I. y. Fear, drug He Child guret ent Mrs. Nannie e, 0:., applied Buck - o g eat cores on her rites its quick cure ex - It orks wonders in Erup ions, Cuts, Burris, 5c. Cure guaranteed int.. • • Manit e ban s View. I've just come ho e fro other lands, I travelled hom • by tr in Front visiting my son•In law Down east in Be igor, eine. They told me prop were lookin' bad Manitoby lan ; They told me how he 0 vernment Had got in. Tory hand Ah 1. that explains it all, Why things is g In' w They should have kept And sung anoth r Ben No doubt as lawye Hug 's all right As far as lawyer go ; But that's nob -lar hen e want °retie, As Tommy used o gro 111. M. F. _ 11 I said, vg ; he farmer in, A Widow' L e Affair Receives a setba k, if she has offensi e breath through Oons i at'on, Biliousness r Stomach Trouble, but Dr. King'il New Life Pills always cure tho e tr ubles ; clean the system, sweeten the bre th, banish head- ache ; best in the w rld fir liver, kidneys, and bowels. Only 2e at Fear's drug store. Not Drun The Chicago Canadia A sound old specimen ot introduced himself to us at Burlington Park as a t to have been brought up shorter catechism, oatme Psalms oDavit." Wh required to produce the c dicitory character of a whusky appears to be de to produce the vulgar enness. It only reached of being "fon," which the pawky and cannie man or an Irishman m the Scot is too cautious charge. He is only a " • THAT aching head oan b taking one of MILBURN'S ST POWDERS. One powder, 60; 26o. ut Fou' -American sayS the typical Scot on Scotland's Day ue Soot, claiming on " whusky, the 1 potritch and the t an admixture is mplex and contra- cotchman 1 The dent in strength age termed drunk- s far as the stage s characteristic, bf cot. An Engliiih- y get drunk, but to admit such a ee bit fou." • Instantly relieved by RLING HEADACHE three for ;100, ton for - Teachers and rangemen. (By our Bluevalf3 Co reepondent.) Considering how ntunl time and money are spent in getting a good education and in _preparing for the te ohi g profession, the salaries paid teachersl are very small, From a money point of view an education doesn't pay at all, at all. Bu the intellectual pleasure one derives ram it is worth what money could not othe wise buy, and one can live in a fuller sense. As the old tinker, with whom we had a wayside chat, remark- ed, " Larnin's nice, a'' it's easy kep We have been favo ed with a copy of the Belfast News' contai ingl accounts of the 12th of July oelebra ion throughout Ire-. land. The Belfast 0 ang men celebrated at. Daisyhill, from whic e ine,nce the thous!, ands of people had a me iew of the city, the, lough, the nei hbo ing villages, the Mourne mountains, Mo nt Divis, Bleeds Mountain and Cave ill. Among those on the platform were Rev. obert Warrington; of Canada ; W. H. :farp r, of Toronto, and John Barogwanath, if ictoria, Australia. Messrs. Warrington nd arogwantha both made good speeches, he ormer saying that he brought greetings rom 100,000 Canadian Orangemen, and the latter that he came 16,000 miles. With ustralian greetings. Many excellent ore ions were delivered. Mr. H. O. Arnold -F rter, M. P. ' Liberal member for West Be fast for , two parlia- ments, made ,a fine speech and one Viet' was highly appreciated, if one might judge by - the bracket d acclamations occurring so fre- 'quently throughout the News account., The following extract, in the words of the News' reporter, we did not like to cut short : " He spo e just noW of the danger which had threat ned, and ctill threatened the' empire. It was a great Pleaeure to him to note the readiness with Which Irishmen in all ranks of ife respoeded to the call when their servio s were asked for in connection with the w r in Smith Africa. (Cheers.) He thought the alacrity with which thet call Waf3 res ended to, the character of the meis who re ponded to it, and the valor which was isplayecl by Irishmen in the service of the Crown was a surprise and a salutary les on to the many people outside this countr . 'That Irishmen should Wee the lead in the conduct of British armi was no new thing, nor, indeed, Was it new thing that Irish regiments shoeld be the front exchang Irishmen bodies as was a nos notice th the city (Cheers.) lesson wh mon aotio not been e* a in rank when other blows were to be di The volunteering, hovrever, of on a large scale for service in such t e yeomanry and the volunteers , thing, and be was delighted to t a strong contingent wentefrom Belfast and the neighborhood. e thought, indeed, the object cli had been provided by the com- uj of all parts of the empire had et upon their enemies. The readiness 4all their colonial fellow -subjects to stand b the deg had been a surprise even to theme° es, ,but it had been a far greater surprise Vs continental nations who had little or n� belief in the solidarity of this empire andi who thought that Great Brit. ain's colon s were as useless and as little to be depend on as their own. It was said by some th t after this war was over, a peaoeable iiettlement of South Africa would be impossible. He did not think so. There would, no Idoubt, be many difficulties to contend w th, but in his opinion they would be overoo e by the same policy which had always su coeded throughout the empire - the policy, he meant, of extending to every part of th empire their free institutions as soon as th ee who were to receive them had shown that they were fit to make a proper uee of there- If they wanted a great object lesson in this matter they had only to look at the case Of Lower Canada, and to remem- ber that the first men that passed the Boer entrenchments at Paardeberg were French (Janadians; rspeaking French, and scarcely understanding English. (Hear, heart) He believed that when the war was over it would be necessary to send out a powerful commission from this country to regulate the settlerrierit of .s.ffairs. It was his fervent hope that en the list of that comrniseion would be find the name of Sir Wilfrid Laurier, P ime Minister of the Dominion of Canada. Hear, hear.) He could imagine nothing m re striking than the presence of that distils uiehed man upon such a commis- sion. In lia own person he would furnish an lllustiratikni of what could be done by their free i Stitutions and their equal laws. That a Fre oh -Canadian, the descendant of Frenohme ,ehould at this moment be the powerful a d popular Prime Minister of the great Dominion of Canada was in itself a esost rema kable fact. That the Minister of French des entihould in the name of Queen Victoria,fp owed to South Africa, charged with the el ty of establishing British law and British justice among the descendants of Dutehme and French Huguenots would, he thought, he a circumstance so remark- able that n even the worst or most ignor- ant of their 'enemies oould fail to be iinpree- sed by it. (Hear, hear.") • REGULAR ACTION of the bowele is necessary to health. LAX -LIVER PILLS are the best owns - tonal oatharti for family or general use. Price 25o. Any druggist. • Wit and Wisdom. - -Money placed in a man's vest pocket is not always roperly invested. -Why i it that the fellew who is known as a ladies' man usually remains single? -No woman should think of marrying until she acquires a forgiving disposition, -The man who neven made a blunder is a poor one it° have in a responsible posis wtioh_noome afer us," as the man said when . ‘OtItis Well to leave something for those he threw a barrel in the way of a constable who was chasing him. -Nodd-s-d' My baby looks lovely when he is asleep You ought to see him," Todd ---." When hall I call ?" Nodd---" Any time during the day." -" I was awfully nervous when Jack proposed." " Was it retch a surprise ?" ig Not at -all. BUG I was afraid some one might come in and interrupt him." -Miss Spinster-" Willie, you ought to be ashamed] ; you've been fighting again." Little Will (31-'4 Oh, no ; you're mistaken. The other he' knocked me down and at on me before I ad a chance." -Guidwif'in from the garden-" Man, Jchn, that ire net ye've pit rem' the gait'. don's a perfe' t nuisance. Fouldr canna get over it." idman-" Wuman, I wonder at yer ig ortince ; div ye no' ken that's what I pit tuip for ?" s -The old cotch proverb thet " the flesh born on a fold is the most valuable, and should never be lost," is as true as anything that ever was written, and if that 11°th is once lost it oOsts far More to replace it than to have ke bit in the first place. -The • Is ieister-" I'm sorry tan hear Jock that on're a' on strike doun at the auld toun. 'm surprised at ye. Dinna ye ken that A o tle Paul says 'servants obey your maste s in all things ?' " The Elder - Ay, I keij,jbut that'e just where me and the Apostl aul differs." -An or tor was expatiating eloquently on univerai4l brotherhood to a Scottish audi- ence of th iworking•clase. " What !" he exclaimed, " is not one man as good as an- other ?" " ed he is," responded a boawny Tuloan, wloip he had unconsciously trane- fixed with hi eye, "an' a gey sicht better." -No man s without fault ---but We im- possible to co vince the girl who is about to be married tc the man of her choice that such is the ase, Mies Jones-" It 'eeems to me that ali the nicest men are married." Mrs. Brown-." Well, dear, they weren't elways so I nice, you know ; they've only been caught 4arly and tamed." -A min st' r of a small -parish in Scotland observed o e of his flock shooting a hare on the Sabbath. 'When catechising day came round he que tioned him as follows: "John do you knew what a work of necessity is ?" "1 do," Bald John. " Well, do you think that shooting a hare on a Sunday is a work of necessity ?" " Certaiely," said John. " How do Vo make that out ?" Weel you see, m ster, it mieht be awe,' on Mon- day," was Join's canny reply. -Tramp-" Can I see the lady of the ridget-" No, she's engaged." hat won't make any differeece. I te marry her." '1'he Lady of the hy don't you go to work? now that a roiling stone gathers Tramp (from Boston)-" Mad - evade your question at all, but btain information, may I ask of houze ?" Tramp-" don't want House-" Don't you no moss ?" ame, not t merely to , 'what praot cel utility motes is to a man in my conditinn ?" 1 . - A young man who had spent his life in a West Ili/hland district, went to Glasgow, Scoto land, t sleek his fortune. On the day of his arriv 1 he walked into a restaurant and order d 1 dinner. The waiter flnally brought t e 1 meal, in all those little side dishes saor d to restaurant existence, and i i arranged t ern n tempting array around the young man a plate. For half an hour he sat and looked at the untouched dinner, until, overcome y hunger, he called the Waiter, who had ben watching him wonderingly, and said, ' Look here, mister ; if you don't hnery and ring my dinner I'll eat up your samples." ei - " It i reported that one of BOlivar's fastidious ] newly married -ladies kneads bread with her gloves on." The incident may be somewhat peculiar, but there are others. The editor of this paper needs bread with his shoes on • he needs it with hie pants on, and uness the delinquent readers of this old rag of freedom pay up before long, he will need bread without a darned th ng on. -The Humansville Star - Leader." i • ANXIOUS MOTHERS find DR. LOW'S WORM SYRUP the est medicine to expel wortne. Children like [t-wor is don't. • - Ulrich Rupprecht, a German resident of Norwich, small village near Woodstock, shot himse 1 in the temple, near the grave of his rece tly deceased wife. Mrs. Rup. precht die about three weeks ago, ver suddenly, froM poison. The dead woman a • stoma h was sent to Toronto for analysis, when i was found to contain traces of poison. The woman's death, together with the fact that there had been unhappy do. mestio relations between the two, caused a good deal of talk in the village, and it is this thet is suppoeed to have induced the melanc olia which had seized the unfortun- te hus and. It is just possible that both ases may have been suicide. Ruppreoht as a an of about 35 years of age. He vas em toyed In the Norwich broom face ory an1 was a German with an imperfect nowle ge of English. HAGY r beast ; t is a ape • RD'S YELLOW OIL cures all pain in mein for sprains, outs, bruises, callous lumps, Inflammation, rheumatism and neuralgia iflo. News Notes. -In 11 about 4,000 horses have been urchtss d in Canada and shipped to South tfriea f r war purposes. The last of the ot was shipped from Toronto last week. -It is tiaid that the Queen is seriously ontemplating a trip to Germany in October o visit her eldest daughter, the Empress rederies, who is seriously ill. -It is said that the Hon. Joseph Martin, f British Columbia, has been invited to ddreaa a public meeting in Toronto short - and that his friends there have been ounding the labour leaders and other in. epende Is on the possibility of giving him mum reception. -A d structive hail storm passed north nd sout i of Killarney, Manitoba, on Wed- esday o last week, destroying a strip a out a ile wide. Wm. Hodgins, J. Hem - n ell, Be con, Gale, McCulloch and Mg - au hto are the principal sufferers. -Over 3,000 acres of grain have been c mplete y deetroyed by hail in South Glen - d le dist lot, in the northwest pertion of IVanitob The crops in this district were ✓ ry pro ising, and a great loss has result - e . Thee was very little insurance. -The ern and sheds full of grain, own - e Geor e McKeown, about two miles n rth of 'rmsville, Ontario, were struck by li Igningnind burned to the ground last T ursday night about 8 o'clock. No insur- er. CO. -The rflicial statistics of the wheat crop o the world for 1899-1900 have just been o mplete by the Department of Agricul- t re at ashington. They show that in t e count ies of the southern hemisphere, w ioh are commonly included in statements - of the wo id's wheat crops, the production w 11 hard1 fall less than 160,543,000 bush- el:. This is 10,000,000 bushels short of last y ar's pr ductions. Australia and Chili ar the only countiiesehowing any materi- al redileti no. -The itchell Advocate of last week sa, s : Mr, W.. H. Dolbridge, of Usborne, gi ve the dvocate a call on Monday, hay - in been i. town delivering hogs to Mr. P idharn. In a conversation he claimed th t few t ings were more profitable on a fa m than hog raising. Within the past ye r he ra (led 61 pigs from 2, sows. Of these he old 37, for which he realized d has reserved 4 of4he large ()nee use, and has 20 other smaller h will be fitted for the market $4 fo on la 8 07, a his ow s, whi or on. • A ANGEL UNAWARES. Sul pose for every act of love .aad duty n angel in the path .1 111. abeuld lay ovely roe of Tweet perfume nd beauty - 11, even hen how bare would be the way! Su pose for every kindly word awoken, I or everyl fault which earelees hands had done, Po every Osolution made and broken, thorn eneath our erring feet had grOwn- Ali then th way would be one stretch of angursn, 1,1th onl here and there a Sower to cheer; Ou feet w uld falter and sus spirits languish, _ nd life ould be a burden hard to bear. I3u seldom are we outwardly rewarded ccordin to the deeds which we have. done; "T le pure n heart" are by the world discarded, is wick d harvest where th good have sown An yet to every heart in darkl .ess hidden There cb es an angel, whom we canndt see Wh strive to keep us from Ur. paths forbildet. And in t e narrow way where f faith may be. His IMMO i Conscience' and he brings us roses-- S veet ros s, borrowedfrom the brew of peace - Or horns 1 which remorseful thought reposes Regrets hose sharp tormentings never cease. Then let u strive temptation's storm to weather; L t cver thought and every deed improve Til Consci nce finds no cruel t eorns to gather, 13 t cro s the soul with joy and peace and love, -T Russell Sheldon In Richmond Religious Her ad. WARS WAGED FOR CENTURIES. The Dutch. and Aelatneee Have Been ighting Shane 1440. ince the first foreigner, in the person of a Du chman, landeci on the island ot Su atra in 1449 tb.o native Achinese ha •e contbated the usurping of their land fo t y oet. lthough when the Dutch get -the Achi- ne o out in the open they invariable beat th m, the war continues in a desultory in nner today and will only end whet' th last native of Sumatri has been kill- ed in action. T -he number of Achinese ki lcd has never been known, but the war ha been a very serious drain on the mi nhood of Holland, and many of her be •t soldiers were killed between the ye irs 1873 ,and 1879, when the struggle wIni'ecry bitter. c 1604, when the Persians surren- de .ed Armenia to Turkey, the numerous su tans of Turkey haye neyer sheathed th .ir swords in regard to the former co intry save in the fesh of the inhabit - an s. t the beginning of the nineteenth ce itury Algiers finally passed into the hands of France. From teat time till the pr sent the French natien has always Ice t an army corps of not less than 54,- 00 French troops garrisoned there to fight the Arabs who infest the hinterland and raid the French possessions at least on e a year. hief among these are the Touaregs, o fight with one-half of their faces m sked and fight always to the death or vi tory. Never once has a Touareg been ta en alive. France cermet subdue thein, fo', if beaten, they flee to the desert, evl ere no treined army can follow them. he Riflians, who are the scourge of M rocco, resemble the Touaregs in that thy also take and give ro quarter; but, in •tead of living in the heart of the Sa- h ra, they fight from their mountain fo 'tresses -and keep the seltan of Moroc- co in continual dread. o keep his soldiers in good fettle the su tan every year gives at least three int nths' fighting to the by picking a quarrel with one of the f udal holders of th numerous semibrigan To one knows whin fe id began in Corsica or br gand set up shop. N to e lwhen the last- will p t yen in the time of the habitants were too busy ot ier to care whether a s left on the island or 'ot a day goes by with • being sacrificed in the 're eletta, and as each life ce in atonement of at th ire i haiily one Cors IS iii.t v;anttel I.y a fell lin 1 who in ruching a-si ch ...sing some other_p_er strongholds. the first blood when the first r can any oh) t up his shut - Romans the in- ighting one an - °reign garrison not. et several lives cause of some means the sac - least two more can whose life nv countryman ay is not also hat can't be cured p ts money &to h doctor's pocket. -Chic go New.. 7 lilliallaaledieLiaMMISAMMtimeme 1 4 DANGEROUS DYSENTERY. Mr. John L. Carter, of Bridgetown, N.S., in the following letter, tells how it saved his life : "I had suffer- ed with dysentery forfour weeks and could get nothing to cure me. I then tried Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry, and I feel that it saved my life. It restored me to health when everything else failed. I con- sider it a wonderful remedy that should have a place in every home." Soothes the irr tated bowels, settles the stom- ach, gives prompt relief from pain, prevents col- lapse, and cures Diarrhoea, Dysentery', Cholera., Cramps, Colic, Summer Complaint, Cholera Han - turn, Nursing Sore Alki)uth of Infants and all bdwel complaints of young and old more safely and speed- ily than any other remedy. 17 YEARS IN USE. Mrs. Middleton Wray writes from Schomberg, Ont., as follows: "Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry is the best remedy I know of for Summer Complaint and Bowel Dise eases of children. I have used it in our family for the past seventeen years and never had occasion to call in the doctor for these troubles, as the Fowler's Extract always worked like a charm." Always ask for Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry and refuse substitutes or imitations. How To- Live on One Dollar a Week. will am A. More, 68 years old, retired mechanic, living in Chicago, approves the statem nt of President Harper, of the Uni- versity of Chicago, to the effect that two persons can live one year ..on $300. Mr. Morse rI&YB that for the ,last five years the average cost of hie food had been $1 a week, that be gets everything he needs for health and comfort, that his health was never better and that he enjoys every day of his life. - Mr. Morse is alone in the world and "boards himself." He does not drink al- coholic liquors and spends no money fdr luxuries except tobacco, which he. smokes moderately. For recreation he walks to-' the park, to the lake front or to church. He was a soldier of the union in the civil war and has never been sick a whole day in his life. He cooks his frugal meals on an oil stove and wastes nothing. Coffee is the only stimulant in his bill of fare and he puts condensed milk into it. Tea is barred from hie table, but he uses butter as his appetite directs. In the week beginning December 10 hat, his living expenses reached the minium, the total cost of his food supplies having been 48 centseitermzed as follows: Deo. 11. Bread, 2 cents; oil, &cents 80 07 Dec. 12. Bread, 2 cents; auger, 6 cents; oatmeal, 5 cents 1 13 Dec. 13. Oil, 9 cents; milk, 9 cents 18 Dec. 15. Oil, 5 cents; oatmeal, 3 08 Decce.1168. Bread, 2 pents 02 $ Total 0 48 His most extravagant week ended last Christmas eve, when his week's expenditure reached $1.21, his food purchases including holiday luxuries in the shape of cranberries, pork chops, pie, doughnuts and cake. Here is his expense account for that week: Dec. 17. Sugar, 6 cents; oil 5 cents $0 11 Dec. 18, Oatmeal, 5 cents 05 Deo. 19. Potatoes, 13 cents; oil, 10 23 Decce.n2t08. Bread, 3 cents; pie, 4 cents; doughnuts, 4 cents 11 Dec. 21. Oil, 10 cents ; coffee, 8 cents 18 Doc. 22. Sugar, 6 cents; bread, 2 cents 08 Dec. 23. Pork chops 15 Dec. 24. Cranberries, 7 rents ; doughnnts, 4 cents; cake, 5 cents ; butter, 14 cents 30 proof bf hie claims Mr. Morse, who is 21 a well preserved, bright-eyed and cheerful man, exhibited a card of his culinary ex- penses for twenty weeks. , He said: "7 have been boarding myself the last five years and I like itnbetter than most boarding houses. I get all I want to eat of plain food and it agrees, with my health. Dr. Harper hi right. A healthy couple could live on $300 a year if they went about it right manner and with cheerful s He who hath a merry heart hath a con- tinual feast!" • A Family Medicine. Mrs. D. Williams, Gooderham P. 0., Ont., writes : I have used Hagyard's Yellow 011 for burns, scalde, sprains and bruises; and it has always given Baths - faction. It is a oplendid family medicine, 11 can be put to so many differeat UM.' Price 26e. "Keep the' bead cool and the bowels open," is sensible advice to follow during the warm weather. If,the bowels do dot move regularly once a day use Laxa-Liver Pills. They are easy to take, and do not gripe, weaken or sicken. Price 2f.o. .0 • sa, Toothache 2 Days. lire. Fred Nedden, Eel River Creasing, N. B., says : `• I had the toothache for two days, and could get nothing to stop it until I got Low's Toothache Gum, which quickly oared me." Price 10o. Coughs and colds that other remedies seem power- less to relieve are promptly cured by Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup. Try it, and It will convince you of its efficacy by curing you. Price 25c. Nice Worm Medicine. Mrs. Wm. Graham, Sheppardton, Ont., writes "7 have given my boy Dr. Low's Worm Syrup, and find it an excellent worm medicine. It is nice to take, and does not make the child sick. Price `25c. Travellere' headaches are quickly relieved by Mil - burn's Sterling Headache Powdars. They do not up- set the stomach or weaken the heart. Price 10c. and 25e. at all dealers, or by mail. The T. Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont. Township of McKiliop. Judges Court of Revision. Notice is hereby given that a court will be held, pursuant to the Ontario Voters Lit Act, by His Honor, the Judge of the county court of the county of Huron, at Jones Hall, Leadinary, on Friday, the 14th of September 1900, at 10 o'clock forenoon, to hear and detsrmine the several complaints, errora and omissions in the Voter's List of th-3 municip3,1ity of MeRillop for 1900. AH persons having business • at the mart are required to attend at the said time and place. JOHN C. MOB.RISON, Clerk of MoKil- lop. Dated this 15th day of Angust, 1000. 1706-8 CIDER MILL NOTICE M. MeGRATH, having refitted the Older Mill in firet-olass shape, is now prepared to do all kin& of work in that line in making Jelly and Apple Butter. Cider and Jelly kept for gale. ALt work guaranteed. M. McGRATH, inisforth, 1.7014 .foizEsT VVITHOUT QUESTION The best equipped Buainess and Shorthand School in Canada is the Forest City Business and Short- hand Colleze, London, Ontario. Large enrolment and strong faculty. Hundreds of Students in good positions. Years of excellent work to its credit. Catalogues of either 'course free. Correspondence invited, J. W. WESTERVELT, Principal. T768-26 VOTERS' LIST, 1900. Municipality of the Township of Tucker- - emith County of Huron. Notice is hereby given that I have transmitted 01% deliveted to the persons mentioned in Sections S and 9 of the Ontario Voters' Lists Act, the copies requir- ed by slid sections to be so transmitted or delivered of the list made, pursuant to the eald'Act, of all per- sons appearine- by the last revised Assessment Boll of the said municipality to be entitled to vote in the said municipality at elections for members of the ' Legielative Assembly, and at Municipal Election!, and that the said list was first posted -up at my office at Tuokersmith on the 17th day of August, 190D, and remains there for inspection. Electors are called upon to examine the eald list, and if any omissions or other errors are found there- in, to take immediate proceedings to have the said errors corroded according to law, A. G. SMILLIE. Clerk of Tucker/smith 1705-2 CIRCULAR -5 3 0.0