HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1900-07-20, Page 88 SPECIAL VALUES IN TOILET •SOAP THIS WEEK HELIOTROPE-iie per -cake. WITCH IIAZEL-3 oekes for -1,0e. PANSY BLOSSOM -4 cakes for 103: MA,Pleiti LEAF CASTI.LITL-6 for 100. 0LYCERINE---4 eakea'for iUo (iLD BROWN WINDSOR, -10e per •dozen oekes; Other brands too numerous to mention, be- ntidee a good assortment of Medieated Seeps an law pricer, •••••••nowi REMEMBER P e EPAPST BOOKSTORE,SEAFORTH. JEWELRY. IM*1=0 Where to buy Watches, Clocks, jewelry, Silverware, etc. The question is easily- answerecbsif you Will pOrne to Humber & Son's old stand, ep- poeite Reid & Wilson's hardware store, Sea - forth, where I have fawned out a bran new tock of of the aboveneentioned lines. All geode warranted as represented. Speoial bargains during this opening month, Repairing in all tie branches will have Ty apeeiel attentiore Ceunteefi Jewelry Establishment, - SEAFORTH. IV, R. COUNTER, 7 •Manner. THE HURON EXPOITOR DISTRICT MATTERS. they are inch that an industrious man can make a very good living on if he works, aleings right. We have not any lime itron exp t tionoet3hheerrteilionugr, t&tornteni:vrilhatrdthliii egaodoei Viteloita. r9ads here you have in Hin On, as we have not the gravel to mike there. But we have TRAVELLMS. -The following wers ticket. nice smooth day roads. 'oad graders are e. ed to distant points this week at %Yen. Som. used here a great deal and 1 icyoles are run ville's railveay ticket agency; : D. D. Wil- On the roads by both old and young. When son and John A. Wilson, to Atlantic City, epeaking of the crops I forgot to mention New Jersey 4 W. TrBox, to Grand Rapids, about the feuit. We will have an enormous Michigan; W. Brownell, to Detroit ; Mrs. crop of fruit thii year, frons the largest to W. L. Lloyd,'to Kingston, M ohigan. the emallest. As to the climate, we have juot about the Fume kind of weather here • Dizotre atrewennera.-Miss Clatk,daugh, all ehe year round as you have in Huron. ter of the late Mr. N. J. Olar , of °abbr. Our stook ere, especially the horseand nia, formerly of the township of Uaborne; cattle; are a long way behind yours, a• in this county, has written to.'Mrs. B. B, though I have knowntof horsesselling here Stephenson, of Conotance,as f llows i' P Mr. during 'Ai season at $15( , bin such hors John Canon, of Princeton, died • in the are scarce. The county set t is eight miles county hospital of Coluea -co nty, Uelifor. west of •Cersonville and theregare eel many nia. I think ha was aletiut 45 yearn of age.. big guns to be kept up there that our 'muni - I de not knciw the exact date of his death; Oipal taxes are something desperate. 1 Our but it was in Joy ei the; 1a4 of June, 1 °aunty and :etate author ties put i on a think he used to 1 e ' in Ifibbert, in the great deal more atyle than your eounty and ‘00Unty of Perth." - provincial authorities ; in fAct, your people ••are not in it et all in this reepeet. It would MARRIAGE, OF A .FoRmErt RESIDENT.---Th-e make some of my old friends in Dicker - Brookville Recorder bf dune 27th, makes . smith aspirin if they had taxes such as we the following reference to -the marriage of have. here to pay. ' Careonville is improving Mr. James 1Wallace, formerly of Tucker. rapidly and is a stjrring oity, or town as smith : ''A eery-- kieiet but pretty June you would call it. 'loathe, in looking over wedding took place ,it the re idekerse of Mr. DIE EXPOSITOR fi0n11 wee to week a great ges emone the peo le in your • DOMINION BANK: CAPITAL (Paid Up), REST, - SEAFORTH - $1,500,000. $1,500,000. BRANCH, • Main Street, 'Seaforth. A General Bail kin Business trans- acted. Farmers' Sate Notes collected, and advances made on same at lowest rates. Drafts sold on alt points in Canada, the United States and Europe. - SAVINGS • DEPARTMENT. -Interest allowed -on depes!its of One Dollaratied upwards. R.18. HAYS; - Solicitor W. IC. PEARCE, Manager. es. , Bicycles ror-Season: 1§00, - W. N. WATSON, North Int-sain Street, Seeforth. Agent for the Henderson, Ratan Company, Coder - MI, Ont. A full li 15 dt the Meat up•bo•date whoole tar the season of 1900 On hand. The McCready," common Sense" and "Godorich." -Also agent for tito celebrated " Whae Sewing Mochine_Company bicyete4 ot (kWand, Ohio. All Wheels guaranteed and prices tiglit. Cd11,and maul:tie before you put.. chase. A, ftEl of 44i,•3 He porta and El-L.111(10os kept dtozit and repatrIng dam). Ala° dealer IIL " Hap mond „ and White " Sewing Mac:lilacs, needles, oil, partg, etc. W&TSQJTI NORTU MAIN ST., Sy.a.FORTif, Genera/ Insurancelgent & Deal- er in Sewing 'chines. 1030 FALL TERM OPENS SEPT. 4th (Y ?7)) 17 . - ) itidiwfdel • STRATFORr). ONTARIO. No here than (10 t • targe hoslease colleges tuna; “pin a t,c,. u.1 within t ho last six weeks -far our graduetee to tele- poeitions as tem:h- ors-in their school.. A umuy as five busi- neat firms have applie4 to us in onc day for office help. Thin re Lotrely the best aehool for you. Catalog:to free. W. J. EFALIOTT, Principal. • 4444.52 Don't Blame the •Gook, _ (live your eoek a hent e wit 1 our- 28c ,11•1 (lold Seel P.aking, Powder ; thew wai wore r tne home teens mem y in tie. fel ile ruse. And don't, forget to eke 1 w idlerw-mnan our ton barn Soap, e‘.1.1 t ;no. • BEATTt.Z:BROG. Seaforth. Phew. s. W. i-kimiterville, ' `I'. 1:`.1: eV ;ENT, Orancr,Trunk. -.Rativva,y '11:E Commert ial l'ento -3,en1,:AFie I a' It. tete For June weddiez rsentF. 1;e3,11tiful nianti.1 looks. from 61 up., e Day Oak einek for $2.75. Silver plate! I to ; 1 >kit for ene set; (nat. Batkete I 75 Vickie i}i8liph to. St:2,5 Butter D. e ee, 'Fruie Bpoone, Silv,.,rplated 4.( cant). Call in and inapect GUY etock. DALY T OPT10AN I AND JEWELLER' SEAFORTH. A. 3. InloPherson, St. Andr w street, this mes19 ehe• morning, when -Term. Mr. ieeware, West , vioioftY. Many with whom 1 titled to be port, cousin of the bride, performed the intimate a d who used to be prominent in ceremony thet united for life Miss INtietie - neblic affei s I see have d opped off, and 1 . t r an elegant r past , the newl3 knew in "uckeramiGh an McKillop and Monzieo, Toeonto, and Mr. ames Wellaee, _ am sure 1 I Rochester, The bride looke lovely, being -some time, I would Hee m ny changes. I dressed In vehite organdie w th velvet tri Is t! e often thin were to dr p down upon you the old f tends I used to mingsAf 'married cou le lefe.pn the T mato train for would like to be kindly emembered to all their hrme ab Roadster." - I of them, rai di( any of then should come to --e • • . s Carsonville if they will unt no up I will B. G-ovenleck allow them around as well s I can." Neepawa Idle ' • w of Mr. Rob The grea race in teas wi 8 won by Beattie f ,July, .says Bro3, 28c Iin 17014 mith, writin her up to...1 un FROatt' ITOILt.-Mr. J. a prosperou farmer in the trioti, Manit ba and son-iti.1 art Leatherl nd, of.. Tucker from Neepa a, on the 1.5th " We have had very dry wen 30th, then we had a fine !lain, which wet th ground to a depth of 8 inches, and on Jul :3rd we had another heavy ram, rain, and to -da is wet again. • We had not roan enough fro the time the snow went away to ,'Iwat th ground an inch.- Our crepe will be ver light, espeoi Ily wheat, but the prices wil be higher than for a few Tomei, whioh wil eVen things .o a certahe extent. Land is in ereasing in velue .very Inet. Uneocupie land, near Neepawa, Was sold last wee (school lents) at $29 per acre. , Seven% quarter sect ons around here are worth fro $5,000 to e7,000, acoordi g to improve. ,ments.” • Gen1t). -& pleasant affei the lodge room of Court 8 Ancient Or evening. 11 ary of the i Mr. Harry ,took plaoe i Id eewood Forest, er of Forester ,- on Monde was the twent -fifth anniver caption of. the lodge, and, a 'own is now the only eharte l member left his fellow metabers eelebrate the oceasioni by presenting him with a cot plimentary laddress. and. a handsome gol headed (semi. Mr, Town hs proved hi self a mosti worthy and eriergetio broth and in bygone days it- was on him th work of the odge_ fell, an it was through }is interest an 1 e lodge was ke t alive. An hey are flouriehi g and on their tweety-fifeli anniversary, t ey have vet fittfisgly honored an old and tato and trio brother. Wo trust that Mr. Town ma long be smated to 'iport the Oane. . al.....-...• A. SE1F0 ail GIRL'S AM' frequently progrees ab this county uro tehear much of th many times "work that t now when t 1 NeEMENT,—W have pleasure in noting the exit] of young mon who go fro end it affords us ne loes plea of the well dein of oar youn women. The following paragraph, whio we take from the Sault Ste Mario News a recent date, refers to the of Mr. John MeIntyie, of t McIntyre has held a reipon tive position in the America oral years, and her many fr unite with us in congratula eeond daught is town. Mia ible and leer • Sault for se ends here wi ing her on he wall merited promotion. T ie Nevi/a sap : " Miss Maggie McIntyre, en Werinesde assurnecUthe charge of the Ideal commissio agency of C.B. Lewis & Co.,.of Minneapoli succeeding D. E. Clleason, ho has retired. Mies MeIntyre has held Ihe position a operator for the agency sine Mr. Ohmage took charge, and before hin performed the same dutiee for Mr. Gordon Ivlichael. Her long eonnection with the ex hang° has madd her conversant with over detail of the work, and oustomers are assured of the earn° efficient eerviee as heretofore." A Bei Bee e -2 -The it:1ton ely heated -o,ta / mesphere of ! uesdey gave= : lasseenbout, throe o'clock in th afternoon, to, a seetere wied and rain stor . The sky .Bi deleely 'necrinie aloe:tied, aud, almost bawd'. neoPle *ore aware of the fun rent -earn termed to fallsin torrents, whi e, for a few minutes,: the:win I blew a gide) and the reiu ‘ as. aceompanie I by hail. The tieverest - par Of elm stop; however, only lasted abeut wenty minute , tilthou:gterein continued to fall at intervals throughout: the efternoon: A run -Ober: qf ohado troes' on tho street were Wein dow , and on thafollowing 'morning Major Andszj son was b!usily engaged haling the debris coated away. The front of !Mr. O. O. Wil son's store on Main 6400.7 8'a.s- aisb blow off, but no'further serions ri*neage was don The storm also puti. a stop td the raceseehie were in Fog: ees on tile new tett*. ' The e wase large crowd of, people ion "the, ground and, as the storm plane on ae suddenly, to - were iprepared for it; and, as a 'respite man gets pretcy thoroughly drenched. ' 'The ladi s eaffered thennoete and many fine benne s and dreeses will need resfitqng as a result f the eevore drenehing. The I rain, howeve -, oughly neristened the par( hell earth! an I did a deal more good than I arm, 10 it tho will stimulate vegita!ion. . . t s - An OLP linu EN 1 ) ..IkAl D FRO m . - M. john Thorpe, a former- welt known resicici b of Tuckeremith, end who will i;till be T memberid lly many of our. irailera writes. 0 us from Cavemen', Miehigaini on July in -A , an foliose:, : " I noul(1n't. do, Without Ti B E \ vosiTh it weekly', ati 1-1,0%1 ayu look to WI 3 if 1 were getting a lettenfrom some of my old friends in Teekeremit,h.. f you will allow me, I will say something about Se - silac county and the drops here. I have be. n 'here now over tee yettrn, - I .like the eou try mueh !better thau when- I :that !can e here. The principal - reap bee° is ha This season has been favorable for this cro ), then: having been plenty ofrein, and thene is a large acreage nailer , hay. It will average from a t•ln and a. half to two toOS. pET acre.. On the west -Lida of Black tive ,- the country can't be iniaten :for hay lend, ar d I have seen hundiede RI ' acres of, it the e :that weats three acme. to :the acre, . Le t _ssieson elle railway stationwere- cressehd with tear's delivering hay. for shipment o ether parts. Priced for -good hay ..rat ie from nine o ten dollars per ton: Tho. o it crop here at present . premises well, bit there has boon too mach rain for the barl Y e • and peas. ! A small percentage of the f IL when t -will. not be worth harvesting and ti e best of it will average feent eight to- twen ,y bleshels per acre, More the former 'than ti e latteIr. The corn crop got a Slow start n , account of so much wet, but it is coming n &Way at present. Turnips, carrots.: al d asingolds -are not grown in this count y a very much. Any person with small Mea e and desiring to get a good farm, I Won d recommend him to eeme to this wear . Farinis-: here- that are pretty well improved and fairly !good Boil, can be • got at fro n Ififteen to twenty -Live dollars per acre. ( f course, there will not be ranch buildings e them as are on the farms in Tucker:8MR and perhaps the soil may eot be egilef, b t ASIIORT IIAND. -The dem stenographers is daily increasit Etudying shorthand and typo attend the Central BuSineEs Cl Biggeet atock to choose loWor in price than the lowest. for Ring's shoes, Seaforth. •nd for firse clams and if you intend ,riting, you should Lge, Stratford, 105841 rom and a little W..IT. Willis, agent 1701.1 CI,OTHING, - We have purchased a splendid st ek of ready made clothing at x vory low rato on It a dollar, censiderIng its superior qua ity, It having- boon all purchased during tho past throe years whel clothes and tweeds were sold at the loweet water ark. The stook is good bub wo aro being oompello for want of space to sell in order to make room for fall purchases. We are prepared to give barga no to buyers euriss• lnganything here.to.for know,' in Seaforth. ho oarly bUyersIgeb the beet chol e. Wnr. Pickard & Soafortb. 17014 - GET THE 13EST.-1)On't fool with educa- tion. If you want a thorough business or shorthand itralting, attend the Central B Otiose 0011010, Stria: ford. This college has equIppec thousands of young mon and wumen for business Wit. 10084f The verdict of the many who have tried our 2e3 tra gives us confidence o advertise It. • 1701.1 Tiresas,-The members of the Seaforth WomenPs Christian Tomporan 0 Union desire to thank the many friend a in Se forth ,and Eginond. vide who sent suoh liberal eupp les ot clothing and bedding for the fin sufferers at Ottawa. Word has • been received of its distrihution to needy and worthy townie& They also` dreire to acknowledge having - received, the Bum of 96 60 for tl d Shrtte purpose from unknown sources, and- to on rose their thanks for the same. 1701-1 "To the 'ladies of Seefo th ▪ rind vicinity. Our July and eugest sale of hi th class these goods, organdies nal gonehl dry goo. s is now on, To any lady ouying 920 or upwards w pay your Railroad ticket anJ raw; G. E. King, Wingham, 170144 Bargains in men's fine shoos. Leek in our south window -cheaper th n the oheapost, W. 11, Willie again for King's Shoe, Seaforth. 1701.1 BU4INES13 -The etrong man in business -18 tio man' with busincas education, Some men gcit it b bard exporionep otheracquire it by taking a cm, rue in - Cent Business College, Stratford.. !, 109841 Beattie pros. 28c tea is ba -eked up by 10 years b-xpori nao-,nd your alio oy brik 11 it is not what we chi ». • • - 1701-1 MONEY 17-th', in Bier and ;139Yllel The finder* same at thol MONEY I Santora), or 6; McKillop, bills and two 'Warded on lo Seaforth, LOST. -Lost n Tuesday, Jet nth or on the r ad between &Mort, a, roll of bills c ntainlog about 960. 11 be liberally row rded on leaving tho X1.013PrOn, OVItien, Worth. 17014 esr.-Lost, 0 July 18th, 'in between Seaforth nd Lot 6, Concoesion clasp Pureo, con lining. about 835 in 011,0 cent plecos. Tho finder will be re. ring the same at Jiri Exeoerron Oleo, 1701-1 • igt)s*I'urday night the eler(icdy arno in the eleetric light works, which fur ishes the arc ihtsin the atom, burned one, and the inj e is NO serious as to render title machine uselese. It will be replaced by a uew and lint roved one which has already been ordered. • This is one of the old dynamos whielis t chased from the town an teoubleson e trick of but.hi it Was most needed. The cost about thirteen hund beautiful end refreehing Caine just/ when it was n web the hey thee was cut, to vegetation generally. - loader ot the Presbyterian tends to treat the choir to nio to Bay Quada, da who has b pleased to be able to friends ho ee.-W-oel now, and to do any sign of Or who has h ten, left for his home in 11 , on Tuesda I spend a w who has" a homes -Mass A. Young npending month _with fr ty of Ay4, returned honee lase weer -Mr. "Charles wood, o e of the pionece farmer$ of the townshit f Hay,. spent Sunday in town visiting his son .end otl er friends. ---Rev, lecrui "[origins I .ft for hie three months' v aili to Manitob on Tuesday. He will seen most ofhis ti o in the vicinity of ()ether , where he *ill be engaged in Mis- sion week -Mr. Archiba d Scott, who has spent the past three mot ths in Manitoba, and who i now on his ay home, writer' saying th t in the whole country between Brandin nd Broadview he wheat will not yield thre bushels per acre,. --Mr. John Beattie, !olio° magistpie, is the happy owner of gold nugget I iwt. hire from the Klondike old region by hie son, William, Who is in he governinen employ there, - Mr. John MeCas.,-.of Eneeondville, has -just terson of,St had comp eted a harp:etre* bank barn an his Jailed end farm in3otTilli ickerrimith. John has just one requireme t unfilled now, and some of ell-La:ore n, arc f • Re old to -day (F1 ghter of Mr. en so seriously learn, suffioie valk out, 'an e she will [soon dee men arb in t almost Imp clad of work. times. -eM este en going to soh 4. • He intends ek ::with his good situation e company put -- always had et, i :g put just wh n new dynamo w 11 'ed dollars. -Tho rain of Monday eded. .-While it it did much :aped Ir. James Scott, church choir, .in - their annual pie- iday.)-Miss Mc - John McQuade, ille is, we *re tly rectivered to with wire, her be fully recover- - reat demand just seible to get men Thie fe a good ,Charles Hoffman, ol here all win- anitou, :Manitoba, Mug to Regina to tether, Norman, hero; before going who had been ends in the ennui - on Wednesday of Ilohlbein, Dash- driven by two young ladies got frightenedi at the bend and dashed in through the crowd, Frank Wright and Robertson .Mce Lean, a couple of email -boys who were on: one of the oroesings at the time, be ng un- able to get out of thowayof the frightened animal in time, were knooked down, the: wheels of the buggy parsing over them and slightly injuring them. But for h s res.' ence of mind in hanging on to the hitfb of, the 139 until he got's chance to escape, young right might have been killed. AS it was both were only slightly bruised and are now getting all right again, although they both had a narrow escape fro =oh more serious injuries. The ho se waa. caught before it did more damage and lthe ladies, although badly frightened, _ ere sent - on their way home rejoicing. -Rev. A. Me-, Intosh, son of Mr. George MeIntos of 1110- _ Killop, declined the call tendered him by the Thameaville congregation and ceepted a call from the congregation in elwood, Wellington county, and was induct d there two weeks ago. -Mr. George Me • ao, of Clinton, was renewing old acquaint noes in town hot Friday evening. -Miss inifred 8Ieeth, Market street, is at preseut oliday; ing'i Clinton ,-Miss Lillie Hunt, f Clin- ton, s spending a week or so in tow viait ing hr friends, Mrs. George Seett a d Miefi Meliti Wright. -Misses Hannah an No! - lie M Kenzie,' Alice Reid, Lillie Hu 6 and Sadie Gerdner, together with Messrs Jack and 13ob Reid, McVittie, Sheeler and Gray, all of f th mn town, A. E. and i is nt Mr. size paten hard hand %Mon, spent the glorious twe the guests of Miss Montle Wri Hodgert, of Exeter, general agent otructor of Battle's .Thorold ment, resent budding a large cement lo for mes McIntosh, of ltde-Killop. The 15x30 feet. He is also using hi new concrete mixer. Itiaves ot of ork and does its work better th u by l.nd a good deal faster. -Mr. . 0, G. Minty and little daughter are sp tiding the ot weather at Godericle-Mr and Mrs. 3acon, of Montreal, visited M N. F. Case at Maple Hall, this week. Thy are on a *heeling tour on their tandem. Mr; Douglas Wilson, of the Dominion ank, Brampton, is home on his holidays, Mist Eva Acheson, of.Goderich, visited her sister, Mrs. . 0. Greig, this week. -Miss ,Belle Griev , of Woodstook, is visiting her rand moth r, Mrs._ Sutherland, Centre at Mr. ohn McNaughton, 3rd concessi n, A. 5, Tuokersmit 1, met with an un °dun- - ate ishap a few days ago. H was fixing the car track in his barn wh a the ladde on which he was standing lipped and h fell. • No bones were broken, ut he was b shaken up. -Mayor Wile n and Mr. I), D. Wilson are in ,Washingt n this; week fon businesc-Out of 71 who w ote at the e trisuce examination in Seafo th, 33 were me:woeful, and of them (25 wer froth the S aforth public schOol. This is verge creditable record for our sehool, at. 1 asf, io so far as this examination is a crite Rorer ing to the recent bowling tour , amen here, the Mitchell Recorder says "The sp are h the they ender. la son, score- Seafo well Mite had a •son h who Way hlarq Sher era w by ter The n court -twee Beav Mere eveni OroW Anse their Vi via Seafo Mani don, --Mr, Red o II rs. his p sr., e G uel other mond mond their Youn Georg visit th players, on their own groun igh But althou ell players Were beaten they sa very fine game." -Mr. John s gone to Saginaw to visit (aides there, and.who is privet o the chief superintendent of t e Pere, iote Railway. -The niembers f Court ood Forest Ancient Order of Forest - 11 attend a special service in t e Pres - an church next Sabbath, et 3 o'cloek. embers are requested to meet t their room at, 230.-A lacrosse m tch- bee the Exeter., of Exeter, nd thp re, of Seaforth, will take place on the tion grounds in Seaforth next, onday K. An interesting match and a good is expected.-Aliss Henry a d Mr. Henry, of Peterborough, are visiting nolo, Mr; R, Roberts. -Mrs. home • and little daughter, of Ste a, left th station' on Tueeday morn ng, for oba.-Mr. W. W. Thompson, f Lon- • as here this week calling en friendlt. Harry Cowan, of Mount For ,St, vie- d friends here this week.- r. and . Devereaux, of Chicago, are visiting eerier, Mr. and Mrs, John 'D verauX, fr, is visiting the Misses Fio ler and gt of town. -Miss May Du eannichof, friends in ton. -Misses. of Princeton, Kentucky, and . Rich - of Blenheim, are here, the g ,ests of ncle and aunt', Mr. and .-Dr. Charles Moran, of a, is at present in town on a t o his mother and other. me the fa nily. It is 17 years since he here, town. with friend jeer apt nr JULY 20, 1900 - home was gladdened by the merry Yellow of bright young lives. There true, noble, Christiau character was developed and to; day four sons and five daughters take their places in our land for country, home and, Christ ; and as the children met to celebrate the golden wedding and rejoice in the erect forms, bright, happy dispositions and clear intellects of the revered parents, we hear again the silvery notes of the marriage bells." Also There was celebrated on the sane occasion the marriage of Miss Lydia, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lendsboroughe to Mr. R. B. Burger, of Bowbellt, The marriage was solemnized at the home ofi the bride's sister, Mrs. Inkerman DAvis,' by Rev. T. Davis Acheson. The rooms in which the ceremony took place were beauti- fully decorated- with plants and flowers, The Wedding was a very quiet one, only their immediate relatives and a few intimat friends being present. Mr. James D Landsborough, of Bowbells, and Miss B Tuoken, of Mayville, attended the brida couple. Mr. Burger is well known here \ ' and made many friends while he was man.1 ager of the now Imperial elevator for a num.' ber of yowl prior to his reineneri tolBovebells to engage in the agricultural implement business. He built the,elevator and later sold it to the company now owning it. Mies Lendesborough is one of the promi- nent young ladies of the city, popular in the school circles having taught, several terms in this section," nd he notes a great change i Tho southern 'climate Seems im remarkably well, and h hereabouts will be pleased ike all Hurenites who go ab peeing and doing credit, to g. -William Horton, accrete Goder ch Turf Assoeintion, was Werin sday and was kept buoy boo Woo f r the emcee in Godorioh, en and 2 th.-Mrs. T. Oe Kemp an leave ere this week for :13eamsvill they rope() spending the winter. 4u11, of Mitchell, and Mr. Murp y, of Oerborry, Manitoba, w at, the rectory' on Monday .- lastee-Missies Edith and Lily Hale are epondin a few weeks with t lair sisters, . Mrs. T ylor, of nd Carelake, of Toren o.--1-Mre. Cor ibila of Mitohell, is spniding 'a ys.visiting her sister, Mrs. T. *- Fred Bureess, of Clinton, ent Mon- ith M MtCree, his aunt. W. W. e, wi e and daugh'or - uriel, �f 11, op nt the 1211 in town ith rela- Robe :t. Denbow, wife and children, Bele, ailed on friends in Seaforeh and E trnond ille on Tuesday. -Mr. George Allan, dee hter of the Me Robert Jones, and daughter left on hursday for their -home in Bay Oity, Mi Mr. J ter, a Brita liodge Mr. B. B. (‘ end for four week, he wi Wedn Ire. A.. Waite, n days' )bers of as last the old to agree s many o know oad, he is early y of the here op lug en - he 124t,h family e whore Dr. aud nd Mrs. re guess Aloa, 'Willia. few d Orme day Burg: Mitch tives. of Bre H. Reid, district deputy g and mate d Mr. IL. Jacksen, are re nia Ledge at the Mason bein held this week at 1 nu i3 making a new c weeks, commencing I close his three sto afternoon, in orders s a' weekly half holid John street, goes to spend a couple of hi esn ne t TI e f NcIilj an of sday ploye 31, of teak t resenting o Grand endon.-,-- eparturie ith this es every ' o permit e 3, --Mrs. . Bay(ieid weekee--- Milks of Messrs. I), McIntyre and O. o to B yfield this•week to e joy their ii ea outing under canvas. -Mie - Rogerie deo don, 's vaiting at Mrs. D. ,, ohnson'e. --Ulla eMiss--s Cline, of Wingharr , si.enb a t co pl sef iir ys with friends in to -n.--Mre. an 1 lv issnOo entry, of Stratford, are visit- ing old frie ds here. --Mjse Ma el Daly, Miss lpithelh erimgeour, and Miss .filis Pat- setford., aro the guests. of mibstia Lehr% Vanstono.--e re, (Rsv.) of Hamilton, and her two little visiti ta, the paean al home, . Mr. ere -Mr. J ems Mo. • The Seaforth Races. The first race meeting of the Seaforth Turf Association was held on their beautiful new grounds on Tuesday and Wednesday, and, despite the rather adverse circurn- stances, were a most complete and gratify- ing success. The sultry and, rather threat- ening weather on Tuesday, together with the busy season with theofarrnere, no doubt had a slight effect on the attendance on that day, although a good crowd were on the grounds However, just after one heat had been trotted, it began to rain, and another heat was pulled off in the drizzle, and then the heavens opened, and a regular deluge of rain came down, accompanied by a small sized cyclone. From then on the rain con- tinued to fall, and the races had to be post- poned until the next day. Wednesday, the weather was perfect, and the double pro- gramme brought out an immenee crowd, all off whom seemed thoroughly delighted with the great racing, and great reciag it was. Despite tho, heavy rain, the track was in perfect condition, and we doubt if a betteit half -mile tree t can be found in Canada. As an evidence this we might state that in the 2:10 class, Hal Forrest established a record for the track of 2:141, and then wa. not driven out. The association has ever' reason to congratulate themselves on the suc- cess whieh attended their first meeting. The following is a summary of the races :- 2:40 PAOP, AND TROT. John B. Gentry, E. Jackeon, Toronto, 1 1 1 Superior Lilly, Wilke and lindens, Gwen Sound,2 4 2 Q 03110 B iron, Goebel and Koenig, Mitchell, 8 2 4 Bessie J Kelly, Listowel, 4 8 8 Minnie F , D. A. Freeman, Cas MY, 6 5 6 Time, 2:234, 2:241, 2:24/. 2:10 vacs ANn 2:16 'ram Alameda, W, E, McDonald, Vancouver, 2 1 1 1 Harold 11, W. B. Roo, Blenhilltu, 1 2 2 2 McCormae, G. C. Glark, Actc,n, Annie Gould, W. Barnes, Toronto, 4 5 3 8 Eric R., J. W. Horton, Shedder), _88 48 64 4 In tho 4th heat Eric R. burst a blood vessel in his leg, Time, 2:28, 2:20, 2:101, 2:18/. 2:24 PACE AND 2:20 TIM. Captain-131*ln°, 13, Harrison, Walkerton, Dan a, W. A. Lewis, Armada, Oulnette, 0. Barrett, Parkhili, Black Mack, S. Curry, Medea, Walter R., S. B. Kaiser, 'Coolcatown, Mililo A,, W. E, Kelly, Simeco, - Florence C., A. A, Crandall, Brantford, Time, 2:281, 2:101, 2:24, 2:10i, 2:30 raes axe 2:20 Titir. J. 13. F., J. B. Pleb, Port Dover, Earl Ferginton, W. Forfar, Littowol, Mixer, W. A. Lewia, Armada, Texas Guy, St..etton Brothers, Bruisels, D . Thr, J. Swartz, Winglaam, Gertrude, J. Paterson, Winhani, Time, 2:201, *2:24 2:20. 2;10 PA011 AND !TROT. Mal Forrot, J. Hume, Markdale, Black Job, lb, Jackson, Termite Billie, W. SchaTuienkle, b32".14J1e,h2n.:15ii 2:171. ItALP MILE RUN, Brass, Jaw, Loo, Guelph, Wilfrid Laurier, F. Smith, Southento, Mongolian, J. Latimer, Toronto, Time, 601, 61, 60. Tucke of qie busiest men in town dur- h's !ter middens should look after that , . the di eie eseciatary of tho Senforth Turf , paper that.- ing th p, st week was Mr, M. 13roderickt Miele Club. i 131 t, in the midst of it all he Ns,as the ti alwaya g. od eseturerleobliging arid court- ewe,. eous. Th club arc fortunate iii having , reee'r such a ma for their chief working °ilk"- denti --Mrs J. 0. Hoffman, who had been spend- - ing seine eeks wdth her brother in Little Rock, Ar ensue, and her sister, -in Detroit,L.A I ornra \Vemnso -From 1 le News returnedhem° on Monday, -Old Bonner, ' the dth inst., published in Park River, Mr. Jahn MeMann's faithful finnily horse, l'orth Dakotas, we take .u, coupl of 'are took it in o his head-on Saturday afternoon • nonneerneuts which will be read w'1th inter - to hevea un ou .his own account. Ma est by many ofour readers, end alt of whoa, Melelarrerlittle son and another young : will yin witih TILE EXIfiSITOR in 3ogratu.lad had him on the race track and tied him . hitiontt to bo h old and young, withing the to the fen e. Becoming inspired by the f�rmet inany years of comfort a d happi- spirit of te e place, Bonner broke his moor- . nese together, and trusting that t le young ings and a arted.for his own stable in Eg. may follow in the footsteps of thcirt seniors. mandville leaving the covered buggy in . The News says : " Fifty years ago toeiay fragenentsiby the way. Further than the ' the mirriag bells chimed out the glad breaking cif the buggy no . serious damage tidingS that wo young lives were to be was done, -On the afternoon of the 12th of made ne, when Samuel Landsbo ough, of July, when the crowd • of .people were re- Kireu brigh shire, Bambogie paris 1, led to turning from the grove, andses a crowd was the auilar MiErs Jane l'ollook, onenf Aeadiehl assembled at the Royal hotel corner, a horse fair cl ughtere. . As the years sped on the el's dr yea while, tied. on Main street irscla'got frightneed at a pieae:of which flew in frontenf it, a d broke line, Jut wee caught befo e it ,got -Mr. Harold Clarkson,. who has Just ed from the Northwetts itt studyieg - try with Dr. 131i1en. 0- • 6 1 1 1 1 8 4 3 2 2 2 2 8 0 3 7 4 6 6 5. 6 7 5 4• 7470 1 1 1 - - 2 2 8 0 8 2 3 5 4 4 4 0 6 65 1 1 1 2 2. 2 8 8 3 1st 2nd. 8rd. Lumley. NOTES, -Mr. Fred Ellerington wheeled to Listowel t� attend the orange celebration on Thursday last. -Miss Kate Slavin, of Exeter, is renewing old acquaintences here. -The Misses : Murdock, of Hensall, spent part of bat week the guests of Maud Glenn. -Miss Meggie Glenn, accompanied by 'her little niece Vera, are camping at Grand liand,--Mr. John S; Gicen and sister, Maud, spent, Sishbeeli last with relatives in Kirk - ton. -Mr, Hugh McDougall had a dirt, bee on Friday last and hie barn is now ready for the season's crop. -Mr. W. J, Vance has the brick work for his now residence coin- pieted. • • Londesboro, Jorrneos.-Lcagee met as usual on Mon- day evening. The topic, "How mission work will gein El100068,' was introduced by Mrs. Copeland --The junior league intend holding a lawn social in the near future. - Mrs. Herrington, of Guelph, is visiting friends hero at prosent.-Mrs, McKenzie, 6f Bolgrave, is visiting her sister, Mrs. Man- ningethis week. -Mr. James MOLcod, who has been ill dnring the past week is slowly improving.e-Mrs. Copeland and family' are visiting friends in Wingham this week.- Williani Lyon was the guest of :friends?' in Dungannofi on Sundey iss !Lizzie Whitley is visiting hien& in Summerhill this week. -Miss Lou Ouimette, of London Collegiate, is spending her vacation with -her parents. -Master IL Adams, of London Business College, is spending his holidays under the, parented roof, - Miss Mettle Ilrodgen is visiting friends in Myth at pros- enb,-Miss Coventry, of Wingham, was gueet of Mrs. E. Bell one day this week. - Alias Laudy Young is visiting friends in Dungannon at present. Sodom. Noes. -Mrs. John Ford, who some time ago haden operation perfumed oneone of her eyes, is having trouble with the other eye and it is feared • will have t� undergo eimilar treatment for it also. -Mrs. John Ford, of Hay, who has been ill, is now bet- ter, but her little boyeGordon, it; in a very critical condition. -Haying in in progress and 'farmers report a very indifferent yield. -Berry picking is the order cif the day. The crop is reported to be fain -Flax pul- ling has commenced aud the email been has his hands full. -Quite a lot of rain hasi fal- len in this section of late, making it difficult for farmers to save their hay crops, • Philadelphia. ITEMS. -The heavy showers which fell recently have done considerable benefit to the root crops. -Mr. Frederick Kalbfleisch has again commenced his flax pulling, and has Mr. J. Elliott as foreman. -Mr. Charles Kalbfleisch, who has for the past few mouths been attending the Businees College .at Stratford, has returned home, where he will spend his vacation. -Mr. John Midien- er, who has been engaged with Mr. J. C. alhfleisoh for the past few years, will leave for the west on the first excursion, whore he has engaged with his brother in a large confectionary s tore. - M iss Martha Albrecht, who has been for the past year residing in Detroit, reterned -home, where she spent a few days under the parental roof, bub has gone back to Detroit. -A number of our people held a special picnic at Grand Bend one day recently. They report having had a gran.d time. ---Mr. Jake Snell, who warp visiting friends in Chicago IAA Sunday, had the misfortune to,break his wheel on his re, tueneehome.-Mri Palmer, of Sault Ste. Marie, is at present visiting relatives in the neighborhood. -Mr. Louie Schilbie has im- proved his hove by erecting an addition to the front. • St. Joseph, NOTES,—Mr. L. V. Bachand is building a fine brick stable, when completed it will be the finest in St. Joseph. -Mr. Oliver Biesonette met with a painful accident, While riding his horse in from pasture, the animal became unmanageable and threw him off, and he fell on his hands, breaking the bene in both rists.-Mrs. George Camp- bell, Who has been yisiting her mother at Corbiete who is seriously ill, has returned 'kome„a-Mr. J. Spencer, who has been teaching school at Stoney Plain, near Ed- monton, Alberta, is home at present spend- ing- his vacation. He reports everything flourishing in that locality . -A company who bave been manufacturing wine at Sands with, are moving their business to St. Joseph. The company will be known as the St. Jorreph Wine Company. • - Brussels. Intes,-Brussels races will be. held On the 8th of Auguste -D. M. Scott and J. H. Cameron were visiting in Toronto and Hamilton this week. -Mrs. J. Stewart and family, of Toronto, are -visiting her brother, J. Leckie, this week, -On Tuesday the earthly existence of Mr. George Backer, ex -reeve of Brussels came to an end. Mr. Backer has been ailing for some time with heart trouble, lend three doctors were called in on Tuesday to ace him, but he became so exeited over the coming of the doctors that he died suddenly. Mr. Seeker will be greatly missed by his family and the public at large. He was one of the most exs largest hog dealers in Weatorn Ontario. Hi - funeral will be held at 2:30 p. m. on Friday. -John McNaughton, of Pennyen, New York, is' visiting under the parental roof this Week.-Metil and Kirk Green, of Hamilton,' are visiting at F. S. Scot/tits. Constance. . Experienced buyers tike pleasure in pur- chasing, their cottons, shectings, tickings, linens, cottonades, flannelettes, etc., from the E. McFaul Co., Seaforth. Their store, known as the people's popular dry goods place, pays the highest prices for butter and eggs in trade, and eupplies its custoniers with the very best staples, demi goods, mil- linery, small wares house furnishinga and 'ready to wear dolling on the market. 1701-1 New DIM:1MM OUTPIT.-Mr. William Lindsay, of Constance, has purchaaed and got home a new threshing outfit. With his old gang, Mr. Lindsay will be. able to do better work than ever and we are sure that his enterprise in keeping up with the Ulises and having the best for his patrous, wile be appreciated by the good people of his vicinity, and, as a consequence, he will fe- oeiee a larger share of their patronage than • ever before. HARVEST TIME FOR SUMMER SHOPPERS- esetoren rereenne-inieeereinnen This is a general -clear up month in the Dry Goods Trade, Summer goods are being. ' disposed of so cheap that it's a regular - harvest for the buying public and the \people are doing the reaping. Dimes end dollars are being saved by wide awake shoppers who take advantage of such chances and do their trading wksre little money cau be exchanged for much bulk. erehants are anxious to rid their' tables and shelves of ad hot weather materials - and you are they who need them, A good plan for you is to make a hit of the things you require. Then, in order to have your mind's worth as well as your money's worth, and appreciate the value of each purchase after you've taken it home, do your buying at such -a place as the People's Popular Dry t400de • Store, BROKEN LINES o Hensall. Hrqs,kr., ALtanEsTE SIP:ie.-The Hensall Machine Sh p is again in operation and we aro pro. pared to d4 all kinds of engine and boiler repairs, also mill wo k and general repair?. We will keop in stock a 1011 lino of plow points and repairs, engin. eette brass vIlves and fittings, iron pipe and fittings. Pulleys, shafting and gearing made to order. Orders t.kkin for bolting, hose, eto. The shop3 aro in charge of Mr. Fred Lange, who will attend promptly tojall work ontrulted t3 him. Hoping to bo fsvoied With all our o'd oustomoro and many now ones. A good, smart, steady boy wantoid6a988.3an apprentice. Robert Bell, Jr., &Worth and Honeall. The execntors of the estate of the late John P. Marshall, have placed in the bands of 0, J. Sutherland, conveyancer, of Henson. for - sale tho fine blook of two 2 story ',torus in Remit, known as the Marshall Brick Block, also the 11110 frame dwelling at the MY of the stores, Both aro ant, Olasti properties and :will be sold at a great bargain. For full particulars apply to the undereigned, G. J. Sutherland, Otilte at tho Po3t Office, Hentall. i.89 ITEMS . -I -Mr, and Mrs. Ca A. Mt:Do8nt1 e11 have returned home from Forest, where hey had been for the peat month or so. -Rev. a Jewitt is visit- ing relatives and friends in Brussels. His pulpit hero on Sabbath will be implied by Rev, Mr, Penhall.-Mr. Arthur Kern, who is engaged_ in the boot -and shoe business in Syraeuse, row York, was in the village the first part of thie week visiting hie brother, Mr. F. E. Karn. -Miss Belson, of Loudon, who was bore visiting her sister, Mrs. H. Arnold, has returned home. -Miss Gentled, of near Drysdale, who bas been in the vil- lage for some months learning dress making, is hsme foe the summer months. --Miss Mit- chell, of Mount Forest, is visiting her sister, Mrs. Williern White, of the London road.- Mrs. E. R rime and family are camping at Grand Ben .-Miss Garden, of Stratford, is visiting M's. J. Sutherland. -Mr. John Mc- Gregor, of Tuokersreith, has purchased Mr. A. (irigg'4 dwelling and intends moving onto it thia fall aud enjoying a wed earned ,reste-hliee Monsoon, of London, was here recently vieiting Mrs. Swan and daughters. -Mr. E. IHagan, eon of Mr. James Hagan, of the Pare line, left, this station last week to attend! the Peris Exposition. -Miss Calder wan hero recently visiting Mrs. W. C. DAVia-Mise Ellis, of Lucan, and for- merly of Hensell, is in the Village renewing acquaintaneee-Mrs. Stephenson, of Clin- ton, was in the village last week spending a day with Mrs. Joseph Ellis. -Mr. W. C. Davis, one of our. old established and enterprieing merehants, ia thinking of erecting a fine Inick block of stores, where his pxoeent frame block stand, in order to provide him- self and his teeante Mr. J. 0. Stoneman, with better accommodation and enlarged stores. A brick block like this would add greatly to the Appearance of Main street. - Mr. ,W, J, Miller, formerly precentor in Carmel Preebeterian chard), following his neual cud= when he was proceetor, treated the membere of the choir to tt very pleasant pienie at Beyfield on Friday lase - The annual Sabbath school pienie of the Methodist church will be held this year at Grand Bend, on Friday of next week, - Mrs. John Morrison, of near Sarnia, is visit- ing her niece, Mrs, James Carlisle. -Mrs. J. McDonald has been very seriouely ill during the past week. -Mrs. Dever, of Detroit, who was here visiting ,her sister, Mrs. F. C. McDonell, ia in Wingham at r res. mat visiting relatives. -Mrs. William. Moir and daughter, Miss Lille, are 'mending a few wceks at Courtright:-Mies Mary timillie acted as organistin -Carmel church on Sabbath last, Miss Moir being from home. -Mr. F. Beegough is ere -sting it neat verandah. -Dr. James Cray, of Helena, Montana, and his mother, Mrs. Gray, of the Mill road, Tuckersmith, have been visit ing ,at the latter'e daughter, Mrs. S. Smillie. -Miss Annie M. Carnochan, of Sea- forthenad. Mies Mary Smillie, of Lembton county, have been visiting their cousin, Min fi M. J. Snaffle. (Too late for last week.) BRIEks.-Mrs. MeConaehie, of Wiarton„ accompanied by her children, is visiting her mother, Mra. Gales, of this village. -Mr. C. A. Redmond's auction sale on Saturday ha was not very largely attended, owing to it being a very busy time with the farmers. - Miss MoTaggart, of Chiselhuret, was in the village this week visiting her sister, Mrs. H. J, McDonell.-Mr. 0. E. Walker, rail- way agent at Oakville, and formerly of Hen; nil, has been in the village during the past week visiting relatives and friends.-Hen sall Lodge of Loyal Orangemen celebrated the 12th this -year in Seaforth.-Mr. Wm. MeDougall was quite ill during the pat week but is now recovering nicely. -Mrs. Anderson, of Seaforth, has been visiting Iher parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Bell.- ' On Thursday evening of last week four I i AT BROKEN PRICES Words of praise are spoken both of these goods and the prices at which they are being sold,. You hear of them on every eide. 'You beak of them in the store. Yen hear of them on the streets. There' is such a variety that we can't • desseeribe them here. You'll have to make a trip to the store in order to get an idea, WOMEN'S WASH DRESSES For pique, dimity, muslin, gingham and duek dresses there is yet plenty of wearing time ahead. Nothing le cheap, if not useful, itothing could be better • for weather such as we're having than a cool dress made of some of these -mate- rials. If you intend buying, ace the stuffe this stcre is showing in fancy efft3ets, stripes, cheeks and solid colors. Pricee are arranged to please July bar- gain shoppers. , THINGS -THAT CAN'T STAY HERE This store has such an assortment of them, it has people in every day who are in need of them, ie has them marked at such prices that the're bound to *ell and sell quickly. You are pretty hard to convince if one trial at this store doom% eatisfactorily demonstrate to you that it is a first class place to pur- chase all your summer wants in Bailees and Outing Hats. Parasols and Shirt Waists. Embroideries and Laces. Veilings and Handkerchiefs. Hosiery and Gloves. Caen and Necktiee. Corsets and Vesta.. Also all chimes. of Nick-Naelts and Small Wares. 1 . . . The . . . eFAUL Dry Goods Co. C4th's Greatest Gash Dry Goods Store, gulazillirralatmcgowalowsrximewaturaismsstaivatimmour young men from the neighborhood of Staffa, acted in a very disgraceful and rowdy -like manner on our streets about 10 o'clock in the evening, in the way of singing, shout- ing and swearing very profanely: They were ordered by Conetable Bullard to stop such conduct, but ieetead-of doing so they gave him saucy answers, using at the same ti me more and More prof ane language, Mr. Bullerd having in the meantime learned their names, had summons taken out for their arrest the following morning and they had to pay fines for their very unbecoming :conduct of the preview' night. • Cromarty. D. TIAY, CumnisSiener, Convem r, 'wins mote - gaps and detdp &awn up. Money lured' et the oweet ratesof Mona, l430 All through the many departmOnts inthe E. McFanl Co's great dry goods store, See. - forth, there aro interesting spots, made so by the prices being lowered. S'orne of the choicest thinge of the season are now being sacrificed. You shouldn't aliow many days, to slip by before making a trip to this store, as July is their great clearing month, ,..NOTBS. -Mr. John Stacey, oar 1v7e0tian theesher, of Glenquatch, has got his thresh- i•ngteutfit in ieseliness for another season'e- operations. He has got two good men en- gaged to go along with him, As John is a very attentive and obliging thresher, those securing his services will be sure to get eat - Waders, work, as he always endeavors to please his enstomers.-Miss Coney, of To- rontoiwas rusticating at Mr. James River*, of Glenquairsh, last week. -Mr. Alexander' Campbell was the guest of Mr. Peter Mel- ville, of Hensall, on Sunday last. -A very severe hail storm palmed over thin vicinity on Wednesdey afternoon of last week, do- ing considerable -ds.mage to the growing. crope. The hail stories were very irregular in shape and of a great many sizes, memo of them meaeuring five and fax inches in eir, cumferenee. Considerable of the wheat and oats were cut off and shelled on the ground, and many of the Te_aves Of the tur- nips and mangels were either riddled with holes or cut from the stock. 5 -Rev. J. T. Kerrin, pastor of Trinity church, Mitchell, has accepted a charge in London, and will move there 'shortly. TEII EIOL re 13I = .sp s 1381 ra To hose a 's D Som o s Specials_vt whi I: the( Are you ai will trun On the Connueni flyer, the " couver =akin 01. P. R., day, C0111111-Eii issued at thi boats. Aho Telegraph an 113Mil