HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1900-08-24, Page 6TE E URIT 9enuine rter's Little tiver Pills Muni Beier Signature of Soo Vae-Squile Wrapper Below. to takel as aucar MI6F HEADACH FOR DIZIIIIES16, ITTLE rokBILIOUSIIESS. IVR FORTORPID P1 so FOR CONSTTATION:' FOR4ALOW SKIN( ron.THE COMPLEXION r womanly: weer tteveounme !Pinner Ireletiltli14-4 SIOK HEADACHE. VETERINARY JOHN GRIEVE, Y. S., honor graduate of Ont. rio Veterinary College. All diseases of Domestic enima s treated. Calla promptly attended to and °hug a moderato. Veterinary Dentstry a specialty. Office end reeidenoe on Goderich street, one door Eves cl Dr. Soot's 01°0,184:Worth. 111241 LEGAL AMS L. KILLORAN, Barrie er, Solicitor, Conveyancer and Notary Pnbli . Mohey to loan. • Office over Piekard's More Main A troet, Seaforth. 1528 R. S. HAYS, Barrie cr, Soliottor, Conmancer and Notary Public. Soliott r for thaDocainion Bank. 01111e -in roar of Don& ion Bank, Selforth. Money to loan. 1236 T BEST, Barrister, Solicitor, Conveyancer, E1 • Notary Public, Offices up stairs, over 0, W. Papet' booketore, Main Street, Seaforth, Ontario. 1027 11.1: fortbT. BY BRATTIE, Barrieter, Solicitor, &o, Money tO lotto. Office-Oady`e Block, Sea. 1 1079-tf GA 1070 OCO C block, Thum Money tROW &10AR or. ilanttton ROW, Barristers, Solicitors, &o: St. and aquare, Goderich, Ont.• J. T. GAertalv, Q. 0. CHARLES GARROW, L. L. B. . bleitENZIE, Barristere, Solioltors, etc., baton attd Br yfield. Clinton Moe, Elliott Isaac etreet. Bayfield Moo, open every ay, Main stree , first door west of post office. to loan. Jent a Scott & E. H. McKenzie. ' 1698 Cem RON, HOLT HOLMES, Banisters, See 11 Itors in Ohome ry, &o.,Goderich, Oni 11.0. I.1, Q. FfilLir rem, Direraly Hozi FsteeLMESTED, eeor to the late -firm of 111 oCaughey & olmosted, Barrister, Solicitor Cony° sneer, end Notaly Solicitor for the Gan adieu ank of Commerce. Money to lend. Farm for ewe. Office in Soott's Block, Main Street Seeforte G. F, BELDEN, D. D. S. DENTIST. Rooros over the Dcminion 13auk, _Main Street Seaforth. 109141 or. • 1L1 W TWEDDLE, Brune's, Dentist, (formerly of _c 8 aforth,) Graduate of it, C. D. 8., Toronto, Post g aduate course in crown and bridge work at Haskil 'a School!, Chicago. Oilloo over A. R. - Smith' store, Bruesois. 10094f DR. honor Univor Will vi day, Ju F. A. SELLERY, Dentist, graduate of the oyal College of Dental Surgeons, Toronto, also raduate of Department of Dentistry, Toronto ity. 0 lice in the Petty block, Hensel!. it Zurich every Monday, conamenoing Mon. o 1st. ' 1687 TAR. . R. BOSS, Dentist (suaciessor to F. W. T eddle), gradne.to of Royal College of Dental Idurgeor a of Di tarn); tiret class honor graduate of Toror,tc lorniverety grown and bridge work, also gold wrk in a 1 its forme. All tho moat modern method for pair leas filling and painless extraction of teeth. All operatione carefully performed. Mice : Tweddi 's old etend, over Dill's grocery, Seaforth. 1040 MEDICAL, Dr. (John McGinnis, Hon, Or duate London Wooten: Dnivereity, member if Ontario College of Phyeiciens and Surgeons. Office ant Reeidenee-Formerly occupied by Mr. Wm. _ I' • Pickard, Victoria Street, next to the Catholic Church fiff-Nigh cella ettorided promptly. 1463x12 w• A . a duets 0 TIOTILAM, M, 0,0. M., Honor Graduate nd Fe -Holy of Trinity Medical College, Ora. TrinitY University, hfembor of College of Phi kimono and buraeous of Ontario, Constancy, On, tariO. Office formerly °coupled by DroCcoper. 1050 o ALEX BETHE UNIL % D. Fellow -of the Royal i College of ehereei Rae alio Surgoone, Kingston. Iltreeesulto Dr tfackid, Office lately 000upied ; Dr .f ecicid, Male Street Eloeforith. Residence -Cornert of Victotie Square, in home lately occupied L. E. anooy. a R.. J., BURROWS ..stz resti eat Phyleolan and Surgeon, Toronto Gen. eraMostiltal.- Rimer graduate Trinity University, a:ember Of the College. of Phyeloiane and Surgeons of Ontario. Coroner for the County ot Huron. Offiee and Residence-Ocelerich Street, East of the, isiethodiet Church Telephone 40: 1886 DRS. SOOTT & MacKAY, IlYSICIANS AND SURGEONS, Gloried& rtratt, oppoulto Methodist churoh,Beeforth J. G. au TT, eradiate Vietoria and Ann Arbor, and mewl er Ontario College of Physictiane and Surgeon'. tionimer ter County of Huron, 0. Macii-kY, boner groxitiate Trinity Univereity, gold mielaliat Trinity Medical Collage. Member College of Phyelciena and Surgoone, Ontario. 1483 Vier, .Directory for 1900. JANIIN Lin*KIIART, Reeve, Seaforth P. 0. ALFA. toll DINER, Councillor, Leadbury P. 0. - JOHN O. 0 RI r.V E, Couneitor, Winthrop P. 0 JAMES 0 1,A1-0111IN, Couneillonolleochwood P. 0 A 11011,IBA 1.0 411HIRE(101t, Councillor, Soaforth P.0 • JOHN C MoititIsoN; Clerk, \Vint Imp P. 0 DAN ID m, Ross, Treeeurer, Winthrop P. 0. WILLIAM EVENS, Ansieiser, Beechwood P. 0, CHARLES' DoDOS, Colieetor, Seaforth 1'. 0. MAMA POLLARD, Sanitary Inepecter, Lead. bury 1 O. • loKillop Mutual Fin I “urance Company. ARIV1 AND ISOLATED TOYVN PROPERTY ONLY INSURED ; OPIUM*. J. B. hfc Loan, President, Kippen P. 0. ; Thomas Fra.aer, vier -president, Brueetiold P. O. • Thomas E, Se r'r recta. 8eatorth P. 0. ; • Broad• fot,t, or of Losees,-Seaforth P. 0. TnIUTOTOITII. W. O. '`..1 %afoot, Seaforth; John G. Grieve, WI thron ; 0 ore Dole, Soaforth ; John Bonnewele, Dublin ; nice avane, Beeehwood ; John Watt, Harlock ; 'T Juntas Fraeur, Brimfield ; John B, Loan, Kip' .1 ; James Connolly, Clinton. Rota. h, Ilarlock ; Robb. McMillen, Seatorth ; JR1408 ing Egmondv ; J. W. Yeo, Holmes. %dile P. 0.; D. orge Murdie and John 0. Morrison, auditors Pt*tlies dnairour to effect, Insurance01 trans. rot other t.,•iineSS will be promptly &handed to on 'mafiosi:ion .) any of the above *Moen, 'deemed k Moir respe, Ire poet °Meet, LAUNCH.AT SOCIETY. , A TALE OF 1ENLE1Y ;Rh ATTA.. BY VICI.Cli. L. WHITECIIBB H, ( I tell you, the cu se of our scec lied ciefil- ivation, in %Veetcrn Europe tleas , lies not se 'much in tyre, nice' Govern en :s and feols who submit to t.hem, as in leasure- luxury. , 'What isit thaj makes men and women apathetic to the ehriekin cries of hiimani'y ? The race -course, thb theatre, ti e ball -room, the whirl of eel eh, social pleasuro and amusemenb. It is a Mind this el atlblows must bel directed in tho future if We Would achieve,our °Oda It rnu9t be the single tyrant struck with the d lfer, the bho building rui e bomb is cast in the council eh ese extraordi p ed -with the leo , unless tl o the theatre r ther than i to mber 1" T ary words were borne fdrci ly upon my e re as I awok from an afternoon siesta onp sunny day i4 the be- g nnitig of June. I I I *as spending week or t rihrth Cornish ooatl, and had wal my hotel at Tinta el to a oharir inlet known as 1 egarget Stran ray lunch with Inc Modeet repast, pa huge, rugged cliffs, in upon the emooth I- had atrolled ti uotil I hit upon a e eXploration, I'pene tsventy yards, sat rock within, lit m oVer to the content esparkling beyond was very hot -for t cool atmosphere of change. Finally, upon the rock, I sleep, and, as I-sai tence fell on my ea At the entrance Men. Otto a smal iedividual, seated slightly away from Man of but six o an exeited, ruddy taehe, and curly ha wlas standing up b a comp4nion, de - - claiming to him wi h earnestness and many ge tures, 1 . saw at once th t they were npt aware oe my presence, h'dden as I was in the se, nelarkness and Wier. , My first i Madl declare mysel on the ed from ing little , baking n satchel. 'After my taken (of at the foot of breaking eground, he shore Bent on for about forta.ble e myself unlit sea with rooks leash we in he waves in the fo along t the cliff. rated this cave down on ' a co pipe and gm lation of the the e trence. .The day e time of year! and the welcome tn I was d off to ove sen. woke. I cave vieire two r stout bearded his face turned he other a young nd twenty, with air- sandy mous- same calor. He the calve wan half i[edining• ust have. do beforle, the a as I of th , rath' with me ; -seven, face, ✓