The Huron Expositor, 1900-07-27, Page 8JULY
MPOSITOR T HURON 8 -this week, renewing aequaintances.—A�, large
Mrs. Hicks and daughter have rib- DISTRIOT *ATTERS. -Dodds. MOM0. I several days last week with Miss HARVEST TIMt number of our villagers who ba=4 gar ANOTHER CHANCE -turned frbm Toronto Hospital,,where Miss. WotrEs.—The showery weath-,r has 'delay.. Rose, and this week Miss Anne, Bell pick. the guest of Miss dens, have an extra. fine crop of -bad undergone an operation for apen- –F 11 wheat in about all 'out in Fraser, Of Turnberry, is ,ad haying.� a Mar .—Miss Mary Thornton, of Wingham, ling onions, The, oultivatiorn of onions is 00 ov decitio. Her many= will be� pleased this locality. � Messrs. Ai Easo n and A. T"
in o earn that she ng, —Harvesting dole have ipaoh got a new b lassey-Harris ape and ha projitable.—Mr. G. F. being RVY N01 Ed Mr. John Gard iner's. —Mr. and Mrs, Mo. a proven very to in nding this week at her grandfather'o, assuming larger proportions here yearly, t U TO operAtiond-are in full blast in this vicinity. binder,—Fall wheat was bard o out,', Yungbliitb is Adding very much to the ap�
Many farmers now have - their fall wheat in badly broken down.—The elmad the Donald, of Molesworthi visited their son, OR Tiis VoTicr.,4' LIST. — Seaforth vote a' list �he barns and barley in some, places, has steam, thresher will soon be heard oube Mr. George McDonald'i this week.—A mid- pearsnoo of his fine dwelling by the erection fW aI I I built summer meeting of the Bible Society will of verandahs, which are being artistically contains a total,,of-863 voters, of - wh m 260 been ouk Oats will bo' ready for the -reaper —Issao Brown andhis men hav4, t d by Mr. �Wm Stoneman.—Mrs. Wm. TAPER CHEAP* more. be held in the Methodist church next Bab. pain e -t Youbg and igible to serve -as Jurors. Of thD tdt&l in &- few days. , The -crops, on the whole,
are el a stone wall each for Mr. Robe bath even when Rev. Messrs. Rogers, Elder*, formerly oi Tackersmith, was in cipsl are very satisfactory,- both as regards qual- —Edward Ward is e agage4, with voters, 572 are.ontitleA to vote at muni hiso'bri. THI
Leech andimlat will speak. The object in- London this week. —Miss Bertha Hod -gins is SUMM R SK PPERS_ and ial olectiong, 1-89 are entitled to ity and 'quantity. The members of t4e I Elijah Pease to go with te th eaher.�Mr#. f vote=icipal electfts�only, and 102 are Sesforth Court of the Ancient : Order Of Heid and her sister, M iss. An mie I Ajin having this semi-annual meeting is to get a visiting rela;tives and friends in Toronto. WHOI
-about thirty MoEwen & Geiger have engaged a number St. I homes, are visiting frien in - HU4 larger number of people out,, than usually entitled to vote at elections to -the I egisla. Foresters, ' accomp uied �by T, Is 11 ky 4reihened Attend the week night annual' meeting in of Indiana to help to rush the -pulling of lative Assembly only. uty.—The shower on Tueed brethren from Clinto and a goodly number cou the fall.—Mr. Thomas Hyslop, of Xaneas, their flax crq:_M-.r. Fred BeDgough is 5fit-31 U�. from'�.Mitchell and other neighboring villages i thi:1gs up ga-in.—A good few i: itend itaking we will nut on gale. Saturdav morning, I A _A U 4-- 1k, A -Presbyterian church last Bab- I , formerly or the Bluevale road, is viait,ing a ding a- ne A L GooD CaT.—Daring Seaforth races, -attended the in he excursion io Goderich or, Augulai� 7th relatives and old friends here. Mr. Hyslop Mr. Gordon -Manns has secured a position in 100packages-of Fine, Crearn Laid -bath afternoon in a.bqdy, when* the pastor, I Mr. E. Bossenbury, of Zurich, sqld to Mr. Aiss Jennie Murray This in a general clear up mo�ah in the
Kelly, of Listowel, his� thre6-year-old gray . Rby. Mr. Larkin, preached an excellent and staff&. and his sieter4n-law, Miss Mary Black, . Zurich an a tinsmith.—] oka, where she Dry
r. being
Note Pa, er, either Baled or Plain colt, for the nice rOU04, sum Of $366.L This suitable sermon for the brethren.L--We are. leave this week on. a visit to -the old.-coiin- -left here this week for Muk Goods Trade Simmer gboda a p OTES.—Mr. And Mrs, F. I Couple of Weeks with her 0 Hutchison ish them a smooth voyage and, a intends spendiO ed of so cheap that it's a t6gular sorry to learn that Mr. 0. Bethune, town try. We w disp colt is a full brother to I Bessie K., wb o took op nt Sunday in Mit Miss Minnie 9 a —Mr. '08' sheets ohell. - ' and Mrs. A. eaca packago coabaning I C: an d was treasurer, -has been confined to his residence happy time.—Mr. Robert -McPherson has sister, Mrs. Wm. Moir. karvest for the buying iblie and the I ? . P Ca npbe of Toronto, is opew Ing her ho" bought a nice driving horse.—Wild rasp- Deichert returned home this week from. fourth vlace in the :40 class$ people are doing the reapin&-. and which will be a e very. sired byWilder Lee, 0 e roperty of James for some days, on: account of illness.—The Is wi her parents in —Mr. Rose, of Obtawai has. th da th the 1 illage;—Ur
berries" are an exceptionally good crop this visiting friendc Dimes and dollareare beingamed by Wid The fact that -a colt 'Soaforth creamery, zunder the energetic Berr Tuckermith. an I Mrs. Kenner, of Stratfoz 1, and Rev. yo I - year. They are both large and plentiful. been visiting at the home of his father -in- 'realy, is doing a rush- awake a -of
low price of 20.-' for each package. raised in the vioinityiol Sesforth sells for so management of Mr 0 Mi.. and Mrs. Kenner, of Mitchell, are As other fruits are very scarce, moat people law, Mr. John McEwen.—Mrs. E. Rxunie hoppers who take advantage.of stock ink business th'is season. . They are gitting such chances and do their trading ood a price shows that there is goo(i spi nding'a few days with Mr. and Mrs. M, L' are glad to got raspberries for the picking.- and Mrs. W. Chapman, or returned* home -Did you ever ba good note parer be- all the crearn they can handle and have no Ale, wisere little money can be xchanged in this locality, and tb� L races' on. - the 17th William Bell.—Mr, Peter Ilan, of so the -neighboring -berry patches have quite this week fro Grand Bend where they for much bulk. trouble disposing of the butter at good higan, in visiting friends in these parts. and I$th' were the meoa of -bringing this Mi fore for so little monLeyL ?_ 10 nid had been oamping for a coliple of w pri&eo. This is an important i a large population daily.—The grain a eeks. Mer'ehants are nxicus to rid" their tables. colt beneath the notiew of men who know His wife, who has been over fo - about three hay crops are much better than was expect- -ves of allhot weather materials
xdustrY in n And is -the asuse of a I of money -and shel
the tow e im. in� about -or 20e, only 4o pAr good horeed when they0ee with I Five quires f weeks, will return liorn ed while the dry weather' was on. Many ohiselhurst. VOU are -them.
hich but and they who need being circulated during the year, w Ia week.—The missionary me, ting 'in the fa' -haF NoTEs.—Mr.1 James Saunders, of -S xeter, A good plan for you is to makel a list of the
XGto. papdr on view in odr South FRE811 - E ocs. _-That 'things are not fo, - r*L it would be spent ih neighboring towns Staff& Methodist ohureh, uni or the Pmo, tmera report good hay, while grain I _. I - improved very much since the welcome —Miss B. -i things you require. they Apear- to be- oi wh pleas ofAhe Epworth League, On Tuesday —Mrs. Armstrong jand Miss the village on Sunday.
always hat at and villages. was iL
rains.—Last Saturday was a beautiful sum- M -hve your min&s worth well as your
o Ridley, of Toronto, are guests'at Dr. Bel. ded,co sideriog the oKeo, and Mies Cluff, of Clinton, are
Window. they are represented, was'..fully pr vent evening was well attended, co mar day.—Now that the usual summer visiting friends in the vicinity.—John Shep- money's worth� and appre iate the value
One of our merchants bho: other da . Mr. den!s.�Misses Belle and Marion Watson, very
disagreeable and wet w ather: Mr. are 'holidaying in Toronto.—A lacrosse races are on, every town, through its news, herd, jr., is wearing a smile these d ya. It of each purchase after , Ive taken it
td\ received, fron- a fariner I L. Stewart, a talented stude t, addresse& paper, is claiming to have the best track in is a son.—Rev', W. Waddell, of Ealimv,lle, home,&o your buying at such a place
Hugh Robb hi to be and* look ad like match was pJayed onjtbe recreation grounds what were supposed g last, between Exeter t� meeting. His address was c e of the beat Wes -Ontario, in the Province of On. il, Monday evenin and former pastor on this circuit, took the as the People's Popular Dry Goode fresh eggs. Shortly � afterwards Rome, of O!, thit has been heard in Staffa, fc a long time tari -were sent in-ko the ab'd Seaforth. The ame was one' of the o, or in all the D6minion. Which is the work in the 'Methodist church here'last Store. the eggs Royal - hotel, and those absent missed a tre .—Mr and REMEMBLEFt is and when one of them -was crackei-,open series in the junior 0, L. A. championship. r. a 0 e eaforth, spen Su beat track in Ontario woull pro�ably be �, Sunday morning. Mr. David Wrew�took -A :9 Ar'bi' Barton, of S. n- hArd todetermine as to find out which in th THE P LAC E w PST out. stepped. a live-chipken. It -w -as placed The home boys wore too -good for the Visit- 6 work on 1 the Eilmville cirenif.—Mr. day with Mr. Jeffery. the banner county In the same division of Edward Ryckman has commenced'the se in com fortable quarfu� and is st�ill living or ors and wom by a score*of 8 goals to 4.- The land. We used to believe Huron wan, but I a- BROKEN LINES was at la9t reports. �- Mr. Robb sorted over Turf Association h%ve a balance of about. son s threshing+ His many customers will Bayfield. K the rest 6f the eggs and found a full ettiug regult:of their races last at a Farmers' Institute meeting,.ouce u. 80-60 STOFEj; FORTH $500 on hand as a Pon find him in a better position this year to
a time, faith was a little bit shaken. Two has hich bad reached tha'ahicken age, ut so week. X would see from this t A. Edwa�ds has special V Men in Shirt give satisfaction than lorinerly, as he 'were as luccessful finandially as tl�ey were Waists, Black Sateen, White Plque an I Panc* Plaids. of the Ifistitute lecturers, in the course of AT yet none of the young- �irds -have ha& -th purcbsEe'd. a new, sep-Arstor and engaged two AV
horwise. It has Wen repo ted Ahab Mr. courage to face the,, r Come and see them. Pitces from 50c p. UO2 1 their remarke,,found it necessary to s expprienced thresberst-b help him. We an. �orld.and its tiials As Ot JEWELRYS John M urra the veteran. thresher, will , BLOWS.—Milla M.Pallister, 01' Guelph, is that they catne from what, after much ticipste he will do 9, -big season's thregbiq,-,. an orphan. y no in the working old territory this sea- the vueit of her brother., Dr. Palliator.— I ravel, they were conviuct d were not alone BROKEN PRICES,
Miss A. Rathwell returned Sat�rclay� after the banner counties of this Province, but G- E S S F Ll L STUOY-1-T8.—The following son, but Nir.-Murray informs Lumley. Where to blay Watches, Clock$, a nionths' vacation in Detroit.- -Mrs.. Bing. the choicest spots on the earth. Whon the teachets from this,obun�yAave successfully Is not oorrect and -that lie is in better shape NcTrs.—The farmers of this vicinity are Jewelry gilveirware, etc. than ever to look after all his old customers ley and family and Miss R. Taylor are entertainment part of the meeting was in- W ords of praise are sp,Lken both of passed their exami 'I wh at. " Some
nations: -at the several
busy harvesting their fal e these goods %la and many new ones..:: Jame,3 Haversou,_ ga ate of Mrs. Rathwell.—Oa 8 ind ' morn. troduced the chairman called upon our'two, d the p es t which
-At Tordnto, ay provincial NormalAchools':' 12 - were nearly through drawing when the
3, at Trinity church, a a pecial offer- village ministers to say a
The question is-eaHily anowered,if you of.Toronto solicitor- orhe Ontario Licen. n ex few words. The they are being sold. AiLtLcheson, Hallett ; M. ilne, bounteous rain of Toesday afternoon came OP_ -on 9 will be ministers said they ha(I always and would will come to Humber & Son's old stand in for the India famine suffe era
Grey Maggie S mil mith ie sed Viatualers' Assocla'�ion, was in'town You bear of them -on every side.
!iequc era Bfi for the benefit of the grass and roots.— he' needs always watch the progress of farmiug with,
posite Reld & Wilson'a hardware st'bre sea, Stephens, Seafor a Step ens-fbassing., Tu�asday, conferring Rh Police Magistrate - ta E, n It should be liberal 69 t Quite a, number from the boundaky.attended Y6u bear, of them in the store. up. Beattie and Inspector Ballantyne reap eting ar� e
e g
forth, wh have opened out a bralf I t There has been n uch amuse- interest., having been brought up on farms, -new rea re with honors. Lond in, a i (11 lespies the party given byMr. A. Innis,of Clinton, You hear of them on the streets.
of All a�the a conviction made b the !police Irate, stock above Mentioned lines. -me t among the young f olks an I entertain. in what they considered were the banner Seafoktb ; Herbert La a' Cillop, y Mis n counties of Ontario. Then the. okairman last week.—M4ss Maggie A. McQuee, is goods warranted as represented. Special with honors. Miss M4ud Kid S under- the'License A t. a Je nie Rus. me t for the older'ones at the r ver the past There is such a -variety Mist we canIt
etforth, spending her vacation with friends in Lou- bargains during this oening month describe: them here. eel], daughter of R -.v. Mr'., Russell, has few evenings. Races of various kinds have closed the meeting with an address,'in also assed as a kindergarten dircetoi ass at don and St. Thomas.—Miss Mable MeTag-
p race, which h Repairing in all its branches Will �ave My ttaw lays.— been held. The winners : Swimming e urged his hearers in eloquent Yo"l1 have to make a trip to the store the kindergarten branch. of the, 0 a. gone ta London to .- ipend her. holii -r gart, of London Road, spent the pai, week spocieattention. Normal school. All these are. gfaduates.. of Mrs. X Tho[npson a id.Miss o peon are �-,_Ne I McLeod, G. Brown, D. McLeod. ;.. tub language to honorand take a prido, In the, in order to get an idea. with h6r cousin, Misa Vera Gleau.—Mr. A. Ilia, 3Djoying e beautiful ra,ca, Robert B:ffley, G. Brown, . Brewer ; the agricultural interests of " the county of Coulate"s Jewelry Establishmeut, the Seaforth Collegiate ldstitute.. :Ttgre Visitiug. at Ori Bolton has the brick work of his new resi- s `P'n orn a�d Huron, the grand old banner county of this bo t races, R. Jenni
see Vigo Ung bre es of that bo
he county who have dence completed and roof and chimneys on.
may be othe-fe -from t nery and -in ngoo tPin SEAYORTH. I out summer re rt. 'Mr. eorge Mur- C. Card ; M,' Whiddon and sey, banner Province of Ontario, in this great been' succeesf a), but if so we'h�ye' not been pleas 24 m 'e WO REN'S It alr ady presents a fine appearance. W� R. COUkTER, able to distinguiah thei�Olnl 8, as 6 ad. die of McKillop, wbo'bas - be /very ill, is (Rooboater) ; F. Rose and G. Br:)wn And M. and glorious Dominion." The siLuation was 'gis num rous friends Wbiddon. and D. ly F.- veiy humorous, as each speaker championed
list.. now recoperiDg, and dresses are not gvc t, Zurich. published A. Edwards made conaidera e improve- a different county' in a, most earnest and ill be again. If, therefore, we have I ;his . way 'omitted w pleased to see him round WASH DRESSES 'h B. A
were advertised mento to J. G. STAN.iauRy, (late.. with Me —The Goderich is'place of business ly having a serious manner, and each one seemed 00
any W DOMINION BANK, e ahall be only too pleased Co -be in- soon CJ%TLthy, Osler,& Co..Torentoj LBarre8ter, CGIlVey- to take place on T e; front put in, new steps at the irl ut of f ully -e uesday ancl Wednesday n 0 convinced Pf their county's leadership
formed of the Gmissionslolud shall noti. n er, Notary. Money to loan. Offices ltely
El we last. .-The Goderich e6pl however, -had the house and all freshly paintad.—Mr. J. that they were seemingly unaware f any a C 00
h6at of t�e%! p cupied by Collins & St%nbury, over O'Neil's Dai them as soon a for pique, dimi-by, mmlio ging, and
GAPITAL (Paid Vp), $1,500,000. about. the same luck sall Soaforth. Rain Fraser is now having a new verandahiplaced other claims to the distinction. Exeter, Oat. u.,!k dresses there I is et plenty or S1,500,00:0. ra. as the first day's sport was in froat of his store and dwelling.' A I this -tp -Is Dty.—We wearing time ahead. REST� a eon just CHimi were in error last
EomONDVILLF, NoTE91. _M 11 iw. hing is cheap
Rober -dolmmencilng, and the races had to be post- week ---when we stated tht the annual if not useful, nothing co
was done by Mr. D. Harrison and t.effeets
jr,, who ha -be �'n,ho e viiitin his Hibbert. no in,' d be better i
thorne, 9
SEAFORTH BRANCH, Ll poned until the following day.—The Misses Tot Ohl credit on his workmanship. L -Mrs. i week's, REa-ULAR. CUSTOMERS of the E. MoFaul hildreh's ay, celebration in connection for weather such an vWre than a parents for the pMt 6 a le o has rp* cool dress made of some : a Hairvey,1 of London, ar here just now', visitj�- Behttie and family, of Seaforth, are ;,spend- Qnsge mate- turned to Winnipeg, where he has - i good fort. in Is.— Co., Seafortb, are always sure of two things with the E vaingelical church would be held
Main Street, Sea 6n, their sister, Mrs, (Dr.) Barrows.—Dr. gaweekorsoatMrs. James McGee on August 5th. The right -date is Sunday rials. If you intend bu ing, see the
situatiow— M rs. i -An Iii tle son James Barrett, of RcKinnons: store their mind's worth - and their money 8 nex �6%ttie and Iii utdie, of Detroit, ivas in thi� vicinity last t, the 29th,' and we trust- that 9,11 will stulls this store is showina in fnev, ave g yo 1 ' worth. That's a combination of satisfac. A .-General, Ban kin Business'trans' h one to Bayfield fqr a week's holid P McGee'i —
wdek. Hewascalledherpto attend tohis Blvtb, is a guest at James- - Mr acted. Farmers' Safe Notes collected, make a note of this and not miss the ser- effects, strip c
and to enjoy. the refreshing bieezes o, Lake tion and saving. Invest 9, little mon�y now bs, ch es at d j�clid color;.
broher George, of McKillop, who was ill. Fred Baker is home from deril an� and advances made an same at lowest HaroD.—The heavy a�nif m'fi-ch w6 Oct ad e of their mid -summer offer go and vices. There 'will be preaching in the Prices are arranged to pl(ase Ju,ly bar.
- - a uting his h' in som in )rning and in the afternoon and evening gain shoppers. rates. Ele left,f6r home .on Saturday.—Mre. (Dri) burily engaged pai ouse. you'll get -far more tlian its worth. Many mc 'ibb and little son are spending a few holi- rain of last week was veiry bonificial to the, speeches will be delivered by the clegrymen
Drafis sold- on- all points "in Canada, root crops and fruit' bu , it completel libea of goods are being clearedout. 1702-1 r plit a dayel at- the,paiental home at Bridgeport.— Blyth. and others, while recitations and dialogues stop to haying and hary t -for a co P11 of the U n i ted State s - and E urap e. JUDGMENT GivE,,T.—A case which is of Mies Maggie Wilson, daughte r of Air. James JOTTIos. —Harvesting in this neighbor- will be given by the obildrefi and excellent hood is being ushed along rapidly.� Miss -T
SAVINGS. DIE PART MTENT. —Interest days �-Oat of the -num 3er that wrl te -for Tennie Moore, !both of canaiderable intorest in this township has THINGS THAT CAN lWilson, and Miss sic by.the church choir. The afternoon alowed on deposits Of O.rie Dollar and- entrance Jrom.the,Egm indville sehp)l, 3wo &afort� just been decided. The court, report is as mu have very Etlecessfully pAssed the ell, w2o was the follows : His Honor Judge Chisholm, of g services will be in both English of thorn passed and thi se two' war( boys. Elva Vance, of Mitch and evenin upwards. ce guest of Miss Iva T4man, left O 3 Monday to Berlin, has give judgment in -the case of- and German, and all are cordially invited to examination in the piano de-
-RC F Although the entran ome- iL O A collection will be taken up
R. S. HAYS, W. K. pEA papers were partmeneof the London Conservatory of visit, friends n Lubknow and Kin lardine. be present. STAY HERE whatdiffil,ult this yea , the results sli Oswald Walker'va. Hugh Norris, an action solicitor Manager. ow Music,—Mr. John MMillau, M. P., was in Her mother, Mrs. Clare Vance of Mitchell ateach s3rvice� I I tried before him at the c unty court at that it was the girls. hat played ill the 0 town on Wednesday, having been released gp, n town.—Mr. lain Living- NOTES.—The Evangelical church choir has
foot ball and other ga as this spring, ml Stratford on June 20th and 21st last. Shit This stor has such an i%asortment p
from hie ' Parliamentary duties.—,Mks Agnes fait ne is 'giving the roof. of his saw imill. a was broughu to recover a 'rip of land alleg- been engaged to take part- in a festival OD our great ladies' man e say not hin1f aga net them, it has people in every day who Barton is visiting frien& in Toronto'.—.Mr. frf sh coab of Mot, of fire -p oof nature. d to have been fenced in b*y the deieudant. �he Goshen line, Stanley, on Tuesday ev6n- 10 the boys this, year.— ra. Richard- Hicks, p e are in need of them it ha4 them marked
Bicycles For Seaso 1190 James �AcMich.ael,:tie Y'eterawpresideint of- M -. Livingstone also sp-)rts a-fi e new dray, next.—Mr. i Daniel McCormick, who has h.,asspendinga co Ple'of weeks with Both parties are farmers;residing ip Hibbert. Ing at each prices that 'tb(?re bound to sell.
friends in, Blake, return d' home this. Week. the Seaforth Bowling Club, has been re, in connection with his business. Mr. Herb. The judgment just handed down by. His been a great su-0crer for some time from that and sell quickly. - You wre. pretty bard W., N. WATSON', North A,!ain 9treet, elected Vice-president Of the Western bn- Af hbury and Mr. James Moff ttt are vinit' Honor directs that jadg' on dread disease, 'consumption, pssed over to —M. Rolley and family, who have 'been ment be: entere. . to convince'if one trial t this store ra -1 for the and- a, tario Bowling, Aesociaiion,—Mro. Hays, -of ing friend's in Gorrie Find Kin m'rdine -this or before September 4th, 1900 the g Ing Luck is visiting kelatives. in Seaforth. week.—Rev. W. H. Irwin and wife, of .0 desWt eatisfatorily. im.0111strate- to Bea,forth, - spending a week or so with Mrs. ltolley's rr�at beyond on Tuesday morni A-jent for the-1-1cudoroon. Bicycle Company, Goder. mother, !a Dubliu, -fet d h me on Bab. 'Owl plaintiff with costs as follows': , let, declar- the remains were interred in the Catholic that it is a brat clas place to pur, —Miss nnie Laird,_- of. Brooklyn, New White" Cloud, Michigan, are vaiting their cemetery on Thursday. Mr.- McCormick ou
ioh, Ont., A full It ie of the latett up-to�datc wheels bath last. ing that plaintiff is entitled, as owner, to for he season of 1900 on: babd. McCready, York., is visiting here. Charles Moran, t present.. e hag got . was highly esteemed by all and the he3wtfielt chase all your summer wants in
t Tho, friends in town a the strip of land in question particularly act e i4 -_ - Common Sense " and 11 Goderich." Also agent for of Atlanta, Georgia, who hag beeii spending thiee�weeks leave from his' pas oral duties. sympathy of his many friends is extended to Sailors and Ott ing Rate. the calebmted "W10te Owlng Machine Company For theext 30 day a ten days' 'holiday with his mother and M r.'J. - B. Kelly and ife, A the Hub of claims ; 2ad, that an -injunction b wife and 6hilren. Messrs. John forth in paragqaph 6 of plaintiff's statement
a on can, by calling at
e grant- Ikll wheels,, uaranteed Parasols and Shirt Waists. bicycles of Clevb!and, Ohio. -ou pur, lip-qderson'ti Phabo Studio, have end I?,igs phot.). family; left here on Thursday morning for Wre in town last Sunday calli on old Daicbert and F. Hess. sr., atendd and prices fight. Gal] and examine before 3 Xsapb of your sell with. every- dozen of Cabinet ed reFtraining defendant from further treis-- t chase. A fail line of bleycle partsnd sundries kep phot�grapbs. 17024 his home. The docter4as greatly benefib- friends. --Dinsley streo will oocn have -the the futeral of a' friend near Tavistock Embroidries -and Laces. in stock a6d repairinz done. Also dealer in " Ray- pass thereon ; 3rd, that a mandatory in,- ted by hie short sojour with. his old granolithic sidewalks laid from the -6 on Sunday last.—Mr. George Buchanan, Veilings and Handkerchiefs. N' m tation
S11ORT11A D.—The der and for firob class Mond . avid Whlb Sewing Machines, needles, oil, junction be granted ordering defendant td
steno friende, who ivere p eaked to Bee him, and to Trinity chureb., on, both sides'—The jr., has returned from his trip to the North- pirts, etc, graphers is daily ineyeasing axid if yot Intend PI
move -the fence mentioned in the statement Hosiery and Gloves. band and fl should sorry he could not remain longer.—Mrs., Misses Keith, of Chicago, were visiting at of claims to its former proper position. The litudying short Pawn in you we, -W_ArTS0 attend the Oentral Utuainess Oollege Sf tihis with him.—Mv's. John Beckeubauer went
raLfoy I. st, andlooksasif,his outing had agreed Collars and Neckties.
E. M. Caton a;nd tm o sons, of 'Detroit, are -the residence of rs. James Dodds judgment dismisses defendant's counter
1698-tf NURT11 RAIN ST., S-EAFORTIr, vigiting-atMp. M. Y McLean's.—Mr.- Dan week.- to Baden thill week.—Alesore. E. ana S. Corsets and Vests.
claim with costs and affirins the flu Talk about suamet d inks, for so etbing am Iton, is -via re aviab, of H din tho.f Hauob, of WaIkerton, spent, a week he MeT itin� his real refreshing, gIva me Beatt aBroB'28cTea. 1702-1 the jury that the 11 north portion of General Inzurance Agent & Deal- mother and other friends in town.—Last Cromarty. with their-uncl Also all clainses of
line fence is on the! line 'of the old fen e." b, Mr. P. Rauch, and met XET Tur, B.,ST.�Doi'b fool.wi-th educa- week Messrs. Watson & Emigb, of Blyth. D.- HAi, Commissioner, Conveyance willfi, mort. -or hi'Sewing Machines. 1-ha-uy'old friends and acquain tances.—Miss tion, Myou want a thorouth business or N orthand The case will be appealej. purchased from Mr. Georgo Murdie, of Mc- gages, and deeds drawn up. Money lonnedi at the i Minnie Doan is home for her holidays.—Mr. Nick-Wacks and Small Wares.
training, attend the Contrat BnEir' 001164% §trat. ess oweeb ratesof interest. Killop,:47 cattle, hose aKgregate' weight ford. This college has equioed thousands C f yb i Wesle Schoeling brought into town the ung. _y en and wm, n for buslne3s� ItIc. 1098 -ti was 66,765 pounds. On day lastl they ,F that peopl'e wel- --Aensaii FALL'TERM OPENS SEPT. 4t ea iT's PERi; cTjy Cir other day, a he,ri'a egg which measured 8 b
y Beattie Bros.' 2 0 4 if -you have n6t were shipped irorn this stati,on to L d inches and weighed four ounces. It was on, coin
e live activity. They like t3 deal where The eieciiitora of the estate of the lute eftrly rpos or- all their requirements will be met in the John P. Marshafl, haip placed in the hands of G. J. the biggest, egg� ever brought into our village 7 tried it, ask yaur neivhbors mbout it; its,if Di gngland.—A meeting for the pu e e%,er>N house along tho I Beattie Brcs., Sea. gani! all
V u
I Indise.
.1 Sutherland, conveyan or, of Hensall. for sale the zing A local association for �he ven- popular way with trustworthy erch i and Mr.8--boell1i would liketo bearfrom any
forth. 1702-1-" fine black of two 2 st9yy ttoreaL -in Hensall, known a u m -on dy safe w ti -and Cure of Cc ption, will be held Their earnings ir� absolutc ith the person who thinks be, can it.—M 'Y. in the Uounoil Chamber,
TO the ladies of Seaforth'abd vicin a3 the Unrahall Brick Block, also the flne fralne it Oil i4onday even- E. kleFaul Co., of Seaforth, wh) give MOre divelling at the rear of the stores. Both are fint- Lydia Faust is attending a meeting of the Our July and August Bale of high ali�q
9 dres g d
the 306h iAst.9 st 8 o'clock. A large th value for value. Ever time; their class properti" and will be sold at a great bargain. executive committce of the Young The STRATFORD,. ONTARIO, -aldry odaj1siJcwon, n; Ing$ y People's
organdies and gonci (I etc re is patronized etronger -strands Of eon- For f u. parti( lady ouying:M 6r upward, atbe4dance df tho�o who have promised to iuIarsapl)lyto*the undersigrcd,G. J.
No less than eigMl large business 6olleges I ive 1pa.k your oad therland, OM_,c at the ro�tu Office, Hen.all. Alliance at Berlin.—The children's day ticket and return, G. E. Kir g, WiAgham. 170i-tf -become members and lothers is requested. — fid3noe are woven. 17 ipplie(l to us within. the las sik weeks .,02.1 98 tf celebraior, onthe 14th conce2sio'n. 6n Sun- have i Ardo az their meetifig, -DO - TS. —The nice, refreshing ains we are 16 strong man in The -public school,,, for our graduates to take positions as teach- I day last, was -a grand success. Mr. Wil.
LOCAL BRItrs. —The farmers in this sec. 1 44 r'; business ig the man with buqiness ed.4cation. S me on Wednesday eveniog last, let the contract havine every two or three dav duribLy the lia Rmith of T)ctro;t- is here vis, his
IDLY and the for' painting and Jalson�ining the public pa�ttwo weeks are making the root crops M. Ka,rcber, of the era n te Be (to 5 lrra,"J ma ITIon gob it by hard e.X:)eriersc�,, others* ac(I ui ri id by tion are busily ongaged harvest I �5
rents.—It was Mr' ness firms have applied -to, us in one day�for taking a course. in the Central D'uaincss 001fte'. schpol to Mr. James Graves, he being the and -grass look fresh an green._Mra; Push- crops are very go'od in general.—Mr. D, P ke. 14th concession, who purchased Mrs. Mat -
office licIp. TH3 ie surely, the beat school Stratford.. r U qubart and Mr. P, D. Bell re each
lo, went tender er. The work isto be finished el6erry, of Brod6agen, whose husbandis The lot
I t O is wa, a the shipping way I-Lrge quantities of lumber.— for you. ftee. Henderson's-Photu& di ter's house, and not� Mr. AL Zellar.—Mr. gy o3d In the ilTontreal, accom tj
p1we to collie Wh( �somcthin about�the middle of Augubt.—Mr'. Jones, in the merchant business, and Urs. McCly- M. Stumpf, of Mildmay wag here attending
photo lino, as he alAkys m foremaD'for Buchanan & Son, of GoAe*ri("h, moltt, of Worth Toro Mrs. 13rookii, of vanied by the funeral of his brot'her-in law, , D. Me- W. J� LLLIOTT; Principal kOe nathing but a tj nto, wer visiting at il her son Jame, -i, is here visiting her sister, Dry Goods col which is none too good f)r a y person. I is here superintbndin', the work on the new th4ir brother's, Air. John- Ma SOD, the be. Cormick. He as -an old resident here and 70 41 Mrs. Peter Melville.—Miss Jessie Millar; of WANTED, a good �g-c6era servan I u car reside; for' R%3v. Father -McCbe. �Alr. gi uing of the week.—Mr. Alex3tiderC" met, m1W13V f bio old friends.—Mr. W, H. an'P' Exeter, has been spending the past week or t %V� gee, 8! 0 a Won h. App],V IXt E 10H iTO R Jones c v a large -gapg men be recently sold a -horse to Mr. Thomas Pee'. a to ha of Hoffinan a�d fpmily were in Crediton on,
so 702 (L with her ai3ter, Mrs. Robert Paterson, sh along the work.— W en, of Chiselhurst, realizing i good! W week to ru C es. Greatest Cask W hi e n, W.,
Don t Blame the Cook, Sunday last.—Mr. and Mrs. Weatzel, who price. jr.—Mr. Owcn Geiger's child, who was Mr. . T. R, F, Case h to purchased a hand- M Campbell raises nothing b t the best, have been -bav;ng a pleasant visit with veriDg nicety.— quite,seriously ill, is reco sonic you%tborougl bred mare from LovA 1. -'jFS, --jTh r Be rin . a gan- consequently always gets good prices'—Mr. friends heie. returned to their 1)0'me in 13RIL ks fro the 0cman in' lyth,—Nr. John Scotti Air. C. A. Redinond and Air. Thomas F is 0 eafortb bowling cldb Were, ia Lond)"hi attle Eanuel Speare, who is engaged 4b the Mount3dn, North Ddoca, on Tueed U0 d aler, Eyre were in Forest and vicinity last week. Dr' od 8tore. *Ave your cook a chance with our 28c week taking parb in tW tournament 1thbre. of, Liatowel,'t iade a shipment of fine tailoring business in Toronto, ii rus"I'at"g —Miss Johnston, who returned home'recent. 'Tea att I G, 0 I d eat Baking, Pawder ; there They went.uudcr the chaperonage of, Pre8i. e port cattle from th's station on Thursday. at Joseph Speare% his Prother.—'N10. Mal- Exeter. re
hom The cattle were, of ex �,ra -good quality, and colm 'McKellar went do)#n to E bratford the ly from London, whe she had been for will be w ore olfeer in t h, e a and more dent McMichael.—Mr. James. Th-ompson several months, is spending a week . or two BuipFs.—David R, zzlo mid ife spent a were all purchased it, thin neighborhood.— begintiing of lot- week, to work for the niGney in the farr i ly purse. An&-- don't has been engaged as car�-takcr for the Sea. -he w forget to give- th!� waherwom-u- ourAen forth public ahool, �Alr. -James Ir -Company, bat retained the in the village with Mrs. T. J. Berry:—Miso couple of days hst week in Londrila.—J. success, an wbo was under arret' The choir of- the Met iodist church will have White Packing here, Wnk euspected of being the long
win, 'Pearl Ellis, of Lucan, and Mies DcLy6n, of A. 81.ewart was representative from E'xeter bars, Somp, solil bit their annual picnic al Bayfield on Tuesday I%tter ond as he did not get 'the job he was
who has served so faithfully in this c- pacity Port Hdron, who were here visitingfrie, sought Texas defaulter anA forger,
-carsi.retirftd on account of not next.—We d to learil that L Mr. 0. engaged to ork at.—Mr. Jame Lodge, A. F. And A. Al., to the Grand and for for so many.3 are pleaw a Miller, have returned to their bornes.—Mr., Duncan Lodge me8dnLy at London, lst week.—Dr. whose capture a A200 reward was offered, being able to attend to ith -Claxk8on, lae head maser of Lhe Seafortb who went to the States of Illin)itj and Kan. e new heat' 119 Wp_ Stanbury, of Bayfield, accompanied by his 'was released. at thp. inetance of the Texas BEATTIE BROS., Se,aforth. McEwen, of the Lr)ndon Road,was recently I axatus properly. Corlegiate Institute, has received very sas, a short time ago, intends —Alr. lfne.-t Gies, of to spend the in London, attendirg the annuM son, Dr. J. Stanbury, of Toronto, spent a authorides.—The- new water mains wer6
m eotiu 9 Phana Zurich, one of Hay tonw0ip's most pros- congenial Appointment from the Gage! Pab- summer there with his brother ind s4ter.— 61 the grand lodge of Masons, as represent- dy lw!t wenk with bis'son, J. G. StaDbury, tested' on Friday evenii3g, and found to wrk hing Compat is farmers, was in town on Saturday, lis ly, of',Toronto, at a "Falar,y Mrs. Alexander Boyld, who spmt a satisfactorily.—The children and friends perou month eq itive of Hensall lodge.—Mrs. A. . Muraock, b&rriter.—Mr.:Schoellig and Miss -weliel on his way home' frorri Brussela te lie ual to th�b.he recelved here, and. eaves visiting lately in Lanark, bar native county, who was recently quite ill i3 again in the of Zurich, spout Saindy with their* friend l�,e of Ca -en Prebyteria church picniL�ea at of his old* y —T -t time t�go,—Mr. A. end on Tuesday. bad been attending the funeral shortly to Oct -up his new po6ition.'
eu he returned home a shoi on of Clinton Gr nd'B
Hurons have.made ai raugamcn' joyment of her usual he tb.—Mis Camp.' Milis �Bier.—Mr. Thorna5 Trick, T V o ih te W f ri d, Mr. Gt-o�ge B�ekpr the Pi eViOL18 84or On ex. Boyle has been paintig and improKi hg the 4 with t) bell, of Chicago, isi visiting her cousins, Mrs. i8 vh1tig at Mr. Gleorge SamwellIs.—Miss hibition game ie Berlin Rang&s, to Appearance of his ho'uhe. day.�Ouv ohl ai�a eateerned frien i, Mr. Dwaon, of'Lorflm, is the guest of Miss- T 'Fflie'10th c -TOAVN oilco�gionf be p�aycd here on- Aiguat 8uh. The iRang- Harold and Mrq. A. Murdock.—A lawn conkance.
ice Baffie of Woodstock, -Tim-RE's OFF between Sea -
tennis match was plaed here one %fternoon Howard. —M ikso Al Tuckersmith, is spending the sum mar in ers are now,chathpions of Can4da, and as Bluevale. they are anxious to tetain this d last week between Blyth and Hensall, re- is spenrling A few wecku with Mi�s Cora sons at the E. McFaul Cos. tore Beaforth Grcand T-u n k R a I lwy :Toro'u'to,whc;ehb has to -daughten tesid. stinction, NOTES, —M3 r. Edward ulligan, of near sulting in a victory for the visitors. Fowell.—Jack Crioks, of the )Palacp, Clin� always ready ing. Mr. McDonix1d had n9b b the.garne will �e a gc od one. Thpy've learned the public is
een et oyig J Zamestown, died on Monday 'or last, week of ton, [-pent Sunday with friends, in town.— good health fo 0 —Alise Hannah and Miss Ferris,
an d lie iietib to r some timCk,:. to buy if pTicez are right, S -Y -Sr This very mouth I I df paralysis, ayed 76 years. He leaves a London, are the guEts of Mrs. Swaim.— Mr. lukaater, wife and family; of Paris, are they place before you many bargain our- the (,luieen City in; the h lope t iat the hai3go TR.�vi.rLERS,—Thd following towns- wife and five children.—The infanti daugh- I ir. M acd iarmid returned home on Tuesday the guests of the latter'd moth or, Mrs. pribes in 411 claine of summer goods in Commercial g, l-'-AFOI�TIL would prove benei 64 We hope th iLt I Ilia people and other.were ticketed out to die- te r, o f 0 r.' n n d Mrs. Wm. Mclutym, of To. e rening from a few days well earned holi- ie McCallum 'has gone (X IWel E Is
=tatioins in thtis resiif)uct will otario.— Parasols, Hosiery, oves, Shirt the bd :fully
3d, allLd that -lie'- tapt. points thifl Aveak at Mr, W. omer. ronto, was very ill -lass, week, bdt iia now. d xya. He bad been visiting in the. neigh. extended visit to Northern O' Waists, Smallwares, Nick -nacko, c., will have a pkv4ant Arille's railway and steamship agqucy : improving. The McIntyre family are visit- b.)rhood of Forest and in Watford village.— V Messrs. Hugh Spackman and 0. H. Sanders 1702-1 isit in tile Provincial, Me(ropolis Mr.'Jarries mqlcinley and the Misses Me-. ing at Mr, Robert Greenway'3.—.Mz Reu. Rev. W. J. Dobert� was in L6ndo for a ILA on, Tuiesday, for i trip to the Soo.— NEw Wn A. Coates., of near thin 'Angus McLeotl, of Aroodstook, hw -been
Kinley to Barrie, where they will Mr. and Mrs. Archibald Bishop, x,A1. P.
spend the bep Jewitt, teacher, who io
visiting old frie _WO �kitlg .�ur his f w clays last week. —Rev.' Mr. Penhall of I L %S ndu in town and % icinity lnid-summ6 lorri, d ur �ng, the holi- I lyth, conducLed service in th village, is the first to thrPsh his wheat this r holiday Nvith friendd i6' the brother, Lewie, of A a Methodi�t P., purpoTie leaving shortly on a tour of the seasOD. On Wedneday the threshed ome during the past week. Mr:'McLcod has a Muskoka dis� trict ; hlat-rlie Stewart, to his (baye, had his collar bone brol ou wep.t.—We regret to report the deatfi of f�,rrn adjoining the town cf Nj"Oqdtock, and oxie d &7 ciurch on Sabbath last, njornin.g and even. of bits Democrat wheat, and the hample-
Var�unewe_ horne in New�'Yorlc, wl�erc lie holps -is l'arkinson, of this village, is:within a mile of the arket buildii a good lately, by the horse runninf away and ihg' delivering very able addresses on both Mr. Thom� is an excellent one, while tho yield will be Ile position wiUi the I mperial Fird lusurance' throwiDg him off the hav rak(.-1�1 r�4�. Pal. lCasiODS —W94 Gardejo, of Stratford, who which occurred on the 23rd inst. r. Varkm I T likes his new home, aur the Only f tilt he Boautif al ni.tnl vI elo(-ks from I tip. as god as the sample.
Company of -Euglaud ; Uri. T.1 0, lard and litfle' daughtr', of are �vs here visiting ftiends, has returned to inEon was'an old and highly respected resi- 8 Day Oak oz 1 v*anu t el hs,.s wiLh the plape is th it the people there- ock for $2. and family to vlle ; A R, Plurnmer, visiting at Mr. John %Vaus I 11 ident, bavirg reached the age of 89 yeai COM11,
aboutE ate all Griu,, and 'be aan't git any all's. rs, h4 bompt.—Building operatim's promise to -Bank of Commerce here, to Vincent and children, of Hanover, arO: visit - b�, quite brisk here this fall and next sum. The funerpl.took place to Zion 8UVOr P1,16t011 I'wrry I)i-11 for r6cerrtly of phe emetery,on —About 60,000 fect of granolitbie side- Ayer, the —The P%vlkaes 00reenwo9d, 'British Columbia, where he ing the formet's'father, W ednesday.— Court of -revision was' held 1 walks will be put down in Mitchell this person to argue Plftic� with. Mr. 11ward Bos. Among the buildings to be erected Cake Baket, 81 75 or.
.8hiiLh, daughters pf Dr, 10miLh -0
as 'istant' has been transferred to the same bank at- man, of Morris, and will ro')na n Vvith him a learn of Mr. Davis' brick block, Mr. H. UVer, ina
Pi6kh-Thahop at superintendent Of the Lrockvil e A here on Tuesday, the only appeal beiug ytar.
le IaEal S- that point ; J. K. Richardson i to., Cincion- until the return of Mrs. Bximan,ifrom Mani- J cobie's dwelling and Mr. McPherson's brick that of the Massay-Harris Company. Judg- 0. P,
—Hn. John Dryden hap, poturned after 0,
sylum, who were viiting friends herd for a I r atti, , Ohio, on a usiness trip ; Robert toba. Mrs. Bo-aman went! to Winnipeg to Muck, while others, no doubt, will be fol- ment. was reserved.—John Snell and wif short visit t3 Manitoba and 'New Ontario. days., coinn
-11 e,
oouple ot weeks, Jeft on Monday fot their Ha�vthorne, r., 8omondville, to en
rail-, Spoon,�, -ilve'' I ewah, his home attend the funeral of her d. ughtcr, Urs, T, l(wiog their example. —Messrs. Willie and of t. Thomas, are visiting friends here.— He pC-nt Sometime, at the Govtmm t Ex- r new home in Brookville. —NJ '. S. Bickson alit in and iwipcet our stock. r in Winnipeg; Mrs - 8. Mallett and children Gr. Campbell, who, it baL9 1-1-een I arti, B. D., and R, Mill.
and family moved to BJtyfield on Satarday, earned, 83ephord made a shipment of hogs from R W, Al M perminental farm, near Dryden. The wheat 'boats. At
to Sarnia, to spend a -few wecks visiting died of heart tro�ble, while get is station the end of 'last week,—The yajd exchaDized pulpits last Sabbath morn- crop, be says, is very poor in the West, and Telegraph where they will oecu& a cittage M re, g ready to
illiam- Ballar to lher brojh,.r, uhn, at Bat t isses Moir, of Toronto, formerly ot St. iog.—Rev. Mr. Ram also in and about Dryden. 0ttz in I)ryden
n the i relatives ityne and on a visit; say and wife, of Ot.
r THE'-OPTICAN cedars fo the sUmrn4--?'4r 'Wm, 13clater daughter, Rlla, to 1,racebridge, to spend a iss I�iabal San� brc cm an d N1 iss arys, were in the village this week visit. tawa, have been visiting friends in town,— are very fair, and barley 0 portage,—,M is� exceptionally has the contraet for ovipp)ying. tbe public DALYp AND JEWELLER few weeks with he� son John, who 'ordon, of Toronto,"are spending some i g their relatives.—The annual Sabbath W. J. He%man has aecured the thorough. good, is in Jean 0 The barley is as god 8
that D school with coal for' tills year. It takes business there : Mr. and Mrs. P. IrLeating �-of the hot weather in the clear country air. a my own farm, said Nlr. Dry4en. "A new hool picnic of Carmel Presbyterian church bred bul)-nose pointer, Lady Lufra about 30 tons to keep tl a young ide r prop- and Attle daughter and Miss Fitzgerald to I —Nir,*Andrew Holme.-,. soctim foreman, 'e erly warmed daring the was held on Thursday afternoon, of last from Dr. H. Kinsman, of Sarnia —We ar -�ariety, known as the Mancoburian, is -be- 0 tried, and is very ucc4ariful." 'N'biJe fondation fnr the tiew extbibition bi ilding - atterided the funeral 'f bia fathet, who week in Mr. P. D. Bell's wood, west of pleased to report that T. L. Bishop is re SEAFORTH. p winten—The Bracebridge, on*a holiday excursion Nor R Wingham, on Alonday.—MisS the village. The attendance was large and a covering from his recent very severe Dryden was in Dryden Pope A] man Hill to Oranbr)ok, British Columbia, died near illness. is now cOrnPlete, and workmen are bu' "I I where he has secured a situation ; Norman Lucy Pagh and Miss Weir, of Clinton, and very enjoyable time was spent by all pres. —Mrs. Seldon nd daughter, of Ingersoll, is -capitalists waited on himl in co y nneetian engaged with. the suoerstructure. ReIn is a steady, 'Well doing 'young man, and will Mr. and Mrs, John Pugh and d. ghter, e4t. --The annual Sabbath school pienic.of btva be,?n visiLing Mrs George Samwell,— I with a waterway for the ests�liahtnent of to gan. wll,)!: 1--i e Oiort ditance narth finished it will be one 9f the most conipl�!Ite nucceed wherever he locaces twelve S(xa...l Mabel, of Drasselp, visited ove nda it" said of ,rkk�-n. with paralhl,3, and handsome ag 'a it Su y at the Methodist church is being held to -day, W. Carling, of t. Paui, Minnesota, accom. I smelter. " If that smelter is buil ri u al n the 1 forth bo*wle a. to London ; Dr. Charles Air. Joieph Pugh'P.—Mr. Bell dr. Dryden, " Dyden will �e a big town. ,ri lay morning ho pasted county, of orria, (Priday), at Grand Bend.—Miss Aigthorp panied by his wife, is here visiting his t & and Seaforth 8 ould have- the best Moran to his home at Atlanta, Georgia Visit d his sister, Mre,,--Alcxander McGee of. 8 wil en there," be 76 If e is survived by his and largest, show in the' county this � �all. — Mrf, M e b. Marys, accompanied by her friend, mother, Mrs. Tait.—Dan D er has moved I saw a man in Dryden h Thom son; ht XA L yWif(-, Ef aninall.1, and §ever�l Mrs. John Bell, (-..f Win ham "g, er, week.rvir. and Mrs. tred, McCracken MiAs Fennie, in here visiting her sister, Mrs. -his printing outfib to Zuricb, where he will eon uded, - who had visitet, all parts V Iin visiting ab Thompson, 'to Bala one of 'M uekoka'K-many pen . Sanday at J., R, Beek. ra, MeClymont, *of King, commence the publication of a new weekly, Canada and came and se residence of her er, M�, John populat tourist res'orts, children. the famity, of Biussel ttled in Dryden.
#bro Ur. J.ohA Gardiner's, Mies �ary King formerly �f this place, was in the village the Zurich Herald. We wish him every Wood and water are the grei�t atiractious