The Huron Expositor, 1900-08-24, Page 22 THE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE, TIA.EIrt IN STAN EY FOR SALE —For gale Lot X 9, Concession 1, Loudon Road, ri3ar the villag of Brucellold, containing about 100 storm, 90 t eras cleared and in a geed abate of oultivetion, tho re- n ainde is hard woid bush. Theta') aro good build- ,ngs ,12aorbs of wheat, 30 seeded to grass, a good orohard ad plenty ef wenn wirr,bo sold °heap and on easy terms. i Apply to A. J. ROSS, Brnee. field P. 0. 1076-tf PESIRABLE PltOPERTY IN 8EAFORT/I FOR SALE.—Berintlfully eitueted on Centro Street adjoining Beattie's prove. There are two lots planted with the choicest of fruit trees of all kinds and shrubs. 4 freme home, stone cellar underneath the whole hooky, a sitting room, dining -room*summer and winter kitchone and four bedrooms hard and soft water. It le one of the most pleasantly looated, comfortable and convenient residences in Seefarbh and will be quid cheap. Apply to JOSIA,Ii WAT- SON, Seaforth. 1 • 1700-tf VINE FARM FOR SALE.—Fcr sale Lot 24, Don. j. cession 3, St nley, containing 100 acres, The land Is all clear bu 12 mores which is n good hard- wood bush. Flit acres aro under f ou tivaelon, 8 acres is In wheat ad the balance is s °dad to grave There Is a good fr me house, frame beta and stables. The farm is well fe mod and underdrained and has a email, never fail ng spring °reek running through ono corner of it. It la completely free from all fouleveeds. Term cash. P0380e8iOn given Immo- (Scarily. For fur her particulara apply to JOHN GILMORE, f3ruce old P. 0. 1661-tf riARX IN 111114ETT FOR SALE.—For sale, Lot .X 4 Conoession,18, Hullett, cionteining 76 acres. all cleared, unclendreined, well fenced, and about 40 -ores seeded to g arm There are fair building& There is a good or hard, and a never -failing spring creek runs throug the farm, and a good well at the house. It is near school and post offiee, and eon. vonient to the bes markets. It is a splendid farm, not A foot of west land on it, and le well adapted for stock raising. It will be sold cheap and on eaay terms. Apply to the underefgned, Seaforth P. 0, JANE ROBISON. 1669. tf IDA.= IN TUC ER3MITH FOR SALE.—For Rale X Lot 24, Con onion 3, IL R. S., Tuckeremith, eontaining 100 acres, 90 acmes cleared and in a good state of cultivation, 10 acres of good hardwood tenth. There is on thepreniises a good brick house and kitchen, a largo now bank barn, with stone stabling underneath • an oPop bed ; driving- house, and other buildings ; two gtkod wells and orchard. 11 18 five miles from Seaforth and six from Clinton on a good gravol road. Soliool close by. Will be Bold cheap. Apply on the prensioes to ROBERT MoVETY, or Sea - forth P. 0. 1639x4t1 VARM IN TiltERSMITH FOR siux—For sale _E Lot 11, Cori ession 8, Tuckeramith, containing 100 acres, all olosted but about 8 acres of good bush. It is underdrame well fenced, and in a high state of cultivation. T ore is a good stone house; good barns, stables an outhouses. It adjoins a good, 'reboot ; Is within five miles of Seaforth, and threel miles from Kippe There is plenty of good water. Will be gold with r without the crop. It is one of the boat farms in he township, and will be sold on easy terms, as thi proprietor wants to eetire. Akio 150- wires within a ile and a ()miter, a good grasing lot, well fenced, b t no buildings. Will be sold to. gether or Beparatdiy. Apply on the premises, or ad. dress Egmondvilld P. 0. JAMES MeTAVISILI 1630t1 "DARM FOR,SALE.—For sale Lot 13, Concession 3, X Tuolcersmith, ii miles from Seaforth, contain - rig 97i scree. The land is in a pod stete of oultiva- Mon. On the place is a large frame house In good repair and heated by a furnace), beak barn with good stabling, new dime pig pen 24x46, driving shed, woodshed and everything in first class condition. Plenty.of geed weter and:windmill to pump it. The land is well undeedrained. There is about 12 acres of fall wheat and the ploughing is all done. It will be sold cheap and on easy terms as the proprietor is going West Poseslon given at any time. For further perticula s apply to WILLIAM EBERHART, on the premises, or to Seitiorth po it office. 1684-0 i _ "WARM IN STANLEY FOR SALE.—For sale, Lot X g and the ',vest half of Lot 8-e-dir the 12th conces- sion, or 13rownsori Line, of Stanley. This farm UM - tains 160 acres, all of which is cleared, except four acres. It is in a state of first-class cultivation, well fenced and all undord ained, mostly with tile. There is a large frame dwell rig -house as good al new, With ood stone foundation and cellar, large bank barn sith stone,stabling undeMeath, and numerous other buildings, including a largo pig house.- -Two good orchards of choke, fruit, also nice shed° and drag - mental trees. There are two spring creeks running hrough tho farm', and plenty of good water all the year round without pumping. It is well situated for ,. arkets, church ff, 80110019, post office, ace., and good . gravel made lead ng from it in all 'directions. It is within view of L Ice Huron, and the boats can be - seen passing up nd down from th house. This is one of the boat e uipped termin the county, and will be sold on e ay tonne, as the proprietor %yenta to retire on aceoun of ill health. Apply on the prem. lees, or address 13 ake P. O. JOHN DUNN. 1610.tf lETARM IN II Y TOWNSHIP FOR SALE.—For „12 sale, Lot 22 on the /forth Boundary of Hay Township. This farm contains 100 soma, 85 acres cleared, the rest ood hardwood bush. It is well un- derdrahrod and f need. There 10 a good stone house with a No. 1 oe lar; largo bank barn ; implement shod; sheep ha ea 70x76, with finit-olase stabling and root cellar underneath ; a good (when' ; 2 geed wells and cistern 'There is 12i metes of fall wheat Sewed on a rluh fallow, well manured ; 46 mores wooded down recently, the rest in good shape for orop. This is ler No. 1 farm, well situated for markete, rhurcluis, schoole, - post office, eto., and will be sold tease ably. Apply on the premises, or address BOBER N. DOUGLAS,Blake,Ont.1668x8M 0- PLENDID FARM FOR SALE..—For sale, a splen- did farm an hotel property. This farm is on the Lath concesai n of the Township of MoKillop, at the Village of Le dbury. It contains 112e acres, all of which are ales ed, except about three acres. It Is In a- geod atate o cultivation, being, well fenced and underdrained, an euitable for grain growing or ebook raising- and feedi ige There Is not a foot of waste lend on the fa at. There aro two good dwelling Jainism a largo b irk barn with steno stabling under- neath, a large I1I1l,lenlcnt - house and all_ neeeesary buildings in firs t elass repair. There are three or- chards and four ever.failing wells. The farm ad- joins the,Village Leadbura , whore are gores, post office, blacksmith shopeechool. etc. The woll known Loadbury betel item thillfarm, and will be Sold w;th It it is now undier Joao for a term of yeare. This is one of the beet and nibst profitable farm proper- ties in the County. of I enon, and will be sold cheap on easy terms of -awn:lent. For further particulate, ilsob, or addrese the undersign -6d epply on the prer. proprietor, letedeery 0.- eotiNSeON fenatity, . 1663 Store An '61o_cery Business ' For _Sale. For eale in the t riving town of Seatorth ; a good beak dote, with dwelling above, and good b:ick stable at tho back also erst-clasa stook of grocoriel all fresh, beet part of taivn and doing good busincis, good reasons for a Ring. Apply weekly to box 872, Seaferth, Ontario. 1700 M. J1RDA.Ise. MONO' TO LOAN -Funds of privoite parties, also company funds, to loan atloweet rate on flrat mortgage; tonne to snit borrowers. JAMES L KILLORAN Barrister, Seaforth. 1669.11 .././7``•1. Epreha Veterin- ary. CAUS1'.10 BALSAM. A Reliable and Speedy Remedy for Curbs, Splints, Spavins„ Sweeny, Eta It eau be used in every case of Veterinary Practice where Stimulating Liniments or Blisters are pre- tieribed. See pfieephleb 'whieh acceMpanids every bottle. It has no superior. Every bottle sold is guaranteed to give, patlifacition. Price 76c a bottle. Sold by druggiets.- Inveluable in the treatment . of Lump Jaw hi palette. See Pamphlet. Prepared by— I THE EUREKA VETERINARY MEDECINE CO:, London Ont. 169452 Spoeiai Attoniton to Hoeseehoeine, and Genered Joideing. Goderieh street Robert Devereux BLAgKSMITH and CARR !AGE Opp. MAKER Zteer.' - Seaforth, Merton Stock Farm, LOT 27, 00*QESSION 8, IIIBBERT Thoroughbre Heifers of the most fe,shkma reasonable prices. DAVID HtLL, See Durham Cows, and Bulls le strains for sa.le at Post office address-, 1061-11 • THE VALUE OF ij.OUL Gaining Word:lly Wealth arid Los- ing leo r Soul. A SUM IN GOSPEL ARITH VIETIC. .Dr. Talmage, by Original Itlethlds, Cal.;• en-la:tee Spiritual and Earthly Values, and lergee aeill.relter Appreciation of Menge Religion& i • Washington, Aug-, 19.—ler on" 'Ber- lin, where he preached "in the Ameri- can church to a great eongregation, comprising many of his countrymen who are traveling _ . through Euro e, Dr. Talniage seeds thisdiscourse, in -which, by original methods, he c 1- • ctdates spiritual values eand 1 ur es higher appreciation • of thtns rel g- ious. The text is!, Mark -Yip, '&, , "What 'shall : it profit a man if hee shall gain the wh s le- world and 1 se his own soul?" . Men ot, all,- occu ettions are tet be found in the asset "blies. 01 tl3e io se • of God, but in. t ese days f xt n - sive business opee tions a 1ag4 p o - portion 'are eng gods from. M nd y morning to Set rday nig-ht in b tee gain making; In i‘ any of the fa 1 - lies across the b eakfast taele re- diecussed queetion of lose and ga n. You _are ever y d y • asking 'ours if: "What .is the valu of • this•? What is the value of thett? 'You wo Id •ot think of giving s mething of grea et'value- for that --tvh ch is of ,le.ser v 1- . ut. ' You Would • di, think .o sell'ag *that which cost e ou $1,0 „ fee $5.- Ie you hada proper -y that lei s wo th $15,000e eiou Wri Id not, sel ite or $4,000. Ir 011 are intellikent in all matters of barga.1 inaking. Are .ou as -wise in the thi igs that pertain to - the matters o the soul? 0 ist adapted his instrt etions to the - ir- munstances of t ose to. whom" he - spoke. . When he ialked to flaherm n, • he epoke of the ospel. net. Vhen he talked to the ear liers, he s id, sower went 'forth to sow." Viten he talked to the she herds, he told he parable of the lo. t sheep. And m ' 1 leOt right, Wile speaking to- an audience made up of bargain mak re. that -I address th m. in the vords. of my. -text, asking„ 'What shal it •zi- fit a man- if he ' sl all gain ti e wileale world and lose h s own soull?" - I propose., as- fa • as .poseiblie, to es- timate and comp re )the valee of he two properties: if Fie, • that t le world 7ofenirty. It, flow ers its ro ks its cl we re pe- rl. I , keret, I have to is a very grand p are • G-od's -thought- ne eoloom; are God's thoughts be stone; drops are God's hotighte This world is 0 • d's child— ward MAW, iddee It, has off through the h avene.• Bo, 1,900 years' ago, 1 ,rie Cihristin .G(' d. sent out o s star world that wanderer ba k, and it • 1 Bethlehem only lo ng enough the: ryroualso of th wanderer' and now that Ice t feet. of light, Cotes' .trea.clidg b -theough the hole hoer beautiful edge of the eve, foani 'of 'crocuses! rainbow, the arc. heaven and earth, .leach other in te le evert Hew ni lamplighters _ tha eetall the do -me With brackets of the oar of the a w ay- and'e ed t. ab • ut 18 nieht, ..eo Lll ng o er to et ret; ra, oft ek — the the the • ich to the tes azn. ete eels. The hills they billeo White .esr th, ,How bea, Wel ed bridge n w come and ealk.. s after • th st ble the fe t of in a few, ,min of the nig t ab fire!' Ho r bri, saffron cle td t rows across the' deep sea o- heae en! How lieautiful th.) sprin,g, With b al blossoms in her, rhair! 1, Tem who -it is that beats time ofi a. J morning, for theetird 'orchest -a? gently the harebell. tolls 1t on the air! There may be avoelcie, s.wrarthier 'worlds; . la ger woelds, than, this, but I 'think the is a. most -exquisite world, a . ire-, my Eine BO wo ragr gre, Id - der ne ow nee der mlfnouPtte on the bosom- of me si ty. "Oh," you say, ' take soi.41I Give me that. world! I am s Ing to take it in exchange. I ready now for the bargain. It is beautiful *a world. so sweet - SO grandso, world!". • But let us look More mini.Ljthe value of this -vorld. You buy property - unl 138 you ea After y erty, and f , you send good, title to it. looked at the pro ethut it suits you tely i to Wee ot get a ve nend set an at- torney to the 'public office, and he examines the boo c of deeds- Ind the book of judgment - and 'the book df liens,and he deci ea whether the t tie Is good before you. will have anytt ing to • do with it. here might be a -splendid property and in co eey ay exactly- suited to. your want, but if you cannot- get a geod title you.. ill not; take it. Now ,1 am heie to ay that it. is impoesible to get • a god title to- this worl If I eettla down • upon it; as a pern anent poseesdica may be drivea a ay from it. - in five minutes after I, give up send for the word, I .may eave part et it h the we ld, 'and what ot a.'flhle else you call that? 'Thee( one way in which I tan hold an earthly -posses loll, and that is, _ through the sen..es. All beaut ful sights throit h ths eye, but the eye May be blot 'oda( ut; all captivating sounds throi get- t 10 ear., but; xn ear may be deaf meet; ell fuscioesness of fruits aed vionds -thrteugh to, but my tast ; ma, be destroyed; • all apprecial ion of c tire: and of Ire -through me- mind, •hut. 1 lime lose my mind. What, rail hold,,•then, luutio upon eny el rther posseesim ! Iie• courts; of la e -, if you to get: a man on' n. rroperiy; ;Von mast servn upon him a writ of' ejee tin nt, giving him a cert; in tinie to vac te the premises, bet when. death col ies to es and see ves Writ: of eject tie nt, - he does nth, Five us one second of firrowarnin4. Ha says: "Oft of. his Vette You:leave. o eight any lon er to the pessessien " We might cry out.. :"I gave s'ou 1 hundred thous; nd dollars for that roperfy;" the ilea. , would be of no a ql 11. We Might s y, "we have it warr; utee deed, for t att property:" the pl a would be of no tteeil. We might Say; " We have a. . lien on that S tOre roviSe;" -that wo ild do its no good. ieath is ,blind, Lnd he eannot svo a sr al and ,cannot r -ad lin indenture.' SO hat, first and It st, T t tOinv u that when. Toll propeee thee!' gi -e up my soul or the world ;von' ea mot give me he first. item of little. faa heir examine -1 the title Of a property, yotty ne. t quest ion is ab; ut insurance: 1 011 vould not be slily eno10411 to .b*.' a large wareho Ise that could not p issibly be' insue Y oi W 0 uld not in -ye anything to 0o. wi tee such a prop rty. Now, you what assuean •e can you give me that this world i not soh= to be , , ye, my to ind is 1117RO EXPOSITOR berneo "upe Aosolutaty none, teeo- logiste tell us that it is already on fire; that the heart of the world is one great living coal; "Met it le just like a ship on re at sea, the flames riot _ bursting out because the b.atelies are kept down. And 'yet you pro- poe e to team oft on me, in return for my. soul, a world for wl.ich, in the first place, you givd"no title, and, in the second place, for which you can glee- no insurance. "01.,"1 you say, ethe Water of .,he oceans will wash over eill the land and p it out the fire." Oh, no. There are inflamma- ble elements in the water, hydrogen , and oxygen. Call off . the ,hydrogen, and then the Atlantic and Pacific oceans would braze like hpaps of shevings.. You want: me tq take this world, for which you can give no possible ineura.nce.' Astronomers have swept their tele- scopes through the sky and .have 'found out that there . have been 15 world's -in the last two centuries that have • disappeared. At first th.ey looked just like other As orlds. Then 'they got deeply red—thy were On fire, Then they got 'ashen, showing they were burnsd down. Then they disappeared, showing thet even the ashes were scattered. Aid, if the geologists be .right in his prophecy, then our world Is to go in way. And yet you Want change my soul'for it.. A - a world that is burning I. remark, • also, that is a, property with whi eve o has taken it as . had trouble. Now, 'house' and my church there:wa.s a reach of la' .not leuilt on. I) asked A tter, and thOr y who. had •anythin 't 'property .got into It is just SO with rybody that has had with it as a. possese perplexity. How was ron? Did he iaot sell -soul' for the purpo • world? Was he possession? Alas, phically describes says: D ank every cup of joy, I-rvaru every triirap of I) ank early, deeply dr Deal* drafts Which con might have quenche T1 en .died of thirst, ' was no more to ari bo th it. ev do itt 13 ta •-th th gr it the same me to ex-• ,, no, it is new. this 'world ,everybody oseession has between my io Brooklyn cle which was leat was the ehat every - to do with r 'uble about •i an thing to onl has been it, with Lord iLliMor- e 101 getting aliened' with a, the poem s case when an nk 111 ec k. e; a millions use there here is the world • or,. I shall sa no more about it. Make up your' mind for yourself; as I shall be- fo e God have - to make uj my mind to myself abo t thi allie of this w eld.. I cannot a,ff r to make a in stake, for yo r eoul. ow fet us lc4okat t er `y—the -soul. . We cai bargain 'Without seeing ti e value. The soul! -es imate the value of it ex uisite orga.xlization. m st wro,nderfu - piece e r put toget1 er. Mad VI lue in proportion as' aa d silent' at he seine lo le' at the engine and In the Philadelphia min se it Performing its w - y u 'will he surprised t le Lt1y et, goes. • 'Machin ai d tears sem destroy se ont ma,chii ery As o *is 'Live. . Now, so it is of man, with 11 its tr ultles; it move in silen wrt.liout any racleet, lift memory,without any ire down all its trees" taki-ng its judgment sea e .citemene; the unders the will all .doing th locity, majesty, might tut silence, . silence. You listen at the door. of your heart. You can h 1e no sound. The soul is quiet. it s iso delicate an inetrument. that no huinan hand can touch it.. You reek a bone, and ;with .splinters and bandages the. surgeon sets it; _the eye becomes in - fleeted, the apothecary's wash *cools -, it; but a soul off the rack, unbal- s ced, no human power ca readjust it. With one sweep of its ring it circles . the 'universe and ov -r-eaults the -throne of God. Why, b the hour of (Math the 50111 12 se migl ty it throws . aside the body as thou h it were -a toy. . Itdrives back me 1 ical skill as =irepotept, It breaks th ough the cir- cle ,of loved ones who -tand around the dying couch. With one leap it springs beyond star. a id , moon and pun and chasms -. of i men.sity. It is superior to all .Mat rill ... things! *Np fire can consume . i; no floods can drown it; no rock e cai crush it; .no walls can impede it; n time can exhaust it. It wanes ro bridge on which to cross a elitts a It .wants no tilunun.et with whiel to sound a depth.- • A soul !so niightv. -so swift, so -silent, 'nest be a priceless soul. You cannot test the ull power of the, soul for hap.pinese i this world. How much power the.ou e has here- tofind enjoyment in rienddhips; but, oh, the grarder frie4tdsiips for the soul is the !skies! -iol wee.rt ttleier flowers here, but ho i u sweeter they Will be there I", I o , not think t un ler ;valleys of that when flowers die o earth they die forever. In the heaven shall not the ma ig+old creep? On the hills' of heaven vill net the anaeranth bloom?, --• On the amethy- stine - ..te ails cif heaven i I not the jasniine. clinib? - "My bel.v1 is come - , down into his garden to gather lilies" .No flowers in lieeven? Where, then, do they .get their, ga lends for . -the brows of the righteous Christ is glorious to now, but how much grand predation after awhile. Ji or comes back after the b, ha.s beeu fighting for us upon the platform. He h In a sling, and the other a arutch. - As he n ounts e other prop- nt make. a th compel:m.- 1-1 w shall I ? Veil, by its It is the mocha.nism in 17 is of It is mighty t me. you hej machinery ,1lUid as you n erful work flad hoise si- ryi that roars xteelf; but ten most ef- the soul ene Judgment, efnatc: e, ng its scales; n ise, bring - re; conscience rithout any aiding and ,ir i Work—ve- ur souls r our ap- eonquer- ttle. He He comes one arm rm holds the -plat- foem, oh, the enthes asm f the au- dience! They say " iat man foeght for Its• and i "peril d his life for us," and how wild the lauzza, that - follows huzZa! When the Lord Jesus Christ shall at last ta.nd out before the multi ti des o the ! re- deemed of heaven- and we ieet :hien face to face and fuel ,hat hel was wounded' in athe head and wonnded in - the. hands and wound(' 1 in the feet and r\ minded in the si le for us, methinks we will be ovei whelnied. We will sit some time ,gazing in sil- ence until - some lea er • a m id the White robed choir shall lift the 1 aton• of. light 'and give the signal ti -at it- is time to wake _the song of jubilee, and all eleaven then will, break. forth into " "11 osanna , osa nn a ! Worthy • is the .e.amb that Was slai•l" I argue also the value of the soul from the home that bas 1 pi) fitted up- for it in the future, ore would have. thought that a street of adam- ant would have done., No: it es a etreet cif aold. One would have teought that a ve 11 of granite' would hav . . done. No; it is the flame of sar onyx .minglin with- the green of erne ald. One ould have thought tha: an ocoasion I doxology would hav done. . N ;" it is a. perpetual son . If the age of heaven marched in i. straight line some day the last reg inent, per na is, might. pass out of ight.„ but, no, the ages of heaven do ot march in straight line, hilt in • circle aroun 1 about the throne of od. For v • r, .feorever, . tramp, teal p! A sou s , le -ought, so eqUip- pod so pro Id:d for, must be a pri elese soul, iajestic soul, a tre- me does soul. N w, you ha re seen the two pro- per ies—the ro ld, the soul—one per shable, theo her immortal; one unSl tisfying, , 'eh , other capable of i eve incxeash g elicity. Will you tra le? Will .yo trait. even? Re- inc ber, it Ili • e only investment, yo can make.' 1 a man sell a bill of oods wo-th $5,000 and he is oh ted out of it, he may get. $5,000 so ewhere els , 1 ut a man who in - Yes s his sod]: invests all. Losing the. , he loses i.11 Saving that, he gay all. In . th light - of the text It eems to m a if . you were offer- ing your soul, to the highest bidder, an I hear yo 1 ay: "What is bid for it, my dea hless spirit? What is bid for it?" Sate n says, "I evill bid the 'world." I ou say: "Begone! Th t is -no egifev; lent. Sell my soul for the world-? To! „ Begone!" But th e) is some on Ise An the audi- enc not so wise as that. He says, "N at is hid for MYimmortal so 1?" Satansa rs, -"I will bid: the wo ld." "Tlhe world? G-oing at th t, going at ti at, going!' Gone!" Go le forever. ell, there rfre a.- great many peo- ple eyho say: , " will not sell my sot 1 for the wlorl . I 'find the world is IIi unsatisfaotcry portion." What, th&nl,i will you do with your soul? So e one wjiis iers here, "Iwill gi e my soul to Cerist." Will you? Th t is the wis ist resolution you ev rr Made. ill you give it to Ch ist? • . 'When? To -morrow? No; o . I eongrat late you if you ha e - come to! su th a decision. Oh, if he eternal pirit of God- would no • come doWn pon you and show yo the vanit3F o i this world and the imeenee imp rta ce of Christ's- re - lig on and th infinite value of your own immorta )1p ouls, what an hour the would bel - What a, moment th s would be! llto you know that c ist has ou ht your soul? Do yo i know that ehas paid an in - fin te price for it? Do you know th t. he is. w rth r of it? Will you gi e' 'it . to hir n w? was -rea in lately of a sailor We o had just g t ashore and . was telling about, is last experience at s• • . ! He set d: "The last time I °nested the .o ea .we had a terrific ti e: After • e had been out three or four days he Machinery got dia- ler a.nged, and th steam began to es - ea.' e, and the ca. itain,- gathering the pe iple and t e crew on deck, said, 'elf less some n will go down and eh t off that ste m and arrange that chinery at t e peril of his life w. must all b • estroyed,' He was ,no willing to g down himself. No :on seamed -will's g to go. The pee- per gers gathe ed at one end of the st mer waiti ig for their fate. The ca )tain said: .1 give you a last w riling. If t _ere is no one here wil- lin to ` invert •'his life and go down an fix that 1 utehinery eve must all be lost.' A, plain sailer said, 'I'll • go sir,' , and ie wrapped himself in a oarse pie e of canvas and went do andw a gone but a few mo - mints when t e escaping steam stop - pe 1 and the nachinery was adjust- ed The capt in cried to the pas - 801 'A 1 saved! Let us go do, vgnersb:elow ind see what has , be - co ne of the p or fellow.' They went do n. There he lay dead." , - Vice- ri•ue suffering! Died for all! .0h, do you suppos that those people on th , ship eve e forgot, ever can for- ge that pop' fellow? "No," they sa ; "it Wa through his sacrifice th t I got as ore." The time came wl en our who e race inust die unless so lee one sho ld endure torture and so row and shame. Who shall come to the rescue? S_mll it be one of the se aphim? No cne. . Shall it be one of the cheyubb ? Not one. Shall it be an inhabit nt of 'some pure and un alien wor d? Not one. Then Ch ist said, " •, I come to thy will, 0. God," and e went down the dark st irs of ou in and wretchedness an 1 misery an -Yoe, and he stopped th peril, and he died that you and I night be fr e. Oh, the love; oh, th endurance; oh, the horrors of the sa. rifice! She. 1 1 ot our souls go out to ard him, saying: "Lord Jesus C ist, take my . soul. Thou art w•rthy to ha e it. Thou hest died to save it?" od help pet rightly to cipher out th sum in go poi arithmetic: "What sh 11 it profit a man if he gain the eel ole world and lose his own se 1?" no Ici is of ,Th Eth 61* lal Jo. 0 ti fa fa co as til Or fill in an ed er Se bo Exercise Tha ti e Housewife Needs. ousewotk i automatic and does supply th needed amount and d of exerci. e women require. It automatic aid usually but one set muscles . a e housewife and sunshi isle as will orious brae. -e brought in action. alipuld seek the fresh ie and take such ex- ompel deep but - not h ng.—Ladles' Home SWARM th Africans 0 stroy Them, Out th correspond roes swarms ie to time s ms, and the niers destro eveiythi blotting out it seemed nge mist. • the air wi • of a. storm the bodies ;with flight, d the groun n at a lit ly of the sa. sic rin, the _wire sunlight, drift 11 wi id or sinkin ground. It thi fet rid fro iiil a be all of tr OF LOCUSTS. nsider • It Sinful to De- ithough They Blot Sun's Light. ut writes of the nu- olocusts' which from Me on South African method by which the them. The locusts g, and' are described the sen in their flight sliining through an 'he rush of their wings h sound like the roar - /trough a pine forest, f those 'which, weari- fell to the earth cove Like a living carpet. le distance the Main rm resembles a snow - es diaphanous in the g along before the sof tee. toward the be impossible to ride ()ugh the liv ne. mass, as the bei- ng of the face and hands of tlfe er becomes i ni behind th Les, trailirei Dig hand of ore the bree hts it destr vegetation, ck of ruin a 'tolerable. As seen swarm is visible for (TOSS the country like moke floating along . When the swarm ys every green blade nd leaves behind it a d desolation. A me- t.11:0a Of aealnig With the pests eviiii fair effectiveness, even in ' the fully developed flying insect stage, has been discovered in the cPlony. A fungus 1 as been found which thrives 'rapidly on their bodies with invaria- ble' fatal effect. The disease spreads with extraordinary rapidity, and if once a warm be infected the whole mas of inseces disappears in a few. "day ' time. Cultures of the fungus 'are sup died to the framers by the gov rim ent, nd when a swarm ap- pro che. a ne ghborhood all the farm- er 1 as o do it l. is to ride out with a Iran of he ise teriaand a sprinkler. of t Yig , and sprinkle it here and ther or( the nsects as they fly past him In! a fe days there will be an end of that Particular swarm. It is men loned as characteristic of the men al !development of the local Duteh that they refuse to have any- thing- t do with the new method of extermi ating ee-hat is one of the greatest obstacle to successful farm - Mg in • outh Africa. They say God efeated the locusts and it is sinful to destroy them. Life s Strengthening. ' As one evid nce that increased long- evite- re-ults from the present sys- tem of mblid instruction, from the Owl ication of waterways and the pa v men of thoroughfares and 'through ineerovements in • the con- Structien and sanitation of dwellings. Pr. Ar hur Reynolds, Health Com- milision of Chicago, called attention recently to the comparartive figures of mo tality in that city. These show tl at the ayerage duration of life th re has more than doubled during t single generation. In 1869 the average years for the total num- ber of descendents were 13.9. In 1898 th v were 26.4 years, an in- crease o 111.5 per cent.; Based up- on figur .s of eopelation, it has been shown hat with an average annual death r te of 14.4 per thousand be- . tween 1 45-54, theee has been a sav- ing of :0,050 lives per aneam out of the it •erage population of the last five yea s. These conditions were better, e Dr. Reynolds pointel out, than th e showing for England and Wales, i iade the subject of congrat- ulatory. comment during , the Victor-, fan julii ee in 1897. Besides the in- orease.d ength of life in Chicago, an importa it feature of the health re- corded i the marked reduction in the proportion of infant and child mor- tality t a the total mortality of all ages. hey demonstrate 'a reduction of 30 er cent. under one year, of nearly 6 per cent. between one and two years, and of more than 45 per cent. between two and five years.-, if w to House Big Colonies. Alwri Ler in the Chicago Stockman say he builds bee houses ten. feet Ion r, six feet wide and six feet higb to aocommodate 11 colonies, at a cos of about one dollar per colony. fle sets hives two feet apart, from cent re to centre, and makes en- trances in the sides to correspond wit 1 tbe entrances to the hives. He pre ers 1.0 place the hive e on the us- ual boil om boards, which are nailed to 'leats at each end, so that the hiv s are some four *inches from the floo , Which leaves room for chaff p• . ing in the winter. An old ing houee, with two ordinary rooms 14 feet square, should be lax e enough -for 50 colonies, and the roo • woulgive a Working space am ng the hives. japan Advertisers' Smile. e reproduce a few of the printed ind cements of Oriental merchants, which appeared in a Tokio paper: Goods despatched as expeditious- ly as a cannon ball. "Parcels done up with as much care as that bestowed on her hus- band by a loving wife." "Paper tough as elephant's hide." "The print of our books is clear as cr. al; the matte! elegant as a sing- ing girl " " ustomers treated as politely as by he rival steamship cetn.panies." eilks and satins smooth as a lad es cheek and colored like the rail bow." 1( Sentence Sermons. . T ie d rest poverty is .petverty of sou. T ie only way to have a Wend is Ito se one. T e Sebbath is the savings bank of hi , 11e that would have the fruit must lent' b the tree. I is 'eetter to be remembered in a go.d man's prayers than in a rich nut 's ' T irtt Is not the best serteu.n that ma -es the hearers go away talking . to one another and pre:teeing the :pre cher, but that which makes them ` go away thoughtful and serious and . has ening to be alone. 8 ahe it'll boun ere blean fresh 13011r, Hel e in it, bprrc Nat in a Murry. ranger—This town is going d, isn't it? tive—Yes; but I 'don't think eve- be arrested for scorching. • he requirements of health can be ed oa the fingers of one hind. They Good air, good food, suitable clothing, ines and exercise and rest. bicarbonate of soda added to milk helps to prevent it from turning or stand the milk pen in another yes- ntaieing cold water with a little salt A Victim of Piles Por 20 Years—A Constant Sufferer From Ble cling and Protruding Piles—Cured : by Dr. Chase's Ointment In 'air did Mrs. Jas. Brown. of Hin- ionb rgh, near Ottawa, search for a leure for piles. In Europe and A_merIca ehe ried every remedy available. but re neAried for Dr. Chase's Ointment to e ect a cure. Mr B -own .writes:—" I -have been a ce-easiaret sufferer from nearly every fume of .1 iles for the last twenty years, and uring that time both here and in the Id Country have tried most every ly. " I ant only doing justice to Dr. Chas 's Ointment when I say that I it to be the best remedy- ob- laina 'le for bleeding and protruding ailes. I strongly recommend Dr. Chase's Ointment to mothers, or indeed to 0 v )erson suffering from that rarea • torment—piles." Ph, skims and druggists recommend Dr. hase's Ointment aa the one pre - para ion that will never fail to cure piles. It is guaranteed to positively euro piles, whether itching, bleeding, or p otreding. 60 cents a box, at all deale , or Edmanson, Bates and Ce.„ Toro to,. 11111iiitul 9001)Rops I I VegelablePieppiatto sitnilatirig Wood and thgthatomacksand.13o forts- ta- e of PronotesTrigestion,Ciwerful- tessaituirkstkontains nelther 9jmum,Morp1iitio poi NOT NATICOTICI. .134eofOld-Th-4lailiP "mpg, SATI- Abtorakifsa Roaigli SA, - ...ifnia.fre.4.• nave &Wads', • Ifform &Igor. Mr talta,flanr. A perfect Reiriedy for Conseipa- tion, Sour Stomach,DiarrIma, Worms ,Convuisions ,Feveri07- ness and LOSS,OF SLEEO. Toe Simile Signature of Oaere--/e4 NEW -YORK. AUGUST 24, 1900 SEE THAT THE FAG -SIMILE SIGNATURE .11.2111=NdO.F.assomaana IS ON THE WRAPPER 01' EVERY BOTTLE or EXACT Copy OF WR A Pi"E R flastoris, is put up in one -size bottli3s only. It Is not sold in bulk. Don't allow -inane to sell you anything else on the plea or promise teat it is "j-ust as geed" and "will steamer every pur- pose." Air:Bee that you get 0 -A -13 -T44 -I -A. Tho fee - plans tipster. of is et OYU" . Tropes. The Red Front Forniture Store Has been renewed, renov in a position to offer the p Bedroom and Dining Su very nice line of Chairs in Pictures just in, very ehea every one to come and see) ated. and. enlarged, and now we are Alio all the newest designs of Parlor, ites at very tempting prices. Also a all the newest styles. New line of ). We extend a cordial -invitation to us and our stock, E eiteu tan ElE10EI rt 19 .31 Eti:31:117i This department is complete with a large selection of the beSt goods, and obliging attention given to this b nch of the business. Night calls promptly atten ed to l3y our Undertaker, Mr. S. 1. Holmes Goderich street, Seaforth, opposit the Methodistt church. BROADFOOT BOX & CO., STRON EVIDENCE Corroborated by 1Eany Reliable Witnesses. What will be the V rdict ? SEAFORTH, March 22nd, KV. .11esers. Lumsden & Wilson, Soatorth : Gentlemen—Fully acknowledging the ben fit I have received from the use of your " Equine Collo Ours," and the many Vines that I haire Tolley d tho ' severest suffering,- and, I can safely 813r in some cases, saved the lives of valuable horses by its timely use, I cheerfully give my story of its origin, s that others may procure and have ready, in case of mor - gentry, what has proved with me a never-failin rem- edy. some 16 years ago, when about to sall from Liverpool for home with four valuable homes, I was advised to have, in case of sickness on the voy ge, a botre of a oelebrateti horse medicine then xten- sively used in England. I fortunately toolc my friend's advice, and procured a bottle, and found that in MO of collo or inflammation in ho es, it gave such Instant and perfect relief, that I was very sorry that I had not bronght with me a large sup- ply, as I thought I would never be able to gat 'any- thing to equal it. I had, however, a little left n my bottle, which I took to you, asking you to anal .ze it and, if possible, make me something, like t. In about two weeks I called on you, and got wha look- ed identical. and, I con say with all confide cc, it has proved not only equal to the sample, but I be- lieve superior, as after testing it for 16 years, have never yet seen it fall. No farmer or horse deft er, in my opinion, should bo without it in his table. FRANCIS COLEMAN, Lot 5, Concession 7, St nley. EAFORTII, June 271h1900. Mr. Alex. Wilson, Drugglat, Seaforth Dear Sir—in recoanition of the benefit I have re caved, I am glad to bear testimony to the value of your "Equine Collo Ou-e," although, as you slate, you have advertised the remedy in TUE Itneettt vos.rroa with just as strong testimony in its favor As I can give. I must say I never noticed it, or, if I gelid it at alt, it must have made about as much Im- pression on nay mind as patent medicine advertise - mut, generally do. But now I would not be with- out your medicine in my stable if it cost $5 per bot- tle, instead of St. When out road grading in Tuck- ermilth township lard 'week, one of my: horses was taken ilL He was bloated as tight as a drum, and not able to stsnd. I thought him a very sick hone indeed. I called at Mr. Coleman's houseito get tome ginger and soda, but this well-known horsemen saki "I ma give you something better than Vest," and he produced a bottle of your -4' Cello Cure." We gave him a teaspoonful and a- half, and In half an hour he had perreet relief, and was ready to et his oate. I drove him seven miles that night, eed in the morning he was all right and ready for his work. Mr. Coleman gave me some of tho history of this medicin4, and I -think-you ought to let every horse - Wan in the country know about it, as 60 many valu- able horses are lost just for want of such A remedy at hand as your "Equine iJolic Cure" hes proved itself to be. Your truly, GEORG!: MURRILY, Elea, - forth, Ont. ALEX. WI SO N, Seaford'. SUCCESSOR TO LUMSDEN & WILSON. Altera ion Sale. Estate Johnson Bros., Seder& ANYWAAANYVVYVVVVVVVVYWN We are about to refit and rent premises now occupied by our stoves, tin and granite ware. The large stoe of these goods now on hand must be remov- ed into hardware department. We are short of room, and must reduce stock. OR 'T 1\T ID_A=S We will sell you, at largely redncec1 prices, Coal and Wood. Heaters i Coal. and Wood. Cook Stoves, Gasoline Stoves, Blue Flame Oil Stoves, Granite Preserving Kettles all sizes, Steel Granite Ware, all kinds inware, Pails, Milk and Cream Cans, Copper Boilers and Te Kettles. It will pay the housekeeper t? come and secure soine of these goods, Binder Twine 1001 11c and 12c. Hay Fork Rope—special price. Estate Johns n Bros., Seaford' Can afford to sell you hardwar at lowest.figures, because they buy fo OASH ONLY. They pay no rental, their expenses are light, 1)LAOKOMI JR Wanted srnithing. A F0 11. SALE: occupied The house is : bard and soft acre of land, ODIN DEN 0ourtC ssrarroer, invested and Ivens' &lore, •I19. -DEES AND „Epp iteso in each. Alto Ett s taken Foulire.—A winr.ers at 01 large, geed e talole. Eggl liARTRY, roe ST .710 PIG BP j_ 0n Lot thoroughbr bred YORKEU be edraitted of service, 01 White Pigs fc .AMWOila st the Bruce Tarnworth Br It; pa -sable s -turning if Ire fted young 1 flUGH 1100Al filEACIIER I j, NO. la, 1 second elites eation prefer- ber est, (tut DAvziy, IIAL 'EV SAL Lot it, -house lend - -upon applica Zurich. 3:43D ERN • amentai Terms or to Efe, Seafort -KTOrt3E A/ 11 snidest pulley with S tion,platted is eterscl *tab feSteve oven r9 ms 11 orange Way BRINE -Gr ''staniest, c.ont the incr,i-ruce and log bens ben of pe VS on owe, tete VaThe. I N. 13 a Mart evlib 'Viand FO J' 4, L. R. all clear and There are on segood frame plenty of we gravel roads 60 acre ,faton the proprieln the premiers' _ AVOADL the IH easantly Time prow drained and. from house, *061ITY nabll soft wat.er. apples, plum ferrite. It ie. suer or main So O. Ci MIAR6ITO I- ri No01, taluitg 100 se • gniveL era oreps; loge I triune steble I able house ate ten aores of 31 It is situated from Clietone from Alma th Iles wishing tA ing right awai on the aoremisi ciA303..) FAI iur SOLD 1 2 -his larm Is* *hip of Staura tains e0 acme the balance drained. TI house, a goo good well at I never tailing - t he farm. T fruit. -This, market, etc. WT1331066 or Blake P. 0. F FO Coricessiere Is well len and is free ereberd end frame home, ler end wood never-Salinw quarter of churehee, pc half miles apply on The 'r. F. LYRE. ed and and well Joni ance is timbe -chard end tin' bonne and *0 also sheep 130 other nonce*" the north.seil, ehurehce, per s.nd ten farms in the I -as the propril :premier:5 or ire lingbq registered pe proved Yot.k, stake winnei Th 1 Is t Very! ,Call * 'etleew you b I hati of th a larg and ante will b GU gide. 250, in bct, 10a. wine Wanted, high eonie A.