The Huron Expositor, 1900-08-03, Page 3t9Ck1 01111111•01 'isa j)iops um, .aisant. Pus 'of :erisk- tstoria and iving d, to to any pre - 41 yn, N. ie OF moo tmi tore are 140 a :te of to goods, and r. IfoimeS tee 27th, aap. • telt I heve ee P tint value !of 1,jaff you state, neItt icos die It9 favor aft e.cl it, or If 1 411 Se numb Inn advertiee. neett be with:. i.eet $5 per bet - (hog in Tucky home wee j a drum, end -ery leek floret, se to get, some wn horeemen ee then thet," elle Clete." We ne in half an te •et his night, aild In fer hie work. ietery ot thie .t every home- . So many Vaiu. unh i remedy ht e proved IlleettitAY, See. Elk 'AK rorth -eoVOS, he retn0V- ue stock, Stoves, uite AS. orth y for ATIGVSTr3. 1900 IMPORTANT NOTION& TOR SALE.—The eomfortable le story theme house je occupied by Mrs. eduldrow, In Egmond,ville. The house is in good repatr, and there is plenty of bud and oft water on the premieee. Also about en acre of land. Apply at THE EXPOSITOR (Aloe. 10e24f OBEN BEATTIE, Oink if the Sedond Diedelon Court, County Commletioner, of Huron, Cora. .eyanoor, Land, LOCUI and Influence Agent. Funds -jointed and to Loan. Office—Over Sharp & wens' store, Main street, Seaforeh. 1289 DEES AND POULTRY.— 20 colonies of Italian JUMP bees In gcod painted him', at frcm $6 to$0,60 each. Alto full line Of bee keepers' eupplies. Ikea eken in txchange for supplieh PoultrY.—A greed pen of White Rocks, prize winperi et Cu ittle's biggeet f hoe. Black Minorese, large, geed color, a very deferable fowl for egg e and table. Eggs for batchtn L per eettleg. BARMY, seaforth. .11339.tf TEACHERS WANTED MEA.C1111ell WANTED.—Second or third claire con j„, tifieste, for Union School Section No, 7, Wawa - nosh, schen rural school, duties to commence August 20th, lee°. State eatery expected for len term of 1900. Address all communications, with oferonoett, eta., to WM, ROBINSON, Mernoch. 1702x2 MEAGHER WANTED.—Wanted, for fechool Sec. j. tion No, 13, Stanley, a female eteaeher, holding either a scooted or third -clam certificate. Duties t�: commence August 20th, 1900: Applications, etating ' eatery, etc., will be received by the secretary up till A,uguet 10th. Personal application preferred, ISAAC ERRATT, Seeretary S. 8, No. 13, Stanley, Vere -a P. 0., Ontario. • 1702x3 TOOK FOR kilEAVICE. 110 PIO BREEDERS.—The undersigned will keep on Lot 20, Conceesion 6, L. R. S., Tuokerenvf.th, a thoroughbred CHISITICR WHITE PIO, 31190 a thorough. bred YORRAIIIRII Pro. A'lltulted number of gime will be tninittted k eabh. Terme, $1, Payable eb the time of service, or $1.60 if charged. Also a tiny Chester White Piga for (Ale. JAMES GEMblILL. 1008.62 TAN WORTH BOAR FOR SALE AND FOR Skit. VIOE.—The underAgned wul keep for service, a; the Brimfield enema Faohery, a thoroughbred Tentworth Boar, with reglatored pedigree. Terms, 31; payable at time of sondes with privilege of re- turning if nectesery. Also a number of thorough. bred young Tamworth Hoare arid &ewe for Hale. HUGH MoOARTNEY, Brtmetteld. 1405.tf REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. 'COE SALE. --Nine none of land for Bele, being et Lot 12, Conceeelon 8, Hay. There to a frame house and barn es° small oroba.rd. Particulare upon applicetion. MRS. ROBERT KYDD, SR., Zurich, 109941 - -El OUSE AND THREE ACRES FOR. SAE—Te jet undersigned offers for on hie cottage in -Han purhey with 3 acres of land In good etato el cultiva• tioieplanted with fruit end ornenantal tree. --There le a good stable On the place, wIth plenty of hard and oft water. Faeces aro in good order, There are even rooms in the house which to good repair. The , promises raay be viewed at any time, JOSEPH P, IIRVE 109541 oon FARM IN STANLEY FOR SALE—For uf sate, the south half ot Lot 18, 0 noession 0, Stenley, containing f 0 aoree '• about 40 nom cleared, the balance good hardwood bush; a good frame bern and log bowie ; a good well; is within a mile and a half of the Village of Varna; will be Hold cheap and on °trey terrine Apply to DAVID ROBERTSON, • Varna, N. 13.—Aleo for sale a nuntber of Sheep and a Mare with 'spring foal. •1702 tf leTALUABLE PROPERTY FOR SALE—For 0310 in re the village of Egmorniville, the veluable and _ pleasantly located premieee of tho undereIgned, The prcperey cements of two awes of geod land, we I dritred and cult:vated. There is a comfortable frame bowie, a geed atatne, pig pen and other noo. eatery outbuilding!) on the prerettes, aleo hard and oft water. There aro elso 14 good fruit treee, -applee, letunce arid teem ; beeidee onto eholoe email fruit& ft is a !Met desirable thico for a retired far. titer er n al Iu t gardener, and vi ill go cheap. Apply to WM, G. Clark, Egniondville, 109041 FAKM FOR SALE.—The undersigned °flare for sale his txcollc.t farm 01 75 acres,. B Lot 0, . Deflected n 13, Hav. On the promises aro a good frame house 20x28, kit hen and wood- ohod, good hank barn 4ex60 and good driving house and other outbuildings, ohool house aernea the road. le mine north of the flouriehirg vIllaee of Dashwood, 9311 good and fences excelleat. Racoon for oiling, fell- ing health. CHARLEe LOHLBEIN, Daehwood • P. 0. • 1701.3 FARM FOR SALE—For sale, a (Moto fifty acne term in Tueltertinith, being Lot 2, on the 13th Conceasion, The) allele° farm halt an 80 rod frontage, I e well fenced and drair ed ; it is nearly all Heeded, and le tree from Lad weirdo. There la also a good orchard end e �urnll bath. On the promises le a good Immo house, contelnine eight rootlet, with Wane eel - lar and woodshed, and a now bank barn: There Is a never -failing spring at the home. It is within a quarter of a wile of a village, vvitere there are charchote poet cillee, atom, etc!, and Di throe and a halt miles from Herman. For further partioulare, apply on tho.pretnis.ri, or addrees- Ohleolituret P. 0, T. F. EYRE.. 170211 FARM FOR SA Lee—For nate Lot 21, Concession 10 Mcliillop, couthining 100 aerate 80 of which aro cleared met ready for crop, Nene well unclordrahnd tied wcil lencect viiitt cedar and bleak ash, The bal aneo is Umber tied pradure. There is a small or. chard and throe geed welle. There le a good fratno house and wood kited, n barn end stables 6180 fie also sheep home. Pig pen, implement holm mid all other neeeeekry out buildings. It in le mtlee out of the north gravel road pant Is convenient to itelhole, (buret:to, in et tillers, eta. Is 7i miles from Boatel -0i nett too mites from Bunten, 1519 ono of the best hurt 0 In the tewnehip and ell' bo sold on easy Wren ati the preprlaor entitle to retire. Apply on the pronisee r addreto Winthrop le 0. WM.. tiOttitl.- dON. 16081t STOCK FOR SALE. 11081V STOCK —Two ,ming registered Joreey teinve and a Bull Cal for sale. The cows, Lambed, but the calf el igleally froth Tot -meet) e. (lood opi ortueity. to intreduce new blood. 0. A. DEADMAN, lenteglet, Itiuitacltt, Or t. 1701x4 eettRehT110itele FOR KAI E.- Ono ewe and 2 two- ,lear ced helferte suppoeed te calve le October ; etarling h,eittr, 1 heiftr telt foal 1 bull ealf, 12 menthe old. All good animate with reentered pod, wee, 1 alto keep for etrel«, an Improved York- • elare i oar, bred trc NI Toronto Swerperake %sinners. A (I. SeliLLIF, Hensel( P. O. 169741 The Sea.forth Tea Store Is the right, piece to buy your goods. Very special value in all kiuds of goods. thill and get (Ter price before purchasing electvhere. We know we can please you both in price and quality of goods. I handle o. very huge etooloof all kinds of ehoice groceries and provieions, aleo 14 large eeeortment of Crockery, China. end Glasswsre. A large display of dinner, tea and teilet see& all of which will be sold cheap; also a nice line in (flame -ere. A special Hue in Soap, re• eider price 50 a Oar, now ten bars for 25e. Ale° a frie-h lot of red herriegs in boxes, reguliA price 15o a box, now 10e. One hundred and fifty dozen of wine and imperial gems to eell cheap. Wanted, butter aud eggs, for which the higheat price willtbe paid. Come ono, come all, to the Setiforth Tea Store. A G. AULT SEAFORTIT. THE SEAFORTH Musical - Instrument EM PORIVM. ESTABLISHED,- 1873. _ Owing-- to hard times, we have con- cluded to sell,Piarros and Organs at Greatly Reduced Prices, Oig-ins at $25 and upwards, and Pianos at coi ves ronfling prices. - See Us before urchasing, SCOTT BF CS, Tired liousekeepers, 1111111101•11111EIMIIMIN Disordered Kidneys bring them &multitude of pains and aches. , Row often women give out before the day's work is fairly begun sad sink into a chair utterly worn out. . Butpfhe houeework qmnst be done even though the back does ache, •and the head feels ready to burst. • These women omit , ars einderstatd why they neverstrong, why the nightdees not bring rest, why they are always tired, have no appetite and seem to be pains and aches all over, - As a rifle the real nue* of the trouble is the last one th ught of, . It all comes from the kianeys. These aelioate little fl ters of the blcod get out of order, and as a milt the uric acid and other poisons that th y ought to oar ry off are sent back into the is stern. There's no us trying to got relief until the kidneys are Irestorea to health; The eaeiest, a. -fest, quickest way to me- aomplish this ie to take Doan's Kidney Pills —natures' own remedy for all kidney diseases and de angemente. Mrs, Martha . Frost, Little River, Digby Co„ N.S., rece tly wrote as follows: ": have much plea, are in stating that Doan's Kidney Pills have vvonderfdlly improved my health. I had been sufferirg with lame back for a number of yeare ar.d at the time I began taking iDottrn's Pills I was almoet linable to do aby housework. "I have usedthree boxes and must sa they have take the pain out of my bao and restored m strength. I don't think there is any oth 3r medicine equal to Doan's Kidney Pills for. kidney troubles." Spavins, IngbonesrSplints Curbs, Ind All Forms a)1' Lam noes Yield to Werke thousands of auras annually: Endorsed by the host brooder, -and 11 yeomen overywh re. Price, st1; IX for G. AH a liniment for fatuity use It has no 0(010.14 • West..,ame, Ontario, Can., Dee. 14. 108, Mt. 11., .1. ICE,240A1,1, - Dear Birs•-••A a o had a va 1 , ;cit lame, I took 1, umtounred It Moult 1.101011,0i he applied At mly worse and the h lot stand up. .After vent to a nerhbor a. no ono of y( ur book ng resolved to do th ;0 tho nearest drug s lure and applied It s 'ore the/ illlat hot do % unl wht a the lo vent unto was complett flemlith on him. Ater mrstrgood earo 1(11141 ng to see If 45 110(1 et-looteda iho horse hard and (b ;flowed any more larnenefts I can recommend Kendall's teete lent, but as a et :omen, Yours Auk youndruggist "A Treatine on tke DR. II. J. KENDALL iii to the VotcrIrt:try FRIIVIN and gitvl sharp blister. T1 rr-o became so- lento tryi mr everything al told him ahotit and l sunned it 001(94 ln favor of ore and got a, tiott Hedy according 10 as u..ed I noticed t bottle was aim y cured and without itreat ' ceasng lid some light 1701 a cure.' then my entire Ratio through th Spavin (A re remedy, to any truly, . SAWJEL rev ittenderrs Spavin Horse," the bobl COMPANY, ENOSIURO Surtroon who um little hope, , 19 made matters that It cold& In iny powrr I the case. to gave. qtrefully and be. my beast, went loot you r Spavio directions. Bo - on improvement, it half used, my leaving a m ent I gave the k with hi in,witili- started to-worlr 'aetton ho never 3 ‘Vilole Rummer, re not only as an, 0110 that it may TRITTEN. Cure, moo free, Or addren FALLS, VT. AN ITEM . Perin lositts taken tult borrower ; Het ipOndonee ohee111111 Winti ehare Oet, 1. Petri,* t en c te; es ' Or INTEREST. . ; payments te ; ell cane "31.efint (108,ENS, i 1 Minnie and 107 , .— fit lowest nitre etnotion guaranteed V anf wert01. A nee —At corner .ry eattadity all flay, SEAFORTH Ladle"; and aentl petronnee and new wteh 1,0 let you know ready to do my be8f in doing ) our week in:Wee:tees and lac ripped au .well as to goods e llama, ed t vet notice. khaw prime ' Moen do i.ot uul ogee taken Ir NIOHOL, CloderlebStreot Thurch. , DYE WORKS ou all for pe• t n Is at fiend in the buttnees, ery satlefaction ning and dyeing a withoat beteg ed. All wool action on F h A - , at moderate a call, Butter tork. HENRY the Chitholio 109 e tf man, thanking that a new atm that I aro still to give you in in the line of clo lee' clothing, del have them rl 1 give got d eat 0 In etirtalne, etC fail to give me exchange tot fillet, oeposito SALT A Severe I • B . •B al "i had Salt for three -years to cure me till "On taking great change time the second completely of the disease :" I have for blood and grueee Shelburt .case 4 LI RHEUM. Permanently • ured by- . ... . , . rol)c I< - hands anything Bitters. was a by the 1 was no veturn i a.44 a cure Maud iv • . Loop TIE • It . the f curcici s great -s ....„,•... R.S• .. heum in my f old could not sed Burdocic Blood . first bottl i. the better bottle was ancl have h rice. - faith in B.13 tin diseasee.' e, N.S. . ce, and get there and nishied d B. Miss MEN ARE . OF -HABIT. Thousasale spend t'me when t • quickeze isfaetor LONG DISTAci\ OREAT.URES 1 i 1 of business and mondty oy- might do cheaper and ly by . CE TELEI _ mon -stil travelling their businest just as sat ONE ... For ever a year INDAPO.. Our our net for One . We (Irene Lund ECHS , , havi had the age der wee for a co cd and Forty.four RI4 41 I ERED. 11 , en; tor tee'Sfl10 el arter of a dozen Dollars worth. aPo a well Man of 1/4. - 011Quickly but or young. 2.00a paokage, to oure or IMITATION, but ruggist hue no Ill, or our Agents. that everyon ecifully, Scaterth. Ont. .. t, TRAVEM 11111/} /e ot ' r „ sly,..- INDAPO THE GREAT H I NPOO REM P11016TJOEH TUN neStatA in 80 Hit Nervous DifitlUSOS Parcels, Steeples:me )ione, dee (melted river and size mrol y restores Easily parried Six for $5.00 Mini NI returideff. ,11541st 011 having tot it, wo w,111 etentoo neenuneeo, This mid Increase ,Yho tries it speaks • g:47 r • eed ''-tS 49,,, - AN (law; hv to sit Lola in vt w1h INI send w Made . iv" t DV ?Or VN Jr t* Duren Failing lelernor te 14igh1 4- End past abuses, gives 'unkon organs, I Ilan hood in. °lc1 et pocket. Price r written, guarantee Do -WI, IITIV AN APO. If your is prepaid.. rropr,„ Chleneo, proves 11 19 a remedy II of. Yours ice . I V. FEAR B • THE HURON EX.rOSIT0114 DREAMS The Old Reliable Remedy for MATRON AND MAID. Murk& and Dysentery. TRIUMPHS OF THE I BRAIN ASLEEP OVER THE BRAIN AWAKE. Dramatic AchievementThat Owe Their 33eing to the MYStratlistts Workings of the Mind Uuderth4 Subtle influence of elumber'. Tbere are :numerous 'authentic cases in which, inspired by a dream, a per- son has achieved in sleep something that he had utterly failed over when awake and certainly more than one where an artistic 'triumph has re- sulted, No doubt, too, there have been instances of the kind where the mystery of such an achivernent has remained an irritating problem, as very nearly happened -in respect to an aetiet whose pictures sold Well and 'whose gen us for ccaor combinations Was consit ered as as`tonishing as his oute)-61„, The painter used to tell the creepy story c.of how, going into his studio after breabfast, he would often stand sPelibound ut the fact that, some fillperllat Ural "double" heel been hard at. work . upon his canvas doting the night, mot- than once °btu -ink -1g clev- erly an etioct. in scheme or cdloring that he had strained after for days in vain. 'fere was something to mate the st remota; brain reel As it co 11100ml. at interva s after he had Cried locking the stuclo door foul platen.; the key under • his pil- 111n. the e Tect can be better imagin- ed then eleecribed, and -it eve, only a chalice •acc dent that at leng li burst the bubble. Ile got up onemorn- ing to find lilo dressing gown streak- ed with a dry carmine pigment, and fingotente of the SaIlle material lay strewn ahout leis easel below. -Im- pelled by a dream, he had gone down the -re in Lite night to paint., trodden upon tees pigment, and, automaton - like, picked up the pieces before re- tiring again. And precisely the same -Wrint.,, is known Lo have haPPelled to 0 well kilo Wu worker in mosaics Some years ago. Ills nand continued to wOrk out 0011011108 after his body had "struck,- 011(1 110 would proceed to hie we)rkroom and aerange - de- signs, ti) effect of which (simply stntoefied li in next; mornings, At least one enduring piece of mus - ie -owerr inspiration. and produc- tion to a dream in•the same dramat- ic v. ay. ' '11e singular distinction, in feet, is claimed for several, It occurs at the yea of a famous Russian °Perm WeekS the composer had st !niggled with his finale and had all but given it tip in despane-The spirit of a certn n theme danckl vaguely through .1114 overworked brain, but always citric(' him when he went to rit.t, it down 1t5r the oralesfra, ne nig it , . he ley asleep, it, Cattle tO hint,. grandly definite. 1 Ie. dreamed the 1, 11 WEIS an n,ccomplished fact on -paper. Events showed that he must lic.ve gone downstairs, play- . erl it trien pliantly over on his organ several • ( hies and then writ ton down the -chords that had CEIAISed 111111 so 0111 ('11 a exlety. Next morning the sheytH. were found neatly dotted trout the lir ale a great 01IeHe88; - bllt, although his wit.° had heard the -or- gan goilig and even remembered the tune played, the composer himself could only recollect the dream itself and s el,y at a loss to ac- count for 110• position in which he • was found --fest aeleep over the keys, Min brain. had 9411 conintidimmediate- ly the (Ireton -Inspiration had taken a pre et ice I s ittpe. Phew II,v c, again, is the of ory of toil 1 old of a struggli ng 1114101- C 11-10 who MCI written 0 Song which he • could not induce anS/ musie pub- lisher t o risk pub] ;Shin g. rha Inc t had' preyed 041 his inipd, One night lie dreamed that he had .written 0, pathetic. letter to a popular •singer, inclosinee it with his scorned •master- piece, welted all the way to, the -vo- calist's 1t 4)1100 at flempsienst ruid pushed, his entelope 1 hrough 1110 ;let- ' ter slittie'ese ile recollectted Of it next morning, not having occa- sion to miss 1118 11111,1)118erl pt., and stonily denied hie landlord's wiser - floe thill 11 ) had loft hie bedt•oons -flint gone for a 11001 11 rind 81,1'011: Shortly ilft(n. wards I lOWC Ver, he weal fist on- ishrei nt tened Ong a Chi,e1( 9111(1 11. 1 feset for -et concert, rind then, es- pecially when he hoer(' his own song Tendered a the concert., ,11 1111 flash- ed beck to him. 1 fe had Onconselous- ly net ed 1 pen his dreame---o e.nej 111:4 SI rolit, of tick p111Ply to a soniname ;bells( le ha, [drill km, 11 goes without. Saying, loo, that the most, hionorous things are' oc- Ctieionally done by persons -who re - ‚'1' t4, rye( AV it 11 0 fixed intent ion for - the nu rrow in their minds and are diecoeered teorking out, tile scheme. in ;heir sleep. The 'vi'i ler knows a gentleman -- raro,.r Faspected of acCing epon in- s p lett 11)110 )Volved In Is is slumber — t\ Ildl !lad laid in It stock of enamel P01111with. w hich he intended to decOrn le 111)4 retinue after a prat ern not; yet cleCided upon. SOMe fanins- ie not ion p1't,S11111ably, 11111S t have presented itself as he slept. All un- consciously. he proceeded doWnstairs • In the small hours, mixed all the col- ors 1 op,ed I '• in a bowl and started to thud) tl e -doors and walls with considerate y more determination than taste. The reselt was a poly- chromatic chews, Co sey nothing of a bad tk for the gentlemen, who Sprang ou of his dream at the sound eff a cry ft oni his startled wife, Dttem Array lt S we'll*, Climbing. It has re Hill 410(1 for a Frenchman to discov„er a 110W 1100 f01' 1.1U, Ca VO ha 1 100/1. 1. 1 ,f,t OrVy, a loronch ar- chitect,- ha • unpile(' such a. balloon o the cleanit g and decorating of enpo- las, high towers, roofs and 11101I !mints. A-ccord 1 mr to a Fr011ell e.xelninge, the halloo1 is rtileed or loWered from a wagon I. v a. -windlass and is' stead- . led hy :an vs 'from the side of t ho envelope. It has two plat forms, ono on (140 fp 1, the other underneath, whicll communicate bymeans of 0 ladder 11 P t central tele. The "I] alloon scaffold," as it is called, •ts (la imed to he useful and -safe in imint operations, such as now, require tie hervices of steeple climb- ers. It is also adapted for use in wireless tc eg•raphy, as an aerial sta- tion. 1 amno.moierrof.six OAARRI GE LICENSES ISSUED AT HUR N EXPHITOR OFFICE, SEA ORTH, ONTARIO. NO W. TNESSES REQUIRED, Grandma Mrs. Thos. Senrltol;ot: kw, rArn-e prior, Ont., re o 111"d It. "My little girl, three Years of age, was taken very bad w4b diarrhcea, and we thought we were going to lose her, when I remembered that rnygrandmother always used Dr. Fowler's Extact of Wild Strawberry, and often said that it saved her life. I got a bottle and gave it to my child, and after the third dose she began to -get better and slept well that night. She Ina - proved right along and was soon com- pletely cured.' & D. Quality Oatisfies' Es & D. 'The E. & D. wheel is the only adian bicycle that has built up Un States builiness. It is the only Mc with Four -Point Borings. )1;.. Nele' .1.0 AXIS Or 14118 ; • 41e. 414411 11 an ted ele In four -point bearings the load is tr na- mitted in a direst line, and there is no am ming of balls in the racea. In ordinary. b ar- Inge the load is transmitted at an a gle, which greatly increases the pressure on the parts of the- bearing. In the E. & D. f ur- point bearing, the' beirring never 81191. 1118 greater presaure than the actual load on the bioycle. In ordinary beariags the preueure is often three times the actual load. E. & D. locally guaranteed National bicycles have four•point bearings in the orank-hanger, the hubs, and the head, The bearings are gnat.- enteed for three years. E. & D. Road Modtle, men's & 0, Road Models, lattice' E. & D. Speen) Morten, with gear 038e-$7 E. & D. Racing Modela tt70 Liberal options aro given In eaddloo, goers, tiro. The E. & O. being a national wheel, is looally guar. antotd, Catalogue on application. LuthsdOn & Wilson, sEAFottin ile Fact A73OUT . . D.Ward's Blood and Nerve Pills No remedy ev Canada has gained praise from sufferers try as these thorouz Vaiy? r introduced in o many wordFi of all over the conn- aly effective pills. Because they pos tive,y cure al (li3-• eases brought 0:1 by impoverishud blood, such as norv- 0usriess,_1'11cunlati.:•1, itiLf,70 13ecattsctl-.,:y i.;:c1;1-.:: -tin 1, — sleep, and re:,tcat-... and VITAL Ir./ t't4 - 3;ecc.t:10. syst?73 te) StiCen: • e.; "": • of colds and ti.- •• suits, viz,, ;.1.:1,1 • a fact of e5;•,-,•.ci-.1 season of fne re '''14pll, or 14401 • • !"1. ,1 ' '1' I...I.,: THE KIPPEN MILIrS Grist mill running night and day, an all kinds of work done on the ehortest no ice First•olass roller flour exchauged for wheat, FtE MI 33 0 0 :Et 1\T On hand a quantity of good feed corn for sale at lowest pricea. • LOGS WANTED. All kinds of first-class logs wanted alt the mill, for which the highest °Kish price will be paid. Call and see us before disposing of your logs. JOHN MoNEVIN, Kippe 1.8704! School Childrell's E es Supply ,.., Their Intellect Defective eyes stunt the n nd Can you expect fair prog ss in school or success in business if so handicapp ? Examination of children for glasses is a special featurej of our Optical Department. J. S ROBERT DRUG( $11- AND OPTICIJIht SEAFORTH. • Mrs. Barney Williams has given .$150 to the fund for the Actors' home in New York. The Misses Norton of Norwich, (onn. have given $20,000 to the Kingfisher tO. T.) Congregational college to found a chapel. - Belle -BaSel, the femous Confederate woman spy, died suddenly the other day In Kilbourn, Ws., where she had gone to deliver a lecture., Mrs. Louie° Chandler Moulton has gone abroad. She will visit Paris during the summer if health permits, but will re- main 'most of the season in England. Miss Elizabeth Smith of Derby, Conn., a millionaire in her own right, has be- come a -stenographer at a small salary, believing that it is the duty of every Wo- man to work. Mrs. Potter Palmer has organized an admirabie service tea give information to American women who desire to see the Paris exposition without waste of time, energy or Money, Lady Granville Glordon, who is dead in London,- was the first woman of society to start a milliseey shop, an example which has since tietome quite a fad on both sides of the water. Mrs. Greenlera, wife of Colonel C. R. Greenleaf, has succeeded in opening an American library In Manila for the use of American soliliers, sailors and citizens. It contains about 4,000 volumes, many • of them soiled and worn, but greatly en- joyed by both °Nears and men. - For 33 years Mrs. Ellen Lucas of Omaha lived ina very modest dwelling house, and even the members of her own family did not keow that she was pos- sessed of wealth. .0.fter her death a son found in abureau drawer a ,fortune of $40,000 in greenisacks and government bonds. Mrs. Baden-Powell, mother of the hero of Mafeking, is a remarkable woman. As a girl she aetenished her teacher by her aptitude for ntathernatics, and at the age of 10 so fond was she of astronomy that elle- used to creep out at night through the gatelee of her fatbeie% ob- servatory to work at the telescope. Mrs. Harry Payne Whitney, who was Miss Gertrude Vanderbilt, has started a leshion which is likely to become- popular with Newport cettagers, at least those whew estates face the Cm walk. She is having a "dell," or, f18 she terms it, a. studio, cut out ,of the solid rocky cliff, and it is to be ready for her personal use before the seaso» is over. THE CHINESE CRISIS. China can no longer be reckoned with ns nn inert factor in the world. Her multitudinous people must soon be reck- oned with. Talking of China's dowager empress, it may be deep -down to the foundation' of this trouble, but a woman appears to be at the bottom of it. —Philadelphia Times. If China is to be dismembered by the powers of Europe, the empress will have nt toast one satisfaction. Hungry dogs inenriably fight over a bone.—San Fran- cisco Call. It is said that the powers will not dis- -member or partition China. Perhaps they can't. Did you ever think of that? What ea» be done with 400,000,000 people?— Atlanta Constitution. If the powers have any force or energy to expend in China they should use it in restoring Empei.or Kwang Hsu to the - throne and putting an end to the baneful influence of the empress dowager.—In- dianapolis Journal. Chinn aronsed and termed would be more then a match for the rest of -the world, China may be divided, but it will be difficult to destroy her. China has a recorded civilization dating back thou- sands of years beyond the flood. She has discovered, developed, lived and outlived most of the boasted triumphs of the _nine- teenth century THE PEDAGOGUE. The private library of the late Sustice Stephen W. Field has been presented by his widow to Stanford university. ' A. year's leave of absence has been granted to Professor George D. Olds of Amherst college, to begin with the open- ing of the fall term. Prefessor Olds will sell with his family early in the fall to spend the year in study and travel abroad. • the Francis Preston Venable, who has been elected president of the University of North Caroline, is at present professor of chemietry in that institution. He ie a native of Virginia and is said to possess many of the rennisitee for a successful college president, Some of the western newspapers are ridiculing the order for a Millie of agri- eulteirld Instruction in the public schools on the ground that the average KIM:411S boy and girl know more about practical farming than the average pedagogue could find out in ten years.' HOUSEHOLD HINTS. Keep old- white kid gloves to wear at nigpt when it is desired • to whiten or soften the hands. If any lotion ts ap- plied, its contact with white gloves leaves no- stain, as sometimes happens when black or colored gloves are warn. Better than tin cans for keeping the tea and coffee are the ordinary glass fruit jars. The tops shouldbetightly screwed OD. It is a mistake to keep tea and coffee in too warm a closet, as their flavor is best preserved in a cool, dark place. Greasy and slimy sponges can be made .perfectly clean by allowing them to stand for an hour in a pan of very hot \\liter in which a teaspoonful of salt and a piece of soda the size of a walnut have been placed. Rinse thoroughly in .clear, colt water. LAW POINTS; The supreme court of North Caraina affirmed the right of county aed munici- pal authorities to enforce compulsory VaCeinathm. According to a- decision of the Ken- tucky court of appeals if one annoys a dog .while the animal is eatiug and gets bitten in consequence the 'victim is guilty of cimtributory negligence and cannot re- cover damages. THE CHICAGO RIVER. Chicago has already wasted enough money repairing her old river to have built a new one.—Detroit News, The Chicago river has been hnproved to such an extent that one may now fall into it without fracturing his skull.— Washington Post. • CASTORIA For Infants and. Children. The Jae'. angle 01 sleamers This Shoe is for the rich and poor alike. What is the use of paying more, when you can g$ perfect shoe satisfaction for $3 ? That is what you get when you. buy King Quality, 'When a shoe wean well, when it is stylish and corn- fertable, what more can be desired? Try King Quality once, and you, will always wear them. $3, and the appearance of $5. TRAWL leretteareee MAR tc QUALiV Truest Economy to get the Best A cheaply in4e cream separator is dear at any price, because faulty in construction, liable to break, and diffi- cult to operate. he Sharpies No. 1, with a capacity of; 325 lbs. an hour, and the Sharpies W H. S with a • ca- . pacity of 300 lbs„ are the finest pro- ducts of the hugest and best equipped. cream separator factory in the world. The materials entering into the con- . , struction of these machines are the best obtainable. The work is done by skilled workmen, and is subjected to the most rigid impection. Without fear of subEtantial contradiction, we can say that for ease in operating, clean skimming and dui ability, thtre is no other bend power CICHITI separator made by any one anywheio that is equal to the Sharples. We sell these machines on their merits. We be] ve that the buyer should be allowed to decide which machine is best for him to buy. We leave ;them to any intending buyer for a wEek or ten days, with privilege of returning the machine if not perfectly satisfied with. it. Price of No. I machine, $90; W, H. S. ma- chine, $75. Write for illustrated catalogue,See sample machine at Hinehley Brothers' warerooms, Seaforth. W. L. OIJIMETTE, Dindesboro, Ontario. A WONDERFUL ANTISEPTIC COMPOUND 1•TO-NTO e A Medicated Toilet Soap of the Purest, Awarded Silver Medal Greater Britain Exhibition, 1897. A FEW REASONS WHY YOU SHOULD USE NOVO. Reg. No, 3007. WHAT IT WILL DO. . 1—Prevents all contagious diseases from 6—It will clean and remove paini, oil imd approaching where it is used. grease stains from wOolen an cotton eloth- 2—It will clean and polish paint work and ing. Ale° cleans coat collars and hats. not kill the gloss of the paint. 7—It contains no alkali and is strongly re- 3—It will clean carpets without taking commended for waehing the head, as it . them up, imparts a silky and natural gloss to the 4—It will clean linoleum like new. hair, and is especially useful for ehildren. . . 5—Ib will dean bicycle chain and rims. , Novo leolahned to be the oheapozt and best paint TIRME 10 and 20o a BLOCK °leaner on market. Try it oh anger 'parks on doors. . ± Yen directions on Meeks. Estate JOHNSON BROS. Hardware, Seaforth 1087-62 .••••1, BRIGHT BROS., C4th's Leading Clothing & Furnishing Store ANWIAAWANOMANYVYWNIA See our window this week for bargains in Tlats and Ties. Your choice of anything in the window foi 250, These goods are positively being sold out at half price'in. order to make room. You cannot afford to go past us thls month. if you wish to save money on your gents' furnishings. Amongst other articles worthy of special mention is our; $2.75 Christy, which we are selling off at $2. Ask to see theM. Special lines of Negligee Shirts this month at 50c, 7501 86o, $1, $1.25 and OM These include the latest and most stylish patterns in washable goods. Remember the place. .1“1-14.14+++++.1-1-14.1-14-1441±1-14 BRIG H. T BROS 40, FURNISHERS, SE,IFORTA THE SEAFORTH S AW . AND . . Chopping Mills R. L. CLARK Having purchased from Mr. Josiah Watson the Seaforth Saw Mills, fhts placed in the mill A new and improved Grain Crusher, And is prepared to crush grain on the shortest notice, and for rie a bag. Give no a trial. R. L. CLARK C4th 980.tf In the Surrogate Court of the County of Huron. In the Estate of 'Christina Stewart, de- cefteed : • Wain is hereby given, that all persons having any claim alainit the restate of Christina Stewart, late of the Village of Egmondville, in the County of Huron, widow, deceaeed, who died on or about the 2ith day of Juno, A, D.; 1030, ere required on or be- fore the 31st day of July, 190, to send or deliver (poet paid) to Richard Hicks, one of the Executors, at Egmondville P. 0., a full statement of their claims and the nature of their security (if any) held by , them, duly verified by an affidavit, And further take notice, that after the said 31st day of July, the Executors win waned to distribute the estate among the patties entiVed thereto, haying reference oily to Huth claims al they shall then have received uottee of, and they will not be responsible to any creditor for any patt of the eetete of whose claim they than not then have reeeeetel notice. This no. Mee ts given pursuant te the statute le that behalf. RICHARD HICKe and GEORGE -JACKSON, Ex. ecutors. by their Solielter F. NOLMESTED. Dated this 10th day of July, 1900. 1700.3 H • R. Jackson & SON. DIIIEOT DifFORTEltii OF Jules Robin & Co's Brandy, Cognac, Franco; Jna. de Kuyper & Son, Hol- land Gin, Rotterdam, Rutland ; Booth's Tom Gib, London England ; Bulloch &Co.'s Scotch WI;isky, Glas- gow, Scotland; ; Jamieson'e Irish Whisky, Dublin, Ireland ; ttlso Pore and Sherry Wine from France and Spain, Agents fpr Walker's Whisky - Ontario ; Royal Distillery and Davi Ale and Porter,i Toronto. To THE PUBLIC We have opened a retail store In connection with our wholesale busi- business in the rear of the new Do- minion Bank, in Good's old stand, where we will sell the hest goods in the market at bottom prices, Goods -- delivered to any part of the town free. 1ELEPHONE 11, 1.5li4f McLEOD'S System Renovator, —AND OTHER— TESTED - REMEDIES. A opeelfic and antidote fer Impure, Weak and Im- poverished Blood, Ity 1, Sleeplessnese, PalpeAre. Mon of the Heart, Liver -inaplaint, Neuralgia, Lola of Memory, Bronchitis, s • nsumption, Gan stance Jaundice, Rieney end Ukintry1%lease•iBt. Tittle Dance, Feneale erreguittrieles and GeneralDebility. LABORATORT—Goderkih, OntatiO, 1, N. McLEOD, Proprietor and Mann facturer. Sold by J. S. RoBtalre, fleaforth.. 601.-t4 MONEY TO LOAN. Money to loan at si per oast. Iofl fretealass Unit land ceourity. Apply tet R S. HAYS, Domes:don Bank Building, Seaforth. leff