HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1900-08-24, Page 3100 [n LIRE ;146.°4 F A only, It sue to sell lie that it k'veig pure is cm every, OMEN �:�ppet ore 1 f ;Itis, and tolrnes ase d th, I`JOO. IIk-•et rt•. value of> pu. State, iii`\• favor as or, 1,1 1 such irn• idvertise- be with- per b•Lt,- irs Tuek• was ruin, and; e'G tvirdd t acme praarnto Ln that," lire." lire hill an a ^ .t hie id in l . i .work. of this lr4 horst• Any vain - reined). r proved t kY , 8ea- t sea nth IMPORTANT NOTICES. TILA- CKSMITH'5 APPRENTICE f WANTED. — Wanted a good strong boy to learn the black- emithing. Apply to N. MoNEIL, Winthrop. 1705x2 FOR SALE.—Tile comfortable 1± story frame house heoupied by Mrs. Mtildrew, in Egmondville. The ]louse is in good repair, and there 18 plenty of hard land soft water on the premises. Also about an acre of land. Apply at THE ExPOSITOR Office. 18412-tf cox BEAT1rIE, Clerk of the Second Division lonrt County Commissioner, of Huron, Con- er,d, an and Insurance Agent. Funds ed and to Loan. Office—Over Sharp & store, Main street, Seatorth, 1289 raptor iven8 BEDS AND POULTRY.— 20 colonies of Italian t eel in gcc(d painted hives, at from $5 to$6.60' each. Alto full line of bee keepers' supplies. Mae taken in txebarge for supplio3. Poultry .—A. gran d pen of White Racks, prize trim 'ra at Car ada'a biggest shoed, Blank Minorcan, large geed color, a very desirable fowl for eggs and table Eggs for hatching $1 per setticg. %Val. ITAR RY, beaforth. 168941 STOCK FOR SERVICE. 110 PIG BREEDERS.—The undersigned will keep u Lot 28, Coneeseion 6, L. R. S. Tuckersa.1th, a thoroughbred CHESTER WRITE PIG, also a thorough- bred rYoRx5HIRE Pio. A limited number of sows will be admitted to each. Terms, 81, payable at the time of service, or $1.60 if charged. Alco a few Chester Whitt Pigs for sale. JAMES GEMMILL. 1608-62 AIWORTII BOAR FOR SALE AND FOR SLR. 'ICE.—The underaig-eed will keep for servioe, st the Brueefleld ;)iioeae Factory, a thoroughbred Txma•orth Boar, with registered pedigree. Terms, 11 ;pa ytable at time o1 servicer with privilege of re- turnipg 11 nooeseary. Also a number of thorough- bred ;young Tamworth Boars And Sows ' for sale. HUGH MoOA13TNEY. Bruoefield.. 1406-tf TEACHERS WANTED jEt1GHER WANTED.—For Union School Section No. 13, Howiek and Turnberry, an exacrienoed second class- teacher, male or female, personal appli. ratio I preferred., Applications received till Septum- bur 1st, duties to commence on September 10th. DAVID HALLIDAY, Wroxeter, Ont. 1706.2 I REAL, ESTATE FOR ;SALE. FOl1 SALE.—Tine acres of land for sale, being r Lot 12, Concession 8, Hay. There is a frame house and barn a'so email orchard. Partloulars upon appiicatio't. MRS. ROBERT KYDD, SR., Zutich. r 169941 pDERN HOUSE FOR SALE.—Solid brink, nine 111 • rooms, furnace and bath room, elegant lawns, ornaibental eh de trees, large and' email fruits. Torres easy. , Ajuply to C. CLARKSON, proprietor ; or "t HENRY I:ATTIE, Barrister, Cady's Stook, Seth. 170441 OUSE AND THREE ACRES FOR SALE.—The undersign d offers for sale his cottage in alar- rh yy with 3 ea read-, land in good state of cultiva- e on,planted wit fruit- nd ornamental tress." There Isa ghee stable n the place, with plenty of hard, and soft water. Fences are in good order. There aro evenlrooms in gae.housewhieh is good repair. The premises may WI -viewed at any time. JOSEPH P. BRINE 189541 GOOD FARM IN STANLEY FOR SALE.—For sale, the south half of Lob 18, Concession 9, Stanley, eontaioiag F0 gores ; about 40 acres cleared, the balance good hardwood bush ;. a good frame barn and leg house ; 'a goad well ; le withln•a mile and a half 61 the Village of Varna ;: will bo sold cheap and en arks' terms. Apply to : DAVID ROBERTSON` Varna. N. B.—Also for sale a number of Sheep and a Slate with spring foal.• 170241 FARM A$1M FOR .S "LE,—For Salo• Lot 25, Concession i, L. R. 8., Tuekersnilth, containing 50 acres all olear and In a first class state of cultivation. Thera are on the promisee a comfortable log house, A good frame barn 86x80 feet with stabling attached, plenty of water, ib convey -lent to markets, with good gravel roads and is-eoneittered to be ono of the best 60 acro farms in the township. WII1 be sold cheap as the proprietor vrishes to got more land. Apply on the premises or . to ALEX. GORDON, Egmondville P. O. 17t 61c4 cTALUABLE PROPERTY FOR SALE.—For elle in YY the villageofEgmondvillo,v the valuable and pleasisntly locate( premises of the undersigned. The property eons ets of two acres of good land, well draircd and cult Fated. There is a comfortable hams house, a' g d stable, pig pon and other nee• wearyoutbuilding on the promisee, also hard and soft water. There are also 14 good fruit trees, apple, plumes and pears ; besides some choice small fruit It 18 a most desirable place for a retired far- mer market gardener, and will go cheap. Apply to WM. C. Clark, Egmondville. 16904f A iM TO RENT.—A first-0'ass farm to rout, Lot No. 7, on the 2n4 Concession of Mullett, con- taining 100 acres, about 93 acres cleared ; no atone or gravel, only first -clava soil, and wall adapted for crops; largo barn and other outbuildings ; a largo frames stable fro harms and cattle, and a comfort- able house and five :tares of a good bearing orchard ; ben a'aroeof a stiinmer fallow ready for fall wheat, It is situated live miles from Seatorth, the eamo from Clluton, 100 rods from a school, and 16. miles from Alma ohtlrch, 2S" miles from Klnburn, and par- ties Hitching to take it can get the privilege of work- ing right away on it. For further particulars, apply on tht: premises. FRANCIS KETTLE.. 1701x3 GOOD. FARM FOR SALE AT A BARGAIN IF SOLD BEFORE FIRST OF NOVEMBER.— Thte farm is situated In the County of Huron, town- ship of Stanley, being Lot 4, Coneeseion. 3. 11 con- tains E0 acres, 10 Peres of which is hardwood bush, the balance is all cleared and well fenced and under. drained. There is a good etomfortablo dwelling hous., a good bank barn and a flame straw shed, a' good web at the home and one at the barn and a never falling creek runs through the bank end of the t rm, There iso► fine orchard with all kinds of fruit.! This farm is convenient to churches, schools, market, etc. For fall particulars apply upon the premlaea or address ROBERT P. DOUGLAS, Box 13, Blake P. 0. 1706-13 FAM FOR SALE. -For sale, a choice fifty acre Lot in Tucktrsnrfth, being 2, on the 13th Cone •anion. This choice- farm has an 80 rod 1ror,tago, is well fenc,.d and dratted ; it is nearly all seeded, and hi free from bad weeds. There is also • a good orcle4rd and a email hush.. On tha premises is a gcori frame house, containing eight rooms, with atone cel.. lar at d woad shed, and a new bank barn. There is a neveii-failing spring at the house. It is within a quarter of a refile of a v111tge, where there aro diur bce, pont ctlice, Moro, eta, and is tbreo and a hair hni'e1 from Ileusall. For further particulars, apply on the premises, or address Chiselhurst I'. 0. T. h, EYRE. 1702-tf FAxIM FOR SALE.—For sale Let 21, Concession 10 McKillop, containing 100 sores, 80 of which aro clear ad and ready for crop, being well undordrained - ar,d well fenced ith cedar and black ash. Tho ba]-; antras timber and pasture. There ie a small or- chard, and three good wells. There is a good frame banal and wood shed; a barn and stables 61ab0 feet also Sheep house, pig pen, implement house and all others necessary out buildings. It is 11 miles oast of the 10 r th gravel road and is convenient to schools, char •Lis, pest ctllee,_ etc, Ts 7:4 -mile,' (rani Soafotth and ten miles from Brussels. It is one of the best farn.hr In the toe rrehdp and will be sold on easy terms as 11 c proprietor wishes to retire. Apply on the prcn iters or addre_e FViuthropP..0._ Wirt. MORRI- SON. 1693-tf STOCK FOR SALE. `t ITORTIIOR FOR SALE.—One row and 1 two- ear•old heifer, suppoeod to calve to October ; 1 yearling hcife,j•, 1 heifer calf, all good animate with rogielered pedigree. I alto keep for service an im- pray d Yorkshire boar, bred from Toronto Sweep - stall( winnere. A. 0. SMILLIE, ileneall P. 0. 1697.11 The Seaforth a Tia Store Is the right place to buy your goods. Very special value in all kinds of goods. Call and get our price beforeur$hasiag elsewhere. We know we can please you both in price and qualityof goods. I handle a very,large stock of all kinds of choice groceries and provisions, also 'alarge assortment of Crockery, China and Glassware. A large display of dinner, tea and toilet sett/ all of which will be sold cheekalso a nice line in 'Glassware. A scial line in Soap, re- gular price 5c a bar, now ten bars for 25e. Also a fresh lot of red herrings in boxeit, regular price 15c a box, now 1U.. One Hundred and fifty dozen of wine and imperial` gems to sell cheap. Waisted, butter and *'eggs, for which the ;highest price wilt be paid. Como one, :cone all, to the Seaforth Tea Store. A. G. AUL SEAFORTH. A Dressmaker's Are Such as to Caus A Toronto Dressmaker ,Positive Cure and G1 About it. seems ag back:" But tho head ohs, men oft that here in th wor, It, l s Do: Mrs.. P. maker, 22 gave the'fo lowing statement ence With 't "For so's a time I Buffere from :weak back, a tired feeli and °hes in various parts Since I ha a used Doane Ki pitins have efb me, my bank h and.thekld ey troubles have " That ti ed, dull, drowsy fe to come om .. a has nowgone, a to sa I ha pros nt." Dan's or weak b dropiiy, mi rheumatis young or 0 Toronto, . T the pati ma have Duties Backache s Found a ly. Tells ose who follow arduous oncn- n of dress - ng or sewing troubles of their own. R•nning sewing ines all ;day bending Over that requires eatest of care, are thethpngs have m de awn an ., intake a e itcev h my needle it Ing my vrn mac Ion wor the g . flies that man eacla time with hough I ass pie e who stiffer fr sin in the side or e kidneys will be s a remedy that n t cases. - n's Kidney Pills. Coyler, the well Bathurst St., m baoka any dere: glad to k ver fails own d oronto, f' her ex a good g,andp of my nes Pills s got stro: men oorrel ling that 1 dIambe e not felt iso well in years idney Pills euro b cic, Bright's dis t before the eyes, I gravel and nrin d. The Doan Ki nt. okache, 1 ase, diab se of mem ry tronblr ey Pill her ige- iow von ens- nt„ eri- Teal ins d• the Iger ted. 8ed spat sme rrs, ory, f8 of Co., Spavi Cur 1- s,E3baagbone s, and All F nmeness Yiel 'SpIi is rms' of dto Werke thousa best breeders for •r.; As. a DR. 131.:J. KE Dear Sirs :-t- . year ago 1 had a val got lance. I took him to the Votcrf pronounced it Oeenit:SDavin and g although he applied a sharp blister. only worse an the icor: o became so arae that it could not stand up. After trying everyth ng In my p wor I wont to a nofg rbor and told halm about the case. Ila gave me one of you hooks and 1 studied I nil be- ing resolved t. do the utmost in favo y wont to•the nearest Irug store and got a bo C pavin Cure and applied it strictly a�cordin t s. Be- fore the first b s u st cl Ii oiler i nimprov9merit, and when the d, my horse was cm ing a blemish on Id . U i 1 -o the horse good ea did li,r1 t k h ,wish. work never-- nnior. as au tmay EN. ales idrem VT. de of cures annually nd horsemen everyw lntment for family us West Lome, Ontario, ( DALL CO. $lidersed . yy the ere. ` Price, . ti alts it has 'no .quaL , an., Dec. 14. 898, able. horse vhich ary+Surgoo who ve 1115 little hope, his made m tters carefully n Of M • beast tie of yours to direction ttlo was - n a eventh bottle was abut haff.use pletely cured and •ithout lean After ceasing tre -tment go. and c c some r w r with him ing to see if it rad effected a oure.1 th'n etartod to the horse hard and to my entire sat sfaetiou he showed any m re lameness through .he whole sur I can recomn end Kendall's!Spavin ';aro not only excellent, but s a sure remedy, to a ry one that -if concern. ours truly, . MA. UEI. TRIT Ask your dr ggist for 1ftendalra ' pavan (lure "A Treatise n the Moran,!' the bo k free, or at DR. 8: J. KE DALL COMPANY, ENOS URO FALLS, AN I EM OF IN Farm tonne suit borrowor eppondenoo eh Wingham, 0 Patrick stree takon at lowoeb ra ; satlefaotiori guara erfully answered. Cfflee—At corns e; every Saturday al ERES es ; payme ts to teed ; all oorre- BNER CO: ENS, of Mimi r and day. • ' 807 SEAF STH DYE WOR; 8 ' Ladioe and gentlemen, thauking you all to . past patronage and now that a new sea en is at and wish to lob yen know that tram eta 1 in the buanese, ready to do m beat to gi,v you very eatief ction In doing your. work in the'I no of of .ening and yeing gentlemen's a d .ladies' ole hing, d.ne without being sipped ae well as to have, hem r ppod. All wool goods euaran ted to give good eat election on short- est notice. bihawis, ourtelnr,- .0 a,: at mo prices" P!ossle do not feil'to giver.e'a call. and eggs taken in exehaego for work. II ' NICHOL, Goderich street east, op (Mite the 0- Church. • 10 , erste utter NRY tholio 1-t1 Mortgag Sale Of La ds In. Town of 'Seaf• rth. Ceder the I denture of Inc time of sale tl Auction on th ecr, ower of sale contain rtgago which will be ere will be offered 1 premises by Mr. J. On Sal urc1oy; the 25th day o at 2 o'clock p in., Lot number 3 in and Static's Survey of part of the Upon tho premises aro erected a storehouse,- occupied by tl:e sat Terms+ of Salt —Tt n .per cont. of tb payable swathe day of emir and the days after, without interest, when be entitled to 'a oonvcl ane0 and prni erty. Fi r further particulars sale apply. t- the undcrei.gnod. Solicitor for Mt rtgagoe. Seaforth d in acort produced r sale by '. Brine, a he In in- t the ublic dicta - August, 1900 flock A In own of So welling ho Edward purchase ..alanoe in ho purch's poe8e.elon nd cendit ons of HOLM STEI3, August 7, 900. 1'04 3 leattio forth. so and Cash. Orley thirty er will. of -the R. -Jac DIRECT IMPORTERS OF'', ' Julea Robin & Co's Mandy, C gnat, France ; Jno. de Kuy -er & Son, Hol- land Gin, Rotterd : m, Hol and ; Booth's Tom Gin, Lo • don, England ; Bulloch & Co.'s Scotch gow, Scotland ; Jat Whisky, Dublin., Irel and Sherry Wine fro Spain, Agents for Wa Onteirio ; Royal Distil Ale and Porter, Toron To -THE PUBLIC We have opened a Mail sto coni>lection with our 'holesale business in the rear of the 'nc' minion Bank, -in God's old where we will sell the best go the market at bottom delivered to any par free. 1 ELEP-ONE 11, ks n Whisky, ieson's nd ; also Glaa- Irish Port Frano0 and ker'a TA iskv, ery and avis o. • re 1n busi- rpo- tend, ds in prices. _Goods of the town 1511-tf For•dver a year we have had the a tNDAP°. Ou first order wasfor a our last for 0 e Hundred andForty-fo TRADEMARK 41411 t . EGERED. INDAPO TUE GREAT -II IND'OO PRODUCES ' Rim/tate in :4 all Netvoue D _ Paresis, Sleei Bions, etc.. ca vigor and eine surely restore Easily carrr Six for $5.01 money reh. insult en hay' Mad ency for th sale o1 'tarter of dozes, r Dollars w rth. REMEDY Hg.elnYa o rial/e Cures iseases. )Failing Mem ilessness, Nightly 'E iced by past abuses, to shrunken organs B Lost Manhood in of ed in vest pocket. Pric with- a written pus nded. DON'T GUY A ng INDAPO. If you got it,: we w, 11 send it prepaid. ttINl00 REE :DY. CO., Proprri, Chi.a8., iII. or-.. This 'mid acreage proves It is a re `, edy dist Who tries it s oaks well of. Yours re fully, p. V. F I' Seafort ry is - and quickly but or young. $1.00 a package, antee to sure or IMITAT1 N, but druggist has not 8 Agent.. veryone Oat. MAGICIANS MISHAPS. CONJURING CLIMA) NOT ON T ES WHICH WILRE HE BILL. flow Herrmann 0 i.rontptra Bath—A Perpetrated That Beckoned D Professional magic very smart and c Their tricks are gene°ally' well pract ced in private before b'i.ng I introduced to the public, which to dour t accounts for the fact that they ar as -1a general u1e, carried out successf lily, f In spite of their elaborate precai tioae to avoid ail- ure, however, some o' ties cleverest con- jurers occasionally eet with mishaps during the course ,of thei performs ces and thus treat Heir asks ences to s rue startling or amusi4; arekearsed eff cts. Herrmann fretsusea ly introdlacedd nto his entertainment tktrick of produ ing two large geldilsk iba Is. ' &dvancin to- ward the footlight"I�I ith a large sh wl, he would -wave the latter m•ysterio sly in the air and sud ens y produce fro its folds a glass bowl filed with water in which a number f live goldfish Were complacently swim i ' g. This he would place upon the tab e id repeat the .wav- ing motion with t a• kawl until he Mari produced another :i liar bevel of giced- Leh. A complete exa is ties of the wkrk- ing. of this trick ni ed net by given here. Suffice it to say that it was"uccomplis ed by previously cove 'in each of the b wls with an indict rib eI ewer, whick re - vented the- water fr Ira escaping when the bowl was in ' ert . 011e of t ese bowls was concealed oder each am pit, underneath the v•st. The bowls were, i)E' course, easily t ken from their hi ing places under cover of the shawl, the iedia rubber cover being removed beneath the cloth before the bowl as exposed to the view of the specta or The trick was a ver effective one nd rarely failed to elic't a round of r�yypple se, blit one 'evening a lu icrois mishap .oc- tiered. which not •nly spoiled the trick, but also resulted in the complete discppne- fiture of Herrma ri.,On this • occal;ion . he had just succe dein producing the first bowl- when by. some unfortul ate mischance"the cov r :lipped off the ec• ond, with the natu al exult that the on - tents of the bowl ,w re impartially dis- tributed about th 1 ckless performer's body, • filling his .bo s and thoroughly saturating his cbo,hes It is almost su- perlluous to recut on that this incident conclud,ed the eve ing's entertainment so far as Herrruann as concerned. - Few modern p •estidigitators .employ confederates Buri g their performances, for, although such asststante can general- ly be relied upon t piny their parts satis- . factorily, yet at t res, through accident or dcsign, they f til to carry out their. instructions, and S ruisl instead of a sist the trick in which they take part. 5 me yea •s ago, for exa nple, De Grisy, a 'i ery pop slur performer included in his re ler tori a trick In w ich a confederate vas ,Inst meted to hau up an imitation old cin- w len De G 'sy required it. 11n ma icil it got thr.ug his performance all ig t until he a e to the aforen en- tioned . ring wick. S epping among. the spe tat rs, he bla . d1 requested the 1 an of ring, taking c ire of course, to se ect the one offered by is confederate. 1 'ith this rii g he perfol red an excellent t ick (th de ails of whi h eed not be describ- ed) an then smilin ly handed the ing bite t his confe erste. The latter ex-- atnined it with a parent surprise, nd, asst fining an indigua t air, asked: " Vhiit does this m an? I;gavo you a -valilable. gold rin , et with diamo ids, and you return • e a worthless i tior." . T e wizard wa naturally astou.ded by thi: Impudent assertion, but it vas obviou• that he could not expose the con'edcrate witho t also exposing 1 im- sel . n 'au, unde tone be entreated the ma to cease his polish conduct, bre he wor Id • of be .silen ed until De Grisy had rei. bu •sed his su posedsloes. The on - fed rate then. lef the theater and as lee Took an Iin- Mean Trick Tit;at n De Grisy—Feats ath. ans iare invariably utiotjs individuals. never transpi bribed ridicule Amo howev ing th trick," which een there 'ed that the elan t of De Gri ig the who r, none, droved fatal except - se paused through the "b Ilet a isensa Tonal conjuring eat has -broug it dame to dozen: of corijurk rs and ,de: th to at least six er- fornielj For th b .nefit of those ,ho have I ever witne::se this trick we had better xplain- the. it consists in the er- foi'mei loading a pistol with a leden bullet and allowi g one of the specta- tors' tcj fire at hin , hen he catches the bullet etween hi : t etle. The secre of this tr cls; lies in the fact that in loa ing the pie of the mayicil'n*deftly substit tes n' bullet made of o1a k lead for the 1 ad - en bull t. The bl is -Ind bullet is cr fish- ed to 1 powder 'it i the ramrod, Ft hile the gel nine bullet is secretly slipped into the col jurer's mo ith as he walks up the stage. I3eautifull, s triple, isn't it? Yet in spi a of its si p lefty accidents will happc . Sonic time ago s e njurer was present- ing the trick in a pr vincial theater, . nd, as usual, he hand el he pistol ,to a young man Or the purpo e of firing. 11.1111e the co ijurer was re urising, to the s age the ni.Iln who wa- holding the piste in- troductd another ul et into it. The pis- tol w, then dis ha ged, and the b ]let crnshe through lie brain of t'he u for- tunate. conjurer, -h fell dead upon the stage..; Many of the spectators fai ted at the horrible 'sigh , and the man who had fir el the -pisiiol as inlmediatel ar- rested, but as he uc eeded in convincing the juiy that he wa not aware he was doing nything w 'on he was acquit ed. Still more trag c vas another case in which 'an iugeni rue` performer res.lved to Introduce n ai'iation of -the b Ilet trick. IIs "mad p" to represent the Cel , and each night he pp e from the hea " of b•'ng afterward f and ap le:.The feat vas, • g more than a t •ick. t rough some ter 'ible n .ullet Was fired rom n hose head the apple l o tright. The unhap- en Fenced to six months' h rmicidel and shsprtly priso , he died in a don T t -Bits. gain, but it aftery and r vas magici, n had thus bring about the y• e eltegory of wish ps, histori William would shoot an 1 his on the bullet imbedded in the of cou se, nothii But or e evening mistak , the lead the gu the boy -rested eing leille ipy cors a rer was l iuipriSc nlnent ff10 after liis relea?ke lunatic asy lura. In a Should memlie the rig It is strange aside f have a re Tli.e A crowded re you wishto r that you s• ould turn asit ht when others wisp to pass courteous, wllaether you or r has the right of way, to or your elder a or for those burden. of Wray. t keelY to the r ght. break this rul re - e to you,. the turn who LIKEN E8 MAF RIAG is THE HURON BEAFOR' N WITN iUE,�D Ail' EROS'OR - OFFICE, H j ONTARIO', { 333 REQUIREb. THS SEAPORT AND Chopping lIIilI$ Having the Seal mill A net L. CLARK t.rehased from Mr. Josiah Wats n rth Saw Mills, has placed in t e and improved Graijn Crusher, And isr-pared to crush grain on a t ie shortest. tics, and for 5c a bag. Give iii a trial. It. L. CLARK, C4th. 888-tf ' ONEY TO LOAN. Money o loan at per cent on first -elan fa m land seen it •, Apply to R S. HAYS, Domini n Bank Buil.ing, Seatorth. 160 cr E The E adian b�c States tl with Fa D. Quality Satisfies " E. & D. & D. wheel is the only C: ole that has built up Unit siness. It is the only bicyc r -Point Barings. '71< - AXIS AXIS• O' ,✓U9 xis In foulr- rnitted in a ruing of 1 ings the which gr parts of point bei greater pr bicycle. is often t D. locally four -point hubs, and anteed for E. & D. E & D. E & D. E, & D, Liberal op ThreE. & wnteed. Ca Lu m oint hearings the load is tran direct line, and there is no jan lls in the races. In ordinary bea oad is transmitted at an angl tly increases the pressure on t e he bearing. In the E. &D. fou ing, the bearing never sustai a ssure than the actual load on t e u ordinary bearings the pressu e ree times the actual load. E. & uaranteed National bicycles ha e bearings in the crank -hanger, t e the head. The bearings ere gua three years. oad Models, men's 800 Road Models, ladies' , $60 peeial Models, with gear oaee$70 Racing Models 870 ions are given in saddles, gears, tires. . being a national wheel, is lolially guar- alogue on application. 11 d e den & Wilson SEAFORTH, • e tha haap Slee dig e th n aelr y er ember you cannot possibly b y or successful unless yo soundly, - eat heartily, an t what you eat. ember if your nervous SysterI s toning you will be'misel yourself and mak thos, come in contact with mi fr le. th N th ar Pt G Ne Lo a P Lig >i0 cts. pelt, or ~a TH uCkf in Dr. Ward's Blond ar,[ ve Pills yuu have a reined has neer yet failed to disease caused Uy i. erisheci enish o. Corn c. -vows Pr.' s of P ppot__e, l r + Ston1 c.! `i D 3o C -S, T( L- e, Dep=cssion of :k of Energy, Pu1ln a k C:re.es under t'nc i irs. in the P::.'.:, er a:.cl cox. fit's hrx'-a 1',r cn .t i� ita.lrliri ,.. Vii„ J,r;rJ IL`,_r.)C4 r' Grist KIPPEN MILLS ill running night and day, and all work done on the shorteet notice s roller flour exchanged for wheat, d a quantity of good feed corn ftor est prices. GS WANTED, ds of first-class logs Wanted at he hich the highest cash price ill Ottll and see us before dispos ng EXAM IN AT ION FREE Defel In ch dan adva A pr prey tions fdren assume cing years. per correction now w 11 later. S ROBERTS rAND OPTICIAN, SEAFORTH. A SONG. The rose root takes earth's, kisses for its meat; The rose leaf makes its blush from the sun's heat; The rose scent wakes—who knows front what thing Who knows The secret of the perfume of the rose? A rose ungathered is but a rose; Pluck it, lover, don't mind a thorn! Tuck it away in Your bosom clothes And drink its -beauty from night to morn. Dig, gardener, deep till the earth lips -cling tight. Prune, gardener; keep those blushes to the light. Then, gardener, sleep. Ile brings tlte scent by night. Who knows The secret of the perfume of the rose? Pale, pale are the lips, sweet! Red is the heart of the rose, But red are the lips mine meet And your heart white as the snows. —Flora Annie Steel in New Lippincett. IN AN AFRICAN HOME. Natives Will Not "Work When Th.01 Get -a Chance to Pht-y. ‘The Rev. David A. Carson, a graduate of the Union Missionary Training insti- tute, Brooklyn, gives an interesting pic- ture of his African home: "My room- in a neat little hut of mud and thatch is 12 by 14 feet. The bed is constructed with branches, holes being augered in posts for the Sides and ends to be inserted. The support for the grass mattress is of leather thongs laced across both ways, thus holding all secure. "My chair is the same. The table and washstand are of branches with reed mat tops. There are no boards. The desk is the seine, with. the inside case of my steamer trunk for a top; very good. "The windows are of white cloth, tack- ed to a frame which can be opened right back and fastened to the .wall. Hinges for doors and windows are of skin. No ,mats or rugs are used on the floor, as they harbor insects." Mr. Carson is -a member of the indus- trial mission of the Phil -African Libera- tors' longue, located at Lincoln, on the iwest coast. And the following will illue- trate the difficulties of teaching the Afri- can to work: "There is practically no routine here. The unexpected most alWays happens. Her is one day out of many varieties: We rise with the sun, '5:35 a. m., have private devotions from 0 to 6:30, then breakfast, after which the rane's horn is blown for native roll call. "Our superintendent seats himself out- side his house; the associate workers, six of us, stand beside him while he rattles off the names, to which the people shout 4aine'—the personal pronoun I. "He then asks us how many helpers' we need in our various departments. We begin to calculate, and he calls those quals itied for certain kinds of werk, when there is a terrible barking dOwn in the valley and a shrieking like Ahat of a "Every man with a black or white skin (black always first) runs to investi- gate, and there is a fine deer at bay with three wild dogs barking at it. *They see the rush of people, and, jealous of their prey, pounce 'on him and tear him limb from limb in a twinkling, so strong are their mouths and shoulders. "The rush of uatives on the poor dead beast is more terrific, it would seem, than that of the dogs. They cut him up, indifferent as to whether they have a rib or a steak or the tail or an ear, then march up the hill, blow up the log fires and feast till all is finished. "The consequence is, no work that day; a day's pay is gladly forfeited for such a treat."—Presbyterian Banner. A Fatal Pistol.. - The present president of the Royal College of Surgeons of -Edinburgh told the writer that some years ago a svoman was brought into his ward in the in-" firmary at Edinburgh shot through the -head by a bullet from a revolver which some one was examining in a salesroom. She died. Nine years afterWard a wom- an was brought ineo his ward shot in the chest by a bullet from a revolver which her husbend had bought in a sales- room. She -recovered, but a judicial in- quiry was held. Some days after the in- quiry the chief of police entered Dr. Chiene's consulting room and, producieg a revolver,' said: "I have sometting here that will inter- est you. - You said at the inquest that it was a very remarkable coincidence that you should twice have had in your ward a person shot in such an unlikely W I have looked up the old case, and I find that this pistol which recently wounded a woman is the same one which killed your patient of nine years ago." Any one with a touch of superstition would be likely to remark that until that pistol has—been dropped in the deepest hole in the Pacific ocean it is not safe to enter a salesroem.—"Alexander Hill's In- troduction to Science." London's Great Docks. St. Katherine' docks are famed as an important part of London's great C0131- merci al highway. Carlyle refers to them in this expressive.paragraph: "This Lon- don city, with all its houses, palaces, steam engines, cathedrals and huge im- measurable traffic and tumult, what is it but a thought, bpt millions of thoughts made into one—a huge immeasurable spir- it of a thought, embodied in. brick, in iron, smoke, dust, -palaces, parliaments, hack- ney coaches, Katherine docks and the rest of it." It is said that over 1,200 houses had to be razed and 11,000 inhabitants removed to make room for the constraction of the dock's, which cost 11,700,000. They were opened for use in 1328 and are now a part of the London docks, the two having been united under one management. An Old Saw That Is Senseless. In olden times when a person died it was customary to toll the church bell a certain number of times to indicate whether it was a man,' woman or child. For a woman it was tolled three eimes and for a man thrice three times. The stroke of a bell was ealled a "teller," and hence it was nine tellers for a man; or, as folks said in those dnys, "Nine tellers mark -a man." This saying, which was continued long after the tolling custom was abolished, filially became converted into the present saying, "Nine tailors make a man," svhich Is devoid of both sense and reason.—Ladies' 'lame Jour- nal. Then He Caught It. "You've been fishing again," said the -stern parent. "Suppose you come ,with . me now to the woodshed." "Father," protested the bright youth, "I hope you intend to make the punish- ment fit the crime." "That's my intention." - "Well, father, the crime amounted to two nibbles. I didn't catch a thiug.”--. Philadelphia Press. • CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. The ha simile signature KING QUALITY sta.ncis for all that is finest in style, comfort and economy, all for $3. It might easily be $5. These are the sort of shoes that please fastidious dressers. We are sure they would please you if you will allow us to introduce you. King Quality's the name --$3. QUALiTY Truest - Economy to get the Best A cheaply made cream separator is dear at any price, because faulty in construction, liable to break, and diffi- cult to operate. The Sharpies No. 1, with a capacity of 325 lbs. an hour, and the Sharpies W. H. S , with a at - pacify of 300 lbs„ are the finest pro- ducts of the largest and best equipped cream separator factory in the world. The materials entering into the con- struction of these machines 'are the best obtainable. The work as done by kkilled workmen, and is subjected:to the most rigid inspection. Without fear of substantial contradiction, we can say that for ease in operating, dean skimming and &liability, there is no other hand power cream separator made by any one anywhev, that is equal to the Sharpies. We sell these machines on their merits. We belik.ve that the buyer should. be allowed to decide which machine is beat for him to buy. We leave them to any intending buyer for a week or ten days, with privilege of returning the machine if not perfectly satisfied with it. Price of No. 1 machine, $90; W. S, ma- chine, $75. Write for illustrated catalogue. See sample machine at Hinchley Brothers' wareroonas, Seaforth. W. L. OUIME1TE Londesboro Ontario. A WONDERFUL ANTISEPTIC COMPOUND 1\1-0—Vo A Medicated Toilet Soap of the Purest. Awarded Silver Medal Greater Britain Exhibitions 1897. A -FEW REASONS WHY YOU SHOULD USE NOVO. Reg. No. 3007. WHAT IT WILL DO. 1—Prevents all contagious diseases from 6—It will clean and remove paint, eil and a preaching where it is used. • 1 grease stains from woolen and cotton cloth- , 2— t will clean and phlish paint work and I ing. Also cleans coat collars and hats. not kill the gloss of the paint. 7—It contains no alkali and is strongly re- 3—It will clean carpets without taking commended for washing the head, as it them up. imparts a silky and natural gloss to the 4—It will clean linoleums like new. hair, and is 'especially useful for children. 5—It will clean bicycle chain and rims. Novo is claimed to be the cheapest and hest paint TIIIIRICE lee and 20es BLOCK cleaner on market. Try it on finger marks on doore. a1._ Full directions on blocks, Estate JOHNSON BROS. Hardware Seaforth 1.887-52 The Oldest, the Newest, the Leading, the Best Business Training institution of America. Educates young men and women for Money Making and useful citizenship. Irafi had over 53,000 atu- dents in attendance since it was eitablighed in 1850, and furnished more situations to graduatea than all other institutions of the kind in le icbigan combined. Superoir mcdern metbcds ; large corps ol experi- enced men teachers ; occupies at elegant building erected especially for its uae. Handsome illustrated catalogue free. Correspondence invited. WM. F. JEWELL, President. PLATT R. SPENCER, Seers ary. BUSSNESS UNIVERSITY BUILDING, 11-19 WILCOX AVENUE, DETROIT, MICK. BRIGHT BROS, C4th's Leading Clothing & Furnishing Store For the next two weeks we will close out our complete line of Spring and Summer Shirts at exactly cost value. No one can afford. to go past this chance of getting these stylish and up-to-date goods _at such low prices. See our window for the two lines at 50c and 75c. They will not fail to please you. The above offer is just for the two opening weeks in. August, so come early and get your choice. BRIGHT BROS., System Renovator —AND OTHER— TESTED - REMEDIES. pove hed Blood, Dyspepsia, Sleeplessness, Palpate - Mon of the Heart, Liver Complaint, Neuralgia, Lost of Memory, Bronchitis, Consumption, Gail Stones, Jaundice, Kidney and Urinary Diseases, St. Vitus Dance, Female Insgularieles and General Debility. LABOBATOBY—Goderich, Ontario. J. M. McLEOD, Proprietor and Mann facturer. Bold by J. S. ROBERTS, BeafOrLb. THE SEAFORTH Musical - Instrument EMPORIUM. • ESTABLISHED, 1873. Owing to hard—TiMes, we have con- cluded to $611Pianos and Organs at Greatly Reduced Prices. Organs at $2.5 and upwards, and, Pianos at corresponding prices. See us before purchasing. SCOTT BE OS. •